The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 29, 1858, Image 2

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Ifr-Whort portlet ore nnknownrto tw, our rule for iulrrr
tUlag require payment' In advance, or a (m» r»n i-c from
known persons. It i* therefore naetan for *ll euch to lend
m advertiamaenU offering to pay at the end of three or elx
atmthe. Where adrertieemenU ore accompanied with the
ateoef, wbetherteo, five or teo doOan, we will give the
•dwtlstt this felt broeat iffcaeb rate*.
Edltoiflal Correspondence.
PJd£A2>XL»Bta, April 23,1856.
Wc nwiyed ;bere about 121 o’clock on
last Tuesday evening, and in .accordance
with our usual custom, directed onr steps
to the “States Union Hotel,” on Market
street, above Sixth, and put ourself under
the care of its popular proprietor, George
W. Hinkle,'Esq. After a refreahingmghtV
rest, we stowed away a hearty break
fast in our “ bread-basket,” and then went
“bobbin’ around to see the “sights.”—-
We called around on several of our old
friends, and found thorn not only looking
wolf, but also prospering better than the
hard times, justified. Among the rest wc
colled 'op our correspondent, “Sigma,”
and found him none the worse for his liter*
aty efforts for the Tribune. He is a clever,
agreeable young fellow, and is well posted
up in everything pertaining to the city
and city life. After agreeably spending
the forenoon- among our old friends, we
retultned to oar quarters, and partook of a
sumptuous dinner, after which we wended
' our eteps towards Musical Fund Hall, to
meet our brethren of the Quill and Scis
sors in council. ~ We found, on arriving
there,\ however, that the convention
taken but a short session, and had ad
journed till 8} o’clock.
Determined to be on hands at that time,
we paid good heed to the chronicle of old
father Time, which luxuriated in our
breeches pocket, and punctual to the hour
presented ourself at the Hall, and Was
duly admitted to the council chamber,
where was .convened the assembled wis
dom of Pennsylvania. On entering, we
found Mr, R. Lyle White, of the Erie
Constitution, in the chair, and Messrs. L.
H. Davis, of the Montgomery Ledger, and
M- H. Cobbj of the Tioga Agitator, act
ing as Secretaries. The following dele
gates were in attendance:—
North American.
L. A; 3cdey,' L-itl/a Book.
J. >V. Forney, The Press. .
Col. Thos.'Fitzgcrpid, City Item.
f. J. Peterson, P x eterson.’» Magazine,
loyd Jones, Norristown Herald and* Free
Press; ,
Wm.W. A«, Frankford Herald.
FreM, Germantown Telegraph.
. ST.. Augee, l?omato|rn Republican.
EJ' Ranch, Maxell Chunk Gazette.
J. H. Puleaton, Pittston Gazette.
M.Haunutn, BehighCounty Democrat,
Jos. 8. N. Young, Erie City Dispatch.
D. -W”. Shryock, Greensburg ’ Ilcrald.
Br. B. B. Brower, Montour American.
James M. Eenster, Bawrehce Journal.
' Polemon John, Columbia County Republican.
John H. Baird, Greenabnrg Argus.
George W. Pierce,; West Chester Republican.
T.,8. IKMter, Delaware County Republican.
George Raymond, Blair County Whig.
WiUJamE. Mcßaughlin, Mecbaniosburg Ga
sette. ’
. . Jobs J. Patterson, Harrisburg Telegraph.
M. B,,Cohb, Tioga Agitator.
R. L. White, Erie Constitution.
H. Davis, Montgomery Bedger.
Jl. Shelton Mackenzie; of the Press.
■ Alexander Cummings, Evening Bulletin.
Theophilus Fiake, Evening Argus;
.Xi'lf, Reed, BlairsviUe Americans
& Greer, Juniata Register.
j. R. Coolbsngh, Jersey Shore Republican.
William M. Allison, Altoona Tribute.
Tale, Columbia Democrat. <
i CK-li. J.Pamtcir, Muncy Lumituuy.
At the morning sesjsion a committee bad
been appointed to report business for the
Association. At the afternoon session two
reports were handed in. The majority
reported in fcvorof adjourning to meet at
Fot&ville, on the 11th of May, in con-
with the Keystone Editorial As-
a new organi»atmn,-aa a State
Sqeigty. The reported in favor
ofjtypnediate action, as the Keystone As-
sectional organization.
After considerable debate, jpro and con,
by of the Association, on
qs Col. Forney, both reports were
withd«Hrn,and the wholemdfjeet, referred
hick to the committee, with instructions
at the “ Festival” in the evening,
«feer which the convention adjourned.
