The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 04, 1858, Image 3

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uiVing tn^
pst act, « Ten
Itd in *i<**
}le»Do or Gao. W. Smejotl—Jast after
I waW gone to press, l«t week, Mra. Sher-
I V mardernlnMat reoeiTedalet-
I one of his partnerapnbusmess, written
I City,Eaqsas, detailing the particu-
I wjg 0 f the caoc. It appwuo that Shermertmd
I two other men had entered Into partnership in
I a trading expedition, or rather establishing tra-
I dine points to different parts of Kansas and No-
I fcnwicaTemtorie.s They had established one, at
I apu jnt'not mentioned, which they *flerw*ifffl
i gold out rt a considerable advance on wha( they
I hid paid fordt. In different ways thw hadac-
I jumdated considerable money. Besides this it
I was known ttoft Shenner bad money of his own
I jfhichhad not been invested. During the lat-
I ter part of the summer the traders had a man
I named Stewarfcemployed to help them makehay
I jnd perform other labor, with whom Shenner
I did not agree very well, and, a short time previ*
I oos to the murder, had reprimanded pretty se-
I rerciy. a on the night of the murder, September
20tb, Stewart appeared to bo remarkably friend
ly towards Shermer. They were encamped In
a ravine,\on the Little Blue, in Nebraska, and
the night being Varm, Shermer said the mos
quitoes troubled him, whereupon he took up
his blanket and and went up on a bili near
by and laid down/ Shortly afterwards Stewart
' conipUdned of the beat and mosquitoes and took
his blanket and followed. Shermer. Nothing
1 more was known about them until the next
I morning, when one of the-men went to call
I bbermer. After calling him several times and
I gating no answer, be went up to him and found
I him dead, one aide of his head having been
I nnsshed with a club or some heavy instrument.
I on calling Stewart, he wtfs’ no where to be
I found. On examination It was found that at
I least a part of his money, a gold watch, a gold
I pen and case, and a breastpin with ami nature
I therein, had been carried off. Some sixty doL
I lars were found in his watohrfob and about one
| dollar in change In his pockets. Suspicion at
I once fastened upon Stewart, and after burying
the remains of Shermer os decently as the Cir
cumstances of thc case would admit, they star
ted in pursuit of him- After considerable* diffi
cuity-, they finally came up with him abbot fifty
miles from the scene of the mnrder; He had
on his person tke gold watch, pen and. case and
minature belonging to Shermer.' They imme-
I diilely convoyed him to Wyandott City, where
I li« is iiow in jjdl awaiting his tnal. How nmch
money he took fromjum is not kpown.
Shermer was .known to many persons, both
n this place and Hollidaysbnrg. „JHe worked
ir‘his office for a considerable length of time
niter it was first started. At the time the Mex
ican war broke out, he enlisted, as a regular,
and cerved though the whple of that war, first
under ToyloV, and then under Scbtt, from the
taking of Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico.
IVhen he,first spoke of emigrating to Eahsas,
k? tried -to, dissuade him from going, remark
ing that ha would be killed by some of the out
laws in that par tof the country. Although we
had little idea that what we said would bo veri
fied. hsving spoken it in jest, yet alas! in his
i case, it has prpved bat too trae. Many men,
we believe, who are known, to have money about
them, are murdered in the same manner thathe
has been, but nothing more is known or heard
about them by friends or foes.
our readers
unpUtiati #f
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I Reduction op Houas of .Laboe,— On the Ist
I iMU, tko-hours fop labor, in the shops of the
I Pennsylvania Bail Boad Company, were reduced
I from ten to' nine per dap. This redaction of
I time, and consequent! reduction of wages, does
I not meet with the approbation of all the cm-
I Payees, although we think a little reflection
I will convince them that it is decidedly more to
lUlcirI Ulcir intnreet than that;bf Company, and to
I benefit them the chiangb was made. Under this
I arrangement, the Company will be able to re-
I 8,1 lho now in its employ, during the
I winter season, without inducing their .wages for
r;Uf ‘ ime employed ; «id thp reduction is so
[ et “" 11 tbst itis certainly preferable to being dis
l'Urged from the service of the Company and
I jaiiug to ecek work .elsewhere, at a time when
j wip oymont of any kind ean scarcely keobtain
| . and if obtained, ten chances to one, the V»-
P wonl * not be as good *or the payments as
prompt. Had this redaction in time not been ,
P «. a part «tf.the force now employed would
["* been discharged; .and who among the
r 4 y “ eain the sbops in this place, could have
p.fnred the dismiasitf : of a fellow workman, who
f oaJd > perchance, have been unable to procure
Mother situation during the winter, merely for
email pittance, which
L more J>««t of Jds em
f oyer* has take-off him. And then, again,
rf d *** Apps-inerease, the time
por labor wiU 1m increased to ten hours, as ben-
Pofrre, and all again receive their regular wa-
P The to he pidd are sufficient for
pe and will be
|qmd to |hps winter, ;w£ile the Work-
¥ iW affmd those who
If th/ 9rkia to affairs
ihem « 0n wMch W(raW otherwise have cost
|p r id ®°J2* act imagine that the lat-.
