rjHH n-iUV JCJJSIUEE SARAH KADIS* iWri'-jifr 4A)nrai> sloocm. op aonnu jonr^ ’> "Jlntwiag on the style, Mary, ■feltting on the style, ' Btttihe bull dog in the .front yard barking all thb while; don't you tell >onr pa, Mary, ■ < - just had a Aowwiolcn from me/ , ! j : ‘Well/ replied the thief, ‘l'm sorry to how? they’ve gone to stealing cattle, but YU sell off, and you could not better ib- > your loss than by baying cow. 11l warrant she's as good as your’s.’ ' ‘Why,’ said the Jerseyman, ‘she was etaotly like tills one, only that mine bad "ao tail to speak of; and if this one bad &ot sucb a long tail, I'd jswear It w,as my ; ' -tow.' , \ ‘ Everybody now began to look at tbe cow’s tail, but the thief stood nearer tp |it .{ban any body, and taking bold of it so as inst tb cover the splicing with his left, band, 'and with a jack knife in the right |«md, pointing to.the tail, he said • ’ V * And so, if this cow’s tail was only this long, you’d swear she was your’s ?' ‘That I would,’ said; the other, who bc jgan to ho very much, confused at the re wexnhlanco to his cow, except in this one particular, when the thief, with a sadden not of his knife, took off the tail just about an inch above the splicing, and throwing. # overboard bloody as it was, turned to ‘otherand said;— >v . “ Now £ wear it’s your cow 1" 3 3-he bewilderment pf the poor man was but as he had seen the tail Cat off, and saw the blood trickling from it, he could of course lay no claim to the C,n;niflJ from the shortness of the tail j in deed, here was proof positive that this was. Hoi his cow —sothe thief, going oyer with liim, sold the cow without any fetflr of de ■ I«otio8. . ' •• SWAN * CO.. ' COmttNUB JCO DRAW ASUStIAI WITHOUT INTERRUPTION..- SWAN & OO.’S Art Legal, and authorized by the State of Georgia. tow LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE OTJE FIRM HAS StfOWN, TBAT flim EOTTKKLEB AttE DRAWS FAIBLT; ro w nnn PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAI OTJE SCHEMES jiWW yawn LIBERAL TUAN ANT OTHER LOTTERY ' , IN THE WORLD 1 = Biefontrwing Scheme will be drawn Managers of,the Sparta Academy Single Number Lotteries for AuguatlSsB,at AUGUSTA, OEUKOIA, Id public, under the superintendence of Con ttUMtoucjrd: • , _ ICRQ Class 27, draws on Saturday, August 7, iopJJ. Class 28 draws on Saturday, August 14, 1000. Clast 29 drows on Saturday, August 21, 1858. Class 80 draws tJa Saturday, August 28, 1868, OHiCHE PEAKOP SINGUB NUMBERS. 50.000 Tickets! ntx sBODBAm tow nmnacn «»„«>“'•"? FBlZta n.HDUWir EACH SitOUftAT J 5 ACC cat. IfrUeof ' 4 Prteeof W V ~u -tt 80,0001 4 “ “ , •f® • 1 M « 10,000 4 “.“ JJJ 1 « « 64> v 14 “ " .- f® 1 ft u 4,000 60 Prise* of i ;« « ftoooi.6o “ ■ 5® } M U two 100 “ “« ... 4 « « 'l/100 280, “ ‘V: F APPROXIMATION PRIZES. . 4- Appnjx’tog. I 4 ,« «So “ « 104)00 « “ 800 '■ i « 126 « - 6so “• “ Wo 4 niw « •• « 4,000 « .« 400 J'« « 76 « .« 5000 «« , 300 J « « 60 “ “ IOoJqS ; ** . sfio *w IWMW* ®les«a!SK«N-i «•» a^wr? - yy- AlUrenlat showing the pUn of :the hotterle* will ■liteh.hi- Aft jrfftJc; Certificate ofpackogftoflO WTioleljckaU, , u « ' lOQuarter M ' u . « 10 Eight “ ORDERINO CaEamHCATES.- fiociote tbtiDJOittj to ouradilro«farUw ticket®.OTtl^«i ? or receipt of whlch ther wOl t>e forwarded by first puribr- Pnicba«cEB can have tick eta ending In any number they l nnd' Prices •will belaent to DnjxhMers lnunediately allor tbe drawing. , , sEnrchaeers willpleaso writetheir eignatone plain, and give tbetnPqatOflioe, County and State. i I , Remember that overyPrizois Arawn andpayablo in full without doducti cm. I 1 AUprixee of il,ooo and uudefy after the drawing—other prizes at the ojuallune of*3o nays. AU communications strictly cpnfi^Dtiftl. Addrearontera Ibrtkkefcror certificates to l S. SWAN’ 4 CO, Aumuta, Go. Persons residing near Ala, or Atotantß,Ga, Ann have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co- at either orthos® cities. ' A Hat of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, With the amount of the price that each one ls entitled to, will be iiuhlislied after cteiy drawing, in the following pa pors -.—New OrUan* Delia, MtAHe Segitter, Charleston Stan dard, Aiulici/te Gazette* Atlanta Intelligencer, Aew lurk Weekly Day Book, SacannahMotjring Nerni,foehmnml Du pateh,New York DUpatch, and Paulding \Mtxs.) QUmon ' Augusta (Geo.) OmtlltutionaUst. [jan.i-ly. TIT ARYL AND STATE LOTTERIES iVI rOB JULY, 1858. R. Fbakcb & Co., Msnagnrs of the MarjlaUd SUM Lotteries, present the fol lowing: Splendid Schemes _ • POE AUGUST, 1858. Thej cantion purchasers ot Tickets to beware of order ing Tickets in Lotteries where o*traordiuary large Capi tals are-bffered for a email cost of Tlckete—all such aro swindles. . . . , _ . The Maryland Lotteries bare been in Ksjrtenco for Port} Year*. They are drawiTby » State Officer, and can be re lied on. If yob draw a Prize, you will get your money.