Cauae . . re*« iMMu* r i A^D|»iiS ,SE< G&>4'. P* Hr 1 - 1 r- jfmw /Ut'nf »«. tJ 1/ hw u ' UOM BOTit BKXKS <•■ ihitapp t!:» casp, rr»vtifrjii» p. rtnaopnt car* can ••n after tlie (lUcaa# cianraad reflated all ■tip jiltaiant Without r.i juercnry orhalaaoi. ,v,‘ ] rtactjpd from tha; :.i tho Wt gtacqLqf ii «iv< ii tijp to .iHMiji in I\ ifinjr to thljf, l;h'i*T my carefa i»f*’ I* upps an- Hit jUiwldal >i r,.UM of Omramp. Mill uliould b» a tuiMcm core Uacarca* tillirig idlo t)w >t f.nly fail to cmrthfti r-g tlio arftb Il’ U* tllf PuffcTtf'tetO tL'i.-nt not cnb&riehtlf' >? ( iiiwia#e I# entailafti t fiH-Uc countUiitlona,' ii viru« which mtrkya ■lions ami other at\ Lung*, cnlaUlng U(H' ■, tuw consigning taeiift ■i > to health, fbr 1 l.Hman di»du'«t cw>- >v*tvm, drawing M w yrtm of mifleriog : Ei - 'Vet tlie JCcrrotj* iy*- of lif.-. cause* taw r oTcloptni'tit oftip», ■I iv. Inirdnris, and all" i-rcr « rooked In bod/. nrnl :i train of ETlfir With tflv fullcfctootK-' ,;u- of Self-Abo** that •p.-rbil. and With tM*' aitKcsin U-n-Bton^ U j.. if Patent Wert* - oi.- Huari' tUv col ;!"• unwary »«(•' i.tlons ruined by the ■.; i■■ unii; poiAononir t- " J bare carefully i! Medicine* and find ci ••>. Sublimate, which j .. rcur_i and a Jir.-j.e disable* th* ' now in uao arc pat whr'iio nut an- ' ■ ■ ‘ xttdicc, and aw ■' c.akomoaeyrw;* and .female* .< •my jwu3,of |irao> • •■■■ most rvutarkabta io udjt partet ;.i- voaiLounicatlnn r • ■-].vL>i(Dc.catr^rtiy- IiVILLT, M. D m>< ik'.oxc r*#ih, J-Jv 2S, '57-ly. ion.- riiiL- ’ ajTrrted icUit hr- • inch os Axis (7'.r.i,rr/.aa, M«<, ."•, It hoi been a- -it. tlmt it will cur* I, that It will n i borse, wherever "•> k. acconllng to 7-fiicacy, retnru tb«- im/uny. ; Prtee [Jan. U-tf, IMI TIES Otf I'lit/- mm, msEW ■ rul and XervpUa i Im]oteiicy,aad ' M. D. 1 1 i'iihf (omiilnittte, 1 of rouih,-jai6r { i''*'- in tlila imolt' i - ’> ih m and hjgb . ■ Autiii.r, fuUyci-' r.- ij to eurb! - --iMc ccet, thereby i l ill.- day. y ! fn-e in a r.‘nlcd et>-1 ■ t- I'r. HZ LANKY, [Out. 1 ’57-lyv ‘ :KR FASH -1 ■ nit Tailor, Jibe of' iilz<-nH of AltOOHa i ■ iiiltling two door* ■ior-r South of WU : i- now receiving GOODS. " . riain and T*atf\ li.. ?utin Velvet Jtof»: V-itine», tfi ahprt. i* f which heVriU n Uic m-iat reaaouac^ UiinJts, will OU**i "Hh their ordna. j - AZKTTEp-r ->' i Crimflud^hr'lS" ' niittcd tliroaO^mti • f Triajii, Criminal <■ !nf,t it found tyi UCfA i «-ntetheirnamM, I’llfeeCiacetfe, * ■>>ic York City. UEST PRO AOAIXST THOK> ■*i w t and other aflep *>.ul change* ofooi •' iv. kelklbb: ‘ •X FOR fifc M ilts, axis; tai ary clmaßjatM*- i W. KBSBlgft. ITERS, toefaj “ ': L : —■—•' r •fr-« ~ ' McORUM & ALLISON, < -. ■ ■ ' VOt. 8. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. McCRUUA AhtlSON’ : Publishers and Proprietor*. perannum, (payablolnyariably inadTance,) $1,60 AH paj ten dUcontlnuod at the expiration of the time paid for: nans or umnsm. , ' 1 Ineertion 2 do. - 3 do. 'fonr.llaeeorleca, $26 $ 37U sso One winsre, ( 8 line*,) SO 76' I 00 Two (16 “ / 100 1 60; 200 Three “ \ (24 ) 160 200 260 Over three week* and leea than three month*, 26oenU per ■qnare-for each ineertion. fllxjlneegrleee, Onesquore, ’ 260 400 '7 00 Two “ 400 600 10 00 Three “ ' 600 800 ' 12 00 Jour “ 6 00 10 00 14 00 Half & column, 10 00 14 00 ,20 00 One column, ' 14 QO 26 00 40 00 Adndnistrators and Executors Notices, 175 Merchants advertising by the year, three squares, with liberty to change, v 10 00 iPrpfesslonal or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, with paper, per year, . COmmunicatloDß of a-political charqotar or Individual in terest will be charged according to the above rates. La not marked with tho number of inecrtioni dMired, will bo continued till forbid and charged according totheabpTß tortus. BualneM