'fintcaaw hitnrc s Ibwi. c IEN A CUKE EB ;s or SEASE Q , •ictvrrt. GlrtU, OrartVSlS and Bladder, jUercm ;Wa. I'uint in the Wxoases <j ike Xoti uni • ' - SKW.II • Vv.'v**' :nor: (K fit*, Si. i!l uisauttt ari :t <>f the Sexual Or ilUiig.jMtt of Matw fuff Vie £jjex, Lott -if siK ji. w. Liver Jjit 'he fane. H’int iHfad.fi- . . niiari ai ' f Z 2'yt Er FROM BOTH u-e the disease originated, in at- the case, recovery it Jim. a permanent cnro'can cut. i'vui alter the, diseaw physicians and reahrted «H • in—' are pleasant without v - from mercury or balsam. 1-. 1 have rescued from fo who in the lost stageso .1■ vn given up to d&fejr t- me in promising to fti * • ■!•■ -!< under my care, a per* :ivt diseases are thegreatest the lirst cause of Consump* r - jli-and should be ft ■ a permanent cure is the tares falling into tha •olio not only foil to cocetbft in, filling the system with ise, luvstcasiths sufferer into he treatment not cause death lies, the disease is MltoHad in with feeble constitutions, cd uy a Tints which bettitgi n-. Eruptions and othfr -if o>\t. will Lungs, enUlllngtlp. uttering, and consigning tb«a rnidable enemy to heel th, far u.-r.-o of ImmAn disease* cut* >n the system, drawing it* h a 1 Tew yean of suffering It destroy* the Nervous sy». energies of life, causes men* ■ proper development of the a-, society; business, and all ' ' i- sufferer wrecked In body and a train of evllsi itself. With Hie fnlleat cons victims uf.Sell-Abusethat >!i be effected, atid with the ■s my patients can be restored must the use of Patent Usd* : utvnious snares in the coi ,>.cii and rob the unwary Bttf •. oust itut ions, mined by the the equally pa iso nous! , •diciiK's." I have cabefaOr Patent Medicines and Him. ('• Trcsive Sublimate, which" of mercury and a dead* i -i*; the disease disable* the strums now In use aye pat :>t persons, whe do not tin- 1 he victoria medica, and At* - bilge of the human system, and that to make money re- -os ofmales and female* twenty yean of pne, ids of the most remarkable "•-Mohs writ to ahy parted ■ patients communicating : correspondence strictly -I MMEIiVILLE, M t ’ k >V .Vo. 109} Beloto Twelfth, yu/y 23,’67-iy- • IATION, PHIL- W ty special endowment • ri«cd, affected with nr- vjtal liiseases, snch as flier* • ■.;< nb, Gonorrhoea, BUdU • ■'-.>/Jlmtt, «fe„ tfe. ■ h» of thV- awful destruction 1 biusiM-s, add the deceptions' ' irritns of such diseases by h-i tin i? Consulting Surgeon, >• ir nuoi". to open aßUtpett »s of diseases. In all their. ' i '• grctir,.in all who apply ibeir condition, (age, occn* i ,n cases ot cstmhe poverty, in ine /r« of charge. It 1* Htton commands the highest iv UI furnish the most epprot- r.( the pail, feel aamred tlutt I. oflort * havwbbMl -d. especially to t he youSfe ;r. tjn-jiiH'lvi.s, with miowea it much despised cane, i-iit'H'ii, a Report un Sperm* -. the vice of Onanhnw, Han •tiier .disease* of tim Sexual .-■O. vlii.h will be Eeotrby r/d-ary, cu the recent. I'lent. Or. GEOROE B.CAB* i vard A-s-ajcintibn, No. 2S. . Rv order of the IMrecten.- I>. IIKARTWELts. Preti. ' [Dec-S-iy. NT) ITS PRBMA- I'ublished, Gratis, tlie^SDth tATTONAIi TBRATMEN®, orriiea. or . Local Weakntas, ti; i Nervous Bibiltty, Xmpo* ruige generally, by Wj ; I li. HE LANKY, M. B. li. iny itlarming couplatUtS, ..<1 eolituile of youth,BUT. I' IIUiCINE, is in thi*small 1 tli- entirely n-vr and high iit-d <jy the Author, folly m ry one is enabled Co cars it ait po-nili’e cost, therfchy rum? of the dny. - ini i**t free in a sealed i ;«n p-ostag' stamps toDr. eet. Ne» York City. -* f VMM Ell FASH -1.1., Merchant Tailor, late of ■ 'i; the citizens of Altoona > 1 the building taro door* ..■el one door South of Kb* I. re ho is now receiving Uf MM UR GOODS, ■ 11 prices. Plain andVanqr tr. EHk.gatin TelrHWar :. inner Vestings, idobort, for, all of which ‘fiavHH ami on flie most rwuoiu- ■new, he thinks, wfil «M> . or him with their or^a< COUNTY.—THE !■ dish a New Map of Blair a vl surveys, containing all ii-. the actual localities of r Worship. School Uonaes, ' iotels, Stores, Farm Houfl- 1 .al Tillages, a Table of t -ry. (riving the name and 1 *e.