xrwxs & VVS LOWEiaSS, AH HKTnEfStATROFGSOBOiA, r »®- «70.000 FOR tlO! -«t . t ITbefoUowinfcHchemo will- be Anwn'br S. Swan * oo_ Mtonanrt of Uw Academy Lottery, iu each ot thdrt i atosla-hambM-: LUtcrtoe for ApHl, 1868, »t; AUGUSTA,’, ew*KU, to wbkhcit|y tiieyrliAT be drawn in the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, ou Saturday, Abrili Vi,‘ 1868, - CLASS 11,' «• b* draWb in tba City of Anguita,' Georgia, in pnplic. on Saturday, April 17, 1858. - ‘ .. CLASS 12. Va>s drawn in tho City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on Saturday, April 24, 1868. • ON TOE PLAN OK SINGLE NUMBERS, •soroasu yora aoxsuo axd uanTr-mx' rgmsl nearly one Prize to every Atne Tieketet MAGNIFICENT SCUBMEI to ux mews each satdkdat ix ipm. t l iPrlao of $70,0j0 4 Prize of 000 1 “ “ 30,000 4 “ “ 800 ;1‘ " ** 10,000 4 «• “ 700 i“ “ -6jo' 4; .u a 000 " ** ifiOO ,60 Prlte. of MO A " “ . 6O “ “ 300 A " \ L«*» 100 " " 125 4 « « ’ L000|230 “ •• 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prize* of $4OO Approx’ting, to |70,000 Prize are $1,600 4 , “ “ 300 ■ “ 30,000 « “ 1,200 4 “ “ 200 “ “ 10,000 “ “ '■Boo 4 “ » 126 “ “ 6,000 « “ JfiOo 4 « « 100 « “ 4,000 “ « 400 4 “ “ 78 “ “ 3,000 “ « 300 4 “ « 50 “ “ lioo “ •• 200 6,000 “ “ 20 are 100,000 *,485 Prizes amounting to ' $320,000 Whole Ticket* $10; lUtm $5; Quarters $2,60. VUAS OF t(IB LOTTBRY. Tbs Humbert (hivi 1 to 50«000,'corresponding with tbosn Bombers on the Tickets printed on separate slips qf paper, are encircled in small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. 'The flrvt.467 Prises, similarly printed and encircled, are plac<>d In another wboeL The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Humbert*, and at the same time li Prize Is drawn from the other wheel. The number and prize •drawn out are opened and exhibitedto the audience, and fwtitcnvl by the Commissioners; the Prize being placed against the number drawn. This operation Is repeated un till all the Prizes arc drawn out. Xf’i’iioxJMATioN Prizes. — The two proceeding and tho two •ncceodlng number* to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will bo entitled to tho 28 Approximation Prize*. For example: if Ticket No. 11,250 draw's the $70,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 11,2*8. 11.2*0, 11,251,11252, will e»ch bo entitled M s*oo. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $30,000 Prize, those ticket* numbered s*B. 510, 651, 652. will each be entitled to $3OO, and so on according to the above nebeuie. The 5.000 Prize* of $2O will be determined by thel ast flf, orb of the number that draws the $70,000 Prize. For ex ample; if the number drawing the $70,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then Oil the tickets, where tho number end* it. 1, will be entitled to $2O. If tbo number end* with No. 2, then all tho ticket* where tho number ends in 2 will be en titled to $2O; and so on to 0. ' Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates Which is the risk: Certificate of package of 10 Whole Tickets, , “ “ 10 Half “ “ 10 Quarter “ “ “ 10 Eight “ IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, Ot receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail.— Purchasers can have ticket* ending in any number they rear designate. Tlteßsi ;of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. Purchaser* wiillnlease write their signatures plain, and glro their Post Office, County and State. Remember thattvery Prize is drawn and payable in full , Without deduction. All prizes of $l,OOO and under, paid immediutelv after the drawing—Other prize* at the usual t ime of 30 day*. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates to _ S. SWAN a CO., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery. Ala, or Atalanta,Oa. can have their order* filled, and save, time, by addressing ,B. Swan A Co, at either of those cities. A list of the number* that are drawn from the wheel, with tho amount bfjthe prize that each one is entitled to, will bo published after every drawing, in the following pa per*:— New Orleans Delta. Mobile Regifter, Charleston Stan dard, SathvUU Gyjelte, Atlanta Intelligencer, ,V. tv J ’nrk rftddyDay Snob, Sarnnnah Morning A’cws, Richmond IHs- Aetf York DifjxiicK, and J*uuJiling Clarion 4ugmOi {Gen.) Omstitulionalist. [jan.7-ly. The crisis has arrived, and everywhere Brokers and ItUßlnceß men ore •nspenillug dr brooking up, under the overwhelming pressure. Credit in destroyed and Enterprise in paj aly- '.But amid all the hubbub ami confusion iuci dintupoD such a. state of aifalrs, we l>«*g.leave to inform uor friends and the public generally, that we have just re turned'm>m Philadelphia with one of the largest best se- Ucted and cheapest stock of PMdi & WINTER GOODS Xrar brought to town. Our stock consists, in part, 01 i, LADIES DRESS GOODS, Such as Silks, Shawls, Delaifles, Alpacas, Cashmeres, Rib bons, Ac.. Ac, in groat variety. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Cloths, CassUncres, Vestings, Shirting*. Cottonades, Silk and Merino 'Undershirts, Cravats, llandkerchiefr, Ac. DOMESTIC GOODS. Elsacfcedaud Unbleached Muslin* and Sheetings, Laches Gci; era- yS! ijipers and Shoe*. Gents Gaiters. Boots and Phot*, looking Glasses, Umbrellas, Tickings, and every variety of Dry Ooials In common use. Wo respectfully invito the public to call anil examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. IVe have bought our assortment at such prices that wo cannot be undersold by any establishment in the county. Ort. 13-tf] j. b. UILEMAN. SAVING FUND, FIVE PER CENT INTEREST, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO , Hhl nut street, S. TR Chrher of Third. Phihddplna. Incorpo rated by the State of Pennsylvania. Money to received in any sum. large or small, and inter- Mt paid from the day of deposit to the day ot withdrawal. .The office to open every tiny from » o’clock in the morn ing till 5' o’clock In the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till * o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice-Pres't. -W*. J. Read. Secretary. ’ DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner* F. Carrol Brewster, Edward L. J Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridge, ■ Francis Lee, Batn*l IC.'Ashton* Joseph Terkei, C. Landreth Muuns, Henry Dieffenderfer. Money is received and payments made daily without no tice. The Investments are made in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as the Charter requires [Mar2-3m. ■\yfXLLINERY AND MANTUAMA i?X KINO ESTABLLS-HMENT.—Misses M. _ ■J4. KAcrrnav would respectfully inform the rA*i ladies of Altoona and ( vicinity, that tntr enn- JStsflß tlnue the above business at their old stand oppo-SL*- site Sellers’Drug Store, and liave just received their shortly Of SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS, which they will, sell a* low a* any other establishment in-the place Dfease* nnd all Articles of ladies wear made *•, order on short notice and reasonable terms. [A,.ril 23,'57-ly T) AISINS.—I,OOO BOXES BUNCH * JLV ftn( l Layer* Raisins in store and for sale by WM. N. SHUGARD. March 23, ’6My] 191 North 3d street, Philadelphia. 1/IGS, DATES, PRUNES, CITRONS JL and Currant* lastore ami for gale by; ' - ’ ffSI. X. RinjOARD, 191 Xorth 3d street, Philadelphia. March 28, '6B ly]' /CONFECTIONAIIY.—PLAIN AND floe Confectionary manufactured and for sale by WM. N. SHUQARD, March 25. '5B-ly] 191 North Sdstrect, Philadelphia. PINE AND LARD OILS, OAM phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon OS, Ac, at Jap. VV. KESSLER. LEAK'S STORE IS IN - Jahh' Zsbr’sbrcT stand, nearly opposite McCor store,, in NorthWsnl. ; • [Jane 18, ’67-17. BUT THE REST GONEEG- Nnts.ahd Fruits’ kept at • WEKRY Ltraß’ft. ; ILTOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL y * Bd LEHR’S. is INVITED TO tl>e merit * of AB» ®T-ly] HENRY LEHR. OTS FOR SALE,—I2 BUILDING m 4 Lott, sUuatoindlff*entlocalUies, id thlnßonmirhlbr S3*UKE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC ? 'Taint, also Chrome. Green, Tollbw, Ports Green, Iry or ground In oil at . [X-ttj BESHLER’B. topAWAKE DESCKEP; roWitMiiri ft*ffid*>. BTATB IiOTTEmES JLtX KRr»ARCH„IW«. . I, ■ K.- Ebahob & jCo., Managtrt. t Pafchzsers Of Ticket* mind that the Msry- JondJ/ittericsMredrawn by Etstesathority«td byaState officer, nna allschemes are examined arid approved by,him. •SrUlewanj of nil Lotteries with extraordinary large ' Prize* for a small oust of Tickets—all sneb ore swindles,— Thrv Managers of the Maryland Lotteries presenlaslargo and lair schemes ascaa be imnl> for theprice Of Tickets; and persons purchasing in them, if they draw a Prize will ' certainly, lx - t>aid. In the other, every dollar invested is so much thrown awny. Maqsittcent Aran. 62,518 CAPITAL PRIZE. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, CLASS F, To bo drawn iu Baltimore City, March 18,1868. . 49* 14 Drawn Ballots in each Package of 2G Tickets, “8( MAomnectn 6cbimx. . .. 1 Grand Prize «:ribor taken pleasure in announcing i.» the citiZ'-tiH of Altoona and its vklniiv, that he lias opened a in the ROOM tx-rupkd by U. W. Patton, on Virginia street, where he will be happy to ex hibit to them his splendid stock of . FASHIONABLE FALL GOODS. whjch will bo found entirely Bow and fresh. JJis stock is can-fullV selected niut was purchased strictly lor CASH, which just at this important time has enabled him to buy lexceedlngly low, and having adapted the \ I!KAD V-l* A Y SYSTEM, is determin 'd to nsk but u Small Profits and Quick Sales." Among his stock will be found everything appertaining to Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, us Well as all articles of Groceries, Queensware, Hardware. &c., &c., usually kept in a town or country store, lie respectfully invited a careful Inspection of his stock. ,■ Altoona. Dot. 1.1857-tf. CHARLES J. MANN. HFETTINGEK’S • GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY-EMPORIUM. NO. 1, “ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA. PA., Where may be bad all the popular Publications of the day, such as Daily and Weekly taper*. Magazines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Books. School Hooks. Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Can and Letter Paper, Envelopes. Drawing and Tissue Paper, iilank Books and in fact everything in the Stationary line. Toys. Notions and Games of every variety, Pictures and Picture Frames, To bacco and Segars of tho best quality, Ac.. Ac ' N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, ir this comity, for ROHN’S CELEBRATED SALV E. It does nm itivrjy cure all sores to which it is applied. Try it. (7-tf Txktqn steam sash, frame, j DOOR, SHUTTER A FLOORING MANUFACTORY. ; Tip Um. Blair lO mitts East nf AWxma. The undersigned having provided a complete sot of Ma chinery for the business, and being practical House Carpen ters ami Builders, (ire extensively engaged In Manufacturing by steam, any description of tMfpenter Work, which wo will furnish at low rates, and ship to auv point oh tlie-Pu. Railroad. Plans of elvery description for buildings with specifications and bill of timber prepared. Orders from a {stance respectfully solicited. June 4, ’57-ly] McCADLEY k CO. Pennsylvania House. Paittenwk Juniata County, pa., jRET.VOLDS * CODER, l'rupri,tnrs. BEG LEAVJS TO INFORM THEIR FRIENDS anil the travelling public generally, that they luvve taken the above weU-hno wnhousc, where they will behappy to wait upon all who may Ihvor them with a call. Its con venient to the depot rcmlcrt It a dcalrsihlo slopping place or thorn who wish to get on .or off the can*, also for travel er* wishing,to get meals at. moderate charge*— 2s cents. may27-t£] ■ LYCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL HRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Lycoming Mntnal Eire insurance Company, Is at nil times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. Building*, 3/fTc/utndite, Furniture and Property of every description, In town or country, at as reasonable mtense ahreompany in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple Jan. 8, ’56-tf) JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. IffTEST BRANCH INSURAxNGE CO. .'T-? : —The hndcWmecL Agcnt Ibr Blajy corntv, will take short and long risks on Buildings, Merchandise, Fur niture and Property of Svery description, in town or conn tri, ntna reasonable rates ns any company fn the State.— Risks also talced' on the lives of horses. Office in Masonic Trinplei JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. ‘. MaTch 1R,1R58-ly. ; . ■ . v T U&IORS. —-A LARGE AMOUNT i df'.well selected LIQUORS has been' receiver Mine “LOGAN HOUSE,” Hollidayibnrg, which will be soljd at the'lowMt cash, price*. wholesale or le’all. The manwbo want* hasonly to call. [D«j.,l7, tt (fIAST IRQN RAILING AND AIL kind* of erecoM tp order, alsoTln Bpont up to Order, at shortest notice, apply to !' i. ■* «. J. SiXOEMAKfiH, jgentfor " . fan.B>lBsg-tf. .. .{,.■* MoLaiußA^KsiW* A>- , ■ IX ANOTHER, 8 " 150 8 “ 100 8 “ 80 WINES fro the giro! Mfw-a 1 FOR Thß FEOPLU It, BOE4DO WIFT AfiSV |- |- 5 «' J CLATIOX for [the sale of $13,787 *orth of Sowing ’ %o« S. Silk. &ch ii&rdhase,r of one dollar's irbrth of Sewing Silk | S-2 gg. IS •will receive a'nntubered cheek, which will entitle the hoi- j *£s £ 00 der to one slum! and a voice in the' distribution of the foi- j 5. §g vs C! lowing list oLVaattabloPropcrty.tobedlstrihntedbyaCom- ~ c 5 mittee. choaei) hr'the shareholders, in sneha wanner ns ; "it° 5 they may deem advisable and agree n)>on among themselves, i *gg Z. 53 | LIST OP WIOPKKTY. : isH* 5 7 corner‘Lolston Washington,Street Altoona, 50 ~ ‘ f 2 by 120 wi, mined at $lB4 each, $1,288 '£ S-” S « 17 hits-oniWasMußtonst.,: 50x120f1-,5156 each, 2,652 s||g 55 8 cor. lotßonjJnlberry at., “ “ 150 “ 1,248 Hsf§■ i 10 lots Oh Mtalberry st, “ 132 “ • ?= 3 2 O 2 lots onßigh street, “ “ 63 “ 126 3~ cj 1 cor. lohonfdennan street, 50x1761t,' mined at 63 o 2-r p f 3 lots oDiOennan street, “ “ $42 each 126 j 5.S «E ® 1 lot on Howard street, 50x133 feet, valued at 132 ?* 5 p M 1 cor. lot bn Lexington st, “ “ “ 150 oe 5 * .5" pj 2 lots on Chestnut street, “ “ $l3l each, , 262 Ssi*cg CO 1 Gold Lever Watch, mined at a 100 v 's'f ~ 2 1 Horse, : ! ; “ 157 | K 1 jVagon, “ u 1 Sllrertep no Watch “ “ 12 Coat Pattern* ami Trimmings, 510 each, 50' Pants ami Vest pattern*, at $4.40 each, 75 Article# or Parcels uf Merchandise, $3,00 each, 100 “ “ “ 2,00 “ MO “ ■ “ “ 1,00 “ 500 « « " 75 “ 2,000 “ “ “ 60 “ 3.000 “ , “ “ 30 “ 4.000 « « « 25 ■“ 3,885 •< . i « u 20 “ led at 13,787 Gifts, rnli The Heal Estati in tii.‘ flourishing I’a. Central Kj B) by magic, its pref The above prop tied to receiveitJ An in wirtli pur pt -of the cash. is remitting $lO at one time w’il receive in i of silk and 11 certificates |t be addressed to JOoEi'rt MOIST. Alt'mnii. Blair Co.. Pa. iiikil, with jHßtiigo -tami>c_mi«oil. prompt- QREAT DISCOVERY OF THE ACE IMPORTANT TO pco C HEWERS. INNARD’S TASTE RESTORATIVE TRO - b'tUis/ilit/t /'nr 7e'en 1 . n. TOBAj DU.fi I. STAY'D C’HKS, the (/rc\ It is a well kit of Tulucco is t|ir.2d and Race street. I’l.iia March IK. ly.Jl MARYLAND BTATE LOTTE RIES Jl. fc*RA\cE & Co*, Managur®."- CAPTION NOTICE. Persons living fit.a distance «h«»tild HocxtrMi.'.'ly cnirtiou* "f whom tlu*y Lottery TicklerCeriifhatc?*of Pack- Tirki Tljf countr> is flood*-*] with hii«l *windlii»ir i**s. Kv« ry indneem* nt i* held out to l t<> invent money in them. (.apital Pr-lin*** of fn-in $-0,000 to $10.Oil*) Head their i*.‘hi*mi , >— with ticket* ;«t Urn- Dollar. $lOO,OOO Cnpiul Pri/,cH aiv tuT.r«*d, AH such. In oven ihstancr. art* fntutLs : and if money i* »ml to tlo.in Tor tickt?b). it b «o much thr»oni rtwny; without tin tdiuduw of a r of p*ttln*r a pri/c. Uoware of all Lot- Uth* w hcn» illii Capital Pri/** i** unusually iu rt iu paritmn to il,«- price *.f ticket-. In ••v«o*v i>ist:tin c wlo-iv !r.r(;t j.m i/i« :«n?