The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 17, 1858, Image 3

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lived by tb«- Phil*,
o Jtuioiro.-Apnl
of tbo Don
voiced to"the Ameril
.'ill the work on the’
f tiii.’.r railroad— all
:{ - - r i , |y3-cs*ntrflct,-«t •
itl amount tojiboUt
dollars. Thereat®
10 be let, which,
‘ section'.
; ’ *'*‘l placed in.
'i; ..lUiontit to somo
rrica.-.j had to epa? - '
sish oppoation^bnt'
s.—A correapqndaM **
itizen, writingfroik *
ppera: —'• They hay®' '
heat and bnt :
ri. The only r vqgetil»: ’
iin. The most dead*
el upon them ; fumes
kr then otherwise'
ir greedily ; clothes
iu a rarity ; blankets
; appear to fancy.*— .
ireeks iu safety, sod
ugo cm. TbewhoW
A t at the same tints,
devouriug everything
id only cease, and not
during which timeno
oaliy, they carefully
■Brigham Young, rjo ;
gives a curious ao>■
nr hundred miles by
th only $13.50 in hu
it every point where
found bis pocket, op.
mysteriously nod ml
v.hcr Brigham ought
his own pocket'ip
1 on these occasions,
i'.:c proprietarahip of
miracle. ■
• 1-asc.”— The Buffalo
:a-»o, similar ia its ef- 1
I\.itional Hotel dis
i a lirst-claas public
.me of which is hot
;.s arc reported ss ’
> died!. Of the dia
-11 resembles cholera,
i—both of the wont
instance, are-takcp
..arriicsa and yspid
:,os from Utshaiatb
.ved Gov. Camming
10 make peace ;..aoa
J removed their wo-
Lake City, the men
their posts and as
udo. Capt Marcy
-ct. The forces un
■•vy short allowance,
their candles «n 4
.. .i, being unwilUhg
out. of starvation. •
-The excursion from
ed the slavcßtoai--
oh, having searched
.hopes of finding-tlSk
i in a loud tone that
>n fire, at .the ■MiM
. us if about to ege
who was con
tit, han’t out wuji
-de tCiut nary nigger
:.y the
.. ■vn.-ftla, suUbeShuS
,!. rJthy
• ■■&; remote*, l»
end ceres aQotUct
“ - -Ha- and tbeioQowfßff:
i. :■ IL,,«ST:
; v» ithin a ftw d»y*w» for Prof.O. J/Wflod’*
rt ra camelled to send p ■■
; yon forwarded aIXMD(
entity from yon. AtRV
■ciucul C.rte trfoyari&f ■■
Hi I'-Oronaco Urccsmi
-tbv citizen! afosr.'n*
;r si of ;i size; sndcM
s •■•try respectfully.
I - 1. LATUOKP * %
Mo., Xor. US#.
■ 'laiolmt stunner W*
- f-ilr Ee*torattTe, sJi4
it car duty .to ypn
•i . had been perfect]?
! scald^^^^S
. hut, to out ttajafM
•- luxuries* aropoTjhMr
‘■•y bar has M
t a crop
frr alt fifth*
r .?pect/UUf,
Ifuoe, June 22.18 W.
• -r? used two bottle* fit
’•.nd cap truly say It U
r restoring endcbsapK
*: mau of m-vtujy. My
r otor. Yon con noHB*
least fear, as my cm*
; respectfully,
1 I’roadwsy, New York,
tbbliihmcnt,) eadll*
l oonir and by all good
[June 3, 1868-fy.
v>.t Altoona 1 jfna
i the
i tint they are
• ti.e new stonU next
... ■ .a AiMiaestreet, to
, tiiat tliey «re AJB*
r..' vr tlif-m with their
i • <.a their port to
- i,-ity. Wngoni, Ctf
: Vr '.vhieb good IW® -
' on Adeline tt~
’ ‘.irjrtcst notice 080
: '!j ~i\'. iroopjEU,
i- A. JAMES.
i >r '.v irilil respectfolly
; hrrl.d, Qt Ills snlOCBl
I C'tYi plc }
i ;i ;> ;>i f nouaccd tW
I; J up in gooU’aOT
<1 !ii- patrons, pf
i ■ t j ji;rrit ami roceW*
.* M) Nf/niWASO-
i n iiauJ now andijir
! hbd rniicK*
-■iliun’s “Bluff," v*5J
lij C,r BIUCK OP I
U i-c attended to,
•!.: A'l VAUOIJX,
II!-. Blair countr> W*
la diioharfi®
■rj rj/Mb.2« Ipv
.>* • -
•piurna Ctftimt.
pjM.-JOn; Saturday night lost, about twelve
| p’oldck, our cltitens were startled from their,
sl««p by the ringing of bells and the cry of
I .ipiiol” . Thecause ofthealarmprovod to be
I (he boning of a Stable in East Altoona; beiong
[iflgtoaGennnnnsßKdSoboeinior. The flames
had gained a great beadway when oar citizens
| tiered on the ground, and all that remained!
I for them to dowssto watch itburn to the ground.:
I The gtableoontsinedsbout four thoussndfee t
i o f pry Lumber. Notinanred. Aathbtotamer
1 in which the lira originated cannot he accounted,
for, it is surmised to be tint work of'aaincen
diaiy. I ■ V-. .' '■ X - :
Anolherfwarning to cor cltitens J The • tint
(be—sod will occur, who oantell?—
nay be a itetrihle one:—destructive,perhaps,
to half of the town. -And why may 'it be do
etructire f Because wo bare»;<tegkie -I—!
