> BB SMPhtO M Amaoutka, , *“ mi I, if this pdsiage feoiwlha.wei. to N. Y. Tribune is aatrue M he Governor of the Territory up the road toward his teats pf store fori under each, arm' !hief Justice catting thoturf id punching the oxen which ;s to build his cabin ; the Beo< plitting wood, and the United nd Marshal plastering the walls mud. Yesterday 1 saw one lommissioncr, stripped to the m horseback, piloting a waggn :ross the South Platte, which i by wading, while the other mug accomplished the pa stag* nek on the opposite bank, men! a pantaloons. These plctorea a that the ciril officers, at liMat th the Utah expedition, are not t the Arctic.— The littlh did Albany Evening Journal, has > expected it would. She was r, it will be remembered, to b fleet out of water,” (with two itzer.l The first day out, she ian hour. The third out, she that a corporal's guard of m*. the howitzer to keep it from rd. On the seventh day, she 5 On the eighth, she sprung ninth, set all hands at the led in stopping the leak, she I boat speed—two and. a half she did not see the British fleet Stv.x—did'nt see anything, in a some merchantmen overtook !»er. Finally after a voyageof more than lit takes to go to En id Havana.!. Then it was found ! were out of order, and ate Key West for repairs. It la to add that she did not “blow ;ut of water.” isiDcsT.—The following geatis iy been named in connection esidcncy : Hon. Howell Cobb, senator Hunter of Va. t Speaker Senator Brown of Mias., Post* .. V. Brown, Jacob .'ohn Letcher, Vice President r>hen A. Douglas, R. C. Win aiker, Gov. Wise, Crittenden, re. Win. L. Yancey. Seward, iaior Trumbull of 111., Q. A. ipe McLean, Mayor Swan of Gadwallader, Humphrey Mat* .a and Simon Cameron.' ED BY Wolvks.— The Joliet. ;—A man, whose name ere was attacked by a pack of foot of Lake Joliet, lathis s since. He was severely in iid, would have been devonr ■s beasts, had not a herdsman Hr. €. Smith, who heard hia relief. The wolves have been that vicinity for several in on the f the large gray species. it. —Chinese and negroes an Jludcd from California. By,n ;y, whoever, after the lastday shall introduce any Chinese o the State; shall be punished r to sis hundred dollars, or or by both fine and imprison* etion of the Courts. The set n the Chinese language, and ) China for distribution. now a regularly quoted arti ork market. The last report iu demand, and sell for tee Tbe.se are fast becoming a the demand for’them isoe- The health warden, Wcdaes wo boxes, containing at least , in a decaying condition, and lead-animal contractor's dock. ccidcnt on Thursday N. Y., while the Masons were iin's Day. About 700 person's ;ts hull, where dinner was. be n about half of the floor gave f about SOU to the floor be* uuue instant the floor above i quantity of cutlery, fanning , burying the mass of people itoly no one was killed, but ; wounded, about2o seriously. i:il liVYIGOKATOR! Co UV 1»K. t'AN VOKU, J’.NIiRLLY PROM GUMS, live ami Liver Medicine* now be :t.“ iu- a Culharlh, eiuirr, milder,and jollier medicine known. It tonot ■ remedy, acting'first on the id matter, then on tlic itomacti and t matter, thus accomplishing two Utotit any of the painful feeling* of moat CuUuniiet. It at liie same time that It purge* it; n moderate do.*!'*, will strengthen rasual rapidity. liir i principal regulator* of tba " ii performs it* function*well, Ivor . . are fully developed. The ri ! - v dejicudeat on the healthy U‘e .proper performance oflto “m-' ach la at fault, the boweb ide . 'system suffers in COB**- ■i!;c 'litm — l laving ceased Co do C-l : of that organ, ono of the study, in a practice of more • "-d some remedy where with to d-- ; rangements' to which It to iftjf .* -. • u:e.j jdy hi at last found, aavpct vut /*•• juwM.Aist, In any «-Jb 1/id-! settle, and conviction to cer- ml i 0 i morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow ■ stomach, causing food to ■:o giving tone ahd hi- r | nenr, removing the can* : a' radical cure, ur am>, what W SSTIO, to-: tH' !l °nal use of the LITSJtIS- i>> sufficient to relieve the Wto •'-i /y 1 from liiioK and eourinf. Pm fore retiring, prevent* ••i mi night, loofcon* the tiie bOV* Jnvxxsss. ' ' .. 