The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 19, 1858, Image 3

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    .so in Westers Mexico A b><>
dished in the N. O. Trqo Delt*-
uly 9th, from Maianlllo, mJan
)f Mexico, about three hnnffij
Acnpulbo, and not very disjeut
ye: “A moat desperate battle
e i.’d inat., near Colima, between
ips and tho Church forces;
b nothing on record in tbe'his
of this country which enneom
tho Church army lost eightbnni.
J three hundred deserted in a
icir whole loss 1,100 men in the
aura. The Federal party logt
:nt the ilboral or Federal party"
it it is becoming a desperate
s the last hope of the Chunk
lail, as they must, it will entire
influenoc in Mexico. The vie*
ititlcd “ the army of the West,’*
ad under command of General
s well known by his soubriquet
ig.” A report has roadbed us
engagement near QudaUiara. in
ISCO.” . r
> his House Exoklsiok.—The
of this horse is nqtrae. Be*
sgan, 111., a man rose up in the
id Han he would bet him $lOO
ot make his hone jump: from
was‘descending. Dan stopped
descent, and told the inan to
nth his $100; they Wen five
ig the matler. Then Dan tarn*
told 4 the horse to jump. The
heard the command than he
iped off, sinking up to his knees
1 which the ring was composed
; of his legs in the mud caused'
he gave a groan, but wasieoon
;ain. Dan says he has perform*
: since, and lias seen nothing to
Imrt in the least He returned
v Sucker, telling him that be
than he knew what to do .with,
vuut his money. The manre
ers of the audience andcheera
rim Plague.—When we stated
t authority of a friend that a
p of buckwheat by liav&ff the
ught hyperbole was exhausted;
the past week (hat at some
'heater . Valley Railroad, the
insects falling upontbe rails
wheels os to very seriously
of some of tit? trams ; and.the
up and killed -on the oshpaas.
* have been’ prodig'ioup. In
t Valley afew days since, we
nee that it would havebeen
pace unoccupied as large os
i some places they have seri
- com, and we haw them eat
> on tins cars They appear
fancy for the sunshine, and
,icrch upon the sunny side of;
okiug, lor all the; world, dike
Xorrutown Republican.
' o m I'onTAB lb. —John Flaoni- '
on board the steamer Empire
liver line, wliile the boat was
of New York one daylast
take a nap in a coolplace,
>n a plank inside the house of
heels. \Vhen he awblpe the
tl on her daily trip, ahd the
ng water all over him.
worse, the door of the wheel j
ocked, and the noise of ihe
prevented his cries for help
All night he bad to remain
half famished with, hunger, -
h thte coldest of water, and.
ting, for assistance, and ways
arriving at Fall river, lie
! a Uke posltion for a comfort
time. -' ’ >
nt arrest of a ifion In QUo,
argeil with making spurious
ic arrest of another in Phila
imsclf Krippo, and the finding
sed to him, containing a re
cord ■ county, Pennsylvania,
r counterfeit money. Xjiis
il in terms which,.leave no
■actcr. The writexsays .that
>f first-class,' reliable men en
ig the spurious money, and
ursc of some operators, who
ioys and careless persons.-
tlic writer, are postmasters,
luwyea, men of character and
o can use the money in their
causing suspicion. The letter
■r important information.
Vinnuiu—At Payton, Vir
i:tst., a man hy the name of
k too freely of whisky, and
rous. lie attacked several
intention; jia he said, to “see
k ’ hut the people were too
X took him to the mill dam
kiug, after Which thy painted
a let loose, when he again
:prcdati<|hs Ho was again
5 the dam, and cooled off.
i home, ' where he whipped
iod everybody. The Crowd
ie street in front of huuhoiut,
*k among them. They then
riddling the windows, doors
0 quieted down, and rested
idius of twenty-five miles of
ciputcd that there aye 2,500
roted to the culture of grapes,
is the average of wine pet
1 gallons, equal to five hun
ms as the whole crop for the
vrorth, fresh from the press,
iiure of the grape crop is,
y loss to the cultivators and
hy a communication in the
'-hat to the general loss of
iples, peaches, &c., in Ohio,
the grape is to be added.
—- 1 -'T t r >
Votu of IB6o.—Tho elector
nsistcd of two hundred will
Che admission of Minnesota
umber to three hundred, and
Oregon be admitted, the cn
•(.e hundred and six, requi
nd fifty-four for a choice of
:e three hundred and six,
iundred and twenty from tho,
, and one hundred and eigh
i-binveholding States.
se profits mado in tho Afri
) be inferred from the case
av/tCjn, which recently landed
a, but of GOO taken on board
of Africa; the rest having
the captain, mate and all
r. The amount received fat
► have paid the expenses of
cost of the vessel, which, M
was burned.
Tuaue—The N, y. Evmnst
3oods Trade is gradually be*
■’ an o the market generally
ko old, times. Tho dealer#
clions arc much freer, Aid.,
up they feel more willing tO
accommodations. rh* m: ■
c v. c l -stocked wick
If (dy.Ur ' .%
pMKB ©fc*.
x union camp meeting. .
wWbehr Circuit and Hollidajßburg and
SUUons will hold a Camp Meeting, at
AUo £wfnroTe midway between Hollidaysburg
«" FW*>?2olh«.d
26th t day of Auguat next.
neopte of Birmingham, Williams-
WStogdon «nd other adjoining Circuits,
invited to join with us. _ Mmis
“lT2S members of other denominations are
HZ SrdiaUy invited to pitch their tents withus.
4 mrtieinate in the exercises of the occasion,
jnd participate in QEO , G UYBR, P. E.
