■Sfe r n*£ muon*, iour of every ■ances, etiing, reflect Pitm« (Jiror Daiit Pbatvb Mwtwos.—The*emeet : lingo attll continue, increasing both in interest Lnd members. The Lecture rooms of the ehnrch- L though large, can scarcely accommodate the crowd; should the number be increased, the audience room* will be thrown ope«. We hope this may be necessary. The meetings are now held every night, for, one week, in ; eachohurch. The arrangement for the present is as follows: |. /, \ j At the Presbyterian Church, thr the week end png May .Ist; i < ; At the Methodist Chnrch, for the week end hag May 7th. I ' , r I At the United Brethren Church, for tbe ! week tending May 16th/ At tbe Lutheran Church, for the week, ending May 22d. I At the Baptist Church, for the week ending May 29th. '' orship i peon- The one of s Hell narra cestnt,u re-wit* simple by Hi* » were;, stran- > icught to one ' 4ul an ci even u-kt, ai ; tflftCll being ;c pro- Ml are earhosUy.and respectfully invited to ittehd. Come one ! Come all ! Come, if .you an only stay five minuUt. > of the bright >rcach. ore.— Qtmirs.— Poring the latter part of Inst week, \ wnwihee of these Indolent, impudent,. thieving iteeturea called s holt and pitched their tents it tbe neighborhood of this place, from whence |h«y sallied fuirth to tell; fortunes, beg and steal! bd have no doubt made a “nice lh ; ng” of it! [t is the same, party that was encamped in the Keighborhood 'of Huntingdon, a short timaalnce. [’he following; notice of the children accompa- LjiHg the jarly, we copv from-the Huntingdon umerican • ia:n:- woro -■'.emu v* seen ■ chr.ni* ;i:m of it ihey ; drar- »,-Mno ‘ -j-jagb' .-iifn'ce soring .G oil’s [ “We noticojamongsttkeir number, on Sntur jay last, two little boys, whose feet werehorri nj haTing but two toes on each foot t*thc large and small -toes—-the space between nose, being Entirely out. These unfortunate filths creatures are compelled to hobble from loor tb door jand beg, so that; their degraded md brutish parents can live in' idleness. It,is lenerjiily believed, that the feet of thesa chll [ren have been cut in the manner described, in irder to awaken the sympathies of those they pply to for aim : ! called s faini re well > ur>* s'.'irn • :ms in - UCW :.irh ,>f -ewell, a care rtidrht *~c> msr.l I If the {old adage, that “ a new broom kweeps clean. ’" be true, .then should our domicil Lresent a tidy .appearance for some, time to mome, for the reason that, on Saturday last, noringone of those heavy snow-squalls, a good hooking young man opened our door and with a (pleasant “ llow-are-yon,” pitched in a hand- Lome corn broom, following it with the welcome I words “ please accept,” and we accented. -On ■examination we found it to be one of these celc- Itratcd articled manufactured by John A. Craw jford, of liotUdayaburg. We have never seen a fbetter article | of the kind in this part of the country. Woi think our merchants might find it to their advantage to purchase brooms near Lome, instead |of in the city, . . I In v .oc.’-d • ■; tna • i' Ids' i'i-ng, .J, he - iUJ T Cti ..USS ■hlzi -■Usg .• re* .-Lite*' [r c i * o^S’ Dspacixq Hills. —We do not know exactly I do an inordinate develop ment. in th.e region of destructiveness, or an evil propensitylsupcrinduced some other way, that prompts the boys to tear down and deface hand bills almost as soon as they are put up. Scarce ly any opportunity is given for the public to know what is | announced, before these noticei are destroyed! If we are not n, there tie a general Uw, imposing a pyfealty upon those [found guilty of such conduct. Should there be [Sttch a.law we should like to see it enforced in [this place. One or two examples would serve [to deter others. r.:r t S.UV ti> :r,vr* e uij. I h» “ •• • • r.n- ■fu.”. pen : .‘.ml i j '■jir.jy ; v;ti.a ca«j* [»■ cyy* 0 Tkj I O Yk« !