The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 15, 1858, Image 3

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The Altoona Brass Band was organized April
6, 1864. In'ordcr to procure the first set of in
otruments, it was nejoessary to call upon the
citizens for contributions. From this source,
after considerable time and labor, $l6O waa re
alized. This sum not being sufficient to pur
chase the instruments required, the following
S instruments were purchased with tjho funds of
|H the Band contributed by the members:
uij./ut aajr aK tl Drums,
■ ■ 'n[.lalr.t»j .
-'Mini botrtjs
Motto health, I
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1.00&Z. ITEMS.
Baj«>.--At the foruth annual
'meeting, of the Altoona Bnn Band, held in the
armory of the Logan -Rifle Bangers, on the Btb
Inst., the following proceedings were had.
The Resident, Wmj Boydec, stated the ob
ject of the meeting, viz: to electn President,
Secretary and Treasurer, for the ensuing year.
On motion, the following persons wore unan
imously elected to fill the above offices; And.
Clabangh, President; Wm. Pancake, Secretary
end And. Kipple, Treasurer.
On motion, the following preamble and res
- oliitiona were.unanimously adopted:
Whbbeab, A portion, of the citizens of Altoo
na contributed liberally to assist the-members
of the Altoona Brass Band in procuring their
first set of instruments, we, as a Band, have
Resolved, That we offer, a rote of thank* to
those who hafo given us their support on for-
mer occasions.
Resolved, That a statement of the Receipts
and Expenditures of the Baud, from the time of
its organization up to this date, be published.
, Resolved , That the Baud stands much iu need
of four new instruments, and that wo proceed
to adopt a plan by which to obtain them.
On motion, the following plan was adopted :
The members of the Band to call upon the cit
izens tffAltqona to become contributing mem
bers of tbe Baud, on the following reasonable
termsThi members of the Band to give two
concerts annually. All persons who will con
tribute $l,OO h year to the Band will receive a
certificate of Honorary Membership, which will
admit the bearer and lady to each of the con
certs free of charge. Ail persons who will con
tribute $5,00 a year will bo entitled, to one ser
enade, in addition to a certificate of member
ship, on giving the Band due notice.
In accordance .with resolution above, the
Treasurer submitted the following report:
treasurer's report
b Cjmbn’.i,
1 Saxhorn made to order,
£>o Pieces of Masio,
1 aitiuu,
In addition to the above, the foiio-ar
icgjnatruments h aTe been Pur
chased'by individual members
of the Bund:
2 Cornets,
1 Tenor Drum,
Entire Expenditure*, $443,60
The following are the receipts of the Band,
from all sources:—
from Pic-Nics and Excursions
M Political meetings,
Receipt* of one Conceit,
Tola,! Receipt SIBG,GO
Total Expenditures, $443,60
•' Receipts ‘ ]BG,Gp
Expenditures over Receipts, $256,90.
The, following bills' remain unpaid up to this
Playing for Democratic meetings du
ring Presidential campaign of 1856, $50,00
For Native American; meetings, •• 40,00
Total, $90,00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. RIPPLE, Trtamrer.
E The object of the Band in having the abort;
Iraaolutiona and report published, is to show the'
I citizens of, Altoona the manner in which the
[money contributed was expended, and make
. them acquainted with the condition of the Baud.
IThe Band’is now in need of four new instru-
Ftoents which will cost al leiist $l6O, to secure
; which the plan above has been adopted. It is
[certainly fair and reasonable, nod it is hoped
-the citizens of this place will take an interest
in tb|s welfare of a clever set of musicians who
are always ready and willing to play when cal
led upon. Tickets can be had of members of
the Bind. WM. BOEDER, Prezt
Axn. Clabadqh, See’y.
To Tits Public.— Within the past few days I
have learned that there is a report in circula
tion in this place, charging me with asserting
that I 'did net wish to board in the same house
with “dirty mechanics, - ’ and I take this public
way of contradicting it. That it was got up
by some deaignifag person, to injure me in my
business relations with the 'mechanics of this
place, is evident. • I pledge myself to pay the
sum of $25,00 to .any person who will furnish
me with .the name of the person who first circu
lated the Report.
