Pennsylvania Haiti. trough to Sunbnrr uiinished . Unk,,Jlts«i ' na spiked down.™, of the few railroads! ountry, in course of isped operations da. I'sion. The ctmnec- V illiamsport fit. aterially to improve c latter. ench Gazette Medtial ;u accidentally dig. joruaV By laying * ' u the pain subsides . ua hour the wound ily worth trying. mr.Qenin, a French m he distinguished. erina of male have J' while female eggs extremities. T EM ENTi ll ave AItIUVKD AnD I OK J.\KI>iiCTIOX tin- sromid ngiiJn. p »r, afked you to hold xnv ;p tl» tilKAl’ STORE r-.-miiula mo a liuU of l.rtil«uii wu elected Pre-- t!ip crowd uud you will it Ml OK'S STORK. From th- quantity of goods off very rapidly say to you, air, go ll )»■ lolly realised. I|* d -u.Mmeut of Goods. ' and give the trimmings other goods'in l-iupor- li'Ti- 1 am going to buy ' Loily flic, flood byo.” AVAKE. VINE'.TAKE, CKDAJW ARB, \MIW Flirt*, 4c.; .'tj. with Mlmica, Boyawyl utluT article kept in i bail cheap for xath, & taken in exchange far i:. a. MoConaiOK, KW GOODS.— /I returned IxomthoCity a •1 i -»J.j QOl>S, : | tNDBfIMJI mid CHpJap, %\ ■ brought to tiit* place. 4] lute in lli« season, at a-f itly reducedpr). .♦ m ot very small prof lying customers. • ?i mC GOODS, Cj 4M.E, CHALMEB, , i. i’i»lL. PECHEVRKS, '■HAMS, ic. v.tri-tty. together triflt *';j -'.ln. Straw flood*. iia S'AItE, QUEENS- I to tii-ir■•uivHntage ty ■ In- nmlursold- * ■ t i iCAP GOODS! i tfdlly iiifortn thedtt l.e )>u* jiut rcceWedhk mi flooDS, FANCY DRESS I nine*, Cludllc*, Dncal*, i ilrir Willi al( kinds of , hi cheap lor cu*b. . ' WARE, HARD \'I) SHOES, V i in store* in thi* place, r I'EM In my business MUf/ v. “ marked my good* Wt inn :t;i.lcump«ri*on v t|» tire-,' of any otheritdro . h-let* for youreelXeS. ’ liunga fur good*, at^» j. b.iriLEMAsr. ’ '.-a 858. FKKEI) AT THE SIIIOSS. io pleasure of an .l: ’u:i. mut the “mtof n Din Bliilmlelphta wM, f HEITItsU. KHEXCH i -u-isting, ip part, c 4J— K L>l ESHANGK, N UI'UUN" BAREGE, STYLES, *• from OK upward* K DRESS SILKS, hams, prints,*?, V . , ;al attention' to hb V, ijiviUty and variety, to bo apjireclated. •i l Ladlca’ Dress Trim* Among hla stock ii • > and ShoWwHlha 11 inul'.tcturcru. ■, ' i..v. Hardware, Ac,!* .Icli by the wanr defy u of all whocajltjpop elicited. CiIAS. J. >IANN; \*)S—JJBBSV i.-ifjnu the eltizena : ■ that he Jins Just and Varied BW’Ortmqut TAIL at bat a mini I oi.uiprißca HATS ■■ and hlioiie. All who ‘•>llala well to give him the luoit fastidious, ■ exhibit bin stock frtt ‘ ili and I ginin ihrectl dU«dtf' r (April AlpTb tARY EMPORIUM, ALTOONA, M-v n Ibiblicatlomor the i •, MagHzinos, Jtoveb , School Books, OoRX :.-.f nod .Letter Paper, ■. KUnk Books anoin Tove, Norioof arid' i'Mtnre Frames, T°~ - Ac ' ■ r rail Agent, in thl? < AI.VE. It do«W* ■ liej. Try it; (7-tf. . • nsurancb of the Blair /ipuny. . Is »* '•** ; (>y fire, Snifd , /-■ ./y, of every d**’ i jiiablo rates as an/ ! - .uir Templo. KIMAKEB, Agent- I COAL!— isOAL ;y [mrt of tho tovru .iOIIN AI.USOS. JivNTLEMEN I*. TROUT innoan* uie-hargo h«s diriy | jnn. 3, ’46-, ILL KIND'S , tie.—Deeds, Mo? 1, r l.y r N i c Tciuiile, AltOOß*' TS, CREAM l ’.' TsHDtlAifDi ; i I'hiladelptk-i LOGS j, L. iqaffif* §l|i» LOCAL items. Ppbuic Mjjbiwo.-— Pawuant to a call/given , y posters, a number of the citizens of this place onvened in the cld Town Hall, on Friday even- i u t, to moke arrangements for the proper; jelebration of the eighty-third anniversary of lor.Nationdl Independence. On motion, Ifcos MoMihs,: Esq., was called to io Chair, and E.B.MgCbux elected Secretary,- I The President invited some one of thepersonh Lreaent toatate the; object of the meeting, to Uich-L. W. Hall,.Esq., responded, stating the [bject and making a few well-timedand appro priate rennfrks, concluding with a motion to the [feet that a Committee of Arrangements, eon- Istiog of two personsfrom each Ward, be ap- Uintcd." . ■ Dr. C. J. Hirst moved to amend the motion rj inserting the names of iwV persons from Lo ;an township. The amendment was accepted and the motion Girled, whereupon ( the following persons were ;ucd as the Committee:— > East Ward—George B. Cramer, Mathew T. ..I. ' North Ward—John Allison, Henry Lehr, obt. Green. \ West Ward—Ai. C. J. Hiret, C. B. Sink. Logan Trout/ Martin Runyan, i On motion, the i,members of the Committee ere empowered to select a number of ladies in heb Ward and the Township to 00-operato with lem in getting up the celebration. I Mr. Hall stated that, in order to get up a cel bra ti on worthy of the day andi the town, a Ist |c money would bo required . for the purchase r fire works, 4c., and ho hoped that there was bcrality and patriotism enough among the in-i nbitants of Altoona to induce them to contri- Lte willingly for this purpose. Those who [isb to contribute to this fund con do so by tiling upon any of the members of the Com illtee. The Committee, or persona appointed, [ill also wait upon