The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 23, 1858, Image 1

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    Tioif. phq;
i hy fecial tndotem,,,
rested, ctfeata g*'
wl Piso.-iac-sguchiis ,v.
bnce, Cf.nnrrhu-a, ofe
,/ Ahiizr. tCf., <fc.
• of till- awful Ocatrnrt!..-
tin- llccoiitir
■urns of such .lhcaiS.7'
o<>rCon S ,Utm s Su^ 0 7
open aJiS
s of discio-es, J n .1, A*?-
praii* to nil whojfe
:u- rmulmnn,
cup of extrema
' /'•*’•■ rhargr.
( ti,.. niftbea?
.uunsj the, most appro,.
;<• past, feel assured tlm
vol. nt ohort, huvoU
spccmlly to I l le
t;ch despised cuue.
oa..a Keyorton Bpc mu
la* vie- of Onanism, m“7
r <lis.asw of the Beiv,,
"• whii’li.will ho sent ly
cuii 'jr, on the receipt if
nt. Hr. fir.OHGER.CAI.
aril A- - 'elation, Ko •> s '
i;y order of the Dir<a:to«
lUoc. Mr,
mid tin- citizcnsof AUoo.
■ dolin Lehr, on Vtrplnij
. where they hill he W
ll.' in with a call. Jh,^
;; :;?Ullf of
, Pish,
; ■ rish oii,
10, Alcohol,
\haCCO; '
r-r iiiohr.ADTCAf!)!;
-itiuj of jiurcl«uiiri{; a ß v!
> pvc tIK-m n call, an tli:?
on !ir,.t cost.. We n»lt te'
0 Ir* l-’ivs. Oivc us.u tt‘. v
■.v-.iMs poisi. yaii”'
l.'oo'i.hlj: Ptuvo
.•.viinisitt* style
..Min nil r,v;ioctH.. :^i
i-.j Hu-flu-- me «oamn K .
ii l-ake jMTfrctly nud'Btij,
:i of tills
nnimsol favorite. '■
•offrwil rapnntty—-tli C
: i..ns and is a
readily Uu recommended
;■ stoves constantly <m
.I0?i:i>ll H. BUSH. .
i'rican Notar, Alloom-
> r tlio trnili of tiildwj
tudly nnnonnee fo.the
Unit lie lias entered
Michael Oalhmlicr,fto
.id. iifs OlHce, .’wbefebs
, ,1. He bos just .received
i . which ho will make ts
-■ which can not Cul u
.:.: -fv till' most IkatWfco!
. arill he r mailo Oft tiejl**
- d. t •rmtncd thtU.ntKb-
I'n iidt r eatisfimlwhle
;r j'atninajte.
I ~ \.l i.-dicd J G ratio,, ya»2Wi
I IDNAIJ TIIEATMjEXT, a or Local Weakmst*,
c... .Nervous l)itiility,T«iipu
... rirK -ncrully, W 'w.e ; V
nnny alariifiiß complaint!,
r d’f flit itil- of youth, Ally
■IKUICINIt. is in Ottoman
I I do e ntirely newawlldtH
d l.y the Author, frilly
. : v one is enabled to ctu»
1 . si possible coat, therelv
in,i- of tl.e day. ~
el pi>at tri ein a Bvalejlcn
t -,v.. po.- t ;i"e stamp* to Bn
et. Xew Turk City, i d'
,I„ M- rrfiant Tailoiilate of
! ■ Hit! citizen* of r Alfociß
d tin- building twodoon
iiij.l one door South: of Nu*
• . ■ lie i» how receiving ku
nu:n goods,
ul pric'-i. Plain aiIdFOTCJ
.Silk. Satiu VclvctMar
uiunitr Vi ,-tingii, -In short,
vr. all pf which he will
. u.i ou fho most IWMU-
lieithillkll, will «WV
liltn with tlielr drKts-
• Ot’NTy.—THJI
i. ::.ii a ,\fw Map-'of Stair
H i Mirv. if, containing*!'
