The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 21, 1858, Image 2

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Mje sHmm Critomc.
'■ ’ THURSDAY, OCT. 21. 1858.
parties are unknown adver
tising u to require payment in advance, ora guarantee from
known persona. It is therefore useless for all such to send
advertisements to pay at fhs.end oflbrenor six
Booths. -Where oJrertisemenU are accompapledwlththe
swaor, whether one, five or ten dollars, we'will five the
full benefit of cash rates. ;
- ~ EtEonoN.T-Tbe St.
Jftml .Times of the 17tji, eays tbo
eaiis have elected S 3 members" bf the
House; the Democrat#. .28,' dis^
firoip. • ,-,%r '’Senate,
the ftepuUHcatis elected 10, Dem
oerata 6, iritb ddistriete to beardrom.
ElrcttoNs fN NovEMßEß.—Ocgtbo let
-t ^v .State and Congressional
oleptioiia will ooenr in Louisiana: ,£)n the
2d, Now York* New Jersey, MaSsacbu
fietts, Michigan and.lllinois are to elect
State apd ntembera'.pf the thirty
sixth- Congress.' Op tbe 4tb, Wisconsin
Totes, apdiop the 9tb, Delaware. : ;| ;
/ r. , . \ - m W ■ » v f 1 “ 'p
I returns of the- State
eeleotion come in very slowly, but enough
n known, however, to. .warrant us in say
ing ttat.-the: People's State Ticket has
been, earn edby 80,000 to 40,000majoti
ty, the same party have also eleprtd 20
• out of 24 members of Congress, anil a
large .majority ,in the State Legislature.
•* •- j. »>S *'" .■ ‘
w-r Tho Senate consists' of thirty-five mem
bers, and stands twenty-four Democrats
and ten and 1 line- vacancy,:
caused by the dea| >Y. J.
Democrats and As
cemhlymenelect art M WoHows
prtte 54. 29j. Administration
wtargpj;^^ (h
Indiana. Election. ; — i - r i!he .returns of
tho in tins State* thus far
Republicans, three
Ahti-Lecompton, and twelve Administra
tion* flowing..over,, thirteen Republi
cans, ton iDfemocrate. ; Hinse, fifty-two
RopnWidnsi three Auti-Lecqinp Jon, and
turns, from five counties are not yet .rci
ceived, but will not; cliauge, this result,—
Th'eßemooratio State tick& has about 2,-
W *#*s■.. '
(foin, Jhircspool,; wc
have four days later news from Europe.
Cottenis reported loTrerand'bfeadstuffs
; *U. S. Commissioner to
ihi“d at Cftn
tW» awaiting tho ; opening of : trade.—-
Cholera had appeared among the Chinese
trodfjsl- Thtya; trafe a r^ort : that' : tw6.
French had appeared at Lis
, Iv.i j.
_ » -.'.s i* •• •i'l'lr+i.'Z ‘*CI -; *! '"■ *Jlv ■■■■-I’
J^Q^PiaiCT.r^Erom; all
serfiiansi sr(*ttn try du%; exchanges
k trkdfe:
not LWid^Vriut,surely.
Thnoomnnfa-cial tearts’edwuntry and
tha r teo, s 4 dis
of istover,'
and .will not,to\urn again *for sometime to
come. An activity is induced by
fidence which;
t:.lnarms* ‘‘dTor ,*.--Kte w"*"fwsT>9!Pr
W retarpijit wUI 06mc,
and Meantimesuch hiMinert relations ta’
theneiiated* will have* been and
safelyestablished. ;■'' ”
-' has resulted pii,
ppj»li«tn .majority of about
State and theclectionto Congress
of fifteen republicans-and six democrats, a
republican gain of three members. • -
AC the election in South Carolina, for
members ofthe nftkt Congress, all the pris-
have, r&-elepte4 except
Speaker Orr, who declined ronoinination.
In Indiana, the. election seems to "have
in the choice of the democratic
ticket by from 1000 to 5000 ma-
polity in jtixe
State Legislature. " ’ ■
In lowa, the. election has resulted in
ibej&woi Samuel B. opposi-
about 1000 majority!
He u #j&e ptiisenl sfeißbsn.
VI ■ V :,V- JV v
hiu *
■r-“-:Jrlr-'' i, 't
Bonawaj Slatch.
