The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 09, 1858, Image 3

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success of OOT-miir.l .
1 Hie of^
rul DwntWjvt& V\i
ill-- sale at our valuer
lu.sramini! of premis!-'
mining Uu,Ufe
iii.lsplendid Steel Pi^l
•IIttATCUES. l;,ou j*3»
)tlci(.-dt>u n scale 0 f
vc!y of the richest fIL,
• or in<y-i« P i v
that ofTen
tas uf Jewelry,
if the articles, with th.
hyenas a premium. «nl
v bv mail: *
lh.ll .-lijl!- ,
•I- a )M.-rfvct
$OO 00
carat Gold -«
: &o oo '
d-Gold I’cn, Pottfc,
gh- ut. 0 00
to be solid ”•
200 'ft.
Gold Tooth *•
800 ft.
m ted same
, 200 tu
400 gT
800 fir'
nJ turned, 400 «T
0 00
600 Cc ' |
000 £ I
600 «Ti
200 &
300 S'
l* far Ladr
■*«> :ac.
■teen carat
400 j.
a? gold, net
200 U
if Lady Jane •
u'Ly Daniel
17 wide, $1 00 JJt,
:;i\:al paint- -
100 Me
gnat pslnl-
M >.
. Eil won Is, ’ IS ; .fc)
tains sixteen large fopo
illustrated. Price osij
in -.>f the tpost usoful, ea.
ic day. ' t ' " \
• r more, citbcr; for Um
l prices, is entitled to th,
nc uf lib own selection .
•lie,l t/i extra Prenihua,'
nr .luiimalu nmonnUnj- '
.vbini; fur $lO Books «■“
i'lumiuius amounting to
cui" the Premium,
a club, ami tve wish tr
■y i’o.-t Office to act <i
lim will richly .pit)]
on application. 6ea4
K.-ii-ct yonf premium)
tin* Catnlogun.
i CO.. I’uMUUers,
'nvaclway. New York.
c: fully inform thoclti-
Ijiw jiut recoivedhU
Jill GOODjS,
.mas, ChaUies, Ducal*.
i!nr with all kind*of
■ i cheap for ca*b.
In strre* in tUU pUce.
I'M In my InulncMand
■' •' marked my goodl ic
i to aud rorapariaon, la
-ef any other Moire
i for yourselves. v
for £ood*,attl*
•t. b. uiiAak.
i- lIVY TP.L.ST 00-,Hsif
I'hStuuuphia. Inborpo-
; rmall, and inter"
Crj ilay ot withdrawal
i> ’.i uVfock in the .mom
u. and on Monday*, and
V h. BENNER. FrtiL
I.HvilKiE, Kct-Prifi,
arr'.l lircwjter,
(ill H. Barry,
i'li Vi-rkM,
I' lii.lTtmil«rlsr.
J4lly wldwafn»
IJ:|vL ESTAl^^^
i.r. ' R. Ccxtnmnbv.-
s & cd .
. isn 140 IrIRST Ov :
,U> OF
udow diiji.
: ! : --ware, r ‘
- d Public BolMtac** •'
Guns, StugusaT
icnts, &c,
S.'S.. >
't' n'k in the abor«|fiie,
i itlicr in the noajltro*
branch oTbaiMi|
!• - art* wamat^’anb
Cu:lpry v PUU)l9,®Bm»,
b' i. Balia, Capa, Jn#CT
<- all lu variety, irWca
CV.—Tb« undenfg^cd,
i J iisurnnce Company, 1»
j "!*« or damage bj.firf,
in ■/ I‘fiqKriy of orerj
-, roujonnUe rate* ■*
;i : ih*' Masonic Tempi*.
li 'I'.M.'.KKK, jlycHt.
: ;■ l;! tir comfy, wIU
i MirchandUc, For
[ • i T-. in (own or coop
■ in the State.—
>••>. Office in -Masonic
• lia« In-en
• '■•Liirg, which wiUp*
■•-• talc or retail. Tn* •
can be ba4 at
‘lore avl for Baleby
M. -V. ‘IHGAM), ,
'tir--.-;. I’iiiiadeliihl*.
the un
■ itc-.-i which ha^rU 1
.'i-isonic Tempi®*’
i_ T at
• cni'ips kcpthy_ '
<yr. in tills Boronp^** F
: j. j-iioemakbß-;
ice. tor*Ws
pwma fdtew.
«„,nreiwW DBA7BOI a Yoxwol.AOT.~tt. la
-' • fol this week to dfronldnoae of
c#r accidents that ctef occur
r thjTpUce, which resulted jn the untimely
n th of M %tiu>a CAtirtrsu., daughter of Judge
Swell of GayspoH. aged tweufy-tme yeaw—
ri! sudden demise W lhtt yotog lady la an
; f ilihslralion of the frail tenure by
;trr rr a aiueisheid. ■
"to vfedaesdsy erening tot h weddintftook
at the Lutheran patonage m thw place/
K . r rm being Hr. Tobias Wbsbtz, residing ,
SS »d C. Warnm. of*- ]
te ° . MJ. A flew minutes previous to the j
i& 'L te ' iiiss t&dweU accompanied b£. an
ptherpccglady.^ pa«ed
Z to prnvcv meeting. -aw Mi«
C WcH mssing. and being on into of great
intimacy, invited her in to witness th^opy,
’ j B p. ;n d the evening. She accepted the in-
Ltion, and they had a pleasant and agreeable
tiu.o until 11 o’clock, when the party broke up.
Several vehicles were in attendance to convey
t 0 their homes the friends of the Parties who
tired at a distance, audit was, agreed that a.
roung man named Wertz-a brother w the
bridegroom — should take Miss Caldwell to her
homo> - Some noise at the Court
iloas?, made by boys, caused the horse to be
come frightened, but Sir. Wertz reined him up.
The gas light at tho Logan Douse again
the animal, but before reaching the bridge. Mr.
•W. had succeeded m\quietipg him. When near
Coufcr’s tavern, in Giy4portj.aome person came
cut of a house with a lantern; the glare of which
scared the horse a third tlnie, and he<W)came
unwr-nageable. While drawing the reins tight.