— The whole country la flooded with bogus) Lottery concerns. Beware of them. Xj- Order far the Maryland State Lotteries. : Xiosmasy scaeuz. ■ ■ i MARYLAND STAT£ MXTJUUC,CLABB N, To Lb drawn in Baltini ore CSty, on/Sailirday,. August 21st, ■ y ssr 12 Drawn Ballots in * ugh Package of 26 tickets,“B* 1 Grand Prize of SW,OO( 1 Prize of $2,000 1 Prize of ; *lO,OOl 1 Prize of £OO3 1 Prize ot , 10.000 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prize of 6,057 1 Prize of 2,000 I Prize of ' 6,000; 20 Prize of 1,200 1 Prize of 6,000 20 Prize of COO ■tv 5,000 1 . 20 Prize of • f&‘ I*l Prize of 2.0(H) ’ 143 Prize ol , 400 ‘1 Prize of 2,000 60 Prize of : 100 VPrizeof 2,000 66Prizc of 60 1 Prize of 2,000 ; 60 Prize of SO 1 Prize of 2,000 4,168 Prizes of . 2fl .1 Prize of 2,000 25,740 Prizes of 11.76- OOslUfi Prizes, amounting to $601,000. . Tickets $10 —Halves $5 —Quarters $2,50— Eighths $1,25. A Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, costs , $l5B 00 Do. do. 26 Halves, T 9 00 J>6. ■ do. 26 Quarters, 89 SO Do. do, 20 Eighths, 19 75 J This is the' old mode of Drawing. Priees to one Wheel and Tickets to'another. • Every Prize is drawn out. JSrtrv Prize paid in f nil &ilhout‘dtductif>HJ MAKYUAND BTATB IiOTtJJRY, EXTRA CtASS 9, •Jo be drawn in Baltimore, JliL,' Saturday.Ang, 28th, 1858. 30,165 Prizes! 40,000 KumbWatl We would call particular attentkm’to fhejbllowlng splen did scheme, a package of 10 Whole tickets costing only sBo—and every other ticket being wariwnted-to draw $lO, determined by the nhmber drawing the Capital Prize, whether odd or eiven. ■''' IPrizeof 1 Prise of 10*000 4 100 1 Prise of 6#» jt “ 60 iPritoof 2,400 4 “ 80 1 Prize of 2,000 , » ; " 60 I Prize of I*oool ■ « ■ so 1 Prize of •- 3,000/ ■* 1 Prize of 8001 o a so 1 Prize of 800/ * 60 IPrizeof 400 V a - ' A AirDnlon Series of twelve large and splendid SW$ £**? Engravings. and a schedule of Go “' l^ Tcn£S, ,^ l .^l f 111*. mt of ail kinJy. Gain P»> etc- offeted w» a.scaio Of libe rality sml«ssing all previous offers. ' •, .i- Onr Jewelry I* com t H. ? ed exclusively of the rfchert BKV rinse articles, warranted to be solid gv l or Uf rmmwcnted. and even- person selects, dm own prenutun. Onrsfathc onlr Publishing House that offers Premiums 00 this Tilaji, or that furnishes this c lass of Jewelry. The following is » list of a fi w of the aroriea, wlt£ dm amount of the rinb.for which ii U given as a prominmj MW the postage required for its delivery oynkaU: ; Splendid Detached Lever, Enameled Dial righ- . •• teen carat Gold warranted a . time-keeper, / ■ SCO 00 ETqpnt Lcpiuo Enameled Dial 18 cant Gold. -? tiro Double-Slide Gold Pend! and Gold Pen, _ * orta g®‘ warranted to be solid gold throughout, -« «» ...*?• Beautiful QoM Pencil, waMntttai to no solid. • gold throughout. . ; _ 55 w - Grid PencU. Grid Watch Key, andGddXooth • - -> Pick combined, , .i, - Extension Silvor-CasePencU (warranted same as coin) and Gold Pen, 1 JK £ Rich Gold Band SKI ST eugfd ahdtiirhod. Set of Gold Cameo Ear Drops, r «• Set of Oold Coral Ear Drops, SIS XT Gold Cameo Pin for Lady, f S ■" '£ Grid Florentine Pip for Lady, £ JS " ■ Sc• Grid Dor duster Pin lor GenUenwn, , “}~ S" Set of Grid Cameo Stud* . . | ™ *• Set of Enslaved, Lined Gold Studs, f - - 200 Bc. Satef OolctCaruriJan Sleeve Buttons for Lady or Gentleman, .* w cc* Superb Friendship Stag, arild;«Ute?n ****», ■. grid, richly enameled, w. f 9 * 1 A* Miss’ Rtag, soWld sixteen -caretgold, set with-stoiie, _ r Tht Stemug of of Lady janfe Grey, from the celebrated painting byDanlel _ . Huntingdon, 22 Inches long by 17 wide, fl 00 J2c. The Trapper’s Last Shot, from the great paint ing by w. Bannay, 18x24, . A = Th?Angier , B Daughter, from the greet paint lug by Landseer, ■ ' r Sparkling, from painting by W. F. Edwards, (fbr full Schedule, tee our Otialogiu.) tfhe CsiTH* Siaies Jowisal contains sixteen largo folio pngee, ably edited and profusely illustrated. Price only 60 cents a year. i ‘ Our Catalogne contains over 1,000 of the moat useful, en tertaining and popular works of the day. ' Any person sending ns 60 cents or more, cither for the Jochsju. or for Books at the lowest prices, is entitled to the same amount in any of the premiums of his town selection from the schedule, lie is also entitled to extra Premiums amounting to $l, and extra Books or Journals amounting to $1 for every club ofslo, thus receiving for $lO Books or Journals amounting to jAI, and Premiums amounting to $ll. The amount to prepoyipostago On the Premiums, should accompany each order. ■ Every reader is invited to form a club, and wo wish to arrange with -some persona at every Post Office to act os local agent and 'correspondent, who will be richly paid therefor.' * , • , Specimens and Catalogues aunt frois on application, bend on a few subscriptions al once, and select your premiums from the above, or when ypu.rßceUe the Catalogue, J. M. EMERSON t €O.. Publishers, 40(J Broadway. New York. *BO 20 10 _Jnly 29,1558. /"I.HEAP GOQDS! CHEAP GOODS! \y —The