JOHN H. C. DOSH, , )
July 21,1858.
Tns Luhab Oil.—That the|Lunnr Oil end
Lamps are bound to come into general use, must
be evident to every person wh|o will take the
piing w examine? the gnat saving' of money
I which will accrue from its use ajid the superiors
1 light which it affords. We herd add an experi
ment made by Br. C. 7. Hirst,! of this, place,
which fully demonstrates its onoapness,' when
compared if ith candles or burning fluid:
A Land Lamp filled with Lunar'Oil was lit
sod allowed to bum for 12 hours. At the end
of that time the oil was taken out and measured
«nd it was found that 3} ounces only had been
'consumed. Then, if 8$ ounces burn J 2 hours,
lOJounCes, or 1 pint, will bum nearly 60 hours.
If ’this be .so, one gallon willbnm 480 hours,
which is equal to 20 days, or four hours perday
for 120 days. At $1 per gallon, jthc cost would
Ik n little over fifth of accnj per hour, say
Lours for one cent 1
Mr. John Shoemaker, of this place, has pur
chased tl# right for the sale ,of U o Lamps and
Oil in the counties of Franklin, Ik Jford, Mifflin,
fentre, Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria and Som-
Cl tet, and has established the general depot at
iiis store.
The Public Schools.— The exhibition of
I teachers' and applicants for the j Üblic schools
in this place, came off in. the West Ward School
| House, on Thursday Last There were over
[thirty persons present to be exam! ted.
On Friday cvcnjpg the School Di
.nctors met and made the following appoint
ment of teachers for the schools Jtixis borough
for the ensuing term:—
East Ward—No. 1. John Jlutherf >rd.
’ “ 2. Miss Priscilla EM. McCrum.
| “ 3. Mr. M. Q: ( raw ford and
Miss Kate Gwinny
tVtar Ward—No, 1. Mr. J. -K. Ko msmnn.
, “ 2. Miss CurrancyT. Benedict,
i. 3. Mr. M. K. ■ Villiams and
Miss Nannie Gall raith.
Miss Benedict hospot yet accept ed the school
r ffcrctl her, andftiefc may therefore be a change,
which will be announced pozt wed;.
Tub Camp Meeting.— The Cimp Meeting
I which commences to-morrow, on the road be-
I mccn this place and Ilollidiytburg, promises
I . be well attended by the members of the dif
ferent charges.* The reduction of fare on the
lUilroad, between Huntingdon and Johnstown,
to excursion rates, together with tjie close prox
i imily of the camp to the Branch ijoad, and the
conveniences in point of accommodations in the
lijjc of eating and sleeping to b<| had in this
I ; l\cc and Ilollidaysburg by a few ininutes ride
on a train which will run tp and from the camp
three time a day, will induce many persons to
Ut least attend who would otherwise be com-
I pellet] tdfcKtay away. . - |
Rcr.iyiEXTAi. Orriutus.—The following arc
the appointments of the Regimental Staff Offi
mto for the Ist Regiment in the 4th Brigade,
ll'ith Division P. U. M.: \
l)r. U. W. Christy, Surgeon, with the rank of
[Major; Dr. John Feay. Assistant Surgeon, with
the rank of Captain; Capt. Pl H. Ilofius, Judge
[Advocate vfith the rank ofMnj r; Ist Lieut. J.
F- OaterMch, Adjutant; C. it. Hostetler, liegi
hicnul Quarter Master, with; the rank of Ist
Non-Commissioned Staff:—Lo-
B-ciizo D. White, Sergeant Major, Frederick E.
bbimiel, Drum Major. i .1
[ Jiy order of JAC6b lII<3GINS,
. Lieut. Ctrl. Commanding. ■
J- C. Ostehloii, Adjutant. ' r
I IxroBTAST Isformatios.— A notice has just
jhccn issued by the Superintendent of the Penn-
Pjlyania Railroad to the effect that on gnd af-
r er SfPtemhw Ist, passengers can procure tick
pts to and from all regular stations on the road
pt oae-balf cent per mile'less than the rates to
recharged in the care, after that date. Pas
pengers will promote their own convenience anil
wte eiitccn per cent by purchasing their tlck-
| ets befor « taking seats in the cars.
I Especial Notice. —Those of pur readers who
mtb been troubled with Coughs and Colds,
proncbical or Throat Diseases, so prevalent at
Hus season of the year, wo advise to. try one
bottle of a very agreeable medioine called “ Pec
torai Syrnp,” prepared by Pr. Oeb. B. Keyser,
" holcsale Druggist, 140 Wood
r l ’’ is as ! much superior to *the various
postrums with which the country is as
one medicine can be. to another. Yon can get
II it Q. w. Kessler’s. - . ■ V - '
C.Knox, the yonng num em
pi°yed in our ofjjipe a short time since, who was
stacked with of longs, while walk
10g across the street in ,tbe vicinity of the Sn-
Office, died at the residence of
18 bro *er, in f errysvillo, Juniata County, on
Boaday mowing last. He was attacked with
portage on the morning in question, and
Jiei m afewminulos. •
JrfTr Circuit will
old a Camp Meeting, commencing on Friday
loth day of September next, in a beautiful
pore a above the Pennsylvania
J»>lroad Station at Tyrone City. There is an
abundance of exceUont water on the ground
M inisters and people of the M. E. Chnrch. and
® a '' othcr churches of the surrounding neigh
ornood, are respectfully invited to attend,
U. ’
-B. SorrEE— Tho supper given by the la
on UCCtcd^'*h tbo United Brethren Church,
nday evening last, is spoken of by those
LWu? ”* °* te * l^anc ce as a grand affair.—
couid tempt the palate was
t »ndbomA kii R^ nndanCe ' Tbe affair nc Hed >
f m to««to p*ylDg the debt of the
Severe Accideut.—Sites, sonofflarry Maus
of this plhce, and about twelve years of age,
met with a severe accident on Saturday last -
The iqjnrcd lad and several boys about his oira
age hod procured some powder and a piece of
fuse, and were playing “dig ore” back of town.
