The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 26, 1858, Image 3

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Tgi Usioff Ca*v Mximxa.—-The Camp Meet
ly now in progteM in Black’s Grove, on the
BraßC j, fioad between this place and'HoUidaya
borg, has thns fcr been well attended. Every
tenin’ running from this station to the ground,
has been well filled with passengers. On Sun
day nonlag last, there were thirteen can in
the train, all crowded Urthcir utmost capacity.
Vrereerm hundred tickets were sold at the of
fice in this place, for the morning train, and
quite a number paid their Are on the oars. 'lt
Is supposed there were oyer one thousand par
,oo* on the train. Over fire hundred
vera sold at the Hollidayffimrg ticket office on
that morning. The train made itar trips be
tween eaoh station and the camp ground during
the day, and .was well tilled each time. The
camp Is located omgood ground in a veyy pleas
ant grove, the only draw back on which la the.
absence of water. A good supply, however, la
furnished, by persons engaged to haul it
During the morning services, every seat on
the ground appeared to be taken up, and good
order was observed. At I\. o’clock, Eev. Br.
Riley, of Pittsburg, delivered one of the moot
beautiful discourses to which it has ever been
oar good fortune to listen. The Dr. is a power
ful logician, a finished orator, r a ripe scholar,
and bids fair to make one of the most eminent
and useful oor country. His effort*
on Sabbath would loose nothing by comparison
with those of Spurgeon, the London ,f sensa
tiori.** preacher. , f i
Wo observed a bowfeature introduced by a
number of those in attendance at the Camp oh
Sunday, suggested, wepresume, by4he difficul
ty heretofore experienced in obtalning eatablea
at the Camp Meetings at Tiptop and Bell’s Mills,
which we considered a very j udicious precaution
against like failures on this; occasion—we refer
to the introduction of the practice of carrying
a basketful or pocketfnl along. We have no
. doubt that many would have went hungry? all
day bad they not been thus provided. Although
there were three or ftor boarding tents on the
ground, the rush • was so great at all of them \
that it was almost impossible to get a seat at'
the tabic, and the rates of faro were so high
that many persons could not afford to pay, even
should they have been able to obtained a scat,”
In all directiona around the c&mp wc observed
parties of from three to a dozen witting around
a log, stump or a cloth spread on the ground,
partaking of \their .repast, reminding us very
much of the celebration on the otk of July.—
The feature is a good one and we hope to see it
universally adopted. It Kill relievo the tent
holders of a heavy i charge, ns it is impossible
for them to feed all their friends who may be
on tho ground, even though they might feel
Killing to do so.
Good order prevailed upon the ground through
out the day and evening. ..In fact, wc do. not
remember of ever having attended a Cutup Meet
ing at which ihtats vfa* better order observed.—
The only confusion or disturbance we noticed
Was occasioned about nine o’clock in the even
ing, when, owing to a misunderstanding as to
tbe time the train would .leave the camp for Al
toona, that part of the congregation from this
place rose up and left the ground, on hearing
tbc whistle of the locomotive, while the minis
ter was yet speaking.
According to 'the arrangement," the camp'will
break up to-morrow meriting.
Dieteessixo Accujest. —Me arc thisweek
again called upon to chronicle of those
Lvart-siekening, blood-cradling accidents, which,
although common to all localities traversed by
railroads, and whoso frequent occurrence arc
calculated to rendcrl us callous as to their mag
nitude and teachings, are pone the less shocking
to our mind and wo can net contemplate them)
without a shudder. The facts in the present
ease arc as follows:—On Sunday evening last,
, os the locomotive which had pushed the Emi-
grant Train up the mountain, Was returning to
this station, when - near Kittanning Point, the
engineer observed something lying on the track
which he mistook for a coat, but which, on ap
proaching nearer, he found to be a man lying
between the crosstics, the ballast at that place
being low and allowing tho body-to be almost
hid between the ties. lie immediately reversed
his engine and the fireman applied the breaks,
but could not check it until the driving wheels
hod passed over the object. On examination it
was foubd to be a man, and that his head had
been almost severed from bis body, it having
evidently been lying on the rail. Information
of the acpid ol ** *** fP TC n to several persons re
siding in the'vicinity who came to the spot and
aeslsted;ln placing the corps upon the engine on
which it was hroiight .to “this piece and.placed
in the warehouse of ttyo Company. Upon io
quiiy ihe-body was found to bethat ofConts
lins Maher, a miner at the ore bonk of Huiobi
son & Co., on the mountainjibove.this place.—
On Monday afternoon, Coroner Funk held an
inquest on the body. A number of the vK|u«ist
es who had seen and
ed a few minutes previous .to the accident, tes
