S' FROii Crtrit* iysr ModWana vcm t rlta, easier, *» (cine known. Jtll**® feting first oa *2 *l‘ *«»*££■ If .the painful most time that it tnuaL will stra^pQ icipal regulator* of., wrrna Uatonctlom-S' Wly doTtlojia/’tg; endeat on the w,** per performance tfff “ at fault, the CJ? *® suffers to *25 oi—having couod tofci that organ, one of .£ lv, Ina practice of m 2 le remedy wlierewlS? gcmenU to whltfi is at last found, aa»e». *“ JPV of*tS; and conviction U •bid or ba.l matter to*, ir place a health* £5 nach, causing toot Z an, giving tone y. removing the ical cure. asp, wtui is uta* lal use of the Lit*> Icient to relieve then: u rising audeonrtog retiring, pterin lit, loosens the the bo* IS£S3. si will euro DyspeM* onsful will ilwiyi n U obstruction tvagt, i makes a perfect com relieves Cholic, While i sure euro for Csotai ’uoiera. tied to throw out of Ua 0 after a long •Icksen ;M>icjt removes »U |A b the shin. 1 before eating' gt T|l kes the footl digest wtQ, ls Chronic Dlarrhceaii r and Bone] 0. ck* canned by Woi* cr, safer, or spoedl*' "cr.feih. -veiling the abtotbeau amending the ntedleha 1 Ague, Chill Ferar, s«j ipemtp* with cerUlnu ctiify to iu wondtrfsl nanimour tMtliaooy is h th« Invlgorator, tod ORATOR 'OVERY, and It doth believe. It curet te U ‘■‘-.fit, and seldom mor, iiT kind of LlvprCoß ’. ‘ljspcptia to a common : of a DUE ASM) T itn : DOItLE. roadway, New York. con&; and rstMtodbj [May 27,18M.-ly TIFIERI ;80 ly sought. LAST! TLVORAY BAIK T 9 tly the bald head; te ci ofaln, ecold head tod i-althyand glotty;t&d age; removes, at if hr ce and cure* all neural inlnr and the following: x. n„ Feb. 2d, IUT. V-’lthin a hwdaytm Ik for ProtO. J.Woofs n-e compelled to tend to yon forwarded tlUth; ntity from you. Any duccdthru orfour ytrm i patronage It reetlns rthy cltlzons of oaf ft > A MOST VAIAJRBLK ro-ts of $1 tire; undos* very wpectfhUyi XL LAXItORP, * 00. Jo.. Mo, Nor. bc time lut mruakr in Ilnir lit* tors tire, ud fid it our doty tcjyoa cno liitl i>ccil perfectly ed It »oCd Jtead, tbt rcqtscnce, -when alkitnd, o n*- your BettorotlTA, os. tut, to our w airgilicationsrsnOToi I luiurlcni crop of hair »ay tluit our boy bu u a crop of iolr M Uij I ii'i hrr«bT rtcommwd ity for all ilUeaaea oflhi mipretfnllr, ‘ . IUQGIX BOTHAM, 11I'iOIVDOTHAM. t'.nne.'Jnne 22.18 W. Vi v '.I tW<) bottWi of ■.'nr! coii tr'ily any it!i v-■ v. and cbangnif i rn.vj of«eTcntj. Xl r - i-'r. You can reeo»- L-or, a> wy t*t* e I>*pcetfuUy, I.MULX. MUKPUT. 1 Urnadtvny, JfewYort, at ililiatmtnt,) mad 1)1 It vina, and by »U gaol [Juno a, 1868-ly- OKT3IENT Of i. ii M ynKKRCBIBf.\ (AJognet, tm- tl ; Oriental . Frangi* eta; Hair Bruthct, .. t/ett Vomhij [ r. ej[e. f etc., 'etc SALE LOW AT .OUSH’S. .m. TUNES, ! ZA 3, novsu, PrUffgitl- iJCED. N HOTEt ’ket Street, II I A f.VKUS, TaatMXK»- k’E, FOE MA n-Jn- for Waihin*. <** l>; CMtU* Soap, X** uid for soli* at . „ -A. ROCaH'B ATE OF MAG n.ild in ita opera*** Jitict for sale by . i. uorsn, Draw*- SING FLUID* ktiue. White lead •“* A. BOOSB% lON FOE EX' BEACHES, AST*is under «oiy clrctt*^^ G. W. EEBSLS»’ ' quality^? : -hoehaEWV, M.w.uic XeB»“ ***** proa into. local items. jjjjqfiteg Db»al OrfcttAlxo* —One of the SuUectt met Dead.—On Saturday last Dr a. aood and Bittner performed a Tery dan r~y’ dent al operation on two individuals from the mountain, above this place. Before pro ‘lLdlnK with the operation it wee deemed adri- Ilblc to pH* the «nyeet«jmder the influence of chloroform, which wns accordingly adminia- Led lw Dn. Hirst .* Good. The first patient exhibited a combative spirit when approached with the fluid, hot finally succumbed and two t-lh were extracted without further difficulty. *The second, which appeared to bo the Mrimeer of the two, was not eo easily placed nnder the influence, although he exhibited leas spirit of of fight After he had bun aaffioiently effected to render ihe operation safe, two teeth were extracted. The firat patient soon /recovered from the effects of the chloroform, but the sec ond remained in a dead stupor and all efforts to arouse him pmed ' unavailing. The vital ■park had evidently fled., He was left for a time vrlth'hia companion in the office, in hopes that he might ultimately recover, but, sorry as we are to announce the fist, the reality of his •ituatioo was made apparent to ua, on Monday moaning, when we found him to dll intents and purpose* a dead'—rattlesnake. Hi» Mm’S Parade.—Wo understand that tbs members of Winebago Tribe, No. 35 r I. O. H. M-, of this place, purpose haring a, parade, in foil regalia, on Satmday the 11th inst In vitations have been extended to a. number of iUt«r Tribes throughout the State, several of whom will certainly be in attendance. We have no doubt the parade will "be a grand one, and be quite a sight to our lf the order only makes as creditable a display , as' it did in Mif flintown, nt the parade on the. Sdtof July, it will bt hard to take down. But ,wc have no doubt it will far excel that A magnificent collation will be served up to the invited Brothers, in Ilsgertr's woods, below town. We shall pub liib the programme of proceedings uext week. Strkkxs and Sidewalks.