The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 14, 1858, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1858.
- wwf J
SSSSL?^* 008 ' thereforemolaeg tor ailench to e«nd
<'*S«S2ißf* ~t“ ? <1 ® rla « to P*? »tthe end of three ortix
■JWWM. Where advertisement* arc accompanied with the
flection In Blair County.
, Y pto the & our wejp to pros, the fol*
Jawingreturne have -ifeeii. received from
■ SUB CQQOtV : '
■ ' :U '' *■-' ' .
Allegheny, 80*
Aftw, m
3Pm«l«toiir», 188
Frmdom;. 24
Greenfield, 4*
/ ■
; Aogan; f
N. Woo^riy,
fwmeßor.. 61
WpWbeny, 07
W.W. « 86
’ .tie
“ -E. W. tie
Wo give the ia die
Mljtopiae.flie official
!*#iy thatefrom.
ferity. wSU t be alKMrir4Soo jn
4ho «miMy, ana neighbe
r-1000 ■■■■ •'i >*■: -r' ' :
*”’£*»* tfcfcetis
000 to
C^*^Be **“* he
. :■ of the
W,e.jmited ipr
this as they
; iiahdk, of a jug, /afl on one
afde) ifto deem It wdca?: : ' "' : ; ■’
filectloa to tbe gfaoe.
as wo have boon abletoaacer
'*•“» by telegraph <ilhißrwiBe> foU
gl tho election on
giv*« 0383 majority for
Seadj-the People's fitodidirte for Supreme
The ’ eame «arncd all
ihetr candidates i<» Congress in lie city,
dxpcpt jl«t dipnoi# whiA is still in
.##&-• jV-_ -V. •
. 4000 minority
f<» top 'People’s ticket. Thad. Stevens Is
®°®pty gives about 1400 ma
jority lb* .the People's ticket.
, |i*r Congress
Oeutre county gi ves
flt is undoubtedly
•Sjot^od..; .Allison Whitel)em.,the pres*
entmember, Was his opponent. .
, ■People’s candidate ibrClou
■ gOßmlpthelOth district ■ ■••.->:
Megheny county gftes lOOCmajority
for the Peoples Ticket.' Moorhead' the
Congress in,that
JBOO majority.
Congressional district, Go-
the Pcople’a 1460 ma
jO“ty. in Indiana county. Foster flie-
candidate has 1000 majority?
m jyertmoreknd county, aad claims 450
majority in Armstrong. : •
j J(V;a Schw .vizj.Opp. oan.|
for Congress, 813 J
is a gain of 1231c0m-
the vote of 1858.. . ;'
countj gives about SOCmajbriiv
%%:^eople , s ticket. f •; •• "
’ presumption is that the'Peopled
State, ticket will- be elected by 30,000 or
40,000 majority. SKoiJd the returns
.$ of tbo .State showthe same,
as (hose that have .been heard iron,
will over-reach the figures set
desne-si:'-.- -.
«*agmiloßiii District.
I ®*® following nre the reported
d«B of the several counties in this Con
grtsnontd district;
m: ■ Mr
. ««o 1000
&aafaa# of 1600—
r/Anrtey, Chrutp,
148 .*
104 ,
According to Astronomer*, the comet
W«we sky, was
tttfaiimt., being at
Ite distance on the 12th
l was fifky4womillionß of miles. According
to Mr. Hall’s computation, the tail of this
comet, on .the 2£d of Beptember,extended
to the length of fifteen millions hf miles.
This comet is known as that pf Bonati,
being discovered by him•; June 2d. It
was first supposed to have an elliptic orbit,
hence it was infenrcd.that ikis -the
eame comet' which appcaredin 1827 But
more accurate observations lead 40- the
opinion that% parabolic mdnt will better
represent the motion of;the ooinet than an
elliptic. If jbo, this oonspicions visitor
does -not belong if> pur solv is now
within 'it probably for the first time, and
niU soon leaveit to visit £pme other. Bbt
j withstanding the progress that has been
mdde in astronomy, as little is known
about comets now as when astronomy was
in ite infancy. 1 The most that has been
donelsto detorminethe periodicity of some
of them, hnt regarding th'ciroharacter, and
the causes of the angular appearance
they present; science Is as flinch at fault
as when they were -first Observed. Over
twenty of them are known to .be periodical,
® r ponging to pnr solar system, with va
rious periods pfrevolution. Atthis time
there are three visible, only one, however.