tified that he was under the inpneoce of Uqpor,
and it a supposed -that, ho either fellbetween
the ties and'erps unable to get ortimf he sit
down and fell asleep, What a lesson to those
who,ate in .the hgbit ofuaing intoxicating li-
Snors. Will heeded! A vetdict in aocor
dance with the above/aets was rendered by the
jury, entirely exculpating the engineer from any
blame in the matter. corpse was given in
charge of Mr. Geo. B. Cramer, who had it pla
ced in a coffin and decently interred in the Cath
olic graveyard* on Monday afternoon. The de-
SoJT“ * fottr f® movan
Yot» Arriwwx to wus.-To have a Cough
® r old with acontinpal painin the breast, spit
ting of mucous and phlegm from the breast and
wgs, is truly rciy Mmoying-; and besides be
“E annoying, an usually tbo precursors of deep
wted bronchial disease, which eTentually un
* h^ uiie c °osfitution and destroy life. Our
fwers mU be pleased to hear of an effectual
t, for «>cse cases in Dr. Key
-1 vf o S W" «old At the Drug Store
JV v J -''Kepler, m thi* r w
last weak, • young
lady rending in this vicinity, whose name we
withhold out of respect for her relatives, step
ped into a store in this place and asked the aim*
to show her his stock of shoes. After exami
ning them for some time, she requested that a
couple of pair which she had selected should be
laid to one side and she .would call and get them
at another time. When the clerk (who by the
way is a pretty; sharp one) was patting up the
shoes, he observed that one pair, which thelady
bad examined particularly, and which born a
peculiar ccst mark, was missing. He immedi
atety suspected that they wbre intho lady’s car
pet sack, which was lying on the floor, but he
said nothing about it, and proceeded to show:
her some dry..goods for whioh she bad asked.—
While' the was examining these, the clerk slip
ped round the counter, and watching a favora
ble opportunity, tread upon the sack. The
screeching of tbs new leather confirmed m
suspicions, whereupon he .picked up the sack
and carried it behind the counter. After the
lady had made her. selections from the dry goods
and* was about departing, she looked around for
her sack and not finding it, asked the clerk if
he had seen it. He informed her tfaat .be bad,
tat as she bad attempted to steal the. shoes, he,
in taro, had stolen both shoes and carpel sack.
The fact that she bad been detected at once
flashed upon her and she gave* vent to her mor
tification in a copious-shower of tears. She
plead guilty of the offence, and offered many
excuses in extenuation, which were found to
be false, and which only made the matter worse.
She gave in-different names and {daces of resi
dence, but finally her real name was ascertained
from another lady who entered the store at the
time. Emboldened by having detected her on
Ibis occasion, the clerk charged her with pur
loining four pair of bracelets from the store,
some.foor weeks since. 'She denied having ta
ken the bracelets, but confessed that she was
an accessory, and gave the name of Ibe-peison
who bod taken them and also what disposition
had been made of them. After lecturing her
for some time on the crime and conseq uencos of
such conduct, the clerk agreed to compromise
tiie-matter, on her promising to return in one
weak and pay for all that hod been taken. Wo
think this should prove a lesson to the young
Italy, and it is hoped will cure her of her pro
pensity to appropriate trifles, as we can assure
her she will not escape so easily another time.
She is hardly sharp enough to perform such op
erations successfully. We have withheld names
this time in the hope that the lady may be re
claimed from the error of her ways, but should
the act be repeated we will give full particu
lars, in order that storekeepers may keep a watch
on her movements.
Up. —. The frame work of tho fine building
being created by Messrs. Lowther & Flack, on
the corner of Virginia and Annie streets, is
now up nnd we can form some idea of its di
mensions. There will be three large store rooms
on the first floor-two fronting on Annie street
and one Virginia street. Two of the rooms will
be occupied by the firm erecting the building—
one for drygoods alone .and the other for gro
ceries, hardware, &c. The other room we be
lieve is to be occupied by our young friend A.
Roush, as a drag store. The entire second sto
ry is to be fitted up Cor a Town Hall, and a most
excellent one it will make, equal, we believe, to
any Hall in the country.; We arc pleased to
announce this fact 1 , as such a room has long
boon, needed In tills p’.qcc, and wc fee) sure that
under the management of< Messrs. Lowther &
Flack it will be properly conducted.
The parsonage being erected far Rev J. Twiggs,
Foster of the Catholic church in this place, on
the lot adjoining the church is also under roof.
It is a fine large building and 'will ndd material
ly to tbc appearance .of that part of the town.—
The parsonage and, school house being erected
by .the Protestant Episcopal congregation in
this' place, on their lot in East Altoona, arc also
under roof. They ore fine brick buildings, and
although yet unfinished, externally, odd much
to the appearance of the town in that'locality.
