The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 14, 1858, Image 1

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iHltbed by r-f
i d datrattd,
li 8«ro*l «
In ricwoftbrawfol iWr,.,,
ual Disoawe, atm the docewEiZ*
ato rictiina of such dlsjZJjrJ*
cctfd their C<mf.nlUriESnr*s
their tarns, to open a
,r cJ.-vm of dijonnee, jn «n^y
[ulvico profis, totilwho»*2£
of tfc-lr condition,
nd in eases of extretncr
tiiciKt /?« rtf ehnrgC n
icintjon command* the M.lV*
will furnish thomow bppnJi
of the past, feel (LjrQted iv..
1 bcnevoli tit effort, hgwjfl'
ted. especially .to t he mS?
vote thcsßstlres, with reinsiS
jut much dyepiaed cau* 1
weintion, a lUport on Speriju.
other diseaaca of the &n-T,
nrfifrjn. which will be erotS.
•) a e/ c.'iargr, on the receipt
atment, Dr. OEOEGK &.Qat
Howard Aaaociation. No!afT
Pa. By order of the&reeton
ends and the citizens of Altea.
.vc opened a
i! hy John lehr, on Vintfei.
Hall, whore they wUI b*!Si
tur , them with a call. nil.
e. consisting of ‘
r, Coffee,
SPB, Fish, .
ocs; FiahOU,
id Tobacco.. -
goal* for tli* UAWqW
m d«*iring of parehMbtc taj!
ell to give them ft CftU, y t>4
ance ou drat coat We**kw
whftt be buji. Olva aiftirt.
mr word* good. (JftliTttf
ibS: STOVES.—^The
T-veiTod frotn Phil*-
Lh'i celebrated Cook-
ntifti! Cooking Btoren|HH|
>r the pzaniaitn style Iy.
oration In all retpccU. ITh*
Mix And the Ado* arc aoarrenj.
-■n will bake perfectly aod cnl.
/ration of this Store in tut lit
■ >me a huircrsal feruritc.
•ox la of good capacity—tha
okpactuila and is a thorough
nuiy readily be recommended
parlor stores constantly on
C American Houfi, AUoona.
n d of the troth of thUeer
>;-oifuUy autmanceAo’the
.nity, that he has entered
1 Iw Mlcliael n,l l*ghtr la
:r»tfndcnt’s Om m^hi
urual. He baejustncslngl
■ ,-uit«i which he TIU nuksta
: i-rlces which can aot'flufe
• i! eatisfy the most fnfnifmi
liang will be maaaaaerelba)
>■. bo ia detoimincHhthatjMth
n t to render taUabetiailb
c their patronage. -;i ' .
it Published, Gratis, the Shh
.-..■ubca or Local Weakens,
•-ml licrvona Dibility, l«gpo>
•rriago generally, by
B. tit LA.VEY, M. b.
e many Alarming coraplsiinta
e nnd solitude of youth. Stay
• M EDICT.VE, is in this amah
■Uii the entirely newandhigh
ducted -by the Author, (Su?
i firry one 1b enabled to airs
be least possible cost, thereby
't-.uni? of ilic day.
bed jßjet free in a sealeden<
d; two stamps to Or.
Riot, New Vork City.
i LL, Merchant Tailor, lata of
vi m the citizena of Altoona
l.i i! the building two doors
1 and one door Sooth of Ka
rl. be is notr receiving his
' oii pricia, plain end Fancy
» -ar. hiUMWiD TelretJUr
hummer Vesting*. inshorfc
d fur, «;i of wblrfi Wsrw
, and on the most reason*.
a:inc««. he thinks, will «*■
f-vor him with their olden.
1 uMiehja Xrw M»p of BUIr
tnal surveys. containing*!!
ols. the actual localities of
ci Worahin, Echoed lion***,
i farm lion**
ucipal Tillage*, a Table of
■iory. giving the name and
I! he engraved on the mar
i .ui&blgscale so ai to make
wliichvortli be col red ana
delivered tn subscriber***
- ar.fccuncoe
' ■<• public
i.c :j a conitantly HU
•■ and i desire to render Sfrt*
■ wid quality, he hopes'te
l . c patronage.
