The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 15, 1858, Image 1

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    *#»c, iliogront flirt M r f :
com neglect
tfOT; WHEN is
SED IK A IX CAffiH OP '•■*>•*s °
i* DcbxiHy. Siriciurtt, GWj,Kraw7. je,
nf f/ic huiruys and Madder, Dir&
r.ia.'iim. Ansfidii, I’uist in tkc '
i and Ar.dtr, I>it<ascj:q/ t/ it f"» (
T’lrud. Xrit and ‘ '
J-yiS, tlccrsrjiun
//><■ /A</y
rr Linl: Cancer* )
lri>p>y. J-jdl- idie FUt, St,
i/ance . am/ «// iliuatts art•
iv .(Icrmiyanait nf iJie-Scxual Or- ■ '
Vi mus Tnml>ht.g u Los» o/J/t*
I'lal Weal.ties*. Dimness gf
.’hlKiiiiag bi/urcthc Kytf, Lou of
■../, Dyspepsia, Lintr\Dif ■
r 'r:ijiUo7is on the face, Vaicto' "■ r
i In ■ Ihcl ami JiiVid, Ft
tics, anil ■-•■'-'Ji:
■., u what cansc the disease oritrinatAa
aim; or ohdinate the case,
miter time than a permanent cnjrecmi
alher.tivutment, even after the dbeaio,
U'of i luinent physicians and rc»irt«l7|jj
e. Till medicines arc pleasant trlthHl
Uia-.v.-. aiiii fm from mercury oabelaae, 1
practice, [ have uWed ftumjt ‘‘
■ thousands-, who in. the last staged
••! <ii---.*e«. had Keen given, vp to (liQ Jk.
.1 ■ ieli warrants me in promising ‘fa> flfo ■
j.l .<■■■ <li--mselvcH under my care,Jmßr
| ,lr ■ !?• cref disease* are ihegreatost
, a, they arc the first caoso ofOonaMfrp '
many other diwases, and almuLl jjn**
in family. As a I- imuni nt cuiulinjeircj
majority of the cases falling litfe rttn '
nt ]K rs,-)ii“. who not only fail to euro the
. coifetiintioii, filling Oie syttom wHI,
iih the di arue, haiteus the sufleper^j^
h" ase rtid the treatment not cause d«*th
victim marries, the disease faentailed
who arc hern with fcehlo constitution,
hi! ■ corrupted l.y a virus which betoja
Tetter, Ulcers. Kniptlons and othirtlL
n. Kyi ;■•, Thr>at, and Lungs, entailing np
.i-tuc;e of sum-ring, andconsigoing^heui
> nredbiir fonniitible enemy to
.In ;ul human <lifteaga»,jap.
■ .b.ihi njxm the eysleni, drawing.llfl
inis. ibivngli a few yeans 'of strtfeHtfg
■ly grave. It ilcwtn.jn tbeNcrvoitgajri.
. avuiy the en'ergiea of (ffo,
|■ Mints the ] ti)^V(KweluJsJltt'nt s i&f l t)ia
* i n’ marriage, eoclety, lmsinnß,'imra)|
and leaves the Miffercr wrecked lhhodr
■ ■ il I;.' (viiisiiiiiytioii and a trainotoviia
! than death ittclf. With the ruling tj&£.
enfnrtnnate victims of Skdr-AtrajHiTOjt
i. -eiiv cure can be efTected,nml with: the
:e r.‘ pinct icea my luiticutscau bcrcetotcd
le-alUl. ;
r.i m toned a-, unit the use of Patent Med
r bo many ingem/nni snares in gjgfcol
i'i iiits.ln catch and roli the uniwjnf.
leave their consUUitiuUß rainedjipftio
/innk or the equallytndronqtu
Patent jidUdmw." i introtarwSj
1 imi rnlkd Patent ,M'ilicluca>m44oJ
:.i contain fumwive PuldiiUßtecttmcn
t ;m pa rat inns of mercury nnCf
t' •»! of curing the dkcaao disables %
i ■ |'.it/ nt nostrums now in hsoaroput
mot ignorant persons, who do not u»-
'. 1 i.iio-t of (he maieria 'mnlica, andarft
'■fntiy knon li'tlge of the human system,
; ;v in view, ami that to make money r£-
:d ail diseases of males and letiiaics
- "•■daMisheJ by twenty years of prw
llt.-W-.llds of the most rvmaritHbJe
itti fid! directions sent to any port»t
Ciin.uiiis, by patient* commonStlng
tt"i-. business comepondefac^tflcUy
’ .f. SrM.MKUViu,E,‘M. D„
■ r; >rf (ow xo. io») Wovrwt&a,
f > '■», (Muhlfchtxl ly ryicdid cndovimcjit
I !V,V miff tVatretted, aJTrCUuwth'T7r~
e ii ■! with Si xti ilDina res, suchtut/i/xi*
'-.i,' uyr. C,'iiorrha:d,'-iStiS,
1 '-ii'ntm or Ikl/.Abiue, , ‘ .
