The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, May 06, 1858, Image 1

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VOL. 8.
Pk annam, (payable Invariably lb advance,) sl|6o
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paid ibr
1 Insertion 3 do. 8 do.
Jonr lines or Ims, » » »gM »
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KoCSCH k ALLISOX, PnWUhon and Proprietor*.
mus or a»v»*tmso.
Obituary notices exceeding ten Übh, fifty eenU a *<iuar*.
fiie Cheapest Paper in the County!
With to piwsant number,;.— 1
teredupoa its third tdlnme. Commenced at a
time when the confidence of the citizens of Al
ison* in newspapiere and newspaper pnbUaheniJ
was considerably shaken, if not totally annlbila-.
ted, it has slowly but , surely restored totcon-i
fidedee, and now stands upon a anrefoundation,
aadls universally acknowledged to be one of
the fined institutions of our town. .But this re-j
enlt has not bcen aehleved without a hard strugr
gle and considerable iexpenditore of time and
Lons on the pert of its edittrs. The ateady
increase of
dabitable otideaw that their laborahaTebeen aPr
In entering upon the new volume it is almost
unnecessary to say that the win contin
«e tb ‘‘lhMWnsa* ** Bmywnro,” be
ing biassed neitheriby ftari ftror nor affection,
in favor of parties or sects. In respect it
is only necessaiy to say tot the peat affords a
fab toex as to our future Courte.
It has .always been our aim to make' the Tn
lunt, a reliable first-class Local. Papke, as we
believe tot in tot character alone, fcopntry pa
pers can succijsrfully compete with their, flashy
city neighbors: To this end we have secured
oorrespondents In various parts of to county,
who furnish us with all the iteina of local inter
est in their vicinity. We purpose adding others
to out list as soon os wo can obtain them. Du
ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts
to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of
Home Kews— a reliable, Local
Papes, second to none in the country, and as
such a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons,
[ whether at home or abroad-
Bat while the Local Department shall he our
special care, we shall else demote a considera
ble space to Litbrabt Matteb, Fcs asd Hr
kor, and the chronieling .of events of gcnwal.
Interest to our readers. We purpose also pub
lishing from time to'time “ Original Sketches of
Men and Thin# ” which will be fnmjahed by
our contributors. We bare'moOo arrangements
also to hare a weeklyletter from
and judging from the bur correapQf
deut sustains as a popular writer, these letters
will be a rich treat to onf readers;
As we are decidedly journalists of the pro
gressive school, wc have concluded to adopt the
cash system in our business. The neglect of
quite n number of our patrons to pay up prompt
ly, and the rascality of others, has compelled
us to adopt this course. Time and experience
has fully proved to our satisfaction that . the
credit system will not work with newspaper
publishers. From this date no paper will be
sent from this office, unless paid for in advance,
and at the expiration of the time paid for, if
not renewed, will be promptly, stopped. This
arrangement does'no injustice to pur patrons,
while it will protect us from the impositions of
eoulless scoundrels; and enable na to devote
more attention to our paper- ’
Itecogniziiig, the principle .that contract® to
be satisfactory, should be fraught with mutual
benefit to both parlies, and as money in large
amounts, in advance, is of more value to us than
when received in driblets, as on inducer
meat to numbers who would otherwise discon
tinue, as well as to those who have never yet
taken the paper, we offer it at the following
low rates for the coming year ;
1 copy, one year §l5O
10 copies “ (§1.26 per copy) 12 50
20 “ i “ ($l.OO per copy) 20 00
aad all above ,20 at the same rate—-§I per copy.
The money must, in (til eatu, accompany the
By the above it will bo Seen that our paper
is emphatically the cheapest in the county.—
As to its merits we leave in to the public to de
cide. Wc earnestly request cur friends through
out the bounty to ‘‘give as a lift,” as we have
no doubt each of them can readily obtain a club
In their neighborhood.
