The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 19, 1858, Image 1

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. -' r
by Special erutvurmmt
the lick and distressed, afeeted
me distaste. *
Dieted with Sexual Diseases, tuehaa ,W
fiiakiuts, hnjwttncr, Gonorrheas, mZT
r JmzHtfsi or Oelf Abuse, efc., rfc. • “
ocutjos, lu view of the awful destruction
cd hy Saxttsl Diseases, and the decaiition.
unfortunate victims of such dlasSeVL,
r» two directed their Consulting fiurttnn
vorthy of their name, to open a d££Z/
ent of this class of diseases, in aUlUfth!
medical advice gratis, to Ml who anriv
scriuUon of their condition, (umlooS. *
fe, ic-,) and in cases of
urnith medicine free of eharaef ft S,
t the Association commands tuej|)rh«Bt
ogc, and will furnish the mostaji^iroT
n rcTicw of the past, ft-cl assured thii
sphere of benevolent effort, hs.r«hMU
iho mulcted, especially to t he ttiaZZ
ved to devote themselves, with renewed
iportnnt but, much despised cauo.
y the Association, a Deport on «p»nn n
1. Weakness, the rice of Onanism, M fln
base, and other diseases of the Sexual
suiting Surgeon, which will bo tenth* *
velope). free of charge, on the recefnt It
i for jiostage. .• *
jrt or Treatment, Dr. GEQBQE JUOAL.
Surgeon, Howard Association, NoSa 8
uMphia, I’a. By order of the Directin'
till, Sec\y. v [Dec. **y v r
their friends and the citizens
.1 they have opened a ,"*
y occupied hy John Lehr,
Patton's Hall, where they will he
may favor them with a coil. 1 Thou
select one, eonsisfing of • -f:-'
Feed, Bacon/ • .%
S u gar, , " *7,
Potatoes,; FiahOil,
Oamphcnc, Alcohol,
:!irs and Tobacco. / :
til their goods for the READY CASH/
.!■, persons desiring of
w ill do well to giye them ft c*U, 6S,the/
dliiig advance on first cost,
thing {ml wliat he buys. Om
u’t mute our words pood. : Urn-Tv*
;i;i just n-rclud from Phi la- '
so i North')! celebrated Cook-‘
Tills beautiful Oooklrig Stoven|HM
titi/jn for tlio exquisite etyjo
i rfoct' operation in all respect*. The
(be firebox and Ibo.llnes are M*cnwp
■ u surface will Lake perf clijaud uni
st examination of thb Store mustsat
: will become a oulrersal favorite. ".
'ho llroiox ’ia of good "i|yltT-ilin
oven is capacious 'andia attotffi
one that nmy readily bo rccomiwMw
ry particular, ■
. rio and parlor stores constantly on
Joseph n. mm. <rr
Opposite Vtt AtMfriain Mtidmd,
lON is THE LIKE 6?
y convinced of the tnUt/pf this say.
would respeclfdlly announce to. the
and vicinity, that he has entered
a -I ~ • rf '*
occupied by Michael GoHagW. Im.
he Supon'nb-ndentV OWtci rftiertSe
as usual. Ho has just Motived
rut of ' -v , : ”
and dress suits, which he will, make hi
and at prices which can not nUT tc
received the LATEST STYLES bf ‘ f f
I'. vl he can satisfy th~ most faatlillnia
<t his clothing trill bo made ag well m
In fine, he is determined ihft imh)
on hie Part to render nlisfitctfonta
liira with their patronage. r .I .
ME.— Just Published, Gratis, thcStylh
i Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness. j
i. (ienital and Nervous DlhilUy.Tmu)- ' I
nit to Marriage generally. bjn* v
I that the many alarming ;
•prudence and solitude ofynntH, mar '
ITKOL'T MEDICINE, is In thlsiateaU ’ |
stinted; and the entirely newandUgh: ;
out, os adopted by toe Author, flilly ‘
of which ivory one is enabled' la Off* J
and at the. least possible coat, thereby -I
ertised nostrums of the day. j
w, gratis oud post free in a ! scaled W- I
(post paid) (wopgstagestampstoOr. ]
ist 31st street, hoar York, Cty. I
f'.IKO.XEIX, Merchant Taflor, late of
es' to Inform the citizens o( Altoona
i has leased Uie traiMimf.Whsrairs
u n Hotel and one door SOuthMN*-
i strict, where bp ft novr re^tdringnu
Clothe* of all prices, Plain alidjaac,
'or p inner wear, £ ilk,Satin, VclxirtMsr
of light Summer Vestings, in short,
l)i> called for, ail of wnKdi'tio will
jrt notice, uud on the mosCKosacut-
in the business, ho thinks, will etjs- .