‘ .1! .X. !:i virwjjfthr awful deßtfWlthm
a >i) xml l>i* ascK,and tin-deceptions
■al,.ilumte victims of ouch diigasraiiy
* 'undirected their C-iiißiiltlneSiiffitun,
I•:: :iiy •'f ilifelr c.inir. to open ajrtapfu
•ui of this class of diseases, IflWlWClr
•; ' li.-al advice gratis, to aUwhoafgty
•'■i il'ti->n of tin ir aiiiditloMiakp).
I . Ar..) mill In cases »f extrßMepmfctty
milid nr free r/ charge, lt£i
tin- commands IhehlgncSt
: and will fuiiuaU tho most apptoy-
a review, of the past, feel
‘■phere. ot U-n- voli.ut uffiirt. lin,Tod)eqi
the n(T,ict d. espi dallyto t heyitmg,
U'-iI to devote themselves. with.rßntJWtd
ip utairthiit jimeh despised cune.
y ; he Association, a lloport ortgperma
J Weakness. the vice ofOiiauism, yHan
l'i',-e. mid other ilbyaaes of tho'Swroal
suliiiec Snrei-on, which wBl (je jeftMty
> y./n'r of charge, oatho receipt of
for postage. '•’•V v aSSR*
nor Treatment. Dr.'(l EORf>K-R, iCilr
nnrgeon. Howard A^R*ciatlon,TWl^B.
d Ipliin. Pa, JBy order of the Directors,
. I'/.RA D.‘ IfEARTWEIX, PftiL
.I). Ste'y. - " ‘.v^Doe.iBay.
INih—Jait Published, Gratjs,,(hea^Ji
i'f Ppcrmaturrhea dr LocalTvcalcnw,
Genital and Nerroo*DlliilHy,lmpO
uli Id Marriage generally, by
It. UK LANKY; Sfi»;
t the many
a.-rudence and solitude of ynntln may
ITHOLT MEDTGINK. 1* in Oltaarosll
■i iti-d; and the entirely newnpjlhhth
»* adopted by the Antiioir, tally
i nr which every ondls
e fid at the leant possible cost, thereby
-tired nostrum* of the day. ■■
->'■ "ralis and post free in a tealcdCTi
: ifn-t jald) two postage stamjmtODlr.
a-1 dUt street, Now York Qty. ,?f
i ■DONNELL, Merchant Tailor, tote cf
■ to Inform the dHtenrbf 'Alroona
i has/leascd the building .two doors
I n Hotel and one door tkiotli of na
a ety-et, where he Is nowr^cotVlngKls
t hah* of all prices,’ fM»Wli|gg
o v tl VerODg*,in»|iOCt,
*•* called for, all of whlcnTte will
•-.notice, jind /on thoiaagigwiMwn-
< in the business, he UilnkS, JU|oiA
■ ho may fcvor him. withUK^p^ett-
•i pow to publish n New U&jjtofb
a. from actha,! surreys, ciitift’imKgtll
. idf>. Canals, the nctiuil
Houses of Worship, School Souse*,
“■ i's. 51111 s, Hotels, Stores;’F*i<<oa»-
y “wnerr. Ac.
i the Principal Tillages' s
i -ss Directory, giving llm fcaWBAOd
• filer, trill lie engraved outlie mtf
: i Iki to a suitable scale *0&
i d Map, which will be cobredewi
!l ih‘, and delivered to subscribed*at
eamcel esm
ininial of Crime anil Criminals is I 0
T ’.'l >9. widely circulated thro^gS o ® l
■ 'ii:s aU the Great Trials, .CtimM 1
Editorial? on the some, togrtnefsrm
i' il Matters, nbt to be foutid HTpi
Tw mmnjn,* $1 for
'• i«, (»h° should write thelMWWf*
:!,1 “ state where they reside pCunljJ
fo G. W. MATaKLL * 00-T'■
; r. of \cw York Police Gazette#, .
Arm York Cttjr-
:;) ,run chest £&o-
Coughs, Colds, end other'*®*- -
cii .trisc from the czitoced state dfW*
> ‘it end the continual change* dfo* 1
■ i’nig Store of G. tV. KEB£Mtlfc
- -t. MICE, KOACHES, -AKTSilfjf*
Mn it.i iibc uuUor any circgJp^P
II for tale, Whnlefnle andßettil-*' -
, Masonic Tcntpie- .
>ll SALE.—
50,000 Bathos, , IC .
>l>o MATKItIAB, lower 4®°
>h- 1-> joiix suawy^9^* :
Cut*, totaloit* --a '
f. U£gSl*K
m. s.
" HcOEUiX k BERN; PoMiahert ami Pnprietow. j
Perwmmn, (waWe towteWy inadranoo,) --&S01/
All papora diacodtiaaed At the expiration of Uie time
paid for.
