XXAMMONTON LANDS NEW ENQ-- SETTLEMENT.—RARE OPPORTUNITY. fojCTWsoting Farms in a healthy place, iuxnty-five miles -fromphiladclphla, on the Camden ami Atlantic railroad, ■®sw JetteST- An old estate has recently been opened for wale, abd the first division of 10,000 acres divided np Into fiirua of twenty acres and upwards. The soil is of Hit hest tmality for the production of fruits, grains, Ac. The price Irflß tosa> per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly In stalments, Within n term of four years, with interest. The terms are mode'cosy, in order to insure the rapid iraprove ineat of tiie land, by enabling ercry industrious man to Imp Afami It is now being extensively Unproved by good roilto, and’some of the best citizens from NcwEnglund and tbe.Middle States ere erecting large improvement*. It is aacsnooftho greatest improvement out of Seventy-fire houses have been built In four months, Prac tical farmers and business meu from the iengthand breadth of the Union arc settling there. It is nu important buai - ness place,on account of its living in the midst of a great • market. Every article raised upon this land Cuds an imme dlato salc. The water is excellent, and no such thing as’ fever U known. The foil i* a sandy or clay loam, with it clay bottom and retentive of manures. It Is free of stones and easily work ed. It abounds largely in the phosphates, and such is its fertility that front the chops produced both upon this land and tho largo area adjoining under cultivation, it will he found not to be excelled anywhere iu lire production of crops most adapted to its market. \ The.reoder may be well aware tlrnt tjio earliest and the bcst frniU and vegetables come from New Jersey, which • nroanually exported to the amount, pf millions of dollars. The land, besides being accessible hi every way for fertlli , abundant supply jf the best quality ofmuck jnaonre. - -Lumber and building materials can be had on the spotlit nb«np price, from the mills! Other mills arc now being Op4QEd, and brickyards being rtar'ed on the ground. A 1 person can put up a frame tenement for present convenl encoibr one hundred dollars. On account of the extensive emigration, this'is the best course to pursue iu order to get nplaos to live In at first. Carpenters and builders are.on ,;lutnd to pot up houses on the best terms. __ Insettllng hero the emigrant has many advantages. ■’’lie ll within a low hours’ ride of the great cities of the Middle State* and New England: ho is near his old friends and as ‘"Mctatlems: lie Is in a settled country, wliercevery hdlitoye fipif of civiii/.tlion :iit hand; lio i»luahc*u« thrb]ace,aml la not nubjfct to the certainty of losing the ' greater port of Ida family and his own health by those mti- IjgnaTlf favors which make ihu graves of so many millions bitho young and and hardy in the far off regions away vfrotn howe and friends. Resides, he has a mild chmaio mid ' nnjopen winter. ■ ■ Thercare three ( rains daily to Pliiladelplno, and wall '• those who improve the railroad company givwafrce ticket- The-rwuler will at otic.-, be struck with 'till: advantages Mrc presented, and ask himself why the property has not •bsotf taken up before. The reason is, it «w never thrown . in the market; and unie.>s these statements were correct no nne wOnUI be lnvitcd to examine the lanil beforepurchasing. Tliia a]t aro expected to do. They will nee the land under ' cultivation; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their , own neigh is irhood; they will witness tiio'improyement'-, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons should cumc prepared to purchase. as many are locating, iiikl’>f!<»)iilWn*ftre not held op. rrfuaal. ’ . » ' ' TboTlinnmonton Fnnuiav a monthly LitOTaryand Agri - sPuUnnUshw-t, cpuUluing full Informational llamrooilton' ‘ wiji be Sent to: each cnqnlhir, oad can be obtainod.at 25 cts per annum. , ■ , . ~ Fill* Indisputable. Warrantee de- da givei4,clcar of all incumbrance, jvucu purchase money is paid* Rqutc to the -land Leave Vine «rt«twlmrf, Philadelphia, fiirlluininon ♦on7by railroad, at A. I*. M.; when there .inquire' for Mr; Byrnes. Boarding conveniences will bo touiuh batters and applications pan be addressed: to S. B. COUGHLIN. 202 South FIFTH Street,below Walnut. Phil adelphia, Maps and Information cheerfully furnished. 6cptqtoiKr 2,1855--3 in. ; fH BEAT COOK \ IT T X nil consumed ere it can m cape, Thereto notrouble from Hihoks as that unpleasant mil often annoying exhulntipn Is also 'consumed, inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of flues or ebim ■ neyabeemaing cloggtsl with soot or the mortar loosened by tint gaa arising fropi coal tires. IHnnoiw Wishing to purelicso stoves areinvited to call at flic store of the subscriber, in the .Masonic Temple, anil ex amine Ihottbovo stuvcii. : - , JOHN SHOEMAKER, Si& Aaevt for Bhiir (hunty. N. IU All liinda of Air-tight, I'arlor Cdoklnp and Egg Btqres op.liabd. [A«a- VAISSO. ar-KW' FIRM AND aooi>s.— |J. tJ. J/OWTWBTi Imvo Jnst'rct urawl from Uio City arc i«wv rrcßlving.tlicir stock of . ? SPRING- GOODS, xrhicli thev fcol aasnredaro ns HANDSOME, nud CHEAP. Wq&kldßieluaper, than any'yct broughtto this place. On account of going to Philadelphia lute in the swuton. •' we have been able to Imy our goods ut greatly reduced pri res. And waarc determined to sell them at vety small prof : its fir cash or to prompt monthly paying customers. Wo havens usu.il it splendid stock of > LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, -'inch 09 1.4WX5, UOBKS AV QETtEE.