ho may fivor him with theVbtdpts."
v.;>ose to publish aNew.Map.qf sislr
, from act nit] eurveys, coutatnihgMl
uds, Cumß tlie actual lonmtles of
Ron*,* of Worship, JJchoPtHtiwS.
rich, 3lilla. Hotels, Stores,-Vfitm PptJ*-
tlie Principal Villages, a TftflMe 6f
e-a Directory, giving the ninth *pd
riber, trill be engtjaved oo.thojnat
-1 lie to n suitable scale ftp as thmue
al Map. which will beepp/reoand
:y!c, and delivered to
rcppcctfully announces
; na and the public
tismes the Drug bu«ln‘'SfkW^S*® r
• re he keeps constantly
’• s;ile and Retail, DKUGF,
a btifllncas, and a desire to render®it
nls price and quality, ke bepestb
tro of public patronage.
liaata supplied on reasonable ternw,
istance promptly attended to.'
mu carefully compounded, p-tt ;
unal of Crime and Criminals !* B>
I is widely circulated throughout
im all tho. Great Trials, Criminal
JMiforialson the some, together Vrtn
al Matters, not to bo found in MOJ
per annum; $1 for six months, to
e rs, (who should write their Burnt*
ini State where they reside plainly#/
To O. W.' M ATSBLL A CO., - - .
'r. of New York Police Gazette,
Ac* TorkWlf-
ton, Jack & Co.,
IZS&3& '
urg and Altoona*
j ,ld for sale. Collations made.—-
reit, jiayable on demand, without In
to interest, at fair rates. 1 \l-lf-
>. LEET,
AT-LAW,. HollidATS;
I.E.UR COTOTT, PA., ' . „
U ral Courtl of Blair, Huntingo™
and attend promptly to ell fol***? -
(«!Ece (for tho present) at his w*r
' and Penn streets, Hollidsyshuj*'
:ly opposite the Loth***®
da Etnet. fOet. 15-tL ’
IF IF>QaUbaa<»»
51..V111 COUKtV, PA.
and at tho store of J. P- tlilMU*®-
B'jT.-ly '. • r
t *?y
rmbyltrian; Ber. A B. Clark, Pastor.—Preaching or*
«ry Sabbath morning at 10% o’clock, and in the evening at
8 o’clock. Sabbath School at 0 o'clock, A. it, In theLcc
lure Boom. Prayer Mooting every 1 Wednesday evening in
the some room. 1 ■ - ,
iiahocUtt Episcopal, Ber, & A.Wasoy, Pastor.—Preach
ing every Sabbath morning atlOK o’clock and in the even
ing. Sabbath School In tho lecture Boom at 2 o’clock,- P
M. General Prayer Meeting in ferno room every Wednes
day evening. Young Sica’* Prayer Meeting every Friday
'‘’evening. , •
Ixangdiccl Lvtl*ran, (no Pastor.)—Sabbath School In
the Lecture Room at 2 o’clock, P.Jf. Prayer Meetingin
same room every Wednesday evening,
r , United Snt/uroh Rev., D. SP2CK, Pastor.~Preaching or
■ «b Sabbath morning at IUJ4 o’clock and in the evening at
<■'. o’clock. Sabbath Behoof in the Lecture Room U 0
O clock, A. M. Prayer Meeting over* Wednesday evening
iisaaeroom. \ ’f J 6
J Pi’cUsUxnl Episcopal,' Bov, B. W.tuvxa, Pastor.—Divine
Service 3d and 4th Sunday* of each month at 10V o’clock
A. M, and 4 % P. JI. Sunday School at 0 o’clock A. M.
Catholic, Rev. JoHx Twta<iB,'.KiBtor^—Preaching at 1014
i o'clock In the morning, nhd at SVln the afternoon.
BapM, (up Pastor.)—Sabbath School at 9 o’clock, A. If
,1/nwii MdhodUt, Bev. SbOZg Can. Pastor.—Prw»».
,very Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock and in theeveniniTln
old,Cmon School House. w
\>ay aud IloUWaysburgat U 00 A M
Waifora u SOO A*m!
HolUiUyi-burg 6 10PM
Ewtcrn TUrungb Mail gqq u
Westcni Trough. goy «
Eutt.;rn:Tlirongh :MaiL * * ' 83SA. M
8y uud * lolli^y“t,u rg, 11 30 P. m!
. f “ r M», transaction of business from 7A. M.
on Suns’ dUnng tho w ?et alii from Bto 9 o’clock, A. M.
June,4, ’57-tf]
railroad schedule.
2,48 A. M, leave* 2.05 A. M.
■ * ' west u BJt 5 « <4 o'fsK u
r “ l IT 8,451*. M.