Ve copy the following from the Spmce
&mdriw-s_£ \ :
‘Mens tfexposuwilaid in Sonee. iSreek a week
■ M" ■ rfT -M ■ ■
-' " lbat «ine man OTmj|Pitwbnrg ar
rived, on a wadifst the Key-
kejpjy fofiidlpßrwiih another
i man’s wife, where they spenr three nights and
two days. Onthe evening of Saturday, of the
- the tote hna^^^^^^^nn^the
in the sekreb,tont after he had done
some intelligence of the guilty pair from the
Woman, who ways oh ihe lookout, perceiving
him, conveyed the news to her quondam has-'
band who, taking leg-bail, was soon out of sight-
Jig, went to/Tyrone, fiWwhenoohe.telegraphed
to her to come to him. ..$f ihe time toe dis
patch arrived,* however;" the "ttuo husband and
false wife jSad amicably settled their affair, and
started for Pittsbnrg in the evening, par
ties are -eaid ’to have very - respectable connea
tSST: A Chicago papiar publishesa i f cal*
pulation’' concerning Thurston, the »ro
naut’s <fell. ' His elevation was thought to
be three miles when he was last seen, and
assuming this to be the distance he fell,
; it would. only .require thirty-one -seconds
and a half for him to' reach the earth at a
mean velocity of 495*fect per second. As
suming: his weight to be 160 .pounds, he
.would strike the with a momentum
Oqual to l60;80ft .poands, or little more
.than 80 tons, a power sufficient to shatter
l|is body bone add muscle, into atoms so
tjo bury him deOp into the earth.
, 4£SU Peaches hove Bold in Cincinnati thin
•eoßon os hlgh-os ten dollars per bushel .
are now about 29,000 Post Offi
ces in thh United States. -
! has been suggested that the tail of
the comet is caused by the dust it kicks up in
■4®“ The Memphis Bulletin says President
?ucbanan owns slo,opo of. the stock .of the
lanters’ Bank of Tennessee.
|®* Prentice says of an editor vrho said he
■jsmeU/a rat/’that if he did, apd the rat smelt
liim/tho poor rat had the worse of it.
1 Counterfeit quarters and half-dollars
tire ns abundant herb'os bluckberriesdn August.
BxawinewoU the money you take. - f ’
Johnstown Echo heads-an articleon
the election vjt'Ballea from Grice. 1 ’ Does the
editor wean the party or the people I :
; BQu A , tremendous Halt-storm passed over
Mifflin, Ceptrc, Clinton,. Pott»r, Snllivnn .and
Xycoiping cour.‘;eg t oa f uesday of lpst yreek,
. J.,olaucy. Jobes’ defeat to a seat
m poagryss, has boon appointed by Presi
dent Bnehahdn, Minister Vo An'strfi. ‘
Wm. .A. .Porter, has addressed a letter
to Gov. ’ Packer, resigning his commission as
Judge'of the Supreme Court, held by the Gov
ernor's appointment.
! 4®* Tho company hiving the contract for
building th« Western Maryland Railroad, have
font anagßnt,to Englandxo purchase, the iron
for lay ing txie whole track.
4®“ In Eansas, a frce Statedelegate. conven
tion lias Men called to determine ;the policy of
the party with reference to the speedy admis
sion of Kansas as a State. • - •
-I®-. EsUrwnes Metting.—Hon.-Jefferson Da
vis,|s, quite ft .lion ftt Bnston Jip had a kind of
mupiciptil reception a fewAays. ago; all the
magistrates of the city ier down to a dinner
with hint. ■ * • •'
jJ®r The mnnagers' ofthe' Crystal ’ Palace,
Which wiia.recently tHirned appear to be getting
upaqtwrrel. As ; tbey baveno longer a ‘glass
hojas*^jteeyjiiegia^n;^ 1 . .■>■.,.,
;:liTj§ftl a «id < »a.« f the .gMt.of. the fltah expe
dition umy be gaihesd ; .frnj» : this
Fort Kraime lb feed me coats
six-dollar* a Vuikel.' : , , < '
'WST'A firm faith is the best divinity • a good
is. the-beat'pbilosophy • a clear condcieh wj
tbe'bestdaw; bonesfy,,. the best policy; and
temperance, the best physician. :;
©»r4 street Philadelphia is described
once offlees, head-shavers, and ah
dhdeictibablß * quantity of youthful
whi Sohstanlly vend' the daily*papers.v " ’ '
I* i&f; ‘‘Ttwhiims’? -!U brief—harrow 1 flounces;
seven,eight ahd nine, are in favor in New York,
for;' the-skitts-of yoniifeilAdies’ ’dresses; The
latest -.novelty Jn S is that pf Ute JBfts
preps. Eugenic, ’’ a leaf withikoplets.