Workmen are now engaged in cutting stone for
the church to he erected on the saute lot, which,
when finished, will be. the handsomest in the
place. . Jt is to bo built; of cut stone, in the an
cient style of architecture.
Other -improvements are in progress which
we shall note again.
Libel Suit.—Wo learn that Cnpt. Bell, edi
tor of the Tyron e Star, has sued Trough, of the
Standard, for libel; and that the latter has been
.bound over in tbe sum of $6OO, to answer at
the next sitting of the Quarter Sessions of this
county. Wc think the practice of carrying up
such cases to Court in order,to establish a char
acter or good reputation, oflener results adver
sely tiudi otherwise; at least nothing con be
ginned byjt ' When we hear of persons going
ip .law to establish their chuacter, we always
think of the reply of nb honest bladumitb to a
friend who was. urging him to prpgecute a per
son who had been traducinghis character, ‘'No,
sir," said thfi blacksmith, "! will take my ham
:merand go .to work and forge pat for myself a
better character in one month, than all the Courts
of justice could give me in a lifetime.” We
commend this to the attention of onr friend of
the and suggest that there were peaeable
means through which he could have obtained
redress for the wrong done him, wblcli would
have been more effectual.
Fettinqkb’s btpnovKMBNXS. —We notice that
Fetringcr, of the No. 1 Literary Fmporinm, has
recently had the' front of his store improved by
the erection of a new stoop, with ruling, and the
application of the punt brash to the front of the
building. It now prevents a very neat appear
ance. His stock inside also looks remarkably;
well. He has on hand a large assortment of
beautiful pictures, suited to all taster, with
plain and gilt frames to. match. His stock of
notions is complete and in the newspaper and
periodical line he can supply you with almost
anything you may desire. Fet. goes ip for im
provement, not only in his place of business,
but in his stock, which will soon be equal to that
found in similar stores in the cities.
Select School.—The fall Term pC Mrs. King’s
School will commence op Monday, September
13th. Further partievdovs. trill he ghfcn hereaf
'. A SHiTno o?ii*Aßo|(.— On Monday morning
bar' polite end .attentive Constable waited
upon "our barton, ;Means. Hesbit, Shorter,.
Pleasant and Ambrose, sad delivered them a
small piece of writing commencing vritb a
M whereas,"informing them that their presence
was required before Esquire Good. On repair
ing; to tiu office tike; were informed they stood
charged with a violation of the Sunday Laws of
this State In keeping tjieir shops open on that 1 '
day. They dl acknowledged the corn, and iwo*
of them, Messrs. Shorter and Pleasant “duateti'
up”the “rino,” paid their fines and theoostsj
amounting to over four | dollars mAJ wad were
dieoharged. Messrs, Eitebit and Ambrose were
not so willing to “chalk up,” and intimated
their intention.of appealing from the decision of
jthe Justice and eanying the matter up to Court
to, test tiie validity of ;the fine. Even should
they be successful in Court, which we very much
doubt, it will cost therb mote than the amount
ofthefine imposed, which is Certainly lawful.
Psshbti.tama Baww>ad Eaesikgs.— Below,
we give the official statement of the earnings of
the Pennsylvania Rah road, for the month of Ju
ly, as well as for the seven months ending Au
gust Ist. It will be seen that the expenses of
the road have been materially reduced, and that
the net earnings for ffie.period named, are large-I
ly in advance of the, sum realised within the
same period last yea*: ! ’’
Earnln’a from (UI sour- Grots ■ AX
cee fcr month end- Earnings, Expenses. Eam’gs
tog July St 1858. . $390,216,61 249.5U.87 140,90424-
Same month last year 404,955,40 280,304.80 12M60.00
Earnings from all
foorcea 1 rom
Jon. 1. 16581>
Aug. 1,1868
Some period last
1 1 923£55J2 1/»7,1K1M
Increase 0,118.63
Investments is Se?easka.— The late'hour
at which we Received tbo advertisement of our
young friend, Alex. F. McKinney, prevented na
from noticing it editorii lly, lost week, We take
pleasure in calling the attention of our readers
to it this week, and reenmmend Alex, as a prop
er persqn to whom to entrust the businesswhich
he proposes to transact for those who moy re
quire his services. Notcankais bound tube a
flourishing state and Oinaha a large city, con
sequently investments in that vicinity must pay.
Lot those who hold land warrants or who wish
to invest in western lands send on their docu
ments to Alex, and he will attend to them bet
ter, perhaps, than most of them could do them
Handsome Painting— A few evenings since,
our young friend, P. I Valsh, exhibited to us a
number of specimens of his paintings in imita
tion of oak, maple and other kinds of wood, fin
ished up in styles for loor pannels, halls, par
lors, &c., which for beauty of design and skill
in execution we have ejeldom seen surpassed.—
-Walsh is a good paintey, as the numerous pie
ces work he has finished in this place will at
test, and we are pleased to know that he is lib
erally patronized. Let those who wish fancy
painting executed, drop into his establishment
and view his samples, j and we have no doubt
they will demand his services “instanter.”
