C|t Critome. - ALTOONA, PA ~ 'THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1858. partlM aro unknown to ua, our rule for adrcr- UifilS a to require payment la advance, of a guarantee from hfnwti |naoQi' It is thiirefbru utolesa for ail such to send M WlTsrflssminti offering to pay at the end of three or six Mua> -Where advertliemeuts arc accompanied tvifh the HMjr, whethsr one, five or ten dollars, we will give tho Advertiser the full benefit of cash'-rates. Tbe Bight or Search. ' This subject has excited a deal of con troversy, through the press, within the past few weeks. The “ British Outrages,” Of tbe “ insults ” recently offered, by Brit ish cruisers, to American Merchant vessels ip the Golf of Mexico and the Atlantic, »pme would have us believe, have laid the' foundation for a rcal.war in earnest with England, although we are inclined tore gard it in a different light. The readers of history will remember that similar committed half a century ago, tended jn p groat measure to produce the war of 1812, but wo think there is a different spirit ac fnating.the British government now to wbftt there was at the time referred to.—r. The British goverment presumes that a number of ihe ships of that county are engaged in the inhuman traffic of slaves and has accordingly sent out cruisers to" anoat them. How are. the cruisers to.per forpa.thpir. duty .if every vessel that runs up;theA* ncr * x3an flag is to beexempifrom Boairch t Could not every slaver and pri vate run up the Americaivflag, and there by .escape detection ? Certainly. But jit is folly for American journalists to attempt to deny toEngland u TheKight of Search:” The denial of this right would 'prove as disastrous to the interests of this country as to those of England, and so long as the English cruisers do not wpntonly .trespass uppn the rights of American vessels, we should rather lend them onrsdd than en deavor to oonstaroe it into an insult which rails for resentment. *To examine a vessel suffriently to de toot whether or not she is engaged in the slavetrade, will take bnt a very short tune and.does not cause,.the least hindrance,or delay. All vessels -honestly engaged in trade are alike interested in suppressing piracy and unlawful enterprises on the; seas, and such vessels should .not refuse to he examined, hut should rather court in spection, and thus lend,their aid in detec ting the unlawful or ; outUwed Vessels, On the contrary, -if -American vessels have been boarded and searched, and the gross insults reported have been offered to the American flag, we feel sure that we have a Resident and Secretary of State who will not allow them to pass without notice, and who will soon give the British government to understood that outrages on our commercial marine and insults to our flag will not be tolerated. We wait patiently .to see what action will be taken. A Prize Fight. On Sunday morning a week, a collision, according to the rules of occurred on Long Island, in the vicinity of Red Hook, between John Casey of Troy, and Charley Boss of New York City; The combatants were well matched in height, heft and age, each being about 24 years old and weighing 140 pounds. Neither of the combatants had ever been in the ring before, although they had had con siderable experience in rough-and-tumble and bar-room fights. Casey was supposed to have the advantage in science, as he had been a professor in the manly art of •alf-defence, hut Ross was relied on for his pluck, which he had displayed on snore than one occasion. Equal bets were offered and freely taken, and both factions appeared sanguine of their favorite’s suc cess. The first round was fought “shy,” both combatants acting on the defensive'; but yd; length Casey rushed in and threw his man heavily, which called forth the plan* a deep ravine, when the prisoners, with the exception of Andrews, who had been dismissed from 3 study, were formed in lineand fired upon, d five of them lulled, viz: Stilwell, Ross, Colchester, ftobison and Campbell. The remaining six were wounded. Aftertheacoompliahmentof their bloody work, the ruffians rode off. The affair created intense excitement in Lawrence and that neighborhood,; and a force was bring organized to pursue the perpetra* tors of the outrage* .Gen. Lane was at Lawrence,-but it was not known whethrir he,would, participate in tiie pursuit or not. The sources of this information are con sidered entirely reliable. Thi Gold Minks or lowal-t-Iu Mon day’s Pittsburgh Journal appeared a let ter from ajeorrespondent at St. Louis, an nouncing a wonderful streak of luck which Col. Pick Gray has happened to hit by the