The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 03, 1858, Image 1

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    tlirfri-4 fint4«e»
icgloct of Nature's laws. yf- -
S AU,-CAStf OF » W
Srtauref, Gleet*, Orm^rXtL
t hadtays and ISoddsr.lSSSL y**
in, S-nfida, I\iint in th*a f •
*incJ<3, Miscasts qf Use
, Throat. Hast miS
Its, tte'TSVJIVH
tf.r&ody 1
iiw!y;<:iuiM.rA ' 43
I. KfrfUftic Fit*. St. “ ■ ■
•-C, u;ia off disufm Ml j
■■iv.yemcni <f the Sexual Or- ’:■«
1U Trtinllirg, Imu nf UtxmAc.
IWal ncsr, IHmnet* nf L.
-.ring Ufurc the Myu, iniSe***
£i,'. Dytpipric, livcf IX4.
i'-ns on On fact, Mains - ~•
! jFVi. A
:f' Imy uteri
ties, and '
uia! cau-.i tbo Uisggso crlgtraJS
'f. l^L ‘ case, reajt&u *2
tin.f than a permanent ciiiscto
Uu.,;!.. Dt, even after the <HJ?
nim.nt p.iysiciana and resisted eii
tu Diuhcuiea ore pleasant srlthw
s and tree froth mercury orbs uii!. 1
practice, I haw rescued from op
who,in «!0 last stnMea
had Lee a given up to die n
narrants me in promising to itt
themselves under nty care, & Jrav
•■. •ii.-c^swnre thegretttag
; •' '" J ’ the *uat Cause of Cdnsunm.
r Otlur diseases, und should be a
uy. As a permanent euro is scomZ
uy of the ca ;es hilling i n to
i-ons, who no: only fail to curette
dilution, tiliinrr the aygfenj with
• diii Me, hastens the sufferer Into
and the treatment not causeiWt.
1 imiiri H. the disease is entailed
r>- bom with feeble constitution*,
irrupted by a vjrus which betram
, fleers. Eruptions and other of,
. Throat, and I.ungh, enUiljng Up
- °* suffering, and consigning them 1
cr funnidablo enemy to health, be
I'at.'. lo;. U. of human disease* Cag.
■■ upon tile system, drawing its
ux. ;( :h nT. w years of suffering
ive. It destroy* tire Nervous gn,
ti e energies of life, causes Baen.
!s proper.development of the
uirrittgo, society, business, and gjj
a\.-s the sufferer wrecked In body
consumption-and a train of evils
■ at!; itself. With tbo fullest can
-un;;V v ictims of Self-Abuse' that
ur<- con be effected, and with the
u. t ices, my patients can bo restored
1-1! against JJta use of Patent Med
uuiy ingenious snarcsin the col*
•to c.afcli and rob the unwary snf.
li-ir constitutions rallied by tho
'■ e-tors, cr tbe equally paisouotu
nt Medicines.” 1 have carefully
•died Patent and
: "io Corrosive Sublimate, which
’•iratfoTis of-taertury and a'deOd.
cming the disease dlsahlee the
at nostrums howdn rm are pat
Jioiunt do not un
of the KiaierfcViitiica, aaS,n
. .lowledge o*|he human system.
■"w. and thlßo'maSc money r^
“ ‘cares of male* and females
filled by twenty years of prwW
ueands of the most remarkable
.•directions sent to any part'of
qjl'Vhy patients communicating
Jcufincsj correspondence strictly
- \Oul Ab. Wjj-BiUnc TwelfOL i
i.erViwl by tptctol tndammmt
d (tftcUd itUfr Wt.,
if C'f-ual Diseases,sach a* Aff*
. lninAinee, Gonorrhaa, CUmL.
■ ■ >t Self Abuse, rfcj, rffc. - ' ■
.levies of the awful dntruette
luai Disease?, and the deceptions
.««*■ victims of i nch discaseWiW
J ‘ .I' - d their Cntjaulting Surgeom
’their name, to open a Disprii.
class of diseases. In all.thsir
u Ivjce p nit it. to all who apply
of .their coudition, (age, occn
i m cuces of extreme poverty,,
mli vmr charge. It Hr
ta iatjun coihmauda the idgheet
( " ill furnish the most opprov-
’ of tlio past, f*el assure*! that
.f benevolent offnrt harebell
ted, especially to t he yoan*.
'■ile liji-niseiriai, wuh rejiuWou
inf niDch despised cane.
ition. n Hep ,rt on Sperma
ea-. the vice of Onanism, Moo
other dis eises of the Sexual
irgi iii. which will be sent by
cr of c'mrge, on the receipt at
i:t. Dr. GEORGE B. CAL.