1 insertion 2 do. 3 do.
Four line* or lew, - * 26 ... ,•$ S!}£ -$ 40.
One square, (Blines,) , 60 \ .76./ 100
Two u (W « ) A 100 1 80/ 2 00
Three « (« “V 1 *0 2 00 2 60
Over three weeks and lew than three month*, 25 cents per
square lor each insertion. / j.
'• ■ # mouths. 6,months, I year.
Six lines or lew,' , $1 80 / $ S 00 ■ 6 0<
Ono square, . ,2 80 .' \ 4 00 7 01
Two “ 4 00' 600 10 00
Three * . 8 00 8 00 12 00
four ", 6 00 10 00 14 00
Haifa column, 10 00 14 00 20 00
One column, ; 1 /14 00 25 00 40 00
Administrators andHxecuton Notices, .1 78
Merchants adTfertislngbythe ■ year, three squares,
with liberty to change / ' , <lO 00.
Vrofcssioaal or Business Garde, apt exceeding 8
Unes,wfthp*per,.peryßmr. 5 00,
Communications of aipClitieal character or individual In-;
(ereet will beeluugwl according to the above rates. ,
Advertisements net marked with the number of insertions:
desired, will be continued till itbrbid and charged according:
to tlw above term*. \ . ~ . : I
Business notice* five csntsper line for every insertion.
Obituary notices exceeding ten Unas, fifty cents a square.
tribune directory.
PnAjterian, Kev. A B. Ciozx, Partor.—Preaching er-*
crySabhath moroingat and in the craning at
8 o'clock. Sabbath School at o'clock;A. SL, in thoXec
wrelloom. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday wmtn. | n
tb» jama room. °
Kethodiii Episcopal, Rev. 8. A.Wasojt, Pastor
ing over}’ Sabbath morning at 10U o’clock and in the even
ing. Sa6b»th School in tbo-Dectore'-Rodm at 2 o’clock, p' •
M. Oeutral Prayer Meeting in same room every Wednetc
evonb-f 116 ' ' X °^ >S ■ U “’‘ PtKfor Meeting Wcry Friday j
EaingeUcal Lutheran, (no Pastor.)—Sabbath School in i
the Lecture Boom at S.o’ciodc, P. M. Ptajer Meeting In'
eame room ereij Wednesday evening. .
United Srtihnn, Bov. Dr BfhCK. Paatnr— ■
« ry&ibtethmorning at WU o’clock'and In the ovenSg at
0 ocl«k. Sabtath School in the Lecture Room at 9
o clock, A. M. Prayer Meetlngovery Wednesday evening
In same room. ■ , . ~r-w
A J {s*»i4)ijP;Sr. SundayiSchool at 0 o’clockjl.H. ■
(mote, for. dons Twwag, Pastor.-—Preaching at IQU
o’clock in morning* and at.3U In the atlornool > -
Baohsi, (no Pwtor.ljlSabbath School atO o’clock A. M.
J/r^nJftftafiit, Sot. SsTOsn Cab, Pastor.—Preachlhg
■* otr
Dutcrn Way and Hulliday*burn at
Western “ \ ° :
IlollUayabnrg .) ,
Riitern Through Malt j
Wutem Trough, (Saturday*,)
EiiteniThrough Manf>* & fi Sft A W
Western ff ayatnl HoUMaj»bnnr. it an* it
Extern * f 11 30 KM.
front” a. M.
£g““ IW f’ “ d ? to9 .<«■«*».*•**•
Eiprm ttrtn «ri,ei ,£g A-if, lear« 2£6 AM.
_ ■ ~ now . BLSS ■ u . a sjui u
r«K “ But “ Aaop.M. « BMP M
“ “ "Wimt u -inJCi* •' 1. JI.
~ it a- !?*” *DfiO « 10,05 «
v ' y MOB. A; BOOTr, SupX
l^f e < I- 0. of 0. F„ No. 478, meets every Friday
* Coond,tory of ■s»Masonic Tem^,^7i|
«SS of
ttroet, at VJ o’clwk, WMon sßnlldlng, on Virginia
O. B. M;jtoid stated Conn-
Mwal^Ten^ 1 4 0 0. P. Hall, in' the
breath. “nfledatTth run 30th
Junior & w :‘ „ W-ly
B<nnr. J '
IW «• Morrotr, A. 0. McCartn^,
Hirer. Mrtewrt—c, Gayer, GoorgeWeaver, Smud
Fimt ' " ' , I’• ' •
St&rtUaidaU tymmep SAeU^JOutJfeaa.
J-*£*7S?H A dwiceas.
