The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 12, 1858, Image 3

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bc«t Purgative and Liver
, that acts as a CaOtartic, be.
than any other medicine knot) B.lf
ic. hut a Liicr remedy, acting llrkt ai? ***»
its morbid mutter, thin ou thut/J..? Mu
y off that mutter, thus aecOmpiiojo*"* **><l
■tally, without any of tho palnM ia*,
1 tho. operations of moat
• system at tho same time that It npiuf—
n daily in moderate doses, will rttMoM
with'unusual rapidity.-.
one of thoj
ind when it; (performs ItsfuuetmLllw
the F) stemi fully developed^!?*
inluvly; on thtTwiT?*
ircr for the; £2 proper poribrnuu^
n the atom-1 loch is at fault, the bows*
i the whole |(*V system ntoi h f* 1 ’
■Wm-the I J Livsn-hav^ c
the diseases, Cj,of that organ, non _»
mudc it study, in A ■
ms. to find wIZwS?! 0
many do- | raugemenUj towhkfc^-'r
jtlc, aud conviction i, C J,I
this remc
•ith hivtr.
u try a bot-
removo all
pplying In
rating the
ttmpa THE
hole machi-
morbid or bad matUr r„
their place a
stomach, causing fooH .
bwop, giving I,S* k £
ncry, removing the
radical cure. rjr®
cd, Ann, what u asm,
sional use of tbaUjag^
sufficient to reUevettu,.*.
from rising and aonriOK'
fore reflHng, ‘
night, loosens thothebo*
nreaxsa. , w
spoonsful will aijjwja^,
-elleclillg a
■Ki* are' cur
the occa-
ircatiug is
ut the food
> taken be-
lt taken at
cures Cos- .
a after each
of two tea
ache. \ I’"’
.ken for fp- J
ho disease, H.
n repeated] J
preventive t/JJ
n bottle is a I
t? of medi-jys j
taken for 1 |_4
ilr.ral color -L
•■ii a short CC
:t r; p»atediQ
while bum-!
i the first
loses cures'”
in-re is DO' *7
i-orldi ns- ltjr-i
:i.b Dropsy]
sure in re-1
male obstnicUonVitnai»»
and make*a pcrfwtcnra
ly rcU»vc*ClSlc?iHj«!g
U a sure curoforcioii.
ofCaoi«u. : ■ u
nw^tottifflrart pfik,
erne after a ioSgWekiiM,
jAcmiOß renioT«» *ii Aai
front the A|n. " w
time before cottar' *4 rai
makes the food digest w ( '
cores Chronic Ptarrhcea ; u
mer and bowel iooipUbii.
attacks caused by-JPo*),,
‘lt u]K-mt<« with certadnu
I to, testify to lu wonderiui
, . 1 • •/.»(?-
Ore giriag theijr unanimous tesUaMqyia
f»r Fever! Tf)
■ Huns tvpe.j w
■uu willing
'.t In tlw moutti wiih llio Ip vigmutoiy ».v|
> ; MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and to dm,
mont tod £raat to bcIU ire. -lt oßfts «# n
turu dot* giving benefit, arid wMotom on
I ' -ialnr-J to core any kind ofHverCkWi
.■jrtt Jaundice or Dyspeptic., to a common
vltitlt.are the reattltof a PI3EAJU3>
:■« <w* soma rot some. • ■;
Proprietor, 345 Broadway, Kev‘Yotfc-
W. KcsiUJi, Altoona; and retailed i, T
[May 27,1835.-Iy 1
jy.iiK amniccccifuUy aonght, j : •>
cover* luxuriantly the tatd head; rt
itc.Mne and nil DciuTnla, acaldbredßD'l
i.v.l the hair soft, hcaltliy And gbanr: anil
1 --->y imaginable age; remove*, ka if by ’
i<. 5c.. from tbu bee am! cure* alllneattl- j
1 ~u.u:Uu.' tko circular and the following: i
Dover, X. IT., Feb. 2J, 1857.
n A Co.-r-Gent*; Within aftvitorew*
uimv order* and call* for ProCO. JlWobif •
• bat t'cday we were compelled to
! ity, (the 0 dozen you forwardad'awhtlhg orilir a quantity from j<m.,£'rtry
»' t mt In hart I'rodnrtdOfXee drJQtlKtMto
.ip|in>batiun, and patronage,!! rereive*
-i.uitUl ami worthy citailiit'aitwli'tl'
ecu* that it to A MOTT TAtiO^U!
ru may bo one gro*a of |l alxe; and odd
I »elieva us yottn veryrespectlWlv*.
pc dj DANIEL LATtlOßPlife).
ov.' Pi. Charles Co.. Mo, Xu*. 19,1850.
ii>— Dear Sir; SumatimoAailiiimnKT wn
I" «>nie, .of your Hair Bc*tund|v«>, art
wonderful, wo feel it our duty toTo*
to report It. .
h-.-ul lor aonte time had /been perfeeiij
'• and sumo called it >c(>ld bead. ,-jP»
; ly came offiii couecquenec, wbcnafrlmd,
ass adviced oa to use your BaffaiaErc,
llcho]».> of eucccu, but, to oprSorpflw,
ir fri.-iMl*, A very few applications ratuMil
Iy, nud a new and luxnriept (trpji
i-"‘l »;« r. 11) now say that onrbu hasa;
iriil ns loxnrient a crop
■ii therefore. and dn licrcby reixuntnerd
>- .. ix'rfccl remedy for all dtoceae* oftbe i
U c mo. yours rvriprqt fully, ‘
Calf diner, Maine, Jnne2sl<uis.
t) Di-iir Sir: 1 bare asedt wabottlM of
Hair Meliorative, and control li
• ry of the ngr fur restoring aod cßanrins
us in- it I was a tnaii
Med il« original color. Yon caatveotn-
I<i without the least fear, A thrbuM
ret Mad. ■
Vonr* Reepectftjlly.'v
I ioprietor* 312 Umidway, BflWYorit,
AVire Kailihg Establishment,)andlM
i-.Mo; * ■•■■■’ -r-v.. ' 1
• KKIStfJLEIt, Altoona, And by all jroed
’ (JoneS, ISSMy.
