The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 06, 1858, Image 2

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    l|e tarHrm.
,i: . awooxa, pa. '
‘ TBCRSDAY, MAY 6, 1858.
J. Where parties arc. unknown to us,ourralofor adter
■Wtejl to require payment hindrance, oraguarantco from
.kfffiWß' persons. ' It is therefore useless for nil such to send
tu'jtd+ertisemcutM offering to pay at the end of three or six
Where advertisements are accompanied with the
mopey. whether one, live or ten dollars, Wo will give the
•drerliser the full benclit of cash rates.
I *II3|ISSOLtJTI(pN. -j —The partnership
• JLc heretofore cxbjUiig between E. B. JicCrum and Wm.
■ 51. Allison, in the' Printing and Publishing Business, has
tWi day been dissolved by mutual consent. All parties
' knowing themselves iijdebted'to said firm will please make
UMBIUXE PATMK.M. to IVm.i M. Allison, at the Tribune
: Office*to whom the Books and accounts have been trans
fsrmft . -■ 1 E. B. McCBUM,
; -Altoona Slay Ist, ISSS. ( Wm. SI. ALLISON.
GOPAKTNERSHIP.— The undersign.
cdhavo this flay nsaociated themselves together in
| .«« Muting and Pubiinhinp Basinets. They respectfully
i solicit the patronage of all the friends of tho old Ann, and
;of the public in general. No pains will be Spared to giro
! general satisfaction.
E. B. McCBtJM.
'Altoona Lay Ist, 185?. H. CI/AYUEBN.
N’. B.—All contracts fursubscription or advertising mode
with tii» old flrm of McCrum & Allison; for.the present
year, commencing on February 4th, 1858, and not yet com
pleted, willbe completed by-us.
;; Apology. —The sickness of the senior
editor, the death of a child of ;the Junior
' editor, and a perfect rush of job work,
delayed this jjaper one day .behind
| ti|nc, und prevented the notice of qujtea
j number of incidents that have latelyteans
; piied in our town. \Vc hope our readers
will have patience with us.' •
To the Public. -
With this number my connection with
the Altoona Trthune ceases, ’it -is un
necessary tp ; pußliply, specify the reasons
I which have prompted my withdrawal, suf
fice it to say, that it was from no want of
encouragement on the part of the patrons
of lire Tribune in general, and of the tnti
aeus of Altoona in particular. Farfromit.
; finding the two years and a half that I
; ha\;p been .connected with tins paper, I
i have never yet had cause to complain of
: the' encouragement I have received yin
fact has far exceeded my moat sanguine
expectations. ,£or tips, I now return my
most sincere thanks. :
• As an editor, a have always striven to
live up to the jplatfprm of principles my
late partner and inysclf adopted for our
guidance', and publicly announced, through
the-first copy of the Tribune: r >' : '
“ Be just and fear npt;
all the end* thou altu’st at be thycmmtry’B
‘ mpr QodX«nd truth'*; then if thou Cill’st,
; Thou fcU’at a hlcskd martyr.”
It is true that I may sometimes have fal
len far short of this standard, but such
short-comings should be attributed to the
not to the heart. I always meant
to do right, and invariably acted with that
design du view. How well I Jpuoceeded,
itj& qot for me to say. I leave the deei
. <ion of that',» generous public.
But .whatever .that decision may be; I, at
the approval of my own con
science, and am content. i
In retiring from the position of a pub
lic journalist, I shall carry with me many
pleasing reminiscences of my editorial;'cap
recr, which I shall long cherish in memo
ry, as green spots in my existence. No
matter where or under what skies in fii
-it - • - ■
I may roam, no matter what fortune
Stay be allotted to me, 1 shall always look
Upon the time I spent in Altoona, as the
pleasantest and most agreeable portion of
my life. ' . ; . \
. It is jwith deep regret that I now take
leave of the Tribune and its patrons, but
I am' happy to inform the latter that I
have confided my interest in the former to
H. Olay Been; Esq., late of Bloomfield,
Perry .county, who, in conjunction with
my late partner, will cany on the busi-
UOOs in sll its* branches. He is a young
pian.ev|eiy way well qualified to discharge
«I 1 the duties entrusted to his care, in a
mostsatisfactory manner. He to-day makes
lus modest bow to the public, and announ
ces the; policy, which, as associate editor,
means to pursue, and I cordially unite
with him in requesting that “ that kind
bees, encouragement and assistance, which
tbe gocid every where are always willing to
may be vouchsafed toward him.
tQe is certainly eminently worthy of it.