I The blast was prepared and the fuse ignited;
but not going off immediately, they came to the
conclusion that it hod gone out, when yonng
Mans ventured forward and commenced blowing
the fuse, in the act of doing which it exploded.
Hisface was shockingly bnmed, and it was
feared at first that he would lose both his eyes.
Fortunately Ms injuries were not so serious ns
was apprehended, and with proper care pad at
tention he will recover with a badly scarred
face. Another warning to those lads who are
in the habit of playing , with powder* and one
.which it is to behoped ihey will heed.—Stan
dard. ■ •
Bitten by a Boo.—One day last week, a lit
tle girl, daughter of Wm. Neabit, of &iis place,
was severely bitten on the leg and orin bjr a fe
rocious dog in the yard of Mr. Smith. It ap
pears the little girl attempted to take something
out of a backet which stood In the yard, where
upon the dog broke the chain with; which he
was tied and seised her. With considerable
difficulty the dog wee beaten off and the girl
conveyed home wherever wounds were dressed
and she is now doing well. The dog was after
wards shot and killed.
19* The attention of those who ore troubled
with “ aching voids,” is. requested to the adver
tisement of our yonng friend, Dr. Bittner, who
has now a process for extracting teeth without
pain. This is certainly a very important dis
covery and must make >a fortune for the Br. in
a very short time. A number of those who
have tried the process attest that they felt no
Killed bi Lightning. —An aged man named
Solomon Wolfe, was killed by lightning during
thestorm on Tuesday afternoon of lost week.
Whilst engaged in ploughing in a field, near- Ca
noe ip this county. The electric fluid
penetrated the top . of. his head and passed out
at lue feet, producing instantaneous death.—
Standard. ,
Messrs. Editors: —l saw it stated in the
“ Pen-and-Scissors” column of last week’s Tri
bune, that "Large hoops are now only worn by
the under cruet." Wituout,saying that I endorse
that statement, I will relate a little incident
that occurred recently while travelling by stage,
which is too good to keep. While passing a
certain bouse, a girl, apparently about eighteen
years of age, came running out, and beckoned
to the stage driver to stop. Her hair was hang-
ing in disheveled masses about her naked shoul
ders ; her face and neck were literally covered
with dirt; her hands and anus, ditto; her
clothes, all tattered and torn, were saturated
with grease or something else. She had no
shoes or stockings on her feet. In short, she
was the most filthy looking female I had ever
seen. After talking a short time, with the stage
driver, she banded him twenty-fire cents, and
“Bring me a quarter’s worth of the biggesi
hoops you can find!”
We had to laugh right out, notwithstanding
oiir attempts to prevent it. Of course she had
as good a right to wear large hoops as the rest
of her sex, and I believe she would look just as
well in them top, after she would put pn long
stockings to hide the dirt from the vulgar gaze
of the world. PURSER HANSTOBPOF.
B®r» The chief engineer of the Rending rail
road has prepared a comparative table, showing
the per centage of wear and tear, i>hd the pro
portion pf breakage, on the English nnd the
American rails. On the 601 b. nuC the wear’ on
the English was 37 to 47 ; on the American, 14
to 12 per cent; the breakage on the English, 1
bar in 89 to 1 in S 2, and on the American 1 bai
rn 427 to lin 843. It is stated that the cur
rent purchases of cheap rails in England, for
American roads,' are made one-third cinder and
slag. The refuse of former forgings and cas
tings is thrown into the new work, and the slag
dud binders, in which the proportion of silicia
renders the iron wholly unfit for purposes re
quiring strength and solidity, are reworked
with a shore of new iron, to fill the American
contracts at low prices. Boiler plates ore also
manufiiotared .of iron of the most inferior de
scription. s
Effects or tub Cbev asses —The New Or
leans Picayune, in reviewing the effects of the
recent floods, remarks the town of Gretna is still
under water, with the exception of a couple , of
squares. It says:—“The greater part of the
town presents a singular spectacle of deserted
houses standing in a lake, .the streets only
markedly the lines of .the dwellings. Fish
gfwabol in deserted parlors. The minnow, pat
and -buffalo disport in the streets, immense
schools of the smaller denizens of the river pan
be seen eyery where, darting along the sidewalks,
phasing each other among garden shrubbery,
now dying out by drowning, ami: biding in |the
basements.” ' 1 r '•
The public offering of the Michigan
swamp lands, at Lansing, closed on the sth.
Of the 5,000,000 acres pffcred'at public sale,
only 24,938 acres wore sold, amounting in the
aggregate to $81,615. Over 50,000? acres of
these lands were taken by settlers, within GO
days after the passage of the act, which, added
to the late sale, over 75,000 acres. The unsold
lands can now he entered at $1.25 per acre, one
quarter down, balance in ten years at 7 per
cent, annual interest Mach of the lands ore
said £o be of good quality.
Each miner at Frazer river must procure
a licence which permits him to dig for gold three
months. For this he pays twenty-one shillings
(about five dollars our money.) A single claim
is twelve feet square or one hundred' and forty
four square feet extending to low-water mark.