CASYABfEHB Wanted.—Several energetic bu
siness men wanted to coayass the Count; for
Eubscriberß to the Tribwu. A liberal pe roen
fc* aEm#- -■■■■•C.-v' .
or TBS
the Tribunehaam-i
Sekt Piscdlang.
A Pleasant Lesson.
One evening as a poor man and his wife
i with five or sis children were sitting at
the door of their cottage, one of the chil
dren said: “0, father, how poor we are I
I do wish a good fairy would come and
tell us where we might find a great treas
ure. I guess 1 would not sit all day idle
any more, and have so little to eat.”
No sooner said than done—a beautiful
woman, with .radient countenance, stood
before them, who said, “ Little hoy, I
heard you wish, and if you will obey my
directions, you may find a great treasure.”
Then.turning to the man, she said,“A
treasure lira hid in your grounds j if you
will seek for it, you will find, aud. jnay
have it ; it is not three feet from the sur- r
face either ; begin to dig io-morrow for
it” . She then went ; away.
The children clapped their hands for
joy, and the man and his wife could hard
ly credit their ears that they had really
heard such a thing, for they were poor in
deed. Though the 'man [had a large tract
of land, it was uncultivated, yielding
nothing, barely sufficient pasturage for a
poorcow, which affordod them almost all
the sure nourishment they had. They
were poor, idle, discontented .people, and
the children*half starved; so[ to be spre
they were glad enough to hear the fairy’s
words, and could hardly wait till morning
to begin to dig. , /
They were up with the .sun; those that
could get shovels dug with them, those
that could not, yrorked with their hands.
In a few days they had dug a conaideba
ble of a place over, and several times they
thought they had come tp the .treasure,
but it was only stones; they went on for
several weeks, but had not found the treas
“ One night as they sat'at the door the
'beautiful fairy appeared. “ Well,” said she,
“ you havn’t found the treasure yet! No
matter, dig &yias, you’ll find it some time
or other; meantime, Mr. Goodman, you
must not let these little .folks starve: get
some corn, throw into that patch you hate
dug, mid have some corn growing. I’ll
; come again hymid-by-r-dig away* you'll
[find the treasure So she tfent away.
'“ That’s a capital idea ” said the father,
(Good-man,) “I’ll get some com, and
plant there to-morrow.” .
So he did, and as they dug for the treas
ure it pleased them to see how soon the
corn sprung up, iahd ripened, and what a
crop they had j aind' the cornstalks made
nice food for the cow, too. The mother
dug for the treasure, sometimes, and hav
ing become accustomed to it, they ail ac
complished quite a large space in a short
time; and soon the good fairy appeared
She said, “she knew they had not
found the treasure jet, hut she was afraid
the young children had become tired of
digging and she thought they had better
go into the woods, and get some wild
strawberries, and put into the place they
had dug j it was just the place to make
strawberries very |arge, 4fid it would please
them; tmt .dig oh,” sold'she, “ you will
certainly find the treasure.yet” So the
next day the children went and brought
home baskets of 7 strawberry roots, and
planted a nice bed,of them; then they
dug away again for the treasure.
'One gay thpy dug up a terrible hard
old tree-stumps and stones, etc., round a
large cherry behind the house, and they
were very tired. That night a traveler
came that way, and had to stop there over
night, they Jived so for from any other
house. As they Had no barn, he tied the
horse to this cherry tree, and gave him his
oats .put of a bag he had brought on hisv
back. 13ie yent away next morn
ing, but in a few days they found the
pats .the horse had spilled and scattered
had sprang up in the nicely dug ground,
and they had’ a little field of oats! This
pleased Mr. Goodman very much, and
when the good fairy next appeared, he
told her of it. “ Oh, yes,” she said, “it
would be a good plan to plant something
in each place as you dig it,” She said the
next time she come she .would bring seeds
for them. , Sothey had another object for
which to dig beside the finding of the
treasure—to see the things growing.