allj persons in the differ tt wards and township to solicit contributions i money or other materials necessary for the session. . It was suggested that the Fifth of Jalybeset mrt as the day to be observed. A general invitation is to be extended to all unite in the celebration. Oa motion adjourned. THUS, McMINN, Tru't. E. B. McCbijm, Sec'if. After the adjournment of the meeting the lembers of the Committee decided to meet at ic same place, on the next evening to enter pon their duties. f. moCIiEDLXGB OF tin: meetikq/ V*' ' AtTOQSA, JonelO, 1858. According to previous notice, the Committee kpomted to make arrangements for celebrating ic approaching anniversary of our National lu T fcpendeace, met in the Masoaic\ Hall, at 8 [’clock, P. M. i ' Order being observed, on motion, John Trqnt, sq., was called to the Chair/ and C. J. ftirst, . D.," elected Secretary. On motion of Geo. B. Cramer, Esq., a cordial mtation was ordered to be extended to the itizeusof Altoona, Logon township and the üblic in general, to meet on Monday the fitb f July, at an hour and place to be hereafter fentioncil, for the .purpose of observing in a teeming manner, the 83d anniversary of our iatiunal Liberty. | ' [Ou motion, the Committfeeadjourned to meet 6 ,l * u ou Tuesday afternoon, 22diast., for the brpoae of viewing and selecting a suitable r.,v« in which to spend 'the day as above mcn- F cJ - C.J. HIRST, Sce’y Com. Arrangements. . June 22, 1858. i [committee met according to adjournment and fter viewing several of the groves, fixed upoDl delightful one on the farm of Mr. HilemanJ tout a mile froth the centre,of town, in which r le 13 a beautiful spring of clear, cold water, pple arrangements iu the line of swings and" bnous sources of amusement will be miufo upon e ground. r I Thb Committee strongly desire to have a mag* |.ment display of fire-works on the hill, in East tmona, m the evening. This can not be oc- Jmpllshed wUhout an outlay of several dollars' , lerefore it will depend upon the spirit and Ufa rility of the good citizens of this place to Say mother such an interesting arrangement can t got up. A trifle—so cents or $l,OO from tch votey mthe town and vicinity—will fully loot all demands, and who is he that docs not Uuo his liberty,- annual#, to the amount of 14 wdl be nocespary for the Com- PSlri. rtlf ‘ he 9th thc amount L bich they can venture to become responsi- L“® lt v hoped tsmt all who feel dis [s^l- to have a display, allke]creditable arid in- E!L m k c 6 evenin g «>f that day, will band t 0 “J 00 ® of the Committee More tho time above mentioned. lnwi°b“f it l ee i deem H on, J necessary to ari tunce thc fact, .to a patriotic and grateful nub- Lfj 7fl at ft pleasant gro tied and the necessary arrangements made to Kr« n wK te n h A tgreat / n an on [Wo will be plenseiMoheownr- Joul- earliest convenient f y ®“ acce P ta nce loom most rSpectf tt fly r _ N Lcjh “ a m» kindly and truly yours Altoona, 1858. L ° UIS W ‘ $ AL ?'', Fr om % above u will he seen that a tclc^ta Critee. • tion is now & liked foot, ond-v only requires the hearty co-operation of onr citizens with the Committee of Arrangements, to make It; one of largestand most interesting-affairs that has ev eroamo off in this section of the country. Al though but lately appointed, the Commute has -effected as many of the arrangements as it was : possible for them to make in the same length of time,- and we are sure that they will have every .thing completed at an early day. : The Committee intend to select thirty-two lit tle girls, to represent the different States of our glorious Union, who will be dressed in white -and crowned with wreaths, each one to wear a badge containing the coat-of-anns of Hie State which she*'represents. This will form One of the ipost imposing, /beautiful and approppriate displays of the occasion. „ Wo sincerely hope that our citizens will re spond, in their :characteristic manner,/ -to the call of the Committee for money to procure a supply of fire-worksforthe evening display,— A- celebration, now-n-days, without a display of this kind in the evening, to wind it up, is no celebration at all. Let our people call upon the members of .the Committee :andhand over what ever ibey may feel able fo give, without waiting to be asked for it, and we are stir? they will not begrudge the amount after witnessing the dis play- ' 1 Many other arrangements are yet to be made, all of which will be perfected previous to our next issue, in which wo shall give the entire programme, and an attractive one it will be. fSSf* The following table exhibits the earn ings and expenses .of the Pennsylvania Railroad for the month of May, compared, with that of the same i month lost year; also, the receipts and expenditures of the same from the. first of Jan uary, 1858,1° the 31st of May, compared with that.of the same period last year: $480,476 62 405/563 07 Slay, 1808, *. 