The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 12, 1858, Image 4
•KrOYBMJiD EXmAOBDINARY! ! aa§«aß*pULX OF VEMmniß of the Halted BtatetfMorael PabUahlc g Basse. ' I Ergwgmgsd by thy unexampled races— of our novel and axtraqMburyPr—Blum Offer*, la tho circulation of the toag eStakliehsd and popular pictorial : monthly, • the ■ UNI TXDsTATSBJOURNAL, and in the solo of our valnable Bfloka, WO Bow announce onr now programme of premiums fcr the season of 1858 and 1860, embracing the celebrated AitDjriooßeriesof twelve large and splendid Steel Plato KwmUi and a echednlo of Gold Watches, Rich Jtw- Xlir (fill Unit, Bold Pass, etc- offeiod on a scale of Uhe taUtyjbapaariag all previous offers. Opr jewelry is composed exclusively of tho richest first- Clamyfrtfcles, warranted to bo solid gold, or precisely as rsoMNnted, and every person selects hla own premium.— OoHti the only Publishing llouso that offer* Premiums on: thtidamer that famished this class of Jewelry. WrWWlnglvalist of a few of tbeartlcles, with the ■■Mft of the club for which it is given os a premium, and the poejfago reqnlred for its delivery by mail; Splendid Detached Lever, Enameled Dial elgh 'teeaoaratOold Wotch, warranted a perfect ' time-keeper, $6O 00 •13<MUrt Repine Enameled Dial 18 carat Gold Watch, 60 00 Larger Denblußlldo Gold Pencil and Bold Pen, Postage. warranted to be solid gold throughout, 000 Vc. Psantlfnl Gold Pencil, warranted to be solid <9SStSSeSSMA Watch Key, and Gold Tooth PWc : «nAliwdi 800 r oc. Ettwton Bilv*r-Ca*o Pencil (warranted same as rate) and Gold Pen, SCO o*. BidiOcldßvd Bracelet, 400 oc.; dfousy Gold Mosaic Bracelet, 800 Oe. Superb lined Gpld Locket, engrid and toned, 400 oc. GMUiMMd Cameo Ear Drope, 800 6c. SeteCOeUOonlJßar Drops, Bso Be. Gold Cameo Pin for Lady, " foOO 6c-j QoU JlaceatinePtn for Lady, , 600 fc: Gold'BarOlaster Pln for Gentleman, TOO ,Sc.| <Bst of Gold Okmao Studs, 800 Bc.) BsteC Engraved, Lined Gold Studs, 300 Bc. Set rfGoldCarnellan Sleeve Battens for Lady - . or OeaUenaii, \ - : ■ Hl/DO y.flCa- Superb friendship Blog, solid sixteen carat " /. cold, rfctuy'enameled, I 400 - Bc.' A Utan’ Ring, sddid%lxteen carat; gold, aft i - withstood 300 Bc.: Among the Engravings are: , The Signing of the Death Warrant of Lady Jams t Grey, from tho celebrated painting by Daniel Uontlngdou. 22 inches long bv lv Wide, 1 $1 00 12c. Tbe Trapper’s Lost Shot, from the great paint-' log by. W. Rounny, 18x24, i ' The Angler’s Daughter, from the great paint* lug by Landseer, ,■ M 9c. Sparkling, from painting by.W. F. Edwards, fid Be. {fVr /ttUSdiaiula, iee our pitalngur.) • ; 1 The Djrrrxn States Journal {contains sixteen large folio pagce,abtyedlted and profusely lUiistratod. Price only Mcenteayear. Our Cgtslogao contains over LOCO of the most useful, en tertaining aM popular works of the day. Any person sanding us 60 cents or more, cither far the Joints al o>T| for Books at tho lowost prices, is entitled to the same amount in any of tho premiums of bis own selection •front, the schedule. He la also entitled to extra Pramhnns amounting to $l, and extra Books or Journals amounting to |1 for every club of $lO, thus receiving for $lO Books or journals amounting to $ll, and Premiums amounting to $ll. Bn amount to prepay postage on the should accompany each order. Bvery reader is Invital to form a club, and we wish to arrange with some ptraons at every Post Offioe to aot ss local agent and correspondent, who *Ol be richly paid therefor. Specimens and Catalogues sent free on application. Bondi on a ft w subscription* at once, and select your premiums IrourtheoboTc, or when you roceiro the Catalogue. . J.fM. KMBBBON * CO, Pnhllshsrs, Jnlytt.lSSß. 4M Broadway, Nek York. TMH* GROCERY PEED AND i*RO-- ij TISIONSTORK. . | Thosubscriber would respectfully inform the citizen* of ; Altoona aod that be boa opened a (tore of the above kind,ncarthecorhor of Adeline s and Jolla streets, Kast| Altoona, where he will keep constantly on hand a Cull sup ply of ererythlng hi hi* lino. HU ' ' : GR O GEE IE S. | are all fresh and will be uU atprlcessslowastbosaof! aaQr other cnUbllihment Uptown. Hi* itock of provisions,; consisting of j ■ ■ '. Floury Hams, Shoulders, Sides, dec. \ wtllbeaolda little cheaper than they .can be bonghtsny wheroybie. HlsFlourU obtained ftjnn tho,best mlllsjn; •tU State, and U warranted to bewhst: it isrepresented. " Of 7sedtbr hones, and hvg*,always oni ■I Intend: to keep ; snch; ah; assortment that J .shall at all! tinwtlieiileto supply my customer* wlthwbaterorthey i mar need, and IhTtcttd also toseß at prfoswhichftni; make to thoeo who patronize n^Atojje.,' T EM ;ES;M. W HEED E R & CG-,i V . (Sweatier* to John JL Brant,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION . r AAE’EtCJHANTS, Nearthe Rena’a Railwad Depot, . RAJUtISJi URG, VA. ; ,’- ‘ ’ u 1; v ’ ' *__V ’ '' ' ■ ' • •' DEALERS IS HARD AND Metal, Railroad Iron, Bar ami Merchantable Jron, Nadi, Flour, Ore eeriet, PronitUnti, KA, Salt, «fc. < COAL sent in.ear*. In Isrge.w email quantities, along! (he different lUUrwwla In Pennsylvania. [July 22-ly. I T QGAN HOTEL.—THE UNDER ’■ J SIONEb the . cttbwns of"RUir county hud others, 1 that Tie hasopened'’np the LOGAJi mSSBm—xJ . KQUBK,, formerly kept by at thewest end of HoJUdaysburg. tor tiiogQSn^BSßr' reception of strangert end travellers.— , Everything connected with the bouse hasbeen refitted in UieneWwubthe choicest furnituro, Ac., Ac. The boose Tit large end commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. ■ r His TA.BLK will be furnished with tie, very best the mar ket can aflbrd, and no pains or trouble will be spared to! render those who may choose tofavorhpn with their pa tronage comfortable and luippy rising, their stay with bun. His STABLING is ample, and; ah obliging and careful hostler will always bo In attendance. : ta. The WRUamslmre stage, 'wb ich. makes „ daily trips between this place-and Willtamaburg, stops at the Logan *©oe.l7,lBS7r-tfl] ; JOHN KEIFFER. TDOSmVE INEORaiATIONI—THEi JL - undersigned having plrftctad Ototr Spring' Stock,l now offer to, Umimblic.the LOT OF GROCE-- RUB! ever dfMcnted ln,the town ofAiloona.' ; '■ Ouroljeet'dn pabllshmg this’card ia to present the fbl - lowing fhets: ‘ ‘ ■ Ist The recent hard times have mymncfi reduced the prM of Groceries Ip the city, especially to auh bnyers. 3d. We bought these Groceries b um lots, many or them from Brat Ladds. Sd.Wo bonghtthem entirely for cosh. * ] 4th; JVfe sell Ibr ready pay. Bth. We keep our stock fall,by weekly receipts. . . Bth. Weave determined to keep npthecrcdit ofourhonsc. - 7th. We Sell more GROCERIES thanaqy other'store In Blair county, at less per cent. ~v i> - • -■ » , * 'BU». We sell cheaper Uiivn any other storo in the county.: AContinoation of patronage u respectfclly SoHeltedr ! Altoona. June 10,1858. McLASE * LEHR. i Tin and sheet iron-ware ' EMPORIUM.