The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 10, 1858, Image 3

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intcd nt Shakopeo,
between "two \.
ICiiiS; which fcfefe
v/tiich the citizens
iX’UUul'i ;
according to dif
f thorn til house#
3 warrior,;, They
to Mv.rphyhilatui.
Wednesday qjghir
: bad of tbeir prea
f their number,- ati
in a canoe, j Hia
; tM.-eca, which arc
mi gave the alarm,
the number of 40
at once proceeded
the bushes on the
in crMiuoncod be
is the river, which
on account of the
ii back, however,
esed on the ferry,
ucd in the timber
d Idstcd about five
! in regular Indian"
the trees and logs,
i few lmml-to-hand
waf clubs. J When ✓
nraedintely carried
on the fvrry boat.
•ely wcundcd wet*
n ns they recover- -
ack into thetfaick- :
ire said to haveac
r during the whole . .
blowing the enemy ’
Whenever a Chip
is immediate •7 cat
Four ghastly henda
her’ and exhibihßd.r
squaws, who were
mmuni;:c.n (widely ; ’
itizena to them free
ir their warriors.—«
uiess bodies of the.
r. and the squaws ■
nally kindled
titup 1 This last ■' •
ity is said, by thoqi
:n balled with fion-|
owns' drew off, and .
ir tin; bluffs, in tbO
:a, leaving fourpf
nc of -,vLnm, from
is supposed lobe '
ly passed a certain '
carrying ,sii, nail .
umletl braves ojh
who were
to be bndly hurt. T
n-'r cnrampmeut
heir victory, ;an^
.« found that twp
sent to be .fatally; ,
‘'•‘d more or less,
barbarism to ,t!iO
Cibsembled there,
i on. a , pole, and'
uied ns trophlai,
:!' two others.
high bank- which
s the river, nca*
:ned with apecta
;i ’ might be eshl;
e fight, aud seem*
Ltade of two n*r
. mangling. mtttU
idit of : a city of.
rouses and instir
ism and its brutal
miglitonmcatoad Col.
ir.d storm experi*
tnty years. accom- .
btning. and hail
std over Elizabeth
ti noon, unroofing
c.'iroying gjadhhji.'r.
hundreds of trfcijk’'.
Ml, lasted about,
ud covered on -ekr
ig-through Eliza-’
no liun and Liioe*
i north and south.
inJ Joseph Emlth'
vv;-j being literally
■!!. 0,..t of damage \
considerable, the N
•. was
Long 'i'i caber Eun,
IrKecsport. Oar
•d some from'the .
•i ;'.iq tornado, wo
iy oh those back '
s iost ns far as we
‘.ruvented na most
was occasioned
; 3 of houses:, lit
Dispatch. ' ■ :
•* ’
11.1) bta Lchati&
iivohl'stey, euji*
, across the street
M tba little f«l
-i* the crazy matt
s of the child be*
The brute, deaf ’
pressed the door
He tlien raised
look at the child ,
■ bad caused., A' "
a-t; beard themes
0 ;’ie rescue. Be
■ escribed, and the
ere, with head qnt
demon, and pe
:■ i vo a fast, uojrT*
ung open tbcdobf
fr.'iu the vice in .
r= of the boy we,re
as pnper. aodthe
> uean-reading to
1 r.c child’s fingers
v as found that it
- ccly room ;to34*
i i.
i.'Coi'NXT, Pa.—r
aiiia, there art
lu raising coal,
u avid other parr
, ;al tothe.exer*
i calculating eer
; *;ti the prepared
•vj liand T it thWJ
■ . tons of cMp
\i.k mining anil;
■ ;,>r »iil break
i y/J of ctrtd
• - vfci'.iive will, do
r. on a good tali*
■ i ,oto teamster*
:: h.~ Monmoatb,
a, ltd over Ellison,
im night. Every
iere were fifteen
ii’ally injurcd.—r
> d inhabitants.—*
without injury.
Oculars to-night,
is intense.
save, (1i1.,) Jont
y swept away Is®*
lV of the Rcr. tt>
ip at children P**‘
r.r esuned to otho®
[hr cn jgKertaiai*&'
poo«jt Mm
- 1 y*~
I Ixp&ovsmkvts.—lt waaaupposed by some of
| t>nr enterprising businessmen some months ago,
that owing to the severe pressure in monetary
affairs, there would be but a stoall number of
booses erected in our town during the present
tear. Bat from present indications, the spirit
I of Improvement is visible in aU quarters of our
borough; and we are* pleased to learn that in
their conjectures, they have been mistaken in
this particular, it Is true, that in consequence
I rf the numerous discharges from the workshops
of the company, n few weeks ago, many persons
were compelled to leave our town and seek em
ployment elsewhere; hut notwithstanding the
removal of these families, there is yet a scarcity
lof houses and a demand for more. This in
creased demand for houses is being met by our
moneyed citizens, and at the present writing
tiiore are upwards of thirty, houses in course of
erection in onr town. Bone of those .houses
are being built for tire accommodation alone of
the families of the 'builders, 'and of course are
first class dwellings; but, among .those being
built for rental, we notice but one or- two which
oanbe called'tAinf class houses. Among those
bring built for the former purpose, we notice a
magnificent and at the same time convenient
building in East Altoona, being erected by Mr.
C. Jaggard. When completedit will be an or
nament to the town,land a credit to the builder.
I Mr. John Nicholas* dwelling, which we noticed
at the time it was commenced, is also a fine
i building, creditably planned. Mr. John Shoe
| maker .has .in coui so of erection, -a Cottage
dwelling house, on the line of the
Groensburg and Altoona, which, judging from
the plan shown us, will be anornameot to the
neighborhood, when - completed.. Our' “ one-
I horse town," (os some tnviotu scribblers inneigh-
Iboring ri/lopM are wont to term it,) is not at a
stand still, by any means, and ere many years,'
' wiU take its place among the important bor
oughs of the commonwealth, in point of popula
tion and beauty of buildings; and far surpasses
in both respects, the truly one-horse villages be
fore-mentioned. .