Those w}ho are acquainted with me, I feel
sure, will mot believe me guilty of making such
la remark, knowing as I do, that lam depen
dent upon mechanics for my patronage. Those
iwho have been instrumental in'circulating the
blander will do well to find out the author be
fore they spread it further.
lam induced to make this public contrudic-
Ibn from the fact, that such stories generally
the refutation, and if per*
iittad to go.uni.oticed, might be believed by
iiose unacquainted rrith me.
ir r : ■■ '7 W.S.BITTSER, D. D.B.
Altoona, Aprill6,lBsB.
i' Map op BtAifi CovsTr.—ln our! advertising
columns will te ;foand the caM of Messrs. Geil
fe Freed, about to undertake .the work
,f gating wp. a complete Mop and Bfoord of
iiis countjfrojn actual fiarrtje to piade bjr
themselves. Ife. jpeed \U noV Jit HoUidaje-
understand, intends ccn^enolng
ntcreat to the poopio irf "the 'county to ban
raeh a Alpp ' Jre
Political Mov^mehts. —The American par
ty held a meeting in the Town Hull in Ilolli
dayshurg, on Thursday last the Bth inst., to de
vise ways and means to rouse “ Sam ’’ from the
lethargic slap, in which he has so long.been re
posing. Strong straight-out resolutions were
passed and_ straight-out feeling prevailed, A
convention was called for Thursday May 20th.,
to nominate a county ticket. We shall notice
the matter fuller next week. -
The “gallant Major” of toe Whig seems to
be down on this movement of the “ straight
out” samites, and sounds the tocsin for imme
diate “straight-out ” Republican action. He is
also opposed to “ Union for the sake of the
Union,” and earnestly urges the Republicans to
nominate a distinct ticket and vole for it. We
shat! also notice this proceeding next week.
Goi;;c to Leave. —We understand that Thos.
11. Davis, Esq., Chief Clerk, and Messrs Weiet
img, Dunkei, Richards, and Bertrand, assistant
clerks, in the Superintendent’s office, purpose
removing to Philadelphia on Saturday or Mon
day next. This movement is the natural conse
quence of the action of the Board of Directors,
at their last meeting. The gentlemen named
all belong to Col. Lombacrt’s department, r.n 1
as that gentleman is in Philadelphia, it is ne
cessary that -they should be there also. Mr.
Hughes has already left. We arc sorry to p.irt
with these gentlemen, but hope that the changt
may be to their benefit. VaU.
Pr.KVE.vrtoN Better than a Curb.—Dr. Key
set, Wholesale Druggist, of 140 Wood Street, in
inviting attention to his Pectoral Syrup, does
not pret-md that it will heal tubercles or ulcers
in the lungs, or heal over a half wasted lung ;
but in the incipiency of the disease it will allay
inflammation,, cure the Cough, and effectually
arrest the progress of the Disease. One or two
spoonsful of this medicine has often cured a vio
lent Cough of several weeks duration. What
has been done can be dona again. Cure your
Cough with half a dollar by buying a bottle of
Pectoral Syrup, for sale at G. W. Kessler's.
Hairs.— Lost Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
we were favored with a superabundant supply
of rain—though rather of a colder character
than comfort.demanded. On Monday we really
thought we would be favored with some snow,
and have no doubt that iha residents on the
Alleghenies were so favored. The weather is
still very cool for this season of .the year.—
“ Old winter ” the lecherous old villain seems
determined to linger as long as possible in the
lap of Spring. It is high time, we think, that
the lascivious young hussy should drive him off.
Orf'Hng—A free l’res»—lmportance of Present
, llabiu—l LI u*f ration—An Incentive — lndivid-
•ual Responsibility. \ ,
My Young Friends :—A friendly greeting to
you after a week’s interval. As the Tribune
makes its weekly visit to you so will I fora time.
Its regular appearance is no doubt welcomed by
you nil. Its racy and sparkling editorials arc
full of interest; its independence on all subjects
deserves admiration and makes it what the Press
ought, and when properly conducted, ever will
be, a mighty instrumentality for good. A free
Press, kept pure by the fearless discussion of
principles, is the palladium .of liberty. May the
Altoona Tribune ever maintain her past fearless*
ness and faithfulness, her “Psn” score and
“Scissors” cut whom and when they may.—
Then her course, will be honorable and we trust
triumphantly successful.
