if X itmc’ >1 ,11 jfesj IIEK ISLc Op ISEASE< ni «> *4 A ttiirf ‘v- s': r-i> - *!nctrt uli'c X its, «. •dl tiueaus ariJ. »v r.l-'.j.a, 2cm of y rrr 'ftr ..KjJiio, Xtoer 2w/ y , i; Head, J\. ...-' ,-uhr,'- . V" v**’ h:l!l a permanent :n '- ««n aft<>r th e m“J?» - . physicians and resin2p?9 s '™ s *■-■ Plca.«antlri£? j re? fro* rr.cre^bSSl'* ■■’ { rescued ' V A° iu *0 »«wt i.«J toca S ;ven up to dKVL tj mo m promising ten? e*r«s under my in diseases are Ibeorite the first causa ofcSKS* pmseasos.and n IKrmrjKm cure igaL®*3‘ IhL- cases fading lahfS Clluig tee kvstemiSf .v, hastens the not *ao*edittl V-iti r *• eaUflsa J ‘,\ tL f T b!e S Cll *WutW ■ 1 vv a Virus which beta&’s s. Lrujitions and I a>. and Lungs, | " * *"e> -did ] enemy to health a-i S 1:" of human dftSSKi °-' stc m, drawing j?, i n few .year* of gnff ««* I ■ ‘••y-troy? tl.o XerrWvS? 1 ml of lire, cause* gS I lire;,' r aevelopment of lU ] -■ business, and a J " ™ ff wer wrecked infoS I it | t:on and a Irain oferS' 1 t-lf. i icluns of Self-Abuse that :1 n !><■ effected, and with (h* ' .rny pau-.nl* can bermtow^J i;.st the u-o of Patent Me* >;• m .us snares in theccl >: ar.il roh the unwary tof mutations ruined by ths . .1 !■ 13 le CO willy poisonous l.eii.e;. 1 have carefohy i’uten; Medicines and find iroMve Sublimate, which hi mercury and adtai ■'K the tUb-.ase disable* th| ’ :ru:us now in use are pet 1 i • persona, who do not ua- I i.iaitria tiirdfcn.aadtrs ' • of the human system, : d That to luakernoney re. ' - of males and faputki ] i>y twenty years ofprae- j •.T,ihe most remarkable j ■ion? .-eat to any pattol I ■ j iikutj cotamumcaling J ci ■r r c.-pu udtucc strictly j >i MES VILLE, I f.',-, lo'd) Ikiuvo Tmlflh, *1 28, ■’67-ly. j ATION, PSifik i by rpc-tal endow* rot I'liSffi, ■wUh 'Fir- anl 1) incases; such as Sur- Gvm.rfhcza, Olat, Ahmt. rfc. of tin- awful duntructfon 1 . and the deceptions 1 ' t;t!;s*f.fisch diseases t their Consulting Burgeon, ■i name,.joopen,a"Dfipea* ii-'s of discuses, In aU tbeli M ■ ■ gratiri to all who apply 1 tl-eir cndiUon, in cases of extreme pomtl /'I •‘lie fxtOr.f charge.‘‘Tt* ;j ■ll commands the Uiahtit j id furnish the moat «pp»V- I f the post, feel aranrvdfjuj i ■e voleijt nflbrt hav»hS. - !. especially to t he jmjtti i :• tl. i.'.Wli. s, with much dcspii-cd Cnue., j mien, aßeport on SnettMl . t i"‘ rice of her diseases of thefleml j t- n. which will be sent'.By ■■/c/iuryt, on the receipt of - pit. Dr. GEORGE R.QAL w;ird Association, JTP.4.S. -•>' order of the Directors, . UEAKTWELL, fr&t. [Dec. My. s D ITS PREMA hibiiahed, Gratis, the 30th VIIONAL TREATMENT, ihca or Local Weakness, J Nervous Dibillty, Xmpo ag- generally, by R. r.C LANES’. M- JO. •il.muing cum plaints, c solitude of youth, IBS* .I‘ICINK, is in tills small h r.lire’.y now and hlsh- ;t y the Author, fully ■" < t.-3 enaUtd.to Cure ' puaslfclo cost, thereby of the day. ; ->t free in a sealeden- F’> postage stamps ;toPr. t. New Turk City. 31MER FASH- Mcrchar.t Tailor, Ute of the citizens of Altoona the building two doors id one door South of Ns* - he is now recciytoglds ■IEli GOODS, ;: Plain and Fancy tt, §Uk, Satin VelvetMar ”o'-t Vestings, in. short, ■i all of which he will mi on themoot reason*' ■. be thinks, win eos • r bia with their orders. 'oUNiy.—Tߣ a New Map of Blair i surreys, containing all the actual localities of 5 rship, School Home*, -■’cis, Stores, Farm Hour M Villages, a Table of y. giving the name and " engraved on the mar ai-ie scale so as to make li h will be colored and ir< r.‘J to subscriber* at SAMUEL OEIL, ISAAC G. FREED- r . GAZETTE.— a- and Criminals fa fa ■ ircu’ated throughout : t TriaU, CHmfaW i ht M.mc, together wW’ : 4 to he found fa w? ,‘l lor six month*, fa ■iM write their name* • il. y reside plainlyv iTStil.h & CO., ; U Police GnaettO. .Veto ynri; City. - IJEST PRO .!> M'.MSST THOSE ( .Id', i!ml other aflW* ) d Ftutc o ftM >imi.il chenjces ofenl r C. W. K lii-lStlvK- lON FOR EX (I ACHE?, ANT?- and o:;.