subscriber wouUbfespectfully inform the citi zen* of Altoona andvicinity that he has just received his stock of * ■ ■ i . * SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting. In part, of ; LADIES' P LAIN AND FAECY DRESS GOODS. such as Silks, Satins, D’Lfilncs. CluvUics, DucaK Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, ice together wiUi all kinds of Dry Goods, all of,which wljl ibe sold cheap for cash. Me has also on hand a large stdck of GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE.. HARD WARE. BOOTS AND SHOES, and all other goods iutmilly ikept in .stores in this place. Marine adopted the CASM SYSTEM in juy business anil being resolved to carry it unf, I have marked my goods at CASH TRICKS, and invito inspection and comparison, in regard to prices and quality, jWith those of any other attire in the town. Give nw a call and judge for yourselves. Country prodnee taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. . April 119-ly] . ■ . . ; J. B. MILKMAN. CAVING FI ND, FIVE PER CENT O INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO, lIW hut street. S. IE Gjrnrr hf Third , Philadelphia, incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania. ■ ■ Money Is received in any «um. large or small. nn-1 inter ost paid from the day qfdnpusit to the day ol w ithdrawal. The office is open every day trod) 9 o’clock in the morn ing till o o’clock In the afternoon, and on Monday and ROBERT SELFIUDUE, Viet-Prest. tTjf. J- BEEd, S'CTdary. DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner, I. Carrol Brewster, r'-'M’in! I*. r nrr vfl(< Iliir< y. Robert Solffidge, Frapeis Lee, « Sami K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landrcth Minins, Henry Dieffendcrjcr. . Money is received fiSd payments made doily without no- The investments are made in .REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES. GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as the Charter requires {Mar3-sm. yf. Cossnraiuu. D. CcSkisoham, R. Ccsxnsotusi. D. IIOtBES, l’>- DOCAS. CUNNINGHAMS & CO-, PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 109 WATERS!. axd 140 VIRSTBT., PITTSBURGH, PA-, Botwoeen Wiod and Smlthfield,; v . . MANUFACTURERS OE N Pittsburgli City Window Glass, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor Window™. Churches a|hd I’ublic-Buildings. Altoona, April 1,1858-ly.] i ' >» ENTERPRISE WORRS, ■\TO. 136 WOOD STREET, PITTS JLi burgH, pa. i / . N SOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers :of Rifles, Guns,' Surgical ‘ . and Dental Inatniments, &o. ■ RIFLE; GUNS. We wronSPetd) attention to onr,Stock in the above-line, knowing thijlwe .cannot be beat either in tho qnality or price. Bi^g'Mgejy enragedlnftiis branch of briefness, wc- defy oil competion. All our rifle* are Warranted or no aalA • Hardware. Sporting Materials Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, Revolvers, Flasks. Belts. Powder, Shot. Balia. Caps.FanCy Barriware’and SportingEquipage.lnall ttsvariety, which we otfer.low for Cash. ■-‘ -> < < ■ Pittsburgh, AprUlilB6B-ly.- : ! ' INCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL J FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, •gent of the LycomingMUttial Fire lasurnnceCompnny.’is at nil time* ready to insure against loan or datpage by fife, BuOUMgi. Merchatidise, Furniture arid Property of every description, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as •ay company fhi the Shite. Office In the’ Masonic Temple. \ ’ JOHN SHOEMAKER, Jiffcbt.' WEST BRANCH INSURANCE GO. —The undersigned." Agent for Blair cot'nty.will take short and long risks on Buildings, Merchandise, Fnr>- nitnrcand Property of every description, it* town or coun try.-at as reasonable'raten as any company in the State. — Rules also taken on the lives of horses. Office In Masonic Temple. March 18,18551 y. T XQUORS.—A JiARGE AMOUNT . M i of well selected LIQUORS Inis been received at the “LOOAX HOUSE,” Hollidaysburg, which ■will tie sold at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wonts has only ter call. - [flee. 17, tt DIGH TOBACCO AND HIGHLY I~l> flavored. Cigars, in abundance, can tie had at "jane 18,’57-ly] * HENRY LEHR’S. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SOO boxes Oranges and licmons in store and for sale by WM. N. SIICGARD, March 25, ’6S-ly] • 191 North 3d strict, Philadelphia. Settees for sale.—the un dcrslened has on hand a lot of Settees which he will sell cheap fiir cash. JOHN SHOEMAKER, March 25 tf.] ' Masonic Temple. YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL kiddsof Flow and FSod by calling at . . ' ‘ : v June 18, ’57-ly] / HENRt LEHR’S. T OTS FOR SALE.—I 2 BUILDING 1 J Lots, situate In different localities, is this Borough ibr sale on reasonable terms, by [‘.'T-tf.] J. SHOEMAKER. •kftiss Everybody is invited to caR and test the merits of the articles kept by Jane 18, ’57-ly] ‘ HENRY LEHR. TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM ■i 1 -s&a. Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps, Jcc. for sale by TS:] ' : - ,t>.v.'KESsbjai, I!S ot the choic est brands and qualities. Maying made arrangements with stmni of the first houses in Cognac and IbKlieile, enables them to furnish to their customers upon the most rea-oniq hie terms, the, follDwiug brands of Cognac add Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES. Otard, Hennery, Jarett, iPinnell, CUstlllhai, ilartell, T Him s, PcUccorsin, IJ. J■ Depuy <2 Vo. A. Seinnetle, ifc., «fc. I V * WINES Champagne, Old Oporto, {Burgundy. Had< ira. Tenenar, Vlarct, Sherry. TJslem, \Hoci:. Jluscal d-Malaga Wna■< it/ unions brands and qualities. Holland Gin. Sclicidatii Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits. Scotch and Irish Whiskeys: Peach. Apple, Lavender, Blackberry. Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters. Amsterdam Bitters, Ac. Also,’constantly on hand, an extensive stock of out WHEAT. MOIfOXVAHELA and IiOiUHOS WHIS KEYS. of various grades, some of w hich we guarantee to be superior to any in the Country. \p»jL,From onr King esperieuee in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of the community. w'<: Halter ourselves to bo able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the C’.uit.y ’which are ne si respectful ly solicited) will Its promptly attended to. Great care taken i'u paekiug ;ji4 shipping. AH goods sent froiu our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfcctum, with the privilege of being returned. Feb. 2&-Iy] B. P. MIDDLETON A Bill). APRIL, 185vS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT TUE HALL OF FASHIOSS.- rTAI]E subscriber has the pleasure of an | nouncing to the cltixeim of Altoona,and tlie “rest of mankind,” that he is just receiving from Philadelphia and .New York, abeautifuluasorUnelit of BRITISH. FRENCH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, in part, of UVIIJID A’ QIJfLLE. CRAPE 1)1 ESPANGE. FANCY UPHUN BAREGE, PLAIN OI’HL’N BAREGE, CHAT. I. IBS. DECALS, FRENCH LAWNS—BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SCOTCH, *• “ *• from d'-f upwards FANCY DrtESS SILKS, . BLACK DRESS SIi.KS, FI fir RED BRILLIANT?, GINGHAMS, PRINTS. Ac in great variety. He would call especial 'attention to his sfiK-ic of SHAWLS, wbichsfqr style. •I'toHty amt randy. ennnot be surpassed, aud must be seen to be appreclati-d. • The. assortment of White Goods nud Ladies’ Gross Trim mings are all that fashion could desire. Among his stock of Ladies’ Misses and Children’s Gidtera and Shoes will he found a full line from the beat city manufacturers. His stock of Groceries, Hardware, Ac., is complete. Ho hopes lus Goods and prices (which by the wav defy competition,) will meet the approval of all who call upon him. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. April 29,5 m. CHAS. J. MANN’. TITHE SUMMER SEASON —J ESSE I 1 SMITH would- respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and the public generally Hint lie lias just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment HATS AND CAPS, SB Which lie purchased at low prices fur cash BmBH and will sell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at huu^iaii advance on the original cost. His stock comprises H ATS and" CAPS of .every description, size and shape. All who are in’ want of anything in bis line Will do wpll togivehim a calif as he feel? confident he cansultthe most fastidious, in quality and price. • He is always ready and willing !o exhibit his stock/r<« of charge, ta that none need liar to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ■ . Remember that bis store, is on. Virginia street', directly opposite tlio Lutheran Church. [April 8-Cm. HFETTINGEIFS • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. T, "ALTOONA HOUSE/' ALTOONA. PA.. Where maybe had all thepopular Publications of the day, such as pally and Weekly Papers, Magazines, Novels nhd Romances. MiscellaneonaTJooks'. School Books. Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inka, Gan and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and .’fissile iAper, Blank Books and in iitet everything in the Stationary line. Toys, Notions and Games of every variety,' Pictures and Picture- Ffanles, To bacco and Segare of tne best" quality, Ac„ Ac N. B.—Wmirc sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, lor ROHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It docs pos itively ctaro all sores to which it isjappliedi Tty it. |7-tf. T>LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY,—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair County 'Mutual . Fire Insurance Company, is at all tintes feddy to insure ngatnst lossbr damage’by fire, Build ings. 'iTerchdndiie,'. Furniture and Property.-of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in thn : State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3,’o&rtfl JOHN 'SHOEMAKER j Agent. gGAL! COAL! COAL! GOAL!