CROSBrS ICAM CO|«|fet L* jL ' v\ 1, i ; • *T p Equestrian Campaign [having ctcnmenccd, the f this gifted combination of S CH and AMERICAN STARR. ' p Impress these TacU upon' the blind, Tiz.; that this Is.the'only., : I and American Company mtil STAR SHOW OF 1858, at that they here succeeded In pect. and ns confident that Urn .viil admit it, th* Managers ta lly invite all te BEHOLD AND COMP ARB. glossal Music Car will no tar lu tire morning of exhibition,, kd" through the principal thor res. drawn by “pieedid steeds,- [mining the NEW YORK BO AND. led by the AVlmrd Bugls, LED WILLIS. > ; i WILL EXHIBIT,AT io, Saturday, June 5,1868. 1331C5, - * * - • 25 Ceattr ’ p opened at 2 and 7 o'clock,"*, [nance half an an hour Uter, Ustinct performances afternooft: kning. Lug the many splendid nttrsA lV the TRENCH and AMERICAN. I of iIS. TAULTERS; TCMBLERBL IO3ATS, MAGICIANS, COM- ' iLDIANfi, DANCERS, VO- CALISTS, Ac., Ac., aj.i inc roLiowixc M.VDXLE TIRQINIE, lueeu of french Equestriennes^ MAD'LLE IDA.. : ; 1 iry-likc French Rider and Dai* [ 'secae: I’.. CUAS. E. SHERWOOD, general p.tfuuaer la. [ World; JIONS. MORGAN, I: t:; -i ir.'.cu*', Magician ana Contortionist; FILI.IAM ARMSTRONG, Ltculesa Somrrsot Rider, Lfelpsr nnd "Vaulter: • -'“"i* l NS. DENZOR A VANISH, The French Acrobat*; YKR CIIAS. SIUiRVVOOD, l fU ; ,oi Coy Rider to the World; bl CROSBY, ; : c iricau Two-tlor»e Rider; > ■jHN ORTON. eili-rc ultlje Ring, i’ASTOR, . rjid Roue* Singer. ■norm at June 4,'A. , - •nJuy, June 7th: [Jne foK l HAD FOE $lO ! «Hf LOTTERIES, ETATK OF OZOEGIA. I be drawn by 8. Jdwan AC&, tJuuy Lottery, in ejich ol tbor It June, 186 K, at AtOObtlj L-ivo rctuoveU their .principal IS3 18, ’ ir; > LllgUatK, fib 19, \ ■ , v ... 'yt' GeorgU, m Ll uue 12, 1868. 1 «£• tES 20, . ■/ Aogurta, Oeorgta, InpnpUifWT" IStS. [5sS 21.* ~ --v [Augusta, Oaorjta, in. p*LUc*OW Ic’ic 2G, 1868. F KtSOLS NX7MBEBS. ■ : Uu> am> ncarr-nri ntzoal [( n*ry Xi„c TicUUt • t.sT btnmtKl i. ' ft 3iTCEDAT nr jm, Co' 4 wii««f •••• I | DO* 50 Prlaeeflf ' 13 230 ■» V■ ’• Fnox FLUZ£S. to $70,000 P riasaft J£n-' . “ 30,000 “ -*3u|j» “ 10,000 « « Jjfip “ 5,000. « •« ' *lob “ 4,000 1* « . 460 . “ 3,000 “ «• . 800 “ 1,800 **■> .«Bi • ss | ' ' 838Q8W Lvee J 5; Quarters $2BO. , ILF LOTTEKT.' ■“ ■ 1900. correaporuiing withUjoa* Bed on (rparnte *ujm of paper, | - »ad placed In one Wheat.': If ly prmted and encircled, an and a nnmber La drawn I :■! at the euue Ha; aMO The hunter and prize [t hil.itcdto theandience, and [nr-:; the Vtl» teSDg placed This cprration la repeated nn but. - he two proceeding and the two drawing the flrat 7 Prlwawlß p. 'tion Prize*. Forexainiile; * $70,000. Prize, those ticket* 11. 11252, wilt each he entitled Fa we the $30,000 Prite,thhM B. ■■■■— will each be entitled to p above scheme. •\ ‘ ■' '■ a} » determined by thelutflj,' * t!i« 570,000 Prize. Tore*- >r 1, I>< a wiibcr ettda t&A -.-a.ber cuds in 2 ■'Bold ul the foUowteg&t** I V,le TkV«U, •* u..jt«r “ i«!it ' “ rs OR CEETOTCATMK 3 r kJdrm'for the ticket* CrdcrtA lie fcrwanfed milL— • tiding in any numbdPmy I and Prizes will be sent to tin- drawing. ■ tln-ir signatures plain, and r T!tl State. is drawn and payable tn foU iii- 1, paid Immediately *fH» h - u'ua! time of 30 day*. '■■niticntc* to 'AN t CO, Augusta, Ox. ; >mcry, Ala, or Aulantft,Q*. site time, by addressing :t cities. ' • ire draw 11 from the trbeaL i.ut each one is entitled to, i \vir.g. In the fallowing p** Ur/jif'.rr, C!.'.tr>ilo» Stu*- i.*'! fn!rUifffi,ctr, Xrto Tbrk i :.tiny X>.v.'f,Pich)iuindDilh iid Paulding {Hit-.) Clarion [Jari.7-ly.- ROPKRTY FOR -rd for gale a tract of n in Furjjuson township, b side of.tho IVegt branch of : lire milibfrom Curweugvllje ty. Tlic promisea are tov : other Inducement* to pur m;!e. i n Uiiokneagnnd yields from Hi.eie ii also an abundance MO_VE COAL ' -IrttM.; situation to person* ifactnre of Iron. ■ Conestoga teams and that of the Fast Line on the P. B . 