—Take notice one and ah that /‘Joe flileman” the inimitable “Joe” hen Just [returned from Philadelphia, with a magnificent .assortment of British, French and American Mr. T:;tcr- Hi* It is Con. - j fble fellow for that) he will sell all bis goads at •row rates, intact, as low as they can ho bov.g’ul mnywhere. Give him a call and judge for your- Ht»U ■U::da< 'M3* •elves, and ifjyou don’t find the origiual “Joe, t’other “Joe V will be happy to serve you. c 15'h mow Ih- OtT Ip-Know all men by these presents that Chas.. J. iMann, for, and in consideration of a sum or snmjs of money, to be hereafter fixed upon, is ready and’willing to bestow upon any and ercrybodjy, who may go desire, a portion or portions of his splendid new assortmentof Spring Summer Goods, which he has just received. "/Charlie” is a Mann by name aud a man by nature and as he buys for Cash, he is enabled to sell at the lowest rates for the same. Give \'; • ; • him w call and if he can’t satisfy you as to qual ity and price you can’t be pleased by anybody. That's all I .L'CA-t iu ■'.■-■cd, in ■= r-7' •A»a iTB r.a* Lord - -iu-at i :o£' ..i JO Bock Bbsx.: —Mr. Ferdinand Notbwang in form the public, through .our columns, that he trill serve up Bonk Beer the favorite German beverage, atjhUsulaOTr under the Muonic Tem ple, on Saturday, the Ist inst. Lorera of the ; *ny Liott. ;atlr j wlyr ’ ■: beverage-will know now where to get It, but as for our pert,; wo never before heart! of it, and don’t know vrbat is. There others, however, : who an not ho ignorant, a«d for them the no* ties is intended. r - ' ■ \ :^aiy were ulty, -•'Cfa-ii :• Al- ■j: ez ■i be ‘- nI J I: old t .e id jdtßiosvrios.—Rev, Curtis, pastor in charge ofFUie Lutheran congregation in this place,hutd resignation some time sinoe. and preach kd his farewell semen on Stlbath week, Mr. |C., was .a very pleasant and agreeable gentle pnan and and we are sorry that he has found it necessary todlssolvchis 'connection With the obareh m this place. We hare not learned who is to be bit successor.. lowa c; t rac auJt, unty. uiuut from *i, to :f the .iv*nce a ora Nones.—The communion of the Lord’s Supper will be observed in the Pyesbyterirn church of this place, on Sabbath next, (May 2*) Ibe friends of sister churches, are Invited to join in the privilege. Dr. Happer, returned mission ary from China, will assist. A cordial invita tion is given to the public to attend. tudy h - so f. iicd >: the t rew :res- n-or -- r re d lie; - CtsAsuni Streets. —We aro pleased to ob eerve that pies are now at work upon the streets, cleaning out the gutters, Ac. The work was much needed, and we hope it will not be dis way pan teyp j»aa been ' ■-ISeL jbooASiirmra. try Goods, Groceries,- Qucensware &c., which •e and t’olher “Joe" are now ready to sell ’hzap for Cash, or approved Country Produce, is "Joe” has adopted the Cash System- («eus;- ■■4.. i faiuiM. ; ki“Ohl nol»>lthople«»ureth»lpr)ofam«v pralae; •• ' Kctthe'wHdtrinswsUrto thot»H-roon) bte*e, - . Nor Oio eniTalroasJwMtvOo/thedarlng r«c«. Nor the »v Ift imttKiiKmrqr ebasa. Not tto sail IiICT-ina via«r waters O'er, Kcr m»rarslasitee«a m«iauon-Ugfatihosing themselves so. tloned against using these Pills while pregnhut. ns-the Pro prietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition altho’ their mildness would prevent any mischief to health; oth-rwise these Pith arc recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box.! Price $1 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by O. W.KESSLEU, General Agent for Altoona and vicinity. He wiilsupply (h*aler«at proprietor's prices, and send the Pills to ladiei (cen/dcntudiyl by return mall on receipt of $1 through the Aljoona Post Glfleo. Each bos has my signature. J. DCi’ONCO, Sew York. Samuel Brcalin, general agent for Tyrone City, fly-27 altoona Markets. COSMCIKI WESSIT BT LOWIItER * M'IiOWSU.. Fleer—Fuperf.ue, "ft bbl, ' “ Kxtra, “ . j Com Meal, ? curt. \ Buckwheat “ ' ,• ‘ ! Potatoes, buih. Appt-'S, 9 “ Butter, ¥ lb 22 1 LarJ, ■ t 14 Pork, *•“ !=• . '■% fj ’ , 06 SHo, n “ ■ l 06 Eggs, i T& Jo*. , p ;/ r 16 JPLAXN k LEHR’S FLOCR MARKET. M'Loin A Lehr sell their PUmr.atitho following rates: — White Wheat flour, Extra Family, ' r 1 bid. J 5.75 “ «* “ “ SnpeXRM, r “ fc4,B7}4®'-.uO “ u “ Superfine, " | t “ 4,75 •■■ > I ? H. LEILTS FLOCK IjIARKKT. fztra Family I'ionr. f bbl. $ ?ut);i Sue Extra, best <;uu!ity, “ 0 '25 “ “ Brush Creek, « 6 CO Sui-'-rfißa, , i : “ 4 75 MARRI&i). On the 22J inst.. by Michael Calvert. Esq.. Mr. S. I’. BURBHAUT, to Miek JANE GRAY, both cf Logan town ship. this county. ;. i On the 27th inst., by tho Rev. A. B. Clark, at the house of Mr. John Anderson, MX. A. J. ANHERSONVhf Altoona, to Mist MAHY A. BARCLAY, of Perry county. In this place, on the 12th inst., the residence of her son. Solomon Boyer,Mr3.BOYEß,agedB2yeara,ll months, and 7 days. - ; F T AWN ROBES FOR bNE DOLLAR, J«t the “KEW CHEAP CORNER.” - April 2Mt] ! r * ; J.