The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 27, 1858, Image 3

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rather a imnriim JMtf
n a Vienna
icr of OrainoTi near tjU|
ing. homo from mark**
!e-public house, and i®.
inn-keeper a largo
In the night thdinn
poignard, stole into the
prepared to stab him,
in the man's manner at
icions of foul play, had
bed fully dressed, - with
ering a powerful mur.
d from the other, and
Id him dead at his.feet,
heard stouca thrown at
:e, which he recogniied
. said, “The grave it
him that the fathethud
irder, and to avoid da
irying the dead body at
rapped the body-in the
from a window, he then
e and stated what 'had
irmies immediately ao
house, and found the
nged in Bhovelling esartli
:iat are you burying f” ;
se which has just gied.*'
replied onu ofthem,
and raising the
up a lantern to the
rood God!” cried ; su>-
uk. “Itis my father!” ;
nd at once confessed: aIL
■The Akron (Ohio) s*•>
'lnscription of * aninfet*
warehouse in that
:ock of implements, ■ JL \
ed, -which from its siie v "
i the suspicion of'.th*
it into the canal before
as found to contain the
mss clock, so adjusted
tiou of the stem would
ion matches, connooteti and fine shavinga?
wick. An oyster Can,
leather top, find filled
ccd under the beh A
sh the blaze. The can
- Lojr, which contained
of damphene was near, ’
ction matches- 'Wimp,
the clod would
(according as it wa»4 ; -
i!y drawn; the-matchaa'
he combustion, wouldi!
s. There, can th'no.7
whole contrivance -|ras
iiarism, but the ulto-
h.—-Washington jjjjftfr..!
iihiishes a letter
stating on the-authbri v
u'rly merchant of Salt;
v.ming and (10l Kape
•cho Canon, forty-fivi
Lake, on the 17th pf.
i rmons accompanied
Lake City from.Cjinl,
•ige numbers of wagi
i ; way, it is
near the borders' of
hundred wagoni
■■ily, and so for as .the
concerned, the eRg V
It is bupposodthjat*
a- secreted on the Cit| r
iu the mountains*
they,have_large laches
j .-atiin with Brigham
it the army would give
tve, hut otherwise
across lota The eat
rc awaiting news from.
;Is interest and anxiety*:
p is not looked for hjjr.
iui large supplies. •
\. ■
. —The effect of JndgaL
allows any; end •la?
oy spirituous Uqoois
i to excite ■■
n‘ul outrage wasper- •
of IVestminstef, 1 byr
iviio “ broke into the'
the bell-rope Into
I.ible, obscenrijr Be-* 1 '
i the door steps of thb
• broke into a paint- v
nporance, and poured
pon the floor. . They
i leading temperance
M'.ty-<>even beautiful
■1 quite a number
t rance man-” : : ? J -
’ '•) R7 \i<j says that
within its. limit**
I'theworjd. Ihe|wfc.
. solid foundation ;df :
1 is seventeen and is
nc;e thioknessoftbe.. _
-rst four stories, it.
‘ great mill is twid^\
iacty-six feet, afid to/ .
■e feet deep. Radi'
'feet; includingihy
total would be abbaf
ther more than tbrif.
■ngtiiar disease hi*
~j-*rson City, M o£*: :
the followup
—-“Tfyj unfortunate
cl abolitionistis nSep:-'
ins to a wear, Jump,
■ ■ I l ear, cavort, snort,
s i j ‘t. whoop, stutter,.
bellow, bewail, la
>• k lavage, frpih at
it imp his feet upon
i round, fall ddwiv
i all that oyer again.
-’nder the carriage
entered at the Cic,
w machine for the
‘■lectors considered
• they charged AO
i irged them with 1
e carried from ton-
He dried it
watch in one hood'
t;:er, liable nt any
by its «*-
r.nbs were used of
'-us inquiry at Pa*
Vf«l ?
'•‘■avs a young lad,
: ; vos on Chestnut
y rreek before last,
gl'.bora boy, which
li a'rd with arycat.
he ran himself to
!romjLockport to
iUP, without stop*
!•< in a barn and
i. ■ ran to Bodies*
ui, and died in »
"■t notices a new
tructed that it afl*
}' of water therefe,
:• i tain point Bends'
Licit can be beatd
Ajiibioak Gotnrer Cohvbstxon.—The Ameri-
County Convention assembled in Hollidays
bnrg on Thursdaylaet, and nominated, the fol
lowing ticket
J«x>h Barley, of ,
yv-earurw—Johntingafelt, 'Hollidaysbnrg.
Comwwnoarr—E. M. Jones, Altoona.
Coroar^—William Fox, i V ;
AudUor—J&eQlb sicqdemna, ; '■■■[■■
Poor Direrior—-John B. Biddle.
Personally, we ate acquainted with but two
of the gentlemen named on the Above tidket,
tiz: Messrs. Funk and Jones.
Mr. Funk is the present Coroner of this coun
ty, and as such bos acquired -the reputation of
a faithful and punctual officer. ; ;If the manner
in which he has discharged the duties of his pre
«eot office be any recommendation to that for
which he is .nominated, we feel sure that no
man can present stronger claims. Mr. ! F. is an
agreeable and obliging gentleman, and possesses
energy, perseverance and resolution sufficient
for a proper discharge of the duties of a Sheriff.
Thero may bo as good men nominated by the
other parties, bat none better. .
Ur. Jones, the nominee for Commissioner, is
one of the best citizens of our town, hnd enjoys
In a high degree Jtbe respect and confidence of
all. Should ho be elected, wo know he will dis
charge his duty-with fidellty,j and guard well
the interests of the county.
The rest, of the nominees may be good men,
but we, bearj testimony only of those whom we
know personally. In regard toi their election,
we must be allowed to express a doubt, taking
| into considersUon the distracted condition of
I . ’if jjt w
the opposition to 'the administration party, In
' this county; With, a union of the American and
Republican parties, their election would be cer
tain; but m-the event of there being three .dis
tinct organizations, the Administration party
will, we thipk, ciprry the day. It remains yet
to be seen vrixat action the Republicans will take
at their Convei|ipD, which meets to-day. If a
union be effoct&Cat all, it will be accomplished
through the exertions of Mothers than those who
now pretend to control tse American and Re
publican parties, men only object appears
to bo “rule or-ruin,” and who exhibit.more an
tagonistic feelings toward .each other than they
do towards their common opponents of the Dem
ocratic party.