8., with the “ Gaselle” as your horse and the good humored, good-hearted Harry Gray ns driver. Why, so inspiring is it to be in a plaei like this, that even Joe Weitzel, stern and exact as he. is, can hardly keep the “-Blazing-Star” Within the limits of schedule rime, Bren the locomotives seem to .catch the spirit, and some time break over all restraint, for the other evening, with all Joeoonlddo to hold her bock, the “Blazing Star” held up before the Logan House the fifti eth part of a minute ahead of time—Schedule No. B—that is, if Bob. didn’t make that much of a mistake in making It out, or if my watch was correct (for the correctness of which 1 would not like to vouch.) Now then, young gentlemen, how is it possible that you should live in the midst of influences like these, without beingl inspired by them. It is not possible. Uncon-i sciously to yourselves your habits will, must be moulded by such surroundings. It is to you u! decided advantage, and if you use the advan tage aright, it will be of service to the world, as well as yourselves. N To illustrate this point a little further, let me cite an instance. Here is the General Superin tendent of tfaeTennsylvonia Railroad, acknowl edged on all hands to be one of the shrewdest and most active business men in the State—kind, aflable, gentlemanly, and yet unflinchingly firm. Now suppose the force pf circumstances had kept Irim all his life in London—rthe place of his birth and boyhood—a little village at the east ern slope of the Cove Mountain, in Franklin county. Fa., is there any probability that in that case his business energies and qualities would ever have been so fully called out and thus perfected! To my mind there is not the siighest probability, of it. Circumstances make men; men do hot :create circumstances. ’Tis said, ' “Thero u a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” The circumstances which surround you are well calculated to make you active, energetic, indus trious citizens, nnd will, if you allow them to produce their legitimate effect Another advantage enjoyed by yon here, is the liberality with which your labor and efforts are reworded. -I scarcely know of a place where labor commands a higher price. The advan tages to you are not so much what you are able actually to save, as the liberal and enlarged, views of matters and things which it is likely to beget in you. It may be that after oil you do not actually save more than some men would do iu other places at less wages; for liberality in the reward of labor is apt to create a highet price for the necessaries of life. But here is the thing—you put a man down to very low wages, and it makes him narrow-minded and contracted in his thoughts, his feelings and his actions. While on the other hand let a man feel that he is liberally and punctually reward ed for his work, and he is most likely to be free hearted and liberal in all Ms ways. Look for an illustration of this iu what Altoona has done in- the last ftw years for public purposes.— Where in the State—perhsps in the Union—is a place, which for its population and wealth, has in tho samo rime expended os much for public improvements ? lam yeiy sure I knew of no place. And how can we account for it but in the liberality of the people, brought about by the liberal scale on wMch everything is hero done ? I Jpowof no other way. Another advantageJo you, young wen, is the stimulus to which here exists. That stimulus arises from die prospect of promotion. It is the standing rule of the P. R. B. Co., to promote their own men s as fast as vacancies occur. Some of herihighest functionaries at present, onbe occupied subordinate stations.— True merit, the result of their own efforts, has elevated them to positions. The rule according to wMp| they promote, is merit— not time in the service. Here then is a stimu lus for yom Set your bim high, nor relax an effort until you havereached the mark.' I have some more to say to you abbot your advantages, but must "for the present bid you adieu. A Cainl from Samuel Swan A Co. TO THE PUBLIC,—The extraordinary course j panned by the rival managers of different Lot teries ' to. 