Lowthor. ■ i
D - 81nk,C.i<\
T pb . ■ Motllt ’ Wm - 0. McCormick
®- McfMnnwP^*
dSz^~?h D -2? lomttS > ThoB - McMlnn,
iJeCUlland. *
®fesS? , *~^ wnc ® Mclntosh, David Oorter. ;
Ward—John B. mrM^
“ .« ?. J^bOood.
ln 9xtort-.Vju,i w.Tx, . _ Alexandor RlUng. :
“ West ‘h" Montgomery.
“ NotUj « J.U. Roberts, M.Clanbnagh. '
■ aorth Wm. Valentine, Wm. IteedT
citizens of Altoona
o ®ce.^ml^ gU l? rly attended to. I
V&L®' “ r C 6 r i,lCd byDr - ffirBt r
. i
Pa, r
Ph°n?. E p„ w fI ™BSCKIBEE IS
_**“ e li, *66-tf] 4 wiU jjo promptly filled.
'X —: - ' ' BC. BAKER,
March 25, ’58.1.1 tai m -it.Yj'*' N - SHtiaARD
IftlSorth 3d street, Philadelphia,
4 * ad lnland for *J O % UJN^
25. >68.1 vl » lot w nYJ 1, N ‘ SiniGARD,
■ 191 North 3d Btrert, Philadelphia.
. ; ■*“Oertj m store and for sale by
lai shugarj),
Si Ml porth 3d street, PWladolphta,
and zinc
nun or
. ,1/mg nnsnccessfliliy sought,
its original color; covers luxuriantly ®0
moves all ilandmff, Itching and nit scroftiin. J lo **! ’
all eruptions; makes the hair soft heal and
will preserve it to any a^“^ dg,o#By 'J u » <l
magic, aU hlotches.ic., from the tucf
gia and nervous headache. _See circular and tooStof
Prop. 0- J. Wood &
from the most enbstotind and worf^ t^^ g L it | ,:Ce *'3 J
»/»"““ “ “ "Aw®r2S.S
(Signed) ' ■ DAJfIBI LATUORP * Ob,-
Our little son’s head for some tlmn i.„.i v. 1 .
covered with sore*, and callSl ■ p ? f ?£S jr ''
asaatr. ffisaat
the disease entirely » n !K “wappUcaHona removed
soon^^outtercaSlwJv^ 1 W 1 "*
healthy a scalp and na that our boy .has as
other dmdT\Ve can dohT^ 07 i ' asa *« r
SSSifeds, I '-
Yonra Berocctfidly, _
0.J.W000 A 00, Preprints
Altoona, and by all good
- ■ [Jnac S, 1858-ly.
akekowbmsg opened torinsK l^®
“Halloo, nolglibor,Tm hero groVmdnaain. Per
*“• But it la <UfTerent no£ It remtada m^
iMr^" 11 ? e?n . oflB4o ’. M = h ‘ m ®«-Harrison wM ek-cWDr?
/ovru the **£
LKSttF* thEy “** be
»^L byC ’ where I(jolt* to bay
particle of country produce token in exchange for
Altoona, May 13,1868.-ly R * H> M °COBMICK.
ii oo am;
8 00 A.M.
0 10P.M.
.8 00 "
800 «
°J Btaip comity and others, 1
irmrop e" ° l J en f? n P th ® XOCIASF
HOUSE, fonnw-ly kept by Sheriff TW« JMMgti
toamtoSSi SiS."”””™*’
Ui« TABLE will ho furnished with the Terr host the me*
Bee. 17,1857,—tf.]
Under the Masonic Temple, |
• of refreshments, gnch as Cakcg, Cheese s»rdi™-
Pretzds, and ah excellent article of Labkh HRWfit mfln ?
May 13,1858,-ly] gERDDTAW) NOIUWANO. I
.photographs of deceased persons,
SSS at .. th . e shortcat notice and on the
meet reasonable terms. He hoe Just received a stock
ahbrotypb, daoukkrkottpe o^photograph
• T ' UIME ■ —Duncansville
time Kilns, near Hollidaysburg; Pa; , ■ '
(The subscriber has now in onpmttnn n
«““««" of Z larB0L!m0
in« country, by wagon, or at the Kiln. AddreL
June 17-6m] v DuncaiurtO^J^a^h^
Jon Pnpiren, Staijoxee ak» Busk Book Mf/StSL
_ _ Mastfacttokb. //“flilll
Markets Second St*. Piltsburn Pu
respectfully Invites *tten«on tohls CSSL
%lanl( BaoJc, Paper and Stationary, Rail
Road, Mercantile and Book Printina
° f Am I? description, promptly executed.
pwf Dt forl - J ° hn^ n 4 Founders, Philadel-
[June 17-ly.
JLJ The tmderslgncd subscriber has on hand now and for
isp^!^ 0 t 7 f ßriekVardat McCohan’s
lioltce. Ortefl from <l«anttty of BEIOK on short
Br i Ck M fi , ,lvertd lu can ai i% wni be ottcnded to, and
ApnlVlSSMm. A ®sK 1 .„
DuncansviUc, hlair countyfra.