Donates, without Ithe aid of the telescope.
Poe of the telescopic come.ts is Epck’s,
revplvce around thekun in : fihe sltprt.
period pf 8$ years (forty months) wsth;
oopriy the reghlfUEity of a planet, ap<|
wbiot, when most distent, or in apheHon,
m npt beyondthe print of Jubiler. 'The
third is.a comet, and is said by astrouo
■mers to have no resemblance to that of
1886, or die famous “comet of Charles
the sth/'’ with which it was first thought
identical. It ia now in the circle of
porpetualapparition in our latitude, or re
volves mound die Polo without setting
There have -been recorded by astroppinets,
•M? l * sbveu comets in all, of
jvluoh theorbitsof about one hundred and
fiighty have been calculated. The period
ic revolutions vary ■ from three yean to
several thousand yeup. Some approach
In tkeirperihelipn so hear .to the sun as to
be heated to a white heat, as some suppose,
though possibly, like a great many other
suppositions, this may
Although the number of comets ia so large,
theire are comparatively few which .appear
to the naked pye j only about fourteen in
a century. But, to the telescope, hardly
a year passes without .the observation of
one or more. In 1810 four were seen, in
1818 there were eight.
" Amoosa, Oct. Bth, 1858.
To the EdUort of the Tribune: ,
r flraii.EsiKS—I was sorry to «se, iit jonr leese
of Be P t - «0Ui t my name at tho head of your pa-
V** »3 Aesosuxteßditor. My proposal to assist
yon, bo far as my time would allow;
m * n J r engagements might require, vale .without
the moai remotfl idea of being publicly known
in connection TribuM. Tobepublish
«*£*■ Anpcfota wonld be |o make me
' the jeyes of the
P .fi*ffipenrs In
:^|i3ie ? tay
keeping op the nkoral mad literary .tone of the
: mFr- c~'. ‘ ‘."'r, :- V ’'
Ilnd,yon proposed to me suoLaconnecfion
withthe ffiibunerl would at onoehareprotnptiy
declined; or .had you consulted': me, before
my name at w
forbidden it. f
bl«»- or reflect upon yob for haring
done so, far I,«m doubtless at fcult for not more
py: batvhotl ask iethatyonccafirm tie facta
[ as heiWsUted, and juuneas*
after ftp ■.
••■•:; v. : .r~ -
■.- , ; ; £»jcmbk. :
.v corroborate all thfit iH p
wwsq he Inade;.s£.' proposal to assist
did not task , his -consent to raise his
name as n&4ojute edkoy, from the ftetthat
we aevw dreamed of 13s heing Afereby
assmled as a politician, and presume that
had it appeared at any other time than on
the e?o of election, no such assault would
have been made. We were aware that
his contributions added much interest to
the Tribune, and we had no' desire to
elaim the paternity of that which did not
belong to us, and therefore wished to ~fre
| him tlm credit. We ask pardon for pja-
ia the unpl-asant position ijre
did; and believe that his letter; will fully
satisfy those who have laid our error to
his charge. As we stated in a previous
article, we afe vfejponaible for all political
articles whidi appears in the Tribune,
:?md Impe they wili.nbt be eharged iipon
to their detriment. ", *
AtMNrt ftinti
Thb Scalpel. —The
of this highly
ing,as usual, in" salty” ofigsat themsdi
•^“qpmefcaj*l andhumoroimarticlea on
lw one entitled "Nptiuog—by Nobody.”