Tbs Glorious Fourth I—Tbe 83d anniversa
ry of tlie day that gave us birth as a free people
U fast approaching, and we bear of uo arrange
ments j being made to celebrate' it, (as it ever
should'be by American citizens,) by the people
of our goodly town. It is said, and we think
truthfully, that a nation which neglects to ob
serve great public holiday’s evinces evidences
of degeneracy and decay. The 4th of July, of
all the days in the United States, should be a
day of rejoicing—stores should be closed—work
cease—and every one observe the day according
to his wishes! We see that in -several of the
towns they are making arrangements
to have a Union Social meeting of all the people
_of the Town—a regular old fashioned way of
passing the day. Would not this be the mest
pleasant and appropriate way to spend it here ?
Let.OBT military our excellent
Band and our citizens, old and, young, go to one
of the pleasant groves or hill sides around, the
Town—have a speech from one of ourlpiuzens
and the Declaration read—enjoy a dinner in
the woods—and it seems to us the day would
be both pleasantly and suitably'passed. Debit
not be said of the young and'growing Altoona,
i that there was not patriotism enough in her
midst to get up anything to show that they
thought there was any difference between the
4th of July'anlT&y, other day of the 3C5 that
comprise the year. Who seconds our idea?—
Come ye men who enjoy living in this free land
I of ours and boast of your patriotism, make a
I demonstration worthy of the dsy.
Tocso Men’s Dbauatio AseociATios.— On
Tuesday evening last, ire were present, by in
vitation, at aiehesrsal of this Association. We
were much pleased with the.performances, and
admired much the persevering spirit which must
have actuated the young performers in their
Thespian studies—and if the some spirit always
characterizes them, we predict that they will
certainly make their mark in the world and per
haps, turn up “Stars” in their chosen profes
sion, Thpy intend giving public exhibitions in
Military Hall, on Thursday and Frid*? even
ings, Jnhe 17th'and 18tb.
- ’ P*aA»*.--On Saturday afternoon last, the
Altoona Goarda made their appearance pn ottr
streets* in fall uniform. After. parading the
various thoroughfares of, they ascen
ded the hill in the near of West Altoona, where
they went through a tegular course of drill.—-
Ihey jnade a very creditable appearance, and
la the drill* gave evidence that, they have not
lacked competent officers nor the determina
tion. to make good; Midlers. Success to the
I)nuai3TOKß.-~Mr. A. Eoush, a druggiitfrbm
Pittsburgh, has-hought the stookofll. A. Sel
lers, Agt/and added extensively to it; and lias
openedontin the building formerly
. Mr. Sellen. My. Boash is a competent druggist,
of years experience in the Iron City, and we
eao, therefore, confidently, recommend him to
physicians and the publio.asfnlly versedln the
I lore of medicine, and a. fit person, to cbUpoujad
prescriptions.. Bead his an
other column. )■ ,; 1
-Ta* Cibccs.—Notwithstanding the insinoa
tions of our neighbor over the hill to the con
trary, Mahio & Crosby’s Circus, which pitched
tenta here on Saturday last, was more than a
'* one-jiom” «how. The performers, without
acquitted themselves admirably, and
toe programme was replete with good things.—;
By toe way, did- our neighbor over the 1 hill,
%! "one-hone aX-
Accinaw.—Chi Friday Jest, Mr. 0. W. Con-
an employee in the Carpenter Shop of the
Company, had his hand crashed, in a frightful
manner, fax toe machinery attached to hie hnsi
ness. sr. J.. D. Christy attended him, and
. ’®ond in a scientific and skillful
Swtoe* miSSfS 0 was.tajten.
. RaacMßD.— We notice that the Bailroad cony
,pany has resumed the work of extending their
Shops, in this place, and In a abort time the
undertaking will be completed. This speaks
well for the times—.for the work was dropped
in consequence of the late finanoiul crisis.
New Cnosstso. — We notice that the Borough
authorities are laying a stone crossing from the
Altoona House to the Ticket Office. A crossing
ihaa been much needed at that point, and we are
pleased to notice (bat no pains ore spared to
place there a durable one; " , , i
Lecture.— On last Thursday night the Eh
Bev. Mr. McMahon delivered a lecture in the
Catholic Church, npoii the Common School Sys
tem. The audience was large and Composed jf
all seels ; and the iejetpre was teryably written,
and tastefully delivered.
'jibir the Altoona Tribune.
To the Toang Hen of Altoona.
flme Swiftly putet—SMuld Improve it as it Pams—The
Ten-Hour System—lU Advantage* to Tnung Men —floio
their Leisure time should leSpent—Beertalions—Jtental
hipnimatt—the Dignity oj Labor—Labor no Insur
■ yuninUMt Barrier 10 Eminence. '
Sly. Young.Friends—Again I greet yon.—.
Another week -has gone. How. rapidly they
pass ! - As tlie sands of the hour-glass, silently,
hut in quick succession-drop-until they have,
all-ran out, so our weeksone after another are
rapidly passing away and will soon bring us to
the last, Tim® ,!s short! weeks make months
and-months make years; and oif years the ordi
naiy limit to man, is'three-scbre and -ten. But
few, comparatively, reach' the limit. Then how
appropriate the language.: “ What thou doest
do quickly.” That is, dolt at once; do it with
energy. “What, thy hands find to do, doit
with tby migbt.” The value of time I Who can.
compute it ! The adage is, “ Time is. money.”
