I ■ m goods, 2fSi&*fiL“" te '! "° « HANDSOME and CUBA?, WSr w .* M * g P cr ' than any yot brought to this place. ' a«ynat of going to Philadelphia lato in the mason, \ eW!?** 11 *«o to buy our goods at greatly reduced pri ‘WjtHO.im aio determined to sell them at very small prof or to prompt monthly paying customers. K Nt o*T# aa usual a sploudld stock of !LABIES’ DRESS GOODS, U LAWN* ROBES A’ QUILLK. CItALLIES, mWATHPtK.LAKKLLAS, DUCAL?, POIL.DECUEVBBS, i . _ DEL AIN S, MINTS, GINGHAMS. Ac. AlMySbawls and Mantillas In great variety, together with *_|' ‘JS®OOd stock of Domestic Dry Goods. Straw Goods, MOOTS * SHOES, HARD WARE, Q UEENS .» WARE, GROCERIES, £c., sc. . She ettiaens of Altoona will find it to their advantage to •JOunlna our stock, as we are not to bo undersold' ’jAfirU », 1868. GOODS 1 CHEAP GOODS! vy —The subscriber would respectfully inform the eiU MUQfJUtoona andvicinity that be hasJtutrsceivsdhl* 4 SPRING' AND SUMMER GOODS, Mutating, In part, of J SjRDIES’ plain and fancy dress I GOODS, nth at Silks, Satins, Bareges, D’balaes, Challiw, Du cals, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, Ike., together with all kinda ofi |hy Goods, all of which will bo sold cheap tar each. ■ •He he* also on hand a large stock of - GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, BARD .. '.WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, [ §Bd all other goods usually kept in stores far this place. , faring adopted tbo CASH SYSTEM in my btutnearand being resolved to carry it out, 1 have marked my goods at ‘ .pASB PRICES, and invite inspection and comparison, In Mild to prices and quality, with those of any other store -fit the town. Olre mo a call ami Judge lor yourselves. Country produce taken in exchange tar goods, at the highest market prices. Jtoriiawy] J. JLHI LEMAN. 1 APRIL, 1858. OEKAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. AT THE . JHAIX or FABUI99B. subscriber has the pleasure of on* : X Ahtmclng in the citizens of Altoona,and tho “ rest of •fpktnd,” that he in just receiving from Philadelphia and IfaW York, a beautiful assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH . . and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, in part, of - ROBE A* QUILLE, CRAPE DI RSPANGE, FANCY OPUDN BAREGE, PLAIN OPHCN BAREGE, * CKALLIEB, DUCALB, ; FRENCH LAWNS—BEAUTIFUL STYLES, SCOTCH '• “ N . “ from HU upward* FANCY DRESS'SILKS, BLACK DRESS SILKS, ’ FIGURED BRILLIANTS, GINGUAMS,~P«INTS, *c, In great vAriety. He would call especial attention to his atppk of SHAWLS, which for style, qualify, and variety, clanot be surpassed, and in tut -be seen to M appreciated. . The asaortmoutof White Goods and Ladies’ Dress Trim* . mings are ail that fhshion coaid desire. Among his stock! Of Ladles’ Misses and Children's Gaiters and Shoes will be! found afuUlino from tbe brst city manufacturers. „ fit* stock of Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, ls complete. r -' ■ He hopes his Goods and raters, (which by competition,)'wUl mpefthe approval of ul whocau upon Ida, Your patronage is respectfully solicited. April »Am. GHAS. J. UAN{I. REMOVAL I Lhave removed My ware- ROOM to the corner of SHITHFIRLO mad THIRD Wt&w^!!i^l^B^^ tnreWW^S;NOßi.B. FUKHIBHIHG WAEEEOOM. X HAVE OPENED A FOR 1. the sain 0 f EVERY ARTICLE wanted in FURNISH INO A DWELLING HSUSE, Mattresses, and Pillows; Comfort*, Spreads, and Quilts qf every,stylo and Brice. Satin, DoLaiue and Lace Curtains; Damask and I moreens, Brocatcls and Plushes; Muslin Curtails, Figured! Muslin and with Loco Edge; Tassels and Cords of every ; description. Gilt Cornices of qmy.Tarjct|uindrstyle, and sOmssplendid patfeiarimrwlMtrtrs; Gimp and Brass Bands;! Blinds, of A kinds; Window | Shades of every, price' asfln stylo. Blinds. Friends snd.strangers arej invited