The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 04, 1858, Image 2

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NOT. 4 1868;
„ ML, Wbero parties aro .unknown to n*,onrrnlelbr adyer
tMntfltta require p»ymeoUnadtaao«,»*«M»nt«wfrom
known perron*.. It is tlwrefore uaeleiM fOT oU jnch to send
ail AdTOrtUomeaU ofl&rlng to p*y atthoena or thrts or «x
mSa*. Wiwnro adw*l««>enU w»fcemv*£* wlto.the
money, whether one, fire or ten dollan, m will giro tlie
•drertiw the fall benefit of oath rates. '
pmmsTLTAinA, ss..-
I» thz jhntD bi mlMMnniw Ofioiomu®
, - of PgatttxuTixu.
ny Trtu said OOMMOKWKAI/tH.
- Vtvum Cimßl■ThslgoodDcas of God to was a people
oaUafor oar pablic aclpiowledcmeat, and onr grateful
d mls6. The past and the present tie crowded with His
nothing has eccnrredto Imperil the principles
of civil and religious liberty upon which oitr Government
Is heiMxL or tointerfere with Its liannoniOUs Operations
In all its departments. Wo areat ; peaoe wlthall foreign
nations, .and the noise of violence is unheard within onr
Mm': While nil enjoy perfect freedom of opinion, the
nfmir ftna institutions, and themild spirit
■W our holy religion, are more and more nnlttogns In one
brotherhood, frnr educational .Institutions are dUAufng
intelligence among the masses of onr cUisens, Inducing a
higher - appreelation of their privUege*,«md a deeper sense
of theje .obligations. some localities the pesti
leneeh** prerailed, oar country at Inge has enjoyed nun
mai health, and we aro .blessed with an abundance of all
,h, mr\A comtbrfe of -IUo,. Onr industrial
pursuits are Cut iecorerlng from the torpor Induced by the
recent flnanQjaletnbssraaiiaents; confidence is being re
stored* sad bnsinetu is resuming its wonted activity. Mor
■e'iei brown all bur relatione in Ufr, and the hope* of a glori
ous immortality wait tochoer and bless every heart.
Prompted own convictlone.of duty, and in ooafor
mitywith the samressadwishesbfmany of my fellow cltf.
Mai I. WILLIAM P. PACKBEj Goverpor of the Coipmon
.wealtlt qf Pehnsylvaiiia, Sp hereby appoint Thursday, the
istfr tog xtfjfoutabcr next, to be observed as a day of gene
ral TnjuiKsamso and recommend to ell. onr
people that, setting aside oh that day all worldly tmrenlts,
they assemble In their respective .place* of worship, ..and
timtb In offering thaufis to God for Ills goodness, imploring
Htogiabliws'fbrgiveniessi and the continuance of His mer
cies. And while onr hearts throb with gratitude to God
for His unnumbered blessings', let a Übenti charity be ex
tended toall npou whomjiavo been loa the burdens bf
misfortune and want.*
Qtvzn under my hand, and the Great Seal of the State, at
{.■•:■ Harrisburg* tip* Twenty-Eighth darjof Oc
jr __ . Vtober, in the year of our Lord one thousand
1 Height hundred andLftyeteht, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty-third.
Ht tps Obvntsoß.
t yjM. M. -HIBCTBR.
Secretary tf the CbiiimohtceaUh.
Horrible Tragedy.
i:- :
From the New T-ork. Tribune of the 28th
ult,, we learn the .particulars of a-horrible
tragedy, enacted in 80th street, in that
city, on-Tuesday night, 26th ult. A young
man named Francis Gonldy, aged about
18 years, armed 'himself with a hatchet,
a butcher.knife-and revolver, and coming
down stairs met his father io-the doorway,
and struck him on the head with the hatch
et, biuying its whole width in the skull.
As he foh> Frank made another blow at
him taking effect on the side of his head,
nearly severing the top part ofthe.skull.
He then went to his mother’s room, caught
her by the hand and commenced striking
hqr with the hatchet The first three
blows she parried off, but the last two
took effect on her head. The noise made
- - ' I* ■ ( • • . - _- . A. •.
by his mother awakened his two younger
brotbere, aged 14 and 8 years, whom
immediately attacked with the hatchet,
nutting them very badly. Two servant
girls, who slept in the third story, became
alarmed, and were coming down stairs,
when he met - them and knocked one- of
them down, cutting her Very much in the
head. The mother Ume seized the hatchet
and'WrenohedJt from him, but he after
wards recovered it and knocked her down,
striking her. twicjc afterward. pie then
weiftio his own room in the third story
and placing the pistol itohia right-ear,
fired; the ball entered the right car, Uow
}ing off neiriy the. entire side of his head
and pausing immediate death. ‘
Although all oifthe personsattackefl are
jScyerely .ipjured,uoue of them were dead
atfhe.time the reporter of the.' Tribune.
visited tire scene, but it was thought that
the old man, the oldest boy and oho of the
co.irid.not recover,
. The only cause that can be assigned for
the nudji Oct, is the'fact that Frank's fath
err had: rCpriipnded him .jprotty severely
for- paying snme imoney put of the
savings bank and spent it.
lak Peterson’s Counterfeit : Detector
NotaldsHs corrected by Drex
; the well jtnown JBanJcers and
and u £be best Detoctorof Coun
itesfeitsipr Altered Notes, published in this
country. : The November number, issued
this dky, fuUy describes Eighty-six New
Xhimiterfeiis, and contains afac-fiimileen
gravingofa bogus Bank Note that is be-'
ing jdtered to various Banks all over the
-country, and-which is being put into ez
tonsiye circulation. It also contains sev
eral pages of other valuable Information of
everything appertaining to Bank Notes. —
We have no hesitation- in pronouncing it
most complete, reliable and best publi
eWba of the kind in the United States.—
It should be in the hands of every store
kpeper in the whole country, and we could
siwh to send One Dollar in. a
letter, (for a year’s subscription, to the pub
lishers, and thus subscribe for it at once.