•In my last and first letter, young friends, I
liiuted a,t -the important prabablerelation pinch
your present habits and uhoractcr beairto your,
future and destiny. If the position .taken -
be correct—and sound philosophy, all history,
observation and experience prove* it;to be so—
then'yon should look well to your present hab-
.*?'? the characters you, are making for yovuv
solTes. There is likely not one ofyonwho doek
uapfpim jZfa see r^li^
•1 ;•' i :
Tracks and Loow Haven Railucad. —At a
of the Board of Directors of tbc Tyrone
and Lock Haven Railroad; heldin Bellefoutc, on
Monday last, the Presidentwas “ authorized to
put under! contract as much of the grading of
the ISastern Division of the road as lie can raise
subscriptions topay." Tlie Eastern Division ex
tends from Milesbufg to Look Haven, a distance
of about twenty-three miles. An effort will
shortly be made to raise subscriptions to defray
the expenses of grading that Division, and we
trust the people in the portion of country through
which that eudhf the road passes, will show their
interest in the enterprise by subscribing liber
ally. The grading of the Western Dmsion is
now about completed, and it is time something
should be done on the Eastern end.
We clip the above from' the.Bellefonto Whig,
and think dt is about time, that Che people of
Lock Haven should become aroused, and take"
some action in regard to an enterprise that is
likely to be of such vast benefit to our town.—
Let the citizens of Clinton county come up to
the work, and the Tyrone and Lock Haven Rail
road will soon be completed. —Lock Haven Watch
EgUSome excitement was created in our
town last week, by the appearance of a special
train from Hollidaysburg, containing the Sher
iff and the Hollibaysburg Fencibles. They
Were on their way to Bennington to quell an aw
ful riot that was said to be raging there, and
which is noticed by our 'Hollidaysburg corres
pondent. Fired with patriotism, we accompa
nied the Sheriff and his posse to Bennington,
but on arriving there, found all quiet. Was have
no doubt that the visit of the Sheriff and the
Fencibles proved beneficial, in scaring the “stri
kers” from any further demonstrations. The
disturbance was created by some of the bonds
“striking" for higher and all cash wages, which
being refused, they attempted to shoot the man
ager, Mr. Bailey. We understand that the
proprietors purpose using up the present stock
and then blowing out, to allow the “strikers”
time to consider over their ill-advised conduct.
Fortht AU'tona Tribune,
To the Young Men of Altoona.
of folly or vioo,. jtbete is no telling whetheryou
will ever bo able to extricate yonraelf. The pro
babilities arc all ftgkiogt yon; Many before you,
in- tbe spiritof brnyado* hare mounted Passion’s
fiery steed, and with loose rein have dashed for
; ward until when they Would have checked him,
ihe was beyond their control. The speedy result
: was, they were eiibter pitched from the brink of
; ruin, or crushed against Jhe rocks of destruc
j tion. Your only safety is never to true your
j selves upon his back. : '
j A poor Indian, in; a fit of intoxication, onco
| attempted to sport m h{s canoe, close above the
j Falls of Niagara, i Id the wildness of his na
-1 turc, rendered still more wild by intoxication, he
i would show his skill in the management of his
■ canoe, and hia prowess ;in overcoming the im
j mense current wiucs is created for some dis
| tance above the fdlle. add show bis daring by
i venturing neater the terific cataract, than any
j before him. But when he had reached a given
| point, the sweep of waters was so great and the
j power of gravitation so strong, that resistance
i;was vain. The Red Man’s strength was weak
| ness—his oars useless! His little bark was
borne upon the mighty current as if it had been
a straw. He saw that lie had ventured too far,
but the knowledge came too late. He gave him
self up to his fate, doshpd bis oars from him,
| drank to its bottOm the bottle of spirits from
| which he had already.drnuk too deeply, and then
I threw himself down in his skift to meet his rap-
I idly npproachiug.dbom. ■ Swiff as the winged nr
i row that canoe sped its wa}’, until, with the
foaming, roaring waters, it leaped from the
brink aud went tumbling into the abyss below.
