The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 20, 1858, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
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change, 10 00
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i rged according to the above rates.
i notmarkcd with the number of insertions
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11 five cents per lino for every Insertion,
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The Cheapest Paper in the County!
With the priscnt number, the Tribune has en
tered upon its third volume. Commenced at a
time when the confidence of the citizens of Al
toona in newspapers and newspaper publishers
was considerably shaken, if not totally annihila
ted, it has slowly but surely'restored that con
fidence, and now stands upon a snre foundation,
and is universally acknowledged to be one ofi
the fixed institutions of our town. But this re
sult has not beeja achieved without a hard strug-
gle, and considerable expenditure of time and
means on the, part of its editors. The stead;
-increase of pstrpnoge, however, has afforded in*
dubitablo evidence that their labors have been ap
oietsd. i
In entering upon the new volume it is almost
unnecessary to say that the Tribunt will contin
ue to be “ Ikue|pekdknt is Everything,” be
ing biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection,
in favor of parties or sects. ' In ..this, respect it
is only necessary to say that the past affords a
fair index os to oar future course.
It has always been our aim to make the Tri
bune, a reliable first-class Local Pape|r, as we
believe that in that character alone, country pa
pers can successfully compete with their flashy
city neighbors. | To this end we have secured
correspondents p various parts of the county,"
who furnish us (with all the items of local inter
est in their vicinity. We purpose adding others
to our list as sopn as we can obtain them. Du
ring the next y<*ar we shall redouble ofir efforts
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of
Hose News—a! reliable, first-class Local
Pater, second tjo none in tbe country, and as
such a welcome (weekly visitor to' our patrons,
whether at home or abroad.
But while the Local Department shall be our
special care', we! shall also devote a considera
ble space to Library Matter, Fcx asd llc
jcqr, and the chronicling of events of general
interest to oar readers. We purpose also pub
lishing from time to time “Original Sketches of
Men ana Things ” which will pe furnished by
our contributors. Wo-have made arrangements
also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia,
and judging from tho reputation our correspon
dent sustains asja popular writer, these letters
will be a rich trpat to our readers.
As we are decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive school, jwe have concluded to adopt thje
cash system in jour business. The neglect of
quite a number jof our patrons to pay up prompt
ly, and the rascality of others, has compelled
us to adopt this: course. lime and experience
has fully proved to our satisfaction that the
credit system will not work with newspaper
publishers. From this date no paper
sent from this office, unless paid for in advance,
and at the expiration of the time {paid for, if
not renewed, will be promptly stopped. This
arrangement does no {injustice to our patrons,
;ect U 3 from the impositions of
els, hod enable us* to devote
> our paper.
he principle that contracts to
be fraught withmutaal
urties, and as money in large
met, is of more valneto os than
in driblets, as an Jin dace*
i wlw would otherwise dlscon*
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3 coming year:
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P ftt the s&me rate—sl per copy.
flat, in all ca*e»> accompany the
and all above 2(
The money
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St trill b* Keo jduti AQr lpuptr
the cheapest in the coapty.
k® leave in !ta the ■ public to de
itiy rcqupat onr .friends . through-,
f “«»*« Alia/'ns »e hate
? them <»n reacUiy obtain a dub
By the'aboye
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As to its merits
oide. Wecarnei
ont-tha county
Uo doubt each <
or tax
SkJiut llaetrj.
Mother, mother, let me kim *Hte
Once again before! die;
Let me claap my emu around thee.
On thy boeom lie.
Earth is fleeting, Cut decaying
From my weaiy, weary sight—
Dearest mother, let me kiss thee
£re 1 bid a Loso “Good night I"
Ah I how sorely it doth grieve me,
Gentle mother, thus to know
That*l may not lire to cheer thee
When, thou art-oppressed with wo.
Thus to leave thee, and tor ever
From my home and friends to part;
Every tie of love to sever, t
That hath bound my hopcfUl heart.
Ohl’Us painful, very painful,
Thus to meet the silent tomb:
Torn flour all that’s bright and lovely,
To endure a fearful gloom;
forced from ail the little pleasures
That have joy’d my youthful mind—
Innocence, and love and-friendship,
Every cherish’d thing resign'd.
Hark I thd little birds arc singing
Sweetly now their evening lay,
See) the glorious sun is setting.
Oh) how beautiful his ray)
farewell, all ye lovely visions,
Beauteous nature, fare thee well;
Longer I may not behold ye.
Native earth, farewell, farewell!
Mother, mother, I am going
To a land of peace and rest.
Where tha bitter tear of anguish
Never dews the aching breast;
Where the son), escaped for over
from it* tenement of clay,
Beams irradiate with tha splendo.r
Of a bright eternal day.
Mother, mother, I must leave thee;
See, the clammy death frost now,
Herald of the. King of Torpor,
Standeth fearful on my brew.
Ah! the beauteous peaceful haven
Of that blessed Land’s lb sight—
Mother, mother, Jesus calls me,
I must go—Goodnight! Good-night!
tub perils of the border
While, reading recently an account of
the frightful massacre of several -white
families by £he Clack-foot Indians, we
were reminded of a thrilling event which
occurred in the “Wild West/' a short
time subsequent to the .Revolution, in
which a highly accomplished young lady,
the daughter of a distinguished officer of
the American Army, played an important
part. The story being of a most thrilling
nature, and exhibiting in a striking man
ner the “ Perils of the Border,” we have
concluded to give ah. extract from it, as
originally published, as follows :
The angle on the right bank of the
Great Kanawha, formed by its junction
with the Ohio, is calljed Point Pleasant,
and is a place of hispwical nqte. Here,
on tlm 10th of December, 1775, during
what is known as Lord Dunmorc’s War,
was fought one of the fiercest and most
desperate battles that ever took place be
tween the Virginians and their forest foes.
After the battle in question, in which
the Indians were defeated with great loss,
a fort was here erected by the
which became a post of great importance
throughout the sanguinary scenes of strife
which almost immediately followed, and
which in this section of ,the country were
continued for many years after that esta
blishment of peace which acknowledged
the United of Ameiici a free
and independent nation.
At the landing of the fort, on the day
our story opens, was fastened a fiat-boat of
the kind used by the early navigators of
the Western rivers.
Upon the deck of thus boat, at the mo
ment we present the scene to the reader,
stood five individuals, alike engaged in
watching a group of persons, mostly fe
males, who were slowly approaching the
landing. Of these five, one iyus a stout,
sleek negro, in partial livefy, apd evident
ly a. house or body servant; three were
boatmen pad borderers, as Indicated by
their rough, brQtuied visages 4and coarse
attire j but the fifth was p young man,
some two-and-twenty-years of age, of a fine
commanding person, and a {dear, open,
intelligent countenance j and in the lofty
carriage of his bead-in the gleam of his
large, bright, hazel eye- —there was some
thing which denoted pno of superior mind j
but as we shall Lave occasion in the course
of our narrative to fully set forth who and
wpit Eugene Fairfax was, rye will leave
him for the present, and turn to the ap
proaching group, whom heseemepto ne
regarding with lively interest. ' :
Of this group, composed of a middle
aged man and tour females, with a black
female servant following some hye of six
paces in the rear, there was one whom the
most casual eye would have singled out
and rested upon with pleasure. The lady
in question, was apparently about twenty
XpjWh of pge, of ’a slender and graceful
WWf ewt offtatore,
bemdef being, beautiful in ■ every
BT C. B.
T7! : : ■ ...... , -
lineament, ’rarely fails to affect the be
holder with something like a charm.
Her travelling costume —a fine brown
habit, liigh in the neck, buttoned closely
over the bosom and coining down to her
small pretty feet, fithont trailng on the
ground— —was both neat and becoming
and With her ridihg-cap and its wavin’"
ostrich plume, set gaily above her flowin"
curls, her appearance contrasted forcibly
with the rough, tinpolished looks of those
of her sex beside her, with their iinsey
bed-gowns, scarlet flannel petticoats, and
bleached linen caps.
u Oh, Blanche,” said one of the more
venerable of her female companions, pur
suing a conversation which bad been main
tained since quitting the open fort behind
thein, “I cannot bear to let you go; for
it just seems to me as if something were
going to happen to you, and when I feel
that way, something generally does hap
pen.” ,
“ Well; aunt,” returned Blanche, with
a light “ I dp not doubt in the least
that something will happen—for I expect
one of these days to reach my dear father
and blessed mother, and give them such
an embrace as is duefrom a dutiful daugh
ter to her parents—and that will be somc
thing that has not happened for two veal’s
at least.”
“ But I don’t mean that, Blanche,” re
turned the other, somewhat petulantly;
“and youjust laugh like a gay and thought
less girl, when you ought to be serious.
Because you have come safe thus far,
through a partially settled country, you
think, perhaps, yoUr own pretty face will
ward off danger in jthe more perilous wil
derness—but I warn you that a fearful
journey'is before you! Scarcely a boat
descends the Ohio, jthat docs not encoun
ter more or less peril from the savages
that prowl along e|ther shore; and some
of them that go down freighted with hu
man life, are heard ;of no more, and none
ever return to tell the tale/”
“ But why repeatithis to me, dear aunt,”
returned Blanche, with a more serious air,
“ know it is my destiny, either
good or bad, to attempt the voyage ? My
parents have sent for me to join them in
their new home, and it is my duty to °-o
to them, be the peril what it may.” &
“ You never did; know what it was to
fear!” pursued thej good woman, rather
proudly. “ No,” she repeated, turning to
the others, “ Blanche. Bertrand never did
know what it was tp fear, I believe I”
“Just like her father!” joined in the
husband of the matron, the brother of
Blanche’s mother, the commander of the
station, and the middle-aged gentleman
mentioned as one of the party; “a true
daughter of a true 'sPldier. Her father,
Col. Philip Bertrand, God bless him for a
true heart! never did seem to know what
it was to fear —and Blanche is just like
By this time the : parties had reached
the boat; and the young man already de
scribed—Eugene Fairfax, the secretary of
Blanches father—at once stepped for
ward, and, in a polite deferential man
ner, offered his hand to the different fe
males, to assist then! on board. The hand
of Blanche was the last to touch his—and
then but slightly, as she sprung quickly
and lightly to the dfe'ck—but a close ob
server might have detected the slight flush
which mantled his noble, expressive fea
tures, as his eye for a single instant met
hers. She might herself have seen it—
perhaps she did—but there was no corres
ponding glow on her bright, pretty face,
as she inquired, in the calm, dignified tone
of the one having the right to put the
question, and who might also have been
aware of the inequality of position between
herself and him she addressed;
“ Eugene,: is everything prepared for
our departure ? It will not do for our
boat to spring a leak again, as it did com
ing down the Kanawha—for it will not be
safe for us, I am told, to touch either
shore between the different forts and tra
ding-posts on our route, this side of our
Falls of the Ohio.”
“No, indeed!” rejoined her aunt, qiiick
ly; “ it will be as, pm eh as your lives are
worth to venture a foot from the main cur
rent of the Ohio—for news reached us
only the other day, that many boats had
been attacked this spring, and several lost,
with all on board/’
“ No one feds more concerned about the
safe passage of Miss Bertrand than my
self,” replied Eugene, in a deferential tone;
“and since our arrival here, I have left
nothing undone tliat I thought might pos
sibly add to her security and comfort.”
. “ That is .true,’ to wy personal know
ledge,” joined ini the uncle of Blanche;
“ and I thank you; Ui. Fairfax, in behalf
of my f.iir kinswoman. There will, per
haps, he “ be no great danger,
so long as you keep in the current ; but
jrour vi-ateh must pot bo neglected for a
single moment, eithef night of day; and
4? mb I most solemnly charge and
you, podcr any circumstances, or on juiy
Sretcoce whatsoever,; suffer yourselves 1 to
e decoyed to either shore!” 7; ..
“ I hope wo understand our dhto better,
Gofenel,” said one cm the men, respectfully.
1 clouhJt it pot,” replied the eomman
d.or ofiFe'Point; £ I believe you ate oB
faithful and true men, nr yotr would hos
[independent in everything.]
have been selected by tjie agent of Colonel
Bertrand, for taking down more precious
freight than you ever carried before-} but
still the wisest and the best of men have
lost their lives by giving ear to the most
earnest appeals of humanity. You under
stand what I mean ? White men, appa
rently in the greatest distress, will hail
your boat, represent themselves as having
just Escaped from the Indians, and beg of
you, for the love of God, in the most pite
ous tones, to come to their relief; but turn
a deaf ear to them, to each and all of them,
even should you know the pleaders to be
of your own kin ; for in such a ease your
own brother might deceive you —not wil
fully and voluntarily, 'perhaps—but be
cause of being goaded on by the savages,
themselves concealed. Yes, such things
have been known as one friend being thus
used to lure another to his destruction;
and so be cautious, vigilant, brave and
true, and may the good God keep you all
from harm!”
As he finished speaking, Blanche pro
ceeded to take an affectionate leave of all,
receiving many a tender message for her
parents from those who held them in love
and veneration; and the boat swung out r
and began to float down with the current,
now fairly entered upon the most danger
ous portion of a long and perilous journey.
The father of Blanche, Colonel Philip
Bertrand, was a native of Virginia, and a
descendant of one of the liuguenot refu
gees, who tied from their native land after
the revocation of the edict of Nantz in
1605. He had been an officer of some
note during the Devolution, a warm po
litical and personal friend of.the author of
the Declaration of Independence, and a
gentleman who had always stood high in
the esteem of his associates and cotempo
Though at one time a man of wealth.
Colonel Bertrand had lost much, and suf
fered much, through British invasion ; and
when, shortly after the close of the war,
he had metVith a few more serious re-
verses, he had been fain to accept a grunt
of land, near the Falls of the Ohio, now
Louisville, tendered him by Virginia,
which then held jurisdiction over the en
tire territory now constituting the State
of Kentucky.
The grant had decided the Colonel upon
seeking his new possesions and building
up a new home in the then Far West, and
as his wife had insisted upon accompany
ing him on his first tjti-, he had assented
to her desire, on condition that Blanche
should he left among her friends, till such
time as a place could be prepared which
might in some degree he considered a fit
abode tor one so carefully and tenderly
Blanche would gladly have gone with
her parents; but on this point her father
had been inexorable—declaring that she
would have to remain at the East till he
should see proper to send for her; and as
be was a man of positive character, and a
rigid disciplinarian, the matter had been
settled without argument.
When Colonel Bertrand removed to the
West, Eugene Fairfax, as we have seen,
accompanied him; and coming of age
shortly after, he had accepted the liberal
offer ot his noble benefactor, to remain
with him in the capacity of private secre
tary and confidential agent. On taking
possession of his grant," the Colonel had
almost immediately erected a fort, and of
fered such inducements to settlers as to
speedily collect around him quite a little
community—of which, as a matter of
course, he became the head and chief;
aud to supply the wants of his own family
and others, and increase his gains in a
legitimate way, he had opened a store, and
filled it with goods from the Eastern marts,
•which goods were transported by land over
the mountains to the Kanawha, and thence
by water to the Fulls of the Ohio,, whence
their 1 removal to fort Bertrand became ah
easy matter. To purchase and ship those
goods, and deliver a package of letters to
friends in the East, Eugene had been thrice
dispatched-—his. third commission also ex
tending to the escorting of the beautiful
heiress, with her servants, to her now home.
This last commission had been spfar exten
ded at the time chosen for the*opcuing cf
our story, as to bring the different parties
to the mouth of the - great Kanawha,
whence the reader has ; seen them slowly
floating off upon the still, glassy-bosom of
“ the belle of rivers.”
( The day, which was an auspicious one,
passed without anything l occurring worthy
of note r until near fpujr o’clock, when,' as
Blanche was standing on the fore part of
the deck gazing at the lovely scene which
surrounded her, she saw a seemingly flyin <■
body suddenly leave a limb of a gigantic
tree, (whose mighty branches, extended
far. over river, and near which the
boat was then swayed bv the action of the
current,) aud alight with a crash upon the
depk °f pojt more than eight feet
“pm her. Qno, glance sufficed to show
her whajk the .object was, and to freeze the
blood in her veins”.* "The glowing eyes of
a huge panther jnet. liergaze. The slid
denness of the shock which this diseoyery
&ye her was' oveipdwering. With a
shnei ihe fell updo he* i&es
and ebsped he* hands hefcre hlr 6rea&
Thd panther crouched'for his deadly leap.
but ere he sprang, thS hunting knife of
Eugene Fairfax (who, with the steersman,'
was the only person on deck besides
Blanche,) was buried to the hilt jin his
side, inflicting a severe but not fatal
wound. The infuriated beast at once
turned upon Eugene, and a deadly strug
gle ensued. But it was a short one. The
polished blade of the knife played back
and forth like lightning flashes, .and at
every plunge it was buried to the hilt in
the panther’s body, who soon fell to the
deck, dragging the dauntless Eugene with
him. On seeing her protector fall,-Blanche
uttered another shriek and rushed to his
aid; but assistance from stouter arpis was
at hand. The boatmen gathered round,
and the savage monster was literally hack
ed in pieces with their knives and hatch
ets, and Eugene, covered with blood, firas
dragged from under his carcase.’. Sup
posing him to be dead or mortally wound
ed, Blanche threw her arms aroubid his
neck and gave way to a passionate burst
of grief. But he was hot dead—-he was
not even hurt, with the exception of a
few slight scratches. v The blood with
which he was covered was the paflther’s,
not his own. But Blanche’s embrace;was
“is a priceless treasure ; —an index ofher
heart’s emotions and affections. If Was to
color his whole future life, as will be seen
in the progress of our story.
Slowly and silently, save the occasional
creak, dip, and plash of the steerraah’s oar,
the boat of our voyagers was borne along
upon the botom of the current, on the
third night of the voyage. The hour was
waxing late, and Eugene, the only one
astir except the watch, was suddenly star
tled, by a rough hand being placed upon
his shoulder, accompanied by the Words,
in the grug voice of the boatman : ‘
“1 say, Cap’u here’s trouble 1”
“What is it, Dick ?” inquired Eugene,
starting to his feet.
“ Lon t you see thaf’s a heavy fog rising,
tliat 11 soon kiver us up so thich that we
won t be able to tell a white npm from a
nigger ?” replied the boatman—Dick Win
ter by name—a tall, bony, muscular, ath
letic specimen of his class.
~ “Good heaven! so there is!” exclaimed
Lugehe, looking oft upon the already! misty
waters. “It must have gathered verysud
denly, for all was clear a minute qtgo. —
’W hat is to he done now? This is Some
thing I was not prepared for, on such a
night as this.”.
“It looks troublous, Cap’n I’ll allow,”
returned Pick; “ but we’re in for’t, that’s
sartin, and I s’pose we’ll have to make the
bpst on’t.”
“ But what is to bo done ?—what you
advise?” asked Eugene, in a quick; exci
ted tone, that indicated some decree of
alarm. °L
MVhy, ef you war’nfc so sheered; about
the young lady, and it warnt sodeddagin
the orders from head quarters, my plan
would be a cl’ar and easy one—l’d just
run over to Kuintuck shore, and lie up.”
“ No, no,” said Eugene, positively thkt
will never dp, Dick—that will never d 6!
I would not think of such a thing Tor I a
moment! We must keep in the current'
by all means!” ' ! ‘
*• Ef you can,” rejoined the boaitman;
“ but when it gets so dark as we can’t tell
one thing from t’other, it’ll be powerful
hard, to do; and ef we don’t run agin a
bar or bank afore morning, in spite of the
best 0 us, it 11 be the luckiest go that ever
I had a hand in. See, Cap’n—it’s thick
ening up fast; wo can’t see eyther hank at
all, nor ihe water nyther; the stars is get
tin’ dim, aud it looks as ifthor waracloud
all round us.”
“ I see! I see!” returned Eugene, ex
citedly. Merciful Heaven 1 I hope ho’ac
cident will befall us here—and yet my
heart almost misgives me!—for this, I be
lieve, is the most dangerous -part of our
journey—the vicinity were most of pur
boats have captured by the savages.”
Saying this, Eugene hastened below,
where he found the other boatmen sleep
ing so soundly as to require considerable
effort, on his part, to wake them. At last,
getting them fairly roused, he informed
them, almost in a whisper, for hodid not
care to disturb the others; that a heavy fog
had suddenly arisen, and he wished! their
presence on deck, immediately.
“A'fog, Cap’n?” exclaimed one; in a
tone which indicated that he comprehend
ed the peril with the word, • ,!, I. T
“ Hush 1” returned fiugene ; “ lhsfe, is
n 0 necessity for waking tho others; and
having a scene. Up! and follow me,
without a word!” ; F 1 ..
He glided back to- the deek, and- was
almost immediately joined by the boatmen,
to whom he briefly made known hiis hopes
and fears. “ :'
They thought, like their conipanion; that
the boat would be safest if maae fist to an
overhanging liinh of the Ken tucky shore;
but frankly admitted that this could not
now he done without difficulty anddangpr,
and that there war a “pp&hility df keep
ing the current. > 7 j;?.--:-::-. f.i’ 1 F
“Then make
and it sballbe the beshnightfs work you
eyer|«iipmi®i a
quick, exoi^ ! tdhs. : ' j”; : ;
“We’ll ***
the response;hut no man ‘eab he eartin
of the curran tofthis hereorookedsfcreui
in a foggy hight”
A ioog silence foUowed----tKe Voyagers
slowly drifting doton through a misty dark*
ness impenetrable to the eye—when, mid*
denly, oar young commander, who win
standing hear the bow, felt the extended
branch of an overhanging Dmls stfeitty
brush his face., He started, with ah ex*
Clamatioh of alarm, and at the sanfe mo*,
mcnt the boatman on the right ialletl httti
“ Quick,here, boys! we'reagmthe shore,
as sure as death P’ ....
fheh followed a scene of
anxious confusion, the voices of thethreh
boatmen mingling together in loud,
excited tones.