It is published by T. B. Peterson & Broth
«w,No. 806 (Bestn^S^t ; Phihidelphia.
£The ttjpics md tone iorijicoining
message-of Bti|kan»n are al
ready mattere-ofspeculation fith many
papers and politicians. Sonaa’ofdie Wash
ington correspondents contradict the ru
mor, started elsewhere)ihe-President
"will recommend a specific duty, of increas
ed rate, oh iron. All are alikb ignorant,
we presume/bn this point j but would
not hi surprised if such should be the
case. In fact we would not be astonished
to find, the next Congress placing so high
a rate of duty upon iron, that the succeed
ing Congress would be compelled jo de
crease it, and.thaitoo, for no other reason
than to steal the* thunder of the People’s
Party. This-is surmise, of course, as we
consider it doubtful- whether the Tariff
question can he taken up during the short
session, ever though the President should
recommend it. "
Three other nunom have been issued at
Washington.: Ist, that, some measure to
promote the construction of a railroad to
the Pacific, will be recommended; 2d, that
,a startling issue respecting Cuba or Mexi
co will be presented and 3d, that the Ex
ecutive will urge attention to our Central
American affairs, and saddle upon Con
gress all the responsibility of any means
for securing our national honor and the
interests of pur citizens in that quarter. —
Npne of these poinfcs, or aU-ofthem, may
be adverted to in the message, but until it
appears the question cannot be settled de
Tip; Florida WAH.—It is stated, that
nearly a million of dollars will be required
to pay the volunteers alone engaged in
the service against the Florida . Indians,
during;the late troubles previous to their
removal, and . for losses by depredations.
Each Indian will have subjected' the gov
ernment to a something, near one
hundred thousand dollars. Of the above
sum, about 8500,000 will be required to
pay the volunteers called into the service
by the .general government; and say
8400,00 for those called out by the State,
under her militia laws, whose payment
the general governmeiyt assumed. The
remainder will' be consulted in indemni-
for losses i»y depredations.
Clerk of the House. —A. W Bene
dict, of Huntingdon, has been named in
connection with the Chief Clerkship of
the House, than whom a better mau has
not yet been presented. On the score of
qulaifications he is equal, if not superior,
to any of his competitors. .As a politician
he has always been consistent, and his time
and talents have ever been devoted to the
• - • ' \ •'
interests of his party without his asking
for office in return. To elect him would
be an act of Justice, and would secure a
good aud faithful 'officer to the House, —
We hope his claims will receive that con
sideration which their merit demands.
Pacific Raiekoad.—The Washington
correspondent of the New York Times,
learns from a reliable source that Mr. Bu
chanan will take strong ground in his
message in favor of the passage, this Win-,
ter, of a - Pacific Railroad bill. He will
sketch the plan of construction to bo fa
vored by his Administration.
Selecting their Seats.—Several Members
have -visited the Capitol and selected *|heir seats
for the coming session. - ■
J }fS&* The State of Virginia taxes the Bail
roads of the State one mill per mile for every
S&“ Many powder their feces, so . that their
skin may appear white; it is a poalterer flours
an old hen that it may pass for a young chicken.
JB®“Why aro ladies .the biggest thieves in
existence? Because they- steel the petticoats,
bone the stays, and orib the babies.
- The vote of Pennsylvania, in the
was which was an in
crease of 6,018 over the vote cast.' at the Gu
bernatbnal election 0f186|7. --
Wholesale Business.—On the night
Of the 12th .nit., twelve births were reported in
the - family of Heber C. Kimball, at Salt Lake
City, lTtah'Territory. ; .
'MSP Fbur white'women and-one white man
tried .for vagrancy lost week, at .Louisville, Ky.,
have been ordered to bo sold twelve months
iqto slavery., : -
Misa Wade, of Detroit, nineteen years
cut her throat for
love of a married baggage master! Wftt nynla
tnre about her neck was steeped in her bloody
.Courier states,-as a fact,
that a child of German parents, in that ’city,
has slept uninterruptedly for a week, audits
ptriaatioa were anshshg^t, : both
Aria,'72o,bob,tHw 5 of.Aafcticai 200,000,000*
of Africa, 89,000,000 • of Austriatfa,-2,000,000'
Total population of the globe. ( -l,283;000,000.
The Harrisburg Tdtffraph -vama School
Directors to beware of a vile soampnamedJluß
ton, who was recently , ejected irom a Sohool
house in Carbon 'county' for. taking improper
liberties with female pupils. ' :J " : : f'
. JSf* Newto^’ said, that the comet of 1860,
after its near approach to the auh, two
thousand 1 times hotter than red hot jWa. He
also calculated that if it was as . large as our
earth, and possessed the quality of coming one
hundred times faster than red hot iron, ..five
hundred years would be required for it'tb loose
the heat it had acquired from the sun'.’ 1
Charles Collier was recently induced to
make an investment in a grocery establishment
In New York. After, paying Iq the money, ho
examined the atook, Jid dl£overed to hSS.
pnsc, that thchaiascbitelatcd of pointedMiSia
• *■ y - - ' -Xii# ,
bogs, filled with sawdust; the sugar barrels,
we same material, with a thin-jorusting ofthe
saccharine oh top of the water;
all other, packages in accordctoh / The whele
stock, Ur Collier now testifies,' was' not worth
mom'than.thirty to fifty dollars. J . f l
tar A ihtld -accident occurred oh the Boffalo
and CorningN.Y., Railroad pn Wedupegay, by
the tnuh being thrown off the track. Thnfc
wore killed and 'sixteen' wounded, some fatally.