She was as good as her word, and
brought the seeds, and they had dug so
well they could plant a great many mel
ons, and other nice tilings which they
never hud before in their lives; and the
soil was so good, and had been so nicely
dug and turned over for the that
the plants grew so rapidly, and ripened so
soon, that the next time she came she told
them they had better step digging awhile,
just till they could take care of the oats,
and strawberries, melons, and other things.
They had eaten as much as they wanted
of them all the season, and sold some to
the nearest houses, and now Mr. Good
man said they would go next week to the
nearest market town with the rest.
So they went. The market people said
the strawberries were the largest they bad
ever seen, and their melons brought the
higbeat price; and the mother sarprired
them all by showing 'them a cheese she
had made from the milk of their cow,
which had yielded twice as much, having
had better feed. The youngest children
had carried each two baskets of strawber
ries, (the baskets they had made of willow
twigs) while the elder imes and their far
thor were loadedwithmelona/peare, beans,
corn, etc. y and when jtlmy had sold them
and come out of the town on their way
home, a happier family never was seen.—
They all had a handful of money they had
earned themselvesl !
When they got home they sat round a
table, and putting all their money upon it
satiooking in wonder; and joy. They never
bad seen so much in alii their lives before j
they were so pleased; they bad quite for
gotten the treasure theV had dug so hard
and long for, till the miry put her head
in at the door. ‘ '
“ How beautiful your farm looks I” said
she, "and your cherry tree will bear bush
els of nice cherries hesjt season, now you
have dug away all those stones and stumps
from the roots. Sco how it branches out!
And what have you heife,” looking on the
table, “ Money! silver! dollars ! Ah!”
said she, “ Did Inot tm you there was a
hidden treasure in yovr\ ground that you
would certainty find, if you dug far it f
This heap of money is the last part of the
treasure you have foqnii by digging."
<< Look how wealthy you have become!
-.How industrious and useful your chil
dren have become —how hopeful and happy
you are' Look atyou* farm now; where
there was nothing but stuipps and stones
before you dug, is now {. garden and £clds!
Yes, you have found more than one 'treas
ure—nnA now, should: yon like to know
my nane ? I am called “ Industry, or the
Poor Man’s Fairy." X| always know and
tell where a treasure is, to all-children
even, if they will liste
words. Adieu, adieu,’■
hand and disappeared,
looking at the treasure y
A Disappol
. A capital story is toll
who on Sunday stroll;
church, and was electi
by the sparkle of a pat
eyes, which were rivet
After service he saw t
witching Orbs leave the
emboldened by her gbu
follow her, his heart ac
He saw her look behii
evinced some emotion
He then quickened his
tually slackened hers,
come up with her-—but
young gentleman to t
own way: t
•“ Noble young ere
“ her artless and yarm
the bonds of custom.
“ I reached within
her. She suddenly ha]
face to me. My heart;
I reached the spot whi
began to speak, and I>|
if doing reverence to a
“ Are you a pedlar?
“ No, my dear gir
“Well, I don't kno
not very harshly, an
sternly, “ I thought) ]
the meeting-house, th
the pedlar who passer
dollar on me about tin
was determined to ket
Brother Jake has got;
says if he ketches the ?
neck for him, and 1 m
the good-for-nothing : np
An Erect Positioln.—A writer on
health very justly con iejtnns the habit of
lounging, in which n.l? rge number of per
sons indulge, as injurious to health. He
says:4—“An erect bodily attitude is of
vastly more importance to health than is
easily imagined. (Jrooted bodily positions
maintained for any length pf time, are. ah
ways injurious, whetl er in the sitting,
standing, or lying posture, whether peep
ing or waking. To sit with the body lean
ing forward on the stomach or to one side,
with the heels as high as the head,is cot
only-in bad taste, but exceedingly detri
mental to health. It cramps 1 the stomach,
presses the vital organs, interrupts the free
motion of the chest, and enfeebles the
functions of the abdominal and thoratic
organs, and, in fact, unbalances the whole
muscular system.. When a person finds it
easier to sit or stand, walk or sleep, in a
crooked position! than t, straight onp, such
a one may be sure his; muscular system is
.badly deranged j and the more careful he
is to preserve a straight or upright posi
tion, and get back tp nature again, the
better. ■. ■ '|
Help Him.—A rich inan sent to call a
physician for a slight disorder. The phy
sician felt his pulse and said:
. “Ho you eat well ?” \
“ Yea,” said the patient. ' ,
“ Do you sleep well V* '
“I do” - V-'
“ Then,” i eaid the phyeiofcuj;
give yojti something that will tite awaj aD
that.” :
[independent in evbbythinq.)
