The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 20, 1858, Image 2

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    Horn CrHmnt
.✓ ■ . N
rtlen are unknown t r ns, our rulefor ad vet
re payment iuadvanco, or a gunranlve from
Ifis therefore Useless for all surh to send
i offering to pay .at the end of three or six
advertisements, sre accompanied With the
one, fire or ten dollars, wo will give the
11 benefit oToMh rates.
MU'Where pa
Ufilig 1* to requi
known person*.
■Mount WMnj
dkoeay, whethtei
fVSSOLtJTION. - partnership
1 Jharetoforelexteting between E. B. McCruni and Wm.
StiUliaoil, ill tljo Printing sod Publishing Business, bos
till* dsybeen dissolved by mutual consent. All parties,
knowing themsqlrw indebted to said firm will please moke
fimmin! payKTST to Wm. M. Allison, at. the Tribune
Office. to whom the Books and accounts hare boon trans
ferrS. 1 «• B. McCIIUM,
Altoona, MajrjUt, 1868, War, M. AMJBON.
MERSHED.—The undersign
uft -day associated themselves together iu
a PabUsoln* Business. They respectfully
kage of all tfi« friends of the obi ntuij and
[general. No pains will bo spared to give
MDi . t
Vy odhavo tb
tim Printingam
solicit fibe patre
of the public in
goaehu eelbttti
“ ■•, i ■ -r
- /ttooiU, May
’■ V. B.—AII cob
with tbi obi fire
F- E. n. McCUUM.
ttst, 1858. H. CLAY DKIIN.
tracts for subscription or jhade
i .of -McCrum * Allieon. for the present
jg on February ltb, XBSS, land not:yet com
kuplelod by us.
year, commoocii
pitted, will, bo d
mr first page to-day will be
y entitled “Perils of x the Bor-
found a sto:
der,” the continuation of which may be
found in the New York Ledger. While
some of our subscribers may bo disposed
to complain of us for thus occupying our
columns with a small portion of a very in
teresting sU ry» we offer as an excuse that
it is paid fir by the line, the same as an
adyertisemo it. Printers . are like other
men, and d isire to make all the money
ythoy can, honestly, and as it is seldom that
they receive such oppottpnities, it will cer
tainly be c soused. As a general thing,
we givh more reading matter than two
thirds of th a country papers, but still we
promise oui readers that we shall not make
a practice of inserting all such articles, to
the exclusion of more interesting matter
tcrtlrem. W-ehavc refused several since
thedast of i bis kind appeared in the Tri
hhne. .
the Erie Dispatch we learn
; that the ol 1 Railroad fend, between the
citizens of Hafborcreek, in that county,
and .the Eric and'North East Railroad
Company u likely to be revived. Work
men I were placed upon the road to place
it in the .position it originally occupied ;
.but which was adjudged by the Supreme
Gdurt to be in opposition to the intent and
true meaning of the charter. The news
soon spread, throughout the county, end a
meeting, of the citizens was held, to devise
means to protect .themselves from the ag
gre&sions or the Company. The Dispatih
counsels them to tear up the track as fast
as it:is laidjdpwn. If the Company per
sist in changing the location of the road,
we may expect a rc-cnactment of the
scenes of TB{i|6. ,
. : 9QSu What has become of the Pittsburg
IHtpatch ?I Why is it that we have been
deprived of its daily visits ? Come, friends
Foster & Eleeson, we jwill stand any inflic
tion blit twit of being deprived of the Daily
Dispatch. I We notice by some of our co
temporaries that you haves sent out your
valuable little sheet in a new dress; we
are glad tp know it; but come now, we
want to se i how it shines. Your racy edi,
torials ant. interesting locals must read
much better in new .type. Send the Dis
patch along, we can’t dispense with it no
how. -
Laseu WWMtt UxAEi.r-A despatch from
Leavenworth to |tne St hov&Repuhlican,
states that an express had reached that
plaee on tre ipst., haying left Camp
Soote on t be 10th of April, bringing intol-
Hgenoe tiiat .the Mormons had laid down]
aims* f*pv. Cummings, on invitation of
ErighamJ Young, had entered Salt Labe
Gfy without an escort. Many of the Mor
gone to the Southern part of
and the women and children
wciopMljaring to follow. The armywas
hrid in rehdineas for action in
gaseof emergency.
' Bank Note Begistee.— -We Have re
ceived from 4Ho publishers, Gwyune ,&
Day, Baojcen, 12 Wall .street, a copy of
ithe* above- publication. Prom the cursory
w|b Have given, it, vre believe that
ecyial, in point of merty ifo any
yrork of the Have yet seen. The
Financial department» earofolly and ably
ahd .the market reports extended
apd evidently correct. Price of tie Week
ly; Beg&e?) $2.00 per year; semi-monthly
$l.OO, qpd monthly 60 cents, invariably
In idyanpe. ©Wynne & Day, New York.