-— Through the ex tions of our excellent Burgess and Street Su pervisor, E. M. Jones, the streets and sidewalks are receiving that attention which they require. The streets arc being graded, and sidewalks laid ! down for those who will nob attend to the mat ter themselves. Should the work be 'prosecuted u vigorously for some time to coke as it has been, we will be ready for the mud and slush of the fall and winter, as thor e will then be side walks iii alt parte of the town. The inconveni ence arising from -the want of good walks has been severely felt, and we arc pleased to see that tbo right spirit is being manifested by our efficient “ city fathers,” in ibis particular. Sbnsiblb Buolutioms. — Rualvtd, That we heartily approve of Dr. Kpyser’s Pectoral Syrup, prepared at 140 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa., and that ws have used it in our families for Coughs and Colds with great benefit. Retolvtd, if ns one of tlio most military medicines known for the cure of Asth ioa and Bronchitis. p .Resolved, That we will encourage its use among th» people for the reason tkat it cures so speed ily, and costs so little. j r - Resolved, That one doscof Keyset's Pectoral fiyrup will often euro a slight Cold, which if n>glccted might {emirate inCcnnuiupilon. Resolved, That we will go to G. W. Kessler's Drug Store and buy a bottle. Writing School,— Mr. Clowes would respect fully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Ahoo uv that he has commenced teaching A_clasa in penmanship, in f’igarfs Hall. TJio ladies class meets at 4 (..clock, and gentlemen’s class at 7J o'clock P. M, ' His long experience in leaching hejiopes will * enable him to j»ivc entire satisfaction to all who may patronise him. He is also prepared to mark visitihg and wed ding cards in a style unsurpassed by any engra ver. Call and get specimens. I’tußT is the Gabs.— When the !{Ut Train Heat ward Vas about leading this station on Sat urday evening last, quite an exeitqmcht was created by the cry of “a fight in the cars,” which was occasioned by a fellow, who im bibed a little too much ; of the “ O-jbc-joyful,” attempting to chastise the breaksmau-on the hindmost ear. The ease was soon disposed of, however, on the sirind, or Col Cramer, of the Branch train, who qjected passenger hum the ear and gave him into the hands of Constable Ely, who placcdhim in the " Look up” for a couple of hours. In* Haumoktok Fasms*.— A Tiewspaptr de votedto Literature and Agriculture, aim set ting forth full accounts hf the new settlement of Uammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for &t only 25 cts, per annum. Inclose postage stamps iior the amount Ad drew to Editor of.the' Fanner, Hammonton, At* tatic Co. New Jersey. Those wishing cheap, land, of the best, quality, in ms«fitbe healthi est and most delightful forth* Union, a*o advertisement of llammonton Lands. / - / Mabosic Ficsic.— The MaaonioFraternlty of this place intend haring a picnis l in 'Beale’e Woods, near this place, to-morrow. It will no doubt be a grand Affair, if we tnay judge from the character of those who are taking an actiy« P»rt in’ arranging the preliminaries. A car ehar tered forthe purpose will convey those in attendance from this place to the woods. We. they mayhave a day and a merry Removal.— -Wp sorry to notice that by a wcent decision of the heads of the departments p, R, r. Qo., our young friend, J. C. ohief clerk of the Freight Depart ®»ni, has been removed from this place toPhll *lphia. We part with him with regret, as his kind and courteous treatment to on- *J*h rrho® he came in contact, won citit.rWJ’ * n ? 1,1 remova l we loose a good «en and a-pleasant associate. W# hope his home may prove an agrer-abiA pm,. I. 1 T. ‘ L_ ■ Cot thxsuut and stick it in yoob Hat.— Wood’s Hair Restorative will change gray hair to ita origioal color, stop it from falling off,.and cause it to grow on bold heads, and as a cos metic it has no equal Pimples and : Wood’s Hair Restorative cannot exist together. Caution.—Beware of worthless imitations, ns several are already in the market, called by different names. Use none unless the words (Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo., and Hew York), are blown in the bottle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Med icine dealers, 1 also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods dealers in the United States and Canada. Sec advertisement in this weeks; paper. No Accohmodations tor Cibcubks.— On Tues day last, the agent for Van Ambnrg & Go’s Zo ological and Equestrian Company, visited this place, ]fiat .flailing to proenre accommodations, for the great number of horses attached to this establishment, had to pass on to the dty (?) of Tyrone. He indulged in a few. strictures on the rein” put onbyour hotel-keepers, never thelesswebelieve they can as. well afford.to do without snob custom as the company can with ont thedimeslhey would have reoerred, and we aris sure the community in general will not re gret .the loss of their entertainment. N Curious, Isn’t It. —That Almost every person you meet appears anxious totellyou whatkind of weather we are haring, just as if you did not knowyoanelf. "Quite R cold day, isn’t it?” "It is oold enough for a stove." “ This is cool weather," and a host of similiur expressions, greet you at every corner ;, in foot they form the priacipal shbject of conversation. How differ ent this theme from all dthers. It never wears out. And yet how ridloulbus is it, when you calmly consider that the person to whom the remark has jusl_ been made knows as well as you what kind of weather is prevailing. MxsriXG or the Cemetert Associati OK.