'injure nb because our liberal schemes and prompt manner of doing business has ma terially affected them, compels us to call special attention to the facts, which all who deal with us know already; that is, that our Lotteries are legal; the managers and trustees honest and honorable men; that we have sold more prases' in the last twelve months than all other Lotte ries in the Union, and that they have been promptly cashed in all cases on presentation. The effort to injure us is aimed not only at our business by our rivals, but is also intended to act politically on one of onr partners; and wo assure our friends and the public that with owe comosbU au is Bronx, and this, the legal investigation which we shall urge to a hearing, will folly demonstrate.' in 'toe meantime onr business will be conducted asusnhl. , SAMUJgL & CO., Yours truly, T. N. K. ' . , jU ; row liri HAa- QBkdffa.—Professor Wobd’s Halt Tonic restores the color, not by the nitrate of stiver process, bat by & restoration of the healthy functions upon Which the original and natural color of the hair and its moisture, its gloss, its life, and consequently.its original beauty depended. Professor- Wood, at the age of thirty-seven j ears, was as gray as a man of eighty, ami his hair was dry, thin and dead. Now he has not a single grey lock upon his crown, nor is his hair thin or dry, but soft, pliable and moist ns that of a Child of five yean. This preparation acts upon the loots, for after an application, that portion of this hair nearest the scalp is found restored to tire original color, whatever it was, whilethe ends of the hair sow gray. Try Wood’s Hair Tonic, find dn not apply any other till after you bnvfc thhk With Ibis resolution you will noror have occasion to use n hair dye. v “ Caotios.— Beware of worthless imitations, ns several are already in the market, called by dif ferent names. Use none unless the word (Pro fessor Wood’s Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo,, and New York,) are blown in the bottle. Bold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal ers. Also by aU Fancy and Toilet goods deal ers in the United States and Canadas. See ad vertisement. i Ton Panic—More Failures.— -Tha panic in New. York seems to be on the increase. In this city everything goes on smoothly, and the only failures we have heard of werej the failures to furnish good fits made by some inferidr clothing establishments. There is no such difficulty to bo encountered by those who'patronise the Brown Stone Clothing Hell of jEtoekhOl A Wil son, Nos. 60S and 606 Chestnut; street, above sixth. Gentlemen, and Youths never fail to pro care capital fits at this popular establiabment. Tax Best Comm Medicine. -—One of the very best Cough Medicines to. be found any where, is Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syiup, sold by G. W. Kessler, at 60 cents per bottle. USA- See advertisement, of jDr. Sandford’s LIVER INVIGOBATOR in another column. stated Councils of tii* “ Wlvsxbioq Tbim,” No. 06,1. o.jk M., are held ev ery Tuesday evening in the I. O. 04 F. Hall, in the Ma sonic Temple. Council Fire kindled at ?th Ton 30th breath Jane 2i, ’67-ly] A. EpERLB, C. of B. Time of the Closing and Arrival of Mail* at Altoona Post Office. | - MAILS CLOSE, i. ; * Eastern Way and UolUdaysburgat . 4 :1: 11 80 A.M. Western « : 800 ML UoUidaysbarg . - - I t U Kll. Eastern TblroSgh Mall 8 00 “ MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Through Mail: j 8 36 A.M. Westerii Way and Ilolildaysbarg, i i 12 06 P. M. Eastern “ ■ « 700 « June 4, ’67-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. If. of ArrPVakand De parture of traini running on .tits Penh’a. Rati road, at Al toona station. ;1 i . ' Express Train East arrives 2,4tLA. M*; leaves 2,55 A. M. “ “ West “ B,sS?'i‘ “ 8,55 “ Fast « East “ 64V) P. M. “ 6*60?. M. “ “ West : “ 10,00 “ . « 10,05 « Mail “ East “ 12,06 “ “ 12,80 « “ West “ 7,00 “ , “ 7,25 “ The HOLLIDAYSBURO BRANCH connects with Express Train West, Moil Train East and West and with Fast Line East. 4 ' The BLAIRSTILLE BRANCH connects with Johnstown Way Train East and West, Express Train West and Mail Train East. Dec. 31, ’56-tfl THOS.4A. SCOTT, Sup’U THE GREA T ENGLISH REMED F. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S , ; Celebrated Fema£ Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D, Phy sician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and delicate disposes to Which the female con stitution is subject it moderates, alt excess and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo relied on. 10 MARltnro LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a Short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each battle, price SO' Lard, V “ 14 Hams, $ “ 12 Shoulders, ® u . i* 10 Side, “ ? 12 Eggs, doa, 10 M’LAIK A LEHITS FLOURMABKET. M*Laln A Lehr sell thelrFlour at the following rates:— White Wheat-Floor, Extra Fatally, «JJW. 85,76 “ “ « “ Superfine,' ,** n, u u Superfine, “ . 4,76 H. LEHB’B FLOOR MARKET. Fxtra Family Flour, ■ |lhbL ' ♦ Superfine Extra, best quality, 6 25 • ■ “ “ .Creek, 600 Superfine,'’ !■“ 4 76 List of letters Remaining fn the Port Office at Aitooim,Jtjhe 1,1858. Hnrthamer, Eta Myers, Rebecca Brobst, LK . Myers, W O Bechtel, JO ’ Max, OeWge H Bowens, Bohannah Moore, Mary A 3 Baker, MAtthlrtefi.HM Barr, Joseph McNoth.Hugh • . - Bnorkle,'CfW ! '' McCfoskey, James C • Cox, John L Okescm.Dantel Cox, Dorcas , Prest,QA»:Light Co.■; ' Davis, William . Rough, Margaret N : HineW, James - Hecht,DaaW Bmfth,MM- HtbdaiOeorge I Bnrith,(ffiarles 2 Hlpe,Cate gbunmitf/Johii Uawk. William BmttteAnn Jackson, Ellen BchlosvM Wa»W Klotzi, Rachel ■ ’' Lingafeltar; Andrebr Tearsley, Alban 2 Longwell, IO :s : Persons tailing for letters on this i list will please sdy they are advertM- JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M. Altoona, June 3,1858. A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE /m Notice Is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Jamzs Moore, late of Logan to wnshlp, Blair county, deceased, have been granted, by tho Register, Ac., to the undersigned, residing in Antes township. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate aro re quested t. make immediate payment; and those having claims against it will prtsen: them dniy authenticated for ■ettlement. JOHN J. BL’RKIIOLDXtR, Adm’r. ' May 27,1 SJS.-Ct Notice.— whereas, letters of Administration on the Kstato of Adam Robinson, late of the township of Logan, Blair county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted to the said estate are roouesttd to make immediate payment; and those having claims cr deinnnds against the estate, will please make Known the same vrlthourdelay to ■ Altoona, May 13,1868.-6 t JACOB GOOD, Adtn r. OYESI i O YES I—GENTLEMEN : draw nigh and hear. JDSEPS.P. 7EOUT innomv cestothepnblfe. that he U ready todjschargehls duty TiPHB GREAT BKAcSStS" X *■' sought, POtJNII AT LASTI FOR IT RRBTORFR FRRMAFERTtF ORAT HAIR TO .Its original color; hjvrr* hixurisntlr the bold Usd-n* mirves all dau Irult, itching and all mfi.mia, scald head Vnd all eruptions; maltes the hair »o«t< hoailby and glassy* and will preserve it to any imaginable ago; removes-Ws if b* magic, all blotches, 4c„ from tSic face and cure* all uenrah • gia ami nervous headache. See circular and the foliowtngt Dover, N. Ti„ Feb. 2d, 185 T. Prcr. O.J. Wood & Co.—Gonta: r Within a few dava we have received so many orders and calls {hr Prof.O. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, that to-day we worcvompclled to bend to Boston Sir a quantity, (the, 0 dcaen you forv.-arded all being ’ sold.) while wo might order a quantity from you. bctUe mAavrtold taunt to *«w produc'd tone w/onrgm gotoaim and the approbation, and natrdsngo itreoetrss torn the moat substantial and worthy eltfcess of oar rt< f RATT^J InC<>M ttM tt *AMOSTTAJUJACLB fiend ns as soon as may be one groSs of SI etsv; u£ om doson £2 size; and believo m youra rtry rtsncet/WJwT (Signed) DANtEI, tATUORPi to. nickoryGroro, fit. Charles Co.. Nov. 19, Kog. Peov. O. J. Woo n—Dear Sir: Some tint" lost summer we were Induced to use some of your Ilair Restorative, and: its effects were so wonderful,, wc feel it our duty to you \ and tho afflicted, to report it. Our llttlo sou’s bead for some time had boen perfectly covered with sores, and some colled it scald head. The ha'r almost entirely came off In consequence, when a Mend, seeing* bis sufferings, advised