to( call and sec os in the new store. * ' Pittsburgh, Ajaill, 1858-3 m. • WM. NOBLE, t TqrOUSE,-SIGN, & JLL CARUUGffI PAIKTING—The nodeidAied beg leer? to Inform the citizen? of Aitoomj and TW<y that tiurhave commenced the business ot >-r MOUSE, SIGN; ORNAMENTALAND CARRIAGE PAINTING, m GLAZING, PAPER-HANGING,mkn. ■ 7. ■ Wishing, 4-C., &a, ■ in allihelr rarlpois branches, and nrr liliiiiaiiAJlii itii ill them with tlMWiMnn hand a large RiMrtmftit bi>. tcrlala and Window Glass of ail sizes, alnit Ptnlnnrt fllnrh atod I*K»klng-GLaM Plates, which enables them'tefdo work lAanun proved stylo and at reduced rates. . *7 rtrfct attention to bitrinepiwwaahwfWto merit a share efjxibUa patronage. 7 T' _Our room Is on Virginia afreet, immediately opposite Keealcr’a Drag Store. KIVKB i WALSH. April 8, ISS&Cni* W. Ccsswoham. ; fc, CtiranwHAH.a' ' R. CrorantOHAK. Jf.Jfixstx, , •■; O/Bcscah. CUNNINGHAMS ft CJO., PITTSBURGH CHir GLASS WORKS, WATBB ST.AKBIiO'HBOTSt, MAKP¥ACXiraj»fi OF Wttabntgft ttty Window »la» ; DRUGGISTS* GLASS-WARE, - % AND AMERICAN CONVEX GLASS, For fwlor Windows, Clmrchos and Potato Bnfldtn&i. ' ABp<*«,ApriU, 1858-ly.] '* j 'XT EETTINGER’S XX* GREAT CENTRAL LITERART EMPORIUM, ALTOONA HOUSE." ALTOONA. PA., yfbtifi may bo hail all the popular Publications of the flay,JPMh as Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines, Novels add Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Cony woks, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in ■ct everything In the Stationary line. Toys, Notions: and Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture frames, Ti>. McCo and Segura of the host quality, Ac, Ac I N. B.— We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in tbl« «mnty,,/or BOHN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. I* does adt- cure all sores to which it is applied. Try.it.' ff-ff. ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SOO boxes. Oranges and Lcinons in store and for sale by: ' WM. N. BHCQABD. i JKareh 25ij.*A8-ly] ; 191 North Mstroct; Philadelphia. *' X>EA NUTS.—S,OOO BUSHELS WIL- R_ mlngtpn Poa Nuts In store and for sale by i „ , WM. N. BHCOARD, : ■March 26, ’5B-lyl 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia WALNUTS, cream ill W nts and Mbcrts in store and for sale by "■J WM. N. BHUGARD, March 25. ’6B-ly] 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia KAISINS.— 1,000 BOXES BUNCH and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by it v , , , , WM - N - SUDGARD, March 25, ’6B-ly] 191 North Sd street, Philadelphia. EIGB, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS and Currants in store and for sale by TM. N. BHUOARD, March 25, 58-ly] IQI North 3d street,Philadelphia. /Confectionary.— plain a3st> V-A Jta|o Confectionary manufactured and for sale . Hbtefa>2S, ’6B-1 y] 101 North 3d street, Philadelphia. *I|INE AND LARD OILS, CAM jPt.phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon OH, 4c., at ' KESSLER’S. IKFONE BUT THE BEST CONFEC JL™ Oonarie*, Xats and Fruits kept at Jane 18, ‘67-ly] I UEN’RY LEHR’S. TTOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL urn-' kind* of Flour and Feed by callinc at ayw-ly] | HENRY LEHR’S. EyEBYBODY IS’ INVITED TO GftU&od tost tho merit© of the articles kept by . J«M lV*7-ljr] HENRY. LEHR. 1' 6TS FOR SALE.