&J.LOWTUER. I 7 AST CO LORED PRINTS, AT TEN ? Cents per yard at the “ NEW CHEAP CORNER.” April mtj ' ; I ■ j: J. 4 J.LOWIHER. ( BEUEGE MANTILLAS.-—ONLY ei for a splendid article at the “NEW CHEAP CORNER.” ■■ ■ Aprilgt-ltj ’ ; J. tJ. LOWTIIER. Ladies gall and see the New Goods at the Nits Cheap Oimcr. April gait] j ■ J.AJ.LOWTHER. Bock beeii.~t#is celebra fod Beer has been manufactured at the Brewery In this place, Mid isnoWbelng retailed by the subscriber at his Balobn;’ln the basement of the -Masonic Temple; It U'aft ahhieht customninoD jj the Germans of the old world to one this celebrated Beer;on the Ist day of Hay of every ydar. and Ui this countryi it; is becoming equally fashionable. : Come; then, all ye lovers of pleasant drinks and good drinks and give it a trial. April 20,-lt] FERDINAND NOTHWAXO.« APRIL, 1068. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED AT THE HAXX OF FIBHIOKB. TTJHE Subscriber has the pleasure of &u -1 nonncingto the citizens of Altoona, and the “vest of mankind<” that he is Just receiving from Philadelphia and New York, a beautiful assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, consisting, In part, of BORN A* QUXLUS, CRAPE DI ESPANOE, FANCY OPUUN BAREGE, PLAIN OFXIUN MARKT.h, CH ALLIES, DUOALfi, FRENCH LAWNB-BKAUTIf CL j STYLES, SCOTCH “ “ I “ from upwards FANCY DRESS SILKS. BLACK DRESS SILKS, WGUBED BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, Ac., , in great variety. Ho would call especial attention to hie stock of SHAWLS, which for Style, quality and variety, cannot be surpassed, and mnr.t be seen to bo appreciated. The .assortment of White Goods and Ladies’ Dress Trira r mtngs ore all that fashion could desire. Among his stock of Ladles’ Mieses and Children’s Goiters and Shoes will be founds full Une from the best city manufacturers. His stock of Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, ls complete. . ' . . He hopes his Goods and prices (which by tha way defr competition,) wfllmeet the approval cf all who call apaa him. - Year potronagei* respectthUy solicited. * V ' ApfflSWin, f ;■ (Wifi 3: DIED. GI&2AP GOODS! —TH««mhaeHberwoald respectfully inform the citi zens of Altoona and vicinity that he has just revived lib stock of n SPRING AND SOMMER GOODS, comdttiwc.ln part,of LADIES’ PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, such as Silks, Satins, Raw***, Maine*, OhaUbs, Ducal*, Dawns, Prints, together with all kinds of Dry Goods, all of which wfil he sold cheep for cash. ‘ Ho ha* also on hand alargaatfiekef GROCERIES. Q UEENS WARE, HARD . , WARE, BOOTS. AND SHOES, and all other goods usually kept in stores ,in this place. Haring adopted the CASH SYSTEM in my business and being resolved to carry it out, T have maikedmy good* at CASH PRICES, and invite inspection and comparison, in regard to prices and quality, wlflvthose of any other store in the town. Qive.me a cell and judge for yourselves. Country produce taken in' exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. . April 29-ly] - J. B. HILEMAN. TVTEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.— ll J. AJ. LOW'i'll IR have Just returned from the City and are now receiving their stock of SPRING GOODS, which they fuel assured are as HANDSOME and CB CAP, if not a little cheaper, than any yet brought to this place. _ On account of going to Philadelphia late in the season, we have been able t 6 buy our goods ut greatly reduced pri ces, and we are determined to stll them at very small prof its fur cash or to prompt monthly paying customers. We have as usual a splendid stork of ~ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, such as LAWNS, ROBES A’ QUtLLE. CHALLIES, BAYADERE, LARELLAB, BOCALS, POLL, DECUE VRES, DEL AIN 3, PKINTS, GINGHAMS, Ac. Abo, Shawls and Mantillas in great variety, together with a good stock of Domestic Dry Goods, Straw Goods, BOOTS $ SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENS \ WARE. GROCERIES, sc„ sc. The citizens of Altoona will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, as we are not to be undersold- April 29,1858. PUBLIC SALE. —The subscriber will sell at Public Sale on the premises, oh Tuesday. May 11,1868, a Lot of Ground,, situate in Logan township, on the Dry Gap road, and about one mile North-West of Al toona,'containing Six Acres, three of which t;re cleared and in a good state of cultivation.. Tire improvements arc n good or.e-and-a-half story Log House, 16x24 feet, with Kitchen. 