>r any circumefa®' d.'vr. KESPtEB. HTKRS, Tr«»- . ' t a ' ! t UISBIXR'?. f ttoonfl: jJISIm Mm McORUM & DERN, VOL. i TQ£2 ALTOONA XIUBU&EL McCT.tJM * PnbUriwn Wd Pr9priet«|l«. ' Par»m»ain'(|»Ml«J«w*art)ljl[lnidt*iic*,) -flio All papers diaeonUniMd At of tketine jald lor. '****« oranvrarwnio. 1 Insertion 2 jio. 8 do> four linos or tos, 125 :$ Slit «60 On# square, ( 8 lines,! 60 IS* *OO “ ) 100 1«0 200 ihree •* (24; « '.)•• '1 *0 „-S-00 240 Orer toretki and less U*a three UR>nth»,26c«ct*per square fijreeeU insertion. T . .. : Smooths. 0 months. lyesr. Six lines Or lan, 2 160 $3 00 24 W> One square, 260 ■ 400 700 Jwo “ 400 000 10 00 Wire#" 6 00 2 00 12 00 Four ... • -t« 00 10 00 ; 1400 Half a column, 10 00 1400 20 00 (>nn column, ■ 14 00 25 00 40 00 AdininlataaaßsanilJUicotors Notices, ■ 175 Merchants advertising hjrthe year.lhree squares, with libert* to change, | v 10 00 -Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding w ■ lines, with paper, her j*sr, 6 00 , Communications of a.qiotitleal character at Individual In terest will bo charged according to the shore rates. •Advertisements not marked iflth the number of insertions nMiren, #UI bb continued till ibrbid and Charged according to the above .Seims. • ■, Bmlneaa noticoa five cents per lino for every insertion. Obituary, notices exceeding ten linesyftfty Cents a square. TRIBUNE DIRECTORY. CHURCHES, MINISTERS, «cC. - PnAyterian, her. A B. Cum, Pastor—Preaching ev tore Boom. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening In the same room. ' MMrimEpteopal, Eer, 8. A. Wnaotr, Pastor.—Preach- J**« mprnlng,»t 11 o’clock and in theeven- Ing. Sabbath School li the Lecture Boom at 2 o’clock, P. M. General Prayer Meatlngin nme room every VTednes day evening. Toon* Mpn’a Prayer Meeting every Friday STftlUOg, , • t EeangelicaJ Lt&urtm, (uo Pastor.)—Sabbath School in the Lecture Boom at fl o’clock, A. H. Prayer Ueetinr in same room ?rety Wednesday ereplng. | UniUdßrtOtrth, 'Rtn. Dr SPECK. Pastqr.—Preachinj? ev ®rJ Sabbath mprninß.at' H- o’clock ond in the evening.— .Sabbath School in the Lecture Boom at 9 o’clock, A. M.— Prayer Meet log e?ciy Wodoesday evening in siuno room. OiOiolie, Rot. Johx Twioos, Pastor.—Preachlmr at IOU o'clock in. the morning, and at 8% in. the afternoon.. ■ Jiaplisti (no Paator.h-Sahbath School at 0 o’clock, A. M. Afncari Mdhoditi, Kev. S.vtdke Cab, Pu«tor—Preaching every Sabbath morning at ll o'clock ajui in theevculng, in the old Union School llonfee. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. MAILS CLOSE. Eastern Way and Uollldaysburg&t U 30 A.M. Western 8 00 AIM. UolUdayaburg • « 615 P.M. Eastern Ihipugh Mail - 800 “ , MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Through Mall, T 8 >35 A. M. Western Way and UolUdaysbarg, 12 08 P. M, Kasteni u « -• 700 “ . Office open tor the transaction of business 'from 7 JL M to 8 P, Jt, duringitheuaratk, and. from Bto 9; O’clock. A. M. ou Sunday. June 4,’57-tf] JOHN SIIOEIIAKEB, P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Express Train East arrives 2,48 A. M- leaves A. M. “ ■ “ West -•» -SJI S “ “ 856 “' Fa*t “ Bast “ fI|3OP.M. •«• OhOP.M. “ “ .West “ TO,OO “ “ 10,06 “ Mail “ East “ 12,06 ** “ 12JI0 “ “ “ West « 7,00 “ «• 7,25 « Tlio HOLLIRAYSBURO BRAKCH connect* with Express Train West, Moil Train East and West and with Past Lr each month, inthe third.story of the Masonic Tern fpto at T}£ o’clock, P. it. . f ." Encampment, A. V. 3L, -No 10, meets on. the third Tuesday of each month, in thb third story of the Mar aude Temple, at 7|k o'clock, P.M. Altoona Lodge, 1. u. of O. F.,N'o. 473. meets every Friday evening, in the second story of the Masonic Temple, at 714 o clock, P. M. Veranda Lodge,!.. 0. of O. F.,N0.532, meets every Friday evening, in the third stonrof Patton’sßniiaing.unVirginia street, at 7J£ o’clock, P. M. Wnnc'ago Tribe, No. 35,1. 0. R. bold stated Coon vlls every Tuesday ordotam to the X Q. O. F. HaU, In the iMa;onic Temple. JJoundf Fire kindled at 7th run 80th, |breatb. A. EBERLE, .C. of S. [Juno 25, ’s7-ly i ’^ ln V?, r >nt c f America, Camp Kd. SI, meets every Mon- j n the third story of Patton’s HaU, at (^o’clock I COUNTY OFFICERS. [, Ofthe CowrU. —President, Hon. George Taylor.