"We then took a short stroll down town
tofacer the Firemen’s Parade, which was
i ppp largest one we ever saw. Some forty
dressed in their best “ bib and
pfipker” were in line. , The parade was!
in honor of the reception,by the 1
'Washington - Fire Company, of a new en- ;
£ni* f <vinatrucied in Baltimore. To the
.crfl#t of‘ Phiiadelphia Jhemen, be it;
the parade passed or
Puactual to (he hoar of six, (we always
100 |mnotaal when dainties are on the
cap*,) m ppoeentod ouraalf at Patty's
in tho “Festitil” got opby oar inends
of the' city Press, Shortly after, our ar
rival tho Association was called to order,
to..bear and act on the report of -the com
mittee. , The following was the report;
Whereat, When the Convention, assembled it
Was found that there existed two organizations
-—each claiming to be a State organization, one
called the Keystone Editorial Union,-and the
other the Editorial Association of Pennsylvania
—therefore it is deemed best to merge both or
ganizations into one, and to invite co-operation
from all. the fraternity in Pennsylvania for the
purpose: therefore,
Rcrolved, That the name of this organization
shall bo the Pennsylvania Editorial Union.
>•*. Its officers shall consist of a President,
eight .Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, five Secre
taries, andnne Corresponding Secretary.
Bd. There shall be an executive committee of
five, to which shall be referred all details of or
ganization, which committee shall be appointed
by the chair.
4th. The first annual meeting of the Union
shall be held on the third Wednesday in Jnne,
1868, in the city of Philadelphia, and that the
corresponding secretary be directed to give no
tice of said meeting to every editor in the State.
We suggest the following persons as the offi
cers to be elected:
President—Morton McMichaeL
Vico Presidents—Levi L. Tate, John J. Pat
terson, R. Lyle White, Joseph P. Barr, P. R.
Frens, H. S. Evans, 0. N. Worden, Edward
Treasurer—Louis A. Godoy.
.' Secretaries—J. Henry Puleston, J. M. Kues
itor. Geo. Raymond, J. s H. Davis.
| Corresponding Secretary—£. J. Peterson.
1 executive Committee—Col. John W. Fomcy,
J. Lawrence Getz, £. <H. Rauch, J. Heron Fos
ter, and Dr. H. B. Brower.
On motion, the report of the committee
was unanimously received and adopted.—
The Association then adjoujrned to the
“ Festival” Chamber. But jat this stage
of the proceedings (the most interesting
of the whole,) we are compelled to pause,
lest we may notdo them full justice. * *
Well, w.c have considered the matter
over, and concluded not to attempt such a
superhuman task, as failure alone would
reward our .efforts. We shall, therefore,
content ourself by merely stating that the
banquet was a most sumptuous one and
reflected the highest credit bn .the mem
bers of the city Press, by whom it v was
got up. After the cloth was removed,
speeches were made by the President, Mor
ton McMichael, Esq., Dr. R. Shelton
McKenzie, L. A. Godey, Esq., Col. Fitz
.gerald, and a number of others. It was
emphatically a “ feast of reason and flow
of soul:” Wit and humor abounded, the
former as keen and sparkling as the cham
paigne, (almost forgot the “Heidsic,” al
though we didn’t that evening.) At about
Hi o’clock the “Festival” 'was brought
-to a close, and the delegates retired to
their respective quarters, in the best of
humor with themselves and the whole
company, and determined to be present at
the nextsessionof the Association in June,
ready and willing to lend their efforts to
make the “Old Keystone” what she ought
to have been long since, the first Common
wealth in the Union.
Since then little of any interest has
transpired. Everybody here is cursing
the action of Mr. English, in regard to.
Kansas affairs. His political reputation
is dead.
Politics arc now nearly up to p fever
heat, the city tickets being the grand
theme of conversation. From the indica
tions manifested, we believe the “ Peoples’
Ticket” will be triumphantly elected. —
Mayor Yam, Bill McMulliu, and their
compeers, will have to take a back seat,
unless they can succeed by ballot-box stuf
fing, which, judging from their reputa
tions, they will no- doubt attempt on a
most extensive scald
Last evening, in company with “ mine
host’.’ oif|b'e “ States 1 Union,” Mr. Jacob
Sziut, or Altoona, and Mr. Stevenson, of
Mifflin, we visited Shawnee Tribe, No. 8,
I. O|R. M., at its Wigwam, corner of 4th
and ijfalnut, and spent the evening in a
pleasant manner. The Shawnee boys know
how to put a pale face through, and how
to treat friends and brothers. Talking of
Red Men, we are reminded that the order
is in a most flourishing condition, and is
rapidly extending. It is a good order and
cannot be extended, too widely.
To-day we visited the Navy Yard, and
took a ,view of matters and things there.
The old “ Congress” was in process of be
ing placed in the Dry Book for repairs,
&c. The new steam sloop *' Lancaster,”
is on the stocks, with a foil compliment
of hands hammering away at her. There
is also a small craft, designed fora “lighjfc
bopt” qn the sieves, in process ofbUhUng.
We cannot iclose thip long, ramUuig
epistle without paying a just tribute (p
our hospitable landlord, G. W.