’ County ConTfiotiop
to-dby., >; v-‘ V
SbocUag Murder.
j3)uring h«t week, of
Am papers were wed with the
stalls oius ; dr tlid most cold-blooded
amrdersyet updp record, in
Allegheny City on Tuesday morning of
tSat It-mala in the Mc-
Keesport the" White 1 tragedy,
aml ihe inhumaii slaughtering of Nbrcross;
for the reason -that there was, in\ each of
those cases, an incentive to the crime—
money —bat in the present instance there
was no inciting cause, no aggravation on
the part of the victim of what appears to
us to be the result of a hellish passion in
the heart of a: fiend in human shape!—
\Vc condense the following brief account of
the affair from the columns of the Daily
Union: —
On Tuesday morning, about day-break,
a mysterious noise was heardissuing from
a hpuso occupied by a carpenter named
David S. Evans, on Sampson street, sec
ond Ward, Allegheny. Shortly after Evans
was seen running frantically from the
house, and after telling a neighbor ,a most
confused and unsatisfactory story about
his wife having been robbed and murder r
ed, he hurried back to the ho’ise. To
the neighbors .who first came in, a scene of
horror, such as can not be described, was
presented. Mrs. Evans was found lying
in the basement room with her head near
the door which opens from Sampson street.
Her clothes'were in a blaze, tire flesh upon
her left side wits burned to a crisp, her
throat cut from' ear to ear—or rather her
head Was almost severed from her body—
and the hono of her neck broken. An
infant of but three or four mouths old lay
helplessly by its mother’s side, suffocating
in the smoke and suffering from the ef
fects of having been dashed upon the
floor. The fire was put out by those who
first went in and the news of the homi
cide noised abroad. -;
During all the time that the neighbors
were present, Evans was wringing his
hands and crying, “my poor dear wife.”
The Coroner was summoned, who imme
i 7
diately commenced an investigation of the
case. - A number of persons living in the
immediate vicinity were examined, but
nothing elicited ’which scorned to throw
any light on the dark scene. Gradually
suspicion began to fasten itself upon the
husband, and he was taken into custody.
The circumstances in the case fully war
rant his arrest, and wo think it next to
impossible for him to escape conviction,
unless evidence not yet made public shall
bo adduced. In the room in which the
murder was committed' l was foJnd a razor
covered with blood, and near to it a piece
of blanket flannel, apparently used for
the purpose of wiping the razor. Blood
was found upon a settee in the room. A
severe contusion was visible upon the face
of the murdered woman, near the left eye,
as if made by a blow from the fist. Evans
upon being questioned as to whether the
razqr was his said he did not know, but
that ho had one like it. There was no
fire in the stove in the room in which the
i \
body was found,_nor does it appear that
there was any in any other part of the
house. Here then is a carious point in
the statement of Evans. He says: “When
I opened the door, J found the body ly
ing thereof I went up? and put my hand
on her aim j*bund that the was dead !”
Now just imagine a husband, finding his
wife lying in a blaze, and her babe by her
side, deliberately putting his hand upon
her body, to see whether she was alive or
not! Then, without attempting to extin
guish the flames, or . rescue the struggling
infant from suffocation, he runs into the
street, and cries out, “my wife has been
murdered and robbed.” As to his having
money is disbelieved by some, as he had
been borrowing small sums, and had been
idle during the greater port of the winter.
It is stated upon what seems to be
good, authority) that the oldest daughter
of Mr. Evans,’ (who was awakened by her
mother, just before the murder) wiU tes
tify .that alter she get up, she met her fa
ther upon the stairs, and was; ordered back
to bed that she returned to her bed room,
and soon after heard the cries of her
mother. If i she .testifies to , these facts,
there can hardly be a dqubt of the guilt of
herfhther. . . •■•••• •
*The-babe much injured by
being dashed on the floor the time the
murder was committed, died on Saturday
last. What disposition will be made Of
the other children, in not yet known.
Graham's Magahne.— -The June num
ber of this Magazine is indeed a capital
one, containing a beautiful tint engraving
entitled “The Mechanical Genius/' which
reminds us very much of our school-boy
days. It ilso contains five colored fashion
plates and a number of patterns of differ
ent kinds. The literary .matter is diver
sified and suited to all tastes, but
the best articles appear in this publication.
Price s3perjamun./Wateon j&so. pubt
-—~—: T -j.-jisram. ggS
Response From Kautiu.