notices fire cents per line for every Insertion. Obituary notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents ojsquare. PROSPECTUS ALTOONA TRIBUNE. . OP ODD? THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED I The Cheapest Paper in the County! Wlth the present dumber, the Tribune ha# en tered upqa ita third relume. Commenced at a time when the confidence of the citizens of Al toona in newspapers and newspaper publishers was considerably shaken, if not totally annihila ted, it has slowly but surely restored that con .fidence, and now stands upon a aurefunndation, -and is universally acknowledged to be one of the fixed institutions of our town. But this re sult has not been achieved without a hard strug gl«, and considerable expenditure of time and means on the part 'of ita editors. The steady Increase of patronage, however, has afforded in dubitable evidence that their labors have been ap -1 -Mated. ! > In entering upon thp new volume it la almost Unnecessary to say that.tbftFViAiwewill contin «» to be ‘‘IXDEPKJTDESX 0J EVERTTHIKO,” be ing biassed neither by fear, favor nor affection, in favor of parties or sects. I In this respect it is only necessary to say that the past affords a fair index os to our future course. It has always been our aim to make the Tri bune, a. reliable first-class Local Paper, as we 'believe that in that character alone, country pa pers can successfully compete- with their flashy «ity neighbors. To- this\ end we have secured correspondents in various parts of the county, who furnish us with all the items of local inter est ia their vicinity. Wo purpose adding others to out list as soon as we can obtain them. Du ring the next year we shall redouble our efforts to make the Tribune a perfect compendium of Hoxe Sews—a reliable, first class Local Paper, second to none in the country, and ns such a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons, Whether at homo or abroad. But while the Local Department shall be our ■pedal care, wo shall also demote a considera ble space to Literary Matter, Fps and Hl ycca, and the chronicling of events of general interest to our readers. We purpose also pub lishing from time to time “ Original Sketches of Men and 'Things ” which will bp furnished by our contributors.' .We have made arrangements also to have a weekly letter from Philadelphia, and judging from the reputation pur correspon dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters will be a rich treat to our, readers. As we are decidedly jdarualists of the pro gressive school, we have concluded to adopt the cash system in our -business. The npglect of quite a number of our pay up prompt ly, and the rascality of jothers, hits compelled iu to adopt this coarse. Time and experience kos fully proved to oar satisfaction that the credit system will not work with Newspaper pablUbers. ' From this date, no paper will be ■ sent.ffom this office* unless paid, for in advance, |uifl,‘at Al)e .ezphration of the -time paid for, if not will -be promptly stopped. i-SWs E r ? h 8 of wooßets --sodandreis, andenabled at tor devote ttyj » bwpatisfootory should befraught withmutaal benefit to both parUes r and ,tta; ; money aniounte, in advhnce, is of more when ’ received in dribletsi as an ' induce- ■WS& to .numbers -jirlw- ipt ~®<»®aing'ycar:. .. , ;h .>-\ ;,.;■ )■ ‘V ! JRI fiQ ’ I J.J&rtt*... **• 12*0 V :****•» *N#j^r.^»e' Ofticr. • •• - - ■ ‘ ‘ * ' is;.mjiii«i^|js:^fi : ■ a? : ;^«- «ide. .' We earnestlyreqaestourfriendstlubagh oul the coualy to ‘/giro os~a lift,” as wejiavo ?o doubt each of cau readily; obtain aclub taihojr neighborhood. ■ ~; , ,^\.,-. .',.' ; \ / Jfi&t??*** VAPtfiP*—Several ha 41hwed. > * . »■* \ 3 month*. - 6 month*. 