£sq. We have ever found him a perfect
gentleman, one who knows how to treat
his guests right, and to tDtake their so
journ. while under Us care, Comfortable
and agreeable. As
;we may merely say, thathis house, (a forge
; and commodious one, by the way,) is al
ways well filled with first-class patrons.—
We know of no house in this city that we
would prefer to Us, and others seem to
think iu the same way, for whoever stops
foUh him once, is sure to call egfon. It
well bp. saW of the “States Uaioa**
(hjjj gat
■lr»*jfccttee end i
ad bo swe to
t ibis dity.
,V '.H
and its and accommodating
proprietor, that |t is a house,
"'Wherein be them (hit! gneate.) fq)! fair did entertain,
Kot with ahowij *» Otter been
| Per vonrtftig ttat loort'teeic* woaW_6JM. ■
Bat with entire jeCactigO end appeetmace'pUfai.”
iJESeßds 'will remember the
House, and be sijirc to give it a rail, When
they visit tins elty. They-certainly will,
if they value Comfortable quarters aud
moderate charge*.
We shall leave to-night by the Express
train for home. "Till then, au revoir.
\ A.
Shocking order. —On Thursday
last, the body of; a young man was found.!
floating in the Schuylkill, a short distance
abbve the Market Street Bridge, Phila
delphia. On reifiioving it from the water
it was found to he the body of Mr. John
E. Clark, a young merchant in Philadel
phia, who- had been missing since the pre
vious Saturday, on which day he had had
some 8400 on his person, with which he'
purposed lifting ;a couple of notes in bank.
On examining ; the body the throat was
found to bp cut from ear to ■ ear. The
Watch of deceased was in his vest pocket,
but the chain bad been cut. Little or no
money was foubd upon his person. The
Coroner, with a jury, is now busily en
gaged taking testimony, and will leave no
means unspared, to ferret out the perpe
trator or perpetrators of this hellish crime.
That the deceased was, foully murdered no
one doubts, although at first it was sup
posed that he blight have committed sui
cide. He leaves a young widow to mourn
his Untimely fate, who together with his
aged mother are well nigh distracted. We
hope that justicp, in this case, will neither
slumber nor slepp.
The Atlantic Monthly. —The May
number of this interesting and popular
monthly is already on our table. It con
tains, as usual, abundance of excellent
reading matter, jwhich is designed not only
to instruct, bujt also to amuse. It is a
regular treasure, a perfect library in itself.
We cordially commend it to the attention
of all who can| appreciate a high order of
literature. Tennis S 3 a year; 2 copies
85. Address Phillips, Sampson Co.,
P. S. We will furnish any one who de
sires it with 1 copy of the Atlantic, and I
copy of the Tribune, for one year, for
The Standard-man and his friend,
the “pedagogue ” Lave “backed right
down ” before proof we furnished them
last week. But true to their nature, while
doing so, they profess to have annihilated
us. Poor souls, they 1 need some comfort
after their overwhelming overthrow, and
as their belief Can by no means controvert
the facts of the ease, we can afford to be.
generous enough to allow them to believe
so. The Mur(jky)ray has been complete
ly extinguished, and will shine no more
on our devoted heads. “ Alas ! poor Yor
t&~ The papers and correspondence be
tween Lord Napier and the Secretary of
State, relative to the slave trade, called
for by the Senate, are how before that'
body, and ordered to be printed. Mr.
Cass discourses with much force, and with
the slightest gpice of ridicule, the new
scheme of forced labor called apprentice
ship, or of involuntary emigrants, by the
French Government, and recognized by
the British Government. In conclusion,
he says ; “I ain instructed by the Presi
dent to infonn ypur Lordship that, while
he is deterniined to execute the treaty of
1842 with fidelity and efficiency, he is not
prepared, under existing circumstances, to
enter intp any new stipulations on the
subject of African slave trade.”
A few Pla|Q Words to a Wills -
fe,ey Distiller.
Arch Spring. April 17. 1858.
Dear Sir:—l jam going to speak a few words
to yon, in tiiis public manner, in hopes of gain
ing your attention to a subject which is of vital
importance both [to you and to the rising genera
tion. In doing to lam actuated by no motives
save those of a benevolent character. If, in the
course of my repuirks, I should say anything
that sounds harshly to your ears, you will please
consider the fearful importance of the subject,
sad receive it in the same spirit in which it is
given. In to an aged man I feel that
I should remenco him and say nothing that
would offepd; therefore, 1 almost shrink from
the task; hot duty calls and 1 must obey.
You are aware
place a .Whiske
poisonous bevera
beautiful and f<
stuff : you k
many youpg mei
lode forming tl
know also/that'
!ng and prosper:
wbiskey Brekno
not sufficient t
within us—tont
• —to'ab»yimpe
ooald be., Aa T t
(peaking U> a, pr
and therefore,!
dbwn aught Is!