Tub Local Repoexee.—He is indefatigable
—untiring; nothing daunts him; no degree of
labor wearies him. Tbp Lancaster Jimet in
noticing this singular indiridual says, the wind
mills which Don Quixotte encountered, are
child’s play compared with the obstacles which
he is called upontto surmount. He will go any
distance, he wiUtintrude into any presence; he
will mingle in mobs, follow to prisons, pene
trate into ; and in often
seems ready io ftlTow a
next world, if the breath happens togive out
before he has procured a “ statement.” You
may expelhim|ripm.a public body, but he will
get your proceedings through a knot-hole. You
may drive him out of town, and yet he will fur
nish the paper with all yon do or aaj after be
is gone. He knows the “ ins and opts” of pub-;
lie offices, he is familiar with public men, he
sits at a little table, or he makes a desk of the
crown of his hat; he worms in here, he de
mands entrance there, he sifts, ho ferrets, he
questions, he bores, until he accomplishes jus
ends. In his endeavors to lay before the pub
lic all the hews of the day, he occasionally picks
up an item in which an individual of combative
propensities has figured conspicuously, and ho
thereby runs the of getting his head
“ punched,” or a taste of a raw-hide, at every
street corner; but his pen-scores generally cut
deeper than the raw-hide, and his remarks are
remembered longer than the “ punched” head.
In many instances his information'is received
through a perverted channel, although ha may
not have the time or opportunity to obtain cor
rect information, nevertheless he is held ac-
,ppd, censured accordingly. All' the
glowing onifotots' the lore-pf
scholars, as wwujjM'tjtodly details of every day
occnnence, are ipuhfuliy recorded by his nim
ble pencil, and l&V manner alike creditable to
his tasto
the honors, or much of the* applause Ttiiiblfat
tends the higher departments of journalism, .he
keeps upon his humble way, doing sin important
duty, .which can hardly bo appreciated, except
by those who are acquainted with its difficulties.
CocsntareiT Mossr.—This county is at pres
ent flooded with counterfeit money of every Uc-
Bcription-i-notes, silver and gold. Our town
haaa£«ir,Bharc of it, and we advise those who.
have conscientious scruples 'against passing
bogus bills pr,coin to be a little' petitions abodt
receiyingit.-We have -been shown several spe
cimens, Jand: admit that wo ooaldj easily have
been; deceived by them; so well are they execu
ted. Tubs and continued handling, however,
will show what they are and some unsuspecting
individual will flnd.himself possessed .of more of
them that he wants unless theybe examined
and refused by all to whom they ore presented.
While change was that look*
ed lUtc niter or gold, or a aotp of a spiall de
nomination, was eagerly blotched, and junoh
that was known .to be bogus passed
question, It is not so now. Charge isplcmty
«lop«ly inspected. “A Word to
the wise"&o. , ; ( ■" 'rr
- ■■ I
Th * rn ftaMlto'/ear* ftotf
that the fruit g
this section withe country has not been «o
much injure b/ ,tjM»/jro«t as was at first anti
cipated jg£; states siat jpsacb' trees on his,
and a*joiidng /wins,, are full of young fruit
whioh do not appear to hare been effected.
Th< ; fruit of joung apple Ueos, which bloomed
early, U somewhat injured, but that' on older
trees, gives promise of a good crop. The
WPWr to jjaye suffered. Of
'5, IT # : #
- sfaott tiine
since, A gentleman'from Sandusky, Ohio, ship
pedacargOAf potatoeeto Harrisburg, over the
Pennsylvania, Kailroad, and following them
thither, be disposed of s the entire lot, previous
to; tihdir being nnshlpped. Having,received a
clteok lor the .amount, he started op town, as
he alleged, to procure funda to pay tire freight,
-rkomo $lB0 —but did not again make his ap
pearance. Fy some means it was ascertained
that he bad-tokenthe Express Train westward
onSaturday morning last, and Gen. Eoorafort,
telcgraphedtoEflqnlre Good, in this place, giv
mga description of the -man. And
him to have himarrested oh the arrival of the
fcfhin at thißStiitioni Messrs. Michael Clonbangh,
had been deputized -to arrest him) And £.
M* Turner, were on the for the gen
tleman when the .train arrived, and immediately
observed a. person who appeared to answer the
description given. Not wishing to be too hasty,
or excite suspicion, they concluded to watch
his manoeuvres for a short time (efore arrest
ing him. Shortly after the cars stopped he
walked up to the top of the bill near the Metho
dist Church, Mr. Claubangh following at a con
venient distance, while Mr. Turner remained
near the cars. Directly the individual came
down the .hill, and meeting Mr! C. at Lowther
li McDowell’s old stand, asked him where the
Bank was in this place. 'Mr 1 . C. pointed it out
to him, but he did not go directly to it. Suspect
ing that it was his 'intention to present the
check for payment, Mr. Turner slipped into
the Bank, got behind the counter and was
playing Cashier when the gentleman entered.
Sore enough he presented his check, which bore
the name gwen by Gon. Koumfcrt, whereupon
Mr. Clanbaugh was called in and the swindler
.arrested. He was taken, before Esquire Good,
and had a hearing, and confessed to the charge.
The matter was finally compromised biy the
gentleman paying the freight and costs.
The were in hopes that with
the “first quarter of the new moon,” according
to the almanac, the rainy season in these “dig
gins ” was over. But alas! for ail human hopes
and expectations, “old Sol” refuses to shine
for more than a few hours at * time, nndns a
consequence,, we have alternate, rain and shine.
The poet Holmes, usually a very good-natured
man, was not proof against the depressing ef
fects of “Aqueous Terms.” dVhen out of pa
tience with the rain be wrote the following:
The weathor-cock has rested East;
The blob sky is forgotten;
The Earth’s a Saturated snlbgc,
And Tegetatlou’is rotten.:
I hate to see the , darkest side,
% I hate to bo complalnin®--
But hang mo if my tempclEslands
This raining, mining, raining.
Confidence in Medicine. -i-There are many
persons who have no confidence in medicine,
owing probably to the fact that so many worth
less articles are palmed upon the public for the
cure of diseases for which they are not suited.