Sunday digging is not permitted. The Victoria
Gazelle says that bacon at Fort Hope, a point of
debarkation on the river, sells at seventy-five
cents per pound.
A Friend thus describes i his summer’s
fn!r n v Dg operation: "The bugs ste up our
Sw®* th * ohickcns ate up the bugs, tho
in hnnn* * cats n. te U P the chickens, and wo are
Si K now eat ’the cats.’’-
It is supposed the* paired ol 1,18 timc '
For the Altoona Tribune.
: ipar The ‘Detroit Fro© Press says that the
injuries inflicted upon U. 8. Senator Chandler
by the, recent gas explosion at his residence’
will disfigure him permanently, and in a marked
manner. His face will suffer most from the
ravages of the fire—the lips, forehead and nose
bearing eviden traces of it which will remain in
the form of soars. The hands are badly burned
so much so that a large portion of the skin came
off in dressing the wounds. Mr. C. is doing as
well as can be expected, however. His little
daughter will bear some scars on her forehead
and perhaps upon one of her cheeks. Her in
juries are more slight than any of the other
persons however. The two men who were in
jimed, at Hie same time, will soon recover, but
wiH each bear the scars of the disaster through
life. Their worst bums are on their faces TKsv
are both doing well, and will soon be about
, The wife of a citisen of Zanesville. O
has given birth to five children, under the fol
lowing extraordinary circumstances: She ins
brought to Üborat the apparently proper time,
and wm delivered of two children. Three days
thereafter she was delivered of two more, and
on the Fourth day she had the fifth child. What
”?. t J e f I trao V iinary ofaU » the physicians pro-
a sixth of which to be re-
. SSN Thejatest Mexican news shows that the
cml war there raging has become much more
sanguinary than any that has heretofore occur
red m ,|tbat country. Their battles are more
are dealt with
more harshly than heretofore. This would seem
to indicate desperation on the part of the church
P*3f» F hoae and annihilation is again
predicted. But there is not the least prospect
that a ctable government will succeed it.
i * 8 stated that the people of the City
of London sent by post 82,000,000 more letter
daring the lasi ten years than all the people of
the United States, although the population of
is ten times greater. Of the 950'.
P°sted in London, more tlmn
490,000.000 were for circulation within the lim
its of that city.
A Voice from Blair County
The; Blair County American Gduven'
tion haying adjourned without giving an
expression as to the choice of their con
stituent for Congress, the Delegates have
addressed the following to the Conferees,
to wit:
To the Congressional Conferees of Blair
Couhty, elected by the American Con
vention :
Gentlemen Permit .us to recom
mend to your support, as a suitable can
didate for Congress, John Brotiierline,
Esq. )Vc hope you will bring his name
before the Conference, and if possible, se
cure his nomination by your votes and in
fluence. Yours respectfully,
John H Stiflcr
Isaac Hooper
Edward B Tipton
Allen D Smith
Archibald Rankin
George Koon
London Reeve
Job Barefoot
Monmouth paper says, “in another
column will be found the certificate of onr fel
low townsman', James W. Davidson, Esq., to
Prof. Wood. This is another of the numerous
instances where it has changed gray hair to ra-
Vten ringlets, and bald scalps to waving locks.
Let any who stand in need of this valuable rem
edy give it a fair trial.”
Caution.— Beware of worthless imitations, as
several are already in the market, called by dif
ferent names. Use none Unless the words (Pro
fessor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St. Lou
is, Mo., and New are blown in the bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine
dealers. Also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods
dealers in, the United States and Canada. See
advertisement in this week’s paper.
Thb Best Cough Medicine.—One of the
very best Cough Medicines to be found any
where, is Dr. Koyser’s Pectoral Syrup, sold by
G. W. Kessler, at 60 cents per bottle.
1 J 13th iiwt, between Shultz's and the Logan House,
two Paw Books of no value but' to the owner. By retur
ning them to the Post Office, tbojßnder will be suitably re
Aiigiipt, IP, St.
George JCopp
Samuel Cruse
L F -Butler
James Malone
Frazer Harlin \\
Daniel Shock
D 11 Lingenfclter
Jacob Zeth Jr
Daniel F Becglc
George P Kelly
Samuel Furncy
John Trout
James Coleman \
Douglas McCartney
Abraham Loudon
i John Wesly
John McFarland
Wm II Plumcr
John Tate
. George L Cowcn
Jacob L Martin
John C Biddle
Samuel II Shiffler
£ Burket ,
Isaac Tingling
Theo A Stacker
J L Reifsneider
Thomas McMinn
William Fox
Daniel Price
Benj F Burley
Levi Riling ,
George F McCabe
Andrew' Green
James R Patton
James Williams
Wm C Kean
Alfred Canan
Jaa A Freeman
Geo A Jacobs
John M Barbour 7
Joseph Barr
; Francis Henry
• Jacob Mclntyre -
John S Heffler
Franklin Snyder *
M H JoHy [
A G McCartney I
Win R Maxwell
Delegate* 1
Tan Panic —Mens FAixunhs.— -The panic In
New York scents to be on the increase. : In thin
city everything goes on Smoothly. ami the only
failures wo have heard 6f jrere the fiulSiresto
famish good fit? made by some Inffertolr olothing
establishments.: There » no. suoh difitehltfe to
he encountered\ by those who patironike ihe
Crown Stone Clothing BaQi Of ftockhill & Wil
son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above
sixth. Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at. thia.popular establishment.
i advertisement jof Sr. Sandford’s
;GOEATOR irianother column.
B®. See
Celebrated Female Pills.
