The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 11, 1858, Image 1

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ected teHU Fly,
*,«uchas Am
vrrhaa GLej±
!c, rfc.
r «l dejitmctJoff
cu diseo«ca by
Jtln K g
open a Diupenl'
iii allt&U
all who apbiy
tremo poTert*
charge. A
“k the.hl^a#
o most appro*
! l fuuiacctl thyr
ort, luiyebeet
to t he vihit.»
r »ith nsanng.
cO cane.
irt on Spcnna l
0 nanism, U M
of the Sexual
vill bo gent by
1 tht receipt of
iatum, No. 28.
I the Diroctoti.
[Dee. 3-1 y.
ri.rf[«tg. Xh»
? ure sourraav.
ritctiy nmfnnl.
Slow imutai
.1 favorite.
I iaSdunti «(«rtiaJn* &y ti>* Ha* »qn*K*,
\to;'Wfthpai»r,p«r year< I. . .... "*?
CoauuimHfctkWJof apolitical ebafkter or individual in
(e«rt*iUi B «li^^aW? ri * a B to }; ll,:ftbov . 6ral^'
Advertisemenli not marked with the number of Insertions
dtilreil. will be continued* till forbid and Charged according
nj the above terms* .■. ',' ■r- ■ ■ ■
BasiaoM notices flvecenteWlinft&r every insertion. .
Obituary notices exi;eWiug ten lines, fifty cents* square.
I capacity—the
d is a tburongh
■• recommended
rfustnntly oa
ii. JJUbll..
i’u.'f, Altoona,
life op
mil of UiLi'mj.
-uouacu to tk»
if luui entered
! * 1 itllotilifr. tm
'fllff, wbcrwht
lit - * jiiat rocciTwl
JVcrJybTMUi, Bov. A B. Ctynx, Pastor.—Preaching q%.
-v SibUatU'mornlnjat 10J<: o’clock, ana. In the'evening >t
■"i,'/dock. faibbataA.M.>in..the Loc
;Koomv Iwor Mooting evopr Wednesday eyoalngln
■ ymnaroom* ■" ■ - r -v- - j ■ »■
ijmodilt Epucopai, Zley.J. A^Ud»x,}Pa«tor.—Pkeach
bs'emy Ssbbath toothing a no’clockaadln thoeveu
-I*s. s&bfcath School lotfie-Lcptnro Room at 2 o'clock,"?:
H. Gtucril Prayer: kleetlng io-Mma room every Wodrit*-
d„j ertjiag., , £cayar Meeting eyaryfriday
CV £ea»7tliMl iadkcnm.ilev.jicbn Stsct, Patter.—Preacb
lAr crerv Sabmh»taratog*tß>y|p*<l<ic3t,’aaditttij|b’cl6clt
atlnevauus- 6abb»thi?ehw~ln the Lecture Boom at
o'clock, p. M. Prayer. Masting In mom room ayery
trentne. ’
United SnOirai, Rov, D. Spsox, Pastor,—Preaching er
cry 6»ub»l!i moraine O’clock and in theovcnlngat
ni o’-ci jck. fc’abbath School in. the LectajroEooin at S.
/clock, A. y. [Priyor Meeting every TVcdhbaday oVeaing
la side room. ;
Pntatlnf Episcopal, BeV. K. tP. Ouvtn, Pturtmv—Divine
g« rice id cttd 4th Sundays of oackmphtn at IBJ* o’clock
OtiHotle, Hev.JoBS Twjoos, Pastor.—Preaching, at
o'clock In the morning, and at UJdln tbealtoritoon.
SiyOtf, B. H. FxBK,Paitor—Preaching every Sabbath
rsaralng ct 1(% o’clock, and also In the: evening. Sabbath
School ate' o'clock, A. M. Prayer MeettDgevery'Wedncs
d»r evening. V ,
AftmnMiViaditt, Ttev^BarnenCa»,'PeutWi—Preaching
every Sabbath mornWg at U "o’clock and in the evening, in
tlitoldLliiamSchpaltloiue. . .
. ■■ MAiiJi int-ngn
Ewtern Way and UoUWayJWgat 1100 A.M.
Weetvtn \ 8 00 A.M.
IlolUdaysburg / C XOPJL
Extern Through Mall ( I 800 “
western Trough, (Batndaya,) ' > %00 “
: - ■ , rittMii Af.rive.
BiftcrnThrougc nail, 8-35 JL Ji
ff Hay and EoUldayiburg, n 30 P. Id.
’ Eaetorn Q4b . u \
Offlbe opea-for the transaction of business from 7 A JI.
u $ P. M-, dnrtngthaahek, and from >8 to 9 o'clock, iLM.
tnSunday !v . -i- - - - ' \ ■■
In* will tunkele
. ran not Cifl te
'T Y L>3 uf
uni'lc ila trett at
/mod that noth
n OIL.
7. is noWUll
n * and patfa
:>art ofth# orsiu,
. ImmUche,
■o«o that Vi
tills cbMfll
V. W« *O7
ilio miStnr
to tint pah
ling to tMI
atotf »Oth«
arifXor, •
*tOWTI, Tx.
ry Lehr, 0. If.