— The subscriber would Inform the consumers of COALai Itoona, that he is ronßlantlrre-MCSia *' TmiaStw ceiving all kinds of COAL, which “ Is ready to deliver .at all times And to any part of the town. • «t residence, inNotth'K’anL . V 3nM • • • / / john allison. /'IONyjBYM T KINDS of writing done at thoalioricat notice.—Deeds, Mort gagfca, ic., executed In the neeteßtro«nner;by JOHN SUyjJMKEB, Masonic Temple, Altaoha. Jah. 3,1857-tf.j D yes i o yes !—-gentlemen draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT innonh cm to tho pnblie, that ho is ready to’ discharge his duty aSanAnetipheerwhehever callcdupon. " [jap. . Hardware of descry tions justreceiVedand-for sale by Oet. ■■ ‘ Xfi. MILKMAN. ' Hair, hat,/ .sj^viKiGr, ' Fftlnt, Sash and.TArubh Brushes at • '■ r ’ VT ■' KESSLER’S. HAMSi SIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED Beet Ac. always on hand at Jonc 18, ’57-dyJ , - , ;: ;,;//r., LEHR’S. , PINE 4AND LARD OILS, >CAM phene, Horning Flnld,CaA6b 08/Aclekt Jan. 3, ’5O-tf 1 , i KKSSUnWBI* -jvroNE bim confec- Ll tidnariw, Sat! and Jrulte lept at' • fvall w-ly] r LEAK'S. ArtSßimok: m*£ “>* ■ Sjpgtoaettt*, F. W.JjmKttWTK ' of Arithmetic and Com- j, of the “National Srstem_of , Btisftjei*, itaCortptnsaad U*ag«i ( "y^^yiJiifißtiJwlt-of j otail ?1 >IIKH. HOPKINS. E»l-> of tho I^iiik«w”keN^ edi" '-,at tin- United States Fair, arid all for work artuaily'Wne W« PEN and INK. and not fiir Enarartd PenmainlHp. Our Penmen arc* fully coui|K;t4jni to ut> their own work without the aid of the cugrv er to make it resoectable. 4«ug.27-ly t NTEN S E EXC ITEMENTI— I McCOKMiOK’S NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVEDAsD, ARE NOW BEING OPENED FOB INSPECTION Halloa, neighbor. I'm here on' the ground again; Peiv haps you recollect when. 1, last year, askeihyou to hotU my; horse a moment aud tell me where the CHEAP STORE was. But it is different now. It reminds me a little of; the of is*}, when Gen. Harrison waa.fjectcd Pro-' sident. Ton have only to go with the crowd and yoti will; have no difficulty in finding MICORMICK’S STORE. From, the excitement down the valley, mid the quantity of goods; I see carried away, they must bo selling off very rapidly and verv cheap.’' v You are right, my friend; I would say to yon, sir, go, ahead ntpl yoUr anticipations will be fully realised; Uo : bps'a very large and well selected assortment of-Goods. He'll sell you a dress for fifty ants and give the trimmings into bargain, I’m told,’and all other goods in proper t,o-nOood bye, neighbor, that's inhere I am goln£to boy*- toy gooiU.” <■ That's right, and so should ovei yhody else. Good bye.”- DRY-GOODS. . GROCERIES. , HARDWARE. QCEKNSWARE. - . STONEWARE, CEDAUWARE, Ilats and Caps, very cheap-Bonnets, Misses’ Flats. 4c.; Ear 1 dies’ Gaiters, Slices and Slippers, with Misses, Boys ami Me-fs Boots and Shoes, mid every other article kept in it J first class country stcre, can be bad cheap fur cash, at McCormick's. All articles of country produce taken in exchange for doods. ’ U. tl. SIoCOKMICK. i Altoona, May 13, ISSS.-ly A NUTTIER REDUCTION IN PRICE at McCormick's Store. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (oral least credit v. illpiot l|e given to any oilier than those who are wilting ami cur liiw satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt monthly payment.) and desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize our store, we have made a very great re dnotion in the pi jces of all descriptions Of goods, nod will giv& our entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment to suit the wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS. ' GROCERIES, . IIARDiV AeE, QUEENS WARE, 5- CEDARWARE; ' j STONEWARE,. BOOT'S & SHOES. Gaiters. Slippers, Hats and Caps, Dried Fruit, etc., all 6f which will is- sold a* cheap as the cheapest. " All articles of produce taken In exchange for goods at their highest market price. , . ‘ Thankful for past favors, wn hope jO share the patronage of those w!m are in want of goods.- > [March "do-tf. j THE GREAT QUESTION. WHICH now agitates the mind of every is, where can ! get the best article for myVbHI money? In regard to other matters, tlife sub-MB scriber would nut nttempt'to direct, but if you MB. ‘ want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES 1 ;"!