teii X ffcoouinara n»w goods have arrived a*d ABE WOW BEING OPENED FOB INSPECTION AMD SALE. . “Halloo, neighbor, I'm hem on the ground again.- Per* baft you recollect when I, la« year, naked you to hold my bone a moment and tell me where the CHEAP STORE was. But it is different now. It reminds me a little of the campaign of 1840, when Oen. Harrison was elected Pre aUeot. ' You hare only to go with the crowd and you will bate aadiAcnlty in finding McCOBMICK’S STORE. From the excitement down the valley, and the quantity of goods 1 aee carried away, they must bo selling off very rapidly fend very Cheap.” “ Yon afo right, my friend; I would say to you, sir, go fehaad .iand your anticipations will be fully realized. Uo has fe very largo and well selected assortment of Goods. HtfttaMyou a dross tnt fifty cents and giro the trimmings into the bargain, I’m told, and all other goods in propor •tiOß/*- f "flood bye, "neighbor, that’s where 1 am going to buy •Tny goods.” and so should everybody else.- flood bye.” GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENBWARE, STONEWARE, CEDABWABE, Oops, very cheap Bonnets, Misses’ Flats, 4c.; L»- dlse’flutert, Shoes and Slippers, with Misses, Boys and MenVßoots and Shoes, and every other article kept In a flret class country store, can .be had cAeop for oath, at McCormick’s. All articles of country produce taken In exchange for •goods. • B. H. MoCOEMIUK. Altoona, May 13,1853.-1 y. Souse, sign, oknamental & CARRIAGE PAINTING.—The undersigned beg o inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that .they have commenced the business of f MOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND I CARRIAGE PAINTING, I GLAZING, PAPER-HANGING,.VAR ■ NISHING, SC., $O., 'ln ail their various brandies, and are. prepared to do all Work an trusted to them with neatness and despatch. ■They have on hand a largo assortment of painting ma terials add Window Glass of ail sizes, also Stained Glass andlahoking-Olass Plates, which enables them to do work ■ to an Improved style and at reduced rates. ’ By strict attention to business wo hope, to merit a shore oi public patronage. Oar room is an Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store. BEXEB * WALSH. ' April B,lfiSklm* ; ALU ABLE PROPERTY FOB Jf SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract of .EIGHXY.AOREB of land, situate in Fnrguson township,: Oearfletd county, on tho Bonjh side oftheWortßranchof: the Susquehanna Elver, about five miles from Cunrensville and one mile below Lumber City. The premises are cos-i Vsnlently situated, and among ottoT Inducements to par | .chasers ore two extensive beds of IRON ORE, one of which exceeds nine feet in thickness and yields from; forty-five to eighty per cent There is also an abundance .of-.. ... -- LIMESTONE AND STONE.COAL on the premises, making it a desirable situation to persons : wishing to enghgo. in the mannfecturo of Iron. Thereto the best of water power op the premises, and the river is navigable with arks,, boats, Ac,, man this polpt.' Persons desiring any farther information will address' > WM. gTMcCRACKKN, MarchaWm,] . New Millport, Clearfield Co* Pa. npiflE. MORMONS EVACUATING ■ SALT LAKE OITYII 4k '. Tremendout Excitement in Bait Altoona The subscribers respectftally inform the of Altoopa and the reat of mankind that they are ~ now prepared tocarry on tho ULACKBMITIIING BUBI-; NESS in all ’its various branches, at .the now stand next' door btlowPe ter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adeline street,, in' 'Most Altoona. They flatter themselves that they are anus .’ to rchder satisfaction to all who may favor them with their ■ patronage; and no effort will be wanting on their part to ;merit, the patronage of the community. Wligona,. Car riages, Ac, made and ironed to order, for which good tom her will bt token. Remember the place, on Adeline, St, where Blacksmithing is done on the short estnotlco'and most reasonable terms. JOHN W. HOOPER, Altoona, May 27, ’5B--2m] T. A. JAMES. 4 CARD!—THE UNDERSIGNED bogs leave to inform the citizens and inhabitants of la ahd vicinity, that bo has taken theDrng Store formerly occnpied by F. A. Sellers, Agent, where he has on baud and is constantly receiving a large assortment of 'MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PAtSM, OILS, PERFUMERY, GLASSWARE, etc, generally kept In a Drog Btore. al! of which ho warrants to be perfectly pare apd fresh, having selected every article himself and which he win sell at tho lowest cash prices. Having been engaged in a first-class Drag and Prescrip tion store in Pittsburg for n length of time, he is compe tent to compound Prescriptions and Family Recipes in thu most accurate and scientific manner, and' cordially InviUa the public to give him a call. ' A. ROUSH, June 10, ’58.-tf] Drugged and Apothecary. RESTAURANT AND LAGER Jbv BKKR SALOON.—-The subscriber would respectfully • announce that he wiUkeefc constantly cm band, at his aaloon Under the Masonic Temple, a supply of refreshments, such as Cakes, Cheese, Bardin** Prataele, and an excellent article of LAGER BEER, mann .tortured at the Altoona Brewery, which is prenonheed the Jbest in the country. Ills saloon is fitted up in good style fegthe comfort and accommodation of his patrons, and he Wmeabv strict attention to theirwants to merit and receive jjgia fair snare of patronage. , May13,1858.-ly] - FERDINAND NOTHWANO. T>LANK BOOKS AND BTATIONA JDabt. Wm. b. hatkn, wswfc- JoaPkunxa, BtATiojoat jun> Burnt-Boos Kunmunm, ■■ ‘''Jg9B|v' CbmerMarled4SaxmdSU.Fitltburg,rtu VIMIW nqtectftilly invites attention to his large and well selected Mode of “ Blank Bpqk, Paper and Stationary, Rail flood, Mercantile and Book Printing, of every deecriptton, promptly executed. - Agent for Ik Johnson A Co, Type Founders, Phlladcl- IWA ■ ~ [Jnno 17-ly. REMOVAL! T HAVE REMOVED Ml' WARE JL BOOM to the corner of SMITHFIELD and THIRD Streets, opposite Young’s Fnrnltnre Waroroom. ' Pittsbargb, April 1, ISSS-3m. WM. NOBLE. FURNISHING WAREROOM. J fIAVE OPENED A STORE FOR . the sale of EVERY ARTICLE wanted in FCRNISH QA DWELLING UOUSK, Mattresses, Beds, Bolsters and PlHows t Comfort", Spreads, and Qnllts of every style and price. Satin, De Laino and Lace Curtains; Damask and Moreens, Brocatcls and Flushes; Muslin Curtains, Figured Muslin and with Lace Edge; Tassels and Cords of every description. Gilt Cornices of every variety and stylo, and some splendid patterns for windows; Gimp and Brass Bands; Blinds of all kinds; Window Shades of every price and Style.. Also, Venetian Blinds. Friends and strangers ore , invited to call and sec ta In the now store. : Pittsburgh, AprU I,lBsBdJm. WM. NOBLE. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK "OF READY-MADE CLOTHING ! SUITABLE FOB THE SEASON, JUST RECEIVED BY 1 - r ! ETTINGER & ULLMAN, ABD NOW BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES WHICH -■ DEFY COMPETITION. «R. ULLMAN, announces that he is is always on hand and will take great'pleasure In {upon an who may Evvor him with a call. He feels irtthnt he will bo able to render satisfaction both wunMltyntd price. [April IHm jiypMINISTRATOIVS NOTICE.— ; U hereby given thatlettcrs of Administration of James Moobe, late of Logan township, Blair accessed, have been granted by the Register, residing in Antes township. All per sons knowing themselves indebted, to said estate are rc make immediate payment; and those bavin" y claims again! t it will present them duly authenticated for Hgtemt. JOHN J. BURKHOLDER, Adm'r. ■ Mjy.g, 1868.-6 t NOTICE.—WHEREAS, LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of Adam Robinson, Ms of the township of Bogan, Blair county, deceased, have been'granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted to the (■ld Mate are requested to niiiko Immediate payment; nnd tboae having claims or demands against the estate, will . Jtaae make known the game without delay to AMoona, May 13,1855.-dt JACOB (jOOD, Adm’r. EAJBINS.— 1,000 BOXES BUNCH ' and layer Raisins In store and for sale by •'■J-- WM.K. BHCOARD, March 25, ’5B-ly] 101 North Sd street, Philadelphia. f?IGS, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS Jt and Currants in store and for sale by ' ] March 25,’58-ly] 191 North^s‘t^ot,SdSnh’(a. JhtONFECTIONARY.—PLAIN AND ■'\y dn« Confectionary manufactured and for sale by ItochgySMy] 191 RorthOda'trectfphUa^i^’in. A LMONDS, WALNUTS, CREAM -T».' Nuts and Klborts in store and fir sale by WM. N. BHUOARD, March 35, *SMyJ 101 North Sd street, Philadelphia. K/VA DOZEN FRESH EGGS JUST received and fin.sale hy | J. L ICKES. mo rm gifts ■ 808 THE PEOPLE. BL DORADO fIOJ ASSO CIATION fat the ..sale • of $18,787' Worth of flowing Silk. Bach purchaser of one dollar’s worth of flawing Silk will receive a numbered check, which will entHfo-the hol der to one share and a voice in the distribution of the fol lowing list of Valuable Property, to be distributed byaConv mittee, chosen by the shareholders, in such a manner a* they may deem advisable and agree noon among themselves. LIST OP PROPERTY. 7 comer Lots on Washington street Altoona, 60 by 120 feet, valued at SIS 4 each, $1,288 17 lota on Washington sh, 50x133 ft., $156 each, 2,058 8 cor. lota on Mulberry sti, “ “ 156 “ 1.348 19 lots on Mnlberry st, “ « 132 « 3,508 2 lots on High street, “ “ 63 “ 126 1 cor. lot on German street, 50x175 IL, valued at 68 S lots on German street, “ “ $42 each 128 .1 lot on Howard street, 50x133 Ret, valued at 132 1 cor. lot on Lexington “ “ “ “ 160 2 lots on Chestnut street, “ “ $l3l each, ' 262 1 Gold Lover-Watch, valued at 100 ' 1 Horse,' “ ** IST 1 Two-Horse Wagon, “ “ ..'■..■■42 1 SilverLepino Watch “ “ .16 . 12 Coal Patterns and Trimmings, slocaeh, . 120 50 Pants and Vest patterns, at SMO each, 220 76 Articles.or Parcels of Merch«ndise > $3/)oeaeh, 225 100 « “ “ 2JOO- « , -200 100 “ “ “ Jj«i “ 100 500 « « « 76 a 876 2,000 « « | “ M “ 1,000 3JJOO “ . « 1 " SO “ 900 foOOO “ “ “ 26 , “ 1,000 “ “ “ 20 “ 777 1&787 Gills, valued at i $13,787 The Beal Estate in this Enterpriseis handsomely aituatod I in the flourishing town of Altoona, (Head-quarters of the I Pa. Central B. K. Co.) which to a few yean has grown as if i by magic, its present population being over 3,000. The above property will.be delivered to the persons enti-! tied to receive it. immediately after the distribution. An indisputable title to all the lots in the above bill will I be given by . 8..1L McCORMICK. ! The articles or parcels per bill, will consist of cloths, cas simeres, de loiues, Ac., 4c. . . i My object is to dispose of the silk in the shortest possible: time,and I desire everybody to purchase soon and became! member, 1 of tills Magnificent Auocialion. .' } The silk will be scut’ to any poct .of tho UaltcdStatev with Certificate of Membcrsidp, (for each dollar!* worth pur-! chased,) on receipt of the cash. , ; s i ■ Agents or clnbs remitting $lO at one time, Will receive ini return $ll worth of silk and 11 certificates All orders must be addressed to . JOSEPH MOIST, June 10,1856-tf.] . Altoona. Bair Cb n Jh. ! AH orders by moil, with postage stamp enclosed, prompt-! |y attended to.. ' ; NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.— 3. k j.'LOVhCHBB have Just returned from the City and are now receiving, timir stock of SPRING: GOODS, which they feel assured are as HANDSOME and CHEAP, \f net a U(IU cheaper, than any yet brought to this place, 1 On account of going to Philadelphia late In wc have been able to buy our goods at greatly reduced pri ces, and we are determined to sell them at very small prof-; its for. cash or to prompt monthly paying customers, v Wahaye as usual a splendid stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, •such osLAWNS, ROBES A’ QUILLE. CHALLIES. ! BAYADERE, LARKLI.AS, DUC ALS, POIL,D£CHEVRESJ DELAINS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, Am ’ T Also, Shawls and Mantillas in gnat variety, together .with a good stock of Domestic Dry Goods, Straw Goods,' ’ BOOTS & SHOES, HARD WARE QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, sc:, sc. i The citizens of Altoona jvill find it to their advantage to examine onr stock,' as we are not to be nndcrsold- April 29,1858. CHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! —Tlic anbscriber would respectfully Inform tUe citi zens of Altoona <&d vicinity Unit lib lias just received XUs stock of ' l SPRING. AND SUMMER GOODS, conriatlntr, in D&rt. of LADIES’ FLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, ■ ‘ each as Bilks, Satins, Barege*, D’Laincs, Challies, Dncals, Lawns,,G lngham*, Prints, Ac* together with all kinds of. Dry Goods, -oil of which will be sold cheap for cash. He has also on hand a large stock of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, and oil other goods .usually kept in stores In this place. Having adoptadthe CASH SYSTEM In my business and being resolved to cariry it out, ! hare marked my goods at CASH PRTCES, aad invite inspection and .comparison, in regard to prices and quality, with thereof any other store to the town. Give me a call and Judge for-jronrrelvea. : £ v Country produce taken in exchange for good*, at highest market prices. . !U April 2My]. J. B. HZLEMANi"': SAVING FUND, FIVE PEE CENT INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00* MW nut street, & W. Corner ef Third, ~Phdaddpl&i. Incorpo rated by the£tate of Pennsylvania. Money is received in anv sum, large or small, and inter ostpatd from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. . The office is open ovety day from,o o’clock infhe mom tog tlH's o’clock jto the afternoon, and oh Monday iu)d Thursdayevenings till Sotolodk.’ Mon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pi-eft ■ROBERT SELFBIDOE, ITce-ZVeFt. Ww. J.Rad,a*r«tary. DIRECTORS. 4 i . Hon. Henryli. Benner, - .F. Carrol Brewster, ■ IWwardL. Carter,' Joseph B. Barry, v BobertSelfridge* Francis Kei ; j : Sam’lJC.. Ashton, . JosephYerkea, : C. Landreth Unnns, Henry Dioffenderfer. ! Money is received and payments modi dADy without no tice. V-i - - j ’ ' ! KVifr Tty-V.yfe ' The investments are made in REAL 'ESTATE MORT GAGES,GROUND RENXB,.amI such first class securities as the Charter requires ' . [Mor2-sm. D. OaraisanAM, R.CinrynraHAMv S.ImUES, ■ OiDotcu. -j m CXTHHIHGHAMS & CO., PITTSBURGH CITY CLASS WORKS, WATEE 81. ato 140 MBBT ST,; Bctwcoen Wood and Smithfiel-1, P,IiTS ® UR 9 H * MAHUFAOTUPERS OF PittabxurgbCUy Window Glass, PAsCVaKB, AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, for Parlor Windows, Churches and Public Buildings.! Altoona, April 1,1888-ly.] ' - s '| : ESTEBPBISE WOBKS, IVTO. 136 WOOD STREET, PITTS JJI BURGH, BA- ' SOWN & TETLEY, 1 Manufacturers of Rifles, Cons, Surgical and Dental Instruments, &e. BIFLE GUKS. 1 We would call attention to our stock in the above lirie, knowing that we cannot be beat either in the quality or Price. Being largely engaged In this branch of hndneis, wo defy all compeuon. All onr rifles arc warranted or no sale. Hardware, Sporting Materials, Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, Revolver*, Flasks. Boles Powder, Shot, Bans, Cape, Fancy Hardware and Sporting Equipage, in aU its variety, which we offer low for Cash. . • i Pittsburgh, April !, 1858-ly. „ ‘ ■ Lycoming county mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY,-iTho nnderalgned, agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to Insure against loss nr damage by fire, BuOdingt, Merchandise, Furniture and Property of every description, in town or country, at os reasonable rate* ns any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temnln Jan. 3, ’SO-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Jtgerd. \ WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. —Tho undersigned, Agent for Blair county, will take short and long risks on Buildings, Merchandise, Fur niture and Property of every description, In town or coun try, nt as reasonable rates as any company in the State.— Risks also taken on the lives of horses. Office in Masonic T»mple. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. March 18,1858-ly. - - x LIQUORS.— -A LARGE AMOUNT s?r LIQUORS has been received at tnc LOG AX HOUSE,” Hollidaysbnrg, which will bo boW Jit the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants boa only to call. CDcc. Jl7, tf. Rich tobacco and highly flavored Cigars, In abundance, can be had at June 18, 57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. Granges and lemons—soo boxes Oranges and Lemons in store and for sale by . TO N. SHCGARD, March 25,’58-ly] 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia. Settees for sale.—the un dcraijrned has on hand a lot of Settees which ho will sell cheap for cash. JOHN SHOEMAKER, March 25-tL] Masonic Temple. YOU can always obtain all kinds of Plour and Peed by calling at Jnno 18, ’57-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. Everybody is invited to call and (jest the merits of the articles kept by June 18, ’57-ly] HENRY LEHR. Lots for sale.—l 2 building Lots, situate in different localities, in tills Borough for kub on reasonable tonus, by [2T-tL] J. SHOEMAKER. SPECTACLES AND EYE PEESER KJ vers for sal? at • . 11-lf] -SESSLKB’S. ! ]r^REAT U >IMPOKTANTTO i, TOBACCO CHE WEBS. DR. GUSTAV LINNAED’S TASTE RESTORATIVE TEO ■ CUES, Vie great SuhstitnU fur Johcree. ; It isa well known and incontrovertible fact that the use Of Tobacco is the promoting cause of many of tho incut se vere. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the rr.co of man U subject, aa careful analysisand long and painful experience liave clearly proven that it contains certain norcotic and poisonous properties most dangerous in their effects, which t*y entering into the blood 'derange the functions and operations of the Heart, causing many to suppose that organ to bo seriously diseased. TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, mani festing itself—as all tyho have ever used the noxious Weed Trill l>ear testimony—in Lassitude, Nervous Irritability, "Water Brash, Dyspepsia, and many other disorders of a similar character, THETASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES Are designed to counteract these baneful influences, and have proved completely successful in a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Being harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, restoring tho Tssto which has become vitiated or destroyed by great Indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accom panying tickling sensation of tlio Throat—which arc al ways consequent upon abstaining from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the Stomach, invigorate the whole system. : L Persons who nro irretrievably ttndennlnlngthclr conitt tntions and shortening their lives, should use these Troches immediately and throw off the iqjuriota and arid unpleas ant habit of Tobacco Clio wing. • These Troches of Lorenges are put tip fn a convenient and portable form at the low price of SO Cent* per Box. ' A lib eral discount to the Trade. . „ Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom all orders should be addressed. t , JAME& E. BOWERS, Druggist. March 18, ly.] . Cor. 2d and Race kreetTPhila. JOHN BKYAK & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES & LIQUORS, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, 155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa., -awßiSi Beg leave respectfully to inform their old.customcrs anjl the public generally, that they hare on hand and oroconatuntly receiving' direct from tho Impor ters, u large supply of the very choicest brands of Liquors Among their. Urge assortment mar bo found Wines, Brandfoe, Gin, Cordials, Ja nalca Spirits, St. Croix And Row KngUmd Kazn t , Ouiapagno. ; Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monougabela , ; *and Rectified Whisky, Peach, WildChwry, Blackberry, Strawberry and Baspberry Brandies, Ac, Ac* Ac. - A share .of public patronage is respectfully solicited, and all orders entrusted to our core will be prdmptly attended to. Gauntry Besdcis will find It to thoiradvantage to call upon ha; as we are determined to adl ndthing hut the very Pittsburgh," April I, 186 My. E P. MIDDLETON & BROTHER, • Importer* and Dealert in Wine* and Liquor*, rttetrn their thanks to their friends for thollberal share of:patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the same, at the OLD V&TAMr.taiT. -MENT, NO. 6 N.: FRONT ST., Philadelphia, .where they have a large assortment ofWINESand LIQUORS of the choic est brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish, to their customers upon the most reasonaj .blejterms,. the following brands of Cognac andßochcllc Brandies: \ - ' ; BRANDIES". Otari, -Swinery, llarett, ■ PinneU, CUtOHon, Kartell,, T Buie*, nnewrtin, \J. J. Demy . MIDDLETON 4 BRO. APRIL, 1858. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT THE «10i OF FiSHIORSi fIIHE subscriber has the pleasure of ah -1 nounciug to tbo oitlrens of Altoona, and the .«? restof mankind,'” that he is just receiving from Philadelphia and New York. a beautiful assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, in part, of KOBE A’ QUILLE, CRAPE DI ESPANUE, FANCY OPU.UN BAREGE, PLAIN OPHUN BAREGE, CHARLIES, . DUCALS,' , FRENCH LAWNS—BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SCOTCH “ “ from Wyi upwards FANCY DRESS SILKS, BLACK DRESS-SILKS, FIGURED BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, 4c in groat variety. He would call especial attention to his stock of SHAWLS, which for style, quality and variety, cannot beitupassed, arid must I>c seen to be appreciated. - The assortment of White Goods and Ladies’ DroSs Tripi ruings Are all that foshfcm corild desire.’ :-Attfong his stock' of Ladies’ Misses and Children!.* Gaiters and Shoes-, will be found-a full lino.from the host city mannlhcturereV' His stock of Groceries; Queeusware, Hardware, Ac- is complete. : ; He hopes his Goods and ,I‘KKTES (which ,by the way defy competition.) will meet the approval .of all who call hx>on him. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. . April 2DJ6m) i CIIAS. J. M^NN. HpHE SUMMER SE ASQN-rJESSE .X SMITH would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona nndthopublic generally thdt Mr has tost returned iromtho Eastjvith a largo and varied assortment m caps, Which to purchased at low prices for cash. , -apd rrtU seO of i: WHOLESALE AND; RETAIL, TbSSti advance onthp original cost. Bis stock comprises HATS : and CAPS ofevery description, size and shape. All Who 1 are In Want of anything In Ids Unowill do well togirehim a call, nahcfcpls confident he can suit the most fastidious, iu quality And price. - ... ~ He is always reaiiy and willing to exhibit liis Of charge, so that none need fear to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. i ; ‘ Remember that Ms store is on .Virginia street, directly opposite the Lutheran Church. . ’ [April Bdm. TtV f BTTINGER’S XX* GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO; 1, “ALTOONA HOUSE,” ALTOONA. PA., yrherc tpay be had all the popular Publications of the day,sncUas DallyantlVVeekly Papers, Magazines, 1 Novels and Romances, iMisaillaneoui Books, School Books, Copy Books, Slategj Pens, Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books Snd.ln ftet everything In the Stationary lino; Toyis Notions’and Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture Frame*. To bacco and Segart of the best quality, Ac., Ac N. B.—Wo ate sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, Jr this county, for BOHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. Itdoos pos itivrhj cure all sores to which It la applied. Try It. ff-tf. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, -Agent of Uxoßlatr. County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against lees or dnmagoby,flro,JSiuW ingt. Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every deg* cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in tbc State. Office in the Mnarmie Temple - Jan. 3, *56-tfJ . JOHN SHOEMAKER, "Agent. fiOALI COAL! COAL! GOAL I The subscriber would, respectea inform the oonsnmcra of ceivlng nil kinds of COAufShlch is ready to doUver at all tfaneftond to any part of the town. Office at residence; In North Ward. . ■ Juno 17-2m] S ' JOEDf ALLISON. /CONVEYANCING. KINDS VV of writing dono at tho shortest Mort gages, ic, cxCcntcd to the neatest manner by . v J JOHN BUOEMKEB, Jan. 3, Masonic TcinplOj Altoona* OYES!; Q- YES!—GENTLEMEN draw arid hear. JOSEPH P. TROTJTkmomi ces to the public, that ho is really to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called upon. [ jna. 2,’sft. Hardware of all desgrip tions jnat received and for sale by • Oct. 16-tf J, ! _ J. B. ITTT.BWAV Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, Sash and Varnish Brashes ait ■ KESSLER'S. Hams, side, shoulder, dried Beef Jcc* always on liand at ' ' Jono 18, ’3T-ly] HENBY LEHR’S. PINE AND LARD OILS, GAM. phene. Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, ten at Jan. 3, ’BO-tfJ ; ' ' y : KjRSSLKR’S. ■VTONE BUT THE BEST GONPEC JL v tionarica, Nuts and FridU kept at June, IS, ’Sr-ly] ’ ■ ’ HENRY LEHR’S, " l. itmi" - - v- 4-v-is v-Vw*- EMPHATICALLY THE BUSINGS MAN’S, COLLEGE. Largest and most complete Commercial College in thq Halted State*. ■ In doily attendance upwards of 210 Students, , • • , ■ rsccitr. ■ F. W. JENKINS, ; . pantOTAX. J. C. SMITH. A M- Professor ofAccomntsAßocdt-Itteplhg. 1.1. HITCHCOCK; Professor of Arithmetic andOony mercial Calculations. \ JOHN FLEMING, Author of the “Nattoualßystomof Book-keeping,” Lcctureron Burines*, its Can toms and Usages J. W. BENTLINGEIL Professor of AriOtmetfc,dSbok keepinz and Phonography. A. COWLEY and A T. DOUTHETT, Profaaors of Pla and Ornamental. Penmanship. •. ,-U! ■ U. . D. BACON, Lecturer on Political Economy. JAMES H. HOPKINS, Esq,of tlMPttbfenighßar, Lec turer on Commercial Law. . ’ JAMES w: KENNEDY, or«Kehnedy*» Bank Note Be view,” Lecturer on Conntmeit, Altered and Spurious Bank" Notes. - ' ■ DBSKBT OP THE INSTITUTION. ~ To furnish the best means for acquiring a THOROHOH BUSINESS EDUCATION, in:the shortest tlme'and at the least expense, comprising instruction in DOUBLE EStTRY BOOK-KEEPING, as applied to Mcrchandieing, Banking, Railroading, Ac. STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEPING, With all the recant improvements, taught without extra • chatge. " PENMANSHIP. Rapid Writing, with every variety and style of Business and Ornamental Penmanship. A, ARITHMETIC.' And a thorough course of Counting Ho A Calculations. COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERED NOTES. Full Instructions given in this important branch of bust- ' nm odacaticu. ! . - LECTURES DAILY, ON BOOK-KEEPING, usages, Laws and Customs of Commerce, Finance ami Bank ing, Political Economy, Counterfeit Notes, and other sub jects having practical relation to active business. TERMS. Ac. Book-keeping, Full Commercial Course, $35,00 Stationary, about 8,00 Board per week, can be obtained for 2AO ,Es> Students ore not charged extra (or Steamboat Book- Keeping, Arithmetic or DtpiomA ' ' „ • 'STUDENTS Can (inter at any time—{no vacation) review at pleasure— time unlimited—usual length of course torn eight to twelve weeks. REFERENCE. Four hundred and eighty-seven students entering from th City alone with In one year besides the many front the conn try DIRECTIONS. Specimens of Writing and Circulars, containing fail infor mation, sent hy.mail free of-charge. .Address P. W. JENKINS, lron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa. AST*PREMIUM PENMANSHIP.