1857, Increase, $74,823 55 Decrease, $3,87(5 00 Decrease In Expenditures, $3,870 09 , Increase in Receipts, 14,023 55 Nett Earnings, • v 64 . • - EsanufSß.; jtxPEnwiijßM. Jon.l to May 31,1858, $2,107,926 25 $1,203,847 69 “ “ 1857, 69 l/WO/W 65 Decrease, $6/574 34 Decrease, $lO3/589 89 Dacreaao in Expenditures, $163,389 89 “ Receipt*, 6/574 34 Nett Earning*, Commenti on the above would be useless.— Eveiy reader can see at a glance the condition of the road. While the receipts up to this pe riod, this year, fall short of those ofhast year §6,374 84, the expenses for the same period are $163,389 89 leas, thus leaving a nett gain of $157,015 55. None but the best financiers could have worked but such a result. We have been requested to state that a celebration of the Fourth of July will beheld iu Altoona, on Monday the sth, Most of the cele - brations in this county will take place, on the 3d; so that, by this arrangement, if there be sufficient patriotism in opr citizens, they can participate in two celebrations. Prom ourknow,- ledge of, at least, One of the managers of the Altoona celebration, we have no doubt it will do honor to the place and the iay.—Ebenaburg Mountaineer. We can inform our cotemporary of the Moun taineer.phut all the managers, of the celebration ore good men, and that they do not intend to half do the thing. They have catered into the matter of arranging the programme for the oc casion with spirit, and they possess energy and perseverance enough to bring it out perfect. We can promise our friends .of the Mountaineer , and all of the fraternity who con possibly may it convenient to attend, that they will not be dis appointed Lntheir expectation? of a gala day. We hope to see many of them present on that occasion. Gome along, and we will prove to yon that Altoona is not a “ohe-horse” to wn, by any means. W-' • , Yonsp Dramatic Association. —The third apd fourth Entertainments of this AsSo oiation were given in Military Hall, on Thurs day and Friday evenings last. The Hall .was well filled on both occasions with a respectable and orderly audience. The pieces selected by the Association were well executed and called forth mpeh applause. The young men ore evi dently improving in their vocation, many of them displaying, as muoh ease and .grace upon the stage as some of the oldest ci# actors.' It could not be expected that Entertainments of this Association would rival those of similar character in .the cities, hut they approached them very olosely. With a Utile more practice and a larger room in which toj make their ap pearance, we think that a few them at least would so an command as much ’admiration as some of the city stars. There is as muoh talent in the country as in the cities, and all that is to cause it to shiac' forth, is an oppor tunity, such as the young men now enjoy. An Impbotbmkst.— ; We p6tice, within the jlast few days,-that the office of Drs. Hirst & Good and the building occupied by Collins & Arm strong and Pleaspnt pa, . a market house and barber shop, have been removed from the corner of Annie and yirginia i street, to make room for a brick building Bfi by 60 ifeet, about to .lje by oar Enterprising citizens, Messrs Lowther & Flack, who, we understand, have purchased the lot on which tho buildings men tioned Jfqnßedy stood. The first floor of the new bn intended for a store room. It is one of the beat locations in the town.' 'That comer has long needed a building of the kind proposed to be erected by the gentlemen above mentioned, to, make it correspond with those on the opposite side of the street. i Tun BaUi.anp Buffeb.—We leom that the “Ball turd Snpper” which’came off at the Washington Hotel, on tire evening of the 16th j D 8L» wain affair. , About twenty cou- P# Iteftiln 1 attendance and kept up tbespprt until near four o’clock the next morning. The Supper prepared is spoken of in highly creiUta ■blc terms. Cehtbal Bask.—This institution, located at HoUidaysbpcg r .is now In foil blast. We hare not jet obtained a sight of any of the notes of the Bank, bnt leam from .those who ha*e, that they iu:e neatly executed. will \ftn~ region of country ieniaias to be soen. WeJjopc it may. JCtPBSBtttiaZS. $260,778 29 3B " $157,016 55 " ■ 1 iiei- -Vf ; B®-We publish belief ttiat it | ( s applicable ;to this Willy, *s Wfj ll Mtbatfr* winch itwas originally intended, affil hope that if any one should feel himself for'membership in the corps spoken he Trill report himself immediately, as the captain. Is anxious to know hia men, and have them labelled: ■ I Wanted —About 175 young men of alf shapes and sizes—from the tall, bean-pole oatmy, with hair enough on his upper works to stuff a barber s cushion, down to the little hump backed, frookled-faced, bow-legged, carrot-head-. fduP ;®* e object is to form a gaping corps,' tobe athmdapt at the chuioh doors on each Sabbath, before and after divine service, to stare at the females as they enter and come out : and to.make delicate and gentlemanly (?) remarks atouttheir persons and dress. All' who wish to enlist in this corps will please appear at theva nons church doors; next Sunday, where they will be duly inspected, and their’ age, names, personal appearanoe and quantity of brains ree mtered m a book kept for . that purpose. To prevent a general rush, it will be well to state that none-will be enlisted who possess intellec tual capacities; aboye that of a well-bred donkey, -~Capt. Impudence,- , ■Abob City Collxqb, Pxttsbubo, Pa.