Wf. sajh thatlhuhj
wealthy Auiencqn "gentleman in p high st*t<s
of racing fetcr' bave' determined' to* xl:alleh»e !h
rncp between <£ngliiih and American' horaes’fdr
sloo,ooo—four .oxer the Fashion
Cauraej ,„5 ' .. v; , V! ., ■
■-‘•■saha ■ h»- ' J --- *- y
cfcn ! Jdtop brcr’asi. jav float 'eisilV fin
and are obliged to lie
thcwwa UeftTydow.*’ ■
a@* Dr. KanS, relates that when
tumhd fctei
■ of ahoWwere lately ihadelby
a shoe manofUdtnter id tjTni, l tb' fillati order
for jplautattpailt lntended
for a Blare, and it is stated measure nineteen
fag iiff i “ o^ es F*# 1 fpipwm^a-
i “? D ? ber . prcaidipgj office*!
fthst-literafcf mstitotiodih the United' States
haredecidedthatthe -adfaissiotf of b<rth"sexci
of yoong > person? to;,(he familiar 4 rt&tibusW
«W««« Wfch daoger in aisocial
and moral point of rieW. -
53 estimated jthat
there United States,-twenty-fire thou- 1
sand pfewons who niake their liring partially
by the sale of patent medicines. And it is esti
mated that about four times that- number lose
“ thelr liring” by takpig.the patent medicines.
JB®*Th® Cost of War.—The cost of a thir
teen inch #|ieU, ns it .iflies; through the air, is
from $lO to $l2. The 'estimated cost of firing
a thirty-six inch bomb is neatly $l6O. These
figures afford some idea of the “ shelling out”'
Which is necessitated by war, - . a
Death has at lost divided the oldest pair
in'the United States. Mrs. LudwicK Snyder
died a few days since in Burnside township,
Clearfield county, Pa., at the age of one hun
dred and eight. Her husband, who is one hun
dred and twelve years old, survives her. " ■ '
, A contest is now in progress inParis
which attracts the attention of the whole .civil
ited Xt-is nothing more nor lesstbah a
game of qgf&i. The contestants ore Mr.'Panl
.»v "i-
i Morphy, on America yonth of
years,and Monsieur
who, Op to the advent of
to be the first of living chess-players. con
test is net jet decided. The eacctesfol player
is to win the first seven goatee. |we fndfy re
marktfaat Morphy has already piev and van-
the best chesS-players of American and
It ls fitated hy onc of the CMres-:
jKmdentalbat a Smvemeni hna inhEuiWfi
fot‘lbe/orm«Ao» vf}a\
of Kansas.' JPiko’s -ffeik will
to the next session with iT petitioii fdt a new
A desperate affray occurred at ;thd Fair
Grounds at Nashville;, tm the lith inst.,
tmwjhioh twelve or fifteen persona were enga
ged. Sandy Owen was killed; his brother dan
gerously wounded, JofiT/A-; Batttfe hadhis
ekullfracturcd r*Samuel Cowan Was finortally
.Naturalized j Citizens.—An important
decision regarding naturalized citizens has been
delivered recently by the "Supreme. Court of
Tennessee, it having decided “that a 'natural
ized eiUseu must reside six months in tpe coun
try, naturalization, before ho is enti
tled to | a (rote.”’
A few weeks since, says the jNew Or
leans Crescent, we mentioned the marriage of a
German widow, in third district, to her fifth
husband, not one of the previous font having
outlived bis wedding a year. “Well: a few
days since the fifth husband t6ok the yellow fe
ver. He died, and on Friday he was buried.
53f A novel incident occurred at the M&r
shall County Fair, which was not laid down in
the programme. A couple presented themselves
and were married in the in the
presence of hundreds .of spectators, j Though
no premium was offered for such an exhibition,
the parties wont on their way looking as if each
had jast obtained a prize above all price.
Gettysburg Railroad.—This road is rap
idly approaching completion. It is now graded
and laborers are at work laying the triick. A
large engine house, together with a very spa
cious passenger and freight depots, are being
built at the terminus in Gettysburg. It- is fully
expected the entire work will be completed and
ready for a grand opening about the first of No
vember neit. • i
4®>»A Sample Retrenchment.—Mr. 'Morgan,
the President of thb-Jlew York npd Erie road,
in-his announcement, more than a year ago, of
the reforms to be practiced, advised .the Com
pany to cut off the expense of advertising- The
offect is seen in the diminished of the
•Company. The Pennsylvania Central pursued
a different course and advertised liberally, and
have largely increased their receipts.
, 4®“. New Stylo of Advertising.—The wes
tern folks ore famous* hands for new ideas.—.
For instance, the columns of the St. Louis Re
publican contains the fotlowing notice.'-f-
Engaged —Miss Anna Gould to John Cau
dal, city marshal, both of -Leavenworth; K- T.”
Why not adopt this fashion bore ?. Mow pop
ular a newspaper would bo among the young
misses if it contained a column or gd ia'ay of
like announcements. There iff.nothyie hear as
fascinating is births, tnamagea or deaths,
4®“ Mr. Mcn-phy, the American chess player,
has been astonishing the Parisians -by Repenting
his extraordinary performance of |»Tayihg eight
games with eight separate players, at ode and
the same time,' without the boards. -Mr. Mor
phy won six of the -games, :and the ether two
were drawn. The phay lasted fop tra hours,
during which time Mr. Morphy neiveri took the
slightest refreshment, and at the chnolusipn did
not appear to be much fatigued.