—I 2 BUILDING J) ln different localities, in till* Boronsh Tor «j reMOfiable terms, bjr [27-tt] j, BHOKMAKBR. SPECTACLES AND EYE WIKSEIt- O ■*&* ** *t . [i-tr.] imml |>L f RE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC * Pen St- ai«y CWc-nve. Green, Yellow, Faria Green, dry teW it. /1-lf/j KESSLEK’6. TTAffi OffJi, COLOGNES, POM >-1 ado*. Shaving Cream, Toflet *c. for sale by jFtyj', : a. y, Kgggijsß. M6WS &lOUK IS IN MiSMtMar* t? P. MIDDLETON & BKOTHER, *» f*mt and Sigmon, tetnm thefa thardato their fifon* farUmUberaTShari f/, patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully an •* «» OLD EBTABXJSH MLNT. NO. 6 N. FRONT ST, Philadelphia, where they have a large assortment of WINES and LIQUORS of the cbolo ost brands ami qualities. Having made ammgementa with of the first houses In Cognac and .Rochelle, enables tiieuj to funiish to their customers upon the most reasons 1 Die terms, the 'ibliowing brands of Cognac and Bochello nraniucs: BRANDIES. Otard, Bcnnity, Marett, . Pimutt, QutiOicn, MarttO, TEinct, Pdltmrtm, . U. J. Otpuy Mumps, gore Throat, Stiffness and SwcUings of the Joints and Limbp, Sprains. Pains in the-Body are cured by the invaluable Liniment called UYDER ALIsMIXTCKE. This Liniment is without doubt the best In use. As a LINIMENT FOBIIORSEB it has no equal in coring Galls, Strains, Curbs, Cote, Swel lings, old Sores, Braises, and in tact every external injury to,the .Horse except Bone Spavin. Mady of the moat ex perienced Horsemen assert it to be the bwt Liniment ever tued. . n _ • BARNES’ PILE LOTION. \ xWs celebrated Remedy for the Piles, when properly ap plied and its uso continued in, wl{l never tail In cunng the most aggravated cases of Piles, Jltad the following from a Pbyticiau is KtOinAniX "Dear Sir:— The Barnes’ Pile Lotion purchased of yotK bos effected wonders. My attention was called tolt when North, hot presuming it to' be one of the many nos trams of the day, paid bat little attention, to U. Some months since I was sent for to attend a planter, wbo vn sorely af flicted with the disease. His condition was truly distres sing. It was the most aggravated case I have met with in a practice of over thirty-five years. This was the first case I qsed it in. I used three bottles of it and effected, I think, • pWmanent cure. I have used Jt InVseveral cases since, andi&DoQ6luftit deceived me. Ihr eiperieods induces mo to say that it la the most vainablo remedy tar Plies ev er used. At my suggestion, Le Count sends yon an order for a pretty, liberal supply.” ’ „ Store, Trenton. N. J.— SpldhyG. W. KESSLER, Altbona, and B. Page Jr. t Co, [MayIVST-ljv SAYING fund, five peb cent SAFETY TBDBT «'<. W.. J. Bod, sJIS? mT . Henry Dieffemterfer. tl” r ' «*eJredand payments made dally without no- Tho Investments axe made in REAL KSTAtt unn>p “ d as the Charter requires ! [MatMm. PAPER HANGINGS. THE BEST ASSORTMENT EVER brought to Pittsburgh. Como and feast yonr eves,— any or not, the goods will he shown. e^BS WALL PAPER, For -PARLORS, DINING BOOMS, CHAMBERS, ENTRIES, CHURCHES and LODGES. . . ~ WALL PAPER, Atdtoiauconta, ' 1 '■* Jallt to 36 cents. At 26 to 60 cents, ' At6o fcehts tokLOO. ‘ MARBLE FRESCOE^* 0 * PLAIN OAK, WALNUT, PANEL OAK. Borders, Ceilings, Staines and Failings. Pittsburg, I, MWhffj’ 87^5 MTEIIPIRBE WOBKB, Nb^pF oo ® street, pitts „■ BOWN & TETLEY, Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns, ißuyacal and Dental Instruments, &o. RIFLE GUNS. Sttehtidn to our stock in the abore line, th# we W &Milter 5 we^^ow“for B (Srh g EaU,])age ’ in its whicj ' Pittsburgh, April 1, 1858-ly. /piPTON STEAM S’A'SH^I^RAME, J. DOOR, SHUTTER £ FLOORING MANUFACTORY! Tipton, Blair Oo n Jh, 10 mila Eart of Altoona. ' Dg ?t ovidcd » complete set of Ma nniVl»r b . UStopfe v an<^l 1 lng rmctical House Carpcn tere and Builders, are extensively engaged in Mann&ctorins by steam, any dpscriptien of Carpenter Work, v*icU we ,0T latICH TOBACCO AND HIGHLY ”7w» fa GIFTS! GIFTS!!, to every purchaser. L 600 Domus wortl cbnsbtiitf k GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, t ' . KNE GOLD JBVTELBT, 40., _ E[nf b* Dktwbotb* thiT evert 1000 Boots. JwWfd ft tospectfally solicited to the n^^2£^. MS S?S leut ° f J alual, * a i StAmkEdand Miscoljane- WORTH 7£o3i 25 C£NTB TO iioili vSii every Book. A giving app%fe “’ a -* 0f _ „ ' AOENIiIFANTEIi. OFPi3uii> < -Perw>nii wishing to or an/ BoolcjnbHshed In PhUndelplda, “ s W be famished at thopnb- G , lft V A, V. person ordering 10 Boohs comw *" loa ■*»«*»» Book with r yourself, your friends orrcla the now buildlnfcon Julia «t. above Virginia, where the shortestnotlce, with SSriS2u i^r k “ likenesses. Ambrotypes taken on single Melainofypestaken onßusjrttmMeXsSri tafcto to thej new style traps- f e Patent:’leather, which areimper- Ishableandarcintended principally for insertion in artl- m tranhmlttiß e h * “*“• M they do not reamre to oe jmt in a caae« i;' . . Plcftecs copied bta reasonable ierms. 1 Era urea are all warranted to please before taken away. Pictures taken as low as fifty ednts. 7 r^»f U^f fbor «?>ectftfllyii4Jcit» a lihstalpatronnge o, ‘ tzen * of Altoona nndyicinlty, to * 001,16 pH, and «i*S? re the ero tlie B tthBtancB £idqa» Don’t for ™°? a fa 1,1 ■?? now building above mentioned. The ° l Tvi, lo i^s. s i OCCtlI ’ ie gS|i»y Lfiryp f aiudtgut ■VJMv «***)» ■"- '■-;•/ • fi Jno THE 13,787 : OUSTS I jron THE PEOPLE. ho. dorado gift asso- ATION- fcr the sate ' of $1i5.787 worth of Sewing Silk.: Each purchaser ofono dollar’s worth of Sewing BHk will receive a cumbered bheCk, which will entitle the ben der to one share and a voice lira the distribution of -the 5»1- ■ lowing, list of Valuable Property, to he distributed by a Com mittee, chosen by the shareholders, in snch a manner as - they .may deem advisable end agree Upon among themselves, LIST OF PKOPRIITT. 7 corner Lots on Washington street Altoona, 60 by ISO feet, valued at slSt each, $1,288 17 lots on Washington st, 60x120 ft, $156 each, 2,652 Scot, lots on Mulberry ah, “ , *• 156 “ 1,2i8 IS lots on Mulberry etj “ “ 132 “ 3A06 ■'* 3 lots on High street, “ “ 63 “ 128 ■ 1 cor. lot on German street, 60x179 ft, valued at 63 .8 lota on German street, “ “ $1? each 138 1 lot on Howard 50x138 feet, valued ait , 132 1. cor. lot on Lexington st; “ '• “ « i&o 2 lota on Chestnut street; “ « $l3l each, 302 I GoM Lever Watch, voUted at ISO 1 Horse, , l 1 “ “ 167 1 Two-Horse Wagon, J '*f “ - 43 1 BOverLepineWatch j* u jg 13 Coat Patterns aud Trimmiuga, £lO each, 120 M Pants and Veetpatterta, at SMO each, 820 - 75 Artlelea or Parcels of Merchandise, sS,ooeoch, ' 326 100 ?* ■ “ ‘ 1 ! • ono a wn 100 u “ i “ I,oft tm... --%on’ ... .t00..;-, « . .« -,j Is« 4000 " « ;; « gg a vSq 8,000 « « j| « So „ i, 9^ 488$ .« . , « U' ,*» « ... m 13,787 OlfU, valued at , . $18,787 The Real Estate in this Enterprise is handsomely situated “H*® J* 0 ? 11 . Of #oona, (Head-quarters of the Pa. Central R. X. Co.} whiclijsi a few years has crown os if by magic, its present pojmtejtion being pier 3,000. Toe alxwe property will bMilelivered ‘to the persons enti tled to receive It, Immediatelyafter the distribution. An indisputable title ;to aU Ihe lots in the above bill will begivenhy ~j I F R. H. McCORMICK. The articles or parcels peri tipL will consist ofddths, cas shuerae, de laines, 4c., tc. | My object is to’dispose of flie silklh the shortest possible time, and I desire everybody sp purchase soon and become members of this Magtnjicetd Miiodation. The silk will he sent to any part of the United States, with Certificate of Membership, (for each dollar’s worth pur chased,) on receipt of fho castS ' Agents or clubs remitting *W at one time, will receive in return $U worth at silk owiptt certificates All orders must bo addrosaedto JOSEPH MOIST. . /Tn AUootui, Blair tb, Pa. mail, wlthpoetagostnmp ewdosed, prompt- conu d&ngei deranj fe*v will W»te» itmilar - , . -vcesrfiU ln themselves they upon tfie entire system, restoring the Taste which has bocOme viHafeJ or destroyed by great indulgence, completely rempving'ithe irritation and acceim panymg tickling sensation oil ffie Tbroat-whidi are S. ways