us to use your Restorative, we did so with little hope of success, bat. to oor surprise, aud that of oil our friends, a very few applications removed the dtseoae entirely, aud a new and tuxuiient cropped hair Boon started out and we can now say that our boy baa as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant'a crop of hair as any other child. We can therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as a perfect remedy for all disease* of the scalp and hall'.. Wo ate. yours respectfully, ■ GKOROK W. HIGOI.NBOTHAM. BARAH A. UIQUINBOTUAM. Gardiner. Maine, Juno 22,1858. Paor. 0. J. Woo»—Dear Sir: I bavo used two bottles of Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, and con truly say It Is the peateet discovery of the age for restoring and changing the Ilair. Before using it 1 was a map of seventy. My Hair has now attained its original color. You can recom mend It to the world without the least her, as my case was one of the worst kind. . . Tour* Koapeclftilly, . DANJEL N. MURPHY. O. J, Wood k Co., Proprietor* 812 Broadway, New York, (In the great N. Y. Wire. Eaiilhg Establishment,) and 114 Market 8t„ St, Louis, Mo. lor Mia by O. W, KESSLER, Altoona, and by all good Druggist*, [Juno 8,1888-Iy. . Maryland state lotteries POBJUNE, MSB. R., Franci & Co., Managers of the Mary land State Lotteries present tha fid*' lowing Splendid Scheme*. POR JUNE, 1858, They caution purchasers of Ticket* to beware of order*, log Tickets la Lotteries where extraordinary largo Cepl* tat* are offered for a small coat of Ticket*—-all such era swindles. - The Maryland Lotteries base been in existence fbr Party Years, They an drawn by a- State Officer, and can bora lied on. If you draw a Prize, you will get yvnr money.?-* The whole country la flooded with bogus lottery concerns, Bevmofttacis 49-Order in ctae Maryland State Lotteries. . maoviucekt genua, MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, CLASS .R,. To be drawn in Baltimore City, Juno 19, ISS&. 4SP* 13 Drawn Ballots out of ;' Making the Prizes and Bisuks equal.' Every i'aejttgt of $4 Ticket* must contain 1-3 drawn numbers, so thst oin - ate 13 Prizes to 13 Blanks. " I 1 Grand Prize of slo,ooo] . 1 Prira of 1 M 466 1 Prize of 1387 T ;i :10 Prize of ' BJOO 1 Prize of £*ooo 10 Prise of' ' 1.000 1 Prize of 5,000 £5l Prize of - j»5 1 Prize of 6,000 06 Prlse 'of - 100 I Prtze of 6,000 66 Prize of \ $0 1 Prize of 8,000 • tS Prize of 60 1 Prize of f 6,000: . 66 ?rize ot 40 IPrireof 6,000 4^loPrise of . 90 IPriMof' MKi 27,040 Prise of . 10 1 Prize of ODSe 32,898 Prises, Attpanting to $679177. ■' Tickets slo—Halves $6-Qa«rteni *L9si; A Certificate of Package of 28 Wholes, costs $14060 KJ. do. ‘ 2d Halves, Tm $* Do. do. 28 Quarters, 37 IP Do. do. 28 Eighths, lg» HAVANA PLAN. This is the old mode of Drawing. Prizes in uneWhaal and Tickets in another. !\ Every Prise is drawn out. Every PrCxpaid in/uli without deduction t '' MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, EXTRA CLASS T, To bo drawntu Baltimore, M 4, Saturday, June 86th,1868. 20,000 Prize*l '4o,oooRnmtwnlt , ' SPLENDID SCHEME I 1 Prize of 4 ApprttofßOO 1 Prize of 12,000 8 •-\TIO IPrireof «■ • * 1 Prize of 4,000 ‘ • v 1 Prize of 2,000 - * || j sy. 1 Prize of • 8,000 •. • 1 Prize of 1,600. . m■ ■ sAii 1 Prize of WOO • 1 Prize of WW , . ( • IPrireof \#» 1 • 1 Prize of . 1,000 ■’* - - ■ ' 1 Prize of 1,000 • 10 Prizes of 400 48 i* ' $0 10 Prizes of 400 40 “ 40 100 Prizes of 900 400 * •••* SB 20000 Prizes of $8 each. The 20,000 Prises of $B, determined by tha drawing of tba " Capital, whether odd or even. : Whole Tickets slo—Halves ss—Quarters' .' A Manager*’-. Certificate of 16 Wholes—where persona wish to pay tha rWk only, will be sect for $9B Do. ' .do. 16 Halves, '4B Do. do. 10 Quarters, ’ $6 Do. . do. lOßigfatba, 1$ The Managers bare bean compelled from the numerous' complaints made to them, of nnfeithfhlness on the put fit those who have been attending to the filling of order* to resume the correspondence business in their own name. Order tickets from the Manager* only. Adfressall letters to R. PRANCE A 00. March 4-ly] Baltimore,Md.' rpHE