AB parties, sects and persons are alike
in the cyea of thie editor, : !Ehr. Bixon, and
aQ come in for a share of his praise or
condemnation, as thecase nay be. He
cares hot for the censure of any m He
expresses his opinions #ree)y and does not
desire to control others. I We deem the
Scalpel: one of the ;b»t publications oh
ourexohangelist, and would-not do with
out it W&do not agree with the Br. on
: aU subjects, but as that makes no differ
ence to him, and are do not imagine our
selves capable of reasoning him oukpf his
nptionSjWe pass on to admire the boldness,
and vigor of his style,; which is equalled
.by few and surpassed by nofne. Price 25
cents per number. Sherman & Cp 7 New:
York. . j
Bloody Affray Piumyers
at Courier, of Lou-
Kyi, of Hie 24th tit., gives the
of a Bhpotirig affair at foot lo
cality. On Saturday afternoon, an affray
? oooonred in front of Wm. I! Biller’s cigar,
Store, on Third s(Yeet,whi<ih resulted in
the death jpf B, L W»rd ; at the hands of
K- B; Lindsey, both printers. Lindsey
was pacing down llird street, and was
- accosted by Ward, Ward using very abu
mvo epithets, calling him ii «d—d rat,”
jwad finedly striking him in the face.:
Lindsey immediately drew a pistol and
; #l*4, the bnU enteringthe jleffc breast.—
;Ward walked a few steps, entered the
IPemocrat office, and died in legs »l»rn b n |f
an hour;' i;; ■ 1 " ' i
The ‘‘Cheeky Coioamd Cay” Out
done.—rAt Portland, Me., acute chap ad
vertised a lecture onthe “ Humbug of
Spintnalism," the point of which would
be “ letting the cat out of tlm bag.” Ad
xnission five ccnts only. A 4rge
gathered at the City Hail, ob Wednesday
evening, and the lecturery after afew words
on the nature of humbug, tppk from be
neath his desk a bag, which he promptly
opened, and out tpran# o heritable cat!
The audience, fortunately for the lecturer,
relished the joke, and amid: the burst of
applause that followed He let himself but
of the lecture-room, f ; T
Juady’s BooK-j-The Lady’s
for November, is already on our
table. The engravings arej of the most
costly kind. The reading matter ig
chaste in style and unexceptionable
In matter. It is filled with {articles, from
the .pens of the best lady writers of the
country. Terms, $3 per annum, in ad
-I«mc€; two copies, one year, 35, three
copies, o*e year, sfi. Address L. A. Go
d<y, Philadelphia.
Tub Washbcrnes. —W; D. Wash
burne; a younger brother of the' famous
three now in is nominated to the
Minnesota' and there is talk
ofadding him to the Washbiirnes in Con
gross next year. There iefitiH another
brother in California, who was a candidate
for in and who yet intends
to add his, name to the catalogue.' V
SpuKOEosiaii.—A correspondent of
the New York Evening Pott *ho has been
Genai,” is i»uch
with tlieoriginnUty 9ft|ieidea ther^
Ukotohave Jteepwm to $e palace of
:heayen/ , ‘ -B|p, afthe sajoue tijoae, suggests
the hol&n of tboge .^batecs’ 1, would,
: - • -J^otsam’s
just ie&iyed this
iO«SlS^' : l£' V
-■ ; ■ .*■->? iK ■’* £vp- : -Tf $ *fz~
a s$ bni;
aboundsin fiftnjnd|>^^
ingvaluable informatloa to allitsxeadero.; :
published by Oakeaith A Col, New York,
: j ~• ~ ■ '"' f ’ ~' K
at Pittobufg, Aw been
greeting n? for
Itia a good pnbUcation the kind, and
would be;a.ple»Baut companion for every
scholar and teacher. it 5 1
monthly at 50 cents per year.: '**' •
Florida fcoja
the Florida election give lion. Qeq. Q.
Hawkins; Democrat, 20(H) majority' for
Congress. Mr. Walker was
Kegister. The is ’ forgely
Democratic. 'V
MRNxioN;—lf! the Btfelntfgh
Chronicle Would credit the local Items
copied from this paper, it would notice
citizens of this place in that city, and
would give more satisfaction, r
municipal .eleotioii at Sayan*
the success of thw v
fiprlngadd, Qbie.