conßeqnont npon abstainingTrom the use of Tobacco, tte ‘ hy ton « to Stomach. invigorate Persons who are irretrievably undermining their consti tutions and shortening their,lives, should nsetheseTrochcs immediately mid throw off the inJaHous and and nnuhsas out habit of Tobacco Chewing. ‘ * * toche l of Lozenges are pntup InaconveniCntand *tw «t the low price of sTICE. Persons vlng « a distant* f wUo “L,o; e y o«Jer Lottery Certificate of Pack ages of T, ckets. The Oountly .is flgoded with bogus and swindling Lotteries. Every ijlndncomentls held out to get Prizcs of from to $40,000 head thou* Bohemfti-—with ticket# at One DoUar. $lOO,OOO Capital Prik*jare]|ifertd, tickets $5. All S #Sf , *‘¥ a if money ia sent to v* 1 * «>rofn away, without the shadow of a chance of getting apprize. of all Lot- J'S 3 w kcre tte p' l P lta * Priz> la miusuatly large in com parison to fhejgjj^~jj^feketß. j In every instance winto * stfmll coat of tickets, pntU ■ certain fraud. J \ v State Lottery for the benefit of thaSUel i®** “a ua W'4'nt, iy tlie only Lottery In the United States which is legally decided by the Maryland Drawings; aU purport to be decided'' by the Maryland Drawings, are Fraud* MAIIYLAND STATE LOTTERIES. ln the Mary land Stake Lotteries, then yon are sure of being right. And In wdtring-fo the Maryland Lot- J°n ere sure of fair and hpnest drawings. .look to, and tliat I»Jif yon order from any 11- ws”ri lr t B » in do hot rrcuive nny but Mana mi M ?“*S® r8 ’ Printed Osrtlfl cates of Packa- Sh i. J ‘ e »? a v l f (:ra c t rtM «Ari' have the numbers printed, and have thehthographed signature of E- France 1- Co. if 5? SniivWual certificates, and if hp does lt, be sure there Is attaud attheliottom of it. Feb. Ifosdjj l Managers lotteries. Dcc.l7.tt] a AMS, SIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED Beef, 4cftlwiiva on hand at June 18, *u7-ly] |IFTSI!! —Apri^c a of $lll3ll of KESSLER’S, maiKY ixnp’s. TRON CJm COL* I LEGE. \ " P&TBBUBGH,PB!fNA. tf Largest and mosi complete OommerciatOoUage fat the ■United State*, ‘ t •la daily attendance upward# of 800 Students, p. vr. jenktns, . Punraw. J. C. SMITH, A, M., Profestor of Accounts * Book-keeping. 1.1. HITCHCOCK, Professor orLithimtie and Com mercial Calculations. • 1 JOHN FLEMING, Author, of the “National System of > Book-keeping," Lecturer on Brninen, its Customs ana Usages ! J. W. BKNTLIXGKR, Professor Arithmetic, Book keeping and Phonography. A. COWLEY and A. T. DOUTHBTT, Infewtl of Pla and Ornamental Penmanship. D, BACON, Lecturer on Political Seoaoaqr. JAMBS 11. HOPKINS, Esq, of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lec turer on Commercial Law. : ■ ' ■ f JAMBS W. KENNEDY, of “Kennedy’* ‘Bank Note Re view,” Lecturer on Counterfeit, Altered and Spurious Bank Notes. . DESIGN OF THE INSTITUTION. To furnish the best means for acquiring a THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION, in.tha aferfftf* time ami at the sft-tf. Another reduction in price at McCormick’s Store. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at least credit will not he given to any other than those who are willing and can give Bntiafactfry'refercnce and assurance of prompt monthly payment,) ajed desiring to make it the interest of all to patronize our Store, we hftve made a very great re duction in the prices bf all descriptions of goods, and will give our entire time and attention to keeping up an assort ment to suit the wants of our customers, such as DRY GOODS. ’ GROCERIES, HARDWARE, - cedarware, STONEWARE, _ „ BOOTS 4 SHOES, Oaitew, Slippers, Hats and Caps, Dried Fruit, etc., all of which Will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. , AH articles of produce taken in Exchange for goods at 'fhoir highest market price. Thankful for past favors, we hope to sliarc the patronage of those who are in want of goods. 