—The undersigned has constantly to, taaada htrge assortment of TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE which he will sell cheap WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Spouting put up at short notice in town or country, and palntod,.at 12\4 cents foot. .The host quality of Cooking Stores, of fii-i jriona pattens, constantly on hand. I. ' ; AUVfads of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. Calfand see. JOS. H.BUSH, ' ’67-tX] Oppotiit. American House, Altoona. •"BLAIR COUNTY DAGUERRE AN JUI ROOMS,—Mr. G. W. FISHER, the Ilollidayaburg Artist, begs leavo to inform our readers that ho la prepared ; tOWfcr~ r''' ' ' • ; ■ ■ Photographs of deceased persons, BKm-lkkUWrtotypes, at the shortest notice and on the »o*t reasonable terms. Ho bus just received a largo stock 'ofdurabie and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, including . a new pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is pro hand to BO them with perfect likenesses, AMBBOTCPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH. J Olfehlm a call. Rooms on the comer of Montgomery . ond AHegheny streets, UolUdaysburg, Pa. [dune 17-tf. TILANK BOOKS AND STATIONA iJL) ARY. WM. B. HAVEN, /rr/WTfstm • j« Prana, statioseb. asp buwk Book . Qmttr Market <tSecond SU. PMshurg, Bu SSSUSSmm noectfolly Invites attention to his Urge and well selected ,V ■' ;i stock of Blank Book , Paper and Stationary, Rail Road, Mercantile and Book Printing , fif every description, promptly executed. Agent for L. Johnson & Co, Type founders, Philadei , pWo. | [Juno 17-ly. FABE REDUCED. STATES UNION HOTEL 606 and 608 Market Street, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADEDPBIA. Temtß--i1.25 Per Pay. : G. W. HINKLE, fEOPBOWg. Jqjlpl, J858.-4m. . . . TTA3B OILS, COLOGNES, POM- XjL adee.Sluving OIMB, Toilet S0«p«, Acjbr sols by CONTINUE TODRAW AS USUAL WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN & CO.’S | Are Legal, and authorized by the State of Georgia- • THE LATB ATTEMPT TO TNJOBJK 3ili i • OUB HUM HAS SHOWN ' x j THAT OUB LOTTEEIES ABE DRAWN FAIRLY; i THAT OUB PBIZEB ABE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAI OUB SCHEMES ABB KOBE t.tmcrat. THAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY The following Scheme will be drawn by 8. Swan A Co, Mnyi. of the Sparta Academy lottery, in each at their Single: Bomber Lotteries for August 1868, at AUGUSTA, QKORQXA, In public, under the superintendence of Open* nWeDen: . . ■ . ; " Class 27 draws on Saturday, August 7, 1868. Glass 28 draws on Saturday, August 14,1868.; Class 20 draws on Saturday, August 21, 1858., Glass BO draws on Saturday, Augustus, 1868.!; ONTHS PLAN OF SINGLE NUSuIEBS. 60,000 Tickets! mt IHOVIUVD FOUR HDNMUD ABB JHQHTT-FITR nasal KtarUf tmt Prize to etery A'me TkktUl MAONmCaSNT BCHBMBI » as bmws BMB auoiiur u AosjDsi. i 1 Prize of s7o*ooo 4 Prize of .000 I “ “ 80*000 4 “ « sou! 1 “ “ IOfiOO 4 “ “ w ■i «** ■ tfio 4 » « eoo; 1 “ “ 4*ooo 60 Prizes of 600 i «*• a/xhtl eo “•« aool 1 « “ WOO 100' “ « 126: 4 i« « Looolaso «" ■ ioo APPROX! MATION PBIZKS. j 4 Prizesof $lOO Approxting. to Prize are $1,600: 4 ““ 000 “ “ “ “ I*2oo 4 “ “ aoo “ “ 10,000 « “ 800 4 “ > “188 « “ 8,000 « “ 60nf 4 “ “100 “ 4*ooo “ « • 400 4 u u 35 “ “ 3,000 “ « , aoo 4 “: “ 60 “ “ 1,800 « “ aoo 6 fiOO » “ 20 ore 100,000 100 Vlt. 5,185 Prizes amounting to $320,000 ■ Whole Tickets $10; Halves (5; Quarter* s2^o. 49> AClrenlar showing tbo plan of the Lotteries will be sent toaqyoßedosirous of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates which is the,risk:, Certificate of package of IQ Whole Tickets, “ « IQBslf " “ “ 10 Quarter “ “ «♦ 10 Eight « IN ORDERING TICKETSOB GERTIPICATES. Kncloso the money to. par address for the tickets ordered, or receipt of which tbey will be forwarded by first mail*— Purchasers can have tickets ending, in any number they B she l Urtts!to*wn Number* and Prises nfll be sent to purchasers immediately alter,the drawing. Purchasers will pleo»o write their signatures plain, and give their Post Ofßcc, County and State. Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable id full withont deduction. All prizes ofll,ooo and under, paid immediately alter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of SO days. All communication* strictly confidential. Address orders lor tickets or certificates to * 8. SWAN A TO, Augusta, Go. Persons residing near Montgomery, Abu, or Atalanta, Ga. can have their oraers.&lled, and save time, by addressing: 8. Swan A Co, at either of those cities. , ; s A list of the .numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amonnt.of the'prize, that each one is entitled to,; will be pnblished alter every drawing, in the following pa per*:—New OrUam Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Stan dard, Ndshwle ■ QtueUe, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, Savannah Homing Newt, Richmond Dis patch, New York Dispatch, and XXcuUUng (Miss.) Clarion Augusta (Geo.) OmstihstionaUsl. ' [Jan.7-ly. Maryland state lotteries fob jolt, nm: R/ Fbakoe & Co., Mahagera.Df the MArjUbdState Lotteries, present the. fid* lowing Splendid Schemes ' TOR AOOTST, 1858, They caqtlonj>acliaaera ofTickets to beware of order*, log Tickets , In' Lotteries where extraordinary Urge Capl-: tab ore pffeti&tor a. small coat of Tickets—-alt such ore swindle*. the Maryland Lotteries hare been in existence for Forty Years, they are drawh by a State Officer, and can be re- : lied on. <lf you draw a Price, yon will get your money.— The whole conn try is Hooded with bogus Lottery concerns. Beware of tbejn. !Sr Order in the Maryland State Lotteries. ' jtAnmricxat scants. JIABXLAND state lottery, class n, To bSWiawn in Baltimore City, on Saturday, August 21st, 1858. 43* 12 Drawn Ballots In each Package of 26 tlcketa/SB 1 Grand Prise of $lO4OO 1 Prize of $2,000: 1 Prize of 1 IiVUM 1 Prize of 2400: IPrizdof ,' HSjaoO, 1 Prize of 2,000 1 Prize of ~ ■ ■ 4057. ■ IPrize of • 2,000 1 Prize of' 5,000 20 Prize of 1,200 I Prize of 6,000 20 Prize of 600 1 Prize of . 6jooo- 20 Prize of 600 1 Prize of 2400 143 Prized 400 1 Priteof 2400 06 Prize of 100 1 Prize of 2£oo 06 Prize of 80 1 Prize of 2,000 60 Prize of 30 1 Prize of 2,000 4,166 Prizes of 2o 1 Prize of 8,000 ,21,740 Prizes of ,11,76 304X6 Prize*, amounting to $601,000. Tickets $lO— Jlalrcp ss—Quarters s24o—Eighths $1,25. A Certificate of Package' of 26 Whole*, costs'' $163 00 Do. do. 28Halree, 70 00 Do. do. 26 Quarters, Do. do. 26 Eighths, HAVANA PLAN. This la the old mode pf Drawing. Prizes In ono Wheel and Tickets in another. Every Prise Is drawn ont. Srtrji Ptizroaid in full vaiUuMt daludiont MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, EXTRA CLASS 0, To be drawn in Baltimore, Md, Saturday, Aug, 28th, 1858. 