. <? Ohio, Oct 6,1868.
Mwsas. SmtofUU—Aatarnn never comes tml
■ itbrings with It attar ftw my it was
iuAuinam my sister died. voro
clothed intheirattixe of rod andyeliowhae, as
she lay in her : wi|iwfy
■ when h» ftinsi, and haw
. ; died
; gated utKmhm.pate toeassbe luymamarlßg
myname; how* I"
- rata 1 saw my mother
wasgoingto die. Oh, how my young heart
rank within me, when the sobs of parents and
brothers fell upon my ear, and when they told
aw.Hary was dead!. I remember what sensa
tions,of grief filled my bosom, I heard
them screwing down the coffin-lid. the little grave yard on the top of a
distant hill. I remember how bitterly 1 wept
•When T saw them placing the corpse in the
hearse and drive away from the house; how I
stood and, with streaming eyes, watched the
solemn proceasiobsiowly passing under the trees
and up the hill toward the city of the dead. I
was then in the Springtime of life, but felt as if
f had passed through the storms of many win
■tera. With the chining effects in my heart.
Tears hare passed since then, but never will 1
fingCt the gloomy appearance that Antnp»n
wore. A light had gone out moor household,
never to shine again on earth. I was led to
hm new-made grave—it was covered over with
•'“ToundiUg trees, hremem
1% h°W carefully 1 stroked them off and wished
for Spring, that I might adorn her grave with
H la that I am sad when Autumn comes
•—the time of tailing leaves and faded flowers
the time that sister died.
The Military Encampment, held here last
week, was almost a fizzle. There were only
three companies present—the others in this
county and those which were expected from a
distance, failed to make their appearance.. ■
'About ten days ago, the aspiring candidates
Congress ini this District, Stanton (Rep.)
and Habbard (Dem.), were in town, and enter
tained the citizens with a public discussion in
the town Hall. Mr. Hubbard opened the dis
cussion inn speech of one hour; Mr. Stanton
followed, and spoke one hour and a halfj and
Mr. Hubbard replied in a short speech. Of
course both beat, and their friends left, enter
taining the eame opinions still. Mr. Hubbard
is afluent speaker, and Jiis speech was charac
terized throughout by strong arguments end
plausible proofs. He made some Lome-thrusts
Umt were not ftt all relished by his opponent.—
St&aton Is, however, ,a more -fluent speaker
than Mr. Hubbard, but not so pleasant. There
is too much pomposity about him. He made
some remarks that fell heavily upon his oppo
nent and the Democratic party. The following
Saturday evening, the Democrats had a Maas
meeting in the town Hall, which was numerous
ly attended. Mr. Wilson, from St Louis, mid
others,. addressed the meriing. The Demo
cratsfed encouraged to fight their foe desper
ataly, yet I think theirsuccessis doubtful
The Excelsior Society of Wittenberg College
—its active and honorary members—with the
Faculty of the Institution, partook of a bounti
ful repast at Wails’ Hotel in thm eijy, oh the
22d u&, which was certainly one of the most
.genial, social aniji entertaining festivals I have
ever enjoyed. After the most thorough discus
ti°n of the luxuries with wh|ch the table was
I *de i b numerous toasts' were read and were
very happily responded to. A gwitiemWfrom
Altoona, noV a student at Wittehberg College,
by name, Peter Bell, read the following toast:
“Prof. Geiger: Whose mind is as exact and
comprehensive as the science he teaches—May
we ever fully appreciate him as our Instructor;
and may his immortality be limned In glowing
character upon the monument; of new-born sci
-hast Saturday, the fire’ companies of this
city—four In number—paraded through the
principal streets andnmdea splendid-appear
ance. Long may they wave !