^HAthIES, ; 'BAYABEHE, DAREhLAR.DOCADS. POIE.DECIIEVKES, - DELATOR, P lUXT.S, GINGHAMS, Ac. Also, Shawls and'Mutitiltaa In great variety, together with ' affooit stock of Domestic J?ry Goods. Straw Goods, MOOTS Jt SHOES, HARD WARE, QUEENS- WARE, GROCERIES, sc„ sc. i - 4ii« citizen* of Altoona will find It to their advantage to ■ dsaihitlß our stock, ns we arc not to be uudereold- . ’-April $0,1858. ' , GROCERY FEED AND PRO VISION STORE. ' ' ' : “Xho«nbseril)er would respectfully inform the citizens of I Altoona and "vicinity that ha has qpcncil n storoofthealiovo i kind, 1 near .the corner of Adsllno and Julia streets. East Attootnt, where ho wiil’keep constoutly on hand afoll sup plyof everything in his lino. His . GJROC E It IBS. are all fresh and will bo sold at prices as low ns tboso of any other establishment intown. His stock of provisions, r , consisting of . V! Flour, Hdms, Shoulders, Sides, d-c. Will bo soli} a little cheaper than tbey.can.Bo hought nny • where cfe; ' His Flour Is obtained frdnf the best mills in tho SVcstern part of tho State, and is warranted to be what It is’represented, i All kinds of Reed forhotscSj cow* and hogs, always on ! * hand. ■“■ Xiutend 'to kqep,such an * assortment that 1 shall at nil Mines bo able to mipply.my customers with whatever they iriny ncod, aud I Intend also to sell at prices whichwill mate It it saving to those who pgtrouhea my store. I I JuIyS2,IBSIIENRT BELL. TAMES M. WHEEi/i|R & CO., (Suaxstort to JohnH. JJratA,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i Near the'Penn’a Central Railroad Depot/ HARRISBURG, Pd. v ■ .DEALERS IK • AABDAND SOFT CO At, Fig Metal, Faitroad Iran, Bar and Merchantable Iron, Nnilt, Flour, Grd - v-’ ctriet, iVor/hcmr, Fish, Silt, «fv. COAL cent in ears, in Inigo or small unantitlea, along the diflerept Railroads in Pennsylvania. [July22-ly. Ti&AtfK BOOKS AND STATION A- W 9 AKT. \fM. S. IIAYX.N, MSJmtmt JwVSJXOA, StiTOWEn AXO BLASK BOOK WlmlßlMmrn . MjufCTicrrßEß, Chrtur i/arketcC&anui Sts. SitUbarg, Fa. WMBV. respectfully Invites attention to Uls largo and tvoH selected ■ stock of Blank Book, Paper and Stationary, Rail ' "Road, Mercantile and Book Printing , descrJptlon, irromptly executed. -ii&ntfbr 1. Johnson k. Co., Type Founders, PhiUdel .Jihla. [June 17-ly, T I LIME ! LlME!—Duncansville ,p_i''lilihe Kilns. noar IloUldaystiarg. Pa. - Jhe Bnbftcriher has . now In operation, four largo Umo Kffl>a, prodtidng daily largo quantities of the. : . BEST QUALITY OP WHITE LJME- i JHe-ls prepared to fill all order*, from 1 bushel to ten IKoiuana bushels, at the lowest rates. delivered at any point on tlic Pennsylvania also, at Altoona, or any |K>int In the surroond- Jngconntry,by wagon, or at the Kiln. Address • JAMES FONK, . funo XNSiU] Dimcamvitle, Btodr Co. Bi. CQLUTJON OP. CITRATE OF MA6- cooling Cathartic, mild in its 'operation ana «ereo»blo to.the teste, prepared and for sale by A. HOUSE, DruggUt. BURNING FLUID, 'V7 'ianMea Oil,Spirit* of Swpaatiue, WbifsXead and - a. jtqusH’s, i'W,. , , ■f .• .. ■. t 1\ : - ■ W±. QWAN & GO’S LOTTERIES TRI UMPIIASTI! ■ ■ SWANIk 00. ■ COJfTDnJE TO BBAW A.S USUAL JflTflOtJT . INTERRUPTION. swan & co:s Slate of Georgia; THE LATEATTEMPT TO INJURE I OUR FIBBI HAS SHOWN THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FAIRLY; THAT OUR PRIZES ABE PAID PUNCTUALLY; \ AND THAT OCR SCHEMES ARE MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE 'WORLD! The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swin i Co ilanairers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in ofUielr Single Nhniber Lotteries for September 1858, atAUGUSTA, GEORGIA, in public, upder the superintendence «« Uo*”* mtssionm; , _ ' , aioKO Class 81 draws on Saturday, September 4, loon* Class 82 draws ou Saturday, Septemberll,lB6B - 33 draws on Saturday, Soptcmber 18, 1000- Class 31 draws on Saturday, September 20, lbo». ON THE PLAN OP SINGLE NUMBERS. 50,000, Tickets! ms tnotajutnrotm- utnoaom .ami jooKr-m* pbizesi - Nearly one Prize. t 4 ■ . . MAGNIFICENT SCHEME I to nn naxws each sNvubdat is bbptsmbsd 1 Prise of ..*HVMO 4 Proe of ™ 1 »* .« 30,000 4!. ‘ “ , 2™ ' I ! «!« 10,000 4 ■ “ “ 1 I « " 4 “ 1 « « ■'’4,ooo 50 Prises of WO 1 .< « Slooul 50 .. “‘ ' : , 300 4 -« « iaoo too !.« u u - 1,000[230 “ 100 1 ®OP t « « am*' « " “ B°°. 1 1 « « 125 « 6s» “ 1 in « 10S « “ 4,000 “ “ 400 ! t “ « glow) “ “ 300 4 “ i" „ u i son a u - 200 A®» AiCirettlat showing tlie plan;oU the .Lpttorica will I» unlit to anyone diairons of receiving it. ■ Certificates of Packages will.be solifat the following rates of 10 Wliolo Tickets, 1 SSO « « 10 Half “ 40 « . « 10 Quarter “ 20 « 10 Eight “ .10 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTTFICATER. Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, or receipt of which they will bo forwarded by first mail.— Pnrchasers can bavo tickets ending fri any number they may designate. ’ , The.lUt of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to pnrcbtiiMire Immediately after the drawing.. . Porehfl|sOT irill writ© their siguatwcs plain, ana give their Post Office, County and State. „ Remember that every Prize Is drawn and payable in fuU witlioutdeduction. ' ’ , All prizes of $l,OOO and under, paid immediately alter the drawing—other prizes at the ustol time of 30, days, All communications strictly confidential. 