‘ engraved on the mar i. ‘ahie fcale so as .to tnaks a iiich will be cof red and r- 11 vi-red to subscribers at SAMUEL CEIL, ISAAC G.FREED. ']■: GAZETTE.— i!ii- .Mill C'rimfnaU is In ' -irculatwl thronglioot <■!. .a Trfiil.4. Criminal ii ill- b.,.nie, togetherwitl' . irj| to l>e found in on> ' • for sis inonths, M hoiU.i ivrii.,- their names ■ :■ -ithf-v r.-'M.- plulnljv ' MAT.tKU,4CO, i Voik Police Gazette, .V. io }hrk City. 1 ‘chest pbo i; U) AGAINST THOSE . Coilli. ; in ,J Otlier the t xpo»ed t«tate of i i-iitiimal clionjrc’ 3 ofoul v• >f G. AV. '• jON FOE EX . I.OACUKS, ANTB,«ut : Miuii r any circunWtM 1 * if. V.’, KESSLKB. -T QUALITY O; Whr,!r-,alp undßcUillp J. SHOEMAKEB, Monouic Tempio- ’i 'OUTERS, Ti^to* t't i a’.p at ' KEfigtßß’B. MKW OiILEAIp r * ' Ul*mf • • -ui wy „^iK jt.- MoCJBUM & DBRN, VOL. 3. THE AtTOONA TRIBUNE. UoCBVM * MBN, PnUUMn ftad Proprietor*. ¥wum<un,(pa7abl«iiiruiU)l7to«4w>ce,) ' ifrjtb All vtiptn diacontiiuMd »t the «xptatl«i «rf the tbm paid fcr. nuu of ABmnaKo. 1 insertion ,t do. S do. Four Unee f :*T s27)s *W One square* (SUbmJ >W : 76 100 Two “ 06 “ ) 100 180 300 Three “ (» “ ) 1» 200 260 Orer three week* and leesthan three months, 25 ecntsger square tor each insertion. i Biz tinea orlMt, Oaoi^aue^ Two “ Three “ Tour “ A9O 1090 19,99 Half a column, Ms# 1* 00 20 :00 "One column, tf# 26 00 90 00 -Administrators and Executors Notlaaa, 176 JlerqbanU adrartising by the year, thrao squares, with liberty to change, ■ 10 00 Professional or Barium Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, wfch paper, per year, 6 00 Communications of a political character or ladivldaal in- Cerostwßl be charged according to the above rate*. Advertisements not marked with the number of Insertions ■dostrod, wfll be continued till forbid and-charged according to the above terms. Business five cents per line for every Insertion. Obituary notions exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square. P&QSEECTUS ALTOONA TRIBUNE. 23P<38(0p Jil THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED I The Cheapest Paper in the Chanty I With the present number, the' Tribune hm en tered upon its third volume.' Commenced eta time when the confidence of the. citizens of Al toona in newspapers and newspaper publishers was considerably shaken, if not totally annihila ted, it has slowly bat sorely restored that con fidence, and now stands upon a sore foundation, and is universally acknowledged to be one of the fixed institutions of our town. But this re sult has not been achieved without a hard strug gle, and considerable expenditure of time and means on the pert of its editors. The steady increase of patronage, however, has afforded in dubitable evidence that their labors have been ap . dated. In entering upon the new volume it is almost unnecessary to say that the THfiuacwill contin ue to be “ LrozPKHDKKT is Evkstthimo,” be ing biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection, in favor of parties or sects. In this respect it is only necessary-to say that the past affords a Ihir index as to our future coarse. It has always been our aim to make the Tri bune, a reliable first-class Local Papxb, aa we. believe that in that character alone, country pa pers can successfully compete with their flashy city neighbors. To this end we have secured correspondents in various parts of the county, who furnish us with all the items of , local finter efit in their vicinity. We purposeaddisgothen to our list as soon os we can obtain them. Du ring the next year we shall redouble bur efforts to make Die ‘Tribune a perfect compendium of Hons News— a reliable, vibst-class Local Papke, second to*none in the country, and as such a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons, whether at home or abroad. Bat while, the Local Department iholl be oar speoial care, ire shall alto devote acanaidwa ble space to Litcrarx Matter, Fuji and Ho mor, and ibe chronicling of events of general interest to onr readers. yte purpose also pub* lisbing from time to time “ Original Sketches of Men and Things ” which will be tarnished by our contributors. We have made arrangements also to haye a weekly letter Cram Philadelphia, and judging from the reputation onr correspon dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters will be a rich'treat to our readers. As we are decided!