LIVER' IN VIGORATOBI I PEEPABED BY DTI. SANFORD, ’ GOMPOUSBEET ENTIRELY FROM GUMS; In one of the best! Purgative and Liver M-jdicincs now' b«« fore the public, that act-t os a VUi'uu tic, ccoicr, mlidcr,aiid more tSectuol than any other medicine knea a. ft 1» not only a Chthortiivbnt a liver remedy, tiling first oa tha Liter to eject its mcrbil mutter, thi n on the ktomtfh a&d be writs to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful reeling* experienced in the operations of most) Cotharhct. It strengthens the system at the same turn that it puvges it; and when taken daily in moderats doses, will strengthen and boiid It up with unusual rapidity. V The Liras. U .one of the principal regulotora of the human body; and when it performs its functions well, the powers of the sjstem t are fully developed. ttonuteh is almost entirely dependent on the healthy action of tlie Liver for the 103 1 proper'performance of ita functions; when the atom- jacb is at tauiVthe bowels are at fault, and the whole l£) system; suffers in conse quence of one organ—the I.iVEEr-having ceased to do its duty, dor the diseases C 4 of thot jfirgan,' one of the proprietors has made it his study, ioartmictlce of more than twenty yean, to find some remedy wherewith to counteract the many d«- mngcmehls to which It Is liable,.' ~ eg To prove that this rune son troubled with Ijvet. forms, has but to try a hot tain. ! These Gums remove ail the system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, PDKtm.vG the health to the whole machi of the disease —effecting a Boioca Attacks are cur prevented. by the occa ■nooßAroa. One dose after eating is macb and prevent the food! Onlyonu dose taken bo' Nightmare. - | ' Only !one dose taken at; els gently, and cures Cos-j (hie dose taken after each: ne dose of two tea- Iteva Sick Headache. One. bottle taken forfc , the’, can so of the disease, ’ Only one dose immedlato- Ode'-dose often repeated lloanoa, and a preventive - jjjjp- Only one buttle is: system the effects of uicdi-l jfjf One bottle taken lor lowness or unnatural colurj One dose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One dose often repeated: its worst forms, while Sum yield almost to the. first One or two doses cures in children: there is no! remedy in the world, as it 1 A few bottles cures Dropsy We take pleasure in re as a preventive for Fever all Fevers of a Bilious type.l and thousands are willing virtues. | All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its fivor. • ’ Mix Water in the mouth with the Invigorutor, and swallow both together. THE LIVER IKVIGORATOR 13 A SCU XTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and Isdaßr working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures ait u by magic, even the first dozegiving benefit, and seldom wore than one bottle is repaired to cure any kind of Liver Com plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Disused Uvt*. PRICE OKS. .DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. . ■ DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 315 Broadway; .Jfsvr Jvkr taw Bold by Or W. SKrawa, Altoeims ®d ntaUtd'Jiy , - ■ Ps dy is at last Bund, anyper- Compuixt, in any of Itt tie, awl conviction is edr- c b us morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy, flow stomach, causing fooddo ancon, giving tone and r.cry, removing the cause radical euro. > £1 led, AM), WUAT 18 Blmi, slonal use of the Lives In- | sufficient to relieve thestO > from rising and soaring,' fore retiring, prevcnls night, loosens the the bow* TIVKIESS. - meal will cure Dyspepsia, spoonsful will, always re- male obstruction rein ores and makes a perfect curt ly relieves Cholic; white is n sure cure for CHOLSSA of CnOLERA. needed to throw ont of thin cine after a long sickncea. Jac.vdics removes all sal i from the skin. time before eating gives imakcs the food digest well, cures Chronic Disrrbeoa In mer and Bowel complaints dose. attacks caused by WOBItS surer, safer, or speedier never fails. 0 by exciting the absorbents, commending the medicine and Aguo,ChlU'FeTer, and It operates with certainly; to testily to its wonderful