10x14, attached, and a Frame barn, 16x20 feet.— There is a Spring of good Water on the premises, and con venient to tire buildings. He will also sell, at the same time and place, three. Hogs, a Lot of Chickens and Geese, and on assortment of House hold and Kitchen Furniture, too tedious to enumerate, — Side to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when attend ance will be given and terms made known by OEOIIGE SOLLAB. ALSO: —On the same day and date, the subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, adjoining those mentioned above, a. Lot of Ground, contain ing Three Acres, two acres of which are cleared and in a good state of coltivotion. The impruveinenta-coiisist of a one-aud-a-half story Log House, 16x24 feet, and a good Frame Born, 14x26 feet. There is also a Spring of excel lent Water on the premises, convenient to the buildings. - He will aiso sell, at the same time and place, Three Pigs, a lot of Chickens and Geese, and an of House hold and Kitchen Foanituro, too tedious to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock on said day when attendance will be given and terms mode knpwn by April 29-11. CHAS..HESSER. Maryland state lotteries FOB MARCH, 165*. H. France & Co., Managers of the Maryland State Lotteries, present the fol lowing Splendid Schemes FOB MAY. ISSS. They caution purchasers of Tickets to beware of order ing Tickets In Lotteries where extraordinary large Capi tals are offered fur a small cost of Tickets—all such ore swindle'. The Maryland Lotteries have been in existence for Forty Years. They are drawn by a State Officer, and can be re lied on. If you draw a Prize, you will get your money.— The whole country is Hooded with bogus Lottery concerns. Beware of them. Order in the Maryland State Lotteries. , VAUMriCKXT SCI!EXE, GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. CLASS S, To be drawn Uj Baltimore City, May 22. 1856. 16 Drawn Ballots out of 78. “vh Making more Prizes thou Rhihks. Every Package of 26 s Tickets must contain 10 drawn numbers, so that there are 16 Prizes to 10 Blanks. 1 Grand Prize of $4-.U>OO • 10 Prize of $2OO 1 Prize of 10,000 519 Prize of 105 1 Prize of 6,000 62 Prize of 80 1 Prize of 5,000 62 Prize of 70 3 Prize of 2,350 62 Prize of 60 5 Prize of 1,300 62 Prize of 40 10 Prize of 1.000 7.102 Prize of 20 10 Prize nf 400 | 30,256 Prizes ol 10 38,256 Prizes, amounting to $601,000. Tickets $10 —Halves $5 —Quarters $2.50 —Eighths $1,25. A Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, costs $124 00 Do. do. 26 Halves, 62 00 Do. do. 2S Quarters, 31 O'- Do. do. 26 Eighths, 15 50 HAVANA PI^AN. This is the old mode of Drawing. Prizes hi one Wheal and Tickets in another. Every Prize iz drawn out. Every I’net paid in full without ‘led action GRAND CONSOLIDATED EXTiIA CLASS 6, To be drawn in Baltimore. M«3. 20,C55 t'rii''s! 40,000 NumbersM SPLSS'DIU SCIIKMK! §51,400 $5.25 $5,60 2,00 3,40 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of s 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 4 Prizes of 10 Prizes of 10 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 6,000 6,000 5.000 5.000 2fioo iood 2.000 2,000 1 280 1.260 12260 I,ooo' 16 « '3OO 40 « 230 40 “ 200 400 “ 20,000 Prizes of $8 each. 20,300 Prizes of |B, determined by the Capital Prize, being cdl or even. Whole Tickets slo—Halves |e—-Quarters $2,50. A Manners' Certificate of 1C Wholes—where person* wish to pay the risk only, will be sent for $96 Do. v do. 16 Halves, 4S Do. do. 16 Quarters, 24 Do. do. 16 .Eighths, 12 Tho Managers hare been compelled from the numerous comphiints.mado to them, of unfaithfulness on the part of those who have been attending to the- filling of orders, to resume the corrcsppmlonpe businessfin their own name. Order tickets from the Managers only. Adrress all letters to R. i'BAXCE i CO. ‘l March 4-ly] Baltimore, Md. MAP OF BLAIR COUNTY.