(he i.efuallocalities of
f UVi rthip. School
II ’..•1.-,Stores, Varmliout-
I , :i! Village*, a Tabic of
y. giving the nftnte awl
engraved on the.Jß* 1 "
iil-ilileftMlr so a* tolMa’
v’. iUi will -he colored
llv. i.,.1 to subscriber* 4l
samcei. CKit,
■ i-;u;: hummers,
n v-tero to render **'”
qiadhy, ho Iwp***
■. ■■j.itron.'igV. ' ■■■■'
i;:> don reasona Mo tertt-'i
! niptly nttended t 6.
i .'y coinpimnded.' fl-it
In;- : :;d Criminal fa -I*
•• , .ni.acd throngho®*
(•:; :tl Trial*. CrtolW*
.1 t -me, tojestfcerW*’
not to he found to S®*
::n; SI fur klv montlK»i c
: i’.lwrite their naBW
1; r- they reside pinlJIW
. .maxsk/xaoo^
■ York I’olicc Gazette
; .Veto TOTkttyk
Jack & Co*»
’ AT ■
ad Altoona*
■ C'jlltcli'jiw a hj4«*"
:iil'-jsKiml, without i® -
•- Ctir rutis. [l-t t
.. llvu.mAyi-
' rv. i'\.. • ’ >
1 jilly to nil e&U'*!'
:I;r [ir..-bciit) at tils
fiHcis, HoUlJjgiw**-
cNty, i’A. *•■
; a-of J. B. niteil^b
* i-r-ydorforWaalttofeg:
; _n>: distil.
r.aJ for salts at -■■■ j,„.-
'■■u j, t. JCKJ&t
jtfcOEUM & PBKN,
- VS /l« M
tqoiratorwlluertlon. enootk*. »*•«.
* $ 160 |S » ‘ 4 tS
2 u 4 00 * w!
*w ««
•UUawof tew, •’
Dm •«»>•>
TUwej , MM U.OO
»♦*“- as as Sf
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.®S!S; gss.T.isr- 1 ":
tUl forWd mod charged MttonUog
«*“* P« r 4? 8 5
ObitaurnoticM exceeding ton Hnee, fifty oontrn a«i»n.
tribune directory.
CHUitcHts. Miwrrtiia, »c. ; •
rrdtMUria*, Bar. A B. Ouu, Paator.—Pwachlngev
tore Boom. Pmyjn Maettag, awry Wedneeday evening In
•the mom room. / • \ _ _
KeVudiit Bfiicopal, Ber. 8. A. Wrtsoy, Paator.—Preach- ■
iwr sabbath Sebooiitt the Lecture Room it 2 o’clock, P.
if. General Pray»r Meeting in aamo room every Wedne*.'
4aiy erasing. Young Men’* Prayer Meeting every Pritiay
i 4renioff* * •
JSeamxkatl £utAeran,Bev. JaaonSnox,Paator.—Preach
ing ertrr Sabbath morning at o’clock, end at 7 o’clock
In the evening. Sabbath School In the Leetbre fiwnyrt
SM o’clock, P. M. Prayer Meeting in ranut roomevery
WwlDMday evening.
Vniltd Brethren,'W. D. Error, Paator.—Preaching ev
ary Sabbath morning at 10J< o’clock and in thaaveaing at:
t o’clock. Sabbath School in the Lecture’ Eoomat 9:
o'clock, A.M. Prayer Meeting every Wedncaday evening:
la aamo room. ' ' _
Pntabuit Episcopal, Rev. B. W-OuTMuPaator.—DWlno
Service 99 and 4th Sunday* of each month at WA o’clock
A. M,and K\i P.M. Sunday School at 9 o’clock A. M.
OMfc, Bov: Jobs Twiooi, at 10>$
o’clock in tho morning, and at SUin tho afternoon. '
Bapljjt, (no'Paator.)—Sabbath School at t o’clock, A.M.
4/Wcm JfettbdW, Bov. gsitat Can, Paatorv—Preaching;
•very Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock and in the evening, in
the old Union School Uooae. *
KiUrplTaj ondHalUdoybttrgol
We«um « ■v-
£«aUniThronzfalUU ■ -
; We^^
Jjmtirn Tteowjh JtotL IttiH.
' WUfehi EotUdKnbns, 11 30 P. JC
Scoters*' ”-V 46 '
. Ott«MMkte'Uw tnwctliiii of InUimm from T A. H.
Xxpnw Tula £Mt 2,48 A. lt,, Imm* ifii k. M.
■ W**t “ 8,36 “ *• B*6 «
■Zm t •' A» PM. " P. M.
W«*t “ IOyOO « « logos “
*Mt “ 11,30 A. M, . “ 11,50 A.JS.
W**t MSP. M, “ 7,10 P.M.
TJ» nOUiIOAYSBDBG BRANCH connects wtthExpress
Train fful, Mall Train Bart and West and with Fast Une
The QUUBpTIUX BRANCH connects with Johnstown
Way Train and West, Express Train West and Mail
Train But
Xtuntairi Lodge,]/.. Y. No. 2SI, meetaon second Tues
day of.eachaonth, in the third story 6i the Masonic Tent
pla, at 7}d<fclock, P. U.