°f hv* handsome correspon
dent olio* “Periwinkle!!” ■
Si 7° n W(jtSer
shying .accident occurred on the Penn
sylvania Railroad, near BrinteuVstat'on
a few miles east of Rttebcds, which' Will
doubtless result in the death $ a younc
man gained Baines Sheridan. ■ It appall
from the accounts In the bUt&rs
that young SheridM, who had been diih2
m &Warn
.“ the afternoon, upph one of
the tuunk hound east, wad in &e &ea mg
h *™* *fic ? yeredly »' S
%etw*, sfoth
iegp proceni' The train was stopped and he
was immediately conveyed to the ncpot ln
Pittsburg where Dr: McCook, Si-,
were'oalfed. : They -found the yOung foil!
m * wnmoo, the cars
legs between kai
and anjde, . The feet Were held bythin
stWgwfan, which were chf hM,
stpl remaining in the Jfhe
patient was faint* from Idas of
operate .Upon the UmM.V/At piisl
eleven o'clock, he was removed fodmtfie
idepot to a room in .&e MaSin Whie
where he was stad lying dt las^cotmts.
It is suMKwed jaenduh^'
airou* of returning to m bity, attempted
get m«m the cirsi and in doMflM
wonjflie tntck> and. met mik £M a W
% ho’MSe wSi
ever for h& reeoyery, and dewed
a*t ie
A ?fW»U> PISTOL. .—Tha Pi,,,--.,
HR-Rather premature—th* slight sprinkle
tSf* Ditto—gMte Sa tM tidaßy rf
IST Qea.' Dtnrer refoses, it It said, to with*
draw his ,
Latz, who m to km
been hanged on Friday last, baa been respited
the present, byGo-roowr Fadwe*.,-,
■A. A new post office lum beeneatabliahed
at Station, to be salted * Pershing,”
and Fronds Clements to f be postmaster.
19* See adrerdsement of J. Snyder, Tailor,
in another edldmii and thto gire biyn a call ■«»*
he’ll giro yon “fits.” J
A creditable job—tbe painting on thy
new stote-room of Messrs. Lowtber & Plack.—
Walsh was the contractor.
Some one has defined an editor aa beuig
a poor fellow who empties bis brains to fill hi*
stomach. ■ • r - '
|Qr Glad—we are—that the political cam
paign is over for this, season, and doubtless
everybody else is also.
*®“J. T. Headley, author of “ Sacred
Plains” and other interesting works, .died at
Buffalo, last Tuesday. \
19* An Irishman named James Harkins way
instantly killed, "on Tuesday evening of last
week, in one of the coal banks, near Johnstown.
He leaves a wife and two children.
VSST In demand—Punk and Cramer tickets
on election day. If people didn’t'know who
else were running, they knew Funk and Cra
mer were. r ;.
■€6- A dandy lately appeared in lowa with
legs so attenuated that the authorities had him
arrested because he had no risible means of
fi®*An English paper, peaking of the
American light pleasure-wagon, says: that the
wheel consists of tear circles of cheese rind, fil
led in with spider-webs. -
•ffi- A fire broke out recently in a broken
bank in Illinois. The cashier smothered it with
bank rags. The flames were po match for their
weight in “ wild cate.’’
MST Dermal Dempsey, tie wealthiest man
in Maoon, Georgia, died last week. In his will;
be gives his two children each $3,600, and the
Catholic church of that cityst9o,ooo.
Thirteen objections were once given by
a young lady for declining a match; twelve of
them being the suitor’s twelve children, and the
thirteenth the suitor himself.
Mrs. Partington thinks that old Hotter
Ocean is no better than she ought to be, or else
she would not allow the Atlantic cable to la; in
wishes that the indiTidoal who
invented what called the *> payvtg ow/ mn
chinte” for iho' Niagara and Agamemnon, would
get op a little machine of the sort to be -hied in
the case of every newspaper snbacriber.
»P A Kegne Itiohards, of Georgetown; Ky.,
has determined to purchase the celebrated En
glish race horse. Fisherman, and bring him to
ibis country. The price to fee paid for him is
$BO,BOO. ' ‘ '' ' ”
Efforts have lately been made by the
Patent Office, through Mr.Heade, pea- minister
to Brazil, to obtain tea seed ftomthat wuntry*
where it has teen successfully cultivated for 80
years. ■„
tail is the canine indicator of joy.