1 Address orders for tickets or certificates to i S. SWAN & CO., Jugiufa, Ga. ' Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atalanta-Ga. can have their orders filled, .and save - time, by addressing S. Swan A Ot>-i at either of those cities. ’ A list jof the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prute that - each bno is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following pa pers-—Kewtirlean* Delia, MMe litpifttr. Charlatan Stan dard. XiuhvilU Gazette, Atlanta InUiligtneer, Acw York Weekly Hay Book, Savannah Morning News, Ihehmand Dm iKilch, Kew Tdrl: Dispatch, and Taulding (Mits.) Clarion Augnsld iGco.) fhnsiitulionaUzf. _ • fjan.7-ly.' TVTAIirLAND STATE LOTTERIES ill iFOtt JULY, ISodi •, - r : R. Eeasce & Co., MaW» oftfc# Maryland State Lotteries. present the fol lowing .Spluidid SoU^^ CGTTSTi a They caution purchasers of Tickets to hevrare of order ing Tickets in Lotteries whore extraordinary large .Capi tals are offered for a small cost of Tickets—all such arc swindles. . ■ , , , _ , The Maryland Lotteries hare been in existence for Forty Years. ’ They arc drawn by a State Officer, and cap.bc ro lled on. If vou drawn Prise,- yon will got yonr money.— Tlio whole country Is flooded'with bogus Lottery concerns. Beware of them. ' ' . JK3-Order in. the Maryland State Lotteries >t\r.MF(CEVTSCIIEUr,. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, CLASS N, To be driwu in Baltimore CUy, on Saturday, August 21st, ISSB. •' 1 Aff-12 Dra#n Ballots in each Package of 20 tickets,riSa. 1 Grand Prize of $40,000 1 Prize of $2,000 1 Priiedf 10.000 1 Prize of 2.003 1 Prize of 10.000 . 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prize of 6,057 IPelite of 2,000 1 Prize of r 6,000 20 Prize of 1,2-JO 1 Prize of 6.000 20 Prize of COO 1 Prize of 6,000 201*rizc of . 500 ,1. Prize of 2,000 , 14S Prize of 400 1 Prize of 2.000 00 Prize of 100 1 Prize of 2,000 GO Prize of 50 1 Prize of' 2,000 - 60 Prize of SO 1 Prize of 2,000 4,158 Prizes of 2p 1 Prize of 2,000 ] 25,740 Prizes of ■- 11,76- , 30,310 Prizes, amounting to $1301,000. Tickets slo Halves ss—Quarters $2,60— Eighths 51,25. A Certificate of Package of 20 Wholtw, costs. ’ $l5B 00 IK do. 20 Halves, 70 00 I>o. do. 26 Quarters, 09 50 Do. do. 19 75 i HAVANA PLAN. Tills fe the old mode of Drawing. Prizes in one Wheel and Tickets in another. j ' Kvery Prize is drawn out. i JCrery Pruejxtid in full viilhoiit deduction! MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, EXTRA CLASS 9, To be drawn in Baltimore. MdJ, Saturday, Aug, 28th,1808. 20,103 Prize*!' 40,000Nombcrs!i Wo would call particular attention to the following splen did scheme, a package of 16' wlwlo tickets costing only $BO-*ind every other ticket being womiuted to draw $lO, determined by the number drawing the Capital Prize, wliethcr odd or even. '■ I SPLENDID SCHEME! 1 Prize oP ' $35,000 4 Appr’z to $2OO I'Prteoof 10,000 4 “ 100 iPrizoof 6,000 4 “ 50 1 Prize of 2,400 4 60 1 Prize of 2,000 • 4 “ 80 ■■ .1 Prize of 1,0001 . o a '' ‘go 1 Prize of 1,000/ 8 • 1 Prize of 6001 o ■« I Prize of , ' gflOf ° f 1 Prize of 400\ a « 1 Prize of ■ 400/ ° 1 Prize of , 2001 10 Prizes of 200 / , 100 Prizes of 100 are , 20.000 Prizes of lOnro f L Wtejlo Tickets Slo—Halrcs SS—Quarters Aijaanagcw’ Ccrttflciite Of 10 persons wiavtoOdy the'ilsk only, wni'tio sent for ?80 : Do. do. : lomivos, 4g \ Do. 'do. • ; 1G Quarters, 20 Do. , do. ’ 16 Eighths, ,10 Tho Managers hare been compelled from the numerous complaints mado to them, of tmmithftilness on the part of .those who hare been attending to the filling of orders, to resume the correspondence business in their own name. ■ ■ Ofdor tickets from the Managers only. V 1 Adrrcss all letters to ; E. i'EANCE & CO. March 4-ly] : ' . Baltimore, Md. TTOUSE, SIGN, OIINAMENTAL & 1~l CARRIAGE PAINTING.—TIio undersigned beg learn to inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that thfer haTO conimcncctl the business of ■ ;! ‘' BOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND V , CARRIAGE PAINTING, ~ GLAZINO, PAPER-HANGING, YAR- NisniNO, sc,, sa, , v in ail' their various branches, and, are prepared to do all work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch. ' \ They have on hand a large. assortment of painting md lerials and. Window Glass of all sizes, also Stained-Olasd and'liOoktUKSQlass Plates, which enables them' to do work In on improved style and at reduced rates. By strict attention to business wo hope to merit a share o< public patronage. Our room is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store. .. KEYKS & 'WALSH. April B,lBsfr3m* . ’ " BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MAPE CLOTHING SUITABLE EORTIIE SEASON, JUST RECEIVED BY ■ ETTINGER & ULLMAN, AND NOW BEXNO DISPOSED OP AT DEICES UTIUCII - Defy competition. , MR. ULLMAN announces that ho is is always on hand and will take ’great pleasure In waiting upon all who may favor him with p coD.\ 'Hofcels confident that he will ho able, to render satisfaction both in gnality and price. . f April IS-3m T>AISINS.—I,OOO BOXES BUNCH TV. and Layer Eoisins In store and Tor sale by ■ - WM. H. SIIUQAKD, March 25, ’5B-1 y] 101 North 3d strcot,Fhlladelphia. /CONFECTIONARY. —PLAIN AND \ J fine Confectionary manufactured and for'saleby; V ‘ - WM. N, SHUOABD, : March 25, ’6B-ly] M. North Sdstrcct,Philadelphia. CJPECTACLES AND EYE P&ESBR terror sale at ' 11-tt] ' V SESgIBE'S. -VTOVEL AND EXTRAOKDINAEY! 'tHi; REW' SCHBDCLiB OF. PEKMICHS of tie United gtktesjonrnal Publishing House. , and .Knconrozcd by tlie unexampled gnwess of Pcxs.eUvolTeiedon aSo4»of!»«>• clrvaa articles, warranted t<> op wM represertted, aidevery,person • . pL-miums on teon carat Gold Wbteli, aarrau , :^ >erl ggo 00 .^SSS4hSS!Sf^2 eirt Ifcautjfta Go !iL C " CU ’ w * rrlu?