BitmenOtal Encampment, A. Y. M., No 10, meet* on die
third Tneadar of each month, in the third etory of the Ma
sonic Temple, at 714 o’clock, P. M.
Mtoma Lodge,!. O. of 0. -173, meet* erery Friday
arming, in the wcoad itory of the Masonic Temple, at
o'clock, P.M.
Veranda lodge, 1.0. of O. P-, No. 632, meets every Friday
•Toning,lu the third atory of Patton’sßuilding. onVirgiola
Street,st7}so’clock, P.M.
WSnnobago Tribe, No. 86, I. 0. B. M., hold statedConn
awry Tuesday evening .in the I. O. O. P. Uall, in the
Masooie Temple. Connell Firs at 7U» ran 30th
hreatb. A. EBERLE, G of. B, [June 25,’67-ly
Junior Sent 0/ America, Camp No. 31, meets every Mon-
Jayalght In the thirdstory of Patton's Hall, at 7J$ o’clock
"H. ■ • ■
Judge* of the Chart/. —Preaident, Hon.-George Taylor.—
A"*"*"*,V. Penh Jpncs, Dorld Caldwell. "j
Pnlhondarg —Joseph Baldridge. '
Emitter anaSiconler— Hugh A. Caldwell.
George Port .Deputy—J ohn HcClura.
DUtnel Attorney--Bonj. L. Hewit.
Qnadg Oemmieoioneri—- James Hutchison. DitU H. Con
fhwtof Surveyor— JameeX. Qwinn.
«r,J. B. McFSrane.
Treaiwrtr —B. Hoover. /
Auditor*—J. vr. Tipperv, 8. Morrow, A. C. McCartney.
Aar Uoute Diredort —C- Coyer, GeorgeW««Ter,Samuel
Shim. .
(kroner —James Punk.
JluperinUndent of Common School* —John Dean.
Jattieetef the &aoo —Jacob Good, J. M. Cherry:
JhsygW - IE. M. Jones.
Ihtw/hwioS—James lowttor, B. 11. McCormick, John
AlUsoa, pstorßoed, Nelson (Handing.
PreMent of OdundH— K. H. McCormick.
Clerk to (jmbkßt- John McClelland.
Borough JVeorwrcr—-James Lowther.
_Bekotf W. Patton, C. B. Sink, C. C.
JMf®, Ow. W-Sparks, Joseph Moist, Wo. C. McCormick.
rrtcwtrof School Board—-Wm. 0. McCormick, ■>
iW K. Ely.
Bis ftfleetor— John McClelland.
Anditon—G. D. Thomas, Thor. JlcMinn.
JMuwr—Jahn McClelland.
IjlKwH Mieuort —Danlol Price, David Dehl.
JSecttjTM—Bart Warf-Johj» B. WarfeL
“' . “ West “ Jacob Good.
“ “ North “ Alexander Riling- -
AmtoHU Ward-E. A. Beck, Alex. »Sa«>7-
• " Weet u J. U. Roberta, M. Clanbnagh/
-*V Mhtth “ Wm. Valentino, Wm- Roddi
.. aod Curranta In etoro and for gale by
t B -*?! 101 North M street, Philadelphia.
; A%!L O % S A^ Walnut S. creak
*Af»M rabexts ia store and for sale hy
Manikli vli»i __ WM. K. SHUOAiID,
r W North 3d street, PhilodQlpJriA.
wm, atao Chromc. Green, Yellow, Varla Green, dry
ry*wi»ta >t [i-ttj kessler’s.
at fair price*, at
.***, and Shoulder Braces fcr sale at
:£*" £“ "tend, nearly* 'McCcr
» »wr», In North Jftt<L fjan* A», ’iW y.
• 00
11 OO A.M.
8 00 AiM.
0 10 P.M.
800 «
■“* 800 “
IHOS. A. SCOTT, Sdplt.
Would not detain them u they flj—
Tbowhoura of toUond danger.
—For oh i m atand on AMoo’i Mni4:
. . Our. frieudaara posatng over; '
„ 4«d joct baton, the■hißlogahof* '
We’ll gfcnl onrloina, my brethren d««r, .
; Oordirtanthomo discerning;
Odrnbleent lordbag left tu word,
•let every bup be burning.
9 B^W:— *’9 r ohl.we.riand on Jordan* etmid, Ac.
Should coitdngdayabo cold anddark, <
-We naed net ceaae our ringing;
That perfect. re*t naught can moleet,
Where golden harpaare ringing.
