FtJELiawlB.7BT, GIFTS m /yofc jHHt-wppia. fejwaroo am asso- WMMBr. 4 ** JftsmOs dffMpW Worth of Sewing . ... .hyUfifcct,vein*! at $lBl each, 31,288 ~ JTW* on Bt., 50x120 ft., J. 150 each, 2,092 “ “ 156 “ 1,248 .40M> on Mulberry ah, “ « 132 « 3,508 ’BO High street, « “ 63 " 126 iIbCSVIOt on German ttrect, 50x175 ft, valued at t 3 Wotson Herman etitot, “ ** $l2 each 120 ' ; 'A:)(A no Howard street, £0x133 feet, valued at 132 1 , “ “ « a ;2km on Chestnut miest, “ “ 1131 ouch, 203 IHoU Lexer Welch, rained at 100 THorss, •• « - 1 twoHoeeo Wagon. « “ an 'lflUwrlerpineWatch “ « 36 .12 Coat Patterns aud T',-immlngs,2loeed», 120 *M»*s and V«t patterns,** BMO each, 230 or Parcel* of M«cdiaa4iee,,s3#)eech,, 225 1$ •* 100 » « m -60 "i .1,000 « • ; 20 “i 000 « 25 p* 1,000 ■' « • 20 * m 1M67 Gifts, veined at 2U787 TheßealSstnte in this Enterprise is handsomely situated SHOES. HARD WARE , Q'JTBENS WARE. GROCERIES, se, citizens of Altoona wUI find |t to their advantage to afimlne onr stock, us wo ore not to bo nhdersold- April 29, IMS. /itiajSAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! '\_J. —Theanbaeriber wonld respectfully inform the citi *etu of Altoona and vicinity that ha has Just received bU Mock of , bmuxo AKD SEMMER GOODS, AND FANCY DRESS -T GOODS. inch m SllkmSatto, Barege*, D'Laines, Challiea, Ducals, Irtwtw, Ginghams. Print*, ic- together with all kinds of DmGoods- all of which will be sold cheap for cash. ! Kohls also onlmndn stock"of ■ GROCERIES QUEENSWARE . HARD- I . ware: boots and shoes, '«mt alt ntht.'r goods ..usually stores in this place. Havtojf adonwd the CASH SYSTEM ,lii bit hnstoeea mid being rcsohred to carry it out, I have marked my goods at CASH PRICES, and invite inspection and comparison, in pfices aici'qaallty, with those of any other store lathe town. Give me a call and judge for yourselves. Country produce token in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. '•, 1 J. B. HILESJAN. \ APJRIIj, 1858. GREAT INDEOEMKSTa OFFERED AT THE \. HALL OF FASHION rjIHE subscriber has the pleasure of an- N|[ non urine to thecitiaensof Altoanviad the “ rest of minklniL”thit.he i* just receiving .from Philadelphia and York. n beautiful augjrtmeiitof BRITISH, FRENCH odd 'AMERICAS BET GOODS, coneiatlns, in parti of' KOBEvA’ QUILL 3, CRAPE Dt ESPANGE, TANCYOPHUN BAREGE, PLAIN OPUON BAREGE, CUALLT29. DUCALS. -TRENCH\LAIVN3—BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SCOTCH ■ *- *• " *• from 614 upwards PASCV PRESS SILKS, BLACK DRESS SILKS. r TIGERED BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS. PRISTS, Ac, In great variety. Ua would cAll ■ especial attention to his Stock of SUAVnj?. which fir ilyle, quality and variety, cannot be surpassed, and must be seen, to be appreciated. : Tho of White Goods and Ladies’ Dress Trim mings arwull that, Cwhlon could desire. Among bis *togk uf Ladles’ Missis dnd.Childrc-n’s Gaiters and Shoes will be fonad a fall from the-best city raanufiictntera. • Hi* stock of Groceries, Queens ware,’ Hardware, Ac, Is cdroplota. i ■ ' \ ' jr’ ■ 1 i ' Jto.liopcshia Goods and races (which by the war deljr competition;} vtiii nreot the approval of-all who call upon; \ him. Your patronage Is respectfully solicited. ' April 29,5 m. ■ \ CHAS; J. MANX. -'i - ’ • - : ! . : . \ -a TT FETTINGEK’S, TjL • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, SO. 1. “ ALTOONA HOUSE,'*. ALTOONA, .PA.. Where may bo hid all the popular Publications of the day, such as Bailv and Weekly I’auors. Alnßazioen, Novels nhd Romances, Miscellaneous Books. Echo'd Books, Copy Books,'Elates, Peiis, Pencil*, Inks, Can and Letter. Paper fc Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books ntia in ffot everythhis in the Stationary line. Toys. Notions' and Games of every vuri'-ty, Picture* and .Picture frames, To , Iboeep and Scgsrt of the nest quality. Ac., Ac \ ■ N. B.—Wo are sole Wholesale nnd Retail Agent, in this county, for ROHX’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It doeapor ttfvdy care ell sores to which It Is applied.-Try it. (7-tf. : A iMONIJS, . WALNUTS, CREAM rl '.Ruts and Filberts In store ami for sale by ' TT"-' . WM. S. SHUGARD, \ Jtfawjh 2S, ’BB-1 yl ■ 1 191 »dMreet Philadelphia. qf>IAISINSr-l,Ol>o BOXES BUNCH jJvrind Layef-Itaii.;ua In store and for sale by : WM. N. 81100ARD, ' Jjteh % J SS-ly] 191 Iforth SdHtreet.'PliltaJelphia. 'Ip’IHS, BATES, PRUNES, CITRONS ■ejv and Currants Irrsture and for saleby '■ ■3T -- V-; "iv;--- ■-! WM. N. BHOGARD, ‘ Marrfr 3S, .*6B. ly] 191 Kortb Sd street Philadelphia. /WNPEGTIQNAIii’.—-PLAIN AND . fine Confectionary minu&ctured and for sale by : '.r ■ WM. N. EIIOGABI*. ’ March 35, ’5B-1 y) 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia. CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL -3L ■ ,ktad* «f Flour and Feed byradlMgat' X*. W-ly) HENRY LEHR'S. ®|WBRYBODY IS INVITED TO j rail ami test the merits of the articles kept by uesrVleiir. X OTS FOR SALE.— I 2 BUILDING ]/j XiOtMltuaM in different localities, In this Borough for shla temp, by pTseof 20 1 Prize of foOOO 27,010 Price of 10 1 Prise of 6,000 ' . .28086 Prises, amounting to $578,177. > Tickets $10 —liaises $6 —Quartern s2^0 —Eighths $1,25. A Certificate of Package of ,86 Wholes, costa $l4O 50 Dp. . do. 26 Halves, 74 76 Do. 40. ■ 20 Quarters, ; 27 37 . Do. i do. ' ,26 high tbs, 18 68: - HAVANA PLAN. •! This is the old mode of Drawing. Prises in one Wheel and Tickets in another!. . Every Prise is drawn cut. V Every Prittpaidinfull vnVtuUt deduction I MARYLAND BTATK LOTTERY, EXTRA CLASS 7, To bc drownin Baltimore, McL, Saturday, June 26tb,1858. 20,660 Prizes! 40,0(K>NttmI>«»tl SPLENDID «cnKMKI . 1 Prise of $36,000 ■ '. 4 Appr** tosBoo IPrlzeof j 12,000 8 « 2SO IPriaoof 4,0001 o a o*n 1 Prise of 4,000 ■ 8 230 1 Prise of 2,000 1 Priseof • 2,000 1 Prise of , WOO 1 Prise of ' 1,600 TPriteof 1,240 1 Prize of 1,240 IPriseof 1,000 r a „ 1 Prise of 1,000 / 8 lOPrisce of ' ’ 400 40 “ 10 Prizes of 400 40 “ 100 Prizes of . 200 400 •» 20,000 Prises of $8 each. The 20,000 Prises of $B, determined by the drawing of the' Capital, whether odd or even. Whole Tickets slo—Halre* ss—Quarters $2,60. 'A Managers’ Certificate of 16 Wholes—where persons wish-to pay the risk only, will be sent fur $O6 Do. do. , 16 Halves, 48 Do, do. 16 Quarters, 24 Do. .. 4°. 16 Eighths, 12 The Managers have been compelled from the ninmeroiu complaints mode to thnu, of nnfiUtbfnlness on the part of those who haveheen attending .to the filling of ordere, tu resume the correspondence-bralnes* In their own name. Order tickets from the Managers only. AdnWn aU letters to E. PRANCE * 00. March 4-ly] Raltimoro, Md. 17 P. MIDDLETON & BROTHER, ■ 1 a Jmporitre and Dealers in .Wines and Liquors, return theirthanksto their friends forvho liberal share of patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully jo- Ucit a continuance! of the some, at the'GLD ESTABLISH MENT. NO. 6 N. FRONT 8T„ Philadelphia, where they have a large assortment uTWXNESond LIQ.OORS oftlie choic est .brands and qualities. .Having made arrangements with acme of : the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to famish to their oust omens upon the most reasons, bid terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: BRANDIES. Qlard, Btunuy. BarcU, iJHnnett, CiutSlion, MarieU, T Bints,- iVletorttn, If, J. Depuy «f 00. A. SdantUt, dlc n t£e. I WINES. Champagne, Old Oporto, \BoTgundy.JtadmxL, Ttn'rifft, Claret, Shary.Lubm, I Bock, Muscat d Malaga Iftnes of raritnu hrands and qualities, r Holland Gin, Bcheldom Schnapps,' Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Beech, Ajiple, Lavender, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cherry and Ginger Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitten; Amsterdam Bitten, Ac. \ Also, constantly, on hand, on extensive stock of OLD VTBEAT, MOKOXGABEIA and BOVTiBO'B |THIS NETS, of varions.crades, somebf which .we guarantee to be superior to any in the conntry. fiQfi.nbm our lung experience in the business, and thor ough knowledge of the tnKes of the community; we Batter ourselves tofhc able to fill all orders that may be entrusted tons. .Orders fromthe country (which are mostreppoctful ly solicited} will bo promptly attended ta Great;care taken in packing abd shipping, r . All goods sent'from onr establishment are gnttrantecd to give satisfaction, with privilege of Ixrfng returned. 1 , Peb-26-lyX " E. P. MIDDLETON A 880. SAVING FUNtf, FIVE I>EU DENT INTEREST, NATIONALSAEBTYTRESTCO, IIW naf ttreet, S. IK. Corner qf Third, Philadelphia, Incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania. ' ' ' - Money U received inanysum. large or small, and inter eetpald from the day of deposit to the day At withdrawal. The offlce ls open irvery day from 9 o’clock in die morn ing till 6 o’clock in the afternoon, nod on Monday. and Thursday evenings till 8“ o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pret't. ROBERT SELFIUDOE, TieePreft. W*. 3. Rud, Secretary. „ „ DIKECTORS. Hon. Henry t. Benner, ■ I. Carrol Brewster, Edward L. Carter,; Joseph B. Barry, i- Rolufrt Selfridgj, PraiicU Lee. • Som’l K. Ashton. Juarph Vetkes, C. LandretU Muuns. Hi toy Bitufen'ierfer. iloney i* received and payments made dally without no tice. ' . The Investments are made in REAL ESTATE MORT (rAOBS. OROEND RESTS, and such first class awnrlties os the Charter requires [Mart 6m. W. CovxntaaaM. B. CosmnaßAX, K. Ccnvis-gua*. B. Xsaats, G. Ddacax i & CO . PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, WAREHOUSE 109 WATER ST. ays 140 PIEST SX, „ . •. ■ PITTSBURGH. PA-, Betweeea W.ralaod Smitfafleld,' . ( MANDPACTDRERSOP Pltttbnrsb City Window Glass, PUCCGISTS’ GLASS-WARE, AND AMERCCAN CONVEX GLASS, Tor parlor Windusra. Cliorchcs and Public Baßdiugs. Altoona, April 1,1858-1 y.J . f^ u^ u S a - EITEBPBiSL WORKS, "VTO. 136 WOOD STREET/ PlTTS bergh, pa. • SOWN TETLEY, Mauufkcturers of Bifies, Guns, Surgical and Dental Instruments, &c. : ‘ 7 .* RIFLE GPNS. Wo would call attention tol our stock to the above line, knowing that we cahn-ifbe boat either in the quality or price. Being largely; engaged in this branch of business, we defy all compction. All our rifles are watmntod or no sale. Hardware. Sporting Materials Cutlery, Pistols, Onto, Revolver*, Flasks Belts. Powder, Shot B«U»..C*ps Fiuicy Hardware and Sporting Equipage, in all its variety, which wo offer low for Cush. PitUbnrgh. April 1.1855-ly. ■ Lycoming county mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The midendgned. agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, !* at nil times renily to Innuro against loss or damage by fire, B-ii/tUnps, ibreiiandt-, Furniture and iVopeWv of every description, in town or conutry, at as reasonable rates us any tompany in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple.. Jan. S. ’sfi-tf) JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent* WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. —The undersigned. Agent fur Blair coi'nty, wilt take short and long risks on Buildings. Merchandise, Fur niture and Property of every description, in town or coun try, at ns reasonable rates as c.ny company in the State.— Kiska also taken on the lives of horses. Office In Masonic WILV lIQUORS. A LARGE AMOUNT J well toileted LIQUORS !ias Wq* received at Ibc “LOGAN IIO0SE,” UolUduygburg, Which will bo sold at the ,lowest cash prices, wholesale ori re*ail. The man who wants bos only to call. ' [Dec-17- tf. Hardware of all desguip tlons just roceived and for sale by ' . oct.t.vtri j. b. milkman, Rich tobacco and highly flavored Cigar*, In abundance, can be had at Juno 18,’67-lyJ ■ ? ; HENRY LEHR'S. ORANGES AND. LEMONS.— SOO boxes Oranges and Lemons In More and for sale by f IVM. N. SHUGABD. March 25. ‘58.1t! Ml North 3d rtreot. Philadelphia. PINE AND LARD OILS, CAM* ■\TONE 35IJT THE BSST GONFEC i* tionartas. Hnfajaiad Fnitts Jcept at JunsMi tr-iy] umw UosSßs.t .....■ 'A i’ORTUNE ■£*>** -- - B70&00 TO BK HABrt)Pvslo!w©« CU 3 AU jT? TZMB2ZBD BT XiUS STATE OV GEORGIA. The 1 1H0 ',»!«£ gclicme will be drawn by ft- Soan i Cry Vanagera of In* tpai la AwJemy Lotti-ry, in Shade Kamter Lotteries fur Juno, 1858,. at AUGUSTA, -Georgia, to yliich city they bar* remorea tkeir yiiwlpu office. • CLASS 19, Ibtednn Is the city of Attfcnata, Georgia, », Saturday, June b, UM. . class 10, Vo bo diuwa tn tN) Citj uf Augostn, puuEe, O'* Saturday, June 1A 1868. CLASS 20, ■ TtofcearttnlintbeCfty of Augusta, n» pupile, on fv Saturday, Juno 13, ltSB, 'I - ii« CLASS 2V, TabodraTOlnthe City of Augusta, Georgia, inpublic, on S Saturday, Juno its, 1868. * jDS'$H£ PLAN OP fcIKOLBKOMBEKfA ... Are ihocsabd »ocr hcxuexd juu nenrmvs nmsl ■; SiiHitt tmt Prise to ettry Xme TteLetil. < JiAQNIFICKJiT SCUKHKI ' to Ax sbairi *ach satusoat is jtok. -1 Prize of i; UOjO.O 4 Prise of 1 «• “ ' 80,000 4 “ •* 1 « « I 10,000 4 « “ 1 « « 6,6 4 “ “ 1 « « .■?[■ 4,000 50 Prises of ■l. “ “ 3,Uov| 60 u « . 1 • “ 1,6001100 “ « 4 , “‘ “ 1,000(230 “ « [approximation pbizes. APrisesoi $4OO Approx’ting. to $70,000 Prise an $l,OOO 4 . “ SOO “ ' 30,000 “ “ 1.200 4 ,**.■■# «0- “ “10,000 “ “ 800 4 “ <*, 126 “ “ 6,000 « “ 600 4 100 « . « 4,000 “ “ 400 4 “ * 76 “ « 8.000 “ “ 800 4 ;« <4 60 a « IAOO “ “ 200 6,000 “ 4 SO are 100,000 6,456 Prizes amounting to ■ $32U,U00 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2,60. f( PLAN OF THU LOTTERY. - Ihe-numbers from Ito 50,000. corresponding with those numbers on Qie Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, ore encirclcd|n small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 45jl Frizes, similarly printed and encircled, ore placed in antiber wheel., ' - The whcelejjare then revolved, and a number Is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawnjfrogi the other wheel. The number and prize drawn on t alto opened and exhibited to the audience, ami registered hyjthe Commissioners; tho Prize being placed against the utimber drawn. This operation is repeated un till nil the PMzes are drawn oat. APFEOjUHiinos Peizbs.—The two preceeding and the two succeeding numbers to those drawing the first 7 brutes will be entitled W thc 38 Approximation Prizes, fur example: if Ticket N0.‘11,25(l draws the $70,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 1LRi5.11,249.11,261,11252, will each be entitled to £lOO. If picket No. 560 draws' the $30,000 Prize, those tickets n umbo red 518,519, 661,552, will each be entitled to $3OO, and eo jbn according to the above sclicmc. The SJIOO Prizes of $2l). will be determined by the! ast fig ure of the number that draws the $7(1000 Prize. For .ex-T ample: if the nnmlmr drawing tlie $70,000 Prize ends with No. J, then tdl the tickets, where the number cuds in 1, will be entitled to $2O. If the number ends with No. 2, . then all the Jackets where the number ends in 2 will be en titled to!s2o,faiid so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, Which is Uxertek: Certificate ofipackcge of 10 Whole Tickets, $BO “ 3“ 10 Half “ 40 “ | “■ 10 Quarter “ 20 « , a « io Eight « io IN ORDERING TICKETScRCERTIFICATES. Enclose thd money to our address for the tickets ordered, or receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail, — Purchasers can have tickets ending- in any nuiuber they may designate. The list ofoDrawu Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchaser! will please write their signatures plain, and give their PqSt Office, County and State. Ucmemburithat every Prize is drawn and payable in full withoutdedtfotton. ' ' All prizes Sof $l,OOO and under; paid immediately after the prizes at the usual time of 30 days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates to 8- SWAN A CO, Atigurta, Oa. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala, or Atatenta,Ga. can have their orders filled, and save time, tW addressing 8. Swan A Gd, at either of those cities. . A.list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will bo published after every drawing, in the-fi Bowing pa« pers:— New OrUant Della, Mobile Register, Char teuton Stan dard, NiulLoHh Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer. New fink Tfeei.ly Gay Rook. Surannah Morning Newt, I:i J.nujud DU patch. New. York Ditpalch, and Paulding {Mixr.i Clarion Avgutta (ffeo.) Chnslitulirmalift . jnn.7-ly. 8 « 160 8 « 100 ' 8 “ 80 60 60 40 ao /"'I BEAT DISCOVERY OF TliE AGE VJ 131 POUT A N'T TO I TOBACCO C HEWERS. DR. GUSTA? LtNNAIID’S TASTK RESTORATIVE TRO CHES, the great Subflitutefur loljvcco. !' It in a Wolf known and fucontrovertable fact ithat the use ofTobacco la the promoting cause of many of the meet < se vere. /; , MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which tboroce of m in is subject, as careful fund yeis and long and painful experience have clearly jirqvm that it contain* cfertaln uorcotic and poisonous properties west dangerous (111 their effects, which by entering into the Uood derange the functions and operations of the Heart, causing many to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased. TORACCOiaflecte also the entire nervous system, mani festing itself—as all who liave ever used the noxious weed . will bear testimony—in Lassitude, Nervous Irritability, Water Brash, Dyspepsia, aud many oilier disorders of a similar cl lajract-.r. Tilt TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES Are designed to couuteract these baneful influences, and havo'proved jCoihpletely successful in a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Doing harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, restoring the Taste winch has become, vitiate!) or destroyed, by great indulgence. Completely removing Ibe Irritation and accom panying licKling sensation of the Throat—which are al ways consequent npon abstaining from tile use of T-.liacco. and by givijnp a healthy tune to the Stomach, invigorate the whole ayirtem. i • Persons who are irretrievably undermining their const i tuthtos pudshortening their liv ■». shunhl nsellii-soTr-.'-b-s Inimediat, Iy,;!.. ;• . ■ ‘ . Pittsburgh April !. 1858-1 y. LOO AN UNBEI- I respectfully informs the citizens of Blair county and others, 4 xHftl ‘•'x that ho ha|' opened up the LOGAN JagSwaT . IIOUSK, formerly kept by'Sheriff Ket'S. ' at the west end of Hollidays bn reception ofittriiugers and travellers.— Every tiling icbnriected with the house has beenrtfittedin the new witlt thqchuicost furniture, 4c.; 4c, , The house Is large-nnd wmimodioua, aiid itfell calculated for convenience and comfort. ■ 1118 TABES will be fnrDl.hodwifh therery best tho mar ket can mid no paiay or trooble will be spared tt rentier tlioso Srho may choose to Cwbr bpis with their pa tronagecomflirtalilc amt happy durtng'thcir stay with him Ilis STAUEINO is nmplu, and nn obliging and careful hoßtler will always bo in attendance, Dec. 17,1«57,—tf.] ! OYSTERS I OYSTERS ’ \ 7 In corieequoncc of the hardtimeg, J hare concluded to put down, the price of ray OYSTKIIS to the lowNtposgf hlo standard,’ They will hereafter be- served un on the Chafing Dlshat TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell and served up with, all dthcr accompaniments, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will also be tn every 6th or way.at prices to correspond with the times. Dccl7.-tf| HAI4 hat, TOOTH, SHAYXNGy Paint). Sa*h and Varnish Brushes at HAMS, SIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED Boef.jtc.. always on bond at HENRY LEHR'S. Eggs,v butter and all kings ■ STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEPING, With all tha recent improvements, taught without extra dnurge. ... PENMANSHIP. Rapid Writing, with every, variety and stylo of Business and Ornamental Penmanship. . ARITHMETIC. And A thorough course of Counting House Calculations. COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERED NOTES. Foil instructions given in this important branch of busi , ' ness education. LECTURES DAILY, ON BOOK-KEEPING, Usages, Laws and Customsof Commerce, Finance and Bank ing. Political Economy, Counterfoil Notes, and other sub jects having practical relation to active business. TERMS, Ac. Book-keeping, Full Commerced Course, $35,00 Stationary, about 6.00 Board per week, can bo obtained for , 2.50 Oh. Students are not charged extra for Steamboat Book keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma; - 900 SOU 100 000 500 300 125 100 Can enter at any time— (no vacation) revi.-w at pleasure— time unlimited—usual length of course from eight to twelve weeks. , REFERENCE. Four hundred and eighty-seven students entering from th City alone withiiroue year besides the many from the country DIB£CT|ONB. Specimens of "Writing and (lireuiars, containing full infor mation, sent by mail free of charge. Address F. 11*. JENKINS, Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa. W-PREMIUM PENMANSHIP.—No less tlian EIGHT FIRST PREMIUMS were awarded this College in the fall of 1857, over all competitors, fur best writing. These, with other previous Premiums, were given in Ohio. Michigan, Indians, Virginia. Pennsylvania, and in Louisville. Ky- ut the United States Fair, and all for work actually done with PEN and INK and not for Enurarrd Penmanship. Our Punmrii are fully competimi to do their own work without the aid, of til.' engra- er to make it resoectable. [aug.27-1 y STO V Eh ! ;si u V ES ! STOV E AGENCY.—The' undersigned. Agent of' the Blair oJvnhty 'Miitoal Tire. Insurance Company, is at aTt Umcatwulr t<> insure .against loss or damage by fire. Hu3d J infft. ikrehandirt, Fumfilvrt and Property, of every dc«- cription.'ln thorn or country; nt as" reaeomditc rates as any Company in the State. Office' in the Masonic Temple. 1 Jan,3, tSB-tf) JOHN SHOEMAKER. pIL*YEYANCING.—ALL, KINDS \ /of writing done'at the shortest notice.—Peed?, Mort gages, Ac., executed In the nsatestmanner by JOHN SHOEMKER, Jan. 3,18j7-tf.J Masonic.Temiile, Altoona. PAST IRON RAILING AND ALL .\J kinds of Castings executed to order, also .Tin Spout ing put’up to order, at shortest not ice.anply to . • J. SHOEMAKER. Agent fv Jan. 3. IK6O-tf. ' Mclaxsimx. Wat 10 COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA AND LEim. STUDENTS T M&CpV E BY. X •... -j. ‘ AND ALL ' 5 . ■" DISBASES' op tni EUN«ShnND 11IROAT ’o ARE ■ r ■ Curable by iobalalioß, which conveys Iho remedies to Urn |«ivitke r iu thelungs through tho air passages, and comipgjn with too disease, neutralizes the tnbeicUwv matter, allays tho Cough, censes a free anil easy expectoration. foals the twiw parities the blood, impart? i"rtvwrd vitality to toe nervous system, giving that tone and vuctgy•*>injuspensie hte Ibt the vesforstUn of health; To he able to state wn that Consumption is curable by inhalation. •* to mu u source of unalloyed plensnte. 31 is os much muler the omtvo) of medical trentmcnt os »ny other fonutdobio disease (ninety wit of every hurdredf cases can he cured in tha first stages, and fifty per out. in the seo ed: tut in the third stage It to tmpose-.ble to eavp nuire than five per cecL, for the lungs are so ent up by the disease as to bid defiance tomeiHflalsklQ. rKven, however, in the hist ftagrs, luhn latioa affords exfraonfinary relief to tho mitering ntten-j ffihgthto foarttal iwonrgo, wh'ch annually destroy? ninety five thPTMcmd persons in tho United-State atone; and a err rect calculation shows that of the pnwnt pi'pulation of tho eurth, eighty nf llii,na an destined tofill the Consumptive^ the quiver of death has no Arrow so fatal rs Con auuiption. la
    examine the lungs and enable me to pre-. w:rib- with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing, the patient again. o. w. gkahamTai. d„ Office, HUJ Filbert Street, (old No. 109.1 belowTwclflh, Philadelphia. ..I [July 23.’57-Iy. INTENSE EXVITEMiNI !—A NEW FIRM BROKE OUT IN A NRW PLACE. M’LAIN & juEHR Bog leave tie inform their friends atari the citizens of Altoo na and vicinity, that they have opriged a GUOUbIiY & PUOVISION STORE. in the room (brmeily occupied by JEohn Lehr, .on Virginia street, next door to Pattons Hall, Where they will be nap py to serve all-who may favor them with a call. Their st.>ck Is a large and select one, coni^tineof Flour, Feed, | Bacon, Pork, ;]|. Coffee, Tea, Molasses, ; Fish, Salt, Potatoes, Cc Fish Oil, Fluid, Camphenef Alcohol, Cigars and Tobacco. As thev purchase all their goods-forthe READY CASH, and sell fur the Siimn, persons desiring of purchasing any thing in their lino, will do Well to give them a call. 08 they will sell at but a trifling advance on flrst oust. We risk no man to pay for anything but wliat; lie buys. Give «s a tri al and see if w« won't imiko our words good, [Jon 7-.tf OTOVES! STOVES! STOVES.-^The T 3 undersigned lias just received from Philo- mt delpbio. North. Chase 4 North’s celebrated Cook ing Stoves for IR6T. THE ROYAL COOK 1 IHhIL fur Wood or Coal. Tbb beautiful Cooking Stove ImH challenges all competition for tlie exquisite style "■ of ornament and perfect operaUJtiln all respects. The oven extends under tlie fire-box andtho fines ore so arrang ed that the whole oven surface will hake perfectly and uni formly. Tlie slightest examination ;tif this Stove most sat bfy every one that it will become a: Universal favorite. TUB SEA SHELL, for wood or coal. The fire-box ]a bof good capacity-r-the a-h-box Ik deep—the oven Is capacious and isalhoroncb baker. This stove is oue that may-rtodily bo recommended for family use/fn every particular.’; All kinds of beating and parlor* stoves constantly on hand. JOSEPH 11. BUSH. April Ifi. ’ST-tfl - Opjyuitf ihe Aniakotii Jfnnse. AU'*ma. / lOMBETITLON IS THE UFE OE V / TRADE.—-Fully convinced ofthe truth of this say ing. the subscriber Would 'announce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity! * that be has entered the fi -ld, liv opening a . 1 MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, in the room heretofore occupied by Michael Gallagher. Im mediately opposite the Superintendent's Office, where lie will carry on tha btiitness us usual,' Us . has-just received an excellent assortment oT * ; CLOTHS, CASSIMERRS & VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress sni& which hie will make to order, on short notice and at pficqs which camnot fail tc satiifr., Hobos also received the LATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. and feels confident that he can satisfy the most IkstMlmu in (it’s particular, and his clothing- yvIII be mado-aa welt oe clothing can be made. In flue, heitt determined that noth ing shall l« wanting on liis part S. V * By strict attention to Imstnoss, and a,desire to render sat isfaction to all as regards price arid quality, he hopes to merit and receive a smite of pnblic-patrpnago. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from ri distance promptly' attended to. Physicians prescriptions careful! Tiriompbonded. [l-tf. r ViS AND SHEETS IBON-WAKE I EMPORIUM.—The undersigned bis constantly on band a large assortment of • -i i • TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE " which he will'sell cheap WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. Spoufinp put up at short notice in town or country, and painted, at VZ'A dents mr (hot. The le«t qualify of Gtutkipg Stove?, of va rious patterns constantly on hand. ' ■ T . , All kinds of Job Work done witUineatncw and dispatch, r! JOB. M. BUSaT * June IQ, si-tf] OpponU Anurpan Boutte. Mnrma. . Bell, Johnson, Jlack & 00., OFFICES At ® Hollldnysbard anil Altoona. TARAFTS ON THE I‘HlfciPAL CITIES, JLJ and Silver and Gobi for salß; CoUectkjns made.-r- Moueys received on depdair, payaMebh demand. Without In. terfcrt. or*upon time, with interest aitlhlr rates, fl-tf..-’ ■ ' j. n. leSt, 4 TTORNKY-AT-LAW, Hollidays. jC\. ; ncao, »t«B coroit, pa., A ill practise in the several OonrtaS of Blair, Huntingdon tud Cambria counties, and attend, promptly to all coHec. -ion entrusted to him, Otßco (forlhe present) at his reel deuce, corner Allegheny and Penn sheets, UolUdsjvburg, pa - ~ ' , •• ( ' ,1' r*wtf WMi'M BITTNER, SURGEON BtJNTIST o®ce inamedUtoljr oppose the Lutlioma Chnrrh on Tirpluia street. { fOct. 16-t£ • J- G. ADEEM, Qj^naXbUa.(®ia • AI.TouNA, Bt,AIR FA ' 9 **• °*f »; nuemaa.- A LL THE STANDARD PATENT VBmcihKg AT KBSW.Rnn. A L FRESHGAR WIJL DBN SEEDS for sale by (tjrf}- J.L.ICSJtS. ‘ Of all d|Mase,)he great first caw* fs> GT7A«ANwEw) Rt ao. caWs or' tfJEi-IIOT DISEASE , I Sd/-Ah war, ,V«rm“ DtbiUtf. SWdow, Mirt*. a.. - I net Ji'AMttatUt*,. {&■/*!«. /Vt>r» 7* «?**' ■ .liiciei, fbVfo.tj Qf-rt« JLungp, Throat. AW and I iiirt. Mernttw ' I CcfWy ■ Or limb* CUrSsef* ■ Tra> fftHict, «m( all dweuru «*<. : - ■ iiereroanrnl ./Ms te>Nrf fla. ' ' ■ yens, nw os Jyerwnu Trtttihhg, Zees Cf •- ' ■ Zen r/ Grtimil DOm w», Dimnmm P KU^ X the human family. As a permanent cure ; 3 „ 'IS ly ever effected, a majority of the case* tailing iaiuSl bauds of incompetent persons, who not onlv Out to cnllSl disease, but ruin the constitution, filling tiio ,v,n_ m mercury, which, with the disease, hastens tho suffer, r 7!SI ’ a rapid. Consumption, * ‘MgB But should the disease, and tho treatment not cat i ■ Bj speedily, and the victim marries, the dirua*® ,l» uyon the children, who are bom with feeble coiu.tit>u*fi and the current of life corrupted by a ytrns which CoS Itself in Scroffnla, Tetter, ITcers, hruptron* and othaTfi fections of the skin. Byes, Throat, ami tunes, entailin.fi on them a brief existence of (Utbrlng, and consigns,.i.xa to an early grave, BKtK-Ahi’3E is another formidable enemy to Health J nothing else in the dread catalogue of human dioraai M ses Bo destructive a drain upon the system, draviiJ* thousands of,victims, thVough a ft-w years of nsJjg down to an untimely grave. lb destroys tlic NerroaX tem, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, enu.,,3; tal lU'iangemenh prevents the proper development C*? system, dityualiflcsfor marriage; society, busing,,. y - earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wu.ki-d I and mind, predlsjsised to consmnption ami a tisuiuf,, 1 i more to lie dreaded than death Itself. With the i'u'i-, t y.; fidunce 1 assure the anfortuoate victims of helf-Ahin tvl a and speedy cure con ho effected. »n.l siu 14 aliamionmeuk of ruinous practice my patients can be to robust vigorous health. i The afflicted are cautioned against the use of R-.teet icincs, for there arc so many insenions imuej In tbr J amns of the public prints to catch and rob the nnwnrjod It ms that millions have their constitutions ruined bja vjle compounds of quack dot lorn, or the tquuliv nortrarns rended as “ Ve.teut Medidnea.’* 1 have carting analysed many of t 1 ■so called I’atent MedicnesafiiS thiU nearly all of them contain Comeive Buhl;nrvte»ki is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and » ly poison which instead of coring the disease Uhahna system St life. * of the patent nastraoia now in os# in ■ np ty r.nprinclvkd end ignorant persons, whe do iMe derstajid even the alphabet of Ihs ttaiexia mtdiea. ud. • equally a* destitute of any knowledge of tho human'nfc having one object only in view, and that to n'*k« exxun saniless of eonseqwncca.... ' IrregulaHUes and all dtacasqs of males and Pan treated on principles established by twenty yean of>« lira, and sanctioned by thousands of the most reran ii cures. Medicines with (tall directions sent to any tnt the United- States ot Canadas, rby patient* ,cotamsn their symptoms by ktur. ' Btudnsas confldcnt.ah Address Ji tasammfai, x. n. OMetSh. lia mitri St, (OUAb. Idffl Btfme T*ti Philadelphia, J/aty tS, ’K-ij. Howard association, rjm abelphia. >. A Benevolent Institution, established ty qwcutfsadgaai /or the relief qf the tide and distressed, ojfckd tritt Pg ulent and Epidemic diseases. —To all pei suns afflicted with Sexual Diseases, spehM !)t malorrhaa, Sexual Weal nett, Impotence, Omorrbm, Clu Syphilis. the rite of phantom or &y?J6a«, tfc.. di. The Howard Amoojatwh, in view o t the asyful dc:trwti at human life, brtued by Sexual Diseases, and. the drifts: practised upon the unfortunate victims ofsnch Oaeat« i Quacks, tevenlyears agodirected their Commit Injc gv.7-.. an a charitable act worthy of their name, to ope* »X'bp: Buy for the treatment of til* claas of disease* in »U \ ap ; by letter, with a description of their condition- (ago, «c patioa. habits cf Ufc, ac-) and In cases of extreme perrr and suffering, to furnish medicine free* e>f charge. It needless to.add that the Association communis the iiflt. Medical skil> of the age, and will ftirnlsh the most ed modern treatment. The Wrectom, on a review of the past, feel ventr'l their labor* In this sphere of benevolent offnrt; han>l« of great benefit to the afflict'd, esjvclally to t be j-till and they have resolved touevute tlo-uis-dres, with i.-a-.**? zeal, to this vbry Important but much despised r ac»J Wi«IS»J Nocturnal Emissions, Genltalatid Nortons Dlbdity, lew teacy, and Impertinent* toMarriage goueisliy, hr | . B. DE LAXtV. M.D. The important (net that the many alarming; comfWnj originating in the Imprnd-uca And solitude efy uthors ho easily rcajorfttl WITIiOCT MEDICINE,ii in thliet-i; trad, charts demmstrated; and.the entirely newandhlfld ly successful treatment,,as adopted by the Ad'hor.Mn explained, by moans of which every one is euabhC to raj HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, th*rdj| avoiding all tho advartlaid nostrums of the day. ' Sent to Any address gratis and post tree In a *oaW*H vcl # tiM ?• I>G LANKY, Bt> tout 31at street, Sew York City. May 0,1*6*. • , QPRINH AND • SUMMER PASH TONS.—JOHN O.DONXKLL, Merchant Xhilor.lattul Eollidayaburg. desires to inform tho citizens of AIMS* BLd ricinity. that bo has based (be budding two tod North of the Rod Lhm Hotel; and one dcor South of S* gle’s Saloon, on Main street, where he la how rectivia; ts SPRING A!jD SUMMER GOODS. j Consisting In part of Cloth* of all prices, Plva sir! Ftwl Caseimenw, suitable for sumer wear. gflk. Falla VeltnMa seiUee mul ail kin* anight SnmtnrrTteetiiiKi-. everything that may be caiied for. alt .of which iwsfl make to order, on short notice, and Vm the most nw«H ble terms. \ j His long experience in the badness, be tbtuks, vOi ta all who may tiror h{iu with t bah frtrt Map oP'Blair cooNry.—tel subscribers propose to publish a Now Map of EW| ftPeTJDhjlvanii,froiii actual nnnrcys; coßtatatol i ’M Public Roads. Rail Roads, Canals, tiie setad lonl’th w Villages. Post Offices, Howies of. Worship, ScfcMfloc*J| Mwnnfoctoiies, Tanneries. Mills, Hotels, Stems. Farm Il*£S es. name* of Property Owners. Ac. H _Enlarg«l Plans m the Principal Tiling's, a T»Wtf| Ptstances, ami a Business Directory, .giving the name o*3 business of each subscriber, will be engraved on thetv|j| ph. Tho plotting will be to a suitable scale so as tssatra * large and omnniental Map, which will he cot rt 3 mounted in tho beet style, and delivered to *5 per copy. SAMUEL GE|L, 3 . April 16.1888. ISAAC 0. FBEIS - ' ' -■ ' IVTATIONAL POLICE OAZETTE.-i • - Great Journal of Crime ami Criminal* is | w| ito Twelfth Year, ant lg widely circulated thrcn?tt« the county. It contains all the Un-nt Trial*, Caaea. ana appropriate Editorial! no the sonic. together •-Ji Infoi nation on Criminal Martens' not' to be found ia j other newspaper. 1 i S2 |>er annum; SI Ibr sixmonthsg be remitted by snhecribervfwho should write tbeir ana the town,county and State where- tber reside to G. W. YIAT.SEIX A CO, | „ Editor 4 Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette, i 15-tf] jyvtt, yortm | Medicated fub chest pbo| tector, a safe shield against inot*! rwtmil dlssajea Bronchitis. Conrijs. Colds, and other i tMina of the Ln/ra. which arise fh-m the expos'd si*! l ' Chest, accvrdwg in fashion anil Uic continual : „ climate. f»r «iio at th* Tnusc fctor* of 0. >V. R h&' J * '4 T EVi'S PRKPARATION POJP.E^I .1 J terminating KA73, -MICE. ROACHES. I without danger in Its rutc under any sea, for tain at the Drug Store of Jan. 21. ’3*-trj I^LOUB, —THE BEST QUALITY 0?| TAMItT tfLOOTt for sale, Wholesale Apply W J. SHOSMAKEK-, Dec. It, If Haao nic Ti-kp*'- | I UMBER FOB SALE.— I 4 mdoo Shlnglea 60,0b0 Rathe*, , *1 and all kinds of BCIRDIhO lower OaSr J lowMt, fcrrOwh. Apply to JOUH'SIIOEJIAK^' A BDOMINAL W ■Oty*' “^ShonMac VOIi. 3. por'komun, (ptyraU* All papers dlsooutin ptJ for- rowJtoMorJes^ One ( 8 un**?; *«o M (W * } jhroo u l** ,“ ) Dm three week* an. square ibr each inserti. Si* Use* or lea*, One »40are, Two * Throe “ Smut m Half a column, Oho column, Administrator* and k>x Merchants advertising ' with liberty to chan; Professional or Unsin' , Unes, with paper, pe Communication* of <1 terest will bo. charged i Advertisements not i desired, will he coutlm to the above terms. Business notices five Obituary notices exti tribune Presbyterian, Rev. A ery Sabbath morning at 4 o'clock. Sabbath Sc I tore Boom. Prayer Mi the suuo room. Methodist Episcopal, I lug every Sabbath mon ing. Sabbath School it M?. General Prayer Mt day evening. Young > ■evening. _ JSednyelicnl Lutheran the Lecture Hoorn at 9 Iflirwt room every ucdu United Brethren, Rev ery Sabbath morning u 6 o’clock. Sabbnth fk o'clock, A. M. Pray er in same room. ' CbihoKc, Itev. Jonv 1 o'clock in the morning, Baptist, (no Putor.y . African Methodist, Hi evefir Sabbath morning (beAf Xfoloa School 111 . ALTOONA M. Eastern Way and Uoiiu Western" “ ' KoUWaysbnrg fflaetem Through Mail . ; M.V Eastern Through Mail, WSetcrtt Way and Hull I Eastern “ , Office open for tho tra to 8 P. M., during the w on Sunday. Juno 4, RAILRO Express. Train East nrri> “ “ West * Fart “ East “ “ “ Wert •• Mall “ East “ “ “ West •* Tho ICOLLIDAYSIin Train West, Mall Train Rust. The BLAtRSVILLK 1 Way Train East and IV Tram East. Jfcc.il, ’sfr-tfl • MEETINGS . JfMUUain Lndyr, A. 1 day bt each montii. in i ple. at o’clock. V. M Stumcnlhal Encomia: third Tuesday of each i sonic Temple, at T’4 o\ Altoona Lodge, 1. O. i evening, in the second - O’cWck. P. M. Tcrouda Lodge, I. O. evening. In tho third sti street, at 7J,£ o’clock, 1’ Winmbago Tribe, No oils every Tuesday ovc Masonic Temple. Con broth. A. ERKIU.E, Junior Sons of Amrr «Uy night in the third P. JI. cout Judges of o*. OmrU> Aatochites, J. Pour. Jon lyedltnnoLtru —J ( «o i,l RtgisUr and Records . rgo Port. District Attorney —ll, _ OHtn/jf Commissioner for, J. R. McFnrlano. ilWatHftr-S. IbH.v. i Auditors— J. w. Tipp ibor House Directors shiver. , AL,TOONA Justices if the I%ace- E. M. Joue ' «*»»* Council —Jtime Allison. Peter Reed. N* 'BnsisUnt of Cuuncil ' Clerk to Council —Jo) ■ Borough Treasurer —. Din-dors —(7< t Mason, Oeo. IV. bisirks, Treasurer of &AW Ji Big* Ometnhlr. —.’ i»,-] xhw Collector —John i Auditors —U. I). Thun ; Assessor —John McCI \ Assistant Assessors —, Judge of JSUclions —l . “ ' «. V , ■, u V 0. v. KKSSIi?- & TUE Af McCHVIM * OK* TUU CHURCHE Coroner— James Fun! Superintendent of o. Inspector*— East Wai “ West “ “ North c - ■>• himt, m. d. Tyrs. hirs: JL-F their iirofiwjion.i and yfclnUy In W?Vt| Medicini Cjjtntry calls regulai fflWi too same as he By consent, D. R. o<* 1 J. M. flemtuill, M. J. B. JLuilen. M. D_ Rr*. Robs, Royer ai April 22,1838-tC] FLOUR.—T] is now prepare Hour, tnrulo from toan. Orders loft \tith Mr. Juno 12,'30-tf) ■pEA NUTS.- mlngton t’ca Nu March 23, ’SS-ly] PURE Will' Paint, also Cliro *>t gronnd in oil at Hair oil; adea. Shaving 1- tt] H enry l _ John Rohr's » store, ij» North fiBOpERIEf \ J Jeonijlito assnrti c«lT«d ay the store of