The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 27, 1858, Image 2

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    C|e Cribm
IHURSDAT, MAY 27.1858.
IQ* Where parties ere unknown to o*, oar role lor adrer
tlringls to require paynent in advance,oracnantateafitwi
known panom. 1: U therefore melees for all neb toaend
weadvertteements offering to pay at the end of three or six
nwitla. Where advertisements are accompanied with the
.•woey, whether one, fire or ten dollars, we will fin the
advertiser the toll benefit of cash rates.
t&T- Oar thanks are due Hon. Anson
Burlingame, Wm. F. Bigler, and others,
fpr valuable public documents.
tmti tftiin r r rwiir
Th» distinguished American Geoend,
»ho« untimely demise,. at Fort Leaven*
*orth, wits ; announced by telegraph last
▼nek, has been In filling health lor some
years. He spent the greater part of last
•anuner .at.tlie Logan IJouse, in this place,
in the hope thatthepure mountain air and
and a removal from the exciting scenes ; of
city life would restore him .to health again.
Nor were his hopes entirely-vain. Wheh
he tookhis departure, late in the season,
he appeared much recuperated bothin
spirits and health. At the of] his
death he was Common der-in-Chief bf the
Utah forces, and was preparing to inarch
from Fort Leavenworth.
Gen Smith was bom in Philadelphia in
1798. . fie'was■* graduate of Princeton
College, and was versed in the law, which he
practised in New Orleans up to 1986, when
,h« volunteered his services .in the Florida
war. He here, .exhibited such unmiataka
ble military talent thajt, at the insjtaince of
Gen. Taylor, he was raised to thecommand
of a regiment of mdunted riflemen at the
commencement of the Mexican war. For
services at the battle of Monterey) he was
breveted Brigadier General. At Centre*
ras, Ghepultepec, and other actions, Gen*
era! Smith' much ■ distinguished himself,
being noted chiefly for cool courage and
readiness. ,
The death of Hen.. Smith• was not un
expected at Washington. The War De
partment endeavored to dissuade him from
claiming the .command, on account of his
feeble health, and only desisted when he
urged professional : consideration. which
could not be disregarded.
i Ji Edgar Thompson, President of the
Pft.B- R. the President of the
Pittsburg, Fort Wayne,, & Chicago 8..8-have
have tendered to the friends of Gen. Smith,
the free use of their roads and cars, prop
erly arranged, to convey to Philadelphia
the remains of the deceased, and such per*
sous as may accompany the same.
s jThp. Remains of Gen. Smith were ex
pected to arrive in Pittsburg yesterday
and to be forwirded to Philadelphia by
the Express Train this morning.
The Hohnohi.
Beocnt dtopatohes,from .the Talley of
Salt Lake, apnponce that the Mormons arc
PJSPfriftg jo vacate the Talley with the (
totmg in the White
MftnptainS; and that 1 . Gol. Cummings, the
new Governor of Utah, had been invited
into Balt Lake City,. {That thbb true we
have no reason to doubt. Brigham Young
hao discovered ere .this that he cannot sne
cesafolly resist the United States troops
on .the open plains of the Talley ; and he
now desires, by convincing a disposition
down arinsi aid leave the country,
to Kcut.s jositicf among the mountains
wlme he can protract, the straggle and
continue to harrass those who rpay bedb
pooed to settle in the Valley. With an
indictment for treason suspended over him,
not likely that Brigham wiU suhniit
> And it is not to be desired
thiihe eholild. it has already cost the
govennenfc an enormous sight of money to
equip and send forces to that Valley, for
the express purpose of driving out or'
bringing into subjection the hand of out
laws who were quartered there, and we
think this is no time to treat with the
authors of the rebellion. They should be
feWtght to punishment at any cost. If
they are permitted to take up their abode
to j&o White Mountains it will require a
standing army in Utah to hold them in
check and' protect those - who emigrate
thither, from the States. The 'character
Mormons is too well known to ad
mit of the supposition that they would live
on ainieable terms with civilized people.
32ie,President is believed to be 1 in favor of
bringing thc rebels to punishment at any
cost, and to halve communicated hb de
torminatkm to Brigham, through Col.
Kaue. We hope to Jiear something more
(bittito Irom thatEonniry ore long;. '-C
toTifmiMi Hcrtcft
hotter known as *
{niter far “ Porter’s Sj^trftheTimea,’’
I wior the none de plume of “ Frank For-
MSter committed suicide at his room in
the Stevens’ House, Broadway, New York,
one day last week, hy footing damself in
the breast He was an Kngiwliiiwii bj
'birth,;and a gentleman of fine education
and rare literary acquirements, and his
I writings have earned for him an enviable
fame. He was the author of a number
of works on horses, dogs, fishes, and all
kindsof sporting. The New York Obm
mernoZ gives the following account of the
cause and circumstances of hia deash>--.
“Ht had, itappeara, for some trceka been
vtrj depteesedin spirits, owing to faia sepgra
tiaß fitn uf wife, to whom be bed bat e short
tot been named. What caused the ttpuw
Hob is not Asown, farther Hum that some wo
man had made mischief between them, aa is
alleged in a letter from the deceased.