1 1' : , meal will care J>virpep*i* will alway* !•* I giale otelrucUon removt* rM uud makt-B a perfect car*. < - jly relieves Cholic, wUD* r f :isn sure cure for CHOU** »>■ i/r |Of CiroiniA. i* - needed to threw oat of th* l> cine uftcr a iGQg iickjMj' •>r Jaunuice rvtoovea att'w* fr>m« the akin.'.'.” -• ■ ■ it before cbli»g W&? "■ . iurJica the f(Xx3 digft ««•*- ;ti ■ , euros Chronic Bum**’* 1 >•■ ,uu r and Rnrrl complaint* '■i ■ ‘finit. r ‘ ; attacks caused •by w ?f£: J Vjennr, safer, or •P®****' i’ /aiU. ' I: ■ l.) omling the «h*or***£r t ■ commending the meow*® m rfj and Agee, Cldff *e*W, «»* o/*crafrs wH3t#Wt**6 ig |to testify to ite tronoan* 1 ig their unanimous testimony |* south the Invigoreter* **^ i INVIGOEAXOR * * • CAL DISCOVERY, and » > great to believe. It cure* >f 1* it ffiriag battJU, and *OIWpJfJJe u to cure any Ifbnd of tNlwfCl or Dmvepsia to* eJCf 0 s 4r ro:u!t of a HjBUSZn W’ rniiE. PM asm*:. f or, ath Br«Mway,-lfe*»»*S i.xrf.. 'Altoona i-aatf wjjfiMr 7 . fMeySTriH^rV fflfomta f riknt. local items. grand celebration OFIHE 834. ANNIVERSARY independence day, IOBXNEtOOK M ONI>AY. JULY 5, 1858. jjjgn |he arrangements that hare been made, we estWr*** that Monday next Will be a proud itj for UN ciflsens of Altoona and vicinity.— Neither trouble nor expense have been spared the Committee of Arrangements, to com* plete a programme which cannot be surpassed io sttfaetivaatas, by that got up in any town in the country. Everything which can in the lecat add to the pleasure or comfort of those who shall participate in the festivitieeof that has been provided. The Altoona Bnas Band, by thUBE CATAWBA BHANDY, FOB JT MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Article in manufactured from the PURE JUICE of the .CATAWBA GRAPE, cultivated In the vineyards of the Great West, it.ha* a special claim to onr notice. -.-For. medicine! purposes, ’ this Brandy hog'no rival end has ' long been needed to supercede the poisonous com ride sold under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, ran- article la altogether 'superior, and a sovereign renew for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, bow Spirits, Languor, General Debility, etc. Tor sale at A. BOOSE’S DRUG STORE. Altoona, July 1,1868.-tf REWARD WILL BE PAID P tmifj for information that will lead to the detection of the person or persons who maliciously defeced the Tomb Stones in the Altoona Fairvlew Cemetery. It la the deter mination of the Executive Committee to ferret oqt, Ifpoa riblo, bQ offender* on the property or premises of the Cem etery, and punish all who are luuvfctcd of such, with the very utmost rigor of the law. This is therefore to caution aU persons visiting the Oemctiy how they shall act. By Older of the Executive Committee'. Altoona, done 25,1868.-3 W G. W. PATTON, Sec’y. \fUSIC.—J. LANEY LOWER, Pro -IVI .fossor ofVOCAL MUSIC, would repeat the notice previously given in the sevettd Churches. and Schools, that he is about to form a' class of children for the purpose of teaching them vocal Undo. Parents who wish to have their children instructed will please hare them attend the meetings of the Class at the Presbyterian Lecture Boom, on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Prof. LOWER will also instmctChoira and Adults;and individuals on the Guitar. He has had 12 years experience in teaching. Bar. A. B, Clark, Pastor Presbyterian Church. t - Rev. B A; LCM. JohnSboemakeiv'Ssq. N, B. The .Class Is In no respect denominational or secta rian. v . * ■ (July 1,1858. A LTQONA GIFT ASSOCIATION! POtttTjTBLT NO POSTPONEMENT, GOOD NEWS. The Committee appointed to Distribute the Proper ty of the M Dorado Gift Association. THE DISTRIBUTION NEAR AT HAND. At a meeting of the shareholder* Inf the above Associa tion, held