purchase of lands in lowa. Some of our readers arc inclined to doubt the story, but there are good reasons to-believe it to be nothing but the truth. The first dis covery of gold was made at St. Charles, county, some tune during the. past autumn. A man at work building a milldam picked up some small lumps of yellow ore from among the loose earth, and carried them home for the amusement of his children. Near the close of the winter, some returned Californians chanced to stop at the .house, and seeing the lumps, pronounced them to be gold. One of the lumps was sent to Cincinnati for examina tion, with a request that if it was found to be worth anything, the value should be returned in money. The result was the return . f %25 as the worth of the lump of gold. Cheap—McLain & Lehr’s groceries.' On hand—the letter to Young Men— read it. gg?” Coming—the Circus and the Fourth of July. What has become of the Tyrone Start — We have not received a copy for three weeks. B&»The Junior is enjoying all the pleasures (?) of flitting fixing up. Rich—the war between the Lewistown and Slifflintown editors in relation to the re moval of the Pa. R. R. Co.’s shops. ggy A new batch of counterfeits on the York County Bank, it is said, has been put in circu lation in the eastern part of the State. Our readers should look out for them. JSST Henry B. Antony, editor of the Provi dence Jountof, has been elected U. S. Senator of Rhode lßland r for six years from the 4th of Harohdezk ' " .1 ... FEOMODR OWN CTOTREBBTORS"* CORRESPONDENTS. • . i Jta-tA* Tribune. TM Jone Widow’s Story. “Wp untohlm that fWoth hi* neighbor drink, that pnt tMt toy bottlato him, and ptakurt him drunken alao.” In my walks through the country, observing men and tilings, I btopped one evening at a neat little dwelling by the wayside to inquire of its inmates how far it was to a house of entertain ment. The of the house was a female apparently in the wane of life, of pleas ing address and tidy in appearance. She told mo that there was a tavern about one mile dis tant on the road-side; “ but,” she said, as tears went trickling down her cheeks, “ don’t stop there, it is the gate of death.” Being interested in the woman’s manner and desiring to know something of her life, I asked her if I could re main under her roof for the night, at the same time telling her who I was and something of my business, besides promising to remunerate her liberally in the morning. She cheerfully consented, and I was ushered into a room, the furniture of which was neatly arranged, yet of an ordinary kind. After I bad partaken of a simple repost, I inquired of her what were the touching associations connected with that tay cm along the way that caused tears .to flow and Words of such fearful moment to pas#' her lips. Trying to repress the emotions .of grief that swelled her bosom, she proceeded to narrate the following story. It contains volumes against the. sale jof that beverage which has brought hundreds to the same oqb»ppy end. The lady began; f 4 When I was a girl of eighteen, I be came acquainted with « young Utah who after wards became my husband. He loved me with a devotedness almost unparalleled, and indeed that love was ardently reciprocated; bat one great objection I had to becoming his wife was, tint 1 feared he was tampering with liquor. He frankly said’he had beoh[imbibing occasionally, but vowed if I would become his wife he would never touch it again. ;11 have believed he was in earnest, for nobly did the keep that promise for ten years of onryredded life, when I thought it bad been sealed by my faithfulness and prayers. 1 thqngbt we dhdold both die happy in the blessed consciousness of haying performed onr vows to God and ourselves. Bat alas ! that pleasing spell was broken! —We lived during the space of ten years in a neat and pleasant villa away from the faaoptp of wicked men and from places of idle amusement. At lost he sold that property and puzch|UMd the form near the tavern. He prospered well in his new situation nptil be listened to the .siren voice of present pleasure and overcome! by the persuasions of the bar-room loungers to join their nomber, then he was stealthily lured from the path of duty and urged on to ruin. Then he forgot the promise be had made to {the wife of his bosom long years before. I was ignorant of the course he was pursuing yuatil ho had proceeded so far in his downward road os to baffle all my entrea ties, tears andprayers. “few were which he now spent at hope in the midst of his family. His business was gradually neglected, ; Ms substance was squandered at the bar. V I « One day he staggered into the house