^ d 1 Ud 200 oc. Gip’fflutev’atch Key, Mid Gold Tooth g Exte C “a b |l?eSQfse Pencil (Warranted same # w coin) fta*l rear p: 400 9c. Pfch - ■ sOO - 9c; .0. - £ ; ,; iz t Gold Cameo Fia for ; j 600 oc. Gold Florentine Pin for _ | 2no Sc i ■ j» | TUng, solid sixteen carat WngT'soiaW sixteen carat gold, set with; stone, . AmongtheEngravmgsnro: .1 - _ The Sizningoftlie Death WarrantofLftdyJano thecelebratcd painting by Daniel Huntingdon, 22 inch along by 17 wide. $lOO U Xbo Trapper’s East Shot, from the groat paint ing by W. Banney, 18x34, The Angler's Daughter, from the great paint ing by Eandseer, . Sparkling, from painting by W. F. Edwards, (Far JuU Schedule, scc.our (ItMogiif.) The Usited Spates Journal contains sixteen largo folio pages, ably edited and profusely illustrated. Price only 00 cents a year. v : ' OuriCatalognc contains oyer 1,000 of the most useful, en tertaining and popular works of the day. r Auj i person sending us 50 centn or; more, cither for the JoeasAi. or for Books at the lowost prices, is’eiltitlcd to the same amount in any of tho premiums of his own selection from the schedule. 'He is also entitled to extra Premiums amounting to $l, and extra Books or Journals amounting to $1 for every Club of $lO, thus receiving for $lO Books or Journals amounting to $ll, and Premiums amounting to $ll. The amount to prepay postage on tho Premiums, should accompany cadi order. , , , . Every reader is invited to form a club, and wc wish to arrange with some persons at every Post OBico to act as local agent and corrcspbhdont, who will bo richly paid therefor. ! ... . _ , I Specimens and Catalogues sent free on application- epml on a few subscriptions at once,, and select your premiums from the above, or when yon reccivctfho Catalogue. J. M. EMERSON A CO>, Publishers. 40D Broadway, New Tork. July 29,1558. /"IHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! \J —Tho subscriber would respectfully iuform the citi zens-of Altoona aud vicinity that hje has just received his stock of i SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD?, consisting, in part, of , „ . LADIES' P LAIN AND FANC\ DRESS , . Goods, such as Sillt*. Satins, Bareges, D'Laines, Cluillies, Dnoals, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Ac., together with all hinds of Dry Goods, all of which will ho sold cheap for cash. He lias also.on hand a-large stock of GROCERIES, QUEENSWA RE. HARD WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES 1 , and all other goods usually kept in stores in this place. Having adopted the GASH SY’STEM in my business and being resolved to carry it out, I have marked my goods at GASH PRICES, pud invite inspection and comparison, in ''regard to prices and quality, with those of any other store in the town. ' Give mo a call and judge for yourselves. Country produce token In exchange fur goods, at the SAVING TOND, TIVK PER CENT . INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO, Hid ntd street, S. HI Chmer of Ihird,\ I'hiladdpliuu Incorpo rated bv the State of Pennsylvania. 'Monby Is received in any aura, large or small, and inter-' estjmid from tho day of deposit to the day of withdraw..!. Hip ofllfcc is open every day from 0 o'clock in the morn ing till 5 o'clock ;in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till S o'clock, i . J Hon. HENRY 1,. BENNER, Pratt. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vicc-l’m't. >Wm. J.Und. Sicrdarg.. ’ v DIRECTORS. Hon. Homy L. Benner, F. Carrol Brewster, Edward h. Carter, Jofjeph 3. Barry, Robert Sid fridge, Franelfc Lee, SamT K. Ashton, Joseph Y'crkcs, C. Lamlreth Mnnns, Henry Dicflcndorfer. Money is received and payments made daily witnont no-- tico. ____ Tho investments arc made in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, anil such first class securities the Charter requires f [Mar2-sm. : —. --—— 1 ■ ~ ~ r Vf. CITSMSOUAM. D. CUSSIXfcIIAM, B. CCXSCfdIUM. D. lumsex, G. Dcscax. CBffNIimHAMS & C 0.,. PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSEIO9 WATER: ST. Ann 140 FIRST ST., PITTSBURGH, PA Botwcccn Wood-and Smithßeld,, manufacturers of Pittsburg City Window Glass, . DRUGGISTS I 'GLASS-WARE, AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor -Windows, Churchesand Public Buildings. Altoona, April l,;lS«8-ly.] EMEBPRISE WORKS, ivrd- 180 WOOD . STREET, PITTS- Xl BUBOU,PA. 1 ' SOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns, Surgical and Dental Instruments, &c. : -f- RIFLE GUNS. Wo woOI.l call attention toi bur stock in the above lino, knowing jdittt wo • cannot bo boat either in the quality or price.. Being largely .engaged in this branch otbusiness, we defy all compction. All ohr rifles era warranted or no sale. Hardware, Sporting MatcrialsyCutlery, Pistols, Guns, •Riteblvoira; Flasks. Belts. Powder, Shot, Balia, Caps, Fancy Hardware and Sporting Equipage, in all Its variety, which wo offer low liar Cash. : Pittsburgh,April I, IBSS-Iy. v ' 60 50 lo^eo 200.000 8 “ T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL | J FJBE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Lycbndng Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to imraro against lo& or damage by fire,. Buddings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property of every doscrlpCion, In town dr country, at as reasonable rates as any company lathe State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan.g, ?5&-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER^ Jgent. TTTEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. \\The undersigned, ?Agent for Blair' county, Will takeshort and longrisks onßmldings, Merchandise, Fnr niturcand Property of every! description, In town or coun try, at is reasonable rates oS any company In tlio.Stnte.— Risks also taken oil the lives of horses. Office in Masonic Temple. March 18,1858-ly. , A ST IQUORS.