Wo know of a remedy for Coughs and Colds and
Lung Diseases, prepared by Dr. Kcyser, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., that will mqet the expectations
of the public, .and is sure to give relief in the
beginning of thoqe cases. It is now put up in
50 1 cent' '“and $T 'bnttles. For sab .at
Atteupt at Ronazay.—On the same night
that the houses jjf Messrs. Barr and Mann were
entered, lost week, an attempt was made to get
into the house of Mr. Henry Speeriug.Tq East
Altoona. The substantial maimer in which the
windows had been fastened effectually resisted
the efforts of .the burglars to effect an entrance.
Sirs. Speering witnessed H>e operations of the
gentlemen, but wisely concluded not to raise
an alarm nnless they should accomplish their
object. . t.
Dead.—Matthew DinSidiorc, the man stabbed
Jake Foust at Erie, ||as relieved from his
sufferings by death on morning week-
The Coroner’s; Jury reamed a verdict that
Dinsmore came to bis dewi by wounds inflicted
with a knife In the handsSf Jacob Foust. Ja
cob now stands in aprettjF fair way of receiving
another item in the Penitentiary, from which it
is not likely that Executive clemency will re
lieve huiu before he has served his time.
Anti-Lecoupton Meetino.— We neglected to
notice,.last week, (after having promised to do
so,} tha.l an Anti-Lecoinptbn Meeting wag to be
held in! Military Hall, on Friday nighti The
meeting:was held according to appointment,
qnd a large number of persons were in attend
ance. jfe have not seen a copy of the proceed
ft)gs, butproaqpao ho published^
, Accident. —On Thursday afternoon last, a.
young man named Knee, engaged in erecting
C. R. Uostetter’s new building, in North Ward,
was severely injured, internally, by the giving
way of the scaffold upon which he was working,
and falling across a pllnk .immediately below
him. He was attendedf by Hr. Hirst, who pro
pdhncbs him put of dapper.
i MT i; •
JSbt Ur roßTnKiisfcvns.—By reference to
the advertisement of jdcssrs. Hooper A James,
in another.column, be seen that they
have commenced the JBacksmlthing business, in
Tbe| are both experienced
ijfprkm^, ~ and >viTU ~ to- «M
who may favor the,m tb their patronage.
Wear® sonyjo inform our .readers that
the “ Letter .to Xbunjf Men” could not be pre
pared in time for thl{ week’s issue. ‘W e know
there ire a number who look for it regularly,
therefore we note its non-appcaraiice. It will
he all tite better week.
! • i I : Z-. ■ '■ ■ w T: v- * ■ ! Jbrttie THbunt.
A Qllpipse at tbe life of a Tav-
llp the -Spitf pg of 1357, traveling .in He*
eastbjmpartof this State, I happened at a ?2t
lagecaUed——-The Philadelphia and Bead
ing railroad and the cars then stop
ped daily in front of a hotel kept by a gentle
man whose name it is not necessary to mention.
Attracted thither by a little business and the
beauty of the surrounding country, I remained
about two weeks sot the hotel alluded to. 1
found the proprietor an accommodating man, fta
moat landlords generally ore. His table was
forded, atteotions were: marked by gen-
V ? '-f '
tiemanly oopnftesy. I observed that nohabit-
t»l drqokiirf f>r minor ever gotany
liquor to think at the bar. " Whaler thin vm-
of die law orfroaa religion* no*
tivee, Ido noti kaoir.. ‘ i- v -;■
Those vrhowere tampering with, the poisonous
cupandnot oonformed drunkards, andthoee,
about die landlord knew nothing,
oould receive the desired draught from the wil
ling h&ndalong aecuslomed to. “pat the cap to
hla neighbor’s; lips.” . r .
I closely watched the eoenerih thatbarroom.
There'whs a:: sfrangeheas, -a novelty ia it that
deeply impressed me. !.
the proprietor eras a professor of religion.
I saw the young man of promise walk np to that
tempting bar and quaff the social gloss. .1 saw
the middle aged take bis daily “bitters.” I saw
with sorrow the aged—the grey haired sire raise
the fiery liquid to Jus parched lira. 1 saw dip
youth approach with bottle in haSa WahdngT?"
filled subject to the orders | of a parent or mas
ter. Saturday evening hod arrived, and with
it numerous 'customers with bottles and jugs to
be replenished for their Sabbath’s potations.
Sabbath meriting come, a morning 1 bad longed
for. The landlord politely invifedme to accom
pany him to church. I accepted, and wo went
to the place of I worship, die occupied a very
conspioions place in that solemn assembly—the
leader of the choir. , N
£ remember,: he sung these words with a voice
clear as a silver bell, and his .conscience seemed
as calm as an infant’s slumbers:
“ Teach us, O Lord, tokeep In view
■ Thy pattern, and thy step* pursue:
Let slips bestow’d let kindness done.
Bo witness’d by each rolling snri.”
Preaching; o|rer, we returned to the hotel;
when we arrived dinner was ready, da the pig
gathers the acpms which lie beneath the spread*
ing oak and never looks up to the branches from
which they IfeU. so did the landlord ait down
and partite of that repast furnished by the Giv*
er of all good.: Days passed l on with the same
regular routine of the landlord’s duties of mix
ing the* deadly poisons. One evening, in a
group of gay,spirits around the much frequen
ted bar,, 1 saw a young man of prepossessing ap4
pearance. and dignified air. I learned by inqui
ry that he was the. only son of a widowed moth
er, whom he supported from his hard-earned
wages, and also, that he only “ indulged” occa
sionally, and vpos never known to have been' in
toxicated but once. On tins
ho became sadly inebriated, and, at a late hour,
started for die home of his poor mother. The
next day was the Sabbath, and a solemn one it
was for the jpeople in that village. The young
man had gone but a short distance from the
tavern upon that fatal night of intoxication,
when he fell down a rocky precipice of over a
hundred feet,| hnd was dashed to peices upon
the rocks bcilotv. His’body was found that Sab
batb morning ip a shockingly mangled condition.
Tho lamentations of that heart-stricken mother
will never be forgotten. Left cheerless and
alone, and bereft of her only support in life,
site wept as only a mother could weep over a
son unprepared for such a fate. Oh, what burn
ing words of-reproach and warning did she
breathe through her tears to that tavern-keep
er standing by. The affecting scene he there
witnessed seemed to have made no lasting im
pression upon his mind, for he continued to pro
fess religion and sell the destructive beverage
as long as I remained in that country.
I then thought that the inconsistency of such
professors of religion do more real injury to
Christianity then all the broad-mouthed infideli
ty in the land.; PHILO.
