i If tot d MET HER RIP. One annny afternoon lasi week, j4fcoafbt td take a ride, .‘AndTliiMd a nag which they called iiiat; Pm anreshe was when “lied.” '• toyfiJend 811 l Bpriggins droretite toare, Irtilfollaidon ' Andeionted tiUlwagquitalloar»6-- pot that animated fenuk projecting power through—ge’lo^g— Westopped at Bensal’s on fee road, ; . - Of course we. had to “emilcj” Andgito the expeditious nag . -Adrink end rest awhile.. i then calling ferthemars, I tossed the man a fip, _ ■ 1 jumped into the wagon and seising the reins BBqnested the Ethiopian indWidualwhoheld the double distiUed essence of lightning, in .emphatic tohse,. to— ; ,-t L■ 's'. A' rirnp *ho droye a:l«xgc b(i3r nag, 'Seemed anxious for.* “bnfwb,” So . whipping op ear ownfaetcab. W« went It with a rush. I;. »Twm aooksnd wock a mile or mote, ‘ ■ When -fate jug.BAde a trip. For, baring hired the wtnwrdinMy animal we ■nonridored we had a right to get the-worth of onr meinep, therefore— " ♦Te drove along Without mishap, 11 At but a doMa milu, | Slopping now sad Umd, of course, To telu» MTenil “ einilea.”; At lastwemintoaehAp j toomuoh Up; . >s Tito bom. broke—wagon (dior-pitohiiig BIU en 4 n»y»fU intp the ditch ion tie side ,of the road. Bil!, says I, the mare bee 1 run awayf Bill, struggling under the combined effects of “lager’* and a mouthful of mud, replied— . \ Let her rip I Wit' Sentiment. Iwfib Logic. —Mick Casey used to ‘tend* in Carew’s groceiy on the corner. Smith (yon know Smith) wentin the othet dpv after some ‘fizin,’-and among the rest, called for a gallon of molasses. There was about a pint in the pleasure when Mick commenced drawing, and after filling it he poured into Smith’s Tessel until abont a pint was left, asbeforc, in the measure, and then set it down under the sask. . ‘ Hallo 1’ says Smithy * what are you about?, 1 Why don’t yon[put in a gallon as T ordered?’ - ‘ A gallpn is it, sur? An* sure ’an Ihcre’s tbat much in the jjug/ replied M»ck. . Of course, Smith would never believe this, as there was a pint left in the mea m and he made no bones of accusing of attempting to cheat him. \* Sur/ asked Mick, ‘ wpsn’t there a pint in the measure ?’ ‘Yes.’ ; ; /Well, thin, inre, an’lye have all that belongs to yef, didn’t X draw the measure foil and put it ip the jag?’ ‘Np—there’s a pint left!’ /[Che diyil, sur! an’ wasn’t that pint there before! Get yersojf out of the store, ye specimen of manencss, to be afther ohatin’ a lad out of a pint of molasses!’ Smith left, being utterly unable to con vince Mick of the ‘ error of his ways:' A had- his broad brimmed hat blown! Off by the wind, and he: chased it for a long time with fruitless and very ridiculous zeal. At lost, seeing a roguish looking boy laughing at his disaster, he said to him—■ 'Art thou a profane lad V . The youngster replied- that he some times did a little in that. way. ‘ Then,’ said hej taking a half dollar from his pocket, ( thee may damn yonder .fleeing tile fifty cents worth.’ J®* A young poet out West, in de- N scribing Heaven, says ‘it’s a world of bliss fenced in with pretty gals I’ If that is true, and we are so fortunate as to get in there, we intend to ask per mission to sleep in the fence corner/- Exchange. S ; £lf are as expansive as those in use in this country, we would prefer, being fenced opt, as btar faney for wife beds was never very• extensive.J ; , JW&vCartouch, the French robber, wits once requested by a young man to be en gaged in his band. ' : have you served!? asked Oar yeefs with an' ’attorney) and: six months With an inspector of the ponce.’ Teu/ answered the witty thief, ‘that Wjhple .time shall be reckoned as if you had peered in my troop.’ A western exchange says: “Two JadieMrerc travelling in the cars last week) when one said to the other: was married, but I heard that my husband was killed in Pittsburg, and I •in going there to ascertain if the report M&/ •’ ; /Well, I’ve got a dead sure thing on Wiy ihpsh&nd/ remarked the other, ‘for I mr hiin bnned five weeks ago/ 1 Julius, what’s a latitndinamn ?’ *A laty-tudy what V ‘A latitudinarian/ * Jfc lityterdemarium, Mr. Snow, is a ma,™ iW|Si ascertain de circumference -of de jM&xuafear, and brings de axeltree of de to de hub ov de uniwerse/ . ; i J#* fiptirgeon Bometimes comes out iW&Agood thing. ‘Brethren,’ said he, ,/ifHod had referred the Ark to a com au naval affairs, it’s my opinion it have befnbuilt yet/ ' T rr 4 let her rip! ; Let her lip! | Let her tipi m^T&wvmms Jaljjro* JCIT.MW. B.- Fkaboe & Co., . FOE JCLY, ISM. ; Thqr cantton purchasers of Tickets to bntm of ante-* ttf lkkHi In Lotteries where extraordmar/ hrge MB»*re offered for a small cost of Ticket*—all inch are swindle*. _Yhe Maryland Lotteries hare been in exfotence for Forty; They ars drawn by a State Officer, and can be re lied op. If you draw a Prise, yon will gefyour UMBtry.— The whole country is flooded with bogtu Lottery concern*. Beware of them. 49-Order in the Maryland State Lotteries. ■ nAOXmeKTI SCHEMZ. . MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, CLASS L, To bedrawn in Baltimore City, July 34, 1858. Drawn Ballots In each Pacinm of 36 Making more Prises than Blanks, —Krery Package of 3S .■ Ticket* most contain If drawn numbers, so that than are 14 Prists to 12 Blanks. . 1 Grand Prise of lPrise.of ISM**} 1 Prise of UMNO 4 Prise of 2000'- 1 Prise of 10£00 10 Prise of IPritsOf MMWO 10 Prise of ■ g# • 1 Price** IOJMO MPrite of : 1 Prise of ~ «s«00 Sl7Pri*eof M 0 -; IPrisdof tfiO o ; MMse of 1« 1 Prise of W» _ » * » ; 1 Priseof 6fiOO M Prise of 40 ©OO 8,683 Prise of 30 'l Priseof 8/000 28/224 Prise of B>- IMmoT 3/000 i i 84,412 Prises, amounting tb jOOIMO. Ticket*MO—Halwe |B—Quartern|3/M>—Eighths |L2B. AOettiflcste of Package of 36 -Wholes, costs 1040 00 Do. do. 2* Halves, * 74 78 Do. ■ do. ’ 36 Quarters, -87 37 Vo. do. 26 Eighths, ISM. HAVANA PLAN. . This U the old mode afDfawing. Prises Inone Wheel sad Tickets in another. ■ Every Prise is-drawn out. JBcrty -Price paidin ftdi \cilhoul deduction t - MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, EXTRA CLASS ,8 To be diawn in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, July 315t,1888. 