• It is with regret, also, that I part with
late partner, Col. E. B. McCrtjm.—
and companions in boyhood, our
association together in our riper years, has
Only served to more strongly cement the
tMmds of friendship existing between us;
I eo?diaUy commend him, also, to the pa
trons of the Tribune, os one well worthy
ftp theip i< kindness, encouragement and as
sistance.” In conjunction with his new
partner, he cannot give general satis-
I trust, that under their care,
tiiC Tribune, (now on. a most substantial
basis,) will go on prospering, apd will long
tiourish and exist, dV:oum> Of pride to the
citizens of Altoona, and of ionor and pe
cuniary benefit to its trorthjr and, enter
prizing publishers. „ 1
But here it may not be f ttmjtw to say a
w °rd to the citizens of Altoona, in par
ticular, and of the county, in general. If
you desire the Tribune to he the paper H
ought to b 6, you must substantially en
courage its editors. There are numbers
in town and . throughout the county, who
have never yet patronized it., This is not
right, and it is high time 'that it should
be remedied. You, reader, wholiave never
yet' taken the Tribune, should take it at
once, pay for it in advance, and try to get
every one of your acquaintances to follow
your example. My-word for it, you will
never regret it. l As a Local ‘paper; it is
unexcelled in the State, and every
good citizen should desire to keep himself
familiar with home news?
There are also .a good many business
men, (quite a number in town,) who do
not advertise. This is a mistaken policy.
By Ijberally. advertising your wares, you
not only benefit the editors, mid make a
home paper what it ought to be, but you
also more .than double your own profits.—
Eyciybody purchases from inerohantswho
advertise. Why? Because as they sell
more, they can afford to toll cheaper. The
same holds true in every branch of busi
ness, You, reader, who are in business,
and have never advertised, advertise at
once in the JWiune, and my word for it,
yoju will greatly extend your business and
inbroatoyour gains;
lW,ith kindest wishes for the health and
■Tribune, I now say to ene and .all, Good
bye, j Wm. M. ALLISON.
| Having purchased N the interest of Wm.
M. Allison, jpsq., in the Altoona Tribune,
and having become associated with Col.
£ H- MeCram, as jomt editor and pro
prietor. of the same, custom seems to de
mand that I should present to its readers,
a brief sketch of,the course I (with the
sanction and consentof my associate) mean
to pursue.
The character of the paper shall remain
unchanged; its old motto “Independent
iN shall still float from its
masthead. Although npt designed to hh
a Piarxy Parer, in the usual acceptation
of the term ; yet I claim and shall ever exer
cise the right to think, speak, and publish,
what my cohscience and judgment appears
as right and judicious. The exercise of
d Soiind discretion which shall please all
4nd ; offend none, is more than J can pro-
but no'effori shallhe wanting on my
pari to make the Tribune acceptable to
its patrons. ! .
- j • In the editorial management of a news
riper, I must and do frankly confess, that
have but little experience. But having
served a regular apprenticeship to the
printing business, odd having constantly
Worked at it during the last eleven years,
I have ho hesitation in saying that I prac
tically understand the business in. all its
ln my editorial efforts, 1 ask
end hope to receive, the indulgence of a
generous public. May my labors be ap
prematedaud my failings kindly over
looked. ■j . ■
] Jn conclusion;! I respcctfolly request
that that, kindness, encouragement and
assistance, which the good everywhere are
ever ready and willing to extend to those,
who are sensible of their own deficiencies,
and Willing to receive wise Qonnsel from
whatever source it may come, may be ex
tended to me. H. DEBN.
A&* Header are you an admirer: of
Burns, the Scottish poet ? But we need
hardly ask such a question, as we' have
never yet met anybody who was not. Well,
then, taking it for granted that you are an
admirer of the Farmer-Poet, do you sub'
scribe to the following sentiment of faij| ;
contained in his Poem entitled, "Tam
“ Inspiring bold John Barleycorn!
What dangers thou const make os scorn!
Wi’ tippeny, we fear nae evil;
Wi’ usqnebae we’ll face the devil!”
If you do, and want to know where to get
the real genuine John Barleycorn, .and
not “ tippeny,” “ firo water,” “ torch-light
procession,”“ greased lightning,” or “blue
vitriol,” concocted out'of rotten apples,
potatoes and “strychnine,” so generally
sold by dealers, we refer you to Messrs.
E. P. Middleton & Brother, No. 5 North
Front st., Philadelphia, .who have con
stantly on hand, a large and valuable as
sortment of everything in the Liquor line.
Messrs. Middleton & Brother, are gentle
manly business men, and sell better quali
ties of liquors at more moderate prices,
than any other firm in the city. You
who will sell liquor ought to buy a good
quality; and you who will drink liquor,
ought to be satisfied with none but the
best. We . know of no place where you
can be served with such an article except
at Middleton & Brother’s. Lovers of good
wine, can there be served with an article
“ One sip of which,
Will bathe the drooping spirits in delight
Beyond the bliss of dreams,”
Be wise and buy only, if you buy at all,
from Middleton, Brother. ’ \
On Friday afWnoon last, *s was ez>
English Kansas bill went through tie
House with flying colors. The Vote on
acceptance was 1 112 yeas and 103' hays,
leaving a clear majority of nine votes. —•
Forhey’s Frets;, in speaking of the pas
age of this bill, says:— l
a. 1
' “But ire have! no rtyoicing over a common
shame. We have |no words of congratulation at
an event which inflicts disgface :upon pur com
mon country. The more we deliberate upon
the record of the last fourteen months, the more
•do we feel that a iblow J»as been struck- at the
very heart of our institutions,, from winch-we
may never recover.