11 waid A .filiation, JTo. 2g,
n. Hy order of tbe Directors.
D. HEAItTWELL. Prtit. "A
■ , •'[Doc. My.
A-\l> ITS PREMA- 1
i. Published, Gratis, the HOth
i 'i . iurtt or libcul Weakness,,
and Nervous Dibility, Impo*
jii.igc gencrallv, by
»it. OK LA.NEV, M. D.
t; ; r. iv a I a rni Ing complain ts,
;.d f diiod- of youth, may
• i-.OU'INE, is in this small
d’" cutirrly lira - and blgh
. idi-j by the Author, fully
i fry une is enabled to core
■i• ist jioisibla cost, thereby
ti iras of the Jay.
ii. I po?t free in a sealed en
i, i *t< [' 'f.tage stamp* to Dr.
>- t. New York. City.
•' • reliant Tailor,-la Wof
!m tli.- citizen* 6f Altoona.
< J the building two door*
:;ui! one dr ( rr Sooth of No*
; ht> Js i)i.nv receiving hi*
i■■ prirp-i, I'lnin Ull ,j Fancy
1 if. S Uk, SatinVelvetsl*r» ttV
''-i r :T Vesting?, In Short,
i r. ail .of which ho will
■ , tli,: most rra^ona-
he think*, will cna«
,J ‘ h*'!i wim their orders.
' iWi a .V-tt- iXap of Blair
: ! f'ltvc-j-*, containing.*!!
-- to*' actual localities of
'-relilf, Scjioo] Houses,
• .Stores, Farm Hcu»-
a :*! Villages, a Table of
'' • giving the name and.
■ engraved on the mar
. J,it si alp so as to make;
h-'l' will be col' red and
-hi nd 1. subscriber* at!
!'!<• rtnti Criminal* i* in
imitated throughout I
( *r. at Trial*, Criminal |
!.•: tonir, together with |
rot be found in any I
i: £1 for six month*, to
! aid v.'rito their name*
'’ v they reside plainly.}
' ;'■ Polite Gazette,
AVie Tork City-
•/'olds, anil other affeo.;
< S]K;soa sflltO Of
■'Minna! changes of out*
•: G. W. KKSST.EB.
uLiitT any clrcunurt*n*
n.'ili-jilo aiidltetaij--'*
Matouic Ttmplo.
-i. ut
v'■ 'V &]■■■ .-i - -I ‘ n ;t , >
VQL. 3.
IfcC&UU A D2RN, Publiihets and Propdetv*^
P«r •wain, (payable Invariably lu advance,) , y,m>
iJlpapm dtaconUanad. At tb» expiration of tke time
ptkl tar.
«n»> op anTxananra.
Pear line* or k«,
’OwifMni ( 8 lines,)
Two “ ft* ■** )
Three " (M “ )
Or* tiro week* and l«a« than three month*, sfce«lt|» per
>fcaare fer each Inatrtfcm.
_ . .Smooths. Smooth*.
Stalina* or IoM, $l6O $9.00 's6 00
One agnate, 'XV ',400 -T OO
Two " 400 'ttt .10 00
Three “ t oo 800 12 .00
fast “ 0 00 1o 00 14 00
RairaoclaaO, 10 00 1040 «»
Oneoatamo. 14 00 ssoO’ .40 00.
AdmlnUtratonaadßxacatort Notlee*, ITS
MprohaiiU adTertiring by the year, three ennaraa
. liberty 10 00
'PlrgfMatonal or Botin ee< Card*, ti(it »rrii>fltlir 0
Uh»*»wlth paper, per year, * ■g;^\,.»,(lO :
Commnplcelton* of 4 politico! character oriadtyttoal lh>
UnetwU he charged according to the asm MMe>
AdrsrtiMmeaU not marked with the number 1 of inaertion* ;
d Mired, will |m eoatinnod till fatbU apd charged according
to the above terms. . ,
Badness notices five cents per line fcr every Insertion.
Obituary notion exceeding ten lihea, SAycentaa square.
The Cheapest Paper in theCeimty!
