KIS!!. 1b old* recently boon «p«srt|r'> STaStbafint division of 10,000 acresdividedoplnto SSadT tWWO*cr«» «uJ upwards. The tril ls of We best SSIW for the production of fruita, groins, fto. The pfico 6*16 to *»!•«• •«■«■• pa7* bl ° to ooay quarter yearly !n- ZjhjLaouTwltbto aterm of fear yearn, with interest. The any. murder to insure the rapid improve- the laid, by enabling every industrious awn to fray Ifyruu It is bow being extensively improved by good ZXsSumoA ronH of the best cititcns from NHr England and SeMlddlefitaw*are crating large Improvements. It is th- greatest improvement out of Philadelphia.— a*natt-hro houses have b.-cn built in four mratlis. Prac- and hininasa meu from the length and breadth of -the Union are settling there. Uin an important bu»P - oa account of its being in the mi hit of a great Zriut. Every article raised upon this land finds an hnmo- State sole. The .water is excellent, and no such thing as is known. - The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with a clay bottom and. fetaative of manures. It is fre» of stones an 1 easily work-: , »A. It abounds largely in the phosphates, and such la US 1 fertility that from the crops produced both upon thuland and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be found not to be excelled anywhere in the production of cropa moat adapted to iis market. . The reader may be well, awuo that the earth's t and tlie beet fruits and vegetables coma from Now Jersey, which are anuilly exported to tho amount of mill ions of tlollars. The land, betides being accessible in every way for forth l acts, lias an abundant supply >f tho best quality of muck manure. - Lumber and building materials can bo had on tho root at a cheap price, from the mills. Other mills are now being opened, and brickyards being started on tho ground. A pemoa can put up a frame tenement for present couvenl- Jmoe for One honored dollars. On account of the extensive' emigrati /O. (his is the lust course to pursue in order to get a place to' 1 Ive in at first. Carp inters and builders are on band to put up houses on the he'st tetm*. In settling bore tlio ji.ngr.Uit has many advantages. He Is within a lew hours' ride of tho groat cities of the Middle States and New England: he is near hk old friends and as sociations; he is in a settled country, where every improve ment and comfit of civilization is at hand; he is In a heal thy place, and in net subject to the certainty oi luring the greater part of hlrfom.iy and his own health by thoso ma lt-nan t foyers which mako the graves of so many millions of the young awl airi hardy in tho Ur off'reglotiaaway bam homo and friends, henries, he has a mild climate and an' open winter. There are three trains doily to Philadelphia, and to ail those who improve the railroad company givesafreeticket, Tiw reader will at unco be etraek x with the advantages h#re presented, and ask himself why the .property bis,not. bsen taken up before. Tho reason is. it was never thrown in the market; sod unlcssthose statements were correct no ana would be invited to examine tho land before purchasing Ihte all afe expected to. do. They; will see the land under ; cultivation; they will moot parsons, no donbt, from their own neighborhood; they WUI wijnsss the improvements, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons ahonld come prepared to. purchsa v as many are locating, and locutions are not held on refusal. f Tho Hammonton Pamir, a monthly Literary onuAgn cultural sheet c intilnlnr full information ol llamroonten' will be sent to each enquirer, and osn be obtained at. 25 cU Warrantee de ds given, clear of all incumbrance, wheu pnrclosa money fo.prid- Route to the ■’4esd:—-Leave Vine 'strbstwbarfi Phllad jlphia, for Hammon ton, by railroad, A. M.,'aaid- ij< P. fl*.; whenthere inurire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences will be loaud. Letters and applications can he addressed to ». B. OOUaHLIN,aO2 South PI PTH Street, belowWrinut. Phil adelphia. Maps and,information cheerfully furnished. September £• 1868-3 m. jT STOVES* WSUMPZiOif or SHORE AND QASAifD SATING QF First. The eufcecriber take* pleasure in the pphhc • " NEW OAd AND SMOKE OONUUMINO booking Stove, recently' patented, which i« deetinod to en nereede all other*, oj It requires . ONE-TUIKD LBSS FCKD than other stores and is more easily, qnkkiy and regular- It heated. No unpleasant, smell of gas arises from this ■tore from the fact that H Is all consumed ere It can es cape. There is-no trouble from smoke os that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation Is also consumed Inside of tbs store. MeUbec is.there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with Soot or the mortar loosened by thajgas arising from coal-fires. ■ Knoht'Wishtngto purchase stores are inrited to call at the Store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the shore stores. john shoemaker, • Ale Jt/aUfor BWr N.B. All kinds of Airtight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stores op band. . [Aug. 12, iB6O. XfEW PIR;>I AND NEW GOODS.