“Yesterday Mr. Herbert, sent for his Mend.
Mr. Antfaon, and requested him to remain with
him as long as poaaibie. ss he was lonely and
depressed. He told Mr. Anthon that he in
tended to qommit suicide, and had the matter
all arranged. He first thought of committing
the act dree the grave of his first wife, in the
joemeteiy at Newark, but altered his intention
tin that respect,. .
| Mr. Anthon remained with him. sitting Up
jWith him v tijU 2P. M., tryingdo pewail upon
him not to commit the rash act, but he seemed
determined. While they were in Mr. Herbert’s
parlor, together, at the shore mentioned hoar,
(Mr. Herbert retired (apparently for a moment)
to the bed room .adjoining, when Mr. Anthon
heard the discharge of a pistol.
1 “In another moment Mr Herbert came reel
ing out of itjie room, exclaiming, ‘I told you 1
jwould do it,’ and fell upon the floor. The
charge haring mitered his breast and paaacd
through his tongs, he died in a few minutes of
Jjtemorrhage. . He left letters addressed to the
preoe,to theCproncr, and to Mr. Antbou.”
Editorial life.
■H There is so puch truth in Bie follow
ing, from the pen. of Capt Maryatt, that
we must be allowed to quote it. But few
readers ever think of die laJ»or and care
devolving upon an editor, .especially if
he makes any pretentions towards keep
ing up with the times, and who feels his
responsibility. The Captain says:
\ “I know tow a periodical Will bear down
one’s existence. In itself it appears nothing:
the labor is hot manifest; nor is it in the labor,
it is the coutura&l attention it. requires. Yonr
life becomes, as it were, the publication. One
day's paper is no sooner corrected and printed,
than on comes another.. It is tbe atone of Sisy
yphns, an endless repetition of toil, and con
stant weight upon the intellect and spirits, de
manding all the exertions of your at
the same time that yon are compelled to the
severest drudgery. To write for a papier is
very well, but to edit one is-to condemn your
self to slavery.”-
This is true to' the letter, and the ex
perience oft every man who ,has ever bad
anything to do with newspapers will fully
substantiate it. Let any who desires
, to test the truth of these remarks, take a
bundle of papers and sit down to select
and write articles for a newspaper. One
triad, we think, will be sufficient to con
vince them of, the responsibility of the
task. And yet, if an editor does not tell
his readers all that everybody else says
and does,, and.a gOod .deal more, he is
considered a “ poor excuse.” ’
Iy : ■
The Atlantic Monthly foe June.
—This excellent publication which has
won its way so rapidly into public favor,
and may - justlyshe styled the best periodi
cal in the Union, is already on our table.
It contains no lovesick noyeletts, ‘ and
may, therefore, bo unpopular with that
class of readers, but it, is filled with the
best articles from the pens of the ablest
men in the country —Historians and States
men—and b consequently popular with
those who desire substantial and instruc
tive reading. “ The Catacombs of Rome,”
and “ The Autocrat of the Breakfast Ta
ble,” which have . run* through several
numbers,-and are still continued, are alone
worth the subscriptioijl price. Price $3
per annum. Philip, Sampson & Co., Bos
ton. • '
Fusaas MmuoKa.-— The Sandusky RegitUr
af ih» morning, 2<Wi, isftraisfaed with the fol
lowing account' of a murder perpetrated in
Townsend. The account says :* . '
_ that Jimo' Jtiaes, a cousin of
iMuu June, an old grudge against the
latteTf .and having prepared himself for revenge
by constructing an infernal machine with powder
and some other material, and arming himself
with a revolver and knife, called at Jane’s house
Tuesday morning, at" an early hoar, saying as
became in; ‘June, I am in time to take break
fast-Witb' you,’ He was invited to do so, and
sat .down to the table as coolly os if on a friend
ly visit.' After the meal was done, and Jane’s
workmen had left, he rose and locked the door,
putting the “key in his pocket, and drawing his
revolver, said, ‘June, I have come litre to com
mit a murder , and am going to do it.’ As ho
said this he presented and snapped his revolver,
which missed fire. June then seized him, and
a tremendous scuffle ensued between June,
aided by bis wife,, and the miscreant; the lat
ter by this time cutting right and left with a
sharp knife. Mrs, J., perceiving that her hus
band was being cut piece-meal, quit her hold,
burst through the pannelof the door and shout
ed ‘murder.’ On the arrival of the neighbors
aroused by her cries, it was found that the
murderer had succeeded in disembowling June,
who died in a few hours.”
The news from Illinois and Indiana is,
that those States arc pretty much drowned out.
The prairies are full of water. The constant
■and heavy rains have beaten down thegr&in,
and rendered corn planting impossible. Ohio
is little better off
tSf" In a communication to the Legislature
of California, Got. Weller 1 edited. «fe1;25,-QOO
;*e» destroyed every Quarter at
atom 'XmASn SCISSORS. '
Bunsmi* Pa,,-May22,1858. J lute storms in the W«st. .
tfmn Bonroas:—Topse It tOSBi a long KSt, Good—Mr*. Haines & Costlej’s icecream,
time mm I last wrote to you, although but; : t&m. The “Permsjlrahia House, 7 ' at tatter
two wwkakar* elapsed. it may seem to be «m, on the P. K, B. Is offered for sale,
bat nshorttme, nerertheSwa, when wecon- - tßk. 9* * *“
eider that hate taken place. t the peg, Catch it now ? .