With the pmept number, the £V#toi«has«o
time when theconfidence of the eitizens pf Al
tooha In newspapers pod newspaper publishers
wy ceaglt|e|t!d)r JjNfcs®*
ted, it had tint .that, con
fidence, Mid :; |iBw stimdsqpon
and is universally acknowledged to be one of
the fixcdbstitotiopfcf onrtown. But this re
nit hee not been achieved withouta bard strag
gle, #nd expenditure of time'end
moans oaths Jpf/W The steady
Jwreas® fffpatrtmsyyhcftmr, he* afforded b
dnbitablo CTidimcf.battimir labors have been ap
e»ted?._ ■
In a» ; ieew. Teluine it is almoet
onnoeoasarytosaythat the .contin
ue to he ‘•I»w > *irt>gicx ''^ : '^^]PEaix^a, n be
ing biassediunthep'by fquf, Tnvornorcffoction,
b &vor of pertbe.or eeotsi. In this respect it
is onl/ Oocesseiy to snj the psist a
fbti bdex as b par Ijabae Opaxse.
It hu always been oar aim to make tbs Try
iune, a relUbb Bocsi Pamt, ju* up
Wteve that that alone, eopntrypn
peracan Biioceasfiillycanyetewith 4hwr flash;
city neighbors- To this enii wo bare
corrcappadeute m .parte of the county,
who furaidi ns with all the items of local inter
est b their We patpose adding others
to our list as spoil aa we ean ebtab them. Du
ring the next year we shalljredonble our efoiM
to make the Tr&m» • jesGset of
Hews Ns^B-7^;^l^lAJ»X.j^..
Papbb, second io runs -In the country, m# as
such a welcome weekly .windier b ottr
whether .at home, or abroad.
But whlb the Local Dopactme&t shall be our
special care, we shall ahi» devote a considera
ble space to LirxaAar Ik va», Fun asd HcV
wok, and the ohronbUng of eventos tff general'
Interest to <W readers. We purpose also pub
lishing from time to time “ Original Sketches of
Men and Things ” which will be furnished by
our contributors. We have mode arrangements
also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia,
and judging from the reputation onr correspon
dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters
will bo arieh treat to-our readers.
A* lie we decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive, we l»ve concluded to adopt the
cash system in our business. The neglect of
quite &'number of oar patrons to pay up prompt
ly* and the rascality of others, has compelled
US .tp adopt this course. Time and experience
has tally proved to our satisfaction that the
credit igrstem will not work with newspaper
publishers. From this date no paper will be
sent from this office, unless paid for in advance,
ftndat the expiration of the time paid for, if
not renewed, will be promptly stopped. This
arrangement does no injustice to our patrons,
.while it will protect us from the impositions ,of
soulless scoundrels, and enable us to devote
more attention to our paper.
Recognising, the principle that contracts to
he satisfactory should be fraught with mutual
benefit to both parties, and as money in large
amounts, in adoanee, is of more value to us than
when received in driblets, as an induce*
.mentto numbers who would otherwise disepn
.tinne, as well as to those who have, never yet
the .paper, we offer it at the follo wing
low r&tes for the coming year:
1 copy, one year 50
B**" ;; »)..?*»
j .. , (?l*oo peT copy) 20 00
•nd all above -0 at the same rate— sl p er CO p y .
Iheptqneyjanat, ,«B wia, .the
By the above it will beseen that our paper
u emphatically the cheapest iu the county
Ab to its merits we leave in to the public to de
cide. -We earnestly request our friends through
out the county to “jglve as a, lift,” as .we have
no doubt each of them can readily obtain a club
in their neighborhood.
s™«a energetic bu*
Ome M men wanted to canvass the fcr
whKabara totl A
tng% wm be allowed.' ■ - ; ■ ¥
1 insertion 2 do. $ do.
t & % «TH ( N
■ *0 if* \oo
100 160 . • $OO
l#o 200 ' -$»
Xe Mjr JHotlwr. I
Tbe*eU«wing line* wrijtepby.a «*»Tfctta the Ohio
penitentiary, are touchingly beaotifni:
I’re waoderodfar from thee mother,
;-.:^/i:;;Shrilremji7)h9ffP'honabi ->„?
; : Tre left thc ia nd that gare me birth,
In other clime* to roam:
And marked them onmyibroef,
I’m thinking of thee often now.
Tm tlilplilDg on the day, mother, • ' .
_ Wbne mt my tepder ride,
Ton, wabdied the dawnbg of ay yMith,
Andklwod meinyoarpride;
, Xbaa WM *O7 heart lit up
,|)o,of fotorejoy, .
.WlfQsyonrbright Ciocylioiiqn
To deck your dorliog boy.
I’m toHdUngon the day, motiur,
WbeOtwUh anxloai can, .