I have thought that this language but inade
quately expresses the truth—for the proper use
and improvement of time involves health, mo
ney, reputation, our comfort in this life, as well
as the untold realities of eternity. Yet, often,
how lavishly we spend It I How many of our
precious moments ran to waste! Of all the
.profligacy of the world waste of time is the
greatest, and yet the young friends,
you may think your friend is in rather a sober
mood tbipmorning. Well, I not much more so
than usual; But he feels] that he is about to
refer to an advantage enjoyed by you here,
which it is very important you should rightly
’appreciate,involving the improvement of time.,
And it does seem to me, tjiat even a glimpse at
the importance of this subject is enough to
make even the facetious, yet gentlemanly and
noble-hearted Major Boley, a little sober. ;
According to the well known liberal jriows
and generpsity of the P. R. E. Co., they have
adopted the ten hour system with their em
ployees. Their adoption; of the system, and
timing of their men-by the “Bell.” Ims inter
woven this system more or less, with'all the
labors of the placer The result is that almost
every one, and especially the young men .in
their employ, have a certain part of their time
■to thomselsea, .whioh .vthey may uso with grbat
profit, if they will. And it will be an advan
tage, lor a disadvantage, just as they do this or
not; the time is theirs, if .they spend it in
idleness or folly, or .in forming habits of vice
or profligacy, it muat prove a serious evil. And
this will inevitably be the result, if they do not
lay down for themselves home xu’e or order, or
systepi for its improvement. “IdUneu is the
mother of vice." v
But the young men of this place may be
ready to excuse themselves, ami even complain,
that jthc proper sources of amusement and im
provement are wanting here. That is true to
a certain extent, and was in a former letter
shown to be one of'thpir disadvantageous cir
cumstance:. But tjicn the question is, ought
they not unitedly aadi in good earnest, goto'
work to bring about a.different state of things?
I tbinV they ought. To niCiit is clearly their
duty. It ia a matter which involves not only
their own individual improvement and personal
! interests, but also the character and good of
the place in which we live. And now, ypung
friends, if you will bear with me, I will drop a
hint or two as to my views of the manner in
which yohr spare time should be spent.
Unquestionably/ a part of it at least maybe
.“pent in innocent recreation. The mind of man
no more than the body, bears well constant
tension. L&e the bow that is always' strung,
it will lose its elasticity) The sources of such
recreation; are numerous almost as the various
tastes of men. As for example, walks or rides
dor pleasure—strolls to upon nature’s beau-
especially at this'inviting season—social
intercourse with your companions, .in which
the every-day occurrences of life, which are td
general interest, may come Up in hasty review)—
and in which opinions may be’ freely expressed
about the political, moral and religious ques
tions of the day-i-or irhen you may indulge sal
lies of - wit, andmerry-making Such'
things make men think and sharpen the intel
lect, whilel it -is an unbending of the mind, and
a source of recreation to the whole man,, Ano
. thcr way of seekingyecreation Is in the society
of virtuous and intelligent Females. There is
no more wholesome restraint of an earthly kind,-
than.that which kind-hearted, affectionate, vir
tuous and intelligent ladies exert over the gen
tlemen pif their acquaintance. Toting men can
not wj|li do without the influences of female
society. Those who shun their company either
become chorliah and morose, or they beeptne
hardened and .vile. While on the other band to
mingle with the .fairer sex, softens the aspefi-,
tics of nature, improves * the manners, and
better preparcs thcm for the' common civilities
of life. Yet it wonldnot he just to yourselves,
nor'right jp Bis sight who trill-judge us, and
callus to an account fdr tl e use of the talents
committed to ns, thus to spend all your spore
time. ; The mind js ‘to rbe trained and stored
with useful knowledge. This jean be done only
by reading and reflection. It is
fdre, sacredly to' apart ,o portion of your
ieisitre time for Uus purpose.' And that you
may the more certainly accomplish this .end,
fix the honm—4dy down for yourselves p sys
tem'ereU pa a pMticulwrtiraeYDr
in eaeb’ 4ayi v and let nothing,' .vriihopt' }t fa
Bometiuuguvcrwluch you control,
bwk in apon jonr latnutgemest. Ho mancaii
accomplishmoch iA« does hotsystcnutire Ms
time; Bad ;yet any one willhe nurprieedat
whathccan do if. lie Trill adopt and strictly
adhere to system. ■■
' It is u great mistake for any one to conclude
that because ho is. a mechanic, or spends acer
; tain nqmbcr of bears in his daily employment,
that therefore, the Tray to intellectual improve
ment, or the path-way to distinction is for him
hedged up; or that the barriers in the way to
eminence are to 'him insurmountable. Indos*
try, perseverance and determination, Trill over
come. any difficulties however great they may
seem to her Some-of the brightest limits thit -
havc ever shone upon the world of letters, U%ve i
arisen from comparative obscurity and poverty]
and over all the hindrances incident to & lifetif
daily toil. Franklin came to tide country a
printer-boy; Roger Sherman waaa Shoemaker.
The Learned Blacksmith, who has mastered so.
manly ancient indf modern languages, and is
.such U finished scholar in his mother tongue,
for many years, worked eight phonra daily at his
anvil.' The writer iof these letters is a mechanic,
yet he has not euffejred that foot to prevent, en
tirely, his improvement In letters, and his efforts
to be useful -tb his fellow men. And ilthoagh
his attainments:; are % exceedingly meagre, and
his success in mastering the languages, ; bis
progress in the arte and sciences very limihgd,
yet he is conscious Of the fact, that -for this be
has ho one to blame but himself. Industry,
energy and determination-, would have -sur
mounted every obstacle. lie is among those
who consider labor honorable and dignified, and,
perfectly consistent;with the highest position in
life, socially, intellectually and morally. The
highest specimen of a man the world has ever
•seen,; was the sou cf a carpenter and himself a
laborer. The man that will not labor in some
useful employment, ought not to eat; and he
who drapiscs the laborer pours contempt' upon'
the Qretft Master-builder of Jhe skies, who crea
ted the heavens and the earth, and continues to
uphold all things by the, word of His power.— ■
But I must not be tedious. In my next, I would;
like to make some suggestions for your mutual
imprpvement and pleasure. _
ybars in kihdhpss and much-friendship,
1' ' -v’-. 'I:';:’ I■ -; ■r- T. ly. K. _
Legal Rats.— Attorney General Black says :
A lease of laud for.;one yew from the first of
April does not expite until the. first of April fol-.
lowiqg. It would expire on the 81st of March,
if pu which the term, began were not'
excluded. When abill is payable ten days after
sights the day of presentation is not one of the
ten. when the decree of the court i eqiiires an
act to be dune within four days, the party can
not be put in conteiept until |e expiration of
four whole days after the day .on which the de
cree is dated. Whpn a policy>of insurance stip
ulates for two days notice of a fire, the day of
fire Is not included.: A right by statue to re
deeai hinds sold for; taxes within sixty days af
ter the sale, doe? not include the day of sale.—
These ere a few of the innumerable cases to
which the American courts hare applied the
general principle, where time is tube computed
froiuUu act done, the dry on which the act is
done, shall'be excluded, unless it is apparent
that a different computation was Intended.—
Chamb. Repository.