[oflVrwl, for u email coat ul tickets, nut it down as a ••erfufn fraud. The Kentucky SfciU- lottery fir tin- lanefit . • tin- Shel by College. midyr our management. is the only Lotterv in the Unitiil Stall ' which is log,illy decided l»y tin- Man I ;ml Diallings; all ojli'-r l.otteri-s triiirh jioiy.e-t n. In- decide I Ijy tin- MaryUimt Drawings. ;av frauds.' Till; M All VI. AND .VI'ATK DOTTED 1 I S. I’r.r'-laiM- in t)i Maryland Slat • T.olterie.--. tln-n ~.n ,r- Huro of living right. Ami in ordering in the.Marvk-.ud Ui ti-rios. you arc Hun*of fair an.l hon.-st drawings. ’ One thing look to, an.l that is. if you onh-r from anv li censed vender in llaltiiaore. do n a receive any In;: Mena gers - Tickets niyi Managers' Fruited O-rtiflcatis of I’arka gt-s. The Managers' Certificates ha re 4he numla r, ;rim -d. aiel have the litfhogra|.hed signatm.- of K. France A Co. No one has aright to send his individual ci-rtiftcaies. and if he does it. hejsufe there is a fraud at the hotti-m of it. I!. VUANCE A GO.. Feh. 18-3m.] Managers of .Maryland State Lotteii, s. Gj.i ft«!; t>il.*ts:; is:: I to ovitj* purchaser. WJ DOLLARS WORTH OF GIFTS!! ; . consisting of GOLD AND SILVKIi WATCIIKS, FINK GOLD JEWELRY, AC.. W iu. iiE.piSTr.mrTED with cm;kt 1000 Books. Tht* attention! of tlje puhllr In respectfully soliclti-tl tothe <>xtM»sivo assortment of valualili* Standard ivntl Mim-llano ou« Books. wlifijli are uft'cml lor sale at the lowest Iletail l'no« H. A FROM ii CKXTS TO SliMi. will lui pitrn with every Rook. A complete Cataloeate, full information, with a list of Ihi/as, will lx-forwarded on application. AGENTS WANTED. rfjME.VM OrFEKEn.— Persons wishing'tn „r -i order any Book published in Philadelphia. '*ifon, and it will he furnished at tiie pnle '■ith Gilt. Any person ordering 10 Books •dmmission an extra Book with Gift. For mips. .8 cents, for $l.OO Rrnl patronage from the citiTunp of Altoona mid vicinity, as he intends to make this his permanent statWh. Come one, come all. and “Secure the shadow ero the substance fades’’ Don't for get the room (s ju Patton's Building, fourtli story. The first story is occupied by Mr. Mann’s store. Pcb. IfyStJ J. W. CLARA [,’OH. T COAX': HOTEL.—'THE CNDEII 'IJ SIGNED respectfully informs die citizens of Blair county and others, 4 eSAT — that lie has opened up tho LOGAN jfcSSflh, - HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff R<-ei>- ■TfflK-ct at the west end of llollidaysburg. for thejEggESiHaSi reception of strangers and travellers.— " “ iilycrythiiiß- connected witli the house has been refitted In she how witli the choicest furniture, Ac„ ic. 5 The house is Urge and commMious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. ’ His TABLE will be furnished with tho eery best the mar-, ket can afford, njul no pains or trouble ViU be spared to render those whjo may choose to favor hjm with their pa tronage comfortable and happy during their stay with him. Mis STABLING Is -ample, and ah obliging and careful hostler will alwiys be in attendance, Dec. 17, 185jjr,4-tf.] , JOHN KEIFFKR. r\YSTEBS ! OYSTERS! / In coneoqjieuce of the hard' times, I have Concluded to put down thej price of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi ble standard. They will hereafter ,b« served up on tlie Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, arid roosted in the shell and served up with jail other accompaniments, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. :T)ioy will also he furnished, in every oth er way, at price? to correspond with the times., , - ■ JOHN KEIFFER, Dec. 17, tf.J Logan House, HolUdayshnrg. XT AIR, iIIAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, JLJL Faint, and Varnish Brushes at ■ ■ ■ ' KESSLER'S. TTA3IS, BIDE, SHOULDER, DRIED l~'l ' Beef. Aci always ou hand at 1 - ■ June 18,’57-iy] , s HENRY LEHII'S. MGGS, BUTTER AND ALL KINDS of country produce con bo had at ‘ a janp.M.fWLijy ■ ■ , . HENKY DEgR'R ■■■■ , &W.KBB6LFJR 1i r - £ s * » H »r 5 ? . r; = Z C J3S.J w £Z«I t, ■? a J >< ° a o cs ”> ~ p« S -<4 B ce S '■-■3 £f» O -2.5 g - 53 >•' 1 < s' = =«=’- l|f 4 H fy g T K »• S. / » 2 5 ~ „ O S n tr> s* i— n r h < ~ r—* 5.*" N ?2.=- M *frg Jl'l e ?Is| > **: 1 - -3 k~ 5 2» c XS« S ? ~ 513.757 xtfl ? fi*>Hn of Accounts A Book-keeping. I. I. HTTriIOH'K, Professor of Arithmetic ami Com mercial Calculations. FLEMING. Author of the “National System of Book-k^piiis.’’lecturer on Jim*iocs*.itsCu-ituiiifami Usages J. \V. BENTLINGEK. Piuivr-sor *>f Ai ithiuetic. Uook keeping and Phonography. A. COM LEY and A. T. DOL’flJ EXT, Pr-viest-yi-s of Ha and Ornamental Penmanship. D. BACON. Lecturer, on Political Economy. .1 AMKS 11. HOPKINS, E> t . of the Pittsburgh Bar. L« ( turcr ou Commercial Liw. JAMES W. KENNEDY, of - K-nm-ly t Bank Note Ke view.** Lecturer on Counter!* it. Altered ;u> r i.rieii.« Bank X.otes. To furnidi tin* In*s{ mean-' for a< judinir a THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION, in the «h> iiesl time and at the least expense. comprising in*ti ucti »n in a* applied to Merchandising. Hanking. Railroading, A« With all the recent improvement*. ,taught without extra Rapid Writing, with every vaiietv and >tyh of Burine?.