IMP tyiis,
nl domestic;
, Cosmetics,
i-itvni Sachets- • '•• "•■
ct Soapsj Mair ■
Tooth tytcifesj .
t 'omisf Pocket biiftft/-
jr -'°/ <i ie.f jefc., etc.-
A. ROU^f.
llR££ P&&S,
lER! J '
a Strut, abate Out, Ltdheran
Pi and Boap Fowler forWashiffejE?
F common Soap; Castile 'BoSjF>
< tc., on hand and Ibr sale**. .
n,? Cathartic, mild la Its oPftMf*
(uite, prepared and for salo by. T
V A. JtOU3H,7>»Wr.
| Turjientiuc,
it"r in its use under On?
Etjfoof Q yj EEBBJJ&-
'liE BEST QUALjffi®
I'U for edv, Wholesale 4tW?T
J. fiUQKMA|g%.-
Mb. Rhdle —Allow me, on behqlf And in the
, paiue of tho employees of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, on the Division under your charge, to
present to you the watch and chain which I
hold in my hand, as a token of their respect
and affection for you. It is extremely gratify
ing to, me. I assure you, to be. the manna of con
veying this gift to you, because I heartily join
frith them iu their esteem for you as a man, and
in admiration ofihe Jhir, Just, and able manner
in which you have discharged your duties con
nected with the rood. Daring your long con
nection with tho Railroad, 1 nave never heard
one complaint; and this day shows that the feel
ings of those around you are as sincere as they
are warm. Your strict integrity, and even-han
ded justice to all alike, have : made you a favor
ite with the men under your charge; and, in
this; cold, business world, where every one seems
* (riving for selfish ends and purposes—some
for gold—some for honor—and some for the :
pleasures of life—it is charming and refreshing
to see the bright sun of affection shine as-u
docs hero to-day, by the employees df your .Di
vision, for their appreciation of your worth.—
They desire by this small token Coshow this to
yon, and may Us time be as true as their senti
ments conveyed, through me, to you to-day are.
They hope you will appreciate it—not fin ac
count of the value of the gift, but in kindly re
membrance of those who gave it; and that os
we journey on through life, nothing may ever
oc*ur to mar the kind feelings and relations
which have always existed among u». It is
their wish—all of them:—that yon may lotg
continue in the service of the great road with
which you now are connected, and that their
connection with you may os long exist; but
whether so or not, you will always have their
boat wishes for prosperity , and happiness to at
tend you—no matter your duties in life
may be, or where they may call you—and most
truly do I joiu my wish with theirs, that such
may be the case. v
Sir, allow me to hand you this bcautifu
by the 1
Employees Maintenance of Way Department
Uuntinydon and Hollidlysbury,
at a token of their respect anti esteem!
Mr lUiule received Um watch and replied in
the following ■
Abnsess: - 1 '
Gotlemes-—I need hardly say to yon that
tins ia one of the proudest days ,of my life. 1 A
discharge of one’s duty, it is true, always car
ries with it its own reward, and that Conscious
ness is s man’s best and truest happiness—but
uis doubly precious: when attested by those
whoso situations enable them to know, it and
declare any failure in its performance. You
IT.. A 8? Bituftted 5 * nd this declaration by
fou, that 1 have duty to mV cm
£ and *° J ou > hs a for more precious and
a uapfo testimonial than the Tnlucd and valu
ri whiph jpn have conveyed it.
i win ohenah it as a remembrance of duty dis
*n the past, and ad incentive tofidelity
1““* Permit me to return to yon my
arty thanks.for the’ generous display of y ear
regard for me, and feel assured that I cherish
or mb of yop that respect and esteem which •
t shaU ever bo toy pride to have for men who,
®. yoa ’ continued faithful and worthy in'the
discharge ofejery trust that I haver 7 committee!