A few yean agoHdUhtsysbiirg, onr neighboring
borough, was infested 'by n band of merciless
incendiaries, who net fire nightly to a stable or
dwelling bouse in the town, with the evident in-,
tendon, each time, of burning dawn the greater
partof the borough. Holiidfyeburg is possessed
of two engines, «iid | consequently, the attempts
of the incendiaries proved a failure. If Altoona
owned a fire engine, her oitisena would feel
comparatively aeenre in the .event of a,threat-•
ening general conflagration. And; why does :
she not own a fire engine? We account for it
| only in one way. Heretofore'we hayo laid the
> blame, fortbis. neglect of public safety upon
I the Borough Authorities; bat we hays latterly
I come .to the conclusion that the blame rests
i alone with oar property holders 1 Nearly all
I our property holders have their property in
| gured in some -tesponaiblcahd well established
Fire Insurance Company; and feel fen indiffer
ence to:tbe ravages of the flames—feel that
though their property u destroyed, their lops
will be restored in the “ hard .ready.” This in
difference ia criminal— equally so with the in
differeuceof the willain who puta the forch to
his own because it is insured—and
shoidd be corrected. Let the property balden,.
then, purchase s fire proteettbeir
.name from the tarnish of crime. Who will
move In the matter?—and all honor be! to the
' The Standard says that it deduced its
conclusions that the Tribune is interested in the
success of theArifrrican ticket, “ not only from
its remarks, but from the past course'of the
Tribune and.the political antecedents of its ed
itors.” We insist that our remarks will not ad
mit of aucha conclusion, anxious aa the Stan
dard appears to be to so construe them. The
assertion that the past course of the Tribune
has been favorable to Americanism places the
veracity of the Standard decidedly below par,
if his previously expressed opinions are to be
taken intooonsideption. That the political an
tecedents of .the editors of the Tribune furnish
ed the grounds for the Standard’s remarks, is,
we think, the'true one. but white we care Utile
to what party the Standard may consider our
private preferences are given, ire deny its right
to dedace .the conclusion therefrom that the Tri
bune favors the same party, so long as it does
not evince it editorially. Wo dare deny that we
are particularly interested in the success of the
American ticket; notwithstanding wc desire the
election of those upon -it who ore our personal
friends, and whom we know to be honest men.
The St.uuunl says.if we show bpw a perfect
union of such discordant elements us compose
the opposition parties can be effected, it will
acknowledge that the election of a Democratic
ticket is an impossibility. That’s it Now re
member, Mr, Standard, you admit that with' a
perfect union of the opposition the Democratic
party would bo defeated, We said so a few
weeks since, but then you denied it. What
hath wrought the change ? Wo never proposed
to show bow die union between the opposition
was to be effected, nor do we care, hence we de
cline the erection of s platform on which both
parties may uniter although wo might thereby
obtainthe enviable which the Stan
dard would accord to ns.
Vaixable Patest.— Dropping into the . store
room of Mr. John Shoemaker, a day or two
since, we were shown a patent, in the cooking
stove line, which we ore inclined to believe,
from the examination we gave it and the expla
nation received, must in a short tiuie\supcrcede
all other patents. It was the attachment of a
gas burner to the itoyal Cook and Sea'Shell
cooking staves, manufactured by North, Chase
& North, Philadelphia. The top of the stove is
cast double, with sufficient space between the
plates to allow the generation of a considerable
quantity of gas, which can be ignited,tims pro
ducing more than double the amo.ant of heat
from the .same quantify of fnol, and bringing it
in more dhreut contaot .with the cooking uten
sils. Ris calcnlated to save from one-third to
one-half the amount of fuel ordinarily used, ip
such stores,' It requires but a sniad quantity,
of fuel to keep, up ibe jgos, and it is by the gas
the stove .is heated. ißy.tWs process, *
«tpTe .can be heaped, in mueh less time than with
the coil alone. Mr. Shoemaker has obtained
the exclusive right to seU these stoves, and is
disposing of them at the same price .at which he
Bto ’«V without the patent, al-
A* BtoveeQste himfcl.SO.
tSr deB l m « 9t0, «« of this kind can pay for
all persons to call and examine thesestores,
2SM?** **^
J’xfai Pio-Kid of »h* Sbasos.— Mrs. M
K. (wh6V ih« wjr is V most excellent
treatod her scholars to a pio-nic, in the
is^sr.' •*
h in the langnage of a
„ K T ®7 r ° w ' ol <l participant in the affair, had
eat,£=■* fan v &nd 80 .“ aDy **«•**«£? “>
grown peonle P^ r * taking the word of some
*• ™
ALtoicroos ArTAra.—A fbw days -since,
Fettinger of the Literaiy Emporium, np street,
Invited ha to drop in and examine his stockof
pocket-books, port-monnaies, etc., and moke a
selection therefrom. The idea of presenting a
printer with an article in which to carry nsoney,
appeared to ns about as iediculous as that of
adding a fifth wheel to a wagon, nevertheless,
we stepped into .the Emporium the other mor
ning, determining to select one of the aforesaid
articles and stuff it with paper and nails to
'moke a show and jingle a tittle. When the
stock : was placed before ns, vjy found ourselves
In a greater-diletna. than ever. There were all'
kinds of pooketbooks, portmonies and parses,
tanging .from 10 cents up to and to moke
s seleotkm therefrom seemed impossible. We
bavp never seen a greater vorietyin any -estab
lishment outside the citiea.; We' were about
despairing ofheing able to make a choice, when
Jlr. F. a neat article, intended for.
the use of ladies In shopping or visiting excur
sions, of which Ire bad a ’large and handsome
supply, and upon (this we at once laid vidlent
bands and ’‘out .stick ” fortheoffioe, determined
•to toll our readers all about ooflulventure, mid
where theyoould find a; stock of the articles
above mentioned, from which theycan not foil
to make-a selection.