Pnpareijhmfpnter&io* tfSirJ. Clarkt, M.
tida* J&Oraontinarg to Ute Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing In tho cure of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con*
stitotion Is subject. It moderate* - all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy core iuay be relied on.
to maxim laoiz*
it is peculiarly suited. It will, inja short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
feach bottle, price one dollar, bearil the Government Stomp
of Greet Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These PSt* should not he tale* by/emale* dieting the Jirti
three worth* Pregnancy, at they ore cure to bring On Mis
carriage, but at <tny other time they Ore safe, *
In aU cases of Nervous and Spfoal Affections, Fain in
the Back and tijnbs. Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysteric* and these Pills will effect
a cure when all hther means have {foiled, and although a
powerfhl remedy, do hot contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full direction* in the pamphlet hround each package,
which should be jcarefolly preserved!
Sole Agent for jcho United States apd Canada, .
JOB MOSES, (late I. ID. Baldwin h Co,)
[ j Rochester, N. Y. l
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamp* enclosed to any an
thoriscd Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pilli
by return mail. | >
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; Also, for
sale by all Druggists. j [June 3,1858.-ly.
“ Extra,
Corn Meal,
Dry Apples,
Batter, -
ft bbl.
% cwt.'
V bush.
« “
9 n>
ft «
ft “
« a
9 dot.
M’Lain A Lehr
White Wheat Flol
iscll their Flour at the following rates:—
•nr. Extra Family. ‘ I » bbl. *6,18
“ Superfine, “ ' 6.50
If Superfine, “ 6,18
Salt $2,00 and $2.10 'per barrel.
1“ 1,75 “ 1,80 “ sack.
Alway on lutnd.
Fxtra Family Flour,
Superfine Extra, best quality,
On the 12th insi., at the house of Mr. Thomas Rlway. by
Her. S. A. Wilson, Mr. B. P. LAMASON to Miss IRENE
BAER, all of Altoona.
With the above notice we received a Ron's shore of the
good things which graced the festal board, for which we
return the happy {donors our warmest thanks, and express
the hope that they may ever bo as kindly dealt with by
fickle fortune os we have been by them. May their Joys
bOjgreat, their prosperity unbounded, their lives long and
their death’s triumphant.
On the 10th instant, in Logan township, D. JAMES, son
of Jonathan and Mary Ann Christian, aged 1 year, 11
months apd 87 days. ’
fjp.Lv/ the Lpgan House, Al lOOllO4 Pa,; a tan-colored
POINTER DOG, “TIP.” Whoever will return said doe
shall receive the above reward.
Aug. 19,1868.-lt
v T DY Dental Surgery. A young maji of good edu
cation and strict moral habits, will bo taken on reasonable
terms. Apply to | WJI. S. BITTNER, D. 8,
Ang. 19.1858-tli] Altana, Pa.
Teeth Extracted without
PAIN.—Dr. WM. S. BITTNER4 Dental Surgeon,
would inform thoqe who so much dread the surgical opera
tion of teeth extracting, that be can now remove them
without pain. Ills process luts proved successful in all
cases in which ho has tried it. Give him a call and test the
science.. i [Aug. 19,1858.-tf
Nebraska. —now is the time
TO INVESjT.—The undersigned is fully prepared to
enter Government Lands In the Omaha land district. Sole
ef lands to commence on the Cth of September next, and
continue for two weeks. All lands entered daring sale to
bo paid for in Gold—alter the sale Land Warrants can bo
used. I
Nebraska is bping rapidly settled with a hardy and en
ergetic set of Burners. Good lands can be secured at and
after the public bole, near large settlements. All yon that
want to invest, wig do well to send on your .Warrants soon.
Warrants and dra ts con bo sent by mail with safety. Let
ters of Inquiry am wered.
Omaha City, An j. 19,1858. ALEX. F. McKINNEY.
BxrattßExcis: -
8011, Johnson,. J ack A Cow Bonkers, Altoona, Pa.
Rev. A. B. Clark, “
Thos. A. Scott, OcnH Supt PcnnV R. R., “
John P. Anderson, Esq, Huntingdon, Pa. 1
i Jnrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safpiy or Economyi
' Every person deUring to obtain the Wy bestandcheap
est portable light [within thbir 'reach, should call at the
store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before
purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon
strate |
Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion.
2d. Tbatthqy emit no offensive odor while horning.
3d. That they )*• very easily trimmed.
4th. That thoy kre easily regulated to give more or lew
Ughfe 1 r
6th. That they burn entirely free from smoko.
6th. That the light is at least ISO per cent, cheaper than
any other light now in common use. 1
These lamps arefodmlrably adapted for the use of Stu
dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches,
Storey Hotels, ans are recommended torfemllyuso!
' The Irarher of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached'to
old aide, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at la small
expense, and wax tower every purpose of a new bmp.
We gnanmtee perfect satisfaction In aD cases. M
Ang°l9, lBßB4L] Q. w. krwit.rr
) HUE FOURTEENTH begin* September U, Ifi&g. ' *"
The Scientific American has now reached its fourteenth
Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the 11th of
September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind
now fawned in this country, and it has a very, extensive cir
culation in all the States of the Union.: it u not, as eome
might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on tech
nical science, on the contrary, ft so deals'with the great
events going on in the scientific, mechanical and industrial
yrorka, ns to please and instruct every one. If the Me
chanic’ or Artlzan wishes to know the best machine in use,
or how to make any substance employed in his business—
if the Housewife wishes to get a recipe for making a good
color, Ac.—if the Inventor wishes to know what is going on
in the way of improvements—if the Manufacturer wishes to
keep posted with the times, and to employ tho host facili
ties in his business—if tho man of leisure and study wishes
to keep himself familiar with the progress made in tho
chemical laboratory, or in tho construction of telegraphs,
steamships, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand
other machines and appliances, both of peace and war—all
these dexidtrata can bo found in the Scientific American,
and not eUe*eh(re. l They arc hero presented in a reliable
and interesting form, adapted to tlio comprehension of
minds unlearned in the higher branches of science and art.