— J. I d. LbWXHKB hate Just retimed-frotnthe City 2nd aranow receiving their stock of SPRING GOODS, which the* fcelaeeurcd are as HANDSOME and CHEAP, ifuot a IiUU eUeapcr, than any yet brought to this place. On account or going to Philadelphia late In. the season, un bare been able to buy our goods at greatly reduced pri ce*, and ire are determined to'sell them at very small prof its for cash orto prompt monthlypaying customers. Wb hate aannul a splendid stotk of DADIES’ DRESS GOODS, inch as LAWNS.BOBEB A’ QUILL& CHALLIES, BATAOEBE. LAMELLAE, DUCAL& IMIL. DECUE VRXB, DELAINB, PRINTS. GINGHAMS, Ac. Also, Shawls and Jfantllla* In great variety,.together with a good Domortlc Cry Goods, (Straw Goods, BOOH k SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, fa, se. The chitons bf 'Altbona wifi Audit to their advantage to ggumihe our stock, as we are not to be undersold' - April 29,1858. TVTEW GROCERY REED AND PRO VISION STORE. : The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altooofaud tiginity that he has opened a store oTthcabove kind, near Jhe oorner of Adsllne and Julia streets. Hast Altoona, whetehe will keep constantly on hand aftul sup ply of everything in his lino. His GROCERIES hts all fresh aud will be sold at .prices as low as those of any othsr establishment In town. His stock of provisions, consisting of Flour, Burnt, Bhovlders y Sides, dee. WIU be sotd a little cheaper , than they bought any where else. HlsFlourU obtained from Abe best mills In tha Western partof the ls. wimnted to be what. ft U ! . All loads of Pead fbr horses, cows and hogs, always on llntead tokoep such an. aasortotent that I shall at all times bd abU/to supply my customers with whatever they may peed, and I intend also to sell at prices wbtch'will Sake It a saving to tbosewho patronise my store. Jnly2AlBsB3m. ' HENBV BELL. JA&ES & €O., (Sneeusorr ta John B. -DnoU,) FORWARDING AKD COMMISSION , . MERCHANTS, , - ms tiie Pom’* Central Railroad Bepot, HARRISBURG, PA; v . in , ‘ it’d Bl) JJUp SOFTCOAL. Pig Metal, SaSroed Iron, Bar and MereJtaniabU Iron, MaOt, FUmr, Oro » v. ceria, Provbtont, lUh, SaU^di. , COAL sent In cars. In U busk book ' dtmur Mdrket EA NUTS!— S,OOO BUSHELS WIL ;XT ipiaaton Pea KuU in. .tore ami for wlo by VTM. K. SUUCrARD, ■Mch 26 'fiS-ly] 101 North M BtrfeCt, Philadelphia. WBEk fob. Sale— JtJ aOfiOO Shtodae 60,000 lathes. fBRiUisfetfBOIIiSINO HJfXZRIAIt, lower than the SmikksiirjSuiu Apply to JOifs bbqbmakbk. Aari) ifiurcrt^M^Sa9&- jTOI.jfM' LQSTWIES TRIr *;"«*&.■ '-A M OOSTETUEtO DRAW AS UBOAL WItHOOT ■^NTBERIJPTION. SWAN & CO.’S ! An Legal, and authorized (sy the State of Georgia, Tine LATE ATTEMPT TO IN JUKE - OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OUELOTTEBIES ARE DRAWN FAIRLY-; THAT ODB PRIZES ABE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAT ODB SCHEMES AIDS KOBE LIBERAL TUAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY Thefollowlagfleheme will be drawn by S.Swan ft Co, Hansgeta.of.thß SpartnAcsdemyLottery.laea^tthrir Singio Number Lotteries for September l&iS, nt AOuDaTA, OEUKafoMnpublte, iiirier.tbaawperintriwlanro4itot«ur missiotters: ■ 5 „ ' Claa* 33 draw* 6,057 , 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prizepf 6,000 2D Prize of . 1,200 1 Ptiza.of 6,000, 20 Prize of 600 1 Prize of 6,000 20 Prize df . 600 1 Prize of BXOO 143 Prize of 400 1 Prize of 2XOO 66 Prize of 100 1 Prize of . 2,000 ■ 06 Prize of GO 1 Prizeof .2XOO 66 Prize of 30 l.Pr zeof 2,000 4,158 Prizes of 2q 1 Prize of ' - 2,000 25,740 Prize* of 11,70 30X16; Prizes, amounting to S6OIXOO. Tickets $10 —Halves ss—Quarters s?,(io— ißlghths SIX 6. A Cert ificato of Package of 26 Wholes, costs $l6B 00 Do. do. 20 Halves, . 70 00 Do. do. 26 Quarters, Do. do. 28 Eighths, This is the old mode of Drawing. Prize* in one Wheel and Tickets in another. - ilvpry Prise is drawn out. JTrery Pri.-tpaid in full icithout deduction I MARYLAND STATJB hOTTEHY, KXTBA CLASS 0, To be drawn in Baltimore, hid* Saturday* Aug. 2Sth, 1858. 20,1C5 Prizes! 40,000 Numbers) f We would call particular attention to the tdlowlrw splen* did scheme, a package of IS whole tickets -casting only $S0 —and every other ticket being warranted to draw $lO, determined by the number drawing the Capital Prize, Whether odd or exen. i ■ SPLENMDSCUEJIEI IPrteeof 1 Prise of 1 Prise of 1 Prise of 10 Prise* of 100 Prize* of ftljOOQ Prisesof Whole Tickets o 200,000 XOOftrs . 