In caressing a strange dog yes sWu& i&lrays
‘‘wait for the wagin'l” The reader wfflit
a glance be fully alive to the danger of stroking
a dog without atail. s Tr *'' -
waked “P. PM morning andfoandhet
self ip bed with a serpent “A * great many lar
baTOfound, in thepamo medic,
ament—-and some gentlemen. „ .
BS. la rowa, Uie other da7, a hroie of a
man kicked bis wife. The indignant neighbors
assmnbledand made‘n Jackaßa ha*'^
wife-was kicked by much the baserbeastof the
two. ■ ;;
On Sunday l«st» While Dt. Burrows,
pntor of the first Baptist chnrth in BiOb^d;
£ *> to imptise pewone at
the second Baptist church, |ie hg
stolen ftom a .hn thick |e iij^id
Wfr Edltorial Goarention—A m^» ngT>ftllf)
Otiion Will be *#l*l*
Philadelphia, on Wednesday.-the 20th of Octo-
»r«f«eted4hat. the press of theßfctt
Philadelphia, is President of the Assou&ti«aP
f®"? ho General has decided that
r' 8 <anjpd.ftmk. 0 f
redeems |tsnoteaat par. vit
In refer
ence to ita OTjguaa organisation. The parties
are,an<fothersare now said
f y»*. among
f<sft ».W mfe iil-fetedTresi-
wa oler-
Philadelphia, was deeply attached to
*** was lost I
away, and
.SMKSHRteSp**'* ” rv
■ 9«° rwpuoiams the name of widow
PP«t his retain. E,eiy da,
Win at the
stands his accustomed chair. Ereiyrtng
nor AHJ) 8088089.
V ■ r { '■ ■ *
w * wt*famed.
efbej heart thal*,^
'%IP ’» a <*fc® *« »«om
of / f(f
***** criminal
bellhad Mrs. Motttgua
P* J«*y ftwd far the plaintiff $1 2**
i aa~Th« Hi tw
ssera, the illustrious waiter with th* aT*
%at not remain with os math ha,-,.
Is Bmitedto the JOth of (foteber. ift'
htaud his tail are-off T**
HetarM rtrtt ; 1
. Jtoaata U*aifcoStS«h-n.~%l H i; •
And *Jdtor “ ° P ’
I 10b. A Merehant of Cincinnati, r#i u.
r«n»I suburbs, andbaring «n Mt*t*S
Wres ina high state ofcnltbiti,* 5
&*•** «■«« hiafanoeeand hedges a*, !
*4Mm «Sf ether
kw, P Off poachers. The first ricli* Tj
‘Jog* ww hia ownmereantile partner J
fcs clothes tom toshreda. The next rj|
Ms contrivances, ‘ was that efagutta
i jampot, with a long tube, and the aoufcujj
%»*>••; '•hlle the other end vaa m the «J|
i|ftoe, made saoh a hideout
astoalanathewholaneifhbofhood #t«j d
r ll b&»h;j of these ilj
[ tSons has been to frighteneveiiybodj
tte premises, and-lh«a» hat t» <Hend» ,1
Itors te h!e prison. ; **l
ohee took tho poaHlba that al«*ho! to fooiTi
etered the logic in proof «f it : j
~; , “Fooswfcwe. ;■„ ' !