„ Weal “ 10,00 “ “ ' ItLQO
*‘ Kast " IUOA.SI, “ ,11J50 AM.
-Weal ’ “ .8,40. p, SI- « 7,10 P M
liie TIOLLIPAYSBITRO BRANCH eoruiectu with Express
Tmto Well, Mali Train Boat and Weal and with Faat Line
VILLKBRANCII connects with Johnstown
aDd WHIt » Express Trtdp West and Mall
Jfoui'fain l/ulge, A. Y. M., No. 251,. meets on second Tues
pK«t lhinl ■ toi7 0f m .MwonicKih
„ A. T. M_ No 10, meets on the
,‘V J Uw! “/ of each month, |u the third story of thoMur
sonic l.xiple, ttt TK o’clock, P. M.
MMina IsfUjr, i. O. of 0. F- No. 473, meets every Friday
o’dSfp Vj 10 * eC °“ d eto °' of it «ouio Temple, at 7$
1 ; 0 ’ ot y °’ s32 ’ every Fri.lav
«S*!SpT Patton’sßulliliug,oh Virginft
Ko - & a ’ °* R - M ” ,roW «at*d CoW
■?, "'>>7 craning in tli6 I. 0. 0. F. Hall, in the
' kiDd!ed at 7th 30Ui
' tliniLK, c. f/ R. [June 25, ’67-1 y
d/.‘r', uh,‘ ■, n !y.l t , u * rieB ' Cam P No. 31, meets every Mou
j, y ° ut 1U tljc “*ird story of Patton’s Hall, at 7}^o'clock
Hon ’ Ceorge Taylor.-
Awr r’ ,eu ? Jone s. David OOdwelt ■ •
Hugh A. Caldwell.
Di^£r^^ .Dcputy-John McClure.
ri %h. Vwwmumen—i amee Hutehfton. David M.O»-
fS&ssss?*"**** : ■
Trvmma^- S-Hoover. ’ '
'* •!? w>or £’ S-Morro*. A.TI. McCartney.
Shiver. Qnjvr, GecrguWiaivcr, Samuel
' . ).
PJkrimijUitt qf CbiUMew &Aoeb~John Dmb. ..•
C ° 6d ’’ J *
Lowther. 1 - .- u
F't* CWfe«tor-Joha JtsClellani . t - ' . t
A-el Oort—a. D. Thomas, Thos. MeMinn, .
A.wsto)-—John McClelland. '
■M ,eu on —Daniel Price, David Debt
Ja fP- 0 / SUeti<nu~B*at Ward-John B. WarlM. ‘
“ .< £ Jjcpb.Oood.
"K* n
Conatiy can* regularly attended to. '
- flUcd.
ifarch a 6, ’M4Fl 1 : W Wom M«reetf
L and Currents ip store and for sale by
”5 ~q . toi i, N. BHDOABD, '
“yen -A, 38 l9l North 3d street, Philadelphia.
Ml 0 ® walnuts, cream
A A. Hnta «od filbert* In gtora andfbr gale by
ttoona IttbitM
OL. :3i
MeCEUM * DXBN, Publisher* and Proprietor ,
Per annum, (payable invariably in advance,) v
All paper* discontinued atthe expiration of the time
paid for. -t*. -•
tun or ADTsxtmsro. ;
I iaaortfcm 2do. ft do.
Foorllnetortos, ' JS6 $ 07Jj ,■$ 50
Oaa «liure, ( 8 iiti**,) . .- 60 ' 75 1 00
Two “ (16 « ) 100 l.fiO 200
Threo “ (24 « ) 150 -2 00 280
Otw throe weeks ftadJeM than thne acctlu, 26 emta per
tquare iorwaob toawtloa.
3month*. 6 mouths. l yctr.
$l6O $8 00 s6' 00
2-50 -4 00 - 700
4 00 0 00 -10 00
Blx Itae* or 1m&
Onsaqnxre, '
Three “
FoOr" «00 Mo, 14-00
Haif a column, 10 00 . la 00 > 20 00
Ono column, . 14 00 26 00 , 40 00
Merchant* adrertlalnzbr *hr^?lir t llirße aquaree,
- with liberty to ebaagei . . . 10 00
Prolqaabwal or Bmdoqaa aotaweadlng 8
Unrt, with paper, per ncr, 6 00
Communications or a political character or Individual In
terest will be charged according to the above rate*. '
Adrartlaementa no tnwrbedwiUi the number of inaertiona
d wired', will be continued till 'forbid and charged, according
to the chore terms.
Business notices Are cents per line for every Insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding tea llnsvfifty cents asqnatc.