—Extract from a letter dated Jpne 2d, from,Mr. Samuel Bridge, of Blair county, Pa. ; Mr. F. W. Jenkins—Dear Sir—After a trial of better than three months in keeping the P°oks of an extensile Iron Works, I am exceed ingly happy to inform you that I find the knowl edge and practice acquired at the Iron City Col lege mpre than| sufficient to enable me to succeed in piy undertaking. At first I had some doubts, and no little anxiety, to know whether I was folly competent for tiie task, but though short my experience, I deem it amply sufficient to Warrant me in saying that a young man can be come a-practical book-keeper in the Iron City College. lam fully persuaded that were the merits of the “Iron City” fuUy known, you could not accommodate the pupils that would apply for - Respectfully Yours, Samuel Bbldgk, Jb. Bor specimens of writing and circulars, ad dress P. W. Jenkins) Pittsburg, Pa. Thanks.— At a meeting of the colored peo- Sabbath held in the old Union chnroh, in this |placs on the 20th inst., the fol lowing unanimousaotion yras had:— ' Whereas, w|j have been assisted in establish ing our school by Rev. R. W, Oliver, in the gen erous and unsolicited donation of almost our entire little booia being new, well adapted and quite considerable in ggmbar, thus placing the means of religious instruction and usefulness in our grasp, without cost; therefore, Resolved, That we take tnis occasion to return the idonor oar heartfelt thhnks for his repeated favors, appreciating such kindnesses the more because they are rare, and we will do all that in us lies to provc(Ourselves worthy. Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the Tribune. ■ f : JOHN ALEXANDER, Supt. Excursion 4 . — -Excursion tickets will be issued from all stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad, between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, good on nil regular train? froin the 3d to the (Jthof July, inclusive. This; wUhafford all persons on the line of the Railroad an opportunity to atteud the grand celebration, in this place, on the sth of July, but we hope it will he no inducement for our citizens to go'abroad. From the exten sive arrangements now being njade, we feel sure that many indocemehts will be offered to keep all of thqm at’home, to witness the sights, if not to entertain those who will he attracted to the town. Man Without Aipis.—Prof. Gesaley, the man bom without arms, who haa, from habit, tamed his foot into a hand, gave two exhibitions in this place, on Saturday and Monday night last. It is truly astonishing to witness the dexterity with ; which he cut handle a pen, load and fire a pistoll, make paper boxes, shoot with a bow and arrow, &0., with his-'toes. As a curiosity, his performances are worth the price of admission, and he deserves to bo encouraged for the reason that, notwithstanding his malformation, he en deavors to support himself, instead of becoming a charge upon Ms friends or the public. . Accident. — TVc regret to chroniole an acci dent which befel ouT; clover friend, Henry W. Snyder, on Thursday; morning last. It appears that he was standing;:oh the top of a ladder, 26 or 30 feet high, measuring some portion of the Pa. R. R. Shops, when the foot of the ladder gave way, .‘precipitating him to the floor. He fell with his back upon the ladder, partially breaking pne of his ribs and somewhat injuring his sppe. Dr. Christy was called in immedi ately, iand administered all possible relief, and we are pleased to state that he is now recover ing rapidly. | , Death op Fbof. Baeub.—Two weeks since we noticed the assassination of the above named gentleman, in-Pittsburg, while on his way from the depot to the |9co|t House, by a notorious character named Japesl McKee, who knocked him down with a i slujhg shot To-day we are colled upon to cbromole his death, which oc curred. on Friday afternoon lapt, at 6 o'clock.— In his idying declarations he proclaimed McKee as. the |man who had Struck him. The corofier’s jury returned a vordipt .that the deceased came - to his.ilcatb from a flow or blows inflicted on his head by some heavy substance in the bands of Junes McKee. > Parpr yaMx.r—On; Wednesday of last week, while the hands engaged in Mr. John Shoema ker’s Shoe Store went! at dinner, a man named Jooob Kephart stole ’a pair of shoes from' the front of the Store. Mr. Ely, our energetic con stable, immediately; instituted search for the thief, and caught him.