•fillers fa tMtt-
.I iatia, Um 88|Jt
.'■cal VrmkiMM,
iUv, Ly •
imp comptaloti,
I.* of youth, m»y
. i.i in thin mull
ly ncwnndbitb
u* Author, rally
enabled to eat*
df cost, thereby
> dav.
■V hi n sealed ea
*rk City.
L'iv Map of Blair
s, ivmtainlaft'tn
tual localitiH «f
, School Uowte,
ores, Farm Upo*-
iges, a TaWeof
ig Uii- name, awl
itch] on tiio aiir
ilc go on to mil*
1 be colored'wo
.<> sulincrilien it
rruL oeih,
: r-.rr?
f ''n-fIQIM
ii o to render wl
ity, be bepe* B
•:\=onabl« ten*
tended to.
jundcd. [l-tf-
Criminnb) Uij
alinl through™
Trials Cri»W
>l.;- found In WJ
■r six months 1*
rile, their new*
• ivalde pUi*o'
li.t. & co;
oiiru GasettOi ■
\'u- York CM-
E &CO,
itoona. n
1. ;.J, without*
rti-* 1
• ir. Htmtior*
. iit) at hb J*n
PA. ‘
j. u. BiloJ#**'
t' -r
.rile Soap* ~j
iak> aoojg^
I*» -jSS
VOI/. 3.
McCKCIM 4 •«
-■ .„.»'/iuiTri(lVinT*riabJy in advance,) sl*6 o
j> C r «t‘ tke cniliitloa tune
'- ‘ «^orA»v»maa.,.. ■ . ■ ■■
i iMertKm 2, i0. 8 do.
F „ur,'f’* * -75 - \«0
- ' ‘i oo 160 2»
£"» ■ « .ffi- & ' I ' 1 60 -2 00 ' '. 2 60
1 and lea* ttani »fcre» month*, 2S e«ttt per
nW».6* **&*. nlrTT(tl . , g month*. 1 year.
: »>“ * SS ' ,; ‘®
One »qna»» , „ g flg 10 Ou
« : - 1 6 00 8 00 WOO
: - 100 woo 14 00
nnfnfhn "■ -10 00 14 00 20 00
■ ' -ilSitrator.'f and Executor* Kotieea, I f
tribune directory.
learns 2£S |A; U<
■“■ f Treat ** M 5 " « Sal 4 *
list " £ut . “ A35.F..M. “ lUji.p. M,
“ .“ West “. iclou “ . « joSS ~u.
-Wl.-, ? ’■***■' “ - «*•• 11 mJLSL
“ “* « Weat A45/B.JC ... *
Truii Meet, Mail Train £ut and. Weat and wfflfJh«ri.tntt
UXn\ , k \ *?
liv) SUIR3 7ILLF. BRASHK BnuHrtMiHiJiAmtnn
f» X‘- : - ,£a»t «afl; mfe Vat maw.B
♦tmE**, \ ' v ■ ~r t'-i - ’,’.sC-U1
r , :N6S,"ASSPCIATiOfIsV v. £ |
.■cianta.-t iocjjfe, A. Y.M.,N'tc;Bl,.m4eUcin»6condTnea
'• vacjnii,'jc.iu. tn’tUethini ftory of the Masonic Xeih
’,t.TW o'clock,.P. SI. • • ;
awwintU, A. Tl.M* on the
frjn.i Tuesday of each month, to the, third story of the Ma
*>%. leraj.le,»t VA o’ClockKP; »f.
Mmivimcdge,jLo. of 0.1 ,^!5a.-473 v moott«v«ryFrJday
oVwv^’p'm 15 MCVO<i “Wryoithe jaswoniarXemplo, at7}£
I ;°-
I.' O. R. M., hold *taterf<Sodn;
v . J iu the I. o.O.yilUll, hUhe
SS* yfr» kindled at 7th nm 30th
brath. W. A. ADAHS, C. <fIL njrmBSS.lW-ly
Aaur&a, Camp No. etery noh*
./. JB.
««*•* WMunfc lit the ■ .
V. 'jM'~G«orge PorW Jtepoty—John JtcClnre.
Arfr.« .Ittorttey—BdnjTlTllc wft,
{l /VY J^y^2r a ’ l ~ Janie " ’ llttClllßOn ‘ ®* Tia ® °>P
- Hoover. ■ • 1 ■ - ■
S-.Morww. A.C.XdCwitaey. /
t^err—*mre*Ptmk. --•■•-■
Oood * JM.qiierry. •'
r*m n.McOortnjckiJohn
Hjtorßotd. : ■ . ,-••■
i ra J H. ■McConaiclc.
'rt ilcClelftjM. * :
v t&. ir.-r Pa«on;-C. B. Bfnlr, C. C:
I^ Uvr^ J vP*|o>2ws».Tlwb. McMinnl ’ ~ ; , ( V.
r-JMjj -•--- ~h u 'Jßobarta, M^Claulmagh.
i isls
- - * ■•-. T «, 1, Norffi y
i Y fa anJTor sale by
r»-^b.a-. , V ;f - : 1 '&*,-■&. sutuoaro,
KM *‘yl W 1 "ortl>3ft«tro!t.Phnadalphiß.