while you Jiavo thus declared your
with piy conduct towards you, 1
.this opportunity of saying that I re
. J®? chio my • thanks for your cheerful and
ready discharge of your duties .towards the road
and myselfj and I express the hope that we
T J contmuo mutually ito cherish and
those feelings, itod lo Uve id the respect
auu eatefjn ofeagh other f bj conliimlngtodo
top juton; . The high reputation
which the road has attained under your charge
should not toj dimlipAhed for of seal or
promptitude m the discharge of every duty im»
posed by the General Superintendent or the of*
charge of the sab-departments. The
suD-divuions under yonr charge have heed, in a
great measu n ; free from' accidents; and the
merous tmns ,tbat are daily rolling over each
of your dmsioito without any fear of accident
th« j’ g J ve y° u =«“ a high reputaUon for
f ? L tare - In “7 farewell ad
hSaJU' Es< l-» when retiring
i**? eral Superintendence
behalf ok Eadroad » u» tendering to him in
knnJi P®p*oyeea under my charge an ac
the "uniform counesyAnd
of y° ur duties aU‘d
UudcsX aPl)royC f Bhb^i
onrworthy n?, up€rmtefldeac ® of
who holds at heart evervV 10ra ? 8 Scott, Esq.,
ro&d man. Beach everf £ neßt wi
dely tlwt lays upon y?uf
greatlyyou shall not deceitJSJS ’*** d °
are as yet but at the Btarting pofn*® , for wo
Wp'ovetnenis, iJxd when meu^hffitrike übi^l
“din (heir hearts open the sleeping founfolns
- en their l°ve’ revel itself in
lU *WMteßleiyoyiDeiits. \ ;■
On motion, & vote of thanks was tendered to
. ■*!*.?• Oramer, for the manner in which he
discharged bis duty, in the matter of pur
e“»mgthe,watoh and chain. rw
proceedings were ordered to
Ih * f ttsc “UiiB#, ccMtop/iy having been ;
v $>,T.
: JS-S’M
: }&
pooita f tiitf.
vMhm* Hollirfaysburg and
suJu Stations will hold a Comp Meeting, at
mart** Grove, midway between Holhdaysburg
STAltoona, commencing on Friday 20th and
joeing on Thursday, 26fe day of August next.
SUandpeople of Binmngbam. Wdliams
h«« Saiitiiigilen and other adjoining Circuits,
iTwapectfeUy incited to join with ns. Minis
*ad members of other denominations aro
am cordially invited to pitch their tents with ns;
-*«**'• u *”^<SSgSlt\
July 21, 1858. .
ppesvvTATios. —On Thorsdaylaat, dthlnsti, i
we attended, by invitation, a meeting-of the Em-:
ployeea connected with the mMntemmce of way
department of tbePenn’a Ballroad, on the diyi
iion between Hollidaysburg and Huntingdon, ,
held at the National Hotel, in Tyrone,, for the
parpoie of preaenting a goldj watch, chain and;
Mai to Josatuah Sucbß, Esq., Superviaor of
that division, as a token of their respec t and es
teem. '
Tho meeting was organised by appomting-
CapL James Bell President, and E. B. McCrum,
Secretary. :
The President stated the object of tho meet*:
ing, after whjch Gko. B. Esq., presen
ted the watch with the following ;
The watch bole tho following inscription:—
eluded, thewntah was"handed aroondfer I&4
speotion. It is a beautiftd piece of
H extenxdly, a solid piece pf gold. The watch
was valued at $l4O, thc fob chain at $3O am
the seal at 58. The internal works are'of the!
latest and most perfect patents, having been!
approved by a number of railroad men as tho|
most perfect time-keepers/ That 'Mr. Bhule
should feel proud of st»ch a WqnTd not;
bo unnatural, although we believe ho valued
the, kind f eelings of .the idoners much more, and;
felt a pride in the posseaitiohof esteem
which all the. valuable gift raff riches they!
-laid at bis fcet-would not have ont
wpighed; he iscmincntly worthy of this
token of apptob&tioa from those under .him, we
assert, Mr. B. has ever beenvegarded
as one of the most faitiffalSaperrisorspn tho
.rood,'both aa'}us employers and employees, and
all Mike join their kind regards in (be token
presented to him..,.
At half-poatifour o’clock, the company eat
doimto an excettent repast prepared by the
'hostess pf the National. To say that it
was axoellentis not sufficient;'it was more than
we hodaatioipatod, and it would have been bet
ter lad she bnt lmowii the precise time at which
the affair was to come ot We have not sat
down to a better supper than that served up at
the National at any hotel in this part of the
country. Everything about the house wears
up appearance of neatness, and orders arc fulfil
led withpromptness and dispatch, without the
noise and bustle usually attendant on such oc
casions. The-National Hotel, of Tyrone, wo
h.ive.long known os a popular house, and now
consider it deservedly such.
Shottiy before six o’clock (ho party left for
the station, well 1 pleased with the proceedings
of the afternoon, themselves, the attention they
received mid the sapper, and vowed that when
ever they Visited the town again they would
stop at the National.
Impbovbhent in Cooking Stoves.— Some
time sinpo we referred to on improvement in
Cooking Stoves, by which the nmokc and gas
arising from coal could be Ignited and mode to
serve the purpose of beating the stove, thereby
saving one-third of the fuel. The following de
scriptignwilj .convey -an idea of tho improvo
ment;:?r- ■ . r
“It is well Jtnown that nil inflammable mst
amount of air to support
combustion, and if the supply is insufficient, it
iajnposriblc to produce; * flamo. The beat of
tne fire* in ordinary cookujgstotfea, decomposes
the fuel, and as all the fresh air is admitted un
der the grate, oxygen is exhausted before it
has passed through the fire-chamber. The close
® tteB at the top of the stove, then act as an ex
tinguisher, tending, to put out the fire, instead
of assisting the combustion. A large portion
4}f the fuel, therefore, passes off in the shape of
smoke, clogging up the flues' of the stove so as
to impede the .draft and interfere with the ba
king,—or of invisible gas which combines with
the lin e and so destroys the mortar of thjc chim
neys, loosjug the bricks, and exposing the dwel
lings to the danger of fire.