10.UO IyOVBL AND BXTRAdsijINAEY I HH KMT SCHEDULE OF gBBOTTOtt of the United ISttee Journal PubMsfflng Haaao. „ By the unexampled Mwwefwr ahutdiaWT Premium Offers. ta the circulation of the ud popular pictorial monthly, the UNI TED STATES JOURNAL, and In the sale of Our valuable Books, we now anncuncc bur new programme of premiums for the season of 1858 and 1869, embracing the celebrated Aut,Union Series of twelve large and splendid Steel Plate Engravings, and a schednle of Uou> Watches, Rich Jsw- MwrofaU kinds, Gold Pews, etc-offered on a ecalo of uoc lililv surpassing all previous offers. . . . . " ■’ Oor tenelrv is composed exclusively Of dhe richest first glass articles."warranted to be solid gold,' or precisely as semesented, and crcrv person selects bis own premium. USfttatoooniy Publishing that offers Premiums ou sbiaplan, or that furnishes this class of Jewelry. ... The following i» a list pf a few of the articlea. With the mnount of the club for which it is given asa premium, and. thb postage required for Its delivery by naal-. HwftrniU Uetsciied Lover, Enameled Dtalalgh-. - teetvcaratGold W'otch, warranted* Enameled Dial 18 carat Gold Larirelh>nblP Slide Gold Pencil and Gold Pen, Uoattge. •Warraatcdib be-soHd gold throughout 600 91 ’ Beautiful Quid Pencil, warranted to hot solid . Gold l pw^pW t ' ir * to * l Kpy, andOoldTooth ■ PJcdrcombined. - . " 8 w Extension Silver-Case Pencil(warranted, same . f- 18 £: BicbUoldttWd Bracelet,. ! „ JJJ Sni^^n«lGoW C LoAeh engr’d and turned, 400 «c. i i | OoldCameo Pm for Lady, _ esMt«Piiifor Oentlefiian, | J*;' Set ef Oold Camelian Sleeve Buttons for . Lady or Gentlemain, , ' ' . t 400 3c. Superb friendship Bing, solid sixteen carat gold, richly-enameled. 400 3c. A Miss’ Bing, soldid sixteen carat gold, set with stone,' ' . 200 3c. Among the Engravtogiuire:. The Signing of the Death W arrant of Lady Jane Grey, from t Jic celebrated painting by Daniel Huntingdon: 22 inches long by 17 wide. $lOO 12c. The Trapper’s JUst Shot, from the great paint ing by W. Rahney, 18xi!4, 100 12c. The Angler's Daughter, from the great paint- Jug by Landseer, 60 9c. Sparkling, from painting by W. R. Edwards, 60 9c. (Jbr full Se/vedute. tunur Ouiatogut,} The Dpited States JoghsjU. contains fixteen large folio pages, ably edited and profusely Ulnstratcd. Price only 60 cents, a year. Oar Catalogue contains over 1.000 of tha .most useful, en tertaining Cttldpopolar works of the day. Any person sending ns 60 cents or more, cither- for the Jogxhal or for Books at the lowest prices, is entitled to the same amount In any <>f the premiums of. his owu selection from the schedule. Uc is also entitled tb extra Premiums amounting to $l. and extra Books or Journals amounting to $1 for every elyb of,slo, thus receiving for $lO Books or Journals amounting tb-sll, and Premiums amounting to $ll. The amount to .prepay.postage bn the Premiums, -should accompany each order; Every reader is invited to form 4 club, and we wish to arrange with .gome persons at every) Post Office tn act as local agent and correspondent, who will be richly paid therefor. ’ ; Specimens apd Catalogues sent free on-application. Send on a few subscriptions at once, mid releityaur premiums from Uio above, or when you receive tho Catalogue. j. M. EMERSON A CO., Publishers, July 29.1858. ' 406 Broadway, New York. APRIL., 1858. \ GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT THE UALLfOI' FASIIIOKS. THE subscriber has the pleasure of an nouncing to the cltliens of Altoona, and the •• rest of mankind.” that he is jiwtreceiviug from Philadelphia and New York, a beautiful assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, in part, of ROBB A’ QDILLK, CRAPE DI ESPANOE, FANCY OPHUNBAREGE, PLAIN OPHUN BAREGE, CUALLIEB. DUCALS,. FRENCH LAWNS—BEAUTIFUL STYLES. SCOTCH “ “ *• from OVi upward* FANCY DRESS SILKS,’ BLACK DRESS SILKS, FIGURED BRILLIANTS. GINGHAMS. PRI NTS, Ac., in great variety. He would call .especial attention to his stock of SHAWLS, which for style, quality ami variety, canuot be surpassed, and must bo seen to be appreciated. The assortment ofJWliite Goods and 'Ladies’ Dress Trim miuga arc all that fashion could deaim Among his stock of LadiesV Misses and Children's Gaiters and Siiot s will be found a full line from the b»st city manufacturers. His stock of Groceries, Queenswale, Hardware, Ac., is complete. He hopes his Goods and prices (which by the way defy competition.) will meet the approval of all who cal) upuu biro. Your patronage is respectfully doiirited. April 20.5 m. , CHAS. J. MANN. / GIEAF GOODE! CHEAP GOODS! VV —Tlie subscriber would rcspeitfhlly inform tiie citi zens of Altoona and vicinity that he baa Just received Id* stock of - SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS, consisting, in part, of LADIES' P LAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. snch as Bilk*.Battns,B(ireges, D'Laines, Cballtes, Dncals, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Ac, together with all kinds of Dry Goods, all of wHjh will be Sold cheap tot cash. Hchas also 1 on hand a large stock of GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE. HARD WAItE. BOOTS AND SHOES. and all other; goods usually kept in Stores in this place. Having adopted tho>CAjSU SYSTEM;in my business and being resolved to carry it out, 1 have marked my goods at CASH PRICES, and invite insfiectlon and comparison, Jn regard to, price* and quality, with those of any .other store in the town. 'Gim me a call ahd Judge for yourselves. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. April 29-1 y) J. B. XULEMAN. 00 80 19 76 rpHE SUMMER SEASON—JESSE I SMITH would respectfully inform tUe citizens of Altoona and the public generally that her has just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment " HATS AND CA,PS, Whlch,hB'parcha«ed al low prices tor cash 'dud will cell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' 25 advance on the original cost. Ills stock comprises HATS and CAPS of cvery description, size amd shape. All who are in want of anything in his line will do well to give him a call as ho feels confident he can shit the most fastidious, in quality and price. ' He is always ready and willing :o exhibit hip stock/ree of charge, so that none need fear to call and exapainc before purchasing elsewhere. , Kememborthot his store is on Virginia street, directly opposite the Lutheran Church. [April fi-Cm. HFETTINGER’S ‘V • GltfcAT CENTRAL LITERARY iMPORIUM, NO. 1, "ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA. PA.. Where may be had all the popular Publications of the day, such as Daily and Weekly, Papers,' Magazines, Novels and Uomancds/ Miscellaneous Books, School Bonks. Copy Bodes, Slates. Bens, Pencils, Inks. Can and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing arid Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in Cvct everything in the Stationary line.- Toys, Notions and Games of every variety. Pictures and Picture Frames, To bacco and Begs in of the best quaßty, AC., fee N. B.—Wo aro «olc Wholesale and Detail Agent, in this county, for KOJIN’S CELEBRATED BALVE. Itdocspo*- UireJg cure-all sores to which it Is applied. Try It; |7-tf. Blair county daguerrean .DOOMS.—Mr. G. W. PISHER, ‘the Hoilidaysbnre Artist, bega leave to inform our readers that he is prepared Photographs of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest (notice ondontho moat reasonable terns. He has just received a largo stock of durable and neat cases, of allslzc* and styles, litdnding ■a new pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is pre parod to fill them | with perfect likenesses),' AMBROTYPB, DAGUERREOTYPE OR, PHOTOORAPH. Oiyo him a call. -Robin* on the coiner of Montgomery and Allegheny streets HBCdaysbnrg. Pa. fJunel7-tf. T IQUORS.—A LARGE AMOUNT 1 J weR selected LIQUORS lids been' received at Uiß ‘‘ LQQAN HOtTSE,” Hollldaysbdrg, which will be aold at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to coll. " ' \ tD«*-Tf, tf. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SOO boxes, Oranges and Lemons in stoie and fur sate by WM. N. BIICOARD, March 26, '5B-ly] 191 North 8d street, Philadelphia. you GAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL I*. *S7-lyl° l> oed V y WHIR’S. IS INCITED 10 A J call ami .lost the media of the -ar&jes kept by ' Jnne 18; ‘57-1 y]. • iIENRYLKIIH. IGTS EOR SALE.—I 2 3J GILDING J Lota. dlflfe■ ent localitivg, ib thUlJoroacli fbr on reasonably by [2T-tt] Ji SHOEMAK Kli. Rich tobacco and highXs flavored Cigars, in abundance* cab be hail at Jnhe 18, ’SWy) p -- t HLsr* LEHR’S. Hair oils, colognes, pom adcSj'Lhavlng Ctcam, Toilet: fioejw, Ae.i*f sale by l-yj ; - ■' 7'.v ' BEAT DISCOVERY OF THE AGE \3T .. IMPORTANT TO \ TOBACCO OHBWEES. DB. ODBTA’tajNSARD’STASTS BSBTOBA.TIYR TRO CHES. the g*m* SuhdiMtfar Jtbatco. ; - It hi a swU known and Umontrorertahla bettbMUo of Tobacco Is the promoting canso of many, of the moat »e -me’ MENTAL AXD PHYSICAL p IBQBDKR» . . to which the race of man is subject, as careftthHadyttnao lung and painful cxpcricueo have- clearly proven thg tt contJns certain noreotic and yUsonoos preperttoi nrost dangerous In their effects. whh*.by*nteHngto»theb*«od derange the function* and operations of the Heart, causing many to suppose that organ tu beseriunalydismaed. TOBACOUam-cU! aHo the entire mrvoua -festiug itaeif—as all who have erer used the tk>«ow. Will hear testimony—in. Lassitude, Nervonr Irritability, Water Brash, Dyspepsia, and. many, other: disorder* Of a similar restoraTXT&TBOCHES . Are designed to counteract these banefnl Md: bavepriwed completely suOcesafhl m a ipujtifnde Of eyo*.; Beftighamiess in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire syrtem* restoring, this Taste which has ifocomo.Tjtiated or dwtroyed Jodolgence. complete ly removing the irrltatmn and ««i.»m pohylng tlckUng sensation of *he Throat— arej»L ; ways coiuwqueat upon abstaining Jroru the Use of Toliaifco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate) thewboh) system. .... Persons who are irretrievably undermining their constl tutkms and shortening theirillvm, should use tlieseTroches immediately anil throw off the injurious and and unpleas ;Ont habit of Tobacco Chewing. , , . j These Troche* of Lozenges are put up in a convenient and portable finm at tins low price offiO Cento per Box. A lu>* ,cral discount to the Trade. ... Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom ail orders should be addressed. , JAMES E. BOWEES, Druggist. March 18, ly.] Cor. 2d and Race street, Phils.. JOHN BRYAR & CO,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LMJORS, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, 155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa, r SEmS Beg leave respectfully to inform their old customers und the public generally, that they have on hand and ore constantly receiving direct from the Impor ters, a large supply of the very choicest brands of Liquors Among their huge assortment may be found Wines, Brandies, Gin. Cordials, Janaica Spirits, St. Croix>aud New England Bam, Choni [Ague, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongabela and Rectitted Whisky, Peach, Wild Cherry, Blackberry, Straw berry and Raspberry - Brandies, Ac., Ac., Ac. A share of public patronage is respcctfoliy solicited, and all orders entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to.' Country Dealers will find it to their advantage to call upon us, os wb ore determined to sell nothing but the very best. - • Pittsburgh, April 1,1868-1 y. ij* F, MIDDLETON & BROTHER, Importers and Dealers in Wines and Liquors, return their thanks to their friends for the liberal share of patronage heretofore- bestowed, and respectfully so licit a coutinuance of the .same, at the ULD ESTABLISH MENT, NO. d N. FRONT ST, Philadelphia, whore they hr re a large assortment ofW IN ES arid Li QUUit S of the choic est brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers upon the must reasons} ble terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES (Marti, Hennery, Marett, ■ Pinnett. Cistitlion, MarteU, T Hines, PdUrurtin, IJ. J. Depuy discbanro his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. [Jan. 2, ’56. QETTEES FOR SALK —THE UN- S 7 derßi-mcd hand a lot of Settees which he will sell cheap for cash. JOHN SHOEMAKER, 'March Vlfttf.] Masonic Temple. TTARDWARE OF ALL LESCRIP JLJL tlon* jnst received and for sole hy - j. b. hilkman Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Polntj Saih and Varnish Brushes at AJIS, SIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED w* hand at * : done HENRY J-EBB’S. PjCNEt ANp LARD OILS, OAM -06-tfj , ' BBSflUSß’fr. AND KESSLER’S. I 1 jjON CITY COMJttKKOIAL (JOL-; In dally of iM Sftildttßt*, ’ ■ ' jaccwt. Anther of the f gnttopal. k^i^’snSsT > eetaiW6o Politic*! Economy. _■ JAM 1-8 JL HOI'KIKa, £»q, of the PlUabnrgh Bar, Lec turer ou Commercial taw. - • . JASIHS>V. KBKKEI>V, of“Kennedy’n BaakNoteite view,” Lecturer on Counterfeit, Altered sod SpUfipn* i Notes. ' - ' ' -' ■-* 1 BESKIN OF THE INSTITBTION. To furnish the best. means for acquiring i THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION, to the shortatt thneUdatMw I least expense- c-murUtoe instruction in DOUBLE BOOK-KEEPING, . . ! an applied to MtcdumdUnt, Banking, KillnMtagt Ac.; STEAMBOAT ; With all the recent toiproVotnents, tntight arlthottt extra, ' charge. • penmanship , Rapid Writing, with every variety and style of Buatoam andOnuunental Penmanship. ARITHMETIC. ' And * thorough' course of Cootttinr House Calculations. OOUXTERFEIT AND ALTERED NOTES. . full instructions given in this kniwtuit branch Of bust* ness education. LECTURES DAILY, ON BOOK-KEEPING, ' Usages, lawb and Customs of Commerce, Fteanesand Bank ing, Political Economy, Counterfeit Notes, and other sub jects haring practical relation to active Business. I TERMS, v Ac. Book-keeping, Pull Commercial Course, $35,00 Stationary, about ■ Board per week, can be obtained for . 2.60 flFft. Students are not charged extra for Steamboat Book keeping Arithmetic os Diploma. Can enter at any time—(no vacation} review at pleasure— tine unlimited—usual length of course from eight to twelve viecks. \ ’ REFERENCE. Four hundred and eighty-seven students entering from th City alone within one year besides the many from the country DIRECTIONS. Specimens of Writing and Circulars, containing Ml infor mation, sent by mail free, of charge. Address F. W. JEJJKIN^ Iron City College, Pittsburgh, . . 49>PBEMTUM PENMANSHIP.—No leas than EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS were swarded this College in the fall of 1857, over all competitors, for beat writing. These, with other previous Premiums, were given in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana. Virginia Pennsylvania, and in Louisville, Ky- at the United States Fair, and pll tor work actually done Kith PEN and INK, an 4 not fur Enaravrd Penmanship. Onr Penmen are fully competent to do their own work without the aid of the eugra* er to make it resoectable. [aug.2J-ly INTENSE EXCITEMENT!