90,165 Prizes I 40,000NnmberslT Wo would call partienlar nttentlop to the following splen did scheme, a package pf 16 wholp tickets costing only: 280—and every other ticket bplng warranted to draw 210, determined by the number drawing the Capital Prize, whether odd oreven. *• ' ; VBPLEHDIDBCUEMKI .1. Prize of fgS/nO 4Appr’c to 2200 IPrlzepf .Kp 4 “ *lOO 1 Prize Of 6,000 4 - “ 80 ■fPrtaeof '2,400 4 “ 80 1 Prize of %000 4 “ 80 &S 3 | l|Ss 8 “ . 80 1 Prize of 800 IPriiobf BOOj 1 Price of 800 i 1 Prise of •' 400 ' 1 Price of 900 10 Prises of 900 ’ 60 lOOPricesof ‘ 100 ore 10,000 20,000 Prices of / 10 ate 200JXX) T JThOio Tickets MO—Holna *#—Quarters *2AO. A Honagera* Certificate of 10 Whotea—where? persona wish to pay the risk only, will'be lent for - * 980 ' Do.. 1 ■ "■■■:■ a#,- :■ .■■■ Idßaives, A 0 - 'Do. - do. 16 Quarters, • 20 JDja. . . -do. 16Xighth%- , jo ■ The Manager* have been compelled from the numerous: complaints made to|heal,> ofuafsfthMnces on the part of; those irho have been attending to {he filling of orders, to resume the correspondence business in their own name. Order tickets from the Managers only. Adnees all letters to R. FRANCE A 00. March My] Baltimore, Md. ; TIIOU.SE, SION, ORNAMENTAL & E 1 CARRIAGE PAINTING*—The undersigned beg' were to Inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they hare commenced the business of HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND CARRIAGE* PAINTING, GLAZING, PAPER-HANGING, VAR NISHING, £(7., SC., in ail their various branches, and are prepared to do all ■work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch. They have on hand a largo assortment of painting ma terials and Window Gloss of all sizes, also Stained Glass and Looking-Glass Plates, which enables them to do work in an improved stylo and at reduced rates. By strict attention to business wo hope to merit a share of public patronage. Our room is on Virginia street, immediately opposite i Kessler's Drag Store. KKYE3 * WALSH. April 8,1858-3m* i BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING I SUITABLE fOR THE SEASON, JUST RECEIVED BY ETTINGER & ULLMAS, ’ AND NOW BEING DISPOSED Of AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. . MR. ULLMAN announces that he is Is always cn hand and will take great pleasure in waiting upon all who may favor him with a call. He feels confident that he will bo able to render satisfaction both In quality and price. f April 15-Sm Raisins.— 1,000 boxes bunch and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by WM. N. SHDGARD, March 25, ’5B-ly] 131 North Od street, Philadelphia. Confectionary.— plain and fine Confectionary manufactured and for sale'by WM. N. SHUGARD, March 25,’68-ly] 191 North Sdstwet.'Philadeiphia. Spectacles and eye preser vers for sole ' [l-tT] KESSLER’S. 1 IN THE WORLD! 8 « 60 * « 60 8 «* fpOjT&B i -13*787 RIFTS I VOK THK PEOPLE. EL DORADO am 1 ASSO CIATION tit the sale of $18)787 mirth of Sewing Silk. EachtuuthaaerofonedoUar’eworthofSewingSnk will Whre* numbered check, which will entitle the LoL dertooneehnre'oiida voice in the distribution of the fnl lowicg listof Valuable Property. to be distributed byaCom tnittce, chosen bythe shareholders, in such a manner as they may deem advisable and agree upon among themselves. LIST OK PHOPEKTY. J comer Lot* on Washington street Altoona, &0 by 120 feet, valued at $lB4 each, $1,288 17 lota on P7sahington st., 50x120 (I, $156 each, 2,652 8 cor. lots on Uulberry at., “ “ 156 a I^KB IB luts on Udlberry sL, “ “ 132 " . 8,608 2-ioto on High street, “ “ 63 “ 128 ’ lew. Jot oh German street, 60x176 Unvalued at 63 on German street, “ “ s42each . 126 . 1 lot on Howard street, 60x133 feet, valued at 132 1 cor.loton Lexington sL, o , u 150 21oa on Chestnnt street,“ “ $l3l oath, 262 1 QoM Levcr Watcb, valued at 100 !»*»}. 11 ■ ' ; “ “ • W 1 - 1 ..•ro-Hone WaaoK “ " lfMrcrl«nMeWußi “ “ : MOoat Pattern* aadTrimmiM«.fM each, MO 80 pant* and Tartpattnrn*, atlfolo each, 290 76 Article* orParceto of Hfrrhandi»v sB#) each, : 226 mo ** IF> « *OO - aoo mo » ••; • " \ yaa u ioo MO“ - , jls “ “ 76 " m iflOO " ! * “ 60 “ 1,000 *OOO «: 1:]“ ", » “ 000 4,000 ? « « 25 “ 1,000 *BB6 “ ~ “ “ 90 " 777 18,787 Gifts, rained at $18,787 , The Beal Estate In this Enterprise to handsomely sitaated In the flourishing town of Altoona, (DalenwtHi of the Pa. Central E. B; Co.) which in • few yean has grown as if by magic, its present population being over 8/XW. The above property will be delivered to the persona eatl tled to ncerve tt,i immediately after the distribution. An indisputoblotitle to all the lots in the above bill will bogivepby j-; R.-H. MoOORMICK. arUckaor parcek per tuß, trill coneist of clothe, nmwwL rtAlflTyf, Ar» - A* : f Jdy otyect is to dispoee of the silk iothe aborted poedble time, ana l.desln everybody to porebase soon aadbecame .MMBbwtfftf ihil kft|fl||l*Sfyllf SlaiWnteMa Thosilk wUI the United States, with Certificate of Membership, (for each dollar's worth pur chased,) on receipt of the cash. Agents or clnbipiemitting $lO at one time, will receive in return $ll worth Of silk and 11 certificates All orders moat bo addressed to JOSEPH MOIST, Jnno 10, J866-tE] Altoona, Stair Cb n Rt. All orders by midi, with postage stomp enclosed, prompt ly attended to. ; ■\TESW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.— il J. 4J. LOWTHEH have J uat returned from the City and are now receiving their stock of SPRING- GOODS, whichthey tbel aasored are as XIANDSOMK and CHEAP, if not a tittte cheaper, than any yet brought to this place. ' On account of going to Philadelphia late in the' season, we have been able to buy our goods at greatly reduced pri ces, and we are determined to sell them at very small prof its Jhr cash or tofprompt monthly paying customers. ' We have as usual a splendid stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, such as LAWNS, ROBES A’ QUTLLE, CH ALLIES, BAYADERE, LAEELLAS, DDCALfi, POIL,DECHEVJIEB, DELAINB, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, Ac. Also, Bhawls and Mantillas lu great variety, together with agoodstock of DdmesthrSixGobds, Straw (foods, - BOOTS # SHOES, HARD WARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, #c., #c. The dtiseos of Altoona will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, as we are not to be nndersold- April 29,1858. : ! $BO 40 90 10 pHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! —Tho subscriber would respectfully Joformthe cltl jseoi of : Altoona and vicinity that ho hasjost received his stock of ; SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, iwiilwtingj in part, of LADIES’ PLAIN AND FANCY DBESS GOODS, aoch as Silks, Bareges, D’Lainos, Chailles, Dncals, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Ac, together with all kinds of Dnr Ooodp, all qfwhioh will be sold cheap for cash. He has also on hand a large stock of GROCERIES, Q UEENS WARE, HARD r AND SHOES, and'all other goods usually kept in stores in this place. Havingadopted tbs CASH SYSTEM in my business and being resolved to cany it out, I hare marked my goods at CASH PRICES, and inrite inspection and' comparison, in regard to prices god quality, with those of any other store in the town. Hire me a call and Judge for yourselves. Country produce taken in. for goods, at the highest market wicea. TLprilSMy] 3. 