A Card from Samuel Swan & Co.
TO THE PUBLIC. —The extraordinary coarse
pursued by the rival managers of different Lot
tcriea to injure us because our liberal schemes*
and prompt manner of doing business has. in*-,
tcrially affected them, compels us to call special
attention to the facts, which all who deal with
us know already; that is, that our Lotteries ore
legal; the managers and trustees honest and
honorable men; that we have sold niore prizes
iu the last twelve months than all other Lotte
ries in the; Union, and that they have been
promptly cashed in all cases on presentation.
The effort td injure us is aimed not pnly at
our business by our rivals, but is also intended
to act politically on one of our partners; and
we assure .bur friends and the public that with
oub concern all is RIGHT, and this, the legal
investigation Which we shall urge to a hearing,
will fully demonstrate. In the meantime oar
business will be conducted as usual.
\ ; i SAMUEL SWAN & CO.,
; Lbttery Managers, Augusta, 6a,
The Best Gough Medicine.— One of the
very best Gough Medicines to bo found any
where, is Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup, sold by
G. W. Kessler, at 50 cents per bottle.
See advertisement of Dr. Sandford’s
LIVER INVIOORATOU in another column.
stated Councils of
th* “Winnebago Tribe,” No. 35, I. 0. B. M., are held ev
ery Tuesday evening in the I. 0, 0. F. Dali, in tho Ma
sonic Temple. ; Connell Fire, kliulled at 7th run 30th breath
Jane 25, '67-lyJ A. EBEIU.E, C. of JB.
I?ime of Ctoamg and
Arrival of Mails At Altoona Post Office.
Eastern Way and] Uollidaysburgat
Western' “ I‘ I
Eastern Xbrougb lMall, 8 35 A. SI
Western! Way anil Uollidaysburg, 12 06 P. M.
Eastern “ “ 700 “
Jane 4, ’57-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M.
'■ixtwi' ■
Corn Meal, . r
Lord, • ■
Shoulder*. ■ !•,
Side, .- . : ii ji
H bbL
& “
® cwt.
fl bustl.
Cl M
<p a>
n «
v “
V do*.
u • **
M’Laln A Lelir
White Wheat'Mo
' ' M. / *
U -
Roll’ their Floor at the following rate*
br, Extra Family, bbL
Superfine, «
Superfine, v . . “ •• •• fjts
■ -U 1 • u> t
t» ■ - »•
at quality,
tub Creek,
—Tp l H‘-~
Oi 'BniniU;) the 13th hut, hr M. Calvert, Esq- Mr.
william Mtuamom to Miss Frances bold, both.
the Bet. S. A, WRbod, Mr. ASH
BBS# CtABATJOH, of this place, to Mies SARAH C
BEH£L,of Warriorsmark, Huntingdon county, Pa.
Oh the 23d hist., by Bov. A. H.‘ Taylor, Mr. WILL. S.
SHOEMAKER, of Altoona, to Miss GIUTIE 6. BOWERS,
of HoUldsyabnrg; May their cop of pleasure bo ever full—
prosperity’their constant companion—long life their allot
ment ou oartl), and Heaven their final home.
In this place, on the 2Ctir inet.,-WESLEY RYLANB,
only child of Edwin A. and Matilda 8. Beck, aged 1 year,
3 months. imij 28 days.
Bie ftintrol will take plaqe this (Thursday) afternoon,
at 4% o'clock,: The friends of .the. OunQy Merospootfuljy
,.V ! ; --.17
'■; |sir Jtudataand f«ny county payer* pfrw* copy* £- --
U'L-~ . V ■ '•
11 SO A.M.
8 00 A.M.
8 16 P.M,
800 “
Time of Arrival and D|b
ptirtonbC oii tb» Pena’*. Railroad, at Al-
Bxpreas Train East arrives 2,48A.M, Isaves 2to A. M.
,** « W«t * “ <* 8,66 “
last * Bast « 9jS»B.VL «
» Writ ° 10,00 “ • “ 10,06 “
At* “ Bast * 12,00 “ “ 13to “
“ “ Wert *». : 7,00 “ “ ,7to'; * '
The HOLLIDAYSBUXvGiniASCn connects with Ekprcss
Train West, Mail Train Bast and. W«st and with Past Lina
Bast. - - ■ -
The BLAIR3VILLKBRANCII connects with Johnstown
W’ay.Trala East and West, Express Train West and Mail
Train East. ■ ■
jfce.a, ’6«-tn xaos. a. scoti, supt.
il Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration
on the estate of Jams Hoou, latoof Logan township, Blair
county, deceased, have been granted by the Register, 4c.,
to the undersigned, residing in Antes township. Alt per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re
quested to make, immediate payment; and those having
claims against it will present them duly authenticated fur
settlement JOHN J. BURKHOLDER, Adm’r.
May 21,1856.701
-1 ’i SORIBER would ret pec t fully in
form the public that ho bos recently re
fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre
paled' to accommodate his ftiends
patrons in a comfortable manner, add
Will spare no pains in an agreeable home (brail
sojourners, ms Table will always be luxuriously supplied
from thy markets of the country and cities, and his .Bar
filled! with liqaors.of Choice brau-U, His charges are as
reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and-he
fuels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who
favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a filiare
of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It, he
throws open his house to the public and invites a trial.
Altoona, May 27, X858.-ly ] JOHN BOW MAN.
Tremendous Excitement in East Altoona!
The subscribers respectfully inform the citizens nMP
of Altoona and the rest of mankind that they.are “
now prepared to carry on the RLACKSMITIIINU BUSI
NESS in ail its various branches, at the new stand next
door below Peter Reed’s Cabinet Shop, on Adeline street, in
East Altoona. They flatter themselves that they are able
to render satisfaction to all who may favor them with their
patronage; and no effort Will he wantiog.ou their part to
merit the patronage of the community. Wagons. Car
riages, Ac, made and ironed to order, fur which good lum
ber will b*. tiikcn. Remember tbe place, on Adeline it,
where BlOcksmithing is done oh the shortest notice and
must reasonable terms. JOHN IV. HOOPER,
Altoona, May 27, ’58.-2m] T. A. JAMES.
To Single Subscribers, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR.
ONLY KUjTY CTS. A YEAR in Clubs of Ten—mailed to
one Address.