$ ; C^ll'iTEl^AD, ANj> ZINC
•t- KnixciinEg fi.
■:i fv-
» -ijj
®HO& A, -fiCOTr, •jStap’fc-'-
.7- y” i
i Jo s , , . ’
J*ANd settlement.—rare oppoßarofaxy'
wratfoglertaatn ahenlthy miles
rap mfodelpWa, on the Camden and AttanMo ifolroud,
Nsw deaey. An.dld.esfote has recently been opened for
yhyiadfliefirst division of 10*000 info
"“"MOf tWentyacres amLnp wards. Thesoillsoftte bat
fo UA *° s3®P* l ' Wi: payable - In; «nr quarter yearly fo
ta to Insure the, rapid improvo
thofenri, bye»blln g aumtohuy
afar*. It ta iww extensively Improved ‘by good
sP“*fb *5? SP??* ttbbostcltlzeua from New-Bngbmd and
the MhMleSlatss are erecting forge fanprarefoenti, It is
aaeeiwof tbs greatest improvement oat of PhUadeiuhltu—
Sevonty-ayo bomwe bare been hfoltfo four-months.‘iron
“en from the length ondbreodth
of the Onion are Kttling there. It is an Importantbusi
ne« rfawvon account of Its befog In tbemWstofa emit
E m? W"** .Mon this fond finds an time
faJOwrof W!Uer 18 exceUent > «“► »»ch thfog as
the soil fo a sandy or clay loam, with: a clay bottom and ’
re ten live of manures. It Is free of stones and easily work
***“ phosphates, and sncb Is its
fer “bty ‘hat froin y»e props produced bbthnponthfo-fond
nnfier cultivatira, It.will be
found notto be excelled anywhere in j the production of
crops most adapted'to Ms market.
Tbereader may be we}l aware that the earliest andthp
best fhiltsand vegetables come from New Jersey, which
areannally reported to tho amount ofmlllions of dollars.
Tpe fond, besides befog accessible in every, way forfertiii
zersj'hafc an abundant supply of the best quality of muck
manure. - ■
bunbeEMd building materials can be had on-the spot at
price, from the .nulh • Other mills are^ow-being
opened, and brickyards being started onthe, ground. A
person cur pat up a frame, tenement for present conveni
ence for one hundred dollars. On acconntoflhe extensive
cmigratloa, this is. the best course to pursue in order to' get
aplaco tolivo ln at first Carpenters and buildersarc on
hand le pat up .houses pn the best terms. ‘
; In-settling hero the emigrant hasmanyadvantages. He
U witbm a few hours’ ride of> the great cities of , the Middle
Stales mid hew England; ho is near bis old friends and as
sociations ; he lain a settled country, where every improve
ment and comfort of civilization is at band; he is In a heal
thy place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the
greater part of his famJly.juid his own health by those ma
lignant fevers vthich make the graves of so many millions
Of tho young and and handy in the fkr off regions away
from Imtpu-aad friends. Besides, he has amild climate and
-an open winter!. " ' <
There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, and to all
those who Improve the railroad company gives a tree ticket
_ The. render willat once be struck with the advantages
here presented, and ask himself why the property has not
been up before; The reason Is, It vvas never, thrown
to the market; and unless these statements wore Correct no
one, would be invited to examine the land before purchasing.
This oil are expected toW They wfll" see'the land under
culUvjydto; toeyjriU moot,persons; nodoubt, ftom their
own neighborhood; they will wßn&e the Improvements,
and can judge of the character of the population. Persons
should come.prepared to purchase,- as many- are locating,
and locations are not held on refusal!
The Hammonton Fanner; a monthly Literary and Agri
cultural sheet, containing full Information of Bainmontoh*
will be sent to. each enquirer, and can be obtained at 26 eta
por annum. v
Title indisputable. Warrantee-- doda given, clear of all
Incumbrance, when purchato money is paid. Route to the
land ;—Leave Vine street whari; Philadelphia, for Ifamdion
t(m,by nilroad, at?}«£'A. M.,atul M,; when there
inquire for Mr. Byrne*. - 'Boarding,, conveniences will bc
found; Letters and applications Can be addressed to 8. B.
COUGHLIN, 2B2South Street, below WahuU, Phil
adelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished.
Septcmber 2, 1858-Sm. 11 ~
PROSPEOTUSI of the western
EDUCAToB.—On the first of January, 1869, we
propose commencing the publication of an Educational
Monthly Magaine tor Teachers and-Schools, entitled-Mie
“IWSXEBN. EDUCATORS -The Educator wfil be printed
in toe Idghegt.tyle of, the art, .on elecf, white najfer, and
In Svo. fortn of 32 pp. neatly trimmed and' enclosed in a
handwmese<Bter.;'• • • •* t v <*. ,h.v>t v r’-
and ariehcs or teachers: {he mission of the Magazine will assist and encourage teacher* in their ardaotw Jaßott:
hotblng exeluslTLely lucaLot tedious, such as length vre
ports of the transactions of minor Hklncational Aesocirv-
Uona, or stale andhihored essays, will be admitted Into' the
SSv’SRV’f *h 6 Educator. „ Onr object shall t
taltafal friend and companion to teachers and the more
adtauco pupils in the Public Schools:
- We araglad ta -simonace the following sbb ; .rp« of
S{>ecial contributors: ■ ■ . ■ •
JohhOedep, latePrin. McNeely Normal School,' > hio.