—A LARGE AMOUNT . I J of -well ’ selected LIQUORS has Been received the “LOGAN HOUSE,” which will be lat the lowestcash prices;- wholesale; or retail. The irwbo Wants has only to call. •' ; (Dec. 17, tf. ■piGH TOBACCO AND HIGHLY r\;: flavored Cigars, in abundance, con be had at Jnnc.lSi ’57-ly]. v. HENRY LEHR’S. O HALOES AND.. LEMONS.—SOO boxes Oranges and Lemons In store and for sale by - ' ;• ■ ■'■■■' ;■ ; ' ~ T TO. N. gHUOARD, March 25,’55-ly] . 191 North 8d street, Philadelphia. • Settees for sale.—the un dorsigncd has oh haiid a lot of Settees which ho will; sail cheap for cash. 3 OHN SHOEMAKER, March2s-tf.j j- ’ Masonic Temple. YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL Kinds ofyiour and Feed by calling at , , June 18, ’57-ly]; / \j j ! HENRY LEHR'S. Everybody is invited to call and test the merits Of the article* kept by JnnolS,’s7-ly] ' HENRY LEHR. Lots for sale.— l 2 building Lots, situate itf different localities. In this Borough for sale on reasonable terms, by [ST-tt] J. SHOEMAKER. TT AIR OILS, COLOGNES,; POM- I I adcs, Shaving Crew, Toilet jjoaps,,ilei for sale by TPfej ; 7; ! O.‘^.KESBLEB.^ 4 00 3c. 2 00 Sc. 100 12c. 00 9c. 00 9c. ' JOHN. SHOEMAKER, Aijait. ' /"I REAT PISGOVjEBY OF THE I f . DIPOKTAXTTO TOTSACCo CHEWiiRS. • CHES,»«flr«wt that thcnsc — ei kfisr vt AJi® PHtSICAL „ d •fc^^rf^^*grsss?srt. 4«iffai^aa:s il!®!Ss£St2£?S fatingSitude" Nervous IrrttetlUty, iS$ W****** BtaUar TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES . ' . Ara designed to counteract these baneftd jnfluMces, Mjd toiM imvcd completely successful in a multitude of. ca*w, end wherever used. Being harmless in themselves they rtfrt it beneficial effect upon the entire .gyetem, the Taste which has become vitiated or destroy edby gteat indulgence, completely removing ll l£ ■ Muivine ticklinc of tli© Throat—* wavs consequent npon abstaining from the tisc of Tobacco, Sd by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate persons who are liretrievably undenninins eonsti,- ; fattens and shortening their lives, should use these Trooics immediately and throw off the injurious and and, unpleas ant habit of Tobncco Chewing. ■ - Hkese Troches of tozengos arc pnt nplna conytaucntaml portable form at the low price of 5ViundL Ctuiillinn, Martcll, r Hines. Vdltrhrsin, . \J- J. Dtpuy j fire; Build ings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property of every des cription, in town or country,- at as. rcVgoaSblw rates as any Company In the State. Office irf tho Mneonlc Tcmple. ’ Jan. 3, ’56-tf] ■ JOHN' SHOEMAKER, Agent. jpiOALI COAL I GOAL"! COAL ! •V-/ The subscriber ayiuld rcspccfc-jj^S* ftUly inform the consumers nrrfSAt.lftOy *V I- Jin’ Altoona, that ha is constantly rWßgg|| : * TSSjjffljSjS reiving all kinds of COAL, which ho' B*®' 8 *®' W Is ready to deliver at all times and to any part of tho town. ! Office atireaidcnce, in North Ward. , June 17-Smj I JOHN-ALLISON. /CONVEYANCING,|— -ALL KINDS of writing done at tlio shortest notfoe.—Heeds, Mort gages,Ac., executed in the neatest manner by : . .i; . JOHN SHOEMREE, Jan. 3, ISST-tt] Masonic Temple,]Altoona. O YES! O YES V—GENTLEMEN draw high and Bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT announ ces to the public, that ho is ready to discharge hia duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. , [jan. 2, '66., ; HABtiWipEUB OF, AliL DESCRlP tionsjuat redgiyed and for sale l>y Oct. 15-tf] '■ ' /V' ■ 3, B.IHIiEJIAN. ttajb; JLJL. Paint, Bosh H - HAMS, Ss) Beet ic-, air June 18, ’uT-ly] FINE AND LAE?) oils, cam • phcae, BurmugTluid, Oorjbon(Uf, at Jan.VSft-tfJ v -K«SSI4EB?B. SON.E B.UT THE BEST CONFEG tlonariee, Nuts anil Fruits $ ' •Juno 18j ’57-3y] *UJSNBT LEHE’3. JYINES. T, TQOTp; SHAYING, ' VarnJah Brusbeast ‘ ' ' KESSLEB’S. ,E, SHOULiDEK, t&IEI* 'ways oh hand at . ' _ - HEKET IiEHR’S. : rsss^jSS&^z^' : -In dally attendanccjupwitt'W of 800 Student^ . .PMSOrAI- J R W. OKXTIiNGKB, Professor of Arithmetic, Book k^Swl?EyX°TT hy TOTmiE'rr, Professors of no and Ornamental PomnansWpj ■; - . . jj. BACON, Lecturer, on Political Economy. , JAMES H. HOPKINS, Eaq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lec turer onJCommercial Law. .1. •-. i. JAMES W. KENNEDY, of “ KennedyVftinE Note Eo view,” Lecturer onCounterfelt, Altered and Spurious Bant Notes, DESIGN OP THE INSTITUTION. - _ To furnish the beat means for acquiring a THOROUWU BUSINESS EDUCATION, in the shortest time and at the least expense, comprising Instrocttondn - ■ DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPINO* , os applied to Merchandising, 4 STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEBINO, ; i.' .'■ WHh all the recent improvements, taught without extra ‘ • charge. ’ • PENMAN SHIP. . . •_ Rapid Writing, with every - variety and, style ox Bnsihcss and Ornamental Penmanship. ; ARITHMETIC. * • And a thorough course of Counting HousoCwirolalipns. COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERED NOTES. * Full instructions given in this important brunch of, onst hogs adncntlcn. , - i' LECTURES DAILY, ON BOOK-KEEPING* ■ ÜBaaes, Laws and Customs of Commerce, Finance and Bank ing/Political Economy, Counterfeit 1 Notea; and other sub jects havlug practical relation to active business. TERMS, Ac. • „ Book-keeping, Full Commercial Course, •ruo Stationary, about . ~ Board per week, can be obtained for • i, tkß-. Students are not charged extra for Steamhw Book keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma; 1 STUDENTS Can enter at any time—(no vacation) review at pleas tire— time nhluntWd—usual length of course from eight to twelve weeks. REFERENCE. . - . ! Four hundred and eighty-seven student's entering turn th Cit v alone within one year besides the many from the country DIRECTIONS. ; Specimens of Writing and Circulars, containing full, infor mation, sent by niail free of charge. _ Address F.,W. JENKINS, Iron Oitv College, Pittsburgh, Pa, JK?