The Weekly Dispatch is published every Saturday, on
new type, on a sheet the size of the Daily Dispatch. It will
contain the LATEST NEWS by telegraph and mails; local
news of our city and county; news of the neighborhood—
comprising Western Pennsylvania and Virginia, and East
ern Ohio; correct news from u distance; carefully prepared
market reports; original and selected peetry, tales, anec
dotes, Ac., and everything necessary to make an agreeable
and entertaining INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, and
will bo mailed to subscribers,, at one dollar a year, payable,
invariably in advance. In order, however, to moke it o N
PENNY WEEKLY, occupying the same position in the
country, which the daily does in the cities, we will continue
to scud it at the following
Single copies, ono year In advance, - - - |l.OO
Three copies, one year .to one address, • • 2.00
Five copies, to one address, one year, - - 3.00
Ten copies, to one addruss, one year, - - 5.00
frfe.ln all clubs of fifteen or over, one copy extra al
lowed. Postage, free in Allegheny county. Tn State, of
Pennsylvania, thirteen cents. £ [nowhere, twenty-six cent*
a year.
<fJU In *o case con the Kamts of subscribers in clubt bo
written on the papers.
FOSTKR & t'LEKSON. Publishers, Pittsburg, Pa.
t - Bend for a. specimen copy. [May 27. I*sB.
Is qoo of the best Purgative and Liver M.-dicincs now bo
fore the public, that acts as a Cathartic, cosier, milder, aud
more sffectual other medicine known, ft i< not
old}' a Qithartic, but'*£ircr remedy, acting first on the
Liwr to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and
boweis to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two
purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings
experienced in the 'operations of most CulharUcs. It
strengthen* the system at the same time that it purges it;
and when token daily la modi rate doses, will strengthen
and build it up with unusual rapidity
.-DPie Litxb is one of the
human body; and when It
the powers of the system
tlomadi is almost entirely i
action of the Liver for the
functions; 1 when the stum
are at fault, and the whole
quence of one organ—thei
its duty. For the diseases
proprietors has made it his
than twenty years, to find
counteract the many de
To prove that this renje
son troubled with Liven
forms, bos but to try a bot
These Gums remove nil
the system, supplying In!
of bile, invigorating the
digest well, puairnso tee
health to the whole niachl
of the disease —effecting a'
Bilious Attacks arc cur
prevented, by ttye occe-,
One dose after eating la)
much and prevent the food 1
Only one dose taken bo-'
Nightmare. |
Only one dose taken at
els gently, and crocs C'oB-{
One dose taken after each:
49*0he dose oft wo tea
lieve Sics Headache. I
One bottle taken for fc-{
the cause of the disease,
. Only one dose immediate- j
One dose often repented!
Morbus, and a preventive
Only one buttle is
system the effects of medi
-49* One bottle taken for
lowness or unnatural color
One dose taken a short
vigor-to the appetite, and
One dose often 'repeated l
its worst forms, while Sutn
yleld almost to the first
One or two doses cures
in children: there Is no
remedy in the world, os it
A few bottles cures Dropsy
Wo take pleasure In re
us a preventive for Fever
all Fevers of a Bilious fiype.
and thousands are .willing
virtues. [
All who ose It are iiving their unanimous testimony In
Us fovot. r
*9, Mix Water in the month with the Invigorator, and
swallow-both together.
working cnren, aliUo«t too groat -to believe. It cures as If
by magic, recta Viefiretdoee giving Lenrfit. and seldom more
than one bottle is' retired to cute any Mud of Lirer Com
plaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyrpeptia to a common 1
Headache, ail Of which arc the result of a Diseased Xuvell :
onedouab pi® notrwtr .
DR-SANFuRD, Proprietor, 315 Broad WavyNowYork. ■ !
259- Sold hj Q. ff. ttwm, Altoona; and .retailed by'
all Druggists. • [May 27, 1558.-ly
' 20
It) BEERfi ALOON.—The subscriber would roepectMiy
announce titef he will keep constantly on band; at bis saloon
Uiuler/lie Masonic TerppTe, , •
a supply ofwifreahraente, such as Cakes, Ghetto, Sardines,
'Pretzels, andfio excellent article of LAGERBEER, mana
ftOtured at too Altoona Brewery, which" ie pronounced the
beet iq the otentry. Hl* saloon is fitted updp good Style;
for the comfort and nccommodatlonof his patrons, and’ he
hopes by strut attention to their wants to merit receive
c. X. must, t>, t>. n. n. ooon. w. n.
1 9 their professional servlceeto the citizcna of Altoona ,
and vicinity In the several brooches of ! / - . S
Country calls regularly attended’to. .
Office, the sumo as heretofore occupied by Br, mth.
By consent, D. R. Good refer* to
J. M. Gemmill. M. I).. Alexandria, Pa.
J. R. tuden, M. D.. Huntingdon, “
Dr*. Ross, Royer and Fey, Williamsburg, Pa.
April 22,18 j3-tf.] .. ’
1 X of Administration on the Estate of Adam Robineon,
late of the township of Logan, Blair county, dece«sod,have
been granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted to the
sold estate ate requested to moke immediate payment; and
those having claims or demands against the estate, will
please make known the same without delay to
Altoona, May, 13,1558.-61 JACOB GOOD , Jdm’r.
1 I 60.000 Shlnglefl . W,OOO i*theis . i
AW»y to . JQHJf ,y
pcinmnal regulators of the
1 prtwrms itsfuriettoniwoll,
are fully developed. Tb>
dependent on the healthy
lproper performance of its
ach is.ot fault, the bowels
system' suffers in conse-
LrvEß—having reused to do
of that urguu, oue of the
study, in a practice of more
| some remedy wherewith to
[rangemeUts to which it is-
dy is at last found, any per-
Complatn*t, in any of its
tie, and conviction is cer-
morbid or bad matter fi-om
their plnco sr healthy flow
stomach, causing food to
blood, giving tone and
jnery, removing the cause
radical cure.
ed, axd, what is better,
sional use of the Lives Ik-
sufficient to relieve the ato
frow rising and souring,
fore retiring, prevents
night, loosens the the how-
meal will euro Dyspepsia,
spoonsful will mwaya re-
male obstruction removes
and makes a perfect care,
ly relieves Cholic, while
is a sure cure for CuoLEgA
of Chou.ha.
needed to tiirow out of the
cine after a long sickness.