/ journalists of the pro gressive. school, we have equcluded to adopt the cash.system ia opr .bnsinees. The neglect of quite a number ofow patrons to pay np prompt ly, and the of others, has compelled ds to adept’this. corpse. and experience has foliy. proved ,to our satisfaction that the credit (/stop will not work'-with newspaper; publishers. From- this date no paper 1 will be ! sent from this paid for in advance, J and at the expiration ofthe time paidfdr, if tud renewed, will; be promptly stopped. This arrangement does no .injustice to our patrons, wfaile'it will protect ds from Che impositions of soulless scoundrels, -and enable us .to devote more attention to onr. papier. = ~ \ Becoguiiing.the prinoiplo that contracts to be satisfactory should beiftaught with mutual benefit to both parties, and as money in large amounts, ,m advanet, is of mere .value to os thso; when received in as an •• induce ment to numbers who would otherwise- discon tinue, as well as to those who here never yet taken the paper, we offer it K at tike following low rates for the ooming year: 1 copy, one year $l5O JOeopip « ($1.25 per copy) IV$O : 5° “ (tI.OO percifii) 2000 aad.ali above 20 nt the same per copy. The money must, hi alteow»,accompany - erdef. • ‘ v r ; : ■ Bythwabowit idU be atta that on paper ia emphatically the cheapest inthe county. ; As tp its merits wo leave in to the public to de clde. TFo eaniestly request our friends throngb out the county to "give as a lift,” as we hove v no doabfcuaoh ofthem can readily obtain a club to their neighborhood. Cahyawkrs Waktsd.—Several energatiobu ®ioeaa men wanted to canvass the comity for; ■- * a ' 3acTl^ers: to the Ttiiwn, a liberal* pet-oen*' .rsge-will be allowed. i* i! "‘ ’[ I months. 6 monthe. 1 year sl 86 $9 00 *6 00 . .2 60 400 . 700 400 000 1000 8 00 U 00 % 00 Of TSI S&& lAg. A PtEiffllKE RIDE. A mighty cartons creature ' li the modern Iron borte, And a Tory fanny feature His innantiara, ofcourts; And then hto outside hamper, *be cranks and Talrai ud thing* AH help to aiakohlin scamper, As if ha vsibtobwibgs. . . Those glaringeyeaadviaeone . That be never gtw* It blind But.the ostler doe* surprise one When he stirs hlm up behind; . He feeds on fire end water, ~ , Still eatingon therun. And never cries for quarter Until hi* Journey's done. Hark! ths bell it ringing; dump! leep on the cars; Moving, swaying, twinging, They’ve takendoWntbe ban. Tromout the depot poshljig, His belly toll of coke, And peat hie gazers rushing, Abreathing fire qnd smoke. Bla obuht chphl chubs come thicker, He is gatheringhis might; The objects flash by quicker, A wink, and out of sight. Ifezt .flashing pa«t» creasing, 1A Jingle and aaeteam, ' Bow wondelcftil, pogroaaing, Is our yapor-driven team. Now crushing through a tunnel, 1 Now tearing over plain, Spouting from the funnel Sparks like showers of rain; Creating now the river, Bow queer it makes one feel, To tee the treaeols quiver, Andhear the “critter” squeal. Creeping op the mountain; Bashing down a grade. Stopping at a fountain, Vfheretho courser’s meal is made. Agalnlike expreaa. lightning, We thunder o’er the track, The formers’ nags a flrlght’hing As we pass ’em in a crack. Now like a meteor whirling Bound a sudden curve, Dense smoke above us curling, Straining every nerve. Ahead of thno.a minute, Harkl hear the.whistle scream, A smash up—we are in it, Can, passengers audteom. Whet shrieking, shouting, crying, Xs heard on every aide. While lege and heads ere flying, ■ Prqjecfed Ur and wide. v I’mspitted by this tie^raii. Get out l.fcnowl can’t; . Lord t here’s a pretty flnele 1 To alitt(epleesars Jaaut. Jltkt ||Waag. BREACH OF PROMISE. BY A BEXIBED ATTORNEY. “Is it possible, Rose lieavitt ?” exclaim ed I, as 1 saw a lady whom I recognized as one of jbhe beautiful heircsses.of Boston enter my office. ■ \ “ I dare say you are surprised, hah my bdsiness is of a strictly legal character, so you most not wasteany exclamations upon the. event,” Rose Leavitt was a beauty and an heir ess, bntshe wasa strange girl for all that. Her father had died when she was about sixteen, leaving something like a millioh to be dimded between her and her two brothers. 