■ fie was taken before ’Squire Good; but in consideration of his con dition when, the crime was committed, he was discharged. ■ Tnk :W*BTEt.—‘We’ learn from Capt. Israel Kcim and several other formers of Newport, Perry county, that the weave! has commenced its ravages in the grdwing.wheat crop inthat neighborhood, and that they are found in such quantities as to cause the most fearful appro: hensions of -great damage and disappointment. Wo h«v,c not yet learned whether they have mode their appearance in the grain in this vi cinity .or not. 1 ' Pnot.twc.7-A heifer belonging to Mr^-Daniel Yojinjfof this placc.gavebirth td list defeihped aridserfec|; but notdmng.-fiiyiffrK 1 How toPusykst Consumption.— lt persons UfacOnsomptito predisposition would have; a speedy resort to soroo erffectoal medioineattho first approach of a Cough or Gold, there would be fewer deaths from this intinletabte 'disease f the fault is in delaying udtittho seises hold of the vital parts, when it is often too late| To check the first symptbms of the disehto, wc. knOw of no remedy .Superior to Dr. Keyseris* Pectoral Syrup, for sale .at G. W.'Kessler's ; Anothee Cbevabsb.—Weare Sony to Informi our readers that another crevasse has occurred in the time of the author of the “Letters to the Young Men- of Altoona,” which- has prevented him from filling Ins usual space in our columns this week, thereby disappointing them of a rich treat for which they await anxiously. Next week the ‘‘Letter” will be on hand. CuLOßtoa Fluids roa the'Haie are Dan -ozbous. —Professor .Wood’s Hair Tonic restores the color, not by the .nitrate of silver process, but by a restoration y of the healthy functions upon which the original' and natural color of the hair and its moisture, its gloss, its life, and consequently, its original«beauty depended.— Professor Wood, at the age of thirty-seven joars, was as gray as a man of eighty, and hia hair was dry, thin and dead. Now he has not a single grey lock upon his crown, nor is his hair thin or dry, but soft, pliable and moist as that of a child of five years. This preparation acts upon the roots, for after an -application, that portion of the hair nearest the scalp is found .restored to the original color, whatever it was, while the ends of the hair ore gray. Try Wood’s Hair Tome, and do not apply any other till after you have this. With this resolution you will never have occasion (o use a hair dye. Caution. —Beware of worthless imitations, as several are already in the market, called by dif ferent names. Use none unless the word (Pro fessor Wood’s Homßcstorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo., and New York,) are blown in the buttle. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal ers. Also by all Pancy and Toilet goods deal ers in the United States and Canadas. See ad vertisement. The Panic—Moke Failures.— The panic in New; York seems to be on tbe increase. In this cky eveiything goes on smoothly, and the only failures we have heard of were the failures to furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty to be encountered by those who patronize'the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above sixth. Gentlemen, hud Youths never foil to pro cure capital fits at this-popular establishment. The Best Cough jklauiciNE. — One of the very best Cough Medicines to be found any where, is Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup, sold by G. W. Kessler, at 50 cents per bottle. See advertisement of Dr. Sandford's LIVER- INVXGCRATOR in another column. Swan & Co’s Lottery Commissioners En dorsed by the Mayor and Postmaster of Augusta, and an Ex-U. S. Senator of Georgia. , A CARD Frpm the Commissioners, and Certificates from the Mayor and others of the City of Augusta: AcecsTA, BicimoaD Corarr, Geoegia : . This Is to certify that wo have superintended the drawings of the Sparta Academy Lottery, Samuel Swan & Co., managers at Augusta, Ga., from the commencement of its drawings, and’ still continue to superintepd the same. Each drawing is solely and exclusively under our control, and we can assure the public that the managers are men of honor, respectability and fair dealing, and everything connected with the entire business is carried on with the most scru pulous and exact integrity. V LEON P. DUGAS, , FREDERIC C. BARBER, Commissioners of Sparta Academy Lottery. Augusta, Ga., June 7tb, 1858. Adodsta, Ga., June 7, 1868. From long personal acquaintance with Leon P. Dugas and Frederic C. Barber, we take great pleasure in certifying that they are men of the highest mtegriiy asul probity, and in tins com munity are esteemed and regarded os highly honorable and worthy citizens. Hon. B. CONLEY, Mayor of the City of Augusta: JAMES M. SMYTHE, Esq., Postmaster of the City of Augusta. Hoir. JOHN P. KING, ■ Formerly U. S. Senator. THE GREAT 'ENGLISH KEMED Y. SIB JAMES CL ABBE'S Celebrated Femae Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J: Cfarke, 31. D., Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfeUing in the core of all those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con stitution is snljject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy core may bo rclfed on. - TO UABBCED' LADIES it la peculiarly suited, it will, ia a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. x Each bottle, pricepne'dollar,bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION'. These Pills should not be taken by females during (lie first three monthsof Pregnancy, a* they are sure to bring on Mis carriage, but at any other time they are yctfe. 1 In all cases ofNcrvoas and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure When all other moans have felled, and although a. powerful remedy, do not contain' iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. . Fnlb directions in the pamphlet around ench package, which should bo carefully preserved. . Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Baldwin & Co*) . ' " Rochester, N. Y. ,N. 8.-rslßo and 6 postage stamps enclosed. to any an thorized Agentj Wifl insnre a bottle, containing 50 Tills, by return maU. B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for sale by all Brngglsis. 1 [Juno 8,1868.-ly. ALTOONA_MARKETS. COBBECIES WZEXJ.T BT "f. * 1. tOWTHiB. JTlonr—Superfine, ft bbl. " Extra, ft « CornJdoal, ftcwt. Botdtoes, ft bush. Bry Apples, ft “ Butter, ftr Lord, “ Hutu, V “ Shoulders, - « u ‘ Side, ' ft ■Eggs, ft dot M’LAIN k LEHR’S FLOUR MARKET, M’Lalo k lehr sell their floor at the foHowiug rates:— Family. «bbl. $5,76 « «; « “ 'gnperflne, “ $1,87jd@5.00 “ • f* Supwflli^« - -4^5, ' XL LEHR'S FLOOR MARKET. Pxfr» Family Flour, Sppcrffne Extra,beet quality, “ : “ Brush Creek, Superfine, ' , MARRt£». On Uio XTUi instant, hr Erv. J. H. C- Bosh, >Jr. JAMBS Q. SHANNON to Miss ELIZABETH Sl'EWAßT.bOlhof this county. - , - : DIED , Itf ihisplacr, on the 20ifi inisf, after V lingering lUm-ea. Str. ABCHUBAIiB McCACUEAK, ig.'i 35 >w and 1 mcwto. ' t $1,75 $5.00 1,75 78 1,75 ■'' ’V 13 - 10 13 JO ‘65 A 00 ■4 76 *%*■ « AUTTFIBLASSORTMENTOF ESTRAOTSFORTHE HANDKERCHIEF, ported Orieutal '■ Frantfi- , , •V Sackch, . k 1 Soaps, Flair " Brushes,. Too th_ Brushes, " Pressing f Combs,PockctCombs, Purser, Bay Leaf Water,, etc, JUST BECEIT&O AND tOB SALB L«lf At T ■ « is*.'., ; : A. ROUE'S. : Juno 18, lsSB.-tf ; . - pONCENTRATBD LYE, F&R MA v/ KINO Soft Soejv and Soap Powder for. Washing. one pound equal to *lx of common Soap; Castile; Reap, Pal at Soap.- Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and Ibr salelat June 10,1858.-tf) A.'ROUSH'S. SODA WATER! SODA WATER! THIS PLEASANT AND AGREEABLE BEVERAGE ALWAYS OS DBACOUT i;’ AT ROUSH'S DRUG STORE, N Virginia Strut, aims the LuthereOh Church. June 2J,.18&8.-tf . "i;ij ; CAMPHENK, BURNING il-'LUID, Linseed Oil, Spirlte of Turpcntink White Lead and Alcohol, fur sale cheap at 1 , A. ROUSH’S. OLUTION OP CITRATE OF MAG NESIA—a codling Cathartic, mild in l(a opontUon und agreeable to the taste, prepared and for sale; by Juueat, 1858.-t£ A, nOVSa,Druggitl.. QPERA- CIGARS! J.-> ' THREE BELLES, | NEPTUNES, FORTALIZAS, ‘' LA ROSAS, LA ABULAS, For sale by A. ROVSJI, :Vruggiit. Jane 34,1858.-tf POSITIVE INFORMATION!—THE undersigned having perfected their Sjirlug Stock, now offer to tho public the LARGEST LOT OPGitOCE 111ES over presented in the town of Altoona. Our object in publishing this card is to present the fol lowing facts: .- Ist. Tho recent hard times have very ranch reduced the price of Groceries in tire city, especially to cash 'buyers.' ,2d. We bought these Groceries in large lots, many of' them from first hands. ' 3d. Wo bought thorn entirely for cash. 4th. >Vc sell for ready pay. 6th. We keep our stock foil by weekly receipts. ' 6th. We are determined tokoepup thecredit of onr house. 7th. We sell more GROCERIES than liny other store in Blair county, at less per cent. I V '; Bth. We sell cheaper Gum any other store in ,the county. A continuation of patronage is respectfully solicited. Altoona, June 10,1868. McLANB & LEHR. Y ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Tho undersigned offers for mils a tract of EIGHTY ACRES of land, situate in Vurguson township,' ClttfwfiehJ county, on thaSouth side of the West Brauch of the Sustijitohunna River, about five milcifrom Cnrwenavilla and ouo mile below Lumber City, the premises are con veniently situated, and among other inducements to pur ohqscrs are two extensive beds of IRON ORE, one of which exceeds nine foot in thickness and‘yields from forty-five to eighty per cent. There la, also apalmndance of ' . ' !i LIMESTONE AN J) STONE COAL on tho premises, makingit a desirable situaGua to penons wishing to engage in the manufacture of IronJr There Is the beat of frater power on tho pretnisot. and Gie river is navigable with arks, b<»t«,ic.,freih;thispolnt. Persons desiring any further Information wilt address ’ „ , wm. g. McCracken, March 25-3m.] New Millport, Clearfield Co., Pa. House, sign, ornamental & CARRIAGE PAINTING.