—THE subscribers propose to publish a New Map of Blair County, Pennsylvania, from actual surveys, containing all Public Boads, Kail Hoads. Canids, the actual localities of Villages, Post Offices, Houses of Worship, School Houses, Manufactories, Tanneries, Mills. Hotels, Stores,-farm Hous es. nSmcs of Property Owners, Ac. ‘ Enlarged Plans, ot tho Principal-Villages, a Table of Distance*, and n Business Directory, giving tho name and business of each subscriber, will be engraved on the mar gin. The plotting will be to a suitable scale so os to make a largo and ornamental ■ Map, which -will bo col- red and mounted in the best style, and delivered to subscribers at (S per copy. - , SAMUEL OKU, April 16, ISM. ISAAC 0. FREED, BARGAINS! A NEW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING SUITABLE FOB THE SEASON, JUST RECEITED BY tiTmom & ULLMAN, AND NOW BEING DISPOSED OF AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. IlflL ULLMAN anjjpnnces Aat he is ifl is always on hand and will take greatploasnreln vraltmgnpoiiaU Who indy favor him with a «aU.' He feels confident that he will be: ableto render satisfaction both in finality and price. [April iS-Sm c. s. hirst, w. n. n. b- oocd, w. n. TYRB. HIRST & GOOD TENDER 1 'M their professional services to the bitiaens of Altoona and riclnUylptbesererdlbronchedof " ; i ' MEDICINE' AND SURGERY. Country calls regularly nttendedto. v / Qißbe. the same as heretofore ocenpied by Dr. Hirst : By consent, D. B. Good refers to ' ■ J. M. Geronill. M. D., Alexandria, Fa. J.B;Lnden,M.D.. Huntingdon, « ; Dm. Boa; Boyer and Fey, WtlUamsbnrg, ’Pa.- AprU22,1968-tt] Dissolution of partnership —Notice is hereby given tlwt the partnership' here tofore oxisting'betwcen the undersigned, trading as the firm of Lowtber & McDowell, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Settlement of accounts may be made with either of tho firm. Altoona, April 20,1358-31.] WM. HcDOWRU,. Brigade orders, no. 17.—The companies composing the 4th Brigade, 16th Division, will meet in tlolHdiiysburg ut 10 o’clock, A. M., offtfON ßA7 the lOlh day of MAY next, for IfelUlion Training and Inspection. By order, ‘" i; . llwr.-Offta.-V JOHtf-a IB3SJBB, Brig lm. ,* . AprOWj ISM. f ■ 4th Brig. MM» Dir, *. |f. M. Saturday, • May 29th, ISSB. 4 Appr’z.to $2OO 16 “ 100 16 « 100 16 « 100 100 40 SO 20 JAMJiS LOWTttgB, / A FORTtJNE OF I 170,000 TOBEHADFORIIQI^C O WAN Jt, G(m Am 0 THORIZED BY THE STATE OPOjSORGtA. t.' 1 The following Scbema vrUI be drawn lby 8. Swan Ar O»i. Managers of the 'Sparta Academy Lottery, In each ot their Mngle Number Litterica tor May, 1868, at AUODBTA. Georgia, to which city they have removed thhir principal office. ; . i CLASH 13, To be drawn in the city of Augusta, Georgia, In public,: td Saturday, May 1, 1868. CLASS 14, To he drawn la the City of Augusta, Georgia, to public, ou Saturday, May 8, 18687> > CLASS 15, To be drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, la ptiplic, oq Saturday, May 16,1868. ~ ; CLASS 10. To be drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in publlc, on Saturday, May 22, 1358. CLASS 17, To bo drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on Saturday. May 2», 1868., ; ON THE PLAN OP SINGLE NUMBERS. RVC THOUSAND FOUR HCNDRKD AND EIQBTT-RVS TRUSS I A'early one Prize to every Xine Tickets I • MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ! TO U DRAWN EACH SITIEUAI IN AFXIX. 1 Prize of $7 0.0 JO I 4 Prize of 006 1 “ “ 30,0001 4 “ “ 800 1 “ “ 10,000 4 “ “ 700 1 “ “ 6,0' I 4 “ 800 I “ “ 4,000 50 Prize* of 500 1 u u j I, 4 « “ 1.000 230 “ “ | 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $4OO Approx’tiug. to $70,000 Prize are $1,600 4 “ “ 300 •• “ 30,000“ “ 1,200 4 « « 200 “ “ 10,000 1 “ “ 800 4 « “ 125 “ « 6,000 “ “ 500 4 u “ 100 “ “ 4,000 « « *OO 4 “ “ 75 “ “ 8,000 “ “ COO •4 “ “ 60 “ •* 1,600 “ « 200 6,000 “ “ 29 are ,100,000 6,486 Prizes amounting to ; $320,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2,60. , PLAN OP THE LOTTERY. f : The numbers from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with those numbers on the Tickets printed on separate sups of papcr, are encircled in small tin tubes and placed In one Wheel. : The first 467 Prizes, similarly printed and encircled, ore placed in another wheeL The wheels ore then rcyolyod, and a number is drawn prom the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prim is drawn from the other wheel. . The number and prftoi drawn out are opened and eshlbitetUo the. audience, afid registered by the Commissioners; ?the Priste folng placed agidnst the number drawn. This operation Is repeated un til! all the Prizes are drawn out. < Approximation Prizes.