How much the case of that poor Indian re
sembles that of many of the pride and hope of
our country. They'sported on the brink of
ruin, until getting beyond their power to recover, 1
they have plunged headlong down the'stoep and j
been crushed on the rocks below. Young men, !
if you would escape a similar fate, avoid their
error. Never venture upon the whirlpool and j
then you. can not be ongulphed by it. Avoid it
even at the risk of being called churlish orcovr
ardly. Remember that “discretion is the bet
ter part of valor.” Aud it is certainly discreet j
to avoid a conflict that is unnecessary, espec- \
ially when the chances of success are all against •
Au incentive, young frieuJs, to the present
cultivation of good habits is in the project of
reward. In this country, young men of correct
morals are marked and sought out for posts of
trust and emolument. There may be an occas
ional exception to this, apparently, but it is on
ly in appearance, for the reaction against an un
worthy incumbent, always sets things right in
the cud. The genius of our American institu
tions is no favoritism, but that of true nterii.
There are no insuperable barriers to success.—
Industry and merit must and will be rewarded.
In this land, men do not inhei it titles and rep
utations. They u-ake their own fortunes and
win for themselves a name. From the humble
walks of life often come our highest ornaments
in Church and State. Why, young men may
not you share in such honors and dignity
—such positions ? Vou may if you will, I have
now iu my mind's eye aa acquaintance, who was
reared in a hovel and under the Influence of an
inebriate father's example, who now occupies a
position in .the church, second to none, and
equaled by few. It is the result of his native
talent and effort. And some of the brightest
stars that now shine iu the political sky of this
grout and growing Itcpublic, have arisen from
poverty and obscurity to their present high
positions. Why may , not you! Let the
hope of it incite you to : correctness in morals
and energetic and laborious effort.
It is my desire, young.friends, to impress you
with a sense of your individual responsibility. —
However, upon this point, 1 can not at present
enlarge. Of it I shall speak at length in my
next letter Be assured in the mean time of
my continued rogiirdi
Respectful! jf yours
[From Our Own Ciirrcajaiuiknta.l
IIoLLiDA.YBBUEo, April 13, 1858.
Last Friday our town was thrown into con-
; siJerablc commotion by tbe startling intelli
j gencc that Mr. Bally, Manager of Bennington
1 Furnace bad been shot h.t three or four times
jby some of his employees who were on a
| “ strike.” The Fcnciblcs were immediately
| summoned by the Sheriff to quell the distur
-1 bance. At about 3 o’clock in tbe afternoon the
military started, and did not make theirappear
ance here till tbe next day. Their services were
but little required, except to frighten tbe strikers
Some six or tea of the Fenciblcs were left, to
"preserve order and prevent another outbreak,
and enable the owners qf the Furnace to prose
cute operations. The company state that eve
rything was quiet when they left A couple of
men have been secured hud lodged in jail, on
charge of being implicated in the notorious affair,
and who will doubtless be tried for their offence
at the next court.
■ An American Meeting was held in the Town
Hull last week, and war very well attended.—
Great harmony prevailed and considerable in
terest manifested. The Americans seem to be
encouraged and inspired with a determination
to strive hard for victory over the Bogus De
mocracy. Such a determination is greatly to be
desired if they would meet with success.
Death has rpadc its appearance in this, place in
an unusual manner. Three persons have been cut
down ; two without ai moments warning, and the
other, pfter an illnesd of about 54 hours,
Mr. John McCabe, assistant Manager and
Book keeper of the Bbrtage Iron Works, was in
town last Friday afternoon in his usual health,
lie has been afflicted with an affection x>t heart
In company with his Utile son and mother, he
parted home on the evening in question, buf
was a corpse before ,1 .0 reached it. It is conjec
tured that ojpprel tension that his horse (the
Freight train frtin' iUtoima just passing- along
near the Junction) w< uld frightenht the cars and:
rim off, action of his heart ondpre*
ducedsucb an effect m $0 cause almost inaiah
ianeoos death, :> “ \, iy.;
I Jsur, find oltiie?, A. Bwif
on last Friday night. He kepi rapidly kinking
until about'll or 12 o’clock Sunday night, When
he breathed his last
A man of known intern
’ Isaac Daugherty, and a citizen of Gay sport Bor
ough, was found dead yesterday. An inquest
was held and the verdict rendered, died from
the intemperate use of intoxicating liquors.