U issaid that the Benicia Boy’* ihthcr
bet bis hdnse and lot on the result of, the prize
fight If he jdid, he deserved the toss of both,
and public .contempt to boot, for setting so .per
nicioaßan example.
jyjf The import of the second battle with
tbs Navajo Indians in New Mexico has been
confirmed. All relations with them have been
suspended, by their agent who apprehends %
lengthened difficulty with them.
jggP” Goy.; Denver’s destination is stud to be
California. Great efforts were made to induce
him to retain his position as Governor of Kan
sas, but Ms repugnance to the’ graveyard of his
illustrious predecessors was unconquerable.
ggg* A mah being assured that the sun never
rose in the west said it was very strange, as be
had- a cousin in lowa who was slways writing
how pleasant it was in that district He con
cluded it was all moonshine.
B®, In Baltimore, on Friday morning, Mrs.
Johannah Brandmiller, in a fit of insanity, hil
led a little son by taking it by the legs and beat
ing its bead against a stove. . She attempted to
kill another child, but, fortunately, did not
succeed. :
B@, A - Leavenworth letter Bays .* “It is ru
mored here that the Hon. Findley Patterson will
bo the successor of Gov. Denver. Ex-Secretary
Stanton has become a fixed resident of the Ter
ritory, and ik likely to be one of the two first
United States Senators from Kansas.”
The police of Kcw York are engaged in
registering all the voters in that city. In one
tenant-house they found sixty-one v families,
comprising one hundred and fifty-seven persons,
and in another house forty families, comprising
one hundred and eighteen persons.
BfiSu. Somebody jokes ns follows: “ Mr. James
Hogg was married to Miss Ella Beane the other
day in Cincinnati.” What can be more natu
ral than the union of pork and beans? but
this union seems all one-sided—-only one bean
to a whole bog.
figg- Wooden Ships.—The London, (Eng.)
Times, says that the average duration of a ship
of war, in a seaworthy state, built of British
oak, is only 18 years of ajetive service. It takes
70 acres of ground 80 j years to produce the
timber. I
Thc : contractors for carrying tlie mails
overland to San Francisco are entitled to Uic
right of pre-emption to three' hundred and
twenty acres of any land not disposed of or re
served; at each point necessary for a station.-*-
{The stations are not to be neater than ten miles
from each other.
A.letter from New Orleans says; “If
the fools would only keep away, we would have
battled it out all summer, might begin to see
daylight: but they will not. The steamer Un
cle brought down, a day or two Since, over four
hundred passengers, and nearly one hundred arc
now dead and many ill.”
At New York great dissatisfaction is
expressed at the accumulation at all retail es
tablishments of quantities of silver coin. The
banka will not take it on deposit; it cannot 6'c
sbld in large quantities except at a heavy dis
count. . The war with China, which has stopped
the export thither, and to some extent, the de
preciation of the coin here, has led to this state
of things. ,
An Albany paper enumerates the atten
dance upon the prize fight as follows: Short
Boys and Long Boys, Croppies, Dead Rabbits
and Live Rabbits from New York; Fly-By-
Nights, Killers and Vampyres, from Philadel
phia; Blood Tubs, Plug Uglies, Rip Raps, and
Rough. Skins, from Baltimore: Thugs' from
New York, ct id omde genus, from all over.
Bg&i Punch gives no quarter to pi incline,
havihg ! been engaged for the past year or two in
a crusade against it. His last shot is entitled
the “New Crinoline Regulator,” representing
an omnibus strung round with skeleton crino
lines, while the driver, stationed at the door,
Remarks to; an approaching lady in full dress,
“UVerry soiry, m’m, but ycr’l av to leave yer
krinerhue\ outside. ”
Col, Marshall, of Philadelphia, humor
ously remarks a Philadelphia journal, has in
vented an artificial hen, that will consum e four
bushels of corn,, and lay 1,320 eggs per day.—
Colonel Marshall also has two other machines
almost completed—one, for making raw flies
into cobwebs, and abolishing spiders; and an
other, that will convert,a haystack into butter,
cheese, cream, and surloin steaks.
- Immense Taxes.—Some idea of the im
mense wealth of(-William B. Aator, says the cor
respondent .of thef Charleston Courier, may bo
ascertained.drom the fact that he pays this year,
the sum- 0f ; 555,000 taxes. But this; even, is
hot half of Mr. Aster’s colossal fortune. His
personal property is in the stocks of corpora
tions, which afo taxed upon those corporations,
and not upon the individuals who moke it up.
An editor, in speaking of his domestic
increase, gives the following:
“ Soandltbe stage-born, blast the trumpet, v
That the waning world may know!