Wood’s Hair Restorative will change gray hair
to its original color, stip it from falling off, and
cause it to grow on bald beads, and as a cos
metic it bus no equal- I’lmpleS and Wood’s
Hair Restorative canni it exist together.
Caluox.— Beware of worthless imitations, as
several are alifldy in the market, called by
different names. Use, none unless ihe words
(Professor Wood’s Hhir Restorative, depot St.
Louis, Mo., and New York), are blown in the
bottle. Sold by all druggists and Patent Med
icine dealers, also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods
dealers in the United {States and Canada. Sec
advertisement in this weeks paper. v
Important to MiLbiNßßs. —The full fashion
for bonnets, ns we learn from the “ North Ames
icon,” provides artificial fruits as a substitute
for flowers. The latter wpl pass entirely out of
use. Instead of roses, jfhnny-jump-ups and
daffy-down dillies, the bonnets of our belles will;,
be graced with clusters of artificial currants, i*
fox-grapes, cherries and other fruits done in 1
gloss of the least possible thickness. ; A spcci-,
men of the new bonnet Was shewn to the editor, :
who describes it os an “unique affair,•resem
bling a-cabbage leaf trimmed with tomatoes.”
The price is cheap—only thirty dollars!—
Young gentlemen contemplating matrimony will
pleads notice.
Attempt to Commit! Suioidk.— On Monday of :
last week an inmate of Our County Alms House,
named HenryMcCadly, aged about 68 years,
attempted to commit: suicide by opening veins
or arteries in bis aims and legs. In the effort,
be made no less than twenty-seven incisions,
some of them half an inch deep and an inch
and-a-half long. He bad gone out from the house;
as he was accustomed to do, in the afternoon,
and xcmuned out.over and was not dis
covered until next'moruing. His mind is evi
dently deranged. iHe says he did not mean
' himself, hut inflicted the wounds to relieve a
inhis head.-
Wunuro Son<wi v ~^ttr.Clowtis woiild respect*
fully inform the ladies and gentlemen ofAltoo-r
pa, that he intends to commence teaching a
clou in penmanship, In Pigart’s Hall, on Thurs
day, JUg#. ladies class srfll meet at
4 Ojdock, and gentlemen's class, at 7J o’clock
PM. - J" :; . ;7 ':
pin long experience in teaching lie hopes trill,
enable him to give entire satisfaction to &U jrhoc
maypatronise him. ■ V;
Heiis alsoprepared to mark Tmtingand .wed-'
ding oardp in a style unsurpassed ty uy
.■ -k, .a ''
Ter. ; _ . ,i 4 i v,
Call and get specimens.'
Fibs at Dayibmco.—A fire accidentally
occured in the Foundryowned by C. E.
Esq. a* Dovidsbnrg in this county, on the even
ing of the 18th inst. which consumed the build
tog and many of the patterns of the establish
ment, making' a total loss of some $l,OOO dr
$1,200. Messrs. Crotzer & Smith wbo/had the
cstablisbmedt rented; share tie loss, with
Crainie.— Uqp<(*r-
I 1,738.78 30,99043.
.89 1,727,459.10 1,258,889.79
Pob*o*ai.—On Wednesday afternoonwe Bad
the pleasure of making the acquaintance of J.
F; Campbell, Esq., editor of theßlairsville ife
eord, who was onn visit to this place. We found
Mm ** «il our fancy painted him”—good-looking,
affable, jovial, altogether such amah aswe wish
we oonld always meet In bnr brethren of the
eoirps editorial. Circumstances would not per
mit us to accompany and him the “ele
phant” of cur Monntain City, but as he was ac
companied by a couple of-the ftur sex, we
some hb erjoyedn pleasant 'time of it
.TO DpxcTOBS tarn TsACHXiut— H. Fettinger
desires jus. to remark to theDirectora of schools
in this place and vicinity, that he wishes to be
apprised as early ■as possible, of the series of
school books to be used in the different schools,
in order that he may be able to supply thorny
AH materials used in schools, sneh as slates,
copy-books, pens, pencils, ink, &c., will be fur
nished at the lowest rates. He will also keep
on hand a-large assortment- of Rewards of Mer
it and toy books for presentation to scholars.
Svodxs Dsath.—A woman homed Mrs. Wi
ley, wife of a German laborer of that name*,
living over the hill in this place, died suddenly
on Friday evening last, a ‘ few minutes after ri
sing from her supper table, of disease of the
heart, os it is supposed.— Register.
A Voice from Blair County.
The Blair County American Conven
tion having adjourned without giving an
expression as to the choice of their con
stituents for Congress, the Delegates have
addressed the following to the Conferees,
to wit:
To the Congressional Conferees of Blair
County , elected by the American Con
vention :
. Gentlemen : —Permit us to recom
mend to your support, as a suitable can
didate for Congress, John Brotherline,
Esq/- We hope you will bring his name
before the Conference, and if possible, se
cure his nomination by your votes and in
fluence. Yours respectfully,
i John H Stifler
I Isaac Hooper
Edward B Tipton
Allen D Smith
Archibald Bankin
George Koon
Landon Reeve
: JKjpT A Monmouth paper Bays, “in another
column will be found the certificate of our fel
low townsman, James W. Davidson, Esq., to
Prof. Wood. This is another of the nnmerous
instances where it has changed gray hair to rja
ven ringlets, and bald scalps, to waring locks.
Let any who sUnd in need of this valuable rem
edy pve it a fair trial.”
CAtmon.— of worthless imitations, as,
several are already th the 1 market, called by dif
ferent names, Use none {unless the words (Pro
fessor Wood's Hair Restorative, Depot St. Lou
is, Mo., and New York,) are blown in tbebot
tie. gold by all Drug grata and Patent Medicine i
Afsoby Ml -Pd*®y and Toilet Qoodi
dealers in thf United Slates and Canada. Set
Odvertiaeinent In this west’s paper.
Tec Pakic— Moan Fauebes. —The panic id
NewTork seems to be oh the increase. lathis
city everything gods oh smoothly, »hd the only
faQareswe hare heard of irere the failures, to
furnish good fits made hf some inferior clothing
, establishments. There .is no snch difficulty toj
be enconniered by those who patronise the
'.Brown Btone Clothing Hall of EockhUl & WU
’ son, lids. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, aboro
aixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishmentJ
* I 1 Hi
Tub Best Covch Msoiciss.-rOne of the
very best Cough Medicines to be found »ny-
Wbere, is Dr. Kcyser’s Pectoral. Syrup, add by
G. yf. Kessler, at 60 cents per bottle. j
B*n See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’
M VEEINVIGOBATOE in another column. X.
of country produce »n .to 6M J£ CV i»t , *«*.<•-1
* June l«, Ep>BT IhUy?.
<• . ' I
Job Barefoot
George Kopp
Samuel Cruse
L F Butler
James Malone
Frazer Harlin
Daniel Shock
D R Lingenfeltcr
Jacob Zeth Jr
Daniel F Becglc
George P Kelly
Samuel Furncy
John Trout
James Coleman
Douglas McCartney
Abraham Loudon
John Wesly
John McFarland
Wm R Plumer
John Tate
Geopge L Cowcn
Jacob L Martin
John C Biddle
, Samuel R Shifflcr .
KBurkct '
Isslac Yingling
Tbeo A Sleeker
J L Reifsneidcr
Thomas McMina
William Fox
Daniel Price
Bcnj F Burley
Levi Riling
George F McCabe
Andrew Green
James R Patton
James Williams
WiixC Kean
Alfred Canan
Jas A Freeman
Gen A Jacobs
Jolin M Barbour
Joseph Barr
Francis Henry
Jacob Mclntyre
John S Heffler
Franklin Snyder
M H Jolly
A p McCartney
Win R Maxwell
! Delegates
gffi JAMES :ctiiinw
Celebrated Female Pills. • ;
Pnpand/rom aprjterqritoa rf&rJ. Claris, 11. D* Fkf-
Hcitut JSUraofiEaary Jo Ote Qktin, : . :
This invaluable medicine £s riritelfthg, to the cure'of all
those paioftal and delicate dieesees to which the female con
ititutlon ia subject. It all remorse
all obstcariionay aad a speedy corf may be reUed ooi j
\ i vo MAoauai umxs :
it la peculiarly totted. It will. In a ihcvt time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity. , .
Each bottle, price one dollar,bean theQove*nmentBtainp,
of Great Britain,' to prevent counterfeits. * , J,-:
CAUTION. . ’ j
T7i& rm IAoaM Kof U taken hgfetsaUs duristfffkejfrst
three months of Prtgnanef, as Oteg are tore to bring on JK*.
carriage, but at any other line lhes aH saft, *
In aUcaaea of Nervous and Spinal
the Back and
of the Heart, Hysteric* add Whiter those Mia willeffect
a core when alt other means have Med, and althoogha
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
<* anything hmtfni to the eonetttation.
Frill dlfeottotla in the pamphlet around each package,
which ahottld be caroftOly preserved. I ]
Sole Agctft for the United States and Oadads, !
JOB MOSES, (Ute 1.0. Baldwin ACoj,) '
x JUjCheefer, fl. T.
1?. S.—sl.oo end 6 postage stamps eifctosedtb rihyan
thorized Agent, will Insure a bottle, containing 60J Pilla,
by retnmmail. i
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by all Druggists. [Jane 3,1868|-ly.
Flour—Superfine, ft BbT.
“ Extra, ft “
Corn Meal, ft curt. *
Potatoes, $ bush.
Dry Apples, ft “
Butter, ft 1b
Lard, . ft “
Hams, ft “
Shoulders, V “
Side, V “
Kggs, ft do*.
M’Lain A Lehr (toll their Flour at the following rates;—
White Wheat Flour, Extra Family, ftbbl. ' |BJ2
« « u u Superfine, “ s*Bo
“ “ “ Superfine, “ 6,12
Barrel Salt sijDO and (2,10 per barret. :
Sack “ 1,75 « 1,80 “ sack.
Alway on hand.
Fxtra Family Flour,
Superfine Extra, best quality,
On the 23d lust, by Rev. A. E Clark* Mri-MARTIN
GATES, of Centre county, to Mrs. SARAB STEVENS, of
Altoona. \ " '■
In this place, on tho 15th Inst., of Bronchtcal Consump
tion, Miss MARY ANN McCOUMICK . i
Thrice within a short time has death entered little
circle of which the deceased was a member. Firsts daugh
ter and sister, a lovely Christian, was called, cut down like
a rose in fall bloom, by the same feU destroyer, consump
tion. Then death laid his hand upon the husband and, lath
er. Bis sickness was protracted and painful, afflicted as
he was by cancer. Now tho third time the Master comes
and lays his hand upon the elder of the two remaining
daughters and sisters, leaving the i widowed mother and a
sister and brother to mourn their loss. Bnt they mourn
not as those who have no hope. The deceased had for a
considerable time been a Consistent member of the Chris
tian church, and died in the full triumphs of thochristian’a
faith. Her last words were,_ “ Lord Jesus come quickly.”
The evidence of a peaceful death and the index to a happy,
glorious immortality.—[Cox.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adihlnistra-,
tion on tbc estate of Dr. C. F. Sellers, lateof Altoopa,BUlr
county, dec’d bare been granted to tho undersigned, resi
ding as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate are requested Jto make immediate payment
aud those havirg claims will present the eamednlyantbeh-
Ucatod fur settlement. '
August 28,1858-6t] a B. SINK, MnCr.
by Public Outcry,ht tho late residence of Dr. C. P.
Sellers, in this place, oh THURSDAY KVENINO, SEP
TEMBER 2d, a valuable lot of Medical Books, Drugs, Jars,
Bottles, Ac. Also a lot of Household and Kitchen furniture.
Sale to commence at 7 o’clock P. M. >
August 28,1858-1 1] C. B. SINK, Mn'r.
Teeth extracted, without
PAIN.—Dr. WM. S. BITTNBB, Dental Surgeon,
would iufonu those who so much dread the- surgical operap
tion of twth extracting, that 116 can now remote them
without pain. Uis process has proved successful in all
cases in which he has tried it. Giro him a coll ana test the
science. [Aug. 19, 1868.-tf
DY Dental Surgery. A yonnjg man- of giod edu
cation'and strict moral habits, will bo taken on reasonable
terms. Apply to i WM. S. BTRNBK, D. 8.,
Aug. 19.1868-tf] ; r Altoona, Pa.
Ufirwaledin Beauty , SimpHeity SaJety or Economy.
Every person desiring to obtain the Very beat and cheap
est portable light within their reach,’ should call at the
stdre of the undersigned and examine [these Lamps before
purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge-ourselves to demon
strata ‘ ,■ ■
Ist That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. .
2d. That they emit no oßenaive odor while burning.
3d- That they are very easily trimmed.
4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or Ices
i light. ;
sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke,
jjth. That thO light is at least 60 per cent. Chester than
" any other light now in common use. - j
These lamps are adorably adapted for the trip of Stu
dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, factories. HaJMWfoes,
Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended tat fopupT use.
The burner of the Carbon OB Lamp can bo attoched to
oMdde, hanging and table fluid and oU hunps,«t asmall
expense, and win answer every purpose of a new bnpit
iwe guaranteeperfect satlatoeUon to all cases.
Aug. 10,1856-tt] O. W. KKSaXJBB.