Cannes: —For oh I, we stand on Jordon'* strand) Ac.
Kwt chord on earth to never; .
, .Our Kingaaya, “ Oo*o 1” and thete’a our borne,
For rifer,ohlfor over. ■.s -■
OuoattSS—Focohl wo riand on Jordan's strand, Me.
SWtd llfottflfflg.-
In Hugh Mitier** posthumous work en
titled w Tne probe of the Betsy, w we take
the following unresting Account; of the
Cave in which the whole people of the
Island of Eigg, one of (he Hebrides, were
smoked .to death by a neighboring dan,
the McLeods :
“ We struck !a tight, and, worthing .our
selves, through the narrow entrance, gain
ed the.intenor--a teuexook gallery, vast
ly more roomy mid lofty than one could
have anticipated from the mean vestibule
placed in front effti < Its extreme length
we found to be two hundred and sixty
feet; its extreme breadth twenty-seven
feet; its height, where the roof rises high
est, from jeigfateen to twenty feet The
eave seems to have owed its origin to two
distinct caukes. Thetrap rock bn each
side of the fenlt-like crevice which sepa
rates them are greatlydqcomposed as if
by the mpisture from above ;and directly
in the tine of the crevice must the sun
have charged, , wave after wave, ages ere
the last upheave! of the land. When the
Bog-stone atßunolly existed as a sea stack,
skirted with algm, the breakers on this
shore must have dashed every tide though
the narrow opening of the cavern, and
scooped out by handfrtls the decomposing
trap within.
“ T'he process of decomposition, and cpn
scaoeni enlargement, is still going .on in
side,' but (here is nd longer an agent to
sweep away the disintegrated
Where thereof rises behest, the floor is
blocked up with accumulations of bulky
decaying masses, that have
above; and it is hovered over itsentire
area bv a stratum of earthly which
Has-fallcn froth the sides and ceiling in
suohabundancc jthat it covers up the straw
beds of the .perished islanders, which still
exist beneath, as a brown mouldering felt,
■V» the depth pf from five to eight inches.
Never yet was tragedy enacted on a.
gloomier theatre. An uncertain twilight
glimmers gray at the entrance, from the
narrow vestibule; but .all within, for two
hundred feet, ip blpok as with Egyptian
dackheW' AsiWe passed oh with our one'
tight, dong • 'the' dark mouldering
ana roof, which absorbed every stcag
. gling ray that reached them, and over the
dingy floor, roppy and damp, the place
called to recollection that hall in Homan
'Stoty, hung and carpeted with black, into
which Bomitian once thrust his senate, in
a frolic, to read their own names on the
coffin-lids placed against the wall. The
darkness seemed to press upon us from,
every side, as if it were a dense jettyfluid,
out of which our light had scooped a pail
ful or two, and that was rushing in to sup
ply the vacuum; and the only objects we
saw distinctly visible were each other’s
- heads and faces, and the tighter parts of
our dfeasi
“ The floor, for about quo hundred feet
in wards from the narrow vestibules, re
sembles that of a charnel-house. At al
most every step we came upon heaps of
human bones grouped together, as the
Psalmist so graphically describes, 1 as when
one cutteth and cleaveth wood to the
earth/ They are of a brownish, earth hue,
here and there tinged with green; the
skulls, with the exception of a few bro
ken fragments, have disappeared; for
travelers in the Hebrides have of late
years been numerous and curious; and
many a museum—that at Abbotsford
among the rest—exhibits, in a grinning
skull, its memorial of the Massacre of
Etgg. We find, too, further marks of vis
itors in the single bones separated from
the heaps, and scattered over the area;
but enough still remains to show, in the
general disposition of the remains, that
the haplesa islanders died under the waUs
in families, each little group separated by
a few feet from the others. Here and
there the remains of a detached skeleton
may be seen, as if some-robust islander,
restless in bia agony, bad stalked out into
the middle space ere he fell; hot the so
coal arrangement is the general one.
' “And beneath every heap we find, at
the depth as has been said, of a few inches,
the remains of the straw bed upon which
the familv had lain, largely mixed with
the smallest bohes of the human frame,
ribband the vertebra, and hand and feet
bones; occasionally, too, with fragments
of unglazed pottery, and various other im
plements of rude housewifery. The min*,
later found for me, under one family heap,-
the pieces of a half-burned, unglased ear
then jar, with a-narrow moufch,that, like
the sepulchral urns ofour-anoient tnmnli,
had been moulded by. the: hand, without
the assistance of the .potter's wheel jand
to one 6jt the fragments (here stuck, a min
ute pellpt of grey \hair. From nndn an
other heap he disintered the handle-stave
of a child's wbodei porringer (bicker,)
perforated hy a hole still bearing the mark
of the cord that had hang it to the wall;
and beside the stave lay a few of the lar
ge*; less destructible tones of the child,
with what for atime pmssleduabothnot
a little—one of the gnnders of a horse.