,ti.j right one broke, and the yoopg man still
iioMing on to the left, caused the horse to make
a circle, Trier Mr. Wertz jumped out, and was
iuitou the point of grasping the reins of tho
bridle when Miss. C. screamed, the horac took
n fresh fright, and started down the turnpike. |
lie had scarcely run thirty yards before Misa C. 1
as is generally supposed, attempted to jump
nat, U'ut IVil, striking her head on the hard
ground. She was immediately removed to her
i ( ,, nl n, and Dra. Landis and Coffey- called, who
rendered every aid in their power, bat she died
;n three hour* after the accident. Of courseno
oao was to blame for this Unfortunate occur
rence. as it was*cleaily quo of those for which no
human agency can be held responsible.
The sudden death of Miss, Caldwell -cast a
thrp gloom over the entire community, caused
not only by the nature, of the death, bat because
the was lovely, amiable, and enjoyed thp confi
dence and esteem of atyrge circle of friends and
acquaintances. How forcibly does her death
remind us of the poets lines,
“• Early, bright, transient.
Chaste us morning dew,
i She sparkled, was exhaled,
■ And went to Heaven.”
At the time of the accident, Judge Caldwell
was absent in Centre county, and did not hear
anything of it' until ibe reached Tyrone. One
can readily imagine tfib, sprrow'of a fond doting
parent, leaving a daughter in the bloom of youth
and beauty, returning ?nnd finding her in the
habiliments of the grave,,cut off without even
the privilege of a tender j farewell to hiin who
wines threat of all on earth to her.' 'When we
relied on the sad ens of one so young and so
-beloved, cut off in the bright -May morning of
life re realize in its fullest force by what a brit-
tie thread human life is held—
•* Leaves have their time tu fade,
Ana Sowers to. cither in the north wind’d breath.
And stars to erf,.but all.
Thou hast A\ seasons for thine own, 0 death 1”
Her faucial took place on Friday afternoon,
end her remains were attended to the Presby
' Graveyard by,»large courtegt ,ot-sroproir-
on Sabbath last, Dr. Junkia prcached.the fa
? -al Eftru.on, and the Presbyterian Church woa
Tin' 1 with pcopU. He alluded specially to the
A-.'cu.-c i sevcriil times, and on one occasion
c . ol (lie ftucatiori of the congregation to the
‘‘■ci that not a note bad been sounded on the
'Harmonium—that the fingers, which touched it
to the praise of Jehova on Sunday last were now
c.'U ia death.
the community sympathizes deeply with the
grief-stricken parents, who have indeed lost the
flower of their flock. Time may assuage their !
sorrow, but years will not suffice to efface her j
image engraven on the tablets of their memory
until time with them shall be no more.
“Long, long he their hearts, with such moroorlM filled!
L - 5o tlin yam in which roseshssoneo been distilled,
Yon may break, yon may rain the vase, if you will,
- lini tho soent oltho roece will hanground itstUL”
*■ ffAiy. ■ ' ■ 5
* Bsmitifcl Stour.—A few evenings since
te were called in to view a number of. articles,
on exhibition &t the store room of Mrs. McMul
len, at the “ Cheap Corner,” which are to be
placed in the Bazar now being got up. by the
• ‘dies of St John’s Chiirohln Ititis place, for the
purpose of obtaining means to Complete the
erection of the’ parsonage for their pastor.—
Tho first objects that attracted 1 our attention
T»eretWo gold Watches of the finest quality—
-otta a lady’s,and the other a gentleman's, Next _
camo a service, consisting ofslx pieces,
elaborately carydd and finished in .the very'best
ttyle. Next w| noticed a beautiful bibleand,
prayer-book, gotten up in a style unequalled by
®oy we have heretofore seen. There was pu
uierous othes articles, which we have not room
•o notice, Thp above goods are to bo disposed
of by tickets, tile price ; ranging .from 10
cents up to $l, according to the Value of.the
article. Ananibwof beautiful quUt patterns,
are also on exhibition Snd are worth going
to see. Call in ladies and. gentlemen, and view
tne Bl ‘ticles even if you buy chances.
IncrT.- tbe bouse of
Mr. Newton, to was en
tered whil* thofamlly were at Camp Meeting
* nd 8088 §l9 or sl24nmoney stolen therefrom.
A couple ofyoung men, named Thompson and
wnroy, belonging to the neighborhood, Were
jested » day pr‘jtwb after on a ohaige of per-
the offepoe. and Thompson was com
at^JastSS,A» t ro 7 turned up missing
ThSSSi* ? ffice »<* been taKeh.
S J; y?!° a admitted to
; M*«o«c Picnic.*— Agreeable to previous ar
rangement, the pichio of the Masonic Fraterni
ty came off in Beale's 'Wood’s on Friday last—
The morning was rather unfavorable and the
idea of repairing to the grove had almost been
given up, when about ten o’clock “Old Sol”
hurst through the watery vapors that had before
shat oat his light, reviving the spirits of the
party, and as the cars were in readiness they
were soon on their way to the grove. Welearn
from those in attendance that everything pas
sed off pleasantly and in order, indeed there
coaid be nothing else than mirth and pleasure
and proper decorum where such spirits ai those
who led the exercises of the day Ore in atten
dance. 'Although not one of the party, never
theless wo shared bountifully in the good things
provided for the occasion, for which the donors
will please accept our thanks. A number ofla
dies and gentlemen from a distance ware in at
tendame, and we warrant that they cons d«t
the day spent in the grove one the moat pleas
ant in their lives, and our people the ipoat agree
able they liavo ever met.
Bobbbbt.—On Friday might last- some villain
or villain's entered. ithfe haOk room attached to
pur office, the door bf which did not happen to
bo locked, and forcing open , the bock door of
Mr. Jacob JNlcbols Greed Grocery, abstracted
therefrom a couple of bushel* of sweet potatoes
end a nnniber of water melons. Thero.had been
no money left in the drawer of the grocery, con
sequently they had to carry off the potatoes to
pay for their trouble. We could not find that
anything had been disturbed or carried away
fromoar department, with the exception of
about a dozen of Hr. Young’s Pocket JEsculap
itts, to which the thieves arc welcome, as we
have no doubt they anil their friends stand in
need of-the advice contained therein. A snuff
box was found among the sweet potatoes, on
tfaie morning after the transaction, which the
owner con have by calling on Mr. Nichols, and
if he don’t choose to call for it, It is more than
likely that Constable Ely will be deputized to
carry it to him. ,
Fire At Edkcansvillk. —Ou Tuesday mor
ning of lost week a fire broke out in the double
frame dwelling of Mr. Daniel Beatty, in JDun
cansville. It was first discovered by Mr. Beat
ty and his hrother-in-law, who were sleeping
together, at which time there was nothing but
the lath and plastering between their bed and
the flames, and In less than a minute from the
time theySrero awakened the bed on which they
had been sleeping was on fire. From this house
the flames communicated to Hie house of Mr.