Pbenthw oj even consideration
|w or coune th e managers of thsComnahw l M b
r° interests
Iceasion, as well » *’ iave on this
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pastorofthe*B * ovs f J* Bteck,
Lpw {j* ■® T4n < 8l io»l Lutheran Chondi of
feraiona to preaching a series of
k # *yBihK.* 0 L^ * Ben ’ *kb»h w *ilbecontinued
P oun Baen for Bevcral weeks.—
Wto ° t^ rß aro wspectfolly inyi
n»dwo W« ifl an able preacher,
that an thotc'
**ȣted. Ser
"•ttfnflf at half past e b’jiock, ■
:ues, .
w IbMutW
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, nuu*i*-
pmma jffim
A Mtnwsnnn ih Evsey* House.—Start not,
gentle read^andima^eh^U^wnTm^
«taods briitihi the
in yoar;hmpie, percharieefin youryery jrbom, it
may be boride, you, yonknow it ribt—
Think not
ger.that therie can he jmd that ire have
thus’ commenced this article for the purpose of
frightening you. Entirely different is ourmc
tive—iwe wished to make you readit. What we
call a murderer is a fluid, campbene, pine oil,
or any other kind of a lamp, in wMeh explosive
fluids Ore burned. Well, . you may say, this is
rathera harsh term to apply to such an indis
pensable article as a lamp. Harsh as it may
•ppeav, it is nevertheless appropriate. \A man
who takes tire life: of his fellow-man is balled a
murderer ;--and the same tern may he applied
to any instrument, proverbial for. its destruc
tion of human life. Statistics show that the
number of persons killed (or murdered) jand
maimed by the explosion, upsetting or careless
use. of lamps in which explosive fluids were
burned, is equal, if not greater, (and we think
it muoh greater) -than the number murdered by
fellow-men. Are we not correot, thou, in cal
ling such lumps,-murderers ? But, say you,
they are hot dangerous when properly attend
ed to. We admit.that .point, but how do you
know that they are properly. attended to T No
better, we presume, than yon - know that there
is an assassin larking in some dark alley or un
der your bed, waiting to spring upon yon. The
most careful persons have been victims to this
treacherous laminating substance, and children,
without knowing their danger,, have been hur
ried, off this stage of action, maimed or disfig
ured thereby. But where is the remedy ? you
ask. Just at hand, wo reply. Got the Lunar
Oil Lamps and Lunar Oil, for sale by John
Shoemaker, or the Carbon Oil Lamps and Car
bon Oil, for sale by Geo. W. Kessler. They are
os handsome and cheap as the old lamps, and
the oil is much cheaper, besides the light being
equal, if not superior, to that emitted by (he
best of the explosive fluid lamps. The great
disideratum, however, to be Warned, is that
no danger from explosion need be apprehended.
Neither of the oils recommended can be ignited
in the lamps or in any vessel. They will not
burn except when drawn through a lighted wick.
Here then is a remedy whereby that murderer
may be banished from your house. It remains
for you to say whether you will avail yourselves
of it.
Mvetebious Affaibs. —We aroinot prone to
speculate in the marvelous, or indulge in dis
quisitions on mysterious affairs, to aid in pictu
ring which the imagination must be largely
drawn upon, but we can not at this time forego
the remark, that Altoona and vicinity will soon
enjoy a reputation by no -means enviable, in
the number of mysterious accidents which
occur therein. We have never yet been sat
isfied that the young man named Boush, who
was run over by the Fast Lino, a short distance
below this place, lost fall, was not murdered
previous to being placed onthetraeje. He was
known to have money about his person, none of
which could be found .after the accident. He
was not intoxicated (at least witnesses,so tes
tified) when he left town in the evening, at eight
o’clock, or later, and yet before ten o'clock, it
is alleged, he was so much under the influence
qf liquor, that he could not get out of the way.
of a locomotive. Hossibly thiaallegation may be
correct, but we think it hardly probable.
The case of the man found in the yard in this
place, two weeks since, is equally as mysterious
to qtur mind, although we incline to the opinion
that he was foully murdered. Amanin his
circumstances, m route for a distant Country, as
he evidently was, .would bo likely to have more
than $39 on Ins person, and yet that wassail
that could be found. A fall’from the cars in
attempting to. get upon them, would not bo like
ly to produce a wound each as he received, and
certainly would have occasioned more than one.
■We believe in the odage that “murdenvill out,”
and we hope tosee ( it verified in theabove cases,
if it really be that they were jnitrdcred, although
at this time their appears tft'be.noclueby which
this mystery may be solved.