introduction of an additional supply of
cold air, would cool the gas below the igniting
temperature, but by the proper application
above the fire, of air previously heated to a
temperature of several hundred degrees (which
is one oftho prominent features of the patent),
the gases are inflamed 1 in numerous Jets, and
their combustion is sufficient to heat the oven,
even if the draft through the firc-chambcr is en
tirely closed;
In addition to the ordinary direct draft Under
the grate and through the fire-chamber, the gas
burner has an additional draft through the top
plates, which is of itself sufficient to maintain
combustion. The upper draft act only con
sumes the gases, but it helps to strengthen and
preserve the centre pieces, which ore most cx-
the direct action of the fire, and which
are,made double instead ;of the usual single
pfete&y By means'of this draft alone, all the
operations of cooking can be carried on when
the fuel is but partially ignited, and the fuel
consequently Amrns more slowly and more eco
nomically. ,
A sufficient evidence of the effect of the gases
in heating the oven, is found in the fact that
the oven, will bo ready for baking, even before
the fire is thoroughly kindled, and much sooner
than in any other .stove.” ■
Mr. John Shoemaker is the sole agent for the
sale of these stoves in this county. Call at his
store apd axamino them.
X*ageb Bairn that Istoxicates.-—Large: quan
tities of Coeulus Indicut , a poisonous and intoxi
cating drug, is imported to this country for oso,
is said, in the manufacture of lager beer.
Recently this beverage has come into extensive
use, and,the importations of Coatlua Indicut has
been largely increased; Dishonest brewers are
supposed to rise it, .because it requires less malt
to n&ke.becr when Coculut is an ingredient. To
those, however, who are accustomed to use this
•’beverage, the difference between that manufac
tured from pure malt and the Coculut molt, is
easily discernible. It is universally admitted
that the beer manufactured by Messrs. Wilhelm,
of this place, is the best in tire State, at least it
so pronounced by Jhose who should
know. ’'As aconsequcnce they have more calls
for theartiolethantheycan supply. . The Al
' toonabeeraud none other Is sold at the Moun
tain th? Wftaqnic Temple.
firom ail kind of drugs, Persons da-
beverage, which jui often recom
mended as 4 stimulant, should to,get
a pure article* It can be had at the place men'
libbed.'. • ' vl/;.
A Pao*ono».~-We ore olwaytr pleased toi jre
coriJ the promotion of any of ow, ottuoiu topost
of honor, profit or trust, and we halve th«t pleas
ure this week, in announcing that our young
friend David T- Caldwell, clerk in the Banking
Rpqse ofßuil Johnson, Jack & Co. ,id this place,
was, at the late Convention of the junior Sons
of America, at Lancaster, elected President of
said Convention. The honor was worthily con
fprred, as there are few capable of filling such
» post with more dignity tbkn ouryoung friend.
That he will “ bear his blushing honors meek
ly we feel sure, and from his known integrity
to the cause he has espoused we venture to pre
dict that still highers honors await him in fu
ture. 1 ■
8. S. p lcslc ._ Th? Uti . oa Sanday Schoo]| of
Wystev Furnace, held *, p icn!o 6n Sil turJ»v.
a ‘♦‘••‘P I ** wbich watr addrea
aed by Ber. Br. Happer, « w . S. A. fcp and
others. AiUocount of it’will ba foiwil fa tiu,
communication of “ Pfusci iiatmtobpoy ? /■'
•> J *
- AftSOC^^
■M» « meeting WM kld in Mr. BurchinelTs
ti* of ffurncdAs a.
A committee was appointed todraft
* Oonsfitatfon and By-Laws for the Association.
A f“® j of valuable books has already been pr*.
and it is the intention to get suitable
bobfcs far the use and edification of apprentices
to |be different trades, JEnginecra, Krenien and
*“« Also Ktenay bbbkr of unwinds.
We are pleased to announce the formation of
on association, well - knowing the benefits
th4t inust flow from It. Eveiy young; man in
the town should contribute liberally for the pur
pose of purchasing books to be placedin this
Wwtiy- . l*«t each one subscribe, say SS, ! (and
that is less than the majority of them spend
montbly for articles that arO worse than useless,)
and it will purchase one of the best libraries in
the country, and the knowledge they will obtain
from the use of those books will be worth ten
bates the amount of their subscription. We
venture to say that there is not a young man
; works in the shops in thisplace, who could
hot spare that amount out of one months wages
in |tho year; and now lei them calculate the
amount which could be raised by a subscription
like this, and they can form an estimate of the
valuable bbbks It will place within their reach.
Not only tb« jwng but aged men majy be bene
fitted by this library, and we expect tosec many
of them enrolling their names on tbo.list, and
contributing money and books. Enter into it,'
young men, with willing hearts and open hands;
you are the individuals sought to bo benfitted.
But why need wo extenuate; you know your
duty and your-interest, and we feel sure you
will rightly consider the subject and act accord
liipN City Commercial - College, Pittsburg,
Pa.—Number of students attending this Insti
tution is now 800—more than treble at any
aimilar school in the country. It is a model,
well furnished counting-hoqso of four large
halfa, 20x40,23x80, 22x70, 43x80 feet, and Is
Conducted by a Faculty of fourteen experienced
teachers and practical business men. The
course of study being the most thorough and
practical —Teachers of writing always obtain
ing the medals here, also in eastern and wes
tern; cities—Low prices of board and tuition—
Healthiest city in the Union—Success of its
graduates—Best location for gaining situations
—cause this to be the largest Commercial School
in the Union, making it the most desirable Col
legCjfor business men in any part of the coun
Fqr Circular and Specimens x of Writing, ad
dress F. W. Jeskihs, Pittsburg, Va.—FiUsbufa
Qazilit .