- AJtoholl* Sites, " !
li']■.:. ~ : _ -' i
Dr. Massey gh» a formula' equally W
pamsly: \ ™
;!ij •.■'■
• To «bleh e»pibkl lojjic Our John adda bii :
-;t ttnwTkrtoriaMalroßWL
’.lT 7 '
OurJeems thua expresses his aentinuah.
tother hmaWy,
.;,] -.. ■ #*d*Wenot«ll<fe4<l» 1
3Tbe Writer oftl* J*OTBUoot dead,
ftoetwi «B writer is a fool. 1
1 Si 'iT- .
If* .w
iv ' 7V I ".' ' ' '' ■ r ■' '- -' 1 '
Burning tf Cto Cpital Paiaw
■iiiLTtft York OnJ
guarded by a large foroeof poW. M
the raiaed eigbt ia number, «J
a ®®S mißnt of tfce Iron frame work of o*
0? the galleries/ remainstahdlng, sen*
m mark the oatline of the vast
*fie rest is a vast heap of ruins. Bnftj
pwars and columnsof iron, melted aha
and bfaekened maeMuoiy, windy
»i inextrioable confosjob, caver thevMH
to the depth of from tvo
Uieae exhibitors and Inteatmß
with dejected countenances, were gropu.l
abont, searchingv vainly for v ßometmH
worth saving ofthoir lost property. I
I l it is thoo£htthas the whoHi amount oil
property whicl* can bo recovered from (hi
fiff 1 4. wi Were all saved except!
hpiout $l,OOO worth,a part of which hi
to recovered in ajolid mass of gold. i|
fe|r of the voAa of several watches veni
ttowh to whoii
fjqy beJwo. topless of those eoJ
4t&® 4»»r, ,it, is nOw suppe«i 1
wntainjng f^y^S‘ fifty tom not I
tbjtheresei to hviM
app-the. streams of water pouted upon it 3
seemedonlyto fced" whence »|
was sustainedl
who owned the celebrated |
panorama of toe painted bj Chainp-a
n |f • panorama covered 30,000 fed
of can yam, and wasvalaed at $20,000. It
tkm totally destroyed, and there was not*
cent nfficera of th
1 was sod*
l brpnght to a ednclhsTob, together
jr^Uieexhib|tors,have appouitedaeonh
to open»j
Sjf** Probably itfWCfd&rlnst&eJ
Stole®, as when the alarm of fire was giT-i
eo eveiymm seised articlc J
%m and made the best ofhisway oat off .
thabuilding. vAs thero was cohsidcrabkl
ahd plate ih the Jhhcej
some have made hauls secosil
at the sack of the |
I. d *st*ias Feat.—Jackson, the pedestrfu, i
& w aUang !? B “ ri “g‘on, Vfc, wa qua* I
tot ®^ eed a ® < * distance were no* I
KM® but be undertook to waft.l
2tWfnt?^?i aS he migbt ch ee». without C«jr|
f°* i, hours—saving only forty minutes I
r rMt - Hc concluded the feast, according to I
pt<®taiamc, at 12 o’clock last Saturday night. I
d^?r»V th,^ y miDutes out of his forty is,
sleep, and the other ten minutes la taking
sitting posture. Having won hw »-
ger (5100) he confessed himself* rather u««l i
SL (“f d to take “a bit
which he accordingly did. * tj
WSkl A ? EB > prunes, CITRON I
, and Currants m store- and for salo by I
March 25 *sR.ivi tm x* SIIUfMRD. s
_ - f NorthB*J street,Pbllsdctj %
XA. Md Filberts lu store anil for sala bv 1
March °5 ’iR-tvi ' J™- N. BHU&ATUV
a -3, 08-ly ] 101 J, orth 3j atreet> pjjjijdaipiu*. g
2Sfc %i? bnm ' |
J Synm Molasses, at feir prices, at : ‘ m
Jana 18, ST-ly] HENRY LEHR'S- Jaj
saagjg** ° f °^.^",plsr.y'
U? A .4"
Night School.— ln man]
tfcgat Hid cities, ib this State, 1
bave caused to bb opened a public i
fyp |ba benefit of apprentices and ■
■ daily Wploybients prevent them
inf the day schools, and who are <
deprived of the blessings and bci
eystem of popular education, and
ft and to work admirably. AYcdon
' wchoiiideft has ever been broa<
'glace, bat wo thipl; if there bo a
eeanty where each a school is i
wbiald b* well attended, it is Alto
. area peat many young men and 1
'•d in the shops and throughout th
few not leave their work to att
webooli) who would gladly embrat
tonity, such os a public night soho
ford* to improve their education. I
Jgiihithoni with the means of spendi
'iaesme thing more profitable and r
pufing tobacco smoke and loafing
corners and drinking saloons. We
lochia school to the Directors in
knowing them to be men who have
of thooommunity and the best inti
yidqg generation closely at heart,
, CihMd by all their actions, and t
lhalifaaoh an institution can be q
will do it. If it can be, let
' and It will, soon bo apparent thi
MBlber Will'avail themselves of the
liiy and gladly exchange a seat on
box or in a drinking saloon, for one
loom where they may improve the
attained in their younger days; o'r :
amends for the time they have mi
when they had tho opportunity bt
■valae the privileges of a day school.
