Jri EKC®, 1 rhi » gentle, ** . easab.-®w ladies eonneetod with t kn'iiGhtneh in this plMe.'WiUitfpeirtheir Bt ’ J ° •„ tbe -room oTe* J?laak ! fl Ba*» r J streets. •“J, Hth of SoTcttbw, «d will keep it epdi f jLI daya. From the amogteaeota ftrtW *L that this willbeono oflbe f*T diBola js ever got up in this place- She 4aWt^L e t 0 be appUed to the Bfluldatlon of SHebt incurred in the to leir Minister, Ber/J. Twiggs, aZ a handsome sum will he netted. Those affair in charge are T h t to the task, and will do their, beat: tomake Z Bam a great centre of it Uoaen' Almost every variety ofgooda, each ‘ Li watches, and jewelry .dothmg.books, L will bo offerred. Bear inf xnind that the Bam opens on the 11th of November, and pay it» visit ■ t 4th, 1858. 1 st., N. V ilate whole of S . 0l » lottfty ri*e bolOita ave to consent tt recent *s, N & CO. - -v *ih, 1868. ist receive ssioft to not dvaatag*-^ iteration of re paid tfe IB* Mobil is Blast.— ln styling the new ot Stam. j. s J; «“ nodd , we apeak the truth. It is decidedly the handsomest store-room in this section of the, country, and ia worth a risit to see it alone.— But that is not all; they hate juat opened out «, assortment of goods which would do credit to a fancy store on Chosnut street, and excels in beauty and variety the finish of the room.— Wo know when we predicted that they would bring a good assortment of goods, that we would be sustained in our assertions. They have ih augerated a new.feature instore-keeping in Al toona. They deal in dry goods alone, and consequently are enabled to present a\greater variety, a better quality—and aeU at lower fig ures than those who combine nil daasess of merchandize. If you wish to view the beautiful and useful combined, go to Lowther’a. WILSON,- >ea ri "treat, ny ftflWint proper, f---. .> os, of 488 fork, 'being he was the s 19, 44. 61 scheme of of the dray, tied to Um of S22,JMty fftSSr r. 1868. ROW**, < •r ofD*fc a B««r. ccont oocar mc four array fifta Tiieyhid Obiibart.—lt is om- ,painful duty, this week, to record the death of one of oar most respected citiiens, Dr. 6. D. Thomas, which event occur red at 1 o'clock, on Tuesday morning last The Dr. bad been suffering from a disease, known as dropsy or softening of the heart, for some two or three months past It was evident to him eelf as well as others, that possibly recorer, and although his death was daily anti ciD&tcd, the announcment was received with.no less sorrow. In this dispensation of Divine Providence the community feels that it has saiUincd a loss not cosily repaired. He was universally beloved and respected by all who knew him—was a true Christian, a faithful friend nod a worthy member of society. His bereaved f:na;ly and relatives have the sympathy, of the entire community. . We shall publish a more extended notice Of the deceased next week. gathering ')• Atlut grass, tod I'. cut up to without too* with him, iolt he sab short, both ■r.ch other; with thejr ed the tra- J oh thirty .ngoalSe behold one I the* other iCU celled, nends, sb.”— Ota. from 4)» t Toledo;* ‘ I hkvcla- USE mootmll**, mfyorityaf Distressing Istelwoence.— ln the Baltimore ' Sun, of Saturday lost, we find a three line par agraph stating that Kansas papers contains an woo apt of.the' murder, on the Little .Blue, of George Wr .Shermcr, a printer from Pennsyl vania.' Theioccount is very unsatisfactory and the locality entirety' unknown to us. From the reading of the paragraph, however, we have no doubt but that the murdered man is the same k person who worked in this office'some two years since and who left for about the first of May, 1857. At last accounts redyed from him by his mother, who resides in this place, he was I engaged in trading on the Northern waters of I the Territory, and it is supposed that he had I considerable monejr ; about his person, for which Ihe his been murdered. We have Instituted in- I quiry in the case andhope to receive something I more definite in a short time. cn succcm believe a*. ranj olber : sixty w&£ e raging la ; id traveling t over roar* of tripe ty ! any sad ae* elta, of tfp »ourknow • absUuoad crimps na jrmon, Irho had aeqqir g he seat his city all | Chewing Tobacco 'in Church.— The follow - ing which we copy from an exchange, is appli cable to this place t— “This filthy and ungentlemanly practice pre vails to Bn annoying extent in our town, and I for the benefit of those addicted to it, wo pub- I lish the following lines, a; Inch are to the point. They were handed to us by .a gentleman con nected with one of our churches, the floors and wails of which have been aery much discolored and by the trile weed:— nily, some r, mother, their arri ehold, and rcry one hf Tied forth 'inch, they is indeed, t, no alight to the tin- dr. Thack asucceeafu; borough o’, srlihg, Ohe jaid fiye.” Thocouh e costly.— in auccee losing the 5; ent upon >OO. Constable, , says that •Uh of last >;t- T hen he it snowed, frozen.and r he wen: when he ouitoes at* devoured i changes d.n. D PRO- i" citizens of !oftheabo« Greets, Ksit id a fttil-sap- 44 as those of >f prorutoaSi r-J: tOGAi. ITEMS. V chewers-of the noxious weed Which crow* oh earth’s moatenfsed pod, Ec plwued to clean. y6ur filthy mouths Oot?i,!e the gacrcd • Douse of God.’ Throw out vtmr jilug aud cavendish, lu:;r. v !ajl,’ your -twAt,’ your ‘honey-dew,’ Ana not pn-mmu to spit upon • Tho pulpit, aisle, or in. the pew. > Bcbqlaut.—Some burglar or burglars effect ed an entrance into the grocery store of Geo. T. f .'pliers, on Montgomery street, on Saturday night last, by .wrenching off some .iron bars placed -ibook cellar window. It ap pears have went direct to.the money drawer, jthey fitted a skeleton key, which staxtoSTh patent alarm nttaohed io it, and caused the rascals to heat a hasty retreat with out getting any booty. The drawer contained a few hundred pennies, and some $l3 in Fur hacc script In flieir rapid flight the burglars Hrewod the 1 cellar with matches. People sho’d loook well to theiri premises, for we hare rcsi dent burghrs amohg .us to go into the m ° 3t deepen te ventures. Whig. Asothbb Entekpkize.—Our friend Lewie Tlack announcea by -and through our advertising columna. he has opened a.gro ccry & hardware atbre’, in btdldihg on the comer of Aunip A Where the public can find an ln hie 'line, unequalled in this,Section of the country. . Hie store-room is large and ho has it well filled— BeJdi keep everything in the line of groceries, hardware .jueensware. wooden and wtilow worts., ! c, ‘ ®®d't&ke in exchkogo/or gopda! ~ counU 7 produce. Oirp RtoKcall, •fien s, i his room and assortment are worth tiewing. ...... Esvivai MEBtiNcs.~Thcmiti!AmeettTigßiii nre tfnite^; JTretlirea churches T( ln Peeress and lnterest >o altera are nightly crowded* yitb Penitents, 1 a “ hare professed Kto hare fonnd ~■*** m bcU c,vinei .imd nnited thqmselws with cc ur«h. 'May God q>^'^ r^^|r«dic'aidl: jf 80 nwmtcr of plied *»d .we hopethatit %wßhW.sa]p«i BAEDiresa r CumED-—For real worth, "Wood’s Hair Restorative .undoubtedly Ihcbest prepara tion now utfa&t, fltt* baldheade, changinggray bairio.its origiiudoolor.-aadoß A cos&etlcorcure fdr pimples, itWfasttaking the place of other No. toilet now a-dayeis complete . ef Worthies* imhatioasy os several «n already »tbemsrket, calledb; different nuaes? ;ITse Words Loms,'Mo., and sn diloim In the bottle. Bold by-idi Patentlled icine dealers, algo byall Fancy and Toilet Go ods dealers intbeXJaited Bibles aodlCanada. See adrextisemeatinttus weeis peper. ;. . Ths Stbshqth or ra* Bbnr.—The strength of the body- depends upon thestrength of the laitgs, thOrhig, ftdl chest .is a sureindicationof a strong .himce aliehotdd .jsfeady.tp keep it haalthy, anil avoid those sore sappers ; of the consUtutidn, Coughs and. Colds, lb? which up medicine is better adapted .than l ‘‘ Dr.Keyser'e Pectoral Syrup,” a vemedy. known aU.oyer the countryas invaluableln Diseases of the Breast ondrbongs. You oan bay it at G. W. Kessler's inthis glace. . Stiu. os Fibe.—The mountains in this vicin ity are'still oh fire, -and yrill likely continue to burn until we have rain,' which is now badly needed. Almost all the mountains along the lino of theßailroad oreon fire. The sight pre sented by the mountain opposite Mount Union, on Saturday evening last, was' beautiful and terrific. Much property has already 'been de stroyed and much more must suffer, daily, until the clouds let down In copious showers. Patent Seebpikq Cars. —Woodruffs Patent Bleeping Cor, which we noticed some .time since, is now running regularly on the Penna. Rail road, and the rush to obtain berths therein at each end of the route, is.verygnsat. The cost of the oar was. $2BOO, and the income per day by charging 60 cents for a seat therein, is $27,- 60. Wc learn that the. Company are-having a number of those cars built on their own account. “Is a Few Dais.” —McCormick, the store keeper down town, is now in the city, laying in his stock of Fall and Winter. goods, and will be on hand “in a few days,” with a little -the handsomest and cheapest assortment,he has ev er yet purchased, and all know that he is fa mous for ids fine assortment and low prices.— “ Wait for the wagon” ladies and gentlemen, and you Will see something handsome. Liesl Suit Withdrawn.— We arc pleased to state that the libel suit pending between our neighbors of the Tyrone Star and Hollidaysburg Standard , has been withdrawn by arrangement between the parties—(he deft, to pay the costs in the case and withdraw the offensive words.— -This has been done, and on leave of Court. Die. Att Hewit entered nolle pros. This is as ~ it should be. Wht not Dress.— Yes, why may not every person in the town and surrounding country wear a suit of clothes equal to those worn by the aristocratic, when they can buy the material so cheap and be fitted so neatly at the merchant tailoring establishment of John O’Donnell, next door above the National Hotel, on Main street. Let those in want of a good suit or part of a suit, call upon Mr. O’Donnell. , Home aqXin. —We notice that the •* Great Southern Train” is again under the command of the model conductor, Jim Cramer, Hia trip to the west we hope was a pleasant one. He has not informed ns whether he found any of the “ yelloy boys” in his travels, # but presume he seen the “elephant.” " i - Taken Home. —James Plpmmer, thfi young man who was injured at the late encampment, was removed to his home at Bald Eagle Fur nace on Saturday last The Pasic— More Failures. —The panic U» New York seems to be on the increase. In this city everything goes on smoothly, and the pnly failures we have heard of were tho failures to furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty to be encountered by those who patronize the Brown JStqne Clothing Hall of Bookhill & Wil son, -Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro cure capital fits at this popular establishment The Best Cough Medicine.