Terms;— -One Copy, One Year, $2; One Copy, 6 Mouths,
$1; Five Copies, 6 Months, $4; Ten Copies, 6 Months, $8;
Ten Copies, Twelve Months, $l5: Fifteen Copies, Twelve
Months, $22; 20 Copies, Twelve Months, $2B, in advance.
Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspection. South
ern and Western money, or I‘ostago Stamp*, taken for sub
scriptions. |
Letters should bo directed to
MUNN * CO, 128 Fulton Street, N. V.
M, Messrs. Mann h 00. arc extcdsively engaged in-]iro
caring patents fjr new Invention*, and will advise inven
tors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their lin
proTcments. ’ f ' ’IA*S- 19,1858.
?. bbl.
Proprietors Logan House.
The subscriber tak e* pleWurolh ottering to the public a
Cooking Store, recently patented, which ia destined to su
percede aD others, as it reqnftea |
than other store and lagoon eaaftjr, quickly add ragniar
ly heated. No unpleasant smell; of gw arises ftamthla
■tore from the &ct that, it la sill consumed ere it can eo>
tap*. There ia no trouble ftottitmolte ak that itOpleaMbt
and often annoying exhalation -:ia also oonettined lurid* of
the stove Neither ia there any ganger of flare or chim
neys becoming cioggod with soot or the mortar loosened by
the gaa arising from coal Area. ;• ,
Persona wUhlng to piuchase rtqree are invited to call at
the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex
amine theabote itotea. :
. Alr iiKstlkr Siair CbMufv.
tf. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Irarior Cooking and Bag
Stoves on hand. [ ' [AugTl2,
C^HnWT I M.*:_ . D. K.AOOD, M.V*
-I/, their profeanioiml wrvieeiptD the rm«.n T of
and vicinity in the aeveral brandtoa of
Oonntry cells regularly attended to.
Office, the same u heretofore «espied by Dr. Bint.
By content, D. R. flood rrfen Inf
J. H. QemmilL M. D., Alexandria, Pa,
J. B. linden, M. D„ Huntingdon, >
JLVi BEER SALOON.—The subeoriber would fespcctflally
announce that ho will keep constantly on hand, at his saloon
Under the Templfi)
a supply of refreshments, such os Cakes, Oheeae, Sardine*.
Pretzels, and an excellent article'of LASER BEJULmaao
fimtnred at the Altoona Breweryi vihkh Is pretaoaneed the
best in the country. His saloon la fitted up in good style
fbr the comfort and accommodation of hb patrons, and he
bones by strict attention to their tnints to merit and receivo
a Cur share of patronage. . I ’
LIME! LIME! LlME!—Duncansville
Lime Kilns, near UolUdaysbnnr, Pa.
The subscriber has now in operation, four large Lime
.Kilns, producing dally large quantities of the \
He Is prepared to fill all orders- from 1 bushel to ten
thousand bushels, at the lowest rates,
D ’f&T L T e delivered at any poll* On the Pennsylvania
Kail Rood; also, at Altoona, or any 1 point.ld the surround
ingcountry, by wagon, or at thoiKiln, Address.
t ,• „ t J JAMES FUNK,
June 1~-6m] Baft Co. jfr.
hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore ex
utmg between the undersigned, twdlng ss the firm of T.
* Co, w dissolved by [mutual conacnt.on’the
Ist day of May, 1868. The boohs jof the firm have been
placed in the hands of John Shoemaker, in Altoona, for
collection, to whom oil persons; khowlng themselves in
debted will make Immediate payment,
$5 50
5 00
4 76
Aug. 12,1858-31]
Thn tom,, v ONLY $32,60 Plfc QUABTSB.
Tho terms of this school are so low 'and the privileges
enjoyed hero so unusual, that mahy bvenat a groat distance
find it to their advantage to pattonlze It in preference to
schools now home. All Branch®), both useftil andor
nmnentol ire taught. Students of both sexes and all ages
ore received. The whole one student tor a year '
°T^ r .^ 90 - t 4 be sent to any ono
desiring it. Address John D. WaWh, Cassviile, Hnntihg-
Jon county, Pa. ; [Atlgiist IMm.
XIL Notice is herobyjjlven that letjtera of Administration
on tho estate of Abchibau) McCsoi&ur, late of Altoona.
Blair county, decM, have been grahMd by the Register, tel
to the undersigned, residing far said county. All per-'
sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate arere
qnested to make immediate payment; and those having
claims against it will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. ' JOIIN'TtiOTJT, 1
i I Adm’rt.