Yocsa Man’s Dramatic Association.— As
previously announced, the third and fourth en
tertainments of thiaiAssooiation; composed of a
number of young men of this place, will be
given in Militaty Hall, this (Thursday) evening,
and to-morrow (Friday) evening. Their bill is
certainly very inviting to those who take pica
sorb in such amusements The first drama en
titled “All that GUtteira is not Gold,” or the
“Ifjsctory Gill,” was well selected, and will Uo
doubt call .out a fqU house. The closing piece,
entitled the “ Limerick Boy,” istmdof .the most
amusing farces that could have been produced,
and from the reputation of the gentleman who
assumes the leading‘character, we', can assure
those who witness it .a 'deal of merriment. These
entertainments are not intended to benefit the
mepibers of the association pecuniarily, but in-,
telleotually, as those who know anything about
the expense incurred in getting up such enter
tainments are well aware. Some persons object
to attending exhibitions in the Hall, for the rea
son, os they allege, that there is a lager beer
saloon in the same building, but while this is
the 1 case, there is no more connection between
the Hall and saloon than if they were in differ
ent buildings. >
Mens Reform. —Altoona wot never before
blessed with ns faithful and competent Borough
authorities as at present. The Burgess, Mr. £.
M. Jones, and the gentlemen composing the
Town Council, have evinced,, this Spring, a de
termination so'make Altoona surpass her sister
towns of the State in cleanliness and comfort.
First the gutters were cleaned out—-then, now
crossings made—then board walks repaired—
then ordinances passed, (and enforced, too,):
regulating the morals of the town—arid latterly, i
we notice that measures are being taken to fill
up the many vacant marshy lots iu West Altoo
na; This latter improvement has long been
Seeded, but until the present administration
entered upon its duties, our Borough authorities
lacked the courage to force property holders to
make the improvement. All honor is dap .oar
present authorities for the zeal with which they
carry on the work of reform, and wo sincerely
hope they will not only receive the gratitude of
our citizens, bat will be continued in office,
until their “sands of life have run out.’*
Oc» MiiJTAEY.—The new militia law, in this
State, appears to be exerting the desired influ
ence in building up military companies. The
Guards of this place, a company which was well i
nigh disbanded, baa, we have been informed,
organized under the new law, and its ranks arc
tost filling np again. The only draw-back upon
this company is the want of a sufficient num
ber of muskets, ns it will be remembered that
one-half the number received by it when
first organized, were burned, some two ygnrj
since. We hope they .may soon be able to ob
tain a full stand. We are pleased to learn, also,
that a number of members have lately been,
added to the Logan Eific Dangers, since the re
organization of the company under tbe new law-
It is one of the finest companies in the State, pf
which vro may justly feel proud, and U glvcß JuS
pleasure to note their, prosperity and Increase
in membership. We think that little Blair will
soon excel, in number and appearance, any of
the neighboring counties in the way of military
companies; . . i
Tax CottECTOEs.—Tbe County Commission
ers bate appointed the following persons sis
Collectors of the Sjtate and County tax for tpe
year'lBsB, in the several townships and bor
oughs of this county:
Allegheny Township, Peter H. Wilt.
Anted ,‘ r David Hensby
Blair ' George Koon,
.Catharine “ Jacob Dell,
Frankstown, “ -Fhilip llUemon,
OrMnfield “ ' John Musselman, .
Rnnon» John McGraw,
. Juniata «• Frazer llwlan,
Jtigasi, : ■ ‘‘ : -,. Jobn Westiey,l'
• ■ N.lFoodbenyV IteiiiyDurget,
; ;■Snyder ,■■ ■*• •. ■ W.B. Pluitatfer,
Tay|pr, V Samuel E. Shriffler,
: Tjthuu , “ AnSjrew Miller, r
Woodbeny " ’ Charles. Biddle;
i Altoona Borough, 0. !W. Patton,
■ Gayspopli’J . lj]
| HolUdsysborg Borough, Geo. B. Bowers, :'
. Martiusburg - ' V ' H. S. ,Crawford,
. Tyrone, > Al?x BobD.
, Camp-Mueusq.—-We understand that it is
tye Ji)atßnt|on of lie members' connected with
the Altoona and Bollidaysburg stations of the
Methodist Church, to hold a Camp-Meeting'
some time during the month of August, on the
%m’ pf Mir. Blank, ftbout;mid-way botwecnlie
two planes. The ground is'said to be very fa
vorable for the purpose.
W&m Mibb Louisa Copter, of Hollidaysbqrg,
antf three young ladies of Allegheny couniy,
▼ere, on Monday of last week, inducted into
the order of Sisterhood, In one of the Catholic
churches in Pittsburg. 3Phe ceremonies attend
ing the induction are said to have been ybiy
ito|toringtod Memn, The nppeUotion besipv.
Ter* WBiTiei~The!' Vwheiv- faring; the .'
present week, has been behaving itself; scanda
lous. Ob Mon&jijf morning.wenfcokoshiver
mg, and Shivered'aill day—and not until we ex
amined the Almanac, conldwe coovincenurself
that we were in the month of June. Tuesday
morning was the tame as Monday, “ onlj a Kt
tle more sp.” -Thewindwasas cold aa the
heart of a miser—and the sun aaobscureas the
editorials of the Newport Oazette.’ Stores and
overcoats were luxuries, and birds and: insects
invisible. The advent of roses and green pcai
seemed too. distant tp be -risible to thc naked
eye. Some of our merchants were talking of
laying in a winter stock of goods: and if we
could hare found money enough in our pocket
book to-purchase a pair of woollen gloves, we
wodld .hare expended itfor that purpose. Such
was the state* of the weather tin ' Monday and
Tuesday morning 5 but the latter part of the
day and 'Wednesday wefe gel-oriously Summer
like—and nihyiitoontinae so till October. Amen.