— ABocistcg, J. pcun Jones.DavHCaldwelL [ /W/iOßofery—Joseph Baldridge. 1 ii'-Q L ?i r a ™ JTtcwfer—Hiigh JL Caldwell. oArn/f—George Port.' Deputy—John. McClure. Dittrici Attorney-Ben], L. Uewit. Ojunty ComiaUtionert—difaca Hutchison, David M. Con fer, J. B. McFarlano. ! , r I TreatnrerS: Hoover. i Auditor»-J. W. Tippeiy, 8. Morrow, A. C. McCartney. ; /’>or Home Qoy«r, George Weaver,Samuel Shiver. " ; ’V ' ! ■■ • . Cbromi'—Jame» fonk. Superintendent of Ompum Scfuxlt— John Doan. ALTOONA BOROUGH OFFICERS* JusUee* of the ifcw-Jacob Good, J. JSurgat-~Z. M. Joqe*. . ' iT^i' tfwat ame* Lorrther, R. H. McCormick, John m«- Beed, S«*m Giving, i"««(iort o/ Cb»mea-E. n. MeOormiclt. • Clerk to twmefl—John McClelland. tovther. w - P*rtonV C. B. Sink, 0. C. [won, Qco. W. Sparta, Jcwspb Motat, Vo. C. McCormick. Schottioard—Wm. C. McOomtldc. K. Ky; ; Oi&dar-Jolm H«CloB« n d. r. .di«uU tv j t>. ICKEB ■(: I #risnal Mns** Kpiiom:— Mp«t of yonr rtadera harodoabtleM hewd of Ihe havajnet With wpra—atatkmsof the aame fncomtr and too, thej-have hfea ar much pnazledas I hare been to know who be wu gr what he meant. IhefcUow ing narrative, if {twill throw anyOlght -on the question, Is respectfully submitted; THE FJLTIK& DUTCIiMM. Albitcba»n l In a thick wpodc> «eoMsAoodkooMi'—and he turned round his steed To prepare for the toe, and.diamount when; he’d used. But Echo, his banter. aerrt back—“looW jhood Loom,” And his rage, now no nuke, tor rMlcctlon gate room. He dashed in the wnofls—up the mountain he tore— ’Twas awful to.hear bow ,terribly be swore—- And Echo, fun-loving—ah! wicked,onol—tod Brought a volley of oaths to his ears as he flejr. But logs, robks and brnsh; and tho steep mountain side, To Ootleib quite soon, firrther progress dcnii d; And Eciio—because of a reason quite clear He now was no longer enabled to hear. He stopp’d,,since he must, and hia fqry gave place To ceurfion at foist, aa .he saw In what case He found himself left ;—ibr hie ride through .the trees Had made his coat ribands to float ln tho breexe. He ripp’d out a.— > well, like all Dntchmen before, He swore “pi dem Hlnunel und Erde”.and more— Ahd then. too, he thinks, that os Echo liad taught. He mu more ora/oof thon at first he bad thought Apd as-he reflects, there springs up In his mind— '• ’XU a Lace which perhaps human kind Had ne.’er before trod—so glooroyand drear— And vexation, in turn, is supplanted by m» He breaks for the road—his horse foeU the lash— And dashed through the' wopk and he tnorttO, each dash. And Bcho, again, soon returned, with full force. All the elatter and shorts that were made by bis horse. “Befell DerXrfpll” in terror be cried, “•£» Xjrfol, pet J" was loudly replied. And the settled belief was impressed on his n' 1 "' 1 Xlud fiaten, indeed, was right close on behind. Through thewoods—down the road—past houses through 'towns . ■■■’'• " - i With a speed that the former and townsmen cohfoundi— ( Head forward—feet back—end his hair, like the tail j Of a comet,‘and coat like a wind-shredded nan ' ' Ohol nek a sight!!—Johnny Gilpin, Fm sow, i Could ne’er hare presented such a comic contour. 1 The story soon spread, as yon well may expect, And Gotlelb was Since| the>.y»ny Dutchman yclept. | deleft IpsaUang. TBU Tn ASD HOKjESTY, A LESSON MR LITTLE ROTS. A revolution of opinions is taking plac 4n the jpresent sectarian and nation; PSeJwUces are giving , way to a holy fee ing of universal brotherhood; militat conquests .are robbed of their tinsel, an appear in their natiye* deformity; am moral dignity, though discovered am poverty add ignorance, is raised to its I gitimate place,' exciting the respect at .admiration of alt capahlebf estimating tn i worth. This latter remark will pleai Ij . apology for.'introduoupig to the reader . young hero, filling a. station no than that Ola pupil of a parochial school Two boys, of nearly the same age, we m one day