Christ EepharL All efforts to save the buil
dings proved unavailing. Both buildings, to
gether with the greater part Of the furniture,
&e., of Mr. Bcutiy and a portion of that of Mr.
j Kephart, were consumed. The loss is estima
ted at §2,000 which is mostly covered by insu
rance. \ How the fire originated is n mystery.—
The report that* it started from some coals about
a bake-oven attached to Mr. Beatty’s house is
incorrect Thorp was no fire in the oven on
the day previous, nor has there been for years
Something New, Novel and Comfortable.
On Friday morning Ipst, wo noticed an extra
car attachedto the Express Train Westward.—
Curiosity led us to' inspect it, when we found it
to be one furnished with Woodruff’s patent scats
and couches. ; They-; are constructed in such a
manner that .the seats can bo quickly converted
into' comfortable sleeping couches, capable of
accommodating about fifty persons. These
coaches are just the thing for night and through
travelling, and the •‘ sleeping car” will certain
ly become one of the- “institutions” of the Pa.
U. R. The car is run by Mr. Woodruff him
self, the Company granting him permission, and
passengers can have the benefit of it by paying
'him fifty cents in addition to the regular fare.
Should the Company adopt them, hoVeror the
extra charge we presume would be thrown off.
Libkaht Association. —The “Altoona Me
chanics Library Association" which met at the
Library room on Tuesday .evening last, elected
the' following officers for the ensuing year;—
Pretidtnt —Thos. Burchnell,
Vice /Vcridcnf—Rev. A. B. Clark,
Secretary —Beiy. P Bose,
Treaturir— David T. Caldwell*''
V. B. Kent.e iy.
Director*—Thos. P. Sargent, Christ. R. Hos
tetler, Cbas R. MoCrea, Louis C. Brastow,
John Shoemaker, Dr. . DRP Good, Clement Jag
g«r<l. • ■’ : : , ■
-Auditors— James S. Mann,ffocob Good Jas.
H. Dysart ' . ' A
We shall speak more at length in reference to
the above Association ini our next issue.
State AcnicuLTDEAL F.Atn.—The State Ag
ricultural Fair opens atPUtobuTg on thc 28tb\
inst Excursion Tickets will hie issued from all
stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad, good
fimm the sKth of September until the 24 of Oo«
tober. Articles intended for exhibition at the
Pair will bo returned from the Pair, free of
charge, on presentation to the Agent at Pitts
burg ot the Company’s receipt, showing that
full toll sheet rates were paid in shipping .them
to that place, and that a release had been given
exb'onerating the. Company from any loss or
damage .that might be sustained in transporta
tion dr while in the cars or at the deppta of the
Company. '
Tbe members of Winebago Tribe will meet at
their Wigwam, at 8 o’clock on Saturday morning
next, in full regalia. 1 The ladies will assemble
at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Masonic Temple.
The procession will be formed in front of the
Masonic Temple, at 9$ o’clock, and after march
ing through the principal streets, will return td
the Temple and rest for 16 minutes. The pro
cession will bo re-formed with the ladies in front
and march directly to Hngerty’s woods.
|3, C. Allen, of Susquehannah Tribe, No. 12,
and Wm. M. Allison of Winebago Tribe, No. 36,
will deliver addresses.
Gates Cubed.— Tbe Superintendent of the
Insane Asylum, at Harrisburg, has certified that
Joseph Gates recently sent to that institution by
the Court of Quarter Sessions of this county, is
no longer insane, and the Court has orderedhia
discharge. He is the individual who attempted
to set fire to the jsil in Hollidsyrtmrg wß&e In
carcerated therein.
I. 0. R. M.
Mikee Hcut.—iVanf<Jw from.
Oil Friday tost a mail pinned McCartney, enga
ged as a minor in Coairon’s Or# Banknear this
place, applied a match; to the priming of ablast
he sought to expecting to get bit of
harm’s way before the explosion, but the.pow-.
der was too quick for him, and he was laid oter
with bis face fall of particles of slate Ac., and
so seriously injured that he thought he was kil
led! His escape from instant death was cer
tainly; surprising, for the accident occurred in a
harrow drift of the mine, and the blast raised
some two tons of om.—Register.
A Sokpkisk Saturday afternoon
last, some fifty or sixty yodng ladies and gen
tlemen of this place, irejoeiveci written invitations
to a social party. When all were rejoicing in
the prospect of happy time,. their fond anticipa
tions Were suddenly blighted by the informa
tion that the persons!, Whose names composed
Hie committee-of invitation, and also those at
the place to Which! thby,; were Inyitod, knew
nothing about thejparty. After considerable
discussion it was generally agreed that the whole
affair Was a “selL”; h
in our last issue we gave notice of. the
commencement of a writing school Under the
charge of Mr Clowes. | We are glad to hear that
he has quite a huge class of ladies and gentle
men. . We are informed that he intends remain
ing for some time and will shortly commence
another coarse of lessons. IVe think his style
and system is only equalled by the very 'best
penmen in the country. We wish him success,
dud feel sure that time and money is well spent
in attending his schod.
Lead Orb.—A few -days since we were pre
sentedtrith a specimen of lead ore from the
mine recently opened ip Sinking Valley, in this
county, which was; noticed some time'since by
one of our correspondents. The ore appears to
us to be tettaafkably pnte and of the best quali
ty, and is said to be very abundant. With the
ore is also taken out i. substance supposed to be
quartz, which it considered valuable.
Bayard Taylor's last letter to the Tri
bttne contains tbe following;
“ iWfaat more interested me titan the speed of
the horses, was thei.bsauty of the Polish women
of the better classes. Dliriilg tyro years in Eu
rope, I hate dot Seen' so groat a dumber of hand
some t saw id an a our yesterday It
would bh difficult tc famish a larger portion
from the> acknowledged loveliness of Philadel
phia, 'Baltimore, or jLouisville. I heard of an
American marrying p Polish lady at Dresden,
the other day, and I most commend his taste
These maids of Warsaw are /not .only radlent
blondi a, who m eyes and hair remind you of corn
flowers among ripe grain, but also dark-eyed
be ait cs. with faces of a full Southern oral, lips
roud) and delicate as those of anAmorette, and
a pure golden transparency of complexion.—
The connoisseur of womans beauty can nowhere
better compare those rival styles, nor so
great a difficulty in deciding between them.