in to my voice and
and she hissed her
leaving them still
they had found.
1 1 of a young fellow,
Id into the village
tided and gratified
r of brilliant black
ed upon his face,
re possessor of the
church alone, and
ice, he ventured to
bing with rapture,
d, and fancied she
,t recognizing him.
pace, and she ac
as if to let him
we will permit the
ell the rest in his
dure !” thought I;
heart is superior to
a stone’s throw of
I ted, and turned her
swelled to bursting,
ire she stood. She
took off my hat as
. i angel.
>[> . ...
; that is not my
1 ( ‘ : ’
n,”' continuedahe,
i dyeing me very
rhea I saw you in
at you looked like
. ion a pewter half
ee Greeks ago, so I
p an eye on you.—
home how, and he
eUpr, he’jl ring his
u’i iure but you’re
steal after all.”
V .' I ..
Bow it Happened.
4 Bring them up/ said the-magisterial
functionary : 1 we U. settle matters/
Yes bring them up I Huddle the God
forsaken mortals together! Arraign them
—hear their abject prayers, and then—
are them justice' tempered with mercy!'
Certainly, who can doubt it. when all know
that jiistice and mercy abound in the ad
ministration of law to the wretched rabble.
Oh, certainly!
Bring them up. And they were brought
up. The motley crew, one and all, gath
erings as they were from that awful,set,
-whose wretched street life, is happily, ex
cept on such occasions as these, half-hid
den from mortal ken and Christian com
ment by generous night.
Bring them up —and - in. they were
Blear eyed age, and, hardened youth
with haggard faces, with bruised limbs,
with hang-dog Walk, forms sweltering ver
min haunted rags, that the damp of the
cell walls had made heavy and slimy—men
women, a boy and a girl, all were there.
Bring them up—for the coach and two
awaits at the curb, to convey them to the
palace where crime holds its confined rev
els—to Prison. Besides the weather is
cold and blustery, and the van driver is
impatient. So is his Honor, the Magis
trate, and so are his officials, who .all reel
bound to laugh when he laughs—frown
when he frowns, and in every act prove
their devotion .to the Great Dogberry.
Bring them up. Hero we are. Who
have we here ? ■,
First, a shivering, trembling old man,
whose feeble, shoeless feet have crossed
the threshold of three-score. His dull
and leaden gaze is fixed upon the Csesar
who holds his destiny in the balance. —
‘Vagrancy'is the charge. His tattered
clothing is spattered with mud and the
reeking filth of the streets.
Now there is a strange story connected
with this old man—this vagrant.
And so there is, too, with that wrinkled,
‘scared woman face that peers up from be
hind him—a face which once seen, is pho
tographed upon the spectator’s memory
Man and wife —this old couple—man
and wife—nearly at the end of life’s pil
grimage—standing within the shadow of
the domain consecrated to Liberty—as Va
And this is the story- of the old. A
story of him with a quivering lip, and a
faltering tongue —'his dull leaden gaze, as
he stands there, still fixed upon the Caesar
to whom the wretched horde around yield
such an abject looks for mercy,
‘lf you please sir, I had to lie down in
the market house; indeed, sir, I couldn’t
help it. Martha here, my wife, your Hon
or, was with me, and we were just coming
over from West Philadelphia, and —’
‘We have no time to Us ten to long sto
ry's,’ says the Caesar, imperatively.