;plip.l un reasonable term*,
panpUy litteuded to. ' ■
tilly compounded, [i-tf,
C rime and Criminals b II
I 1 iy circulated thrpugbotl*
ti t Great Triale, (jlmiw
sun the some, U«eOierHftl'
is. not to be found In M}.
ot ; $1 for ilz month*.#
I'h'iuM write their mu»«
here they reside BUtolW
' Tork Police Gazette.
Xtio l~ork City•
Jack & Co f
AX 9
md Ailoona. !
Collections made.—
i-'ic on d'-njiiii'.’, without In*
at £iir rate*. [l-tC
*W, Hollidays-
i. ■ - of, IltmtlnfdoO
10 promptly to nil OOU*®*
• ihe present) at hi* n*l
- streets,
.'i.Nir. pa,
:;tore of J. S.H|lmW>
Powder for tV whine* on*
- :; p; Castile &»*,*•»»
il r.nd for Bale at .
A. ROCSfffi-
'«tf ; }L. JCKJ6S*
* ' di * _jibt^nturryrrrfinWiTmliT""irii '-V ~fT~~ f ‘r' , T —-• 4 s■£ • \.^
f Jff* 5
>r -. • 5 J r -“tsUv- N
■o'Ji,' ,. r j gi ? >?2. *H? •<►? W»*sS s '«? &*& jfsriS ~f«4 <fs®w?-''j*«? &&&&#
JSfiinUii. <*w&i
i+v•“• s loo
03»«q«"*> , . jsfcflo.. :MV -JO 00*
1.0 ; - M,.: -, , S6o J3«O
c „ . . . 4 J-l. ,•*( ail* fr«) V ' ‘‘ r Iff 00 " ‘l4;W'
(Jiar ‘ ■**•*’-' JO 00 . J4OO 3*Off
liuas, «f m liii oriaSbKfattln-}
to tb6 ftbOVC• Uflßl* A _- .~ *. t >
OWtowy notice* exceeding
[u«°Rooai._ ; W*7flKedbw*^ OMiShig in
k il„^Wtuo»rP«»toi^lW4ch
i„j. .ay Sabbath tnprtntT^o'cloeli
U the ewain*. SabbaftW^ t lj»al»* rESCture Room at
*.« o-dod. * Vn ? er M9^S^^s reT *
If - j 1 g*f
*«•&&' Jdfllttjto'i&» ‘Sop*. at 9
Alt, A-JI. *Wer -Maeting - "evnaing
[ D l>pm rnarn. > .4’ „ •„■; &*■ J~*&~ >yX -‘
A —pStchlng at 10}i
.'clock in the „
Mjvtitt, WttolartttdfeUgfct-A. M;-
i/r. an JMI, fear. SWU Cu.
«Hry Sabbath if o’ehSe* affil In ttwe»«nin*,_m
tk»«ld Uafan 1 .. ■'•■■ • '•■•• -
. ... . 1 ..- . ■•/••• •'*/ V i i .:■*. -'* 4 ■ *' T .’t*-'
ALTOOMA Z ,rt*ll sC>i4OUIJE. _ t
Wt«»ni “ ,;. •«.SB*fr3H
Hollld»j»hm*':.J - ! !% •■-■ .•■=**' ;-»t • •■• *|«'Mi.,i
' ! oo i “
Kutem**- . '..{h ! v.-;.; -,-' lL i;>if;;:i(l«i5 l •
OflwbonttifortlteOmnaacttan oflm%eM .frotnT^A, M.-
Wot*iiui4:fto»tBfc dwaoekj^.*#.
m Sitnifajr.,; 1 'A,. '-'.if. t.ix-J.T*ifS'--<U£ lagg i
**Sw.a?»wn hiy»» &&&&&&& i
pi* &t 7 U o’clock
JfounwV BtcoHifrifenf) * ifaee tf on t w
fourth Inorfltyjbf «*»*<
tonicTorapTej »XVA o’cloc Ji v ,
Mtooim.jjaddt;i!i):ct O.^lft.
ycloe^'p^M I *^^ j%P
in'night in
. ■ 'Cf'-
Cv’Wtsr^(Bßt*Js(nlUi;f<-'+ ?-. ; t" .fy--!■■•>,<,v-yrfci- s
-raj£.» a~7i,u';=->8
M-v- ,n, Geo. W.