, Publish'lt through all the borders,
"EVcn junto Jcrico I
Seize ydrrr pen, oh, dreaming poot, J '
And in numbers smooth na .may he,
Spread afar the Joyful tidings—
Betsyls got another baby ie
At i, social party in Cincinnati, a young
lawyer observed a, young lady '; approaching
iwliom he had the misfortune to offend. He ex
tended his hand and exclaimed: even
ting Mary.”—“ Miss Mary if you please,” said
the yofing lady, bridling up at bis familiarity..
can '-miss you, Mary, only when you are
absent,” he‘replied, and they were soon recon
ciled. It is : said that she will, soon bo mieted no
more. ; .
jQpi Massachusetts requires voters to know
how to read; and write. Out of thirty .applicants
of naturalized citizens, onlyi two were rejected
.for not' having those qualifications. The' greater
part of them showed superior attainment' in pen
manship. Of about-the same number of persons
born in this country, whohavecoineofage since
the last election, and who have appjiedto hpye
their names placed on the voting; lists, one, a
Boston boy,; was also icjectcd fibm ihability to
read anti write. " ! v,
Died.—Recently of dislocation of the
spine, Mr. Atlantic T. Cable. " Sfrv Cableliut a
few weeks ago was apparently in tie. hist of
Since that time, however, he has.jt&en, to his
hedr and ndtwi&st^
erfnl application of electricity his system gnwl
unity became weaker, tmfflitceasW tarenct
altogether. [Contrary tb_ the usual- custom his
.taking to his bed was made the jjsoimMofnn
qualified, rrioioing by his friends. - ‘Heresfr in
, peaj}e.V- "Wilmington Journal. ' * ” v ; : x
“>>•■ ' '..‘j'iF ‘‘U'-i- I J- r T’. '
'h .story of,a boy
“one of the schools m that oily who is an inr
thylaester, aid who laughed bhe tntfjr.
: the sight ofa rdt. Bh
ingaßkpdwhy he laughed, he replied: ■?
- - 1- '‘‘Jyytiitt npw thegtairg,
up to bear jxjnr praycnj.” :
r P,®ffl£told that he must mako
treii 6|g^ 3^hidap^svr^-
“Herol stand before Mr. Blototf . ■
/i-ro :y,jP&
LeUefs ifrom IJtali.
Gbsat Salt LaKk City 1
' Friday, Sept. 17, 1858. /
Fjumn>JbxExcitement dies out sometimes,
consequently there is a dearth of news, cepeoial
ly news of importance. I have not written to you
fer eome time—reason— nothing to write about.
On the 20th of August last, the mail between
this City add California was very, quietly turned
jbver by the patriotic red skins, on the Humbolt
River, about 840 miles from this place. This
is the'manner In which the 1 Indians of the pres
ent day generally manifest their patriotism to
ward their venorable old uncle Samuel, or chief
■Washington, as they term Jimmy Buck. No
lives were lost in the affray, but tho mail mat
ter, mules and provisions were appropriated by
the aforesaid Indians to and for their own per
sonal benefit.
Sapt. Forney left this city last Sunday with
about §3,000 worth of Indian goods, as presents,
in lieu of good behaviour in future. Ho was
accompanied by about 160 dragoons under Copt.
Hauss,- and will be absent about six weeks.
Quite a serious affray occurred at one of the
gameing houses in this city, about the Cth inst,
In which one of the beligercnts was killed, and
the other severely injured, though 'now improv
ing slowly. Brother Grant, one of the twelve,
received a nice thrashing at the hands of a Gen
tile, some two weeks since.
Col. Mcrriscii arrived in this city on the 10th
inst, on Lis r-sy to Camp Floyd, in .Cedar Val
ley, with aheut 400 recruits for the 10th Infan
try. In d icing through the city they gave vent
to their patriotism through fife and drum, play
ing “few Days,” after which in pitched-the
brass band with “ a little more cider too.”—
They didn’t' c.eafe much excitement, ,and the
Republic is still safe.
Mr. KirktAnderson, for some time since con
nected with the Missouri Republican, arrived
here about the 4th inst. Ho intends publishing
a paper in this city, which will not be under
any obligations or liable to the twelve for any
aid whatever, pecuniary or otherwise, and c:
course will bite wherever the shoo pinches.
The weather is very warm in the valleys yet,
but there are breakers ahead.
Judge Eckels leaves for home in a few days.
The trains (army supplies and merchant) are
piling in fast—three to' four arriving every
day. Its time, or they will caught in the moun
tains. Yours truly
Salt Lake City, Oct, 2d, 1868.
Awful hot, but business still keeps afloat
Trains are arriving daily from the East. Kirk
Anderson’s printing office is looking up and will
soon be finished.
Two hundred mounted troops have been order
ed from Camp Floyd to Spanish Fork Settlement,
to arrest,' if possible, sonic Ote Indians who
have committed serious depredations at that
place. Dent know how it will end. The troops
will not follow the Indians into the Mountain's.
Dr. Forney, who left for tbc llumbolt some
time since, had, as far as heard from, met with
two bands of friendly Indians, very unexpect
edly, as it was predicted here, by men who
think they know something, that not an Indian
would be seen on the route. He algo received
n letter from Col. Sanders, who is in tho U. S.
Road Survey, near tho Humbblt, stating that
the Indians on the route were all friendly.—
Court opens on Monday next but will not last
long, as there are few cases on the Docket.—
Judge .Sinclair is! the only U. S. Judge present.
« : I. N. 11.