Isfamocs Outbade—The Ornsots Akekst
ed.—Some time on 'Tuesdaynight an outrage of
a most iafamoUs character was perpetrated on
the person of a gentleman named ‘Bauer, a
guest at the “ Scott House,” and a resident of
Hollidayabnrg, sin Blair county. The gentle
man, it would > appear was returning to his
hotel, and reached Irwin street, when he. was
met by a strange man who solicited him toTgive
him a quarter. Mr. Bauer refused and the
stranger left, Ihut,*: making a detour through an
alley, he met Mr., Bauer near Duquesae War,
and, attacking him with a slung shot, dealt
him a blow on the bead which fractured his
skull. Mr. Bauer fell from the effects of the
blow, but recovering himself shortly after, he
reached his hotpl, when he informed the host
of what had: transpired. Dispatch,
11 tbinet.
Photogeaphs,— VWe. were shown, ono day this
W«ek, a fine specimen of the Photographic art,
executed by Qur friend CL W. Fisher, of Holli
daysburg. It was the portrait of a deceased
little girl, of Huntingdon, painted from on Am
brotype; and thephotograph and ambrotype,
when .compartd,'jwere ga alike as “ two peas in
& pod.” coforiugof.the picture was beau
tiful, and hot ikened a cultivated taste ou the
part of the aitisti,. We axe informed that there
are to be sees, in Lis room, much finer speci
mens thou the one shown ns; and if it be true
(wo do not doubt it.) it will be well worth the
oqst of a trip to Hollidayshurg, to go to eco
them. By reference to Mr. Fisher’s advertise
ment in another column, it will be seen that' he
is prepared tq take all kinds of likenesses at the
most moderate prices.
Fourth op July Celebration. —The ladies
of St. John’s Church, in this place, are now ma
king arrangements to hold a grand celebration
on Monday the 6th of July, at a suitable place,
adjacent to town, the exact locality of which
has not.yet been decided upon, but will be an
nounced in due time. They intend to get up
one of the best dinnera that has ever been pre
pared in this vieijnity, and we know they can do
it. They extend; a general invitation to. oil to
unite in the festivities of the occasion. Suita
ble places will be fitted tip for dancing, swing
ing and all other kinds of amusements. A real
gala day is anticipated.
P. S. The committee have selected tho beau
tiful grove ip Beales’ woods, on the Flank Road
betwe en this place and Ilollidaysburg.
Outbaoeous.- — On Sunday evening, while en
joying a peaceful chsft with oar better-half, we
were startled by tho horrifying cry of “ Murder 1
Murder 2” We repaired to the spot from whence
the. cry proceeded; and what, think ye, reader,
we withe&ed? A man (was he a man f) cruel
jly beating hia aiater I That such an act of bar
barism should take place in a civilized commu
nity like ours, shocked us, and we felt that the
brute who committed ' the deed was fit (and
hardly fit,) for banishment to Owahii Islands.
Our neighbor over the hill never visits
ouritbwn without complaining of an attack of
ennipi—-and he • excuses himself for .attending
the oircus on this account. Luckily,, the slur,
as he intends is not on our town, but upon
himself; for ennui is characteristic of lazy peo
ple, and by that class of people most severely
felt when in the midst of busily employed folks.
Our citizens arq industrious—our neighbor over
the hill his invariable ennui,
when on a visit to our town.
Like! Limel—-IVo invite the attention of
persons in wantof a good article of Lime to the
advertisement of James Funk, Esq./in another
column. The fact that Mr. F. now supplies
( quite a large quantity of lime 'to the manufac
turers and mechanics of Pittsburg, is evidence
that-it is of a good quality. His Kilns turn out 1
oyer two thousand bushels of. lime per week.
He will deliver ;4t: in this place by the ear ori
vragon load, as. may he desired.
Fkesh Vegetables.— Our citizen* who are in
waul of fresh vegetables, will be pleased to
learnihat Wm. friable has made .arrangements
by which he will receive regularly, by Express,
fr«m ihe East apd West, a supply of vegetables
of all kinds, which he. will. dispose of at fair
prices. ... file slope is in the room occupied by
Collins & Anything as a market house, on the
bonier of Virginia mid Annie streets. o
I Take Notios—-That H. Fettinger .will leave
for Philadelphia, in a-few days/tolay in a large
supply of Fireworks, Flags, Banners, Shootihg-
Crackers, and all; other knick-knacks, etc., etc.,
for the Fourth’ of July. Car men, Engineers
and others, who wish to decorate tbejr cars, on*
gines, or houses trill be' supplied with gags and
banners at reaisonable prices. Look oat for
Fettinger’s return. _ :
t S.' A* Wilson will preach in his
own church atlOJ- o’clock on Sabbath morning
next,, and in CoUinsvßlo at 4} o’clock in the
afternoon. ; • -V-? ■VC
The Best Cough Msdiclsb.—pne of the
very best Cough Medicines to jb« found nuy
where, is Dr. KeyseVs Pectoral Syiup, soldby
G. W. En£Blcr, at 60 oenls perbotile,. . ' . „
B9U See A4Ver6^«^; ; o^..l)i > ~
LIYSBTimfOfcATOR in imbthw^fitonrT
•■“V ~
/ >- - Artte Mfocma Tribune.
Tb the Tooag Hen of Altoona*
LETTER 5K>. 10.
. My Young Friends:—According to the inti
mation given in my last letter, it is thy design
in this, to suggest for your consideration a plan
for your - mutual, improvement As already
seen, yoti have considerable leisure time, for the
improvement or mis : improyement of which.-ycu
are accountable—'apd according to the proper
use or abuse of which/yon are likely to fom
good or bad habits. How you will see at 4.
glance that it Is an important matter to have
within reach the proper means for the right em
ployment of these spare hours. No bettor means
Can be devised than that of furnishing for your
selves a sufficient variety of attractive and in •
structive reading. But books and periodicals
are expensive, and but few young rocu. com
paratively, are able to furnish at theip own ex
pense a library covering a sufficient range and
variety in history, biography, the arts and sci
ences, as well as the leading journals and peri
odicals of the day, to meet either their desires
or their necessities. How then shall, ‘or how
can this desirable end be accomplished ? In no
other way than by a united effort. Any one of
yon would be able to get a few bopks and a.sin
gle periodical. .Bat suppose you would put
these all together and have them in common.