6. HILEUAN. SAVING FUND, FIVE PEE CENT INTEREST; NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00-, Waj Kat street, S. W. Corner off. Third, Philadelphia. Incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania. ' ’ Honey is received in ahr sum. Urge or small, and inter est paid Grom the day of deposit to the day ol withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morn ing tIU 6 o'clock in the afternoon,'and on Monday and Thursday evenings tilt 8 o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't. ROBERT SELFRIDOE, Vice Pra t. Wu. 3. Rjfzd, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carrol Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridgs . ■ . Francis Lee, ' Sami K. Ashton, Joseph Yerke*. C. Landreth Hnnns, Henry Dieffendcrfer. Money is received and payments mode daily without no tice. ' ' - .The investments are made in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, .GROUND R£NTS;.and such first class securities as the Charter requires ' ; ' (MnrMra. 39 SO 10 75 >7. Cdsnisoham. D. Ccxsixaaui, r. CnsxrsaHAw. D.IHMSEN, !' O.DTOCAS. CUNNINGHAMS & CO., PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 109 WATER ST. Am 140 WEST ST, 1 PITTSBURGH. PA*. Bctwecen Wood and Southfield, . MANUFACTURERS OF Pittsburgh City Window Glass, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, ' "For Parlor Windows, Churches and Public Building*. Altoona, Aprill, r - r ' ENTERPRISE WORKS, NO. 136 WOOD STREET, PITTS BOUGH; PA. SOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns, Surgical and Dental loafrumcnita, &c. 1 RIFLE GUNS. , We would call attention to our stock in (bo above line, knowing’ that #e cannot be beat either in tho quality or price. Being. largely engaged in this branch of business, we detyall comjpetion. .Ml ourcifios un warranted or no sale. Hardware, Sporting Materials, Cntlerr.Pfatol*, Guns, Revolver*, Flasks. Belts, Powder, Shot, Balls, Capo, Fancy Hardware and Sporting Equipage, In all its variety, which we offer low for,Cash. Pittsburgh, April 1,1838-ly. Lycoming county mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Lydoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, fa at Ml times ready to insure against loss or damage by Are, Buddings, Merchandise, PumUwre and Property of ereiy description, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any company in the State. Office In the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, ’5O-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. —Tiie undersigned, Agent for Blair county, will take short and long risks on Buildings, Merchandise, Pur nitnro and Property of every description, in town or coun try, at as reasonable rates as any company in the Stated- Risks also taken on tho lives of horses. Office in Masonic ’SW 'JOHNSHOEMAKER, JgeiU, ■ Liquors —a large amount of well selected LIQUORS has been received at the “LOOAN HOUSE,” Hollldaysburg, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to call.' [Dec. 17, tf. ! Rich tobacco and highly flavored Cigars, in abandonee, can be had at June 18, ’57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. OR ANGUS AND LEMONS.—SOO boxes Oranges and Lemons in store and fbr sale by WM. N. BHUGARD, March 25,’58-ly] 131 North Sd street, Philadelphia. Settees for sale.—the un dersigned has on hand a lot of Settees which he will sell cheap for cash. JOHN SHOEMAKER, March 25-tf.] : Masonic Temple. YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL kinds of Hour and feed by calling at Juno 18, ’57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. Everybody is invited to call and test the merits of the articles kept by Juno 18,’57-ly] HENRY LEHR. Lots for sale.— l 2 building Lots, situate in different localities, in this Borough for sale on reasonable terms, by [27-tt] J. SHOEMAKER. AAA DOZEN FRESH EGGS JUST yfVV rewired and for by J. L; ICKES. DISCOVERY OFTHE A&R VJ IMPORTANT TO ; - > TOBACCO CHEWERS/ »B.GUSTAV LINNARD’S TASTE RESTORAjrSE TRO CHES, toe gnat Sulniituti ftfr lobaceo. ' It ,la a well known and uicontrovcrtable fctt that thonso of Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the moat to*; rare. r .» •* f MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS ... . : V to which the race of man is subject, as carelhl analysis end long and painful experience have clearly proven that it contains certain norcotic and poisonous properties, most dangerous in their effects, which by entering into the blood derange the functions and operations of the Heart, earning many to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased. ; ' TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, mani festing itself—as all who have ever used the noxious weed will hear testimony—in Lassitude, Nervous IrritoMUty, Water Brash, Dyspepsia, and many other disorders of a simitar character. 1 THE TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES ' , Arc designed to counteract these baneful Influences, and hare proved completely successful in-a mnltitnde of cases, and wherever used. : Being harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, mtoring the Tsste which haa become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accom panying tickling sensation of the Throat—which are ad ware consequent npon abstaining from the use. of Tobacco,, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole systpm. ] Persons who are irteirtevably undermining their consti tutions and shorteningltbeir lino, should uaetheseTrochsa immediately and throw off the iqjnrioui and and unpleae ant habit of Tobacco Chewing. ■ These Troches of Logengos are pot np In. a cooveuieo t and portable form at the low price of SO Crate per Box. A Ub- Otto discount to the Trade. Prepared solely by sbooMbe addressed. March 18, ly.] JOHN B WMOttl WINES ItECTiryiNG 155 Liberty £/., Beg leave re old customers and the hand and are constant ten, a large supply of Among their largo e- Wines, Brandies, St. Croix and Ne\ .Irish, Scotch, RYAR & 0 0., DEALERS IN & Limits, AND . DISTILLERS, j Pittsburgh, Pa., fIBK to inform their public generally, that the; have on y receiving direct from the Impor • jtna very choicest- brands of Liquors assortment may be found JGin, Cordials, Janalca Spirits, 'W England Bam, v Champagne, |Bourbon, Old Uonongahela . I Rectified Whisky, y. Blackberry, Strawberry and Raspberry Brahdies, &c n Ac., Ac. i patronage is respectfully solicited, and to) one care will be promptly attended i will find it to their advantage to call dermined to sell nothing but the very 11868-ly. l 1868-ly. and Poach, Wild Cherry, A share of public. all orders entrusted \ to. Country Dealers upon os, as we ate del best. Pittsburgh, April iJ ►LETON & BROTHER, I Dealers in Wines and Liquors, their friends for the liberal share iro bestowed, and respect fully ao be same, at the OLD ESTABUSH- Ep; mid] • Importers an return their thanks tc of patronage hereto! licit a continuance of MEET, NO. 6 N. FRONT ST. Philadelphia, where they have a large assortment ofWINES and LIQUORS ofthechoic est brands.and quail tics. Haring made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers upon the most reasons] hie terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: I BRANDIES. Otaxd, Hennesy, MaretL > Pinned, Catlitfion, MarieU, T Hines, Pellevortin, I J. J. Dcpuy <C Go. A. SdgneUe, dc n <Ce. ' | WINES. Champagne, Old Oporto, I Burgundy, Madeira, Tantrifft, Claret, Sherry, Lisbon, \Hock, Mascot t£ Malaga Wines qf raribiu brands and qualities. Holland Qin, Schoidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Peach, Apple, Lavender, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials; Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Utters, Ac. Also, constantly oil bond, an extensive stock of OI.D WHEAT, MONONOAHELA and BOURBON WHIS KEYS, pt various grades, some of which we guarantee to be superior to any In we country. Mu From opr lung|experiehc6 in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we Batter Ourselves to be aide to fill all orders that may be entrusted to ns. Orders from the country (which are most respectful ly Solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and .shipping. All goods sent from our establishment arc guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. Feb. 26-ly] ■ E. P. MIDDLETON k BRO. APRIL, 1858. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT THE HAUL OF FASHIONS. THE subscriber has the pleasure of an nouncing to this citizens of Altoona, and the • roet of mankind,” that he is! just receiving from Philadelphia and New York, a beautiful assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, in part, of ROBB A’ QCILLE, I CBAPE'DI ESPANGE, FANCY OPHUN BAREGE, PLAIN OPHUN BAREGE, CHALLIES, DUCALS, FRENCH LAWNS—I-BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SCOTCH “■ •“ ' “ from &A upwards FANCY DBESS SILKS, BLACK DRESS SILKS, FIGURED BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, Ac. in great variety. l Uf would call especial attention to his stock of SHAWLS, which for style, quality and variety, cannot be surpassed,! and must bo seen to be appreciated. The assortment of {White Goods and Ladies’ Dress Trim mings are all that fashion could desire. Among his stock of Ladies’ Misses and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes will be found a full line from the best city manufacturers. His stock of Groceries, Qneeusware, Hardware, Ac., Is complete. . J He hopes his Goods and prices (which by the way dciy competition,) will meet the approval of oil who call upon him. Your patronajp is respectfully solicited. April 20,5 m. ' CHAS. J. MANN. The summer season—jesse SMITH would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and thy ; public generally that he has Just returned from the East with a largo and varied assortment ° f HATS AND CAPS, |B Which he purchased at low prices for cash and will sell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at butasmall advance on-tiio original Cost. His stock comprises HATS and CAPS of every Idoscription, size and shape. All who are in want of anything in his line win do well to give him a call, ns be feels confident he con suit the most fastidious, la quality and price! lie fa atWays ready and willing to exhibit his stock free Hf charge. So that none need fear to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ■ ’ Remember that his store fa on Virginia street, directly opposite tho Lutheran Church. [April 8-Bm. HFETTINGBR’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM. NO. 1, “ALTOONA MOUSE,” ALTOONA. PA.. Where- may bo Had all the popular Publications of the day, such os Dally mod Weekly Papers, Magssines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Copy Books, Slates, PettsJ Pendls, Inks, (fan and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in fact everything In the Statipoary line. Toys, Notions and Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture Frames, To- N.B.—'W^ue"sofaWholesSosnd Betas Agent, in this county, for ROHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE, Itdodywt. iUvdy core all sores to which it fa applied. Try It. [7-tf. Blair county insurance .undersigned, Agent of the Blair County Mutual Foe Insurance Company, fa at all tiines ready to insure ngainst loe* or damage by fire, Budd ings, MarAandite,Tttrniiure and Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at’as .reasonable rate* as any Company In tho State. Office In the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, W-tf] j JOHN SHOEMAKER, AgetU. SOAL I COAL! COAL I COAL ! Thesnbscriber would _*ja Inform the conkumcrs In that hells constantly ceiving aU kinds of 'COAL, which ' ' is ready to deliver at all times and to any part of the town. Office at in North Ward.' ; Jnnel7-2m] ' JOHN ALLISON. pONVEYA \_J of writing don gages, Ac, executed; Jan.3,1857-tt] | NCING-—ALL KINDS to at the shortcut notice.—Deeds, Mort hi the neatest manner by I JOHN SBOEMKSR, I Mascmlo Tempte/Altooda. OYES I 0 YES! —GENTLEMEN draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT Announ ces to the. public, that he is ready to discharge his .duty as an Auctioneer whenever called open. ' £jaa. 2, ’6fl. Hardware of all descbip. tions just received and tor sale by Oct. 15-tf] J. B. BUdtHAN. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving. Paint, Sash {and Varnish Broshes at' " - 'l' - KESSLER’S. Hams, side, shoulder, driei Beef, Sc- always on hand at ; {r ■ Juno 18,’57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. PINE AND LARD OILS, CAM phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon 08, Sc, at Jan. 3, *6B-tf j ; : KESSLER’S. None but the sest confec tienaries; Snti and Erulto kept rt: r • June 18, ’57-ly] HUNKY LEHR’S. e uadetmlgned to whom all order* FAMESBOWEBfi, Dmgrfrt. Oar.2d and Race »treet,Phila. RON 1 CftTY; tJO!if®rtaflGp!LL WSTSBVIWH/PKIfK4 ; Cftarfcrwl lift. KMPHATICALLY THE aOMNfiSB WAITS COU.KJ*. I*mst tori UostCompUta Commercial :ttoUege in the • : V • oSJfijtalm.: - Indaily attendance upward* of 300 Stnionts, P. W. JENKINS, Pmsot-U -; Book-keeping. LI. HITCHCOCK, Professor of Arithipetlc and Com- DettUOUnhfloßi. ' . JOHN PLEMING, Anthor of the “National System of Book-keeping,” Lectureron Business, its Customs and Usages - J. W. BKSTLINaKR, Proftnsor of Arithmetic, Book h7DOTJTnKTT, Profeasors of Phi •ad Ornamental Penmanship. - D. BACON, Lecturer cm Political Economy. JAMBS H.HOPKINB, Baq, of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lao turer on Oomi«*dajllAw. , . JAMES W. KENNEDY, of “Kennedy 1 # Bank Note Be rtew,” Lecturer on Owatwtfctt, Attend andßpnriooi Bank Not *** . bbsion car the iHrammoN. Ttoftirnish the beet mean* for acmdrinc nTHOBOUQH BUSINESS EDUCATION, la theriiortaet; time and at the to - With all the recent improvements, taught without extra charge. - j l -, , > PENMANSHIP. !; Sapid Writing, with e*ery variety aod atyieof Bnelncei and Ornamental Penmanship. iMTHMMTtI :l~: • ■ ' And* flwwsli oonree otOonaMag Hewn OaicnlaUona. OOUNTKRPEII AND ALTEEED NOTES. Full iMtnectiea* given to thia important branch of bnri- IMMedWltkSB. LECTURES DAILY, Paagea,Lawa and Cnatoma of Commerce, Iflnance and Banh lug, Political OonnterfeitNoMe, and other anh- Jeeta haring practical relation to active badness. Book-keeping, Fall CommercialConrae, 1 p i $36,00 Stationary, about ;> bjOO Board per week, can be obtained for ' ' : ' 2,50 KA. Students are not charged extra for Steamboat Book keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma. STUDENTS ■ ;i Can enter at any time—(ho vacation) jtvfrw at pleasure— time unlimited—usual length of conrae from eight to twelve weeks. . ;; ■REFERENCE. Four hundred and eighty-seven studentsentering from th City alone within one tne country Spccimcns of Writing and Circulars, containing full infor mation, seut by moil free of charge. ; Address F. W. JENKINS; Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa. AS-PREMIUM PENMANSHIP.—No less thanllGUT FIRST PREMIUMS were awarded this College in tbs foil of 1857, over oil competitors, for best writing. These, with other previous Premiums, were given hi Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Virginia. Pennsylvania, and in Louisville,Ky„ at the United State* Fair, and all for work actually done with PEN and INK, and not for Engraved Penmanship. Our Penmen'are fully competent to do their own work without liie aid of the sngra' er to make' it respectable. [augNT-ly A NOTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE /* at McCormick's Store. ‘ . i Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, .(or at least credit will not bo given to any other than twite who ore uniting and can give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt monthly payment,) and desiring to niak{e it the interest of nil to patronize our store, wo have mode a very great re duction in the prices of all descriptions-of goods, and will give our entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment to salt the wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS, , 7 GROCERIES, I HARDWARE.! M QUEENSWARR. : CEOAAWARB, . BOOTS A SHOES. Gaiters, Slippers, Hats ami Cops, Dried Fruit, etc., all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. AH articles of produce taken in exchange for goods at their liighest market price. • ’ i Thankfril for post favors, we hope to share the patronage of those who are in want of goods. [March 2S-tt The great question which now agitates tho mind of 'every, person is, wlyre can I get the .beet article: fur money? In regard to oilier matters, the scrlber would not attempt to direct, but if you ' want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES he invites an examination his stock and work. He keeps constantly oh liand an, assortment of Baots,Sboes, Gaiters, Slippers, 4c., which ho offers At fair price*. lie will give special attention id custom work, all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction. None but the best workmen are employed J ' Bememlier my shop fa on Main struct, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. ' September 3,’37-tf] JOHN 11. ROBERTS. Exchange hotel.4-the sub scriber would respectfully in- . form the public that be has recently rd- A , fitted the above llotol,nnd fa now; prd pared to accommodate bis friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and KsStESeggßgEr will, spare no pains in making it an agreeable hums for all sojourners. Ufa Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the cmintiy and ’cities, apd Us Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. Bis charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and he feels satisfied they can hot bo complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and (hlly infendlhg to deserve it, be thruwa open bis house to the public and Invites a trial. ; Altoona, May 27,1858.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. rriHK MORMONS EVACUATING I SALT LAKE CITY M . . ■ V JL Tremendous Excitement in Easi Altoona / JT» The sntmeribars respoctftdly inform 1 the citizens of Altoona and tho rest of mankind that they are • now prepared to carry on tlte BLACKSMITIuNQ BUSI NESS in all its various branches, at the new stand next door below Peter Reed’s Cabinet shop, an Adeline street, in East Altoona. They flatter themselves that they are Ante to render satisfaction to all who may fator them with their patronage; and no etfbrt wiU be wanting on their part to merit the patronage of the community. Wagons, Car riages, 4c, made and ironed to qrder, for which good lum ber will be taken. ■ Remember the mace, on Adeline EL, where Dfacksmithlng is done on the- shortest notice and most reasonable terns. JOHN W. HOOPER, Altoona, May 27, •Mrfcn] T. A. JAMES. Boots and shoes;—the un derstgned has now, on band ahd will seU cheap at ids store in the Masonic Tom- VHI pie, klnm add complete assortment oQtOOTS AND SHOESs ready made, or made to order, Overshoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Soles, andAverythlng hi hlßllrieofbnain era, of the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom vroHr warranted; Jan.VB«-ttl ' 3, SHOEMAKER. Oysters \ oysters i oysters i In consequence of the hard times, I have concluded to put down theprice of my OYSTERS- to the lowest posai- He standard. Tbcy will hereafter bfe served up on tho Oiaflng Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted Intheshell and served up with all other