_ . 7 ca *^* a> *“* ™* . * ■ft. Why ia a dandy like a «mson-*take 1
we amt aeeeassrily come to the conclusion Because he*s a bit of a bock. -
that we can not measure everything hj days excellent paper—« Portert Spirit
andaighta. ,;|.' ■ of the Times.”
‘'Since writing to yon, thare paid a somewhat
abrupt viist to Blair county, and its political
tiatttWßt ia still haantiwg me. Whilst there
I met some highly valued friends, and I b>j be
excused fornying that I found no change in
them. Tins l am aware ean not alwaysbe said*
for there seems to be implanted in'humanity
tions to the role moat only find application to
those who areindeed *f trae and tried.”
I risitedmy old home at Springfield Furnace,
where l eas met with: smiles and welcomes-that
cheered my heart. What associations thronged
'my mind and clustered ground my heart when
I passed the old school-boose, it would, be Vain
to endeavor to teU. ; Bat they are gone, gone
to join the miliums that hare gone before.
- Martinsbnrg was thej town I sought, and
without an apology for town, or any other,
it is the most'pleasant in Blair county.—
Do yon: say But its streets are not elegantly
pared—that its architecture is not grand ? Yon
will remember they do nht enter pleasure as
ingredients. In the hearts and not the houses
do we look for that email portion of Heaven
that Infinite goodness allows to linger; upon
earth. ■■ ' '
On Monday, 24th an event will take
place, which, in Importance, fur exceeds all the
£oUtical conventions yon- may get up, and be
|of a thousand times more benefit than all the
•“shrieks” that were evsr ottered for “bleed
ing Kansas.” I refer to ;the opening of the
“Normal School.” Great praise is due t,o Su
perintendent Dean for his isfforts to get up this
school- During the past jright or nine months,
his energies have been directed to the accom
plishment of this object,-'and it depends upon
the teachers of Blair county to say whether hid
labor shall have been spent in vain. Lot those
who croak about the uselessness of the County
Superintendent, and the; salary he gets, look
upon the increased value pf the public schools
under his care, and the amount of labor he has
bestowed upon them, and then. forever hold
their peace. I swing my bat three times three
for the County Snperihtendency and Superin
tendent Dean.
Having a little extra time on Monday, I visi
ted, in company with Mr. Dean, the schools of
Professor Miller, (formerly of Williamsburg,)
Messrs. Feudal and Mitci|ell and Miss Hoover.
The first is the “High School” 6f Hollidays
borg, end is under the'cm of Use bat teacher in
the country. The schools were all in a prosper
ous condition, and the teachers certainly well
qualified for their offices, i Success attend them.
In Altoona I visited Mr. Ewing’s “Select
School,” and. although I remained but a short
time, Pformed an exalted! Opinion of that gen
tleman. Next I visited : the school taught by
my old friend. Miss Hate G winn. Kate under
stands her business and knjows how to attend to it
Go and see how obedient her pupils are, and how
much they love her. This will speak better for
her than I can. And what do ycu think I should
do next ? why nothing else than stumble in upon
“Stans,” whom 1 found, shireunded by a family
(not his own) of scholars, &nd I believe that he
is doing his duty. I also had the pleasure of
meeting my late antagonist, “ Mac.” May his
pathway be strewn with flowers.
I you still have some thieving in your
town. The attacks are; certainly very bold.
Should the villains ever bib found oat, no pun
ishment would be too severe.
In my wanderings I jhave crossed and re
crossed the great (?) Notth-Western Railroad,
and as often as I see jit I cannot resist the
thought that the management of it has' been one
of the Qiost unscrupulous systems of fraud and
violation of confidence, ever known in Pennsyl
vania. The people of this seolibn feel that they
hare been, in a great measure, robbed of their
substance. And Ido notjwonder at it. I have
leaned that the Directors who live in this place
have become so' disgusted with the lpeanne£s
and subterfuges of those in the east, that they
cannot meet with themjfcith the least degree
of satisfaction: .tis probable that the people
of Philadelphia wruld to hear from their
$700,000 worth cf. N. W. B E-ism. Prom the
general feeling hereabouts, 1 am' inclined to
think that some of those who have been inter
ested h) the management of this road would do
well nptto makethemselv ai acquainted through
Western Pennsylvania. 1
Qo Wednesday lut a colored woman commit
ted suicide at this plaeej,. bytumbUng herself
into the Conemaugh Birci. Cause, I believe, is
unknown. •„ ’ V."
The military of this place are making exten
sire preparations for the entertainment of their
visitors at the encunpmont. I would like to
see the Logan Eifles and t|he Altoona Guards in
attendance. TgeyTMuld bertainlj- bare a good
time. The people of thisjplace are generous,
clever and sociable, and always endeavor to
rebdef strangers comfortable.