Thanksgiving Pat.—By .reference ’to the
Proclamation of Gov. Packer, which will be
another part of to -day’s paper, it will
be seen that, he has pointed Thursday, the
eighteenth day of November'.as Thanksgiving
Day, instead of the 25th,; which- has usually
been the day heretofore. Wearenot cognizant
of the reason why the Governor, has appointed
the.dayaweek in advance of the usual time,
this year, unless it was that he is anxious for a
good mess of turkey, and can’t wait. How it
will be about onr turkey we can’t say, but pre
same it makes little difference whether the
eighteenth or twenty-fifth be observed as Thanks
giving, so far as that is concerned. We have
never, as yet, - been lucky i enough to sedate a
turkey for Thanksgiving, although we hiave al
ways been remembered about the Hollidays.—
Apropros, we might state, that shooldi any'of
onr iHends have an odd fowl or two abput their
premises, we have the women who know how
to serve'.them up,- are epicureans enoughtoen
joy when they us set before ns, and can
andyill .thank' the donor as heartily as any
otherpeggarscould do. j.' \ ' "
’ Oim Nexohbqe.—By reference to oar adver
tising columns, oar readers will find the card of
oar next door neighbor, L. Rickards, who .car
ries fin the Jtootandßhoemaking business la ell
had whose reputation for makmjg
fashionable and serviceable -work is asgood as:
that of any other mechanic in the town. , As
thisls the season of the year when persons
should be looking, about them for a pair .of good
winter boots or shoes, we recommend oar neigh'
bor, confident that he will render satisfaction
both in quality and price. a ’ ‘ :
Emoted.— The Board of Directors of the
Blair County Protection Mataai Pire lnsarance
Company met on Saturday last, and elected
John Dean, Esq., Secretaiy, in place of John
-€•■Xnnes, deo’d. No better selection could hare
been made. Mr. D. jpnibines all thq qualifica
tions to make a ccrojrttent and aeoeptablo oi
cer. ■ ' pJi *'
Patbonmk Youb Own.—No one should -ever
go abroad for what they cab purchase at home. '
Homemeohaniosaro always safe to trade with,
because tra know them. pie safest place for
children »the voof-treeof their paternal
So witheveirything else. [Home products are
the best. nptbiog Is it upbore important
to look tfter home than selecting year reading
tnetter. Dowot.send to dities for your newspa
pers, butfirstencouragethoae published in your
locality. City papers are i all well enough in
their places, bat they ioanhot pay attention .to
yoar local matters. Bat ty all means take your
county paper, whatever ybudo, and advertise
in it, for badness is more [inspired by a know
ledge of what is baying and selling than by any
other cause. A man whohasn’t local pride and
public 'spirit enough to give adequate , support
to his local paper isn’t very likely, on the whole,
to do much good to or anybody else
“Home Aoaih,” —James’ Plummer, member
of the Tyrone Artillery, , who, as our readers are
already aware, received snob serious injury-at
Camp Quitman, was brought home on the 23d
ult, from Hollidaysburg, where he had lain
oyer three weeks, and was received at the Ty
rone Stationby his Company, the Tyrone Cav
alrjyand a-very large number of citizens and
friends, who all joined in escorting him to bis
father’s bouse, at Upper Tyrone Forges. James
speaks in the highest terms of praise towards
Capt. Barney, of the American Hotel in Holli
daysburg, .and of all connected that first
class house. He says he will ever remember
the very kjnd treatment and attention given him
while suffering with his- wduada. The Captain
has made many friends in ithis section, by his
kindness to Mr, Plummer.; His charges were
quite moderate, and besides, he gave a subscrip
tion of sl4.26. —Tyrone Star.
Remember It.—Remember, reader, that the
Ladies Bazaar opens in Lowther & Flack’s Hall,
on Thursday of next week, (the 1 Ith inst.,) and
closes on Thanksgiving Day, (the 18th inst.)
Remember, also, that it will be one of the fi
nest.exhibitions we have ever had in tips place.
Remember that tiro proceeds of the Bazaar are
to be applied to a worthy object, that of liqui
dating the debt incured in erecting a parsonage
for the worthy pastor of |St. John’s Church,
(Catholic.) Remember, young men, that there
will be handsomevyonpg ladies in attendance to
wait upon you. Remember, young ladies, that
this will be the place to- visit, as all the hand
some young men in town will be there. And be
it Remembered that Excursion Tickets will be
issued from Johnstown, Hollidaysburg, Hunt
ingdon and intermediate stations to this place.
“Fast” Youths. —There appears to be a
growing propensity in the rising generation to
be “dubbed”. “ Young America,” which often
leads the ambitious into i habits of vice and in-
“Young America,” &.C., basiruined many a boy.
Here is a daguerreotype of a “ fast youth” which
we commend to the careful perusal, but not im
itation, of the boys of this place—
“A cigar in his mouth, a swagger in his walk,
impudence in his face, a care-for-nothingnesain
his manner. Judging ft;om; his demeanor he is
older than his father, wiser than his teacher,
more honored' than the mayor of the town.—
Stop him 1 he is too fasti he don’t know his
speed! Stop him, ere tobacco shatters his
nerves, ere whiskey makes a beast of him, ere
his pride ruins his character, ere the “ lounger
masters the .man,” ere good ambition abd man
ly strength give way to low. pursuits and bru
tish aims. Stop all such boys! They are le
gion—-the shame of their families, the disgrace
of their towns, the sad and solemn reproach to
S&* Among the fashion items which are
floating about in our exchanges, we find the
All dresses are now made, without basques;
the corsage n-point and double skirts are rarely
seen. Flounces continue -in faror for both thin
and thick materials; and are! worn in the street
as well as at evening entertainments. The bur
nous will be the most fashionable style of au
tumn and winter outer garments. Casques, of
the same material as the robe, are-also worn,
and from a very suitable and becoming walk
ing costume. They are tight to tbq'figure, and
without any trimming. Dark plain silk are
much in vogne for this style; of costume. The
skirt, under lie b isque, is perfectly plain, with
out any ornament, excepting |a row of large but
tons down the front, matching those oh the cor
sage 6f the casque. The very' warm weather
has prevented any display, b yet, of autumn
and winter modes.
Tribute of ■Respect’
At a special communication of Mountain
Lodge, No. 281, A. Y Mj held in their Hall on
the evening of the 26th of October, 1858, the
following Preamble and Resolutions were adopt
ed yi*.: • r ; . . •
Wheebas, It has been officially announccdto
this LodgA that oar esteemed friend and Brother
Dr. Q. D. Thomas, has passed from time into
eternity, therefore be it '|.