utter ing curses that appalled tap, and while still in ths fit of intoxication he Commenced maltreating the children and drove me from the house. Af ter I bad arrived at the house of a friend, about a mile distant, and was lamenting over my un happy condition, I happened to' turn my'eyes 'toward the house from whieb I had just been banished, when oh dreadful! the dwelling was enveloped in a sheet of fliune! I, in company with my hospitable friends, hastened to the dis tressing scene, but arrived just in time to wit ness the .falling in of the reof and hear the cribs of anguish of my two only children and misera ble husband! The feelings I then and there experienced cannot be described. Would to God I could remove from nty memory the impres sions of < that hour!; In jus frenzy he had set the house oh fire—the climax of his madness which sealed ' onr destiny. The two children tbat peiisheQ with theii? fathffr were the only ones that lived to that fatjd clay— three having died in the days of' our prosperity. The land lord who whs the destroyer of' my husband and my happiness, got onr farm in payment of the debts which |my husband had contracted afbis bar and plseijrliwe, while under the influence of the spirits he retailed. • The house in which 1 now reside was given to time by a kind friend who knewmy calamity—all my relatives have long rimje ‘gone-before.* ! I now live comforta bly upon the diarity of my dear neighbors, who. are to me as affectionate parents. :; ; “ I hope to meet ail my ohtldren in a better world, where there are no rumsellers or drink ers who jkill and destroy.”; As the poor woman ceased, she gave vent to s burst of grief which affected me much. In J.he morning as I was about taking my leave of her, she asked me if I had any unmar ried sisters. 1 told her that I had hut one. - She replied with much emotion, “ Oh, then teU that unmarried sister and all with whom you have any influence to avoid the rock upon which I split—to have nothing to do with young men who have formed an appeiite for ardent spirits, or who associate with the wicked.” Each was the widow’s story, and similar is the experience of thousands. Truly, “ Man’s Inhumanity to man Has mado countless thousands mourn.” r - PHILO. • Blairs ville, May 29, 1858. Musas. Editors presume you will ex pect me to furnish you with a report of the Military Encampment at this place, of which I have spoken in my foriner letters. , Well, it has gone through all the various stages of be ginning and endings The only draw-back upon the whole affair was the rainy weather. Hod it not been for the rain, however, it is likely that I should have been deprived the pleasure of witnessing the display, nevertheless I feel sorry because it depriyeli the soldiers of their pleasure. Through all the rain and ipud of Tuesday last a number were engaged in bring ing in poles and evergreens to form arches and wreaths with which to decorate the town. On Monday evening the ladies of the town collected at th« “ Cunningham House,” and made up - \ to bare done honor jte tMfc Jackson in his palmiest I . would not like, to say how many tedies were jnptnU Uet ImijM be mistaken. • , - Wednesday morning was general rain and with very ¥0 Packet Boat coming up from Pittsburg, met with so much water that, it is said, the horse* sometimes swam along on. the toe-path. Ido wot giro this for . a fact. Another bout coming np would not risk their horses, and a company of volunteers who were aboard jumped out, took the toe-line and pulled the boat through. All the rain, however, could not deter the com-, panics of this place from taming out in uni form. N Daring the day a number of .companies arrived and Blairaville assumed the appearance of garrison life. A beautiful exhibition of “ The pomp and drenmstaace of glorious war,” ,/ was there presented. The shrill notes of -the ear-piercing fife, the noisy rattle of the kettle drams, and the deep thunder of the boss drums, combined with tho innumerable banners float ing to every breexe, aroused the martial spirit and excited in the minds of-the people a love and admiration for those who bold themselves rfeady to defend their country from wrong and oppression, Twelve companies composed the parade, vis: Washington Artillery, Salem Artillery, Bough and Beady Bines, Blue Hovers, New Alexandria Bines, Washington Cavalry, Citizens’ Guard, Pennsylvania Infantry, Washington Blues, Mecfaling Blues, Bigler Blues, and one com pany of which 1 could notleam the name. The two companies of this place had- got up a beau tiful, bahnerto be presented to the - best drilled company, which was awarded do the Pennsylva