“Oertaln it was, no horse could have
got there to hivo dropped a tooth —a foal
of a, week old could rat have passed itself
through theopening jandhow thatsingle
grinder* evidently uo reeeiit introduction
into the eave* Could mixed up in
the straw <W»tb the human hones, seemed
aa,sniginu somewhat pf the daw to which
the reel £n Jho bottle belongs. I found in
an unexpected commentator
on ld the person of my little
boyj an philosopher in his
second year, i had spread out on the
floor the cariosities of fiig£, among the
rest, the relics'of the cave, including the
pieces of earthen-jar, andthefragments of
the porringer; bat the home’s tooth seem
ed to be the only real curiosity among them
in the eyes of hide Bill, fie laid instant
hold of it ; and, appropriating it as a toy, ’
continued it tlUhe/dlatdeep.
. “ I have now little doubt but that it was ’
first-brought into the cave by (he. poor
odiild amid whose mouldering remains Mr.
Sw;mson flnmd it This little pellet of
|pay hair spptc of feeble old age involved
in 'thig wholesale massacre, with the vig
orous njanhood of the island; and here
was a story of unsuspecting infancy amu
sing itself on the eve of destruction with
its toys. Alas for man ! ‘ Should not 1
spare Nidevidi, that great city/ said God
to the angry prophet, ‘ wherein are more
than six score thousand persons that can
not disern between their right hand and
their left?’ God’s image most have been
sadly defaced in the murderers of the poor
inoffensive children of Eigg, ere they cbuld
have heard their feeble wailings, rased,
no doubt, when the stifling atmosphere
within began first to. thicken; and yet ruth
lessly persist in their indiscriminate de
straction/’- * .* *
“ Some hundreds of years ago,” says.
Mr. Wilson, “ a few of the McLeods laud
ed in Eigg froto Skye, where, having great
ly misconducted themselves, the' Eiggitas
strapped them to their own boats, which
they set adrift in the ocean; They were,
however, 'rescued fby some clansmen j and
soon after a strong! nody of the McLeods
set sail from Skye, to revenge themselves
,on Eigg. The natives of the latter island,
feeling they were of not of sufficient force
to oScrresistanoe, wentand hidthemcelves,
(men, women; and children,) in this secret
oave, which is narrow, bnt of great subterra
nean length, .with an exceedingly small
entrance.:; It opens from the.brdken&oe
of a stoep bank along the shore: and, as
the whole poapt is cavernous the pa&oular
retreat wouldihaye in vain
by So the Syke-men,. finding
we Island uninhabited, priteumed the na
tives had fled, and satisfied their revenge
ful feelings by ransacHhg aihd pillaging
the empty houses. Probably the movables
were of no great value. They then took
their departure, and left the island, when
the sight of a solitary humah being among
the cliffs awakened their suspicion and In
duced them to return Unfortunately a
slight sprinkling of snow had fallen, and
the footsteps of an individual were traced
to the mouth of the cave. Not having
been there ourselves at the period alluded
to, wo cannot speak with certainty as to
the nature of the parley which ensued, or
the terms offered by cither party; but we
know that those were not the days of proto
cols. The ultimatum was not satisfactory
to the Skyc-mcn, who immediately pro
ceeded to c adjust the in
their own way, which adjustment consisted
in carrying a vast collection of heather,
ferns, and other combustibles, and making
a huge fire just in the very entrance of
the Uamh Faairujh, which they kept up
for a length of time j and thus, by ‘ one
fell smoke/ they smoothcred the entire
, population of the island.”
Paddy Bewildered. —A farmer ouoe
told his man who was thoroughly Irish, to
run into the pasture and cutoh an ox. “I
jpean the off one —l will manage the other
myself,” said he.