— r Ono of .the very best Cough Medicines ,to be found any where, is Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup, sold by G. W. ..Kessler, at 50 cents per bottle. #®, See advertisement of. Dr. Sandford’a LIVER INVIGOBA.TOR in another column. THE GREAT ENGLISHREMED Y. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S : Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a pracriplion of Sir /. CtorJhvfiC D, Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. . This Invaluable medicine is unfailing In the cure of all those painful and delicate diseases to which thefemalecon stitution is subject. It moderates aU excess and removes, all obstructions, and a speedy cqre may be relied on. ■ 10 MABUtTO.IAMBS . I ,'.' it is peculiarly salted. It win, in a short time, bring on tho monthly period with regularity! ', ’ Each bottle, price ono dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. • - ; : .. . . . CADTIOW. . ' ' * ‘ That PiO* thoidd vpt be taken Jby female* during the fird three, month* of Pregnancy, dt they art tyre to bring on JUit earriage, bntai atty othertime they are tafi.' In all case* of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Taln in i the Back and Liming Fatigue on slight exertion,Palpitation these wlU effiuct a efire when’ all otherimMns have fitiled, and although a. powertel do ncrt'Mntalh iron, (^OT<^kntitnony, Full directions in : the pamphlet around each package, which should be careftaliy wesorved. . Sole Agent for,the linjttodßtatesanJQnada, : v JOB MOsm note J. O. Baldwin .public of the truth,of aasertinns. ’ Kuom on Main struct, doors Above ths National Hotel. i ‘ ! JOHN O’DONNHLL. October 28th IS&B—rtf. ; Look out for the new store. —The subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that : he has Just returned from the city and opened bU store on thc Coßsin o» Akkib and Vikodoa Steers, Wherohe offers for sale the largest End cheapest stock of WOODEN AND WILLOW-WARE , Ever brought to this place, which he .will sell, "WHOLE SALE and' RETAIL. He will also ; keep constantly on band a large supply of FLOUR, FEED, BACON, FISH, and Country Produce of all hinds, which he will dispose of at the lowest cash prices. As ho has bought his goods for cash, he will be'enahled to sell them low for cash. He would respectfully invito all to give, him a call and Judge for themselves. Oct. 28th, 1858-tf.] LEWIS FLACK. JUST OPENED! THE MODEL IN BLAST! The undersigned would I announce that they have removed to their new MODEL STORE, corner of Annie and- Virginia Struct*, and and are how opening the largest and nicest §tock of Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Notions, &e.. Ever exhibited in this town. Haying turned our attention entirely to the above named Goods, we will be enabled to keep a better stock oftho Ooods mcntiouyd.than those Who keep so many varieties; and acwo will not be compelled to sell Dry Goods, Ac., at a high profit to make np for losses on otlier goods, we hope to be able to dispose of them at prices that will astonish the natives. FOR THE LADIES, We have Prints, Delaines, Ginghams, Cashmere, and all-wool Plaids; De li eyes t Cohurys, Alpacas, French Merinos, Wool Delaines, Silk Foulards, Foil Dechevrcs, Satin Striped Poplins, Black , \ and Fancy Silks, Shawls in great variety; also, Hosiery and • Gloves of all kinds, White Goods, Ac. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS is large and very cheap— wool hUingTis Iqw as 37}4 cents. Our Stock of DOMES TICS we think cannot ho beat in. quantity, quality or price. Persons who wish to get the inost for their money, will do well to give us a call and examine oar stock and prices, and we hope to bo able to convince them that the MODEL U the place to buy goods, jj. AJ. LOWITTER. October 28th 2858—tf.ds,‘ SWAN & CO’S LOTTERIES TRI UMPHANTI! - . SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAL WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN & CO.’S Are Legal, and authorized by the State of Georgia. THE LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE our firm has shown THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARB DRAWN FAIRLY; THAT OUB PRIZES AREPAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAT ODR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD! The following Scheme will l>o drawn by S. Swan & Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each.ot their Single Number Lotteries for November 1858, at AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, in public, under the superintendence of Com missioners; : " Class 40 draws on Saturday, November 6, 1858. Class 41 draws bn Saturday, November 13,1858. Class 42 draws op Saturday, 20,1858. Class 43 draws oR Saturday, November 27, 1858. OS TOE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS 60,000 Tickets! ms xnocB.cn) pono hcndbed and sjainr-piTz muss' Nearly, one Price to every Nine Tiekett / MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TO nz ML4WX BACH SATCMAr'IN KOVZMBSE 1 Prize of $70,000 4 Prize of 1 “ “ 80,000 4 « “ 1 “ “ 10,000 4 “ “ 1 “ “ S.O* 4 “ “ 1 •* “ 4,000 SO Prizes of 1 “ « 3,00uj 60 “ « i « « 1,500! too : « 4 “. " 1,000[230 ;« « APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $4OO Approx’ting. to s ! 