Retailed, Titat It is witji feelings of deep re
gret, ve’learn the loss. and deeply deplore the
of one so endeared to- as all, by every
qaality which distinguished liim as a man and
a Mason. j
Resolved, That although our hearts cannot be
bat spd jit this Dispensation - of the Ggind Mas
ter of Heaven ; = and Earth, still we bow with
resignation to His will, and find our consolation
In the khofedgo that *j‘ Ho rdoeth* all things
well.” >! i \ 1 !
Resolved, That we deeply eympatbize With the
family of onr deceased Brother In this their hour
of triaL dorknes, and earnestly pray that
“ He who tempereth the wind to the shorn lamb**
may lift upon ta the light of his countenance,
and give.tbem peace now land jeyermore. :
Resolved; That as a token of respect for our
departed Brother, the' Lodge' Boom be draped
in black, .and the Members of-the Craft wear the
usual badge of modmibg for the space of thirty
'days., T T ..I: "
Resolved, .That the Secretary be instructed to
forward a copy of these proceedings to the fam
ily of the’ deceased, and also to the Altoona
Tribune for publication. : 7' . ! - ?’ 5
T ,■ B V F. j&OSB, Secretary, ■
Toe Fabict-Mobe -FAiiUßps.—The panic in
Now York seems to be on thojincrease. Xn'this
city everything goes cm smoothly, and the only
failures we have heard of were the failures ,to‘
.. . . ; . ' ‘ •i ' - ■ •>;; , ; ' />.•
furnish good fits made by son[e inferior clothing
establishments. There is hoi such* difficulty |to
be encountered by those Who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hail df Rookhill& Wil-,
son. Nos. 608 and 606 Chestnut 'street,, above'
sixth. Gentlemen snd Ybdths hover failto pro
oure capitid fits «t this popular wtabliabjpfgt.
‘Covet op Qoabteb. Sbssioss—October; 1868.
—Com. vs. Wm. Brew. —Indictment, Assault
land battery. A-tty.. on leave, enters nolle
pros, onpayment of oosts by Dft. |
Conn vs. Samuel Wilson.—Malicious mis
chief. Nolle pros, on payment of costs hjrDfl.
Bill $10,65. \ I
Com. vs. Wm. H. Crawford & W. H. Conroy.
—Larceny. Grand Jury return, Ignoramus.
Com. vs. Charles Weavei I . —Larceny.—[Grand
Jury return, Ignoramus.
Com. vs. Joseph Burger.—Fornificalion and
Bastardy. Continued.
Com. vs Lawrence Gassiday.—Assault and
battery. Dft. not guilty, and Bridget Korney,
the prosecutrix, to pay the costs.
Same vs. Same.—Assault and battery. Not
guilty, and Micheal Korney, the prosecutor, to
pay the costs.
Com. vs. Dorsey B. Houck.—Assault ,and
battery. Dft. not guilty, but to pay thexosts.
Bill $24,76.''
Com. vs. Fred Kays.—Two cases of Assault
and battery Dft. guilty, and sentenced to pay
a fine of $1 and costs for each.
Com. vs. Wm. Stewart—Assault &c. Dft
guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and
the costs. .
Com. vs. John Bryan.—Fornification and Bas
tardy. True bill.
Com. vs. Nicholas, John and Casper Wicker.
—True bill as to Nicholas and Casper, and not ■„
a true bill as to John. Verdict guilty, and vaK
ue of the stolen plough $1,50.- Sentenced to
each pay a fiile of $5, and jointly the costs
Com. vs. Jacob Kinsel.—Assault and battery
with intent to commit a rape. Qrand / lhq'uest
return, not a true biU, and the county to pay
the costs. Bill $23,40.
Com. vs. Michael McCairiy .—Assault, &c.—
Guilty and sentenced to pay & fine of fel and
costs. Bill $40.01.
Com. vs. Same.—Assault &c. Not guilty,
gnd Daftel Beatty, the prosecutor to pay the
costs. Bill $25.68.
Com. vs. John Isaac and Maxwell Lantz and
John Diehl.—Cutting Timber trees. Grand;Ju
ry return not a true bill, and Wm. Burkjet, the
prosecutor to pay the costs, except the $4 to
the county. Bill $12.68.
Com. vs. Patrick Hogan and others. —Riot,
assault and battery, attempt to rescue &c.—
Com. vs. Wm. Trout.—Assault and battery.
Dft. pleads guilty and submits. Sentenced to
pay a fine.of $lO and costs.
■' Com. vs. Mary Lynch.—Selling liquor on Sun
day. Not a true bill, and A. J. Reed-the pros
ecutor to pay the costs. Bill $11.24.
Com. vs. Same.—Tippling house. Not a true
bill, and same prosecutor pay the costs. —Bill
Com vs. Daii’l K. Ramey.,—Assault & bat
tey. True bill. Continued.
C(im. vs. John Kriger.—Larceny. Guilty.
Com. vs. Joseph Shank.—Tippling Rouse.
Pleads guilty and submits. Sentenced to pay
a fine of $2O and costs.
Same vs. Same.—Tippling house. Pleads
guilty and submits. Sentenced to pay a fine of
$2O and costs.
Coin. vs. Sam*! Wilkes.—Fraudulent Insol
vency. Grand Inqust return a true bill. Dft.
not taken.
CcuT vs. Wm. Conley & Thos. McVey —As
sault and battery. Not a true bill, and Eliza
Conly, the prosecutrix, to pay the costs.