30408 Prises! 40/000SOmlietsII We would call partieoiaraUention to the following eplen did scheme, a package .of Idwhole tickets costing only |So—and erory other ticket being warranted to draw »0, determined by the number drawing the Capital Prize, whether odd or even. SPUBBIffD SCHEME! IPrlzeof 236/000 4 Appr*z to $2OO IPrizeuf T i6/000 4 « 100 IPrizeof (/NO 4 " 60 1 Prize of 8)400 4 “ ’ 60 IPrfceof 2,000 4 « 50 IPrizeof 1,000) a « fio 1 Prise of 1,000/ 8 IPrizeof 600' , u an IPrizeof 600, 0 90 IPrizeof •■■■'■ '4OO a « so IPrtwof 400/ 8 W 1 Prize of 200) « • “ 60 10 Prize* of 2»/ 8 90 100 Prize* of 100 are iOfitO 20/000 Prize* of Ware 200,000 Whole Ticket« slo— Halrre *6-Quartcr* $2,50. A Manager*’ Certificate of 16 Wholes—where persona wbh to pay the ride only, will bo sent for $O6 Do. do. 16 Halve*, 48 Do. do. 16 Quarters, 24 Do. do. 16Eighth«, 12 Hie Managers hare been compelled from tlie mnnarona complaints made to them, of nnfaithftilneai on the part of those who bare been attending to the filling of orders, to tceume tiie corrtapondenco hnainesa in their own name. Order .tickets &i>m the Managcra only. Adrrese alt letter* to B. FRANCE A CO. March 4-ly] Baltimore, Mil. -QWAN & GO’S LOTTERIES TRI SWAN & CO. CONTINUE TO DRAW AS USUAL WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN & CO.’S Are Legal, and authorized by the State of Georgia. TOE ,LATE ATTEMPT TO INJURE OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THAT OCR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWS FAIRLY; THAT OUB PRIZES ARE I PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THAI OUR SCHEMES ARB MOHR LIBERAL TUAN ANY OTHER LOTTERY IN THE WORLD! . The following Scheme will be drawn by E. Swan i Co, Manager* of the Sparta Academy Lottery, in each ot their Single Number Lotteries for July, 1868, at AUGUST A,’ GEORGIA, in public, under the superintendence of Com miaaionen: Class 22 draws on Saturday, July 8, 1858. Glass 23 draws on Saturday, July 10, 1858. Class 21 draws on Saturday, July 17,1858. Class 25 draws ou Saturday July 24,1858. Class 20 draws on Saturday, July 31,1658. OX THE PJ.AX OF SIXOLE NUMBERS. 60,000 Tickets! nn iHocaxsD roc* bcshud asc noHrr-rrv* rsizu! Searlp one Prize (o entry Sine Tickets I MAGNIFICENT SCUEME! TO B£ CHAWS BACH SXTWUiAI IS JCSX. 1 Prize of f'O.OJO 4 Prize of 1 “ “ 30,000 4 “ » 1 “ “ 10,000 '4 “ “ 1 “ “ S,0 (v 4 « “ 1 “ “ 4*ooo SO Prizes of 1 “ « ■ iSSOo 30 “ “ 1 “ “ 1,500 100 « « 4 “ “ 1,000 230 “ “ APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $4OO Approx’ting, to $70,000 Prize are $l,OOO 4 “.“ 300 “ “ 00,000 “ “ .1,200 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 10,000 “ “ 800 4 «. « 125 " “ 5,000 “ « 6Co 4 “ “ 100 “ “ 4,000 “ “ 400 4 “ «. 75 « “ 3,000 « “ 300 4 « “ 50 «* “ 1,000 « “ 200 6,000 “ « 20 are .100,000 5,485 Prizesamounting to . Whole liekebfsiO; Halves $5; Quarters $2,50. 43“ A Circular showing the plan of the Lotteries win be sent to any one detlrqaa Of receiving It.' Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates .which is,the risk: Certificate of package of 10 .Whole Tickets, SSO u “ 10 Half “ 40 10 Quarter « 20 “ “ 10 Ebdit « , 10 IN ORDERINQ TICKjaS OB CERTIFICATES. Encloae the money to our address for the tickets ordered, or receipt of which the; will be forwarded by first mail.— Purchasers can hare tickets ending in any nntnbertbcy may designate. Thellst of Drakn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to pnrchfutera immediately after the drawing. \ PurchaserswiUplease write their signatures plain, and give their Port Office, County and State. Remember that erery Prize is drawn and payable in full) without deduction. ■. ~ All prizes otjtlfiOO rad under, paid immediately alter the drawing—other prttes at the usual time of 30 days. . All communications strictly confidential.' Address orders tor tickets or certificates to 8. SWAN ft CO., Augusta, Get, , Persons residing near Montgotuery, Abu, orAtahmta, Oa. . _w*u> residing can hare their orders Ailed, and save time, by addressing 8. Swan A 00, at either of tbosddties. . A listof the numbers that are drawn front the wheel, with the amount of the prise'- that each one Is entitled to, wfll.be published after every drawing, in the following pjk pswt—Mem (Meant Delta, MoUU Emitter, ChariesinteStm. dard, MtukviHe Gazette, Atlanta TnieOtyencer, Mem Turk Weekly Day Bode, Savannah Morning Mem*, lUAmomd Die paiefh Mem Torh Dirpatch, and rtwJdiifg (iftu.) Chorion Augiuta (Geo.) OonstitutionaiuL fjan.7-Iy. TTOUSE, SIGN, OKNAMENTAL & M P CARRIAGE PAIXTIXO.—The undersigned beg leave to inform the citizen* of Altoona: And' eternity that they have commenced the business- ol " ■' HOUSE, SIGH, ORNAMENTAL AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, GLAZING , PAPER-HANGING, VAR nishing, sa, sa, in all their various brunches, and are prepared todoail work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch. Theyhare on hand a largo assortment of pointing ma terials and Window Glass of nil sires, also StainedCUass and Looking-Glass Plates, which enables them to do work in an improved style and at reduced rates. ' " ily strict attention to business we hope to merit a share ot ppblicipatrcmagc, Onr room is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Ke ?" l so l i^sl* o /®’ KEYES * WALSH. Aprils, 1868-3m* , BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING s SUITABLE FOB THE SEASONS JUST RECEIVED BY ETHNOER & ULLMAJJ, AMD MOW BBINd'DISrOSED OF AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. TITB. ULLMAN announces that he is I t 1 'is always on hand and will take ’great pleasure in waiting upon till who may favor him with a call. lie feels confident that he will he able to render satisfaction both in qoality and price. [April 15-3 m Raisins.