Tat ran to do as he was bidden, ,but
suddenly paused; on big. way, 1 with the ex
clamation : v
He’s a reasonable fellow, an yhow, bedad
i and how am I to know which is the orphan V
[independent in everything.}
In the yearXBs6, said to ns yesterdays
distinguished legal gentleman of New O
rleans, 1 visited Pom in the course of a
European tour/that my Amerieanism
might be polished down % a KtUfl attri
tion among thegeuteel particles of Par
isian society.: X found the of Paris;
ini a very considerable state of excitement
inconseqnenoe of in extraordinary perfor
mance wnioh was nightly exhibited by an
Eastern juggler, and wmchwasnothing
more or less than' the apparent decapita
tion Pfd of an audience,
and under * committee of
medical gentlemen, who stood only so far
distant while the operation was being per
formed as to escape the swing of the long
two-edged sword with which the Juggler
smote off the head.
t went to see this exhibition, which
tbojk place in the theatre, in company with
several. American gentlemen. The thea
tre wascrowdedwithbetween two and
three, thousand spectators, and the curtain
was up, displaying a common table six
feet Ipng, upon .the stage, at the very edge
ot wiuchlobtained a seat, having gone
veryearly. ■
At a given time the juggler, a singular
looking came upon the stage with
his shirt sleeves rolled up to the shoulders,
and hearing a long,, heavy, two-edged
sword. He upset the table upon the
boards, and ishowed than there was no con
cealed drawer; or other recess, and placed
it in the blaze of the footlights. near the.
edge of the stage. Ip a few words he
stated what he was going to do, and re
quested some of the audience to come for
ward and stand upon the stage, that they
might see that there was no deception.—
A number of medical gentlemen who had
been chosen as a committee to investigate
(he matter, if possible, took their position
inpointhestage, and soon after the victim,
who had been pitting in the parqdette,
mounted the stage, removed his -coat and
;cravat, turned back his shirt collar, and!
laying down Upon his back upon the table, |
elevated his chin to more fairly expose his
neck to die headsman’s weapon. The jug
gler then raised his keen and fearful lock
ing sword, and giving it a wide sweep,
brought it down—l say brought it down
upon the,heck, for no one. could see,that
he &4 not, even those within three feet of
him—upon the neck of the subject with
great force!
Blood spurted high in the air, some of
it falling on our own party, and deluged
‘ the stage, while the most fearful sound,
something between a groan and a shriek
of horror from the whole assemblage, shook
the building, and numerous women and
some males fell fainting in their seats, and
were borne out by the ushers of the house.
The juggler raised his sword again,- re
peated the blow, ap4 the dissseyered head
fell upon the floor! Taking it by the hair
he held it up to the audience for full five
minutes, until the blood had ceased to flow,
from the several arteries, the lower jaw
had fallen, and the face hkd assumed the
appearance of a corpse’s; then throwing
it heavily upon the stage,he requested
the committee tq examine it, which they
did pasmng it from hand to hand. They
then examined the body upon the tpble,
from the headless neck of which the blood
had not ceased to!drop npon the floor of
(he stage; they lifted the limbs and let
them fall with the limb inertia of lifeless
matter, and of' course, pronounced Ihe
man dead to all intents and purposes.
After'they bad concluded their investi
gation, the juggler informed the audience
that he was gqmg to put the man’s head
on agaiD, and him to life.: Taking
pp the bead he laid it on the table, began
to mdtter and make signs over corpse.
In about fiye minutes the lately detepita
ted man slowly turned lus ghastiy'aiid al
together horrible i face—white 9$ snow —
towards the audience, and an excitement
followed exceeding,if anything that which j
occured when the first blow qf the sword
fell. ’ln a few moments thei eyelids grad
.ually opened and displayed the eye» wear
ing a glassy, corpse-like stare; by donees
a life-like speculation came into them,
some color returned to the fees; and, after
stretching his limbs, the map mosc npm
the table, resumed his coat, and walked
down from the stage and mingled with
the crowd.
The exhibition was over. The fleck of
the apparently decapitated man bore a ted
mark and scar aronnd ii, Okd (be oaoatrice
of a newly healed wound. All this I saw
with my own eyes, which were as effectu
ally deceived as those of tens of thousands'
of other persons. ’ I could in no way,, con-,
sistently with reason, account for any fea
ture of this horrible thrilling feat of trick
ery. I have never heard of the triek
being performed by any other man, and
very possible it originated and died with
him. However, it is scarcely more aocqun*
able than often displayed feats of tße
roit fraternity of eastern jugglers.—AT. £>,
True Delta.
A DiabMlcal ExUbltlM.
A man’s head cut onr.
A little girl in Louisvillehad her
nose bitten'off by a horse,
week, while passingundef be head tn Jhe
■r;; f-!'
A'- ;»
■ h V;-'
TroaUesvme Swap.
The New York Tribune relates an
amnsingstory/which it declares to be
true, ofahdy and. gentleman at a bath
ing' place on Long Island. They were
engaged to b* married, and one warm ev
eningjrhen walking along the beach, talk
ing they came to a beautiful
cove, which was cnvided by a rocky pro
jection Into two dice little bathing places.