TO INVEST.—The nad&signed it (tally prepared to
Government bmifo ip the Omalm land district. Bale
id* to eoimneftooon theßthof September start* and
me for two weeks. AU tend* entered during sale to
Idfor .ln UadWitmttt can be
j* l sSbmkM. is being rapidly settled with * herd? end
ergetlc eejk of formem. Good land* can Iw eecmdta tuid
after the pnblio sale, near large settlement*.; All yoa (hat
want to invest, will do well to send on |onr Warrta»tBaoon.
Warrantsand draftscanbe eentbymaO with «afoty. Let*
■ junotnußCSS: ■
Bell, Jack* Co, Bankeia, Altoona, Fife
jo&n P. Anderaon, Bag.,'Hoot) ngdotyFa.
The terms of this school are so low and the privileges
enjoyed hereao unusual, that manyuven at a greet distance
find ft to their advantage to patronise it in preference to
schools nearer home. All Branched, both useful and or
namental are taught. Students of both sexes and all ages
ore received. Th® vrhole expense of one student for a year
need not be orbr $9O: Acirchlar will be sent to any ono
desiring it. Address John D. Walsh, Cassvil le,; Hunting
don tonnty. Pa. 7 ; [August. IMm.
(JU travel in the Western ond Southern States. SaJa
ry 130 a month and all expenses paid. Business casyand
honorable. None need apply teat cannot tornlsha
cate of goodmoral character. BUSTAS,
ftijr ja, 1858-31] \ St. Album, Yerreont.
I BBSBSIEST N 0.15, made by the LyMmlng Mutual
Irabrante Oompuiy, in Blair county, Is parable at my of
“S&Stsiyto. 1868.
-I j isth insU between Shnltx’s and the login House,
no value but to the owner. By retur-
W Ang»»,W. 2»- ■ ■- I- ~
rfttlvfJ telo by : .J, Im.JCKHU.
Hreat improvement in cook-
msuupnoN or smoke axd gasjxdsaviso
The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the public a
Cooking Store, recentlyvpetentad, which' is destined to so-.
periodsallothci&Wit.requires .
, £E«S FUEt
then other stores end is more easily, quickly end regular.
It heated. No unpleasant smell of gas arises from this
■tore from the tact that it is all consumed ere. it can es
cape, Thors is no trouble from smoke as that unpleasant
and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of
the store Neither 1* tkerp any danger of, flues or,«him
neiys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by
the gas arislng from cool Area , .. <,
Persons wishing to purchase stores Are turned to call at
the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, gad ex
amine the aboto stored.' . , - - -
N.B. Allkinds ofAiMlgbt, iSrior Cooking and Egg
Stores on band. ■ [Aug. IS, IBM.
XI J. A J.LOWTHBB hate Jtet returned from the City
and sto row receiving their stock of
;• 1.75
i 1,75
Which the* fottossibredafe a* HANDSOME and CHEAP,
\f not a UBh oheaptr, than afly yet brought to thU piece.
On account of going to Philadelphia lute la the moon,
we here been able to buy oar good* at greatly reduced pri
ce*, and we atb determined to MU them at very email prut
it* for caab or to prompt monthly pityifig ctistomen.
We lave an usual a splendid stock of
Also, Shawl* and Mantilla* in groat variety, together with
a good stock of Domestic Dry Good*. Straw (foods,
wars, Groceries, sc. , fa
The cititert* of Altoona Will find it to tholr advantage to
examltie Our stock, a* we are not to be nndefsold^.,
April 29,1858. ■
4$ 12
T io
The subscriber Would respieotfhily ifi&rm Hie dilien* of
Altoona and vanity that he hsaopooeda store off ths sbovo
kind, neat ihe corner of Adaline and Julia street*, East
Altoona, where be will keep constantly on band a MU saj£
ply of everything in his line. His
(5 GO
6 00
4 76
ary all fresh and wtlh be sold Et price* as low as those ,of
any other establishment in towm His stock of provisions,
consisting of ' ' : ■ - J
Flour, Hants, Shoutdery, Sides, Ac.
wUI be sold a Uttle cheaper than they can be bongit any
where else. Ills Flour t» obtained from the best m{Ua in
the Western part of the State, and is warranted to be what
it is represented.
AU Unde of Peed fori hone*, cows and hogs, on
1 id tend to keep such an assortment that ikhaU at all
times be able to supply my customers with whatever they
may need, and I intend also to sell at prices whteh win.
make it a saving to those who patronise
July 22,18585 m. HENRY VpXii
JAM ES M. W H EEL ER & C 0.,
' (Abcecteors to John it. Rranl,)
Near the Penn’a Central Railroad Depot,
BAUD AS'D SOFT COAL, Pig Skied, Railroad Iron, bat
and MtrcXttntabU Iron, NaO*,,f fair, Oro
eeriet, Protitiont, Pith, Salt, «fc.
COAL sent in can, in large or sznaU quantities. along
the different Railroads in Pennsylvania.’ [July iE-ly.