—No less than EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS wore awarded this College in the foil of 1867,0ver all competitors, for best writing. These, with Other previous Premiums, were given in Ohio, liirhignri, Indiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania, auain'Loulßvjlle, Ky., at the United States'Falr,and all for work actually done with PEN and INK, and not for Penmanship. Our Penmen are fully .competent to do their own work without th* aid of the engra' er to make it reSnectable. [ang-27-ly Another reduction in price at McCormick’s Store. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not be given to any other than those who arc Killing and can give satisfactory refl-rence and assurance of prompt monthly payment,) and desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize our store, we have made a very great re duction in tho prices of nil descriptions of goods, and will givo our entire time and attention to keeping np on assort ment to suit the wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS, - GROCERIES. , » I HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. CEDARW’ARE. STONEWARE, i BOOTS A SHOES. Gaiters, Slippers, Hots and Capa, Dried Fruit, etc., all of which will be sold as cheap ns the cheapest. All articles of produce taken In exchange for goods at their highest, market price. Thankful for past favors, wo hope to share the patronage of those who arc in want of goods'. [March 25-tf. rpHE GREAT QUESITON WHICH I now agitates the mind of every pcraon -r \Am. is, where can I get the best article IbrmyWHl* money? In regard to other matters, tho side 188 scrilier woriid not attempt toMfrcct, bat if i’cu ■R. '.want anytliing.in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES he Invites an examination of his stock and work; Ho keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Boots. Shoes, Gaiters. Slippers. Sc., which ho offers at fair prices. - He will give special attention to custom work; all of which will be warranted to glvo satisfaction. None but the best workmen are employed 1 -Remember my shop is on Main street, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 3, ’SV-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS. T OGAN HOTEL. —THE UNDER- I J SIGNED rcspectfhlly informs tho citizens 'of Blair 'chanty and others, A jdSfcr'3“'"V that ho lias opened up the LOGAN ffllfllrßriii W HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff ReeJ,' at the west end of Hoilidaysbnrg, for tlic^^sgSEßcSßr '.reception of strahger*' and travellers.— p . Everything Connected, with the house has been refitted in the new with the choicest furniture, &c~, Ac. The house is large and commodious, and well calculated .for convenience and comfort. 1 1 : 'His TABLE wlllbefumlahedwith tho very best themar ket can offend, and no pains or trouble will- be spared to render those who may choose to favor him ■fcflh their pa tronage comfortable and happy during their stay withhun. • Ilis STABLING is ample, and on obliging nnd careful hostler will always bo In attendance! Dec. 17,1857,—tt] • ; JOHN KEIFFER, “EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB 1s SCKIBER would 1 respectfully Id- '' form the public that he has recently ro- A fitted the above Hotel, aj>4 is; pow pre- I m pared to accommodate. Ms friends aiid <■ »5y jBTjTO 1 tyitrona Inn comfoftahlo manner, aiid hcKaaaPFfySjffl" wßlapoyo np Kilns in making it anjagfecable limne for nil. "soJournetß.’ His Table will always be lfixorionsly supplied frtim tho markets of the, country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice hranitt. ' IBs chaises are os reasonable as those of anyother’Hotel in the place, and ho faola entlgfied they can not bo compjained of by those who favor him wilh their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and rally intending to deserve it, he throws* open hls hoaiw to tbepnbßqand invites a trial. Altoona, May 27, 1558.-IyL j JOHN BOWMAN. Boots and shoes.—the un dereigned has now on hand.and will -ai sell cheap at Ms store In’the Miiimfc Tern -sm)SH§£S,ready made,or ma^to^orier,' (S' Overshoes, Ladies’Sandals, Gum Shoes,' Cork Soles, and ovcrythingln bis line of business, of Ore best quality and on the moat reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. ■ \ - .Jan. 2, ’fiO-tf.] | J. SHOEMAKER. TSTERS I OYSTERS! OYSTERS! In concoqncnceof tho hard times, I juve concluded to pnt down theprfco of toy OYSTERS to the lowest possi-’ Me*standard;'!-They wllt v 'hereafleri be served tip. on the Chafing Dish at TWENTY GENTS, iand roasted in tho shell . and served'np with all hther. acconipanlmcnts, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. ’ They wfij also be imrtabhed, to every oth er way, at pricevto correspond with the times.' V- -’-v :,,V ( JiIOHN KEIFFER, Dec. 17, tt]' Logan Ejouae^HoUidaysliurg. CAST IRON RAJIA&G AND ALL kinds of Castings csoehieir iol order, also TiaSpodt ins pot op to order, at shortest hotMe, applyfo ' 1 J. SHQKst AKER,: Agent for . Jan. 3, ISSG-tf y • Slcldkl.uiA*, Watsojt 4 Co. pSEIVED. Wi A largb M alumnus of axmtty prodace cenbolad at' ; ’ 1 r- v < Jnno 18, ’57-iy v£ .■ TjM^y, X BEING 4NB N]BWQELEANS JLi Syrup Molasge*, at ftir prices, at is.’w-iyl £ ; . hesrt leiib’3. rpiASS Bxlo TO 20x24, AND OUT VJrfctalaby. ■ - O; W. KESSLER. 