1,600 « « 200 6,000 “ “ 20 ere ; 100,000 6,4BsPrizes amounting to ' $320,000 Whole jackets $10; Halve* ss} Quarters 82,60. 43* A Circular showing the plan |of the Lotteries will be sent to any one desirous of recolvmgit. Certificates of Packages will bo 'sold or the following rates which U the risk: Certificate of package of 10 Whole Tickets, « « 10 Half “ “ 10 Quarter ; “ “ “ , 10 Eight « IN ORDERING TICKET! OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to olir address for the tickets ordered/ or receipt Ofwhlchtboy will be forwarded by. first mail.— Purchasers can' hate tickets ending in any number they, may designate. ; > - TUc llstbf Drawn Nmpbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately tutor the drawing. Purchaser* will-please write their signatures plain, and give their PostOfflco, County and State, Remember thatiewry Prize is drawh and payable in tall wtthcratdeductioit ' . , All prizes of gl,ooo and undor. paid immediately after the drawing—qthir prizes at (foe iuu*d time of '3O d»yg. 1 All communications strictly copfiifontial. Address orders for tickets or certificates to . I V' ■ ’ 8. SWAN £ CO, Jitauita, Ga... Parsons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atalanta,Oa. can hate their orders flIUd, and ' sate ' time, by addressing S. Swan * Co, at clthcr of thoso cities. • A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that .bach one is entitled to, will be published lifter every drawing, in the foßowingna. pcrti-Hfifeth Oriedni DtUafMcMe ‘Srmxfer, Charlatan Stan dard, NathvUle Gaxttte,- Atlanta MUKgencer, New MorU Weeldg Day Boct. Savannah Morning Newt, Richmond Dit patch, New TorhDUpateh, and JvuMing (Mitt.) Clarion Augiida( f Jan.7-iy.' A .EMXNJSTRATOE’S notice.— /AL Notice U hereby given that Letters of Administnv tfott oh'the Estate (}f iYaacJs Stephen*, late of Logantown shlp,Brair cpnpty, •dec’dihttrebecß;granted to the under idgned. AU persons knowing thetpselres Indebtedto said Batata ore reheated -to make immediate payment, and thosebwrlng claims will prawn* the earns duly anthoutl cstMfcr tettlmntnt. V 1 i. vV J i - : GOOP; Adm’r. October2l tefc-Ot, - - ! . I •• J. $5-1® - 6 00 4 76 u 700 600 ■ 500 300 125 100 $BO 40 •Mr 10 List of letters remaining in the Alteon* Post Office* I,'ov, Ist, 1868: Btodgartner, Casper Keys, Chas 1 Burke, C A 'Xarkln, Michael Brnco, ffm Murphy, John \ Bloom. D ■' Mmtomary, John BtTjce," Sarah Mcßongsl, Sanrael A Boyd, Wilson ; McCormick. John BiaMc, Henrietta Noya,« A Ghoate.Ann ' N««jWn»2 V■■ i OhSe,W '■ . Jcffin - ' C»rr, John Pont. J H ' Omiidoy, Mary A Painter, Jefftwon Baukea,HouC 3 ' ■ Bo«*,Ba»ld Basis. WH ' Bandaß,BJ BoOgwriy, LriUb |li^Sn»ai»M Bearmit Ltele Bpynoids, Maty- Bdrbin,WA Bobertson,Mari* | BasWK-O ■; Jutchte, Jas' ( Feeney Patrick Stanley, Michael 2 | Graham, Alice I Steal, Matte ; Greeves, J*a fir Saner, Agnates j Hcylin, J B Spangler, John “ Hamilton, Geo Shoemaker, Dr | Hawlew, Bnfos Smith, Joe K Lient I Hoover, SarahM Thomas, Hopkins I Henely.Wm Todd, N B Bev 2 1 Bowery, Isaac Van, h*echtener Cornelias Haisiett. Jos r Wokeman, B 2 ! Hunter, JK Bar Waist, M Hooper, C Weigie, Jno Halnr, W B Wagner ffm Helsol, Peter Weokland, Simon Kelly, Patrick Persons calling for letters,on this list willnleftaek*; are advertised. ■ JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. CITIZENS LOOK HERE.—The sub crlber would respectfully inform the citizens of Al toona that they have erected a market house on tbe'corner immediately opposite the United Brethcrn Church.in East Alt ooua, where they are prepared to serve out to custom ers the hesi quality» fßoef.JPork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage Ac. They iuvite a share of patronage, hoping to be able to give entire satisfaction in their dealings. PERGIVAL & ISENBEEG. Oct. 211858-31. FITS! BEST FITS!! FIR£T- Vjg KATE FITS! I!—For a good fit)lug and wCU-piade COAT, call op -J. SNYDER. For an excellent fitting TEST, hy all menus call oni J. SNYDER. .For PANTALOONS that can’t ho heat fur fit andlcase, c$H <>n J. SNYDER. Come, kind reader, if you wont to dress in a fashionable style, call at my Shop, opposite nowhere, but close to Al toona Bonking House. Look out for the picture with my name below., JACOB SNYDER, T Alton. Altoona, Oct. W, 14,1658.