Bet. 21, ’O6-tjp
8 go 12 go
6 00'
thos. a. scoxr, sup’t.
|fwig; 1
Catch tbeSoßiblne.
Catcb thenmshlnei thongh it flickers
Tbroagh* dark and disnalclond.
Though It tails so taint and feeble
'■ On a bent with sorrow bow’d: 1
, Catch It quickly t it Is passing,
Fusing rapidly »w«y,
' It has only come to tell you
<hora is yet a brighter day.
Catehthe sunshine Ithongh ’tisonty
.Ooepate, flickering beam oflight» |
There it Joy within its gUmß’riug,
Whtopering, ’tis not always night i
Don’t be moping, tinging, weeping,
look epl look npj liko a mu]
' There’s no time to grope in
Catch the sunshine when yon can. ,
Ofttcb the stuuhlne I though life’s tempest
May unlhri Its chilling blast, '
Catch the little hopeful straggler I
Storms wlll uot forever hut. (
Don’t given?, and say “forsaken.” {
Don’t begin to «ay “I’m sadl”
Look 1 there come* a gleam of sunshine l
Catch it! oh l it seems so glad!
Catch "the sunshine! don’t be grieving
O'er that darksome billow there I
Lift’s a sea of stormy bOlows,
We mnst toeet thorn everywhere, i
-I’asa right through them I donot tarry, i
Overcome the heaving tide, I
Hertfea sparkling glaam of sunshine
Waiting on the other side.
Cafth thesunshine] catch It gladly I '
Messengerin Hope’s employ,
Sent thro’ eloods, thro' storms and billows,
T Bringing yon a cnp of Joy.
Oh t then, don’t be sighing, weeping.
Lift, yon know, if bnt a span,
There’s no time to sigh and sorrow.
Catch the sunshine wheu yon can.
Tell-Tale Shadows.
Twayne ahadovrg fell fule on ye wal—
waae ley tele—ye othyer lauuke & u»l •
>Ayne ame of heyse shadyow ’
Waa abonte aheyse shadyow,
Thoughe thyato wase na* al •
I can na tel—but kaowe yee thyse,
Ihyat thaye, dydnaae twayneshadyowa kyase.
[ Very anetenl Jilts.
. Gver thought what strange
asked’an intelligent
patient as X her bedside.
I igrned more directly towards her, and
gazed for a moment into her large blue
eyes with mi intent and inquiring look,
*°f #»."® singular interrogatory somewhat
astonished me. I had been conversing
with her for an hour or more, and she wal
evidently quite rational. I had
never foufld her otherwise, notwithstund
she had been an invalid for years, and
sometimes for months in succession, suf
fered greatly from discos? from which the
“healing art” could afford her hut little
relief. Her intellectual faculties had
never been impaired in the least—her
strong and active mind was never before
delirious. Not even when the vital cur
rent had sunken to its lowest ebb, and
scarcely strength enough remained to give
motion to herdips, could there bo discov
[ ered the slightest wandering of her mind.
Her feeblest whispers still proclaimed that
reason occupied her throne. Arid now
that , a favorable change had ensued, and
.there seemed to be every prospect for her
gradual restoration to health, I was the
more astqpiahed that she, whom I had
never known to indulge in imagination or
fictitious reveries, nor to give utterance to
a fnvolous expression, should ask me srich
a questiou, and confused my con
siderably. ■ ° •] iji
• ho* being “flighty”; arose
“7 M# for the first time, Ijut l icould
Upt beViqt® it possible. I thought I had i
misunderstood her, and after a moments'
“ What did you say ?"
M 4 e . Seated* “have youjever
thought what ■ strange things * shadows
are ? ' a calm smile played over her placid
sfJWtenatice Hiat dispelled at one? the
confusion of iny mind which the
fust ' Utterance of the interrogatory gave
nse to.- -fix-.®'-: •
• Remembering that she was a close ob
server of every thing that 1 her arid
mind had access tp,;md posseted an ! Ex
cellent memory, and that she had often
enterbuned me with the narration of W-i
dents that occurred during her illncasj
and having sometimes talked of the many
annoyances that the siok and suffering are
frequently subjected to, by ignorant'ma
trons relating - their superstitions stories
arid expounding whimsical notions; and
hoyr imprudent visitors do and say many
tilings that are not at all calculated to in
terest, but often tend to agitato and dis
comfit the patient. I thought perhaps
she was about to tell me how some one of
her attendants had mistaken a shadow for
a ghost or hobgoblin— for certainly a
shadow could not disturb the equilibnuln
of her nund for a moment.
questioning Sllene . e > 1 answered her
not thougit
sr r * bWte °° wftsr.