-tA meeting of the Altoona Fair View Cemetery As sociation was held iu the Town Council Cham ber, on Satuniay evening last, and'a resolution passed placing an assessment of three dollars on each lot. • On the payment of the assessment, each lot holder will receive a.certifioate of stock in the Association, which will -be redeemed as soon as the Association has the means,, or will be taken payment for yet uosold. The Camp Mebtixo.— The UnionCampMeet ing broke up on Thursday morning last. The attendance throughout was very good; and leas of the spirit of rowdyism manifested than is usual on such occasions. Although the spirit of revival was not so great as was anticipated, still it is hoped that serious impressions have been made from which good will result. Moat Tall Buckwheat.- —On Saturday last, Mr. Glass, residing a short distance from this place, who presented us- with .a tall stock of buckwheat, a few weeks since, came into our office with another stock which measured six feet and ten inches. This we think will take down anything in the line of tall buckwheat in this “ neck ’o timber.” Valuable Pbopehtt.—By reference tp the new advertisements in td-dny’S paper, it will be seen that Mr. Geo. B. Cramer offers a valuable lot in this place, and good house and lot a short distance up the railroad, for sale. They are both desirable properties. Any person wishing to secure a neat and comfortable homo would do well to yiew the Inst named lot. Religious.—We have been requested to state that there will be divine service in tbc Lutheran Church, in this place, on Sunday next, at the usual hour. Rev, Sleek, of Davenport, lowa, who has been called to this durge, is expected to (dl the pulpit on that d«y. Bobovoh Schools. —The public schools of the Borough will not open until Monday next, tbe Directors having been unable to complete all their arrangements prior to the first instant. Children East' of the Railroad will go.lo the East Ward echo ds, and those West of the Rail road to the West Ward schools. ' Messrs Editors I arrived at this ancient j | village this morning, and after having looked around,a little, 1 now proceed to- give you a short sketch of the place and sonic other things as I found them. ,1 will begin by remarking that this village is one of the oldest in the coun ty, and although surrounded by a beautiful and fertile country, has bid defiance to that spirit of impioveiaept which has manifested itself so commendably in other places* I notice but one house in process of erection, which, although 'small, will be a neat and handsome dwelling.— One gentleman has torn dowuthe porch in front of bis dwelling and erected a new one in its stead. The citizen? speak very confidently of getting o.railroadto this place jm a short time, andindeedibolicTCtheycan easilyaccomplish It, if .they but try. This place has two churches, a Catholic and Lutheran, very deatly built and numerously at tended. 1 tod the pleasure of visiting the pub lic school taughtby Mn John H. Black. I found it eoipposed of seventy-two children, all under ten years of age, and a brighter and foore in teresting group of little, children it was never my lot to see before. They were orderly and obedient to their teacher, who never spake a harsh or angry word to them during my stay. Mr. Black’s term of school is eight months, half of which will be devoted to teaching all under ten years of age; the other half, all above that Age. Mr. Block is a young man of the right sfoipp. He fo affable and. courteous, embra cing in bis character oil that is necessary to make a gentleman. He well understands the art of “ teaching the young idea how to shoot," and is untiring in his efforts to render satisfac tion to the parents and to do his duty to the lit tle ,oncs under bis core. In a word, ho is a model Schoolmaster. This place supports two good hotels, one of which I visited, that kept by Landon Beeves, Esq., and called the “ Franklin House.” I was furnished with a splendid dinner and gracefully waited upon by a young and. beautiful female just bursting into lovely womanhood, which de lightful fact made me partake of tho good things before me with a iest unknown to me before.— The next time I write you, I will bo some whpre else. PASSIM. H*_ v ‘* v Newby,. August 30, 18i»8. ■ ,. . 