Com. vs Nicholas & John Erringer.—Assault
and batteey. Continued.
Com. vs. Samuel Wilmot and Frederick Reed
er.—Assault and battery with intent to kill.
True bill as to Wilmot, and not a true bill as to
Reeder. Wilmot not token. '
Com. vs. Frederick John Johnston and Caro
line Johnston.—Assault and battery with intent
to kill. Verdict, Fred. John Johnston guilty
as indicted; Caroline Johnston guilty of Assault
and Battery. F. J. Johnston sentenced to pay
a fine of $6 and the costs of prosecution, and
undergo imprisonment in the Western Peniten
tiary for a term of two years and six-months.
Motion for new trial os to- Caroline Johnston.;
Com. vs. Daniel K. Ramey.—Keeping a gam
bling bouse. Grand J ary return not a true bill,
and James Moss the prosecutor, to pay the
Sjime vs. Same.—Selling liquor on Sunday.
Not a true bill, and James Moss, the prosecu
tor to pay the costs. %
Com. vs. Reuben Kays and Jeff; Hamilton,
Burglary. Discharged from custody.
The Best Cough Medicine. —One of the
very best Cough Medicines to be found any
where, is Dr. Keyser 1 a Pectoral Syrup, sold by
G. W. Kessler, at 50 cents per bottle.
See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s
LIVER INVIG v ORATOR in another column.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarice , SI. D-, Phy-
T sician Extraordinary to the Queen.
trills invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con
stitution Is subject. It moderates all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy euro may be relied onj
It\is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
L Each bottle, price one dollar, bears the OovofnmentStamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pitts should not be taken, by females during the first
three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring an Mis
carriage, but at any other time they are safe.
In all cases of Nervons and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Bock and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect
A cure when oil other means have felled, and olthongh a
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which carefully preserve A
Solo Agent for the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin A Co-)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. Re—sl.oo and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any an
thorfced Agent,Will Insure a bottle, containing SO pills,
by return moU. *
" L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
salo by all Druggists. [June 3,lBSB>ly.
At lngleslde, Delaware epunty, Pa., on the 14th nit., by
Her. Wflliam Major, Mr. JOHN H. WIESTLUfQ to Miss
MARTHA L, daughter of Samuel Johnson, Esq.
In this dace, on Wednesday morning, Sd instant, NICU-
OhAS JQJffH', son' of John and-MarthaHlckey, aged Z
years, 8 months and 22 days.
Ipe friends of the ferally arc requests d to meet at the
house at3J£ o’clock this (Thursday} afternoon, funeral
takes place at 4 o’clock.
, In Altoona, Blair comity, fa., on the morning of the
28th td& of disease of the heart, Dr. GABBIER t>. THOM
AS, in the forty-third year of his ago.
‘ ThosnbJectof the above notice was In some respects ho
ordinary man. He was bom in Penn’s Talley, Pa., and
was one of eleven children, but three oflPrhom survive*
him. Hit mother was widowed in hl« yonth. and left with
the care and responsibility of this largo firmly, whum she
carefully and., piously trained. Her eflbrts were greatly-,
blessed, and her prayers answered. 'Bo fir as the writer is
'lnformed they were all early brought into the fold of the
Lamb. Gabriel, while yonng, united with Spring Creek
Chnrcb, of which Bev. Bobert Hammll is now pastor, then
under the pastoral care of Her, D, McKinney, whom
. he ever regarded os his spiritual father. and to whom -ho
wus most d vbtedly attached. By hfaowid e-AwHot.*. hs
dried by some of hlseldw brothers, he bhtalnedm Wuc*-
:tkm, with the. view priftfcay qonwernttek himself to
tbs service of God In thp work. of thTjllnlßtry. Howaa
h*w«|ejf p»Jsent«J’ flfote eutSihg upon this bis gtoen
wortoand devoted himself to the medfcal miiiilrin 14»
I which he won for himself a rcepectabtestcaSag. Be ettr
tered upon ft apractic* o t medicine in the community
when hespentthe reel of hi* Uk- Probabiv attracted
there byhls respect and lorefcr Df. Mcltlnnsr, whtfW*
»2»ln to Meoti* his spiritualgulde, as Pastor of the Holll
daysburg chirth. He wM estenetrei, known In thecom
munltywhere heHYeisnd ww gewvully admired fbr hie
many ThftefcaaAJ byhie consiMentlift, secured theconfr
dence of all Who Knew him, whfle by his kftdnMs. srmr*-
thy and races*, wr* physician, he gained the lore and*-
teem of all who kttaw.blm, and enshrined himself intho
memory of hundreds whose sufferings he had been the ln
swumrat in wUsying. .
When it became necessity to organize a church In AV
toona, of which place he was one of the. first citi ens, he'
was an active mover in that measure. and elected as one Of
its Ruling Riders, which otfice he filled with great credit to
himself, and\ universal acceptance tothe people. Howis !