• he invites an examination of hia stock and work. He keeps constantly oh band an assortment ofßnote, Shoes, Gaiters. Clippers, Ac.: v: luck he offers at C»ir prices. . lie will give special attention to custom work, .ailiof which will lie warranted to give satisliicUou. None-hut the best workmen are employed _ i Reraemlier my shop i« on Main struct, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now \f. O’Neil’s. September 3,’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. The mormons evacuating SALT LAKE CITY!! . ■ ■ Tremendous Excitement in East Altoona ! The Subscribers rcsiiectfrilly inform the of Altoona and the rest of mankind: that they are now prepared,to carry on the BLACKSMITIIING BUSI NESS in all its various branches, at Hie near stand next door below Peter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adeline afreet, in East Altobua. They Ratter themselves-that they are Ants to render satis taction to all who may favor them with tpoir patronage-, and no effort will bo wanting on their part to merit the patronage of the community. Wigous, Car-, riages, Ac., made and ironed to order, for which good ium hcr \vill bs taken. Remember the place, on Aaclinq'St., where Blacksraithiug is done on the shortest noticcAnd most reasonable terms. JOHN W. HOOPER, Altoona, May 27, ’SS.-2m] , % A. JAMES. . f. .T7XCIIANGE HOTEL—THE SCB SCUIBER would respectfully iu- " ■ " r - .f, ‘ form Uic public that he .has recently re- A ; j fitted (he above Hotel, and is now JSHwfedn. pared to.accommodate his-friends I patrons in a comfortable manner,and | will spare no .pains in making it an agreeable home for all ; sqjeurners. His Table will always bclukttrionaly sumtlied ! from the markets of the country and cities, and hut Bar | filled ’with liquors of choice brands. His chargee' are as reasonable ns those of any other Ilotel in the place, Arid he feels satisfied they can not be complidned of by those’who favor Ijita with thetr Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and frilly Intending to deeerire it, be throws open his'bouse-to the pablidAbdTnvites a trial. Alt JOIIN BOWMAN. EOOTS AND SHOES.—THE UN dendguedhasinow on /hand and will sell cheap at his store In the Masonic Tern- ple.a’largo'afid cdmpleteassdnriientofßOOTS iB AND SHOES,ready made, or made to order, ■&/ Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Gum Shoes,'• Cork B^^^ the best most reasonable terms. ;All customworlt warranted. ‘' i* ' ;■< - ir Jan.2,’»Mt] j ; J. SHOEMAKER. ] OYSTERS I OYSTERS I In coneepncncc ot the hard time*, I have concluded \ toput down tiio price of my OYSTERS to tho lowwtjwesl- I Ido standard. They will hereafter be served upon the ChsSugDfch atTWENTY CENTS, iud roasted id the shell and acryed up with oil oilier acreropiuahieuts, TWjpiTY- FtV a CENTO. They Win also bo furnidied, in ovory oth w»yrot priceato Correspond with the times, , /:■ . JOHN HETFFER, ' ' Lbgan House, Hollidayslfurg.' WON RAILING AND ALL Wnd* ofOkatiugs executed to order. aTm TiaSpont iag ptttUo order, st shortest notice, apply to J. SHOEMAKER, Aijenl fur Stclu.\.uus, M'atsox k Co. - Jar. 8, IgSftMfc JUST RECEIVED. Aiii•ge a&3 fashionable assortment at the Store of ' : J. B UIIiKMAN. ■f-f fYTO COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA AND "LIA/alllclnd of BtoccHe* for win by J ' ‘ J)JtofflB,tBs7rly] , .HEKBy LSHB; BUTTER AND'ALL KJNDS Xii producecan be had c 3p& W’ir- • :.•,; ■ ;: irayfeYtEfcß’S.• uieat mSjfymntiSWttaset. • ■- • ••■ *<■ ■ s =*% “ To all persona afflicted with Sexual Dlwaeoe, meh4» li>kM i ilin aUntt* HtexAww, Syphilis. tU *».* of &uim.*m or it if ,fc, The HottMUt AiajiivTjo* lu tie wof the awful deet ru c t U of human life, caused hy SoJUiaUDisease:), and the deception practised upon the unfortunate victims of »nchdisease i. Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Sm-gect ae a tharitahlt act worthy o f their nartie, to open a Dwpe& ■ jary for the treatment of this class of diseases, hi an tVefc forms, and to give medical: advica oratU. to ail who appi, liy letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occi nation, habits of life, «C-) and in cases of extreme poverh and suffering, to furnish .uaikint fra of charge. u L needless to ndd that the Association commands the hiehw Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most appro* ed modern treatment. • '‘ ’The-Directors, on a review of the past, ft-el assured tho their labors in,this sphere of benevolent effort, hart toe, of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to t hoyount ■ and they lured resolved to devote themselves, with rensw*; eeal.to this very important but much despUed cans, ■ 'Just published by the Aseociulion. a Report on Spina* tatrhoawor Seminal ■Weakness, Ote vice bfOhunihm'Ma, turbatiou of Self Ahr.se, and other diseases of the Sexuii Organs, bv tho Consulting Surgeon. wMcU wiH be seut'bj. ttaail tin a sealed. envelopo),/i‘io uJdmrst,o-athn&riy“lfccttbiwhy ;i Johif tehr, fetreat, nejtt door to whcro lheyMUfcboku toy to serve all who may flw»r wiA. ajall.. Thoij ktoclt Is a largo and aaleetone, coariitiMof j--' ■ •Flour, Feed, ; r^Baoo«,^ •Porky SugWb;nf •Toe, - ** Salt, .. iS»ll Oil, Fluid, • Campheae, ■_ Alcokol, > Cigare am^Tobaece. 6 ! ' ‘ N ; As the* purebaae alltbe.li;- B*xi* *>r tbcRBABT CASH, and sell Tor the same, person* desiring of purcJuMlng aaj. ' tiling in their Hue, wIU do.rwU UkgWtham a U th«* wIU soli at but a trifling advance on ftret coat. Wo ash at : man to pay tor anything hut what he buy*. us a trt til and see it w» won’t unite. oar twrda good, yahKtl OTOVES! STOVES!' STOVES.