‘ Where do you live ?’
‘lf you would only let me tell you— ’
‘No time for telling anything. Officer
What is the charge?’
Officer smiling says:— ‘ Drunk—market
house—asleep—old woman with him—
both drunk and asleep.’
‘ If your Honor pleases, I had just come
over and was going—that was last night
—going to try and find my son who la
in the city and—’ '
‘ What’s your name?’ interrupts Caesar.
‘ Thomas Eberlo is his name and Jane
Eberle-is mine’ replied the old woman
peering up.
* Thomas Ebprle—that’s the name—my
son is William Eberlc.’
. ‘ Where did you expect' to ? find your
spin ?’ asked the Caesar with the Toice of a
satisfied Nero. .
‘ Here—in the city of course/ -
One word—or rather one from
tlm offiper standing near, produced a scene
seldom \ritnessecat aHearfng.
Ttoit was, ‘Old Man if you
Want to see your son, you’ll find him in
Cherry HUI Prison. He' was! convicted
hut session iof burglary and sent up for
tba?ae yeara- ; ’■
my—my son—Will-no, no—it
cannot he.’
‘ Yes, it can be, and it is, tod/ <
One stifled groin, one cry of hnguisli,
apd tiio old man fell lifeless, upon
the floor. The woman bent; over him, i
The officer pulled her away. A 4 glance
at the old man’s face, only one glance by
all the crowd, and that look rested npon
the deed. ' " ‘
Bring them up. The cry is changed.
It is now out the dead.’ ’ t
Justice and Mercy axe satisfied! the
vagrant was a vagrant no
vqnia Inquirer, [ ;
John • Wesley, in a considerable
party had maintained with great earnestr
ness the doctrine vox Fopuli vox Dei ,
against his sister, whose talents were not
unworthy * of the family to which she be
longed. At last/ the preacher, to put an
end to the controversy, put his argument
in the'shape of a dictum, and said: ‘‘l
tell you sister, the voice of the people is
the voice of God/’ “yes,” she replied
mildly, “it cried, crucify him I crucify
him I 5 * A more admirable answer perhaps
never was given
A IlardStory.
There is a doctor in the North-western
part of Philadelphia who is
markable for being, as the women tem »t,
< short and crusty. A week or two sinje
he was called upon to visit a patient vfho
was laboring under a severe attack of
• Well, doctor, Fm down you sec —com-
pletely floored—Fve got the teemendtpus
Delirium, you perceive/
1 Tremens, you tbolj where'd you get
rum?’ queried the doctor. ' j
‘All Over in spots?—broke out prqiUm*
cuously, doctor/
1 Served you right! Where’d. > you yot
. mp
you.. -i
‘ Father died of the same, disease; took
hiafe under the short ribs and carried him
offbodily,’ . . ...
‘ Well, you’ve got to take something im
< y ou’re a trump, doctor—here, wife,X U
take a nip of ojd rye.’ . : : -
‘ Lie still blockhead. Mrs. 8., if yonr
husband should get worse before I return,
which will be in an hour, just give him a
dose of that trunk strap j may be that will
fetch him to a sense of his folly.’ i^ ]■■■
The doctor sailed put grandly, and wM|V
in an hour sailed in again, and found.dus
friend of the ‘ Delirum Tremendous ’ in a
terrible condition, writing and struggling
•with pain. His wife, a female of the plain
but ignorant school came forward, and lay
ing her hand upon the doctor’s arm skid:
‘ Doctor, I gave him the strap as you;di
rected.’ .
, ‘ Did you thrash him well V ;
‘ Thrash him!’ exclaimed the astonished
woman; ‘no, but I cut the strap into hash
and made him swallow it.’
‘ Oh, Lord! doctor/ roared the ■victim.
‘ I swallowed the leather, hut —hut-r-/
‘But what?’