A Touching touch
ing incidents of. the N iosff of the .’Austria
has Bepn related, and many au eye has
•been-dimmed in their perusal by the tear
bf sympathy; hut the following is cer
tainly the'most affecting we jiavc sccn.—
It it related hy one of the rescued pas-
scngers: , . ,
VAn jjngUeh lady, oa?nc onboard al
Southampton * with her’ husband, Thxd' ihree
children \nth'her—» girl about fivd
o' boy about three, .and a babe in her arms.—
The husbanded jjumped.over, andasthe.fliunes
gpt: w hotter apd burned* more .fiercely she took
her little girl, kissed her, and threw hjir IpVo
the ■water. * Shbilien'took’ the boy.b fair
healthy little fellow 1 , embraced him, gave' him,
her last kiss and: threw; Be struck on
hit back, and struggled very hard. Rising to the
surface three stperale times, he called opt
ma,” each time in the most piteous {ones, then
svnk to rise .no more. The poor woman then
olasped her baby to her breast. and jumped in
with ,it,.. kissing it, repeatedly, as they sank to
the bottom.*’ • ' ‘ : n
JtcV Sanford Parker, a Methodlit/ cler
gyman, whq' owned a firm in
ship, 'Ohio, and'wns living upon it at the time of
hia decease, came to his death in a horrible
manner, on teajfith While in
the act of returning its ,'buTt to ahl
froip whence hehrtd cscaped.
And' gohed to #cath 'beforche' cbuld‘' get ; but , of
the reach of the enraged animal, although he
fo«gkt desperately with, p.hay fpri. ‘ :Frbtn the
rods c ‘buid
%b trace# tEe'l&lk
Bjrtbß appearance of fiidWotdJ
bull must bava total hin» from the ifeneniud
thrown, him a considerable ifrom it
Uis body~presehtedT a'fiightful asject. >lr
t'arkcr ycdrsof'age, 'and
wasannohdjeloyfid bjf all who khewhjih. u i■■
- ? The Ga»ar jPbizb: Fioiitbktwbe* IfEtiTAx
Ajtp MonnisaEXi—Buffalo. N. Y., October 19.
The coming hght bctwcen fleeipm and Moms
sey the greatest among the
fanc£ Tfaeoity is fuUer' -thah eVer bbfbrd of
* Delegations' confiniib tb arrire by
_ every train. . Kotomos sporting characters
New .Orleans, Qaß&rnia. and
all the large northern cities. Both IMomssey
and Heeianare reported to he m «ceUent con
dition and the ffay. The fight takes
place near LonglPoint, Canada, on tie 2(&ti ~
Ilocnan’s arei Aarhn Jones;ahd Johnny
W&Wr : hlocrissey’s are Dahlin £riok
The betting ismow eren.
A fight cajneprte r dhy at
Scotty and Barncy Aaroh, resulting iti a vietbry
iorScottyjßarney giving! him a fobl
They fought ten rounds in fifteen minptesi n - '
■ . - - r-v -t: ■
An Editor! turned PstirrEß.-4The editor of
the Pittsburg Post has been trying hkhand at
*»*” effort appearedumierjiis
editorial a fejr days, since, apd win
C<^"-.h4qw|;-jlai;T^ll,-aqdoubt. bh
them’.' sente of these days., 1 ')r* ■
?’.• a Neuron*er- • -■
ThU is nur ri'pa setting * opre .
siyne tha> »t will sqow. %%% .we faSjL
ate we;:BETf-tAuGßtf fi>sj j Wb Zm noSo
we will have i, aiSqt wh-a|bufe agsisTancl?
j,he drooj will ue ep no connection <we don't in-
V *t • Vif
■ w- 'v, - . t >-
r r • T
; Ibettor from Springfield* OHJo.
SpjfujaifiELß, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1858.
Messrs. Buttons :-*-Tho Clark county Agri
tmlturMFair bold near this d*f on the Cth, 7th
and Stii, mat., was -certainly a creditable-affair
indeed. During the time days of the Fair, our
Btrcetar werflihrongcd with people; bofsea and
all kinda of 'vehicles. The Pair ground eoift*
prised a n jurea of about ~ twenty-fijrei acres of
for»at land, beautifully adorned by clnstarsoT
departments exhibited industry and ingenuity,
J> iolkla^rii^«e!'' , was very good,
particularly of-the horned cattle, which were
hard to beat.. There were many fine specimens
of needle work and fancy embroidery exhibited.
On Friday afternoon, three young ladies com-
fwjhe_jari»e.. ;te.. be
best skilled in horsemanship. They managed
their fiery steeds with great dexterity, and ex
hibited great proficiency in the art. £a<ph de
serves a premium. The greatest attractions
there (at least to bachelors) were dßcorated with
ribbons, flounces and "powdered faces—l mean
the ladies. It was qfieer what great attention
they attracted. I couldn’t see why.