We saw in this 'Kansas business, when it as
sumed its new shape, last autumn, .the seeds of
a fatal demoralisation. - Previous to that period
itbore tho ospcct jof eminent fairness. Mr.~Bu
ohsnan appeared to us, in all hi« early move-,
meats in regard ty it, to be inspired by a Wash
ingtonian patriotism. It had bwn a difficult
problem to him it wssjas-dearaa a
sunbeam. He feljt so hhnself up to the moment
when he supposed lie'could change' his course,
and be sustained by the country. That was the
weight which prilled, him down. The whole'na
tion stood appalled at the transformation. - His
very office-holders hesitated, and there Was not
a Northern Senator or Representative,-.within
bur circle of acquaintance, who did not, at firs t,
doubt or denounce the unexpected imp extraor
dinary example. 1 The only interest that ap
plauded his course was that extreme pro-slavery
cabal, (known to desire a dissolution of the
Union,) wbich haid induced him to leave those
true and gallant spirits who had so long upheld
his standard, and to sorrender' the holy princi
ple, without which he would be reposing in hon
orable quiet at Wheatland.
From that moment to the present, what have
ire witnessed f. Nothing but a suceessionof
personal andpoUtical degradations. The prin
ciple of the ** will of the majority 5 ’ had become
overwhelming. - The principle of fidelity to a
sworn pledge, and to a consecrated creed, hod
sunk into all hekrts. The President, the Cabi
net—mm hod,met upon this patriotic plat-
s It was built upon honor, and riyetted
and clinched by' a thousand solemn assurances.
To’ destroy it required herculean exertions, and
a series of operations, before which tdl the ef
forts of hast Adhunistratious hare paled their
ineffectual fires.’ It stood out-follr-armed. before
the nation,insthutit with-energy, and resistless
from the asspdatlpns that surrounded it. .But
the'word hadgdne forth, and though it could not
he annihilated, it teas at least betrayed.' And to
accomplish this betrayal, the character of the
Democratic party, 1 and of the country, has been
shamefully dishonored.
Independent mtn, who would not bow to the
attempt, to sacrifice a principle, Were turned out
of office, ohd base and characterless knaves put
into their places.
i Solemn assurances to high functionaries,
; written, spoken, ; land printed, were ruthlessly
broken. : ;f; |
; their votes and su
I and where consbu
ago come in to Sul
Calumnies, the]
hurled against rij
truth. Is this all
formal dcclaratibij
vos sought to bb j
gross, and in ; silo
poaingly declared
the eyes of the w
to os a miserablh!
gang of reckles3 a
. the test of Bembe:
licoi were into cardinal virtues, and the
protests of thousand freemen against
this deed were laughed at, ; as the protests of
our fathers ini the Revolution were laughed at,
as the ravings of rebels, and the threats of a
mob. * * * * * *
. So far for thle footprints of this unhallowed
Despotism. Tljey are jamrked on ; the. historic
page .'as the evidences of a receding morality
and n degeneratpg Democracy. ..They turn
back the hands Oif the dial plates of time, and
remind ns. that w«
Nay, mote- Utah
groat, public inci
that sold his char
famous. ;t
, Bat ihe great
wrong after ahoi
to mock at even
called English
tion of treachei
understood, whii
in tins; that the;
bribe; which, p«
to the people,' did
Southern expouu
in'the preamble 1 1
crowned the wl
tion that if the
they should fesi
their masters to i
And'thisis thus
Well may the]
“ sfaaine” jhponti
All history wfll
Sargent’s ISchool Monthly. —The
May number of this valuable publication
is before us, containing exercises in read
ing and declamation original articles, .edu
cational news, &c. Its {‘publication' was
commenced in January last, and it appears
to be winning its way rapidly to public
favor. The present number contains sev- N
eral valuable articles to both scholars pud
teachers: It should be on the table of
every family. I Price 11,00 per year, or
ten cents per No. £pes Sargent, 289
Washington st, Boston,
Specie Locked up is Basks,— Thelast re
turns of the bank of England, the bank of France,
and the principal banks of this'country, show
an aggregate of specie perfectly astounding, os
appears by the following statement:
Bank of England . $98,144,588
Bank of France 67,545,465
Banks of New York, Boston, Fhila
. dolphia and New Orleans
Hero we have the enormous sum of two hun
dred and twenty millions of dollars piled up in
the vaults of the Banks of half a dozen money
centres. The bulk of ibis ' accumulation has
been drawn during the past six months from
the channels of commerce and placed where it
is of ho earthly use to any class of the commu
nity. There is no probability of an immediate
distribution of this mass of bullion.
JE® 5 * The Rolling Mill of Messrs. Wood, Mor
rell &Co., at Johnstown, is again in operation.
