The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 26, 1858, Image 2

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    Ck fribmrf.
- Where partiea ere unknown to u»,onr rule tor odrer.
tWnc ls to require payment in adTanco,qraanarftntoettom
fcaown ponoiM. It fa therefore nMtou tr all mullto wad
na adfertUcmeati) ofltripjf to pay at tin end Of three op six
-flaontb*. Where adrertieemeule are accompenied with the
money, whether one, lire or ten dortere, woWUlglfe the
•drertiear the fall benefit of caah rates, . .
Thanks.—Geo* F'. Deru/Esq., of Cin
cjnaati, will please accept our thanks for
repeated favors conferred in furnishing .us
with the late daily of that city.
JWe hope he will repeat the &Vor often in
(future. .
■ r We feel that we owe our readers
ah apology for the indifferent appearance
•of lour paper thisweek, and offer as an ex
cuse, (he indisposition of the junior editor
-and a rush of Jbb work, which has pre
vented us from making a rieW roller.
A Protective tariff.
the rccedf financial crlsifc, which has
prostrated commerce add manufacture in
this country, has induced the thinking por
tion of the American people to consider the
cause. A very slight'examination will
bring thorn to the conclusion that it is in
-a great measure, if hot Entirely, attributa
ble to the limited Protection now afforded
-to American industry by onr government.
We have tried a Protective Tariff and
found it to result in the building np of
all the industrial interests of the country,
giving work to the laborer, establishing a
sound currency and creating general con
fidence in all departments of business. —
Wchave tried a Free Trade Tariff also,
add iho result has been the embarrassment
of cup country—banks breaking—mer
chants'breaking—furnaces Out of blast —
mines abandoned—railroads failing—rol
ling mills idle—silence among the spin
dles—workmen idle —ships rotting at the
wharves —debtors absconding—sheriff’s
hales—and a general despondency among
all classes. How different the Results ?
Can any one look upon thorn and not be
convinced that the present Tariff is detri
mental to the interests of our country?
Much' as the advocates of a Free Trade
Tariff would like td ignore the question,
it is daily becoming more and more appa
rent that Protection to American Indus
try, Will be one of the prominent issues in
the coming Fall elections, as well as in
the Presidential campaign of 1860, for
which the political parties are already ta-
king the initiatory steps. Indeed, from
present indications, this question will over
ride aU others, so far as Pennsylvania is
concerned. “Coming events cast their
shadows before.” * In every section of the
State we find the Opposition journals—
American and RcpflbGcan—unfurling the
Protective flag ; and. Opposition leaders,
fmd in many instances men who have
hitherto acted with the Democratic party,
planting themselves upon the Protective
platfotm. Aspirants for political promo
tion arc .also trimming their sails to catch
the popular breeze, and talk boldly and
enthusiastically for Protection. The mas-
ses of the people-farmers, mechanics and
wmkinjgmen—the rt bono and sinew of the
land” who do the voting, begin to feel the
absolute necessity of having their industry
labor encouraged and protected—and
from the centre to the circumference of
‘ our Commonwealth, there is a
fltern, determined jmrpoee manifested,by
* bjdlofc-box wlvat has been permstentiy de
nied them by their recreant Ropresenta-
fives and tHe powers at Washington.—
yotcai, At the coming election*, will
Is .fawt wi^ v direct reference to this ques-
ponc bet open and avowed friends
ofProtcction to American Industry, will
receive their support or be elected to Con
gpeas.. Tbe Republicans of Allegheny
County, in their address to tbe people, re
ferring to this question of the Tariff, says,
trllibinuoh truth, that “ a serious matter
to the people; of this country is to be
found in the fact that while the revenue
of tfcc government has fallen off, owing to
the, revulsion which took place ill 1867,
<md distress has fallen upon the nation in
ionsequence of tbe prostration of all
branches of industry, the party in power
absolutely refuses to revise the tariff,.either
ftp increase the revenue or restore prosper-
ity to the people. It finds the govern
ment unable to get along without borrow
log, yet will not take any steps to increase
the revenue; it sees every branch of na
tional industry paralysed, yet refuses to*
remodel tito tariff, so as to afford, at pnoa,
protection to workingman and increase rev
enue to the government. In this emerg
ency it behooves the people to show then
selves equal to the crisis by demanding
such a revision of the tariff, as will afford
protection to American Industry, restore
activity! to our workshops sod furnish
employment to Ate suffering thousands to
whom a pitiless and unworthy govern*,
moot has turned a deaf ear. This .is a
great national question, andjone demand
ing the immediate attention of the peo
ple: and the only sure way of obtaining
the desired relief and accomplishing a re
turn to the Protective principle is to re
turn to Congress such men as will give
heed to the popular; cry and minister to the
public wants.”
Resignation op Ctbus W. Field,—
Wo understand that since Mr. Field has
sent in his resignation as active manager
of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, a
feeling of strong regret has been very gen
erally expressed among the stockholders
in this country, and many letters have
been addressed to him begging of him to
withdraw his letter. Btrt, owing partly to
his impaired health', add partly to the
pressure ofhis private business affairs, Mr.