nia Infantry, of Bast Liberty. Several com panies were presented irith faandaome wreaths, by the ladies. As near as I can learn, there were about 467 rank and file and musicians. Generally speak ing, they were all fine looking men and-well drilled.. The. good conduct and order was re markable. No drunkenness or fighting was to be seen. ' ' The most amusing part of the whole perform ance was the “ran off” of an; ox team. It took fright at the martial display and “ cut stick” for the outskirts of the town as fast as it could travel. No damage was done we presume, or it would have been reported. ALPHA. MaaTixsntma, May 1868. Mkssks. Editoes: —Almost two months have elapsed since I lost wrote yon. It was all owing to the fact, however, that I had nothing worth communicating, or at least nothing that would have been facetious to your numerous readers. Since my arrival in this place, lhaye been mak ing a few observations which I shall note, hoping they may add interest to yonr columns. Tins village is small, bat it is beautifully lo cated in one of the finest valleys in the State, and isrvsorf banded by elegant forms. No more suitable place could have been selected for the location of the Blair County Normal School, which is now in session, and of which I shall give yon as correct a report as I possibly can. The school was organized oil the morning of the 26th inst. It was opened with reading a portion of Scripture, and prayer, after which Mr. Dean, Our worthy Superintendent, deliver ed a brief, but able and instructive address to the audience, stating the object of the School.— He was followed by Prof. Calkins, the teacher, in a neat address on the subject of education and the manner of conducting Normal Schools. Mr. C. hails from' the Empire State and is undoubtedly an efficacious instructor and high ly educated gentleman. Ho is assisted by Miss SalUo A. Wxrdell, of Peekskills, New York, who is a lady qf high accomplishments, and her versatility in the art of imparting instruc tion and suavity of manners wQI crown her future days with success and happiness. There ore between forty and fifty pupils in attendance, bat more are expected soon. : would suggest'to those who have made calcula tions to attend the school to'be up and doing, for delays in such cases are dangerous. I hope the delegation from Antes, will immediately take np their line of march for this region. On Wednesday , evening last the pupils collet a meeting, and quite a number formed them selves into a society to be termed the “Em bryo Club.” The object of this association is to form the nucleus of a future one to be estab lished in On Friday evening ano ther meeting was Feld, which was addressed by Messrs. Dead and Calkins in an able and in stinctive manner., Their lectures are to be Continued daring the session. Fir. Kulp the gentlemanly and obliging pro prietor of the Martinsh.org Hotel, is manifest ing a lively interest in behalf of the students now boarding with him. May his generous hospitality be rewarded by abundant prosperity. - ‘tv ■' MAC.i The best bite we ever had when we wont a fishing, was the bite we look along. Men, like law-books, need revising occa sionally. ' ' V IST The people of Maryland have voted against the Legislative proposition for a consti tutional convention. ■ M3* Prejudice is a thick fog, through which light gleains fearfully, serving rather to; terrify than to guide. r 'J to* Lightning rods take the mischief out bf the clouds—hickory rods takes‘it out of bad boys. ■■■''' ? '> : )&> The N. Y. Tima isays the .stock of Bul lion now in that city is the largest ever known. The Banks and the Sub-Treasury hold $40,584,- 2iB. BSL» In the committee on the factory bill, a witness from Dundee was asked, “ When do your girls marry?” He replied, .“Whenever they can meet with a husband.” Benedict Arnold, the traitor, was a gro cer and provision store-keeper in New, Haven, where his sign is still to be seen—the snmothat decorated the store before the Revolution. - ' AST* At a social party one evening, the ques tion was put, “ what is religion ?” “ Religion,” replied one of the party, “religion is an insur ance against fire in the next world, for which honesty is the best policy!" The remains of President Monroe, which have, for a quarter of a century mouldered in a private tomb in the upper part of New York, will probably be removed to Yifginia on the 4th of July next, at the request of tha Legislator* •f that State, v 1 •- I®-Just as we are going to W “ --♦in,, itinn of local news baa * loomed up. morning! the Proprietor of the Cambria Housiy JohStown, recrivcd a telegraphic a r«itleman