— 1,000 boxes bunch and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by WM. N. SHUGABD, March 25, ’5B-lyl 101 North 3d street, Philadelphia, Blanks of all descriptions neatly and expediclonsly executed at this offica. SPECTACLES AND EYE PBESER fj fl-tt] MSSLER’S.- TOO T HE 1 bUBHC.— 13v787 GIFTS f-POE THE PEOPLE. Kt UOEAUO GIFT CSATIOK for the sale of s3itfB7 worth of Sewing 8&k. Sadi porthaser of one dollaA worth dfßewin£Bo*' will receive a numbered check,, which will entitle to hol der toone share and a voice in the distribution of the 6*l- i lowing list of Yatnaldc Property, to be distributed fay a Com- j mittee, chosen by the shareholders, in such * manner as they may deem advisable and agree upon among themsema. . LIST OF PROPERTY. , , 7 comer Lota on Washington street Altoona, 80 by 120 feet, valued at Jlbteach, : ' 17 lot* on Washington st, 50x130 ft, $156 each, 2,662 BCor.lots onMulberry st, “ * '2 ■ JrSS 19 lots on Mulberry st, “ “ 132 “ 2 lota on High street, “ ‘ ® 1 cor. lot onGennan street, 50x175 ft,Talnedat <3 8 lots on German street, “ “J*' 1 lot on Howard street, 60x133 feet, Tilned at 132 • Teor-lpt on Lexington st, “ ~ T “ . >L 2 lota on Chestnut street,.• $l3l each, 202 .XGoWieTor Watch, rained at : . JOO 1 Horse, “ “ 167 - 1 Two-Hone Wagon, “ “ . -42 1 Sliver Lapine Walsh “ “ , ... .1# 12 Cat Patterns and Trimmings, $lO each, 120 6»Pant* and-Yest patterns, at SMO each, 220 70 Articles or Parcels of Merthaadiae, s3j)oeaeh, 225 300, “ ! “ - “ 2)00 ■ 200 100 “ “ “ « IQO , tOO “ ; “ “ 76 “ 575 2,000 “ . “ “ CO w 1,000 8)000 “ ‘ “ « 30 “ 900 4,000. “ - “ 25 * 1.600 3£B* “ “ “ 20“ 777; 13,787 GiflA-vtlMd at $13,787 The Real Estate in this Enterprise is handsomely situated Into floarlahlDg town of Altoona, (Qettonrten of the Pa. Central K. £ Oo.) which In a few years bos grown as if by magic, ita present population being over 3^oo. The above property will be delivered to the persons enti tled ill immediately after the distribution. jin Indisputable title to all the lots in the above bill will be given by R. H. McCORMXCK. The articles at parcels per bill, will consist of cloths, cas eimerea, de taincs, Ac, Ac. . ' My object is to-dispose of the silk in the shortest possible time, and I desire everybody to purchase soon and became members of this Magnificent Jstaciatum. The silk will be sent -to any. part of the United States, with Certificate Of Membership, (.for each dollar’s worth pur chased,) on receipt of the cash. Agents or clnM remitting $lO at one time, will receive in return $U worth of sUk and 11 certificates All orders most be addressed to JOSEPH MOIST, June 10,1856-tt] Altoona. Blair Cb„ fli. Ail orders by mall, with postage stamp ejeloeed, prompt ly attended to. ; NEW FtRM AND NEW GOODS.— J. & J. LOWTHKR hnrejiwt returned from the City and ore now receiving their stock of SPRING GOODS, which they feel assured ore ou HANDSOME and CUEAr, if not a Utile cheaper, than any yet brought to this place. On account of going to Philadelphia late in the season, we hare been able to buy our goods at greatly reduced pri ces, and we are determined to sell them at very small prof its for cash'or to prompt monthly paying customers. We have as usual a splendid stock of LADIES’ DRESS'GOODS, such aa LAWNS, ROBES A’ QUILLE, CHALLIES. BAYADERE, LAHELLAB, DDCALS, FOIL, DECHEVEES, DELAINS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS. Ac. t Also, Shawls and Mantillas in great variety, together with a good stock of Domestic Dry Goods. Straw Goods, BOOTSJf SHOES, HARi> WARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, sc., sc. The citizens of Altoona will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, as we are not to be undersold- April 29,1858. CHEAP GOODSI CHEAP GOODS! —The subscriber would respectfully inform the citi- Altoona and vicinity that he has just received his stock of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting, in part, of LADIES’ PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS . such as Silks, Satins, Bareges, D'Laines, dial lies, Dneals. Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Ac„ together with oil kinds of Dry Goods, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. He has also on hand a large stock of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, and all other goods usually kept in stores in this place. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM in my business and being resulvcd to carry it out, I have marked my goods at CASH PRICES, and invite inspection and comparison, in regard to prices and quality, with tiers? of any other store in the town. Give me a call and judge for yourselves. Country produce taken fu exchange for goods, at the highest'market prices. v April 2My] ; ' J. B. HILEMAN. SAYING FUND, FIVE PER CENT INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO . HW nul street. ,S. IK Corner of Third, Philadelphia. Incorpo rnted by the State of Pvsmsylvantn. Money is received in any sum, large or small, ami inter est paid from tlie day of deposit to the day oj withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morn ing tills o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. Mon. HENRY L. BENNER. Prrs't. ROBERT SELFIUDGE, Vice-Pra t. Wk. J. Rztd. Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner, E. Carrol Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph 15. Barry , Rols-rt SclffidgS, Francis Lee, Sam'l K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munns, Henry Dieffenilerfer. Money Is received and payments made dally without no tice. The Investments are made in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND KENTS, and such first class securities as the Charter requires [ManWm. \ 900 900 7(H) 600 too coo 125 , 100 W. Cinm-scauTp D. Ccsmsoilui, R, Cvnxingham. D. Dimes, O.DraciN. CTJNNLSGHAMS & CO., PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 109 WATER STRAND U 0 FIRST ST., PITTSBURGH, PA-, Betweoen Wood and SmithfieM, MAN UFACTORKR9 OP Pittsburgb City Window Glass, DRUGGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For Parlor Windows. Churches and Public Builclingr. Altoona, April 1,1858-Iv.} L $320,000 ENTERPRISE WORKS, NO. 136 WOOD STREET, PITTS BURGH, pa. DOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifles, (runs, Surgical and Dental Instruments, &c. RIFLE GUNS. We would call attenUou to our stock In the above lino, knowing that we cannot be beat either In the quality or price. Being largely cringed In this branch of business, wo defy all competion. All our rifles (ire warranted or no ■ale. Hardware, Sporting Materials, Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, Revolvers, Flasks. Belts. Powder, Shot, Balls, Caps, Fancy Hardware And Sporting Equipage, in all its variety, which we offer low for Cash. ' Pltfelmrgh, April I,IBSMy. Ey COMING COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—This undesigned, agent of. the lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, i» at all times readylo insure against loss or damage by Are, BuOdingt, MerchamNtt, 'PamituSre amt Property of every description, in fewn or country, at ta reasonable rates'as any company in the State.;. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan. V56-OTJ . SHpEItfAKER, JgmL TITEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. Tf —The imderslgned, Agent forßlalr cornty, will take short ond long risks on Buildings, Merchandise, Fur ; nßureafad Property of everydeacrijiihMvlnrtowti or coun try.at as reasonable rates as any company in tho State.— Risks also taken on the lives.ofborMit. Office In Masonic T IQUOBS—A LARGE AMOUNT JLi LTQtTORS has been received i at the “LO6AN HOUSE,” Hb«bta 7 Bbiirg, 'irfck!h wUI be •old at the lowest cash price*; - wholesale' or retail. The man who wants has only to call. • [Dec.lT,tt 1 Rich tobacco and highly flavored Cigars, in abundance, c*n be had at June 18, W-lyJ HENRY XBHB’B. ORANGES AND DEMONS.-4-500 boxe« Oranges and Lemons instore and fdrailoby ' ytm. n. shuoabd, March 25, ’5B-ly] 191 North Sdstrect, Philadelphia. QETTEES FOE BADE.—THE UN derrignedjua cn hand* lot’ df Setteca: which he Will sell cheap for'cash. JOHN SHOEMAKER, March 25-tf.] , . Masonic temple. YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL kinds of Plonr and Teed bycalling at June 18, ’67-lyJ HENRY LEHR'S. TJ'VERYBODY IS INVITED TO X2i call'and test the merits Of the air&las keptby' ' Jobe Is, ’57-lyJ ' \ ’ • HENRY LEHR. TOTS FOR SALE:—I2 BUILDING 1 A Lob),situate in different localities, inthis Borough for sals on reasonable terms, by [27-tf] iL HHOBMAHJSB, KAA DOZEN FRESH ‘EGGS JUS* received apd for rtle by ' j; L. JtKB?. ’ k• V - 300VEET OF THE AGE IMPORTANT TO O;KBAT TOBACCO CHJBViTERS. HR. GOST AV USKJim TASTE RESTORATIVE TUO i AbUKtafe/hr lofeeew. It tea well known anjtiaeoutrerertaUc fact Rial the use of Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the most te rete, , ■ . I- ' ' . MENTAL AStKPinSTCAL DISORDERS to which tbe met of mail te subject, as acetal smdysfa and long and palatal ekpertence bare clearly proven (hat It contains certain necrotic and poteboons'properties most dangerous in their effect*. which by entering Intothe blood derange the functions and operations of the Heart, musing many to suppose Oat organ to be seriously diseased. TOBACCO afliKts aIM the entire nervous. system, mani fecttag ilself—as all who have ever nsed the noxious weed wUI bartmtimony—frt Imnttnde, Nervous Irritability, Water Brash, Dyspepsia, apd many, other disorders of a dmlUr characters 1 THE TASTE HESTdRATITE TROCHES Aredesignedto counteract these baneful influences, and have proved completely! successful In a ranltitnde of cate*, and wherever used. Beta* UsmleM inthensmlva* they exert a beneficial effect upon 1 the entire system, restoring the Taate which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accom panying tickling seosatjion of the Throat—which are al sraya consequent npon abstaining from tbc oxe of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole system. | i Persons who are irretrievably undermining their consti tutions and shortening their Here, should use these Trochee immediately and throwj off the injurious and and unpleas ant habit of Tobacco Chewing. These Trochee of Loaengec are pot npio a convenient and portable form at the low price of 60 Cents per Box. A lib eral discount to the Trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned’to whom all orders should be adUremed. — —- JAMES E. BOWERS, Druggist. { Cor. 2d and Race streetTPhiU. fMarch 18, ly.) JOHN BETAS & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LIttUORS, 1 AND • RECTIFYING BISTIIIEES, 155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa., SsSSS Beg leave respectfully to inform, their old customers and the public generally, that they bar* on hand and are constantly receiving direct from the. Import tors, a large supply of tpe very choicest brands of Liquors Among their largo assortment may be found Wines, Brandies, qin. Cordials, Janaica Spirit-*, St. Croix and New England Bum, Champagne, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Uonougahda and Rectified Whisky, Peach, Wild Cherry, Blackberry, Strawberry and Raspberry Brandies, 4c., 4c., 4c. A share of public patronage fa respectfully solicited, and all orders entrusted to pur care will be promptly attended to. Country Dealers will find it to their advantage to adl upon us, as we are determined to sell nothing hut the very best. Pittsburgh, April 1,1868-ly. EP. MIDDjLETON & RROTHEK, • Importers and Dealers in Wines and Liquors, return their thanks to their friends for. the liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the same, at (be OLD ESTABLI SIT MENT.NO. 6 N. FRONT BT, Philadelphia, where they have a large assortment OfWINESand LIQUORS of tie-choic est brands and qualities. Having mode arrangements' with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers upon Hie most rcasonuj hie terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES. Otard, Rcanesy, Jfarett, ; Pinned, Castilllnn, ilaiUll, T flints. Pellerorsin, J. J. Depuy d Ch. A. SeigncUe, dc n etc. t WINES. Champagne, Old Oporto, \Hnrynnifi/,3ladrim. T-.aeritTe, Claret, Sherry, Lisbon,, \Hecl:, Muscat dXuhga m"nes of various brands and qualities. Holland Gin, Seheidam Schnapps. Jamaica Spirits. Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Peach, Apple, Lavender. Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry and. Ginger Brandies-; Cordial:-!, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac. Also, constantly on hand, an extensive stock of OLD WHEAT. MOXGXGAIIEL.I ' and BOCK BOX WIIIS ATJ N of various grades, some of which we guarantee to he superior to any in tlie country. fifS-From our long experience in :hc business and thor ough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we Haller onrselve* to be able to fill all orders that may he entrusted to ns. Orders from the. country (which ore iao-,1 respectful ly solicited) will In- promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and •.hipping. All goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned, Feb. 26-1 y] % E. P. MIDDLETON A BUG. APRITj, 1858. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT TUB hall of fashions. THE subscriber has the pleasure of an le.timing to ihe citizens of Altoona, and the “ rest of mankind.” that he is just receiving from Philadelphia and New Y.rk, a beautiful assortment of BRITISH. FRENCH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, in part, of KOBE A’ QCILLE, CRAPE f)I ESI’ANGE, FANCY OPUCN BAREGE, PLAIN GPU UN BAREGE, CIIALLIES. DECALS; • FRENCH LAWNS—BEAUTIFUL STYLUS, SCOTCH FANCY DRESS SILKS, FIGURED BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, 4c., in great variety. He would call especial attention to his stock of SHAWLS, which for style. tgwlUy and r arielv. cannot be surpassed, aUd must lie seen to bo appi eclated. The-axsorf meat of White Goods and Ladies’ Bless Trim mings nr.- all that fashion could desire. Among his stix-k of Ladles’ Misses and Children’s Gaiters and Shoes will be found a full line from the liest city manufacturers. His stock of Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Ac- is complete. He hopes his Goods and pbices (which by the wav defy competition.) will meet the approval of all who call* upon him. ,Your patronage is respectfully solicited. April 29.5 m. CHAS. J. MANN. rpHE SUMMER SEASON—JESSE J| SMITH would respvctfnlly inform the citizens of Altoona and the public generally Unit he has Just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment ° f HATS AND CAPS, IB Which ho purcliased at low prices for cash and will sell WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Srf advance on the original cost. His stock comprises HATS and CAPS of every description, size and shape. All who ore in want of anything in his Hue will do well to give him a cdll, as ho feels confident he cun salt the most fastidious, in quality and price. Ho is always ready and willing io exhibit his stock free, n f charge, so that none need fear to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Remember that his store Is on Virginia street, directly opposite the Lutheran Church. [April S-flm. HFETTINGER’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, "ALTOONA, HOUSE" ALTOONA. PA..' Where may he had all the popular Publications of the day, such as Dally and Weekly Papers, Magazines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Books. School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencil a. Inks, Can and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in feet everything in the Stationary line. Toys, Notions and Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture Frames, To baefio and Segura of the best qualify, Ac, Ac N. B.—Wo are solo Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county,for ROHS’B CELEBRATED SALVE. It does pot ifiM/Jr cure all sores to which It is applied. Try it. jf-tf. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned. Agent of the Blah* vonnty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all tltnfes ready to imam against lose or damage by fire, Build **HPf Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as atiy Company in the State. Office Jn the Masonic Temple. ~Jan. U, ’56-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. SOAL! COAL! COAL I GOAL I The sobscriber would respect tjifonn the consumers of COAT.mO PAL in Altoona, that he is constantly celyinir aU kinds of COAL, which WrW is ready do deliver at all times and to any port of the towh. Office at residence, in North Ward. JnhelJ.2m] JOHN ALLISON. CONVEYANCING. —ALL KINDS \J ot writing at the shortest notice.—Deeds, Mort gage^-AcV executed in the'ndsfest manner hr T , - JOHN SHbEMKEB, Jan. 3, looi-ttj Masonic Teipple, Altoona. OYESI O ! YES!—GENTLEMEN draw afgh and bear J 1 JOSEPH P. TROUT tnndnn oestotheiratiiie, that bo .fa. ready to discharge his duty as an AncOoneer whenever called upon. £jan. 2, ’58. TTARWABE of ALL DESCRIP XX. tlonsjust received and for sale by ! | *■ B. MILKMAN. TTAIR, HAT. TOOTH, SHAVING, XX Ttdntj'Sash amd Varnish Brushes at' . ■.. - vj'v'YV ■ ; KESSLER'S. ; OA&S, SlDft SHOULDER, DRIED Beef fc., always onhand at jnnelB,’s7-lyf ; ' HENRY LEHR'S. PINE AND LARD OILS, OAM- Phene, BmTdngFlald,Carbon Oil, at Jan.a,*6o-tf) , x:i ;- KESSLER’S. INTONE BUT TOE BEST CONFEC - June IS, 'Sfcl*} ii- ; y : - ■ hrnby LEHJ'S. *• Lorn C l l upwards BLACK DR E S S SILKS. TB# PffrBBCROH.' ifrjfki. • V 'cioHfng EMPHATICALLY THE BUSINESS MAN'S COLLEGE. Largsstand mm* eorspD* Omu—rtkl UoOegefa Hw ludaQy mtwrfmw^Spxi^ oT2» Students, . yactxuT. ■ ‘i r. W. JENKINS, : ’ ! *Y ftaam. J.C.SMlTll.A.M^PrßtworofAecoPijlsi’Book-keoginß. T. L imtN&OCK, Professor rf ArfiSmaOc arid Cora soercialOalcvlatfaiß. - - JOHN ELgy XO, Author of the "Natiocal gyrtem of LWBKfTUXfI EIC Prefer mrirfSmetie, Dook keeping and Phonography. A. COWLEY and A. T. DOUTinCTT, PTrifesmssef Pin aad Ornamental IVeimaashtp D. BACON, Lecturer on Political tetrtiborlr. JAMES It. HOPKINS, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lee* tnrev on Commercial Law. - i JAMES W. KENNEDY, of “ Kennedy’s Bunk Note Rm view,” Lecturer on Counterfeit, Aitomlsnd Sparks* Bank Notes. \ ■ DESIGN OF THE IXSTITCTTON. To furnish the best mesas lor acquiring a THOROUGH. BUSINESS EDUCATION, In toe jdmrteil at the least expense, comprising instruction la - 1 : DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-EKEPING. : With ail the recent improvements, (aught without extra PENMANSHIP). ; Rapid Writing, with every variety arid style of Easiness Y and Ornamental Penmanship. ' AKITHMKTIO. , ' And a tlmrough course of Counting House Calculations. COUNTERFEIT AND'ALTERED NOTES. Full instructions given in. this important branch of bosk Ben education. ; i - LECTURES DAILY, OX BOOK-KEEPING. Usages, Laws and Customs of Commerce, Fluaucosnd Bank ing, Political Ecomany. Counterfeit Nu(e«. sadothersab jects having practical nhitio/i to active business. TERMS. Ac. > Book-keeping, Full Commercial Courses . |^oo Stationary, about - C ■" t T £.OO Board per week, can be obtained for ••*.*. - - EAR ST t , Student, an* not charged extra fbr Steamboat Book-' keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma. H i .r-; STUDENTS • Can enter at any time—(uo vacation) rethw at pleasure lime unlimited—usual length of course Cram eight totwsivs weeks. ' > REFERENCE. ; Four hundred and eighty-seven stmlenM-cnteringfrom Qt City alour within oneyear bevid-'s the manv froth the cotmlrv DIRECTIONS. if Specimens of Wriling and Circulars, containing full Infor mation, sent by mail free of charge. Address - F. W- JBNKJNSI . Iron City College,;;Pittsburgh, Fa. fri-PKEMIUM PENMANSHIP.— Ndi low than EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS were awarded thia : CoUcgc In the fall of 1857, ovejr nil competitors, for best writing. These, with other previous Premiums, were given In Ohio, Michigan, Indiana. "Virginia. Pennsylvania, and InLonisvllle. Kv- at the United States Fair, awl all for work actually done with PEN and INK, and nut for Engraved Penman-hip. Our penmen arc fully competent to do theirowh work without the aid of the eugra- tr to make it resoectaUe. {aug.2T-ly UTO YES ! STOVES 1 STOVES ! The undersigned has for sale, at bis Store in Masonic Temple, r. large aseortnont of HAI.LAULirS SVXimsK AtJtTIGUT Cooking Stove, nmew and splendid Largo Oven, Flat Top Stove, for Coa! or Wood patented 1556. ’. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agl. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor . Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [sept, 11, '6C-tt i NOTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE at McCormick's Store. Having a lop U-d the CASH SYSTEM; tor at least credit will not he given to ;. ly other than tho-e who are milling and can give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt monthly payment,) apd desiring lo make ii the interest of all to patronize onr store, we jiavo made a very gnat re duction iti the prices of all descriptions of goods, and will give our entire tint# and attention to keeping up an assort ment to suit tiie wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QCEENSWAP.E.- CEDARWARE. STONKW ARE. Roots & shoes. Gaiters, Slippers. Hats and Caps, Dried Fruit, clc„ all of which will he sold as cheap as the. cheapest. AH articles of pro- 1 , nee taken Ih exchange-for goods at their highest market price. Thankful for past favors, we hopt lo share the patronage of llnwe who are in want of goodsj [March 25-tt rpUE GREAT QUESTION WHICH ■ now agitates the mind of every -person is. where can I get the best article -Idr money? In regard to other matters, the sub- Hcrib- r would not attempt to direct, but If yon want anything in the line of * BOOTS OR SHOES , h-invites an examination of hi* stock and work. Ho keeps constantly on hand on assortment of Bouts, biions, Gaiters. Slippers, ic„ which he offers at fair prices. He will giye special attention to custom work, oil of which will be warranted to give satlsfection. None but the -he«t workmen are employed ! li-jiiember my shop is on Main street, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now W. O'Neil's. September 3. ’57-11] JOHN'4I. ROBERTS. ft 1 I EXCHANGE HOTEL;—THE SUB- J SCRIBER would respectfully In form the public that lie has recently rep fitted the nlwve Hotel, and is now pn> i*' pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable mauu»V, and will spare no pains in making it an ngthcablc homo for all sojourners. His-Table will always bo luxuriously supplied from the-markets of the country and Htics, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. "His charges arc ns reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and-lie feels satisfied they can not be complained of by thbso who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a tHaL Altoona, May 27,1858.-Iy] JOHN BOWMAN. HE MORMONS EVACUATING SALT LAKE CITY!! ! ‘ Ja Tremendous Excitement in Eatt Altoona! a The subscribers respectfully inform the citizens nyJP of Altoona and the rest of mankind that they are now prepared to carry on the BLACKSUITIUNO BCBI NKSS in oil its various branches, at the new stand next door below Peter Reed's Cabinet Shop, ch. Adeline street, in East Altoona. They flatter themselvesthat they are abb* to render satisfaction to all who may feyor them With their patronage; and no effort wilt be wanting ou their ■ part to merit the patronage of the community. Wagons, (Car riages, Ac, made abd ironed, to' order, .for whichgood lum-. her will be token. Remember the place, on Adeline St, where Blactsmithing Is done on thor shortes, tnoHce and most reasonable, terms. JOHN W. HOOFER, Altoona, May 27, ’58.-2m] T. A. JAMES.’ T)OOTS AND SHOES,f-THE UN JJ dersignod Ims now on hand afid will rl gm sell cheap at bis store In the Maaonfo Tem pie, a large and complete assortment offiOOTS . AND SHOES, ready made, or made tq"; order, ' Overshoes, Ladles’ Bandals,GomBhoes;Cork Soles, and everything In his line of basthese,of the best quality and on the moet rcoab&Me tetms. «f| - custom work warranted. J . (if Jan. 2, ’56-tt] ’ ' 41‘SHOEMAREIL ' OYSTERS I OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 lu conewiaence of the hard tiro*,. X two concluded to pat down the price of toy OYSTEBS to the lowest rto*rt- Wortandtod. Th*r xrUl hereafter b* nerved pp oo the Chafing Dfch atTWKSTY CENTS, androoeied in thiShSf and letrod np wltball other accompolitrodnto, TWENTY- FfVB CKNIS. They wiU also be « w*y, at prlceatocofrespcUd with ttovtimed; 11 • Doc. IT, tf.] d AST IKON BAILING AND ALL kinds of Castiugs, executed, to order, alao TJ# Spout ing put np to order,at Shortest to■ -J- BUdEMAiSbt; Agent for YTatsos * Co. Jan. 3, ISSG-tf. Queenswabb,jijst»eceived. A large and fiahJonaWe assortment at the store of i ' Z. B ntUOtAK. pip CpFFEB, SIJGAB, TEA AtfD IV; all kind of Groceries for sale W - I \ JWi818,1857-ly]: i-. ‘ iiS-HKXpY T.KWP \ Eggs, butteb and all kinds of 'ednntrr-prodttce ear be hatl at - — s ’K-fiJ ■K; • :• • HHXB.T T.F.WH’a T OVEBING AND NEW ORLEANS Xfi stlalr prices, ai - :: W-ly] HKKBY UEHR’S. ■ ~ - •' • •' ■•a.x: rtLASS Bxlo TO 20x21, ! AND CUT V* to orderly 6. Vfi. KiM«T t Kfr . AltoUmlfhrttiuHMto* t&NfO* I V Tw'ijltijihim for Msntt/o/Msffe* and distressed, aflctedwtan rrmiMfidsmie diseasa. \ —To*ll matarrhaa, amui }Vmki*t», Syphilis, Ok nW nf Onanism nr ftl/.Shui, The Ho«a&d Aasociatios, la view of the awfta qf human life, canted by tfe»talPiseaaea.aanSflmA^ t {~ 1 * practised upon the unfortunate TicUme ofstteh dimaamt Quacks, sercral y.-arn sjro directed their a* a eharitahU act worthy of their laraie. to often ■'ffi sary few tbo treatment of this ctaaa of dHraars, la form*, and to gire medical advice gratis, to all wha anT? by letter, with a J.wrir.tkm of their condition, (ace potion, habits of life, if- 1 and in eases of extreme aotttH ■ad tmOcrinK. to fmmith medicine fret nf cAarn*. J, £ ooedleaa to add that Ibe Aeaociaijon command* the bi-iL, Medical skill of the age, iind will furnish the most arirlrV edatodern treatment. ; 7' Tbo Direetore, on * review of the post, feel assaml itoi their labors in this sphere of benevokmt effort, hare h«, «f great bcnHltto the afflicted, especially to thcroon, and they hav» ree-dvwl to devote ttonxielvea, with xe*i t tb this vary Important but much despised c ane Just published by tha Association, a ih*»rten Spenn. torrhrea, or Seminal Weakness, the Tfi'cnfOtwiism, Mo, tnrtatioo or Self Abuse, and other disease* of the »n tt i Organs, by th# Consulting Surgeon, Which will J» sent u mail (in • sealed envclopel/rr* of charge, on th» Recta'< wo postage stamps Cm- postage. -re- ! Address, for Report or Treatment; Dr. fiRORQF, R. o tr Cmwnttiog Surgeon. Howard A«wei*qUn; So,«, Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bv or for of th« Wrectot, - -i - KZRA D. UEARIH'IU*, frtJt om. FAIBCHim, Str*. (Dac. a-lj. INTENSE EXCITEMENT!—ANEW FIRM BRO&B OUT IN A XKW PhACS. M’LfAIN & LEHR Beg kaMftto inform their friend* and the.eUit«Mot Aii.,, tut and eictnltv, that they hare opened a - ' * GKOGERY 4 PROVISION STORE. in Iho room formerly occupied by John Xehx, onTirefoi, street, next door to Patton's Hall, where they XrtHhe Kw* py $d aerrenH who may fisrdr them with- acafl. -wH. stock 1* a largo and w-foci one. consisting of, Hour," Peed, jßacon v* Pork, Sugar, doffefe, ’ Tea, Moiasse*, F2a»| T 3aK, y Potatoes* F&hOU; Fluid, Csmpkeae* A&oliOi, Oigaraand TobaewJ r A* they porchaav «U their good* for thcSEADT CAnrt and sell for the same, persons desiring of purchasing Ml . lUuflo their line, will do Wei} togtvethem a toll, a* |C w ill sell at but a ttifiihg advance onftrsjcoat. Wo nskn, than to pay for anything hot wh.it he huysi Giro tu a aliadsdeU wevron’t maksour wonk»Kood. {jan7-,u QTOVES3 STOVES! STOVES.—The ondeislsned haa Jwrtrtcoived froth PhOir > delphia, North. Chase A North's celebrated Cook tog Stores for ISST. ■ ' the koyal cook for Wood or Cool.- This beautiful Cooking stovQ>x|SCw chattel) gea oil competition 'for the rtqsklb style ■ ' of ornament and perfect operation' tuall trjpytts. Tl* oven extends under the flre-box and the luwnettiitratt. ed that the whole oven eurttce vili.hake ueefosrUyaud cat foraily. .The slightest cxamtoauou of this Stove mast tti Ufy every one that it will become a universal fovotltu. i THE SKA SHELL, for wood or coal. The- firebox is of good capacitr— aslebox in deep—the’ oven IscapackOu and U a Uturoratk baker. This stove is one that niay readily W rsbonunchtW for fowOy use. in every particular. - ■ . AUWuls of heating and parkr rtorea oo hand. ■ r JOSEPH H.