Why, what a library and reading room it would
make! And what is to prevent this ? Certain
ly nothing. This is the principle on which all
the great libraries of the world: have been gotten
up. They have had their beginning in a few
voiding brought together by a few individuals,
addW u? by donations, and the gradual income
from and increase of members
until thousands upon thousands of volumes were
gathered together. And why may not the young
men of Altoona—why ought they not immediately
to go to work in good earnest to commence such
a project ? >
Cet them petition the Board of Directors of
of the Pa. R. R. Co. to set apart, in some of
their numerous and extensive buildings, a room
suitable for the purpose, and form themselves
into a “ Library Association/’ with Constitution,
By-Laws, Officers, &c., and say an admission
fee of one dollar and monthly dues .of a dime,
or whatever the majority think best. Besides,
let each member of the Association be consid
ered a committee to solicit donations, Either in
money or in books. Do you not see how soon
a library could be what an attrac
tive place your room would be made. Much of
tho change that now goes for what is worse
than foolishness, would be expended in useful
books and attractive literature, and much pre
cious time which now runs to waste, would be
redeemed and usefully employed.
And in this way you see, that uot only your
own pleasure and profit would be promoted, but
.you would set to work an influence that would
continue, in all probability, as long ns the place
shall stajad; and open a fountain, the streams
of which shall water, fructify and gladden many
a before. intellectual and moral waste. And
just as the association would increase in num
bers, and consequently in funds, its acquisitions
would increase, until to books ami periodicals
could be added paintings, and then statuary;
and thus the rooms of this Society become the
most attractive and interesting object not only
in the place but in the country 2 It was the
privilege of the writer, some months ago, to
visit the rooms of a similar association, in which
there were some thousands of volumes, of the
best literature of the day—a considerable col-
Icction of natural curiosities—minerological and
geological specimens; a large number of point
ings, some of them of the rarest and most ele
gant kind; and some of the finest statuary of
the country. That association had a beginning
just such as is here suggested for you, and yet.
it now has one of tho best buildings in the great
and growing city of St. Louis, and a library and
other things, such as has been described. But
you may say, this is not St. Louis. True: but
it is Altoona, and she needs, nqd is able to have,
in her just proportion, the samp privileges and
influences had by that thriving bity. My object
in citing, tho example referred to, was to show
what united effort has and will again accomplish.
I have but little doubt for my part, but that
the Board of Directors will furnish the room, if
you will but go to work in good earnest to get
up the library. It is just such a matter os they
would feel like encouraging, and might not only
furnish the room, but vote a contribution. As
individuals they will most certainly contribute
to the association, , both in money and books,
and particularly in the latter. Now, then, why
not go right to work ? Don’t one wait to see
who will move in the matter, but at once call a
meeting, got up a petition to the Board, and
bend it off- Delay is dangerous—procrastina
tion is the thief of time—to-morrow never comes.
What you do, do it quickly—do it with your
! might. Don’t wait dn leaders—all bo leaders,
and all be workeps, and before a year goes rbund
you may have a thousand volumes standing upon
your shelves.* Whenever you have a place for
them, there are some in readiness for you by
' Your friend, - T. N. K.
B£&> Swan $ Co’s Lottery Commissioners En
dorsed b; and Postmaster of Augusta,
and ah Ex-U/S.'Senator'of Georgia.
. , ■ ■ A OAEl)
Front ike Commistionere, and Certificates-from the
Mayor of the City of Augmta: ‘
AosuißA, BicHHoap Oorait, Gionora:
This is_tp certi{y tbht wo have superintended
the drawings of the Sparta Academy Lottery,
Samuel S&an &Cp., managers at Augusta, (jht.,
from the commencement of its drawings, and
etUl continue to superintend the same. Each
drawing is solely and exclusively under oar
ooptroh and we can assure the public that the
managers are men of homuri respectability and
fair dealing, and everything connected With the
entire business is carried oh with the most scrit
poloos and exact integrity. \ '
Commissioners of Sparta Academy Lottery.
Augusta, Ga., Juno 7tb, 1858. .
Augusta, Ga., June-7, 1858,
From long personal* acquaintance with Leon
P. Dugas and Frederic C. Barber, uo take great
pleasure In certifying that they are men of the
highest integrity and probity > and in this conf
munity are esteemed and regarded'os highly
honorable and worthy citizens. ' •
Hon. B. COKLBy,
j Mayor of the City;of Augusta.
-:v WES M. *SMtxllE,''Esq.,,' .
~ Postmaster of the City of Augusta. -
i -llpm.' P. KING,'
I ■-- Formerly 11, S. Senator.
Cofeoßura Fluids to« the Haj*: abs Bah
obbocs. —Professor Wood’s Hair Tome restores
the color, not by the nitrate of; silver process,
bat by a. rcstoration of the healthy functions
upon which the original and natural color of
the h«ur and its moisture, its gloss, its life, and
consequently RE original beauty depended.—
Professor Wood, at the age of thirty-seven years,
was as gray’aa a man of eighty, and his hair
was dry, thin and dead. Now he has not a single
grey lock Upon hiacrown, nor is his hair thin or
dry, bat soft, pliable and moist -'as; that of a
child of five years. This preparation acts upon
the rUots/forafteran application, that portion
of the hair nearest the scalp is found restored
to,the original color, whatever It was, while the
ends of the grey. Try Wood’s,Hair
Tonic, and do not apply any other ri# after you
have this..' With this resolution yolii Will never
have occasion to use a hair dye.,
Caimos.—Beware of worthless imitations, as
several ore already in tho market.called by dif
ferent names. Use none unless the 'word (Pro
fessor Wood’s Hqir Restorative, Depot St. Louis,
Mo., and New York,) are blown ini the bottle.
Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal
ers. Also by all Fancy and Toilet goods deal
ers in the United States and Canadas.; See ad
The Panic—Moms Fa i lures. —Tljje paaio in
New York seems to bo on the increase. In this
oily everything goes on smoothly, mid the only
failures we have heal’d of were ,thoi failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishment*. There is no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronise the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wil
son, Nos. 003 and 6J5 Chestnut streeti above
sixth. Gentlemen and Youths uever fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
Celebrated Femae Pipi,S;
Prepared from, a prescription af'SirJ. CTar6|} M. D.\ Phy
sician Extraordinary fo the^
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the con of all
those painful and delicate diseases to which the female con
stitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes
all obstructions, and a speedy cure may berfcliod on.
TO VaBRliD ladies ‘ ' .1
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity. f :* ! i
Each bottle, price one dollar, bears
of Great Biitain, to prevent counterfeits. '
» • CAUTION. * ,
Tlttst Pith should net ht taken by female* dunnythc first
three mmihs of Prtgwmey, as they art sure li>. briny on jtfit
c/ft-riage, but at ojty other time,they are taftv, ' i
In all cases-.of Sclerous and Spinal Pain In
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight cxcrtiorii Palpitation
of the Opart, Hysterics and IVhltevthoso PBU wilt effect
a cure when all other means have failed, and although a
powerful remedy, do not contain frou, ctdontfli, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution. : I ’
Full directions in the pamphlet around; each package,
which should be carefully (Weserved. it;.
Sole Agent fur the United States and Canl^O,
. JOB MOSES, (late I. C. Ealdpln 4
.. . . Rochester, N. T,
N. 8.—51.00 and G postage stamps enclosed to any an
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return mail. -
B. L. Fahnestock, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
sale by all Druggists. •" [Jnhe3,,1858.-ly.
Flour—Superfine, hbl. r 14,76
“ Extra, 3 “ K iWO
Corn Meal, $1 cwt. . i : 1,78
Potatoes, ft busfli. ~:i 76
Diy Apples, ft “ ;;ii * 1,76
Butter, Vlb ■ : i 20
Lard, - 11
Hams, Vt “ . .■„ ,;i • 12
Shoulders, M • li I 10
Side, ‘ ‘ fl * -li ! W
Eggs, ' ft doz. - 10
Sf’Lain 4 Lehr sell their Flour at the following rates*—
White Wheat Flonr, Extra Family, $ hbli $8,76
" -Superfine, . “ :
“ “ “ Superfine, “. ; #,75
Extra Family Flour, hbb : $
Superfine Extra, beat'quality, *• p 626
“ “ Bruch Creek, •* ’ i 800
Superfine, • « 4 75
Notice of meeting-t-a meet
ing of the Shore-holders In the El 'Dorado Gift En
terprise Association will bo held at JlcCormicX’s store. In
North Ward, Altoona, on Saturday evcnlpfe next, June
lOtii, at 5 o’clock, far thc'purpnse of appointing a commit
tee to distribute the Gilts of tile Assoclatibh.' V
June 17-1 t*j JOSEPH MOIST, '
\_J subscriber hereby-gives notice tsat on and aft A the
Ist day of July, 1858, ha will adopt the cash-systenrin his
business. Having suffered heavy losses andn.nch embar
rassment by indulging in the credit systerii,- he is deter
mined to dispose of no mbro'epal, alter theabovedate, ex
cept, tor the ready cash.
Juno 17-tf.] , JOHN; ALLISON.
The snbacrlbor would respect
folly ibfonn the consumers of Go * T .PC a* -y
In Altoona, that he ls constantly re-Sf23 ;
ceiving alt kinds of COAL, which he
is ready to deliver at all timea and to any part of the town.
Office at residence, in North Ward.
June 17-2m] JOIfS ALLISON. .
LIME! LlMELLlMEl—Dbncansville
Lime Kilns, near HullidaysbuVg, Pa.: r | ’
The subscriber has ; now in opeiwnob,' ; foar large Lime
Kilns, producing daily large quantities of tbo'
He is prepared to fill all orders, ftoai 1; bushel, to ten
thousand bushels, at the lowest rates, i ! ii •; !
ffgb-Lime delivered at any point on tho Pennsylvania
Bail Boad; also, at Altoona, or any point intlia surround
ing country, by wagon, or at the Kiln., 'ddfivesi :
■ t- * JAMfei FUNK,
Juno 17-Cm] • DuTieaiutilUi 'SkUr.Oa. liu
Blank books and station a-
ART. -WM. 3. HAVEN, ; i: wasw.
Jou Piunteb, EtAiidxca Axn Burnt Kaon
' - MAKcrAcruarat, ' ' ■
Cbmer Market To. ;pBBtipMF
respectfully invites attimtion to his largo anil well selected
Blank Book, Paper and Stationary, Rail
Road, Mercantile and Bopk Bringing t
of every description, promptly executed." !
Agent tor L. Johnson, k tip, Type Founders,,Philadel
phia. : . ! ■ • i’[Jbne 17-ly.