-ly . i. Look out for your heads! —The subscriber would inform the in liabitants of this place and vicinity that he has Just received the latest styles of |Hh HATS AND CAPS, among which may be found the best Black Mole Skin and Silk Hats, Black and different colored Wool Hats, Caps of all styles olid prices, fur men and boys. X'ersoas in want of anything in the above line will find it to their advantage to call on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere. Ho has .also ou hand an excellent assortment of Ladies' FURS, of different colors and prices. Those ip want of the article should call at once. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, Oct. 14, 1858.-ly JESSE SMITH. Head quarters for low PRlCES.—Thankful for post favors, the subscriber would respectfully beg leave to iuform the citizens of this' place and vicinity that he has Just received and opened his Stock of - " ■ FALL & WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at very low prices for cash., It consists in part of ' Delaines, Robes, Pat de Chenes, plain ' Merinos, figured and striped Merinos, Wool Plaids, Union "Plaids, English Merinos , black and fancy Silks, Shawls of every description; Sheet ings, Muslins, Flannels, Cassimeres, Sat tinelts. Ginghams, Chintz, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries embracing Collars, Setts, Lands, Inscrt ings. Edgings, in fine, every article of La dies JFear. Also—An excellent assortment of fashionable Qpcens s ware. Glass-ware, Earthenware, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES qf all sizes, qualities and styles.— Ladies’and Misses’Shoes and Gaiters. , , The very best assortment of GROCERIES may be found at tills establishment. 1 Come one! come all! I and examine tile above stock. Altoona, Oct. 14,1858. r J. B. HILEMAN. Prospectus of the western EDUCATOR. — first of January, 1859, wo propose commencing tliu publication of au Educational Monthly Magazine far Teachers and Schools, entitled the “ WESTERN EDUCATOR.” The Educator will he printed in the highest rtyle of the art, on clear, white paper, and In Svo. form of S 2 pp. neatly trimmed and enclosed in a handsome cover. The contents will be prepared with a view to the wants and wishes of teachers: the mission of the Magazine will he to assist and encourage teachers in their arduous labors. Nothing exclusively local or tedious, such as lengthy re ports of the transactions of minor Educational Associa tions, or stale and labored essays, will be admitted into the columns of the" Educator. Our object shall bo to furnish a faithful friend and companion to teachers and the more advance pupils In the Public" Schools. We arc glad to announce the following abb c.irps of special contributors: John Ogden, late Priu. McNccly Normal School, ) tUo. B. SI. Kerr, A. M, Priu. Oakland Seminary, Pj.. D. Dennison, Prln. 2d Ward Public School, Pltt-i'j-irg. Rev. S. K. Kane, Darlington. Beaver county. P.u Rev. W. W. Laverty, Prin. Wcllsville, Ohio, .Mile and Female Seminary. Rev. J. R. Shearer, Wcllaburgh, Va. Rev. D; S. Welling, Prin. Maple <3rove Academy. Rev. E, A. Brindley, (Uncle ikiward.) Teachers and friends of Education, favorable to the en terprise, will confer a favor by corresponding freely with us on the subject. '■ The first number will be issued early in December next, provided we meet with sufficient en couragement. The price of the Educator will be One Dollar a year pay able on the receipt of the second number. ALEX. CLARK, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oct. 14. I. H. LONGDON, Uilltboro’, Pa. BOEBHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY F OB DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KINO FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered ■ BTO3UCIT OR I.IVER, Shell as Indigestion, Acidity of'tbe Stomac)j,Colicky Pains, Ileartbnrn,' Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic ft has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This Is a purely Vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles,' after the maimer of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave: Because of its great success in the most of the European States, its introduction' into tho United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there ovir the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer it to tho American public, knowing that its truly wonderfal medical virtues must be acknowledged. Il ls particularly recommended to those per».hs Whose constitutions may hare hqen impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation, GemV rally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the scat of life, thrilling and quickening overy.nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infhaipg new health and vigor In the system. CAUTION.—The great popularity of this delightful Aro mahas induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy any thing ewe tmtU yon have given Bocrhave’s Holland Bitten a Mr trial. One bottle will votovinco' yon how infinitely superior it'is to ail these imitations, ■JUT Sold'at 11.00 per bottle, dr six bottles lor $5, by tho | SOLE PROPRILTOBS, BENJ. BAdE, JB., & GO., ■ Manufacturing Pfiarmacentists and Chtmistt, ' PmSBCUGU, PA. T. W.. Dybtt * Sons, Philadelphia; Barnes A Park, New York; John’D:Pork. Cincinnati; Barnard 'Adorns -A Chi, St. Louis; A. ROTJSTi, Altoona, Pa. And by pruggifta and Merchants generally throughout the United States and Canadas. [October 14j 1868.