1 Charles and Henry lieavitt were much older than she, and both of them had long been settled down as cpriet orderly business men. They w;ere respec ti&le in (he iUllesfc sensie of the word*, and were never Icpowrn to be erring in the slightest particular. ' Rose seemed to be cast in another en tirely different mould from-that in which they had been formal. Atschoolshehad beoh B<> wild that neikhier muter nor mis tress could control'ber-' She would bar* her bwh way, a peculiarity towhioh t am sorry, to say, very many young ladiesare addicted* ■ - For the proprieties of mean for those set forxhalities of life, whighbass as such in tfze world of fashion—she had sovereign obntempt. She hated dandies, hated pianos, music books, French and German methods, in fact sheseemed stri kingly disposed to live oat Imrexisteace after tho dictates of her own faney/orher caprice, as the reader may choose gard it. She passed into her twenty-first, year without having done anything to call the attention of the world at large to her. Her whims had only been manifest in the school, or at the home of her oldest broth er/with whom she resided. She was now twenty-two, and was in a fair way to become historical, as-1 shall inform the reader. Of course, Rose had a profusion of lovers-heiress.es always had them as plenty as suolv-flakes at Christmas. But Roaevery summarily disposed of this crowd, by selecting from them ’ one who was certainly a very superior fellow. He was not rich, and had not been very forward in his attentions, until it was plain to him, and all the worlds that she had taken a fancy to him. Charles Carpenter war poor, but he sincerely loved theway wod girl, and would: hot bavh beat i£sh« had notjovod her; ALTOONA PA., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1858. • Thenßpse, after she had secured him in her toils, as -the spider does the fly, ■seemed a little disposed to play the co quette. . Now Charles Carpenter had not assurance enough to deal with a coquettish heiress, j He was not a man of the world. He was conscious of the Vast difference in their social- position, and when'she began to flirt with another, he did not resent it; hut seemed to regard it as a change of sentiment bn her part, to which he could offer no reasonable objection. Calmly yielding to the fate which denied him the bliss of being loved, he let u concealment 'like a wbnn in the bud feed on his damask cheek.” Rose, flirted. A new star had risen in the firmament of that circle in which she moved in the person of Mr. Sampson Doele. ! H0 had lately come from Balti . more, was the son of a merchant prince, pwned a fine estate on the Rappahannock in Virginia; with tifo hundred negroes. Rose flirted with him, and Mr. Sampson Deele was as constant as a needle to the pole. Soon the flirtation assumed a more serious aspect. The elegant gentleman was ever at; her side, and she never failed to smile upon him. Poor Carpenter gave up all for lost, and never intruded upon her presence. For about three months Mr. Deele had clung to her, and then it was whispered that he had proposed and was accepted. Rose’s brothers were in ecstacies. They had been afraid she would throw herself away upon A poor fellow like Carpenter; and both of them declared that it was the most sensible thing thing they had ever known her ite do; .inasmuch as they did not expect much of her in the way of mat rimony. I had heard all about these things as matter of gpsssp. I pitied poor Carpen ter, with whom I was well acquainted ; but the wealthy position, prospects and mag nificent expectations of Mr. Sampson Deele could not be gaipsayed. “ How is Mr. Deele?” I asked when she was seated.: . ■ - “He is a knave,” replied she, smartly. I was Utterly astonished at the ebullition of feeling, i “ Read that letter, Mr. Docket, and let it explain my business in a lawyer’s Office.” I took the document; it was from Mr., Sampson Deele. From it I learned for the first time, that the engagement be tween the parties had been broken up.