It was agreed that they should bath here,
one taking one place, and the other the
other. They ; went in, were having a first
rite time splashing about and talking over
the rock to each other j when a little scamp
who had'been fishing there, happened to
see them, and straightway was; possessed
by the devil to'ohange their clothes. He
did it, and the result is thus related:
As the hoy rah behind a. sand hill, his
long shadotr between her and the sinking
son attracted the lady ? B‘notice, And in
some terpidataon ahahastenedtodon her
apparel. Fancy her /f feelings!', on fil
ing, not her own clothes, but th? bat, coil,
vest, add other articled, in J eptemo of the
gentleman os the other side of the prom
ontary I How ooold Urhave happened—
and what eras to be done?, , tw fear
fully long shadow some spmtofthe sea
on shore, offended intrusion
upon his solitude had resorted, to fils me
thod of punishing her
better to imagine her- situation than at
tempt to describe it, „ i r * > <
, : In the meantime the gentleman, too, re
paired to the shore to dress*
astonishment was depleted on hu oounteo
ance, as it fell upoh a fcatn df woman’s
clothing. “ What in fie' mut
tered to himself does this mean Jr—lstbe
place turned round, 0? am | ofaay Y* In
the greatest perplexity he took dp one ar
ticle of feminipe apparel after to
the number of about thirty, letflng one af
ter another drop again upon the roek where
he stood, with many m half audible ejacu
lation ,of wonder. There wan ho doubt in
bis mind as to whom me tbingsbelonged;
but how did they get there, and where were
his own clothes? With one ahn akimbo,
he pressed his other hand upon his fore
head to collect hi& bewildered senses, little
thinking that the mischievousslf wfio war
the author of hb embarrassment wws laugh
ing at hire from behind the same sand hill.
After 0 few ifiOtoOilts hesitation', the
gentleman shouted to his lady: hmr the
awkward intelligence, and in Return was
informed that his clothes lay at her feet.
All that was to be done was to exchange
the lots; but how in the namel of delicacy
was that consummation, so devoutly wish
ed to be affected? The san was now down,
bnt it was not dark yet. Finally H Was
arranged that the lady should venture in
to the water, with her eyes seatward, while
the lover should exchange clothes and re
turn to his side of the rooks. ;
Unfortunately, just as he was about to
cut around the othsr side to perform that
duty, he caught sigbtofa couple of young
ladies not far off, and he felt Compelled to
retreat precipitately to his place again.—
His dbcomfitted companion would have
then come out hastily and called to the
ladies for their help, bnt they were distant,
and between herself and them she sayr a
boy passipg dong, V, : s , : ; 'Tv
To cut story the “peculiarly
unpleasant predicament,” lasted until ,the
young lady felt it necessary to save herself
from being chilled todeath,to attiro her
self in her lover's clothing. | He, on his
part, put her garments to the same use for
his own benefit,, and* pretty good fit it |
was ; 'for the tiro friends were about of a
B«Q, and but. for the discrepancy of a full
beard he might in a less dusky light than
then pictured, have passed for a lady. It
Was ms Intention, in some way or another,
he hardly knew how, to rectify the matter
iiumediately, but when he ; had ventured
to join fils laughing, blushing sweetheart,
he saw the mischievous boy a little distance
off, with a grin on his impish countenance,
closely watching their motions. Quickly
putting a hankerchief to his face to con
eeal his tell-tale beard, the gentleman took
the lady’s arin, and they sauntered on the
shore nfitD it was dark, then entered the
hotol aa pritotelyas possibly; and making
the best of their way to their respective
rooms, lost to time in donning more ap-,
propriato habiliments.
An Vp-Hlll Bnsiltfsg.
Walk ap»
liable up,
wtitt l ® w»
I \ JMe up,
-Biwh lap/
Swim up,
Grain up,
w»jE;ap thit yqu.i&ji; BET
lis cp your Suboriftion BUlsj v
r ; -V
'■tr i 1 1
' : \ ' -•
:t I \ :,y - £
" *ii i'v
■, >- ! v
• ?"■ ■
l: ‘ 7
WasAlngfoa la Ttnrt.