The following extracts from papers pub
lished in Kansas rwill serve to show how
theJEagl&h.swmdle is received hy the Free
State'people of the Territory, composing,
as we have always Relieved, the majority
of its inhabitant?, IFrom thfese extracts
it will, he seen that the triumph of the ad
ministration will he short-lived, that the
inhabitants of that. Territory spurn the
bribe, and are determined to resist with
boldness the base attempt of designing
demagogues to fasten upon the fair soil of
Kansas an institution which is repugnant
to two-thirds of its bona-fide citizens: —
“ The unfair submission of the Lecompton con
stitution will not shield it; the people will strike
through the ordinance to bury the lance of their
just Indignation deep in the heart of the swindle,
and thus struck down, it will be trampled into
the very earth, whilstits memory, like the ghost
of Banquo, will torment the party which coun
tenanced its creation and cherished its transient
being. —-From the Quindaro Chtndoioan, May 8.
•‘Our duty, as it appears to us, is plain, though
it be painful. With that devotion and magna
nimity characteristic of the Free State party,
3 we should drop all thought of existing State
Governments ; go, like one man, into the elec
tion under the English bill, vote the land bribe,
with its Lecompton appendage, into eternity,
and then urge forward emigration, so that be
fore another year rolls round, we may count a
population guaranteeing our admission into the
confederation even under the high-handed terms
of the English bill. —From the Leavenworth Times,
May 6.
“Having found thjit threats alone are insuffi
cient to curb the people of Kansas, our enemies
have joined a threat atod bribe, and hope by this
means to succeed in their, nefarious purposes.—
We would inform the administration and its
minions that the government does not own land
enough to buy up the people of Kansas. The
originators and abetters of the movement ore
boasting that the inhabitants of this Territory
would barter their hopes in life and the next for
a grab at uncle Sam’s domain. What a pitiable
mistake! We would rather consign ourselves
"to eternal poverty, than be the instruments of
pur own degradation. Who that mingles with
the people, hears -their opinions, and observes
the spirit in winch they arc expressed, can doubt
as to what will he the result of that election ?
Our enemies may consider us fools and knaves;
but give us a chance at the ballot-box and we
will return the compliment. —From the Leaven
worth Ledger , May 7.
Peterson’s Magazine. —This “ Star
Magazine,” so anxiously looked for by our
better-half, is on our table for June. It
contains an amusing frontispiece entitled
“ The" Melody,” and quite a number of
fashion-plates and patterns for needle
work and embroidery. The literary se
lections and contributions are of the first
class. It is a lady’s magazine and every
lady should subscribe for it. Price §2
per annum, in advance. Chas. J. Peter
son, Phila.
Godey’s Lady’s Book. —The June
number of this unrivalled lady’s maga
zine is before us. We have already said
so much in praise of it that we deem it al
most a superfluity to add more. The fron
tispiece, which displays great artistic skill
and beauty of design, entitled the “ First
Step,” is alone worth half the subscrip
tion price. If one-half the young men
could please the ladies as well as Godey
does, we would have more marriages to
chronicle. Pride S 3 per annum. L. A.
Godey, Phila. ;
Thirty-Two States. —The bill for the
admission of Minnesota as a State, has
passed both Houses of Congress, and we
have now a confederacy of thirty-two
States. Her Senators, Messrs. Rice and
Shields, have been admitted to their scats.
SS&* The way to make money—advertise.
, gigy Soon brought into nsc—The “ Lock Up:”
The President has postponed the land
sales in Kansas until Gotober next
S&* A “jolly old; soldier ” —the chop with
the red regimentals. >
pSF" Wanted—A musician to sing the haseto
the Bunker Hill Monument
S&* A minatnre sea —the lot below M’Lain
& Lehr’s store, after* a shower.
BQM. The Press calls the Logan House a “ lord
ly Hotel-” It is right.
Created some excitement—the late Bor
ough Ordinance. }
; B®»The Grand .Lodge of I. 0. of 0. F.
meets in Philadelphia this week.
JKSuUhSaturday last, the last rail was laid
on the Hast Tennessee and Virginia Railroad.
The .meanest man in the country is de
cided to be Johu Agnstus Washington,'the huok
ster of the tomb of Washington.
Byron once said; “I am convinced men
do mqre harm to jthsnselves than the devil can
do them-*’ \l
BQu Cost of theiUes Sardines Disaster.—This
railway accident; fans cost the Great Western
railway over $161,000. v [
tSf They have got a fellow in jhil in Chicago,
for swindling. He [dried snow and sold it for
salt. " ‘ v --
.Good —the Ordinance in relntion to tear
ing down anddefacing handbills, &c. We hope
toseb it enforced ini every case.
g®, Eggs are three cents .per dozen in Illi
nois. Wish they would come down to .twice that
pricein this sectioni
AQrOne of onr writers asks what animals
sire the laziest. . Oysters of course—they never
get out of their beds till they are pulled ont. *
BgL. St. Paul* Minnesota, is’Vell supplied
with banking houses. The 2Vm« chtoniclesthe
opening of the thirteenth in that bank favored
city. . ' ;■
B®, The machine-shops of the New-Albany
and Salem Railroad Company in this place were
burned at halt-pest 1 tfblqek on Friday qiorning
lad-. Seven wjspn
pr c»rs, Wid * dcttep fmght ears, and aU the
machinery in the buildings, were destroyed.