‘ I swallowed the strap, but I’m blowed
if I could go the buckle !’
The doctor administered two btoad. pills
and made his exit.
Yes, young man, save it. Put it in a
safe place, and add to it often. We refer
to the half-dime you were about to expend
for a cigar, or the dime you are on the
point of exchanging for a “drink.” Get a
stout box made, and whenever yoii fare
tempted to spend your coin for a useless
indulgence, drop it in the said box instead,
and listen to its musical jingle. Ah 1 you
have no idea how three cent bits and half
dimes, and quarters count up. But' try
this savings-bank for a year, and then
count your coin, and you, will* learnl how
much money you might have wasted. And
not only wasted money, but time-~pre
clous, priceless time, and formed habijis of
idleness and dissipation which cling to 1 the'
unfortunate possessor as the fabled poison
ous shirt of Narcissus clings to hint Jwfio
once put it on. Yes, save your money,
young and spend your leisure jiours
at home with your mother and sisters, hind
occupy yourself with earnest, judicious
study, and instead of being a hewer of
Wood and a drawer of water for others in
your declining days, you will stand a
chance of taking rank with the great and
. prosperous and honored ones of the 'efcrro.
‘ Governor Gilmer, of Geprgm/ so
says a Georgian contributor, f had a> pas
sion for buying old iron truck, bibken
down wagons, and such rubbish, wliiph he
had piled up in the yard, under thp; im
pression that it would come into
time or other. It annoyed his wife exces
sively ; and one day, when the governor
was away from home, she had the
pile carted off to lt so happened
that; just as the auctioneer had put up the
lot, the governor was riding by, and buy
he would, for as he looked at it, he declared
that he had a lot at home in* which there
was sever?! things to gnntch. He hid ten
dollars’ and the whole tiling was knocked
down to him. A few days afterwards he
was admiring Mrs. Gilmer’s hew bonnet,
and askinghfr its cost, she said ‘ ten dol
lars, husband; the. same ten you paid for
your bid iron, and ITyou don’t clear it out
oftjheyard,! shall sell it again!’ The
Governorshortly alter that, retired from
the iron business/
sword of the' warrior was taken
down to brighten!.| It bad not been out of
use.; The rust was soon rubbed off, but
there were spots that wohld not go; they
blood. It was oh the table hear
the pen of his Secretary. The pen took
advantage of the first breath of air to
move a tittle further off. '
s “Thou art right,” said the sword;, "I
•am a'bad neighbor.”
“I fear thee not,” replied the I
am more powerful than thou art; but _I
like hot thy society.”
u I exterminate,” said the sword.
. “A ad I perpetuateanswered the pen;
“ where were thy victories if I recorded
them not? Even where thou thyself shall,
one day be~in Lake of Oblivion.”
‘‘ Mrs. Grimes, lend me your tub.”
« Can’t dp it—all the hoops are ofiMt’s
flail hf suds; besides never bad ooe—l
washes in a batrot” •
Save It.
.. **
Money well Spent.
An industrious joiner, who earned mtsh_
money, used to content himself with, very .
simple fare, clothed himself and family in
a plain, and neat manner, and carelully
avoided all superfluous expenses.
< Where do you mon cy whieh
you havener, SdSster Joiner V asked his
neighbor,* turner. '
The joiner answered, ‘ I pay off some
debts with part of the money, and part I
nut out at interest.’ .• - # ; ■
| Ah!’ said the turner, i you are joking *
You have neither debts to pay, hoir a .cap?'