Jacxsice removes all sal
from the akin.
time before eating gives
makes the food digest well,
cures Chrimlo Diarrhoea in
mer and Bowel complaints
attacks caused by Wossts
surer, safer, ot speedier
by exciting the absorbents,
commending tbe medicine
and Ague, .Chili Fever, and
It operates with certainty,
to testify to Its wonderful
jg*H _«.»« £iquesuu. u „ ipaiga
WC*. oflB6B haring commenced, the Via*-
fftTH of this gifted combination of
r wish to impress these (beta upon thd
lhi4 la the only
<£r Confident that they; have succeeded in
J| thUreepeot, and aa oonfldon* that the
V public will admit it,{the Jdauagers re-
I speetfnlly invite all to .1 •. > i
ogL The Colossal Mtula Car will- enter.
■gsgjg 1 ' town on thr meriting of exhibition;
and parade through {the principal thor
onghfiirea, drawn by splendid steeds,
and containing the sE\T YORK BC-
UhE BAND, led by the VTisard Bugle,
Altoona, Saturday, June 5,1868.
'pMfl&dsr Aniasstoß, - • -[L- - 25 Cents.
Doors opened at ff*dnd 7 o’clock,—
jg3«M@gk>nsS Performance half' ah an Bohr later.
ws»lawliiS£*k Two distinct performances afternoon
anj evening. j ii
Among the maQJr splendid attrao
t tionaof the PRKKCfiand AMERICAN
corpse of .. Mi
, .S^gfyfCALlSTp,';*©., Ac.,
aax tbz roiuiwiso:
I II The Qneen of French Equestriennes;
if ~ The Fairy-like French Rider and Dan
The greatest in the
The French Hercules, Magician and
9 Contortionist;
-/Mf* The Katehtees Rider, Reaper
The French! Acrobats;
' p Master cuas- SHErwood.
«s.*<M*£ss;sU, ' The Greatest Boy Rider in the W*ld;
The Far-Famed American Two-llorsC Rider;
The Juvenile Prodigy of thoKlng;
The American Clown and Basso Singer.
This Company will also perform at ‘ .
Tt/rone, Friday, June i!h, ;
Pkillipsbury, Monday, Jftjie Ith.
May 27, 1868.-td
/~\ TER regulation of the peace; mad order of the Bor*
oughof Altoona: . J[
Bectios I.' Be it enacted by the Burgees and Town Coun
cil of the Borough of Altoona, and ocdalned. by the same,
That from and after .the passage of 'this Ordinance, any
person shall bo found, intoxicated by the £Ue of Intox
icutibg drinks. In any street,- alley, piibiic or private place,
or in any building, public or private hopso withintho Bor
• u O L. shall upon view or dud proof befog made before the
Burgess or a Justice of the Peace, boffoed a sum not ex
ceeding ten dollars, and costs, and in dcmult of payment of
the fine mid costs, the person so convicted shall be confined
in the “ hock Cp” house not exceeding forty-eight hours at 1
any one time. • j[ .
Bec. 2. That if auy person shall piofitliely curse or swear
by the name of God, Jesus Christ, the; Holy Ghost, or hy
auy other name or thing as aforementioned, evert person
so offending and being convicted thereof before the Burgess
or a Justice of the Peace, upon bearing dr upon duo proof
being made, shall be fined and pay the ifum of C 7 cents for
each and every such profane curie or. oath, together with
coits, and iu default of the payment -blithe fine and costs,
the person so otfcndiug shall be confined in the “Lock Cp’’
house not exceeding twenty-four hours.
, See. 3. That any person or pcesona who shall fight, or be
engaged In : aiv affray, -pr., shall causa jjjr-uqbl icly offer to
create a breach of tn»'-pais(^pr
present assisting or eneunraglug tbe skim shml, npooFnP' i
ing convicted thereof, be fined the suiit of five dollars and
costs, and in default of payment shall be confined in the
“Lock, Up” boast, not exceeding fotti-eight hours; and
whosoever shall conduct themselves fiapropaHy in public,
by using vulgar and obsceno language, or shall make a
noise on Die street to the annoyance of the citizens by night
or day, by hallooing or in any other trey, shall upon Con
viction be fined and punished as in the first part of this
section. > - ,
Sec. 4. That any person who shall keep a disorderly
bouse, or shall suffer or permit noisy tod disorderly con
duct therein, and mi y jierson cansing arid being engaged in
any such disorderly conduct in any drinking house, tavern,
saloon, or private dwelling, to the annoyance 6t peaceable
citizens, shall upon being convicted thereof f>ny a fine of
five dollars, and in default of payment shall be confined in
the “ Lock Dp” house not exceeding twpnty-fbar hoars.
Sec. 5. Tiiat auy |£rson who shall tHlfaUy deface or tear
down handbills, notices, ordinances or!, : posters, in public
places, within ten days from the tlmedf putting them up,
or shall break, mutilate or Injure any |hnlt ar ornamental
shrub upon the side-walks or anyotlier place in the Bor
ough, the person so ofli nding shall. Upon being convicted
thereof pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars, and in default
of payment thereof shall be cohflrted in the “ Lock Up”
house-not exceeding forty-eieht hours, t >
Szc. 0. That any person] charged wltb offending against
the laws of tills commonwealth, and being under arrest, it
shall be lawfhl for tbe officer having tfiiy person or persons
in custody, to confine such person or persons in the “ Lock
Up” house for a.further hearing before the Magistrate, or
until the officer shall have an opportunity of conveying the
person Or persons to the County Jail,-. tile confinement not
to exceed forty-eight hours at toy one {hue. 1
The manner of conviction in the preceding Sections shall
he die same as in the first and second sections of'this Ordi
nance, •R. MoCORJHCK, Pres’t t. G
E. M. JONES,' Jfurgeit, \
A tied; Jons McCutuAx, Cleric.
Altoona, May 13,1865.-3 t ’ - i-i - • ■
McCormick’s newoodm HAtB abßiyedaxp
ANl> SALE. ”
“ Halloo, neighbor. I’m hoird on the gronnd again. Per
haps you recollect when I, lost year, anted you to hold my
horse a moment and tell me where , the CHEAP STORE
was. But it is different now. It reminds mo a little of
tbe campaign of 1840, when Gen. Harrison was elected Pre
sident. ToU have only to go with the Crowd and yon wflt
have no difficulty in finding McOOKMICK’B BTffitftfna
tbo excitement down the valley, and’tne quantity of godda
I see carried away, they'must bo selUpg off very rapidly
and very cheap.” V- f.