—The two proceeding and the two succeeding numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes wlll bo entitled to the 28 Approximation Prizes. For example: If Ticket No. 11,250 draws the $70,000 Prize, thoao tickets numbered 112148.11,249,11,251,11253, will each be entitled to $4OO. If Ticket No. 660 draw# the $30,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 545, 549, 551, 652, will each be entitled tii $3OO, and so on according to the above scheme, Tlie 5,000 Priz.cs of $2O will be determined by thel oat fia are of the number that draws the $70,000 Prize. For ex ample; if the number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the tickets, where the number ends in 1, will lie entitled to $2O. If the number cuds with N(r. 2, then all the tickets where the number ends in 2 will be en titled to $2O, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will he sold at tha tallowing rate# which is the risk: * Certificate of package of 10 Whole Tickets, “ “10 Half “ “ “ 10 Quarter « “ “ 10 Bight “ IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, s Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, or receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail.— Purchasers can have tickets ending in anynumber they may designate. I ■■ ‘ The list of Drawn Numbers and Prizes Will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchasers will please write their signature# plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of j. 1,000 sod under, paid immediately alter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time of 80 days' ; All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets nr certificates to _ . , S. SWAN A CO, Augusta, Go. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atalanta,Gai can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan t Co., at either of those cities. A list of tho numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one Is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in the following pa per?:—A>iv Orleans Delta, Mobile Jiegister, Charleston Stan dard. Xa-dn-Ulc - GatctU, Atlanta luUlligrncer, .Veto York Weekly Day 8001-. Savannah Morning Stoat, Bichmand Dis patch, Xew York Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion Augusta (Geo.) Chnstitutimialiet. [ jan.7-ly. PAPER HANGINGS. IVIE BEST ASSORTMENT EVER brought to Pitt*burch. Come and feast your eyes.- Buy or not, the goods vril] be short a. WALL PAPER, For PARLORS, DINING ROOMS, CHAMBERS, ENTRIES, CHURCHES and LODGES. WALL PAPEft, At 6'to 12J,£ cents, At 12 to 25 cents. At 25 to SO cents, At 50 cents to $l,OO, At sl,Oft to $2,00, MARBLE FRESCOE^, PLAIN OAK, WALNUT, .PANEL OAK,; Borders, Ceilings. Statues and Paintings. W. p. MARSHALL A CO, : IJUfsburg, April I. I?S3-2m.j 87 Wood at. Pittsburg. \T ALL ABLE PROPERTY FOR f SALK.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract;Oi EIGHTY ACHES of land, situate in Furguson township, Clearfield county, on the South side of the West Brancbof tho Susquehanna River, about fire miles front CnrwensrlUo and one mile below Lumber City. The premises ore con* veniently situated, and among other inducements to pur 1 chasers are two extensive beds of IKON ORE, one of which exceeds nine feet in thickness and yields from forty-five to eighty per cent. There is also an abundance of » LIMESTONE AND STONE COAL on the premises, making it a desirable situation to persons wishing to engage in the manufacture of Iron. There is the best of water power on the premises, and the river is navigable with arks, boats, ic, from this point. Persons desiring any farther information will address WM. G. McCRACKEN, ' March 25-3m.] New Millport, Clearfield Co., Pa. SEW YORK WEEKLY. SMITH’S GREaFsTORYI k> NOW READY AND FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS, Entitled MAGGIE, THE CHILD OF CHARITY, OR, / WAIFS ON THE SEA OF HUMANITY. : A Romance of Every-Diy Eifo. This is the greatest Story ever writtca by this popular Author. It has been copy-righted and Will not be printed ini any other form. Rack numbers can always bo had.—• The WEKKtt is sold by U. FETnXQEB, ! Altoona, AprU 1, XBSV-4t. Psu Mew volumes of the four GREAT. BRITISH REVIEWS, namely, Vl Erfinburg, Forth British,. VfcstmintUr, and London Quar terlies, and Blpdneood’s Ediitburg Magazine, (Monthly.) Commence with January, 1858. ’ Tehujop S itbscat piioa.