in W«St Newton,; WefnionflMg mJR. stating that two horses hnd been stdtt atablein that place last the thletea had probably taken the from Blairsville to Ebensburg. Constable »y, accompanied by apoett, immediately start ed out for the purpose, if possible, of the thieves. On arriving in the neighborhood of this place they learned that two men, ed on horses answering tho description ofjthe stolen hones, had a few minutes before started out on the road leading to Indiana. Pursuit was instantly made, and the horsemen were overtaken about half a mile from town. Oh perceiving that they were pursued, the “horae- left the saddle and then broke for tho woods. Mr. George Cupp, one of the Constable’s assistants, who was m fro nt, immediatriy started in pursuit. One of the « fugitives” finding that he was closely pursued, turned around and manifested a disposition to fight, whereupon George verypobtely knocked him down, and then secured him. tie is now located safely In Jail. The other ‘‘horseman! made his escape. He haa not yet been arrested. Both of; the horses were' secured, and are now in the possession-of the Constable, swiw wj Democrat. ' ' ygp- Wo have some funny stories about the freshets in the west, bnt here is one front the Memphis Appeal, which is a trifle ahead of u>y of the others: “ The Kate Frisbee on her last trip had among her passengers a gratlemannf Bolivar, who; was going .to see a friend Of, his fifty miles up the river. His buriness was ins; One day last week he saw a nondescript sort of article floating doWn the Mississippi dfcur his plantation; it resembled a miniature Noih’s ark, with the hull knocked off. Curiosity led him to board it, when ho was astonished to find himself in the store of a friend residing lifty mites up the river. The contents were not greatly injured. He tied the store to the sh ire, | and started off to let his trading friend kiow where he might find bis lost place of buaiae isi” A correspondent of the New York Tr iune says that by sn act of the late Wisconsin! Le gislature no debt can now be collected, U| re sistance is made, short of twoyears., The de»! fendant is not required to answer .short of six months. A sham plea of any kind will'suffice to defer proceedings ’ for another sis. norths, special terms of court baring been abolished in order to create dels;. Then a tvpertedat and othet artfully devised dilatory proceedings create a system which is almost equal to abolishing legal collection of debts,- INTENSE EXCITEMENT!— McCORMICK’S NEW GOODS HAYS ARRIVED AMD ARE NOW BEING OPENED FOB INSPECTION i AND SALE. - | “ Halloo, neighbor, Pm here on the ground again. J Per haps you recollect when I, last rear, ashed you tohotdmy bone a moment and tell me where the CHEAP STORE was. But it is different how. It reminds me a IltUe of the campaign of IS4O, when Gen. Harrison was electediPre sidenL You have only to go with' the crowd and you will have no difficulty in finding McCORMJCK’S STORE. From the excitement down the valley, and the quantity of goods I see carried away, they must be selling off very rapidly and very cheap.” I “ Ton are right, my friend; I would say to yon, sir, go ahead and your anticipations will be fully realized. He has a very largo and well Selected assortment of Goods. Hell sell you a dress for fifty ctntt and give the trimmings into the bargain, I’m told, and all other goods In pijoiKir- Uon.” • | , “Good bye, neighbor, that’s where I am going tq bay my goods.” ‘ 1 ' “ That’s right, and to should everybody else. Good bye,” DRV GOODS, . I ■ GROCERIES, . HARDWARE, s QUEENSW ARE, N STONEWARE, CEDARWARB, Hats and Caps, very cheap Bonnets, Hisses’ Flats, Ac.: Ca dies’ Gaiters, Shoe* and slippers, with Misses; Boys and Hen’s Boots and Shoes, and every other article kept 'iff a first class country store, can be had cheap for cam,'«t McCormick’s. , h All articles of country produce taken In exchange (or goods. R. H. MoCOBMIOK; Altoona. May 18, 1558.-ly 1 BARGAINS! BARGAINS A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING , i ! SUITABLE FOB THE SEASON, JUST RECEIVED BY ETTINGER & ULLMAN, Hi AND NOW BEING DISPOSED OF ATPRICES WtflCH DEFY COMPETITION. ■ 1 IiTR. TILLMAN announces that Ee is 1T ■ is always on hand and will take great pleasure in waiting upon all who may favor him with, a call. Halfeels confident that he will bo able to render sstlsfkctlonjbpth in quality and price. ' f April 16-Bm MORMONS EVACUATING 1 SALT LAKE CITYII ’ ‘ JjL Tremendout Excitement in East Altoona! mpSa The subscribers respectftdly inform the of Altoona and the rest of mankind that they an fir. now prepared to carry on the BLACKSMITHING I NESS in Ml its various branches, at the new stand door below Peter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adeline stre East Altoona. They flatter themselTes tbatthey are to render satistiction to all.who may fovor them wlth| patronage; and no effort will be wanting on- their pi merit the patronage of the community. Wagpni, riages. Ac, made and ironed to order, for which good her will; h» taken. Remember the place, pn Adelii where Blacksmithlng is done oh the shortestnotk moat reasonable terms. s . JOHN W. HOOP. Altoona, May 2T, ’58.