Treasurer qf School ti'aCColinKlt. ■
"iz ,» i
4‘dilon-a.h. fflfqnai^^hbs.
I , r< ; .. ,-'> r •!.>» nsoit %/ii
I otu&aat WccVD«vld Wrf. *>. ~
Jodgt of B- Vilfd. : -•
I •“.• .: .?A?Ti:^flrti- i “.'J' J ‘ w^Oqodt'-t SWJ
I “ ' V ' jforth, “ ~ AlexoDder Biltog.: ;;; :i;
| /rupccfoi^Eart'Wtfra—g;A. "Bock; Alex, •, .
I “ r J. H. Robbrtil. Mi
I " ~ “ yahnjtinc, Wm. Bo4dI? »
•A anil Curriqta In two and for sale by
; ‘ !>;■; WM. K. SttUCTABI),
; Mirc}i !25 >t -6fely] , 001 Rorth34 street, Philadelphia. .:
almonds; walnuts, .cbeam
AA. a S? TUbert* In store and for sale by ~
19A SorthSd Btryt, j
■■l-J Sjrup Jlolasse*,' a3t jalr price* 1 , at''
‘ _■ -■ HKSRY _
< ,hAIt(JE-A»pi
-CV. tea, and Shoulder Bracea for aaie at,. - • t
‘■.“•l t,, .•.!'■ “ - t '
. 4s!ig3|iP
L jMut oU stand,* newly impaaito ileCHfi
lt *1
' J&f
> Whan I mm
V* *» ifSlfelllto qa« ..*
nu, Ukea^Uny
WlillMe .for voioe otaMn-
T)i*have i»TiiMJ«toB«
'OTMnoiMraQtßy* ngutlUUTWfl » ■
Jtii<fVlug, 1 > jii»qt, g Ww* f.
In n*y (&ana»—irhftiMip #t<;L
~, When I .t. ~
InrichHodCMUydre* iMV< r *''^ u
*v f *&&
Mhi ’
Wbanl am old* l»d rather bend
-ThM sadly o’er each burned friend, .
't'-j ptefafte tri'jJnJp&tic ryliTOe’ ’■'
■!■ j ,igfc :»-•
80di»Uotth»tIty - r= l-H
Even to*aw—“WHenlwa-ddl” , .
[r-ji- k t't SSST tr*C%S *> :J&&.
‘ y man!
* • •’• ‘ v rijmß '
Beagtlh the green *■
’*'“■ 'taring the dca3—crcl 43a wt ; .
.It:* i<i' -** ‘ .*-i'-t - ■^■■'
Hr yifiß^ffi^Tnid ! »tH)n®i titd^icw,
‘ Just ten Aunty.’
‘ A year younger than aru Mj|£g
Aix'me l death comes very
,jit T don’t waiteitbjef, %i. jleuld
grey hairied, but it taVe§ ‘ihose wtio least*
look iby it; the WhpBC hearts
. are; fall
fo. fry 'iiWPr
. #3im p»« *m
Old. ~v .
Or die ’•
' Or strange to me—wbenl. s am old!