— It appeared, that she had formally dismis sed him. The letter was strictly a busi ness document. If he had written any thing more delicate, he had done so before this was pejaned. In this he laid aside the character of the lover, and assumed that of business, looking out sharply for his material interest. The substance of it was that tie writer, would prosecute her for a breach of promise, if she refused to marry him.! “Whatshall I do, Mr. Docket?” she asked, trying to laugh, but I could observe the trepidation that filled her mind. “Really, Rose, this is a bad business. Why did yqu banish iiim ? I can con ceive what a terrible misfortune it must be, to be exiled from your presence.” “ I banished him because he is a knave, I can prpve-thai he is a. gambler, a profes sional gamester.” “ That will not be sufficient.” “I feared not, but one*thing is certain, I will never speak to him again, let the consequences be what they may.’* “ Have you committed yourself ?” “I have.? “Has there been any letters?” “Yes; he has everything in blabk and white.” • “ Badj bad, Rose.” ■ u I knew: that, ot* I should not have come to yott with such an affair." I questioned her closely as to all the particulatrs of the afihir. Mr, Sampson Heele cquld have iio better ease sofaras fißmgs wept then. It looked Just as if everything had been done ty design; and before the interview was miihhea' 1 was . satisfied that he .was; a scoundrel ; that all he Granted was my fair clients fortune.— Bntrose was cbmjfietdy in hm jibwer. JFor two or three days I fretted over the case and then decided to go to Baltiitiore myself. Enjoining upon Rose the strict est secrecy iin regard to my movements, I departed. >lt would take mncH space to relate the ‘incidents of my scarohTn Bal tore, brides it would spoil ~se story, I withhold them. On piy return, Ihastcnodto Baseband desired her to send for Mr. Bede He came and impudently. stated : the grounds of his claim toHhe-haifd of the heiress. “Ilow much Trill buy you off,. Mr. Beele?”I asked, with all appearance of deep anxiety. ' N x “ Well, sir, I do not wish to prosecute the lady. If she has ceased to love me, it is not my fault; but it is not right that I should be a sufferer by her change of sen timents. She is worth, I ani told, some three hundred thousand dollars. I will not be hard with her. Give me one-sixth of her fortune, and I will return the let ters.” « air, wp iiofc da said -hhy add to depart.; ' :8 - af,! , 1 > [independent in everything.] “One word mo,re: do you think your claim upon the lady is good ?” “ Undoubtedly." “Wait a moment, then, and I will con vince you to the contrary.” I opened the door of ah adjoining room, and Rose conducted a lady who had come from Baltimore with me, into the apart ment. “ This lady will be an excellent witness for the defense,” I remarked. u Thunder,” shouted he as he seized his hat and rushed from the house. : Bose threw, herself on the sofa and laughed till 1 thought she would go into hysterics—the crazy girl I In, a word, the strange lady was Mrs. Sampson Deele, wife of the aspirant for Bose's hand and fortune, whom the wretch had deserted several years before.- So much for my visit to Baltimore. Rose re warded Mrs. D. for her trouble, aud it was h profitable journey to her. About a year after, Charles Carpenter was made happy by receiving the hand of Rose, and, I am pleased to add, she has made a very steady wife. The Duke of Somerset, (a Seymour) commonly called the proud Duke, employ ed Seymour the artist to paint the por traits of his horses at Petworth. One day, at dinner, the duke filled his glass, and saying with a sneer— “ Cousin Seymour, your health,” drank it.off. “My lord,” said the artist, “I believe I have the honor of being related to your grace.” The proud peer arose from the table, and ordered the Steward to dismiss the presumptuous painter, and employ an humbler brother of the brush. This was accordingly done; but when the new painter saw the spirited works of his predecessor,, he shook his head, and retired, saying: “No man in the world can compete with James Seymour.'