Wandering along tile streets with throats full
of dust,- we were attracted to the sign of a Ba
varian beer shop; The proprietor soon learned
that we were strangers. Ho was very desirous
of importing a negr|> girl from America for a
bir-maid. *• I should have all the nobility of
the city hero,” said jiff. “ She would be a great
curiosity- There is pat woman Pastrana; with
the hair all over her face—-she made a great
fortune, they say; There are not many of the
kind, and if >1 could get one quite black,, with a
woolly-head, I should make more money in a
day, than I now do id a month.” Hewished to
engage me to send him such an attraction, bat
I respectfully declined.
Paperj Currency.
An article calling attention to some of the
many frauds and deceptions in a public curren
cy, thus refers to a very prominent one :
The Pennsylvania!}, in a well written article,
calling attention to one of the many frauds and
deceptions, in a paper currency, says: “The
changing of notes from a lower denomination
into a higher, is so frequently pi noticed, and
the prevention of this sort of forgery so very
easy and simple, that the wonder only is that,
to this day, no steps have been taken to put an
effectual stop to it. If the banks of. all the
States were to agree Upon a certain size for one
dollar notes, enlarging the size of two dollar
notes a little only, shy one quarter of an inch,
which be quite enough to distingush be
tween them at first sight, and without even ex
amining the face, and increasing; in the same
manner the dimensions bf the threes, fives, tens,
etc. j the particular forgepy alluded to would be
rendered wholly impn)c|ticablc. It could not
fail to be discovered, ! at the very first attempt
at issuing altered notes, however perfect the al
teration itself.” This is all very well, but does
not our neighbor think a more direct and effica
cious jolisy would be lb do away altogether
with bills of less dehorn ii ntion than ten or twen
ty dollarij. and makes his detective policy ap
ply to bills of twenties, if ties and hundreds?
The Panic— MopE Failckes.— The panic in
New York seems to be on the increase! In this
city everything goes .‘on smoothly, and the only 1
failures we have heard of word the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty
bo encountered by those who patronize the
Brazil Stcse Clothing Hall of RockMU & Wil
son, Nos; 608 and 605 Chestnut strsG, nbovb
sixth. Gentlemen and. Youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
The Best Cough Medicine.—One of the
very best Congb Medicines to be found any
where, is Dr. Keyscr’s Pectoral Syrup, sold by
a. IT. Kessler, at 60 cents per bottle.’
:; 1 'sir james clarets ■' "':
Prepared from a prescription °f Sir /. Ah Ai Wy
; tieian Extrwrdinary to the Queen. ■ :
’W.i. inTnliiahla modielneia unfailing In the cm» of ill
tbosepainfal and delicate disposes to which the female con
stitutlon issuhjcct, It moderates all .excess pod Minorca
all obßtrncUonB, aii(l aspecdycure may he relied od*
’ . " ' to mauhi® limis ‘‘
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price one dollar, bears the Gorernment Stamp
of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
■ i ""■ ■ caution: ’ s’ '
That Pm* thotdd not be taken hy female* dwhingthe first
three month* qf Pregnancy, a* they are sure to bring on lb»-
carriage, hut at any other time they are safes
In aB cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Bait in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect
a core when nil other means have failed, and although a
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to tho constitution. .
Foil directions ih tho pamphlet around each package,
which should bo carefully preserved.
Role Agent for the United States and Canada,
6 JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin A Co-)
V Rochester, N. JT.
w 8.—£1.00 and C postage stamps enclosed to ahy su
thorized Agent, will Insure a bottle, containing 60 P^ls,
b rit'ehurg. Tf,holtsato hgenifi**
ulo by all Brpggis**; ’ ; ' ; tJone 3,JSW.-ly.
Bg%,Scb advertisement of Dr.' Sandfbid’a
iIVBK ISVTGORATDII in another column.
cakßcetcn wseklt m..t J, iowibis.
Hobt—Superfine,fl tt>l. .
“ Extra, ft ** ~
Corn Ileal, Tfrewt.
Potatoes. ft bush.
Dt if Apples, %» “
ST’ ' |f
9 «
ft ttoi.
UuUi '
u%AxKA market.
STLaIo fonowlug Tat ®» : rT
White Wheat Flour, Extra raifilllT ’P bbl. SJW£
« « « , “ 'Superfine, : \
u ft a Superfine,' ■ * M 2
Barrel Salt $2,00 and ; $3.10 per barrel.
Sack “ 1,75 -• 1,80 .
Alw&y on hand,
Fxtra Family Flour, j
Superfine Extra, beet quality.
Superfine, :
In this place, an the 2d Inst, infant daughter of Andrew
and Mery C Taylor, aged about 2 months.
List of letters—remaining
in the i*ost Office at Altoona, Sept. 1,1858.
Andrews K. F. Kopp A. If.
ISutrrra Carrie Landis David M.
Borck Alex Loe Joseph
Bihorgoe Jacob Mathews John V,
Drown 3. B. Mercer W. H. ,
Brideubaush J. J. McLelland J. H.
Bock Peter • . Nelson
Bouts Henry *. Owen John
Brock F. C. Riper W. K.
Colderwood M. A. Rosenberg Misa
Oniisman David. Rhodes Jacob
Cutler Phllp RosouthfilJ.
Clark T. C. Row Mary.
Couaglian James 3 B. 8. Dodge 1.0.0. F.
Coutner Henry Robinson J.
Cromaek John Redsecker Kate
Cherry L. Snowden Sarah O,
Denny Dewitt Spradling John
Dorsey Mary 2 fjage D.C*
Dunn Margaret' Sorol Robert
Day's Robert .2 Showelterß. P.
DoutyMoses Stntzel John
Davis A, W. > Spfapn Wm.
Ray Margaret \ Shingler Andrew -
Foster Anna M. Wolton Susan
Fry Robert ’ Vest John
Farrell- Lawrente Wendall Jacob
Gregory Anthony Zille Frederick.
tiwcnJohuß. Ziegler Oarett
,Guib, Peter 3 , FQKBIGN.
Graff J. A. Hertle Lewis
Gorz N. ■ Murry Mary
Hatkulss George Smith Philip
Humphreys M. M. SouMcy Jahe
Holsman J. thomas Hopkins
Brummachcr M, _
Persons calling for letters pn this list will say they arc
advertised. , John Shoemaker P. M.