1 ■ sJL r: |,-' • < *'•<■ • ‘ V -'■ ‘- ■.Uisx*'*. -??, '.', ;• ■-K ■•- ii. i. OT THB LtTNGS and THROAT ' 5 ‘ Aftt POSITIVELY,; Curable by Inhalation, irtrifih OOBWw the remedies to the cavities in the lungs tbroughtite sir passages, and coming in direct contact wltbtnedisease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the oough,'cat»ea a free and easy expectoration, hsu* the Innpi, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the vtervous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa ble for the restoration of health. To bo aide to state con fidently that' Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of. unalloyed pleasure. It la as much under the control of medical'treatment ns any.other formidable dteciHft ninety ont of every hnndrcd case# can be enrol in the first stages, and fifty per cent, in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent, far t)m Lang* are so ent up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, Inha lation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering atten .»fngthl« fharftil sconrge. which annually | destroys ninety five thousand persons in the United State (done; and a cor net calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive’s grave- • . . <* Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Con sumption. In all ago# It has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweep* off alike the bravo, the beoutlftd, the graceful and the gifted. By tho help of that Supreme Being from whom cumcth every good audperftct gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a per mnnentand speedy cun in Consumption.: The first cause of tubercles is front Impure blood, and thmlmmcdlato effect produced by their deposition In tho lungs Is to prevent tbe free admission of air into (ho afr cells,, which causes a-, weakened vitality through tho entire system. Then surely it is more rational tb expect greater good from medicines , on tearing tho cavities of the lungs than from those adwiuis tend through tho stomach; (he patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless It acts con stitutionally, and with mote' power and certainty than remedies administered by .the'stomach. To prove the.pow erful and dlrectlnflucnco of this mode of administration, chlorpfona inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility.in a law minutes, paralysing tho entire nervous cistern, so that, a limb may bo amputated without the Slightest pain; in-- hiding the ordinary burning - gam will destroy Ilfo in a few hours- ' ■ . / The Inhalation of ammonia will roosft the system when | (hinting or apparently dead. The odoij of many, of the medicines la perceptible In the skin a foWThlnhte* after be ing inhaled, and may bo immediately detected itt the blood. A convincing proof of tbe constitutional effects of inhala tion, W tho effect frmt sicki}es» I» alw»y» .produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that prop er remedies, carefully prepared and Judiciously udminlster ■ ed through tiie lungs mould produce the happiest result,} During eighteen years’ practice, many thousands suffering from Uiscoscs of the tunes and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, oven af ter the sufferers had been pronounced liu the last stages, winch fully satisfies mo that consumption -& no longer.* j fatal disease. Jly treatment of contntinptton is origidtd, and founded on lung experience and a thoroughinvcstlga lion. My perft-ct acquaintance with tho nature of tuber cles, Ac., enables mo to distinguish, readily, the various ~ forms ufdisonso that simulate, consumption, apd apply tlio proper remedies, randy - being mlstakebeTentoasingio case. Thta CunUiaritß la connection ■ -puth elogical and microscopic discoveries, enables' mate relievo the ipngs front the effects of contracted chcatß, to enlarge the cheat, purify the blood, impart, to It renewed vitality, giving energy and tonetb the entire system. 1 ‘ - ■ - Medicines with , frill directions oontto. any part of the United States and Canadas by communicating their symptoms by tetter. 'But tfaer euro would bo more certain if the patient shonldpay mo a visit; which would give mo an opportunity tb examine the lun& apd enable me tb pro scribe witli much greater certainty, - And then the cure could bo effected without my seeing the patient again. O. IV. QIUIIAM, M. D., Office, 1131 Filbert Street, (old No. 109,) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. ’ ' jluly 33, ’67-ly. : p TE4. ARB HENRY tBHB. TNTENSE EXCITEMENT !—A NEW X FIRM BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. M’LAIN & LEHR Beg leave to Inform their friends and the? citizens of Altoo na and vicinity, that they have ois-ueda GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, in the room formerly occupied 6y John Lehr, on "Virginia struct, next door to Patton's Hall, whore-they will bo hap py to'serve OH who may ’favor them .With a roll. Their stock is a largo and select one,consisting ef Flour, Feed, . Bacon, Pork, Sugar,, . /Coffee, Tea, Molasses, ..Fish,. Salt. Potatoes, Fish Oil, Fluid, Caoipbcne, ’Alcohol, Cigars and Tobacco. As they purchase all tliefr goods fortlie RE ADY CASH, and sell for the same, persons desiring cdfhrchnsipj; any thing in their line, will do well to givo: them a call, os they will sell at but a" trilling advance on first cost. We eidc no man to pay for anything but what he buys. Give u3*a tri al and see If we won’t make our wordl good. ’ [jan 7-;tf Stoves \ stoves i stoves.—The undersigned has just received fronr Phila- ■■ dolplila, North, Chase t North’s celebrated iug Stores for 1857. THE ROYAL COGk HS lor Wood or Cool. This beautiful Cooking Stove cliallengcs aU competition for tho exquisite style of ornament' and perfect jmeratton in an respects. The oven extends under tho fire-box ana thq lines are so arrang ed that the whole oven surface will bake perfectly 1 and uni formly. The slightest examination of this Stove must eat isfy every one that it will bccoihc a universal favorite. THE SEA SHELL, . for wood or coal, the .fire-box la of good capacity—Urn ash-box'fs deep—the oven - is capacious 1 and Is a thorough baker. Hiis stove is one Hint may readily bo recommended for family lise, in every particular. ' AU kinds'of boating and. parlor stores constantly on hand. JOSEPH 11, BUSH. April 16, ’67-tf] Opposite the American Bouse, Altoona. /COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE.—FuIIy convinced of the truth of this say ing, the subscriber would respectfully announce to .the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has..entered the field, by opening a MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, to the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher, im mediately opposite tho Superintendent's Office, where ho will carry on the l>nslnes»-as'Uitoal: -He has jnst received an excellent assortment of cloths; cassimeres « vestings; suitable for working and dress suits, which ho wifi make to order, on short notice and .at prices which can not bill tc satisfy. Ho has also received the LATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER Fashions. and feels confident that he can fatjsfy the most bstldlofu iu this particular, and Ms clothing wtilho mnde aB well as Clothing can bo made, In fine, he ja determined that noth ing shall be wanting on his-port to ttehder satbflrctioittc those who may ihvor him with their patronage. ■ “ Altoona, Nov. 5-tt] j JOHN TAILBOX. GW. KESSLER—PRACTICAL a, DKGQQIST, roepcctfiilly afiilonnces ’ tt to the citizens of Altoona and