July 1,1868.-6 t
Light i light n i i i—a
New Lamp has been invented for burning Carbon
OU. The light produced from tbis-j lamp is cheaper and
more beautiful than any now in usd. The oil is perfectly
safe. It will not explode by the accidental breaking of
the lamp and by use in this lamp is devoid of smelL It
only costs from a third to half a cvni per hour- The lam ns
and oil are tor sale by 3 I , -■ ■
July 29,df] I G. W. KKrtar.Rn
G v/ travel In the Western and? sj
ry $3O a month and all expenses pal
honorable. None used, apply tbat'CS
cate of good moral character. A<tdrl
Aug. 12, , ;rt
ill all persons, not to pay moniy
person on onr account, nnless the Jin]
same can produce a written cortlficai
July 15.1855.-3 t ARMgfi
House and store-room fob
KENT —A Home and tot and also a Bfore-Rootni
ng White Hall Hotel, are oKhd Ibr rent on
'bWo terms. They will be rented separately or together, u
may best salt renters. Apply to 5- i WM “
August 8, 18SB-3t*] . - -
Mouse and lot for sale.—
The subscriber offers at Private Hale, a cood Two-
PLANK PRAMS HOUSE a*!) excel&t
usual sizepf lots In Altoona, situateion Katha^ street,
Eart Altoona, formerly occupied bjf Amos Langhlln.
Angdst 5,1858-3t*] * ]j. B. hIIEMAK.
Medicated fur fc
(cartel diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, (Jc
tlons ofthe Lugs, which arise frottttbc
Chest, according tofathion and the (tool
climate, for sale at the Drag Store off
BER has em,hand a few articles of Household Prop.
. tonong whlch aro a couple, of cxceUent STOVES,
:h The articles can
pe seen at J. AJ. Lowtbor’is Store. : \
July i, iBM.-tf • : *wm. mcdowell.
Take notice; that the as
* SEHSMKNT No, 15, made by the Lycoming Mutual
insurance Conjpiny.ln Blair county, Is payable at my of.
Jce. ,Thn Assessment Is » pear cent, ion all notes In force
■ Altoona, July 15, 1868. - Bectirrr.
JJ 60,000 Shingles 50,060 Lathes,
and aHklnda of BUJLDIRO MATERIAL, lower than tbs
lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER.
L Is now prepared to furnish a superior article of
four,made from sound wheat, at thel Crystal Mill.
Orders left with Mr. C. Jaggard wjn bel promptly filled.
June 12, ’56-tf] B a BAKER.
mlngton Bed Nats In etoro and &r sale by
March 23, ’5B-ly] 191 North 5d street, Philadelphia.
Henry lehr’s store is in
John Lehr’s old stand, nearly opposite McCor
mick’s store, in North Word. [June 18,’67-ly.
ALL THE standard patent
Syrup Molasses, at fair prices, at ,
Juno 18,’07-ly] ; j HENRY LEHR’S.
complete assortment of Groceries have Just boon re
ceived at the store of i ! J.B. MILKMAN.
Abdominal supporters, Trts-
.ses, and Shoulder Braces at
I neatly and eapodlcloqsly executed at this office.
f* LASS Bxlo TO 20k!
to order by
puthcrn State*. gala
d. Business cosy and
mnot tarnish a certifi
es, with stamp,
|t Vermont.
lor giro stock to any
[▼Mnal demanding the
p of agency ftom ns.
>lds, and other afltc
) exposed state of the
Unoal change* ofont
r a
than any other medlclni
only i VitAartic, bnl a ttftr remedy, actinic ftrat mJS.
Z*cer to fejcet its morbid matter, then on the stomach and
bowels to fenny off that matter, thus acronirHshtn* tn
purposes effectually, without any of tbo painfulMtan
experienced to the operations of most tatAurtfei lt
strengthens the system at the same time that it puma »•
and when taken daily In modoratn doses, will Strengthen
and buhd it upwith unusual rapidity. ~
The Lrvia Is ouo of the principal regulators of tbo
human body; and when it performs Its function! Well,
the powers of ihe system . t are fully developed. -XEo
stojtort U almost entirely on the heoltliy
action of the Zivcr fur tho Uj propefe performance ef ita
functions; when tho atom- ach is at.fault, the bowels
•r? fault, and tho whole system 'Buffers in cottas,
° r ° no orgah—the J"' Livta—having ccoaed to do
*. or the diseases of that organ, one of the
**** maJ ? 11 hl» ™ study,in a praetk-eof toot*
than twenty years, to find some remedy where wltnto
cotmteract tho many de- which It !•
To prove that this reme W dy is at last found, any pec
son troubled with Liven -JcWuint, in a2y rf*iu
forms, has but to try a hot- VJ tie, and convicthi fa cec
These Gums remove all
the system, supplying In
of bUd-, invigorating tile
digest welh purifting the
health to the whole machi-j
of tho disease— effec titlg a
Bilious Attacks arc Cur
numwiiD, by tho occa-
One dose alter eating is
wch and prevent the food
Only .one dose taken be*
Only one dose taken at
els gently, and bores Cos-
One dose token after each
49* One dose of two tea-
Ucrre Sick Headache.
One bottle token for fo
the cause of ths disease,
Only one dose immodiate-
Olte dose often repeated
Mouses, and a preventive
49“ Only one bottle is
system the effects of tnedl
-49“ One bottle taken for
lowness or unnatural color
One doso taken a short
Tigpr to the appetite, and
One dose often , repeated
Us worst forms, while Sum
yield almost to tho first
One or tvo doses cures
in. obiMran; there b no
remedy In the woj-Jd, ae it
A few bottles cores Dropsy
Wo take pleasure iu rc
as n preTontivu for Fever
all Fevers of a Bilious type,
and thousands arc willing
itafovor °S l '* o * their unanimous testimony In
Wlth ,h 0 Inv, B°«tor, and
ia AsqnmrmottßbicAi. discotekV, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to bclltirc. It cures as U
I*? ma & c ’. a *f pitta# henjjlt, artil seldom mote
**“« PP? T**!” *». rcdtUroii to Cute anjr klhd of Liver Com
plalnL frohv the worst JaurUUt or Dt/tveptla to a common
wntatte, all of Which are the roshlt ofa DistASU) t.ivm
S 1 miR Proprietor, 34s Broadway, New York.