1 [March 26-tf. SUMMER SEASON—rJESSE .JL 3MITU, would resjtectfully “ infonn the citizens of Altoona and the public generally that he has just returned from the East with a large and.varied assortment ° f HATS AND CAPS, BBf Which ho purchased at low prices for cash and will soil at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, SS advance on tho original cost. His Tfdck comprises HATS and CAPS of every description, size and sha]>o. All who are in want of anything in his line will do well logive I.lm a call, as he feels confident he can suit the most Cistidious in quality and price. ’ Ho is always ready and willing to exhibit his stock free of charge, so that none need fear to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Remember that his store is on .Virginia street, directly opposite the Lutheran Church. [April S-8m r pHE GREAT QUESTION WHICH .now agitates the mind of every person is, where can I get the best article for mylHfli money t In regard to other matters, the) scriber would not attempt to direct, but if you want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES ho Invites an examination of his stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers. Ac., which he offers at lair prices best workmen are employed " Remember my shop Is on Main street, next door to B. Kerr’s old stand, now W. O’Neil’s. September 3, *S7-tf] ■ JOHN H. KOBEBTS. pOAL! COAL! COAL! COAL!— The subscriber ' foltyliiform the consumers of (xIALmC O A L uhX>7& ■uid WOOD in Altoona,.that hi: is coii-BSSST ‘‘SsSsxSMz stonily receiving and will deliver at this time, Anthriacite Coal at sbjoo per ton, N Irvin’s ' “ “ Bituminous" ’ 1 8 per bushel, Dry HJckory Wood, 3,50 “"cord. Oak “ 2,60 •“ « All orders left at J. L. Ickes’ store, or at Esquire Doutv’s Justice Office will be promptly filled. - Office at residence in Buttonbnrg’s building, opposite Rob ort Green’s, where all orders will receive prompt attention. Ang. U, ’56-tf] \ JOHN ALLISON. Boots anj> shoes—the un deraigned haa now on hand and will sen cheap at his store in the Masonic tem-HHI jlo. a large and complete assortment ofBOOXS AND SHOES, ready made, dr made to order, Overshoes, Xadies’ Sandals, Onm Shoes, Cork 9We«, and everything in his lino of business, of the best qualftyand on the" most reasonable terms. All custom work warranted, Jan. 2, ’66-tC} Blair county insurance AOEXCy.- i Tho undersigned, Agent of the Blair uonnty Mutual- Fire Insurance' Company, is at all .times ready to Insure against loss or dathMeoy ftw jLS tyt, 3ferchES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- ■ PBS and Or&STUfFS. ’ m is faction to all ns regards price and Quail tv. ho hones tn. “if/t receive a share ofpnhlic patronage. '■ • 1 Physicians anil merchants supplied on reasonable term* m ?.,J»tai«»* promptly attended to. Physicians prescrjfflogs carefully compounded. [l-tt AND 'SHEET IRON-WARE EMPORIUM.—The undersigned has constantly ’"in nana a large assortment of- * - «Hwuwiiy : t>ii XIN AND SHEET IRONWARE which' ho wQ&soIl cfaean . ■*- WHOLESALEtaRETAIL. o pouting put up at Aort notice in town ot country, nnd ptJnted. Ihe best quality of dbokihir Storas. nf rions patterns, constantly on‘HAiL >? -;■■■ 0S ’ f?* AUHnds pf Job Work done fith neatness and dlspai «* Ben Johnson,l Jack &m. *t?au——~'El J'*' ii - [S-38tf .; : bittnee, SURGEON dentist r\fflce immediately opposite tlie Luthoiii Omtch, on Virginia street, s [oct.ls^t G * opto^aa^ _ " awooSta, BLAIB cortixv ' 1»A "*• of !' 1 * 4 Xj^LOUlt.