I must not neglect to tell you of one feature
of our town, which 1 have not yet hinted at, be
cause I was notawore of the fact’till now. We
have seventy-five taverns and grog-shops in this
•place I —ail doing a paging business! Is it not a
lamentable state of affairs ? We have stringent
laws enough, regulating the sale of that damn
ing beverage called “ whiskeybut it Seems to
me the fault lies with those who are to admin
ister justice to all—to maintain the majesty of
the laws, and with those whose duty it is to
punish for the violation of the law. Men of
wealth and respectability—church-members too
—who leside among these hell-holes, seem to
connive at the deeds of wickedness done, for
they never raise a feeble voice in denouncing
them. The other day, an aged man' from the
country, was seen staggering through the streets
so blinded by liquor that ho could not find his
horse and carriage. A benevolent gentlemap,
who was an entire 'stranger in the town, step
ped up to fiim, and bj| dint of groat exertion
succeeded iu getting the drunken man into the
carriage. Seeing that the old man could' not
drive home, the stranger asked some passer-by,
where the drunken man lived ; and after finding
out, he proceeded to convey the drunkard home,
six miles into the country. When he drove up
to the house, the old man’s wife on.d Idvclv
young daughter came to the door ; and when
j they saw the beastly coupon of their, husband
i father, tears flooded .their eyes, and they
j wept as if their poor hearts wbuld break. They
led the intoxicated man into the house, and tru
ly that house was a place of sorrow. The old
mau’s fun brought the benevolent gentleman
back to town.; and. as they approached the town,
a tear glistened hpon the young man’s sun-burnt
cheek as he said i ‘‘ If liquor had riot been sold
here, my-dear father had not been a drunkard
—yes, my father would now be a sober man;”
I have this incident from the gentleman him
self, who so befriended that drunken ofd man.
How can rumsellers—in the- name of God, how
can rumsellers thus destroy the peace of fami
lies, the happiness of children and wives, and
the souls of men I I wish—-for tie sake of im
mortal so tils, I wish there were not a drop of
whiskey in the land 1 But I fear that blighting
curse can be removed by nothing but an effi
cient public sentiment, such as has removed the
curse of slavery from onp half of
Let us begin ftow. to do sojncthing'towards for
fhat scnUment in the people, and we yet
shall be freefrpm.the curse that not only en
slaves the body, but ruins the spul. God.speed
thy servants on to du(y l JUSTIN US.
, From Pekin, llUqoli.
Mr. Isaac Maurer writes us from the
above place, under date of October 11th,
and : short insight into .affairs out
in that “ neck V .timber” after the follow
ing style s :- : ' ■ 5 1 '
“In Pennsylvania, I saw deep bearing for
ests, long chains of mountains! deep valleys
arid' numerous fresh water springs, but on enV
tering Illinois,- I a t cohtrOjSt. None
8 ?f oyer the prairie small
scrubby groyed; streams their banks
almost throughout entire lengths and crev
ating. deep ponds or stagnant water! An old
proverb says, ?a oharige of-pastore makes sheep
fat,’ b,ut Bill (one of the tuckuboe drummers,)
says the sheep ainjfrgetting fat. We havri had
no frOsta yet, as-far as : I can learn, consequently
we have o ! very pleasant fall, we have more or
less ague and fever in every family and othdr
diseases with it, making the country very un
healthy. Xthe milk sickness has not yet made
ite appearance. It generally follows the frost;
■ X recollect re aiding in l an E astern paper "an
account stating that people da' not’ die .in the
West. Now I have learned lately why it is so,
Ist. Everybody krioWs ibSt ague is prevalent
inlllinois-—2d eVerybody knows thattlmVind