-PREMHJM PEN MANS HIP—No less than EIGHT FlliST PREMIUMS were awarded this College in the fail of ISS7 1 , over all competitors, for best writing. These, with other previous Premiums, wero given in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and in Louisville, the United States Fair, and nil for work actually dime hath PEN nnd INK, and not for Etigrated Penmanship. Our Penmen arc fully competent to do their own. work without the aid of-the engraver to make it resooctahlo. [ang.‘-!7-ly IN TEN S E BXCITIMBNT ! McCORMIOK'S NEW GOODS HAVE ARRJTEDVsD AUE NOW BEING OPENED FOB INSPECTION AND §ALR. “Halloo. neighbor, Tra licro (in the ground again. Per haps vou recollect when I, last year, asked yon to hold my horse* a moment and tell mo where tho CHEAP STORE was. But it is different now; It reminds mo ft little of the campaign ofISIO. when Qpn. Harrison waurclectod Pre sident. Yon have only to go ; with the crowd and yon will hava no diflicultyjn finding McCORMIOK’S STORE. From the excitement down the valley, and the quantity of goods I sec carried away, they must bo selling off very rapidly and very cheap.' 1 “ You are right, my friend; I wonld say to yon, sir, go ahead and vour anticipation!) will ho, fully realized, lie lias a very large and well selected assortment of Goods. ITe'll sell von a dress for fifty o-n/s and give the trimmings Into the bargain, I’m told, and all other goods in .propor tion.’ 1 . . , “Good bye, neighbor, that's where I am going to buy my goods. 1 ! '<• That's right, and bo should cvoiybody else. Good bye. DRY GOODS. ' i < GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QUEENSWA RE, STONEWARE. CEDARWARE, Hats and Caps, very cheap BoimetsJSlissv 8 ’ Flats, Ac.; La dies’ ('outers, Sh(vs and Slippers, with Misses, Roys and : Meals Boots and Shoes, and every other article kept in ft first chiss country store, can bo bud ciieupifor cash, at McCormick's. All articles of country produce taken m exchange for goods.- R. U. MoGORMIOK. Altoona, May 13.1555.-ly i. Another reduction in price at McCormiCk'n Store. Having adopted tho CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not bo given to any other than those who arc icillht’g and ean give satisfactory reference ami assurance of prompt uionthly payment,) and desiring to make it tho interest Of all to patronize our store, we have made a very great re duction in the prices ,of all descriptions of goods, and will give cur entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment to unit the wants of our customers, such as DUV 000113. GROCERIES, II AHUM A RE, QUEENSWARB, CEDAUWABB, STONEWARE, ! BOOTS 4 SHOES, Gaiters, Slippers, Hats and Caps, Dried Fruit, cte, all of widen will bo sold as cheap as the cheapest, ' , All articles of produce taken in exchange far goods at their highest market price. ' ; ‘Thankful for past favors, wc hope to sham tho patronage of those who are iu waut of goods. [March 2d-tt rpHE GREAT- QUESTION WHICH now agitates the mind of every \ is, where can I get tlie best article- for inyHHI ‘ money ? In regard to oilier matters, tho sub- iHI scriber would not attempt to direct, but if you Van. want anything in tho line of BOOTS DR SHOES , - he invites an examination of his stock and work. -' Uo keeps constantly on hand ar. assortment of Coots,Shoos, Vlalters, Slippers, Ac, which lie offers at Cvir prices. j' lie will give special attention to enstom work, all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None but tho best workmen are employed Remember my shop is bh Main street, nest door tp : B. Kerr's old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. The mormons evacuating SALT LAKE CITY!! , Tremendous ,£xcitevient in East Altoona , The subscribers respectfully inform tho of Altoona and the rest of mankind that they arc now prepared to carry on tho BLACKSMITHINO BUSI NESS in ail Its various branches, at tho new stand next door below Peter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adeline street, in East Altoona. They flatter themselves that they aro ablz to render satisfaction to may favor them with their patronage; andno effort will bo wanting on'their f«rt to merit tho patronage of tlie community. .Wagons, Car riages, Ac., made and ironed to order, for which good lum ber will b» taken. Remember the place, on where Blackamltliing 1s done on tho shortest notice and most reasonable terms. JOHN W. HOOPER, Altoona, May 27, ’SS.-2m] T. A. JAMES. • ; Exchange hotel.—the sub scriber would respectfully in- . form-tho public that he has recently re fitted tlie above Hotel, and, is now pared to accommodate his friends andflyugnßiSfr. patrons In a comfortable manner, and Will spare no pa;ns in making it an agreeable homo Sir all sojourners. His Table-will always ho luxuriously supplied from tho markets of the country and cities, and h&i Bor filled with liquors of choice -brands.' His charges ato os reasonable os those of any other Hotel in tlie place, and ho feels satisfied they can n6t ho .complained of by those who iavor him with their custom. Expecting toroceive a iliare of public patronage, and folly intending to deserve It, he throws open his house to tho public and invites a trim. Altoona, May.27,1838.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. SHOES.—THE tJN ddndgncd has how on hand and will sell cheap at his store in tbo Masonic Bern pie, a large and coutilefe assdHnVcntofßOO'TS'. 