The loss is estimated ftt $260,W|0, and the in-
snranoe amounts to onlijr;$|l0,000. The fire was
the work of an incendiary. »
, pgr- The estimated expense of the threevol
ttnteei regiments, for eighteen months* is $4,
500,000 They will not be called into service
until the appropriation is made.
Sgk. A wag observing on the door of a house
the name of two physicians, said that it put
him in mind of a double-barrelled gun, for if one
of them missed the other was sure to kill.
pgp» Orville Gardner, the covcrted pugilist,
has been set up' in the shoe business by his
friends in New'York. Instead of beating his
enemies, he will now boot his friends.
Charming mast bo the swamps of Flori
da, which are said to be capable of producing
five hundred bushels of frogs to the acre, with
alligators enough for fencing I
Lewistown Democrat has a report
that the Machine Shops of the Penn 1 a Rail Road
are to be removed from Patterson to that place.
It needs confirmation.
gtgjf The; directors of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company have declared a dividend of three
per cent clear of State tax, payable after the
15th of May. i
Franklin seized lightning by the tail,
held it fast, and tamed it; Morse put cloths on
it, and taught it how to read and write and do"
Should look out, for the “ Lock Up ”
boys who are in the habit of making a noise on
tye-street after night. “ Old Joe ” and his cane
may come upon them unawares.
The Supreme Court has confirmed the
decision of the Court below in the case of John
Lutz, convicted of the murder of Rich’d O’Leary,
in Pittsburg, in June last.
pty°- The verdict of the Coroner’s Jury on
the killed by the recent railway accident, cen
sures the New York Central Railroad Company
for not having the bridge properly examined.
jy During the heavy hail storm wMch pre
vailed in some parts of cambria county, on Tues
day afternoon of last week, it is reported that
one man and two boys were killed by the falling
of a tree.
is stated in an Athens journal that a
manuscript copy on parchment of the Gospels
in Greek, and bearing the date of 480, has re
cently been found in the garret of a house in
that city.
Habd Times. —The Chicago Democrat says
that laborers in that city are not likely to get
more than seventy-five cents a day during the
coming season, and that hundreds arc there
now out of employment.
Kentucky. —At a State Convention of the
American party at Frankfort, a resolution was
adopted, sustaining the course of Messrs. Crit
tenden, Marshall, and Underwood, in opposing
the Lecompton fraud.
gg*.The Gazette says:—“Put cream in a
glass bottle and place it in an old bachelor’s
bosom, it will freeze.’’ What would it do if
placed in an old maids bosom I Turn sour we
ggg,, A young lady named Mary Culp was
drowned at Cedar llill Seminary, Mount Joy,
last week, by the upsetting of u skiff, in which
she and another young lady named Mary M’Neel
had ventured out into the water of the Little
is a man in one of the Westem States
who has moved so often that whenever a covered
wagou comes near his. house, his chickens all
march up and full on their backs, and cross
their legs, ready to be tied and carried to the
next slopping place.
Two persons escaped from the Mifflin
county jail! as t week. They must either have
a mighty hard set of birds to cage in that county
or a very poor cage to put them in, as it is not
over a month since three birds escaped at one
jfgy- The “Seven Mile Tavern,” on the turn
pike between Mifflintown and Lewistown, was
burned a short time since. Not much loss, how
ever, since lodgers were compelled to sit up in
bed and* hold umbrellas over them to keep from
getting wet wheu it rained.
Jacob Swipes, a German butcher, resi
ding near ctroit,D eloped with the wives of a
farmer named Fulmaer and a man named Sni
der, on the 26th nit. He, doubtless, thinks it
is cheaper to steel sheep and calves than to buy
jgf* A Frenchman named Guilbert set the
Delaware river on fire, at Philadelphia, one day
last week, and created a general hubbub among
the firemen. Re was experimenting with his
chemical fire, to show how easily a hostile fleet
might be destroyed,
tsr A horticulturalist of the west advertised
that bo would supply all kinds of trees and
plants, especially pie plants. A gentleman
thereupon sent him an order for a package of
custard pie seed and a few mince pic plants.
The gardener promptly filled the order by send
ing him four goose eggs and a small dog.
gjjgr The Huntingdon Journal and American
and Shirleysburg Herald , and the Poor Direc
tors of Huntingdon county, are havingji “high
old time ” at present, about the management of
the Poor House affairs. Investigate, gentlemen,
and the matter will be dropped. The result in
sucb cases is always satisfactory.
B&. The .Susquehanna river was still rising
at Harrisburg, on Saturday, and it is feared a
destructive freshet may have taken place in some
of the* jupper streams. The Susquehanna is
higher now, it is said, than It has been yet this
season. The Harrisburg Herald says the Pax
ton creek has also oversowed its banks to an
usurious extent.