~irnhis»li. by G ' W> B*BSUS, Altoona; and retailed l.y
Ixo "Pay*** -1 [May SI, MSA-Jy
lioiig tittiraccossftilly sbtigllt,
*° R J® ®, ES ™ fcKS permanently okAy tIAIR TO
ita origtntf color; coma luxuriantly the huM head;re
moTcs alldandrufl, itching and all acrolhla, icald head and
makesthe hair softjicaithy md glossy; and
'l*M*to»hle ago; remove*/** ff p«
magic,anblptcW Ac_ from the fore and curcs^jl neuraL
and nervous headache. See circular uud the following;
PRW. 0. J- nroon A Co.-Gent»t,Within a few diyawa
have rccoiTod so iqany orders and call* for Pruf.O. J. Wood’*
Hair Restorative, that today we were compelled to send t*
for a quantity, (the 0 dozen you forwarded all being
sold,) while we might order a quantity from yob. iirrS
Sf* pritite*} ttrtc Of-four net*
cwto%f*ttdd thei approbation and patronage il receives
substantial and worthy citizen* dfour vi-
PUE^AR^T^N 1110 ® "* ,hat U 18 A MOaT PAICABLK
**■ o,ie ««*».<*« and on*
dozen $2 ««o; URd believe us your* very respectful!?.
(Signed) DAMEt LATLtORI* 4 (jo.
__* l iS k S r ?J s rowo, SfcCharles tb:.Mo-, Sdk 19: Igjd,
Woob—Dear Sir: Sotnfe tliiio fast summer we
eon ?° °f your Hair Restorative, aul
J°> wonderflil, wo lecl it oar duly to tou
and the afflicted, to report it. 1 I 0"
Our Uttlo son's head for some time had been perfectly
W * th and 6<mMl <» u «l it scald bend. The
ha r almost entirely came off in consequence, when a friend;
M tonseyoul-Rc/tiotttlttfl ;
T Uttl l ot «»cec*». but, id b(ir surprise,
fS?Jfii^ f S. on . r “ Ter Y few aprdfrniloiis removed
““ dlseMeenlirely, and a new and luxitrfent cropnthid?
soon started out. and we can now,say that our but has tt
and ns InsuHeht a brep .of hkirasnl?
other child, ji e can therefore, and do, hereby recotmuend
remedy for all diseases oftha
scalp, and hair. We mo, yours respectftilly,
' ’ W.jnopIXBOTHAM,
_ ' , . ■ Gardiner, Maine, Juno 22,1855.
Prof* O* J. Woon—Dear Sir; I UavQ u*ed two bottles of
professor Wood’e Jlair Batomtive, and can truly say It K
J? 1 ® BWtcat discovery of the Me for restoring andcbangin*
tho Uoir* Before jutqc tt I*wm a ntau of eovruty* Sit
lii odglliAl color. Von can recoin*
mend it to the World without ttio least fear, as my case
wasoneofthe worst kind. *
v Tojnp I^necHuilr,
O T W,wm *rw i - MWrP*- MWH 1 *!?-
bjr ®* Allobn*, ami by allgood
P”*# 8 * 8 -. [JoneS, ISSS-Jy. '
PSBFUII2ST, inch aa
Pomatum*, Hair O*U, Colognes, m». *
ported and domestic ; , Oriental '
Drops, Cosmetics, Frangu
panni Sachets, '
Toilet Soaps, Bair
Brushes, Toaik Brushes,
Dressing Qmbsj Pocket Covtbs,
Danes, Bay Leaf Water, etc., etc., cfc.
Juno 18,1858.-tf.
three belles,
■ ItA ABULAS, ■ ,
fomUVr ' ; A. MOVSH
at rousm's Drug store, >
Ttrginia Street, abort the Lutheran Churfkj
June 24,1858,-tf
\J HIJfQ Sort Soap', and Soap Powder for Washita*; one
pound equal to si* of common Soap; Castile Soap, Pdm
Soap, Chemical Soap, etc, on hand auditor sale at
June 10, 1558.-«f] A. ROUSH'S.
NESIA—a cooling Cathartic, mild In its operation
and agreeable to the taste, prepared and for rale by -
June at, 1558.-tf ■, A. ROUSH, Dntggbt.
Linseed Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and
hoi, for sale cheap at A.HOUBITS
JLi terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and
iea-bngs without danger In its uto under any clrctuoraib*
;os, for sale at tho Drug Store of *
Jan. 24, ’56-tf] O. W. KESSLER.
peto;;n.iSsB-ti. ~0-. jiwouic
morbid or bad batter fans
their place a-healthy flow
stomach, cau-dug food to
blood,. giving toho and
fiery, removing tho cause
radical cure.
cd, AND, WHAT », ssrm,
sfonat twe of the jLrvut Igv
sufficient lo relieve thesto*
from rising aud souring,
fore retiring, prevent!
night, loosens tho the bow
meal will cure Dyspepsia
spoonsful will always r«
[male obstruction remove
and makes a perfect euro,
ly relieves Cholic, while
fa a sure cure for CUOUR
needed to throw out of tha
clue after a long sickness. ,
Jaundice removes all sol*
from the skin.
time before eating givsa
makes the food digest wsll,
cures Chrohlc Diarrhoea Ig
mer aud Bowel complaints
attack* caused by Womh
surer, safer, or speedier
by exciting the absorbents
commending the medicine
and Ague, Chill Fever, and
It operaU* with certatatr.
to testify to iU wonderful