* The duke now condescended to recall his discarded cousin. “My Lord,” was the answer of Sey mour, “I will now prove to the World that I am one of your blood—l won’t come!” Upon receiving this laconic reply, the duke sent his steward to demand a for mer loan of one hundred pounds sterling. Seymour briefly replied that he would write to his grace; he did so, but directed his letter, ‘Opposite the trunk-maker’s, Charing Cross.” Enraged at this additional insnlt, the duke threw the letter into the fire without opening it, and immediately ordered his steward to have him arrested. But Seymour, struck with au oppor tunity of evasion, carelessly observed, that “it was hasty in his grace to barn the letter, because it contained a bank note of one hundred pounds sterling, and there fore, they were how quits.” For this reason, stepping on a woman’s foot is equivalent to squeezing her hand, and equally proper, bat sometimes more convenient, as it can be done under the table. Be careful, however, never to at tempt it at a crowded table, for fear of making a mistake.. We once saw a lady very much confused, who was trying to give a signal to a gentleman opposite, and instead of his, she trod, and' pressed on the corn covered toes of an old bachelor. He bore it as long as he codld, when be very quietly remarked : “Madame, .when you wish to tread on a gentleman’s toes, he particular arid get the foot that belongs to him—for the last five minutes you haVe been jamming my corns most unmercifully.” Fashion.— What could exhibit a more fantastical appearance than an English bean of the fourteenth century I He wore long pointed shoes, ffustened to his knee % gold .or silver chains j hqse of one. co lor on the one leg, and another , color on other, ■ short breeches .which did not reach to the midde of his coat, orie-half Vrbiite'y' the other half black .or blue ;' a long beaJrdj a silk hood buttoned under the chhi> enibrindered vrith grdt esque figure of animals, dancing men, Jto., andsometimes ornamented with gold and precious' stones; This dress itM in the height of the mode in the' reign of King Edward IH.j—[flehry’s History of England. .1./:--. V Elegant LivtNG.~An Iria&bati who lives with d vegetarian, writes to a friend, he wants to know whatillegant liv ing is, he mast come to hb hon«e, where the breakfast consists- of and supper of athreakliwl. The Peer and the Painter. Advice to the Ladles. A pretty hand and 6 pretty foot always go together, When wo speak of one wo always think of the other. There is a Gookney youth who, ereiy time he wishes to get a glimpse of his sweetheart,' eries “ Firfe’l” ditectly ud der hefwihddwl In the aIMM of theWoK ment, she plunges her head opt bit the window, and inquires ♦‘ Where ?” When he poetically slaps'himself on the and exclaims, “’Ere, miy Hangelinai” si' % - y-* . ,-i •' ■* *■’ t^y l -I ■7 —' ■ , • J'J - -*-■» ;• Served Him Right. Some yean ago, before &ttsbuirgh,.'the dingy city of Western Pennsylvania, was reached by railroads from the Fast/the wagon was a great institution. 'The well tried wheels untiringly toiled over moun tains and vales making journeys, slow but sure. Dave Stewart was always wagging his tongue in boasting of bis great feats which had been performed in his expedi tions teaming over the Alleghenies. Some, of these mountain passes are very narrow cuts into the side of clif&, Slid on outside of a pokerish precipice the driver to hug close the reck as he goes. When teamsters meet in soph places the rule of the road was .set aside and the stoutest man keeps to the with. Dave was six feet , high and Well proportioned like Frank Granger bf ahti-maapn memory— and when one day, he met jan old gentle man driving along leisurely in his gig, Dave determined to Have sOme Ain at his expense: High above their heads was an over hanging table rock; and as the horses stood head to head, Dave Said to the old