Kansas News.— St. Lotus, Monday, May 17,
1858.— ■The Kiokapoo correspondent of The Be
yaWieonJsays that the bandits Ip the neighbor
hood of Fort Scott dumber two hundred and
fifty, and are commanded by the notorioor
Capt. Montgomery. They art thoroughly arm
ed, and mounted on fleet horses, and defy the
United States troops, swearing that they wilf
not be taken. Upward Of one hundred and fifty
families have been robbed and driven by them
inlo Missonri. ' ’ ’■
Thrte hundred trbops, comprising the first
detachment of the Tth infantry, left JeffereoD
bainp*®* yesterdayfor Jitayeßirbrth.-
Burning Monntoln.
The editor of the Pottsrille /owmrfreoently
paid a visit to a natural curiosity In th»*
ity, and thus givesaoaccount
interesting: “ AE-fc generally knOWB, U>tt& tg
a vein of coal WJ^
Broad Mountain, about sevett miles totafrof;
Borough, and near Heokscherville, which b,
twenty-one years has been on fira.
which contains excellent white ash .coaL is sumo
forty feet in thickness. The origin of the nre
is attributed to a couple of miners, who, hav
ing some work to perform in drift in the depth
of miners, built a fire—they being cold-fin the
gangway. The flames destroying the prdp tim
ber, were carried by a strong current rapidly
along the passage, and the fire communicating
to the coal, nil subsequent efforts to extinguish
it were ineffectual. The men were cut off from
escape, and were undoubtedly suffocated to
death. Their remains were never fonqd.,
A few days since we ascended the mountain
at the spot of the fire, and were much interested
| in examining the effect of the fire upon the sur
face. The course of it is from east to west,
and where the vein is nearest the surface, the
ground is for the space of several hundred feet,
sunken into deep pits, and while the stortes ex
hibit evidences of having been exposed to the
action of intense heat, every vestige of Vegeta
tion has been blasted. It is a desert track in
the midst of smiling fertility. The ground in
some places was almost too warm for the hand
to rest upon it, while steam from water heated
by the internal fire rose from every pore. The
fire has evidently extended for several .hundred
yards from the place it originated, and finds
vent and air to continue its progress, -at the
pits to which we have alluded. A score of
years has passed, still it barns, and will burn
until further fuel is denied the devouring ele
ment. Thousands of tons of coal have Ulidoubt
ly been consumed, and thousands of io&s may
yet feed the fire before it U checked."
Pennsylvania Railroad*
Some idea may be formed of the multifarious
character of the business done by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad from the following of
the amount of freight forwarded from the Phila
delphia depot during the month of April':
Agricultural implements, 99,200 pounds; do.
productions, 2,787.213; boots and shoes, 807,-
177; books, &c., 283,408; butter and eggs, 2,-
083,429; sheetings and bagging, 1,015,023;
bark and sumac, 140,423; cedar ware, 95,653;
confectionary, 192,500; coffee, 1,387,674; cot
ton, 1,99,800; coal, anthracite, 1,494,685; coal,
bituminous, 9,316,620; copper and lead, 448,-
455 ; dry goods, 7,270,923; drugs, &0., &c.,
1,182.313; earthenware, 16,369; fresh meats
and fish, 14,758; flour, 11,883,449; feathers
and skins, 5,771; furniture and oil cloth, 595,-
784 ; glass, 204,463; green and dried fruits,
308,700; seeds, 96,659; grain, 7,881,888; gro
ceries, 6,181,368; gensing,, 1,439 ; guano, 94,-
429; hardware, 1,760,197; hides and hair, 1,-
018,689 ; hemp and cordage, 282.866; iron of
all kinds, 2.614,242; live stock, 7,887,595;
leafier, 244,419; lime and plaster. 564,758;
lard, tallow, &0., 1.271,182; lumber, 3,600,-
353; machinery, 936,432 ; marble and cement.
655,127; malt and malt liquors, 61,276 ; nails
mid spikes, 220,358; nickel, 83,200; oil, 411,-
879 ; oysters, 27,035; paper and rags, 627,-
812 ; pot and soda ash, 1,618,653; queeaswore,
1.106.247 ; salt, 6,66,211; salt meats arid fish,
6,367,836; soap and candles, 193.479; tobacco,
1,331,412; tar and rosin, 514,200; wines and
liquors, 349,348; whiskey and alcohol, 1,836, -
412; wool and.yarn, 163,849; miscellaneous,
The “Chief Moubnee ” —There is a genius
in this city, yclept Hatfield, who has earned a
reputation in a novel manner. The' detectives
have his daguerreotype, as well a$ those of
some of his conferees He operates ingenious
ly, and with marked success. It is his wont to
attend funerals, and at the customary exhibi
tion of the corpse to press to the side of the
coffin, there to mingle his tears with those of
the friends of the deceased. llOnce the soubri
quet of “ chief-mourner” has ootne to be ; his or
dinary appellation in the police and
oilier associations where men of his character
are known. While honoring the deceased he
keeps an eye open for the living, os did the
Ephesian widow; and os others come hear to
take a last view, he coulrives to relieve their
pockets of whatever valuables they may con
tain. His operations had become so ektensivo
that it was found necessary, by the bereaved,
to keep their attention on the alert; and the
result was the detection of the lugubrious gen
tleman of whom we have been writing. He is
a shrewd financial man, and Las been unusually
: successful in his peculiar department of indus
! try N. Y. Foal.