“* ',* . v 4 ‘
*m: >kSa « ?■>*'?* '• i -%•'-*' ■■*"'+•
My life to training hotatoUtil
?.*« &hnuto«lU ■■ ’ '- r
3... J j
net and thdUght wfcat a eweet
ewi»berrteB,aTid?efes 4itH?iSnid
to sbafeeshaiidg
< My name is Susan Barling,' lisped
■ >f*l ma, ■ **u «* &a
Ap^*ra9fi, i; fewniag
nine among r
i- aiater, and- thdog^
mer aunt’s SpmeM flw couanry. ‘ s-nti
ybcn Aunt tllo bright faces of*
id i&Mrf «t
strange awe in Her
into the room where AiuhV
ing, and whispered close in thielady’s car,
‘ She’sdead Aunty/ ’; •' <p ? **
Aunt , Grace laid down ier book-T
dQja’t _aeem possible/ she- said p and--it’s*
Only A Tfeek ago to-day, that ahe lifted up*
little face to me and said-my
name i§ Susan Darling/ And to dunk,;
we Hes there, cold, and white, end .that -
she’ll never smile or speak again.’ ; Am?t
Gi^ecouldpot go on, and Eljuin
crtdd'softly together. , ~.... -
bid was she ?’ at )|aat J^
>dy- ; 1 "
• : ;s>. .' K- -1-t:
,3s.- , f t-'t"'
death. calie for them, and they are
Jgys attack, ok, iow
*s}s ■ "2; ’"'
Jhyjpmjl,#3S uotftlengwalk
had*'not Md hplh %e; cof£n waVaad she
thbd’Ong; laslier closed
- tightly* over ihb'hHie eyds thatfwould nev-
f *fmfen stdtfi stiHahd loohoda long titoe,
holding her hand, btit slie ficarciely
spoke* wasrthitfhing what'
a street little girl Susan Darling widi, arid*
how jtheywouldiniea her at her
'window, and%hat a-terrible
thing ft was to die soyoung and so sad*
denly. • , .>.
v* is : 5h Heaven now, with the
f &od”who’ieves little sdid Adnt -
dlfoaoe tndbe I# hwrntice'Wfcf. '
Adnty she’d rather have .
stayed.Hit^*we^^wfaereit&'to#eassOit J
gOftway olhth«ce.:>VYou; fcnow < ’ote Jeopl^
Susan* imd
Ssk I$lM ##
- if tfcs
world -which' "idiahOf sip;
itais mfeetyy-feO heaufifw, r wlwi; Wust
that lh&e fchin|a
ean never-TOte^'-'No, h o,' -Ellenrf th ey do
The iflowOrs 4h^gTowtheroarfe T Mrer i than
.amililtipa Vtf this -world, ahdthe
put on the whitosaows
of fa&» to- thuiJfc-of
'SLA mMm m^^^*o&***:
lead m 'jour Ettle JJlmk
lyeh imagu^:
S6, -Aunty, ?' asited Ellen <
looking dt£f ! 4it& 'kindled : With' 7 hew ■
hght. ; '- ; istft right htit;
% jdwayfc4Sbti|st*SOnVOtf
such a gloomy {dace; and I shouldn’t want;
; l^iad^to’dhiA^^oaaie^^te^
and so idas! a great-xuany little children
Jo loow:ahr<&a on this world, hifd
V!W; i jjs,
t t--' i
--t ,- r^u
nrjooth; -
r j.
-• '-S2
. u >?; -.9
'i 1
-*$ c ' w
--S •• "5
iipt Ueavetf.
.;**trT'- ;>
1 *
■J J*V .My ■'..•» ■'=•'•/£.■ v,t >
;me '|j^^T.
”, <?*;-/w s&* 'v*”* ******■'* *-- _
|, PeqfAJjpx—
yhigh an - enfire wfent of
*ly%&ifc£' M
; andvery frequent
lythey s^rear r even betterthan tb&yfjeli*
"dressed gentlemen* , TK‘e;-^Be^ig|^Mj:
grace ae we more refined.
IN' EVEfttTHINd.] '
Jim jr«Baew.bQrH
' r <* ’
rjrr* o \ Ou-
~‘fi iV- >•3
Be Sjwtemalfc.
It wil} add more to yotit,
and comfort through lifethan yorfcan iim
aglhe. It saves time;
patien oe,; and daves- innney.v TTof a while
be a little troublesome, tat yob will
soon find it. is easier to do right, than
wrong j fbat it is easier to go by rule than
Without one.
Be systematic in everything; l6t it' ex
tend to the imnnest trifles, it is not
heath you. "VCTutfieid could not go to sleep
at night,: if j after retiring he remeinhered
that his Roves'and riding whip were hpt«
in their, usual place, whore he could r lay
his Hands right on theui in the darken
arfy emergency; and such, afe the men
who leave their mark for the world's his
tory.. It wh*byhissystemal& habits from
ypnth to age .that |toah Webster was able
to leave to the world his ; great dictionary.