ToabfiednP yonr beartto hnvenrr
:, Toqr trari was i
WhUe tean roll’d downyoar chaelc, ,
Tbylopg, lo»t, look Uddjmqpa
Than oyer wfdc;
Tm far awayfrom Um,moth«r,
Ko firiead ia b«ar manow, •
Toioothe mewitoatonderwovd,
The deanot vroro -
Are now all torn from me,
They toftaie .Wliim tlie titmMe ’
Tboydld aot|ow like tbye.
Dnplttled and nobly**;
Ket ftllL|woaldD3t let thae know
X know you,would not jnntw,
Ton co&id not give mo blame;
But aootlts jnewlthyourtender word*,
Andbid mobope again.
I wonld not have thee know, mother,
Boyr Wgberiihopee decay:
The tempter wHh.h(s.l)aneftil aq>
Has Aashe^tbemidiaway;
dnd ahiuna baa lett bis venom sting,
Torndt with anguish w|ld;
Tet I would not have tbee know
Tbe sorrow of thy child.
Ohl I bavo wandorad Gtrj mother,
. Since 4 d(H|ettßd,tho^ : '
» And toftjthy trnirtblS Jiaart to break,
Soyottdtlu deop^aeaea;
Oh, motbsrl X atill lovo tbee well,
r Andloro to-bimriltoe apeak, , s .
And again tby bolray braith,.
1 tint ohl then IS a thought suljur,
jPenradn-my Heading breari, ‘
. That -
To Ue eternal teat;
■ Al«twh^lwlßethe,twiyr»y,
There wbHpen ia wy ear ;
Axil tiiita sw enter there, ’/r i.
ak iafpßoatpxu
I Smjt do U tea
u youejm, for live minutes. pray
®®kse flue trifling, which is £ni cruelplay
ing mth my leefingß, andletus fcq*t tifcds
as it deserves, soberly and sen*
tf Well, there, then!” cried the laugh*
log, black-eyed girl, .to whom Chas. Wes
terly spoke. “There, u tAafgraveenough?
See the corners of my mouth are dwy
turned down, my eyes are rolled up, acp
I am as sober as a patient who has caught
sight of the dentist’s instruments. Do I
emt you so V* " r T
You suit me anyhow, and you know
it well, you witch!” cried Charles, gazliig,
with a smile, at the pretty face puckerted
up in its affectation of demureness. But
he was not to bo driven from his point,
and he resumed, gravely, after a pause,
“The time has come, Susy, when I feel J
have a right to demand an explicit ansyrer
to my suit. You have trifled with iny
earnest feelings long enough. T have
grown restless under my fetters.” i
“Shake them off, then, Charley!” in*
terrupted the saucy girl, with a pretty de
fiant toss of her head, which plainly said,
“ I defy you to do it.” ' ; ’ |
“ I cannot, Susy, and you know lit,” re
plied the hapless lover, impatiently.” 1
/‘ That being the case,” said Susy, “ take
my advice—wear them gracefully, ajnd
don’t pull and jerk .so j it paly makes
them hurt you.”
The young man turned away, and walk
ed silently up and down the room, evi
dently frothing and fuming internally.—
Susy, meantime, looked out of the win
dow, and yawned. Charles continued his
moody walk.
“ Oh, what a beautiful bird is on the
lilac tree!” cried Susy, suddenly. “Do
come and see it.”
Oharles mechanically approached the
window and looked out.
0 Don't you think, Charley,” said Susy,
laying her hand on his arm, and looking
np eagerly in his face, “don’t yo,u think
you could manage to —”
“What, Susy dear?” asked Charles, all
tis tenderness awakened by her manner*
« What?” ■
"Drop a pinch of salt on his back/’
prQvokinggirl. Vth an affec-
ir&t ryerwas to turp angry away.
*« Ik this was loiter than be
' ii* cogitations veto more eat
-.. ko dpi. pot heed any, of Susy’s
ai tlesa devices to allore his notice,
vp .stopped abruptly before ber
i, .iflisWli
fpw, and
nest; for
, At last.:b
Undsaid f ...
“Susy, for three long years X lave been
yoursmter, - without either confession of
b»ve °* promise of love on your part. Qf.
ten as lliaye demanded to know your sen-
toward me, you have always, co
qnettishly refused me an answer. This
stwe ofl tlungg must cease. I love you
better than my life j but t will no; longer
be your plaything. To-morrow you are
gomgaWay to a distance, to be absent for
months,and if you cannot, this very day,
aside your coquetry, and give me
an honest 'yes’ for my .answer, I shall
oontider.that I have received a <no,' and
‘ " And how would that be. Whst would
you do?| asked bliss Susy curiously.
“Beg*n by tearing your false and worth
less image from my heart I” cried Charles
furiously. ,
K h Would be a curious piece of busi
ness, Charley; and you would not suc
ceed, either, *’ said Susy.