As Artillery School.— The Secretary of
War jhas issued orders for the establishment of
a school at Fort Muuroo for. theoretical and
practical instructions in artillery. The regu
lations for its'.government hare been adopted
oh the recommendation of the General-in-Chief
of the army. The .school for the present is to
be composed of the officers companies of
the garrison of Fort- Munroe. Hereafter,* when ‘
the state of the service permits it, the number
of companies will be increased to eight, se
lected from the; ft>Ur regiments of artillery.—
The | companies are to serve at the school for
two years, at the expiration of which tifhe one
company of each regiment, shall be relieved by
ariothcr of the'same. Artillgry graduates of
the Military Academy are to serve one year-at
thowcllQol before joining their companies,
Wealth of Wm. E. Astoe. —Thosowho havci
any kind of facilities for forming on idea about,
the wealth of Win. B. Astor, estimates that it
amounts to or $60,000,000. It is
mostly ip real estate. He lives plainly, but still'
is not niggardly. He has five children, three,
sonar and two daughters. The two daughters,
married rich, as did the eldest son. The young
est is mentally vfcak. . himself is now in
Paris. He nnd pis elaoist son divide their time
in -I: ring between this eountry and. Europe.—
Mrs Wm. B. Astor h a benevolent lady, is a
practical Clms|t|n, Anils an active manager in
a I«dies’ lnstitution ini New York,
and tbo tdjief support pf another in Dutchess
county, where her summer residence is.
Tuesdhy night, Ist instant, about 10
o’clock, as the two horse stage which runs from
Mt. (" Chanpbcrsburg, and is owqed by
Mr. i John Jamestown, (was crossing a swollen
stream in the furrows, eight miles north of
Burnt Cabins. U was swept away by the current,
nnd|both horses '.drowned. The only passenger
in the stage loptihiaj Irunkt The mail bag was
also lost, but yas found about two miles down,
the stream. The drowned horses find the coach,
wliiph was broken to pieces, were also swept
down the stream About a mQe before they were
recovered. Mr.-jJamOston’s loss Is
: four hundred arijl fifty dollars.
■gh. A French actor of celebrity. In Sso
Francisco, becariie surety for u friend, pad Ufe
creditors camp ppon hi m for payment, Dwil
rous of returning to France, he engaged
sage oh board tl(e steamer JohnL. Stevens, and
the fact coming to the knowledge of the credi
tors, they secured the services of a number of
officers to prevent bis emigration. As the hour
for sailing approached, the officers scrutinized
every one on hbjnrtt with more than usual vigi
lance, but failed! to; detect the artist, who qui
etly took a seat In the saloon, so admirably dis
guised in womjto’A apparelVffiat .even Ins ow n
brother failed to-recognize him.
Large Lump 6r ; Gold.—A monster nugget,
recently found in Australia, lias been sent to
London, and is announced as on exhibition at
the official rooms of the Crystal Palace. It wan
found at “ KingWcr diggings,” ISO mites from
Metbonrnc. This superb mass of gold is two
feet four inches in-length, iind ten inches at its
greatest width; it weighs 1,743 ounces, or hear*
!y 146 pounds, and, strange to say, it is estiraav
ted by gold brokers t6'contain but six ounces'*
of dross, the residue being gold Of the purest,
hind.. ■ . - •'
What N ext ?—Some mighty inventions are
yet in embroyo. Among them are, a French
power-loom that silk by electric me
chaniam; an electric telegraph cylinder which
reproduces writing or drawing on a smaller cyl
inder at any distance; and another variety,-by
which * may he played in Vienna by>
player sented in Paris 1 To thdid ihay : lm «dr
dfd b > e?? ■ ’> £
▲ Good Excuse.
Thero is probably no more witty, tngralotts,,
or hard working. Democrat In. the Pennsylvania
delegation In Congress, than. lion. J.L.GUUB
Of Elk uottnty; nnostentatious and unpretend
ing,TyA always at his post rU the time of need,
and always having enough; nerve to say What
lie thinks; and do what he says. . One day last
week the House of Representatives found itself
without a. quorum, and the services of the Ser
gßanJ-stiArms were called into requisition.—
Among the absentees was the eeeentrio Gillis,
wbd; In with a largo number of Demo*-
had bden dining with the President; he
wds arrested, brought to the Hodse and asked
by the Speaker what exccso he conld give for
his absence, fie answered as follows:
Mr. Speaker, I amtlie bumble representative
-of the wild-eat district pf Pennsylvania; [laugh
thr ;]. and if is not to he expected that either
the people_of;ti\at district or their Representa
tive should pc completely conversant with all
'the roles of this House, or any other disorderly
body. [Renpwed laughter.] It is not'to be
: expected ..that either they or their Representa
tive shohld he acquainted with nil the etiquette
of this “city ef magnificent distances," as my
colleague fans called it. I’was invited to dine
with the President tq-day; and I had been in
formed that it was etiquette with members of
this body .that an invitation to the President's
was an impemtive order, and could not be diso
, beyed. [Great laughter.] Regarding it in that
light, t accepted the invitation. , 1 have been
.dining With' the President, and have enjoyed
myself, nod enjoyed the company after dinner
,vsry much ; and now I am willing to pay for it.
. [Kxdessive, laughter. ] Mr. Speaker. I am afraid
that gentlemen on the other side of the House,
who did not receive invitations, are a little en
.vfOHS because they did not. [Renewed laugh
ter.] I -, , ,
Jthave oply another word to say. I heard
that (he Sdrgeant-at-Arras was after me, and I
f&w, not jtfi the horns of the altar, but to the
horns of old'Buck. I seised them, and held on
U? them, until 1 found that I was out of danger.
Then I let loose, and came here; and now throw
myself uppndhe mercy of the House. [Laugh
Mr. Mqpve. I move; that the gentleman ha
discharged without paying fees.