ggk. On Tuesday morning, of last week, at
New Haven, Judge Ingersoll sentenced William
S. Tuckerman, the mail robber, to twenty-one
years imprisonment. The prisoner was pro
foundly affected during the delivery ef the sen
tence. So ends the career of one of the smart
est of Boston boys, who- belonged to ja good
family, was well brought up, had the advan
tages of our excellent schools, and when quite
young obtained the responsible place of treasu
rer of the Eastern Railroad. Here he turned
out to be an embezzler and defaulter ta a large
amount. Had his speculations boett profitable,
-he intended to have covered up his railroad
depredations, and might have become a rich
and respected citizen. But the chances' did not
favor him, and to maintain the expensive hab
its ho hud contracted he resorted to the daring,
desperate and ingenious plunder of the mails,
which be was carrying on with such systematic
pertinacity when justice overtook him.' There
was such coolness in this villany that his es
cape from the conseqences by pardon can scarce
ly be expected. , .
Capt. Brag’s Battery for Utah.**;—A little
more Grape for Brigham Young. —-We learn from
Col. Taylor that the celebrated light
corps, known as “Capt Bragg’s Battery,”
which rendered such invaluable service |a the
late war with Mexico, bos been ordered by the
Secretary of War to proceed to Utah,! and left
here in the western train of last evening en route
for F6rt Leavenworth. The company" consists
of seventy-four men, including non-Commission
ed officers and the following officers in command:
Maj; John F. Reynolds, Third artillery, Lieut,
C. McEcene, Lieut John Edwards and Lieut
A. Waldrie. The company carries wijth it their
light battery, consisting of four six ponnders
and four caissons, but will not he mounted until
they reach Fort Leavenworth, which] will ho
about the 20th of May. Leaving tiratipostthey
expect to travel at the rate of fifteen juries per
day, and reach Utah some time during tire month
of July.— Bal. American. ' : ; ’
Asother British Ooteaob.— Captain Howes,
of the schooner; Mobile, arrived nt York on
Tuesday night from Mobile, reports; 29 th nit.
when twenty-five miles sonth of Key West, saw
a steamship to windward bearing down for ns ;
hove to speak her, and when within -rifle-shot
distance she commenced firing rifles at us, the
balls from which passipd between the men on
deck and lodged In the bulwarks; hauled down
the jibs, when they fired two more shots. They
then eentnßbat on board of the Mobile, and
ovcAauled the yend's papers, and declared
their intention tq seise the -vessel,, she not hav
h j9s«ter on board, but afterwards
doing so. They gave po reason for
ai ®^ n 8 w»#dy did,' amp ‘ did they deny plainly
seeing - the Ambricanenßlgs set bn out vessel.—•
ThelUtair tti the British w«ttU*ior fity*
▲cqalttalfor SUllag a Macarin
Tbo trial of ffardesty for tbs shtodiar'uf
Ghmbh»'bccupiedGuree day* of last wesk, stßar
lingtoe, 9«onc county, Kentucky. It
remembered that % sister of llardeatyita »*du
eed by Griihb, and that‘Hardesty told Urn
cer that hi would'give him six months in which
to make his choice between marrying the *irl
and bring killed. The rixmontha
Grubb, not having married the girl, Hardesty
met him, and on sight shot him. The evidence
showed that Grubb was armed also in expecta
tion of the attack, but was shot ia act ofdraw
ing his weapon. The trial was ended lastThur*.
day, and the Verdict of the jury was not guilty.
The following is the substance of thn judgment
pronouncedby Judge Nut nil upon tbovirdictof
not guilty by the jury in behalf of Hardesty:
Sifi: You have been indicted by the grand
jury of your county upon a most hetuous charge.
You have pit yourself upon your country end
your God for deliverance. ’ You have had a fair
and impartial trial before them, and they have
both pronounced you not guilty, and .so say I.