Nearly all the hands have gone to work again
at the old wages. Nine arrests were made on
Wednesday morning last, of persons charged
with conspiracy to raise the wages of the Com
pany’s employees or stop the works, two of
Whom were merchants. ' All were required to
give baU for their appearance at court', ip de
fault of which four of the nine were sent tpjaih
r rl- ;
were compeUed to change
violate their plighted faith,
ace failed to approve patron
iport them.
most atrocious and cruel, were
1 who dared to be true to the
it were I The
i of a proud, national party
nullified by the action of Con
bEtltution for a principle, im
-1 and solemnly sealed, before
thole country, wo had offered
v cheat The dark deed of a
speculators in Kansas was made
Jpatic faith. Fraud and False*
are living in the feudal ages,
that; for then, if potter was
i were bravo, and the knave
aoter died the deatftof the in-
[rime did not stop hero. One
her was tried, till at last, as if
{he semblance of right, the so
jill 'was proposed, the incarna
land of duplicity—a bill be it
p differed from its precedents
' were swindles and this was a
Messing to submit Lecompton
[not submit it* according to its
which, starting out
rith a scandalous missotement,
e proceeding with a deciara
fcojjle'of Kansas did not take it,
br in'dissehsions 7 till it suited
idrait them!
5 heme that was ioroed through
tek Friday ot onr eentury I.
Senator from Nejr York cry
le damning deed,
cry shame upon it, too.
; . Bsamsvuxs, May 8,18 S& ;
Msssns. Educes:—l do not feel in the least
disposed to quarrel with any person, but Ido
feel a little cross because I received no Tribune
last week. Are you dead, or only sleeping t I
have now been in this country of coalmines
nearly three weeks, and that I have been “ bob*
bing round” some will be evident if you come
to talk with the/arm<r« of this section. As I
told you before there are some whole-souled
men in this and tbe adjoining county, (West
moreland) among whom is Col. Geary Ex-Gov.
of Kansas Territory. I met that gentleman two
weeks ago. athis home, near New Alexandria,
Westmoreland co., and I shall certainly, aalong
as I live, remember tbe kind reception he gave
stranger. A man above price and above
corruption is the “ne plusultra”bf the human
species, and such is £x-Cfqvernor Oeary'.—~
This is not merely auaiion, bnt it is
written, indellibly, upon the record of the'
past, that he has been weighed in tbe bal
ance of Truth Honor arid Justice, and he has
noi'betn u found wanting}” Helives in the hearts
of those who know him, and will copy with him
the blessings of . Kansas even ddwn to the cold
grave. Long life and all its biasings upon him,.
May his future be as happy as his past has been
useful and honorable. . ' 1
Duringmy stay here I bate found one who may,
with all propriety, be termed a mechanical ge
nius. A boy of 17 years of age, without in
struction, has constructed a Locomotive Engine
about eighteen inches long, and 'in the language
of an old Engineer who was. present to see it
run, “itis a perfect model.” He just construc
ted a temporary Engine to dp some of his work
on tiie last one. His name is Henry Alter.--
He thinks of taking it to the next state fair
where it will undoubtedly take a premium.
On Saturday evening we had quite an. exhi
bition of (he ludicrous in the shape of an Irishr
man under the influence of Capt. Whisk-eye.
.Some imaginary quarrel seemed to agitate him
very much, as bis pugilistic motions augured.
On Sunday week I witnessed one of the most
affecting scenes that could transpire. The
Presbyterian clergyman of this place (I haVe
forgotten bis name) has been for a long time
suffering from an nomastered disease, and found,
it necessary to abandon his charge, at least, for
a season, and travel to the South in search of
his lost treasure.' His very affectionate farewell;
his desire for the prayers of his people, and bis
charge to them, was well calculated to move the
hardest heart, and cause tears to flow from ev
ery eye. I hope, for the sake of his people;
who love him so much, that his health may be
restored. '
I learn that there is to bo a Military Encamp
ment at this place about the twentieth of this
month, and the “ Altoona Rifles ” and “ Guards”
may expect invitations. I believe (not sure)
that .companies from a distance are to be enter
tained gratis,
A little more and I shall close—l cannot omit
this opportunity of saying that the “Marker
House ” of-this place is beyond all comparison
the best country House IXhave ever been in.—
Indeed I believe that you might travel from
Maine to Georgia and from the Atlantic to the
Pacific and you would not find better accommo
dations. The Table is of the very best and this
rooms unexceptionable. Should you ever visit
Blairsvillc be sure to stop with J. 11. Miaskelly
at the “Marker House” and if you are not
pleased, you witi certainly bo in the fault.
I have visited nearly every farm within a
circuit of ten miles of this' place and I do not
know that I ever saw nay more flat ering prom
ises of a plenteous harvest. Adieujbr the pres
ent. ALPHA.