1 year. |1 60 |3 00 s>6 00 or THE K isr-:&i Jlflctf Ipistflteg. A TALE OF THE REVOLUTION ‘ Father, is there no hope for him ? Is the British General so heartless as to con demn one so noble, so brave, so young to die without mercy ?’ These words were used by a pale, tear ful girl of great beauty, in the middle por tion of the Revolution which gave free dom! a home in our own loved soil. Du ring that period when cruelty was but too prevalent with both parties—when tones, wer w|»o bid long since been laid no cUar thor sod; ind to tEia room she fled,and soon in a 0 f clothing sttch ypojig .men generally wear when J i oa ?°S expedition. With out the least hesitation* she cut the ling MWIM'&m 1 eighteen, not mow thatt hitf flaring made theee «hge. lilfe for JLlfe. ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1858. Aleuts with a: rapidity which only desper ate resolve could cause, she instantly left 1 the house, passing jdown the avenue be fore her father’s ey£s, ho.apparently little thinking that the spruce young water man who chose to breast such a storm, was his accomplished daughter. Hurrying down to a boat house which fronted the avenue, she loosened one of those small, light skiffs which are still the models of the pilots at Hurl Gate, hoisted a small sail, and in a few moments was out upon the hood tides as freely and bold ly as if she had been in a stout ship, in stead of so frail and small a boat. It is no new thing for her to be upon the water, being reared so near it, and hundreds of times bad she been dashing over those waves, but never in such a gale as that.— Yet cooly she steered her tiny cruft, avoid ing the dangerous whirlpools and rocks, and beading towards the frigate, which, impatient for a pilot, had fired another gun! Within less than twenty minutes from the time she‘started, she had luffed along side of the man-of-war, having caught the line east out to her, and fastened the boat, Ipid mounted the vessel’s side, and stood upon the quarter deck, in the presence of the commander. ‘ Are you a pilot ?’ said the latter impa tiently. ‘ I am, sir,’ was the .reply. ‘ Young for such business. Could you take us through the Hurl Gate.’ ; As well as ;my father, who has been a pilot here more than thirty years,’ was the reply ; ‘ >A hy did he not come out instead of sending a boy like you in a blow as fresh as this. ?’ • * Because he is laid up with the rheu matism, sir. and theu he knows that I Can pilot you through as well as he can. Sir Henry Clinton knows me sir.’ ‘ Ah docs he —well that is all right.— Can you bear away yet ?’ 4 No sir, not within an hour—till the tide runs ebb V 4 That is bad ; this gale keeps rising.— Is there no anchorage hereabouts V '■ 4 No sir not within twenty miles, where your anchor would hold.’ 4 Then we pmst go through !’ 4 Yes sir, as Soon as the .tide comes. I would not risk-it till then, for if the cur rent should catch you on either side bow, you’d go 1 on the rock, sure !’ 4 lhat is true } r oung man. Let me know the very earliest moment we can go through.’ ' e 4 Aye, aye, sir.’ And while the British commander turn ed of to speak to one of his officers, the patriot pilot cjajmly went to the main gano - - way, and looked over the side, as if watch ing for the change of tide. But what was passing in her heart theu ? There werp between three and four hundred souls in that fated vessel. She had lost the only loved thing, besides her father, on the 1 earth, when'Nathan Hale was hung as a spy that morning. She was not thinking hpw many hearts would be broken by her intended act; she was not thinking of the mothers, and sisters, and wives in Knglarid ddio would soon mourn fur the deed—she was only thinkjhg that soon she would join him in the spirit land, and that dearly would his loss be avenged. For her own Jifc