—TLc haajurtrecehredflrora Phil*- jji dulphia, NortWChaae A S orlh’a cokb'raleJCookr togBtoveithriB67. 8 THE ROYAL COOK iHSBIs for Wood or Cow. Thl* beautiful Cooking Stove challenges ali competition for tba exqttbuu style of ornament and perfect operation in all respects. Tbs oven extends under the fire-box and the llucs'nre marau ed that the yrhole oven surface will bake perfectly and mi fonnly. the slightest examination of this Store mast tat afv eriafy one that it will become a rtalveraal iavorits. TUB SEA SHELL, fur wood or coal. The’ fire-box is Sr good capacity-tin ash-box is deep—the oven is capaffoud. and ia h thoiu«H baker. This stove is one that may readily be reoomtMtufol for tuoilv use, laevery particular. ■ - . • ‘ - All kinds of beating and parlor stoves constantly cl hand. .JOSEPH IL BCSU, April IC, ’57-tf] Opposite tik American Souse, Altoona. / 'IOMPETIIION IS TH& laIFE OF 1 j TRADE,—FuIIy convinced of the trufli of tidesiv. ing, tho subscriber wouldreepooHUlly'announce to tb citizens of Altoona and vicinity, - that.he has cntsNl the fielil, br opening a - • 4 *' ■ MHBCIIANT TAILOTUXa ESTABLISHMENT, in the room heretofore occajiied by Michael Gallagher, Im mediately opposite the Superintendent’* Office, wherein will carry on.the business as usual, ilo has juat tettivtj ah excellent hsaorttrient of " • , ’ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES r& .VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress suits, which he will make U order, on short notice ami at prices which can not foil tc satisfy. 1 He baa also rcceiveiltne.LATEfifP SOTtES of PALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. and feels confident that lie can.sattofr thelmort fiutldloa! in this particular, and bieclolhing wlilbnmade M well * clothing can be wade. In fine, he is determiaed that noth l IngaUall bowanting bn: his .part to rthdep satisaetton U those who way favor him with their patronage. AUitc-na, Nov. 5-tf-l ’' JOHN TALBOT. ON M ANIIOOO, AN#ITS PHEMA -TUBE DECLINE.—J oat Published, Omfe,; Uls T *A FEW WOKDS ON fREAtME-Nl withont M-dicine, of PpernSfifarrhea or'LwtWjatacß, Nocturnal Emissions. Gaul to rand NerytfaeTnbnity, Imps tcncy, and Impedments tniUfriage generally, by B. DE.LAJiEY, ll.il. The Important fact that the many ahd-nslogcomplains, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, naj be easily removed W ITftOCT'MEDICINK » In this jCiiH trad, dearly ikmenstratwl; and the entirely,new ami hifh- Iv successful treatment. «a adopted by the Author, fulij explained, by moan* of which every to cu(\ UIUSEI.K perfectly nud at the. lehft p'tttilWeffrtrt,tberekf avoiding nil the Rilvcrtfsod of the day. Sent to Rny address, gratia and post free tea sealcris velopc, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to It B. DK LANKY, 88 Easiest street,'Sew York Oty. ‘ May«, 1858. ■ ‘ . . ,'V' ' . V - . SPRINU , AND SUMMER -FASII ibiNP.XjOUN O-DOSSELt, Merest Taftor. Ist’ rf Hotiiiinysburg, desires' to inform tbo 'rittWtiS l of A 1 tela and vicinity, that he has leased .Ute building two dots North of the Ued Liou Hotel and one door South of Ns gle’a Salooii, on Slain street, where he Is now rccelviDS lie SPRING AND SciDIER GQ6i>S, consisting ia part of Cloths M ail price*,‘Main and F«tj Casaluicres, suitable foriiomtr tyear, Silk, Satin VclyetM.w seines and all kinds of light Summer Testings, in short, everything that may be colled for, all, of which be sill make to order, cn short notice, and on the most rcusco* ble terms. ' • His long experience in the business, bp thinks! will cas tle bun to please all who may favor him with their order* ■ April 1, 1868-ly. ■ . . : ■\f AP OF BLAIR COUNTY.-—THE IT 1 subscribers propose to pnbllah » Kew'Map of 111*,-' Count v, I’onusvlvanta, from actual surveys, containing »" Public Rood* Beta Bonds, Canals, the. wtnalTdcallttes ri Villages, Post Offices,. Houses of Worship, School lieu’s* Manufactories, Tanneries, Mills, Hotels, Stores, Yfim Uou*- ea, names of Property Owners. 4c. ' , Enlarged Plans oi the Principal Visages, a X«hh -■'[ Distances, and a Business Directory,- paring the name ad ’business of each subscriber, will, be engraved on the'mar gin. The plotting wfU he to a sultabloucaloso as to mss’ a large and .ornaments! Map,; which will be col- red mounted in the best style,; and deUvorcdrtosUbseribersrt 25 per copy. SAMUEL CEIL, April 15,1858. 1 ISJMemir.KIK G .W. KESSLER—-PRACTICAL a DRUGGIST. respectfully announces to the citizens of Altoona and the public » C>I ~4BSIHA orally, that he still continues the Drug on Virginia street, whore he keeps constantly. on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DIUKIB, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, \’AItNISH-'4BR-« ,EBand DY^TUSPS., “By Strict attention to business, and a desire tornideral ia&cthm to all e» regards price and tittalfty, to hopfsfc merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on r-.