The gree ting of friends (particularly the fe
male portion) is pleasant, and the words of wel
come are cheering. Solaced by such reflections
I mounted “Dobbin” and directed his steps
towards this place. I arrived here at noon on
last Saturday, and was sorely disappointed upon
learning that my old friend was absent on busi
ness which would claim attention for sever
al days. After having my nag provided for I
partook of a sumptuous repast prepared by the
wife of my absent friend. Let me. remark en
pattant that she knows how to cook a dinner,
and its adaptedness to a sharpened appetite 1 was
highly appreciated. In the afternoon I took a
run among some of my other friends who reside
near this place. I found them all alive and
clever as ever. My ears were regaled with mu
sic’s strains and “ old times ’’ were lived over
again. This town is noted for nothing except
being remarkable for nothing. I suppose it
contains about three hundred inhabitants—r-per
haps more. It is quite a lively place all things
considered. I think there are two churches,
two blacksmith shops, two stores and a Post
office—the only place of importance in tire vil
lage. “ Dobbin” is at the door awaiting my
departure, which will account for the brevity of
this communication. STANS.
P. S. I conld’nt writ -to enjoy the marriage
ceremonies of a valued friend. 8.
Tbs Wxatjduu—We ©an not-describe the
weather of last week better than the Local Itemi
zer of the N. Yi Tribunt, did a rainy day they
had in New York a short time since. What be
said of that day may be said of every day of
last week, in these ports, at least Hear Mm:
“Yesterday was hydrppathicrily horrible, li
quescent, lymphatic, oozy, humid, brineatlc,
drizzly, sploshy, rainyj stormy, regurgitatory—
in fact, wet. The heavens were adumbrated,
obambrated and obtenebroted with caligneous
clouds, through which no scintillation, corusca
tion, figuration or oven slight lucidity could
reach us from the luoulcnt and effulgent sun,
eclipsed ns he was by the opacity of penuin
bratic phenomena. It was a beautiful day for
the study of hydrodynamics, and the rearing
of juveniles of the genus anser: but for any an
thropomorphous being, except mermaids, it
was unendurable. All day long it was immaner
ly stormy; every breeze'brought the. flood, as
though the earth was to be converted into an
aquarium as complete as that Which distinguish
ed the days of Noah.”
59,543, 504
Con. Johnston to Advance. —The telegraphic
report from St Louis, which we published to
the effect that a messenger of the government
had passed through with despatches to Col,
Johnston, ordering him to delay his advance
until the arrival of the Peace Commissioners, is
asserted in Washington to be wholly unfounded.
No such purpose has been or is entertained, and
it is fully expected at the War Department, ac
cording to the last intelligence, that Col. John
ston and the army will move forward when
joined by Capt. Ma?ey with cattle, probably
about a week hence, without waiting for the
Eastern re inforcements. N
Woodbkbky, May 3, 1858.
Mr. George Stroop, has disposed of his
interest in thV‘P«vy Coipity lo his
partner, Mr. J. A. Magee. . 1
tSS ' Pardoned—Mr. Price jof tho /-‘Work
man’s Advocate,” who was jail at
Pottsville, for libel, has been pardonea by the
Governor. Bight. f
lOk-Tho largest regular army over seen in
India is that now under command of Sir Colin
Campbell, constituting a force of 65,000 men.
B&» Printers with nine children are hereaf
ter to be exempted from, taxation, in the State
of New York. A cotemporary commenting on
the foregoing item very justly remarks ; safe
legislation that, we .would like to see the prin
ter who has anything to tax after feeding nine
Good—wages in Oregon. Men get from
$4O to $l2O per month in lumbering establish
ments, and from $4,0. to $5O on firms. Car
penters get from $4 to $6 per day. Floor
frotn;sl2 toflfljper bbL. Beef from $8 to $l6
per 100. Pork $lO pfc» 100.
10k, A young and pretty little lady remark
ed tbe other day that “ a young man who didn’t
take a newspaper, wap not deserving of the af
fections of an amiable lady.” A sensible girl
that, and if we were a single; man we would set
our cap for her. . , -H
The General Conference of .the M. E.
Church South, will meet at Nashville, Tenu., on
the first day of May. \ \
A physician in Harrisburg ban been commit
ted to jail on the charge of causing the death of
Ann Ellen McCoy, aged twenty-one, by abor
tion.-' , V h.
The journeyman shoemakers of Cincin
nati are on a strike for higher wages,
- SS&- Massachusetts has 1,509 milesofrail
roads, which cost $68,940,101. -'They would
probably now sell for about $80,000,000.
. Ohio built in 1857, two hundred and
twenty churches, worth $400,000’; ‘ right hun
dred school, houses, worth $BOO,OOO.