Mas Killed. —On Monday morning last, the
car inspectors at this place, on examing the
Express Train Eastward, discovered portions of
a handkerchief and a quantity of hair and blood
upon the car wheels and breaks. It was not
known to any one connected with the train that
an accident had.occurred, and conjecture was
at fault in reference to the affair, until the ar
rival' of the Mail Train which brought the
information that a watchman on the Road,
named Murphy, had been run over and killed
near the “ Pack-saddle,” by the Express Train.
Front the fact that there were no marks upon
the Wheels of the engine or tender, it is sup
posed that the unfortunate man bad got on
the platform of the Express car to ride and by ;
some means fell between the engine tank and
car. 1
A “ Pico Muss.”— ;On Tuesday afternoon
last, an Irishman and % negro gave a free exhi
bition!; in the “manly art of self-defence,” a
short distance below our office. How the fight
originating, wo are unable to say, (and presume
nobody cares.) The first sight we obtained of
them, they were performing sundry feats of
“ ground and lofty tumbling,” the negro finally
lauding uppermost. Neither one of them ap
peared to have hurt the other very much.
Reason why—the negro didn’t want to hurt the
Irishman and the Irishman couldn’t hurt the
“jnagftr.” The affair created quite an excite
ment,; such affairs having of late become very
rare in tins, place. We hope it may bo the last
for some tiinfc to come.
Tub Encampment.— At the military meeting
hold in this place, on the 3d hast, Oon. Bell ap
pointed (pol. Higgins, Majs. lanes and Bell,
Capts|i 801 l and Hoffius and Lieut.
committee to procure the tents and other camp
■ Cob'Higgins, Capfs. Zink and Morrow and
Licuts, Osteiioh and Burley, were appointed a
committee of invitation,' wilh instructions to in
cite t| e different volunteer companies of adjoin
ing Brigades to aUcndtbo Encampment.
; The Ilollidaysburg fenolbles, Scott fiiflemen
and A legheny Cavalry wore appointed to pre
pare'fl to ground and make all necessary arrange-
I Anothkr Invention.— We were shown afew
evenings since* a now patent tamp for burning
Lunar Oil. , it exceeds in brilliancy of light
that mode from any other oil, burning fluid or
gas, and emits no sinoko or unpleasant odor.—
I| poy it of cheapness of light the Lunar Oil has
burn at an average cost of
bUt .oqp cent per night, and ejnU a light equal
to 52 : pandles The [chief points ,that recom
mend [the Lunar Oil are the beautiful, steady
Vhite llight it emits, its cheapness and the im
possibility of its explosion. Lamps pap ho.
seen and' tested at the store of Ur. John Shoe
maker who has purchased the right for the sole
of them in this and adjoining counties. ''■
;p, .
TROUCI.J3SOME Canons ABO Colds.-— Persons
who hare been long .afflicted with Coughs and
Colds Without being benefitted tjy the uae pf
medicine,- wo would, by way of salutary advice
say, go to G. W. Kesslers, and buy a
Dr. KCyser’s Pectoral Cough Syrup, a jniedibipe
of great celebrity and is vastly superior to tie
various nostrums that flood the' country. It is
put up in bottles at 60 cents and $l. i
fins' Best Conan Mepicuib,— -One of . the
very, best Cough Medicines to be fbuhdturir
where, isDr. Keyset’s Pectoral Syrup,'B6hlr.By
G. W. Kessler, at 50 cents per-bottle.
:-j-f T-.ffj
*®*Seb advertisement of Dr.
LIVBR INVIGGRATOR in mother column.
■ ; " i: .„V. tie Altoona TribiAi.
Mbssbs, Borrow t—Many petsonsaUcnd cel
ebrationsfor various purposes. , Sohie go to see
friendsothers go hi & tehtlShine go to see
what great fools they can make of thcmsclVcs;
others go to get something good to eat; few go
to be intellectually benefitted. | Confess the!
last reason is the one that induces me to atten<■
them. 'Things that arc said at celebrations are
generally so plain and appropriate, that they
are more easily understood and rememberet
than if said on many other occasions. Hence,
my penchant for attending them. |
I was at the celebration of the Allegheny Fur
nace Sabbath School lost Saturday, the 7tb first.
The officers of tbo school, I am free to say, labor
for its ■ good ,in a manner that reflects much
credit apou them.
The school is not a very large one, but is
composed; of quite a number of small children,
whose cheerful faces betokened happy hearts
and whose merry laughter made others glad.
After proceeding to the grove, they were ad
dressed in a plain and interesting manner by
Rev. Aughe, of Williamsburg; acid when they
bad enjoyed themselves by swinging, etc., for
about, an hour, they surrounded a sumptuously
laden table which fairly groaned beneath the
abundance of good things. When they all bad
partaken of the rich dinner, the Rev. Hr-Hap
per, a foreign missionary, exhibited to us some
idols of heathen worship, accompanied by lucid
explanations and touching appeals. The Doc*
tor’s dignified and noble appearance, bis clever
articulation, his volubility of utterance and his
heart-prompted discourse gained far him undi
vided attention, and were calculated to deeply
impress the hearts and command the reverence
of all. Rpy. S. A. Wilson, of Altoona, followed
in a brief jbut eloquent address, which tended to
seel upon jthe mind still more securely if possi
ble the conviction of the truths which the last
Speaker altered.