“ jjethod was tfie presiding spirit of his
writes from his bi<%rapher.
< Systematic men are the only reliable j
they .ate.ihe, men who comply with
their engagements. Theyare nniiUte
The man who has nothing. to do'-is • the
man Who does nothing, The. man’ of pys-_
tem is soon known to do all ihat he
to do* to do iit-'Weliaad-to do at ; the-.tfinc'
.copequently he jms hia .hands
'full. " When I want any mechanical Job
done, 1 go to the man whom I always find
busy, and I do
the'man-to piromptly annto the 2
. 4#d:'Plore>: &aohi ypnr chtidnen - to? be
igo thrimt' drawer ,any libaT‘’6f tncPday add
<and:if each article is hot properiy
hrrapgeid, tational admoni-
Jaon;. ff’
praffle 'and - Remepippr
; that”bhildrcn ; ,as weiriis will
do more to ifamo than wj make
m§< : ' :,7r;
;i aapracticable,-let your children
haye own, und
treat that room as yoH
you will plant and cultivate a habit'of sys
tematic action, whfplf jriU that phild
wfien young, increases
;tim ohildrheoomcs a -and ektendits
jdtfte ofthfe.
'JX taimle.unsyitepjtlti o
!| a curse tc) any'jamily., A wife wb9-h'' is
joeHar iooattiric/ tHat -she' knows/" oh*ahy
: -whpraito go'fora required ar
; encp rcaderT} while one whfi neyet knows
: iriiiere anything-ijr it is’ byaoci
dent found/isaMibstafire to
‘ bled, soiled, or out of oid#/’Bifeh'awif6 ; M
; the latter, is unworthy ofthename/and is
reproach tifcihe mother 'who'Here
ber,---ifo W’s Jqu rn}sl r , ,
A Richnj.tod l Dis-
.to* a letter
on© jpf the.
'(|eaj'MomTett*on jMujyfeg?
neslce Wad, winch' njusj be preserved in
print. It is tO Be lost: ‘“As [the
train entered the“ Big Tunnel, near this
pkcCjinnecpidanee with the usual custom a
lm A-’-peipnt girlj acgompanyT
ifigjier jn^aprrfopmi
Utiinher, hut just as. the lamp was lit she
awhkeJ "Shdß half uinagined 1 herself
iei-'-tße*- >|nwnal- ’ ‘rbgfofis;' fi Franißo- ry jn®.
fiightsheimplored tohavemer-
StA§ satte thunAtfeet
.deeply mortified; ir amfcalled
don’trmake a noise; irfiS I be not
The poet African immediately ecdMld,
* lnspected;
iphu?e, I wbma s©o you dar. These re
mcßEwca vehemence j 1
that -not an-wdrd:4raß' lest, and the whple-
oppyidaad- with laughter. -- s
'’4-KV‘V‘"* •*”' ■'■ *•' '•'
set-, lowland BUJI alsraya annayed
the chapel, or
divCift mq attention' orchis
he-Was > 'wwulidia i.