— McCORMICK’BSEW GOODS HATE ARRIVED AbD ARE NOW BEING OPENED FOR INSPECTION AND SALE, “ Halloo, neighbor. I’m here on the ground again. Per haps you recollect when 1, last year, Asked you to hold my horse a moment and tell me where the CHEAP STOKE «i>. But it is different m>w. It reminds me a tittle nf the campaign oflB4o, whenOcn. Harrison was elected Pre sident. V.n have only to go with the crowd awl Jon Will have no difficulty in finding McCORMICK’S STORE. From the excitement down the valley, and tlie quantity of gpods I see caiTicd away, they mast bo selling off very rapidly and v-ry cheap.” •- You are right, my friend; I would say to you, sir, go ahead and your anticipations Will be fully realized. He bos a very large and well selected assortment of Goods, lie'll sell you a dress fat fifty cents and give the trimmings into the bargain, I'm told, and all other goods in propor tion.” “ Quod bye, neighbor, that’s where I am going to buy my goods.” *• That's right, and so shonli ovetybody else. Good bye.” DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAHE. STONEWARE, CEDARWARE, Hats and Caps, very cheap Bonnets. Misses’ Flats. Ac.; lot dies'Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, with Misses, Boys and Men’s Boots mid Shoes, and every other article kept in a first class country store, con bo had cheap fur cash, at McCormick’s. All articles of country produce taken in cxcliange for goods. ' R. H. MoCORMICK. Altoona, May 15, 18S8.-ly Another reduction in price at McCormick's Store. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit Will not be given to any other than those who are t Billing and ran give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt monthly payment,} and desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize onr store, wo have made a very great re duction in the prices of all descriptions of goods, and wfill give our entire time ahd attention to keeping up an assort ment to salt the wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ' QUEEXSWARE. CEDARWARE, STONEWARE, BOOTS A SHOES. Gaiters, Slippers. Rats and Caps, Dried Fruit, etc, all of which .will be sold a* cheap os the cheapest. All articles of produce token in exchange for goods at their highest market price. Tliankful for past favors, wo hope to share the patronage of those who are in want of goods. [March 23-tf. p pHE GREAT QUESTION WHICH I now agitates tho mind of every person is, whore can I get the best article for myllHl money? In regard to other matters, the ecriber would not attempt to direct, hut if you want anything in the line of HOOTS OR SHOES he invites an examination of his stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment ofßoots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac- which be offers at fair prices. He will give special attention to custom work, all of which will Iw warranted to give satis lac tlon. None blit the best workmen are employed Remember my shop is. on slain street, next door to B. Kerr's old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 3,’67-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. p PHE MORMONS EVALUATING 1 SALT LAKE CITY!I Ja Tremendous Excitement in. East Altoona! Tlio Snlecribers respectfully inform the of Altoona and Uie rest of mankind that they are now prepared to carry on the BLACKSMITH! NO BUST NESS in all its various branches, at the new stand next door below Peter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adeline street, in East Altoona. They flatter themselves that they ore a tax to render eatisfoction to all who may favor them with their patronage; and no effort will be wanting.on their part to merit the patronage of the community. Wagons. Car riage*, Ac., made and Ironed to order, for which good lum ber will b» taken. Remember the place, on Adeline ft_ where Blocksmtthing is dene on the shortest notice and most reasonable tonus. JOHN W. HOOPER, Altoona, May 27, ’SS.-2nj] T. A. JAMES. T EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB _J SCRIBEU would respectfully in- ’ fiirm the public that be has recently re- I fitted the above Hutel. and is now pre pared to accommodate' bis friends and ‘ potrohyin a comfortable manner, and heBSjBSBr wi’l spore no palpi In making it an agreoabW bunwlbr til sqjonrners. IlisToblewiU always lie luxuriously supplied from the markets of tho conntiyand cities, and Us Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable os those of anv other Hotel intoo plane, and he feels satisfied they can not be Complained of bythoao who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fnlly intending to deserve it, be throws open his lionso to the public and Invites a trial. Altoona. May 27, fSM.-ly] JOHN BOWMXN. BOOTS AND SHOES.—THE UN demigned Ims now on hand and »ni - sell cheap at his Afore in the Masonic Te-n- WB r pi", r lanrc and aomplete assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order. H Overshoes. Ladies’ Sandals, Sum Shoes, Cork Soles, and eTcrything in hi» line of business, of the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. ill’ custom work warranted. ~ Jah. 2i*M-tf.|; J. SHOEMAKER. CLYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS! * / In cnn-equenoe of the hard. times, 1 hare concluded to put down theprleo of ray OY3TEBB to the lowest poest "J" rtaurtard. will hereafter be served .n'p cm Um awfing Dish atTWKTm CENTS, and roasted in the shell and served np with all other iccdiupantments, TWENTY Fl> K CENTS. Ihey will also be furnished, in cynty oth er way, at pricAs to correspond with the times. . JOHN KEIFFER, Logan Tfonse, HuOidayslrarg. Dec, 17. tf.] p AST IRON RAILING AND ALL \.J kinds of Cartings executed to order, also Ea apbnt- Ing put up to order, at shortest notice, arnihr tb • 3. SiIOKMIKEIt. Jgait for - WcLAjtAjua, Watsoji. 