't*jr-^< A ' TJ COL. JOHN BROTHERLINE NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS BY BLAIR COUNTY. The Blair County American Conven tion having adjourned without giving an expression as to the choice of their con stituents for the, Delegatee have addressed the following to the Conferees, to wit: '' '■ s ■ To the Congressional Conferees of Blair County, elected hy' the American Con vention : Gentlemens—Permit ns to mend to yoursupport, as a suitable can didate for Congress John Bbothebline, Esq. .We hope you will bring bis name before the Conference, and if possible, se* core bis nomination by your votes and in fluence. Yours John H Stiller Isaac Hooper Edward B Tipton Allen D Smith N Archibald Bankin George Koon Landon Beeve Job Barefoot George Kopp Samuel Cruse L F Butler -James Malone Prater Harlitt Daniel Shock [■l A The , Basic — Moub Faiia'iiks. —The panic in New York seems to be on the increase. In this city everything goes on smoothly, and the only ■failures fre hare heard of were the failures to furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty to be encountered by those who patronize the Brown Stone Clothing ilall of Rockhill & Wil son, Nos. 003 and 605 Chestnut street, above sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro i cure capital fits at this popular establishment. ; ♦ The Best Conon Medicine. —One of the very best Cough Medicines to be found any where, is Dr. Keyscr’a Pectoral Syiup, sold by G. W. Kessler, at 50 cents per bottle. Sec advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s LIVBR IN VIGOR ATOR in another column. THE a REA T ENGL ISH REMEDY. SIB JAMES CLARKE’S Celebrated Pills./ Prepared from a prescription, of Sir J. Clarlx, M. A, Phy sician Kxtraord&nary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the euro of oil those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con stitution is'sulflect. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. > to x attain) ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. I Each bottle, price one dollar, bears the Government Stamp ' of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits* CAUTION. These Pills should not be taken byfenutUs during the first thteem-mihs qf Pregnancy, as they are sure tobringou Mu carriage, bid at any other time they are soft. In all casos it Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and iambs, Patlgue on slight exertion, Palpitation of tho Heart,'Hysterica and Wilitcs, thesePflU will effect a cure when all other meat}# have, titled, and although a powerful remedy, do not coiitain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtftti to the constitution. t . Fait directions in the pamphlet around each package, which Amid he earefdlljr pwsarved. . Sole the Unllpd States and (Swada, \ JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin i Co*) Rochester, N.Y. ;N.8.-M.ooand® postage stkmm to “O® thorized Agent; will tosurr'-a bottio, containlngW Pills, Pittsburg. WholesUeAgimtejalso, for sale by all Druggist*. ■ [Jane it, 1858.-ly. . ALTOONA, MARKETS. coakrcTxn itaxvt n t. * J- iowthib. yiour—Superfine, ft bW, ' \ Cora Meal, . Potatoes fkbush. ; vDiyAppl*, £ * - Butter, ** I -Lard, . - Maine, *“ - ; Shoulders, j “ i! Side. f“ Eggs, P uoa.’ M’LAJN A LEIUCBPLODE MARKET. MlLaluALehr selltlwdrjiiw at%&llowi4g u•; « « gaperline, **. , MS . : M - ■ «» n. LEHR’S PLODB MARKET. Pitra Vamily Flour. *£l4. Superfine Extra, beet quality, u Boperdne, ■ MARRIED. On the let Inst., by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM ROBISON to MUs REBECCA 111128, all, of Morrison’s Cove, Bedford county. . \ . ■ D R IdHgenfeiter Jacob Zeth Jr Darnel F Becde . Gfe*ig6 P Kelly SamuelFurney John Trout James Coleman 1 Douglas McCartney Abraham Loudon v John Wesiy John McFarland WmE Plumer John Tate George L Cowen Jacob L Martin Biddle Samuel R Shiffler E Burket Isaac Tingling Theo A Stacker J L Reifeneider Thomas McMinu William Fox Daniel Price Benj F Burley liovi Riling George F McCabe Andrew Green James R Patton James Williams Wm € Kean Alfred Canon Jos A Freeman Geo A Jacobs John M Barbour Joseph Barr Francis Henry Jacob Mclntyre John S Heffler N Franklin Snyder M H Jolly A C McCartney Wm ,R Maxwell Delegates ~ «4fortt-wf*.■ V*w-#sv-' TARTB^SGPER-CARBO- Miras ot Soda, SaUraiM, Washing Soda, Dmkee'a aklng Powder, in atort and for aale at Sept, 2, ’5B-tt] A. BOOBXPSMrug Store. WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office immediately opposite the Lutheran Church, on Virginia street. Teeth extracted without pain, by means of electricity—no humbug. A student who can come well recommended for morality and possesses a food English education,will bo taken. [Sept. 2, ’5B-ly. TTOME TESTIMONY. I I ' . [From tho LowtetowuAnrofa.] Xbave been afflicted tor ten yean with Chronic Diarrhma, and hare recctrod more benefit from Pu Tall’sGalvanlc OU than any other medicine I ever wed. ALEX. McKKE. • OUvvrtowmfclp, Mifflin county, Pa. This is to certify that I used Mil ’Tail’s Galvanic OH in my family in some of Gw dlacaana for which it ia recom mended asdfoond to act almost spontaneously. 1 necoi meodittoall whoanfflwfrdnipain. A. M. INGHAM- i Bept. 2,’6S—ly. Decatur township, Mifflin 00. Pa. More testimony. Auoowa,: July 3,18fi& j. iA StOHxaotn,—Cwtr Sr; —Mr. TTm, Tumbaugh, who has been suffering several years from BhemnatUm. was ao HI that hfo friends and ntattom ware •mnrooned.to witness his death. X induced hfofrtends to try the virtue of yottr preparation, and they did ao, aa a last resort; ahd t» their aatonfohmentand Joy, he began to improve, cot-better and better, and now, ao air aa I know, be is a bale and stoat man. This is not the only case where the Galvanic Oil has surpassed human expectations. In every case where I have recommended the OU, it baa done what it promisee to do. Send na another s3o’b worth. Yours truly, Bept. 2,1868-Iy.J HKMBY LEHR. SUFFERING HUMANITY, READ TIHB.