-1 y ' All the standard patent MEWCINSS AT [l-tf, KJBJS&MW THE GREAT BRAUTIFIERI SO Long unsuccessfully sohght. FOUND AT LAST I FOB It REETOHES PERMANENTLY (HVAX JIAIK TO i(s original color; afters luxuriantly Site bald Maw; re moves all dandruff, itching and alt scrofula, scald bend and: all eruptions; makes the halt soft, healthy aud glossy; and will preservs it tqany.imaginable ogsp rentoTes, as if by magic, all bldlchos, %og from this hwaahd cures all ucurtl gia«iid"Bervoi»KeosMha; Sedcttcuhu'imd tsifolftwii%: , - . bqvcr, H- IS6T. Prof, O. Jr#Wh * tPlthlu A'ifew days wo have received sililfcnyeMrditrs andeidbffjfProf.O.J.Wood's Hair Restorative, that today we werrcompuHed tosend to Boston for a quantity, (the fi dozenyon, forwarded all being sold,) while wo might order, a quantity froth yott.iVery buttle we hare, told seems tat lore produced ihrte or four nets outsmart and the approbation- and patrowige it rwseivea from the most substantial and worthy citizens of our vi cinity, fully couviuco ns that it is A - MOST VALUABLE PREPARATION. ■ Send ns as soon as may be one gross of $1 size; and Ono dozen £2 size; and believe ns yours very respectfully. - (Signed) DANIEL LATUORP 4 00. Hickory Grove, 6t. diaries Co.. Mo,, Nov. 19,1864. Pkop.O. J. Wood—Dear Sir: Some time lost summer are were induced to use some of your Hair lies to rati re, and its 'effects were so wonderful, we feel U ohr duty to yon and the afliictcd, to report it. Onr little son’s-head Ifcr some time bod, been perfectly covered with sores, and some called it scald laid, Tiro ha*r almost entirely came off inconsequence, when a friend, seeings bis sufferings, advised ns to use your Restorative, we did ad with little hopo of success, but, to onr feurpriso, and that of all onr friends, a very few applications removed the disease entirely, and u new and luxuricut crop of hair soon started put. and we can bow spy that oar boy has as healthy a scalp, and ns luxuriant A crop of hair as any other child.. We can therefore, and do hereby recommend youi Restorative, as a perfect remedy for all diseases, of Che scalp and hair, We ant. yours respectfully, GEORGE W. lIIQGINBOTHAM, SARAH A.HIGGINBOTHAM. jthey Gardiner, Maine, June 22,1R55. Prop. O.'J. Wood—Dear Sir: I havo used two hottlesof Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, and can truly say it is the greatest discovery of the nge for restoring and changing the Hair. Before using it I was a man of seventy. My Hair has noiv attained Its original color. Ton can recom mend it to the world without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. 0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors #l2 Broadway, New York, (in tho great N. Y. Wire Railihg Establishment,) and 114 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. . For sale by 0. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by all good Druggists. [June 3, 1858-ly; YALUABLE PROPERTY AT pri vate SALE.—The subscriber offers'at'Phvfito'Sale until tlie Ist day of November next, the following proper ty, to wit: A Lot of Ground*situate in East Al toona, adjoining lots of P. A. Denning, di c'd., and John i'oulknor. The Lot is in excellent working order' with a lot choice FRUIT TREES all in thrifty growth. The Lot is situated in a desirable part of the town, on one of the principal and most pleasant streets. If not sold by the Ist of November next, it will be leased for a term of years. Also—A Lot containing .One Acre o/ Ground, situate in Logan township, on the public read lead ing from Baker’s Furnace to the AliegUcny Mountains and about % of a mile from Altoona, having thereon erected d Good FRAMOTHOUSE, a good STABLE, SPRING HOUSE, and all other necessary oiit-buihlings. There is a "never falling spring of water and a lot of choice Fruit Trees on the premises. Also an excellent new Grape Arbor with a lot of vines in thrifty growth. The ground is in high state of cultivation and under goad fence. If not sold by the.lst of Nobembcr next, ft will be offered for rent. Persons desiring information respecting to above proper ty will receive it by calling npon , September 2,1858-2m] GEORGE B. CRAMER. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED BY I ETTINOBR & CLL.MAN, AND NOW BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. TITR. TILLMAN announces that he is J.T.A is always on hand and will take great pleasure in waiting upon all who may favor him with a call. Hu feels confident that he will bu able to render satisfaction buUi in quality and price. [April 15-3m' QPEKA CIGARS! THREE BELLES,' NEPTUNES, FORTA LIZAS, LA ROSAS, LA ABU LAS, For sole by A. JiOUSIJ, Itruggut. Juno 24,1858,-tf 5 FARE REDUCED. STATES UNION HOTEL 606 and 608 Market Street, ABOVE SIXTH, PHItA DEDPHIA. Terms—sl.2s Per Day. 0. W. HINKLE, PRomrton. July 1,1858.-4 m. rpHE TRUST ACCOUNT OF JOHN JL TALBOT Assignee of MICHAEL QALLAIIIiR, Mer chant Tailor, of Altoona, Blair Co- Pa. Notice is hereby given that the above slated account has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Blair County, and that the same will bo confirmed and allowed, on the fourth Monday (and 25th day) of October next, unleM cause he shown why the kudo should not be confirmed and al lowed. JOS. BALDRIDGE ftroth’y Altoona, Sept. 22d. 18Ss.