Deacon too, whii
tionto my min
grate, not givei
fUthylucre; hri
in apnre oonscy
lug of Deacons, i
Now come, ** lei
fesa that yoa j
that you hare erected near this
f Distillery, you hare it now
ijbto alreadj made some of the
ge; it Is the only place in this
jrtlle valley that tarnishes the
how: too, that there are a great
k here and elsewhere, who are
eir characters. for life. ’ Too
re are an industrious, persever
0* people; the evil effects of
|rn to os aU:—ifthesefactsare
j arouse every human feeliog
rve the arm with sinews of stem
Jdihg roip— #h®t!
address you I: Know that I am
ifmorot the religion of Christ,
d»lnk that youwSUno.t ‘•Set,
inalice.” _l believe'yoo are a
i> fact sumwts Paol’e iiyunc
d, that “The Deacons moat be
i to moch wine, not greedy of
ding the myetny ofthe ftdth
noe.” The ramoap&tle spr
ays: “ Eet them he blauefds£”
ns reason together.” TouoCn
ato located a Kstmery W otw
mitfst i Whitt. fon ? To speed your neighbors i
on their way to heaven? You must'answer no. ;
Tb make them respectable and happy here ? No.
To heal their infirmities! and lengthen out their j
lives! No. To dry the widow’s tear and;hush i
the orphan's ■ sighs? A thousand times? So! j
Then what in the name of reason and hpipanity
have you done it fort I think I bear you give
a great many among which are the fol
lowing: “1 want to support myself and family;
I want to make some money; surely there can
be no bam in manufacturing an article which
the people, twtthave, even if /do hot make it.”
YOu know the fallacy branch excuses as well as
I do. From present appearances your object
seems to be this: to satisfy the unnatuml ap
petites of those around you; to lead the un
wary into forbidden paths; to crowd as much
misery and woe into this life as you can, and
make the next a hell! Alas! how successful
you will be ! 0 Deacon! Deacon ! is your heart
of stone ? Does it not*.yearn for the welfare of
thjae you are about to injure? If it does, then
stay your hand ere you strike v the fatal blow.
Already age has begun to silver o’er your brow
and leave its traces there. A You may think
lightly note of your course or you may not think
at nil; but remember, the time is coming that
will try your soul. “ What will it profit a man
if he gain the whole world and lose his own
soul ?” Now I have accomplished my duty —the
subject is before you—your destiny with God.
I have pitied you. Deacon, therefore I address
you these lines in hopes that you may take
warning from one in humble life, bat who sees
the gulf of misery yawning to receive your wil-
I ling victims. STANS.
Hoi/udatsbuko, April 20,1808
Messes Editors :—lf my communication is
shorter than usual, this week, you must attri
bute it to the scarcity of news. The disagree
ableness of the weather,, the depression of busi
ness and the absence of all Unit is exciting and
amusing, have contributed to make our town
A part of Dan Rice’s circus passed through
this place on Wednesday last, on its way to
Pittsburg to join the proprietor and the remain
ing portion of the company. The came!, the
celebrated mules and the well trained elephant
excited considerable attention especially among
the juveniltyj. For perhaps an hour or two,
these animals were the subjects of conversation.
Those who wore fortunate enough to see them,
doubtless had some wonderful things to relate
to those who were not so highly favored.
Alany of our sportsmen have been exercising
their skill among the numerous wild ducks at
present to be found about the reservoir. Some,
it is said, were successful in securing quite a
number, and enjoying excellent sports.
The Hon. Samuel Calvin has been mentioned
as a candidate for Congress.
The Union Prayer-meeting still continues
with unabated, if not increased, ini. rest The
room is always well filled. Last Sabbath the
number was so great that the room in the sec
und.story of the Town Hall had to be used
Here sectarianism is almost wholly buried. The
union of Christians heart with heart, is the great
object. Having the same centre of iovc one
precious,.beloved Saviour —one professed de
sire, the salvation of sinners, the different de
nominations should try to banish from their
Inidst ther differences and pray t» God fervent
ly, and it is trusted, from their hearts, that He
would pour out His spirit and magnify His great
and Holv name.
Notwithstanding the “hard times,” a spirit
of improvement is manifest among our citizens,
in the erection of ediiies and making add.lions,
&c. \
L. Maguire, Esq., has been appointed Col
lector. by the Pa. R. R. Co., for thi< place
Dr II T. Coffey has been appointed physician
to the country poor house. VERITAS.