-‘-The undersigned takes this method of inform ing the poblic generally mat there fo po medicine now of fared to the poblic that fo equal to MG V ALL’S GALT AM -10 Off* it! rftlbwlfoff fliArffom btnwantHi X was an observer ofitecSecte on a friend of mine, who eufferod almoet everything from a neuralgic affection which resisted the best medical treatment in Centre county. We allied freely tho Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and gave some inwardly, and in 20 minute* the patient was asleep, and when awakened was free frpm pain and continued so. This fo a positive foct which I am Willing to make good at any time. - A case of Felon was cured in nearly the same length of time. | J. H> HAHN, Sept. 2, ISObrly.] Centre Hill. DUVALL’S galvanic oil. Prepared originally by prof. H. DO VALL, Eur meriy of tte College of Surgeons, at Paris, fa now of fisradto the public, SB-for the core ef sore and pain ful diseases .fee For instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the gyitem, RhenmaHmn, pain in the back, breast or side, healed breasts, neuralgia, hams, sprains, headache, cramp in the stomach, or any other disease that is SORB and PAINFUL, and Ufa only over this class ot diseases that vre claim a perfect VICTORY. We say positively to oar patrons we can relieve the sufferer 98 times ont of 100. We would Just say to the pub lic, Prof. Da Vail was 2a yean in bringing to this medicine superiority over all otters. Price SO cento per bottle—per cent, cut off to the trade. All orders mnst he addressed to J. D. STONEROAD, Proprietor, Sept. 2,1868-ly.] | Lewistown, Pa. Agents for Du Tail's Galvanic Oil—Henry Lehr, G. W. Kessler, and A. Roush, Altoona, and all dealers in medi cines everywhere. ' , f Mountain restaurant and LAGER BKKR SALOON.—The proprietor Of this a Saloon, Under the Masonic Dimple, would respectfully ■nnnimwi that he keeps constantly on hand on excellent article of LAGER BEER, manufactured at the Altoona Brewery,- which; It pronounced the best in the country. Also, Cakes, Cheese, Sordines, Pretzels, Ac. lie has recently fitted up bis Saloon in a stylo unequal led in the country, haying placed In it A BILLIARD TABLE AND TWO BAGA TELLE BOARDS, for the accommodation and am isement of those who may wirii to ezgoge In thowfl gtmps- He will spare qo pains to render every attention to his customers which they require,; and he hopes thereby to merit and receive* liberal share of patronage. - Sept. 2,1868-3m.] F. NOTHWARG. A YER’S CHERRY PECTORAL. f\ B. E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup, Hoofland’s German Betters, ' Beer have's Holland Bitters, Sand/ord’s Liver Incigorator, Lindsey’s Blood Searcher, Clarke's Female Fills, ’ Duponco's Golden Pills, Wright's, Ayer's, Wilson's and McLane’s Pills, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Terry Davis' Pain Killer, Hatchetts Fourfold Liniment, Mexican , Arabian, Nerve and Bone Leniment, _ in store and for sale at Septfri, 1868-tC] A. ROUSH’S Drug Store. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—By vir tne of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Blair coun ty, the subscriber will sell by public vendue or ontcry on , the. premises, on THURSDAY the 30th day of SEPTEM BER, 1858, at 10 o’clock A M- oil the following described Real Estate, situate In Logan township. Blair county, Ro om! late the property of Mn. Martita Hunter, dec’d- to wit: ’ A Tract of Land containing about 40 acres, (the exact quantity will ! be made known on day of sale.) adjoining lands of the heirs of Allen McCartney, lands of the heirs of Bees Beisi lands of John McCartney, lands of the heirs of Alexander Gwinn and lands of Moses Thompson and others, dying within two mites of Altoona, on the Altoona & Clearfield PlAuk Road. Tkbxs oy Sale—One-half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale. Balance In one year there after with Interest, to be secured by Judgment Note of the purchaser on bond and mortgage. ' v JAMES LOiVTUER, Sept 3,1858-4t] Adm’r of Mrs. Martha Hunter. TrALUArBLE PROPERTY. AT PRI- Y VATE SALE.—The subscriber offers at Private Sale until the Ist day of November next, the following proper ty, to wit: , . ' A Lot of Ground situate in Last At toona, niMoining lots of F. A. Denning, doc’d., and John Foidknor. The Lot is in excellent working order with a lot choice FRUIT TREES all in thrifty growth. The Lot is situated in a desirable port of the town, on one of the principal and most pleasant streets. If not sold by the Ist of November next, it will be leased for a term-of voars. 