—St WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office immediately opposite the Lutheran Church, on Virginia etroet. Teeth extracted without pain, by means of electricity—no humbug. A student who con come well recommended for morality and possesses a good English education, will he taken. [Sept. 2, ’6B-iy. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL!— The subscriber would re-poct fully inform the couajimerH of C<) AI .wC in Altoona, that be is constantly re-VSjjmaipjfl ceivfbg all kinds of COAL, which ■^* r is ready to deliver at all times and to any part of the town. Office at residence, irt North Ward. '• June 17-3m] JOHN ALLISON. New boot and shoe store.— The snUscril>er would respectfully inform the citi zens of this place and vicinity that ho hits just opened ia BOOT and SHOE STOILK, in the building formerly occu pied by I>r. C. F. Sellers, on Virginia street, nearly oppo site the Lutheran Chur ;h. He will keep on hand a good assortment of Meu hud Boys Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ Gai ters, Children’s Shoes, Ac. fi®* Boots and Shoes repaired at the shortest notice. Sept. 30,1855,-3t ' ■ " BKNJ. E. FEW. I Blair! county insurance AGENCY.—I he undcndgiu-d, Agent of the Blair County Mutual Ere Insurance Company, U at oil times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Jhidd inns, MercAahdite, Pumitnn and Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at its'reasonable rates as any Company in the State. Office in ths Masonic Temple. - • Jan. 3, ’56-tf] . JOHN SIIOEMAKEB, Agent ■\TOTIOE. —WHEREAS, letters Tv Testamentary on the estate of EDWAKDIHILLEB, late of Logan township, deceased, have been granted tothq subscriber; all persons indebted to said estate ary request ed to make immediatepayment; those having cbiimaagolnst the estate, will moke known the same without delay to Oct. 7,1868.-Ot J. GOOD, Adra’r. CAUTION.— WHEREAS MY WIFE, CAROLINE HOBBACHBK,- has left my bed and board without any just cause rtr provocation, this is to \caution all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. WNBAD HORLACHEB.’; Sept. 27, . ' ■' DR. WM. It. FINLEY RE- * SPECTFUT.LT offers his services to the people of Altoona and the joining country. - ' ; Be may be found at the office heretofore oc- BbBB ’ copied by Dr. O. D. Thomas; Altoona, Sept. 30,1858.-U Take notice, that the a&i SESSMENT No. 16, hade by tho Lycoming 3lntu*J j Insurance Company, in Blair county, is payable at - tiiy ofr f ficc. The AsseKoncnt is 3 per cent, ou all notes in force.; May 18,1868. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Altoona, JUlylg. ISSR- ■ , gwrfcsr.' T?OR RENT.—TUE STORE-ROOJH A: now occupied by ■j. 4' J. WJWTUEH, will W for livnt by the 16th of Octohornoxt. Sept. 83,1858; GRE AM TAETEB, NAXE of Soda, Solaritus, AVasliing 899% pttrkoe’fj Baking:Powder,ln *tore and ljr _ s ;, gcpt. 2,’55-tr.] a. Rousira pnig Store. -j Blanks of all besctoptions' 'fiwttlj taH «*p* Xciva&f *svcu . DANIEL'S". MURPHY. ; \yif. M. XXOTP. ; fjpHß LIVER UL ®* »«♦ sAMwmiv ' fpDMPOCNDEp ENTIRELY FROM GllSSfe:' Li** of lh*be»t Purgatito ml Liter ModictettfliirirMt &re the pplulc, thaf acta M oCUWartte, easier, “ k [ ija tnero iffecthol tbananyother Ittedkdneknowiu JtltMt rißij: n<£tfiartuv hot n-Xtrer'; remedy, ectfngi&TC»»Ks IftSr, to inject «t» morbid matter, then. on tmcstomMH ah Sotfciit to am j off that matter, thus rci.omoTWißlakl.ttft> timbeoes eifcctunllyi without aayof Uni pAihfMTMßpjfc experienced in tM operations of; nu*l CrtihatHcEtiTf StrbDgtlum* thn system at the time tha? It pcttjfpp'Tir;* daily in moderate dotes, will »trt;njdßtfb EibuUd it up with unusual rapidity. . " i BieLwcals oho of the; 1 principal regulator* sf the human body; and when R] 1 performs itsfcrndJoniiwelJ,- »lw powora of the; aystem Jaro fully developed. Tba Oomach la nlnuiat entirely! _ dependent on the hsskbjr detkm of Uie Lirrr for the; DC proper performance of iw functions; when tlic Htom-j acU is at fault, the bowels •mat bait, and tho whole;Q system suiftrs in ran—* enence of one organ—the j Livm—having reared to da ft* duty, for the diseases iCj of that organ, one of tbs btopricton has made it his ” study, in a practice of seocs than twenty years, to find! noma remedy wherewith to. |onntenct the .many de- j a rangetucnla to which tt is i lo protsthat this rente eon troubled with Lrvnti ,■ foniiß,haa but to try a hot-’ tain. -j- These Gums pemove alt the system, supplying in pf-bile, invigorating the PUkirruig TUB healthto thn wholo.'machi pf Use disease—effecting a I Borova Attacks are cur nKvnrsn. bytbe ccca- TtOOnATOK. i Ope duee after eating is roach and prevent thefodd xn ; Only one dosp takaabo, sH Ntghtmaro. *■« Only onedooo taken at W eta gently* and enrea Cos- ,v ; One dusotaken alter each y> ; 49*000 doeooftwotea* lteve &ec Usai/achs. rl f One bottle taken for fa- vl the cause of the disease; r"l ;. Only one dose immediate ? One does often repeated _i. Monties, and a preventive Cu ’ ; 4Qf~Only ono buttle ls!»; feystem the effects ; One or two doses cures In children: there is no *yr remedy la the wo|ld, os it >; A few hotticK cures I)ropey jWo take pleasure in re-, o' us~ a.preventive for Fever Tf) alt Fevers of. a bilious type. V ' l 'and thousands are willing Virtues. }■ All who use it are giving the! 