Witreh 25, ’5B-lj] W 1 Nortl ,\¥; N - SHCGAIUS,
. . • ■ ■ ...
V, ! Abr the Altoona Tribune.
An Irish Tale, with a Moral.
*<nmg-teddy o%erng an itlslimai
relieffrom 1'1« tronlileaand grief
I Snchas no man could bear and yet UwT ■
onc ** y > from his house he did stav
Vf doBedfo r the might, *“*
• ®tliwne,iuid he felt Toth to com&
i since ho ate not a hit*. *
-^, V t^^ t 3 lBdoor ~" waa UTOal befcre
a S eDt rance to gain;
jwffias&a , ss£sr' “■*■*■
there air night, and a dale of a Biaht
SooJl, from the bating bo wlthyo,”
“^n h I p ,l)r ow-t»a luck to a Shrew!
__ Biue the divll s owudartcr ye be.”
•''J»? Jms ***** tied me *>* mate
Tp slclia poor Bitflag ye J-»
"fe^f°K W P 6 ?u tbo doo r t ' , - t ' 1 towld ye before
« aV5‘ 2?&%? ‘here as long as ye’ve mind”—
“An’ feJthifl do; he toy sswl ye wlllrbe
Ere I na done with my bating ye’ll find.”
y? Vo”—“sure his wife then areye”—
«R>«l^i. BnZZlin ?. of wWak 7 thaves”— *
you, jtothrks Bridget OTirewf”—
fiarp.a knave’* after liking but hnaveir*
T m^sis th * dl fowe on the door, and of course
A „ » großc of h(to»glard, by Bridget thrown hard
Met the. poor fellow's head witha imuShr ’
£ *£oiolth*th repressed rising wrath,
■n 4,10 r °hgh water’s Jaw
B MavitoWt d ’ t T^ S9 and too, you easy
May think, wholly foiled in tbls case. ■■ -
A « r ?. es .?, f f >low [ B m Br ‘>l«ct’B head, face andnoso
v.^F 08 ctinxBou cumfl4 l° flow™
“ WT* 0 «** how far his rage may
THth his “ bating?- have urged him to go.
B Offa^yiS'' 11118 P reTent further j
Sn ® 6U ”SSl fr “ m Wow* and a tweßed head and nose
lor embittering her hiuldncPt whoteUfe/
:: i Toil perry.
Blkt Ulrscellang,
Vegetable Conversation..
We copy ,tho following article from the
July number of the Knickerbocker:
said the Potato to the Lem
on, ‘hpw bilious you look to day ! y 0 ur
skuniis as yellow as saffron, i What can he
the matte* ?’ '
‘LemOn. Acidity of stomach—a fami
ly complaint of ours. ;
/PpiAxo. Why don’t you take advice?
Lemon. Advice 1 You know my poor
dear brother dropped off the other dav;
and without i being allowed to rest on hk
mother earthy his body was snatched up
by a member of the Par, who, instead of
acfang legally, dissected him—absolutely
cu ‘ m, ' A]I for the public good/
said pie rascal, as he squeezed out poor
last gastric juices. Take advice,
quotha I If he was hot allowed to enter a
ptea m Par, what may I expect from Doc
tors’ Commons ?
/That’s true. I only i hope
poor Lem,jthodgh he was in liquor at the
tune, enough to give him a
punch under the ribs : he was a rum cus
tpmerto Ah last, no doubt—but I must
say I wish skin had been fuller. Do
you attend the meeting to-night ? i
.l feel rather somed at prcs
r Puuping-Yino just now with
thejnvitefrpns,and he hinted that there
would be a Squeeze, in which case I should
decline, apthey might press me to furnish
dnnk for the company—in fact; it Is al-
Tvay| so when they bail any of my family
to tlmur aid. But now, to .bo serious, my
sweet Potato, if you should go, let
me advise you not to got yourself into hot
y o % u .:bedished to ' a certainty if
j?? Onion, the strongest friend you
Wo on earth, brought ; tears , to my eyes
by thnbare reoita! of what would be the
probable consequences of your attending
. In cas * * row, you’ll both have to
sJ n P—peel off. Now, undeysuch circum
stances, ho lb certainly excite-some sort of
sympathy ; whereas the removal ofvour
russet coat might attract more admiration 1
than PiW: fLoyely in death, would' they
say—mors/ etc. Indeed, for my
own think you do look better in
white. Ohi another thing I would say:
Keep out of Horse Radish’s company ;*he
wdi bo sure to get into a scmpb; n greyer
pne than he imagines, perhaps—and as for
Onion (donft let this leak out,) I fear the
rope will end him. I should not like to
get into a stew with him—so, mum I Ah’
here come Plum and Pear. How savage
they look I:; . ! v ; °
;Howareyou, my dear Lem
on / Do decide this question between
Pium and me. On referring to Johnson,
we find my numerical value estimated at
two only, while the rascally IWia' set
down for a hundred thousand. It’s, too
absurd; there must bo some mistake.