'Also—A Lot containing One Acre of Ground, situate in Logan township, oh the public rood lead ing from Baker’s Furnace to the Allegheny Mountains and about H of a mile from Altoona, having thereon erected a Good mAME HOUSE, a good STABLE, SPRING HOUSE, and all other necessary out-buildings. There is a never tilling spring of water and a! lot of choice Fruit Trees on ' the premises. Also ah excellent new QrnP° Arbor With a lot of vines to thrifty growth.! The ground Uin high state of cultivation and tinder good.'fcnce. If not sold by the Ist of Nobcmbor next, it will be offered fervent. Persons desiring information respecting to above proper ty will receive it by calling upon September 2, IStSekSm] ! QEOBOE B. CRAMER. T)ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBQN J 7 OIL LAMPS! ■ ; ■ _ Unrivaledm Steady, Simplicity Safety or Ecpnomy. Every person desiring to objthib the very best and choap ca t portablolight within thrir reach, should call at the Sthiro of the undersigned and : examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate ' ' Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they ctnft no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th, That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. . ; -| ' 6th. That they hum entirely free from smoko. oth. ntai tbo light is at least SO per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps are admirably ; adapted for the use of Stu dents Mechanics, Bcamstrossce,Factarlcsi Halts,'Churches, 'Stores, Hotel*, ajid lure highly rocomiqended forliimijy use. : Bie burner of the Carbonjin Lamp con be attachcdto old side, hanging and bride Bold and ail tamps, at a small expense, ahd vrtS answer evenr pttrpoee.of a new loop. - We guarantee perfect satisfaction in . Aug-19, 1858-S] 1 0. W. EESSOSB. $4.75 $5,00 1,75 XTEBEASKA.—NOW IS THE TIME !11 TO INVEST.—The undersigned is fully prepared to enter Ooterament Bands in.the Omaha land : district.. Sale ef lands to continence on the Otb>of September nut, and . continue fortwo wedks. All landscntorod during'aoloto be paid for in Odd—alter the sole Land "Warrants can be liked. " **l “ * . 1 ' Nebraska is .being npUly MtUtdeith a hardy and en ergetic ectof farmers. Good lands can lift (peered m and after the public sale, near large settlements. AU you that want to Invest, will do would send on tour Warrant* soon. Warranto and drafts can be pent by null with safety, let aeex. r. McKinney. umonm: Bell, Johnson, Jack A On* Bankers, Altoona, Pa. Ber. A 2 B. Clark i .„ „ ?- , Tho*. A. Scott, Qen’l Supt. Peuna R.IL, “ \ John P. Anderson, Esq., Huntingdon. Pa. : 1,75 e ;» 14 12 »: 12 30 A DMINISTR ATOR’S NOTICE.— t\ . Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on tbecatate of Dr. C. P. Sellers, late of Altoona, Blair county, dco’d hare been granted to the nndenignod, resi ding as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate ore requested to makclmmedjate payment and those having claims will present the same duly authen ticated for settlement , .. , August 35, ISSMt} 0. B. SINK. A«f*tr. #5 50 5 00 4 75 * aa DOZEN FRESH EGGS JUST received and for spleliy J. J,. ICIiES. > VHWWrt- ■» • • v.' • ■Z y y % ttaWonton lands new eng •frl' LAMP OPPORTUNITY. To aUwanttog Farms in a healthy .tUco, bceniy-SvcjnQm from Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old estate baa recently been opened for .Sale, and the first division of 10,000 acres divided op Into forma of twenty acres and upwards. The soil uof the Txii quality for the prOdnctfon of fruits, groins, &i. The price is gU to |2O per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly in staimenta, within a term of four years, With lutoloet. The terms are made easy, iu order to insure tho rapid improve ment of the by enabling every iniluHrious man to buy a farm. It is how betag extensively, improved by good roads, and some of tho best citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting large improvements. .11 is a scene of the greatest improvement out of Philadelphia.— Seventy-five houses have been built in four months. Prac tice! formers and bnaineea men from the length and breadth of the Onioaare settling there. It ia ah important busi ness plnoe. oh account of its being in the midst of a great marked. Every article raised upon this landflnds an imme diate sale. The water, ia excellent, and no such thing'os foveriiknowta. V The aril fo a sandy or day loam, With a day bottom, and retentive of mamma.lt to free of stone* and easily work ed. It abounds largely in the phosphate*, and such is its fortuity hast from the crops produced both upon this land and th* large area adjoihmg under Cultivation, it will be found not to ba excelled anywhere in the production of crooa most aJaDtod lo its manut. S reader may be well aware that the earliest and the beet fruit* and vegeiahbw come from New Jersey, Which ureannally exported to the amount of millions of dollars. The land, beaide* being accessible bravery way for fertlli aers, baa an abundant supply of tho best quality of muck manure. \ Lumber uhdbttiMing materials can be had on the ahetat a cheap price, from the mills. Other mills are now being opened, and brickyards ' bring started on tha ground, A person can put up a frame tenement for present oonveni ence for one hundred dollars. Oh account of the extehaiva emigration, this Is the best course to pursue in order to get a place to live lu at first. Osipenters and builders aife on' hand to put up. bouse* on the best terms. In arttllng here theemigraat has many advantages.! Ho is withfaaafow hours’ ride of the gnat cities of the Middle Btates and New England; he ia near hfo old friends and as sociations ; be is in nettled country, where every Improve ment and comfort of civilization is at hand; he win a heal