I ®hould and would succeed,” said Charles,
tracl >
w Butj'z don’t wish, Charley dear—-I
love dearly to have you love me,” said
Susy, j■•■■■■■ ';!■ • ,■-■■■
fWhy|, then,” cried the foolish youth
quite woi|oyer again, “ Why, then, dear
est Susy,; will you not consent ?”
'‘ Remember, X said like to be loved,”
replied ipttsy: “1 did not say any thing
about loving. But pray hoW lopg did you
say you! bad been courting me, tin that
pretty little speech of yours ?”
“ I’hish long years,” replied Charles.
• “’Neatly and accurately quoted, Char
ley. But you know my cousin Rachel
was only Won after five years courtship^—
Youdou’tsuppose I am going to rafemiy
sdf any cheaper than she did, do you ?-r-
Sapptee we drop this tiresome subject for
two years; perhaps by that .time II may
lmysdfup to the falling
m4ove jwiit —there ip no knowing what
Uronders.tinjie nmy effect.” /. '
ybu not in love how, you never
will be,” Charles sturdily ; andt
hays joy answer now or never,” •
“P®/® 1 ) £mf” laughed Susy. But
she had gone p. step too far. Her often
severely tn«|d lover jraa howtoomuch in
earnest to bear/her trifling any longer.
’,‘^v|u||befft ? tb«i!” he cried; and
seizing hihjbht strode from the room.
Snsy to his receding footsteps
jd™ dwmay. . Had she, indeed, by her
incorrigible love of coquetry, lost' him f
It smoteherto the soul to think so. As
she heard l -him open the front* door, im
pelled by.h feehngof ■ despair,' she raised
the window-sash, and, leaning forward,
whispered: •
! Charley! you wiH be at the
bdut tOrmumow to bid me good-bye, won’t
JO.U ? Surety we are stUl munds?’’
■A# shespdtee> she tore nwise ftom her
bospip, andtiutowit to him. Itlodgedon
his m, jfrt % it awayas though
ft W b# powon, and paesetfouwithout
looking u|>. .. „
Susy s'peut thu. rest of the .day in tears.
Early mqnung the bustle of de
parture Busy .was going fo accom
pany her-Mdowed and invalid mother on
a top for her health'/'
_. ■' A® ddj ihoiifed the wharf and descend
ed &om the carnage, Susy’s "eyes made
themselves busy searching tor ouewished
fdriade; but it was nowhere to he seen. *
- Thesteamboatlay pantingand puffing,
seemingly impatient' to he let foosa.—
Susy’s mother, aided by thewetyantman
who accompauiod them, had already' cross*,
ed the gangway which lay between the
wharf aijd lhe boat,'and SusywasreJuo
tautly following, when the sound pf a
voice behind her—the very voic&she was
longing td hear—-startled her. - She turned
to look around, and, missing her footing,
fell into the water.
Another instant, and Charles had lain
off his coat, and, calling out loudly, “-Tell
the Captain not to allow the whdcl Xo
and to lower me a rope!” he sprang into
the river.' Bat of heryrhom he Was risk
ing his life to save, he was unable tp see
any trace.
Judging that the current of the river
might have carried her a little forward, he
swam around the wheel, but still he saw
her not, and despair seized his heart as he
conjectured that she might be under the
boat. He strained his eyes to sec through
the water, and at length far be
low the surface, what seemed the end ofa
floating garment lodged between the wheel
and the rounded bottom of the boat.
If this were indeed the unfortunate girl,
the least movement of the wheel must in
evitably crush her, and Charles, in his
horror, fancied it was already beginning
to turn. He dived and clutched at the
garment, but missed it. He rose panting,
and almost exhausted; but scarcely wait
ing to get breath, he again plunged below.
This time his efforts were rewarded with
success, at least so far. tliat he was able to
bpinj; Susy’s form to the surface of the
water she seemed totally lifeless. ’
Charles was now so nearly exhausted
[independent in everything.}
that he had only sufficient. presence of
mind left to clasp Susy convulsively to
him while he kept himself afloat by held*
ine onto-the.wheel, . , ,
Bot Gas, Ids last hope ofsupport, seem*
ed also to .hul him soon, as he perceived
tl»t was now really beginning to; torn
slpwly round. a desperate effort he
struck his foot against one of the paddles
so as to push himself as far from the dan
ger as possible. As he did so something
touched his head, and he grasped a rope.