— THE SUB&SCRTRFT* ts *%* *■» *• •■■*, t. m. dr «il JhMw, tbttjcnat ftMem • 1 Spring* fhan aejleet of ftature’s lavrC ■;-', I SuFimsfOT) mum jkm& » ' * I SECRET DISEASES, Stlf-jdnut, Hervou* Debility. Stricture*, Gleet*, CVm»i Ad. I btUl, JMrnmtf the Kidneys JodStnddSi^i^lr 1 I rial Shttesnalistn, Scrofula, ] Sonet and Ancfei, Diseases of Ot { I**Sh Throat, Hone j Byes, Llorrsvpon \ \ the Body I , or Limbs C-anccr* 3 Dropsy. F.pXtplic Fits. 9L \ ■ ■ ■ VUss'i Dan ce, and all disttiite grfc I ting from a derangement of 0* Sexual Or- § gam, nth at Aerrotu Trembling, lose of Mmnan I lot* of Paver, General Weakliest, LHsnnet* of | fpoti before £A» Efts, Zee, 5 Sight, Wakefulness, Dyspeptic, User Die- * | ease, Eruptions on the fare. Pains | in the Jtack and Dead, /V | male Irregulars- I tie*, and i ALL IMPROPER DISCHARGES FROM BOTH BEYr, 9 It matters not from what cause the disease H ..however Iduc-atMidirrg or ob'Stlndfo tte cate, TecuSS, • 13 ■certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent eUafe* bo effected by any other treaunent, even after the 1 has Raffled the skill of eminent physicians and resietediji m their means of cure. The medicines ore pleasant srtthent M odor, causing po eickues* and free from mercury or balsas, S During twenty years of practice, I have rescued from th jawa of Depth many thousands, who in tbo last tho above mention? J diseases, had been given up to df.Tr 5 , J their physicians, which warrants me in promising to iS’ia afflicted, who may place themselves under rav care, a tS! ftrt and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are theereuta* I enemies to healths as they arc the first cause of Consent -fi tion. Scrofula and many other diseases, and should bo. 1 terror to the human family. As a pern: anont euro is scared $ ly over effected, a .majority of tho cases felling into tl» * bands of Incompetent persons, who not only fell'to curst*,. I disease, hut ruin the constitution, filling the svsfem with I mercury, which, with the disease, hastens tho sufferer hn, I a rapid Consumption. 0 But should the disease and the treatment not cause death 1 speedily >, and the victim marries, the disease is cntaJlM « upon the chlldrcn.swho are born with- feeble constitutions hi and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betraw Hadf In Bcroffulo, Tetter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other S. feettons of the skin. Eyes, Throat, and Lungs, entailing on them a brief existence of suffering, and consigning tbeS a to an early grave. . 6 “ 1 SELF-ABCSJE is Mother formidable enemy to health for a nothing else in the'dread catalogue of human diseases can. | sea sodeatrurtive a drain upon the- system, drawing in i thousands of victims, through a Tew years of sufferfoß I down toon untimely grave. It destrojxtbe Nervous »y£ | tem; rmpldly'wastcs away the energies of life, causes me n . 1 tol derangement, jirevcnts the proper-development of the 3 system, disqualifies for marriage, society, 'business, and ail -I earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body 'I and mind, predisposed to consumption-and. a train of ovlij & more to be dreaded than death Itself. With tho fullest cuo- fldenee I assure the unfortunate victims of Seif-Abuse Uut 3j a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruin oils practices m vpatleuts can bo restored ~S to robust, vigorous health. ' S Tho afflicted are cautioned againrt yio use of Patent Med* il fdnee, for there are so many ingenious snaresda tho col* J ■Mpaagittbb,]lUbfic prints to catch and rob the unwary snf. a ®»et« that millions have their constitutions ruined by tbs 1 vile compounds of quack doctors, or_the equally poisonous 1 bortrums vended as “Patent Medicines.” I have carefully a analysed many of t 1 «so called Patent Jfodiclnee and find i contain Corrostfe Sublimate, which 9 is oU oftho.frongust preparations of-mertury and adesA I ferwWidtlnatcad of curing the illm-mv, disoblw ths 9 Three-fomth* of,the patent nostrums now.in use ore rat 1 np by unprincipled and ignorant pcJhonS-jßib do not to. 