4 Co*. Jan. 3,1866-tf. QUEENSWARE, JUST RECEIVED. A large and CxalitemiWe aMOrtoentrithartWof RIO COEEEE, SUOA R, TEA AND .Oroccrlea fcir aoto fey ’ “ rjay lg, 1857-Iy] .;. HgUfcY T.gfpt “TiiioW - ( * nMlUd HBKBTUSH&'g TjfOWABI) A&001ATIO», Pig, I :R£{BlSfc*»«. »»«** «**>—. I foriM rtlitf ttssfcfc nd *i tnmti, oftetd I ■&Ua*dificl'i*ie disse**. . - ■ - I —toall persons sfflicted with SejmW M . 1 WWh***, (Svyfrftaa 3? 1 J&Mlit, furnish mtdicmt fru r/ ehrtrgt ttl 1 'needless to add that the Association command! the hkiL2 Judical *kll» of the age, and will furnish the bom anS? ? ed ttwdern treatment. n s 3 •ftoßfreCtora, on a review of the past, feel ajs«*a I Uwfh labors in this sphere of benevolent effort; hn*S I of great heneflt to the afflicted, especially to, t he | Udthey hare resolved to devote themselves, with isns ] roahto this very important but much despised cans. ™ I Unst ptibllshod by the Association, a Report on bet*. I torthn-ai or Seminal Weakness. the vice olOnsaWiSr I tmvation or Seif Abuse, and othar dir eases of I Ordtoty by the Consulting Surgpdn, which will he «SJT| I maUTin a sealed envelope),/r« qf charge, on the nMgj s portage stamps for postage. I Address; fcrKepbrt or Treatment, Dr. OEOBaC ttn 1 WSOS. Consulting Surgc'on.Howard.Amociatioa,Rnti I K lath street. PblUdeli3iA. Pa. I TAXRCnUP. I IySTENSE EXCITEMENT !~A HE* ff siBU BROKE OUT JN A jSIW PLACE, :f: m’iain & iehu " Beg leave to inform their Mendsiad the CiUaatuof AW na and vicinity, that tbev haye owned a JQKOCEHY & PKOTISION STORK, In ins room formerly occupied by John lehr, on Vbtiah ntt#KaMtdoortoP»ttoafa:U»lb whasa thay wfllbaTw pylo serve all who may favor tb*m with a call. rw stock is a Urge and aelect ooe,eonslstlnror ¥mr, Feed* Uacon, P#rk, . Sugar,: Coffee, T#, Molassee, Fisk, S#, Potatoes, Fiak OU, Ffcid, Campheae, Alooko), Gga» ajnd Tobsooow;: As they purchase all thirty goods for the foXADT dia and sell for the same, penooe 'desiring of purcharinj nji thing in their Urns wiUdoweU to give tbsto a call, «s tfo, wiR sell at hut a trifling advaacelrn diet coat- Weaskw mao to pay for anything bdt what ha tatys. Give ns aw al and see If we won’t nteke our words ggod. Qaa 7-.« SS :OVESI STOVKS.I 3TOVES.—Tb« tmdersignadhs* Just rsoeirsdiroaa Phils-: la. North, Chase i North’s celebrated lores for 1861. ’(■» TUB KOYAL COOK for Wood or Goal. This besntifttl OooUßgBtonl|M ft* . ofiofoament and perfect operations all, respects Tit oren extends nodes tile ftrstaox and the flpeekre eosmsj. ed that the whole oren sorfeoe r*iQ bate perfectly and tai fofmly- The slightest esualnatiaooC this More most tit UiVeTery one thst it wOl become a onirereal flsrurltc. ■ TBS'SKA SHELL, . for wood or coaL The festal is of good. capacity—ita ash-box is deep—the oren is. (fepscions and is a thorooA baker. This stove, is one that inajr rssdQjr be tecuaueeafej foT Cunily nSe, in every partlcnhu* - All kinds of heating and parlor stores 'eonstantly os hand. JOSEPH, U. BCBU. 'April 16, ’57-lf) Opposite fte AaeWftm Jbmtt, Miaona. foi\n ,v ' I tOJHPE'iTIION' IS TBEiUFE OF \__y TRADE.—FuIIy convinced of the truth of thto uj. Ing.'tlieeubeeriber would reapectfnUy eoboosce to tks cituen* of Altoona and y(cinlty, that he hat entered the Retd, by opening a " ‘ *' ; merchantfaidorinoesiahubhmekt, lif tl»e 'room heretofore occupied bj Michael Oallagber L i» monthly opposite the Hhperlntcndent’e Otßce. who* la will carry on the bneineee Ua usual, lie hae juat receive! ah akccllcnt aaaortment of . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A VESTINGS, suitable (or working nd dress suits, which he will nuke If orddr, on short notice and at price* which cannOtlsflfa satisfy. He hee also received the LAnST STYLES o{ FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, wnd feels confident that he can eatlsfVthc meet twtklica iii this particular, and hie clothing will be made u well u ctotl»lng can be uadje. Infiop, be in dsfcenninedtbat noth lagsboll hb wanting on hie port to reader satisfaction to those who may favor hint with their patronage. Altoona, Nor. Mf. J JOHN TALBOT. ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMA TUBE DECLINE.-Jmt Published, Gratia, the JOd Thousand:.. *" 1 A TEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without M> dicinc, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weekaco, Nocturnal Emissioh-t GeultdlTuid Nejrvoue DHdlity, lojv Unm to please all who may savor him with their ordtn- April 1,1858-ly. i * tAP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—THE subscriber* propose to publish a Sew Map of Blair F, Pennsylvania, from actual surveys, containing til Public Bonds. Bail Bonds, Cans!*, the actual localities of VQlpgcs, Post Offices, House* of Worship, Sehool Hoaws, Mannfiictoriesv Tsnnci as, Mills, HcWNcfferes, Farm Bow es, names of Property Owner*. Ac. Enlarged Plena oi the Principal Tillages, a Tablsd Distances, and a Business Directory, "giving the nstae iM business of eachsnf>tcriber,.wlll be* engraved on the mse gib. The plotting will be to a. enitabjfracaie so as to tusk) a large and ornamental Map; which**!!! be col red sad mounted best style, and delivered, to sobecriliensi ISpercopy. BAMCEI> OEIL, April 18. IMS. IB**oa. PFKF.P. f* w. KESSLER PRACTICAL As • DBDQQIST, respectfhlly announces tq-the citizens of Altoona-and the- public erany, that he still continues the Drug Kn«t«L. on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly umJ ?52?5“l tor “*•* ’Wholesale and RetaBDRDQiL MBDICISKS, CHEMICALS, All ESjwd DYIbSrOFPB. •by strict attention to businees,and a desire torewter ut isfcption to ali as regards price and quality, he hoped) mint andreceirn a soars or public patronage. . ■ "•••- ■ - JShysfcto ««1 merchants supplied on reasonable ten* and all orders from a distance womptly attended to. tphyshdePS- prescriptions easily compounded. p-tC Matiqn al police gazette.-^ QW*t Journal of Crime and: Criminals Is is its Year,- and is wfakly clrenlafed throagboq) the: country. It contains sQ the 6iwtStls; CMmIM «a a. *“»' • _ Editor k Prop’c. of Ker Yotk mice Gazette. p-tfl. / .&*> TorkGtr. Johnson, Jack & Co, ..■i - ,' ■ OFFICES AT and Aifooxw. 7|\RArT3 ant .the; i»kincipal cities, JitF and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made ™«pfys, received on deposit, payable on demand, without i» forest, or npon time, with interest at lair rates. 11-tt * ' >J *-"■ '■ l - ;m| r ■ J. IX LEET, A; TTORNEY-AT-L AW, Hollidays* IMT- il. x. ® r&o * EAIR COtMT, PA., .tViirjct'uctiseln the several Courts of Blair, nnntinrdo* *£*. , 5 0 ?® 4 * 08 ' ¥~-3 *ttend promptly to allwhf dOXjP^TJdUII®# r ‘ ALThiljrA, BLAIR CbliN’TT. PA. ' ' Can at all times be four.d at the store cf J. 3. HQemu> Altoona, October!, 1607.-1? (CONCENTRATED LYE, FOB MA \j/r KINO Soft Soap, and Soap powder for Wasbloft*** ei*of common Soap; Caatha Bosfo«** *°?P> Chemical Soap, etc, on hand and tor sale at ’Jotie 10,1868.-tf ] Ai BOOSffS. k SUPERIOR LOT OFFRESHOA& * JLi L BEtPS for sale by fp*} }I, ICXI*- ■ \ ■ «" n jUcCRUM & % T ? 5 TUB aitoqna tribune. ggCgUMt * BERN, PeblUhew ead PtoprUk _ AviVAble t& •dTftAWj) , Ju W*i W «» vxpiraUoo et t kid W. •””"TSSS?' '•*. .QbM or 1«»»; * » Ts^ • i.-.GS'-a’S - 160 200 *»* ame * aol,UuH “** [um* SrtScb iMertlon. SB , ostbl> g month*. *1 60 *a 00 2 60 * 00 400 « 00 , 500 800 „ ‘0 00 10 00 (to , . 10 00 1* 00 a column, 14 00 25 00 gaoßfass« - •*-*••« dv«tor«WWl he continued till forbid and charged bcc cents per line for orcry Insert hotio<'s exceeding ten hnc-i, fifty centa a t cUaMOtUM* ••quart, ro * - IBUNE DIRECT© ; Churches, ministers, ac. iywAlrtenVm, Rev. A B. Ct-ARX. PoaWr.-I’rcachl morning at lp>4 o clock, tanH In the even K o’clock Sabbath School at 9 o clock, A - Min U Saßoom. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday even Rev. 8. A.Wosost. ia every Sabbath morning at o clock and in tml * Sabbath School in the Lecture Room ot 2 oclu *' General Prayer Meeting in same wou every M evening. Young Men’s Prayer Meeting every I I AvSfocheai Lutheran, Rev. Jacob Stic* , Pastor.—V L_. •■rvSobbothmorningat lUJ4 o’clock, ondat7‘;> E tho evening.. Sabbath School in tho Lecture It. kdo'plock, I*. MJ Prayer Meeting in sumo room feMnaeday. oVonliig- ' \ United brethren, Rev. D. Seres, Pastor.—Preach 1 k* Sabbath morning at o’clock and in tho even Dg o’clock. Sabbath School in tho Lecture UOOl Wock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday 0 I Rev. R. IV- Ouvea. Pastor— LrvtCe 2d And 4th Sundays of each mouth at 10J,., . LMm W44KP. M. Sunday School at 9 o’clock A. Rovi Jons Twioos, Pastor.—Preaching « Mock In tho morning, and at 3U in tho afternoon. lohool at 9 o’clock. Ut/n’an Methodist, Rev. Sstdir Cab, Pastor—Pre [rery Sahbath morning at 11 o’clock and in the even ke old Union School House. t ' ; -''-'ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. J ■ MAILS CLOSB. utez&Wa? M>d UoUidai»burß at rtj(#rn u OUklayahntg arternXhronzh Mall r^: T ”* ”*1 •■ •, West “ J. 11. Bob-rts, M. Ctiinh ;< * "North Wm. yal«nttno» TVm. Ui| JIGS, DATES, PRUNES, CITB C -and Currants In store and for sale by " ‘* v WM..S. BITDOA UarfhgV’M-ly] • 191 North 3d street, Plilla* Almonds, walnuts, cr LjL. Note and filberts In store and for sale by ZTTZ-'TJX : V‘^ W ’ , m*; w/ismio* '•», 58-ly] 191 Sorth 3d street Pbllad, ■>UHE WHITE LEAD AND L . Paint, also Chrome. 1 Green, IDeilow, Paris 0 gro-. r d in bit at [l-tt] ...BJJSS. FOVERING AND NEW OEL Ldl Syrup Molasses, at fair at tC7-ly3 • - UEJCB.Y LI MCERIES.—A LARGE I otHuplefe assortment of Groceries havo Jut* fedlsttSe storeof - - J.B, HJLI £3HR)>IIN AL SUPPORTERS, sek, and Shoulder Braces for sale at J-tf! " " '■ KBSSI pJORY : LEHR’S STORE •*-*&**>. Jt