-* and Ornamental Pemnanship. ARITHMETIC. And a thorough course of Counting IIou«“ Cah-ulaliens ourvrr:un-:rr and attkued mutes. Full instrn Oea. m-.-s education U,rTi:iiKS DAII.V, »;N lh>OK-KKEMN«i, U-uig" 4 *. CusU M>of Coupe* ». » . Fmarreand Batik* • mg, Political En-iiomy. Counterfeit V*! •*. anti other sub* i jert* having prat tic.il rdati.m to .cti\c busm-as. ' TKItMS. 1‘ n««)l:-k*-* Full Coiiimi n i;U Course, al*nuf BuitrU |»**r vi'i k. can l»e ol»raiu- 1 for ar- 1 no! « 1-arm '1 f Ol SUaiuuoat B* k k.**epliijr, Arithmetic nr Diploma. STI.DK NTS (Tun enter at any lime—'no duration') r. \ I. w r.t pleasure— t unlimited—usual length of course fiom right tutw^ivi* wouk?. UKFKKKNrK. Four hundred and e«ghty-sr\■ n st’id r *x:tn entering from th I City alone within on* - y*jir besuh— the many from the nmnl i \ DIKKI'TiONS. of AVriiir»i; itrul f’irmlars full in for mat lull. by mail frei' of ohar^r*' AJiirosd fit titEMTUM PENMANSHIP.—No 10-Ilian EIGHT Kilisr I’liK.MlVMri were award'-I this CoR.-ge in the fa'! of lHr»7. vy i mil tor i*>m \»i Th» w i:li provit u.s. w rv vriven In‘Hot.- Mi. i^rt»i n;i. Virginia P- r.r. ;lv:r,in. aiM in I lit*. K y . at th> I niti-ri Kail, ami all f»»r vN.-rk .•■.rtintlly with • J'KN nnl 1 K. i.n*! li.-t f* r }'n ; /;v»•»■./ iVnmatwMi*. 'Mir IViirm-m "r- hilly romjD*ti*ar m thf aid of the ongr r i>r tnuih-* it »1-*. fang 27-U —A prize ST() \ j,, . . igv KS I iS'l ( ) \ r,S 1 — 'i’itc undersigned lias fm sale, at his .store in Masonic Temple, a large assortment .>f cm.lauku x srxin.sK airtight Cooking ?t"vs. a new and splendid Laige Oven. Flat Top Stove, for Goal or Wood patcided ISof*. dOIIN .SHOEMAKER, Apt. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight. P.n'or Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Sept. 11. '56-tf. i/PliE lillhAV I.* I KSTIUN WHUTI JL it'iw uptati*s tin* mitul nf t*v«r> p r*m_ K wh« i n» i’un I the lu*t artirh* f*»r tnytaHp money? JrtTf*gar»l lu otlu*r matter*. tin* arrrt)i*r wonlcT in>t attempt to dire t, hut if you IBL want anything in tflb lino of i BOOTS OK SHOES he invitis mi examination of his stock and work Uokcmn constantly ouhaml »u; ofßuwts, Shoos, j OnJter*, Slippers. &r.. which hi* offers at fair pnc»*«. j He will ffive* frp‘‘Cial attention In ciMtom work, all of | I, which will .h** warranted to give satisfaction. None hut the j ix*>t workman an* t-inploj-'M j RcmemlrT my ihnp i-' on Main street, next door to B. ■ «*W stand, now W, Cecil's. \ f i SGpU-mbor IS. *57-tf] JOHN 11. fiOXLI COAL! COAL! COAL!— I * > The subscrilier would reapert- : -JS| Jf frilly inform the consumers of fX)AL|yy *? C .y, and WOOD in Altoona, that he is ciui-BC—al stantly receiving and will deliver at this time, Anthriacite Coal at per ton, N. Inin’s . “ 3.1 “ Bituminous “ 8 per bushel, Dry Hickory W.shl, 3,50 “ c»rd, Oak f- 2.50 “ • AH orders 1 - ft at J. L. Ichee* store, or at Esquire Douty’s Justice Olllce w ill promptly filled. Office at .residence indinttonburg's building, opposite Bole ert Green'-. wVi" all enlers will receive prompt attention. Aug. 14. ’SC-tf] 1 JOHN ALLISON. Boots and shoes—the un dersigmd has now mi band arid will sett-cheap at his store in the Masonic Tom- wBjBBp pie. a large and complete assortment ofIJOOTS AND SHOES; ready made, or made to order, HR. Overshoes, Ladies' Sandals. Gum Shoes, Cork Soles, and everything In his line of business,' of the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. AU custom work warranted. Jan. 2.'fiC-tf.l J. SHOEMAKER. T>L AIII C OUNT Y INSURANCE Xj AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair County .Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insuge against loss or damage by fire, Bnild inyt, Meretiandhe, Furniture and Property, pf every dcs criptipn- ln town or country, at os reasonable rates Us any Company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple-. Jan. 3, W-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent^ pONVKYA NCfNG—-ALL KINDS of writing dune at the shortest notice.—Deeds,Mort gages, Ac„ executed in the neatest manner by JOHN SHOEMKER, Jan. 3,1807-tf.] Masonic Temple, Altoona. /QUEENS WARE, JUST RECEIVED. Vtfi Alarge and Cishlonabio assortment at the store of - , J. B HI LEMAN. XTIQ CORVEE, SUGAR, YEA AND ■V) all kind of Groceries for ealo liv: 1 - Joao 18,1857-ly] , HENRY LEHR. A LL THE STANDARD PATENT iiL Mjaaon.Es at ’ {!-«.] • smts&’B. 'Bottoms* 00 !! pm p^oh ( saittSoi9Q3 ‘s^nanziiuoTC SI s s. w B 3- £ 2 g- ?e ?28 5 S FACULTY. m:sir,N of the iNsimnov DOUULK ENTKY HOOK KEEPING ST KAMIK > A T i JOt >K - K E K PIM J charge. PENMANSHIP gi'*-u in thi- important branch of hu.-l K \\. JENKINS. lr..n City Cr.ll w , I’itM.Pa. TMPORTANT DtSOOTBBT. X OOKBUHPOON AN® ALL . _ DISEASES OF THB LUNGS an® THROAT s i? ARE POSITIVELY , Curable by inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the to the Itwg* through the sir passage*, ahd coming? In dltocl with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular Bsttw the cough, causes a free and easy expectoration, hows the lungs, purifies the' bloodj imparts rebewM sthUltytoUie nervous system, giving that tone and energy so toiUspcnsa tile for the restoration of health. To be solo to state con fidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed plcosnrr. It -is as much under tin- controi of medical treatment as.anyotbcr formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred caefa cattheewed to thefirst stages, and fifty per cent, to the second; hut hi the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent, tor the Lungs are so cut up by the disease ns to bid defiance to medical skill. Keen, however, in the last stages, Inha lation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering atten ding this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand persons in the United gtateulone: and a cor rect calculation, shows that of the present- iiopnlation of the earth, eighty millions are destined to till tlie Consumptive’s gruvo. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fetal as Con sumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom'cpmetli every good and [lerfect gilt, 1 am enabled to offer to the afflicted a per manent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tuls-rcles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced hv their deposition in the lung* is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells; which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to exjMTt greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those adminis tered through tlie stomach; the patient will always find the lungs free ami the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, 1 1. halation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts con stitutionally, e.nd with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the j ow erfnrand direct influence of this mode <>f administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a taw minutes, paralysing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated without tlie Slightest pain: in haling the ordinary burning gass will destroy life in a few hours. o *■< 5C CO p 5© 53 cr h The inhalation of ammonia will rowetho system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor; of many.of the medicines is perceptible in the skin ttfewminutea after be ing inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional; effects of inhala tion, is the effect that sickness in always produced ty breathing foul air—is not tldo positive evidence that x>ro|e er remedies, carefully prepared and judidipmdy administer ed through the, lungs rhouhl produce the happiest tvsnits? During eighteen years’ practice, many thousands suffering from .Jise;i->"5 ol Uu; lungs and throat* have been under my care, and I ha\ e effected many remarkable cures, oven af ter the smfti rvrs hud been pronounced iff the lust stapes, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My tnatment of consumption is original, and founded on long exjnfriencc and u thorough investiga tion. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles. Ac.. enables ine to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken eun In u single ■ vise. This familiarity, In connection with certain parno logical uiu! microscopic discoveries, euaLh-s me to relieve the lung* fxom the eßcets of contracted cheats, t«» enlarge the chest, purify the bh*>d. impart to it rtmcWed vitality, giving energy ;md tone to the entire sV^teiu. Medicine* with full directions sent to- any 'part of the Tinted States and Canadas by patients communicating their -yinptoms hy h*tTcr. Hut the cure av;oiiM be more certain it the p.tieai shouldpay me a visit, yiiridh would give me nn oppm that may readily be recommended f>r family u-m in eveiy particulm*. Ail kind« cf l:‘*nr‘!»g am! parlor store* romduntly on 1 *and v h JOgßri! 11. BCSH, At ill 10. *£«7-tf] ('pp<-site the American Altoona. / IU>iPETITION IS THE LIFE OF v J TRADE.—FuIIy convincejl-of the truth of this say ing. tin- -nil vrib-r would respectfuliy amiounce to tha eitizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has entered tile d-lsl. lij opening a MEIiCIIANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, in tiie room iierefolore (Kcupled hy Michael Gallagher, im mediately opposite'the Siiperintendtint’s Otflce. where ho will can yon tiie busiiu -'s as usual. He has Just received an excellent assortment of CLOTHS. CASSLMERES & VESTINOS, s-oitable for won king and dress suits, which lie will moke tc order, on -hort notice and at jirices wfndi can not tail tc satisfy. He has also received tiie LATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, and feels confident that tie can satisfy the most fastidious in this particular, ami his clothing wiilibe made as well as clothing can lie made. In fine, he is determine.} that noth ing shall be wanting on Ids part to funder satisfaction tc tle.se who may favor him with their patronage. Altoona, Nov. ,',-lf.i JOHN TALBOT. f' w. KESSLEE—PRACTICAL v. A DRUGGIST, resjs'etfully announces yy to tiie citizens of Aitesma and tiie putilic erally. Unit lie still continues the Dmg Irnsim on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly nT? on liand. for sale. W lioli-saje and BetniI;DRUGS. M*S MEDICIN ES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VAIIMSU ES and DYE-STUFFS. ' lIL 1 By strict attention to bnsin. ss.|and a desirc- t,) render sat isfaction to all as regards price and finality, he hop--* to merit ami receive a share Of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied reasonable terms, ami nil orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. {l-tt ; r PIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE \ 1 K.MI’ORIDM.