'its favor. * Ir unanimous testimony la Water, in tho month with ths Inrlgol-ator, ml 'swullowbotto together, , • T THE LiyEß ISVIOORATOR IS A SCXEJJTIFICXIEDIOAI. DISCOVERY, am! k ikOf Working cures, almost too great to bcltetre. It ctirv* ft* if by magic, even the first dose giringhenrfil, r\ n«l, seldom tlior* .than one bottle is required to euro anyklnd oMtrtrCbnfc .plaint, from tho woiai V«und£cc or Hynxpsia to a common iHeoilache, alt of which areth* resultofaHlssAnai Lltxa. waeposot uoixab sro idStt*. ’ ■ DTI. SAJfFOKD, Proprietor, SIS Brpadwoy, Sew York, i K 5» Sold by O.W. Ksaeua, Altoona; and retailed by oil Druggists?. ; , Play 27,1858e-ly POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned having perfected their Spring Stock, • now offer to.the public the TUAUQEST l&T Of OHOCE HIES everpresented inthe Altoona, ■ •; Gur object in publishing this i^ r ia to f%e»cnt the fol lowing.facta: ' V ' '' .... i -it. -Hie recent Iliad times hove very much reduced th* r price i>f Groceries 1u the city, especially to cash buyers. ■id.-We bought these Groceries in large lots, many of them from first hands. '■’>"■ W; .We bought them entirely for cash) 4th. We sell for ready pave - sth. Wo keep our stock full by weekly receipt!. Bth. Wo ere determined to keep up the credit of oiltkcttfsdi Tth. \\,e aeU tuore GEuCEUIiIS tbau auy othec stori is llair count) - , ut Ices per cent. „ , ■ ■ - -•• Bth. We sell cheaper than any ether store in the coanty< A continuation of patronage is respectfully Altoona, June 10,1858. . RICHARD ityf-A^i A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PEBFOMKHV, sneiuds \ ’ EXTRACTS FOR THE JIAXDKERCm£P t Pomatums, Hair Oils, Colognes, im ported and domestic; Oriental Props, Cosmetics, Frangi panni Sachets, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Pressing Combs , Foc/cet Combs, . Purges, pay Leaf Water, etc., etc., etc. JUST EECEITED ASD FOE QAEE LOW AT A ‘ ROpsirs. ■ BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH-. l>i(i yon hear the news from Europe! If VotT haW not, we will tell you what It is. It Is that HBKRTTIfOK 1 has just returned from the Eastern titles with h Utgrsfin. ply of READY-MADE CLOTHING, eons is Uhg of nit styles apd qualities of Overcoat#, t>rew Coats, Vests, Pahts, Boots and Shoes, and everything kent in an establishment of the kind, all of which he btftrs at unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Having purchased his stock, at cash priced ho i# thetoby enabled to sell very low. ' * lie invites all thnea in want of anything in his line to give him a ctUI, fcoUns&nre that be will be able to civ* satisfaction. lIEKET TOOK. Altoona, Sept. 30,1858.-tf ■ ' LIME! LIME! LlME’—Duncansville Wipe Kilns, near Ilollidajoburg, Pa. The Stilwcribcr hos., notr In operation, four large Ibne Kilns, producing daily largo quantities of the ■ * i BEST QUALITY OF WHITE LIMB. He Is prepared to fill nil orders, from 1 bttthel to tea thousand bushels, at the lowest’rates.' ' r ' ttS- Lime delivered at any point on the Jpennsy Irani* Kail Road; also, at Altoona, or any point in the surround, ing country, by wagon, or at the Kiht. Address. JAMBS ECK*, ' June 17-Cra] VutuunsriSr, Blair oCifjfi. QASSVILLE SEMINARY; : . :OXLt J22.0T rak QOAalßfc'. c tcruifl of tXii*c Acbool arc \no infer nn., Alexandria, Pa. ■J. B.Lirarn, M- P- Huntingdon, “ ’ J>ra. Bo 4», Royer and Fey, Williamsburg, ApnT22, ifeS-tf.] A CAjßD.—Hear w&at Mrs. Ysqglm of says: —l hard used thd Selva xSt'tfl prepared by ,d. P. Stencroad, Lewfetowh, tai «ir;i wy painful disease myself and recommend It to others, and in every case f<)und It to be one of the very best medicines Ihr eoreand pai/iful dieisuiro.; Relieve* all min ta aftw min ntes. Every fiunily should have itin the house, J [ - . Sept.id, 18M.—ly. 1 - ■■ 1 1 I • ■ f -V ' ■ ■ ir Eyi’S PREPARATION FOR EJU Ji tendtoting Kits, MICE,. ROACHES, 'A&lKaj* Boddiugs without danger in its nso nnder any jee. fcrjeleat thW Pthg ttere of .. ' ». W. ?EsSaa|ff: dy Is at last found, any par iCourtAisT, in any of ita I tie, and conviction is ecr» morbid or bad matter ftaca their place a tmdthjioW stomach, causing, food to uoon, giving tone and nary, removing the oaase radical cure. % ed/snn, WHAi is mm, lionaluaeof the hivrn In- sufficient fa relieve tba ii» from rising and pouting, fore . • retiring;- jtetaatt night, loosene the the be* masts*. meal irlll run tijspipda spoonsful *Bl always n. male obatmrtion rrmota and makes a perfect coca, ly rebates Uioilc, white is a saryoure fotA)notS4 ofCnotmtA. f w needed fo throw out of th* cine after u long sicknau. J.vctuiicc remove# all tab from the skin, •. .; • time before eating gives makes the food digestwell. cure* Chronic DianbsM in iner'atid Uowcl eutuplaibU dose. •: , .e--- . ■ - attacks, caused by Woam surer, safer, or tpeediw nertr/ciUi by exciting the. absorbents. conmienuiAg the medietas aud Ague, Ghtllfever, and It operate* with certainty, to testify to its wonderful