Desperate Conflict with a Runaway Ne
gro.—The Clayton Banner gives the particulars
o: a desperate rencontre between a Mr. Edward
Garland of Gleuuville and a runaway negro,
the property of Dr. J. B. Owens of Russell 1
County, Alabama. The boy was discovered by
Mr. Garland, who came up with him in advance
of others in pursuit, when the negro stopped,
drew a scythe blade with which he had previ
ously killed a valuable dog, aud in a moment
rushed, upon Mr. Garland. , Fortunately Mr. Q.
was armed with a stout stick with which be
knocked tho weapon from the negro’s hand, but
the latter immediately seized Mr. G. 7 s horse by
lh« hridle.and commenced'stabbiug tbe.animal
iu the neck with a dirk, from the effects of
which it soon died. He lost this weapon also
before he could use .it on Garland. Springing
on the horse, he seized Mr, G. by the heck aud
dragged him. to the ground, and in the struggle
that ensued bit off a part of one of Mr. G.’dears.
Finding Mr. G. pretty well exausted, and think
ing, perhaps, that others would arrive, he made
off again. In a short time, however,' he was
decoyed by negro who immediately seized him
when another violent battle oosuod. iu thomidst
of which a gentleman posing by, seeing the
fracas," came to' the aid of the assisting negro,
and, placing a pistol at the head of tho runaway,
forced him to surrender. The nbgro has been
committed to stand his trial at tho next term
of the Court for an assault with intent to murder.
A Prize Fight Out; West.— The St. Lotus
Republican gives an account of a fight between
Pat McNeil, the Tipperary Boy, and Ellas O’-
Flaghorty, near the Fair Ground, on the same
day that the Mojrisscy and lleenau fight look
place. O’Flagherty was the victor, the report
closing with-tho- foßowing summary of the bru
tal work: ‘ ' '
On the sixtieth round McNeil could not come
up to time, having both arms -broken, two ex
tremely black eyes, a fractured rib or, two, and
a head about twice its usual size,' and having
besides received a great loss of Ho
was therefore declared whipped, and wo money
handed over to the triumphant O’Flagherty.
The latter, however, though declared tile victor,
WRS-tolerably severely punished. . Ris. left eye
Was put oat entirely,' his collar bone imd sus
tained two compound comminuted fractur&, His
fiveWght’fingeirsdlsprabed froth their sockets,
and his mouth slit On the left side of bis cheek
as far back es his ear. !, .
named Jofinßitter, aged! about .tffo"years'; resi
ding at the Slack Water, some' two'ittßeS below
town, ’was drowned, on Sunday last, by .falling
.thft absencoqf the
parents, .‘whb Wert attending church ~ in' this
place. •The iad intelligence Was communicated
to the mother bf; the 2hlld while on her way consequence
found vent in cries and wailings represented by
those Who heard them as having boon, truly
heaft-rcndin^J-i^oAnrtojohJ?e^d. '■ l “'• ' X
has openly rtcaat|d; % a lecture at D£e».; on
;fef nihe J yoWne a
TnedWUJ, that spiritualisih was ohe-lhird lmpos
fure,one*lhird ih9anity, | diabol
i Pf; iWßßß
||? u ®H?i $! e wedinaw.
New York, Nov* 8. to
, Governor, will tifcSfO'itboiit DRSOtfcdi^jo* 1
New York 'city. ' 'pHMI, ■
The Oon. DanW I)«
i the 3d Congressional EBatrict|% t
: majority over Vfflfa&gfa
ition, and 260 pyer An»-Tan
Democrat. %- <e -'
sih Congressional District—McClay, Dem.,
is probably elected’
Cth District— Cechrap,
The Elections*
7th District—Briggs, opposition, ditto. j
Bth District—Clark, Anti-Lecompton Dem.,
is elected. ' i. nnn t
22d Disirict—Spaulding, Opp., ; has 2,000 ma
jority. • ' .
lu ten wards of New York city, the returns
as compared with the Presidential rote shows a.
Democratic loss of 3,320 votes, Ameri
can loss 5,914 votes, and aßepUhlisS* gain of
I, ' ’j-i'. . I
The returns thus tor indicate Gerrht Smith, ]
Abolitioa, will not receive over 100 votes in i
Ni-rr York city, . , v. . »- 1
Ret - :nb'from four towns in Tdfnpklns county, |
show a Republican gain of 90 votes. . ' ■
.Syracuse—The Democratic logs is upwards i
of 2QO votes in this city. ■At Champlain the]
Democratic loss is 70 roles. "I. ~ , ]
In the Fourth Congressional District Thomas I
J. Barr, hard-shellAnti-Tammaiiy candidate for
Congress, has been elected, * . V
In the Fourteenth District, John F 7 Reyholds, :
Anti-Lecompton, has, 1500 majority over Eras
tus Corning, Democrat, the present member. 1
Humphrey, Republican, is elected in the Se
cond District. , > . ' .
in the Seventeenth District, Alfred Wells, is
undoubtedly elected. , . t
In the Thirteenth District, Rebgs.daer. county
gives Abram B, Olin, Republican, .for Congress,
3,000 majority, and electa the entire. Republican
county ticket i
In the Twelfth District. Columbia county
elects the Union ticket, and gives 0. L. Beale,
Republican, for Congress, about 1600* Lake
county gives Beale a ver ‘ large majority, and
he is undoubtedly elected; the Republican gain
I is large. ' *
Orleans county, complete, gives Morgan, Re
publican, for Governor, 1500 majority.
Monroe county, it is estimated gives Morgan
2100 majority. ' ’ 4
In the Twenty-ninth District; A.'Ely, Repub
lican, for Congress, is elected. ;| • •
In tlje twenty-third District, Charles B. Roard,
Rep., is re-elected. In the eleventh district,
Win. S. Kenyon, Rep., is elected, being a gain,
lin place of William F. RusselL, Dem. la the
j eighteenth district, Charles, R. Cochrane, Rep.,
is re-elected. In the twenty-sixth district, E.