. Mr. Morgan. 1 move that he be discharged
.op payment of fees.
The question, was taken {and tho amendment
: was agreed to; and then the motion os amend
ed wasagreed to.
' Mr. Gillis. I return my thanks to the House.
-I tipa pcrfectlyViiling to pay the costs for the
dinner- [Laughter.] • r • - r
J; - Jocesktmen Tailors is CiscissAXi.-i-The
Gflriqan Journeymen tailors of Cincinnati hjeld a
large meeting a few evenings, ago, ahd resolved
to demand, an increase of wages of from 25 to
60 per cent. The Cincinnati Commercial says:
About thirty-five-hundred Journeymen tailors
tire employed by wholesale manufacturers In
this city, and'’' their average wages are about fifty
five cenit per diem. Some-do not receive over thirty
five cents per diem, while feic if any receive above
sixty cents, 'they arc all required to woik ten
hours a day. Those who arc able to own sew
ing machines, and who employ from three to
half a dozen girls to assist them, make fair per
diem by working from sixteen to eighteen hours
out of the twenty-four. The prices paid are
about as follows:
For ordinary cassimero and doeskin pants
which are sold at from $2 to $5 per pair, the
manufacturer pays the journeyman 15 a 40
cents per pair fur making. It requires a day
to make a pair. For an ordinary 'cloth coat
usually sold by the manufacturer at from $lO
to SLS, the journeyman is paid 35 a cents
for making. It requires a full day for making.
making an ordinary cloth, silk, satin, vel
vet or other vest, the tailor is paid 15 a 50 cents,
and it is a day’s work. Tailors say they know
Chat pants have been made, within a week, for
15 cents a pair.
Meronant tailors pay their journeymen about
one hundred per cent, better prices, and charge
their customers, more than a pro rata for work.
Tus Piety Little Pig. —The PnSa Christian
(Miss.) Monitor says:
‘•Going up tbo street a few days ago, we saw
a sight wo didn’t expect to sec. nor do wo. ex
pect to see again in a great while. It was noth
ing more nor less than a little negro boy, about
fotir years old. stretched out upon the ground
beside a poor, inongy looking sow, and tucking
away as though it was his mother. Such a
sepne is not often witnessed in our town, and it
rather amused us. And what was more, the sow
seemed .to' like the idea of suckling a human pig.”
Coloring Fluids foe tub Haie aek’Das
fitnous. —Professor Wood’s Hair Tonic restores
the Color, not by the nitrate of silver process,
but by a restoration of the healthy functions
upon which the original and natural color of
the hair and its moisture, its gloss, its l|fe,and
consequently its original beauty depended.—
Professor Wdod, at the age of thirty-seven years,
was as gray as a man of eighty, and his hair
was dry, thin and dead. N ovt he has not a single
grey lock upon his crown, nor is his hair thin or
dry, but,soft, pliable and moist as that of a
child'of five years. This preparation acts upon
the roots, for after an application!, that portion
of the bail nearest the scalp is found restored
to the original color, whatever it was, while the
ends of the hair ore gray. Try Wood’s Hair
Tonic, and do not apply any other till after you
have this. With this resolution you will never
have occasion to use a hair. dye.
' GaTitles. —Beware of worthless imitations, as
several are already in the market, called by dif
■fcjspt names. Dae none unless the word (Pro
fessor Wood’s Hair llestorative. Depot St Louis,
.Mb., and New York,) are blown In the bottle.
Sold by all Druggists afid Patent Medicine Deal
ers. Also by all Fancy and Toilet goods deal
ers in the tJnited States and Canadas. See ad
vert wtaPM*
'Tinf Panic—More Failures.—The panic ini
NeW York seems to be on the increase. In this!
city everything goes on smoothly, and the only!
failures we have beard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Browit Stone Clothing Hall of Rockbill & Wil
son, Nos. 603 iznd 605 (Chestnut street, above
sixth. ’ Gentlemen and Youths never fail to pro-:
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.'
The* Best Cough Medicisb.—One of the
very bgsf Cough-. Medicines ( to be found any
where, is Br. Keysor’s Pectoral Sytop, sold by
0. Vf. Kessler, at 60 cents per bottle. ■
„v\ .■ "• •.
jjgf See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’B
LIVER INVIGORATOR in another column.
- On. the 3d Instant, by Jacob Goad, E*'!-. Mr. JOSEPH
TfUTZGAK, of Sinking Valley, to Ml** SUSANNAH
’MUNDSOS. of Centre county. '
On tbe 23d ult„ by Henry Ickc*. JS«l* Sir- JOHNBOW
SEU. of 0 rconilcld township, Blair comity, to Mias SOPHIA
BIiOOM, of Union township, Bedford county. ■ ■
On Tm'«l»v cveninc. Juno 1, by tlio Bot. P. X. Junkin,
of Hollidnysborg. ' ■ - -
In Holiidayabnrg, on tbe 2nd insU, IRENE, danghUr Of
John Penn and Elfeabetb T. Jonca, aged I year, % month*
‘ r , "
\- 1 OR JAMES CUaipgS :
Prtpartd/xmapraarlpiic* tf 3irJ. ClarU,M. Z>., Phf
i A stC&a/i, Satrucrdiatay £> Me QMeeji. |
l This tavatosUa medicinal* unfskling in tba ton of all
hole patnfhl and dalicato dlsetWto which the fomaleeon
atitatioatsimlject.- It moderate* oil excess and renwrea
All obstructions, and a speedy ctiromay bordlcdon.
:ft Is pectfllarljr sotted. It will, in a short (line, bring on
he monthly period with regularity. .. 1. i„
Each bottle, price one dollar, bean tbeOavemiUcnt Stamp
>f Croat Bi rah), to prevent counterfeits. . j ;
„| ■- CAUTION. ' '
I TkaePßUVmto not Utafa by fmaUiMfnf the flirt
three montkt of Pngnancy, at they art mn fa bring an Hit
carriagt, bvtat any other Note they artutfa,
I In all case* of Nervous and Spinal
the Back and Limbs, Fatlguo oh slight ezertlan, Palpitation
of the Heart, Ryeteries onid Whiter tticse Bnif Wiil effect
ft core when «1I other neons have hilled, and tithongh a
poworfol remedy, do not contain iron, calomel; adttmony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution. *
Bull directions in the pamphlet aroand bach package,
which should be carefully preserved. ! ir
’ Sols Agent for the United Statee and CaniUh,: !