thy place, and is not subject to the certkinty of taring the mentor hart of hb fondly and his own health by thoae ma lignant foven wfofch make the graves of ao many millions of the young and and hkrdy in the for off redona away from hotae and friends. Besides, he has amUdcumat#and an open winter. ■ - n Thoreare three trains daily to Philadelphia, knd tool) those who improve tho railroad company givdafreotiaket. The reader will at once be struck with the advantages here presented, and ask himself Why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, It was never thrown in the matket; and Unless these statements were correct no one would be invited to examine the lend before pttrchaalugi This all arc expected to do. They frill see .the land Under cultivation; they will meet persona, no doubt,, from their oWn neighborhood; tboy wlll witness the improvements, and can Judge of the character of the population. Pearsons should come prepared to purchase, as many are locating, and locations are not held on refund. The Uammonton Farmer, a monthly Literary and Agr icultural sheet, containing full intimation of Harwnonton, will be sent to each enquirer, and con be obtained at SficU per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, dear of all Incumbrance, when purchase money is paid. Route to the land:—Leave Tine street wharfi Philadelphia, for H«mmon ton, by railroad, at TU A. M, and P. M.; when there inquire for Ur. Byrnre- Boerding conveniences Will be found. Letters and applications can bo addressed to 8.8. COUGHLIN,2O2 South FIFTH Street, betow Walnut, Phil adelphia. liana and infirrmatiob cheerfully furnished. September 2,1868-3 m. SWAN & CO’S LOTTERIES TRI UUPHANTI! SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAt WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN & CO.’S Art Legal, and authorized bytheState qf Georgia, THE LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE OCR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN.FAIRLY; THAT OCR PRICES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAT OUR SCHEMES ABB MORE LIBERAL THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WOBLDI The following Scheme will he drawn by S. Swan; A Co., Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each oft their Single Number Lotteries for SeptemberlBsB, at AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, in public, under:, the superintendence of Com missioners; X Glass 81 draws on Saturday, September v 4,1868, Class 82 draws on Saturday, September 11,1858. Class 88 draws on Saturday, September 18, tB5B. Class 84 draws on Saturday, September 26, 1868. ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. 1 60,000 Tickets 1 nvs tbocsass rent bubdrrd and ziamr-rivs riuzu Seartjf one Prise to.every Nine TSdctUS - MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TO BS DRAWS SACS SATURDAY JR BZPTIBBIR 1 Prize of $70,000 4 Prize of i •< “ ap’.ooo 4 “ “ 1 “ “ 10,000 4 “ “ I “ •• 6,O. mast, x. n. n. n. coim, m. n. DES. HIRST GOOD, TENDER their profcwskmal services to tho citizens of : Altoona and vidnityln tho aoveral branches of MEDICINE AND SURGERY; Country calls regularlyallended to. * Office, the same as heretofore occupied by Dr. Hirst, t ■ By'consent, D. K. Good refcr* to ■ i ’ J. M.Gemtnill, M. D„ Alexandria, Pfe' .i'J. B. Linton, M. D- Hfmtinpton, ■“ I ’ ■ . "I Dre. Robs, Royer and F». ; ApfE 53,185841] ; | k T IMEI LIME! LlMB!—Duncansvillc Ijf Ume Kilns, imar HoUidaySbdrg. Pak ' t ‘ mlMcribef Km how in' opetiatloiir, four lafgo Kilns, producing dally Urge quantities ufthe. .j. I -BESTQUALITY OP WHITE LIME. H* la prepared to All all orders, from 1 bnslirf to ten thousand bushels, at the lowest rates. . ftSLUmo delivered nt any point on the Pennsylvania EiffiEwd; also, at Altoona, or any point in the surround ing ctmtrtry. by wagon, or at tho k » n j A^E^j NK? Juno 17-dm] VuncansviOe, Blair fb. ra. rpAKE NOTICE, THAT THE AS- I EEBBMENT No. IS, made by the Lycoming Mutual rffeirance Company, in Blair county, la payable at mr of fice The Amnsmunt is 3 per cent, on all notes in force SSy 13,1858. JOHN SIIOEMAREB, Altoona, July 15, 1858. Hcctixtr. I)EA NUTS.—S,OOO BUSHELS WlL mfolnfi pea nuts in store and for sale by ; - W«, N. SHVCkfRP, Merelv S 5 ’6?-)y1 1?} 'S i »rth 84 ftr*e«, EkiUiHphia. QClEtfrtfllC AMERICAN.-iyQLi DMK TOXTRTKBHTB teglns September 11, i i ■ The sabecriber takes pleasure in offeringta the public * 1 NBW OABANDBMOKBOOMfiOMim f; Cooking Stove, recently patented, which to destined tp efr>,- pereedeaOothers, asl ; rMhlrcS ■■ ONBS BIRD LESS FCBI. „• than other staves and a more easily, quickly and regular- \ 1y heated. No nnplei sant smell of gas-arioea ; from this stove from the feet thi t, it to all conttuned oral I can cape. Thera to no trjmble from smoke as that vnrtcaaani < atuLoltoh annoying exhalation to also consamsd iodide of •. the stove Neither to there any dancer pf (third-- n«ys becoming clogged With soot o i tee mortal loosened by; the gaa arising from coal fires. • . . . Persona wishing to pnrchasb stores ere. invited to tal! at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, mdox amine the above stoves. JOHN BHOBMAIUSA. N. B. All kinds of Stoves on hind. ~ FIRM ANI> NEW SOODS.