—Tho nnderifebed beg leave to inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they have commenced the business oi HOUSE, SIGH, ORNAMENTAL AND CARRIAGE PAINTING , GLAZING, PAPER-HANGING, VAR NISHING, 4-<7., ft in all their various branches, and are prepared to do all work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch. They have on hand a largo assortment of painting ma terials and Window Glass of all sizes, also Stifned Glass and Looking-Glass Plates, which enablosthem to do work in an Improved style and at reduced rates. i By strict attention to business we hope to mijrß a share ot rrablle patronage. Onr room is on YirginJa street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store. KEYES * WALSH? April 8,18584m!*. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING SUITABLE FOB THE'SEASON,' JUST RECEIVED BY ETTiNGER & ULLMAN, I AND NOW BEING DISPOSED OF ATPBICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. MR. .ULLMA.N announces that he is is always on band and will take great pleasure in g upon oil who may fevor him with a calC’ He feels confident that bo will be able to render satlsfiction both In quality and price. [AptlUB-3m REMOVAL ! I have eemOved mt Ware* ROOM to the corner of SMITHFIELD and THIRD Streets, opposite Young’s Furniture Wareroota. ? >f Pittsburgh, April-1,1858 Cm. ■ ROBLE. FURNISHING WABBROGH. T HAVE OPENED A STOM FOR JL the sale of EVERY ARTICLE wanted ftvFfcRNISH ING A DWELLING HOUSE, MattresseS, K& Bolitertand Pillows; Comforts Spreads, and Quilts ofereryistyleaud price. Satin, De Loino and Lace Curtains; Butnaslc and Moreens,'Brocstels and Plushes;'Muslin Curtain*}Figured Musjin nnd with Lac? Edge; l Tassels and Cords Of every description* Grit Cornices of every variety andftyja, and some splendid patterns for windows; Gimp and Brass Bands;' Blinds of all kinds; Window Shades of every? price and style. Also, Venetian Blinds. Friends and strangers ore invited to'calfand see as inthe new store. - IHh Pittsburgh, April 1; ISSS-Sm.- 1, ■■■'■ WM.iROBLE.' Blair- county daguerrean BOOMS.—Mr. G. W. FISHER, the MoUSdaysburc Artist; begs leave to inform oprreadors that bo Is,prepared to take" ■' 'j ' ' ''■ - Photographs of deceased persons, ftom Daguerreotypes, at thi shortest notice and "on the most reasonable terms. Tie has just received a large stock, of durable and neot cases, of pH sizes and styles; including Anew pattern of Family Case for four persona, and is pro- Sto'flQ them'with perfect likenesses, OOTYPE, DAOUKREEOTYPE 08 PHOTOGRAPH. ’ Give him'a call. Rooms on the corner of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, Hollidaysburg, Pa. [June IT-tt X>LAKK BOOKS AtfD STATIONA ri ARY. MTM. S. ITAYfcy. ’JansiLi, joßPEurrEa, Siatiovbji aso Blaxk Book /jf/Jffli, Cbrajr Marlel tiSecond St&THUburg, Jfy. QISv respectfully invites attention to his large and well rejected Stock of ” ■:• Blank Book, Pape f and Rail , Road, Mercantile and Boole renting,. of every description, promptly executed. • r J : Agent faflr. Johnson *' Co, Typo Founders, rjiliadel- Py* ; - I:,--: IJpoij 17-Jy. T IMEI JiIME I LIME !-—Dui^ausvillc 1 j Ltine Kilns, near HolUdaysburg, Pa. hns now in'' operation, fbmvhirgo Lfmo RfiWi producing daily largo quantities of the TV ! ' - BEST QUALITY OF WHITE LIME. 110 is prepared to' fill nil order?, from 1 btrihel to ten taonsaud Bushels, dt the lowest rate*. • delivered at any point on the Pennsylvania Ball Road;, also, at Altoona, or any point in tlio surround ing country; by wagon, or at the kiln. Address : - ,- - . . u . . JAMES BOSK. Junoli-dm] Diuicamriile, Blair Co. l\i. CASH HYSTE3I ADOPTEIX^-THE .subscriber hereby gives notice that on and after the lB5B, he wiliadopttha cash system in his business. Having suffered heavy losses and uracb eoihar* raiment by indulging in the credit system, ; bo is deter , mldodto dfipose of no more coal, after this above da'to, ex cept for the ready cash. ; ;f; :7Jnno 17-tf-J- AJlli ft neatly aid expedicioaßte T nnHE LIVEUT INVIGORAIOBI JL ; FBBPAIEED,BY DK. BAKfORI) < O&MFOBNDED ENTIRELY PROJI GUMS; I* Ode of the host PbrgatKe nm» Liter M,«dicinta nowbe fbrethfe*, that act( rw a OiOiortir, easier, m tMer and Wort tlfcrlual limn any other medicine khoan. It i»BOt only a Ollhart'ie, but a I.h* r remedy, artjng n r *t on tho Liter to eject its morbid matter. then on the stomach amt boWeis to carry off that rustier, thus aoeompushing two purposes eflVctuiilly, without any of the' painful feelings experienced in tin: operation* of meet C bOiartU*. It Strengthens the system at the same Umr that it purgpa it;’ ami when taWen dally in in.shunto dos.e, a, 31 strengthen