1 AND SHOES, ready made, or made- to order,' Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Gain Shoes, Cork* Soles, and everything in his lino of business, of the host quality oncLoh the moatreasoimblo terms. 'All custom TOrk warranted. : ‘ 1 Jan.2,’55-tf.l /\YSTERS I OYSTERSI OYSTERS I In conce3one-18il8#7*Jy] r ; .HENKE tKHB; JL Jol country pr«ifefe.can bel»iid at i - JujW 18, *67-1 y HENRY UJHRg. TActn.tr. J. SHOEMAKER &V, Wal e&mx oiSuS tiUnt and .Eptdmfe diseases . . *** _Toallpo*»iWJafcfea frith BexnnlDlg«a*ej ;g t l i;h M Stxuot yFedknr.s!:, Ttopotrncr, tlonorrhtra, tfTt gupUHir, tht tries of Oriant'rm or &If Alnist, rfc., rfc ThellOTiHD in view of the awful destrier of Ruman life, caused by Sexual Diseases, and the den n -i practised upon the unfortunate victims of such disen»« _ Quacks, Several years ngodireeted their Consulting auncharitahU oct worthy of their name, to open a HL-t mvry fijr the treatment or this class ofaiisenses, in nil n' 3, forms, nnd to give medical advice grafts, to nil who am?, by letter, ■with a description of their condition. (»« Ct‘‘ ‘pation; habitn of life, Ac.,) and in cases bf extreme po\>ro and suffering, to jinouA medicine Jrtc of sharp, u - needless to add that the Association commands the Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most ed modern treatment. , ■ iTho Directors, on a reriew of the past, feel assured t! a . -their labors in tills sphere of benevolent effort, havauJ Of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to t he Tottr’ and they have resolved to devote themselves, with rea ( *j Mai, to this very important but much despised c aue, just published by tho Association, a Report on Spehu torrhcca, or Seminal Weakness, tho vice of Onanism,; turbation or Self Abuse, and other diseases of tho S«S Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will bo. sent I, mail (in a sealed envelope), free of ciarge, on tlie receipt , jro postage stamps for postage. _ 1 Address for Report or Treatment. Dr. GEORGE R. CAh fIODN, Consulting Surgeon; Howard Associatios Kn, l“ ,h «-* nmM^i.’^ss9ss^ ~ GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secy. [Dec. My. TNTBNSE EXCITEMENT!—A Mft :| yjRM BROKE OUT IN A SEW PEACE. I ! M’3I»AIN & LEHR jw learo to inform their Mends and the citisensof Allt* I naW vicinity, that they liaro owned a „ ■_ i f GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, •to the room formerly otemded hr lehr, on Virgin I street, next door to Paten's Hail, whfere they frill to w hytoaerve all who may faTOr*th*m with acall. Tfr, atdek la a largo and select one> consisting of , Flour, ' Feed,: : Bacon, Fork, v Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, Fish Oil, Fluid, Camphenc, Alcohol, Cigars afcA’Fohacco. , Aa thev puiehiuwidlthclr goods fir the REABT CA?r. and sell for the some. persons desirtagof purchnsmg 5,-. thin" In their line, will do woU to give them a call, a* il*. Will sell at beta trifling advance on first wet. Wc fu-k t. >«»» to pay for anythingtow what he buys. Giro usag.. al and see if we won't tunke otir Words good, [jau 7-. if otovess stoves i stoves' —ikl I 'Jo undersigned has Just received ■. | North, Chase celebrated Cook-g«a, I : ing Stores,fpiflSW. . ■ • BBSs I ? - ; Tltß ROYAL COOK HR| for Wood ortkaU. Thisbeauttfnl Cooking | 1 chulkngps.ail competition for the exquisite stylo | iof ornament perfect. - operation in ell - respects. TV | oven extend*, wilder the fiterhpx M/tlw B(,al ?*V I f ed tluit the whole oven surfeco wiuhake per welly and m, 1 ejrmly- The slightest cxpndimUonof; this Stove most« j Isfv every ono that it will become aTndvewaLlavorite. | i -r ■ : .TUB SKA SHELL, | for wood or cool. The flre-hox .is of good capacity-.]-, ash-box Isdeop—the oven is capacious and is a thotvup baker. This stove w one that may readily ho roconmiemm for fiimilv use, in every particular. All kinds of heating and parlor stoves constantly k hand. JOSEPH 11. BCBU. , April 16, ‘37-tf], Opposite the American Hime, Altoma. /COMPETITION IS' THE LITE OF 1; TRADE.—VuIiv convinced of the truth of this iugi the subscriber would respectfully annnnrgfl h> li* citizens, of Altoona and vicinity, that he has 'catcall tho Held, by bpenlnjj a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, in the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher. iti mediately opposite tha. Superintendent's Office, where.k will carry on the. business as usual. Uo has just rceehsl an, excellent assortment of CLOTHS, CASSiMERES & VESTING?, suitable for working and dross suits, which Uo will makes order, on short notice and at prices which can not Mu satisfy. He has also rccciycd the LATEST STYLES el PALL AND, WINTER FASHIONS, - and feels confident thht lip cah wtufy-the mrwt families in Hits particnlar. and hisplothing will be made as Welle clothing can be mail *. In fine, ho is determined that lurk ing shall ho wanting on his part to render satisCicthuu those who may favor him-'with'their patronage. ' Nov. 5-tf.] JOHN TALBOT. ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PIUDi A TUIIB DECLINE.—Just Published, Gratis, tu«» Thousand: . A PEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local lylakn.s. Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Dlbility.hi'H .tency,and Impedmenta to MarriagegcncraUyiby I B. DE LANE*, 31. It. . The important fact that the mpny'nWrminfccomphinu! originating in tho imprudence ami solitude of youth, t;v in! easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in this .-rail tract, dearly demonstrated; and Uiq entirely new and hi;} W surceysfiU; treatment* as Adopted by ttio ‘Author, fn:!