Blairsvii.le. April ”1, 1858,
Messrs. Editors;— After ;i few circumaniba
lations, I arrived in this county of coal mines,
on Thursday after I left you. The trip was
anything but pleasant on 'account of the rain,
and indeed but little pleasure is found yet from
the same cause. . ,
I have been looking around some little since
I Lave been Lore, and find this a very good
country Coal are 'predominant, l.eok
where you will and you see coal. .vsk a man
about hi: farm and he tells you he has—
1 find some very clever people Lore, and gener
ally intelligent';, and further, if 1 may he per
mitted to judge from the exhibition ou Sabbath
and babbath evening, they arc a church goiug
There is one wheel out of gear, in this place,
which you will at once perevive, when 1 relate
the substance of a conversation which [.over
heard. It was that there are in this town forty
fine widows a majority of whom arc yet on the
*• Sunny side,” and Utree hundred and tun aty
marriageable young ladies, and I can assure
you from sight that some of them are pretty.—
On the other baud, there are only about fifty
young gentlemen. Now do you no: think this
is a bad picture, and the figures, in the first
score arc yet to be increescd by the ladies of
the Seminary. O! what a heaven for the young
patriots of America, who wish to show their de
votion to tDir country-.—and crinoline.
The female Seminary of Blairsvillc, is, from all
I can learn, a very creditable institution, under
the charge of Rev. Shepley.
I expected when I left home, to see the “ ele
phant,” but had no idea of meeting it so soon.
On Thursday last. Dan Rice’s stock, consisting
of an elephant, camel and trick mules were
here, but as they looked “ rayther slim ” they
did not make a very showy appearance.
1 met at church, on Sabbath last, an old
friend, once a citizen of Altoona—Samuel Ting
ling—looking as fresh as an oyster just out of
I feel thankful to “ Leroy” for his very flat
tering notice of “Alpha” and “ Mac.” I have
also a feeling of gratitude (over the left,) for
“Stans.” “A word to the wise,” etc. More
anon. ALPHA.
lIoLLiDATSBUBo, April 27, 1858.
Messrs. Editoes:— The weather appears to
be an all-absorbing topic of conversation. The
damage it is likely to give the fruit, already in
blossom, excites the alarm of many. Its singu
larity at this season of the year elicits expres
sions of surprise. He who “ doeth all things
well,” and who rales on the earth by regulating
the weather, .will however, bring all things to
their growth and development, if it appears
good to Him and for thogood of His creatures.
Depending upon Him,, we may expect the sea
sons in their order, and in that state which ft
kind Providence had ever extended to an obedi
ent and reliant people.
The small pox, which had made its appear
ance at the Poor House, a fe w miles from town,
is now confined to one victim.' On last Wednes
day, a young child died of this disease, being
the aep>nd une that hoc gone to the grave from
this causcj,' ! since the epidemic broke out in
this building. It is 'hoped that its will con
tinue thus tp b« confined, and that the remaln
ingoase will bespeedflycured.
Our town was enlivened last week by the ar
rival df fohr chimney-sweep*, and a musician of
on ttot wocAw. called* « *pm
aolfitddus, sbnorous voioee of tbefmier whUe
perched on ' some chimtfey, 'drew considerable
attention from passers-by. It is so seldom that
these black professors show the light of their
countenance, that their merry songs and foolish
jests, furnish
tract more notice than they ptherwiw wotiW- —
The visits of the latter Ore more frw|pent» anw'
are quite acceptable to the risingprogeny,-;
styled •*youngsters.” -H :
A band of Gypsies, likewise appeared. An ,
exalted honor, don’t you think ? An aiitete gp*
ing by the name of a Portable Fence, & on ex
hibition in town, and is gaining the favorable
opinion of our citizens in behalf of its excellen
cies. Its cheapness, execution, construction,
and advantages, render it far superior to any
invention of the kind which has ever come un
der my observation- Perhaps it may be exhibi
ted to your citizens, when they can examine and
judge for themselves of its merits and curious
Messrs. Gardner, Lloyd, Osterloh Sc Co., pur
pose starting their furnace again. Your read
ers will remember that this firm stopped opera
tions several months ago, and their resumption
at this time speaks well for their abilitV to make
a good thing” of it. In two weeks therefore,
fifier the completion of some improvements, the
gigantic movements of the machinery, the hot
blast, and all other neecssary appurtenances of
the furnace, may be expected to perform their
specified labors m this establishment; and N vast
quantities of iron be the result
Two political meetings are in contemplation
to-night—the American Club, and the Republi
can organization. Instead of being thus sepa
rated, they ought, in my judgment, to be firm
ly and truly united. Perhaps, such may yet be
the case; nevertheless, if anything important
transpires in either, 1 hope to be able to com
municate it next week.
The attendance on court is good, and the
progress being made in the disposition of suits,
<io., shows great likelihood of the transaction of
considerable business at the present term. No
c ise of great importance has yet appeared,
B£g“ Scandal will rub out like dirt when it is
Nonsense—Sense that happens to dif
fer from your own.
, B*3l, The shock of an earthquake was recent
ly felt in Ashtabula, Ohio.
Wanted, by a Dutch gardener, a jour
ueyman cooper to head a cabbage. • •
8®- A favorite song just now-—" I've no
money,” from the Loan of a Lover. ■
enemy smite thee onl one cheek,
turn round and bit him a thundering clap for
his unmannerly kindness.