accompaniments, TWENTY nVa CENTS. They wfll also be fhrnjshed, in every oth hr way, at prices to correspond with tho times. . JOHN KEIFPER, Deo. 17, tf.] Logan House, Hollidaysburg. fIAST IRON railing and all \JMdnfc of Castings executed'to order, also Tin Spout ing put up to order, at shortest notice, apply to " - J. SHOEMAKER, Agent for Jan. 8, 1856-tf. McLaxahAs, Watsoh S Co. aUEENSWARE, JUST RECEIVED. i A large and fashionable assortment at tho store of J. B HILBMAN. RIO COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA AND i'all kind of Groceries for sale by : , Juno 18, X857-ly] HENRY LEHR. Eggs, butter and all kinds of country produce can be had at ~ Jane 18,’57-ly . HENRY LEHR'S. , LOYERING AND NEW ORLEANS Syrup Molasses/at (air prices, at Jane 18, ’57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. Bxlo TO 20x24, AND CUT to order by 'Q. W. KESSLER. lACOI4T. STONEWARE, TTOWABI) ASSOCIATION, PHIL -1J» AraLPfilA. A BeftetdHxt Institution, established by special tndomnaii for the rclisf qf the tick and ditSrtittd, ajttitd toith Fir. sde nf and Epidemic diseases. —To all persona afflicted with Sexual Diseases,such as note, ■maiorrhart, S-xuo! Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhcea, (Jlm Syphilis, the vice qf Onanism or Self Abt,se, tfc., etc. The Howtnn Association, lu view of the awful destruction of human Ufc, caused hy Sexual Diseases, and the deception, practised upon the unfortunate victims of such -'larnsu Lt Quacks, several years two directed their Consulting Surgeon as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all thJJ forma, and to give medical advice gratis, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (sge, oaM,. nation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in casjia of extreme poverty and suffering, to furnish medicine free qf charge. It L needless to add that the Association , commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most appear, ed modern treatment. The Directors, on n review of the past, feel assured tl«t their labors in tula sphere of benevolent effort, have been of neat benefit to tho afflicted, especially to t he joutw. and they have resolved to devote themselves, with rtncwJd seel, to this very Important but much despised c auc. Just published by tho Association, a Deport on Sperms torrfaceL or Seminal Weak nets, tho vice oc Onanism, Maa tnrbation or Self Abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will bo sent by mail (in a sealed envelope), fret of charge, on the receipt ef wo postage stamps for postage. • Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. (lEOBOE R. CAL. BOtU, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Astociation, No. S 8. Ninth' street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors' N EZRA D. IIEAKTWELL, PreSf. ' OEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. (Dee. My. Intense excitement i—a new FIRM BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. M’LAIN & LEHR Big leave to Inform their friends and the citixetwof Altoo na and vicinity, that they have opened a GROCERY & PROVISION STORE; ln the room formerly occupied by John Lehr, on Vireiah street, next door to Patton a Half, where they will he hap. py to servo all who may favor them with ucaH." their •tank Is a large and select one, consisting of Flour, Feed, JBacoUf Pork, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, . Fish,. .. Salv Potatoes, Fish Oil, Fluid, Camphcne* Alcohol, Cigars and Tobacco. As they purchase all their goods fur the READY CASH, and soil for the swiro, persons desiring of purchasing any. thing in their line, will do well to give them a cal), W they will sell at hut a trifling advance on first coat. We ask no man to pay fot anything but what lie buys. Give us a tri ad and see If we won’t make oar words good. [Jan QTOVES! STOVES! STOVES.—The | O undersigned has Just received from Phiin- i delphia, Nortn, Chase i North’s celebrated Cook- " tug Stova* for 1(557. | TICK BOY Ah COOK ■■L | for Wood or Coal. This beautiful Cooking 3toTelVP^|, S Challenges all competition for tho exquisite style 5 of ornament tad perfect operation in nit respects. Tlw | oven extends under the firebox and tbu flues ore soarraug- | cd that thowhoteoVcq surfocc will bako perfectly and uni- | fonuly. ‘Sn illgliMt examination of this Stove must sat I isfyevory oh that it will become s universal fovoriio. THE SKA SHELL, for wood or coal. The fire-box b of good capacity—Urn ash-box la deep—the oven b capacious'andis n thorough baker. Thb stove b one that may readily bo recommended for fomily sue, in every particular. - 'All kinds 0/ heating and parlor stoves constantly on hand. r • JOSEPH H. BUSH. April It* Opposite the Awterioan Hrmte, XSodna. / COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OF \_J TRADE.—PaIIy convinced of fb troth of thb say ing, the subscribe)* would respcct/hi® announce to Un citizens of Altoona aml' vicinity, that be hasj entered the field, by opening a : ) , MERCHANT IMLpBINQ ESTABLISHMENT, in tho room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher, Im mediately opposite the Superintendent’s Cflfcc, where he will carry-on the business oa usual. He has just recelved an excellent assortment of ; i CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress suite, whichTre will make to order, mi'short notice and at’ prim which can not foil tc satisfy. He has also reemved the foATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, and feels conßdeut that he can aatbtjr the moat hstidkwi in this particular, and hb clothing will ha made 4s well as clothing con be mode. Iq tine, he b determined that noth ing shall be wrmitlng on hb part toreUSsr satis&ctlon to those whomny fovorhim with.their patrimnan. Altoona, Nov. 5-tf.) JOUiTT^LBOT. On Manhood, and its prema- TDBE DECLINE.—Just Published, gratl* the 20th Tboasnnd: • ■ • | A PEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or ; Loral WeaktiM, Nocturnal Emissions, GewbaX and Nervous WUIly, tency, and Impedments (0 Marriage genrtnlly.'ojpf ' ' i -B.DB LABES. M-D. Tlie important-fact that the many alarming cpnmlaiots, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, mar bo easily removed WITHOUT MBDICINK'b In thb small tract, clenrty demonstrated; and the entirely new and high ly successful treatment, ns- adopted, by the Author, tally explained, by means of which every one Is enabled to cun HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible coat, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any addrcsvgratb and post' free inn'scaled en velope, by remitting (post :psdd) two postage stomps to Dr. B. DE HANEY, 88 East 31st street. New York City. May 6,1868. ' "p. SPRING AND SUMMER'* FASH ions.