New life seemed now ififused into him. —
He gathered all bis energies, and fastened
the rope round Susy’s waist~cdns6ions
ness then entirely forsook' him. In the
meantime witnesses *of the scene, after
giving diaries’ instructions to the cap
tain, had watched-his struggles and exer
tions with breathless interest. The friend
ly rope had been flung to him again and
again, hut in the etoitoment of his feel
ings, and his semi-insensibility, he had
been iiioapable of availingvhiroself of the
offered aid. At last, perceiving that he
was quite'exhausted, and -must inevitably
soon letgo hishold on the wheel, and
then probably sjnk to rise np more, the
captain judged it best to run the risk of
moving -off, so that a small boat could be
sent to ths rescue.. /
The. result of this hazardous experiment
Vas successful. rinsed i>y means
of a rope, and a boat reached Charles in
time to save Him also. .
Both sufferer?'were t?ken on board the
steamboat, which now rabidly moved off
to make up for lost time."
And tbiri) when our hero regained bis
consciousness, jbe found himself many
miles from home. Of course his first anx
ious inquiry was for Susy, and when in
formed that she was rapidly recovering,
his' happiness seemed complete. He show
ed his contentment by turning over, and
falling into a deep, quiet sleep.
Abput sunset a message came to him
that Miss B-—-r- desired to see him.
-fie found her lying .on. a sofa in the
captain’s state room, which bad been given
up to her.., She looked very pale, and
somewhat suffering, but she held out her
baud to-him very gratefully, while the
teats stood in her eyes.
■ f Charles,” she ?&id, without offering a
word of thanks, 44 1 want to. see a clergy
man. Js there ope on board ?”
“I and see,” said .Charles, mov
ing to the door: hut a dreadful thought
striking him, be turned, exclaiming, “Susy,
ypu do not tjbiink that—”
“Thai, I am going to die?” said she,
anticipating hun. 4 ‘ No,, Charles j but I
want to see a clergyman.”
Charles went, and soon returned, ac
companied by tjife minister.
44 1 thank yon, sir, for coming tome,”
said Susy to the latter, as he entered. “ I
have a strange request to make of yon.—
Would you object, sir, in the presence,
and with the consent of my mother, to
ignite mo with that gentleman ?”
If the minister was astonished at this
request, Charles was'infinitely more
44 What did you say, Susy ?’’ said he.—•
44 Bid I hear, aright ?” :
44 1 I ,believe so,” said Susy, smiling at
hia eager amazement. “ Does the scheme
meet your approval I’’ ;
44 1 t was heaven-inspired!” cried the
poor fellow, frantic with joy—but a shade
coming over his radient lace, he added
gravely, ff But, Susy, have you considered ?
Bemember, I want your love, not your
gratitude. 1 will ho satisfied with nothing
Jess,” - ; v . ~
; «Do not be Uonperned about that,
Charles” replied Susy,. gazing at him very
teudpriy through her, tears,/‘he assured
you Lave tLeua botL, and had tfee‘ first
long, long last/’ ] /
Busy, Jon said only yesterday—”
/‘jSlayer UJiud what I said yesterday,
w|&jpujie pfkek pg
spirit breaking out. /» Jus£ pund what X
aay X* X yyas a fbpfpn.oe, ip * thal
any reason I must he one always r * But,
indeeci/^arla?" she / aste&Wre
W I Lava always meant to ,he l your wlwf
tLe, only scruple I Ixavo Is that I aUT ndt
)half enough fr ''■••■ ‘ rr!
-jigi .or you.
It - is needless to say how this discussion
ended. The reader has already 'divined
that -Charles continued his Journey, and
thus, in, the course of one eventful-day,
he risked a life, saved a life, made in im
promptu marriage, and set outrun a most
unexpected wedding trip.
The Conductor who was discharged
from the employment of one of the Ohio
railroads, some time ago, for * inviting a
friend to ride over the road with him, as
ho did not like to’ride in the train alone,
has been re-appointed by the superinten
dent. But we see he is again the hero of
another adventure, which has been made
public. The newspapers say (and what
they say must be true, you know) that on
a recent trip the train, of which this con
ductor had charge, overtook a cripple,
jumping along by the side of the track,
when our hero, the conductor,, kindly in
vited him to get on and ride. Thewooden
legged man thanked him, and replied that
he would rather not, as ho. was in a hurry.
The conductor thinks seriously oT throw
ing up hia comuxission. jChe. Ginc«mari
Commercial is guilty of the above, i
■ *
~'\j? i-
A TaU Jamp.