But, “wlial storage thing,' eh,^
I '
!®» 4,16 reade J* will learn fom the follow
as tome by my Went
~fr 4 «I scarcely ever notice their
pmomumc gestures without their hring
?“£ to my mind an incident which L think
is guite too good to b$ lost. At the time
»%ccuwed I was very ill, so that I re-
Qtiired ithe constant care of attendants.
Itso happened qne night that a lady and
took their station at my bed
aide, to keep vigils whilst the femily slept.
restless from pain, I requested my
Pdei-ion to be changed. My wish was no
sobner made known than it was cheerfully
complied with by my kind watchers, who
endeavored to anticipate my every want.
My race was now turned towards the wall,
M»d the candle was at the opposite side of
tlje room. About the time that I sup
posed my attendants would resume their
seats—-oh 1 horrid! what did I behold?
specters.!!, ]Yes, Specters! Specters
wpose, «aote appearance, according to tra
dition, could omen no good! ‘Can it be
possible? or am I dreaming? Or is it a
phantom of my fevered imagination ?'—
Thoughts like th ese flitted rapidly through
my mind. But being of [a rather philo-
S ?P " 1C ■ disposition, I determined to watch
the movements of these formidable objects
in silence, at least until I-was certain whe
thpr they were real or imaginary, and if
theyhetokened cause for alarm or not.
Whilst my eyes followed their every ac
tion closely, Ip I what was my surprise, to
see them quickly approach, fondly em
brace and affectionately kiss each other
several times! That moment the idea of
specters vanished from my mind, for who
c y cr hmr</ o f ghost embracing and kiss
inO ghost ? Id isco vexed at once that the
delusive apparition that had almost alarm
edme, was but a pair of shadows. Nev
ertheless it was one of the most imposing,
as well as most ludicrous scenes I ever
witnessed. There, thrown in bold relief
uppn the wall, was the most perfect pair
of that I ever beheld: The one
being much taller than the other, with a
bending form, projecting nose and chin,
and prominent whiskers, suggested the
idea of a male shadow —whilst the other,
of :les3 stately mien, seemed to indicate a
shadow of the feminine gender; and os if
on tiptoe, with upturned face, appeared to
manifest about as much resistance to the
process of deosculation, as we may sup
pose 3lother Eve did, in her primeval in
nocence, when Father Adam impressed
upjm her immaculate lips creation’s morn
ing kiss._ This scene past, the shadows*
toqk their seats at a little distance from
each other. But, notwithstanding my ill
ness, I could not help watching their
mancDuvreings all the night J6ug, for they
seeped to imitate so mockingly every
movement of my kind attendants.. In
view of my sufferings at the the time, I
must confess that I looked upon tlie Ur
chin-God, Cnpid, as an intruder in my
sick chamber.'
rienced in the region of mirthfulnesa a
year afterwards, when in the company of
p,nc| of the parties who watched by my
couch on the same night on which the in
cident occurred, I related jny ghost story,
aud,lound it unnecessary to make the ap
plK^tion; for ,1 had never before intimated
to cither of them,- or to any other per-
what,those Shadows told Me.”
Such, kind reader, is the story of the
Shadows, and as my patient has given me
the privilege, I have thought proper to
givp it publicity, believing with her that
it ij “too good to be lost j” and that it
might probably liaye some beneficial influ
encd. l am not in the habit, however, of
telhhg of incidents that occur in the cham
oer pf sickness, and am scrupulously cbn
scientums in regard to revealing anything
thalijs confided to me by my patients: but
d could, from what I Have seen and heard
W?g » brief professional career, tell of
many thoughtless mid trifling acts—some
pi them npt quite so amusing, perhaps,
but evidently as silly and-imprudehTon the
part pi attendants mid visitors of the sick.
■ this exposition of my patient’s
ghost story prove a gaming, especially to
those who minister at the bedside of the
Rioted, where nature and every sense and
feeling of humanity teaohes that sympathy
fwlemnity should prevail.
, Beware of »oge ghostly forma Which
thprfr, as elsewhere, make their appear-
and though mute, their mimm jes
ture, as trumpet-tongued, may tell what
yeu would not have' others/ and especially
the sufferer, knOw. \ : J
:JM FeAnklin’s ?oAsp:~At a dinner
6f the. Foreign Mfifistcm, thjai3ritishMm.
ister, jgavis-fc '.• 1 -' A,: -| •*>■; v
England^-—The Sun, bright beams
enlighten and fimctity the remotest comer
of the earths
The French Ambassador followed with:
France—The Moon, whosemild, steady
and cheering rays are the delight of aU
nations, controlling in the darkness, and
making their dreariness beautiful.
Dr. [Franklin then rose and, with his
usual dignity and simplicity, said : ‘ '
George Washington—The Joshua who
commanded the Sun and Moon to stand
still aiid they obeyed him.