she cared not, thought not—not even did she think of that wor shipping father, who sadly paced his room, believing that she was praying for-patience to bear net 1 loss. Meantime, there were those three or four hundred hearts beating with glad ness that they bad got over a long and sickening yoyage and soon would be anch ored in front of the sheen of greet?, ©veil though the storm hovered ever them. At last, looking towards the hOme'inj whicj? she Ayas| born, she knew it would; be bor last lopk, she turned and went to, the commander and said, \ ‘ The tide is slack, it changes suddenly, and' ye intend to fill away at once. The cmhman'der gave the necessary or der to liis lieutenant, and the next mo ment the main , topsail, whieh had been laid back, was braced around, the head seats eased awjiy, ufldThe vessel headed for the narrow channel, where a thousand crafts have ere thm laid their oaken bones. As thev the channel and whirling eddies, hand, the , and crew looked out upon the danger. ? so calm and fear!? jfclrochs, tlft, S r S^ e^<,ash^gu 'e .jfhjer and crew looked pm> aangen r jßut so cairn and fearless seemed the ;gpang pilot, that re-assurance ifSiMMtjS heart—^oclnarabpve voi?e as . TKey than hajf through.— ‘hdg’s baqk’ had beep. M&Jh a few hundred iiaijbionis ujqre and they would he etfe from danger Then one quick gianeeitowurds heaven, and the dia gaisedgiflicrltidoat: < Pos, port, hard V 6be The vessel medof heforfithe wind, &dflow(wirifth accunmlated speed for a mdment widihep ym m mx? 1 With a teUsp|i?;&uahling hejr reeling tothedeok, she urinn a ferifp htiar the perpendicular sfiorTaie a.table spdohfool of' alutril: pull ;the horse’s tongue out of hiamt>uth 'w as possible, and throw the alum- ’ down his ‘throat. Let go of his tongue, and hold h|> hi& tail tilfho swallhws: In six hours tiroe, .no liow had tho founder—he win be fit for mbaerate service. : I seen this remedy tested so often, with per fect successi that I would not make five doilars ditterence in a horse foundered— if done o?o that was not. ■ Barrafn." ’' .vifijrl loye the silent pf the night, is the W&nhe jibbed the Jewelry shop. • ' i: * EDITORS AND PROPIdistOBS.. Aiie€det«Sorsi don bridge, and in this cold, tod* I|old him to trait for me there at 12 o'clock to*. day j afid in the pressure of business a£ -rr: —, I quite forgot the appointment.' The father and son wertT to have met at twelve at noon, and it was now after sev* en o’clock in the evening. Yet the father seemed to have no doubt that Harry Would hot move from his post until he appeared. The colonel at once rose, ordered a cab to be called, and, as he went forth to deliver 1 his soh from his weary watch on London bridge, he turned to excuse himself to ' his visitor, saying, < You see, sir, that's the discipline of a soldier's family !’ In the course of an hour, the colonel returned with poor Harry, who, although he appear* ed somewhat affected by the cold watch, and glad to see the fire in the comforta ble parlor at home, seemed to have.passed, through the little, afternoon’s experience with the greatest good-humor, apd the feeling that all was rightj 1 " Candor and Courtesy.-— -Whens Jtfja. Porter to many Dr. she told him, with the- greatestTrankhSßh, that she had once an ancle who' washang* ed. . The doctor, with equal candor and courtesy, replied that it was perfectly im material to him ; for, though he nd ufacle hanged, many ofhia relatifes ved hanging* - ‘ ‘ Old Mrs. Darnly is a pattern of household economy. She shn Aft iu mte a Mir lof socks last °J. 9“ly kfl»t#g new feet' to them .era? Winter aha new legs tbthem everv otHer winter. ' "I-. ;; " '* ’’•» *' • wbjlikepopulationthej juiv^wt l ' Intne Directory ajmca». aqme|jcjasje Measw. , Canowi, Pistpl, FbafPr SKut * I *. -