B. If. Kerr, A. if., Prin. Oakland Sato’ Pi.
VtDeaiMaoi Brio. atWaril I'abllc tg.
®*riington, Bearer.cotuttjr, Pa.
*«"* *«>«*>, Bal.and
.. Rbt. J.Jt. Shearer, jJVellsbnrgh, Ta. ■> •
s“l‘ S" ui 5C> -fe n • MapleQrpTO Academy.
Ttev.X. A. Brindley, (CncfeEdw*rd.)
«nd friends of Kducatlon, laTnralile to the en
torprisfi, will cjiofer a-faVor by corresponding freely \rith
tu on.tbe rahject. The,first camber will be istaekl early
in December next, provided yro meet with Bufllclent ea
couragement. v ‘
■The price of the Educator will be One Dolhr a year pay.
able on the receipt of the second number.
ATiBY, CLAKk.fHUivg}). pa.
I. n. LONQBOIh lUntbwtf. Pa.
Oct. It
■\f EW GROCERY feed and pro-
XT tmioii stork .
eobsornKr wauU mpectfaUy tiifpnß thedUtens of
Altoona and Vicinity that he has openeda stgreoftiie above
the comer' of Adeline add Jnlla streets, .East
Altoona, wherehe wm.keepcmutaurtlyonllanilßfilll sop.
ply of everything in his line. Ilia
are aU soldi at prtcoeas.low asthose of
ln town. Hlsstodc of proTiaJons,
Floiir, Hantij Shmlders, Syies, &c.
will be sold a little cheaper than they «aa be bought any
where else. His How li*. obtained ftomlhb best mills in
the Western part df the State,and Is warranted tobewhat
it is rcprejsmted, ■,, ,' , '• . , ■.
kinds of Peed tor horaea, cows slid h uge, always bn
tokeep snch an aasortmentthatl shaQ at alb able to snpplymy customers with whatever they
may and, and 1 intend also to sell at prides which wiu
make it a savlngko thcoewho patronise mv store.
Jnly gt, 1858-3in.~ ;■ , .HENRY-BELL.
nV^.os?v'T7 Jrho ““lerslgnad take*, this method of intom
generally S*at.therels no medicine now of
£***«* pnblic that la equal to Btf 'VAM/8 OALVAN relieving suffering hmmudty. •
Xwaa an otacnrer of its elfedson a friendof nfinc. who
* rom * SeWalXto
rwljtcd tnfrbeet medics! titiatthent Tir O&tretomitT '
applied freely theOalvaalc OiKtofteiaSpSSi ivo
some inwardly, and in 20 minutes'tlS^mtvws^S
podtivafect whichJ am willing’tetoikeiebdd at
T"; X-MJv! JjIMHj 1 IjXMXX!—DuDc.msviUo'
tt> an eai ardors,* frt>p l*b*tol to ton
w Altoont,' or aar poinf the
wg eoualry,by *agonjor at tUr KBUi ! ‘ MUHid^
' • ' ■' V; «'■ ■ MMBS eCJJK,
Jww.XT-flng , . JhtncantviUt, Blair Co. Bx. ,
;■*- ■'■' ":7-> jJ. ONLY $22,50 PEE QUAETEK.
Xhoternuof thfo school are so low ond the privileges
■ enjoyed her© so unusual, that many even ata great distance
find it to their advantage to patronize It in preference to
nearer, All Branches, both " useftil nndor
nameptfid or© taught. Students of both sexes and all ages
oroTfecdnred. The whole expense of one student for ay ear
need not h© over.s9o. A circular will be sent to any one
nearing it. Address John D. Walsh, Cassville, Hunting
don county, pa. [August mm.
\y The subscriber would rcnnect->e«;' «.
tally mtbrm tho consumers of QQAT.kiGO *V L
In Altoona, that ho is constantly rc-fei!B|”' '
cciTiuß all kinds of .COAL, which ho^T^
at t . iraM to any part of tho town.
OISoo at residence, In North Ward
.Juno 17-2m]
T Eyi!S ROE.. EX-
• Importer* and Dealhrs M irintt aOd
t«tam thetr thanks to their friendsfofthe liternljrtmiS
t .l»ewtoß» bestowed, sod rußpectiullyeo
cf.‘££/*“i u>UMICO same, at ttoi ODD ESTABLISH
MENT,-NO. S : K. FRONT Sf., Philadelphia, yvhore they
tavieaWa*(^ent o f\nNßSaßiJMQiaoifeoftWc^
J&toKJ&to artanfffcmenhiwtthi
■SSS lf » <***»« and enables
tliem to-fut illah to their cuatqmew upon the mart teasohat
brnnd* of Cognac and R^lSo
of various brands und qualities
B f“ ,UeB} Cordials, Wine
<*terafee stock of OLD
fZZZLSP vadousgrades, some of, which wp guarantee to
be wyertor to flttyin the couiifry.