. Biwy u like a sore ieye; iDjETamod
rything brilliant or dazzling';
by ev'
j [Original.]
Reminiscences of College Ufe,
Sometimes the hours hang heavily on
the hjanda of students. They do not like
to avoid all mirth and pleasure, and con
fine themselves exclusively to their books j
but, like other human beings, are subject
to ennui. There are times when they de
light jto amuse themselves, and there are
hours; when they have leisure for doing so.
Amohg the various ways of amusing them
selveS, they had a secret society organized,
called" "The Laughing Philosopher’s Vn
known League/’ wjiich met only occasion
ally in one of the student’s rooms. As it
had no stated time of meeting, the mem
bers, when they wished to assemble, would
announce the fact by flaming posters/bear
ing this language: “ The Laughing Pbt
josopher’s Unknown League will meet in
Tub No. 1158, on the 4th wane of the
corn tnoon, at precisely the 7th run, when
uie mysterious Arcanum will be revealed
for the benefit of the new members. A
full attendance Is requested. By order of
the Grand Archon, P. Y.
X. K. Generalissimo;”
. daggers and rough looking war
clulps surrounded the signers’ names, and
the,signers presented a singular appear
ance throughout. They, of course, at
tracted universal attention, and those who
were not members knew nothing of their
meaning. Inquiries were often made by
the anxious ones, but nothing found out,
as the | members preserved religions secre
cy concerning the proceedings,of the mys
i tic order.. This only inflamed the desire
of the |ont-sidcrs to know something about
it. The members told all inquirers that
they cpuld know nothing of its secrets un
less they would join the order, and then
they wjould know all. They would ask no
one plainly to join the society, but would
get a curiosity excited by a mere inkling
of some of its' features. The impression
would pe made that it was in part literary
but chiefly made up of fun in which all
were participants. With this idea and a
desire to know the worst, a student allows
himself to be proposed and initiated into
the mysteries of the unknown order. It
is 'eight o’clock at night. The student to
led into the “ Apparition
Hall.”) Sable curtains hang in folds
aronudl the room. It is- all dark within
save a dim, yellow light that falls gloomily
I upon tljie objects near the taper that stands
upon a table. In every part of the room
sentine|s clothed in ghastly attire may be
faintly been standing in threatening atti
tudes cJeOching huge war-clubs. An in
dividual may also be seen in one corner of
the room, sitting high up on a table or
stand, and whose disfigured countenance
wears A sanctimonious expression. He
holds in each hand emblems of authority
and is surrounded by strange devices. A
death-like stillness reigns there. The
faint light of the taper—the unnatural
aspect cif the room—the horrid appearance
of the sentinels—the suppressed whisper
—the solemn expression of all faces—ajl
are calculated to make one shrink from
the scene. The person to be initiated is
introduced. The specter-like sentinels
brandish their clubs and mutter in low
guttural tones the name of the stranget!
After the reading and signing of the Co
nstitution, he is requested to take a seat
between two fiendish looking forms, which
he does with apparent timidity, eyeing
askance the beings at his side. A motion
is made to postpone the regular business
of the society in order to reveal the mys
terious Arcanum as soon as possible. The
motion is carried. Letters, purporting to
be from New York, San Francisco, New
Orleans and other cities, are read.' Mo
tions of various kinds are made, opposed
and lost | resolutions are offered and adopt
ed , many other forms of .business are -
gone thipugh with to blindfold the new
hew member- The time has now come to
reveal the “mysterious Arcanum,” and
the strapger stands up before His Serene
Highnesk who sits on the table. . The
ghost-Ukp forms gather around himj and
ft* 6 Generalissimo proceeds to reveal unto
him that mystery which he was so anxious i
to know i - Not a sound is heard to ’break
the awfu| stillness that pervades the room/
except the deep, solemn tones of the Gen
eralissynh as he commences to address the
B^ an 6?f languagejimilar to this: ; !