—Any one Review orl Blackwood, $3 a year. Blackwood and one Reviewer tWoßericws, $5. The four Reviews and Blackwood, slo.' Your copies to one address. 1830. - ?-.s Postage (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Office in Ota United States, only Btf cents a year, naraoh: II cents a year on each Review, and 21 eenta a year on.Blaekwood) ' Address, L, SCOTT A CO, Publishers, : April 8,1858. M Gold Street, oornemf Fulton, BT. Tv TVRICKI BRIQKH 3KIC?m^ p-> Tito undersigned subscriber bat bn hand now and par sole a , v ; FIRST BATE QUALITY OF WSD ; BRICK, at tiie well-known Crick VnrdatMcCuhan’e he is prepared to furnish any qaantityof BRICK on snort notice. Orders from h dislancewill be attended to, and Brick ddlvered iu tbs'ears. Address - ' ■ April 1,18584 m, WIT.LIAM VAUGHN, I ' , Ctmcaiisvillc, Blair county. Pa. TIiTILLINEIIY AND MANTUAMA ifI KINO KSTABUSBMEWT.-PfLoses M. ! A 8: Ktrinus would ttapoctfnlly .inform the tJta ladle* Of Altoona and vicinity, that they con .three' th* above bhirinoss at their old etand.oppo-.Sl?>*- ; site Sonets’ Drug Store, and have Inst received their supply of SPRING end SUMMER MILMNKRV GOODS, which they will sell as low as any other establishment in tho place Dresses and all articles of ladies wear made to order on short notice and reasonable terms. [April 23) ’67-Jy. SHERIFFALITY.— I offer inysolf as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF of Clair coun ty, at the ensuing election In October next. If elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties appertaining toeald office to tlie best of my ability, s „ Fub. 4, JOHN B. WARFBt. OYES! 0 YES I—GENTLEMEN draw nigh and bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT innonn ces to the pubUc, that he is ready to discharge his duty aa an Auctioneer whenever, called upon. yan-VM. T OVBRINO AND NEW ORLEANS 3,00 m | 60 « “ 1,5001 tOO « « A LWAYS SOMETHING XjL Bus Tn»— *x» Yonra. Is, Do doubt, the most wonderful discovery of tbit eg* o - ptugreds, for it will restore, permanently, gray hair tu Mb*, original color, cover the head of the bold with a most tan* riant growth, mnovo at once oil dandruff and itching, cure •U scrofula, add other cutaneous eruptions, such as scald head, etc. It will core, as if by magic, nervous or perkxil* cal headache; make the hair soft, glossy and preserve the color perfectly, and the bair from falling, U> extreme old age. The foyoWlhg ia from a distinguished member Of tba medical profession; fa: Piet, &nbaiy 1,1861. I j Paor. 0- J. Wood —Dear IHr :—Enßo)lcit«d, 1 tend you this, certificate. After being dearly bald for a long time and having tried all the hair return tires extent, »ndh»Ting no frith in any, I waa induced, on hearing, of yours, to give it a trial. I placed myself in the hands, of a barber, and had my head rubbed with a good stiff brush, amt tM fbstrn rativc then applied and well rubbed in, till tbs scalp Oral' aglow. This 1 repeated every morning, and In three Weekl the young hair appeared and grew rapidly from August tat tilbthe present tune, and is now thick, black and strong—* - soft and pleasant to the touch; whereas, before, it wasbarak and wiry, what little there waa of it, and that Rule waa disappearing very rapidly. I still use your Restoration about twice a week, and shall toon have a good and perfect crop of hair. Now I had reod all these, things—and. wha has not? but have not sejm.ytherto. any case where- say person's bair was really beßcflttcdby any of tifwhatr tonic, etc., of the day; and it really gives me pleasure to record the result of my -experience. I have recommended your preparation to others, and it already has a large andgensr al sale throughout the Territory- The people hare its effects and have confidence in it. The supply yon sene us as wholesale agents for the Territory, Wnearly exhanm ted, and dally inquiries are made for It. You deserve eked it for your discovery, and I, fbr one, return' you my thanks for the benefit it hat done me, fbr I certainly bad despaired long ago of effecting any such result. Yoon, hastily. . 