‘PtUM. None at all. Please to rccol
yo°u; that WCI a atone more than
; ‘Pear. From that I must bog leave
to secede, r * ® -
or ! shall *bb
f- . ■ I- ...
fruitless wiggling
tempted to skin you botK; to
I get at the truth. .I’m not in spirits. As
for you, Mr. Plum, no more of your tart
remarks j and Mr; Pear, if you wish, to be
preserved, the less jarring the better.
Here conies our good friend Raspberry.
How do you hue. fellow, and where
have you been ? ,
, ’ln the most infernal
jam you ever saw: ’pon honor, ’t was in
supportable. What’s the news?
There is a report which Bush
has raised, quite current here, that he
served you up in sweet stylo last evening
at tea-table, before'a party, of ladies j and
the cream of the joke is, that you were
considerably down in the mouth.
‘Raspbeeby. slere envy. You know
be cultivates the affections of Miss Rose
Geranium, (a sweet creature, by the by,
md has grown very much lately j) but
inding that she preferred me, he became
saucy, which induced me to beat him into
i jelly, and send him in that state to his i
riend Venison, who lives hear Fulton
‘LfiMok. (Puts his hands on his hips }
md guffaws.) Bravo! What a funby
imb of Satan you are. But Ras., have
ou seen old Gardener lately ? x He’ll give
on a deuced trimming when be meets
ou. He says you ought to haVe done
owing your wild oats, and that, although
> goes against his grain to complain of
our treading on his corns, he cain’t stand
; any longerjand must peach. v
Raspbeeby.' Peach, will he? And
re these to be the fruits of my bearing
ith him so long? He has been picking
bme for gome time; and yet it was but
esterday, die ungrateful old rake, that I.
ot him out of a scrape with Mr. Horse
adish, who, after seizing him by the nose
threw a musk melon at his head, exclaim
ing with an equestrian laugh: ‘That
ought to make at least one mango.’ And
go ho did, that's certain, all to squash.
.‘Lemon. A challenge will ensue,
doubtless. °
‘Raspberry. By no means. No one
knows better than Gardener that Horse-
Radish shoots like the devil in the spring,
and one fall he has already received from
him. It would be unreasonable to
But drop tbe v subject, for here comes Mrs.
Tree, who seems to wear a very cypressy
Mrs. Trbe, Good morning, gentle
men. You have heard, no' doubt, that I
have lost those young limbs of mine. Well
perhaps it’s for the best: ofisprings are a
great trouble and expense, and, to speak
the truth, I should pine more at the loss
of my trunk. Fine growing weather, this.
. ‘Pear. Pine more ! I should say she
is one of the pine-&H.oft. There” is very
little of the weeping willow about her
‘Lemqn. Nip, the stingy old creature I
No dqubt she’d have been cut down by
the loss of her trunk—she’d have been
chop fallen then. Instead of pining, she
talks sprucer than ever. I don’t believe
she even went to the expense of haying
the poor little things inoculated; a very
little matter would have given them suc
cor. She said the other day she was try
ing bark on them. But .I vow, here comes
Aspen. Aspen, why so agitated ? Is
there any thing strange in the wind ?
‘Aspen-Tree. I’m iii such a flutter,)
that I can scarce tell you of our common
danger. But in a word, whether it was
on account of our extreme admiration for
the Woods and the Forest, or that the
Chestnuts and. Oaks began to rail at him,
and give offence, it has entered the head’
of Hickory—yrhich is very high just now
to root me out[ and remove my trembling
deposits from jthe bank on which I was
roared by the side of the Schuylkill. Sup
plication is useless. Old Hickory will
not bend, though we tell him of our brea-
I advise all of you, who, like
me, have branches, to cut and run.
,‘JLemon. My skin stands a double
chance to be saved —for if -I cut, I shall
surely Pun. But are you serious ? - t
' ‘Aspen Tree: Serious I I tell you
the v sponer you all cut stick, the better.
Hickory,runs Wonderfully. Pm off. . i
‘Lemon. Gentlemen, are you ready
for the question ? All in favor of taking
our leaves, will please bow, ■ °! ;
VTJiey bdto mantrn'ousty, and exeunt
as fait as their limbs can carry: tAcm.'J
a 6oii has written; on the flowers
that sweetens the air, upon the freeze that
rocks the flowers upon the stem—«pon>
the rain drops that refresh the sprig of
moss that lifts its head in the desert—
upon its deep chambers—-upon every pen
e< j s^ sleeps ini the caverns of
the deep, no less than upon the mighty
sun that warms and ■ cheers millions of
creatures which live in its light—upon all
his works he has written— < Jtfo one liveth
for himself/ , ' " ;-'V
_ There is a tame, rat on board the
City of. Memphis, says the Appeal, which
stands dp on his hind i.feet when ordered,
licks his master's hand> and kisses him,
climbs up oyer him, holds a little stick in
his fore paw and stands- lip like a soldier *
domes when called,' : goes away when told
to dp so, and enters Bis box or page as ah'
obedient child would at the request ofttg
parent. * ! * ' ,
Writiaifor ths?*AUoona Tribune''
College life.