Mr. William' Triman, of Qermantown,
Pa., has been compelled to pay $2,000 to a Miss
Ellen Orabam, whom he promised tumarry, but
did not;
tSf* A recent artiole in the London Timu re
veals the importantfact that thegOverument of
England has it" in - contemplation; to seek for
military recruits ‘for India, among the fugitive
staves wblefa areAow.hi'' Canada. T This is tur
ning philanthropy to a profitable account :
tSf At the census of iB6O, tbe following fif
teen states will be our millionaires, that is, will
contain each above a million inhabitants. Hew
York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, IHinpia,
Massachusetts, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana,
Georgia, North Carolina, Missouri,: Michigan,
lowa and Wisconsin. - The total population of
the Union will then doubtless be between thirty
one and thirty two millions. j 1
; The Chinese have a provetb that Bruit
is feathers in the morning, silk at noon, and
lead at night. ' ‘
SQF’ A new dish for epicures wits presented
at a dinner table in Philadelphia, j a few days
since—eggs fried in batter, with their shells on.
BSf The new artificial, lake in the Central
Park of New York will cover 100; acres, will
contain over a thousand million gallons of wa
ter, will be completed in three years, and will
cost $614,295. There is room enough for no
inconsiderable a navy to float upon it.
#3?* The population of Chicago, is believed
to exceed 120,006.
8S&. Mount Shasta in California u the high
est mountain in the United States,-reaching the
altitude of 18000 feet, which is more than 2000
feet above Mont Blanc, the highestiinountoin in
gg?* There is a Hoop Skirt Manufactory in
Now York, which manufactures ; 40W} skirts
every day, and constantly employs 500 hands,
besides 180 sewing machines. ; ' '
The directors of the Penna. Rail Road
Co., have declared a dividend of three per cent,
clear of State tax,* payable after the 16 th of
May. -f ' j j ' .
S&" It is Said that the “ white feather” is to
be the fashionable bonnet ornament the coming,
B®. A cotemporary, speaking, of the report
on gentlemen’s fashions, says: “There is not
ranch * change’ in gentlemen’s pants this month.”
Very likely. . . j
It is officially stated that it will cost be
tween forty and fifty dollars to transport a bar
rel of flour to Utah for the use of the army..
A Virginia paper not long since recor
ded the marriage of Miss Jane Lemon and Mr.
Ebenozer Sweet, whereupon the moralized:
' “ I low happy in extremes do meet ■■■-:!
Miss Jane and Ebuurzor; ' ■ : .
She’s no longer sour, but SwuL, •-!. i
And be’s a Xcmcn-squeezor! 1 * •
JKaT’A Colony of seven hundred persons—about
five hundred from Pennsylvania hud the rest
from Maryland—have procured a large body of
land bn the Platte river, Nebraska' Territory,
and will proceed forthwith to establish them
selves on jt, and build a city of their own.
B®> A blind temperance lecturer in Kentuc
ky, named Hutchinson, offers 25 cents an hour
to any tavern or coffee house keeper that will
listen to his lectures.
9®»Tho Cincinnati and Covington bridge
project is about falling through. The pier con
structed for it is likely to prove a standing
monument to the blasted hopes of the over-san
guine managers of the corporation^;
WSiT A child of Jacob Stetzcl, of Now.villc,
Cumberland county. Pa., bad a piece of pencil
lodged in the windpipe, by accident, and the
physicians foiling to remove it t death from
strangulation ensued.
l9.Spriggins wants to know; if doctors, by
looking at the tongue of a wagon, can tell what
ails'it. ■ : ■ i ■ ■; ■
B®-Tho population of London the largest
city of mpdem times is 2,500,000; Two cities
of the ancient world however exceeded this num
ber, noibely: i Rome, which contained in the
time of Trajan, 4,000,000 souls,! and! Thebes,
Which, six hundred . years before - Christ, con
tained 8,600,000. 1 ’
KSU' Tbo Harrisburg Herald, of the 3d inst,
says the following facts were coe&munieatod to
that paper by a correspondent:
“ Two Noble Bots.—As the Fast Mail train
came to Huntingdon, on Urn Pennsylvania R.
8., on the 80th ihst, the Conductor, Colonel
Boclofs, was notified by a small boy that there
was a land slide one mile East of that place.
The Conductor gave orders to >llll carefully un
til he could ascertain the truth of ;the report,
When the train reached the place there was a
large pile; of stones and clay upon the track,
enough to have precipitated the whole train
down into the Canal. The boys, whose names
are Stewart and Zcigler, had discovered the
slide, when one of them started to the station to
warn the approaching train, while the other
remained to give the signal if the other failed.
The Conductor gave them a reward, and re
ported the circumstance to the Superintendent,
1. A. Scott, who gave them a handsome re
Foa Utah—-The forces now Concentrated at
Fort Leavenworth, for the reinforcement’of the
Utah expedition, number a total of 76 compa-
all arms, comprising 6,000 men, Gen.
Smith ** expected to arrive in St, Bonis to-mor
jf°W, and wUVproceed immediately; to Fort Leay
to ussuina lhs chief command. : -
ClMtßg Scene* In .On lesMttwe.
“Doll rogue* affect the politician’* part,
Andlcarn to nod and amllo, and shrug with art j
Who nothing has to lose, the war bewalla; •
And he who nothing pays, at taxes rails.”