F. has, we understand, felt himself com
pelled to persist in his course. *
The Atlantic Monthly.— The Sep
tember Humbert of this valuable periodical
is before us, freighted with choice reading
matter from the pens of the best living
authors in the country. The story of
“The Kinloch Estate” is excellent, and
the ‘‘Autocrat of the Breakfast. Table/’
which has been continued in several num
bers, is certainly a master production and
well worth the subscription price. Price
SB per annum. Philip, Sampson & Co.,
Publishers, Boston.
We refer our readers to a commu
nication in to-day’s paper, over the signa
ture of “ One Who Knows.” We mere
ly desire to remark for the, present, that if
the “satisfactory arrangement” which is
referred to has been covertly made by any
one of the Congressional candidates, and
if through such means he should succeed
in securing the nomination, it can only re
sult in his disastrous defeat.
JOT The acting President of the United
States at this time is said to be a young
man named James Buchanan Henry.—
Each morning he records the reports of
the Departments, notes their contents,
and sends such as he thinks requires
the attention of his uncle, the President,
wherever he may be. i
SciENTinc A>lekic an-.— I This excellen t
Journal of Science and- Art, Las acquired
a large circulatioa and is about to com
mence a new volume. It is a paper that
every mechanic should have in his house.
Sec advertisement in another column.
tST Plenty as flies—tramping jour printers.
Prevalent—cold feet on the camp ground
on Tuesday mornlug'lost.
.tor Love—Like measels, is all the worse
when it comes late in life.
BA* Belle Brittian has defined fiiration to be
attention without m-tention.
Mottos for the'Cahle.—“ All's well that
ends well.’' “ Long may it trace.”
WSS“ she latest novelty in female dress is an
nounced as a new style of skirt, called the
“'Leviathan Crinoline.”
BA.“Satisfactory arrangement”—over the
left—that hinted at by “ one who knows.”—
More anon. Nous verront.
Woman has’fotmd her true “ sphere” at
last It is about twenty-seven feet round, made
of hoops.
BA* Three things that never agree—two cats
over one mouse, two wives in one house, or two
lovm after one maiden. .
Jack- Prort was in town on Tuesday
morning last He was seen by a number of
esriy;risen. ■ --p '■ y ' ■
WOT The British flag was hoisted on Capitol
H3l, Washington, on Tuejday,|for the first time
sincethe last warwith England. >
A hen’s egg was recently found in Law*
rence eonpty, Fa., firmly embedded in the sand,'
thirty-three feet below the surface.
BQu A Hotel and livery stable beeper, at a
fashionable watering place, advertises Sociable*
for young people, and SuUda for married folks.
l®»Mr. G. J' Bower,* of Newbern, whipped
his wife and she left him. She was right.—
She was the right Bower, and he the left one.
B®»During an examination, a medical student
being asked the question, “ When does mortifi
cation ensue ?” replied: “ When, you pop the
question and are answered, * No;’ ”
Jgg* An Irishman on bring told to grease tbe
wagon, returned in about an hour afterwards,
and said: “ I’ve greased every part of tire wa
gon, but them sticks the wheels hang on.”
ggf A little boy returning home from Sun
day School, said to his mother, “ Ma, ain’t there
a for little boys? this eat-r-chism
is too hard.”
Jj@“ A railroad track-layerin Massachusetts
has absconded with a considerable* amount of
funds. He preferred making tracks to laying
Notwithstanding the htat of the weath-
er, and tho large nnmhet of
dty, the noonday prayer meetingrat Jayne'*
Hall, Philadelphia, are etQl kept upand .well
attended. '■ : j r,, , “■
39“1n town out > Tuesday—BDl Shaw, late
editor of the Lewis town Aurora, looking fresh
and hearty. The bottling business appears to
agree with Mm.! K 1 ... v '
John Ecjrtrimr, reriding near Somerset,
committed suicide jlast week, hi, ending ,Ms
throat with a rarer. iHewas
about thirty years of age, and very intemperate.,'
19* Ben Whitten, editor of tho Moccasin
Herald, says the Ohio river is like a drunkard,,
because it takes in Monongahela at Pittsburg,
gets Ugh, runs against ban, receives a Licking
at Cincinnati, and /alls over at Louisville,
19“ A city nrclin on hearing his father
reading of the new iqyentkm of glass bricks,
exclaimed: “Glass bricks—l know what them
Is.” “What art they?” inquired one of the
family. “Tumblen of liquor,” shouted the ju
BSL- Bard place—Columbus, Kentucky. An
old farmer, who had been badly swindled there,
said of it: “If the Angel Gabriel happens to
light at Cold'rpds, here’ll bo no resurrection,
for they’ll swindle him out trumpet be
fort he Can make a t ingle toot!”
19“ The far-fame d Camp of Instruction, at
Williamsport, seems to be growing small by de
grees. The military of Philadelphia have re
solved not to attenc , and those of Lancaster
and Dauphin counties have resolved to hold
Encampments at home..
ggy A frenchman being about to remove bis
shop, his landlord inquired the reason; stating,
at the same time, that it was considered a very
good stand for business. The Frenchman re
plied with-a shrug of the shoulder, “ Oh, yes,
he’s very good iiandforde business: by gar, me
stand all day, for nobody come to make me move.