on the I‘Jth of June, 1858, a Committee of five disinterested persona was chosen to distribute tits proper ty, viz.: JOHN AIXISON, Esq, JOHN TROUT, ANDREW GREEN, The above committee is composed of men of good stand ing in society, in whomtihareholders can place implict con fidence, and feel assured that they trill receive Justice at their hands. COMMITTEE'S CIRCULAR. Wo, the undersigned, baring been chosen a Committtce to distribute the Glftsof the above Association, beg leave to inform the shareholders and all interested, that wu have fixed THURSDAY, the 12th day of AUGUST, 1853, as the day on which the distribution trill positively take place. All Agents are requested to make a fall return of all mo neys, silk, and Tickets in their hands, on or before the Ist day of August, 1858, JOHN ALLISON, ANDREW GREEN, JOHN TROUT, JOHN COLEMAN, Jr., DAVID IRONS. Thu undersigned bogs loftvo to state that the reason why the distribution did not take place in April, as advertised, was the feiluro of three-fourths of tho Agents to make re turns. There will bo no postponement from the above, whether ; the returns are all made or not.' Agents will therefore please attend to .this notice imnji dlatflv. Jnlyl, 1859.-td x JOSEPH MOIST,' Agent. t H 76 *6,00 1,76 76 1,76 20 14 12 10 12 1U P. bbl. * « 5 26 “ 6 00 “ 4 75 wu. McDowell. JOHN COLEMAN, Jr, DAVID IRONS. T -Mate iBEMAimNo gSBg---' ■ - iSL. . ®arb«wWmT McCormfck, David aw: sssrsfe 3 Cate, Peter Patton, James Cuchlgniani Ouiseppe BieluOeo* Connelly, Wm,. Richie, 6e«ge j Chub, Jacob . . Rhodes, Daniel Cherry. John Sr t SSokbST ■ Wrtrkm,! ... , Schroder, Rev Ohnctm Dally, BjU > SatterteW, WA B Bunn, Thoa . Shfader. Harr S3&£« saaasf* 'Timmins, Helen 3 Darts, Ogorge Taylor, Charles Full/, Kate 1,8 Tnraalman. Adam WUUa, Richard Washington Qeo 3 KeUa, WB> West, jJoob 3 Wartfcß, Jamea Kern,EM A Bto Wilson; Jacob ■ laemon A Bailey iousa John MattewV Ferguson, Wm C Hiller, Joseph - Farrell, Thomas sssiSrt. . ■ Person* calling for Lotion on this List will please my tbqr are advertised. - July 1,1868. JOHN SHOEMAKER, P, M.. A DMINISTRATOR’BI NOTICE.—- XX Notes fet hereby given that letters of Administration cm the estate of Asomutat McOsonax, late of Altoona, Blair county, deoM, have been granted by the Register, do, to the nnaentatad, toahHng in told county. All per-' tone knowing tbeauelvea indebted ;fo aald estate ore re quested t>> 'make immediate payment; and those having Claims against it will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN TROUT, JOHN j Ji, BUBHHOLDHR, Adm'rt. July I,lBfiS.-8t A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY,! sw* m n EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, Pomatums, Hair OHs, : Colognes, m ported and domestic Oriental Drops, Cosmetic*, Prangi* , . panni Sachets, i i Toilet SoapSy.Hair Brushes, Tooth \' \- Dressing Comfy, Pocket Cpmbs, Purses, Bag Leaf'Water), etc., etc., etc. JU(ST RECEIVED AND PORfcAIS LOW AT V « A. ROUSH’S. June 18,1868,-tf % QPERA CIGARS! j THREE BEldks, ■ HEPTUNEB, FOBTALIZAS, LA ROSAS* LA ABULAB, For sale by A. ROVSB, Druggist. Juno 24,1868^-tf SODA WATER! ! SODA WATER! THIS PLEASANT AND AGREEABLE BETERAQB AIiWATW OH DRAUGHT AT ROUSH'S HRtfG STORE, Virginia, Street, above MeXuMemn Church. June 24fc1868.-tf ' CONCENTRATED LYE, FOR MA KING Soft Soap, and Soap Powderfoc Washing, one pound equal to six of common Sow; Castile SoamJPalm Soap, Chemical Soap, etc n on hand aqd for sale at June 10,1868,-tfj ;;i A. ROUSH’S. ! SOLUTION OF CITRATE Otf MA^- NESIA—a cooling Cathartic,; mOd hi its mention and agreeable to the taste, prepared find for sale hr June 24,1868,-tf A:BOU8H, Druggist. c CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and Alcohol, for sale cheap at - ?:[' A.ROUSH’S. The great bealtifibri so Long unsuccessfully sought, FOUND ATj UASTI FOB IT RESTORES PERMANENTLY GRAY HATB TO its original color; covers InxuHaoU| the bald beadtte movea all dandruff, Itchingand alt setpfbla, scald head