Uhl out at interest anywhere.’ • ’ %
* Yes indeed, I have,’ said the joiner ;
‘lot me, only explain the thing to>you.—
Observe, then; all the money which my
good parents have laid out upon me sinoe
the hour that I first .saw the light I con
sider as my debt, which I must repay
them, but the money which I lay out upon
my chlldred, in order to get them a good
education, I consider as my capital, which
some day, when I am old they will repay
me, together, with' the interest, As my
parents spared no expenses to educate mp
well, so ddo the same with my childred,
and as I regard it as my filial duty to re
pay^tho-kindness of iny parents, so I hopo r
thatmy children also will repay me this
same debt on theip part, as certainly as if.
they had given me a deed to that effect,
duly signed and sealed/
‘ What patents for their clifadrca’a good out
lay. ■ •' .
Forms but a debt those children will repay.^
They Say.— We find the followihgbnr
ning words of truth, having much load
significance, tod, Just flow, in Mrs. Hehtc's
‘Ernest Lin wood/ They are bitibr; bide
just: • j y h'y
‘They say! who are they? Who are the
cowled monks, the hooded friars who glide
with shrouded faces in the procession of
life, muttering in an unknown tongue
words of mysterious import I Who ate
they I the midnight assassins of repnfa*
tion who lurk in the by-lanes of society,
with dagger tongues sharpened by inven
tion and envenomed by malice, to draw
the blood of innocence, and hyena-like
banquet on the dead. Who aentbey ?
They are a multitude no man cun nqmber,
black-stbled familiars of the inquisition of
slander, searching for victims in every
city, town, and village, wherever the heart
of humanity throbs, or the ashes ofmor
tality fipd rest; Oh, coward world skul
kers I Ope me the bold brigand, who thun
ders along the highways with flashing
weapon that cuts the sunbeams as well as
the shades : give toe the pirate who unfurls
the black flag, emblem of his terrible trade,
and shows the plank which your doomed
feet must tread; out save me from the
they-sayors of society, whoso knives are
hidden in a velvet sheath, whose bridge of
death is woven in flowers: and who spread
with invisible poison, even the spotless
wUteness of the irinding-shiet/
Gubiocs Typographical Error.—
Trench in his latest work on the English
language, points pat a curious error in the
24th verso of the 23d chapter of Sti 9£at
thewi. ‘ The words ( which strain at a gnait
and swallow a. camel 1 the professor thinks
contaip a' missprint, which having- been
passed ever in the edition of 1641, has
held its ground ever since. The transla
tor intended to say “which strain out a
gnat and swallow a camel,’ that being the
correct reading of the original, as appears
in Tondale’s and Granmer’s translations,
both of which have ( strained out.’. It
was the custom of the stricter Jews to
strain their wine, vinegar, and other pota
bles, through linen or gauze, lest una
wares they should drink down some little
unclean insect, as a gnat, and thus trans
fress the Law. It was to this custom the
aviour alluded, intending to say that the
Scribes and Pharisees, while they strain
out a gnat from their drink, would yet
swallow a camel at a gulp.
*An Excrtjtiating Joke.—lu the
reign of Charles 11, it was customary*
when a gentleman drank a lady's health,
to throw some article of dress into the
flames in her honor, and all his edmpan*
ions were obliged to sacrifice a similar ar
ticle, whatever it might be. One of Sir
Charles Sedley’s friends perceiving that
he wore a.very rich lace cravat, drank to
the health of a certain lady, and threw his
own cravat into the fire. Sir Charles fol
lowed the example very good-naturedly,
but said he would have his joke in return.
Afterwards, when he dined with the sane
party, he filled a bumper to some reigning
beauty, and called on a dentist to extract
a decayed tooth which had long pained
him. Etiquette demanded that every one
of the party should have a tooth extracted
and thrown into the fire, to which they
all yielded after many murmurs about the
cruelty of the thing. .
4®““ Col. Fuller with hiausualurbani
ty, took a well-known wit by the band,
and said,— "
. ‘Good morning, Mr.- , you are look
ing jeiy well to-day,sir.’
'Fbo'wit replied,- >
*1 welly CJ&|c»nol, bat ISBl^
poeo yon t®Wfc b am ? beoadwj T ant ldo%-
r W **•’ ***
VKv , *r. , . r *o^
NO. 14 .