On Thursday evening, our Legislature ad*
journed si'/ie die, with tv hat Ooodall of the Mir
ror would,call “ahigh old time.” The Harris
burg Herald publishes the night session in fhll-
Sense, fun, frolio and all, from which wo make
a few extracts, preceding them by a stanza
from Churchill:
“ All would be deemed, e’en from the cradle Bt
To rule la politics as well as wit.
The grave, the gay, the topling and the dunce.
Start lip (God bless usstatesmen all at once:"
It was moved, that the Speaker pro. tem.,
Mr. Smith of Cambria, he requested to siug
“ Annie Laurie,” before the final adjournment.
Adopted, amid loud cries to “go on.” &o.
It was moved that a committee be appointed
to wait on the gentleman, and induce him to do
so. Not considered.
A member moved that the, gentleman from
Tioga be requested to bring in the “ Africans.”
(Loud applause.)
Mr. Owen moved that thos.o who have tenra
to shed, be prepared- to shed them now. The
gentleman said a fit of sadness had just-over
taken him, and in looking around he saw many
friends that might twt be hero next year. He
thought if any people should have tears to shed
it is politicians, for one moment they are up;
at another down. He made an amusing speech.
He bad finally made up his mind to retire from
politics;..his people had kindly consented ho
should do so.
Mr. Jenkins wanted to know how much thoju
nior- member from Franklin, Mr. McClure,
thought a vote was worth. We ought not have got
Hr. McClure said he fixed the estimate of his
services ' at $7OO, and Mr. Kill thought his
worth ssoo, and on going home, he found their
constituents were satisfied with their own de
Mr. Jenkins asked whether n paper in his
district bad not said something about it ?
Mr. McClure stud “yes,” but that paper was
published by a gentleman whom he had the
misfortune to beat last fall.
A gentleman moved the following: "Which
can smell a rat the quickest—the man who
knows the moat, or the man who has the moat
qosc 1”
Mr. Owen moved that thanks be tendered to
the scrub women of the House, for their faith
ful performance of duty, and spoke in favor
of it
JJot agreed to.
Mr. Scott, of Allegheny, moved that the
thanks of the House be tendered the borers, for
the delicacy with which they bad performed their
duties. s An amendment was offered that thanks
1m also tendered the members of the third
House.. The Speaker pro tern decided that the
House had no jurisdiction oh the subject ■ -
Tire Extba Compensation. —The Harrisburg
correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writes
thus of the extra compensation of $2OO voted
themselves by members fur their valuable ser
“ Nearly all the members pocketed the extra
$2OO this morning, before leaving. There are
some exceptions, however. 'Col. W. A. C. Law
rence, the pious member from Dauphin, pre
sented bis to the fund to build another Presby
terian church, the old one having been recently
burned' down. x Judge Nil), of Franklin; when
the question was up, declared ho would have
nothing to do with such ill-gotten gains, and he
therefore presented his share to the Sinking
Fund for the reduction of the State debt. Mr.
Kincaid took his share along to deposit with the
Treasurer of Greene county for the benefit of
the county.
“To show how senseless and untrue (kp in
sertion ;is that gentlemen cannot live here dur
ing the winter on the regular pay* I will merely
state that a member told mo to-day that he
would take home with him between four and
five hundred dollars that he had saved out of his
compensation. lie had lived economically, but
I am sure as comfortably, as any other man in
Harrisburg this winter.” ',
Revision op the Penal Code. —Wo have al
ready announced that the appointment of Judge
Lewis, Attorney-General K.nos,and Mr. Bucka
lew, as a Committee for the revision of the pe
nal code, has been unanimously confirmed.
The Harrisburg Telegraph argues that the ap
pointment of Mr. Bucknlew, now State Senator,
is clearly unconstitutional, and that the Gover
nor will be obliged to make another selection.—
In support of its position, the Telegraph quotes
the following section of the first article of our
Statu Constitution:
Section 19. No Senator or Representative
shall, during the time for which he shall have
been elected, be appointed to any civil office un
der ibis Cominonwealth which shall have
created, or the emoluments of which shall have
been increased during such time;-and no mem
ber of Congress of any other person holding an
office (except of attorney at law and in the mili
tia) under the United States or this Common
wealth, shall be a member of either House dur
ing his continuance in Congress or in office.