Blair county dauuerrean
BOOMS—Mr. 0. W. FISHER, the Hoilidayshurc
ArttoVbega leave to inform our readers th|t belt prepared
Photographs of deceased persons,
from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest hotted end or. the
mbrt rcasouabletartns, He has Just received a largo slock
of durable and neat cases, of allaizes and styles, including
’a nfew pattern" of Fwnily Case for four persons! and is pre
pared fo fill them With perfect likenesses,
• OlTe-hlm a call. Booms on the corner-of Montgomery
and Allegheny streets, HolHdaysburg, I’n. [June 17-tt
r undersigned having perfected their’ Spring Stock,
now offer to the public the LARGEST BOX OF GROCE:
Bd£3 orer presented in the town of Altoomu V
Our object In publishing this card is to present the fol
io wingjacta; ’ •
-•• Ist The recent hard times havo very much reduced the
price of Groceries in the city, especially to cash buyers.
- 'So. We’bought'these Groceries 'in forge lots, 'many of
them from first hand*. '
' 8d; W* bought them entirely for cash,
, fth.'We sell for ready pay. . ,
■ 6th, We keep our stock full by weekly receipts.'
Bth. We are determined to keep up the credit of our house.
7th. We soli more GROCERIES than any other store Ita
Blair county, at.less per cent. I
’ -Bth.TWe sell cheaper than any other Store in the county.
A omtinuation o'f patronage is respectfulty Solicited.
ARhbna, dune 10,1JU>8. McLAXE £ LEHR.
\l KIKG Soft Soap, and Soap Powder fear Washing, one
pound equal to six of common Soap; Casole Soap, Palm
Soap, Chemical "Soiip, etc., on hand and for sdlo at
June 10, ' A. ROUSH’S.
\J Liwkxid 00, Spirit* of Tutpcnt<W,WhiteLead and
Alcohol, for etdcchsapot " . A. ROUSH'S.'
nnHE k tIVER INVietfRA^K
Is one of the best Purgative and Uvar Medicines now b*>
foro tho pnbiie, that acts as a- Cathartic, easier, milder, sad
mare iffectual than any other medicine known. HU act
only a CittharHc, but a Liter remedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on Uiu stomach and
boweia to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two
purposes effectually, without any of tho painful
experienced In tho operations.of moot Cathartic*. It
strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it;
and when taken dally In moderate doses, will strengthen
and bnhd it up with unusual rapidity.
The Lite* is one of the | principal regulatora ef tba
human body ; and when it I performs its functions wall,
the powers of the system t !are fully dorsiopodi Tho
ttonuich'i* almost entirely (dependent on the healthy
action of the itcer fur the i Sb proper performance of its
functionsi when.theetom-l iach toat fknlt, tha bowais
are at fault, and tho whole i • system sufiitra ’in coma
qnauco of one organ—the 1 ** I Lrrru—having ccasod to do
its duty. For the tUacJfc<«
proprietors has mode it his
than twenty years, to find
counteract the many de
liable, Aj
To prore th«t this ram*- w
sou troubled with Livta /•>.
Sums, hoe bat to try a bot- w
tcln. r w
Tbeee Gums remote all v
the system, supplying in
of bile,- invigorating the -
digest well, rtianmae tux
health to the whole machl-’e
Sf the dlseeso—oflbctißg a ty
\ Unices Attacks are cor- F-t
poxvkmtbxv by the occa- U
I Quo dose eftoreatlng Is
roach ami prevent the food va
, i Only one deao take* ho- Hi,
rllgbtouiPit - i
' Only one doM takenat ft| night, loosens tho the bow
els gently, *nd cures Coe- , mistsa.
j Coo dese taken after each y* weal will euro Dyspepsia. -
j *S“Onedo*oof two tea- ■ ppoonafhl will always re
lieve Sick Headach*.,
i One bottle taken ffo male obstruction remove*
the cause of-the and makes a perfect cum
; Only one dole immediate- .V-jly rcUovea Cholic, while -
■ 1 One dpeo often repealed ikweurc euro for CboUUU
Mouses, and a preventive iu ,of€BOM*s.
; ASr Only one bottle Is ».•■uaedsd to throw out of the
system tiro effcCU.uf mv'U- jaUeiae after a long sickness..
I Afo-Ono bottle taken'for I ftljAUNWcs rctnoves alt sal
lowutiss or unnatural color . from tho.akin.
; Ono dps* taken,a abort'ft time before eating gives
Vigor to the appetite, and; makes the food digest w«U.
One dose often repeated Q cures Chrohic Diarrhoea in
its wont forms, while Sum- -*r tner and Ucwcl complaints
yfold almost to the first ft dose..
: One or: two doses curisf. attacks cahscd by TTotws
id children: 'there Is no *7 sarrr, taler, or speedier
remedy in the world, ats it |nci<r/a3r.
A few bottles cures Dropsy jby esc it ing the abeerbefcta.
Wo lake pleasure in ft- the tucdfcifia
ok a preventive for Fever rr.: and dgiia. Chill Fctxr, and
all Foyer*of a Billons type.! ** It cperoli t with certainty,
and thousands bra willing! to testily to iU wonderftll
virtues. ■ - 1
' i All’who use it are giving their ucitHarciu-Urtitnonyla
its fovoru ’ v >■
■*. Ml; frt the foCttth With the If
Water int 2cortlor,Utd
swallow both together.
18 A SQtESTWU? MEDICAL DISCoVEUV, bod la ihuly
tracking coiiw, abnoat too groat to believe. It cart* as if
l)y ( magfci teen <htfirtt dose giving kwjll. sod seldom mot*
tun one bottle is repaired to care any kind of liver Oom-
front the worst Jaundux or Vytjxpria to. scocimoa
ITtfiduclic, all of which are tho result of a I’UUSto,
puck ost nouas. pip. bottuu
' DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, Ala Broadway, New York.