subjeotof general interest; and we
S -that It will meet with the bean/ coi
* vof nearly if not all of our citizens.
’“CaiATBCXPIAJi” Skoxxadk.—l
night of hot Week, our ears were j
thedbfi-oot strains of melodious mnJ
datiagly extracted from about a
horns, a bottle drum, any number of
00'S bells, shingles and other instrun
l»l«l with the vociferous barking of hi
>h tOfim, and the loudest yelling thn
portion of the party could cx«x
together! t was a fine effort—that is, i
siding in the vicinity of the scene of
at*partial to medleys. The affair w
np in Jionoi of the arrival of Mrs. Sm
is to say, our good, kind, clever, get
bid colored friend, Billy Smith, who 1
oyster saloon and restaurant, on Roilro
doors above the Exchange Hole
place, did, on tho Sunday previous to
sade, take unto himself u wife, from ai
colored people of one of the towns d
road, with whom ho arrived in this phw
train on said Monday ' morni
have not learned whether tho musician
“treat” or not, but presume the
pid Billy never wants people to work
ing. ‘Wc embrace this opportunity of
-our aged friend many years of joy and
With his new partner.
fftoww FunBHED.—The Carpenters a
puttjng the finishing on the ne
room and Town Hall, erected by Hess
Iw iiuUdlug ia an oro;
a» town, nnd creditable to the owners
painter. The carpenter work was <
1? *?* JtCob Hcsser, of this place, tha
1 *f“F better workmen can be found. Th
j T*W the work of our young friend, r
and need only be seen to bo admired/
| ato? y of the building, fronting on Anni
[ ‘Ooatalna three large windows of four ligh
[ and the panelling between and undern
fS^T 8 ’ “ d th ° doors ’ ar,J oak grain!
a style which can not bo surpj
, tb° second floor will, we'pi
now four and five hundred
and will be a great addition and decided
**& to the town. All that is now req
toWfW thistho centre of attraction, is a fit
-w fqods, and we know the proprietors w
l "W® l on hand in a few days.
I CocatEWEit Moset—A contempora
ftfty-two now counterfeits of ration
bootee haro been put in circulation ain
rf I®® 1 ®® -—a pretty certain proof that the
tlabor and risk of thoso persons conccr
[this illegal trade meet with a substantial r
were counterfeiting unprofitable, meu
M engage in it: but, when it is fout
yanking institutions arc careless about tb
and the commercial public general!;
p indifferent on the subject, counterfeitc
torocaad with their work at all hazards,
poly way w account for the lukewarmne:
prally manifested towards propositions
gbe flood of worthless money thrown into
Rtion. w to believe that the losers by cc
p. 9 !», e persons , tljo work for
mass of vbom the taxation el
L Ulg> iu tL o aggregate, falls with gr
| oty several millions of dollars annual
|*g made and scattered throughout thcco
a Tf nioa things that reoJ
feeedy and effectual remedy.
■>l flolWayslA h r,„, C “ *“■
fCoU Jim (W ,Tl°" “a ““
k DioUTunts jta Ttlt" 16 '
p-W«ten>Pc TO , a short Ito. dLPV
Ln of F™' ioUld l ° !,CMtelte « the
PStf.^V" o’’ 0 ’’ Bop, be ma,
r? f tte ,oUo. I„ Hisslay