< Helloa, Charley I’ shouted Ned, as he
Ararat into, my room, in the attic of a
hoarding house in the Bowery, on
thQ&s( day of April,, about an hour be
fore ; (he hall was expected to ring for
4 Well Ned, what’s the row?’
/Nothing. How much money have you
got?’ •
; 4 Only about fi%, Why V
4 Thunder 11 lent yon thirty last night.’
4 I ku6wit—rl'vegotthifteen pf jt ycjt ?’
f I’ll tell you what it: Ned, f’ve only
got this fifty, and if you get on on?. of
your benders, and spend it, I shall be
hard up here till—r
< What in the name of stewed oathar
penf legs are you telkiqg pbout? Give
me the pictures and ybtf shell have half.
Come—fist over and come along,’ said
Npd. ? r
I gave Ned my wallet, and followed him
down into the street, 4 Which way, Ned?
Where pre yop bound!” [But he went
off down towards Ohath like a
locomotive on trials I followed in his
wake about two rods asterii.’ Oh he went
through Chatham strjfet, along Park! Bow,
down Bowery tUI he cam* ipppqsite Trinity
church, when he stepped ,Wiaaftcr
up at llqente min- v
utes, he denberately pulled off his coat,
and to nip tQ hold for him.!—
Next off camp hjwhat ppdypfiVl thought
he was crapy- "■‘He pul ed off h&. boots
and a crowd began to gnser about us.~
Ned took oat his watch and banded it to
me. , ’ 1 '
Tfip rush to the spot
three minutes thpapwa
4 What’s sfll tb|s? |\
inquired a dozen eager \
4 Gentlemen,’ said Ni
open place up there in
where the bell hapgs ?’
4 Yes I yes!’ screamed
in answer to the questioi
4 Well, gentlemen, Fn
np there 1’
4 Ypn can’t do. it,’ jns<
twenty of the by-standen
4 I’ll bet he .can,’ said
behind Ned, Whom half 0:
as one of the richest me
Ned looked over his s
ishment. Thq old inert:
nodded his head.'
4 Good 1’ shouted Ned
backer. I thought I’d
small pile alone,” and 1
4 I’ll bet. two to one ths
up there,’ said a mail cc
Ned with bis fist full of 1
4 Three to one I’ chirpe
4 Four to oriel shouted
4 Flys | | 4 Six I’ ; 4 Sei
sporting inen - crowded an
■" * I'll ‘teU'you what it is
Ned quietly, 4 I haveh*t‘j
but I’ll go it as long as. :|
choose ypur staho bol(M
atit-’ "VJ
That matter was soon i
betting went oh from sel
Ned’s wallet and mine w
4 Thunder 1- yelled-Ne
a thousand dollars. He
»® lay
‘Mol4 ppIV said the l! old merchant,
here id two thousand' dollars, rat it hp.
If you winj dmde.*P i h -h.hj
The two.Jhousaiid up and cov
ered,and thpj crowd begap jto he impatient.
* wnjdemep/ very gravely, ‘I
hate iieyer heen tip fn' that steeple, and
you know I might go slap into some con
forinded irbn thing that Vould hurt me.
??flw I iahould iihe if .a half .dozen of yon
wophlhe .kindgnongh to; go up with me
so that I can sec where
Fm#ittg flight/ I
‘That's feir/ shouted the crowd, and off
went Ned, with a committee of eight, over,
§0*029, and pp into.the steeple. The crowd
the open space -by the bell,
and In about three minutes after the party
entered the church, Ned's cocoanut was
seen bobbing up and down in the belfry
like a dandy-jack. It was evident to all
that he jumped up there!!
.. ‘ Sold, by thunder! 1 said the two to one
gentlemen, and eloped.
; ' ‘Taken in and done! forT exclaimed
sporting gentlemen number two.
‘Give it up! yelled I four-to-one* and
struck- |
‘Fairly won r sung out everybody, in
.chorus; and ns Ned made .bis appearance
in the street, the crowd gave him three
cheers and dispersed. i
The stake-holders handed over the mo
ney to Ned, and. adjourned with the old
merchant to his store, where he made a
fair division of all around,
after which the old fox told us that he had
an idea in his head once of trying that
very game. ,
8^, It is not w or k that kills men; it
is worry. Work is healthy; you qan
hardly put more on a man than he 'can
bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It
is not the involution that destroys the
machinery, but Hie fricflon.Fearsecretqs
acids; hut love and trust! are sweoti 'jumia:
Was such that, in
i was blocked up;
that’s goingon?
olees. ’ ■ :
d. tyou see that
fifty of the crowd
going to jump
qtly esme fri>te
i» old gentleman
the Crowd knew
Chants in Pearl
mulder inaston-
Ijarit 'smiled pud
1 i * IVe got one
nave to "bet my
:e polled outhu
it you japp
;nung <sibs.e jm to
I'iUs. : :rv
i i' another,
! on ,I’—and .fifty
i gentlemen/ said
itlasts;sb Just
ijjp* *nd let’s be
Srlr drained. -
Vjf I wleh I had
'I Charley, give
Origin of flie Odd FeiioTy*.