^- JjT J. h and ate now receiving their stock w SPRINO GOO® > which they ibel awhred ate as ifANOSOifK and CQUp, if not a UOU dtoape>*,ihan any yet brought to thidplaos: On account of going to Philadelphia late in the season, wo have been able to buy onr goods at greatly reduced prb cce, and We drK duternmied to ton them at m spall pro P its for cash or to promptmonthly paytog customers.' Wa have as usual a splendid stock of , . LADIES’ DRESS GOODS* such as &OBSa i? QPIIOJk CH AI.UM. , BAYADERE, I, ABELLAB, DDCAXsTPOID, frSSiVBM* BBLAISB, PBIBTS, 01NOHAMS, do. > - . Also, Shawls and MsutUhts in gtmt variety, togsiher.vdth a good stock of Domestic DryCoods, Straw Goods . BOOTS & SBOES, HARD WARE, QUEBNS - GROCERIES, #., # . The citizensof Altoona, will flnd.U to toefrAdvantogo M examine onr stock, as we are not to be ttndirMlß- 1 April 88,1(158. . "XTEW GROCERY FEED AND PRO; Xl VISION STORE. . ;i The subscriber Would napocttollyinfcrto the citizene or Altoona and vicinity that he has openmastorcofthtshpvs kind,h'serthecorner Of Adolfos ana Jniia.streeto.East . Altoona, whore he wfllkocp constantly oh haodafiuttnpr ply of everything in his lino, uts . ~, , GR 0 ORRIS s:. .... : art all fresh and will bo sold at prices as low as thoes of gay other establishment hi town. His stock of provision*, consisting of . , - Flour, Hums, jbc. will lie sold n little dies per than fhey can bo bought any where else. 7 His Floor is. obtained mjm .the .beet »flls la the Western part of the Statu, and is warranted to be what it Is represented. ; • i - All.kinds of feed fur horted, cows ahd’hogs, always on hand. ' 1 intend to keep'inch an assortment that 1 shall at 01l times be able to supply my customers with whatever Ibsr i mtiy need, and I intend also to sell at 'prices which wlu make it a taring to those who patronise .my July 22, lSfiS-Bm. “ BEXRi DELL. . JAMBS M. WHEELER & 00., ' (Succeuirt to Mm U. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,- Near the Penifa Central Railroad Depot, nARRtSBpRG, tJ. i $BO 40 ■ 20 10 DEALERSIN HARP AND SOFT COAX,. Pig MM, MnUvM Iron, Bar and JtetdKcintabU Inm, yiiSt, Ptowr, Cnv ctrit*, Peovitions, Pith, Salt, <<:■ ,v COAL cent In can, in large or, email quantities ,alei ( this different Railroad* in Penhsylvanlti. [JolySMy. T OGAN HOTEL, —THE UNDER- I j SIGNED respectfully informa the , _ _ i citizens of Walt county add others, that, be ban opened up tbe LOGAN - HuuBE> formerly Kent by Sheriff tt tbe west end of HolUdity sbhrg. for reception of stranger* and traveller*. — Everything cointetcd with the honeo has been refitted to Gm new ydtb the clfolceet furniture, Ac.. Ac. ‘ . Tbe house ie large nud'dommodlous, and vrcll calculated for convehtenee nnd comfort' Hia TABLE will bo furniriicd with tUsTyry beet themar ket enn afford, and ho paim or (rouble will be spared to render those Who may cbooeo to lavor hjm with thdrpd troßaga comfortAblo and liappy during ttrtiryUywltUhuo.. Ills STABLING 1a ample, and ah aftdcnettl bdrtlor sHll lAwnys b« In attendance; The Williamsburg stage, which makes dally tripe between this place and WiiUamsbdrg, stops at the Logoff HoteL Dec. IT, 1857,—1f] . JOHN KEIEFER. POSITIVE INFORMATiON’—THE undersigned' having perfected theftr Spring Stock, bow ofibr to the public the LARGEST LOT (IFQKOCB BISS over presented in tbe town of Altooda. : Our object in publishing this card is to present tbe fol lowing fafib); 1 let. TUoreceiit hard times b.\vc vyry much reduced tha price of Groceries in the city, especially to cash buyer*. 2if Wo bodght tbe.o Groceries in large lota, many of them from first bands. . • . ■ 3d. Wo bb tight them t nil role for caea; 4th. We sell for reaily pay. ■ 6th. Wo keep our stock full by weekly receipts. ■ ; 6th. Wc are determined to keep ap the credit of our houtC. 7t|. We seU ihorc GROCERIES than any oiher store! ip Bliilr couuty, at less per cent. . ... Bth. We sell cheaper tharfaoy other store in the county. A continuation of patronage is rcspKriully solicjtctb^ I Altoonh, Juno 10, 1858. 1 cIcLARE A LEnlt. ■■ n T) LAI 11 COUNTY DAGUERRE AN n ROOMS. —Mr, O. W. FISHJJR, tbo UolUJayshurg Artist, begs hare to inform ocCr readers that ho is prepared totako ■ Photographs of deceased ' person*, from Dagtforreotypefl, at the shortest notice and on tht moat reasonable tana*. Mo hs* just referred a largo of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, Indudtoß a'iww pattern of Family Case for four persons, and la pra rmrrd to All them with perfect likenesses, _ AMIinOTVPK, MAGUKRREOXYPE OH PHOTOGIUPB aive him a call. Rooms on the comer of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, HollliUyalmrp, Pa. [June 17-tt • Medicated fur chest PRO TECTOR 'A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST THOFfc fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other affeo tUroß of tho Lugs, which arise from the exposed vtata of to* Chest, according to fashion and the continual change* bf oar climate, for sale at tho Drug Store of O. W. KES3MBH. PRIVATE SALE.—THE SUBSCRI BER has on hand a few articles of t ._ 1 UMBER FOR SALE.— ; I en.OW 1 Shfugles Bb,WO Lathes, ' ■ , and aUkinds of pi n,m>G M ATERTAt, low** tkanffe loa-rtt, for Cash. Apply to , cUOEMAKiIi.