“ Yon are right, my friend; I would [pay to. yon, sir, go
ahead and- your, anticipations win bej-fidly realized. He
has a very large and well selectedi a*#onmdut of Goods.
He’D sell you a dress tor fifty cent* shirgfvtf the trimmings
into the bargain, Ptn'told, and all other- goods In propor
tion.” ' ■ ■■ .
“Good bye, neighbor, that’s wherel am going to buy
my goods.” ■ - ”
“That’s right,’ and so should everybody els*. Good bye.”
dry goodC ■; h ijp;.
■. J
Hats and Caps, very cheap Bonnets, Mwec«’ Flats, Ac.; La
dies’ Gaiters, Shoes and Slipper*,. witty: Hisses, Boy* and
Men's Roots and Shoes, and every othef article kept In a
first class’country »tore, can be had iehean /or cash, at
McCormick’s. 1 ij. “’■ •'
’ 'All articles of country produce taken In exchange for
good*.- SJh. McCormick.
Altoona.May 13,1858.-ly M; ' ■ ■
TITB. ULLMAN announces feliat he is
It ■ isalwayson handand will take great pleasure In
tndHsg upon all who may favor hlih>lth a call. Ho feel*
conlldatitthat howlll bo-able to render satisfaction both
& qualify and price. ‘ '- j;' [April IMm
Fay up.—the subscriber RE
SPECTFULLY requests all :those knowing them
selves indebted to him to call and |SottJe their accounts
with "Wm. Talbot, at the old eland. Who haa charge of the
boohs. All accounts not paid on or before the Isth of
June,.will bo plibced in the hands of A* officer
ate collection. JAMES SEABJ'i*!.
May 20,1968>4t ■. I .' . .
I T complete apartment of Grocme* bate Jnst been f*
reirodatthaetore.of 3.8. HUUKMAN.
fe twit Ifr. ; r xti K p'n»So>.
»170,000 TO BE HAD POB slol^#
vßiefoUowing Scliecft vU! ba *«wn by6.Bwa»iiw
>bA«cets of the B porta AeolJrtiy Lottery, in each ol th S
Ks*lo Knqber Lotteriw for .June, 1553, at ACeSratAa
ftMcgls, to whfcb city they have removed their prtncfaM
office. ..
. . CLASS 18,
Tote drawn ilk Ihecitr of Augusts, Georgia, tn imbUe. an
x BaUnday, JQnc S, 1358“
To tedrawnintha City of Anguatu, Georgia, in pUbUcLM
Saturday, Juno 13, 18M.
■ ; ■ ■; ' ;... class so, ~
T* te drawn In \h« City of Angnata, Georgia, tn papUo, it
Saturday, Jdnw 19, 1868; . , ■ -
Ulass M, . . V r
To te drawn In til« City of Augusta, Georgia, In publico*
' '' ■■ fcWrfiy, 2< 1858";
Ntarlp mm Prize to «wy JWim Tfclcdtt *
ii , TO n tun UCB iiTCBIUT la JVH».
1 Pri*e of S7O,OJO] 4 Priaaot
1 « tt
\ u w
1 M 7 *
\ « 'ti
j « a
A ‘ *
80,0001 « « . ■*’ |a»
10,00* 4 “ “ TOO
6,00 I 4 “ « m
' 4,000 SO Prtorof Mfr
f,ooo| 00 “ “ ' m
1,000(230 ■ » *• . V- lg§
AppßOßixiimOit ritirani
4 Fti>M of $4OO Approj-’Untf. to $lO,OOO W£»M»tIJSO
4 “ “ 800 “■ « « TSo6
4- « « W>’ “ “ HUN «
4 • s**- a m “ “ 8.000 h o u.
, « « « 100 “ « 4$M H •*: JM
14 « “ T 6 “ WOO “ - IS
' 4 .« u jo m m v|qo m u u
5,000 «« Dm ' iOoJS
5,435 Prises amotmting to _ ’ taOJMt
■WholeTUhhflO; Bihti st; Quarters jftifl.
The number* from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with thoM
number* ott OHLTickets printed ou separate sups of neper,
areericlrriedintmall tin tubes and pUced In one Wheel.
The first 457 Pri>es, similarly printed end encircled, ere
ptaoed In sooths* wheel.
The wheels we then revolved, end « number U drawn
from the Wheel of Numbers, end at the some time a Prizs
is drawn from .the other wheel.. The number end prfre
drawn out areopened end exhlbftedto the endlenee, end
by‘ink Commissioners; the Prize being pieced
against the nqpher drawn. This operation la repeated tu*
till ell the Prime are drawn out.
AMBQXOumtx Puses.—The two proceeding and the two
succeeding number* to, those drawing the first 7 Prizes ariU
be to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For exalnple:
If Ticket No. 1L250 draws the $70,000 Prize, those tickets
numbered ILS46. 11,249, 11,251, 11252, will each bn entitled
to $4OO. If Itriret No. 530 draws the $90,000 Prize, tb<*e
tickets numbered 548,649, 651, 552, will each be entitled to
$3OO, and so ottaccording to tbe above scheme.
The* 5,000 Prises of $2O will be determined by thel ast flg<
ure of the number that, draws tbe $70,000 Pride, foraz*
ample! if the number drawing the $79,000. Prits ends with
No. 1, then all the tickets, where the number ei&s in L
will be entitled to $2O. If the number ends WUhNoLik
then alktho tickets where the number ««d« in 2 trill be sn*
titled to $2O, and so on' to 0.
Certificates of Packigfcs frill be sold at the following rates
Which Js the risk: -
Certificate of package Of 10 TThole Ttc kst*,' . |tt
“ " 10 Charter « »
“* ' -** • 10Eight « 10 ,
Enclose the money tooursddreSSfor the tickets ordered,
orrocelpt of ; whlcb they Wm be forwarded ~by first mad.—
Purchasers can bats tickets ending In any number th«y
Numbers PrlSee frltt bsasntth
purchasers immediately after the iKatring. .
Purchasers-wiU please write their sbrnatufrs Mat» and
give their PiMt Office, County and Btaj£T r '
Remembezrihat every Prise is drawh and payable In full
without de&mtion. \
All prizes of $l,OOO and under,,paid bnmcdlately aftss
the drawing-mother prizes at the usual tihife Of 80 days.