But I suppose I had t’"
brakes”- for the present,
by expressing my regret
bid farewell to the “Ji
God-speed in his nevrlife.
Mr. Dent, find, in Altoont
in the patrol
uisofthe “-ffrih
PniMh Potito.—XinWhißcnbedbn the mils
of acellm Newgate, in 1821, /by the .much la
mented John Vartte, a short time prior to his
execution, for what the English laws deemed a
<apiW offence, viz.; “Forgciy.” Much effort
was used to .save him—but of no avail He was
a fine, young and educated man:
“Thon guilty wretch whom justice
To hroatbe within theie dreary wall., “ .. ' '
Know guilty man this very cell.
May he to thee the porch of hell;
Miycrime confessed, by G6d fbrgiren,
StyEfcrious change—it leads to hoaTefi. w '
Here is a change. In another cell an wp f 08 .
quorate scamp wrote as follows; ' / : - ;
SlTcttehMhe’»!^tpjwhf n " ; ’ ’
litter Trhistle “down
1 will thcrefbredoae
Mutt Ur. Allison has
itmae.” I vlab him
| Ms j cor new friend,
i a bajppj home,: sad
p#” staunch friends.
Sg)U Very general—Accounts of robberies
in different porta of tho country.
|g* Cabbage—-a plant that Is toj popular
among tailors with lajge familiea.
Legialatare of Oregon, at its last
session, divorced siityeouple.
The man. who. conned an wvestigation
says it isn't half so good as an affectionate gu-L
have been opened to receive
scription to r the stock. of the Bedford Railroad.
I®* The. boom, at Lock Haven, trad cut a
few nights since, ami about 7,000 logs let out
ggy* Books speak* to our minds, friends to
our hearts, heaven to our souls, and all else to
our ears. (
K&. An impostor with a false wooden leg is
taking the rounds of the interior towns in this
State. . Look ont for him.
|@* The bar of Leavenworth, Kansas, now
numbers over 100 members, and it is said to
possess much legal talent
gSyThe Whig announces Maj. J. D. Leet,
as a candidate for nomination, by the Demo
cratic party, for Congress.
fgjf* Sure as shooting—the defeat of the
American and Republican tickets' without a
S&” Where twenty persons have stomachs
but one has brains; hence, brewers grow-rich,
while printers remain poor.
Numerous—appeals from publishers of
country Newspapers to delinquent subscribers.
Oura receive none.
ttiT' Col T. C. MacDowell of Hollidaysburjg
it is thought will be elected President of the
Central- Bank. ‘ '
|@* The State Canals were formerly trans
ferred: to the Banbury & Erie Railroad, on the
19th ipst., by Gov. Packer.
19* William Williams, convicted of the mur
der of Daniel Hendricks, was executed at Har
risburg on the 21 st lust.
Mr. once wrote in a hotel
visitor’s book, Lis initials “A. S.’- Some wag
wrote underneath, “Two-thirds of the truth.”
A person looking at some skeletons the
other day, asked a young doctor present where
he got them. We raised them,” was the reply.
Green, son of Gen. T. J. Green,
late of Texas, recently married Miss Ellery,
daughter of Mr. G’s lady by the former husband.
Her wealth is estimated at $10,000,000.
Lemuel Todd, Chairman of the Union
State Committee, has issued a call for a State
convention, to be held at Harrisburg, on the
Bth of July.
B©»Cios8 —A Hollidaytburg chap at Ma
bie & Crosby’s Circus for not exhibiting in that
“one horse ” town, and because the agent
didn't give him a free ticket
BQk» A young man iu New York advertised
for a wife. In less than two hours, we are told,
eighteen married men sent iu word that he
might have theirs.
*€BU Waked up the Mifflin folks—The Lew
istown Democrat's report that the P. R. R. Co.
intend removing their machine shops from Pat
terson to Lewistown.
a®- The letting pf the Sunbury and Erie
Bail road from Williamsport to Farrpndsvlile,
will take place in Lock Haven, on the second
of June. '
is currenlly reported ia literary cir
cles that Caesar, when asked by Brutus how
many eggs be had eaten at breakfast, answered,
“£t tu; Brute."
t&“ Michael T-racy, a conductor on one of
the through freight trains from Patterson to
Columbia, had his band badly crushed a few
days since, while engaged in coupling his train.
Judge Taylor gave notice at the last
court that be would hereafter fine all witnesses
who were not present when their names were
Do you know who I am ?” said a po
lice officer to a fellow whom he seixed by the
throat. “Not exactly, sir, but X reckon yon
are the inalignant m coUarer !”.
fiSfßev. Theodore Parker said in a recent
sermon that you couldn’t transport a lady or a
barrel of flour from New York to Boston with
out springing a hoop. T
l®“ “Is your master at home ?” “No Sir,
he’s out.” “Is your mistress at home?” “No
Sir, she’s out.” “Then I’ll step in and sit
down by the fire.” “ That’s out too Sir.”
I®“ A dutchman being called upon for a
toast, said, “ Here ish to the heroes who fit,
pleed and died at'the battle of Punker Hill—
of whom I am one.” Drank standing.
We learn from the Carlisle Democrat of
last week that Mr. John Allen, of North Mid
dleton township, in that county, has a field of
Clover out in “/uH bloom"
BSUUse for a Devil —As a sailor saw a lot
of policy and lottery-office holders going to
prison be was heard t# remark: “If the devil
don’t catch them fellows, we might as wqll have
no devil.” .!•
At Mantilla, township of Mariposa, N.',
T., lives Sn animal named John Keith The
creature a few weeks since, ate, swallowed, or
devoured, seven dozen and four ra>r eggs, shell
and all, in less than 24 boors.
. ,l®»An exchange has discovered that Scot
tische is a corruption of the words “ Scotch
Itch,” and that the famous dance owes its
oame to a person afflicted with the plague
aforesaid. Awful i
Wm. M. Beeten, Esq., who has occupied
for several years, the position of Cashier of the
Carlisle Deposit Bank, in consequence of ill
health, has resigned |»ls situation in that insti
tution. Mr N. C. Mnsselman has been elected
to fill his place. 4
.Fo »re pleased to learn that a splendid
silver tea service is about to be presented to the
estimable lady of our old friend and first in
structor in the “ art preservative of all arts,”
sCoL A. K. McClure, as a tribute to him for Ids
ln effecting too sale of the Public
Works. ■
9SL> We notice that the trustees of the Agri
cultural Society of Hillsborough county, N. H.,
tore placed on the committee on darning and
pfltekmg, John H. Fateh, Joseph Patch, Timothy
Pa<<A, abdHdwird Patch, all of dimwit towns.
If this mnta patched up Committee, we should
like to see one. m ’ v r
.Mf? She be a recent
description of a new counterfeit, an exchMee
paperways that, on «»the right end is a f2e
W 1 * W©;don’t dispute the fact, but
colder the female lost to shame, to ap
pear in public with such a disiepdtablc charao
ter * •••"-> •.
jijsr; Homored—Harpy, the Ameri
(M tuner, pses a:file of
Seeches to subdue the refractory animals pot
under his charge After reading about a quar-
SSknifofaSl! B*tres in, ph>mi-
Terriffe Mora* attfce Wfcßts|r
The gale of Thursday evening was, in (WP#
portions of the State, of unprecedented w
lenee. It covered* large extent of tomtapr,
and everywfaepe ibr track is marked with plan-,
fnl damage to property, and, perhaps, as far
ther intelligence Will, show,, loss of life. ;It
•cents to have crossed the Mississippi near
Oqnawka, and tit'have "extended eastward, at
.least as Cor as-McLeancounty, were wo hearof
gome of its dtSastroas effects. In the west
there was ranch hail accompanying the wind,
and everywhere a great f&JI/or rain. We bear ;
that at Lexington, on the fine of the St. Louis,
Alton and Chicago Road, the storm was ternffo.
In a letter below we are told of Its freaks with
the up-train, and an informant at our elbow
says that nearly every house m the village was
unroofed or blown down. The air was lamed
with the wreck which was made; the heavens
weroblack with clouds which were poorinwont
destruction, and more thanone who was tniie
felt that the end of all things was at hand.; | If
Lexington has escaped without - great lossaf
j life, the fact’ is most wonderful ofalL x
We learn from apassenger on the train from
St. Louis, that great damage was done by ithe
tornado at the junction of the Peoria and
Oqnawka roads with the St. Louis, Alton and
Chicago Railroads. Both station booses were
unroofed, five or six empty freight cars Were
blown from the track, dwelling houses were] un
roofed, moved bodily twenty or thirty
entirely demolished, and yet, amid all this wide
spread disaster, he could learn of no one se
verely injured. i I
From one of our citizens, who was in Peoria
at the time, we learn the following particulars
of the ravages of the great storm at that place.
The hurricane struck the city at about five
o’clock in the evening. In the twinkling of an
eye;' fifteen or twenty booses' were unroofed,'
every church apii*e in tho city blown
three canal boats loaded with lumber sunk, and
the steamer Olin, with twenty-one passengers
on board, made a complete wreck, her cabin
being blown entirely away. And what seams
realty miraculous, is the fact that but one life
was lost in all this furious disorganization] of
matter and utter demolition of structures, j It
is said that a little child was lest from off .tfce
wrecked steamer. The lumber in tbe yards liras
blown all over the city, the gas lamps werojall
blown down, and the signs were sent flying in
every direction; windows and gable cuds were
smashed in, wholo trains of cars were blown
off the track, and the-beautiful college buildjing
upon the blnff utterly demolished. Our inform
ant was obliged to take refuge in the Court
House Square, to avoid the general destruction
which threated the city, and to escape the dy
ing signs, boards, boxes, and other missties
with which the air was filled.
The storm was severe along tha Chicago,
Burlington and Quincy Railroad. At Qales
vburg it was terrible. The engine house of the
Railroad Company and two churches just com
pleted, were blown down, and a number of
dwelling houses were unroofed. Three cars
standing on the track were blown off and turn
ed upside down. Tbe amount of the damagO at
Galesbunrh is estimated at $lO,OOO. No lives
lo s t. ‘ !;
The steam mills were rained at Oquawka and
ten houses unroofed, besides other damage
done. Damages estimated at from $lO,OOO to
$l-5,000. So far os ascertained, no lives were
lost. I :
At Galva a large two story dwelling house
was rendered a complete ruin*; a portion! of
Mr. Babcock’s dwelling was'also blown down.
Nearly all the ont-bonses in the village were
upset. The wind carried large boxes, lumber,
barrels, ko., into the air, as if they were papier.
A large church was moved from its foundation
about a foot! The storm raged hardest between
six and seven o’clock.
At Meudora the storm was also furious, bud'
when in progress the railroad engine house
caught fire and was consumed, together vrith
the locomotive Rocket. —Chicago Tribune. ji
Two Millions or Tons or Silver.— The
ocean bolds dissolved two millions of tonsJof
silver. To three French chemists the discovery
is due. They took two gallons of water from
the coast of St Mary, a few leagues from land,
and analyzed if in two ways. A portion of the
water they acted upon by the usual teat for
ver, and the presence of the precious metal was
clearly ascertained. The remainder of the
water they evaporated, and the salt they oh
tained they boiled with lead. This gave them
a button of impure lead, which they subjected
to what is termed cupellation. This grand word
denotes a very simple process. The button is
placed in a tiny saucer made of lime, and; ia
submitted to a heat sufficient to melt lead, but
not high enough to "affect the silver, should shy
fce present. The lead soon begins to melt, and
as it melts it ia sucked up by tbe porous saueEr,
or cupel; grows smaller and smaller until ho
lead remains, and in its .place is a little speck,
far brighter than the boiling lead. The cupel
is then taken off tbe .fire, and as. it cods, |b®
red hot spark cools too, and yon have a honhe
opsthic globule of silver, very much like one! of
those small pills that druggists delude smokers
into buying to take away the smell of . the ito
bacco. The operation is very simple, and •is
the ordinary mode of procuring silver from the
ore. Analyses are being made in this way every
day at the mint. When toe presence of silver
is doubtful, the work is most exciting', j
English ore was so tested the other daw, add
sure enough, after a few minutes watching,
shone forth a bright speck about toe slab Of a
pin’s head. The ore proved a rich one, Andhe
shall most likely soon hear more of it. —Leitvre
Eourt. . i'4
, Sokkbodt’s Dead.— There’s crape on
door; somebody’s dead. Yes, within hhstollen
another chip from the block of humanity,lffid
the axe-man. Death, is swinging hiaweapoa
for another blow. There, the bell Is tolHng
somebody’s dead, slow rolls the sounds, biid
how they resound, teaching clear into toe heart
of the thoughtful 1 The coffin maker Is
a coffin; somebody’s dead. The ’ btautifhlly
polished bok must scon moulder and rot ;%e
worms will crawl oyer it, worms, toe only wit
nesses of mortality drooping away, departing
from shape and substance. There goesHtoe
somebody’s dead. Ah. toa£s the-list
nde and the passenger will hot come bade, toe
Stay away is eternal. Somdwdy’sdead all toe
time; mankind are dying; and earth is'biur
producer and consumer, and will tie no crape
upon toe door, and no black in mourning tor
our toss. While we are dyihg, she smiles, xi|d
“®Bbe» and dances torward in her perpebjlal
, An o,d >*dy residing at Concord, Ohio,
by the name of Guthrie, eame to her death
some ten days ago, from Sating leaves of the
pie p|ant for “greens." Aphyaician was called
*?» l>0 * WM dJShle to counteract the effects of
'She died in a few boors after par-
of the greens. Who can explain why it
is that the leaves of the rhubarb are poisonohs,
d^7 hen •»»«>, while the stems
df them jpre patritious and harmless ?
N. J. EzctUior gives
anaccqnntpf acurious freak of nature, inthe
f three different kinds
of TPod—white oak, maple and hickoiy-all
iogethep in the most perfect manner—
tfae lo « h »d the appearance pf
°” ly *»*«*« eff the |4i
W«d Uw sttwge wwlgwnation b# dkcoreaf
A Tadto of Termr.
A very singular saidrather * m
bu nead/ appeared in
appear* tint aa a fanner of Orsinovlnear tStk
city, was Utelyre turning bomefirtna market,
be stopped at a roadside public boose, and im
prudently showed the inn-keeper a large «nm
which he bad received. In the night the Inn
keeper, Skmed with a poignard, stele into the
farmer’s chamber and prepared to stab him,
bnt the farmer, who from the man's manner at
supper, conceived suspicions of foal play, bad
thrown biinseif on the bed fully dressed,'with
not going to sleep, and being a powerful ■«
be wrested the poignard from the other, sad
using it against bim r laid him dead at his feet.
A few moments after be hoard stones thrown at
the window, and a voice/which he recognized
as the Innkeeper’s son said, “ The grave is
ready I This proved to him that the father and
son bad planned his marker, and to avoid de
tection, bad intended burying the dead body at
once, lie thereupon wrapped the body ,in the
sheet and let it down from a window, he then
ran jto tha gendarmerie and stated what had
oceumd. Three gehdarmies immediately ac
companied him to the house, and found the
young man busily engaged in shovelling earth
in to the grave. “What are you burying?"
said they. “ Obly a horse which has just died.”
“Yon are mistaken,” 'replied one of them,
jumping into the grave, and raising the corpse.
“ Look!” and he* held up a lantern to the Ikee
of the' deceased. “Good God!” cried th*
young man, thunderstruck. “II Is my briber!”
fie wae then arrested, and at once confessed all.
N Ixcsxdiaxy Clock. —The Akron (Ohio) Bea
con gives the following description of aainftr-
Ual machine found in a warehouse in thatvil
lage, on removing:a stock of implements, A.,
large box was discovered, -which from itsafate
and appearance excited the saspietotf of'the
finder, and he plunged it into the eaoai before
opening it The box was found to contain the
running works of a brass dock, so adjusted
and fixed that a revelation of the stem would
draw a bunch of friction matches, connected
with a train of tissue paper and fine shavings,
over the, tube of a lamp wick. An ojrater can.
cut and‘fitted, with a leather top, and filled
with camphene, was placed under the clock, be
ing the lamp to flmtish tlm'blase. -The can
was enclosed in-a large box, which contained
combustibles. A bottle of- camphene was near,
tod soma quarto of Motion maitoto
adjoeted and the lamp lighted, the clock wowk]
have ran several boon, (according, as it was
wound up,) and graduallydrawn toe-matches
into the blase, when the combustion would
have been Instanttoebus.; There eto be'no
possible doubt that the whole contrivance was
for the purpose of incendiarism, but tha ulte
rior motive is a mystery;
Istkekstixg sxoM Utah. —Washington City* -
May 23.—The Union publishes a: tetter from
Fort Britiger, April 10th, stating oir the author*
ity of Ur. Gilbert, formerly merchant.of Salt
Lake City, that Gov. Gumming and GoLi Kane
were met by him in Echo Canon, forty-fir a
miles this side of salt Lake, oh the 17th of
ApriL About twenty Mormons accompanied
him. On his way to Salt Lake City from Cali
fornia, Mr. Gilbert met large numbers of wag
ons heavily loaded on the way, it is supposed
to the White Mountains, near the borders of
Sew Mexico. Nearly onejmndred Wagons
were leaving the city daily, and, so tor aa the
women and children were concerned, the city
was nearly depopulated. It is supposedltbat a
large portion of .them are secreted oh the (Sty
Creek, above Salt Lake, in the mountains,
where'it is known that they have largeiaches
of provisions. In conversation with pßSgham
Young, he was told that if the army Wouldj give
him time he would leave, but othycwlto-h*.
would send them to bell across, riots. ••
respondent addsr we are awaiting news from
Gov. Cnmmlng wilh much interest apd anxiety.
His early return, to camp is not locked for by
many, as he took with him large supplies.
Jcdob 'Shaw’s Decision.— The; effect of Judge
Show’s decision, which allows any. one in
Massachusetts ,to destroy spirituous liquors
as a nuisancg, has teen to -excite ronurilera
to retaliation. A shameful outrage was
petrated in the iown of WestSilnstefv by
ome> drunken rowdies* who u broke into' the
Orthodox Church,, tibd the bell-rope into
knots, took the pulpit. Bible, obscenely be
smeared it, and laid it bn the door steps .of the
pastor’s residence. They broke into a ’paint
shop of two friends of temperance, and ponred
out .the varnish and oU upon the floor.. They
went to the premises of a Lauding temperance
man, and cut down, beautiful
trees, and they also girdled ■ quite A number of
pear trees of another temperance man*” *
The Richmond (Va.) Whig says that
Richmond can boast of haring within its’ limits,
the largest-flooring mill in the world. The su
perstructure rests open a solid foundation of
granite, the base of Which is seventeen ‘and a
half feet thick. The average thickness jof the
brick walls, forming the first fear stories, is
three feet two inches. The great mill U twelve
stories in bright, fronts ninety-six feet/and is
one hundred and ‘ sixty-five feet deep. Each
floor contains about 14,560 feet; including the
two floors in the roof, the total would b* about
155,0(K i square feet—or rather more than three
and,a lalf acres.
A Sisisos Disease. —A singular disease '■i*
made its appearance at Jefferson City. Mo.—
The Inquirer of that city give* the following
account pf ite symptoms “ Thai nofertahste
patiept, as soon as the word abolitionist is xMn
ti oned in his bearing, begins to swear, jimp,
kick, liop. skip, rear, charge, tear, cavort, short,
rip, tumble, sneeze, cough, spit, whoop, stutter,
squeal, howl, moan, groan, bellow, bewail, la
rnent, despond, turn polo, look savage. frotli at
the month, his eyes, stamp his feet ohou
the ground, wheel round and round, fall dofiv
get Up • again; and then does all that over ■gvi"
0, bornble!” \
The h°“hB thrown under (he carriage,
or napoleon, in Pans, were entered at the Ca
u a new machine : f6r the
generation of gas, and the inspectors abosiderted
Uiem of so little value that -they charged no'
*&'%* tI,CD ?' °n ini charged them witlr
•» • v* ll ® v hich he carried frbmtbn
don in hia satchel in damp paper. He dried it
° f a ,tove > with a watch In one hand
moment to be blown into eternity by its ex-
F " e on] y °{ bombs wew used of
eighteen made, and the anxious inquiry at Pa*
ns is : tcAere are the other thirteen f :
The Lockport Courier says a younjrlad,
®|eyens, who Jives on Oberinbt
ag *’ * ne day week before last,
got mto difficulty with a neighbor’s boy. which
Sh£b Cd e n - \ iS being threatened with am»V
Jiti? S 0 Jiim that he ran himself to
r^ th * thit he ran from Lockport to
Johnaton a Creek, thirteen miles, withOutstop*
canf^ an li tha ii., he tiiere Bl °pt iQ * barn,and
fihtcold. The next day he ran to Boohea*
short time WaS taken sict « «* died uU
t J-^ 10 Cincinnati Gazette notices * new
'SJrfthrtnTft b ® ,oir » wrtw'npteißt ***•
St&SriL ul
g faithful and punctual office
in which he has discharged tl
neat office he any rccommem
which hp is nominated, we
in»n can present stronger da
agieeablp opd obliging gentle
energy, perseverance and rc
| for • proper discharge of (he
: There ma|y be as good men
other parties, but none bettci
Mr. Jones, the nominee fo
lent of the beat citizens of on
tin nhighldegree .the respect
all. Shohll he be elected, w
[charge his duty with fidelit
tbs interests of the county.
The rest of the nominees
[bat we bear testimony only <
[know pertonally. In regard
[we must be allowed to expre
bnto consideration the distr
jibe opposition to the admini.
Khis county. With a union of
ißepnblican parties, their elec
[tain; but in the event of thcr
[tinot orgtoisstipns, the Adn
‘will, we tiipk, oyry the day.
to be seenjtrhat action the lie;
at their Conveg|lpn, which tnr
union be affeotSCut all, it wil
throagh tne exertions of *bthc:
now pretend to control tjso A
publican parties, men f\osc o
to bs “rule or-ruin,” and win
tagOUistiofeel ings toward eac
do towards their common oppe
oenttip party.
Tiut...LobAL Reposiee,—l!
—untiring; nothing daunts 1
labor, worries him. The Ln
noticing this singular individt
ntiSo whibh Don Quixotte
child's pljsy compared with t
h*t| oauejd upon to sorinouut
will intrude into
will mingis in mobs, follow
into Into! hospitals ; and iu
sesius saady to tolfow a stej
I nexf world, if the breath ba
before Kejbas procured a “
tuy expel him from a public
get your proceedings torougl
roay diivejhim out of town, a
nlshthe paper with all you
b| gone. He knows the! “ ins
Ueoffioes,[ho Is familiar wii
[ dts at a little table, or he ml
crown cf mis hat; he worn
mantis entrance there, be s
questions, Ihe bores, until h<
ends. Injhis endeavors to I
Ilf all toe news of the dny. In
' np «rx'iten|t in which an indiv
propensitito has figured con
thtopby tons the %sk of
*• pantoed,” or a taste of a
Streetnorner; but his pen-si
deepertotU the raw-hide, an
remembered longer than the
In many Instances his infer
. through a perverted channel
Vot have tljie time or opportn
- rest information, neyertbelei
- censured acc<
glowing qf orator
scholars, ail Wfftte the dry cl<
occnmnoej, art rcc
ble pencil,: and Ufc. a manner
"hls.taetg diacrimiaation.
the honors/or much of the
tends the higher department:
keeps Upon his humble way,«
duty, which can hardly boil
w|ho are acquainted -
j_ ■
eat flooded with counterfeit i
seriptlon—jnotes, silver and
hassfair share of it, and w<
have consjeientious scruple:
■ bogusbillej or coin to be ali
receiving j|t. We have kecu
citocns, and admit that wc
beat deceived by them, so w
te4 Time and continued 1
; wiU show! what they are and
individual will find himself p
them that he wants unless
: and refused by all to. whom
While change was so scarce, [
ed like silver or gold, or a
nomination, was eagerly cl
w that Was known to be bogi
m question.) 'lt is not so now.
i gloselv insi
H tite wlso’l &c. ,
Cocsxr COJJVK!
enn County Convention assei
burg on Thursday last, and
lowing ticket;—
Jjtiinbiy —Jacob Burley u <
Skwiff— James Funk, of A
I^Aonotarjf—' Joseph Balt
Truuurtr — John Lmgnfelt
C<mr*i** iomr —E. M. Joue
Corontr~~ William Fox,
jfajiitarmmJ acob Nicodemus
foot Director —John B. Ri
! personally, we aie acqiud
pf the gentlemen named o;
*Jt; Messrs. Funk and Jonc
to- Funk is the present €c
ty, and sis such has acquired
~ Thk F^oit.— We arc pl«
oae of oar country subscribe
this- section of tbo country
Wteh inJwred by tho frost a
cipated. IHo states that p
ta»«l tcQoaniug farms, are f
vhiob do not appear to bo
®»C ftuii of young apple tr
ti somewhat injured,
tww, gives proviso of a
i«U»ne appear to '
«»»« W H tut i
c*rfy one*. ' .
1 >