gentleman, “I want you to do me v a fhvor.” “Certainly,” said the old man. can Ido for you?” ,iM ' - “ I want you to climb ujb bn that rook, and dance while I whistle r* “ I shall do no such a thing, and; I trust you do not intend to take advantage of ah old man in such a place as : Ibis.” . > Dave stepped forward withjjiis heavy horse whip in his hand, and raising it threaten ed to lay it on him if he didfnpt mount the rock and do as he was told.: Seeing Dave was in earnest the gentleman made a vir tue of necessity, and scrambled up. Dave whistled and ho danced till both were tired, and the fun was spoil stale; when Dave told hint to come down, to back out of the pass, and let him go 6n. “ But,” said the old gentleman, as he came (Town, “ I want you to do me a fa- vor.” “And what is that?” ; “ I wan’t you to go up there and dance while I Whistle.” * Dave refused intimating that he would see the old man in a very had place first. “ You won’t, eh I” said I the stranger drawing a pistol suddenly, and pointing it at Dave’s breast; “I’ll mahe day light shine through you in less 'than two sec onds, if you don’t move.” Dave told me the story hinjself, and said, What else could Ido ?: The old fellqw was in earnest; up I had; to climb, and there I had to dance while! |he old fellew whistled and laughed, and.threatened to shoot me if I stepped a minute, and ho kept me going full jump, tfoß two hours, or more, till I was in a lather worse than my horse in July. When I just ready to hill off he let me come down, and made me back nut of the pass, and he drove by, advising me never to ask any unnecessary favors of strangers. And T don’t mean »» Theodore Parker says that when a real revival of religion takba place, u forts will be turned into public]gardens, ships of war into penny posters laCross the sea, jails into, hospitals, black slavery and white slavery done away with, there will be no more murder, no more prostitution, no more crime pr drunkenhessf—hot art Irish man; will be drank, nor even a member of Congress.” - - Worth.: —A woman is either worth a great deal or nothing. If jgppd'iqr noth ing, she is not worth getting jealoua fpr; if she be i' true woman,ah6 will hot in tentionally rive any cause of A man is a brute to be jealous of a good woniah—a fool to be of a word less onerrbht is a doable fool to cal his throat for either of them. Mb. IdBOOMPTOtt.—A young lad y* who is well posted in all liter ature of thedhy, and Torn M'ocijreV jWdrks hlue in sky colored convulsions to perfection, inhp cently inquired of a youngi gentleman the other night 1 who thin Mr. Lecopijjtdn was, ttho had’occasioned so mhch trouble at ' ' ! r '• --- ~ ll:‘- ttSST If you are a gentleman and meet a lady of ydnr acquaintance in the street itb Kerpart lb’ notice you first, unlesa, indeed, ypfi intimate. The reason is, if you now to a lady first she may not choose to acknowledge you, and there is no rem- but if she bows to yeti, you as ajgcn ricthah, cannot cut her. | B&. An old dutchma njindertook to wal lop hb son, but jake turned upon him and walloped him. The old man consoled himself for his defeat by rejoicing at his ■son’s superior manhood. He said: ‘Veil, jake ish a smart fellow. He can vip lus own taddy.” , “ I think,” said a farmer, “ I should make a good Congressman,: for I use their language.: 1 1 received two hills the other d&yv y£th a request for! immediate pay ment: the' ope I oidereilr' to bd* dd riimontha" 'j i‘ “What EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, *'/:«< Lv Hefiit Wwd Beecher. Thill distinguished divino, Unquestion ably the most popular; pulpit orator in the United States, has an enviable faculty pf impressing upon his hearers in short, terse sentences, the opinions which he wishes to inculcate. For example take the fol lowing maxima, selected from a work enti tled Life thoughts, a volume of fragments gathered from his extemporaneous dis course by a member of his congregation: “I, think the wickedest people on earth are those who use a fbrce of genius to make themselves selfish in the noblest things keeping themselves aloof from the vulgar and the ignorant and the Unknown: rising higher tad higher in taste, till they sit, upon the ice, oil the mountain-top of etor? nal congelation.” , “Men afraid of slight outward acta whioh will injure them in the eyes of others, while they are heedless of the damnation which throbs in their souls in hatreds and jealousies end revenges.” ‘ “ Many people use their refinements as aspider uses his web, to patch' theweak Upon, that they may be mercilessly dpvonr* ' ed. Christian men should use refinement on this principle: the more ’ I have, the more l .owe to those who are less thahl.’