JOB MOSES, (late 1. C. Baldwin * Oo_)
' Bodtester, N. Y.’
; N. 8.—51.00 and S postage stomps enclosed to any an
tborissd Agent, wUI insure a bottle, coutainlogM PiUs,
by return mail. I ‘
: B. L. Kabmatoek, Pitteburg, Wholesale Agents; also, for
.sale by all Druggists-. ’ [June.B,lB6B.-ly.
ooaucuo wuxlt >r t. * r. unrilkau,.'
ploor—Superfine, U.bbl.
: “ Extra,: « «
Corn Meal, ' cwi.
Potatoes, buahi
Dry Apples, “
Butter, « 1b
dlsms, “
Shoiildeie, «
Side; “
Kgfe», j do*.
. M'LAIN * LEUB-’S PLOOE uabkEt.
UTLain A Lehr sell their Flour at the following rates
White Wireat Flour, Extra Family, ft bbl. ' g 5.75
“ “ “ “ Superfine, “ ’ |t.B7V<@^.ud
“ « |“. Superfine, « ; 4,76
Extra Family l^lonr,
Superfine Extra, best quality,
“ . “ Bru-U Creek,
Superfine, ,
undersigned having .perfected their Spring Stock,
now offer to Hit) public tti# LARGEST LOT OS', OROCE
RIKS ever presented in tho town of Altoona, i.
Our object in publishing this card is re present theifcl
lowing facts: . ■ ' '
Ist. Tho recent hard Holes have very much reduced the
price of Grocer lea In the city,-especially to«aab buyers.
2d. We bought these Groceries in larga ltoto, many of
them from first'hnnda. v :,
3d. We. bought them entirely for cash, li
4tU. Wo sell for ready pay. il
6th. We keepi our stock full by Weekly receipts.
6th. Mr'pase determined to keep up the credit uf our house.
71a. We soil mote GROCERIES than any other store in
Bln ir county, at less per cent. ! ,
'Bth. Wo sell cheaper than any other store In the county.
A continuation of patronage u respectfully solicited.
Altoona. June 10. ISSS. - McL.VNE A t.Wmt
begs leave to inform the citizens and: inhabitants of;
Altoona and vicinity, that he has taken the Drug Store
furni riy occupied hy P.;A. Sellers, Agent. Where he has on
hand and is constantly receiving a large: assortment of
PERFUMERY, GLASSWARE, etc, generally kept in p
Drug Store, all of which ho warrants to be!perfectly pure
and fresh, having selected every article himJselljaind which
he will sell at the lowest cash prices.
Having been engaged in a first-class Drug and Prescrip
tion store in Pittsburg for a length of time," ha is compe
tent to compound Prescriptions and Family-Rcripes in the
most accurate and scientific manner, and cordially invites
the public to give him a cult A- ROUSH, '
Altoona, June 10, ’BB.-tf ] Druggist and Apothecary.
PERFUMERY, such os
Extracts for the Ildk’Jj Toilet Soaps, i
Pomatums, Hair Brashes '
Hair Oils,. Tooth Brashes^
Colugnos, imported and domestic: ;
- ‘ Oriental Drops, Dressing Combs,.
Cosmetics. Pocket Combs,
Frangipannl Sachets, Purses, '
Bay Leaf Water, etc, etc.
Just received and for Sole low at A. BOUSITB.
June 18.1868.-tf ! • “
\ J Linsaod (Ml, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and
Alcohol, for sale cheap at A. ROUSH'S: ,
\J KING Soft Soap, and Soap Powder tbrWaahiag, one
pound equal to eix of common Soap: Castile Soap, Palm
Soup.-Chemical Soup, ohi., on hand and-fbr Sale at
June 10,1655.-tfJ ’ A. ROUSH'S.
\ y The subscriber would
fully inform the coneumers.of CU AI.
iu Altoona, that he is constantly I loTh . iJMBw
cclring all kinds of COAL, which he , ®*T '
Is ready to deliver at all times and to any part of the town.
All orders left at .T. L. Ickes’ store, or at Esqttlro Donty’a
Justice Office will he promptly filled. : ; :
Office at residence In Buttonbnrg’e building, opposite Eob
ert Green’s, whore all orders Will receive prompt attention.
Aug. 14. ’36-ti ] JOHN ALLISON.
Thavb kemovbd my, ware-
BOOM to tho corner of SMITHFIEtD and THIRD
Streets, opposite Young’s Fnruituro Warcrobin. ,
Pittsburgh,- ApvQ 1, ISSSCm. NOBLE.
the sale of EVERY ARTICLE wpntatln FHRNIBH
INO A DWELLING HOUSE, Mattresses,Bolsters and
Pillows; Comfort", Spreads, and Q«qitB ofj|ver|y style'aflef
price. Satin, Do Laine and Lace -Cortainij; Damask and
Moreens, Brocatols and Plashel; Muslin Curtains, Figured
Muslin and with Lace Edge; Tasselsand.jCords of every
description. Gilt Cornices of every variety' and style, -and,
some splendid patterns for windows; Gimp and Erase Bonds;
Blinds of all kinds; Window Shades of every price ai.d
style: Also, Venetian Blinds. Friends and strangers are
invited to call and see ns in the new store; I•? :, •
Pittsburgh; April I,lBSS4tih, VTSL NOBLE.
Tremendous Excitement in East AUoona! gk
Tho soliserlben respcctltally inform the
of Altoona and the rest of manUnd that wey are
now prepared to carry on the BLACKSMItIUNG BUSI
NESS in all its various branches, at the pewetand next
door below Peter Heed’s Cabinet Shop, On Adeline street, in
East Altoona. They flatter themselves that they arc abls
to render satisfaction io ail Who may iavor ihem with their
patronage; and no effortwill be Wanting o# their part to
merit the of tho community.;; Wagons. Car
riages, Ac, made and ironed to order, fox which good lum
ber will bs taken. Ucmember the place,'on Adeline St.,
where Blacksmithing is done on the shortest notice and
most Toaadtaable terns.. JOHN W. IIOOPEB,
Altoona,May 27, ’38.-2ro) T. A. JAMES.