At the close of the RevoWtioh it Sa well
known that Congress was unable to taeet
its obligations to the Army. Division. of
counsel existed as to the best inethodof
raising the necfeasary fuhds to pay osthe
army before it was disbanbed. White
thus tho hopes of the un paid .arihy were
alternately elevated ahd depressed, some
traitorous person scattered an anonymous
circular among them, fomenting the dis
satisfaction already existing, and leading
to open rebellion. The individual who
was suspected to have been the author of
this paper was General Armstrong. Wash
ington summoned all the officers into his
presence to hear an appeal, which he had
prepared, and a copy of which is (bund in
Marshall’s Life. Neither wild lands, hjw*
ever rich, nor con tinental paper, hoWever
legal, would purchase bread or clothing.
Tab minds of tho army had beconie embit
tered by poverty and disappointment, and
their principles corrupted by the infidel
Jfcehoh Literature which flooded our land,
apd poisoned all the fountains of society.
. ‘ On a certain day the loyal and disfftyal
gathered around the Father of our Coun
try. General Gates, against #h6m char
gis made had been withdrawn, presided,
oneral Washington arose with nis man
uscript in hand, to read a rebuke .to trea
■on. But tears suffusing his eyes, preven
ted him. What a scene for some Amer
icapVernotl Ho grasped the scroll, dash-'
ingaway the tears, and essayed again to
read.; /But all was silent. HrS fiohlb
frame heaved with eniotion. In ordbrto
suffer his agitated feelings to subside, he
began hunting for hia spectacles;' 7 ;. J
. : %Pv r don mejfenUemen,’ he Jkav*
Sfioien grey and blind in the tertian, pf
iny country? \
What a rebuke were-these words (ft’the
oonoealedpromotenof treason I ' Many
fho before might have faltered were nci
ted by those tears. They gathered closer
and closer around the noble form, and
when he closed, they resolved to stand to
the death by theikdevitted leader.; Those
tears, under Providence, may have saved
our. country...
The following dialogue, which osciund
several yearn ifco, between a lawyer and a
witness,' la a ; justice's court, not w great
manythousaud miles from this placc,is '
i sJ«e®B that Mr.,. Jones loaned Mr.
Smith a, noree A which died while id his
(Smith's) possession. Mr. Jones' brought
mit -W recover the value of the hdrse, at
tributing his death- to bad treatment.—
During the course of the trial a witness
(Mr. Brown) wkp polled to the stand ttt tes
tily as to ho.w Mr. Smith treated horses.
Lawyer (with a bland and confidence
invoking smilel) “ Well, Sir, how dtte*
Mr. Smith generally ride a horse I’*- \
Witness (with a very merry itrinklo in
his eye, impertdrbable.) “ A straddle I
believe Siri” 1 '’•
Lawyer (with a scarcely perceptible
ftuah of yexation upon his cheek, butstill
speaking in his smoothest tones.)
■ ** But, air, what gait does he ride?"
Witness, “fie never rides any gait,
Sir. ■ Hik boys ride all the gates."
isnr reir (his bland smile gone and; his
voice slightly husky.) “ But how dfceaho
ride when |n company with others?” ;
Witness, “ Keep up, if his horse is able;
if not, be goes behind." vt
Lawyer, (triumphantly, arid in perfect
ftuy.) “How. does he ride whett fdone
Sirr . ,
Witness,“Don’t kfipW;never was with
him when he was dldfte'." - *
Lawyer, “ I have do‘fie ’ with ■ you ■ Sir."
A negro boy being told by'his
master to borrow a pound of lard from, his
neighbor, thus delivered li’is'messagji;—
‘ Missus ThompsOn, nxassa sen* CorcoVer
to borrow or beg a pound of hog-tallow;
ho says ho got de old sow up in do pen
fatten ’em, he gwioe to kill her day. be
fore yesterday, and he come over week
’fore last and pay all yon owe us/.
SgL, A Quaker having sold a fine-lottk*
log, but blind horse, asked the purchaser.
“ Well, my friend, dost thou bos any
feult in him V’
‘ No/ was the answer.
‘ Neither will he ever see any in tht
raid old Broadbrim.
i l&.Two centuries ago tiot one ip pne
hundred wore stockings. Fifty 'ago
bot one boy in a thousand was mrowed to
run at largo at night. Fifty years agohot
one girl in a thousand made 4 waiting
maid of her mamma. Wonderful improve
ments in this wonderful age 1
"a ' *
•. iSk-The keeper of a menagerie was
lately seen beating an elephant with *
large club. A bystander asked hint the
cause. •Why,’ said the keener, ‘he has
been flinging dust all oyer tne tent, and
he’s big enough to know better.
A inao has been arrested ip New
port/Obio, for robbing his wife of several
ntmdred dollars, which she lla<| aconttra
httod by hard labor. He . was committed
for trial. * >
too. to.