1 , f Js WT’. BwfD, - Firtq of Bond A Kelly, Druggists, fit. Paul. JVom tht Editor Ms Aoi Mate AdwKffrer, Boston, MorchHO, 1566. ; But 6»:—Having become prematurely quite gray, I wad Induced, some six weeks since, to make a trial ofyonr Rente rative. X havenned less than two bottles, but the gray hairs have all disappeared; and although my hair .has not fully attained its original color, yet the process of change' is gradually going on, and lam in great hopes that in a abort time my hair WO! be as dark as formerly. I have also been much gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the bair, which before was harsh and dry; and it bat ceased to come oat eat formerly. ’ . , . .. Respectfully yours, t): C. a, RIJPP; CUBirtr, Illinois. Jane If, 1866. I have used Prot Wood's Hair Restorative, and have a4> mired its wohderlbl effect. My hair was | btcomlrg, as. I thought, prematurely gray, but by the usd of hu Retford, tivn; ft has reeumodita original color, and have ho' dbkot, permanently so. SIDNEY BRHKBK, Ex-Senator United States, ■ 0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors, 312 Broadway N. T. ami 111 Market sto St. Louis, Missouri. For sale by iUff 500 “ 55,00 12 « 250 « 85,00 0 « ■ Si 100 « 15,00 8 ** tJ» 60 u 8,00 1 “ >0 The “ Springfield Republican,” of Massachusetts, sayer “ It is the Queen of all berries, of most mafenlfleentproporv tlons, exquisite flavor and delicate texture/*- T ’ Extract from the proceedings of the American Pomofoff cal Society, held In Boston: Mr. Cabot, of Hast). "1 wish to inquire about the Raw. Rochelle Blackberry/’ ' : ~ -Rev. Wx. Cun,.ofStoniugton, states: “The New Ro chelle Blackberry hat fruited with me for the first tint* this season; UjWftUtaU it* prtmitet, trhieb it off fluff H44tf be said qf it. Coming Just after. Raspberries, it prolongs the seawm bf small fruits a month or more, end it j*a gre gr ; acquisition*. It doscrywa place ttfevery garden.” ; Mr. Pure, of Sow York. . “It Is the most ixmarkablarv quisitlop; Tort, sweet and delirious indeed, and the hardi est pfant posMblc.” ' ' -' ■ MhJJIAUBior, of Xew York. 1 “It Is- very large, tender and delicious. I think it is the greatest acqnitmoit'wa have bad.” Mr. Cukg, of Conn. U 1 never taw anything motspin ductivo-” . Mr. Sabi, ofXow-York, “I can corroborate what others IIAT9 MW» W ... Mr. pEtjfca, of Xew York. “If is s most remarks bjesC qndsltion of the Blackberry klurt-f-Toty sweet and deifefotta. indeed; a great bearer, and the hardiest plant possible.” ?■ ■ Quo. Gabeikl, Esq., of Stonlngton. Conn. “ It Use-frWH* ed with me for the first time this season. It Mtfilhi HBpm promises, and deserves a place in every garden." Ur Knox who has five acres In cultivation exhfoftodUif season some of the fruit before the Pittsburgh llortlculti£ ral Society. The Pittsburgh Chronicle sayhtr “ Safifoftnfr citizens visited the rooms cf the Society with a view of ex amining Mr. Knox’s collection, and these who were fortu nate enough to see it expressed their admiratfon.in no mea sured toms.” The Society awarded the exhibition a di ploma. i Orders addressed to P,rv. J. EXOX, or the subscriber ' 'and accompanied with the cash, or a suitable reference whore the parties are not known,- will bo filled In this orQst in ..which they arc received. NEWMAN'* THORNLESS BLACKBERRY PLANTS for sale at the same prices. i JAMES WARDHOP, 9-at, 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa, ; rpilE CASSVIfcLE SEMINARY— I ONLY *23,50 PER QITARTER. E-JI ihfa School for Young ladles and Gon tlcmeu fa probably the cheapest one of the SSa 11 Hft kind in the country. The expenses for HH | ||K room rent, fttmituro, (bet, board ami tioh in common English, are per as above, or per year only *BB. Piano Music fa only *5 per quarter. All the langaan* and the Ornamentals are proportionally cheap. Send Jopn circular. Students tuts expected-to notify me before com ing. Address JOHN'D. WALSH, Feb. 25-2m] Cassrille, Unntingdon Co, Pa. PINE GROVE ACADEMY AND SEMINARY. ' Pine drove Mills, Centre Counts, ft. J. E. THOMAS, A. B- Principal. The Thirteenth Session of this Institution will common## April 28,1868, and continue five months. - . - 'ZZT Trans—Boarding and tuition in English Branches Reference—Dr. O. P. Thomas, Altoona. [Mar. 2ABtV ORANGES AND LEMONS.—SfIO boxes Oranges and Lemons In store and for tale by * wm. N. sinroYßiyJ. • March 25. ’Sfelyl 161 North 8d street. PWladeMUSe r^R,QCEBIES—A LARGE j VjF complete msdrtmsnt ef Groceries have Jlmt V ceJted St the «orp of , • f. b. &QtC|