Re stauhant ani> eager
BEER SAIiOON.—The imbeeriber wtmid re*pectfbUy
announce that be will keep constantly oh bond, «t hi* saloon
I tinder the Masonic T&hple,
a supply of refreshment*, such as Cake*. (%ec*e. Sardines,
Protwl*,and an excellent article of LA3E& BEBB, manu
factured at the' Altoona Brewery, which isprcnonnced the
best in thttcoimtry. Ilia saloon is fitted up'in good »tylo
for the comfort and accommodation of his .patron*, and he
hopes by strict attention to their want* to iSorit and receive
a fair shore of patronage.
'f\ Notice is hereby (riven that totter« of Administration
on the estate of James Moqke, lot a of Login* township, Blair
county, deceased, have been granted by the Register, 4c.,
to the undersigned, residing in Antes township. All per
son*knowing themselves indebted to said ; estate are re
questedto make Immediate payment; and:those having
claims against It trill present them dnly authenticated for
settlement. . , JOHN J. BCRKIiOLDEIt, Adm’r.
May 27, fSsB>.t 4
of Administ ration on Iho EsAte of Adam Robinson,
late of the township of Logan. Blair county, deceased, have
been granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted to the
said estate ore requested to make immediate payment; and
those haring claims or demands sgnlhst the estate,'will
please make known the same to • _
P Altoona, May la, 1f.58.-tit JACOB GOOD, Adnr.
draw nigh and bear- JOSEPH P. XEOUlinnonn
oeeto the public, thatlw ttoAarge hk date
aanAaettaneet wh«n»w called «po«., . (jnn.jftoijto
V 1,75
| : IJ6
i •• ■ so
1 / . -14
j. / 13
■ 1 . 10
! ' 13
S .. M 0
W bblj, «
“ ■> 6 26
“ 5 DO
«• ; 1 \ 4ta
JL : nuviva bt &R. ußims,
ti.Om tt tira best POrgntHb and Urw UsdiebiW wwrfta* -
fow the pVbtlo, that act* u a Cathartic, easier, nOder.aMd
more dfecltfal than any other mediciite known, ft la MC ’
only a ouharu'e, hot a Liter remedy, acting Erst OO Uw
Liver to eject its morbid metier, then on Uiu stomach and
boWhis to carry off that matter. Urns accomplishing two,
purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings
exporiou'eud lu tho operfitiohs of moat ialhartics. • It
strengthens the system at the »ame time Unit it purges It;
and when taken dally in m.urtnlo dost*, will strengthen
and build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Live* Is one of the; .principal regulators of fba.
human body; and when itj Iportorms Itsfuncllohawell,
the pewters of tho Bjstenij , ! are folly developed. Tho
sfomacA is almost entirely j ! dependent on the hoefthy
aQUuu of the Liter for. the. £2 ‘ proper prrforaiMice cf Itt
functions; when the atoni-j, Jack is at limit, the bowels
kreatfoull, and the whole:Q,system’ suffers la Coin*-
queues of ono organ—the w jLivkn—havingccaacd to do
It* duty. Vur tho diseases' ts'of that organ, one oftha
proprietors has tqade it his ~ .study, in n practice of more
than twenty, to find !»om« remedy a herewith to
counteract the many do- s ; ran gem tints to which it la
UaWe. . .. ft» .
To prove that thfa rente
son troubled with Uvm
forms, has oht to try a hot-;
tain.,. • .
i These Omni remove all
the nsteqt, supplying lu
of bile. iavlgciraUng thy
digest anal, Ptrwmsa vhu
health to tho whole machi
of the' disease—affecting a
r Bruotts Attacks are car
ruvstrrro, by the occa
One dose after eating Is
mach and prevent the food
. Only one done taken be-
unty one dose taken at
el* gently, and cures Oos-
One deoo taken after each
4®* One dose eft wot ea-
Itave Sick H*ada.cb*,
Ona bottle taken for fe
the canbe of the disease,
Oifly Ohe doSe immediate-
One dose often repeated
Uoxßtm, and a preventive
JSP* Cnly ouo buttle la
syeteia the effects of medi
. 49* One bottlo taken for,
lowness<>r utmaturHl.color|
, One do«e token a abort |
Vigor to the appetite, and!
One dose often repeated
it* vforft forms, white Sum
yh-ld .almost to tbo first
One or two doses cures
in children: ’ there Is no
remedy in the world, as it
A few bottljjs cares Dropsy
We take, pleas tire in re
al a preventive for fever
all Fevers of a lUlfoni type,
and thousands are wilbbg
All who tue It are gfvlugthcir nttaaitaona testimony la
its fit or. . ' >
£3u Mtx Water in the month with the Invigotator. and
swallow both together. ■
working cares,-almost too. great to beltetei It etires as it
by magic, even OkfjSrH dof« giving: tynujit. and atthkipt more
than onb bottle Is, rbgnired to cure any-kind Of hi tnf Conte
plaint, -from the worst Jaundice or /rysjxjwc la a cants)on
JEtoOdacke, all of which aro the reralt of a Utamaro
pates o»’ oouan vxa Borne. ‘
I>ll. BANFOUD, Proprietor, hid' Broadway. New York.
Wn_Bold by 0, W. Kasai,na, Altoona; and retailed by
all UrnggisU. [May 2T, ISCP.-ly
The greAt beautifieri so
tong unsuccessfully sought,
its original color; cover* luxuriantly the bald head; ro
moves all dandruff, Itching andaU ucrviula, scald head ltd
alt erupt Iona; make* tbe hair soft, healthy and gloaay; add
will preserve it to-any Imaginable age; removes, as if by
magic, all blotches, Ac., from the &ce and cure* all neural
gia and nervous headache. See circular and tho following;
Boyer, N. H.. Peb. M, 1867.