active, prompt, diligent,prayerful, stolons, laborious and
efficient. He loved the church ardently-^—ehe eeemed ever
to-share largely in his thoughts, and to ho the Ottfoct of Ids
unceasing watchfulness and prayer. Tho Ugh In all other
respects frugal and economical, towards her his liberality
was marked and exemplary. No sacrifice seemed tod great,
if by any means her interests slight be promoted. . i f
Raring his protracted and painful illness, he was patient*
submissive, and, generally cheerful. Though at times So
mourned over his dullness in apprehending the gracious
purpoe-'s of God towards his erring creatures, and longed ftp
fuller and more soul-satisfying views of tho prerlpusness bf
Jesns, yet his confidence in God was never shaken, and his
hope in the blessed Saviour never faltered. And as dineato
j progressed, be" seemed ripening for Heaven and for glory.:
He left his dying testimony for Christ, and passed away
without a olond or a doubt ■' ■ > ‘
In his death, the community have lost a valniblecitireji,
tlic church, a bright ornament; his brethren of tho Eideir-'
ship, a wise and prudent counsellor—bis pastor, a kind,:
sympathizing And liberal friend; and above all, his family;;
- have lost a devoted husband and-a most tender and watch*;
fni father. But our loss is his unspeakable gain. Would 1
to God that we all who knew him might emulate his vfr*
tnea.—frnitate his example—walk lu his footsteps—he;
cherished in life by the sitae hopes, and die tho same tiii-!
omjmant death. Then shall we bo with him for ever in
riie game glorious heaven. His heart-stricken wife, and'
/fatherless littlc-onea We commend to the care and grace of
our Covenant-keeping God.
Boot and shoemaker.—the:
subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Altoo
na and vicinity that lie still continues to manufactnte
Boots and Shoos of every description, on the shortekt no
tice, at his shop on Main Street, next door to the Tribune
office. Ills work is dono up in the best of style, and can
not (nil to give satisfaction. Only aive him a call.
Nov. 4.1868.-ly. L. RICKARDS, i
More new goods j—the un-
DERSIGNEDhas just received a fresh supply of
KALI, and WINTER GOODS, of Cloths snd Cav
eiineres of all qualities and colors; Flush Velvet and Silk
VESTINGS.’ Also, a large stock of Shirts, Drawers and
Undershirts, Gent’s Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ac.—
Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns I am
prepareci to eell os cheap as they can he hod lu town.
Nov. 4,1868. T. X ELWAV. >
X announce that they hare removed to their new
MODEL STORE, corner oj Annie and Virginia Strut*, and
are now opening the largest and nicest Stock of i
Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Notions, &c.,;
Ever exhibited in this town. Haring tamed our attention
entirely to the above named Goods,,We will be enabled to
keep a better stock of the Goods mentioned than those who
keep so many varieties; and us we will not be compelled
to sell Dry Goods, Ac., at a high profit to make up Cir losses
»n other goods, we hope to be able to dispose of them at
prices that will astonish the natives.
We have Prints, Delaines, Ginghams,
Cashmere, and all-wool Plaids; De
heges. Coburgs,. Alpacas, French
Merinos, Wool Delaines, Silk
Foulards, Pail
Dechccres, Satin
Striped Poplins, Black |
and Fancy Silks, Shatcls in J
great variety; also, Hosiery and
Gloves of all kinds, White Goods, &c.
OUR STOCK OF CARPETS is large and" very cheap—
availing ;.J low as 37U cents. Our Slock of DOMES
TICS we think cannot no beat in quantity, quality or
lirice. Persona who wish to get the moat for their money,
will do well to give us a call and examine our stock Anil
prices, and we hope to be able to convince them that the the place to buy goods. J. AJ. LOWTHER, *
October 2Sth 2858—tf.ds,
Look out for the NEwsTORBi
—Tlie sobscribcr would respectfully announce to the
citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has Just returned
from the city and opened bis store on the i
Corner op Annie and Virginia .Streets,.
Where he offers for sale the largest and cheapest stock of
Ever brought to this placo, which he will sell, WHOLE
SALE and RETAIL. Ho will • also keep constantly on
hand a large supply of
and Country Produce of all kinds, , ;
which ho will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. As lie
h« bought his goods Tor cash, he will be enabled to self
them low for cash.' Hie would respectfully Invite all to
give him a. call and judge for themselves. ;
Oct. 23th, 1858-tf.j LEWIS PLACE.
—The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to
the public that ho has-just received his stock of
together with the very latest styles of Fashion, add is how!
prepared to accommodate oil who may give lilih a call, in';
the most satisfactory manner.
llis stock consists of uU qualities of goods, suites! to the;
season, for dress-coats, over-coats, vests. Pantaloons, 4c. 5
His experience in the business warrants him In promis
ing to his customers tire very best fits. J
All he asks is a trial, that he may bo able to convince;
the public of the truth of Iris assertions.
Room on Main street, two doors above the National 1
October 38th 18SS—tf. ,
Timber for sale.—the sub
bcriber offers for salc’till the' Umber on two tracts of'
hind, situate' In Antis townshlu, Blair county—one survey- i
ed in the name of Jtsse Rex, the other in the pamc of 1
Jesse Such—each containing about 13S neves, belonging to '
John F. Shultz. Also—all the timber on two other tracts i
of laud, situate iu the same township and county, bounded 1
on the South' by lands of John F. Shultz, and oi the North i
and west by lauds of Shoemaker. 'The Umber consistsprin-!
cipally of Hemlock and Pine. There is a good wagon road :
tlirough the lands. A good Steam saw Mill will bo sold 1
viitli Uie Umber. ANTHONY SWiERS.
October 2Sth 186S-2t.
Good best fitsii first-
RATB FITS.’!!—For c good fitUng and WeU-madc
COAT, call on J. SNYDER.
For an excellent fitting VEST, by all means call on
For PANTALOONS that can’t bo heat for fit and
cal > "u J . J. SNYDER- •
Como, hind reader, if yon want to dress in a fashionable
style, call at my Shop, opposite nowhere, lint close to Al
toona Banking House. ■ Look out for the picture With my
name below. JACOB SNYDER; lottos.