J NATE of Soda, Salaratiis. Washing Soda, Durkee’a
Baking Powder, In store and for sale at
Sept. % 'SS-tf.] , | A.' RODSirS Drug Store.
Office immediately .opposite the Lutheran
Church, bn Virginia stijeet. Teeth extracted without
pain, by mcaua of electricity-—no humbug. A student who
mn come \v pIX rccomhieiided ;for morality and possesses a
good English education, will bo token. \ [Sept. 2, ’5My.
Home testimoiNY.
[Frdm the Lewistown Aurora.]
J have been afflicted for ten years with Chronic Diarrhoea,
and have received more benefit from Du Vell’sGalvamc Oil
than any other medicine I ever used. ALEX. McKKE.
i Oliver towuabipj Milliiu county, Pa.
Tliis is to certify Hint I used ,Du Vail's Galvanic Oil in
inly Cunlly iu some of tlie diseases for which it is recom '
.mended and found to act almost spontaneously. 1 recom
jiucnd it to all who suffer from pain. A. M: tXOUAM.
Sept. 2, ’sB—ly. Decatur township, Mifflin co., Pa.
IT I . Altoona. July 3,1558. '
J. D. Stoxeroap, —Dear .Sir;—Mr. Wm. Tunilcjugh. who
uas oceiisunenng several years iroin Rheumatism, was so
111 that his friends and relatives were summoned to witness
his death. I iuduced'hi* friends to try the virtue of your
preparation, and tlu-y did so; os a last resort; and to their
astonishment and joy. he began to improve, got belter and
better, nod now, go fur as 1 iknow, he is a hale and stout
man.- Till* is not the puly case where the Galvanic Oil has.
surpassed human expectations. In every case where I have
recommended the Oil,, it has'done what it promises to do.
Send ua another s2o’s worth. Vonrs truly,
Sept, i, 186S-Iy.] HENRY LEHR.
THIS.—The midfrsipued takes tills method <rf inform
ing the public generally that there Is no medicine now of
fered to the public that is equal to DU TALL'S GALVAN
IC OIL In relieving suffering humanity.
I was an observer of its effects on a friend of mine, who
suffered almost everything from a neuralgic affection which
resisted the best medical treatment In Centre county. We
applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the palnfnl jmrt, and gave
some inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pati oit was asleep,
and when awakened was fnje from pain and continued so.
This is a positive fret which! I am willing to make good at
any time. A case of felou yvas cured in nearly the same
length of time. J- 11. HAHN,
Sept. 2, lsis-ly.] i Centre 11111.
Mountain restaurant and
LAGER BEER SALOON.—The proprietor of this
favorite Saloon, '
Under the Masonic Temple,
-would respectfully announce that he keeps constantly on
hand an excellent article ofi LASER DEER, manufactured
at the Altoona Brewery, which is pronounced the best In
the country. Also, Cakes, Cheese, Sardines, Pretzels, Ac.
lie has recently fitted up Ills Saloon in a style unequal
led in the country, having placed in it '
■ ' ’ ‘ fiELLE* BOARDS.
for the accommodation and amusement of those who may
wish to cxgage iu those game*;
Uo will spare no pains to render every attention to his
customers which they require, and ho hopes thereby to
merit and receive a liberal share of patronage..
Sept. 2,1858-3m.] F. NOTIIWANG.
IV. E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup,
Hoojland's German Billers,
'•y Batrhave's Holland Bitters,
Sandford's Liver Jnviyorator,
■ Lindsey's Blood Searcher,
Clarke's FemaU Pills,
! Duponeo's Golden Fills,
WriyMs, Ayer's, Wilion'* and McLanes Fills,
I Merchant's Garyling
Perry Davis' Fain -
Hatchett's Fourfold Liniment,
Mexican, Arabian, Fcrce and Bone Lenimenl,
" lit store and for sale at
V Sep*. 2,1868-tt] ! A. ROUSH’S Drug Store.
tneof an order of the Orphans* Court of Blair coun
ty, thesubscribcr Will sellhy public vendue or outcry on
the promises, on THUBSDjAY the 30th day of SEPTEM
BER, 1858, at 10 o’clockA', M., all the following described
Real Estate, situate in X6gan township; Blair county, Ek,
and late the property of Mrs. Martha Hunter, dec’d., to'wit:
A Tract of Land containing about 40
acres, (the exact quantity! will be made known on day of
sale,) adjoining lands of the heirs, of Alien McCartney,
lands of the hurt of Rees Rees, lands of John McCartney,
lands of the Keirt of Alexander Owlhn and lands of Mose*
Thompson and others, lying within two miles of Altoona,
on the Altoona * Clearfield Plant Road. ■
Trawsor SAUtr-Ons-half of the purchase money to he
paid onooaftnnitlbb- of silo. Balance in ode year there
after with interest, tohe'stenrod by Judgment Note of the
pmchwer on bond «d mortgage.
Adm’r of Mrs. Martha Hnntor.
Sept. 2,1858-41]
, TATE SALE.—The subscriber offers at Private Sale
until the Ist day of Kovcmber next, the fbllowfljg proper
ty, to wit;,. ’ . .
A Lot of Ground situate tn hast Al
toona, adjoining lots of. F. A. Denning, dec’d., and John
Foulknor. The Lot is in excellent working orderwitha
lot choice FRUIT TREES all in thrifty growth. The Lot
is situated in a desirable part of tho town, on one of the
principal and most pleasant streets If not sold by the itft,
of November next, U will be leased for a term of years.-
‘ Also —A Lo} containing One Acre of
Ground, situate in Logan township, on the public read lead
ing froth Baker’s Furnace to tho Allegheny Mouutains and
about V of a mile froth Altoona, having thereon
and all other necessary out-bulldinga. There is a never
failing spring of water and a - lot of choice Fruit Trees on
tho premises. Also an excellent hew, Grape Arbor With a
lot of vinos in thrifty growth; The ground is in high start
of cultivation and under good fence. If not sold by tho lst
of Nobcmbur next, ft will bo offered Tor rent.