Poof. O. J. Wood A Co.—Gents: Within a Saw days wo
have received so many orders and calls for Prof. 0. J. Wood**'
Hair Restorative, that to-day wo were compelled to lend to
Boetqu for a quantity, (the 0-duzen you forwarded all being
sold.) wbile.wamlght ord<*r a quantity from yon, JU«g
bottle tee have told teem Uyhave produced three or four not
customers dad the approbation, and patronage It received.
froo*tho most substantial .and worthy eitUens of our vi
cinity, fully convince us that it is A MOST VALUABLE
‘ Send ns aa soon as may bo odegross of $1 else; and one
dozen!? size; and believe us vpntn very respectfully.
(Signed) DAJitfcL LAXHOBP 4 Co,
Hickory drove, St. Charles Co.. Mo., Nov. 19,1866.
Pvor. 0. J. Wood— Rear Sir; Sometime last summer vra
were indnqed to use some of your Hair Restorative, aqu
Its effect* were so wonderful, We fee! It cur ddty to Jfpl;
and the afflicted, to report It. >
Our little fcm's head for some time had been perfectly
coveted with cores, and some called it scald bead.' ns
hair almost entirely came off in consequence, when a (blend)
aeelngs his sufferings, advised us to use yoor Restorative,
we did so with little hope of success, bat, to oar surprise,
and that of all our friends, a very lew applications rehiemn
the disease'entirely, and a new and luxuriant crop of hair
soon started out and we can , now say that cur bor has u
hcaltby a scdlp, and ah luxurlent a crop cf heir os any
other child. We can therefore, end do hereby xecomtnerd
yout Restorative, as a perfect remedy for ail diseases ofth*
scalp and hair. We are, tvurs rc.-pectfully,
Gsrtliner.Mainc, .Tune 22,1E8fi.
Psor. 0. J. Woap—D?ar Sir: I nave ine>l twc bottles of
Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and can truly ny ItM
the greatest diefcovery o( {be age for restoring andthanging
the Hair. Befdrfr bunk tt I woe a tnau of seventy. My
Hair has no w atulnedite ofigibal color. You can neon*
mend It to theirorid without the Host leer, osmycaa*
was one of the worst kind.
• ■ '' ‘ Toots liesucctftjlly,
0. J. Worn 4 00., Proprietors 312 Broadway, New Toifc
(in the great N. Y. Wire Balilhg Establishment,) asdlft
Markttßi; St Lodi*:Kb.
Tor sale by Gi W.‘ KESSLER, Altoona, and by all good
Druggists. ’ [June 8,13M-ly.. s
Yaluable property foe
SAtE.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract ol
EIGHTY 1 ACRES of land, situate In Furguson township.
Clearfield county, oh the South side oftbe West Branch of
the. Susquehanna Btver, about fito miles from Curwensvflto
and on* mile below Dumber City.. The premises areeon*
■venietrtly situated, and among other inducements to pur
chasers are two extensive beds of
one of which exceeds nine feet in thick new and yields fined
forty-five to eighty per cent. There U also an almodanna
of . _■
on the premises, making it a desirable situation to penoM
wishing to the raanoiseture of Iron.
Theta is the Best of water power on the preiniM*, ORd
tire river is navigable with arks, boats, Ac., from t£ is point.
Pcnscns desiring any farther information will address
. WM. Q. 3icCRACKEK,
March 20-3m.] New Millport, Clearfield Co., Pm
House, sign, ornamental &
CARRIAGE PAINTING.—The undersigned beg
leave to inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that
they have commenced the badness of
house, sign, ornamental and
in all their various branch 's, and arc prepared to do OH
work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch.
They bate on band a largo assortment of painting
terials aud IJlndow Glass of all sizes, also StalnedGUti*
and Lookltg-Gises Platen, which enables tlrem to do srotk
In an improved style and at reduced rates,
By strict attention to business wo hope ta merit a share
of public patronage, •
Our room is on Virginia street, immediately opporito
Kessler’s Drag Store, KEYES A WALSH.
April 8, ISSSdSm*
IV/fR. ULLMAN announces that he is
|T I J» always on hand and will take great pleasure to
waiting upon alt who rrmy favor him witha call. He
confident tliat he will ho able to render satisfaction Mfh
in quality and price. t April 15-3 m
Tbo undo reigned sabecrihcr bis on hand now and if
first rate quality of red brick,
at the well-known prick Yard at ItcCahan’e “ Blaft’* whsrt
he is prepared to furnish any quantity of BRICK on duet
notice. order* from a distance will ho attended to, and
Brick delivered iu the can. Address
DunCtnsvllle, Blair comity, Fg.
Fat up.—the subscriber re
-BPECTFULLY requests all those knowing them
selves indebted to. him to call and settle their accounts
with Wm. Talbot, 'at the old stand, who has charge-of the
.books. All account* not paid bn or before the ISth of
June, will be placed In the sand* of an officer fbrtoWHlk
ats collection. - KEABNE»4 ■
. .-v;;: ■;
dy 1* at last fonod, eay pet*
OuxrL.vj:iT, In uj of tta
tie, and conviction Is Mr-
morbid ok- bad matter hoot
tboir ]>lacn n healthy Bo#
Ktoinacb, causing food tO
iilood, giving tone am
ucry, removing the cmm
radical cafe.
ed, uu>, yraat u Mttio,;
Iskmal usd of the Ursa Ix<'
sufficient to reiteVe thetto
from rising and touting,
fore retiring, prevent
night, loosens the the bow>
itvsnsss. . i ' ” ,
meal will cure DrspepUm
spoonsful' will always i»
male obstruction remove*
and Ashes n perfect can.
ly relieves C Lolic, while
is a sure cure fuf CHOUEtI
of Cbou.Ba. -
needed to threw out of the
cine after a long sickness.
JvcKriCK removes alt (41*
| from the skin,
time before eating give*
makes the food digest Well,
Chronic Diarrliaoa in
mot and bowel cotnpleintl
dose. . ,
attacks ctiuseifThy Wona
surer, safer, dr epoedkc
ncitr/ailt. ■
by. exciting theabsorbenta,
coimneQilihß the teedfctoa
audAgavCtilU Fever. feM
It operat< a with certainty,
to testify to its wonderful