The newspaper publishers of Lehigh
county have held u meeting and agreed to adopt
the cash system in their business.
What is the difference between n cat
and a document ? One has clans at the end of
its pain, and the other has pauses at the end of
its clauses ! 11
igeir A- Placerville loafer mistook a globe
lump with letters on it, for the of night,
and exclaimed : " Well. I'm cussed if somebody
bain’t stuck an advertisement on the moon I”
B£§U.Wc notice that the bill has passed at
Harrisburg, authorizing the transferor the State
stock on ihe hooks of the Bank of Pcnn'sylrauia
to the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank.
An exchange tells us of st a editor who
went soldiering and was ehoiot captain. One
day,-at parade, instead of giving ‘the order*,
“Front face, three paces forward.’’,he exclaim-.
Ci “Cash two dollars a yoofr in advance.”
8®- In ancient days, the celebrated precept
was "know thyself.” In modern times it has
been supplanted by the far more fashionable
maxim : “ Know thy neighbor, and everything
about him.”
German, named Jacob Kjiuff, was ar
rested and committed to jail in., Pittsburg, a
few days since, for attempting to ’outrage the
person of his little daughter, aged seven years,
lie should be hung.
J 63?“ Nothing opens up now-a-days without a
chance for speculation. We notice*lhat eastern
publishers arc advertising “ Revival Hymns and
Tunes,” for sale in quantities "tvery cheap,"
It is ail right, we Vposc, but it has a specula
tive look.
Hf*,„ Gen. IVm. Marks died «t : his home in
Reaver lost week. He was one of the oldest
inhabitants of Western PenneylvaniiT; and held
several distinguished political positions—hav
ing served in the State Legislature ha Represen
tative and Senator from 1810 to 1827 ; when he
was elected to the United States Senate, in
which body he served for itix years. Thus ma
king an unbroken period of twenty three years
political -Service.
We Lave seen many Lard rubs in our
day. and have known what it is to want money ;
but an old settler near Bloomington, Illinois,
has seen the toughest times of any iuan we have
ever heard of. He says the winter of 1830 was
remarkable for the scarcity of money, so much
so, that one man who was elected! Justice of the
Peace, couldn’t raise enough to pay an officer
forswearing him in, so he sfooiup before a
lookiny-y/a>s and qualified himtelf.
Fortune Favors toe Beavk.— Man’s life
hangs upon the most brittle thread—so it is
with fortune. A dime luckily invested, has of
ten been the basis of on ample fortune, whilst
yeats of toil and privation have been repaid
with a meaSre subsistence. How uncertain are
all things earthly—a beggar to-dfly, a prince
to-morrow. We have just learned some good
news. A friend of our youth—a poor. God-for
saken printer—has drawn a prize of $lO,OOO in
Swan & Co’s Lottery, Augusta, Georgia. Bob,
you’re a lucky dogl— Middkport {Hi!) Press.
Receipt for love-lorn swains and damsels.
Two or three dears and two or three sweets
Two or three balls and two or three treats; ’
Two or three serenades giv’u as.d lure.
Two or three oaths how much they endure;
Two or three messages scut in .ope day.
Two or three times led out from tho play,.
Two or three soft speeches made by the way;
Two or three tickets for two or three times’
Two or three love-letters writ all in rhymes,
Two or three montos sticking close to these rules
Can never fail making a couple of fools.
I ST Doesticks—funny fellow—thus catalogues
the comparative economy of the states of single
and double blessedness:
Twice two “smashes ’’buys a bo* of hair-pins.
Twice three “ cobblers ” buys Ipt pair of ear
rings (cheap.)
Twice four “lagers” buys a Mir of gloves
(female.) i;
Twice five “juleps ” buys a breast-pin (female.)
Twice six “poaches” buys a linen Collar
(female.) (
Twice seveq “ales” buys a;pair of shoes'
Twice right “toddies’’ buys a calico dress,
(with cloth enough for a basque aitd pantalettes,)
Twice nine “ bitters ” bbysa
(and leaves a trifle towards thri and Witn
mings.) (>,-■■■■ v* - ■
Twice ten “sangartes” buys a pair of stats,
(machine-stitched, with patent eyelets and Em
broidered down the neck.) ™ "
, Twice eleven “slings” buys aoolhHf and on
der-sleeves, (and leaves a balance Pwrirds the
Twice twelve teandy aregofci
a hooped skirt (light-house kin,) Ifaptin
"■* v^v ; .
pmyt factbHODt Ibr ayeatiw^biieedw^pr
last moniMrtS of DeN|h#'d6ii
The shadow which the de*w of Uie Her.
ih* hour of
its aimouD|l?men t. .Stricken down in the very
flower of itatnuiahoe& when oil appearances,
the field wife uaeßttness win <&*&? widening,
and under ;eirenmatancet so, the effect
has been Ukea ui wwßnusdlrfpifiwaftiinQf Provi-
dence. v v, - - '■<•■■■•:;
At the noonday moetiafjrfbr public worship
—with which Mr. TyngT# pt**nee wan pecu
liarly identified prior to the fatal iMscldCT^—hi#
death has become the absorbing them*. The
closing scenes of Ms life, as described by one of
his brethren m the 1 ministry at the Jayne’s Ball
meeting, yesterday, was a most thrUHng nsm-»
tire, and seemed to more erery heart pre(*nt..