Persons Seeking infiinhation respecting to abo+c proper-'
tv will receivo ft by calling -upop.' .1 <•
' ?eptemb»r ?, . OEOROR B; CRAMER,
lO PMS FOnßTiagrrn
. Thp ScfenUftcAmerican has nttwjreoehod its Fourteenth
Tear, and will enter upon a Raw Vohnde on the uth or
febtemb er < It Is the only weekly publication of the kind
cowisaned Ift this country, and it has a very extensive cir
culation in all tbo States of the Union. It- is not, a* some
might supposefrom its title, a dry, abstruse work on tech
nical ScicnwVon the’contrary, it so deals with the, grout
events going on in.the scientific, mechanical and industrial
works (U tp. plea*e and instruct every ore. If the Me
chanic or Artisan wishes to know tho best machine in use,
or how to make any substance employed in bin business—
if the llomdHfe Wishes to get a recipe for making a good
color, 4c.—if too Iftvcntor wishes to know what is going on
in the way of Improvements—if the ManuCic turer wishes to
keep posted with ttie tinicS, and to employ the best; facili
ties in his business—if ihc niuh of leisure and study wishes
to keep himself familto with too progress made in the
Chemical laboratory, or in the construction of telegraphs,
steamships, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thoUsafad
other machines and appliances, both of peace and war—all
these dttuKrala con be fonnd in tho Scientific American,
oud ootcfsemArtv. They aio here presented in » rt ,ial,,e
and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of
minds unlearned in the higher branches of science Mid art.
Trans;—One Copy. One lew. «1: toie Copy, 0 Months,
41- Five Conies. 6 Months, $1: Tan Copies, 6 Months, ,
Ten MonthiTsl6;
Months. 522; 20 Copies, Twelve Mouths, $2B, in advance.
M Specimen oopiwscntgraturtomly for inspection. -South
erti fend Weston money, or Postage Stamps, taken for sub-
BcriJrtloM. ; ‘ 5
Lettcn should bo dlrecied to , . _
MUNN A CO, 128 Fulton Street, N. Y.
McSSta. Munn A Co. are esfocfelvely jmgaged ;1n pro
erring pat.uit* for new inventions.yum will advise; inven
tors, without Charge, in regard to the novelty of tlmlr tm
provomens. [Aug. 18, *B6B.
\ ' 10
« hhl. f 5 60
« ■ 600
« 4 76
Agents for Du Vail’s Galvanic Oil—Henry _ Lehr, Q.
Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and ail dealers in mi
clue* everywhere.
Oil. 'LAMPBI 4 y
Unrivaled in Beauty, Stmjplkiiy Safety or JEeonuPy-
Every person desiring to obtain tha very best and cheap
est portable light within their reach, should call at the
store 01'the undersigned and exnmfnctheso Lampsbeforo
purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon
strate . . , -
Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion
2d. That they emit no offensive odor while bunting.
3d. That they are very easily trimmed. |
4th. That they are easily regulated to giro moraor less
Ugllt. ' K;
sth. That they hum entirely ftee front smok?. i, j
6th'. That the light is at least 50 per cent- cheapen than
any other light now in common Use.
These lamps are admirably adapted ‘for the Use'of Stu
dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories,nfdla.ChUrfchcs,
Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended forfaotily nse.
The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to
old side, hanging anti table fluid and oil lamps, at a small
espouse, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp.
We guarantee perfect satlsSictida in all cases.
Aug. 10, 1858-tf.] - GW, KESSLER.
Prepared origUially by Prof. U. DU VAL*L,fbr
merly of the College of SUrgeWus, at Paris, is now of
fered to the public, tES* for the cute ofsoroaud pain
ful diseases ~S9 ■ .W J.. .
For instance—Pain or' soreness in nay the
sy, tern. HhtumatUm, pain in the hock, breast Of side,
beuled breasts, muralgia, burns, sprains, headaehe,
crump in the stomach, or any other disease that if
SORE and PAINFUL, and it is only over this claSSot
diseases that we claim a perfect VICTORY. Wo say
positively to oiir patrons wo can relieve x the sufferer
«9 times out of 100. Wo would just say to the pub
lic, Prof. Du Vail was 25 years In bringing to this
medicine superiority, over ail others, ’ 5 .
Price 80 cents per bottto— % pel cent, cut off to. the
trade. All orders must bo addressed to ; ,
J. D. SfONKROAD, Proprietor,;;
Sept. 2, IS6B-ly-l Lewlstown. Ejai.
Nebraska.— now is the time
TO INVEST,—The undersigned is fully yircpared to
enter Government Lands in the Omaha land district. Sale
of lands to commence on the Cth of September n?xt, and
continue for two weeks. All lands, entered during sale to
bo paid for in Gold —after the solo Land Warrants: can ba
Nebraska is being rapidly sotfled with a hardy and en
ergetic set of farmers. Good lands can bo scoured at and
alter the public sale, near large Settlements. All you that
want to invest, will do well to send on your Warrants soon.
Warrants and drafts can be sent by mail with safety. Let
ters of inquiry answered.
Oiindia City, Aug. ID, IH3S. ALEX. F; McKINNEY.
Bell, Johnson, Jack & Co., Bonkers, Altoona, Fa.
llev. A. B. Clark,. T “
Tbos. A. Scott. Gcn’l Supt. Pcnn'o It. R., “
John P. Aiidersoii, Esq,, Uuniliigdou, Pa. i
SIGNED respectfully informs the -
citizens of Blair comity and others, AylSjA
that he has npsued up the LOG AX .fciMLli
HOUSE, formerly khpt by Sheriff liecA, Jgnjjllil lM
at the west cud of llullidavsburg. for irrTfy "sm.
reception of strangers and travellers. — .
Everything connected with the bouse has been refitted in
tlie new with the choicest furniture, Ac., Ac. ;
The house b large and commodious, and well calculated
for convenience and comfort. v
Kb TABLE will be furnished with the very best the mar
ket can afford, and no pains or trouble will be spared to
render those who may choose to Civor him with their pa
tronage comfortable and happy during their stay With hint.
His STABLING is ample, and an obliging and careful
hostler will always bo In attendance. ,
The Williamsburg stage- which makes dally trips
between this place and Williamsburg, Stops at the Logan
Hotel. N ,
Dec. 17.1837,—tf.} JOHN KEIFFER.
undersigned imviug perfected their Spring Stock,
now offer to the public the LARGEST LOT OF GROCE
RIES over presented in the town of Altoona.
Our object In' publishing this card is to preseat tho fob
Inning facts: ’
Ist. The recent hard times hare very much reduced the
price of Groceries in tho city, especially to cash buyers.