The hospitality of tile people there woe truly
commendable. It was not grudgingly bestowed,
but, being in the heart, it was trained and
strengthen ed by Religion, and exhibited itself
in open-handed generosity and love. Much
praise is due those who were ttyc getters-up
of the cc lebration. I am sorry that Ido not
know the names of all the ladiet who made
60 useful upon that occasion. I
to speak of them as being worthy of
L praise, if I only knew their names,
the ladies, I.
would liki
the bighes
God bh
SiSKtHO Valley, August 9, 1858.
Editobs :— A few days since 1 took
Ife from your town, escorted by my
os far as the village over the hill,
the appropriate name (in rainy weath
town. While crossing the ridge, wo
>asure of meeting der Purser llans
compauy with one of the fair sex
u this paft of our glorious land of
1 judging from his conversation, ho
my depart
friend M.
known by
•r) off Mac
had the pi
tobpoy, in
which; adw
liberty, an
If on the “ lookout” for a Rev. or an
evert as ting knot.” Hia busi
ed, was of such a nature that it would
him to tairj, therefore I bid him
d proceeded on my journey.
my way through the wilds of Brush
[ arrived at this place in due season,
was eviden
Esq., to ti(
ness, he sai
not permit
;ood by ar
the people in the lively and vigorous
ireoltn. ,Mr. Joseph Crawford & Co.,
1 in digging for lead ore, which I
and found
pursuit of
ore engage
hare no doubt will be found in great abundance,
should they continue to dig for it, and I know
that old Joje is not one -of the kind to give up
anything h|c knows there is money to be made
at. A shaft some twenty or twenty-five feet in
depth has sunk, and about ten or twelve
hundred weight of the ore taken out, which is
said to bo e uperior to that of the Galena mines.
Upon examination I found it pure enough to be
token from he bank and manufactured into bul
ng> the Directors of this township
ade provisions for erecting a echool
iis now almost completed. It will
lent to this port of the country. It
a grand stylo and reflects much
e builder, Mr. Robert Stewart.
Last Spr
Tyrone) ms
bouse whic
be an o;
in put up i;
credit oh tl
I will;* 1 1
to give you
old off” for the present, promising
a line again. I’ERljy INILLE
A Monmouth paper says, ‘in another
column will be found the certificate of our fel
low townsman, James W. Davidson, Esq., to
ProL Woom. This is another of thor numerous
instances mere it has changed gray'hair to ra
ven and bald scalps to waving locks
Let any whb stand in need of this valuable rem
edy give it h fair trial.”
- Caution.) —Beware of worthless' imitations, as
several orealrcody in the market, called by dif
ferent names. Use none unless the words (Pro
fessor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St Lou
is, Mo.; andNcvf York,l are. blown in the bot
tle. Sold oy all Druggists and Patent Medicine
dealers. Also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods
dealers in the United States and Canada. See
advertisement in this week’s paper. !
The Panic—More Failures: —Tlic panic in
New York seems to bo bn the increase. In this
city eyerytlung goes pn smoothly, mid the only:
ftulures yre have heard of were the failurestb
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing .
establishmchta. There is no such difl|culty |o
be encountered by those who patronise the
Brown Stonb Clothing Hall of Rockhill & WR
jon. Nos. 603 and 60S Chestnut 'street, I (jibyb
sixth. Gcnjtlemen and Youths never fiulto pro- ;
qnre capital' fits at this popular establishment.,
S)e, $ bbl.
i “
, « #»
- ......
Corn Meal, ’!
Sty Appfea,
Sutter, - ; /
tart*" i-;
Shoulder*, ■
Side,. -
®ggs, ■■■*-.
3T* LBllßti FLQPR MAfil
STLato *IS
WRlte Wheat
■ *j • v V
*'■ i*x «>.•■
ir «$D Iheif Monr Uk> tolloirtoir ratcsf— -
tbor, &ctr» family, '. «' ' tsi3
3? i
.. Alway oubawfe :
J.l i
. / It.
. UJHE’Slnoim
riohr, 5 —A' ■ A / sft*60 ■
a, test (juaifty, : « 1 * ,<•< # 00*
•» 4 75
pitra ParnHy
Superfine Usti
r*n wnxi.t Bt L a s.
m **, -
; j.:
A Voic©froin Blair County
Wthbelinb nominated
: The Blair County American Conven
tion havingjadj oumed wlthodt an
dzpreasidh |(S to the choice of tfibir cok
stituenfs for Congress thaDelegates have
addressed Uie v following tothe Conferees
; ■ : v\- ■■ ■ ■ f
to Wit: ;
To the Congressional Conferee* of Blanr
County, efo&pi % the .American Con
vention : <
v ils io reconw
fficnd to your Support,as % can
didate for Congress, John BrotheblilHS,
Wd hope you' wfllbrihg Bis name
beiprhthe Conference, and if possible, so
curb bis nomiuationby yonrvotes and in
fluence. Yours respectfully.
; John II Stiflcf
Isaac Hooper v ,
Ldward ,B Tipton
Allen D Smith
Archibald RaflKlfi
■ CcOrgc Koon t
Laridon Reeve
- Job, Barefoot
iGedfgo Kopp
jSomuel Cruse
L F Butler
James Malone
Frazer Harlin
Daniel Shock
D R Lingchfcltcr.
Jacob Eeth Jr
Daniel F Bcegle
John TroUt, ''
James Coleman
Douglas McCartney
'_, . - Abraham Loudon
John Wesly
John McFarland
WniH Plumer
John Tate
George L Cowen
Jacob L Martin
, John C Biddle
Samuel R Shifflcr
Isaac Yingling
j Theo A Steckcr
J L Reifsneider
"Thomas McMinu
William Fox
Daniel Price
f enj F Burley
evi Riling
George F McCabe '
Andrew Green
James R Patton
James Williams
Wm 0 Kean
Alfred Canan
Jas A Freeman
GcpA Jacobs
John M Barbour
Joseph Barr
Francis Henry 0
Jacob Mclntyre '
- Jpbh S Heffler
Franklin Snyder
M H Jolly
A C McCartney .
Wm R Maxwell
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription if Sir J. Clarke, M.D., Phy
sician Extraordinary to,the Queen.
This invaluable medicine isnnfailing in the cure of all
thoee painful apd delicate diseases Jo which the female con
stitutionis subject, ft moderates all excess and removes
alt obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo relied on.
it is peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring on
tho monthly period with regularity. ;
Each bottle, price one dollar, bears the Government Stamp
of Great Bxitaln, to prevent counterfeits.,
~ ¥htse Pittf should net be taken by /emotes during the frit
thite tnortOis of Pregnane#, asthey ore sure to bringon His
carnage, but at any <*htr time they are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affection*, Pain in
the Bock and Limbs, slight exertionj Palpitation
of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills’ wfll effect
a cure when oil other means .hive tolled, and although a
powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitntjp. V
Full directions in* the pamphlet around each package,
Which should bo carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United plates and Canady
JOB MOdES, (tote I. C. Baldwin t Co,)
N. B.—sl-00 andl! postage Stamps enclosed (o anyan
thorized Agent, will Insure a buttle, containing SO Pills,
by return mail.
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by all Druggist*. , [Jnno 3,1858*4y. '
•/ " ‘ ---ij K y . . .• ' .a •
On the 6th Inst* by Jacob Good, Esq, DAVID HUGHS,
to Miss BLJ*ABETU PECK, both of Logan township.
On the 10th tost, by J.U. .Cherry, Esq, Hr. SAMUEL
KRWGHTON toMiar JtABIAKEIUEEV both of Altoona.
In Logon township, on the Oth inst, after a lingering ill
noes, Mr. ALEXANDER pTEW.VRT, aged 54 years, 7
months, and 6 day*
* • ‘ * [Huntingdon papers please copy.]
travel Infhe TVestcrnand Southern States. Sala
ry $BB a'nioirth and all expenses paid. Business easy and
-mmorable. None need apply that cannot furnish a certifi
cate of good moral character.: Address, with stamp,
Ang. lBs?"3t] St. Albans, Vermont.
-tvT .fopPby gl«n that the co-partnership heretofore ex-
Uw. nadersignM, trading as the firm of T.
McCatuey axtoT -waa dissolved by mutnnl consent ou the
WY; PXMay, 1858, The books of the firm have been
la th# hands of Johq Shoemaker, in Altoona, for
collection, to whom all persons knowing themselves in
oobted will make immediate payment.
Aug.12.1858.-3t] THOMAS BUKCHINKLL,
, 1,75;
. 76
. . . ONLY $22,50 PER QUARTER.
• terms of this school aro so low and the privileges
PUjojed hero so unusual, that many even at a great diatauco
foil it Jo their advantage to patronize it in preference to
ephools nearer home. All Brandies, both useful and or
namental ore taught. Students of both sexes and all ages
ororeoelved. The whole expense of ono student tor a year
ttobdaothe over $OO. A circular will bo sent to any one
desiring It. Address John D. Walsh, Casa viHo, Hunting
don county’. Pa. {August 12slm.
Hi all persons, not to pay money or givo stock, to any
person on odr account, unless the Individual demanding tbo
MUM cat! produce a written certificate of agency from us’.
Julyj 15.* 1868.-3 t ARMSTRONG. 4 COLLINS.
tr»; -i.
icJ.'wl Sl/oiifdepHmsttfer stdo at* * : '
i-Tf) f ■ i klssijir’-s.
“ i- •*
* .v-w.e>;^< h < «*vragT ,< y v.y*
Altoona ai*r association i
The Commutet wpoinleij (o,D)slriliitp the Proper
ty of. tAhjSl Dorado Gift Ateociation.
At a mooting ot the aharcboldera iu> thoi above Associa
tion, hcldon Ibo Wth of Juno, 1868,; a- Committee of flvo
disinterested persons was chosen to distribute the proper-
The «h)Ta committee Iscompoted of men of goal stand
ing in society, in whom stwEehohkrs can place implict con
fidence, and fed assured that they will receive Justice at
their hands. , ~
We, the undersigned, having been chosen a Conunittiee
to, distribute, the Oifta of the above Association, beg leave
*° ‘ the. shareholders and all interested, that «r« haeu
fixed THURSDAY, the 12th day of AUGUST, .1848, as the
daynn which; the distribution will positively take place.
All Agents are requested to make a full return of oil mo
neys, silk, aud Tickets im their hands, on or before the lit
day of August, 1808., JIOHN ALLISON.
■■■■■• . DAVID IRONS, . ..