Many persons who are under the im
pression that the society of Odd Fellowa
is an, organization of modern times, will
be somewhat surprised to learn that its
origin dates as far back as the times of
Nero, and was established by the Roman
soldiers in the year 55. At that time
they were called 1 Fellow-Citizens/, the
present name being given to them hy
Titus'Caesar, twenty-four years
and they were so called from the singular
character of their meetings, and from their,
knowing each other by night or day, by
means of mystical signs and language.-
At tbe same time he presented them with
a dispensation, engraved on a plate of
gold, bearing different emblems of mor
tality. In the fifth centilry the Order
was established in the Spanish dominions,
audio Portugal in the sixth century.—
It did got reach and England un
til the eleventh century. It was then es
tablished in the latter country by John
De Seville, who, assisted by five knights ;
from France, formed a Grand Lodge in
London. This ancient fraternity has now
its dodges in every quarter of the globe,
and by its usefulness and benevolent cha
racter, commands the respect and counte
nance of all who are acquainted with its.
and purposes. _
I®, Some time ago, on a Sabbath day,
wewended our way to'one of our church*
es, and instead of i sermon heard an ad
dressupon some missionary or other be
nevolent subject. After the address was
concluded, two brethren. were sent round
with baskets for contributions. Parson
Tf-“ —, who was one of the basket bearers,
taking the side on which we sat. Imme
diately in front, and upon the next seat,
negligently reclined our friend Bill S— r-,
a'gentleman of infinite humor and full of
dty jokes. Parson L——■ extended tho
bakket and Bill slowly shook his heach
* Oome,William, giro ns something/
said the Paison.
‘gm’t do it,’ replied Bill
*Wny hot? Is hot the cause a good’
one?* ... -r
' * Yes; but I Um not able to nre ur
’-j Pooh l pooh I I better, you must
give a better reason than that.’ r " ’
1 I °we too much
be just helbre l am generous, yon know/
‘ But, William, you owe God a larger
debt than you own any. one else/
: 1 That’s true, Parson, but then he aint
jjushingme Uke the balance of my credi
'' The Parson’s free got into a father cn*
rious confttaion as he' passed on.
Trouble.— Saycth Beecher:
“Tfh should brave trouble as the New
England toy braves winter. The school *
is'amile away over the snowy hill, yet Jut
lingers not by the fire, but with his books
slung over his shoulder, and his cap tied
closely under his chin he sets forth tq
face the storm. And when he reaches
the top; ridge where the powdered snow
lies in drifts and the north wind cornea
keen and biting, does he shrink and cower 1 -
down beneath the fences, or run into thd
boose to warm himself? No! he dashes
fearlessly on, and at last reaches his des
tined goal;—just as every other traveller
in life’s career, will do who does not per
mit himself to be discouraged by a little
The Panama Star of the IBth says
that on Thursday evening, two young girls
were brought into town from Pacora and
delivered up to the authorities, charged
with murdering their mother under- the
following circumstances. The girls wished
tp go to a “fandango,” and their mother
refused her consent, notwithstanding which
they managed to get away, apd returned
at an early hour in the .morning. • Dn
reaching home the mother attempted to
correct them, angry words ensued, and
one of the girls struck the old woman to
the ground with a stick, whilst the other
plunged a knife into her bosom'.
Curious Relationship.— At an oys»
ter supper the other day, in Albany, tbers
were present—one father, three daughters,
pne son, pne mother, three grand-daligh
ters, three sisters-in-law, one uncle, One
brother-in-law, three aunts, four
one wife, one nephew, one grandson, three
nieces, one husband, one brother, ana
three sisters. 1 And yet strange to say,
there were only four persons present. : '
BQu Not parties, bat principles. Lei v$
be of ho party but God's party, and use.aU
other agencies as wc use railroad cn»-
traveling upon one train as far'as it wM
take us in the right directiori, end theft
leaving it for another. ' ~: ,
4®* When we think of the labor id*
quired to rear the few that are in on*
household—tho weariness, the
the burden of life—how Wonderful seems
God's work! for-he carries and
earth, and all realms in‘bis bosom ;
’ JfiP? Cockney epitaph
to bis ashes'
V -
I . ■
NO. 18.