All comim|inicatiot» strictly confidential.
Address orders for tickets Or certifloatesfh
• 8- SWAN A CO., Augusta, Ob. -
Persons residing near Montgomery, Abu, or A talon ta, Ga
can have their orders-filled, and save time, hy addreSuag -
& A Uri of the the wheel,
with the amount of the prize that hA one UrcptiUed tot
will be published after every drawing, in the (fioviiiC Ht
. pers:— XeOt OrUamDtUa, Mobile Register, Charleston Stan*.
(lord, XaAvUle Qasetie, Atlanta Intelligencer, Xao,. York
Weekly Day Boot, Savannah Morning Xstas, Jlicbmoncl Din c
patch, Xeio York Dispatch, and I’aulding (Mils.) Clarion
Augusta. (Sw.) XbnMh iicnaMst. lJn9.7^y d
Maryland state lotteries
FOB JUNE, 1368.
M :R. Feahc» & Co tt , V
ManageigiM the Maryland State Lotteries, present the Idir
lowuK«pi»Ud Scheme* '
FORJCNB, 1868. . ]
.The; cation purchasers c t Tickets to’ beware Of'ordsrr
ins Ticket* in Lotteries where extraordinary largo Oajrik.
tats arc offered for a email cost of Tirlfffti >ll raw Son ‘
swindles.. . /\ : . .
The Maryland Lotteries hare bees In existence fcf fWtjr
Jfears. They oredrawh by a State Offlder, and can t* re
lied on. If yon drag » tea wot ge t your njoncyi 4 -
The whole country Is flooded stub bogus Lottery eoncert*
Beware of them. • y'. ■■.',• ■ ”•
♦s* Order in the Maryland State Lotteries.' :
jucufincEsi scums, ‘ -
To be drawn in Baltimore City,:Jnne 10, 1868.' ■ ■ •
i. t&- 13 Drawn Ballotsont of7B,TE* .
Making the Brizes and Blanks equal. Every Package of 96
Tickets must contain 13 drawn numbers* so that tw«
are 13 Prizes to 18 Blanks. - . ' h
1 Grand Prize of $40,-000 1 Prize of. tto -
1 Prize of 12,577 10 Price of , £6OO
1 Prize of 6,000 10 Prlte« •' 'MOP
1 Prize of 6,000 • 254 Prize of 900
X Prize of 6,000 66 Prise of UK
1 Prize of 6,000 ' , arPrizeof 80
1 Prize of 6,000, , eS Prize of «L
1 Prize of hfm 66 Prize ot Mr.
1 Prizaof 6,000 4£lQPri» of 90
IPrizeof 6,000 37,OPlPriM of ML
1 Prizaof 6,000 , , * T
Prizes, amounting to 1678J7T.. .. ~
Tickets IKL-ttalvee s6—Quarters s2#*—Etghths'sl,J#.
A Certificate of Package of 20 Wholes, costs fIMP-iKt
Do. do: 28HaIvee, 74 75'.
Do. do. SOQasrtent : ~ 37-Jfit
Do. do. 20 '
This Is the old mode of Drawing. Prices In dne Whsal ■
and Tickets in another. , N ' ‘ 1
. Every Prize is drawnont. • , ,
Heart/ Prittpaid in/uU vritAoik dadurtion / V; • :
To bo drawn lnßaltimore,Md~ Saturday; JAw SBtiLlwL.
20,660 Prizes! 40.000Numbefttt r -
splesdid Schemei . ■ ... •
$36,000 - CA^nAtotiß^
12,000 . 8 “ ■' : W
$ -7 :m
* «
X Prize of
1 Priieof
ISs: sio ' E i&Y: *•-» y-m
}£g?t S 8 ,»•
IPriheof ■ , IjOOft-'l- u*- * . -A,
IPrtaeof • ym ' : * - W
lOPrlxasof '4O * .. U
TOTPHtes of ' : W:;:-. ,x'.; «T
lwWi " ot . -I
The 20,000 Prises of 88, determined ijpbS dfestfhg of th*
5 , CapitaU whether odd or area.
. Whole Ticket* si&—HaXrce
A Managers’ Ccrtqieate of 16 WTipl?*—Wh«s wwsofcf ~
wiah topay the rtsfc only, will be omit (or 1 ■ - ioi
-Do.-. do. l6HaWe** "■ • T gf.
Do. do. 14 Quarters, 9|
Do. do. Id Eighth*; ■
The Manager* bare been compelled from the numerous-i
complaints made f 6 them, of mifoithfiilnees oh thq htirt iff *
those Who have been’attending to the filling of Order*, to
resume the correspondence business in tuelr oWn'daihe.
Order Octets from the Managers only.
Adrrees alt letters to B. fBAXCE k CO.
March 4-ly] Baltimore, Mi
SALE.—The undersigned offers for sales {net of
EIGHTY ACRES of land, situate' In Furgusdn’townamp,
Clearfield coUnty, on the South side of the West Branch of
the Susquehanna River, shout five miles froth CurwcnsrfUe
and one mile below lumber City. The premises are con*
.voniently situated, and among other inducements to pur
chasers are two extensive beds of
tEOS OfcK,
one of which exceeds nine feet hi thickness and yicldnfrom
forty-five to eighty pur cent. There is also an abundanoa
on the premises, making it a desirable situation to persona
wishing to the manufacture of Iron.
There Is the best of water power on' tha premises, and
the river is navigable with arks, boots, Ac.,from thi* point.
Persons desiring any farther information wHI address - -
ivm. q. McCracken,
New Millport, Clearfield CO., Pa.
March 25-3m.]
Brick i brick i i brick ! 11—
The undersigned subscriber baa on hanrt now and for
sale a
at the well-known Brick Yard at McCahan's “ Blnff,” whera
he is prepared to furnish an; quantity of BRICE on short
notice. Orders front a distance 'will be attended to, and
Brick delivered in the cars. , Address
. ■ DnncansTiile, Blair comity, Pa.
KJ dersigned has on hand a lot of Settees which ha WQI
•oil cheap for cash/ JOBCi BROKMAKHB,
March 2Vtf.] Masonic Tentptat 7 -
draw nlfch andhear. JOSEPH.P-TROBT wnhm*-
ceato the public, that he k readyjn
as aq Anetkkaer whsaeser aan«dttpS»r ■