-2m] T. A. JAMES. EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE 81 6CRIBER to aid reapectfhlly in form the public that be ha* recently ~ fitted the above Hotel, and is hOw ] pared (b accommodate his fiienda patrons in.'a comfortable manner, am will spare no pains In making it an , sqjonrnen. His Table will always be from the markets of the country am filled with liquors of choice ; brands, reasonable as those of any other Hotel i feds satisfied they can net be complain* favor liim With their custom. Expoctir of public patronage, and fully intern throws open bts house to the public - Altoona, May ZT, 1558.-ly] Restaurant and lag B£RR SALOON.—Tb« subscriber would respeci announce that be wlfl keep constantly on hand, at ms a Under the Masonic Temple, a supply of refreshments, such es Cheese, Ban Pretzels, and an excellent article of LAOBB BEKE,C filtered at the Altoona Brewery, which WprtTmnncej best in the country. Hi* saloon Is fitted up in good' for the Comfortand accommodation of hia patrons, d hopes by strict attention to their wants to mem and n a Aiir share of patronage. 1 " • - 1 May 18. JEIUWNAKD. NOTHWAJ a J- host, lit.». e. 000 ■p|BS. HIRST & GOOD TEN JLJr their pro&esioaal services to the citizens of i and ylclnlty in the several branches of MEDICINE AND SURGERY. gnatry calls regularly attended to. Office, the same as heretofore occupied by Dr. Bits L By consent,D. R. Good refers to ■ i J. M.Qemmill, i[. D n Alexandria, Pa. ' r J. B, linden, M.l)„ Huntingdon, • “ - . • Bra, Ross, Boyer and Pey, Williainsbuzg, Pa, lBBB -tf.] ' , PAY UP.—THE SUBSCRIBER RE -BPECTFULLY reqaeHta all those knowing Uiem selves, Indebted to him to c ill and settle their accounts Wni. Talbot, at the old stand, who has charge of the books* AU accounts not paid on or before the 15th of June, will be placed in the hands of an officer for Immodh JAMKS KEARNEY. I UMBER FOR SALE.— J 60,000 Shingles 60,000 Lathes, and a’l kinds of BulLßl>o MATERIAL, lower thin the lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER. Settees , for saLe.—the un dorsigned has on hand a lot of Settees wliich hewill JOHN SHOEMAKER, March -26-tf.] - Masonic Temple. GROCERIES. A LARGE AND VA complete assortment dfGroterks have Just been ra ceited at the store of . " J.b. HUJSMAN. KAA DOZEN* FEESH EGGS JUST t/vU w*«4 Wtjbr aili' |y' JklOtlg. MABIE & CROSBY'S FBES The Equestrian Campaign 1 SBfc of ISSS having commenced, tlio Mina. \ yAAx - ecre of this gifted combination of' r T*JOk FRENCH onJ AMERICAN STABS . wish to Impress these tacts upon the . A public mind, Tiz.; that this is tbe'ocly-. • French and American Company in,tbs 'tr r the STAR SHOW OF 1858, 0 Confluent that they hare succeeded In _■ this respect, and as confident that the v public will admit It, the Managers r*. 1 spectfully invite all to I BEAD, BEHOLD AND COMPARE, col The Colossal Mnsio Car will enUr '■ town on the morning of exhibition, ; SsSib and parade through the principal thor aSgu ongbfares, drawn by splendid steeds, S«R and containing the NEW YORK bU WL BLE BAND, led by the Wizard Bugle, RICHARD WILLIS. WILL EXHIBIT AT —«. Altoona, Saturday , June 6, 1858. APMisaiQX, . - - • - 26 Cents. ■ Cwß*. Doors opened at 2 and 7 o'clock.— Performance half an an hour later. Twfr distinct performance's afternoon . Among the many splendid attrac pAlV tlonsof thoFBKNCUand AMERICAN blJebA TAULTF.RS, TUMBLERS, acrobats, magicians, com- EDIANS, DANCERS, TO " CALI STS, Ac., Ac., . asx tns Fotxowixo: MAD'LLE VIRQINIE. I i i f The Queen of French Equestriennes: I j—J MAD’LLK IDA, \er*B The Falry-liko French Klder and Dan ' I * * seusa; , 1 j— mb. CHAS. E. SHERWOOD, ■ The greatest gcncraljnn former la th« Tho Fwn^°jiu^ut?^ Q Maglclan and • Contortionist; .-&■« WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, ‘jxfeS : \ the Matchless Somerset Ridct.Leaper MONS. DENZOR A VANISH, JMuMtw' The French Acrobats; Jjrri | H3£ CN MASTER CHAS. SHERWOOD, WHKmb> The Greatest Bov Rider In the World; i,■■ ■ ■ WILUAM CUOSbY, , Tho Far-Famed American Two-Horse Eider; MASTER JOHN ORTON, . The Jnrenilo Prodigy of tho Blog; TONY PASTOR, ■ The American Clown and Basso Singer. This Company will also perform at .