Logan hotel:—the un&br
-BIOXED respectfully informs the
citliana of BUir county and others,
that be bee opened up the LOQAK i
HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Beef \
Vt the Wert cud of ttolUdaysburg. for \
reception of stranger* and " ■. i
Everything connected with the bonsohas been refitted iH\
the new. with the chofoort furniture, fa. ■ ,
.The house is large and commodious, and well calculated
for convenience end comfort. ...
His TABLE will be furnished with the very best the mar
ket fan aflfoM, and no poliis or trouble wtu be spared to
redder those Who may choose to favor h]iri with their pa
tronage comfortable and happy during their stay wlthhim.
His tSTABLING ia ample, and'an obliging andeoreflil
hostler Wilt always be in attendance . .
ffW. TBe Witilunabarc stage, wblcb tnakee dolly tripe
between this place su'd Williamsburg, 'stops at the Logan
Hotel. , _ ■
Dec. 17,1857,—tf.] JOHN KBIFFEIt.
Undersigned Kiting perfected ftelr Spring Stock,
now offer to the pjiWlD the LARQBBT LOT OF GROCE
BISS ever presented in the toWu of Altooifiu
Onr object in publishing this Card Is to jrieiieni {ha fop
lowing Kfcts:
Ist. The recent hard times have very much reduced the
price of Groceries in the city, especially to cash bnyert.
2d. He bought these Groceries in large lots/ mahy of
them from'first hands. 1
Rd. Webought them entirely for cash.
4th. We. sell for ready pay.'
6th. We keep onr stock full by weekly receipts.
6th. We are determined to keep np the credit of onf house.
7th. We sell more GROCERIES than any other rtofs in
Blair county, at less per cent. ' .
Bth. Wd sell cheaper than any other store in the eohnty.
A continuation of patronage it respectfully s6llcite<L
Altoona, Jane 10,1868. MotiANK A LEHR. ,
Blair county dagubrbean
BODMBir-J4r. 0. tP. ttSttKfii the
Artist, begs leave to inform our readers that be is prepared
to take '.,
Photograph* o/deceascdpertotis)
from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest nbllce ahd bti the
meet reasonable terns. He has Just received a large stock
of dtfoahle Odd hedt cases, of'cll sttos and styles, including
porta to fill thorn vtw ponoct ltKep(M9S .• , • ,
aHbbottpe, daqukbbeottpk ob PHoidcnUra.
Oife him h call. Booms, on the conicr of Montgomery
and AUegheny streets, Hdlidaysburg, Pa. fJirael74t -
I 1 ABt. WK. S. HAVKH,. rnfmtßhm
Job Pa»rr*, BttnoyP OT But** Boos MUU^
Corner Market Pa. C3Biß3r
respeetfally invites attention to hU large and well selected
stock of
Blank Book, Paper and Stationary, Rail
Roadl Mercantile and Book Printing,
rit jr—>vw 4loa#Ttntlftn. nwmntlff BtwniiM: ■ .
■ Agent Jc&nson A Co~, Type Founders, Phiia-iel
phto. [June JT-lyj
C. J. HAST, M. H. ». »• wot*. W. »■
f tbolf pTottosional sorrlces to ihe eitiSetts of Afoou
UidTidnity in the dereral branches off. p
, Country calls regularly attended to. . . -
Office, the same as heretofore occupied by Dr. Him.- ‘
By consent, D.B. Good refers to -
J; SI. aemmill, SI. D., Alexandria, Pa.
J. B. Luden, 31. D.. Huntingdon, •*
Dm. Roes, Royer and Fey, WUMatnsbttrg, Vi.
April 22,1858-ti]
T IME! LIME! LIME! —DnoefinsrUle
I A Lime Kilns, near llollldAjsburg, .. >. . . '
The snbscribcr has now In operation, four luge Lima
Ho U prepared to fill ati order*, froth 1 buhtl (o ten
thousand bushel*. at tho lowest rated; r
U 3. Lime delivered at any point on, the Eapnsylrania
Rail Road; also, at Altoona, or ahy pointla the surround
ing country, by wagon, or at th« Kiln. Add fees
June 17-6m] DuntantnOt, Stair Cb.'ilf.
Dissolution— notice is
hereby given that tha co-partnership heretofore ex
isting between the undersigned, trading as the flrtn t>f X-
McCauley & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent Oh the
Ist day of May, 1858. The books of the firm Have been
placed in the hands of John Shoemaker, In. Altoona, for
collection, to whom *JI persons knowing tbcmselvca in
debted will make Immediate payment;
tolnsldo ferSnts.ta store Mid for sale b» i ,i
iduishw r» TTM. SvSjnJOARP,
March 2VM-I?] m North
, r*- <a>