amusing themselves with tha dangerous, though not uncommon, past each other, with They Jmd chosen one bf the squares of the playground, thinking, by this means, Jtt avoid doing mischief. To the consteriia tiqu of the thrower, a missile, instead -oi resting, bn the shoulders of him at whom it was aimed, entered the library window of one of the lordly mansions fbrmuij the quadrangle. I “ Why don’t you take to your heeh you blockhead ; you will have the pollc after you, whilst you are standing stariuj there," was the exclamation of hie ram panion, and he caught him by the anpii order to drag him from the spot.. Th author of the mischief still retained; his thoughtful position. ! “If your father is obliged to pay for this, you will stand a chance of having a good thrashing, Jack,'- the other {hoy urged.. ) “Never mind, Tom; leave me to my- was the reply ; and the young de linquent moved, with unfaltering step, to wards the door of, the mansion, the knock er., of which ho unhesitatingly raised.— The summons was answered by a footman. 1 “Is the master of the hottse at home ?” he with, some diffidence .enquired.- / ft Ko u/’ i( I wish to see him, if you please.” “ That jo*. can’t do, my man; but I’ll deliver any message for. you. 7 ' “ No, .that,lidll not do.S I must, indeed X must see the gentleman himself.” , The earnestness and perseverance of the boy at length induced -him Jo comply iftth his request, and opening the door of the Hbrai7,\e ; apologised for asking his master to see a shabby little fellow; ad ding that he could neither learn his busi ness nor get rid of him. “Bring him in,” said the gentleman addressed,; having witnessed the transaction, arid overheard the conversa rion, was curious to know the object of the boy’s visit. The poor child, whose ideas had never soared above his father’s second floor,stood for some. moments in stupefied amazement when ushered into an elegant apartment; but remembering the painful direumstance which had bro't him into of enchantment, he in some measure regained his self-possession. “ I am Very sorry, sir,” he began, ip a faltering voice, “but I have broken your window. My father is out 'of work just npw, and _ cahupt pay for it; but if you will be kind enough to take the money, a little at a time, as I can get it, I will be sure to make it up and as he spoke, he drew.a few hsjlipence from his pocket and laid them on the table. “ That’s ah, honest speech, my lad; but how am I to* be sore that you will fulfil your. engagement ?" Mr. Cavendish re plied, u Do you* know that I could have sent you to the station house till the mo ney is made up “Oh 1 don’t send me there, sir; it would break my dear mother’s neart. I will pay you bjl>; indeed I will, sir j” and the poor boy burst into a flood of tears, “ I ®m glad you have so much consider ation for your mother’s feelings ; and for her sake, I will trust to your honesty.” “Oh! thank you, sir; thank you.”' “ But when ido you expect to make me another payment ?” 'This is a very small sum towards the price of a large square of plate glass ;” and as he spoke, he glanced at the four halfpence which the boy had spread out. “ This day .week, sir, if you- pleas?.” “ Very wellj let it be so; at this'hour J shall be at home to see you.” Poor Jack made his very best bow and retired. * * * ♦ .♦ , * < Tfne to his« appointment, our high prin cipled boy appeared at the door of Mr. Cavendish’s mansion. As the footman had, previously received igrders -to admit him; ne was Immediately shown into the room. i “ J have a ‘ shilling for you to-day, sir; hesaid exultihgly, and his countenance was radiant w|th smiles. “Indeed! That is a large sum for a boy like you to obtain in so short a time. I %)pe yon came by it honestly.” A flush of crimson mounted to the cheek of poor jack j but it was not the flush of shame. • “ I earned Avery penny of it, sir, ex cepting one my mother gave me to make it np,” he erieigbtifeally replied; and he proceeded to say that he had been on the Ipok-but for jobs all