— joiim O.DONNELL, Merchant Tailor, late of Ilollidaysbnrg, dadrea to hifhrin the citizens 6f Altyom and vlcinity.that be baa leased thehtliMlnglwCtloor* North of the Red LBm Hotel end one dopr South of Na gle's Saloon, on Main street, whcreltP U now receiving hit SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting id pert ctf Clothe of ell* price*,' Plain ibid Fane; Cnsslmeres, suitable for earner wear, Silk,Satin Velvet Mm scUlcannd all kinds of light Summer Vestings, Inahort, everything that may be called for, of I ofwhlchho win make to order, on abort notice, and on the most reaeonv bio terms. IDs long experience In the business, ha thinks, will fos hlo him to please all who may Cxvor himwlth their ord?w. ; April I,lBhS-ly. ; ; ! MAP OP -BLAIR COUNTY.-—THE trabscribers propose to publish a New Mop of BWr _T, Vcnnsylrimia, from actnin surveys, containing nil Pnbllo Roads, Roil Roods, Canals. ihe actual lecalittfs of Tillages, Post Offices, Houses-of Worship, School Hocks, Manufactories, Tanneries,' Mills. Hotels, Stores,' Perm Uune es. names' of Property Owners, 4c. , Enlarged Plans 01 the Principal Villages, 1 a Table of Distances, and a Business Directory, giving the battle sad business of each snbecrlbcr, will he engraved on the «n«- gin. The plotting will be to a suitable scale so ns to mate a huge ana ornamental Map, which will be Irolrcd »ni mounted In the best stylo, end delivered to subscribers it $5 per copy. . SAMUEL OEIL. April IS, 1853. ISAAC 0. FREER f*, W. KESSLER PRACTICAL | vl • DBUQOIBT, respeetfnlty announces - P ;i to the citizens of Altoona and the public i erally, that ho still continues the Drug business. on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly uRj( on band, for sale, Wholesale and Rcta il, DRUGS, OILS, VARNISH? 4ft* £8 and DYESTUFFS. I strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfiiction to all as regards price and quality, bo hope*' o merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms and all orders from n distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. (1-tf- National police gazette.- Thls Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is to Its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throngheri the country. It contains ail the Great' Trials, Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together wlft information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in ssj other newspaper. £2 per annum; $1 for six months, to bo remitted by subscribers, (who should writs their n*®** and the town, county and State whore they reside plainly) To G. W. JfATSELL k CO, Editor & Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette. 15-tf] KdeYorkCiiy- Bell, Johnson, Jack & Co., OFFICES AJ Hollldaysburg and Altoona* I Tvrafts on the PRINCIPAL CITIES. XJ and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections mad*- | Honeys received on deposit, payable on demand, without in- r terest, or upon time, with interest, at fair rates. 11-» | J. D. LEET, | ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hollidays- | ntTRQ, BLAm COUNTY, PA., . >1 A ill practise in the several Courts of Blair, Hunting®™ fa tnd Cambria counties, and attend promptly to all W”*? 'm Aon entrusted to him. Office (tor the present) at his 5 dene?', corner Allegheny and Penu etroets, , Pa. “ [a-SStf- WM. S. BITTNER, I SURGEON DENTIST, * Office immediately opposite the Luthers Church, on Virginia street. iOct. . A J. G. ABLXJM, S3T DP Q53.1b II | ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. , Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. UiUtum- i Altoona, October 1, JBST.-Iy ' " . t A SUPERIOR LOTOF FKBSHGAE' XIL DEN BKEDS f-'t sale by lttfj . "’Xt •** , • "a McCRUM VOL. 3. THE A McCRUM * D Per annum, (payi All paper* ducoi Mid for. : w ■ <w foot lines or is**. One square, ( 6 tiuei Two “ (I# “• Three « (iM “ - Over three weeks square for each thsc Blx lines or lest, One square, Two “ Three '• fonr “ Half a column, Oaa column, Administrators and Merchants advert ieit with liberty to clu Professional or Bus Unci, with paper, Communications o terest will be ch.irg> .AdvartlsoUkcnts tu desired, will bo coat lc tho above tonus. Business notices t Obituary notices c TRIBUN CHURCI Presbyterian , 15. -v. wry Sabbath montiii; 8 o’clock. .Sabbath . turn Room. Prayer tbu Same room. Methodist Cuixojm lag every SabualU ni mg.- Sabbath Schoo >l. General Prayer -day evening. Young “Evening. Htatiydice.l Luther tba Lecture Boom at soma room every Wo Cut ted Brethren, 15 "dry Sabbath morntn, d o’clock. : Sabbath o'clock, A. M. Prnvi in soma room. Pi'otestant Pj,izcojx Service 2d nnd 4th Si A. M,nmi4ti P. M. (bthotie, Bov. Jo..', o'clock in tho morui; Baptist, (no Pastor, afmwji ifrt/iot/fef every Sabbath morui Ilia old Union Sellout ALTOO Eastern Way aud lloi Western “ UoiUiUyobnrg Eastern Through M i W«tcni Trough, (Sat ' M Eastern Through Mai Western Way uu.i iiol Eastern ODee open for flic 1 fo S P. M., during tbo cn Sunday. Juno 4, ’57-tf] RAILfI Express Train Hurt nn , f* w West If oat •< East “ West MCI “ \:%h ” •’ West - The tIOLLIPAYSItI Troth West, Mall Trai SMtw The Bt.iniSVlU.; Way Ttaiii Ba-.t and min East. Dec. 21, ’&U-tf 1 meeting Mountain leeige, .\ day bf each month, ii pin. at ".' .; o’clock. P. iSluni’it/inl Earnm j third Tues-k.y ~.f r-ieb sonic T,napK at .. Altoona Lodge, !,'■) evening, in the secoio. o’clock, I’. M. Vfrcmntt Iselge. 1, i evening,ln the third - street, at o'clock. I Tinnubfiitn Tribe, efts every Tuesday i v Masonic I’cmplc.' tv, breath. A. EUI’IILK, Junior Simi of Atni J*y night in (he third P. il. COUI . <>f the Cburti. Associates, J. IVun Jo, rnthonulirs— Josef UH'i fvixnnl, —-Qt*org«> ivrt District AUonif y^\\ County Commit* our 1 County Surveyor— J, ■A’ McFnrlnao. ajxosurcrwS. Hoove Au&iors—J. tv. Xi ; i] Hotue DirfAor. Shiver. o>roncr —James Fan of Co ALTOONA Justice* f the I’.ac- Bunjtft— K, >l. J UIK JW*. a«aei7—Jam.- Ahison, K v-r Reed. Nc Pretidsr.t of Oiunr!i- Clerk to fvunai—Jo) • Borough Treasurer—J ■ ■Sfkoolßirerh ir.t —d o Mason, tree. tv. Sparks. "Treavrn- of Schmi I High CtmrtaWfv—Jo;-,' IHw OMtclur —John 3 AwjUtort —o. D. Then • JUtettar —John McCl AnUtant Arsetton —! Judge of KUxUont—v, '[ • . “ V “ “ N mtpecton —East Wit « l Ve,t “ “ North - S-J- rnasi, v. c. T\RS. OIRSI -L/ their •W Vicinity in the scvhj MEDICINE Country coils regular] “tuCft, the same aa her Dy consent, D. K. Goo “• M. Qemmill, 31. J J. B. Lnden, 31.1... . Ihm, Royer au April 22, iß.~B.rn COLOUR.—TiI JL •* now prepared Flour, made from sjuud \ - Orders 101 l with Mr. C Juno 12, ’5O-tfJ PEA NUTS mlngton Pea Nuts March 25, ’SS-ly] 1 DATES . and iu si March 25,’53 ly] 1 A tMONDS, Nuta anti Filbert March 2s, ’6B-lvl 1 Pure whit . also Chrom w ronnd in oil it