blows very hard in Illinois. . Well the people
worn out thin and light with the ague, there
comea a wind—a high wind—and away goes the
byg ; tucker, I go East
ward, for the highest winds come . from the
West and. trayel in an Easterly direction., ;
: hftp .a,?? .very:.much discouraged
from the fact that they have had .very ligßt
crops tt*e .last four years, and are
°^B*f.; t 0 ‘ a yety . Bmall’ price for , wheat'imsp,'...' '’'
EAlrtß Between the United StatmTkoops
ahd Isdjaot.—Lohis, October I!!)!—Tntelli
geoce Jus reached here of a desperate battlehe
e ®" ** OD P B ****,? CamancbeSi nearthe
IMS J ? Whwli, pn the part, of the
kS&wSiSS f °w; (“W were •
“ .I®“* whfle the** was also one manmissinir
incladltfi aMnjbr'Vah&brh,
severely. The enemy h«f forty killed'tad a
r ort Kearney to tbe2d mst., report,that Major
a Newton, And Lieut. Bjyan.*
artho tegmefe corp^idid-Idhde^^S'&f
the.Bc<mnd Dmgoons,: had «thtf^lai»
on 26th in.the steamer? UnitalSteteSi
felf g°w excitement w still ,very
aje a 3 *!**®® «»
_ VO
1 3
• -SjSL
a s si
1 u
r ‘
L iS
s /:
■ i
* .9
n 2
W © *■*
I: I
The following la a recapitulation of the
vote for the different County and State pf
ficcrs of BJair county
John M. Reed, Opp. j ‘ 2714
IVm. A. Porter, Dent., 1679
Wm, E. Frazer. Opp.,
Westly Frost, Deni.,
Majority, 1019
8. S. Blair, Opp., 2798
C. L, Pershing, Dem., 1 1667
Jacob Barley, Opp.,
R. W. Christy, Dem.,
Majority, " ' 699
James Funk, Opp., 2752 ■
Christian Snyder, Dem., 1603
Majority, 1149
John Piper, Volunteer, 2
:Daniel Yoang, do., : - 46- -
John Warfel, d?., f , 3
.Joseph Baldrige, Opp., ’ ' 2818
A. J. Crisaman, Dem., 1587
Majority; i -v ' ;;v ? "i2Bl
B. M- Jonea, Qpg, - • . . 2668
Jacob Zeth, Oem., . 1718
John LingafeUj Opp.,
A. F. Osterloh, Dem., '
Wm. Fox. Opp.,
J. D. Spiclman, Dcm.,
Majority, > - 966;
DIRECTOR 0* TStJS POOE. ■ r .. -
•John B. Riddle, Opp., ; 2640 : ■
Geo. B. Cramer, Bern., ' ■ - ISO?
Majority; 678,
" AtDXTOE, ’ "•
Jos. R. Hewit,Opp., ' 2524
E. B. Isett, Dem., ’ ,
Msjority, , .... 863;.
X , T . ?|s£
Ise following list ' shows hbwl^h^
l. Joljn H. Parker, Ogp.,*:Richmtisotiik
Wright, Dept., Jsaao K.. Marselis, Deim.Samuel
J. Rpndall,Pejn. J ' * ' , " '
'■2:•Phoipari S. BelJ, Bern. ' 1 V
■8; Jhhß^hdinpsoai.'Opp.*
4; Mablon iTardley, Opp.*. . ,/: Ui
6. Daniel Iloltcustine, Demi* . , . ,
7. RobertM, Palmer. Opp!* ' '!'
8. Cndg. i[H» Dein," ■ tj',' =1
9. E. Reed MyCr, Opp. i ■ i
10. George P. Steele, Dem. .i- h_. ?,b. n
11. Gknni W; Sooheld,)opp., •■’j r,= . t "
•, I?- Gregg, Opp.* , '!
18. Reuben Keller; Dem.* . .. r
14. Ilenry Petter, Bern,' ; ' -y f lr,
16. John B. Rutherford, Opp.' •• • ‘ ( E ”i
16. Robert Baldwin. 'Opp.ii Bartraxn A.|fihaef»
frr,opp-. ... .5.
17 William 11. Welsh’ Dem* , : ' , ■
IS; George W, ’ ’ : :
19. WiUiam P. Schell;’Dem. 5 f - v
20. John Creaawetl. Jr.rDsm. : ! ii' if
21. T. J. Cofiey.jQpp. , fJ ; ~
22. Jacob TurQey,.Dem.. . , ~. .. "
23. Geo. Yf. Miller! Deni, '
24.Sam’l. M , Kee, Opp!,* EdwardD. Giuzjim,
Opp. r;i • ; V?*.
26. John.R.'Harris,: Opp;
26. Wm. M. Francis, Opp; . . t
27. Darwin A. Finney, <Jtop.#
28. Kennedy L. Plood, Dem.* N ‘ ‘ ‘
■ . - . Dem. Onri.
.Holding over. t ’"ii
■ New members. -hi .-iy
■ ’ r ' r •'.'dT
Democratic majority! - ;- ‘
rfNew.MeAheM;; I .' J-^ r^
ua° lo North, for parts unknown
Sftfc ;*iW* % h«n» stating that he heed
a V^ e «%**». M none
ye?® Ms. A relative or the lady fel-
and had an interview with her, beseech
-0 ‘ "J* '*** *»-v , -.-. p x s*4r
«| I iKtt, | SSSSSSSSSi
| j Hewitt,* ] SSSgggS|S3
11 [> , : •
|§:pW '■
Llpl ~ ~~~
& ■■
g ? j Jones,*
.3 «i
5 a
Mortar, | pSMS6S9B
£1 H
Majority, , 1035
Majority, 1231
.m .«r
s I; .{IIS
Tiie! Congressional Districts.
■' Tie! ‘ have.inade nearly i
clean sweep of the Congressional Districts
of the State. Tie following is the result;
; 1- TuomM lL Horeacej pem, s ..