week ; that he held the porse for one gentleman, and he had run bn an errand,fpr another; in this way accounting for. Pleven pence, i “ Your industry and perseverance do you'credit, my Jadj!” Mr. Cavendish ex [i [ claimed, his benevolent countenance light ing up with a smile. “ And npw I should like to know your nam? and place of resi dence/’ --h:l ■' . | ' r. I will write it, sir, if you please. In deed, X brought a piece of paper for the purpose of putting down the'money. I hope I shall be able to make it up io a few weeks, for 1 am trying to .get a situa tion .as an errand boy.” “You can write, then ? pj you go to school ?” : Oh, yes, .sir. Igoto a ft anfl Jack stepped* forward to t. which Mr. Gavendishheld top “ You write a tolerably goo little map. Ypn may, jt thin than tahe an boy’s pia<| see if yon have any knowledge tic” the Altoona Tribune. TOMPBREY. Jack stood boldly upiahd }y replied to' the various que, were pat to him. A'TW will do, my good , when do you jthiak you wi iO' come and bring me some mi g u I will come again this tin i- if I'm alive aud well, sir.” » “ That was wisely addedJ my lad, for 1 our lives are not in our own This, I see, you have been taught. ' ♦ * * * ' ; ■ ’ * . Another week passed, apd again Jack appeared, but His countenance wore ah as? pect of sadness. • | «I am very sory, sir,” ho said,“l have been, unfortunate, and have only a small sum to give you:” And as he spoke, he laid three pennyworth of halfpence before Mr. Cavendish. “ X assure you, sir,” he earnestly added, “ I have offered my ser vices to every gentleman on horseback that 1 could see.” “ I believe you, my boy with your honest intentions ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, ■ JUNE 17, 1858. } I am pleased Perhaps you [independent in everything.] will meet with better success, another time. Let me see; you i have now paid one shil ling andfivepencje; that is not amiss for the time;” and, withahencouraging smile, Mr. Cavendish suffered'him to depart. **: * * * Though Mr. Cavendish from the first, concealed his intentions, his hear; was planning a work of benevolence, which was nothing less than to befriend the poor boy, whose noble conduct had won his ad miration. For this end, he, a few days subsequently, paid the parents a visit when he knew that the son would be at school. He related the incident which had brofught him under his notice, and proceeded to ask whether his conduct to ward themselves was equally praiseworthy. “Oyes, sir!” exclaimed the mother, her eyes filling with tears. “He has ev er been a dutiful child to us, and always acts in this honest, straight-forward man nor.*' ' “He has, indeed, a noble spirit, sir,” the father rejoined; and lam as proud of him as if we were a prince.” “ Would you part with him ?” Mr. Cav endish asked. “ I have something in view for his future benefit.” “ Undoubtedly we would for his bene fit,” was the reply of both. “- Well, then, purchase him a new suit of apparel with these two guineat, and bring him to my residence this day week. I will acquaint you with my views for him for the future.” Language cannot describe the heartfelt gratitude which beamed in the heart of the parents, nor could they find words to give it utterance. When nest our young hero came into the presence of his benefactor, his appear ance was certainly altered for the better, though no disadvantages of dress could rob his uoble countenance of its lofty ex pression. . - Mr. Cavendish had previously made ar rangements for him to become an inmate of his own house, and had also entered his name as a pupil in a neighboring school. John Williams is now receiving a lib eral education, and enjoying all the ad vantages which wealth can procure. Such a sudden change of position and prospects would, in many instances, prove injurious to the moral character; but with a mind based upon the solid principles which our young friend possesses, little fear may be entertained that such will ,be the result.' The above little sketch is authentic! in every respect, except in the names of the parties concerned. The events occurred a few months ago, and are here made pub lic with the hope that the truth, and hon esty, aqd judicious benevolence exhibited, may stimulate others to “ go and do like wise.” Wo copy the fallowing passage from the work, “ The Old House by the River.’