Autumn, with its 'charniSv its beauty
and its solemnity, was it hand\ The day
fixed • for my departure for —— College
,was( approaching, and' anxious thoughts
filled iny mind.— ‘ Hoi? will I like college
life? ‘ How will I got along with my
studies ? ‘ What kind of professors are
there ? * Who will b<jlfmy associates ?*—
These and kindred questions were sugges
ted as the day dawnett !h hpon which I had
to leave home fof hew Soenes r ,new associ
ations and new duties. After bidding a
hasty adieu to parents; and sister, with
carpet-bag in hand, I ! started for the rail
road station. The statlbh. was soon reach
ed) and I entered theotowded eaien route
for the town of ■ ■ ■j.■ On we sped at a
rapid rate. Hirers were crossed) valleys
were traversed and towns and villages
were passed in quick succession. S ;
As the sun was at its meridian on the
second day of my journey, I beheld for
the first time the townii|ip which I was to
live for at least four years which were yet
to come. The scenery; that presented
itself to my view was extremely beautiful,
and I thought that X could, live my lifer
tipe there in that delightful yalley.. Tm..
mediately on my arrival,'! sat out iusearch
ofphfc institution which!;! designed to en
ter. I found it short distance
from toWn on a ■ slight eminence and. sur
rounded, by a large campus Ailed with
beautiful shade trees of varidus kinds. I
followed the path that wound through the
grove, and I ascended the steps of the ed
ifice and entered. As the sound of my
foot-steps re-echoed ambing those ‘ classic
hulls, licit a strangeness come over me
which I had never folg before. I stood
and thus I mused: ‘ Within these walls
men have been educated-whoso names are
inscribed high on the temple of Panic ;
men of giant intellects have traversed
these halls; from this building men have
gone forth whose voicesrhaveXiben heard
in the Senate chamber and from'Zion’s,
walls; here men have received their edu
ction Who have gone irfto heathen lUnds,
there labored, suffered ahd died/ Thcsh
contemplations were only of a few moments
duratiori, for my mental?6oliloquy was in
terrupted by a. student Who accosted mo.
Seeing that I wasperhapsa ‘ new student,7
young andiunacquaintedj he very politely
offered to accompany meHrhither 1 desired
to go. I thanked him land said that !
panted to.see the President of College first
and then I would be be accompa
med to the rooms of some of the students
whose acquaintance I desired to make.—
Ho inquired my name ahd residence, and
then wg started to see tlio; President from
whom I was to receive viqstruotions. I
was received by the venerable President
in a very cordial manner and the interview’
was pleasant and profitable to '
He afterwards visited the hall of one of
the literary societies,.- the libraries, some
of the studen ts rooms and; then we parted
—my new-made acquaintance going to his
ropm and I, to my hotel. i l -
The next morning I returned taColli
and commenced fittui g «p; my room. °ft
was eighteen feet long by ten wide, and in
which I had to put av bed|h ward-robe, a
book-case, a wash-stand, N table, stove and
many other necessary articles ' •
Sornp may tlmt rather a small
place in which to put so many things, and
so it was; but I got all theithings in, with
scarcely room enough left in which one
c °hld sit down. That room was a small
one and; it was well filled, |ut I got a bet
ter one;, afterwards. I salon had every
thing arranged as well as I; could, and on
thomext day I Was ready to! commence my
sftidics and tp participate in;the pleasures
and amusements,: incident; to College life.
At every institution of learning with
-. 1 am . different literary
soeiaftes exist for the mutual improvement
of the members in composition, declama
tion, debating etc. At this College there
Were two, pretty equally ballauced in re
gard to number and both containing men
mental caliber, as I thought
then. v ’;/ -. ’ v - ■
The members of each society were yeiry
zealous in support of. the one to which
they belonged. •-<
- s a( * society endeavored" fo receive the
greater OTpnber of iind therefore,
no induoepionts were withheld, no means
untried and often stratagem of the mean
er “ D t W^ s to lot that purpose.
New Students/ .who; were undecided
which one they would Join, were held in
toe highest esteem and had hosts of friends.
Friends (so, at least for a time), would
flock around Hie new coiners and bo loud
Jn praise ofthejr favorite society. Cigars,
oysters and many .other things regarded
by some as luxuries, were lavished upon the
wavering without stint; and Seniors,.Ju
niors and Sophomores deigned to notice
Freshmen and ‘Preps/ The nicest civil
ities, were paid them and they were c the
admifbdofall admirers.’ Such was the
state of affairs when I had been there
about one week, when the war of election
eering goes on.' But after the students
had been matriculated and had joined their
irespeftiyc society, a great change was ap
parent. Those*little fof..
gotten by the attentive; all luxuries had
to be purchased by the consumers then •
cold replies and indifferent recognitions
often took the place of smiles and words
of praise. There were, however some who
Were honorable men and would not stoop
to perform such acts of meanness.