It may not be proper for me to express my sen
timents, yet, nevertheless, I will dp it. • Young
man! had I been wronged as you have been, I
would have spent every ■ dollar I had on-earth,
and all that I could have begged and borrowed,
and then starved upon the track of the villian,
but I would haveimbrued myhandainhis
Go henoe without delay. You axe acquitted!! |
Anothkb. Raibroad Accidxut. —Cleveland,
May 15.—An accident occurred on the Rafay
ette and Indianapolis Railroad last night As
the Cincinnati night express train, bound.north,
waa crossing, the bridge, twenty-two muss east
of Lafayette, it gave way, precipitaUngthv
whole train into the water. The fireqmnlCnd
engineer were killed. Others are reported kil
led and wounded. s "
The accident happened at one o’clock til*
morning. The night was very dark. The high
waters had undermined the abutments of the
bridge. The train was running at the rate o i
twenty-five miles per hour, and the engine had
reached the end of the bridge, which was nine
hundred feet long, when the whole gate way,
Jacob Burtiuger, engineer, - Mahoning,
fireman, and James Irwin, conductor, were all
killed. The passengers are safe.
The London. Timet thus caricatures our
“ In Congress, on the other side of the great
sea, our transatlantic cousins manage these mat
ters expeditiously. When a proposition is brought
before the House of Representatives at Wash
ington, any honorable gcntlcjnnn to whom it
may be obnoxious may defeat it—lst, by knock
ing down the proposer on the floor of the Ilonas;
2d, by slipping across the' House with a friend,
and caning or cowbiding both the proposer add
seconder; fid, by a rush of all the nays at all
the yeas, and by a general ‘scrimmage;’ 4th,
by speaking against time,- to avoid an Imme
diate decision, and, during adjournment, by
pistoling or knifing at the bar of an hotel the
proposer ned all members who may seem dis
posed to lend him serious support. It is quits
clear that, by this mixture of force and reason,
quicker results are obtained than by our own
more wearisome forma.”
Violent Tornado. —St. Louis, May 16.—A ja
violent tornado blew the passenger trqin of the. |
Chicago, Alton and St. Louis railway off the' |
track,'near Lexington, Illinois, on Thursday I
night. Several persons were seriously injured. |
The towns of Lexington, Peoria, Junction and 1
Towando suffered severely ; half thfe houses ia |
them were prostrated. Three men were killed |
at Towanda yesterday. Another storm of like |
character passed over the region/ between fl
Bloomington and Springfield, doing muffim®- i
age. A large number of house sin Elkhart onii i
Williamaville were demolished, one of them fal-
ling on and crushing a family of five persons to
death. '
“ Halloo, neighbor. I’m here' <m the ground again. Per*
haps you recollect when I, last veer, ashed you to hold jay
horse a moment and tell me where the CHEAP STORK
was. But It is >li7*ront now. It reminds me 'a little of
the campaign of 1840, when Gen. Harrison was elected Pre
sident. Vou have only to go with' the crowd and you will
have no difficulty in finding MCCORMICK'S STORE. Proto
the excitement down the valley, and the <inantlty of goodi
I see carried away, they must be selling olf very rapidly.
and very Cheap.”
“ You arc right, my friend; I would say to you, sir, so
ahead and your anticipations will be fully realised. 8*
has a very largo and well selected assortment of Good*.
He'll sell you a drees for fi/ty cents and give the trimmings
into ti.a'bargain, I’m told, and all other goods in propor
tion.”' ' , ■ ■
“Good bye, neighbor, that’s whers I am going to bay
my goods.”
“ That’s right, and so should everybody else. Good by*-"
Hats knd Caps, very cheap Bonnets, Hisses* Flats, do.; !*■
dies* Gal ten, Shoes and Slippers, with Mints, Boys and
Men’s Boots and Shoes, and every other article kept in t
first class country store, can be had tiuap far c«A, st
McCormick’s. ■.. \
AH articles of country produce taken in exchange C*
goods. K. U. HoCOBHICK.
Altoona. May 13. 1858.-ly '
—The subscriber would respoctfcQy Inform the citi
zens of Altoona trad vicinity that he hasJnstreeciTsd hli
stock of ■ - ' ‘
consisting, in part, of
such as. Silks, Satins, Bareges,B*La{n6s, OmUes, Docs!'.
Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, *c„ together 'with all kinds o( cUfl■
Dry Goods,' all of which wfli besold cheap (hr cash. Smß
He has also on bond a lone stock Of . .■aSHI
and all other goods usually kept In store* In this plsca
Having adopted tho CASH SYSTEM in"my business tnd ,
being resolved'to carry It out, I have marked my goods st
CASH PBICE3, and invite inspection and' comparison, la
regard to prices and quality, with those of any other itort : WM\
in the town. Give me a call and judge tor yourselves. ,
Country produce taken in exchange tor goods, atths
highest market prices. ' ’ ns®£
April 2&-Iy]
Mew firm and new goods - i
J. * J.XOWTHKR hate juit retuned from the City §
and are Ob w receiving- their stock of 'i
which they feel'assured are as HANDSOME and CHEAP»
if not a UaU cheaper, than any jet brought to this place*
On account of going to Philadelphia lateln the season, •*«
we hairs htwn able to buy onr goods at greatly reduced prr M
cea, and we are determined to sell them at very small po* .XJ
its fercaeh or to prompt monthly paying customers. ■’-§
We hare as usual a splendid stock of '.■?