-swuablo tcrol and all orders from a distance promptly attended to.' • Physicians prescriptions carefully comfionndi-d. fl-tt National police gazett l - This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals h a Hs Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughro the country. It. contains all the Great- - Trials,’Crithtod Coses, and appropriate Editorials 6n the soma, together wit* Information-on Criminal Matters, not' to be found in »sj other newspaper. , r - Subscriptions $2 per annum; 21 lot; six months, t; ho remitted by subscribers, (who-should writetbeir nan* and the town, county and State where they reside plainly To-G; W. MATsfBLL imi , Editor i Prop'r. of New York Police Casettc, 15-tf) Aety York City, Bell, Johnson, Jack & Co.; OFFICES AT ; ■ Ifollidayuburg and Altoona. B RAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL CITIES, and Silver and Gold liar sale. Collection* ■mad.’.-' - Mtmeys received on deposit, payable on’domand, without tereat, or npoullme, with interest, at Ciir rates. : jl-tf j. t). XaEl^T, A TTORNEY-AT-L AW, llolliiuvs nrac, hl.mh eof.\TT,p\.,‘ iJ ill practise in thd several Courts of Blair, Uontiugu* ind Cambria conn ties, and attend promptly to all eeUN -ton entrusted to him. Oflleo (lor the present) at IH *** denco, corner Allegheny and Penn streets, ndUitlay^hujf 1 ! WM. S. BITTNER, - SURGEON DENTIST, Office immediately opposite the Luther* 5 Church, on Virginia street. , r " fOet- b v, _L- i J. O. ADLUM, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. . Can at all times he found at the store o| J. D- UilrßUn 1 Altoona, October 1, 1857.-ly . A SUPERIOR LOT OFFRESH G £J V DE$ PKPS for sale by [Sllfj J.- L u U McCRUM & BERN, ‘~ VOL, 3. I’UE ALtOONA TRI McCRAM * DERN, PnWbhen and paid tor. mucs or abtmtoiso. 1 Inner tkm « » 60 fourUnc-oHo^ fl »gSr three w*lw oiwem ' •quaro for each Insertfoa. 3moßths> c 8U IIOMOf *2 60 One *iuar*, 4, 00 u ft Ofr Thre« “ 6 00 Jour “ 10 00 Half a column, ■ J 4 JJJJ JSSJSSSbm »»». *« “>“ «saasv , «!sa c~* «■ \|eglr«d, will bo continued till forbid anil t ho the oliovo terms. 'Business notices tivo cents per lino for r Obituary notices exceeding ten lints, Hi tribune dire CHURCHES. MINISTERS Presbyterian. Kev. A B. Ct.tns, Pa -I" t>rr Sabbath morning at U) ... o cluck, and S a’duck. Subbath School at it o cluck. . tore Boom. Prayer Meeting every Med, the same room-. , ... M-tUodUl Episcopal, Rev. S. A. « il-,0.N. W cSrery Sabbath monung at 10’-j oelml hr- Sabbath School in tho Lecture U»<> ' M?’ General Prayer Meeting in same rm daycyeuing. Young Men a 1 ray it Mod IpV £nSfptli«il Lutheran, (no Pastor l-f the Lecture Boom at 2 o clock, 1• M. 1 latnuroom every dVodiie.sday evening. VnUaUSttiArtn, Kev. B. Sveck. Piuto ery Sabbath morning at " clock an t D ‘o’clock. Sabbath School in the Lee O’clock, A.M. Prayer Meeting every W is sosui room. ' Protestant Episcopal, Rev. R. M. Onvi.i Service 2d nbd 4th Sundays of each nmn ‘•A. Mk and 4J$ P. M. Sunday School at 1 OitEaUc, Kev. Jons Twines. Pastor.—l •o'clock In tho morning, and at dl.j in th ‘ Baptist, (no Pastor.)— Sabbath School a . 4/Vfcoa Methodist, Bev. SsvnEn (’tu, Pi every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock and the old Union School House, ALTQONA MAit SCHEC ; ' M.VIW OUhSK. l K#stcrnAr»y onJ UuUMayulmrgHt Welters' • HollWftJrabnrg:. J Eiutcrd Thronjtli Mnil M’catern Irimgh, (SnlurJaya,) . 7 MAUdJ ARRVVB. Ea4Uvrii,TlirnogUMttil» Wettera Way and Uollidnyalrurg, Eastern “ “ OffiM'open for tho transaction ntmir to BP. Jl, Uuriug tlio west, and from 8 t oa Snnday. Jnao4,’6T-tr} V RAILROAD SCHEOUI Express 'train Bast errivea 2,43 A. M., 7? •« West “ 8,33 “ Fast- « . Bwt “ 0,25 P.M. « . « West “ 10,00 “ «ntl «* East « 11,30 A.M., « •’« West “ 0,40 P. M., the nOLXiIUAYSBDUQ BUANOIU-im TrnluWest, Moll Train East on.l West a East.■ - : The BIATUSVULK BRANCH oontw Way Train Kiurt ami West, Esprvds h Train East. Ttec. 21, '56-til MEETINGS OF ASSOCIA StmmUim Lodge, A.'V. M., No. *il, to day of bach, month. In tbo third story M, , KumenUtal A'ncampment, A. Y. M-, : thltd’Tucddny pi (inch month, in the thi ,»pnla Temple, at Y W o’clock, I*. M. Altoona Lxlge, I.l>. of 0. V" No- •!*■>. evening, in the second story of the Slit- ; o'clock, IV.SL ‘ ' Veranda Lodge,, X. 0. of 0. V- No. 53 d. evening, in tho third story of Patton's 11 a treet, at lli o'clock, I’. SI. miaAaytf 35, I. 0. B. M. cili every Tuesday evening in the I. I Masonic Temple, Council Flro kindle • breath. A. KBUJILK, C. of 11. Junior Son * of America, Cpmp N'o. 31 day night in the third story of Patton’s I*. SI. COUNTY OFFICER Judge* of the (hurt*.—President. 11“ ‘AMOdirtep, Ji Penn Jones, DavM Cal-lm 1 Prolhonotaru —Joseph Baldridge. Begitier, and Recorder —Hugh A. Cab Oeorgti Port. Ifcpntj-— Join DlstrtctAUomey —Uonj. b. llctvit. CbHntg Commiuioners— James Hutch CVunfjr Surveyor— James L. (iwinu. for, J. it. McFarlanu. ; ■ ?Ve