2|l. We bought these,Groceries in largo lots, many Of
them from first hands. , !
Sd. -We bought them entirelyrfor cash.
4th. Wo sell for ready pay.
sth. We keep our stock full by weekly receipts.
CGii We are determined to keep up the credit of our house.
7th. Wc sell more GROCERIES than any Other store in
Blair county, at less per cant. ' •
Bth. We sell cheaper than any other store in the county,
i A continuation of patronage is respcctfally solirfited. .
Altoona. Juno 10,.1858. McLANB 4 IJBHR.
Blair county daguerrean
ROOMS.—Sir. O. W. PISItEH, the Hollidayaburz
Artist, begs leave to inform our readers thathc is prepared
to take .
x *Photographs of deceased persons,
from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice arid on the
most reasonable terras. lie has Just received a large Mock
of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles. Including
a new pattern of Family Cose for four' persons, ahd. is pro
pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, ' :
Give him a call. Rooms on the cornet of Montgomery
and Allegheny struts, Hdlldaysburg, Pa. [June 17-tf.
Q assville seminary: j
4 terms of thi« school are so low and tile privileges
enjoyed here so unusual, that iCboyctcn at a great distance
find U to tlijir advantage to" patronize It in preferentfo to
schools nearer home. All Branches, both useful and or
namental are taught. Students of both sexes arid all ages
ore received. The whole expense of one student:fof ayear
need not be over $9O. A circular Will be sent to any one
desiring It. Address John D. Walsh, Cassville,: Hunting
don county, Pa. [August 12-3 m. -
f\- Notice is hereby'given that Letters of Admlnistra
tietdonthe catatoof Dr. C. F. Sellers, late of Altoona, Blair
county, dec'd bare been granted to the undersigned, re?i
dlrig as aforesaid. AH persotis knotting themselves indebt
ed to said estate are'requested to make immediate payment
and those havt-g claims Will present the same duly authen
ticated for settlement. ~ ,
August 28, ls6B-6t] N C. B. SINK, AdmV.
■J SESS3IENT No. 15, made hy the Lycoming Mutual
Insurance Comptny, in Blair county, la payable ‘at my of
fice. The Assessment is 3 per cent: on all notes in force
May 13,1858.' ' . JOHN SHOEMAKER,
Altoona, July 15, 1858. ; . Receiver.
BE BEB lias on hand a few articles of llon«choiu- Prop
erty, amonjc which ate a couple of excellent STOTKB,
■vHUtlilie ‘trill JitpoSo of cheap for cash. TSe articles can
besecti btJ. ftX BOtftber’t Stcfo.
JTmlngton PcaNate in •‘ ore^^.^ v OAßDt i
March 25 ’6B-ly] 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia.
Lumber fob sale.—
‘6o.ooft Shlnrie# 60,000 Lathes,
and all kimtaorBUILDUSO bwjff that*, t Le
krareat.fbrOiiah. Apply to JOHN BHOBKaSSr.
' FAMILY PLOUB for 'Wholesale ajrfßetaJl.
Apply to J. aiIOKttAKKB.
Dec.11,1860-tf. Masonic Temple.
Henry store is in
"John X-chrt ot* ftonM,.neariy: McCo
r'•ltiJt'B etort, in SorthWarJ- T Jnae 18, ’S,-]y.
■ __ ; fearfnt dtaoaws Hronchltls, C-ooftb*,Oiltb, ami.otUer *Cec-
A' DQEEK PEESH EUUS JUST .hob* <*«» h ?e », 71.1$ fM
1* ono of the iw»t Purgative and Liver Medicines now be
fore the public, theit nets a* a Cathartic, easier, mllder,aaa
more :ffectual tKoi) any other , medicine known.' It i* not
only a Cathartic, hut n.Lifer remedy, acting fint oo the
Lirtr to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and
bowets to carry off that .matter, thus accomplishing two
purposes effectually, without nay of Uio painful feeling*
experienced in iho. operations of most Cathartic*; It
strengthens the system at Iho ejune time that it purgesi it;
and when token daily in moderate doses, will strengthen
and build it up with unusual rapidity.
Tho Lives is one of the) principal regulator* of th*
hrimah body; and when it! pcifhme its functions well,
system* . are ftlie developed. Th.
atomic/. is almost entirely; tho healthy
action of theiirr r for tl.e; proper
functions; when the fc:or.i-J , "~'|ach is at ftdlt, the bowel*
arc at fault, and tins wii'jlojQjsystem suffers «»■
quencc of ono organ— Liver —having ceased, to do
its duty. For tho disease* :Lj lof that organ, on# of tho
proprietors has made it his’ Cj study, in a practice of mtfre
thin tiventy years, to find >*’somo remedy wherewith to
counteract tho many do- : raugemeuU to which it W
To prove that this reme
son troubled with Liter y-,'
forma, has but to try a bot-i W
Uin. „• .JrR 1
Theie Btnhs remove all V*-
the system, supplying In L,
of bile, invigorating the;
digest well. PUtUftlSb TnsiK.
health to the whole mmlii-p
of the disease —effecting
BlLtdrs AttacksSTO cur-
PBSVBtttsn, by tlifc occa-j
tmokatqs: . .. I
One doae after ohilnt* Is >
mach and prevent tho foci
' Only one dose' taken be-1
Hlghtmaro. |
Only one. dose taken at j
els gently, and cures Coa-|
Ono dose taken after each ■
43- One dose of two tea-!
lievo Siog Headache. j ,
Oho bottle taken for fe-|-T male obstruction remora
tho cause of tho disease, j r“*j and makes a perftet ctjja.
' Only one dose immediate-1 :ly relieves Cholic, while.-
Ono dose often rcpeatiM' lis a sure euro for CtwtJtt
Mount's, and a preventive) C/.,, of Cholera.
49-Only one bottle is 1 - ■ needed to throw out offba
system tho effects of modi-] icino after a long sickness.
AEi* One bottle taken for M ; Jaundice removes all sal
lowness or unnatural color I . j from tho skin.
One done taken a short pj ; time before sTra
rigor to the appetite, and: makes tho food digest well. 1
One dose often repeated: Q cures Chronic Diarrhoea In f
it* worst forms, while Sum- w mcr aud Dowel complainu '
yield almost to the first dose. . ■ -
One or, two doses cures j ~ attacks caused by Wean*
In children: there is no||v' surer, safer, or speedier
remedy in the world, as it never faiU.