!’— We regard it not only as eloquent, (but embracing the belief that every Christian heart must hold. He who Delievesf in love and sympathy of soul, must believe life to be eternal, or eternity a fable : j . “Go preaefi to blocks and stones; ye who believe that love is of clay! jGo preach to. the dead, ye who deny thei im mortality of the affections I Go, reason, with trees, or hills, or images of wood, or with your motionless, icy souls, ye ]who» believe that, because there is mo marrying yonder, there shall be no embracing, or because we may not use the gentle words, “my wife,”.we may not clasp these sanc tified forms in our own holy arms ! I tell you, man, that immortality would he a glorious cheat, if with our clay die! all our first affections. | tell you that s nni hilatiori would he heaven, if I beli jyod that when my head at length rests o i its coifin pillow, and my Ups sink to the si lence and repose - of death, those loving eyes would never, look into mitre again, that pure clasp never be around my neck, that holy caress never bless me morel 1” Se school !” ce the pen urd him* i hand, my t, do better 0' Jret mo of anihme- TBABS.-r-There Is a saofedoess in tears. They are not a mark of. weakness! but power. They oft speak more eloquently than tea thonsand..topgiMB- They arethe messengers of overwhelming grie£ of deep coptritjop, of npspeakable love. Look at the strong, convolve emotion of thehreast when deeply agitated, when the fountain of feeling is rising and when team gush forth-. Oh,. speak nut .harshly of the stricken one, when weeping in silence.; — Break not the solemnity of rude laughter, or intnisive footsteps. There is a pleas ure in tears —a holy pleasure I If there were none on earth to shed a tear for me, I Should be. loth to live —and if no one could weep over toy grave, I couli never die in peace.-—i?r. Johnson. nhesitating- which [boy. Now, ipl be able to ore money?” ah next week, r : ■.. .• ; \ 13?* If any one knows why a should teach, or do any other goc for' half what a man would receive same service, let him give the w benefit of his knowledge; but if to give a good reason for this disprii all should unite teremoveit/a® is and unjust. * * * Eloquent Extract. Ah, is what bur hearts, all want, quiet, quiet! And this is what the world cannot give us, Are'not its gifts finite, and are not our souls infinite f Oh, poor, tired, human soul, buffetting with the winds and waves of this stormy life, be still! look upward ! Askjnot of Time what is not in its treasury—jFfiat it never fave, what it never can givei id hny man; tit ask it of Hod, and in answer shall come the peace “ He glveth His beloved." “ If I was only Understood, land appre ciated, and I wauttqihe loved, then I could he perfectly happy,” is the ciy of so many hearts. Ndl'nd! Hu man. love cfinndi make one “perfectly, happy,” and if it could, Il6w small, and narrow, and pitiable piust fie : the soul whom the love pf another; frail; human soul could fill. ? God did not place us heire as beings simply receptive of enjoyment, but to create and endure; to find our own hap piness in living for others! Try this, reader, letting all therestgp;and see if you do not, in the end, find yoqy own nappiness. ■ I . "■ . ' Ah I how mistaken, how hKis we qre, searching for the soul’s “ hidden treasure”, among the things of earth thirsting for the cooling draughts, hungering aftdr die golden fruits that gladden no valleys) and grow in no gardens of this world; but that fill the sire of Heaven with their sweet sounds and soft fragrance I s Quiet! quiet! and how cspi a man py woman’s heart know this until ail fear of death be taken awiry? Whatsoever be your faith