; 2, Edward Joy Morris, OppJ
8, J«n . :
4. 'WfilHam Milliard Opp. j
. K Jm)H:Wood'Opp. ••
6. W|n Hickman, Anti-Lecomptpn.
7. Hsnry C. EopgncckmvOpp.
8- Jpim Schwartz, Anti-Lecompton.
9. TbadJeuß Stevens, Opp.
10, John IV.KUIInger, Opp.
: Hi' Jajaes H. Gambell, Opp.
12. Ccorge W. Scranton, Opp.
13. Win. .11, Cimmick, Dem.
14. Qaluaba A. Grow, Opp. .
16. James T. Hale, Opp.
16. Benjamin f . Jimsiu. Qpp.
17. Edward McPherson Ktap.
18. SHinnel SteeVßlalr,6pm.
19. Jihh ’ ’
' 20. tfUlism Montgomery, !)*®. • ... ’
21. Jttmeß E, ,Mporhead, Opp.
2rr gpb»t Oppv^
23. William Stewart, bpp.
24. Chapin Hall, Opp. -
26. Hgd /
Thd ibllowiQg is of tlie elec
tiqn iaj this State for membew o^the Leg'
ijjlatuv|: ’ T ' " ’’ • ■
;Bucks,? .
Carhop,. .
tidpctre'&ad Pike;;
Sus<)n<&iuuia» •
2738 ='
1638 .
•Bradtorp, jj
Wyoming, Swlliv*®, qnd Montour, 0
Lycoming and Clinton, 2 \
a»3tO*«A 10.SW-7.Zt
, i: - v;-:,- t i.e \* . t ; . 1
Union,s Bnyder, 2
Sir- ■ f
Lancaster, c< •■:•.'••'•- •■' ■; r- '»• .;■ !■ c.-i
'tf’V-'Xb \i
Adamtef ■; fl'O I i<?* srt »;*:»•.
BlairTn 1
Cambria, , , “ r “~' ' ] n
ludwnk: 4-v v®
Armstn ng andWestmotelaad,. r. :■;, .0
Fayette, fi : ■■'-'*■:-q-
Greeny^.^7^%:-,;i ’ h .
Washington, '-‘a
Atfeghe stf. V- .; ■ ■ '■
Bearer mid Lawrence*-. . . ••'••■■ a
JefiTn, Clearfield, M’Keah ' 0-
Crawfoa (Lans Warren:- iwwjia v k «-^is*v>
Erie, 'f ' -*•' . «
■-•«• ;:i yv' -_ *2t‘
'I.. - «*
,'■ •
*vmth pistrlct.
' Hi" Qi, L, Pertking.
, V"‘;. : , : is7#
‘*Kp ‘ - '-njteft:
If. ms :
- Sfe--
’^ii^ ,ll^i, » iii ' BUIr eottntT mi
rnCambriawarl349. Edfe’i
f 4^1 * Dlatnct was 814.; ■ ‘
». *^v Ehe ? at Market —A Mr. Jenaing g»y»
*n*%Fl°i S [° Ur constantly to catchrati,
Ssxm*Z h P' btai ned upward? ofB,ooo from
£W, HO v 8? - and 2,000 fromtheSt Nick
mW Tntl n a ! 3( i at ' i h( ; same number fro* lh»
nnmJS n t °u td>lot 3 from Taylor’s and*
number ° f other hdtels in New York. Ho sap-
E; , * 8 ft «r e , nt nutaber of cities of the United
Slate? with the animal, Baltimore alone being
ai& customer to‘the extent of about 2,000 p*
montn. - v
_ Ipbii To' become Citizens.—The remaining
Indians m Florida,, it appears, hare determine
to became citizens. Fifteen of them rWted
Miami, Fea.. on tie latinat.and annoeaeed
ts® 1 ? intentibn to eetUo, UVe in tfaei, andbf.
:Ss*giaa2ya |
is ♦ . *
I «■« " : ;'i :
T* ** rH
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Ofp~ j)«.
18'- 4
•' 1 " (I
-E G 4-■ AS: 4 0
:ui.’U‘y.t>c%9c i- I
■r a ■ o
1 l’ ■?; x *
0 J
e i
1 o
■ I : 0
• i. X i.
- .---.. V
-s.-.-jc: ;t .-\r ;
. ■ * %-l w
, ; 4k„s .^,,
■ (8679.