Altoona, Oct. U, U, 1858-ly
would respectfully inform the citizens of Al
toona that they, have erected a market hopse on the corner
immediately opposite tlic Cnited Bretbern Chiiith, In Bast
Altoona, whore they are prepored to servo out to custom
ers the beat quality YeaL Hutton.
Oct. 211853-31. ™VAL4IS^BEB6/
la given that Letters of Axtoilniatrie-
Uoa on the Estate of Fronds Stephens, late of j&mas foWn
ship, Blair county, dcc’d, have boon granted to. tho uncter
ngned. All persons blowing themselves indebted to said
Estate art requested to mako lmmedlato payment, and
those having claims will present the sanis duly authenti
cated for settlement. -
„ • * /ACOB GOOB, Adm’r.
■ October 2X 1858-Gt. : . .
.I BESSMENT No: 16, maddby the Lycoming Mutual
Insurance Comp toy, in Blair is payable at my of.
floe. Xb.s Assessment'isSpCr cent, ott all notesinforco
Altoona, July 15.1858. ' jsr.
■J?- now occupied by J. * t. LO^XlfEß,' t«if ft for
E<mt W tot 15ln w df October nettt. ' :
: sep u23,:im,: :j yw* m. lloyd.
NAXEof.Soda, Salaratus, Washing Soda, Bntkoe’s
Bridngfowdiriln storeand for sale at.r ' >■■■■“
‘ftyt.: ‘A^iyyarsDrugstor^
j-W neatly and cjpedicioujly executodjt t Ut <UBce, ■ '
T*hb inyigob^'toS
Is one of OJe beet Purgative end Liver M«Bdeeeedw be«
(bro thephbilc, thatsfcts ad* Cbttorftc, easier, miUstHM
mote dfectual than any other medicine known. Jtiamat*
only a Cathartic, but a Zirtr remedy, acting Brat on tM *
Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach sad
boweia to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two
pnrpoaee effectually, without any of the- painful feelings
expcilenccd in the operations of most tuthortiet. It
atrengthcha system at the same time that .it pnrgarltt
and when taken daily in moderate doses, trill strengthen
and buhd itupwith unusual rapidity.
The Livke la-offe bf the principal rcgrulatfire of tbs
human body; and-whea it performs Its functions well,
. the'powers'of the systein in fully developed* Thb
stomach is almost .entirety . , dependent on' the healthy
action of the iiwr for the Dfi proper performance of its
functional when the atom- - ach Is at fault, the bowels
are at fault, and the whole system suffers In 'doasSk r
qnonce of one organ—the w ceased to do :
ita duty. For the diseases Cj of that organ, one Of tbs
proprietors baa made it his study, in a practice of mors
than twenty years, to find so the remedy vtiiaftWttS t*
counteract the many de- raagemente to WhhA ft ft
liable. a* " ;
To prove that *thb rente- W dy 1s at tost (bond, any pet*
son troubled with Liveb a Cosiplaiot, in any offfeg
forma, has but to try a hot- w tie, and coirvtction b bap-'
table '■ V : •. ■*. -■ -■ [•; ' JLrn '< - . ;,■ )
These (Ghana remove all morbid or bad ma&ft troth
the system, yupplylngln .. their ptaes a healthyfib*
of bile, inviffommg' the “ atomaofc: ctnaing food
digest well, pvupmo thb noon, giving tone and
health to the whole machl- r nery, removing .dm tarns*
of the disease—effecting a fyrj radical ehrt.
Btuocs Attacks aroettr- ]M ed, AH®, wait ft ungju
PBEvntsn, by the oeca- ay aftmal fige of tlmljn^fic
One dose, after oatins is shffleient to relieve theft*
maoh and prevent the mod st bum. rialtg and touting.
Only one doee token be- W fore retiring pretantt
Nightmare. .‘ r . “
Only one dose .iakop at H 4 night, tooscha th(Umbo#
els gently, and circs Cos- j/mamma. . - f
One dose taken after each S* mecl 'Will earn Ihrsnepstil,
One doee of tdo .. KpConsfal wilt always r*
Hove Sick Headache., “ . . , ;
One bottle taken for t - J male obstruction tcitovd
the cause of the' disease, and mao'*
Only one dose immediate- ty rtttovm CbopA %UU
One dose' often repeated rr . Is a sure 6tte ferCaoCU
Mosses, and a preventive \J2 oICBOLgaA. ' ’
AS* Only onebuttio is * needed tp thrqw put of the
system the effects of mcdi-i a*. cftic after* tupgslcknfts.
One bottle taken fe.r M J>itmi>ici 'rcihov«e alTsal
lowucse or unnatural color ftum thesitiii, ‘i - .
One dose taken a abort Qj time' before rating gift#'
vigor to the appetite, and! makes the food digest weXK
One doso often repeated Q cures'Chronic IHarrtuteefm
its worst fbnus, while Sum- w mer ahd Bo*cV6oibMtiits
yidd almost to the llret Gj d°ee-ft .^V a -K
One or two doses ernes “ attacks catUed by , wowi
in children: there Is no br surer, safe?, orspeadier
remedy in the world, as It oner/ailt.
A few bottles cures Dropsy by ekeiting the absorbenti.