•-» m Mm me&&
o^Tus He a
commotion in
he todr no notice 8f finding it |p
cre&sing,'hepansed in hfe'seimon cndlbofc
ing in. the
exolaimedi , ~
; -f wlffli-i&i'- ■mpfiar &cre ?... The Deyil
atefetts tq nave apowg you.’, ~.. -v^.: r
jiMam pfurk
ed to his feet, ondaddreasing HLUr in: ip^ly
&4j wMt’s ifw*dedri» «o»^seea
1, .■H.IIMri- 1 - . ■..■«»•«-. ;.:. 3 ,
Mr. Bones, of the
& Go.;was pne of jDaoney
making men, whose uninterrupted success
in trade has been the wonder, ahdf afforded'
the material for the for
nearly seven years. of tarn,
of mind, he was frequently interrogated 0*
the subject, and invaribly gavdi; as the[ser
cret of his success, thathe mindiid his^own
. A gentleman met tbc Ab
sanipink Bridge. HAww ittbsntly
on the dashing, foaming Wtf as they
fell over.the dam. •He wa? evjdfißttyin a
brown study. Our firmed Ventured w
disturb his - cogitations. . ’ V "4-
< 3dr. Bones, tell me how 66; make a
thousand dollare/
Mr, Bones. : continued looldpi»1 intently
at (be water. At last be ventured a J
* $o you see that dam. my ■ v ;
‘Certainly I do? ? ' ; ■
( Well, here you,.may learn tbeisecset of
making money. ■ Tbe watel*. bf4sd
.away and be of no .use'4ojaUybbdy
bit for (be dim., daia 'tarns it to
good account, lobbiesb?©*
iful parposcs K «nd (ben: sulter| ibtb pass
along.'- large Jbptjn
h bfaby nibixtbs are fed by'ibe manufacture
broadcast b Ver tbb labd bn*tbe ipitietiTOiai
tum ed out f andintbedifiiasent
unsafe, Bo It is
. n<? t^raey
They tfant them dapped up. So ibat -
ing will pass (brdngb tnflhdut
pljelmig E BMftO ijjgsfut purnpso* r IBam up
ton,Tr%i» 'Ainericemv -n *" * "*
Tlie' (jincmnatC; Conimercxoi puhUshes
ftpuf EUcnpi
rerpf that. -J'f -•* v ?rU
'■ Xll the papers. I W giving the cut£, for
'Bcrofiila have beep diaSrihutbd te peraoria
scudjng ,4*01?. the:- remedy.* I: have never
heird of a ease wlppre effect
speedy cure, and il ian m no ease 3b an,
injury. - In severaHt&tonees, where ft has; old sores, it has'also speed--
ily* effected HPnfeioSßfe dunes
pf a bpwl or:sancet, drop in
itiwpcopppr ccptsj it will effervPspejleave
thelcents in j when the ceases,
add twQ ophces bf tbe strongeat ipider vin
vere pat m a Utile raip water,.; Apply it
soreVrith water.Xte %tappjicaUpn tpoVrn
tip me was "a poor ttf our,, pity from
Jletnphis, to as io£\
feared shs tfiigHf ndf-five hi
haveit cut off fttHthathotcliraaM: \
refused admittance to the poorhousey w
was. lying on the as shecould-irot
*Froinherknee-tdher feot
was gonejandalhthe
except a atrip about twof
she*waels# o» a bedj and thnremedy^pJa
<%Lm * choir bjr. it.
. tnTfevr, day^fepr^eice.^
She was spon rimning J and wpuld
wort, wMch ; dhlayed^e, eure,leay-.
ing a small sore, *P ;a fetf
months bntirely 'hekled. A yljnng girl
withsCtofhla in hcr neck, having a large
mpnl|fcafteE engreljy i£pea*lj:
nfampd, mth hernnsband, on'iitheir way
td’tbpjEast “never' kpowin a cape
where it did not effect a cure, a ,
” ' ■ .-■■ A " ■' A I! ■ - : -'■ Aw
. »; : >
.■e • > it j.
rjkf&um fwi r-
i ■■ J
4*y we Uveyi&ys an ei-
fliatnine r p| tbe nwfortiuQeß which
joinp off railwad cars while in motion ; go
deep water when they cannot
imbibe spiritous liquors and meet
with,accidents j expose themselves regard
less of prudence, and suffer all manner of
mpst evil conseduences which a little fore
thought would in most cases have averted.
Fppple know very well that a violation of
tHp common )aw involves a penalty, and
ye.i Utterly ignore the fact that nature is
still uiore inexorable than the legislature,
ahd visita with corresponding punishments
every transgression of her laws.
Denver is said to have ac
qnmpf a very considerable PPP U *
W»e.' V ■ '
t -f - ?
-a;_ -_!■
. tt,' 'T_
editors and proprietor^.
&*■>'•> i . \ ■ i .
, A Figbt 111 Clrarcli* -
The Lowell Citizen states that on Sun
day WwHhing, Rev. T. Lamphear waaen
tenng his pulpit in the Orthodox chuibh,
H., one of the ‘ ladies’ of his
ohmr'made a fimoixs attack on another fe- s
male singer. The scuffle soon terminated,
But Just oa the services were commencing
jAelfbati-belligerent ‘went in’ again, thus
indulging in a ‘ repeat’ as well as a ‘ shake.’