,-y. At. ITEMS.
u MftgpEg.—An unknown man '
Tr? oh the track opposite Mr. Woe
pIAOC, ou yesterday morning.
about fire o’clock when
extinct. It is thought by sc
been murdered, by others thal
Skis attempting to get on the Express Ti
There were no scars, or bruises
STnUon, with the exception of a wound
Itiewdoo tbo left side of his head, which ft
£r«d his skall, thereby causing death. '
lotaid tiu evidently given by a sluug-eho
Lms other round or blunt instrument. Fi
LtoMS and other documents about his per
IU thought that ho hails from Chicago;
L» had a ticket from that place to New Yc
Esihad ia hia possession thirty-nine dollar
garters and halves. Ho ii stout built
bsntfive feet six inches in height. His nt
f supposed to be D. T. Bernier. The ver
fllsl Coroner’s inquest was that he cam
feligita by a blow inflicted by Some unkac
bue to the jury.
ißaxatss.—On Wednesday [ evening of
number of those whose spirit of exu
lou wou’d not permit them to treat tho rec
iotory attained by the People s Party as tho
t hadhot'been, obtained a small wagon
kadfrbtt excursion around the town, gather
palltte store-boxes, ale and tallow barr
io.i repaired to tbo hill above East Alt
a. they built quite a large bonfire i
[r« tint to theft enthusiasm in repeated cht
L their party and candidates,
tOn Friday evening, the Junior Sons, ns sis
a number of those who spmpathize with th
llected all the x boxes and barrels to bo i
|out the town oh the top of the hill above W
(toons, and burned them in honor of the el
ja of I. J. Neal, of Philadelphia, one of tb
Huber, to. a scat in tbo- Legislature. Br
lea were quite largo and lit up the town is
indaome manner.
[Linus' Pam.-—We .learn that the ladies co
Utod with fit. John’s Church, in this'pin
Lva in oootenplation the getting up of a Fa
L k short time, the proceeds accruing fro
[hioh to be devoted to the building now"
bursa of-erection. for their worthy Pastor,
be preliminary arrangements are already
regress. and there is every reason to belie
Wtt'it will ha creditable to those who are e
tged ln getting it up. Quid watches, and n
itrous other valuable Articles, are to
kbngiid the prizes, distributed. We hope th
lie enterprise will be liberally patronized I
ar athccDS.
<Z rr*““T"Tf V
Fist on tqk Mountains.— The Mountains <
(l arc now on fire, ; craating
which . fills tbe air and givc tl
the' appearance of Indian Summer, a
tough we think it a little too early for tbi
rason.They have doubtless been fired pu
by those who wish to, gather chestnut
[ Which it is said there to an abundance, to ci
llft'theip to gather, more readily. A great dc
Iwood which was put up in cords has ul
lendestroyed, and unless we get ruin eoo
|ucli BB o . re to burned.
At FaYbtti; City, MosojfdAnktA ash Isr
the last week, thp. Fir
|tmrovaiB, : fdr rapid Business and Ornawcnt
taasaslup wcre awarded to the Iran City Ci
go pft&UCity. The present patronage
B» Institution is greater than that of any ot
llpurCommercial Colleges of the Union, ai
ters'advantages superior to nil others in ere
►ncb of Business Education, as v w.o}l ns
pmpnship for which it is so pre-eminent
jtiaguiahed.— Fittslnrg Evening Chromelt.
plow to .Speed at Cube a Cocau on Coin,
few maladies, which usually-appear so su
r .of minor importance, - should not bp tr
p with,'as they frequently lead to lesions
r IhP®* and consequently incurable pulmo
U ■ complaints., This need happen
nons were to resort nt once to that most e:
ilfipt and pleasant medicine known ns “ D
Kfsep’a Pectoral Syrup," prepared by him i
Ua>, and for sale at G W. Kesslei
itbis plUce.
We are pleased to note qui
3tlfettj&:mept in the appearance of the froi
Wfr*®“tbodist Church, occasioned by thefci
ihe lot and erection of a neat pa
kep pn the wall in front of-the door, all
tehios been neatly painted. It now.locl
pte,handsome, and adds materially to the oj
aropce to that part of the town. '
j AwqyHEji Cum et.—There is now anotht
[these bodies in the celestial field, Tuttc
i«t chp now beeeea in the constellation Pi
s^*’ 7 the aid of a telescope. Th
W is m a direct range with aline draw
pointers in the “Great Dippe;
putrgh the North. and is about as f
p.-that body ns Arcturus.
reference to our adrerlisin
it will be eeeathat our j6nng friem
“cival i lficnberg, hare entered into partne
butchering business,. and- mrite
K’ *if P, a tr on age. T«’« hope they may
pbare, as they are certainly worthy
****** corn
fMp* .EspiMopai ehurc
ISX/FlF* BIAop Bowma
* Uh - tUe ueremonics
SjjSj; Th «® was a number of p«
'iT * tl ® ndance ’ althou Sb but short noti
been given, .
-i-- >, ,
e T |ya| feting ii now & pr
wnMr.the United Brethren church, in tli
interest being awake
1 tp. witness; awakenings equal
l T7r*f those of last year.
Tb « M. E. Church of this place
& nwiSp **