„„*?r ¥ro “ 1 iMig experietico in the tmsinciM, and thor
oagtkapyripdge«f tlie tasteviof thp community, wo flatter
oumtvM^beabJeto fillnU ordorli.that nmy&^trusted
W Ol6 (which are most rcspectfof
£ attended to. Great care taken
All goods eent.from our estahlishinent are imarant-nd
00 ' With lbe returned.
ieb. Sw-ly] J 3. P. MIDDI.ISTON i'BBO.
(Successors to John Jt. Brant,) ’
Near the PcmTa Ceatralißailroad Depot,
and Merehtmlabie bod. Nails, Pleur, Oro
f-nir ***• & ,u '
.1 86 ..I 0 ,? 4 * 8 ' ,n bwrgei pr small qaanUtics, alona
thadillbrentßailroadsinPennsylvania, [July23-ly. *
MR. ULLMAN announces that he is
onlutnd a-ttd will \take groat pleasure in
f*?°r him with a call. He foots
*“ ■* Wa to ntk ‘ r satislaction both
tn quality and price. i [April IMin
Where may;be bad all the popular Publications of th’o
day. and
and KomaaceaJ Miscellaneous Booka, Sdhdcl Books, Copy
Slates, jPens, Can and Hotter Paper,
and Tlssdo Pajfer, Blank Booka wnl In
fcot everything in the Stationary line. Toys, Nblbwa and
U antes of every variety. Pictures and Picture Frames, To
bacco and Segqrs bflhe Ac., Ac
ittrely euro all Bores-to wh ich'irisapplled. Try it. (T-tL
Blair bounty, daguerrean
, G. .W, FlSttpß, the HoUidaysbure
bega leave to infonn.our reapers that he la prepared
Photographs of deceased persons,
from Daguerreotypes,; at the shortest notice and on the
moat reasonable terms. * llehas juatreceived a large Mock
or durable and neat cases, of ell sizes and styles, inctndlnk
“ c 5 Bc T' :ir / < ?iir persons, and is pre
pared.tofill thetm with perfect likenesses, ‘ *'
Give him a call. Rooms on the comer of Montgomery
streets, nojlldaysburp, Pa. [June 17-1 C
LAQEtt: BUER SALOON..-+Xhe propriutor of this
BTont6 SSwOOlip
Under the Masonic Temple, '
wontd respectftjlly afmonneo ’that ho keeps constantly on
tt ?® lcell *“‘ artiele °f LAGER BEER, mnnufcctured
which is pronounced the beat in
-Sisv nt,^r ' AW Cakes, Cheese, Sardines, Preteels, Ac.
recently fitted np his. Saloon In a stylo unequal-
M In it
of «
on2Lr?« B J^L n ?^ Sinl ' to - F-H CVer J attention to his
they rennufe, tofl he /hopes thereby to
merß and receive a liberal share of pnibrAnWg. ■■ • • J
'Sept. 2,1858-jm.] ' ; F.NOXUWANQ.
Lycoming county mutual
. AGENCY.—Tho undersigned,
agenc of theXycomlng MntuUFne Insurance Company, Is
M *Ol times readyto/lnsnre against doss or damage by firtu
ani i’hjpo-fy of every
dcMnjHwn, |fi town or country, at as reasonable rates as
ftnr Uompany ini the State, Office In the Jjaeonic Finnic
Jan. 8, »68-tf] > JOHN SHOEMAKER, Jtgmt:
Agshi tor Blair county, win
?iW on BnSdWgSi Mcrelradtes Rnr.
nfture and Property of tweiy description, In town or conn
laaiA. -'-.pmseoauWA-f
nnty Mutual Fire Insurance , Company, la-at all
ttoeaTeady to lnsure against'taesort damage by Are, 'DiOd
trm, Merchandise, Furnitartahd3*nperly, ofevery deM'
wptkm,in as ncu;pe>abie rates-as any
Obmpnh/in the State.' Offlceln Gig Masonic Temple;
Jan. 3, ’6fl-tf]l ■ JOHKBHOEM AKER; Agent.
■ V of wriOng Idoneitnie Hort
gs^e^*<^e}cecuit®din oi»neatest mWinerby ; ■-/
' ■-•:* - L ! v ~ ; JOHN SHOEUEEB,
ISSTi-tC]' Alto6n*.;
; •- • ■ * j •' - ii-'-i' ■?. •' Vr fi»>. -• ; ’
ernwirfgK /ndfjfeSr. hinm*'
coatoitie pohlH ttuttUM rofily |te" diaciArgO hlrdnty
[Jan.a.’M. s.;
lej hh slot AtS«it*e» which .fee WUI
Cash.':■;> SIIOEMAKEm V
.JjMchai-tf.]; i i "‘ ; Mteotdc Temple. •:
feoxei Opsogen and Lemons ini store and for mlebs
■' ■■' ■*:•••■ ■;■ ' ' WM. K. aUUGARD,
. March 25, *6B-lyJ 181 KortbSdrtrGot, Philadelphia.