We take re- edminendiug the medfeina
as s preventive fur Fever Tf\ aml Agne, ClilllFokeiShd
all Fevers of a Bilious type, .r It operetta rfjfli cerftmty,
and thousands nrewiplug to UaUfy to & vto£erful
virtues. . . 1
All who use it arc givlhg tlielr pn«n(mnn».
its Ikvor.
\ 1
Mix Water in the mouthwitU tho IhrigoraWr. tail
swallow both together, f - ■ ,
working cure*, Unoat'tdo great to hcifev*.- If Cnmadif
by magic, seen the first dote giving benefit, and icldua mar*
than one bottle b roadbed to enreahy kind of CfVw Cmn
plaiit, from the wdm;Jinadtor or Pgtptfisia td eotfanoir
Headache, all of Which; ara the rcanltof Mto4B*£lsT*fc.
raiCfc tMfB KOUJiE m »omK•
Dtt. SANFORD, Proprietor, Sid Broadway, Kcw York.
, Stt-SoW by e. W. Ksssie*, Altoona l and retailed by
all DraggiM. [May SIT, 18M.-ly
mtmmm&i :
And the varioqs affectioss consequent, upon a disordered
Such as Indigestion. Acidity of the Stomach, OollctyPßlnsl
Heartburn. loss of Despondency, CMflveifcis!
Blind s«m Ulpeding Piles. In ullNenrons; RheraMichraß
Neuralgic Affections, ft has in numerous lnetal»c*trproltd
highly beneficial, and in otliera'effected ft •'
Tiiis is a purely vegetable compound, ifteimed
scientific principles, after the manner of tlfo feinted
Holland Professor, Bocrbare; ; Because of its rteotfslic«s»
in the most, of the Buropeaff State*’lts ißtrotftfcfloH iato
the United Btat»Bwn»latebd«d iaioft esjfectullyftr ttogo
of our fatherland scattered hero and thete «T<r fhVj fSco of
this mighty country.- Meetfrfg VHth greatsdeWs* aMtog
them. X notv offer it lo tbo Antferfcan lcnoifKiK that
its truly wonderful medical virtues must bo aclcnowtedied.
It i* particularly recommended to those pcr».fm~#hoso
constitutions mar hare been' impaired by the couttof&ns
use Of ardent spirit*, W other ibfms’of dtefoAtton
rally Instantaneous iii effect if finds Its stay dlrtdtfy fTfie
seat of life, thrilling and <]ulcK<miiig every fWrve.rtllslDC
up the drooping spirit aad; Ift fhet infesW h*i »M%g
and vigor In the system. , • “
: ihladelfsli&ni A'ro-
a tsl.oo peif bortlei WsKbottles '&&&■«*
i sets mramoM, . •=’ ”
f PAGE, tTjR;, ’ &>■&&,,
. MuwfqttUnftj Phcuvnacatiists and Chcmutii
PimßUKQtt vs.
St touls; A. ROUSH, Altoona, Pa. And by DrStiiK
and Merchants generally throughout the United States
and Canadas. 'fOctobcr 11, ISAS^Iy
Head quarters fob eow
PRlCES.—ThiinjjrM’Tbr past irors,. tljo Bn\>scriber
respectfully beg leave toiuform the Oitkehsof tltu
place aud vicinity that he atd opened his
Stock of- • •. : V
which he,win gel Pat very To w prices for cash. tC consists
input of . ' ’■•■■■!'■■ Ti t" '■
litlqiiies, Robes, Vdi de denes, plain Mping.
tngs, Cashmeres, Sd(-
Collars, Setts, Sands, Jtueri
mgs,: EJgingt, in jtiui ,
tvetv article of La- '
j. .■ vv dies Wear. -■> * .«* f
«c*UoiSt iMOTtmoiit of ftalrioiubls
Earthenware, At. - ?■ ; ;
The rcry best assortment of GROCERIES mar WsmmA
attbtecstabHstiiMSAi . ‘ - 1 .? *
Como ond! comciall! l and examine the OboVe stack.'
Altoona, Oct. W18S& - J. B. HI WEMAN.
Home testimony. ■ j
■ : [From the Lewistown Aurora.!
I mn with Chmdc Dlarifci#,
«mto bonotil Arum, D» rf»m«e«3
thanan>f othermcdrcirioTewueed. ALKX- 1
.. • , ■ Olivertownship, Mifflin county.Fa.‘
ThisJs tocfertifythat I used Du VaH’a Qalvaino Ofl in
niy thteOy W?pnJO of tfco diseases, for which it is retain
thtadeditod’fotmd to act almost spontonuously. J recom
mend it to all who suffer tom pain. A. JLINGBAM,
' Sept,F, ’6B—ly. Decatur township, Mifflin co, F*.
A CARD.—Hear what Mrs. Yauchn
of have used the Galvanic OU
J.O-8tomw«l, Lewis town, Pa., ferTvcrr
nmclfand recommend it to other*. aadS
, pasa inuudlt to be one of the very best mwSintwfcr
Reeves atf
moi. Ercxy family should have it in tho house.
- ' &)I*. IS,
iSJEw boot and shoe stoke.—
A i subscriber would respectfully, inform tie citj
a v ietnily that he has Just opened m
BOOT an 4 SIIOE STOKK, in the building formerfy
•|dhd by Dk C. F. SeUer»,on' Virginia street nearly oppo-
|iFh>crm'Chnrshli; Ud will heap oaf hand a >good
;««SQrtam» pftfen and Jtoy?s Doota and Ladisa’ QaV<
ihMa^.ato»iisifv, --