Also, Shawls and Mantillas in groat tariety, together wtta
a good stock of Domestic urr Goods, Straw Goods.
The citizens of Altoona wUlflnd it to their advantage to
examine our. stock, as we are not to be undersold*
April 29.1858.
XJ their professional services to the citizens ot Al* oo6 * II
.andvicinlty In the several branches of! S
Qjunttycallsregttlarly attended to.
Office, the same as heretofore occupied by Pr. Bint. Si
By consent, D. R. Good refers to , 35
J. M.QommUl. M. D., Alexandria, Pa. 's*
J. B. Laden, 5L D.. Huntingdon, “ ■
Brs. Roe*, Boyer and Fey, 'VVUUamsimrg, Pa.
April 22,1808-tf.] - ■ -t;
J 60.000 Shingles 50,000 Utfies, . S
and ell kinds of BUILDIhG JUIEBIAB. Rrtrsrthsn ta* S
lowest, far OMh. Apply to jQHS 8HOKBA&P1. S
l«w* Oraa^o^iooioaatostw*
Hwchjvmy: . myotaSnShi^t*^-
I The streets need consido
'"we ore pleased to notice t
.Wow engaged in repairing tl
jpest he oaa with the meant
KVirgloia street, especially
■and pebbling, and this nn
Kyriil ever be fit for use in
| being tho principal thqroi
Iwe think it should receive I
I How that warm weather i
■lot-owner should see that t
Spools of water standing l
Iseveral of these in different
Ewhibh, if permitted to retua
■become nauseating and ext
Pat Ur I— At I wish to
poNiUt, bat cannot, until
•onqto of the late firm of
wtidi have been transfer!
i hope all parties kr
de.biedon said books, (and
means small) will make i
up Immediately I can al
Tribune Office.
•tate of the finances of thi
prevents the furtherance ol
Which are greatly neodei
in almost indispensable,
however, that the treosur
replenished, or that some
: ted whereby these import!
I gained, bo that our town,
cleanliness and convenient
[it can not excel, others of n
I In the first place we act
has been talked of from tin
[uow to be entirely forgotU
[disgrace that a town the si
mot have a public hall for t
Interests of the town and
id it, and we hope that
ed at an early day to co
ietired object If it can
jpwn, we think it would )
restment for some of the
irivate citizens. -
I Next in order comes a
Interests of all demand a b
■ t
We have heretofore said
pulyect; and the hope of sc<
(this purpose has been nlu
rare do not give it up, nor h
[its importance until we wal
dng on the subject on the'
[or it shall have been hopfclc
ItloMnv Stolsn.—On Thu
of tbs boldest robberies w
i In- this place, was perpetra
I Qnths night in question, t
.cob Slink, was entered, in
[to any of the family, and cn
[larr abstracted from Mr
[which was in his pantaloon
[room. By whom, or at w
jibe money was taken, thcr
Mr. S was out until a lot
I evening, but observed not!
[house when he went to be.
[pears to have been the ol
Itiueves, os there were two
iu the bureau in tUe sac
iqt disturbed. There we:
turn of money in one of tb
■eau, but there was no at
t. The person or person:
Jobbery, evidently knew
poney on his person and -
[be premise#. 1 This case,
Unco those who are in the
ley on their persons to be
I in public places, and al
ping is right about their
Bring. There pc
lity who Would be guilty
sough we could not pgi
Kmes will make men rut
let money.
[ Comers Actaib.— On t
(he boose j>f • Mr. fizink
pmey taken, a small sum
Id mysteriously from the
fid friend, Mr. George Hi
tom that of his son. Mj
iollars in bis pocket-book
mrpose of purchasing a
Friday he went to purchi
aklng out his pooket-booll
p find that he bad no m
lay his son had placed fin
ft-book, to defray his expe
|ie country, bat when he
teket at the depot, on 1
pat he was minus the V.
fhom the money was tokei
Ur. H. and his son, bad
lanfaloons pockets, in ti
pg about the bouse indi<
Burglars during the night,
lows were all as they had
■g; nerertherless, it is e
■>me one about, and ver;
® who relieved Mr. Szk
finger in the pocket-bool
[ *hia game ia to be folk
t connection with that
fcht police will be neees
■e tna; yet be obtained
■rues may be discovered,
lUALicioca Miscmw.-
pt a, nuui named Shadn
fce school house in the vi
itt’s, in consequence of
b before Enquire Good,
bots charge. It appea
»ea * indulging" a litt
light in question, which j
lion of mind. On bein
Buire as to whether ho
Res, he stated that he
I had no recollection
he aoknc
bund himself In the schoc
Mi but how he came th
fl». . The Squint- final
wsts which he paid and t