? “ The most 'dangerous, infidelity of th% days is .the infidelity of the rieh and ortho* dox churches.” “It is not well for a man to pHy oreaiixl and live skim-milk.? , “iThe mother’s heart is the child's school* room.” - \ r “They are not refbnhen .who simply abhor eviL Such men become in abhorrent themselves.’’ r “ There are many troubles. jhtt can’t cure by the . Bible and ; the Hymn* book, but which you; can cure by a good, peibniption and a breath of fixah’air. u lt would almost seem as if there were a certain drollery of art which leads men who think they are: doing one thing to dd another and very. different one. . Thus, men have set up in' their painted church* windows the symbolism of virtues and gra* ces, and the images of saints, and even of Divinity itself Yet now, what does the window do httt mock ' the separations and proud isolations ef Christian men ? . there sit thti audience,, each one taking I separate color; and ‘there are bluaOlma tians and red Christians, there are yellow saints and orange saints, there are purple Christians and green Christiana; but, how few are simple, pure, white Christiana upi* ting; all the cardinal graces, and proudi not of separate colors, but of the whole manhood of Christ !”• BOU “My Jamfea is in very good boyJ& said an old lady, “but ho hastus littla falling, for none of. us ore perfect ,He threw the cat in the fire, flung nis grand mother’s wig into the cistern, put ififif daddy’s powder-horn in the, stove, tied' the coffee-pot to tail, let off squibs in the barn, and took my cap-bpbiu fpr* fishing 'line; hat these are only obildifh follies—-he's ah excellent boy after aU.™ “ Say, nigga, cum and hab do ploasnrob a dinin' .aid year mos hamhle serpent, won’t you, heh?” “Why look here Sam-“-rse not particularly in nay sq-, siatiphs; but I wish to know fus, before T vail myself ob yon perlite imptimash.vinV' what you hab your* todjins ?” “No d®> ference, nigga, whar I lodge, I don't**, you sleep wid me —only to eat dinner in agreeable sbciuinbility.” following are a few PHrbarf jPotMto:-—The Press—it expresses truth,' ex-presses errors; impresses, knowledge, depresses tyrannjjf, and oppresses none, —. Womim—the fairest work' of the edition being' extensive, let no xnan bd without a dopy. Babies—miniature editions of humanity, issued periodically/ and displayed in small caps. _ Jesus.—The name of Jesus is not only l|ght but also food; it is likewise oil, with* put which all the food of the soul is dry Jf it iS salt, unseasoned by which whatever is presented to us insipid; it is honey in the mouth, melody in the car, joy in the. heart, medicine to the soul; and there, are no charms in any discourse, in, which BSs name is not heard.— Bernard, ' An old Dutch tavern-keeper w&s had his third with, being asked hia vieWn' of matrimony, replied, “ Yell, den, yott see, the first time I marries for loye—<Utj Wash gootj den I marries for peauty—dat wash goot too, apout as goot as deficit; but dis time I marries for money, and difi is'petter as both.” S/SF- Public opinion is a stream which digs its own bed. We may occasionally moderate or quicken its coarse, but i(Tis very difficult to alter it. And yet it some* times alters, and even reverses iis own course—one can scarcely tell why ot wherefore. “ One word more, and! haTedoncs* How we dread to lhis sentencefironi tholipaofa spsakdrat pnblic It is always* sore indication bracing up,for a finwh ttert. i SBM teSKSB* NO. Wk \ > ■»'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers