anh. to mTesUat* J k anrltl»:«m #ea j m ade a a«no n j n cirqiUqtion at i have been re* of debts due 1 from j iU ledecnictj m I of the bankawas S • minutes that, in 18457 a '•1 dividend, the s declared to b# due of $5O, a nd ember the same J of the capital’ »f its ruin wja B • bciicl theft, but ployed arc thus The discounting cers, a practice former charter ihire. the lo« ' '•>nl to the Whole ;n S ;n pa. oli bt ful, depre h-discounts and jor in Philadel- Lioned including banks and 1 in some i case and ken he bank.l r uion constantly ion of the B<^m) • naLle acts, and exculpate then \ the bahk ,W|B, | ;ke. — A ’correi id, writiiig from owing account of that surpasses whimsichl lady, .rd of. *K ; J sit to onc-of the ever knotm /|'n A negrp wd- Stitas, of this >. to four living i in a still more sc Twins. The shoulder, and” Laving the low*’; f each perfect- 1 the shoulder. J ivs, that they the junction of 1 from the hip one lildren, nature ccaatric'aagai ” being black:, H i of a whity i hey. all seem .other is r-.CRr.VMA!*-—i ! olh ulL,;,«o|k- Rev. Dr.-fiy* •v of the • :e, says the ..ii wife's‘ne nwte.i for in ■(•n shot tjt;p ..(tied to (for* attacked ,ttip v. ho shot bin r.-«2a*e*gge*i PIIKMA^ i.'Gratis, tilt Shh ,j ■n a.-tl.v. by .:■■■' ; mu. l , r..r orauilainta. if 1 • prfv-’Bth.'way i. •;n tf,iH sjnall , . v .’a w aml hijeh i'. AnthoKfaQjr .iMtd -coijt, thereby ifi a sealudcijl i.:. stamp* ;tUrl ■ City. V-- I 1 GOODS! • i'.ii'.rm tbeciu* I jo t receive# Id* , rcr djr£s i 11 .Ilka, Dncais ■ '■l nil feiiuUaf ■ ir cadv' r IIARp : : I. - ;d iliis p!a|i>. i'lninew »id !:■ ,! i.ij foodtM :!;iarUrm, to ■ >y oilier, storo ■•vurttelTfliC , ■ K via. IH'LEMAJt. I s, > I: and CQJ2A?, ■ ’ IJ this pl»c&. > In tho B‘auon, !. V ;• ,‘iicrj |irt v 'anUlpiw -lii'.rs. /■ MX 5 . ■ fAIXIES,' i-KCUEV^, ;■ .gcthcr with .«• fioods, ; QUEE2T& <*fC, ' ' f y 1 aJv&atag®,tp INS! : ' i-MADE ■ EIVKD Mf ES WUIC| ' Hat he |p '• pU-a'nrsln ■ :i. lib f<*J» : .o-.ctif.n both ; rh X^Sm THB .Map of ftwr ■nUininglOl ; 1-calitie* of :h jol Hoa-ies, . Pcnii Ifou*- ■*. it Tabic of l)." name and. i n tlie mf-r -t. .-.i t.> make ■ ' .i red oa# ii '! AUooaa, nr. Hirst. . P :bliiOi i, I wish to leave town ns soon as dnot, until all the books and ac ts firm of iTCrum & Allison, #) transferred to me, are settled I parties knowing themselves in woks, (and the number is by no ill make it convenient to settle I can alwaysbefound nt the Wm. M, v ALLISON. Pat Up 1—3,4 possible, bat ci counts of the li ahich have be< up, I hope PI debted on said 1 means small) w up immediately Tribune Office. MKUiCAvPssk—From a copy of tie standard Fee Bill of the Blair I County Medical Society* which lately fell into our hands, we make the following extract of charges for services, which it would be well for those who employ physi cians to cut out) and file away for reference, so that they will kjaow exactly what they may ex pect to be charged for medical services. Many persons are astonished when their doctor’s bill, is presented for payment,’ from the fact that they have no knowledge of medical charges and have kept no account of the number of visits, consequently they think the physician an extortioner, [ while in reality, his charges, taken separately, in most cases, will fall below thefollowing standard of prices. It is a mat ter of information to our citizens, and as such we give it. There are many other items of charges specified in the bill, but we give only such as are of general importance : j most \ to Every necessary visit, in town... $ SB .50 When detained, | for each hour... l aso 1.00 When to more j than one person . \ in n family, for each additional patient j For a single visit in n case. For rising at and advice, without leaving house Night service, from 10 P. M. to 0 A. M J Always Double. Detention at patient’s house per diem 1. ..j Office advice and prescription... Consultation fee, for a first visit Subsequent vtsijts in same case... Services in natural labors, in town \ ...... Services in difficult labors, in town, requiring the use of in struments Extraction of Placenta Fur visits after labor, charge as in ordinary cases. In cases of labor, out of town, mileage will jbo charged ac , cording to the! usual rates. Eor riding one ‘mile or beyond town limits for every additional mile Reducing simple fracture, Thigh - “ “ “ Leg... “ “ ■ “ Arm .. Reducing simplej fracture of Col lar Bone Reducing simple fracture, Lower « Jaw i. Reduc|ug aimpld fincture, Ribs. For various other fractures For visits and attention neces sary after reduction, charge ns usual. | Reducing simple dislocation, llip Reducing simple dislocation of . Knee or Auklp Reducing simplle dislocation of Shoulder ..,.J Reducing, simple dislocation of Elbow, or Wrist Reducing simple dislocation of Fingers, or Ttjcs....’. Reducing simple dislocation of Clavicle Reducing simple dislocation of Lower Jaw.. J Reducing siinplq dislocation Ribs For visits and attention neces sary after’ dis’ ocation, charge aq usual. When a fracture! or dislocation is attended with} a wound, addi i tional charge Inay be made. I For amputation of Thigh 1 “ “ !“ Leg or F00t... For amputation lof Knee, Ancle, or Shoulder J oint Amputation of .Arm or Fore Arm [ For amputation of Fingers or toes For other amputations 1 Vaccination’ Cupping Venesection Extracting a Toj.ih Military P Su iday last, an in i be neighbor! is Subject to fits abco in ohr strei tula, any! pcrfoi tnry tactics in fr no small amuser and boys who hi lira! of the Exj part of Captain, and high private knife very loose! tors gave him manncl. We ob the day, in difft though he man any peraop, nevt confined daring' no telling what i others should an jbformance on Sunday. — On old German, living, we believe, ood of Allegheny Furnace, who of insanity, • made his appeor :ts, dressed in a suit of regimen med sundry evolutions in mili- Jnt of the Logan House, to the rent of quite a crowd of men d congregated theri# on the ar rets train. Ho performed the Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal , and flourished a large butcher y, so njuch so that the ppecta nmple ‘room to go through the served him several times during rent parts of the town. Al ifested no disposition tfriiarm rtheless we think he should be »is fits of insanity,! as there is njuiy he might do to himself or opportunity offer. Removal.— W and excellent ai s notice that onr young friend ■list, John W. Clabaugh, has ratns to his now room on the removed his apa comer of the allc loon, and imoted elHs old stand. J a splendid assort his business perf ,of the best room y opposite El Eeibonaoh’s Sa ately above Lowther & ilcDow >hn has a first-class instrument, nent of cases and understands ictly, and now he has one i for the purpose to be found pect to see him crowded with ke pleasure in recommending la K c of the public. any where, vre ei Wc ta him to tae patro Cuasqe or S< new arrangemen trains on the Cei commodation tn HEDc,tc.— On Monday a lin running of passenger tral went into effect The ac in from this place east, has od the through mail put on Express Train East and West, l “S®d. the Fast Line East nd leaves at 6,50 in the eren itwatd at 10.06 P. M. The wd airircs at 12.05 and .leaves ftTCB at T.OO I*llL 5 to take the cars isil] do well s*. !: ’■ ■/> .■ - been taken off* a The time of'the has not been ch .arrives at ,6.80 i i >ng,—leaves Wo Mail Train Easivi at 12.80 noon—b Persons iutendin to nu ts .this chan a Criirae. ITEMS. .60 .50 6.-00 5 00 1.00 1.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 5.0 U 5.00 \ 5.C0 1.00 10.00 10.C0 15.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 25.00 20.00 30.00 ' 40.00 15.00 25.00 5.00 20.00 75.00 1.00 1.00 50 .25 Ihoh Citt Cohukxoial Goixeqe, Pittsburg, Pa.—A. T. Donthett-bas wqn fur himself the! highest honors for .being tbo moat, successful disciplinarian and. teacher of onr city schools. I The graduates of :his class having long had the reputation, of being practically educated, and; have for years been been cited to by the Board of Education' for producing the most rapid improvement in writings and turning out thorough practical rapid business penman.—! During the past year the Central High School employed him to give two lessonS each week to their classes.. The Iron City College, which at 'all times makes it a point to engage the best talent and most thorough" scholarship of the country, has Prof. Douthett added to its able corps of teachers. The reputation of £rof. Douthett as a teacher of,great energy, thorough ness and success, in connection with the other Professors, is a sufficient guarantee, that the Iron City College is the inost dosirable place which the country affords for acquiring a thor ough practical commercial education. For in formation of tho College, address F. IV. Jenkins, Pittsburg, Pa. Lsn.CK.NzA.— This is a very common disease at this season of the year, and frequently leads to deep seated enghs, and oftentimes Consump tion. To those who may be troubled in that way, we advise to 'read the following notics, and act accordingly : From the Pititburg Morning Post, Oet. 28, ’-58. Influenza.— One of the best medicines for tbc cure of Inflnenza, that can be found in the country, is Dr. Keyscr’s Pectoral Syrup. We have tried it, ; and take great pleasure in bear ing testimony to its efficacy. There is no hum bug about it. At this season of the year, when one-half of onr citizens are sneezing and cough ing, it should be known that a few spoonsful of this medicine wHI, in half a day, work a per fect cure. Reader, if you have a Cold take our advicej and biiy a bottle of Dr. Keyset’s Pec toral Syrnp. It may be had of O. W. Kessler of this place. 1.00 Ixcuease of Wages. —We are pleased to learn that the Railroad Company have increased the wages of the employees, but to what extent we are- unable to tell at present. The increase was simultaneous with the discharge of the ‘‘ strikers’’ in this place, although it extends over the whole road and includes every depart ment and officer. Thus have the words of Col. Lombaert and Scott, to those who petitioned for an increase of wages, been faithfully kept, and the most conclusive evidence been given that the Company is fast recovering from the shock occasioned by the “tight times,” through which we have just passed, which squeezed the HR out of a number of Railroad companies and cor porations who made mure anstentatious displays of means than the Pennsylvania Central. 10.00 6.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 80.00 5.00 1.00 .50 20.00 10.00 10.00 Useless Does.—For some time past the in habitants of North Ward have been nightly an noyed by the howling and fighting of a pack of a dozen or twenty dogs, whom, it appears to us, can Le of no earthly benefit to their owners, else they would take proper care of them. We think there is a Borough Ordinance relating to these quadrupeds, and wo sincerely hope that the proper officer will see to having it enforced. If it be not enforced, the only remedy left those who wish to enjoy a peaceful sleep is to load up their old fusees and declare a war of extermi nation, and rest not until every dog shall have received a charge of cold-lead. This shall be cur remedy. 10.00 10.00 2.00 Go.oo 20 00 15.00 5 00 10.00 Heavy Raiks. —liuring the last few weeks we have had little else than rainy weather, the pre dictions of the weather wise that we were to have n-uch dry weather to.the contrary notwith standing. The ground is now perfectly satu rated with water, and we think vegetation would be able to stand the suns of a couple of weeks without injury. The rains will no doubt con siderably retard the farmers in attending to their spring work and planting, but it will ma terially increase, their prospects of heavy grass crops, and roakC'pasture abundant. 10.00 5.00 30 Oil 2-3.00 ■j • Battalion Training. —On Monday morning and evening lalt, the vicinity of oqr office was a scene of lifcjsand war-like demonstration, the consequent result of the departure and arrival of the two companies belonging to this place, to and from the Battalion Training, at Hollidays burg. As is usually the case, the day was un propitious, being interspersed with occasional showers. We hope, however, that our soldiers had a fine time of it, as they arc a fine set of fellows. .25 Excitement Down Town. —Copsldernb’e ex citement has been created in North Ward ond Tuckahoe Valley, by the arrival of a large and splendid stock’ of new Goods at McCormick’s Store. Mr. AI. has just returned from the city, and is now opening his Spring and • Summer Goods, wbich.he promises to sell at greatly re duced prices. All he asks is that you call and examine hia stock and prices Read his adver tisement in another column. ; Licenses Granted. —The following named persons, in Altoona, obtained licences at the recent term of court; . JloUh— Richard McClain, Nicholas Erringer, Herrifck & Schweigart, Thomas Keys, John Woods, John Bowman, William Barr, Jonathan Damo. ' V | Ealing Hounu— Ferdinand Nothwarig, Jacob Holtzman, Jacob Schenk, Eeibenack& Schmidt. Takes to the Asylum.—-We are sorry to learn that Adolphus Erbc,. a drafteuian, recently in the employ of the Pa. R, B, Company, who has been laboring under ah liberation | of mind for some time past, .was, on Friday hujt, : taken to the Insane Asylum at . Under the care of a skillful physician it is hoped that ho will soon be to liis formed health and usefulness. , 1 D)blkoajx Elechos.— -The election to bhooso Delegates to the Ameiioan meets in Hollidaysburg on tbo 20th lost, comes off on Saturday next. Wo hear but littlo said about tlie local politics of the county, and pre sume tbe election o.n Saturday .will pass oiF quietly, except in thosb districts icherein candi dates for the different offices reside. ' reference ;to ijbei new. advertisements In to-daj’a paper. it will ~bo wen- that the Bor ough Coßn9n;liavc ndo|»tcd an important Ordi nance. - Ice CasAMi—lf you want a saucer of this delicious article,'; go :ito Mrs. Haines & Cost ley’s, on Brimch Sfejeet, a le* dobra ahovd; Br. John L. Ickcs’s Store, where they have lately opened a Saloon, end b*e prepared at all times to serve those who may wish to give them a calk JRsf* Wanted—to rent, a Amuse suitable for a small family withpab children. Apply immedi ately nt this office, < i _> :i „ ' Pir tke Mioana. Tribune. To the Yoong meu of Altoona. lettSTno. 6. The Infiatatct of the Weather on our Thoughts—The Storm —(roit in the Young Men of pur Place — The Want qtt. ALTOONA MARKETS. Flour—Superfine, bbl. “ Extra, , o»rn Meat, ; .« cwt. , Potatoes, 1 iflbnsh. Thy Apples, « « Batter, pro Laid, ; Hama, Ip “ |hoaldor», “ Eggs, $ doz. STLain A Lehr sell their Roar at the followiug rates:— White Wheat Flour, Extra Family, Tpbbl. ’ 55.75 “ “ “ “ Superfine, “ $4,87J4@5.00 . “ “ “ Superfine, “ 4,7 a Fxtra Family Rour, " bbl. . f Superfine Extra, best quality, " * 626 “ “ Brush Creek, ;•* 6 00 Superfine, u 4 75 In this place, on the 38th nit., bv the Rev. S. A. Wilson, Mr. LEVI FKAILEY to Miss MARY J. DAVf.Y, both of Altoona. - SHAWLS, FROM §1.20 TO O $3.50, at the Cheap Corner. May 13, i858.-lt J. A J. LOWTHEB. Daily receiving, fresh sup plies ogress GOODS and SHAWLS, and selling cheaper than ever, by J. A J. LOWTItEB. COLORED PRINTS, FROM Jl 6!4 to 11J~J cents per yard, at the now cheap corner. May IS, 1858.-U J. A J. LOWTHEH. JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER LOT of those baautiful Robes A’ Quille. They sell like hot cakes. Ladies, call and sec them at the cheap corner. May Ei, 1558.-lt J. A J. I.OWTHER. FISH!—HERRING BY THE 1 barrel, and Mackerel bv the barrel, half-barrel or kitts, for sale cheap by ’ J. kJ. LOXVTUER. Notice.— whereas, letters of Administration ou tho Estate of Adam Robinson, late of the township of Logan, IJluir county, dece u»cd, have been grunted u» the subscriber; all poison* indebted to the said estate arc make luunediato payment; and those haring claims or demands against tho estate, will please make known the same without ileluy to Altoona, May 13, ISoS.-Ct JACOB GOOD, Admr. EE ST AUR ANT AND LAGER i BEKU SALOON,—The subscriber would respectfully announce that be will keep constantly bn hand, at his saloon L nder the Masonic Temple, a supply of refreshments, such as Cakes, Cheese. Sardines. Pretzels, and an excellent article of LAGER REEL, nnmu favoured at the Altoona Brewery, which is pronounced the best in the country, ilia saloon is fitted up in good style for the comfort and accommodation of bis patrons, and ho hopes by strict attention to their wants to merit and receive a fair share of patronage. May 13,1855.-ly] FERDINAND NOTHTVANU. INTENSE EXC IT EMEN T ! MeCOUMICK'S NEW G'K'DB HAVE ARRIVED AsD ARE NOW BEING OPENED Foil INSPECTION AND SALE. “ lieioo, neighbor'. I'm In-re do tins ground egatn. ■ Per haps you recollect vh -ii 1. last year, asked you to hold my horse 11 moment aud tell me where the b HEAP STORE was. But it is different now. It reminds mo a little of the campaign of Ibbi. win-a Gen. Harrison was elected Pre sident. Yon hove ouly to g > with the crow.! and you will have no dilliculty in finding MCCORMICK'S STORE. From the excitement dew u the valley, and the ijuantity of good.- I see carried away, they must be selling otf very rapidly and yery cheap.” *• You are right, my friend; I would say to you, sir. go ahead aud your anticipations wi.l be fully realized. He has a very large aud well selected assoitm-eit of Goods. Uo’ll sell yon a dress for fifty cents and give the trimmings into the bargain, I’m told, and all other goods in propor tion.” •• Good l ye, neighbor, that’s where I am going to buy my goods.” *■ That's right, and so should everybody else. Good bve.” DRY .GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, I QUEENSWAUE. STONEWARE, CEDAR WAKE, Hats and Caps, very cheap Bonnets. Missis’ Plats, Ac,; La dies’ Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, with Misses, Boys and Men's Boots and Shoe.;, and every other article kept in a first c.i|s* country store, can be had cheap for cask, at McCormick's. All articles of country produce taken in exchange, for goods. K. U. MoCOR.MICK. Altomo, May 13,1855.-1 y AN ORDINANCE FOR THE bet ter regulation of the peace aud order of the Bor ough of Altoona: Suction 1. Be it enacted by the Burgess and Town Coun cil of the Borough of Aic<-oua. ami ordained by the same. That from aud after the passage of this Ordinance, any person who shall he fmnJ intoxicated by the use of intox icating drinks, in any street, alley, public or private place, or in any building, public or private house within the Bor ough, shall upon view or due pr.n.f being made before the Burgess or a Justice of the Peace, be flu* d a sum not ex ceeding ten dollars, and costs, and in default of payment of the fine and costs, the person so convicted shall be coufiniKl In the “ Lock Cp" house not exceeding forty-eight hours at any one time. Sec. 2. That if any por-on shall profanely curse or swear by the name of Oo.i, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, or by any other name or tiling as aforementioned, every person s > offending and being convicted thereof before the Burgess or a Ju-'tice of the Peace, upon hearing or upon die' proof being made, shall be fined and pay the sen of 67 cents for each and every such profane curse or oath, together with costs, and in default of tbo payment of the fine and c« t<. the person so offending shall be confined in the ‘ hock Cp” house not exceeding twenty-four hour?. Sec. 3. That any person or persons who shall fight, or bo engaged in an siTniy, or shall cause to - publicly offer to create a breach of the peace, or any person who may Ik present assisting or eitcouraging the same, t-lm.ll. noon be ing convicted thereof, be fined, the sum of five dollars and costs, and in default of payment shall be c rifiued in the “Lock Cp” honso not exceeding forty-eight hours: and whosoever shall conduct themselves improperly in public, by using vulgar and obscene language, or shall moke a noise on the street to the annoyance of the citizens by night or day, by hallooing or in auy'och-r way, shall upon con victim, be fined aha punished as iu tho first part of this section. Sec. 4. That any person who shall keep a disorderly house, or shall suffer or permit noisy and disorderly con duct therein, and any person causing and being engaged in any such disorderly conduct in any drinking bouse, tavern, saloon, or private dwelling, to the annoyance of peaceable citizens, shall ’upon being convicted thereof pay a flue of five dollais, and in default of payment shall bo confined in tho “Lock Cp” house not exceeding twenty-four hoars. ""Sec. 5. That any person who shall wilfully deliico or tear down handbills, notices, ordinances or posters, in public places, within ten days from the time m pntting them up, or slmll break, inutUnto or injure any fmit or ornamental sbrun upon tho side-walks or any other place In the Bor ough, the person so ofil tiding shall, upon being Convicted thereof, pay a fine not exceeding ton dollars, aud in defimlt of payment thereof shall be confined In the “Lock Cp” house not exceeding forty-eight hours. Sec. 0. That any person charged with offending against flic laws of this commonwealth, and being under arrest, it shall be lawful for tho officer baring tho person or persons, in custody, to confine such person or persons In the “ Lock Cp” house for a further hearing before the Magistrate, or until the officer shall heve an opportunity of conveying the person or persons to the County Jail, tho confinement not to exceed forty-eight hours at any one time. The manner of conviction in tho preceding sections shall bo the same os in the first and second sections of this Ordi nance. ! B. 11. MCCORMICK, iWt T. C. i E. M. JONES , Burgat. Attest: Jons MoClellax, CUrJc. Altoona, May 186?.-3t T. N. K. Yaluable property for SALE.—-The undersigned offers for sale a tract ot EIGHTY ACRES of land, situate in Fnrgnson township, Clearfield county, on tho Sonth ride bfthe West Branch of tho Susquehanna Rirer,. about lire niQes from CnrurcusVille end one mile below Lumber City. The premises nrecon,- voniently situated, and among other inducements to pur chasers aro two extensive beds of 1 IRON ORE, one of which exceeds nine feet in thickness and yields from forty-five to eighty per' cent. Them, is also iu> abundance of . LIMESTONE AND STONE COAL on the premises, l making it a desirable situation to persona wishing to engage in the manufacture of Iron. There is the best of water power on- Oie promises, and the river is navigable with arks, boats, &c., from this point. Persons desiring any further information will address ' i WM. Q. SicCP.ACKEN, March 25-3m.J New Miliport, Clearfield Pa. T 7 LOUR.-—THE BEST QUALITY OF X? FAMILY FLOOR for sale, Wholesale andßetall. Applyjto - . J. SHOEMAKER, Eec. llj , Masonic Temple. §BTTEES FOR SALE.—THE UN r ■ dersigned has bn hand a lot of Settees which bo will cheap for cash. * "' JOHN SHOEMAKER, March 2SAL] HV - Mcsonle Temple. T. FOB SALE. 1 160.000 Shingles ; W,OOO Lathes, • anlaUtttdaofßGlLDlhG MATERlAL?ldwcrthnh the lyvnMLWpkfchV Apply to ; JOHN SHOEMAKER. coaksona) weekly by j. •* s. lornanL M’LAIN A LEHR’S FLOUR MARKET. H. LEHR’S FLOUR MARKET. MARRIED, A FORTUNE EOf* »ffi- $70,000 TO BE HADFOBSIOI O WAN & CO’S LOTTSB|B@y AU* kj THOJUZSD BY THE STATS OFGSOWUAi \ The foUosrttttfßohpmeirlU •be drawn by 8. S tran * Co, Manager* of thoSport*. Academy Lottery, la «iwh of the)! 1 Single Number Xilterlte for M»y, 1868, el jiIJQIJSTA, Georgia, to which city they hare removed their principal w» V 5 office. CLASS 13, ' 'H To be drawn In the city of Augusta, Georgia! li fintufdajy, Mpy 1, 1858. ■: - CLAESI4, . ,y. j To be drawn In tna City of Augusta, Georgia, fa Saturday, May 8, ISSB. T T CLASS 16, \ ' To be drawn in the City of Afigtata, Georgia, fa Saturday, May M, 1868. CLASS ia. To be drawn in'the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on .***%&£■ — :Mf I To be drawn in the City of. Augusta,' Georgia, fat public, ou Saturday, May 29, ISSB. OK THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS.; nre tHocsaan four' hcxdezd xnd Koair-Pivs; PRittal If early one Prite to every Jfine Ticket*/ J MAGNIFICENT SCHEME!’ ; to bs hezwn each sATcmur is mo. '■ 1 Prite of ' $70.0501 4 Prite of i 000 X s “ “ 30,000 4 •* .« ;■ , ; 800 I « “ 10,008 4 « « 700. x “ “ fi.»» 4 “ “ ax) I “ “ 4,000 50 Prises of 600 X « “ 8.0001 50 “ “ , ‘ 300 X “ “ 1,500'100 '« « ; \ ' 125 4 « “ 1,000,230 » “ . ; XOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES. !: i 4 Prizes of $4OO Appfoxting. to $70,000 Prize are $1,600 4 “ 300 “ “ 80,000 W: “! 1,200 4 « “ 200 “ “ 10,000 f ' 800 4 “ li 125 “ “ 6,000 0 : “ = (Ou 4 “ “ 100 “ “ 4,000 " “ 400 4 “ “ 75 “ “ 3,000 il «: -300 4 “ “ 60 « « 1,500 « “ 200 5,000 “ “ 20 are : 100,000 5,485 Prizes amounting to - $320,000 XVhole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2,50, PLAX OF THE LOTTERY. : I The numbers from 1 to 60,000, corresponding! with those numbers ou tbs Tickets printed on separate Slijis of paper, arc enciicled in small tin tubes and placed in olte XVueeL The first 407 Prizes, similarly printed and eacirqlrd, ore placed in another Wheel. ■ ! IT. The wheels ore then revolved, and a number Is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the saute Prize, is drawn from the other wheel. Tho uumberl and prize drawn out are opened and exhihitedto the ftmjlktice, and registered by tho Commissioners; tho Prize- being placed against the number drawn. This operation is repeated un til 1 all tho I'rizes are drawn out. Approximation Prizes.— The two precoedlngnndihe two succeeding numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prize* will be enlitl'-h to the 23 Approximation Prizes. To r example: if Ticket No. 11,250 draws tho $70,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 11,348. 11,240,11,251,11252, will Michjbo entitled to $4OO. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $30,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 543, 549, 651, 552, will encif be {entitled to $3OO, and so on according to the above schema. Tlie 5.000 Prizes of $2O will be determined by thetaat 11;, are of the number tluit draws tho $70,000 Prize. For ex ample; if the number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the tickets, whore the number cnils it> 1, will be entitleil to $2O. If the number ends yrlth No. 2, then oil the tickets where tho number ends in 3-will bo en titled to $2O, and so on to 0. i Certificates of Packages will be sold a< tbo (bllcfwing rates ; which is the risk: • ‘ | • Certificate uf package of 10 Whole Tickets, $5O *• “ 10 Half “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarter “ ' ; ! 2UT . 10 Eight ■ - 10’ IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the money to onr address for the tickets ordered.' or receipt of which they will be forwarded l)y first mall.— Purclrisers can have tickets ending in any number they may designate. : The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes Wifi! besent to purchasers immediately ofl-rJthc drawing. ,1 Purchasers will please write their signatures! plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. ; Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. ' All prizes of $l,OOO and under, paid inupedtitcly after the drawing—other prizes at the usual time Of 30 days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or Certificates to" - 8. SWAN A CO., Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Air,- or Atpla!)ta,Ga. can have their orders filled, and save time, ;l>y addressing, S. Swan A Co., at either of tlyse cities. i A li t "f the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, w ith the amount of the prize that each oneiie dntiilfd to, will be published after every drawing, in the following pa pers:—Xexa OrUans Delta, Mobile Jtegitfrr, C'harleftmi Stan dard. Xashcillt Gazette. Atlanta Intelligencer. jVf (0 York Weekly Pay He.’.-, Sdvaiduih Mowing Xtat, GitJimond Dis patch. Ac to I’nrk Dispatch, end Paulding (Hits.) Clarion Augusta {Gn.) Omstilultonalint. ' ’ [J|cn.7-ly. Maryland state lotteries FOR MARCH, 185 H. ! R. France k Co., Managers of the Maryland State Lotteries, presept flic fol lowing Splendid Schema FOR MAY. ISSS. They caulion purchasers of Tickets to beware of order ing Tickets In Lotteries where extraordinary large! Capi tals arc offered for a small cost of Tickets—all such are swindle-. • The Maryland Lotteries have been in existence; for Forty Years. They are drawn by a State Officer, atid can bo re lied on. If you draw a Prize, you will get ypnr nioiur The whole country is flood’ d with hegifj Lottery concerns. Beware of them. -Order in the Maryland State Lotteries,, M.VOXniCt.NT SCUIiMEi’ Grand consolidated Isattery. class o, To be drawn in Baltimore City, May 22, li>6S.; : liSir 16 Drawn Rdiotr out of TS,-3DJ' Making more Prizes than Blanks. Every I’a cite, go of 26 Tickets must c intain 1(1 drawn numbe-fo, so that there are Id Prizes to M Bialiks. 1 Grand Prize of st-J;000 TO Prize pf $2OO 1 Prize ef 10.000 619 Prize of 100 1 Prize of 5.000 62 Prize of 80 1 Prize of 6,'XW 62 Prize of 70 3 Prize of 2.Cod 621’rize- of i 60 5, Prize of 1-500 62 Prize of- i ; 40 l-i Prize of J,Buc 7.192 Prize of ' 20 10 Prize of 40v 30,255 Prices . } la 35.250 Prizes, amounting to 8001.000. ; Tickets slo—Halves ss—Quarters s2,oo—Eighths $1,25. A Certificate of Package if 26 Wholes, costa ■- I §134 00 Do. do., 26 Halves, j , (i 2 00 Do- do. 26 Quarters, 51 00 Po. ■ do. 20 Eighths, j 15 CO HAVANA PHAN ThU Is the old mode of Drawing. Brizes in and Tickets in another. j Krery Prize if drawn ont. * 1 Ertri) Prist paid in full icithtnU drdukddti! GRAND CONSOLIDATED EXTRA CLASS 6, To be drawn in Baltimore. Md., Saturday, May 29th, ISoS 20,fi$& Prizeal J 6,000 Numbers!! ' SPLENDID SCHEME! $01.160 6,000 6.000 5.000 6.000 2.000 2.000 2,000 2,000 J2CO 1,260 1,260 1.260 1,000 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize "f 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 4 Prizes of 10 l*rizee of 10 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 19 'B9O *0 ; « £3O ‘ 40 » 900 400 ;i* 20,000 Prison of $8 each. 20,000 Prizes of $B, determined by the Qnpitalpi • odd or-even. Whole Tickets slo—Tlnlvesjj—Qnarteras A Managers’' Certificate of 10 Whole*—wher' wish to pay the risk only, will bo sent for Do. ‘ do. 16Halves, ■ Do. do. 16 Quarters, Do. 40. 18 Kljrhths,’ ] The Managers hare been compelled from thb complaints madeto thfcm, ofnntoithfalncss on t •hose who hare been attending to the filling of resume the correspondence bnainoM in their own Order tickets from thoKanagcra only. ■ Adrross all letters (o j • ■ . R. I'RAXCB. March 4-1 y] • ■ 1 ■ Baltinto ]VTEW VOLUMES OF THE JL !R GREAT BETTiaU REVIEWS, namely,, J liiinhurff. North British, and jUn id Urrlies, and Bladcm >.e:»i citherbf the firm. - JAMES LOW' Altoona, April 20,185£-Bt.] WM. McIHJW: QUEHIFFALITY.—I offer infe a candidate Cjr the office of SHERIFF OrTOj tr, at the ensuing eltcClon In October next. If e pledge myself to discharge the duties appwtainiri office to the best ofmy Mllltr. ■1 : - ‘.tir'd Feb. 4,1858-tc] JOHN B. W^U ]r: OVKRING AND NEW ORLEANS [J - Syrup Mohw6e% at ftir prices, at .■ „ . 'QJJ'.: HENRY MpaJs, IIOCERIEJk —«-A: \ T complete iMirtocni of Otoceiiet jur&iiial wStfrik cvfnd »t ■ the; jrffcre* of : J.®, f 1 *' • .i-.-.i -v). .... ■ i ■ ■ ■■t i in —m" i A XWA*B SOMETHING ’ NEW.— jPLr Ou> aan Toes®. i public, IB public, ou Is, nodoubt, (he most wonderful discovery of this tg« o progress; tor It will restore, permanently, gray hair to Ha casual color, cover the head of tho bald wi)lr*-asaM Huk rfont growth, remove at once all dandruff and Itching, cure oU scrofula, and other cutaneous eruptions, such aa scald hsad, etc. It will euro, as if by magic, nervous or peiiodi «(l headache; make the hair soft, glossy and preserve the cqiar perfectly, and the hair from falling, to extrema old age. The following is from a distinguished member'of the iisodicftl pttftaehm j ' f ’ ■ . i Br. PAvt. January 1,185& Pbof. 0. 3. Woon—Dear Sr:—Unsolicited, 1 semi yCu tills certificate, After being nearly bald for a tong time and having tried all the hair restoratives extent, andhavtag no forth ill any, I was induced, on hearing of yours, to give Hja trial. I placed myself in the hands, of a barber, and hid uty nead rubbed with a good stiff brush, and tho resto rative than applied and well rubbed in, till the sculp was aglow. This Trepfcated every .morning, and in throe weeks the young hair appeared and grew rapidly from August but till the present time, agd is now thick, block and strong— soft and phnsant to the loach; whereas, before, Itwoshareh ,and wiry, wbat little there was of it, and that little wni dibppoaring'very'rapidly. I still rise your Peato retire about twice a Week, and shall soon have a good and herfoct crop of hair. Now 1 had, read oil these things—and who iujs not? but have not seen hitlicrto any cose where any person’s hair was really bunuflUod by any of .the hair tonic, etc., of the day; and it really gives mo pleasure to record the result of my experience. - I have recommended your preparation to others, tthd it already has a large and gent!- aljsßle throughout the Territory. The 1 people, hero xtiotv ih) effects and have confidence The supply you sent us as wholesale agehts for the Territory, is nearly exhaus ted, and doily inquiries ore made for it. You deserve cred it ifor your dwcovcry.and J, for one, rcltirn. yen my thanks for the benefit it has done me, for I certainly had despaired lojig ago of effecting any such result. I Tinu of Bond A Kelly, DmggUts, St; paid- ‘ ißom Pit Editor of th» Jttul Lite It AdtrrtiUr. ' ’ : f , Bosids, March 158 V JpEAß.gic:—Having become prematurely qultegrey,! was Induced, some six weeks since, to make a trial ofyourPcsto retire. 1 have used, less titan two bottles, but the gray hlilrs hayc all disappeared; and although my lmir has not .flflly attained its original color, yet the process of chug" irgradually going on, audl am in great hope* that iu a Snort.time my hair, will dark ojformerly, I have aim. l>«en much gratified at the healthy ’moUfttro *Bd vigor of the hair, which before WCs hahh ahd afy; And It has ceased to come out as formerly. 1 1 Respectfully yotirs, T). C. 51. HUPP. ! C.icmr, Illinois, June 13,1555. , J have used Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative, nud have ad mired its wonderful effect. My hair was hccomir z;’ as I thought; prematurely gray; hut by the use of life fipksa titu, it lias, resumed its original color, a ltd have no doubt, phrrooicotiy so. SIDNEY BKBESE, ! ' Px-SCnntor Vultcd Stale*, p. J. Woon A- rv>.,' Proprietors, 3P! Broadway X., Y. and 11 1 Market «t., St. LouKM issued. For sale by -n*y years with a;Success almost credulous, and it is entirely vegetable, bc io|>c composed wholly of gums. Sonic idea of tho strength of these gtuusraay bo foemed when it is known one bottle of ilia Invlgoirutor contains u mlich strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without any edits deleterious effects. - ■ One bottle is the surest thing known to entry uwny tho had effects of mineral poison of any kind. Only one bottle oft: is needed to throw out of tic system the effect of medicine offer a long sickness. ■One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yellowness or unnatural color from the skin. - r