9 dentand evtd the alphabet of the and m 9 I gardless of consequences, Jr » a all, dtocases of males and, females a treated on principles eatahlßied- by twenty yean of urso* 9 ticc, and eanctiuned by thousands of the most romarfiwa 9 with fulwjtoctiona sent td’ any part el 9 I Howard association; phil. AQELPU3A. - . I :rolenl Institution, established by special endowment -fto all with Sexual Diseases, Inch as Ate vai ,lKtJmesj, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, gStL like met o/Onanism or Setf Abuse, del dt ,P e HowAMAMocunoM, in view of the swful destractioa .saewMMiJsSrsiSiteiteSggß^f ***> ttnd wi « ww ed modern treatment . - . . ” .i. T^, l l lreCt , o ™V? u of the post, fed assured that l s eir *JJ toll sphere of benevolent offori lum hew bjoeflt to the afflicted, especially to t he young, and they have resolved to devotu themselves, with renowua zcol,to.th|B very important but much despised cane. Just published by tho Association, si Report on Sperms to™}**** or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism Mas turbation or gelf Abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, by theCousuUing Surgeon, which will be sent bv “f 11 oeded envelope),/ree of charge, on the receipt «f wo postage stamps for; postage. ■ ' Tt uud Xmpedmenta to Marriage generally, by importaot fact tfyit the oimfy alarming complaints, onginatlng in tho imprudence and solitude of youth, mar WITIIOt,T MEDICINETis hftWs’sSSl tract* cleariy dcmcnatrated; and the entirely newa&dhigh* treatment, ns adopted by the Author, Cullj h i C k ®^ ry 18 cn * Med to '«» perfect]; and at tho least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. ' * ~^ sa ' 'Jddress, gratis and po« free In a sealed eu- R»B , LANEY^s 1 L laid) l ' r ° postage stamps to Dr. • May 0 1858*’ *"** 3181 * lrtet ’ Ncw York clt /^ QPHING AND SUMMER FASH- North of the Bed Ws saloon, on Slain ejreof, hh SPRING AN© SUMMER GOODS ■ consisting,ln part of Cloths' of all Gtsstoeres, suitable for turner wca- S^ rdcr ' ongLrtnot!c^ MS££ His long experience in tho business he thinks .til u aS rte y au wL ° may MAP op BLAIR COUNTY.—THE , Vrowac to publish a N6w Map of Blair J r om actnal xirveys. conhUningall Ro °4 9 ’ C,,n;Us ’ t!, ° actual localiSf* of m r,^v , . P ? t *j? Col, > Houses of Worship, School Uotuca.' Manufactories, Tanneries, Mills, Hotels. Storms. es. names of Property Owner*, ic. 7 HoU *‘ Enlarged Plans oi the Principal Villages, a Tabla of anaaßuslness Dlrectolr, gi vSftho "W** will * ° lt ng * iu 1,0 t 0 a citable scale so as to nuke mouScJin tlmWt U sfvl 'I h , ich wi « be col-redMd *5 nee conv ° be * t styl& ’ dc hvered to subscribers at SAMUEL GEIL. April 16,1858. . ' ISAAC O. FREED. N^ 1 9 NAL : POLICE GAZETTE.—. its Twelfth Aw Jm i rn . MICE, ROACHES, AKTS,anL g S akat U lh t /C S K Cr storeof USO <^dn,Un ‘ Jan. 21, ’o(Mf] "CUCUR.-— THE BEST QUALITY OF' A-, FAMILY FLOUR for eale, Wholesale atidßotaU- 1 ~ J- SHOEMAKER, x>cc. n, ISoG-tf. MfuonloTepjplo. A BDOHINAL SUPPORTERS, Trua* * XA. «e«, and Shonlder Brace* wile at '' | " KBBaU!B.’S- I OVBRINGr AND NEW ORLEANS O. W. KESSLRB, r- ' ''' MoCRUM & BERN YQh. 3. THE ALTOONA IicCRUM A BERN, Publlsl Par oanum, (payable Invariably All paper* OUcouliouatl at the paU Ihr. TBIOtS 0* AttVXK 1 lose B»wrHne*or Icj*, Os* »Q«*re, ( 8 Uses,) Two “ oslasee notices five cents per Iln OhKuary notices exceeding ton li PBOSPE ALTOONA T: ORodip &€£ «tBS QABH SYSTEM The Cheapest Paper ii With the present number, tfflrad upon its third volume, tint when tlio confidence of ) tSofit iQ newspapers and net pit considerably shaken, if u iid, it hts slowly but surely fidenoe, and now stands upon Md it universally acknowlct A* fixed institutions of our tn u in their neighborhood. CAJnrasfEns Warixp.—g«i W*P«as*» to ft* fMunj. S mon H op tni