*MSB. April IS, ’67-lf] OppositeV* Amprituk Bo*u,Alb*Jtia. /COMPETITION IS TUB LIFE OF \_J TRADE. —Fully convinced 6t lhc ; truth nf UiW mt. lng, the ,'ut-crfber would respectfully anubrmce to & citizen* of. Altoona and vicinity, thaf be lu« thn field, hr opening a MERCHANT TAILORING establishment. In the room hcrctolbre occupied, by Michael OulUghur, Lt mediately opposite the Superintendent'* Office, where h« will carry on the businc** in naval, lie has ja«t meind au excellent assortment of ' CLOTUS, OASSIMERES & VESTINGS. suitable for working and dross anils; which he wIU make Is order, on abort notice and at pi lcca which can not till t: satisfy. He baa ojxo received the LATEST RTVLES of ■- FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. amt focle confident that he can fatbfv the moat fratiiltai in thU part ieular, awl his clothing wut bo Wade a* well« clotiiing can bo made. In fine, i* determined that noth Ing nhall lie wanting on his part' to render Mth>k;tha) I those who may favor him with their, patronage. Altoona. Not. 5-tf.] ' JpHX TALBOT. ON MANHOOD, AND* ITS PREMA TCKE DECLINE.—Just Published, Gratis, the 2‘ii Thousand: ii A FEW WORDS ON TUB RATIONAL .XREATMIA *’ without Mbo ti tojuib a Urge and ornamental Hap, which' will be eol-ttd ui mounted in the best style,' and delivered to sabscribfrW IS per copy n ' SAMIHSI, GHIs April 15,1858. . ; - . . . . ISAAC O.FKEKB ' G w. KESSLER—^PRACTICAi • DRUGGIST, respectfully announce* R to the citnwns of Altoona widths public ren-MMHS eraUy, that bc atiU continnaHhe Drug business. SSSr-j on yirginia street,' where he', keeps constantly aLi’ on band,for sale. Whoieaalc ahd RefaikDßUafC BPS ■By strict attention tb business, and a desire to render isfcrtiou to all as regards price and ha bops' merit and receive a ?haro or pnblic patronage. Bhyiichuß and merchants supplied cia reasonable terr. and au ordepi from a distance proraptlv attended to. raytdaana prescrlptkmg ■carrftdly componaded. [Hi Rational police gazett>> 1.1 This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals > ' ft* Twelfth year, and it widely ctrmdated threap'd the connuy. tit contains alt the Great Trials, Cri- : Cases, aUd appropriate Editorials on the some, together svr information on Criminal. Matters, not to he (band :»• -- Other newspaper. ' <»-Bubabiiptioiia $2 per annum; $1 for •ix.mcH!'* - - J'onutt^d l>y snbscrilH.-rs. (who should write 1 their s'" . aad the town, county and Stale where they r-s idb pi*"' —i. To Q - w - MAISEtbACO, . Editor i Prop’r. of Now Turk police Gszrtt' 1 . lor-tf] !■ Xew York 0' ' Johnson, Jack & Co < -. 1 OFFICES AT Hottldaynburg and Altoona. Tarafts on the ' principal ciTn- A/ and SUrpr and Gold for (-ale. CoUectJoiw in»&- jlonejg received on dejipsit, payable on demand. witl£« ; - ferwt, or npootlfte. with interest, at fiUrr«®* v I Pr-- • J. E>. LEET, A TTOIiNEY-AT-LAW, Holiipav- XA. BUBG, BLAIR COUNT*, PA., ' ■ pra c tiHe In tho *;veral Courts of Blair. Hunter ind Cambria counties, and attend promptly to al! • * Jon entrusted to him. Office (for the present, al bie r deuce, corner and Pcnu streets, Holliday’;: fa WM. s. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST Office Immediately opposite the Lull' ■ Church, on Virginia atrect. [Oct. J. G-. ADLUM, ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTV, P.V. Out at all times be found at the atom of J. B.UU«® ,r ' Altowta, October 1. 1857.-Iy At SUPERIOR LOTQF FRESH GAP* £\. WKSEBWfcfwteby 'Ptf’ J p.IC*FS> ■I- MoCRUM & VOL. 3. TUB ALT I HoCgpM A PERN Fif uku% (payable li paper* UucoatlDui p*M S?. isaxs jowrllßWorlew, nii wHIH ( 8 Hues,) yjK* M <34 “ ) OrcrthrM week* aud J Min Aw each insertion . .. 1 Sip Umb «r leas, , Ooa square, «tow« ItoMt « ' Half *OOlOOlO, One column, Admlntatratore and Excc H -rh>r*~ udvcrUaing by with liberty to change, rm>M»Vni«l or Bualncsi Uses, with paper, per y OMBBtunicatious of a p< umt will hd charged acc. Atkertiaemcnts not mu: -dsalml, will be continued to the above terms. gpnlpeM notices live con Obituary notice* exceed TRIBUNE CHURCHES, Prttbyttrian , Rev. A It 'nrySabbgth morning at lo; ilobiOck. Sabbath School tore Boom. • Prayer Mcvtii the tamo room. I Methodist Koiseopal, Rot. ling every Sabbath morning ling. Sabbath School in th |M.. General Prayer Meetii I day evening. Young Men' I evening, I Ecauffclic'il Lutheran, fi I the Locture.Rooni at -io'cl. Intne rodm every IVcdiicmln I 'United Urethras, Rev. 1). lery Sabbalb morning at 10' Id o’clock. Sabbath Schou [o’clock, A. M. Prayer Jb i | in same room. I Protestant Jyntcojmi, Itw I Service 2d and ith Sundae < A. and P. M. SmM I Cottoffe, Ucv. Jou.y Two [o'clock ihtho lnorniii'g, and | BipUtl, (no Paafor.}—S.d- I African Methodist , [every Sabbath morning at 1 I the old Union School lion; ALTOONA M MAILS [Eastern Way and Holliday A Wettefa » IlloUldayabnrg ' | Eastern Through Mall Western Trough, (Satnrdm* I • ' MAILS lEastoro Throtigh Mail. Western Way and Iloilidnv-l lElMtcftr « ■ ;j * r Offlto open far tho tranauc Ro 8 P. M, daring the’week,: 100 Sunday. ■- | Jpuev j7 *«3 jt i RAILROAD KipresaTraln East arrives ■> “,> "11“ , West - - S fast , t J». . -SSw»n “ fi ■¥ , West . “ 1" Hull “ East. « I: i *b’ . u Went '• < L XhdHQfJhinAYaBURG 11 Fraln Watf, Mull Train East .The D£aIBBVI I.T.K bra Nf. *»|U «ast and M eat, I Dec.al\#-tfi n ; meetings of A. Y. M.. My of e»ch raontli. in the th I'» i M. k ScSfSj o * Encvtopi'iCit. liirdTngaday of each nnnni. Mg Temple, at T* ioVlw k. Ij>wfe»,;i..O. of (). > pehlngfCrtlic second .-tor-, [clock, P. M. [ferondu Zfdpt, I. o. of 0. pcning.ln the third story of PKk •* *}s o’clock, p. jt. MRUiMbctoo Tribe, No. ;v<, 1 Its evening P*OWC Temple. Council F raf: A - kbkrde, <•. „r Kjf third story o I , , COUNTY C */the OjiiH Pn, I Benn Jones, Uv ~~ floorgc. I vSi Gfl °- W - Spark*. Joscpl [ S?i**s?® r Of Scboot Board— K. ] MaClell I i^ ,. v [April ‘ii, 185-S-tf.l pLOUri.—TIIE ; lour Prepared to fi:i *>««