NESIA—a cooling Cathartic, inild inTtß deration*
and agrocable to tho taste, prepared and for eabj by
J«n024,1858.-tf ' ■ *’ % XtOUSH, Druggist.
kinds of Ylonr and Yeedibycalling at:
June 18,’’57- ly] I HJBfrRY LEHR'S.
Jl J call tmd test the Jneritt;of thti AiicleS kept by
June 18, *57-ly] ■ HENRY LEHR.
Lots for building
Lote ) iitu3teJndiflbrentlocalltles,inthisßopoughror
■ale on rpawmatac; toraw,by, J. HHnHM A trvjt
lJaseedoltBpir«« of rarpentine, WhttaLoidJand
Afcbhol, for «d« cheap a* A . JflOOSg’g,
SWed Jfldrg.
When-yon meet with one suspected
. Of some secret deed of shame.
And for this by all rejected
As a thing of evil &mc;
Guard thine every look and action.
Speak nowprd of heartless blame,
For the slanderer’s vile detraction
Yet may soil thy goodly name.
When you meet with one panning
Ways.the lost have entered in.
Working out his own undoing,
With his recklessness and sin;
Think if placed in his condition.
Would a kind word be in Tain,
Or look of cold suspicion
' Win thee back to truth again.
Therefore spots that bear no flowers,
Not because the soil in bad,
Bat the Sommer's genial showers
Mover make their blossoms glad,
Better have an act that’s kindly
Treated sometimes with disdain,
Thau by judging others blindly.
Doom the innocent to pain.
Capita,! Sermon.
A writer in the Sierra (Cal.,) Citizen,
under the title of “ Young Men and Tree
Frogs," gives a better sermon, a better
lecture on morality, and a better essay on
mental philosophy, all in a few lines, than
are sometimes dbuud in as many volumes
of standard authors:
“ The tree, frog acquires the color of
whatever jt adheres to for -a short time; if
it is found on the oak, it will hear the color
of that tree; if on the sycamore, or cypress,
it will be a whitish brown; and when it is
found on the growing corn, it' is sure to
ho green. Just so it is with young men y
their companions telhus what their char
acter is; if they associate with the vulgar,
the Ucentious and the profane, then their
hearts are already stained with their guilt
aad sliame, and they will themselves be
come like thq vicious. The study of bad
books, or the ; love of wicked companions,
the broadest and most certain road to
rain that young men can travel, and a few
well directed ; lessons in either will Iqad
them on step by step to the gate of de
straction. Onr moral and physical laws
show how important it is to have proper
associates of every hind, especially in
youth. How dangerous it is to gaze on a
picture or scene that pollutes the imagin
ation or hluuts the moral perceptions, or
has a tendency to weaken a sense of Our
duty to God and man.”
A Thrilling Narrative.—’Twas a
fearful night ; the storm king, out of
humor, let loose the howling wind and
pelting rain and clothed the earth with a
pall of darkness as dense and impenetra
ble as an Egyptian sepulchre; all iagtinc-'
tive life was'hushed, save the tempest
bird, whose shrill screams mingled with
the crashing blast and made it more ter
rible in its mighty frenzy.
*Twaa dark - as midnight; the trees,
whose huge limbs moaned and sighed pite
ously, were rudely tossed about, and even
anon great masses of mutilated timber fell
to the ground. Before an open window
stood, a,bountiful girl ; her glossy ringlets
waved like .streamers to the passing wind;
her oxquisito ibrm^, which bore
presa of nobleness innate, was splendidly
erect, and'her flashing eyes, full of exci
ted lustre,'| shone brighter still through
the impenetAblo darkness. PrOudly she
stood, defying the tempest in its. wrath.—
See, her rosy lips separate like the leaflet
of the morning rose, and with one tremen
dous effort she screams out at the top of
her voice :
.f Jim if youdon’t let thafcpig’s tail go,
mam will thrash you like thunder.*
; A Touching Ditty in Pbose. —When
Seth; got home from mackerling he sought
hw Surah Ann, and found that she, the
heartless one, had found another man.
And then most awful tight he got, and so
he 'went away, and bound, himself for to
cht paA gll .dtowp. In’ Rioriday. He pined
upon the live, Gat land, he murmured in
tt® shades; his; axe grew heavy in his
all in the glares. Mois
qtfftees hit him no, comfort
yiAhn get | and oH, bow terribly ho’d
scoM £e got Hit. At last do
of-relieL wishing Himself
dead, fin weqtinto ‘the woods' a-pieco and
chopped off his own head.'
The - Slstir,—--There is something
lovely in the name, aud its
lyiiulsio' call lop vrarm of
the gentle! heart, The ' theoghtt- that
purde rouudit are aU : gaiety beautiful and 1
pare, i Passion has no place with its asso
ciates; , The hopes and; fears of love* those
strong emotions* powerful enough to shat
ter Mid extinguish life no home
there. - The hride is the star, the talisman
of the heart, the diamond abovooll price,
bright jtod brazing, in the noon-day sun;
a sister, the gem ;pf milder; lirfit/cklm as
pearls. s ‘ ‘ ; ■ •* 1
Velocity of Railway Trains.