■; V, , Friday, June ith. _ rhiUipsbury, Monday , June Ith. May 57,1858.-td StSI Boxt I ABU irt to Cn him- «:St, le'and ER t&lly lithe style id be scelve If. 2>. iER toona A FORTUNE FOR ' ! m* $70,000. TO BE HAD FOR $lOl SWAN & CO’S LOTTERIES, au thorized BT THE STATE OFOEOEOIA. The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swan 4 Co, Manager* of Die Sport* Academy Lottery, in each ot tbelr Single Number Lotteries for'June, 1868, at AUGUSTA. Georgia, to wUicbcity they bare moored tbeli principal office. * CLASS 18, , ■, . Tube draws la tbe glty of Augusta, Georgia, tn public, ta Saturday, June- 6, 1858. ? , >■ ' CLASS 10, To be drawn in tbe City of Angaria, Georgia, In public, at. ' Saturday, June 12,1868. ::r CLASS 20, To be drawn in the City of Augu«ta, Georgia. Saturday, Junaß, 1553. ;• 'CLASS 21, ' - ■ To be drawn in the City of Aufenata, Georgia^in ca Saturday, June SC, 1848. • 05 THE PLAN OP SINGLE NUMBERS. - mx ZHocraim reva bckdr»d aso noan-riTE mnl Aeorfy ime Prut to every Arne'TWtef*/' ' MAGNIFICENT SCHEME I TO BE BEAWH BAGS JVXCEBAT Cf ms*. 1 Prize of • $70,000 4 Prtia oT 1 l ie a EOIOOC 4 « I “ “ 4 “ « 1 a « ifi- I 4 • •»- 1 “ “ AOOO SO Prtaea of 1 « « S,oou| 60 « •* J. ; I » “ 1,6001100 “ “ 4 “ * “ “ APPROXIMATION PRIZES. ’ 4 Prise* of (WO Apnros’Uinj. to $70,000 PriaeSN $1,600 4 « « 300 T « 80,000 “ “ iSW . 4 «* « aoo * « 10,000 « « top ' 4 “ “ 125 - “ “ 6,000 “ « tOo 4 “ “ 100. «* ♦* 4,000 «. “ i 404 4 “ “ 76 “ “ 8,000 “ “ SCO 4 ** « . I.SOO “ “ a* 6,000 »«n 100^000 &I6S Fristt imottottfix to • 4SSMO6 Whole Ticket* |L; Halves 15; Quartets s2s. TFhAN OP THE lOTTBRT. ' “ • The number* from 1 to 50,000,- corresponding with those nombera on the Tickets printed oh separate slips of paper, are engirded In small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. ; - The first 457 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, ars placed In another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is draws from the wheel of Numbers; and at the same time a Prize Ik drawn from the other wheel. The number and prize 'drawn: out are opened and exhihitedto the audience, and registered by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against tho number drawn. This operation Is repeated un ■ till all the Prizes are drawn out. AWBOXUunox ppjzra.—The two proceeding and the two succeeding numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes wU be entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For example: If Ticket No. 11,250 draws tnc $70,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 11,248.11.249,11,251, 11252, will each bo entitled to $lOO, If Ticket No. 550 draws the $30,000 Prize. thOM tickets numbered 548, 549, 551, 552. will each be entitled to law, and so on according to the above scheme.' ■ ' The 5.000 Prizes of $2O will be determined by the! ait flj,« ore of tho number that draws the $70,000 Prize. For ex ample: if the number drawing fh0.570,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be entitled to $2O. If the number ends with No. 1. then 4U the tickets where tho number cuds in 2 wQI be en titled to $2O, and so on to 0. ' . * Certificates of Package* will be sold at the following rat* which is.the risk; Certificate of package of 10 Whole Tickets, fiU “ “ 10 Half *5 “ “ 10 Quarter “ $0 ,“ ' “ ' 10 Eight « . , M , IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFIQAT& ' 1 Enclose the-mcmey to our addree* for tho tienwdMersd, or Receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail.— Purchasers can have tickets ending in any numberlbtT may deelgnato. The list of Drawn Nnmbcrs and Prizes will he.sent to purchasers itnmedintely after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signatures pj**", give their Poet Office, Count} - and State. ■ Remember that every Prize la drawn and payable in full without deduction. ''-All prizes of *l,OOO ami under, paid Immediately aft* the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of 30 dan. i All communications strictly confidential. I Address orders for tickets or certificates to ■■ ■ . „ ■ . S. SWAN A CO, Augusta, Oa. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala, or Atatanta,Qa. can have their orders filled,- and save time, by addressing S. Swan A Co, at either of those cities. . . - . A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following pa pers:—New Orleans Delta, Mobile Begister, Charleston Stan dard, Nashville Gazette, Manta Intelligencer, New IbrV Weekly Day Boo 7;, Sarauruth Homing News, BichmondlHS patch. New Boric Dispatch, and Paulding (Mist.) Clarion Augusta (Geo.) Constitutionalist. [Jaa.7-ly. Yaluable property FOB SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract ol EIGHTY ACRES of land, situate in Furr usofl township, Clearfield county, on the South side of .tils West Branch ol the Susquehanna River, about five milts fhimCurwensrllte and one mile below Lumber City. The premisea are con veniently situate* I, and among - other inducements to pur chasers are two extensive beds of , iron ore, one of which exceeds nine feet In thickness and yields from forty-fivc to eighty j>cr cent. There is also no abundance of LIMESTONE AND STONE COAL on tho premises, making it a desirable situation to person* ■wishing to engage in the manufacture of Iron. There is the best of water puwer on the premises, and the river ia navigable with arts, boats. Jtc., from this point- Persons desiring any further information will address IVM. O. JIcCKACKEN, New Millport, Clearfield Co., Pa. March 25-3m.] Brick ! brick ; i brick i 11— The undersigned subscriber has on hand now and ur sale a - * FIRST RATE QUALITY OF RED BRICK,; at the well-known Brick YardatMcCahon’a “Bluff." where he Is prepared to tornish any quantity of BRICK on short Ordors.ft'om adistance wIU be attended to, and Brick delivered in the can. - Adding ApriU,l®«s*». - WXLUIMi VACQBHr Runoan*rißn«aif matf, S*. . gitofiiw Cri Z.OOAI* ITB IWBlt OBBBBTKD TOKEN Of Rl ir readers are no doubt ft* on of George W. Esq « Pittsburgh Shops, to tbc a of" Masterof Machinery Umof the Pennsylvania Railt to oat necessarily involved place, and dissolved, in a \ •onnectiou with the Engineer o Western Division, many ■u the first throttle and ti of wood under his administi 1 not suffer the relations whi satisfactorily existed betwe Ived without testifying, in a ocr, the high estimation in whh >*y them, os an officer and a gcntl the presentation of a g ,f hain was decided upon, in pursu committee, consisting of Willi • Resenting the Passenger En;j -JBmlth, representing the Freight fffohu W. Ridley, rcprcsenting-lh ;Jpved In this place by the Exp |Sdondiiy morning, and having «r. his office, Mr. Wills preac; ; |ccompanled by a few appropria So assured Mr. G. that whereve cast in the future, the woll-wi fire Division would accompany 'long as his connection with \ Central continued —which tin to the end of his Railroad ca ulate upon their sustaining hi Ideut that ho—a working ma iustly risen from ’ their rank mtiring exertions and aoki abilities—would proper!; dischaigo of duty on tin •ama time ask nothing at.thei best interests of the coaipau; , not alike demand. Mr. Qrior not being aware of >OStration was taken altogcthi Mid they all knew that he, evi not express himself in a to his feelings, and ho hoj icy would excuse him from jranoous address. Mr. G jy much affected by the affair (hat, much as he prized the ' the sentiments which a< if much more value to him itisfied that no officer can his duties unless lie en .M respect of the men uu (roll as that of the officers pi a bad always endeavored to s< pleased to know that he hud led; that his coarse in the ice of the duties of 1 be directed to tho same enc like result Mr. 0. agar in for tho elegant presc at their hands, advising th perform their duties in a satis! 'ig u they remained in the my, and assuring them tb to promote its interests, tl promote their own. committee then withdrew, ' with the interview and feelings. It always gives ns pleasure to of good-will existing between ■eea, but in this case wo rtion. i Mr. Grier is emplu as well sis a self-taught, mai ■ to put his shoulder to the requires. From a poor: tas risen, by his own exertion ' tank in his profession. II!j tithe foot of tho ladder, an( ' to bis present position, In the situation of those uu therefore not surprisii . too :*« tw 600 800 138 100 . in securing their good congrntulate the company id the services of one so w the interests of the Hoa; under him, that one of tlm; •a their trials and can apprci ' of cluty, has been pirn Morality appears to bo i . The local department week is almost entirely from petty thefts to d jta. The recent discharge • R. R. Co , in that place, ip a *' strike," may have ha icing this sad stat Herald. • bare ever boon taught thr. an individual more morally ►tibly mean, and a greal it daring thief or burglm Ij portrayed the differe line*: • Ha who (teals my pnrjo (leal* tru Bn* fce that fllchoa from mo my gooc BoW me oftliat which not enriches Bad nuked me poor indeed.” We commend them to the cah 'the junior of the Herald, ' y of the above item, tha slanderer, if wo may jud of the paper, can not