/ “ bad * befog, he
has sought to discqyer this mystery that
80 tbe world. Plu>
losophersof ancient rimes'have endeavored
to open tp the gaze of tbe waiting world I
"h® secret you havedesiredtoknow.—
Statesmen and the. learned of
have labored to discover it; hilt
“ left for us in these latter .’ times to
the mystery known. By a'know- i
ledge of it, a member of this Older can |
recognize a brother member In any place, i
whether on the sunny plains of India or
apiid the Alpine snows j on Egypt’s Nile
or Polar seas. It was for the, want of this
knowledge that the subtle Ulysses, after
.causing the destruction of Troy, was tossed
by tempests, wandered for ten years to in
hospitable shores,, oyer islaods'knd seas
before it was permitted him again to see
bis faithful wife, -Penelope.' 1 will
* ■ 'll-
reveal to you thtdi I secret, which is, you
are most egregrioudy POOLED ! v
As the List wordjMuttered, all iu the
room cry out Hif>ißUGtlED! and loud
laughter fills the eats of the now member
who i stands almost; bewildered. Thai is
the sole object of the society-—to have
sport with others. Jj It never moots only
when an individual wants to join, and ft
is his own fault i£ he gets iboled. He
never tells the u eedret,” and so nearlyall
the students become Bcnbers” in much
the same way, I was iboled in that way,
but was fully compensated like the others
in witnessing the ludicrous proceedings,
and the initiating Urooess practiced upon
some who expected somethingegreat, and
upon others who ifere almost Brightened
out of their wits. I
When will signp, and wonders
Not a day passes hut what we see gpod
and bad signs as Uie following will show:
It is a good sigh to see a man enter
your sanctum withja friendly greeting and
say; « Here’s one foliar and a half for mv
panef.” . .
It is a bad sign ito hear a map say'he’s
to poor to take a paper—ten to one he car
ries home a jug oft « red eye” that costs
him a half a dollar „:j
•It is a gpod sign; to seo a man doing an
act of charity to his fellows. ■
. Ifc I? a bad sign to hear him boasting of
it. ; '
It w q good sign to sec the color of
health in a man’s sce.
It is a bad sign to sec it all concentra
ted in his nose. ->
It is a good sign l to see an honest man
wearing his old clothes.
If is not a good sign to sec them filling
tae holes in -his windows.
It is a good signi to see a man wiping
the perspiration from his face.
It is a bad sign to see him wiping his
chops as he comes put of a celler.
It is a good tign, to see a woman dres
sed with taste and neatness.
It’s a bad sign td' see her husband sued
tor her finery.
It is a good sign to see a man advertise
in* paper.
It is a bad sign .tp sec the sheriff adver
tise for him.
~ is a fi ig n ! to ace a man sending
his children to school.
‘ It . is a bad s !gn tp see them educated at
evening schools, on the public squares,
&c., et cetera, and sb forth.
Kind Words.— They never blister the
tongue* nor lips. And we have never
heard of any mental trouble arising from
this quarter. Though they do not cost
much, yet they accomplish ranch. They
help one s good nature and good wUf.—
Soft words soften oar own soul, -Angry
words arc fuel to the flame of wrath, and
make it bam more fiercely. Kind words
make other people igood natured. Cold
words freeze people, land; hot words scotch
them, and, bitter words make them bitter,
and wrathful words make them wrathful.
There is such a rush of all other kinds of
words in our day that it seems desirable to
give kind words a chance among them.
There are vain words, and idle words, and
and silly words, and; spiteful words, and
empty words, and prpfape words, and bois
terous words, and warlike Words. Kind
words also produce their own image oh
men’s souls. Anf a beautiifiil lt is.
They soothe, and quiet, and! pomfbrtthe
hearer. They shame; him out of Ids
morose, unkind feelings. We have not
yet begun to use’kind words in such abun
dance as they pught to be used. ‘ '
Yankee all o^.—Bayard Taylor
tells a good story of a Yankee, who, in
walking along the streets of St.'Petersburg
one muddy day, met tbie Qrahd Duke Con
stantinh. Th<? sidpwalk was hot 1 Wide
enough' for two persqns to pass, and the
street was very deepfilth-- whereupon
tfie American. took a- ; silver rouble from
bis pocket,;shook itinhlshand, and cri
ed out; “Crown o* tailf” “CroWn I”
guessed the Grand, Duke. « Your High
n«ss has won,” said the American, looking,
at the rouble and stepping in the mud.—
Tfie. next day the American was invited
fly the Grand Duke dinner. 1
dare to ;tadk to me in that
way f Why I knew the time when you
haun t a good shirt to yoiuvback I”—ex-
Claimed a rumseller to a Soft of Temper
ance, who was urging upon him the im-
sinfulness of his business.
‘I confess it,” was the reply, “ but it was
at a time when I was a constant customer
at ,your bar. Since J became a Son of
Temperance I can fiud a clean one for
every day week; Now answer that
argument." \
Bed Bugs.— Many persons I complain
of being pestered by bed-bugs. It is said
that the inoonyenien|De may be easily
avoided,’ as follows -On going to bed
cover yourself from bead to foot with boil
ed molasses; let every |art of the body be
thickly covered with it. c On coming to
bite you, the Bugs wifi |tick last in the
molasses, and vow rani kill them In the
ii | C
: j i i
f *
’ll ■•••
M -
• ,
A Singular Win.