or creed, reader, do we not join hands in this belief? Who> going upon a journey, does not ponder tfie end of if ? and is not life a journey, and death its close-for ail of us ? And until we'can feel that whether it come slow or sudden we can place our hands quietly jn its cold ones, and say, “ I am ready to go,” we cannot be “quiet,” we have;not learned to live. * ♦ Oh, reader, for us all, the "tents will soon be struck, and the curtains with drawn,” and the “green wpvps” will be subsiding over our hearts j anii the petty, cares and trials, and discordances of this! world will be supplanted by the! grand in terests of eternity; so let xis hear the con clusion of the whole matter : “ Fear God, and keep- His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”— firginia Townsend. ] Bachelor’s Wloes. —What: a pitiful hing an old bachelor is, with hLf cheerless reuse, and his rueful On a bitter cold night, whep the fierce winds blow, and the earth is covered with a foot of spow. When his fire is out jdjd in shiv ering dread he slips ’ueath the .sheets of 11s lonely bed. How he draws up his oes-all encased in yarn hose, and he bur ies his nose ? neath the- chilly bed-cio&es, that his nose and his toes, still encased in yarn hose, may not he froze* Then he niffs and he blows, and sweats that he mows, no mortal on earth ever suffered such woes, and with ah’s ! and with oh ? s I and with limbs nearly froze, tbihis slnm >er in silence tbe bachelor goes* In. the morn when the cock crows,; add the sun las just rose, from beneath. the-bed-clothes pops the bachelor’s nose, aqd as you may suppose, when he hears, the wind blows,' and sees the windows all -froze/Why back ’oeath the clothes, pops the poor fellow’s nosp, fpr if from that bed ho rpse, to put on his be’d surely be froze. How Mb. Jones qoy ; an —Mr. Jones has to' go -on an Wand.; be must go immediately; cah’t wait any longer; bat it rains in torrents and as ill lack lias it Mr. Brown borrowed hiaumbrella three weeks since for a few minutes and has failed to return it Suddenly % flash of inventive sagaciousntos crosses the mind of Mr. Jones—necessity is the (mother of most inventions. Mrs. Jones is a fash ionable woman and therefore,: ‘in posses sion of sundry hooped skirts;: Mr. Jones dashes up stairs, pulls out oneofhis wife’s family circles, fastens the same;to his cane and off he starts on his errand; safe and dry, inwardly chuckling at hisiingennity in turning a. useless &shipn to a beneficial account, „ : ; 4 - Bunyan’s Flute.— -The flute with .which John Bunyan beguiled (he tedious ness of his captive hours is how in the possession of Mr. Howells, tailor, Gains borough, England; In appearance it does not look unlike the leg of a stool —out of which it is said that Bunyan, while In prison, manufactured it. When the turn key, attracted by the sound of music, en tered hi's cell to ascertain, if possible, the cause of the harmony, the flute was repla ced in the stool, and by this means detec tion was avoided. ■ Kg, Lord Byron made h comparison of divers languages with music. "The Bus* sian tongue,” said he, 11 we 3 like a kettle drum ; the German like a base vio|; French, as a wedding hymn: the Italian like an iEloian harp ; the English only being the human voice.” On the contrary) Hein? gives the following. He says “ Take a word ihto the month, turn it ardpnd thercM in, and spit it opt j that’s English!” . woman )d Work, > for the jrld the one can ;y, then gurious quiet. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS ' \ > Btiftta of Eloquence. One ofotur exchange papers gathers up the fallowing ‘bantsof eloquence’ which it sayswere delivered before a Court of Justice in. this State: | -■ {* Your honor sits high upon the adorn: bin seatof justice, like the Asiatic rook of Gibraltar; while the btertaal streams of Justioe, like the Cadaverous clouds of the valley flow meandering at you* feet. >; ' Cis reminds us of the commencement of •» speech of a lawyer in New Jersey— “ Your honors do hot sit there hh e marble statues to be wafted about by every idle breeaeJ” ’ ; Another Western oratof commenced hit * harahgue with—“ The important crisis which were about to have striven, have arroven,” Another; “ The Court will please t 6 observe that the gentleman from the East has given them a very learned speech, fis with old Romulus; Soaked with old Socrates; Ripped *ith Euriph dea, and Canted with old Catharidea—but vfhat, your honor, wh«jt does he know about the jaws of Wisconsin Y* , A young lawyer in one of on* own Courts, commenced his defence as follows: “May it please you? honor, thu Reloge has passed over the : earth, the Ark has rested Upon the, mountain, and the Rain bow of Justipe shines as beadtifhlly upoU my colored client aus it does upon any pqd in thjs court, including the jury/* : «Foau<| IHa&j* Paragraphs with this &pti6a-r'^Nl : sl saddest we meet with in all newspape? reader- Hardly a wefck passesam d? ; not meet with such. |?ound de|d,an unknown man—%n inquestwas held-—and he was buried in Field/' T6ap is all that is known or said—' • ■ X -- T^> Sound dead—dead and alone: Thera vw nobod* neaf—'nobody aea*£' When the outcast died on pillow of doanf No mother, no u Not a friendly voice to toothe or cheer, In Ute rooflaaortroot, on JUlow of ito*i« i • How terribly tragic such a.deathf A suggests hunger, and ness of and weariness ciif lae. Found dead and alpne! tnew Itti weary heart ceased to beat ; no ear caught his last moan ; the pale stats looked down with cold, unpityfng eyes, and the chilling winds jrailed a dying dirge around hhn.-r- There was an eye thatheheld the dqo£ outcast ;''there was a heart that tabbed for him with infinite love~ '' * Found dead—yet not alone; _ There wai; somebody hear, Todalm the waatlorot. as hts oiiti, •’ And find a home tor the hohMlfts t^e. ' On?fehen every human door Is cldeedto his children, scorned and poor. Who opens the heavenly portals vjridej > Ah! Ood was near when that oncost died. Farmers’ Creed.—rWc belimre & small farms and thorough cultivatiou. We believe (he soil loves ioea£ u well as its owner, ancf ought therefore fofbe well manured. We believe in going to the bottom of things and therefore in deep plowing agd: enough of it. All the heater if it $ subsoil plow. : ' ’ We believe in large cpops which leavef, land better than when thcy found it—-* making both the farm and iurmerrich afc once. •• * - • .' • We believe that every farm should qiq a. gdod farmer. We believe that the best fertilizer of any soil,ia a spirit of industry, enterprise and intelUgenoe-~-withont this, lime, gyp? sum and guano will be of little use. Weh meye in good fences, good barns/ and good farm house's, good orchards, ana children enough to gather the frnit. We believe in a clean kitchen, a neafc wife-in it, a clean cupboard, a clean and a clean conscience. ' The First- Twenty Years. —Live as long as yon may, the first twenty years form the greater part of life. They ap pear so when they are passing j they seem tojbave been so when we look back to them, and they take up infinitely more room in our memory than all the years that succeed them. If this be so, how im portant that they should be passed in plan ting good principles, cultivating good; tastes, strengthening good habits, anjl fleeting all those pleasures Which lay up bitterness and sorrow for time to comet • Take good care of the first twenty yeazsi of yonr life, and you may hope that thf last twenty will take good care Of you. • I®-Boy.—1 [ say you I are you engaged!' at anything particular ? : , . ! Young Gent.—You impudent young scamp, what are you hollering mo. for? , t Boy.—Oh, nothing much j only if you' ain't,‘l’d like to borrow your upper lip to polish my hoota with. ]BSu“My German friend, how long, have you been married ?” “ veil, die is a ting vat I seldom don't' like to talk apout; but yen I does/it seem*: to be so long as it never vas” tSr An honest man is the hohfest' work' of God; but a woman is the prettiest. no. as. if if Ift '.'T •v Af -j -•