- After I had been there about ten days,
I became acquainted with a student who
was unquestionably the greatest fop there.
The extent of his knowledge consisted in
the proper arrangement of his dress and not range higher than the top- of his
silk hat. He professed great' attachment
for me ahd seomed greatly concerned about
niy future welfare. I told him in reply to
his numerous interrogations, that I had
not decided to which society I would con
ne'et myself; that I was going to exercise
my judgement in the matter; and that my
mind was uninfluenced %nd unbiased. I
told him all that out of mere curiosity for
I wanted to see What the ‘ critter ’ would
do, as I knew it would inspire him with
new hopes of getting me. Sure enough,
he began to exhibit'to ray mind the at
tractions of his society ; he told mo of the
intelligence of its members and their pol
ished manners and good looks. A dayor
two after that ho began again with a zeal
worthy a bettor eauao. ‘ You just Ipok
ake a member of our society,’ blandly said
he. * Indeed,’ he continued, < for a week
past Ihave been in a feverish state of ex
citement and concern on your account,
and m consequence, I have lost about ten
Mun J ofio* !■, n, strange that'
be did not dwindle into a mere skeleton,
toy notwithstanding all his eloquence, all
his entreaties, and the rapid dissolution of
his body corporal, I did not join his soci
ety! Perhaps it was cruel in me fordoing
so, and I should have complied with his
appeals out of sheer pity, but he was too
repulsive to my feelings to be allowed near
me in the same society. His kindness to
wards me ceased, and ever after he carried
a head so high (?) that he conld’ntseame.
ft? Wftjl Wft ipahy who had joined his socie
ty’. ; Quantum mxUatus ab ilh /
Man Killed by a Woman;
yV eston, Mo., a man named Hugh
S?, nan attacked by a person
Wilson. Kranan s wife came to ihe ns-
killed Wilson: Tte fblloirfn?«
her statement: ®-;v
Myself and husband had retired to bed'
when some oho broke into the boose, anti
ram<| to the before we could got hn.-
The man seized my husband and dragged
him out, striking it and beating
called to me for tfet the man
was, trying to wring W his neck. I could
not get hold of anything except a piece of
board, the same now in court. Withthis
1 ran,up to ; piy hiwband, iind found him
down with a strong miati resting one knee
blow? brCaSt; and st t ikiQ S vory scvbre
As I got in striking distance the Juan
was making an attempt to wring off the
neck of my husband, who scemedto.beal
/*• immediately stroe&him'
with the stick, land did not cease until Ills'
hold upon my husband’s head and neck
bnl lke aUct. My husband bid boon aial
in i V iv a weck P r< -vions, and was al-
helpless as a child. I struck to save
husband s life, and believe he would
have been killed in a few minutes if I.had’
not struck. ■
J • JUSTICE*,—!|Wev
the undersigned, Justices, agree unani-.
mously that the homicide committed tv
Mnvy Branch, on ITugH Wilson,:^
tillable, and she is dischargcdfrdm
Cly* s* V♦ ; i-. ; . t V ;
A SLEEPtm Oiieahs Re
publican has seen a man namcdJaoksou,
Panm—a farmer living some.miles fiS
Albion—who declares that he liaar ut#
slept for oyer fourteen months, his last'natl
having been , taken in April, 1857. Hm
general appearance is indicative of feeble
, P a > “? s <s9 13 restless and rolling, and
w l e ? ca ? or herons in the extreme.—
We know hotbing personally of the troth
oh his itatemeht, but one of his
who was assured by us that it could be
lied upon mid that Mrs. Paine, wt>al&
make affidavit to the extraordinary wakc4
fulness of her husband. " •
This is the reverse of the maq in tKfa*
county who slept for seven yean; whW
case . became .the wonder of theworld*'
short time since. . j.,; _
Rafmng.t—4 river Yankee from a*aj
up north,
ployed by the owner of a raft of lambh?
to pilot it safe down the river for -him/
The pilot however through nnskUlfalnesaT
or carelessness, ran it against one of the
piers of a bridge, staving it upon the ice
breaker. The owners of the lumber too* 5
hjm to task for bad management, when h*
replied ( thero s fifty two of them J ar pierss
and I missed ’em all hut one— l call that
midlicT good rnnin, doii’t you/
Wll yoii lend father year nciwpav
per? He only wants to read, it.’. ’ .
- ‘€ert*inly, toy lad; K«t Brat
your to lead me his dinner. v.-Ivonii
cat if.'i ~ ‘;; v ->
NO. 23.
v ’Vi * sift
' - 'Jr