A few bottloa cures Dropsy by exciting the absorbents
Wo- tiyka pleasure in re- - C'ltuncnding the medicios
as a preventive for Fever Tf] and Ague, Chill Fever, and
*ll Fever* of a Bilious type. • It operates with certainty,
and thousands; are willing to testify to its wonderful
Virtues. '
All who use |t 4ra giving their unanimous testimony k> 1
tt *yj^j l Mt« wutor bt tho month with the Invigohilor, and
swallow both together.
working cures, aln£sl.too great to believe. Ucure* a* :f >
by magic, evcn'lhejlrddiitisrivtttu benefit, and seldom more
than one bottle la required to into mw kind of Uver Oim-,
plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Jlyspjma (0 a common
JJeudae&t, all of which are tho result of a Diseased Liver.
. . nice ONE DOLLAR PM UOtTlt.
DR. SANFORD, Propriulqr, 315 Broadway, NtfW York.
WB- flold, hy O. W.Kesslbb, Altoona; and retailed by ;
all Uniggists- [May 27,’ ISSA-ly
| 1/jrig unsuccessfully sought;
its original color; covers luxuriantly (he re
moves all dandruff, itching and all scrofula, scald head and
all eruptions; makes the hair soft, healthy and glossy; and
will preserve Ittoanj imaginable age; removes, as If by
magic, all blotches, 4c., from the face and cures all neural
giaand nervous headache. See circular and the following:
Dover, N. H„ Feb. 2»t
Pjtor. O. J. Wood- A Co.—Gents: Within a few darsara
have received so many orders and calls fur Prof. O.J. Wood’s
Hair Restorative, that to-day wo wore.compelled to.send to
Boston for a quantity, (the 0 dozen you forwarded all being
sold,) while we might order a quantity from yon. Arery :
hottleive bate *'Jd items to bait produced three dr four-new .
customers and the approbation, and patronage It nfteivra
from the most substantial and Worthy, citlzsurof oag/i
-ciuity, milj'conviuce ua that it 14 A MOST VaIX’ACLB
Send ua a* Soon as may be one gross of $1 size; and on*
dozen $2 size; and believe ns yours very respectfully. .
(Signed) DANIEL LATHOBt « Co. ;
Ili'ckdry Grove. St. Charles Co.. Mo., Nov. 19, ISifl, (
Peuf. 0. J.Wooo—Dear Sir; Somatime larisummer jra
were Induced to use come of your Hair Restorative, and
its . (ffecta were so wonderful, wo feel it Our duty, to yo 4
and tlii’ afflicted, to report it. ' v t
Our little son’s licAd Cj some tSoo had beenpef fettiy
covered with sores,' and some called It scald.head. The
ha'r almost entirely came off in consequence, when a friend,
actings his sufferings, ndrised us to use your Restorative,
we did so with little hope of success, but, to our surprise*
and that-of nil our friends, a very few applications removed .
the disease entirely, nhd a new and Inxuricnt crop.ofhalr
soon started out and wo can now say that our toy.has as
healthy a sialp. and ns lusurlcut a crop of hair qsany >
other child.; ‘We can therefore, and do hereby frcqmmer d «i
yont Restorative, as a perfect remedy for all discard ofths if
scalp and hair.- ■ Wbaio.ymira respectfully, • f>
• ..Oifdirtch ilaifto, Jtm? 23, IMS, ■ 1
Pro?, d.i. wooh—twit B(rt I have used two holtliwjof
Professor Wood's Hair Rfestotntifc, aiid cau truly say It is,
the srentest discotert of the nee fur ruttbrlngnnd changmg
thollatr. Before nslftg il 1 was « min « stTcnty. My
Hair lias now attainedlts. original bolbr. Yon can.teeom- -
mend it to the world without, the leafei fear, at my cats
waa oho of the wont kind. ... . /
Yours Respectfully,
: , DANIEL St. MURf at-
O. J. Kooo lit Co, Proprietors 312 Broadwoy, Ksw.Yort,
Cin the gieat N.Y. Wire Railihg Establishment,) and 114
Market Sr, St. Jhonto, Mo. ;
•Eoreajoby G. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by all g6od
Dniggistt. , [dune 3, IS4B-ly.
.-J-' pWftFtIJIEuV, racb a*
PomaiurnSfllciir Oils, Colognes,'imj
ported and domestic ; Oriental
Drops, Cosmetics, Frangjh
| pdnni Sachets;
j Toilet Sattps, JBkir
' [ Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
• Dressing Combs, Docket Combs;
Purses, Bay Ltiaf Water, etc;, etc.; Ho.
A. Rotrsk’s. !
JunelS, 18M.-U, • - ;-V ■
* NEFlfolßS} ■ :
J fobtajjzab; v;;^
9:; ■ ■••■ •; la
la Abclas; k
- fake litemjciar*:, .
€O6 sind 608 Market Street* '
. ABOV* SUTO, . '
Teraw--$1.25 Tet Day; . v .:,.:‘OV
O. W. HIXKIB, Pmewww.
Jitlv 1| 1858.-4 m. ,
e. j. inssr, V. r. 11,0.000* *. o.
professional services to the citizen* of Altoona
and Ticinity in tho several trencher of
Country calls attended to. . . .
Offlc*, the «ame a« heretofore ot copied by Dri Hu*tl -
By Consent, D. E.Otol refer* to'. 7" '
\ J. M. Oemmil!. M: Ifc. Alexandria, Pa. ■ 1
J;B. tudpftvM-8.-lltfntln2doTi > v -'%Tr-.r-: : -
Bn. Ro«, Royer RU(T Per, WUUanubttri, Pa. ; -r'
Aprit 22. iBss-tf.] ■ ;
N .!
Forwleb* .
Jj terminating RATS,' MICK, and
Bed-bugs without, dangcrin its use under ahyidrcmaetan
jca, tor~mili' r at the Drug Store of
Jan. 21,’50-tf] 0. W, KEaaLSTj
dy 1* at last (bund, any per*
1 Complaint, in any of its
tie, and conviction la e«r-
morbid or bKd matter frosm
their place a Krtdthy Bow
I stomach, causing Jbod to
I BLOOD, Riving lotte and
Incry.'removing the caosa
radical cure. ... .
ed, and, what n Btrrts,
bionol use of the Ltvta In-
sufficient ib tellers the dto
from rising and souring; ■
fora retiring, prarsnts
bight, ibbSchs (He‘the lam
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