This music was decidedly peculiar, as ev
ery ‘beat’-rwas accepted. Bonnets were
quickly resolved into their original bite of
ribbonj. mysteries of the toilet exposed in
away not often seen in the sanctuary.—
Wdrsethan all, the faces of the sweet gang
ers Jpf-’the temple ‘ were scrached by each
others nails in a manner that however sin
feeling, was not at all an-fbline. After
vthe combatants had suffered considerable
in their persons, and their skirts looked
literary hko tbo skeletons of their former
selves* some, of the other sqc mustered
courage enough to part them. ' The orig
inal assailant nowever had to bo earned
forcibly put of the- ‘seats/ to prevent her
from making another crescendo attempt at
repe4faqg her mac|-*fcgal. caAst of
the treble was that the assailant' accused
the a&ailed of wi th the leader of
,the choir, a nnunrfbd; mart and son-|n Jaw of
vtbe virago.- ’lhiaaort has Ted
the amazon into ptevioua tronblcs with
various fbmales.
weV OTleins editor, who thought
ftt teh Mp&sfc
M&m't&w f *&s**> \>& h^»*u
hub a game jmst for amusepient, ’and- tfe&y
began. ym two gainst«asi*
€hen fee should toll
; «W»
right. This was assented to, and taw-re-
J proposed to imkagaui* cud
nott-nsehia'hands' atk the
balls dowutlm-alley, !8»
and success, nxahfhe
S Btyle that sMk
ifg*Bf to;thojmii of tfea. dnmpfbundoded
itor. Two f; l^e ]P | ft jcd tor«W«*i
manner, scored against the,
! game, and blow the balls down the alley,
I ping neither bawd nont feet, buHW-'ed.
he plica
“A man lately s®d ihDbston
Wfl k&t stfll more to’ hekar
that any, ?®e Hap. livptf to ataatureage
withoutTqMning hQ»r topreyeat" the grow
ing of a lop na« ; >ir . by which wp presume
is nieant that frequent occurrence of the
corner of the nail growing into the oycrt
of wearing
BF, Wp have known'
capes ofefcrutiating suffering arising l front
this cause; and pnly last week we rqdo
down town to'company with a surgeon on
his way to operate on a toe that had be*
frpm the corner of the nail
growing info the .flesh. Now to preypnj
r Hint jKinPulty. Do hot cut away the ,of
fending&nrerofthe nairas is usually done,
short, hut cut a notch' in the centre*,
to the quick, and keep
notch there until the difficulty is cared*
whiph will sometimes be with the first cut-
philosophy of the remedy' jja
that the cut breaks the arcb, and nataralfjp'
changes the curvature of the nail anw
makes top corners turn up instead of down-
Tribune. ' ' ' < '
Cherish your Wife. —What animal
but man did you ever ace maltreat a'fe
uutta of his species ? The claims to pity,
and uncommon consideration every. wo-;,
man builds up during a few years of mar
riage 1 Her inestimable value in tKfi
house 1' How true she is, unless her Euik
band corrupts her, or drives her to despair!
How often she is good in spite of exam
pie !; God made her weaker that mah v
might have the honest satisfaction and su
perior joy in protecting and supporting*
her. To torture her with the strength‘so.
intrusted him for her good, is to robe!
against heaven’s design; is to be a mon
ster, a coward and a fool.— Exchange.■
Perilous Adventure. —A young
man about eighteen years old, a workman,
on the repairs of the Universalist Church,.
Cambridgeport, Mass., exhibited on Satur- 1
day last a feat of the most reckless daring,-*
The staging for the hew steeple has reach
ed an altitude of one hundred and twpntj
five feet, and is composed of four inch scant
ling, as uprights, which are held together
by one inch boards. The distance between :
these uprights is about tea andingo*
ing from one to the other, the or a"
board has to be traversed. The workman
referred to, having occasion to go fcbva
one post to the other, assumed an upright,
position, and deliberately, without apy.*
assistance, walked across on the
edge of the board. Tbe least derieriou
wonJd bave caused him to fell, and
the result can be antioi^alijjj.
m. 36.