and build itupwith unilsaat rapidity. ■ The Xiiymta one of the;' [principal regulators of the human body; and when it iperioruis itsfUncliotfawell, the powers of the ejstenl| t !uxc ftilly derrlopcit The i&HuteJk la almost ou.’tlio hralthy action of tho Liter for 'the l Cu - proper perfiu nmnctt-of in* functions; whso tliastom-j ,ach is at fault, thd bowels arc at Ctult, sin'd tho whole Q isystem feoDors* In couse* quenco of one organ—the! having ceased to do its duty. IW thedl;ioases;Lj of that organ, one of the proprietors him made Uhls “ 'study, In a practicedmoca than twenty-year*, to And some retu«V«hiivtti»hto counteract U|o many do- rabgctnehU to Which It i» uahle. , aJJ . Topwrothatlhisrcmc- W;dy La at last fomal. abi-pci. *on troubled 'with Liver im.anv.otiU toms, has but! to try a byt- V.tie, and conviction i, cer tain. . v-. ■ .. j, I These. Onhu remove allj j morbid or bad matter ft«n the' system, supplying ,in u a hwatbyflow of bile, , invigorating the stomach, causing (pod to digest well, poairmo tax K.|imoon, giving ton#, .and health: to the whole machi- * jnery, removing the can*® of the disease—effecting a .■ UtUOlls ATTACKS are cur- IMjed, xsit, Vtu\t IS mtvrt» pRrvc.TTEn, by the. occa* ujUional nsoof the latch is- VIOOBATOR. j Onb dose altercating is JsulCCicKttolrclJote lfeesto mach and prevent this Rx>d **; from rising and soitrint •, Only one duso taken bo- Hqlfort xctlrhur, pr«\eiU Nightmare. .• Tl | Ouly omi dose taken at l- T ole gently, and curs* Cos- One Ut»«tokeuafUireach!p>!meal will cure,Dyspepsia 1 ! «ir Ono dose of two tea- ,Ji.poonafiU will always rt* iicveSick HubAcbt. . W! • Ono bottle token forfe- finale ol*trnctj 0 common Heudachi, all df dhich are the result of aSiskisim jUivzar •"* puiuk o.\snouo.a nu uoiile. , , ' * DR. SANFOBD, Prunrietw, 315. Brwdw.iy,'Kcw Yolk. , Sold by 0, W. Kesslix, Altoona ; and retailed AW all Druggists. [May 27, IWS.-ly Great beautipiEr i so ':: .‘long unsuccessfully sought, ■*• S£‘‘ FOUND* AT LAST! FOR IT KESTOKKS PER ALANKXTLYfiII AY ■ HAIR TO its original color; cover* luiurinritlythe rre move* all dandruff, itching and aH/scroßUi, scab} hr£d ami all ernptioug; makes the hair kilVlicalthy ‘ wiU preserve it to any Imaginable asej remoVeft %k iHly iaagic, all blotches, Sc,, from thoftcaand corciUI neuril gia and nervous hoadacho- Sac circular and the futiu^btg: _ T ' A t Dover, N. If., Fob. 2d, 1807. ’ ' Poor. 0. J.Woob k Co.—Gouts; Within a few days vv.i have received soumny orders and calls for ProtO. J.Woodli / mlr Restorative, that we wcrecomiielM to tend to i Boatou for a quantity, (tlio 8 doeqn ypu forwarded alt brine sold,) while we might order a quantity fenm »un. Fvrnr i bottle toe have tofU teem to AaMproduotd ftr« orjaurnti autbmrt and the approbation, and patronagettreeftim from Uio most substantial and worthy dlJscftsof ourvp • PiTePAI^TTON' 1 * 60 & ‘ ta ‘ U te '4^ oSl 1 Send ns m soon' as may b? one gross ofgi.kiae: and" one doicn sasl2o; and believe ns yours very respeetfidlvv - : (^ed) D^EBlt^^yFlco. : - Itickory (fovo. St. ChorlesCo- Xor.'ii JgfiC. " Pgor. 0. d. Wood—Gear Sir: Some Umo lost summer wo were induced to use somu of your Hair Restore fift, hud its effects .were so wonderful, we feel it oir duty to.W and the afflicted, to report it. 1 ■ Our little son’s bead for aoine time had bceh covered with sores, and some callud it staid head. •I J.u “*’f almost entirely came off in consequence, when a fiWi.' seelngs his snflbrings, advised us to uso yodr Restorative I wo did so with little hbpe of success, but tp «? all our fHcwls, a very few Kmuvwi tho disease entirely, and a new add lirJnricntVrop of lfiA soon started out and we can now say that unr bey has is hetuthya scalp; and as luxurleirt’a crop^ofhairosauv other child. We can. therefore, and, do hereby' re&munrtd ydnt a perfect remedy for in dittoes of the scalp and hair. • We aie.jouit respectfully, GEORGE.W- IHGffIXnOTUAM, v- SABAir,A. UIGCf.NQCKfUAiI. -a. A „ '■ OarJiuci-, T Pnor. 0. J. Wooj>—Dear Sir: I have used two buttles of ' Professor Wood 1 * Hair Restorative, and caxijti'uly toV ft is • t be'grcatest discovery of the; age for reatorinfe and ' the-Hair. Refcre using It I was-a mau of seventy. 'Mv Itatr baa ?otv attained its original color. You canrccom mend It to the world without the feast fidkr. ad arr ettso was one of the v worst kind. , Yours RcapcStftUjjV • O.X. Wood * Co., Proprieiarg m*Brn»dway| Now Yoik. rpm MORMONS EVACUATING SAtT LAKJC CITY! I ' Wemenfovk ExAlimeni in East Aitoona! j/V The subscribers respectfully infornir tho cltbtcnsTO®" of Altoona and the rest of mankind that they are how prepared to carry on tlic BIACR33IITHIJH> BUSI NESS In all its various branches, at the new stand next door below Peter Heed’s Cabinet Shop, oh - Adeline street, lu East Aitoona. They flatter themselves that they are AtUS to render satlsbctiou to all who may tavur them with |h»