- explained. Mr means olwhicheveryone is fenabkd ft cw HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible coat, ther.l avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis 'awl jpost free in a scaled cr. vclopo, by remitting (ptfst paid) two postage stamps to k B.DE LANKY, 88 KastdUsl street, New. York City. May 6,1859. ■ SPUING AND SUMMED FASH lONS.—JOHN D.DONNELL, McrchantTailor, late ■.(] Uollidaysbutg, desires to infcrnr tho citizens of Alto n; and vicinity, that' ho has towed the. building two d:-.a; North of the Red Lion Hotel! and one.door South of Si gle’s Saloon, on Main street, where he is now receiving U; SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, j consisting in'part 6f ClotlisoPdll prices. Plain and Fawj Cassiincrea, suitable for sUmcr wear. Silk, Satin Velvet Sc-j seillcs and all kinds of, light Summer Vestings, In shot everything jthst may ho (tailed' far, all of which hew,', make to order, oil short uoUce, l ond on the most rcowai hie tonus. ” J .-’d His long jegppfiencc In the business, lie thinks, will m blehim to pleiwo all who muy tiiTOr him witlf their oohn. April 1, fB5My. : , ll /fAF OF BLAIR COUNTY —TIIFJ IT I subscribers propose to pnhiisha New Map of bhj j Omnty, Pennsylvania, from actual snnreys, containing i'| Public- Rdads, Rail Roads; Canals,' the uctnal localiti s j Villages, I)ost Offices, Bouses of Worship. School it""" j Manufactories,, Tanneries, Mills, Hotels, Stores, Kami U--I cs,. names of Property Owners, Ac. J Enlarged Plans, oi the Principal Villages, a Tali'’:; Distances, and a Business Directory, giving tho name sa business of each subscriber, will he engraved on the t»tj gin.'*. Tho plotting will be to d suitable scale eons ta nat;i a large arid ornamental Map, -which 'will bo colored •*■! mounted in tho beat.style,- and delivered to subscribers f $5 per copy. .SAMUEL GBit.- April 16,1558/ ; ■ . ISAAC O. PREBU GW. KESSLER—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces | to the citizens of Altoona and the public gen-«§jj|i eftiUy, that he still continues the Drug business, j on Virginia street, where ho • keeps constantly fly on hand, Mr sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUG S, S£?'3 MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- E 3 and DYE-STUFFS. V , By strict attention.to business, and a desire torender '■'l infliction to all as regards price and quality,’ho ho^« : merit andreccivo a share of public patronage. Physicians end merchants supplied on reasonable lets’| and alt'orders from a distance promptly attended to. 1 Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded,' [l-tl ■VTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE -1 N This Great Journal of Crime and 'Criminals is - its Twelfth Year,, and J is widely circulated the country. It .contains’all the Great Trials, Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together*'- information on Criminal Matters, not to be found lira; other ’ newspaper. Subscriptions $3 per annum; $1 for sis month-V- 1 bo remitted by snbscribora, (who should write their m** and the town, county and State where they reside plain?' ; j To G.W. MATSELL A CO-, Editor A Pron’r. of New York Police Gazette, 15-tf] ! JVew York Mi- Bell/ Johnson, Jack & CoJ I OFFICES AT I Ilollldaysbnrg and Altoona. I Drafts ontue prinoip.il citi£| anil Silver and Gold for sale. Collections Moneys received on deposit, payable on demand, without 1 1 terest, or upon time, with interest, at Ciir rates. [l-t‘i | J. D. LEET, I Attorney-at-law, bvludM I - »CtW, Bl.ua COtJKTT, -PA., A'lU practise In tho several. Cburfcf of Blair, Unutin?;- 1 md yarphrla counties, and attend promptly to all ci ■’ don entrnsted to him. ’ Offleo (ibr the present) at Ms r '; dcnco, chrner Allegheny and Penn streets, IMUdaysl'nf: Pa. , ! ■ . [-JWf, ! J. G. ADLUM, ii, T AI/COONA, BLAIB COUNTY, PA. Can at all times be found at tho store of J. B. Ililcin*"?- Altoona, October 1, 1857.-ly ■ ' Concentrated lye, you ma KING Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Wajhlp?**' pound equal to sir of’common Sdap;. Castile Seap, I* Soap, Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and Re sale at ■ ' June IQ, J858.-tf ] '■ A. RQl?» - a Superior lot oe preshgak SEEDS foe sale by fOt T) d. I*. ICW* fhh* ♦ . c * AsSte** ■"*'■.-•:%■ ■>- lit jIcCBCM * BURN, VOI*. 3- TUB ALTOONA TR] 1 IfcCItOM * MBS', Publishers an ,m (payable Invariably in ad at ttw «pl 188 SIS Of iBVWtIBJW ' - 1 insertion ♦ w «die«*«• 1 • Stairs tor each insertion. # *ll2 ~,OM»aua»a, 4 00 ;‘SS.- SS * SSacoty**. J* Jo • idmlslaUatofa and IwmWs Sotleej, Merchants advertising by the year, thi« tr yM.“aa <«* M . ‘-■■ftsSSS^Srsss ~aaij^Krsss , ?.sp; . he continued till forbid and «a the above term*. • Business notice* five cent* per line for Obituary notice* exceeding ton lines, n tribune dire CHURCHES. MINISTER Boy. A B. (X.iRK, P«at u . moroiogat 10>j o cluck, ami • o’clock. Sabbath School at 0 o’clock, tar* Room- Pntfex Mectiug atcry Wov jWs nm* room. . MtiftaKst SfUetpzl, Roy. S. A. Wiups Bftblkftth mormug *t 10} £ o doc 111 School In tho Ixcturo H A.U. Prayer Sleeting every \\ toom. Epitcapal, Rev. 1L W. Ouve ■ s iftrwS»iil and ith Sunday* of each mon and 4}* P. M. Sunday School at Bev. Jons Twicwrf, Pastor.— •’clock in the morning, and at 3}» in the -: T rjujj.-w (no Pastor.)—Sabbath School i Africa* MtthcdUt, Kov. Strom C.ta, Pi . Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock and »*•«*< I Union School Iliniso. * ALTOONA MAIL SCHE s >- MAILS CLOSE. . iMten ff»jr and Holliday* burg »t Wi*Urn - ■ JMUAurrtiirg JEtaUrn Through Mall IhihTTi TTi~~~(r*~ Mail, ■'Wlffiarn Way and UollbUysbarg, Xnaum « ■ ■ « fltta* open for ths transaction of but jaS&M-i