One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising nod souring. Only on? dose taken he loro tetiridgprevents nightmare. One dose taken at night loosens the-howeta gently, and cutes costlveucM. One dose- taken after each meal will cute Dyspepsia, One dose of two tea-s].ooiifuU will always relieve Sick Headache. One bottle, taken (or female ohstmctionsri moves the cauro of the disease,mid makes n perfect chre. . Only one doso immediately relieves Cholic, while one dote often repented is a sure cui,v for Clmf-ra Jldrbns.mudasurs preventative of Cholera. > , • i | One dose taken often will prevent-the reenrrenoo of bil li°h a attacks, while It relieves all painful feelings. ■ •Kjt*Ono dr two doses taken oeeasitmilly isontofihelcst remedies for cold ever known. ••• 1 . T,_ ffiionsands pf cures and wcakfecs of the indgs have bncu cureil by till Invigilator. One dose taken a short time before e.itiug gitea figof end makes f.iorl dijp-st well., ’ ; ijliie dose often reiientrd cur.*!! P{arr!i<#|» iti worst forms, whil.yomimer and bowel compla; iit» • yMd almost Id the fir it doso. - . ‘ . One or two Jpscs inns alia. V j caviscd by worms, whiln folj worms hi children! there h no Hirer, siUbr end tpetdicr remedy in tbc *-wW, :is it nwv-(-e litils. ~ r ThCro'f»‘so ©Mggeni 1 ion in (It v.e- statements, they ara plain ahd sober facts, that we cui give evidence to prove, while nil who use i: ar*-giving their unanimous testimony in its favor • s pa wish all who are sick a:ul debilitated lb try ttiikreln rdy. imd test it thoroughly, dud Miy who ;oe not Iwhefited hyiif? use we should like to h-re Cr-m.ltW we -have yet to hear from the first pei«ou nfcd has nscilaholthfcfliivtgpre toi without receiving belief t. for th« rc'nrttVuchiustoniahlttg mrdiolunl yirtfvs in it. tlmt r.ll, no matter how. lons, they liavo b««n ath eted, if tit -!r complaint arises from a derang ed liv-r, will lbs honeittfd, if not entirely cured.’ ' - . Sanford 4 00., Proprietors, 3-15 Dromfwny, Ktw ■ York. W.-0.11. Keyaer, Druggist*. N0.]40 Wood Street, Pittsbtfr", Wfpolostle Agent. >’or sale by G. IV. KEScI.fTK, Druggl.i, Altoona. T April 2, Sr-ly rjnHE NEW ROOUELLE Oil LAW- J[ TON lU.ACKBEKKY. Jl-.iriiij; mad,- ar'rangcmrnls with Her. j. Kuos for a sup ply Of I’fiuit/ of tills valjrabli- Elackbprrv. **.ooo strong, thrifty plants are offered it the following prices ; ?: plants $125,00,25 plants me spo •• CSJSOM •> aw 230 “ £o,oo 0 “ V 7& Ipo » ];s00 3 TIS» bo “ «,oo| i “ .. ; xo Tho “ Springfield republican-,” i.f MaWsebnst Ms, Says': “It is the Queen of all berrito, of most roatpiiflccut protior tious, exquisite Itavut-nniJ fielicate ■ Extract from the. proceciliuijs of tl-.c American Remolori cal Socictj, JiclJ in Boston: : i Mr. Cabot, of Mass. “ 1 wish to incjulreabout tlie If ear Rochelle Biackberrr.” • * ; ' ; 4 Ajipi ■'Z to $2OO XS , Her. War. of Htoulnrton. *totws'“Xho'’src*’ chellt- Blackberry tku fhiilvd wltli nio -/or tfce.ftrftdm* this seivoa; it/"{fitlt aW iitjnnhifet, be im'cf of it. Coming jhat after Uaspborrics, ftjhtdoEc* the st;u Xfl i a 16 : « 80 I 20 ?»*■ being Mr. ?wsa,orX«v i«>rk..itod last season some of the fruit before the Pittsburgh If or ticulln rel Society. The PittsburghChronicle«ay*: ‘•Many ©four cit'tcna visited the rooms cf the Hocictjr ritß a view of ex amining Mr. Knox's collection, and thitao who weretbrtn uate ettnngh to seeit expressed their admiration Inno mes sored tertne.” The Socfety aieardud fho eihtbitfona di ploma. ' J,,' . Orders addressed toller. J. KNOX, or the- shbecribar wid accompanied with the rash, or a suitable reference jrbero the partieSaro not known, will be Sited in the Spirt in which they ore received.- 1 . ' ■ NEWMAVS THORNLESS BLACKBERRY PLANTS for sale at the gamo prices. JAMES TITABBROfi 9-3 t. ' i 7 Fifth street, Pittsburgh,’ Pk, r'pmoDS :• ; $9O M 45 24 12 mpicrous leriart of Mfiftre, to Dame. :Cp. rejMd. FQUR onjQuar mttl*.) ickwood, Kotjews, ur copies Brick iv brick m brick ii i~ Xfre untjersigued subscriber hns onband now aodfor ante) on ss'jn tlw «t 0 tl ; Points'*' irrood. FIRST RATE QUALITY OF REDBUICK, «t the weft-known Brick TaVdat McCahas’e “ Blnjr," whei-e he Is projfinPed folhruish any quantity of BRICK nn short notice. Orders from will be aftchdcdto, and Brick delivered !»the cafe” AddrM* y : April JjlBs£3ur. WII.UAM TAUGICf. > ■ ' Pmicaiaville, Blair comity,! I *. UiT; IP ilpShore thtfirm olrbd by adOWlth T>INJ3 GROVE .ACADEMY AflD XT SEMINARY. _ _ MUU, Centre Cbunfalb. . ■_ ■ - J- E- THOMAS. A. 8., Principal. ' - . Season of this TnstttntlOTjTvßl comment* April 28,1858,'tutd continue five months. V- • • tuition In English Branches *»« Refortipce—-Pr. 0, P.Thomas. Altoona. [Map. ««Ri slFraS dr toon-' footed,! rtoJMtid *mL ■> e 'psi G YES! — GENTLEMEN dfkw nigh and pear. JOSEPH P. TBOJJI unkmp cea to the public, that ho is ready to discharge his doty asap Auctioneer whenever called upta. fjan. 3, ’£#.-> ORA.NOES 1 ...AND'"’ LEMONS 1 hozea Oranges a p4 JeeiponiHn store March Ss,';-Sly' ' 191 Srtthbdetrtct.Phtlid^ti.'; m DR. SANFORD’S INVIGOR ATOR OR LIVER REMEDY. ss.iO