Push off ttic bow!” dried one;,. .
“ Quick! altogether, now 1. over. with
her I” shouted another.
“ The de’il’s in it! she’s running aground
here on a muddy bottom I" almost yelled
a third. '■ \
Meantime the laden boat was brushing
along against projecting bushetf add over*
reaching limbs, and every momentgetting
more and more entangled, while the long
poles and sweeps of the boatmen, as they
attempted to push her off) were often
plunged, without touching bottom, into
what appeared to bo a soft, clayey mud,
from which they were only extricated by
such an outlay of strengih as t&jhded still
more to draw the clumsy draflf up6n this
bank they wished to avoid. At length,
scarcely more than a minute from the
first alarm, there was a kind of settling to
gether, as it were, and the boat became
fast and immovable.
The fact was announced by Drck Win
ter, in his characteristic manner—who
added, with an oath, that it was just what
he expected. For a moment or two a dead
silence followed, as if each comprehended
that the matter was one to bo viewed in a
very serious light.
“I’ll get over the bow, and tty to get
tl\e lay of the land with my leet,” Said
Tom Harris; and forthwith he set 'about
the not very pleasant undertaking.
At this moment Eugene heard pis name
pronounced by a voice that seldom felled
to excite a. peculiar emotion in his breast,
and now sent a strange thrill through
every nerve; and hastening below, he
found Blanche, fully dressed, with a light
in her hand, standing - just o’utside of nor
cabin, in the regular passage Which led
lengthwise through the center of the boat.
“I have heard something, Eugene,”
she said, “ enough to know that we have
met with an accident, but not sufficient to
fully comprehend its nature.” ;
“ Unfortunately, about two hours ago,”
replied Eugene, “ we suddenly became in-;
volved in a dense fog; and in spits of pur
every precaution and care, we have run
agiound—it may U {gainsttl^Ohipshore 1
—it may be against an island—it is so
dark wo can’t tell. But be not alarmed,
Miss Blanche,” he hurriedly added;' “I
trust we shall soon be afloat again; though
in any event, the darkness is sufficient to
conceal us from the savages, even were’
they in the vicinity
“ I know little of Indians," returned
Blanche; “ but I have always understood
that they are somewhat &markiWe "fo*
their acuteness of hearing; and if such is
the case, there would be no necessity of
their being very near, (o made ac
quainted with our locality, judging from
the loud voices 1 heard a few minutes ago."
“ I fear we’ve been rather imprudent,”
said Engepe, in a deprecating tone; “ but
in the excitement—”V , '
His words were suddenly cut short by
several loud voices of alartn from without,
followed by a quick attd heavy tramping
across the deck; and the next moment
Seth Harper and Dick Winter burst into
the passage, the former exclaiming:
“ We’ve run plum into a red nigger’s
nest, Cap’n. and Toni Harris is? aheadj
butchered, and> scalped ?' :
And even -as he spoke, as if ini; confir
mation of his dreadful intelligent,, tfcere
arose a series of demonia
cal yells, followed by a dcadanct ominous
So far wc have followed the lovely he
roine and her friends’ in thin adventure ;
but the foregoing is all that we cap pub«
list fa, pjfr columns- - The balance of &e
narrative', can only be; found ini the JJew'
York Ledger, ihe great.' family ‘ piper,’
which Can he obtained at all the periodical
stores where papers are sold. Remember
to ask for the “Ledger,” dated May 22d.
and in it yon will get the continuationof
the narrative from where it leaves off here.
If there are ho book-stores or news-offices
convenient to where you reside, the pub
lisher of the Ledger will send you a copy
by mail, if you will send him five, cents in
a letter. Address, Robert Bonner, Ledg
er (C)ffioe, 44 Ann street, New York. ThU
story is entitled, “Perils of the Border,”
and grows more and more interesting aa
it goes on. ®
. Spurgeon says of a prayer, that it
is the rope of a belfry ; pull it, and it
rings the bell up in: Heaven. Keep on
pulling it I and though the bell is up so
high you cannot hear it ring, depend upon
it, it can be heard in the tower of Heaven,
and is ringing before the thronepf &pd,
who will fpveyoa answers of peaceacpopd
ing to yourfeith. - vv ’ v
• .3*
« *
HO. 16,