B. Bottle, Rep., is reflected. . In the. twenty
fifth district, Butterfield, Rep., is ro-eleeted.
‘ In the 24th district, C. B. Scdgewick is cleot
| ed by 2500 majority. ’ *'
The Republican majority for Governor in
Cuyahoga county is 8001) votes; being a gain of
700. In Onondago county, the* Republican ma
jority for Governor is estimated at 2500/ being
again of 1300 votes.
Boston, Nov. 2.— -The Democrats have-elec
ted B. F. Baler to the State Senate and Caleb
Cushing to fiio Assembly.
In the 4th Congressional. district, the Hon.
Alexander H. Rice, Republican, is elected by
1000 plurality. In the 4th district the re-elec
tion of ibe Hon. Anson Aurlingame is conceded.
In the 6th district,-John B. Alley, Republican,
is elected. • ; ,
The Republicans.have swept the State; 110
cities and towns give 14,000 plurality for Banks.
The entire Republican Congressional de’egarijn'
is elected. In thq 4th district-the Hon Anson
Burlingame has lIQO majority.. The Legisla
ture will be largely Republican.
Peteoit, Nov. 2. —;The city gives thoDemo
cratio State ticket from 800 to $OO majority.—
The Republicans claim the election of eight of
eleven Aldermen, and a portion-of the county
ticket. i
The returns from the State lure meagre, and
indicate a light vote polled, iu consequence of
the severe storm winch prevailed throughout
the State to-day. Tlie Republicans have un
doubtedly elected all their Congressmen.
Trenton, Nov. 2.— lt is reported that the op
position has triumphed in the State throughout.
Probably the whole Republican delegation to
Congress is elected. , .
Newark, Nov. 2.— William. Rennington, Fu
sion, has been elected in the 2d Congressional
District over Jacob R. Worteiidyke*, Democrat,
the present member. ' >
Foolish.— The following speech was delivered
by Hon. Lawrence M. Keitt, all Whippy |watiip,,
S. G., Oct. 2d, 1868. “The South will soon be
compelled to fight her fiercest qnd greatest] o&t-
I tie , iu nil > it,^iU ; |e last battle:
in the Union. Let there be in her
j camp'andino' quartfelUrtg dmbng'her children.—
| Tho skies may seem' 1 serene r di|d the waters dp
pcar tranquil, but the qf mischief are
mustering in the one. and rocks or? hidden be
neath the other. T would sooiler see 'the South
; ravaged by mildew and blast, by pestilence and
| famine, than see her prodd head hfpwed td-Black'
j Republican rule. If ever she Sonco submits' to.
Abolition ascendency, she muat fade away into
ruin, or her courage upon the field must win 1
back what her subrnissioh has'lbrfeited.
once yields, her history : is writfcdi inJWaaaiUsi
of;Mexico. ; Stained in hlood. sliruuk'ea in spirit,- 1
a ?\d restless between anarchyt and despotißhi,
stands that beadtiful land, “ unkin'gdbmed ond
a widow,” invoking some spell iof- connnest
renovation. the South court buch a fate? -
No I With her immense ' Ire&fifirdcp ' hnd'
teeming energy, here is a splendid dißstiny^'tt
“W reSdir® her t 6 establish a hew/confederaoV,
but she i| equd to the tagk*
her submwsmn
my counsel, will she snMjt
if she does.never with-ihy cbdwni vral Rdiah'
Carolina submit. ? SherWaa JdHn lhb Babgit l of
the Revolution,: and, if bet. hipor rcqaircaat,
shp.fliust again be the forerunner Indbfcfiod of
par common liberty bind '
. *6Tt Dondon Railroad, Safe^Ots.—lo toh-
adopted tOj rtcure the safety
of jfc&eßfgm*
gent j 2l; fine is- Upbh ady
person who' attempts to got’outjof the car until
stands absolutely still.; Thaiconductor iss c -
©ove be--
.W»P»9^ or has left the
=cars; Lads ventuMfcfc’Vithlm a given distance
of the track when the train ir^prtf a fo5 n .#* or
hil id
M takes
Albany, ymm i^llr^tid
aporfant o n . Friday op
A Miqhtt Mbas Mas.— The St Lords L*.
eerat tells of a colored family who were
from their homcs||K the fidnois ahQjjjfyfaJ*
thelatefreshetj {Bid whonreforcecjtot^^
allied to l||)f!ik Mlsofik
«d they had now This Sftetihr.'''
a vßy enttorisiug
at 09M' {Sheared the theire*
out#tnSiassers t V«nd eadfifed tbei«afe - .iia y
every Wp«, <dfeVofi£
t&jail, fo be whipped our or sola as al
Their does being paid, and they having
preparations to depart, they found themself
proscribed three daySr..,^hmup^.th«ii‘
the law again caused thMr hw
subjected to fines as . -They finally
ped to Illinois. This was &e meanest act,
for a lawyer, that we have chronicled in s'lqm
time. v. . *
are exceedingly happy , to inform our ready,
that the prospects sffjthe eatly ooiaplition i
% We haya ««
r«eIWC firm thefifadf
McMinn, Esq., in which, he states that
on the lower a&dth
gradation andmasontpr on the upgwea/i jai**
being finished, and ,it is confidetttlysxpecud
that the shrill neighing of thet trfln font willj,
heard tr ughout; h«*hote>dgtltdtß»l4 Etc,
Valley before the first of next October.
moteitbe. Star.
; The Great Salt Lake, in Utah, alsoi£ I
it receives, all ths. washings of the mountain ij
and tho various streams in he :ralJey* iff said* i
be gradually drying up. A from Util ||
says the natural .deposits* a£ ftjdt trap, the Uh I:
would supply the world for thflesends of yMn. Ei
The wateiKts sd thkt lh»»fonr gallonirf
water oungajion of pure wit: tnfly m obfauiitd, ||
The great bbautifier \ so
K , . long unsncce»s)3ulljr eonght,
it* original cofef l coyer*. MW t b*Ud hcad; ft 1
maTeaaßtondn&dUhtiig wre wjtoffihMd m M
flllbroptiiStm; tnak&'fhe hair soft, hbkltny SOT gtbny; m a
trill preserve it to any ’ imaginable age; removes, «» if bj a
magic, allbiptclies.fc, from fee i*sa aad>q*piq. aibnetini sd
gia and, nervous headache, Bqe p
' *y. :■ I
pgor, 0.3. WOO® 4 Co.—<l tots; Within; * few dan *if
bare received 1 somnnyorders and calls (brPfof. 0. 3. Wood, %
Hail Restorative, that today wo were comttdted to Mad to S
' Coatou for a.quantity, (the B dozen all Wu S
sold,) whflo we plight order p quality frtov you. flaj 1
bUOe iae have sold steins to hhrejtrottuetd three Or four we a
customers and the approbatlhnjftnd Mwonage' it receim «
(tom thb most substantial ahu worthy ‘ cltixeßsof onr h (3
ctnity, fully convince ua that UhrA MOST TALVABU St
Scud us aa soon a* may bo one grooaof flyise; and <m §:
doteu S 3 size; ahd believe ua yotira very roeptotfully. 3j
, (Signed) DANIIttiJitoTHOBP A, C«. |
Hickory Grove, Sh i
Pnor. Q. J; Woon—l)ear Sir? StoiOJpM tort'snmmtt w 1
wore ihdnced to use some of yo»* Biyr Restorative, in) i
its effectsweresO'VondcrtW,' we - ftcl• It onjfdtrty toj« i
and the afflicted, to.rcport I L, . . _ 1
‘ Onr Uttlf ato’g htod,lOr^BWO t : %m perfcty I
covered with; sores, apd tti s
v Ua'ralmoat cntlrelx 1
aeeings hii suffetlugs, |
we did .so with little hope o( sueffe*, bur, to onr Sttrptta, |
; and tbatof i
the disease entirely, 'and a hew and toqttoiidbb of bit f }
soon started oof. gndwe cau jjowsay Oih bcnrbw u i
healthy'a scalp, ■ and as g
other child.' We‘chii tlferclbre, gnd dp hefthl renmani |j
yum Restorative, as a perfect Wnibdy fol'aU Olseasesoftto js
scalp and hair. Wo tub, Votlrs respectfully,
. Maine, Jude 22,ISii
' Poor. O. J. Woos—Bear Sir: I: halve usedtyo botUetil
Professor IVoodV Qalr Restorative, ;api4 vtoettoly sayltii
the greatest discovery of tho age(br ehufot
the Hair. Before using- it I. war a; man oTseventy. Mi
Uuir has now attained Us original. tp the world without tfe? tofVt my cost
waa one of the worst kind. . ’-• ' .
0. J.- Wood i do.. Proprietor# —
(in tbo grm Jf.iXi (Wire -SMUJig BrtaW
Market St. Louis, Ucu ;
For »«lo by Q. W. JUISSLYB). AlUnn#,,#!
Druggists. - ->■ ■■' '
• ' • ’ r
untQ tbolst day of uovt, tbefollo
ty, to wit: ' , ■V',- . -
A.Lot of Ground iitwUo in
toona, adjoining lota of F. A. Denning, dec’ll
Fonlknor. The Lot la in eieelient'working
lot choice FRUIT TRKKS.aIt intbf iltygrow
is situated in a desirable part of the taws, c
principal and ibast pleasant streets. If dot so
of November next, it leased for a term)
Also~~rA ~hot coniainvaff i&a^
Gronnd, situate in hogan township, pnthepnbl
ing ftomSßaket's lurpaca to the Allegheny Mi
about -V of a mile from Altoona, having there
ami all other • noetwmry nntJiiifliMirf. ■ There
failing spring of watorand'fl. lotofchoice «
the premises. Alstf an excellent new drape A
lot of vinos in thrifty growth, tits ground is :
of cultivation,and under good fence. If notso
of Xobember next, It will beolferedlbt rent.
Persons desiring Information respecting to i
ty will receive it by calling upon •: '
September 2,1858-2m] » T QBOKfiE B.
I i—The subscriber would intbrmtbsia-1 H
habitants of thib place Midv(ctnltythat b 6 [ a
has just received tho latest styles of ■: H
HATS AN-B-. >©A©S; I
among which inay be found the bortßßu* Mole Bkln id |j
Silk Hats, Black outdlflWwnt aotortfd-W'Oot Hats,' C*l» « '1
all sty Ips ami prices for menond tftJy*.‘’Persons i 8 wtoid 3j
anything In lina wUtflIWHt to 'tbeflr sdnahp ||
to call on ttsMtorihw BW»lkw. ||
lie also on hand an fexodlMMftrasmiMat of LnW fa
FURS, of dtithreiit ootbrsliad'l*HMK'Tkosd in want«
tbo article should call at once. •• I S|
Store on Virginia street, oppoaito tbo lintheTan chtnti- ij|
Altoona, Oct. 14, . ' ’ SMITH- is
tJLANt ROOKS MI-irAirtONß-i3
I) BY. fflt % HAVEN, - ■ SSVX»* 1
Job rsnhrEß, r 6rAirtsnt 'ifK* Bun Book mfwfm/M
ig y ||
of every
SST* Agent for L-Johnson £ Coa .Typo Fottnders, Phil*- iff
dclphijr.- . ; k - [July Ip, 1858-lj■ ||
Office- immediately oppomte the j Lutberaa j|
Church, on Virginia street. ToothextraiftM wilhoot |
pnln, Uynwiinaof electricity—uo limn bog, A kindest *“> ia
can como well rreommrn'lfkl (hr morality and posacJ** 1 g
good edncatfon, will bo taken. JScpt.2, ’SWI I 3
T*»taoH!fltary ou Ute eeUte
late ofLojjan township, deceased,
til! persons hulk;bted i
, ca to make Immcdlatcpayraent; tl
tne'estate, will make known tUc
.'-. Oct T,
TO wm. ii. finl;
JJf pPECTFUtI? offers Sfa
services to the people of Altoonr
Joining country, - .
"TTo may ho found at the office
copied hy Dr. G. I); Thomas. ' ‘
Altoona, g'ejit. 30,195&-4t
Nuts In store rind for sale tW ?il
, ■* v SIIUuABIV
- Jttatch 25, ’05-l j] 191 Xorth Third sfrdCT, l‘hU»?** 19
SHINTIES, • '•■■ 60.000 LATHES,
jmd airfcmiti ..f BUILDING MAXEBIii, lower tb»oj 8 *
owuet, for Apply to 1 ; JOHN BUOEBIAKEf
,>r l
\ March JtyWJyJV .-la N*OI I
f-"i 'Mtef "Hsi Witmte u mßnt&i-W&e&h
/ ~iuicfc2VsarJV3 131
f.Jiew Yah
by allpri
, 1858-lj.
; Private Sib
indng projxf
\Eatt it
L, and Joki |
better »Ui t i
lb. Thelrf |
m one of 4* i
Id by UmU I
of years, s
r Acre oj i
lie read tad-1
LnnUlns sat I
ion eitctcd* 3
Squodsi, «
l b anew d
rolt Tries*
Arbor win * , i
ilnbighstt# |
nWbyltol* |
repwjet i
; loca
Hjliglt Of GJCO. 1
goaa to pr««
Sk’ pother of the mv
I <«« of ** ifl P*
|at tfi'aadott City, KaJ
Jwoftho case. • It'
l *wo oibur men had «
[% faading expedition,
points la differei
a T
I a polit not m«ntione»
[•old <mt at a consider
I bad paid fbr it. In t
lodmtdated considerab
[waa kaswn that Shen
[«hieh bad not been i
lt«r part of tbo summ
Inaraed Stewart emplo;
Lad perform other la
[didWt agree very wc
[oqjt to the murder, h
[•lriiy. On the night
80th, file wart appear*
I; towards Shermer.
[aravine, on the LitU
[the night being warm
[{piitoM troubled him
ktwAlanket end robe <
Pf end laid down. S
Lompl&ined of the bee
his blanket end foil
[moro was known ab
irning, when one
After cr.lll
lotting, no answer, he
im dead, ono side i
smashed with a club o
On calling Stewart,
[bund. On examiaatf
least a part of bis moi
pen and ease, and a b
therein, had been can
iars were found in his
lallor in change in hi
>noo fastened upon St
he regains of Shermc
;nmsttmces of the case
ed in pursuit of him.
tulty, they finally cam
oiles from the scene o
m his, person the gold
uinature belonging : to
li&tely oouroyed him t
10 is now in Jpil awaili
money,he took from J hi
Shermor was known
In, this place and ilol
in this office for a con
after it was first stnrtct
icon war broke out, he
land served though the
ludsr Taylor, and then
[taking of Vera Cruz to
I Whoa he first spoke
bre tried to dissuade h
Ing that he would be ki
kws In that par t of th<
isd little idea that who
ted, haring spoken it i
sssei, it has proved 'bn
re who are kn
bem, ore murdered in
S 3 been, but nothing
bout Ahem by friends
Reduction op Hour
■sip the hours for lab
tamsylTania Bail Boai
im ten to nine per
de, and consequent
|ot meet with tho apj
although we
till convince them the
|cur unrest than that
raefit them the change
igsment, the Com
W? sU tho men now in
[iDltt seaton, without
ctUol time employed;
mail .that it is certain!'
tagged Atom the servic
to eock work cl
“Plnymswt of any kim
I, sad If obtained, ten
* w oqld not be as g
imp! Had this red'
N«* a part of the fore
kT« b«cn discharged
|»ny men in the shops
brfred the dismissal oi
p°ld, per chance, have
bother situation during
retaining th
!®ow charitable cours
(oyerc has taken off h
Mmldthe work in the i
f labor will be incrcasi
F?po, and all again rei
p The wages to be
h aaaintenaace of pll
t o. those paid last
fe tilde will be less, tu
P ioolinod to improve
*** i*i the eteni
Itoeb own which woi
» money. We do n
idea had any weight
** the arrangement t
of course the manage
the interests thereof,
®s well oa mi
iy care also for the
•* The arrangement
*dit to the originator ;
l »t convince those wj
* that could
r ~e drcnmstaacea, h
*0 Yovsa .
of the EyangeUqa
hfts commoner
to joung men, 1
*T S&bbath evening,
9 °>en and all othei
*®»t*««uL ijr. Stec
no doubt tl
• |rill be plena®
»t b»jf p