BSSU A letter passed through the Cleveland
post office on Saturday lost, superscribed as
follows— ,v
* 1 In lowa there resides
Lovina Sharpie’s fair, r
Her post office is at Springdale
And she rides on the old gray marc.
There is a baby in Cincinnati, the'chilii
of Mr. Cannon, which weighed twenty-four
pounds at eleven months of age.
He must be, at the ago of twenty-and-one ,
A dangerous piece, ’tis remarkably clear—
■ When the young (jlyclopean sou of a gun
Is a 24-pounder the very first year.
I®, That.—That that may be gramatically
jumbled up considerably, is fully proved by the
following curious lines:
Now that Is a word wliiciniay often be joined,
Foa that that may bo doubled is clear to the mind,
And that that that is right is as plain to the view,'
As that that that that we used, is. as rightly used too,
And that that that that that line has in it is right—
In accordance with grammar, is plain to our right.
ogS* The Poets liave been “ doing ” the At
lantic telegraph in |all sorts of lyrics. Among
the clever things, the following from the Phila
delphia Bulletin is not the worst:
What fa your mission to the world,
I asked the Telegraphic wire;
What are thej feelings that you seek,
Amongst the! nations to inspire ?
Will yon not Ipeaceful thoughts instil ?
“ Aye, amicable! that I will /”
A very good pun is contained in the following:
“ Dear Buchanan .*
“ I send this by my rope,”
'■’Dear Victoria:
“I sendithis to Europe !
The genius who perpetrated the following, it
is said, fainted after the effort, and was carried
off on a shutter:
The Atlantic cable <
Ain’t a fable
Bring forth several bottles of Champagne and
place them on the table,
We intend to be slewed as Cain slew Able.
Till we can’t stand, [but must sit on our gable.
A Sad AccidEstJ- — A very serious accident
happened at the Halting Mill yesterday morn
ing, which nearly proved fatal to a number of
persona. For somp time past workmen have
been engaged in putting up a brick cornice oh
the outside of the null/\nnd 'to enable them to
do so a scaffolding had been erected after the
usual plan. Soon after the workmen had com
menced their day’s jfobor on this scaffolding yes
terday morning-, a portion of it gave way, pre
cipitating those whq were on it to the ground a
distance of some twenty feet. Four men; named
John Sanderson, Jeremiah Mahoney, James
M’Keever and William Williams, were seriously
itgqred, while several others received painful
contusions but were able to go
about after tho Sanderson had both
legs broken, and was otherwise Seriously hurt.
Dr. Bramwell dressed his wounds,' and he is
doing as well *as could be expected. Mahoney
had a rib fractured, 7 one hand cru&ed, and was
considerably cut about the head and face. lie
bled profusely it the ears, nose and mouth, and
became delirious. The Dr. thinks he is injured
internally. Williams bad no bones broken, but
was much cut and bruised in the head and'face.
Dr. Teagley . ministered to their relief.
M’Keever had one; ankle joint dislocated hud
received other, injuries requiring the aid of a
physician. Dr. ; Hay attended him. Mis hot
thought that either of the meft is family in
jured, but the wouuds of Sanderson and Maho
ney will'keep them! bed-fast for some time.—
JohnttownTrihune. : i
A Bold, box BbavxivVl Fioceb.— Daring
the deliveryof a sermon in St. Patrick’s Cath
olib church, at Washington, D. C., the speaker,
Bev. Francis X. Boyle, made use of the follow
ing beantifbl figure' in connection with the At
lantic Telegraph What is it, after all, when
compared with the instantaneous communication
between the throne of Divine Grace andlthe
heart of man ? Offer up your talent petition
for grace. It is transmitted through the realms
of unmeasured space more rapidly than the
lightning’s flash, and the answer reaches the
soul ere the prayer has died away on the sinner’s
lips, let this telegraph, performing its saving
functions ever since Christ died for man bn
Calvahy, fills not the world with exaltations
and shouts of gladness—with illuminations and
bonfires and booming cannon. The reason is
one is the telegraph of this world, and may pro’
duce wonderful revolutions on earth; the,bthei r
is the sweet communion between Christ ami the
Christian’s soul, and will 66001*6 a glorious Im
mortality in heaven,”
The yellow fever; is begining to create gome
alarm in the vicinity of the New York br'titatbn
Island quarantine. ; Tho Vost says there appears
to be a dispositionion the part of the health
authorities to conceal the existence of the dis
ease on Staten Island, thus laying the founda
tion for an unnecessary panic by and by. i A
number of cases, have occurred outside of the
quarantine walls, and one case has been brought
from there to this-city.. 8 ‘
• i ( **l... jir tie Altoona Tribune.