The undersigned ben* leave U> state that the rcasoaiwhy
the distribution did not'take place la April, as advertised,
was tho fixture of three-fourths of the Agents to make ro
turuib Thera wUI be no postponement from'the-abvvo,
whether. the returns are all mudo or not, Agents Will
therefore please attend to this notice imm* diateljl. • i'
? ce .° r tho HI Dorado Gift AesoCWton lawn
Main street, North Ward, Altoona, oppopilo Me. Al
lisna’srcsidence. Ail who wish tiekotsdn this tnterfi&o
will please call aud get them soon, as there is an opporth
mly to get the money back. '•'>
July 1,1858,-ta JOSEPH MOifff, Agctil>
House and lot eok SALE,cr
ib's subscriber offarsat Private. gate, acted TWo-
Stury PLANK FRAME HOUSE atul cxceUwlibit,of tfu
°C tn Altoona, situate «n IfatUarinesue*!,
Last Altoona, formerly occupied by Amos LangWtn, '
August s, MSMl*} J. B. IIILEMAN.
AND SALE* ,* , .
“Ualloo, neighbor, rmhcfort, tto ttohhiloiiaUß.' i faf>
baps you recollect when I, htef «*r, tried yOtOo
hono a moment Md tell Wo trhero Iho IIIEAP STORE
wss. But It la different pftW. It reminds me a Utlta of
tho campaign of IStO, when Ocn. Uarrison was elected Sre
sidont. Jott only to go With tho crowd Hud yoniviir
I SCO carried sway. they talistljO gelliflt off very rapMS
and very cheap." , v , 9 ; . : v- *
“To« are fight, my Mend* I aayto jon, &
ahead and antkipatloos Will bo ftßlji rciilced. fle
haa a very large dad Well selected W&Mnt of Goods
*s%&”**• '***** «oi««tO b^y
DR^^o^D^ , * ! Bn< * 6o ritwlderKybody else. Good bye.’*
BTONSWA&& J. 1*•
Av BEKR SALOON.—The subscriber: would mubfctfliltj
announce that be will kcepeonrtantty on liana, «Wa
Under the Mumnic temple; J
a supply of refreshment*, such iw Calces, A
Pretzel*, and an excellent article of LAG KBDBEaCnknu^
AliowS.Bwytry. which Is pronouncedttio
best in llls saloon is fitted up in. good stylo
bis patfonCnnd »io
hopes by strict attention to their wants to merit and rcceKo
* mtr snare of patronage.
May 13,1855.-Iy] '
SchorfDlrwtors of Altoona wish to employ
charge of their Public Schools the ensuing term. Tho
Schools will bo eroded. ■. : . i '
.. • . < ? ,nm ir cc 00 lßt of September .and cou
thl®* right months. Tho County Superintendent will he
in Altoona on Thursday, tho 12th of August,.ibr tho pur
pose of examining applicants, at which, time all persons
applying for any of these schools will, borexpected to h«
present. The Board aro desirous of procuring competent
xeacbcn, and none need apply only those who can como
well recommended. By order of tho Board; -•
Altoona, July 15,1855.-td Q. W. PATTON, Stfy.
XjL Sotfco is hereby given tliat letters of Administration
cm the estate of Archibald McC-icURAa, Mo of Altoona,
Blair county, dec’d, have been grunted by .the Register, AcZ
» the undersigned, residing In said cpnnty. All ner
son* knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re
quested t-, make Immediate payment; and those having
claims against it .will present them duly authenticated fo?
settlement. JOHN TROUT,
July li 1868X51
has bcrn inT °ntcd for burning Carbon'
0077 The light produced from this lamp la cheaper and
moro beantlfnl than any now in tuo. The oUU perfectly
It will not explode by the accidental breaking of
the lamp and by nee in this lamp Jg devoid of emcll. It
only costs from a third to half a cent per hour. The lamps
and oil are for Bale by . ‘
July 20,-tf]
House and stoue-roomtok
, .llQttao XiOt and also a Storo-Hoom.
adjoining Vfhito Hall Hotel, arp offered for rent oil iragoir
ablo terms. They will be rented separately or together. M
may best suit routers. Apply to :» ;
August 5, ISSS-31+] J. B.‘HII*iMAK.
Medicated fur chest pro
Tearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other
lions of Uio Lugs, .which nrisofnun the exposed state of (ho
Chest, acceding tofashionvoA the continnaj
climate, for sale at the Drug Store of Q. W.
JT BElt has on hand a icwragticloa of Household Prop
erly, among which aro a couple of. excellent STOVES,
which ho will dispose of cheop-for cash. The articles can
be aeon at J. &J. Lowthert Store. ? .tv -
July 1,1858.-tf WM.McDOWZLL.,
Take notice, that TH’e as-
SESSMENT No. 15, made by the Lycoming Mutual
Insurance Comp my, in .Blair county, i« payable .at my of
fice. The Assessment is $ per cent,, on all notte in force
May 13,1858.. . JOHN SHOEMAKER,
Altoona, July 15,1858. , . ~Jte££r t
Lumber- for sale.^-t
60.000 Sliinclca 6(),000 Lathes,
and all hinds oTBIJILDIRO MATERIAL, tosrer (has tea
lowest, for Cash. Apply to JQHN SHOEMAKER.
Henry lehr’s store, is in
John Lehr’s old stand, nearly opposite McCor
mick's store, in Nortb JVan}., ;■ [J W, IW^ly,-
jrEmc-r.sßs at n-tr. Ktssf&