Indeed, as the minister—who was an eyn-wit
ness to the sccne-“proc ceded with his pimple
of the last wotds addteKeirbjrihw
dying man to those around him, all eyes were
suffused with tears, and. an uninformed' stran
ger, entering the room, ■ might , hate thought
himself in a vast congregation pf,mourners.
Prom the time of the fatal aceSlent to one .
hour previous to his deaths Mr. Tjmj oikd'ift.
unfaltering confidence in his recovery, and even
conversed freely andhopefally vrhat.
he believed, Providence hod designed w ®WCbj
him in the dispensation to which he'was being
subjected. He believed it was intended tb pro-,
uiote his greater efficiency as a minister* bftth*
Gospel, and he looked forward withbngtt
hopes when he should again be able
and to preach as he had never done
About one hour before his’dissolution, bu fami
ly, fearing that bU hopes of recovery V
groundless, approached him with bbtFlllE.
intimation thst in- all probability he CM iPtk
to leave theta. His physician
her at the instant, Mr. Tyng spoke
these fears. The doctor’s reply was,
were only too true —that his timeWSS
ing to a close. The dying manj With
heroic spirit which never forsookhlm tasongn
all his sufferings, received the solemn aanoenee
mint with the utmost resignation, Mswcr»|g
only, “ Then, it is well-it Is vety wel
will be done." ‘ ' ”
After nl few moments of composure, n»cmteo
his friends .presentand the menvhareafAW MM
ly to his bed-side, to bid them a «wweti
lie thanked his physician. Who h ttol a. pro
fessing Christian, for his kind attention. Warn
ing him with great tenderness: to loafr
i giving himself to that Saviour who
sustaining him in the hour of trUk v of
Lis children ho gave an affectionate farewell,
hoping that, by the grace of-. God, #n&ti>j|.s£ra
of a devoted mother, they might be Mrly brought
“to know their Saviour.” To hltjwifc. ijho
has ministered to him with so much affection #nl
fidelity, all through his illness, he included tn
{ his parting words the request, that she
; use her endeavors to bring their'bbys iip to the
i ministry lie was now to say farewell to h*»
venerable father, the Rev. Stephen ii* Tyng,
I). I). Taking his aged parent by the hj) ; '
said, with much earnestness, “ Stand sfe
tut! father; ttind, up for Jerutl and'teu my
brethren in the ministry, wherever tou-meet
them, to ttand up-for .
At the dose of thhrtolemn ceremony, feeling.
1 that he was approaching his end, lie
those around him to dug a hymn. After atec-
I ment of silence, hia own wife, notwithstanding
i the circumstances under . which this,®*;.
I was dado, commenced singing
! tifui hymn—made doubly so by Its appro^ris^*:
■ neas to the olcaaion—beginning, j
| “ itock cleft for ir.o,
Lei me bide In Thee." j
The hymn was sang, and even while the. echoes
of that mournful strain yet fi-wtvd in t>rc jtlr.
the spirit of Dudley A. Tyng took itVflignVW'
other and, as wo hare reason to fSor4.
blissful realms. : '
At the meeting in Jayne's Hall ,on .Tuajday,
u very 'singular fact was referred to in councc
tion with Mr. Tyng’s recent sermon in that'mSl?,
to an immense audience, from the text-of Scrip
ture, “ Ye that are men, •go and i»erv« the liord
Toward the close of his eloquent discourse cn
that occasion, he asked pardon if ho hat| saU
anything to offend his congregation, but adding;
I must tell ray Master's errand, and I Would
rather that this right arm (placing his left band
upon it where it hhsjsiuee been amputated) wti-i
amputated at the trunk, than that I should come
abort of my duty to you in delivering Qod'i mes
sage.” . |
The bold anti-sectarian principles off Mr.
Tyng, and the cordiality with which he f rater
uized with his brethren of all denominations,
endeared him to the hearts of thousands, Ili*
funeral will take place this afternoon. It is
understood that the body will, be -taken to Con:
cert Hall prior to interment.— Fomty't Pitt*.