Dr. Lardner has -made eomo, curious!
calculations in, regard to the velocity off
railway trains, According to these a speedj
of seventy ihiles an hour is about Cquira-1
lent to thirty-five yards per second, or!
thirty-five yards between two beats of uS
■ common clock ; all objects near the eye ofi
a passenger traveling at this rate will pass;
by his eyo in the thirty-fifth part of msec-j
ond ; and if thirty-five stakes were erected!
at the side of the road, a yard asunder,'
they could not be .distinguished ope from!
another; if painted red, they would ap4
pear con nectively as a continuous flash of
red color. If two trains with this speed;
passed each other, the relative velocity
would be .seventy yards per second and if
one of the trains were seventy yards, long,
it would flash by in a single second. ;
Supposing the locomotive which draws:
such a train to have driving wheels seven;
feet in diameter, the wheels v. ill rovolve
five times in a second; the piston moves;
along.the cylinder ten times in a second ;i
the valve moves, and the steam escapes ten?
times i!a a second. But os there are two:
cylinders, which act alternately, there are'
really twenty puffs or escapes of steam in
a second. The locomotive can be heard
to “cough" when moving slowly, the cough;
being occasioned by the abrubt emission
of steam up the chimney; but twenty
coughs per second cannot be separated byi
the ear; their individuality becoming lost.!
Such a locomotive speed is equal to nearly
one fourth: that of a cannon ball; and the;
mementum of a whole-train moving at sucli
a speed would be nearly equivalent to the
aggregate force of a ’ number of cannon!
halls equal to one-fourth the weight of
the train.
OrxT Dinner was spread in the cabin of
that peerless steamer, the “ New World,’*
and a splendid company were assembled
about the table. Among the passengers
thus prepared for gastronomic duty, was d
little creature of the genus Fop, decked
as daintily as an early butterfly, with kids'
of irreproachable whiteness, “
neck-tie, and spider like quizzing glass on
his nose. Tjie delicate animal turned bid
head affectedly aside with;
“ Waitah!”
“ Sah ?" •
“ Bwing me the pwopellah of a fwemale
woostah!” S
“ Yis sah ?”
“And, waitah! tell the steward to wub
my plate with a wegpfablc wulgarly called
onion, which will give a delicious flavoh
to my dlnuah.” I
While the refined exquisite was giving;
his order, a jolly western drover had lis-:
tened with open mouth and protruding!
eyes. When the diminutive creature,
paused, he brought his fist down upon the]
table with a force that made every dish?
bound, and thundered out:
“ Here you gaul darned ac.e of spades
“ Yis sab.” ■ j
“ Bring me a thunderin' big plate of*
skunk’s gizzard I” '
“ And, old ink-pot, tuck ahorse-blanket"
under my chin, and rub me down with
brick hats tchile I feed !”
The poor dandy showed a pair of straight?
coat-tails instantcr, and the whole table;
.joined ina “tremendous roar.” : .
Hoops vs. Holiness. —The resolution:
of the Miami Conference of the Church of
the United. Brethern, declaring the wear
ing ,pf crinoline incompatible with a true:
Christian profession, seems to be rigidly'
enforced by the authorities pf.tbitdenbm-1
ination. At a Camp meeting of the-&uiJ
ted Brethern’ Chucn recently held-near;
West Baltimore, Montgomery countyj 0.,
Bishop Bussell forbade anyone with noops ''
on to partake of the sncramentj affirming’
'that they would not be welcome at that!
table of the Lord.
B&> A lady friend of ours says the first'
time she was kissed she felt like a big tub
of roses swimming in honey, cologne, nut-i
megs, and cranberries. She also felt asj
if something was running through her.:
■nerves on feet of diamonds, escorted ‘by l
several little Cupids in chariots, drawn by
ahgelsj shaded by honey-sucklesy and thoj
whole spread with melted rainbotfe %e-i
rusalem I what power thore m Vafhs
breasted kiss! ' ■ .'• I
.... j.. .■. jj
J®* At pight we cannot t§U whether tbe
,river is shallow or deep; bqj neither. capi
we judge ;of. n man. To. know. biro, we
roust have light, or else he able to wmpd
him. 1 ’•
| An eminent painter was jlakld
what ho mite 4; bis colors vrith tp ptqduto
so ez^^ordinary" effect " £ ‘rolx throb:
with brains, air, was 4 his/answer; - ‘ j
a@* TheDutoh are mi lambtis fipr ri>eir
bnlls ittr &e Irish. -
said Mybheer, u tot yon Task acalf, tot
two vas a bull;’* . • ' !
MjjT A witty, doctor was that right
ijnse ones fo gmif. : np to fk.y&aSsß, : ;
t EDITORS and proprietors* -
"' ** * * 'Vy l * <-, *
How BeDld It.
A gentleman feeling a Strong
for a young name wasNdrfcE
was desirous, without the oeremonV:oli
fonnal nourtohip, to ascertain hcraent*.
mente. For this purpose, he said to 'far
one day, with that kind ofur andmanhei
which means either jest or earnests aa von
choose to take it. • • ■ ■ ■ - ■ •
“ If I were tp ask you, whether you
were under, matrimonial engagements
anyone, what partof yonr naaeCSFo Vttfl
might I take for an answer.” .< rii«w -.f
“The first,” wid she
“And were I to ask you if yd*wefd
inclined to, forth snoh ■«n °iyayftihant*
should such persons who lores Jon;s3
was not indifferent as to yourself, what
part of your name might be then taken m
an answer ?”
“The last”
“ And if T were to tell jo* thatlJsia
you, and ask you to obsmm%
ment with me then what ofyou name max
I take?” ’ ' •
<( then, replied the blushing t*irlj
“ take the whole: name, as -in such a' osafeX
would cheerfully resign it for yours/? •
It is almost needless to state that they
were soon after married.. ' '
Encounter with a Horn*®
As I was mowing of a moyhihg
just a while - on the. marsh ■ for-i
most the wooft, I seed a big boauUfhl
bird’s neat on a bush; and 1 axed
Davis what kind of a bird’s nest'it was,
and he tould- me to 1 shake the bukh and'
the Qiild bird .would, come out ;.an! T jAook
it, share, but instead oy a bird, outcome
a thousand, ten thousand—-och, a million
of the big green heads,- an* they flew intd
nie eyes, and into me hair,,an’ iutO'mo
mouth, be jabers, an’ they, bit tiU surely !
thought I was dead jist; an’ I screamed,
an’ 1 ran —ocb, murtber an’ didn't Tyun;
but they stuck to me, an’no more could I
run away from the little varmints than!*
could run away froth mcself, an’ the.fira*
tb>og I knowod I tumbled into. A ditch oy--
about two feet of gather, ah’ thinks £
now me honics, I’ll come the St. Patrick
on ye, who gives the likes of such SphU
peens a little howly watherin onld Ireland *
So I ducks me head under wather, : andU,
jist it there till I almost kUt pi&olf
an’ entirely kilt every mother’s sun by the
hum birds—bad luck to ’em. ' ’
#aP* We once witnessed , a scene in.
country store in one of the oldest settled;
districts in Western Virginia: The shop
keeper was engaged in waiting npotr 1
customer, when a country-born Butehmaif
came in with a whip Under bis arm and'
said: - • ; :
“Good morning, Mr. phones.”
“ Good morning, Mr. Applehach” gaid
Mr. Jones in reply how dp you do, and 1
how is your family ?” - ‘
“ Well, we’re all well chuat now except
my vir e, and she’s dead agin’/’ answered
“ Indeed 1” said Jones, “Tamvery spr*
ry to bear it ;'I have 1 no doubt yott artf '
greatly disturbed in consequence of your'
loss, but yon bear it with philosophy of a.
“ Well yes/ ho replied, (t dat isb so-~.
be sure I don* know much about floapfyZ~
but I know-dat I would sooner have lost 1
one of my best horses dan my vive—cause
she was sick a /eller for ieor.riek (wprki)’
Bigg Vest.—Old negro slnmheriug
with- his feet pointing to a glimineting.-— l -;
Opens one eye andgets a glimpse ofthem:
as they stand up in the ohspurity, Hie>:
takes them for two little negroes, ajid pries:
“Gif fum ’fore me,” and reiapses into
sleep. After; awhile, opens the other byb, ;
and still seeing the intruders eays/'^wf 1
fum ’fore me, I say, I kiok’yonTU de-fire,
ef you don’t; J frill,. shn,” v and againi |g;
snores. His dreams not being, pieamnt.
he soonppena both’ eyes, and: etui ‘seeing
the IHtle pests, be draws up Hr ihoVwl
threatened hick/hut is alarmed tdr'
them advance Upon him, and exclaims:
“ Wha, wha, you homin' topow?:Humph!
My bira foot by gMly." /
feguA Yankee hag inventedaplitjha
whiohkilla off rail 'who' do- not v pay* xKS 1
prinfer. It Has flayed sad hardo in Ne#J
England, and is extending rapidly weal
of the penning., , ,Spmo in
Indian* ahready begin amice"
Pennsylvania is in danger. ;
Mff* A lad sought shelter Of n BbitOn
officer-; .“Bee my fattier.
myroothetmancied andjliiaa my,-
piother died and my father married j
and spmenow or other I don’t seep .ip T
hate hd' parente at el), nor no
nothing. ::l ■.; - 5
' as* Tfce slightest sorrow for: sin
Solent 1 it produces. amendment j tob
greatest is Insufficient ifitdoestibfc.-
Gold is. an Idol; worshippedin:
climates without a einglo tpmpje,, «»4 '
all classes without a
/ JSf*Gone -a duckjpg, is 4l&*«aq£?/
-used fora yoaagialScw
goes to uf wife a jbusg weaaa. .. ;
NO. 40'
'... i- ?? .