and all eruptions; makes tbs hair soft, healthy And glossy; and will preserve it to any imaginable Age; remorse, as if by magic, all blotches, Ac* from the foceand cures mTnedral gia and nervous headache, goo circular and the following: Dover, : N. H., Feb. 2d, 1867. ' Paop.O. J.Woon A Ok—Gents: Within a few days we have received sb many orders and calls for Prof. 0. J. Wood’s Bair Restorative, that today we were compelled to send to Boston for a quantity, (the Odozenyou forwarded all befog sold,) while we might order » quantity from you. Afeery bottle we tees sold teems lohave produced force or four tiSio autamert and the approbation, and patronage it receives from the most substantial and worthy citizens of onr vi ctory, frilly convince ds that it is A MOST VALUABLE PREPARATION. Send us as soon as may bo one groin of $1 size; and one dozen $3 size; and believe ns yours very respectfully. (Signed) DANIEL LATHOBP A Co. HielcoryGrove, St Charles Co.. Mo, Nov. 1% 1860, hoi.'O. J.Woon Dear Sir: Some time last summer we were Inducedto use some of your Hair Restorative, and its effects were so wonderful, wo feel It our duty to yon and.the afflicted, fo report It. Our little son’s heed for some time had been perfectly covered with sort*, and some ealled it scald head. The ha'r ahnoet entirely came offin consequence, when a friend, seeing* his sufferings, advised us to use your Restorative, we did so with little hope of success, but, to onr surprise, and that of all onr friends, a vory few applications removed the disease entirely, and a new ondluxurlent crop of hair soon started out. and we can now Say tbat.oitr boy hos as healthy a scalp, and as luxnricntt'a crop of heir as any other child. We cap therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as b perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and hair. ’ We are, yours respectfully, ■ GEORGE W. HIGGINBOTHAM, SABAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM. Gardiner, Maine, Juno 22,1865. Flor. 0. J. Woon—Dear Sir: I have used two bottle* of Profeesor Wood’s Hair Restorative,and can truly say It is the mutest discovery of the age for restoring and changing the Hair. Before using it I vraa a man of seventy. My Hairhas now attained its original color. Yon can recom mend It to the world without the'least fear, os my cose was one Of thd worst kind. Yours Respectfully, 1 1 DANIEL N. MURPHY. 0. J. Wood A Op, Proprietors 312 Broadway, New York, (in the neat N. Y. Wire BailQig Establishment,) and 111 MarketSt, St. Louis, Mo. For saleby Q. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by all good Druggists. 1 Juno 3,1868-fy. POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned having perfected their Spring Stock, now offer to the public the LARGEST LOT OF GROCE* BIBS ever presented in the town of Altoona. Out object in publishing this card is to present the fol lowing fiicta: Ist. The recent hard tinles have very much reduced the price of Groceries in the city, especially to cash buyers. 2d. We bought these Groceries in largo lots, many of them from first hands. Bd. We bought them entirely for cash. 4th. We sell for ready pay. 6th. Wo keep ottr stock fall by iteckly receipts.; ' 6th, We are determined to keen dp the credit of our house. 7th. We sell more GROCERIES than any other store in Blair county, at less per cent. Bth. We sell cheaper than any other store in the county. A continuation of patronage U respectfully solicited. Altoona, Juno 10,1858. McLANK A LEHR. T IME! LIME! LlME!—Duncansville 1 A Lime Kilns, near Hollidaysburg, Pa. The subscriber has now in operation, four largo Lime Kilns, producing dally largo quantities of the BEST QUALITY OF WHITE LIME. Ho is prepared to fill all from 1 bushel to ten thousand bushels, at the lowest rates. B3_L!me delivered at any point on the Pennsylvania Bail Road; also, at Altoona, or any point in tho surround ing country, by wagon, or at tho Kiln. Address JAMES FUNK, Juno l«-6m] DunrannSle, Stair