Attempt to Poison a Familt.— On Monday
last the family of Mr. Richard Reams, living in
the vicinity of Franklin, Williamson County,
came pear falling victims to a vilo and adroit
conspiracy. It was discovered that a poison
had been profusely mixed with their food, and
circumstances pointed to an old negro woman
and two or three negro men, living on the place,
as the guilty parties. One of the meu, whom
Mr. Reams had reason to believe knew all about
the plot, and who did not deny his complicity
with the dreadful crime, obstinately refused to
tell anything about it, and this so enraged his
master, that he shot him, producing wounds
which are supposed to be mortal. The old ne
gro woman was forthwith banished from the
plantation, and the two negro men, supposed to
be accomplices, were brought to Nashville and
imprisoned. ■
Mosey a Dreg.- —The Philadelphia Ledger
of yesterday remarks: Money is now so great a
drng in the market, that, sooner than permit it
to lie unproductive, capitalists aro turning it
into railroad bonds and other good stock secu
rities. As for investing a good business paper,
the thing cannot be done—there is hardly half
as much made as the banks would be glad to
discount; indeed, we are credibly informed,
that the .banks of both this city and New York
aro seeking good bills at five per cent.,'and in
some instances as low as four. While this stag*
nation of business continues, and the amountof
unemployed capital increases, good stocks aro
likely to improve, and some, that are not as
good as wo would wish, are rising with them.
Decision in the Gaines Case Judge Me*
Caleb, in the United States Circuit Court of
Louisiana, has decided against Mrs. Gaines, on
tho ground of illegitimacy, and also on the
ground of her alleged father's (David Clark,)
insolvency. The case is to be appealed to the
United States Supremo Court, where wo pre
sume and hope a final adjudication Will bo
mode, and the indomitable Mrs. Q. kept no lon
ger in suspense.
Can it be True ?—lt is alleged, says tho.
New York Sun, that Mr. Reed, bur miniatey, to,
China, approached Yeh, tho Governor of Can
ton, with a deference amounting almosVto set*
vility, and by that means so confirmed him in
his self-conceit as to have made greater con
cessions necessary from the allied powers than
would otherwise have required Tho Dns*
Ush spd much fault with My. B«d.
: JtfcMii
Pat Up I—As 1 1
possible, but canno
counts of the late ;
which have been t
M up, I hope all poi
debted on said bool
■v means small) will
a up Immediately I
3 Tribune Office.
peated assertion th
3 up,” or, in other w
a more, we have to n
■ t at this time, upwar
A cessj of erection, —s
talned in some pin*
lation of “city.”
houses are, what m
rt when finished will
' : and creditable to tb
v Exchange Hotel
,3 man, of the above p
had it repainted in 1
;Aj ding more atlractio
■■■■k fellow, as all who
' ping place can ■ attci
to give his hoi
' able appearance, wi
: by *n increase of ci
•j|| .• AjUBOUSKT FcaJi
'M extV, consisting of a
of acres of good farn
-;|S leased by Messrs. 1
:||| of Ilollidayaburg, fo
Jp funjaco will be kept
ness transacted as In
UjEMoVAi.—*Dr. V
to room opposi
<. recently occupied as
? willj bo pleased to rc<
-■ customers, ahd as u
< quiije his services.
||| tUn.T Union Pba
i|| to the arrangement <
pH puoUshed last week,
||| are held in the Mctl
’M No abatement in in
attendance has yet
lai contrary, an iucica
characterizes those
S presence of many, w
different committees
1>" - |
no other goood than
‘ i
. ferpnt churches bcci
tablishmcut of thci
, bequ indeed a great
isjg much rejoicing; but
tliO conviction and
strangers, who migL
;|« unconcerned, it is i
HP bspefi&of this work
lIP ings continue to incr
'rM ing and bo able to nc
the churches iu this
Bt.via Counts Ac
meeting of tlie Sock
on the 27th ult, Hoi
% ted President; Jola
■% Secretary; Martin
Roller, A. M’Alistc
Roller and S. R. M'i
Horticultural Kxl.
|; be held at such turn.
■ jinny designate.
r V; Tho Treasurer re
to have sl-l
and hooka
>; A meeting of the
\j next, at tins
the propriety oMioM
-hope that those of ci
vied or would ho beiu
iaf this place will inal
located here.
lifts will signify this
them. Every businc
•re,;.'®* less interested in
--‘tope they Will move
i 1 j A Rich Lettek.—
' received the followin
*■> \ vjlle, Huntingdon co
of the Pntcni
the Dr. will gn
.ook bore, Mr.
’,lut aro Pecto
Id cure a feller
you said a c
feller. Well
' you try it ?
ooled. I*ll tc
ip don for mu
't do for mo lot
bad a bad ko
lottlo of Molnsj
•ottlo of it am
lack. Well, tl
and I took an
on till I fiuisli
helped me scj
Tbats what i
do for me, is
ion, that’s all.
are at a loss ti
ishes to exprci
intesce, but w
precedes it to
that bottle o
bought wit is
rage is likely to pr
wo may judge fron
■j Is also said that thcr
! ~ Jo be exercised on t!
iflfatent Medicines, in
* Effected. Wo are af
'in the “ Molasses” ■
• ilnustard seed, else ;
v'curcd with the Exat
; 4jecn of the opinion
§ed in taking Paten
irtue of the prepart
.fore encourage “Ha
, remedy, and may be
;.J|him yet. If it does
again, when w
|i|jS»rerequlBito-/<:« gr< j
lilMmaktrr of the “ Mohs
:It 13