*3- SpW byG. MvKzsfcli*, Al-tcona; pud retailed ty
alt Druggists. iMay 27,18(,8.-ly
JTjL bfg* leave tolnfbrm ihecitUen* *nd inhabitanta of
Altoona and vicinity,.that ha lias, takbhtUcDcug Stocn
formerly occupied by.F. A. Sellers, Agtiit. where be has op
hand end is constantly-receiving a lorao of
PERFUMERY, GLASSWARE, cuv'gecerally kept la *
Drug Store, all of wliicli_ho warrautsto lv perfectly pots
and fro*h, haring tclecicd ever}' article himself, and which
be will eel! at tho' lotrest cash price). '
Baring been engaged in a Urst-elo** Drag and Prescrte
tlon store in Pittsburg for a length of time, he is cctupfr
tent to compound Prescriptions and Family Recipes inlhe
moat accurate and iseientula manner, And cordially invites
the public to gito him a call. A. ROUSH,
. Altocna, June 10, ’58.-tf] Dntygiti ana ApctZaeary, -
A be Dutiful assortment 6*
PERFCMBRV, such a*
Extracts for tho Bdk’£ Toilet Snaps,
Pomatums, Bair Brush?*
Hair Oil* TcOth Brushes,
Colognes, imported and domestic! ’ .
: Oriental Drops, ' Breading Combs, -
Cosmetic*. : Pocket COiiiJw,- ’■ *
- Franglpanni Sachet*, Puracs, ' :
Bay Leaf Water, etc- etc* ~
Just received and for aale low at A. ROCSR’fI.
Juno IS, > , •
undersigned offers for tala a tract of
EIGHTY ACRES of land, siiuato In Furgotoh township.
Clear IWd Jolinty, off the South side of the West Branoh-cf
the Susqnthwjua Hirer, about fife miles from CurwepkTlUs
and one mile below Humber City. The premises ora qdb*
rinientlysituated, and among other inducements'to pdr
chasers are two extedsiro beds of . * :
one of which exceeds dlho foil lb thickueo and yields from
forty-fire to eighty per cost. There in also an nbnnda#s
of >•:
on the praUigea, making It a (It
wishing to engage In the muufi
There l» the teat of-waxer lx
the river fc navigable with arki
> i Bcrsons desiring any further
! March 25-Cxn.]
House, sign, ornamental &
CARRIAGE PAINTING.—The ,undersignedha*
Wove to infonnthe citizens of Altoona and rklnltj t£ft .
they have commenced thobuslnersof
NIBH/NO, SC., £O-, " ' *
id all their various branches, and' arc prepared to do all
work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch.' y
• They baysofiltaiid a large assortment of paintmg ma-
andWindow Otars of all ntzes, also Stained Qlaaa
and Looklng-Olass Plate*, which enables them todO'Wdtk
in an Improved etyie and at reduced rate*.
| itjr strict attention to business we hope to merit a sbafa
otpnblic patronage. • . ' , ' r -
Our room is on Virginia street, immediately oppostta
Kessler’s DfOsc Store. KEYES A WALSH.
April B,lB4Sd!iii*
BARGAINS! bargains*
MR. ULLMAN announces that, he is
Is always on hoed and will 'take great plaaturs In
g npbnall who may fitVor him with a call. He feels
confident that he will ho able to render satU&ction both
in .gnallty and price. (April tS&n
RQOM to the corner of SMITHFIELO and THIRD
Streets, opposite Young’s Furniture Wareroom.
Pittsburgh, l, ISSB-2m. IVil. NOBLE..
1 the solo of EVERY ARTICLE wanted hi FURNISH
ING A DWELLING HOI'SE, Mattresses, Beds, Bolstenand
Pillows; Comfort’, Spreads, and Quilts of every stylo and
price. Satin, Do Lnino and Laco Curtains; liuuuKU and
Moreens. Brocatels and Plushes; Muslin Curtains, Figured
Muslin and with Laoc Ed,??; T.wsela end Cords of every
description. Gilt Cornices of every variety nildutylu, and
some splendid patterns for windows; Gimp and Brass Bands;
Blinds of all kinds; Window Shades of every price ir.d
style. Also, Venetian Blinds. Friends and strangers are
invited to call nhd see us in the now store.
Pittsburgh, April 1, lSy3-3m. WM. NOBLE.
f Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration
on the estate of Jakes Moose, late t.f Lognnto wnshlp, BUlr
county, deceased, have been- granted by the Register, CC„
to tbn undersigned, residing in Antes township. All per*
sous knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment; and those having
Salma against it will present them dnly antbenticated fcr
settlement. JOHN J. BBRKIiOLDEB, AtfmV.
May 27,1805.-6 t
It of Administration on the Estate of Adam Robinson,
late of the township of Logan, Blair county, deceased, have
been granted to the subscriber; all person* indebted to the
said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and
those hiving claims or demands against the estate, will
mass make known the same without delay to ■
Altoona, May 13,1558.-U JACOB POOD, Admr.
I SPECTFULLY requests all those knowing, them
selvee Indebted to him to call and settle their accounts
with Tfm. Talbot, at the old stand, who has charge of the
books. All accounts not paid on or before thelnth of
Jane, will be placed In tb» hami»
atn oolloetion. ; JA.MRS KEARNEY>,
of that organ, one of the
study, in a practice of more
some remedy wherewith to
rongementa to which it in
dy U at loot fomid, any per*
Comwaikt, in-any of lie
tie,'and conviction la ccr«
morbid or bad-matter from
their place a healthy flew
etomach, atuciug fiiod to
bwk'D, giving tone and
nery, removing tho canto
radical care.
ed, AND, WJJAT IS Bznxa,
atonal nee of the Ltvxa !»•
Hufficicnt to relieve the lie
front rising and aouring. •
tore ratuingi prevent*
sirable situation to pexcont
iiCttirq or Iron.
•rer on tho premtao, tad
i, tost*, Ac., ftomthb pbltfl,
information -trill a&U«M
Kerr Millport, Clearfield Co., Pa.