—The rinderslgnud has conifantlv on Aahd a large assortment of /\ TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE ) which he will sell cheap ! / WHOLESALE OK RETAIL. 1 / Spouliner put up at short notice in town or and painted, at I'2}X cents jsir fts.t. The best.qnality of Gooking Stoves, of va rious pattern ;, constantly on hand. All kinds of Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. Call and see. JOS. H. BUSH. June 10. ’57-tf] Onpnsilf. American IT),tux, Altoona. Bell, Johnson, Jack & Go., OFFICES AT ' llol)lday*burg and Altoona. Drafts on the principal cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. , Coliectlons made.- Moneys received on deposit, payable On-demand, without in terest, or upon time, with Interest, lit ftilr rates. [l-tC J. D.LEET, Attorney-at-law, Hollidays, biro, BL»m coettn, pa.. iVBI practise in the several Courts df Blair, Huntingdon md Cambria counties, and attend promptly to ail colleo- Jon entrusted to him. Office (fog the’present) at his resi dence, comer Allegheny and Yena streets, Hollidaysbunr, **• . s ' [3-88tf WM. S. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST Office with Dr. Hirst, on'AanieAfreet, one i door West of the Masonic Temple. ; (Oct. Iftf : J. a. ABiitrivr t3Bijsat©ahc3^ a : " ALTOONA, BrAlß“Cotr*Ptr, ¥a/ 1 ' - Can.nt nil times, be found at the stoi* bt f.Jt, Hßsroan. Altoona, October!, !857.-ly , . .|J Flour.— the subscriber is > mw prepared to fundsß snptirfor artiele of jmwsmq ■■ -■•!Wt.--.-sit«dssHßßS A[l .AIN & LEHR : SECRKT. 1 fidl BheUndUm, Sm/uta, Ani fe the ;| Bone* and AnctU, Ditttatt of At .« ..■•* Imth .3 -i, ,■ ■■ I | . male Jrrtgtdarfr i, -J lift, and s ALL IMPROPER DISCHARGES PROM BOTH Stoats 4 It matters not from what cause the disease' originated. J however long standing or obstinate the case, mwwj U J certain, and iu a shorter time than a permaDcnteur*caa J be effected by any othrir treatment, orep Oftef the dlsnue *1 has baffled the. skill of eminent phy*iciap« and resisted »u $ Uioir means of Cure. Thomwlielnes aropleasant without ! odor, causing no sickness and free fTwn mercury or balsam I During: twenty of practice; I have rescued fhun tho 4 jaws of Death.many thonsaudiLwho. in the last stagey of I the above mentioned diseases, bid beep given up to die by c" their physicians, which warrants ine in promlUng to ths afflicted, who may place thenuclves under my care, a 3 feet and most speedy cure. Secret .diseases are the greatest ;is enemies to health, as j they are the first CMmp ') tion. Scrofula and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. 'As a permanent'cure la scans ly ever effected, a majority of the cases.-fell tag into ths hands of incompetent persons, who pot only fldlto cure ths disease, but ruin the constitution, filling Iha-yystsm with mercury, which, wltli the disease, hastens!the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. 1 But should the disease and the treatment not eapse death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease la entailed npoh the children, who are horn with feeble 'coosHtutfoss, and the current of Ills) corrupted by a rims which betrays itself in Scruffnlo, Teller,' Ulcers, Eruption* am| Other at fectious of the skin, Eyes, Throat and Luggs, eptafitag up on tliem a brief existence of suffering, andcoitslgfftdgtaaia to un early grave. SELF-ABUSE is another formidable enemy-to heajjhjt>r nothing else in the dread catalogue of human dlsed***.Cau ses so destructive a drain open the Its thousands of-victims; through a few years ■ efWßfering duwn to an untimely grave, 'll dcslroyalhcNervousfjt tem, rapidly wastes ajway the energies jf men tal derangement, prevents the proper tjovclopment of the system, disqualifies for marriage, soclsty, bwSlPcsaptnd all jeurthly happiness, and K avcs the suffererwreoked ill body |aml mind, piodisposcii to consumption aud a train,of evils more to bo ihvu.leii than death itself. M-ith the fullest ndeuce I assure the unfortunate victims of SeltAhasethat a permanent and speedy cure can’ he eflectedfnnd with the abandonment dfi ninons pntcjicvsniy palientacatthcwatpred to robust, vigorous health. _■ . Tlie afllii tcd arc cautioned against the use ofßataßtMtsi icim s, for theru are eo many ingenious snares in flte cob umus’ of the public prints to catch and rob timunwary suf. ferns that millions have their constitutions ruined’by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the.eoually poisonous nortrums ventitd as ** Patent Med.icinee, n 1 have carefully anaivsed many of t 1 -so called Patent MedicinesapdCad that‘nearly nil of thorn contain Corrosive is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a dead, ly poison, which instead ojgcuring the disease disables ths system for life. Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in sm arc put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, wKedo not un derstand even tlie alphabet Of the tnakria mtdica, and are equally us destitute of any knowledgo of the hutqan system, liaviiig one object only in view, and that to make money r«- . gardlcss of consequences. Irregularities ou,d all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of,prac tice. and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkabls cures. Medicines >vlth full directions sent to any part of Hie L'nitci) Stalcu or Canadas,.by potientacuimnutucwtiug tlieir symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address r J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D., OjJlce A'o. 1131 FUbirt St , (Old A’b. 109) SeloW Twsfl\, Philadelphia. ]July 23, ’67-iy —A NEW Howard association, PHIL ADELPHIA- .I Benevolent fmtitiiiion. estahlithed iy tpccial enderament for the relief of the sick and dislrtttfd, affected with fir nlfnl am I Epidemic direatet. ' -*To nil poraonsafliicted with Sexual Diseases,such as Aper nnl’rrrhva. a smtl tFeahias, Iwpaienee, Gonorrkeza, Ukei, Eilj>kHii.-.the vice of Onanism or &lf jbuu, ... Tin: How aid in view ofthe awmidpstmctkii of human life. caused by Sexual Diseases, andthe deception* practised nj»>n tl(o unfortunate victims ofsdch diseases by Quack*, Several years ago directed their Consulting Sntgeon, “hs a Denial'll act worthy of their impie. to .open aDi»t*n -ary for the treatment of this class of diseases, fa) all tneir forms, and U> give medical advice yeiihj, to nU wlKfnpply by letter, with u description of their condition, pution, habits of life, if.,, and in cases. of extrem%Miany and suffering, to furnish medicine fret 1« needless to mid that the Association cunimande thehfgncrt Medical skill of the age, and will furfaUh the most appror ed modern treatment. ; The Directors, on a review of the tost, Del assured that their laluii's in this spherp of benevolent effort, hare b«h v f great benefit to the afllictal, especially to t he young, and tlrty have resolvpd to devote therosclTCS, with renewed zeal, to this very impart an tbuMmich despised cauo. J nst publh-lied by tl>e Asscciotiou.iaißeport on Sperms torrhoia. or Seminal Weakness, the Vico of Onanism, Mae tarUition or Seif Abn*«v and other diseases of the Sexu«l Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be aedt ty mail fin a sealed iiivi h,pei,/re< q/' eharge x on the receipt of wo postage stamps fur postage. 1 Address, for Hi purt or Treatment, Dr. GEORGE B. CAIr HOl’N. Consulting Surgeon, llowapl Association, No. 3 S. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Fa. -. By brdar of the Directors. EZRA D. lIEARTWELL, Preft. [Dec. 3-ly. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Stc'y. TN PORT ANT TO-FARMERS AND 1 LIVEKVSIEN. ' 1 Beatty : 8 Abauian Hobs* OlNMrt)rtla theonlymedicine in two tlmt will effectually cure Ringbone, Spavin and Splint. It is not claimed for this Ointment, u it is fur nerly all other medicines of the day. that It will cure all diBca»p» width horse’ or. man are heir to, but duly to core | the above named diseases when used according to direo* I tions. Rlnglxine, Spavin and Splint, are diseases of precisely ; similar character, consequently* medicine which wHlbt'ne j Ot or cure one is adapted to the other. .This Ointment pece~ K lenten the horses skin, renebes nnd convert* thecalloUi Ini* I matter, and the diseased lump is then- discharged, in the ! f>rra of puss or mutter through the skin. without removing 1 the hair, if pnt on according to dircetiona. It ha*been , said by those who have used the Ointment, that tt will curs i the Poll Evil and Farcy It is certslh. howow. that'll will | cure or remove any o illon* lumps from a bone, Wherever 1 located.' Try it, and if after using it ft week, afcoydiqg to directions, you are n t satisfied as to Ita efficacy, return ; the box to the agent and ha will refund the money. Pries il.no per box. For sale by O. IV. KESSLER, Altoona. . [Jan 14-I*l rpHE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF | TOOTH AND MATURITY, Jtist pub- Til-died, graiif. the 25th thousand. Ayatfaffi 1 A few words on the Rational treatment, witliout Medicine, of SpernmtonheA or I W. 3UTBEXL * CO, “Itor«Prop’r.ofNCwYorkTclkoOarette, 16-tfj ■- .■: ..:> ~ j JVoo York City. IV/rEDXCATED FUR .CHEvST PRO* i-Tl TECTOR, A SAKE SHIELD against THOSE Bronchitis Coughs, Col'ls, and othet kflee- . uOM wflw arlw from the exmeet] fitaitoftht Chcte oc ebr&mff tofathioH muti the continual changer of oar climate, frrfftle at the pmg Store of G. >\. KKBRJ-KR. S EVI’S PREPARATION FOR EX >termlnating BATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANT&And *n«B without danger In iu tue under any circumetan baa, fdrhMo at the Drug Store of *Bo*f}' i O. W. KES6USB. A: BIXpMINAL SUPPORTERS, Tms* ~,a 'J\. •*», end Shoulder I|iucm Bjr tale at. ■ ■ ‘ •■• : juasua’s. tßm l/UU «#»4 and tnM.by ‘ • ■~S»S ->V ,$ c ' - A?* , dent suatains as will be a rich tn T As we are det gressive school,' casb-tystem in quite a number 4y, and the mac’ os to-adopt this has fully proved credit' system v; publishers. Frc sent from and at the expi not renewed, wi •rxangement do while it will pro SOulleOa scound more attention t 1 if • *. ( ■ " -C .C&i thdT.- p 111 Iletjognixing, i>t satisfactory i benefit to both p amounts, in adv vhm receireiT baent to uamber Wime, as well »' die paper, fow rates for tlu 1 copy, one y« * 10 copies • I SO “ •ad all above 20 The money mi jgrder. Jiy the above la emphatically As to its merits Wecarnc ♦at the county t -;W> doubt each o 'in their neigbbo Cairvasssss \ anas men w*ni iWheedheato tJ