■ln looking, over the! Blair County Whig, of s
ith© lith inst., I npticean article nnder the above
-naptioa, on the presentation of a gold watch and
ehain to Mr. Jonathan Rhule, the worthy Su
{pervisbr- of the Divisiori between flollidaysburg
sod Huntingdon, ‘ in which tho motives of the
*donoraarequestionedj In regard to which I
jritih tpmake * few remarks. -
A ssort time since, the men on Mr. Rhnle’s
Division held a consultation on the propriety of
presenting bun with a token of their respect,
and finally agreed upon a gold watch as the ar
ticle through which to convey it They presen
ted it {to him fearlessly, disregarding anything
that might be said disrespectful Cf it. This
privilege granted to allj American, eitixens of re*
warding a faithful benefactor or friend, ha|t ex
cited the ire and disturbed the .honesty of tho
editori of the Whig so much that be has stooped
low enough to chastise the poor laboring man
for exiercising his right as a freeman, and im
pugn bis motives. The money thus, spent was
,onr own-learned honorably —and in our humble
opiniqn it is dene of the Major’s, or any other
persons business, to what purpose wo appropri
ate it. We generally make use of it as best suits
our purpose.
But Mr. Whig, there appears to be a mighty
sight of difference between the laboring men on
the railroad rewarding their Supervisor, and the
directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania donating
to the President thereof all the silver that was
in its vaults, in the shape of a silver service,
for his services in mismanaging its affairs to the
loks of money to many. The times were hard
then, and they are equally hard now, but not
withstanding we see our friend Jonathan com
ing along regularly, qh the fifteenth of every
month, touting his tin box loaded with the “ ri
no,” redeeming all his promises to pay. This
we consider is very eminent service. But we
would ask the Major of the Whig if the poor la
boring men of the country have not as much
right to manifest their regards for a benefactor,
in their own simple way, as he has to boast
through his paper that A Vbwbinkle gave him
two tremendous tomatoes, some one gave' him
some fine corn for supper, or another gave him
a huge turkey for his 1 Christmas dinner. We
thihk we have and will use it as suits us best.
If we were as suspicious of the purity of other
men’s motives ns you ore, or at least appear to
be, of ours, Mr. Whig, we might justly say that
the above presents were either bestowed unwor
thily, or were unbecoming the conductor of an
American journal, or because of the poverty of
the recipient. Touching the charge that we get
very little more than will support our families,
let it bo said to the credit of the Company, that
whatever they promise to pay us, they pay reg
ularly in good money, and under the auspices
of the times we are content, knowing that upon
the return of prosperity to the country our wa
ges will be raised to their former standards We
therefore request yon, Mr. Whig, for the future
not to meddle with oar business unless you arc
interested personally, for whatever we have to
give we will give cheerfully, to those who are
worthy, regardless of anything you may dic
tate. A R. R. Man.
August, 24, 1858.
For the Altoona Tribune.
Has Ibk American Party of Blair
County been Sold Out!
Messes. Editors :—Tho above is the anxious
inquiry of the day. Rumor says that it is true.
Rumor tolls many queen stories, and among the
rest that a “satisfactory arrangement” has
been made between a prominent candidate for
Congressional honors and his friends of the first
part, and two of the American Conferees of the
second part—an araangement highly satisfactory
to all parties—and hehce arises tho momentous
question, “lias the American party of Blair
county been sold out?” “We pause for a re
ply.” In the mean time, let it be known to all
the parties to this contract, that this satisfactory
arrangement is fully understood, and that when
th,e proper time arrives it will be made public,
that the American party may know in whom
they have reposed their confidence. More anon.
One Who Knows.
August 23, 1858.
The Folly or Duelling, —Punch says a wise
thing now and then. He has struck the sensible
view of dueling—its unfairness. Count the re
sult of hostile meeting certain, and it is murder;
countit hazzard, and the stakes ore unequal.
Quoth Punch; j ’
Now, in England wh have put an end to this
kind of thing. Without reference to tho bru
mal folly and wickedness of the duel, we have
put an end to it simply as rational beings who
can do a sum in. substiraction. We have—after
a good many years, y?e confess of Montague
House and Wormwood; Scrubbs—arrived at the
conclusions that duelling is unfair, because
men are unequal in value.
We now agree that in educated, intellectual,
working citizen, the mainstay of a loved family,
the adviser 1 of trusted friends, a useful recogni
sed man, with life assurances that would be
vitiated if he feU in wilful fray, is no match for
an empty headed younger son, with just brains
enough for drill, palf ale, and Skye terriers,
who has been put into! the army to be got rid
of, and who may ohahee to find room in his
narrow skull for an idea that he has been in
sulted. Arithmetic hjas settled the question,
and Cocker forbids his! pistol cocking.
We have got rid of the duel, because we can
deduct Enrigh Featherheaa from Mr. Golds
worthy, and note the difference. So, if the En
sign, in an accession of martial fire, were to
challenge Goldsworthyj be he the author,'lawyer,
doctor, merchant, or anybody else who used to
coine within the degree of consangoinity, (that
is, might be asked to shed blood with somebody
else,) Goldsworthy would select policeman as
his second, and the Xojrd Mayor as the umpire.
The Mah wtira aSSaw?. Nkbd sox Apxlt.—
We find in the Gospel (flaLhe) Banner the fol
lowing adrertismeat: *‘l toftjeairous of securing
the services of two male teachers to teach
school the coming whiter. I take this method
therefore of shaking known tho fact. Ifhtis
nbtice meet the eye of any man (I mean physi
cal as well as mental) {who is willing to «mc* as
well as Iceep school, X should be happy to ne
him. .