Foreign Xens.
s The really important news, receiVed at Hali
fax, yesterday, by tbe mail-steamer, (Janatfa,
which brings English papers to, the 10th met.,
inclusive, is the Ibll of Lucknow, on the 15th
of March. The vast British force was overpow
ering, and, when the latest despatches left In
dia, the *• rebels’" were in foil flight frnmLacJp*
uow, tbe greater part of which’waa in. the occu
pation- of the British troops, with comparatively
small loss to them. At Calcutta, however, Gloria
had been caused by the unfounded report ofan
outbreak in that city. For some time; .htfoed,
it is to be apprehended that revplt will be, ip
India, like the famous Greek fire, which was ho
sooner extinguished in one place tbauTtbroke
out in another. • ’ - ; -
There is certainly something very retributive
in the fact that the chief Indian difficulties have
taken place in the Kingdom of Oude, the
uexntion” of which wqs the closing sictofliord
Dulbouaie’s ambitious ieign as hsmu ykjemy.
Lucknow and Cawnpdfre; where the greatest
troubles and most prolonged struggles took
place, are the principal cities in Oude, and so
recent has the “annexation”been,that it really
is scarcely fair tobestqw tho naurt of Rebellion
upon the endeavors of the natives in such .locali
ties, who had become impatient of the newly
imposed British yoke. " , -
From Canton, the news is os lato as February
27, and it is to the effect that theOhlhesewers
preparing for an attempt to retake that city,
then jointly occupied by die English and French;
that further forces were 'demAoded Hum the Al
lied Powers, tho Anglo-French army being ex
tremely. small,' and that no attempt would be
made, this year, to proceed to Pekin—tbe only
spot where the Allies, sword in baud, could
bring the war to an end, by dictating, terms to
the Emperor.— Fomey’* Pres*. •
Horrible Tbaoedt.—A young lady in lowa
waa obot by hsr lover last week. Her name
was Harriet Siedler; his was Robert Schmidt.
Bolb were Germans, living in Dodge County.
Tbo parties were engaged to be married abbot
one year ago, aid Schmidt had come over from
Sfc Pant, Michigan,! where he has resided, to
ftdfill the engagement; but the parents of the
iady bbjected to the marriage, in consequence
of which if was arranged between the layers
that Schmidt should first shoot the young lady
and then himself. He executed his design so
farasthe yoiing lady was concerned, but tailed
to shoot himself on account of the less of the
Cap on his gun. After failing in this, he threw
himselfin the river, but was rescued and arreif*
led*. The young lady expired on Sunday ntbir>
ning. - Sh« charged her parents with being re
sponsible for the awful deed, and .acquitted her
of blame. .
'Tba Pittsburg * C6nf«mew
Bishop Eakvr, it is
[Dnow DaHV Peat
maatfU continue.
members. The 1
a though large, ca
ro«d; should the
tdienec rooms will
da may be neoessai
The meetings are
iu waek, in each
c the present is as
At the Prcsbyleriv
g May Ist.
At the Methodist
g May 7th.
At the United Bn
iding May 16th.
Ad the Lutheran (
[«ySBd. "
At the Baptist Cl
jisy 39th. .
All are earnestly
■4. Come one
only stay .fire mil
OtWIBS— During
Bomber of these In
ptiturea called a 1
■y tallied forth to
Id hare no doubt
lla the same party
ughborhood of Hu
M following cotic
the paUy, we
P* f- i
‘‘ Wenotloo amonf
plaat, two little b«
rdMgurcd, haviii
helargo and stunl
M being entirely
se, creatures are i
ir te door and be
I brutish parents t
terally believed, tl
in have been cut i:
to awekdn tUc
to for aim i.”
H .
Iftho old ai
clean,be tn
a tidj app
for tbp reuse
one of those
joung man
•• ilow-aro
oorn broom, fo
•• please Rcca
nation «e four
article* manu
of JlollitUyabi
article of tU
We think
Instead of iu
iCIMO Blits
■it la owing
the region o
ity sftpcrindi
, the boys to
> almost as soon.)
any opportunity;
irhat Is annci
lf *
?ral Uw, im;
guilty of suci.
a lair ire sboul
> place. One or
deter others.
O Tjul O T**!—
' Rilemoo ” tbt
' ftroM Pbilu
.-ot of Brit
Good*, Qroccri
end ('other “Jo
\p-fo» Cash, ot
“ Joe” bee Adop
fallow for that)
rotes, in fact, n
'hero. Give hit
end if Jrou do
ier“ Joe ” willb
>o* Out!—Knu
Cbu. J. Mann,
or sums- of m
, ia ready uni'-
•wybody, who
mater Goods,
rite "i«t Ma
tad as lie bt
ill at the lowest
a call and if hoi
ad price you ci
• all
ic Bbkx:—Mi
tLe public, tl
eop Bock
at his sal
Saturday, t
(Q Till know
part, wo u;
now what is.
s not so ignc
lUtbcran conjj
I resignation
farewell ser
a T«y pleai
and very iut
he bss found i
connection with the
learned wl
;S.—r-Thc 001
taemd in
ice, on Sal
it states ch
tilego. Dr.
. China, w'
Itciv to the
. .->is
Cuuaua Brass
mB*TT6 thatmea are
oat the g
Ktoaeb needed, and
■tiiaiiimea vmtil $n
mWmto. '