the public craily, tlmt he still cofitihnes the Drmr. bnsi on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly BLF onhqnd.for sale,' Wholesale And Retail; DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, TARNISH- ALJA ESand DYE-STUFFS. By strict attentfonjto business, and a! desire to render sat isfaction to aU a? regards price and .quality, ho hopes to merit and receive n diare ofpnhltc patronage. ' . Physicians and merchants supplied da reasonable terms, and all orders from adlstnnco qmomptiy attended to. ‘ Physicians prescriptions cprritany coniponrided. ' [l-tC TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE EMPORIUM^—The undersigned, has constantly on band a large assortment of ' :u- TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE ■which ho will sell cheap WHCLESALB OP RETAIL. Spouting put! up at short ijUtieo in town or country, and pointed, cents pejr, fi»t. . The best quality of Cooking Stoves, of Tfo rious patterns, constanfly on hand. ■ i !iv ‘ All kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. Call and see. ' ?[ofi.’n. BUSH, June 10, ’67-tf] Oppotite Jmericdii Borne, Attonna. Bell, Jolinsou, Jack & Co., AT Hollidayubarg and Altoona. Drafts on the principal cities, aid Silver and Gold fcr sale. J.Odlectlons mode. Money* received on deposit, payable otj demand, withontin tereat, or ttpon tithe, vmb'lntercst, at Cilr rates. [i-tC ’ > J. I). LEET, ■ v A OTOBJTEy-AT-LAW, HollidAts- JnL . BIJEO, Bwia COU*TT,pA., Courts dfißlair, Huntingdon usd' Cambria rorvntios, and attend promptly toil! collect Uon entrusted to him. Office (for the present) atliis tt»*U diince, corner Allegheny and Penn streets, Jltdljdaysburg, .*?• " rpwstr WM. S. BITTNER, SURG-EON DENTIST. e®°B immediately opposite the Lutheran Oparch, on Virginia street. [Oct. 15-t£ J. G-. ADLUM, optsiibaa®* • , L T, OONA > bi-air cocNiiT. pa; B. mieman. A Lt THE STANDARD PATENT A medicines AT A ?Fv^J9 RLOtOFPIU2SHGAR -Xju pen SEEPS for saj» by pifji. jj, ICJCItS, » GUARANTEED w itx casts or SECRET DISEASE :' f ' Seif-Abuse, Jftrrmtt Debility. Stricture it, J|., belts, Viscates ofthi Kidneys end Kaader, Dir ci*. rial Jiheutaatism, Scrofula, l\u»l-in (At , : Hones aiidjtnctes, Diseases if. thi ,f twigs. Throat, Xne unit Eyes, llcersvpon , the Body . „ t>rLimbs Cancers ' ■ BtopUfFyllrptieFit*, Sr/"" ' , »***• FT/d’s Dance, emu all diseases ari ting from a derangement <\f tht-Sencal Of- i , gmt,nch a* tVervous Trembling, £m--i^Mmntg' Lots of Femur, General Weakness, IHsnnat eif WiSif peculiar spots appearing before the Lots of Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspepsia, Liver Dis- . I ' ease, Eruptions on the face; Faint': ■, rathe Hack ami Bead, fb- ' ' x male Irrrgnlari • , , ; ties,and ALL IMPROPER DISCHARGES PROM BOTH: Siycw It matters.not from what esuso tho disease originate however lons standing or obstinate the ease, recovery 2 certain, and lu a shorter time than a permanent cure can be effected by any other, treatment, even after the dlsea*. has baffled the skill of eminent physicians and reabtol nil their menus of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury orbalaun During twenty jenrs of practice, I have rescued front th ' jaws of Death many thousands, who in the Inst stage* o the above mentioned diseases, had been given up to die h» their physicians, which warrants me in promising to the 1 afflicted. who may place themselves under my care, * j,,. I feet and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatat enemies to health.'as they aro the flrst cause of Oonsump. tioa, Scrofula and many other diseases, and should bo » terror to the human family. As a I'eimnncnt cure is scans, ly ever effected, a majority ■of the cares falling Into the 1 rands of incompetent perrons, who not only fail to cure il la .disease, hut ruin tlio constitution, filling the system with x mercury, which, vvitli the discare, hardens the sufferer iu;„ a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cansodcath speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entmlni upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scroffuin. Tetter, L' leers, Eruptions and other at factions of the skin. Eyes, Threat, and Lungs, entailing up on them a brief existence of sufleriug, andconsiguingUiem to an early grave. SELF-ABUSE Is another formidable enemy to health, fc, nothing else in thu dread catalogue of human diseases cau ses so destructive a drain upon Aim system, .drawing it, thousands of victims, t lirongh n few years, of BUfferin.. down to an untimely grave. It destroys thc Norvons *>,l tom, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causesVuen. tal derangement, prevents the proper development of Hi,, system, disqualifies for marriage, society, business, and all I earthly happiness,' and leaves the sufferer wrecked in buly E and mind, predisposed to consumption and « train of eviu I inure to bo dreaded titan death itself. IVith the fullest cult- g fldencel assure Die unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that | a permanent and speedy euro can lie effected, and with th, g abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be restore! I td robust, vigorous heaitii: • | The afflicted are cunt toned against the use of Patent Mel. *1 Iciues, (or there are so many ingenious snares in thffeet I um ns of tho public prints to catch and rub the unwary seF-Jv (brers that millions have their constitutions ruined by tin $ vilo comx>ounds of quack doctors or the equally polsunnni 2S uOrtrums vended os “Patent Medicines.” I have Carefully S analysed many of t.) twcalled Patent Medicinesami.liij that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, wiiieh ids one of the,strongest preparations of mercury and a dead. £ ly pujson, which instead of curing the disease disables tin. v system fur lid'. N S 1, Threo-fourtits of the patent nostrums now In nso arc put 'j up by unprincipled and ignorant penons, whedo uotun. i? tiers taud oven Uie alphabet of the materia medico, and me | oquallyas destitute of any knowledge of thehuman system, 3 having otto-object only hr view, itud that to make money rr gardhsa of consequences. ' Irregularities and a]l diseases of males and females treated oaprinciples established by twenty, yean of prac tice, and sanctioned by thousands of .the most rviuarkaM cures; Medicines with full directions sent to any parts) tho United States or Canadas, by patients communkatin their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confitlentiaL Address .. /. '. ■ J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D_ Offiee Ka. liffl FObart -St, (OW JVii. 10 Vf Below TieW/U, P/tiladcljthi a, ~ J/o/y23, ’K-lj. Howabd ASSOCIATION, PHIL ADELPHIA. A ttencvotesil Institution, atfal/lishcdhg fecial endvvmtti for the relief ef Ihesirk and distressed,. qtfMed tritt I7r vlcul ami Epidemic dua'set- s' -% .T. —To.all persons afflicted with Sein;dDisc»scs,*uch ns matorrhcCai SaeunlUral »<**, Impotence, Gonnrrbnd, (util, SypliiUt, Vie.vitt.ißf Onanism or Self Abuse, <&-, de. The HoWaud AssomnoiV fn View of the owfiii destruction oflmiuan life, caused by. Sexual Diseases, and tin- deception practised upon tlie unfortunate victims of such diseases X j Quacks,(several yenra ago directed their Consul as a charitable urt Vurthy of Oysir name, to open n DUpin sary (bribe treatment of this'class of'disease*, in'ftll flidr forms, and to give medical advice gratis, to all who &ppl; by letter, with h description of their condition, (sge.ocrn patfon, habits of life, Ac.,),and in cases of extreJnepon itv and suffering, to furnish medicine fret . EZRA D-IfEAUTWELL, Pres'l. QBO. FAIRCHILD, Setfg:' • i -fOcc-S-ly. ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PRKMA TDIU} DECLINE.—Just Published, Gratis, the iMh Thousand! A FEW WORDS ON XHBILATIOSAL .TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Ldcril Weakness Nocturnal. Kin Unions, Genital arid Nervous Dlbllily, Impe (oncy, and Impediments to Mantle generally, by -s ‘ ■ : 1 r B. ON LANKY, M.D. Xho impertant foct that. |ho many alarming complaints originating in the imprudence arid solitude of vonth, inst ho easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, It in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and hi Jr lynuipcemfril trentraerit, as adopter! hy the Author, fully oxulalnwhby.tnenna of which every sum. fa enabl'd to ran HIMSELF perfectly and at tho least possible costl therely avoiding all tb« advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis. and post free In a sealed rn velnpe, hy remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr B. DB LAN GY, 88 East 31st Street, New York City. May IVIS6S.' QPRINGI [ AND SUMMER FASH- O lONS.—JOHN O.DONNELL, Merchant Tailor, late d HoUidayebnrg, dreires to inform the citizens of Alloom and vicinity, that he lms leased tho building two don North of tho Iter! Lion Hotel rind one door South of Ma gic's Saloon, on Main street, whore he fa now receiving bk 1 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Cloths of all prices. Plain owl fancy OiadmcTM, suitable for turner wear, 811 fc. Satin VelvetMar relUca andall kinds of light Summer Yes tings, in short, everything that may Bo erdted r for, all of which henlil nnke to order, on short notice, and on the most reason* blo terms. i n ihelmsiM* ho P}' * "2J. *U who may favor him wltU their prdc«- April I, jBsB*ly. ' IOTAP- OF BLAIR COCNTT. —THE jJJL agbacribers propose to publish n New Map of Blrif CoMty, Pennsylvania, from actual surveys, containing a® Pnolic Roads, Kail Roads, Canals, the actual localities v( Villages, Post Offices, Houses of Worship, School llouw, HeßUmotories, Tanneries, Mills, Hotels, Stores, Farm Ileus es, names of Property Owners, Ac. f'Bnlarged’ Plans or the Principal Villages, a Tabled Instances, and a Business Directory, giving the name an! ?» • subscriber, will l»e cntrravrd on tho nwi i‘L. e plotting will bo to a suitable scuta sorb in mat 1 a largo and ornamental Map, which will be cob-red anj mounted in the best style, and delivered to D $5 per copy f SAMUEL GEH, April 16, I?o8. ISAAC O. FREED- ivtational police gazette.- A. 1 This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals i< t tt* Twelfth Tear, and is widely circulated through'-t the country. It contains all tho Great Trials, Crimis*! Omob, and appropriate Editorials on tho some, toeef her wit! information on Criminal Matters, not to bo found in aaj other newspaper. • , «3-Shhsanptions «;2 per annum;. $1 for six month’, h ue remitted by subscribers (who fthonld write their nnm** and tho town, county and State where they reside plainly! To G. AV. MATSKLL & CO., E»htor & Prop r. of New York Police Gazette. 11 JVrw 1 'or!; City- \TEDICATED FUR CHEST PRO i-TJL TECTOK, A SAFE SHIELD AGAINST fearftil diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Odds, and oilier e?'• lions of the Lug*, which arise from the exposed fdalc . • f th * Chest, aceiirdfnri tstfathion and the continual change’ ofeei climate, for sale at Uio Drug Store of G. IV. KESSLEII- T EVFS PREPARATION FOR KX- Mj terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS. ** Uea-bugs without danger in Ite nso under any cii\’uni?-U"' 2CS,for sale at the thujr Store of Jan. 24, '6^-tf] Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for Bale,. Wholesale* ttmUlcLiii'* Apply to J. SIUMSMAKCR' Dcc.11,1850-tf. Masonic iVini'l' 1 * T UMBER FOR SALE.— JUi Co,o°o SUiDjtlra 50,000 lathes, ■, and all kinds of BDItDINO MATERIAL. lower than tW lowest. for Cosh. Apply to JOHN SIIOK.UA KKK- A BUOMINAL TnC niiJ.Slioulrtoj VmtJtU Saltaf T.s l-H] " jUSSOii: Offlee cpcn for the. thin, to 8 P. M, during the wee , on Sunday. June 4, ’67-tf] ■. MKnU* Lodge, A. Y. 'A djy of each' month, in the t o’clock, p. M. third Tueaday of each won sonic Temple, at ~\4 o.’clod Attoona Lodge, I. o.'qf O. tyening, In the second stun o’clock, P. M. . rreamfa lodge, I. o. of 0 evening, tn tho third story i street, at 7% o’clock. P. M. IWiumXmo Tribe, No. 35, v ? r yTue S( bi, evening ftaa?! tottT tUrtrtSy _ ■ COUNTY Port. De V^S! >rer ~ H - Hoover. W.’Tlppery, i ALTOONA BOR( the ifc,*fe_jaco Ifaipuj—K. M. Jones. AlSm S*“’* e 5-JAnes Lor Pe . t ' T , Recil - Colson c: cEpZ , i°S Cauuca-n. u W»*toC»n«c,7-Jol.n Met Treasurer— Ja;n *fto ol Directors —Geor-e. "v^!b. aeo - W. Sparks, Josci qf Sc/ionl Rxtni iffibConttablc^-Josepli K. 5“ OOeetor— John MsClel -dtafiforr-O, p. Thomas, Tl j*«W-John McClelland J-Aneuon— James ; qf Xbctiont— East W «' “ Went ■^^orr—East „ West « J. I— North “ tv Vl»?». «. n. |) RS HIRST & fenOviM«uf Professional sorvi tfclnlty in the several br medicine a> gggrtijrcalU-regularly.attc wujcc, tiw «amo aa heretofor jW’ O - U.xlZln'r' 3 M.J>, Ak 5I - n«mH AwgSiiSXlF?***’ PLOUR.—TIIE is now prepared to fa r ‘nl,’ Dll i de from *»««sP. M. Su CUihoUe, Her. Joint Tn o’clock in the looming, m Baptist, (no Pastor.)—3 . African Methodist, bcv. every Sabbath morning ai the mil Union School lllm- ALTOONA f MAI Eastern Way and Uollidaj Western “ HoUldayshurg Eastern Through Mail Wealem trough, (Saturda ' mail EMtara Through Mail, Weetera Way and llollidaj Eastern « .. RAILROAt Expreaa Train East arrives “ “ West “ Faat « East « “ • “ West “ Mail M “ East « “ West “ . The nOLLID.VYSRCRG MaU train En J&&AIRSVILLE BR War thOn Boat and West train BasL Dec.a.’W-Ul MEETINGS or 2£**f'~ J ? nu ' B Fnnk. •vPWi*»( Cjf thmmon •EA NUTS.—S,OO Wington Pea Nuts in sto i!!^25.’53-ly] : 101 No i?IGS, DATES, PI - Currants in store an l9lNo| 191 No ;