Judge Morris hasshown gs, says the
I?ew HavOn Journal, the following copy
of « will recorded on the New Raven pro.
bate records: ■
<f Tn the name of God, sole Governor of
alTworlds, Jesus Christ, the Holj Ghost,
the twelve Apostles, Sainis, Thrones, Pow
era, Virtues, Angels, Archangels, Cheru
him and Seraphim, Amen. 1, David Og
den, of New Haverl, in, the State of Con
necticut, being in uncommon good health
and spirits, and in my right mind and
wits* do, in the following manner make
thismy last will and testament.—lmprim
w, My body, this mass composed of flesh,
blood, arteries, bones, cartilages, fibres
and God wot not all besides, I commit
when dressed in my best suit of black
clothes, to its deep, dark, silent grave ‘
’tis a dismal house I am to dwelTiu, yea
verily, a mournful One; therefore, thedrcM
lor mourning is tile most proper one for
Thus let this body be drest for its
coffin, which I pray to be made of sound
mahogany wood, and not ornamented with
brass nails and tin plates, telling my name,
bge or death—my head will tell those
things to the inquisitive in the grave.
[“When this mass of corruption is thus,
equipped, let It be borne on the shoulder*
of four sturdy youths to its long home,
the narrow grave,, whom I would, should
be rewarded for their trouble with a de
centpajr of gloves each. By the wav
should J)avid Edwards, the Sunday next
alter my exit, conceive either my death or
sby life to merit a sermon, ashort sermon,
pwyer, or afew hymns to bo sent up to
the tbrope of all pitying and merciful God,
pry thee let it be done;; and for his trouble
and good services , in the solemn bnsmesa.'
give him my best wishes for his Welfare
accompanied with a compliment of £8,4
New York currency. , hem:— My soWl;
God grant, if I have any or ever had. it
may wing its flight to heaved, be planed
conspicuously amotig the stars, fly Sntfid'
leasts of fiid
field, the birds of the air, the insects of
the earth, or the fishes of the aqnius doep
; paters, upon the whole, I gite my soul to
iou. Itcni. It is my - will and pleasnre
that a monument worth £lO, be erected
to the burying groqqd ip New Raven, to
which Heave wholly to the discretion of
my worthy friend and brother, Pferpont
Edwards, Esq.” Then follow the bequests;
Human Life;—Ah I this beauUftl
i trmto think
ot it. Sometimes it ji all gladness and
supshinp, «nd Heaven*' it is not far off—
And then it changes suddenly, and it ia
darK and Sorrowful, afqd the clodds shut
°Ut the sky. Ih Jives of the saddest
Of us, there ere bright'days like this, when
wc feel as if we could take this great world
uuiur arms. Then come the gloomy hours,
when the fire will neither burn in our
hearts nor oft our hearths, and all without
and Within is dismal, cold and dark. Be
heve every heart has its sccrctaoifowa,
which tins world knows ffo*t; #id oftentimes
we»call a man cold when he £s only sad.—
LongfeUoyjt J*rds6, * ' [
ot the St.- Loins Democrat says :-rQn the
down trip.of the steamer Editon ,in the
Illinois, the other, nighty atninco clock, a
shower or stream of the Mormons or Shad
fly poured upon her decks to the deptffof
six inches, and It whs a very difficult mat
ter to shovel them bverboard. '‘They were
so numerous as to put out the watchman’s
hght, and envelop everything in midnight
® trew along the shore look
ed as rf borne down by those short lived
insects. The visitation is said to prognos
ticated sickly season. •
. H»eams.—When a man dreams of
fishing, it is a sign some scaly fellow
quietly nibbling away his good character,
v lo dream of being in company with a
chimneysweep, denotes bUfok looks from
rising friends* ~
For a young lady to dream of blowing a
candle out, signifies that she will be likely
to take to snuff. ! >
For a youngs man to dreaqi that be
asleep in chiirch, is a sign that be is not
waking to his own good.
. F°s a young lady t$ dream of lemons
is a sign that she ought to be squeezed. '
An Albany paper says that five
gallons of New York milk were recently
placed in a patent churn in that city, and
the product of the churning was two gal
lons of good whiskey. Ex.
Only let this fact become generally
known in New York, and the rush for the
milk of the stump-tail cows will be great
over * However, one good result
” 1 ' Wl»w-Bot a giU of tie poison mil
be left for the poor innocent babes;
Fifty fat men of Mansfield, Ohio,
had a parade on the sth. The lightest ip
the company weighed 200 pounds, and
the heaviest 335. The saptaih weighed
258 pounds. . -
■ - - 7 t . V>V n.-j ij
99r£nubirt eht rot di»p uoj eridi. V
V ' .
‘ w**-- •
NO. 28.
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