*‘N. B.—No person who wears a that#, nuU&eu
or waUa with a cose, 1 eed apply, as sufficient
instruction from that class has alaeady been
had. : H. B. Matsabd, Agent.
*gp* Nine persons at
go jail, awaitinglriUo
the ’ ■
confined in the (Chica
chjw|ai for Qurde? w
We copy the following extract from the Har
rispnrg Keystone. The subject Is as applicable
in Blair as it is in Dauphin County.—•
Owners of real estate, whose dee«to ire
recorded, had W- ;
Rkcordeb.—l|r. Vinter Hummel, the very
efficient and obHjpng Recorder ©f our ciranty,
has published a notice of great importance to
all owners, punjhMert; or sellers of real estate.
We learn that “by an act of the Legis
lature of Pennsylvania no dUe ftr Real Estate
is perfect and secure, unless it be recorded
within sir months after its exxulim, if it be
made within this State; or within Twelve
Months, if executed out of the State, In the
office for Recording of Deeds for the County
where the lands lie ; otherwise, every; ! such
deed or .conveyance shall be adjudged ftaudu-;
lent and void against any subsequent purchaser
or mortagee for valuable consideration, unless
such deed or conveyance be recorded as{ afore
said, before the proving and recording of said
deed or conveyance nnder which such subse
quent purchaser or mortgagee; shall claini ■, ‘
———: —■'«-»»■*—: —" \ *7 T'
A. Most Foot Monnxn.—Tho Cincinnati Com
mercial says that on Sunday last a party of
young men from Middletown, Ohio, ftom twelve
to fifteen in number, were on a wild, drunken
spree, where the road croses the Miami j river,
when'a young man, named Shelby, who resided
in the coontry near that place, passed along,
and a proposition was .made, to duck him.; pen-;
ding the discussion of this notion* all thei drun
kenparty but three left: for home. Tjie.trio
remaining were a desperate set of fellows, con
cluded to have their fun with Shelby, anti threw
him into the river, where they worried him until
he was strangled nearly to death. 'They pulled
him out and revived him a little, when they
threw him in again, and tormented him until he
was utterly helpless, purple iu the face and
gasping. Then they dragged him upon the
bank, placed a plank across his breast, and
covering, him with brush, loft him. J!fc teas
found dead in the position that his persecutors
bad placed him. The leader of the party, whose
criminal recklessness Uas this|awful fruit, is na
med Rhinehart and bis family is one well .known
and much respected. N ; r
UME FOURTEENTH begin* September 11,1858.
Tbo Scientific American ha* now reached it* Fourteenth
Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the 11th of
September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind,
now issued-in this country, and it ha* a Tory extensive cir
culation in all the States of the Union. It is not: as some
might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on tech
nical science, on the contrary, it so deals with the great
events going on in the scientific, mechanical and ihdiistrial
works, as to please and instruct every oce. If. the Me
chanic or Artizon wishes to know tho best machine in use,
or how to niake aify substance employed in his business—
if tlie Housewife to get a recipe for making a good
color, Ac.—if the Inventor wishes to know what ingoing on
in tho way of improvements—if the Mcuufkctnrer Wishes to
keep posted with the times, and to employ the best facili
ties in his business—*if tbo man of leisure and study wishes
to keep himself familiar with tho progress made in the
chemical laboratory, or in tho construction of telegraphs,
steamships, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand
other machines and appliances, both of peace and,Waiv-aU
those desiderata can be found in tho Scientific American,
and not elsetchere. They are hero presented in a; reliable
and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of
minds unlearned in tho higher brandies of science and art.
Terms; —One Copy. One Y ear, $2; Ono Copy, 8 Months;
$1; Five Copies, 6 Months, si; Ten Copies, 6 Months, *8;
Ten Copies, Twelve Months, $l5; Fifteen Copies; Twelve
Months, $22; 20 Copies, Twelve Months, $2B, in advance.
Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspection. South
ern and Western money, or Postage Stamps, taken for sub
Letters should be directed to
MUXN A CO., 128 Fulton Street, N. T.
E3U Messrs. Munn A Co. are extedsivdy engaged in pro
curing patents for new inventions, and will advise Inven
tors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their im
provements. [Ang. 10,1858.
“ Halloo, neighbor, Fm hero «n tho ground again. Per*
haps you recollect when I, last year,.asked yon to hold my
horse a moment and tell mo where the CHEAP STOKE
was. But it is different now. It reminds mo a little of
tho campaign of 1840, when Gen. Harrison was elected Pre
sident. You have only to go with the crowd and you will
have no difficulty in folding McCORMICK’S STORK. From
the excitement down tho valley, and the quantity of goods
I see carried away, they must bo selling off very rapidly
ami very cheap.”
You arc right, my friend; I would say to you, sir, go
ahead and your anticipations will be fully realized. He
has a very large and well selected assortment of Coeds.
He’ll sell you a dress Tor ft fly rente and give tho trimmings
into the bargain, I’m toid, and all other goods in propor
tion.” ' v
“ Good bye, neighbor, that’s where I am going to buy
my goods.” •
*• That’s right, and so should everybody else. Good bre.”
Hats and Caps, very cheap Bonnets, Misses’ Flats, 4c.; La
dios’ Gjdters, Shoes and Slippers, with Misses, Boys and
Men s Boots and Shoes, and every other article kept in a
first class country store, can bo bad cheap for cash, at
All articles of country produce taken in exchange for
„ ~ , . . R. U. MoCORMICK.
Altoona, May 13, 1858.-ly
i~\ at McCormick’s Store.
Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit
will not be given to any other than those who are viUino
andean give satisfactory referenceand assurance of prompt
monthly payment,) and deslrtog to make it the Interest of
aU to patronize our store, wo have made a very great re
duction in the prtcca of all descriptibns of goods, and will
give our entire time and attention to keeping upan assort
ment to suit tho wants of our customers, such sis
DRY GOODS, ' nm as
„ .. „ BOOTS * SHOES.
Gaiters, Slippers, Hats and Caps, Dried Frultjetc, all of
which will be sold os cbsap as the cheapest.
P. ro< I nco taken in exchange for goods at
their highest market price. -
ThanklW for past fcvors, we hope to share the patronage
of those who are to want of goods. [MajSlfc-tL
The great question which
now agitate? the mind of troy penoninA
is, where can I .get tho best article fbcmylHfll
money* Jn regard to other matters, the i
scribcr wobld not attempt to direct, but if ypu
want anything In the line of V
3 h« ifaT ß^ of his stock and Wort.
BUppers, whlch he offers at &ir prices. -
SVfSvP 1 "* «pocW attention to custom Wort, all ot
whkh wffll be warranted to gtresatisfottion. Nbnebutths
best workmen are employed
Ewnember mr shop fa on Main street, next door to B.
Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. ” - f
Soptembw 3. W-tf] ' JOHN ,H. ROBERTS,
JLi SOMBER would respeetfolly Id- \
form the phbUe that he hex recently re
fitted the above Hotel, end is now pre- a|Q9hr>*j
pared to accommodsto hl* friends »nil®S£H?9k
patrons In a comfortable maun-, and beffifcSSsfiKjfe
t "“S®? tl *n. Agreeable home for”all
Sojourners, Hie!Mlewfll always belnxuriously supplied
from thfi markets rf the country and ritioa, and bto Bar
filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are os
o,w * yo ? ler notel 1,1 the Piece, end ho
beromplufneJ of by those who
ftvorhJm with their custom. Expecting to receive a share
or public patronage, and fully intruding to deserve it, ho
throve open his house to the public and invites a trial?
Altoona, May 27,1858.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN.
Medicated fur chest pro-
Coughs, Colds, and other nffe^
arise i^ m thc e3 P«scd Stale of the
according and the continual chanrts of our
eßmnte, for sale at the Drug Store of O. W. KEmIEK
Ju1y1.1868.-tf . nWM. McDOWKLt.
than the
loweet, forCeah. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER.
Jtdux I/Jhr*a'old, stand, neatly opposite McCor
etore, in North Ward. - [June JS. *3T-ly,
le one of the beet Portative aing Liver 3
fore the public, that acts as a Lhtkartie, eeaierTr3u? ! *li
more jflbctual thahany'othcr medicine knots
only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting jJ 1, -i“3
Liter to eject its morbid matter, then on the stnm *?
bowels to carry off that matter, thna accomplish'
purposes offectunlly, without any of the painful
experienced in the operations of most fnttnr/' ■*'?
strengthens the system at tiio same time that it cn ' fi
and when taken dully in moderate doses, will : s
and build It up with unusual rapidity. e& tV-i
The Lttee Is one of the) [principal rtL-ulator.l
human body; and when it. perforins its function. ■' t
the powers of tho ejstcmi ,uro fully develoi*,!
ttomach Is : almost entirely: I dependent oa theh J*!
action of tho Liter for the ; p2| proper portbnnanc* , : i
functions; when the stom-t ,ach is at Ctult, the
are at fimlt, and tho.whdo Q system suffer* In vM
queues of one organ—tho w !Ltveb—haring ceoseti. I
its duty. Por tho diseases that organ, 0n07,( 'I
proprietors has made it bis study, in a practiced'-}!
than twenty years, to find some remedy wlieteaJfi
counteract the many do- ~ rnngements to whi«(.
liable. . OS . .
To prove that this rente
son troubled With Lrvra
forma, has but to toy a bot
taliu < v ■
These Gums remove all
tho system, supplying-in
of bfle,\ invigorating tho
digest well, rtaimao tß*
health tothe whole machL
of the disease efh-cting a
Biuocs Attacks are cur •
rumraut, by tho occa-
One dose after eating is
roach and prevent the food
■ . Only one doso taken bo-
dose taken at
el* gently, and cures Coa-
Ona dose taken alter each
lleve Sick Osman.
One bottle taken for <e
tho cause of the disease,
' Only one dose immediate.
One doee often repeated
Mouses, and a preventive
. 49> Only one buttle la
system the eflbcta of medl*
49T Ono bottle taken for
lowness or unnatural color
One, dose taken a abort
▼lgor to the appetite, and
One doee often repeated
ita wont forma, while Sum
yield almoflt to the first
One* Or taro 'doee* cures
in children: there la no
remedy in the world, as~ it
A few bottles curesDropey
1f« take ploeaure hu re
as a preventive IbrFovor
all Fevers of a Dillons type,
and thousand! are, willing
virtue*. ' > ;
All who use ft aw giving their unanimous testimon;k
Us favor. . ?
*3- MU Water in the month with tha Invigorate*, n
swallow both together. •!
working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures u '
by magic, even thtfirtt dote giting hattfUi and seldomhcn
than one bottle to care any kind of MrerCie
plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dytpeptia to a ednan
Headache, all of nhlclraro the result of a Dibeasid Lnn. I
mat dins Milan peu bottle. |
DB. SANFORD, Proprietor, 31$ Broadway, New tort
Sold by G. W. Kessleb, Altoons; and retaiw h
all Drnggiats; [May 27, ISM.-h'
T'HE great beautifiers so
N Long unsuccessfully sought, I
its original color; covers luxuriantly the Wd he*d:r*]
moves all dandruff, itching outfall w scald head ul
aQ eruption*; makes the hair soft, health/ and gioMTjus!
will preserve it to apy imaginable age;. remove*, u if b
magic, all blotches, 4e„ from the foccand cures all ntmii
gta and nervous headache- Seo circular and the foDuaic;'
Dover, N. BUTtb. 2U,18i: j
P«op. O. J. Woon A Co.—Gents r Within a few d»vi „
have received sbmany orders andeallsfor Prof. o. J.Woofi
Hair Restorative, that today we were compelled to Mole
Boston for a quantity, (the « dozen you forwarded all Wq
sold.) while we might order a quantity from you. £srj
hotUe we have told ttemt to hare produced ih+te or fantn
customers and the approbation,' and patronage it reran
from the most substantial and worthy citizens of euro
einity, fully convince us that it is A HOST VALCUBU
Sand us ae soon asimay be one gross of ft size; 3&J on
dozen $2 Size; eUd believe us vours very reenedtfttlhi •
s (slguwl) DANIEL LAXHOKP 4 Co,
Hickory Grove St. Chari** Co- Mo„ Nov. W, ISA I
Pmor. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir: Some Ums last rummer a!
were induced to use some of your Hair Bestoratirr, utl
ltd effects were go wonderful, wo fed it oar dot? tom
and the afflicted, to report it. I
Our little son's head for eomo time had been pcr&tilij
covered with sores, and some called it ocald head. Or I
ha<t almost entirely came off In consequence, *hen afrifri, ]
seeing* hi* sufferings, advised u* tp use your UestoriUtil
wo did so with little hope of success, hut, to dur rurpnnl
and that of all our friends, a very few applications renvoi
the disease entirely, and a now and luxurlcnt crop of Mi
soon started out. and wo can now soy that our boy bu s j
healthy a scalp, and its hnurient a'crop of hair uu)|
other child. *Wo can thewfow, and do hereby nt'oranttij
your Kestoratlvc, as a pcrfcctreniody for aii disease* tflit i
scalp and hair. We aio, yours respectfully, i
_ . _ , , Gardiner, Maine, June lf*i I
\iE3° T ’ Wooh—Dear Sir: I have used two lotting
Professor Wood’s Hair BeatoratiT'e, and can tndy MviOi
the greatest!discovery of the ago Sir restoring andchasgai!
the Hair. Before twine it X was! 4 man ofsTrcntj. Mj
Hair has now attalnedlts original Color. You can neoe
mend it to the world without the'least fear, os mrcwl
was one of the wont kind. !
. Yours BespectftiUy,
0. J. Wood ft Co., Proprietors 312 Broadway, Now Tort,
(in thamatN Y. Wlro BaUlhg KstablishmonU ShdlH
Market Sr., St. louts, Uo. . ■
Yorwle by Q. W. KfiSSIEB, Altoona, and hy all pd
[June * My
Pomatums,.Hair Oih,Cologncis, tm
“ported and domestic; Oriental
Drops, Cosmetics, Prangz
panni Sachets, I
Toilet Soaps, Xfair
Brushes, tooth
Dressing Combs, Pocket Combs,
Purses, Water r ftc,,. s<?.,
J«no 24,1858.-tf
606 and 608 Market Street, I
Terms~sl.26 Per Day.
July 1, 1858.-4*. W ‘ I**"*™-
ofl 1 30a Pi And Soap Powder for Within?. <•*
pound equal to six of common Soap; OMtfie Soap, P»®
otfc -> on hluld "Klfcr *•!« « * ,
June 10, • A. KOCSIi’J
KJ NEBTA—ft cooling Cathartic, mild in iti opera**
and aeiwable to the taate, prepared and for sale by
June .4,1858,-tf A. ROCSU, Drvogi*-
V/ Linseed Oil, Spirlta of Turpentine, White IraJ
Alcohol, for sale cheap at A. fcorSiTS-
terminating BATS, MICE, ROACHES, AST** 5 :
ited-bugs without danger In Its u»o under but drew*I*' 1 *'
:«*, for sale at the Drug Steve of
Jan. 24, ’M-tf] r
FAMILY FLOUR fljr tnlf, Whol"s*le
Apply to, ' _• , \t. r BHOEMAKKR-
Iiwv u. uc>e-if v Ti-a’P I '-
dy bat last found,
OOXmiHT. inm r Z
tie, aud conviction I,^
morbid or bad natter tU
tMt Place a
stomach, earning
■won, giving toarj
nenr, removing the a?
radical core*' *
ed, Alas what is u*J
akmal use of tbelna*
sulßetant to relieve »w
from rising and murai,
fora re tiring,
night, loosen* the the),,
titksts*. . “
meal will cure DynM I
ipoonsftil will aSw»3r,
male obstruction re*,
and make* a perfect [
ly relieree Cholic, «kv
b a litre core for CSo*
ofCuoma. ■
needed to throw oat ef&l
cine after a long »M»n |
JADKDioa removes tiuj
from ttw skin. .
time before eating
makes the food digest w
cures Chronic Diarth* J
mcr sad Bowel conpuu
dose. ■ ■ ■ !
attack* caused by
surer, safer, or
by exciting the aheorbj
comnttfoung the me&jJ
and Ague, Chill Fexer/iJ
It operates with
to testify to 'Sts wosdnft
: .-‘i
'■'A. ROUSH, Drvgjiti-
a. iv, kesslk 5
local I
jgj TJyioK Camp Mutiny
ing now in progioss in B 1
Branch Road between thla ]
barg, has thus for been wc
train running from this stt
has been wcU filled with p:
day morning last, there v
t he train, all crowded to th
Orersoren hundred tickets
gee in this place, for the
quite a number paid their
is supposed there were ore
tons on the train. Over f
were sold at the Hollidays!
that morning. The train i
tween each station and the
the day, and was well fill
camp is located on good gn
ant grove, the only draw I
absence of water. A good
famished by persons engog
During the morning son
tho ground appeared to be
order was observed. At 1
Riley, of Pittsburg, dcllvo
beautiful discourses to whi
our good fortune to listen,
ful logician, a finished ora
and bids fair to mako one <
and useful divines in our
on Sabbath would loose no
With those of SpurgeOn, t
tiou" preacher.
Wo observed a now feat
number of those in attends
Sunday, suggested, we pm
ty heretofore experienced i
at-the Camp Meetings nt Ti
which wo considered a very
against like failures on thl
n to tho introduction of the
a basketful or pocketful
doubt that many would hi
day had they not been thus
there were three or four I
ground, tho rush was so
that it was ahpoat impossi
the table, and the rates <
that many persona could no
should they have been nbl
la all directions around tl
parties of from three to n
• log, stump or a cloth sp
partaking of their repast,
much of the celebration' oi
The featoro is a a
universally adopted. It w
; hidden of» heavy charge,
for them to feed all their
on the ground, even thouj
witling to d? so.
Good orderjirevailcd upon
' put the day and evening.
’ remember of ever having at
log at which there pas belt
XbeOnly concision or d'u
Was occasioned about nino
ing; When, owing to n mi
the time the train would le
toona, that pari of the c<
place rose up and left th
the whistle of the iocomo
ter was yet speaking.
’ According to the arrum
break up to-morrow u'onr.
Disibxsaixg Accident
again called upon to ch
taart-tickenlng, blood-cru
tithonghcommon to nil 1
raUroads,and whoso fret
calculated to reader us c»
nltud(e and teachings, ore
to ottr mind nod we can
withoiita shudder. The
case ace as follows:—Ou
M the locomotive which
« grant Train up the mount
this station, when near
nogtaeer observed someth
which ho mistook for a c
prooehitg nearer, be fot
between the cross tics, th
beingldw'and allowing I
hid between thejties. He
his engine and the firemi
could not check it ui
passed over the ol||cc
’afaa fbjiud to he a
severed fron
evidently been lying ou t
of the accident was given
tiding In the vicinity who
assisted in placing the cot
Which it was brought to
In the warehouse of the
qtity the body was foun
Uns Maher, a miner at th
Ms & Co., on the mount
On Monday afternoon,
inquest on tlio body. A
.’«s who had seen and cou
1 cd a few minutes previou
tified that he was under
and Uis supposed that
the ties and was unable '
down and fell asleep. V
who are in the habit of
quors. Will it be hcedei
dance with the above fat
jury, entirely exculpatin'
blame in the matter. T
charge of Mr. Geo. B. (
ced in a coffin and dccen
olic graveyard, on Mond
ceased leaves a wife and
their loss.
Yotin Attentwk to t
Of Cold with a continual
ting of mucous and phlc
lungs, is truly very, am
»ng annoying, are usual
s aeated bronchial disease
denniae the constitution
waders will be pleased
L and speedy remedy for
L !.f r r Syrup.’
- 1 Kc9»lcr, in tbi-*