The Union prayer meeting, inaugurated last
Thursday, is doing a great good. Christians of
the different denominations meet together, and
sing praises and call upon the name of God in
prayer. The supplications ore earnest and to
human understanding appear to come from the
heart. The number in attendance is great. The
Town Hall where it is held is generally well fil
led. God grant showers of the richest blessings
upon the thirsty portion of his heritage, and own
and bless this means used by his people for Ilia
own name's glory,
I am now on a flying visit to this “ neck
o'woods,” and enjoying the generous hospitali
ty of my old friend, Col. 0. A. Paughcrty. The
Col. is a whole-souled fellow, and he never fails
to amuse and entertaiu his guests by his spark
ling wit He ia well versed in the science of
instrumental music, and never hesitates to dis
play his skill, by playing on his favorite instru
ment—the violin.
The landscape in this region is greatly diver
sified by hills and mountains. The axe of the
woodman Las not as yet-entirely swept away
the dark forests, with their noble, towering
trees, nor tamed the features of the landscape.
But still civilization, with its incessant hum has
Ip-oken in upon the profound solitude, that
reigned for ages in this mountainous region.
Greenwood Furnace is still in ‘•blast,” and, I
believe is doing a very good business. Howev
er, it appears that the managers are not satis
fied with the mo Mr ate profits of the same, but
are intent on reducing the wages of the men in
their employ. If they carry oat their inten
tion it will be a gross imposition on the hands.
lou will please excuse the brevity of this
communication, ns my stay here has been so
short, and in future I will try to make amends,
i J..V11111 I .IHHOS' ICV I
Published for the protection nf our brethren of the I V..rr and
the Public gcncrzllj.
Th' fdt. winj> named individuals have “victimized” us
t*i the tuue of Hie amounts -ct opposite to their names.—
Our hr- t.hrf n cd-the Press and g,,. Put,lie gen-rally will do
well to Is, on their guard while dealing with them. Hi
wno Woiilu oli at the printer w.-uld nothing.
T. A* L. Lambert A C“.. Philadelphia, t'2 50.
These contemptible scoundrels, as AdveiUsing .Agents
f,,r a Cider'Press, pafonis: d ns >,> the above tune. If we
e'er c one net os- tin. in we'll press their mi-eraj'le carcasses
into their original -
David Ass. J'J to.
Mr. Axe is nn. il r of. it. W-tf patron*. Ho virtiniireii
us out of the ahovo sum. a:,.l without itott-iuj; us for
a settlotni nt. Thai -J/; was rather x'u. r;i for us.
Rioiimi) AU.F.X £2 to.
VliH ;/<nl graduated in rascality at etcptnv.-.
J. J B ir.TF. t-j 50.
Thl« Rent should not !»■ <• O’wl “• Bought-•fl r ' but "Slop",
off. - ’ Jf ho is unt good t«u a l-ny he i< cn a all. W« have
one '•onsdhition. however, and that 1* that h" wont he able
to cheat the U<o il.
M. B■>'!«!r, IVlb-ri Fa. *3 00.
M •• i ;:. t k’mw win-flu r thi- chap is related to th" other
Boltoifor nut. Ji ho am tho ought 1: be, vau ifhe is he’s a
cyriil to th'. family.
T. X. K
J. A. BRAtILEY, vr-s-nn-. Pa . fl 00.
This ‘ sneak’ si.i'akiijgly :i -iked oil. leaving in tocnnsdlr
mirseives as wo host c-.eW, Ho is suoli a veritable “sneak"
that he would soli his send (a .*■ ry email ono) for a “tip”
fa big price) and after pocketing ti. .• money sueak out of
the bargain.
Taos R,,v. j.s 50
Tims promising y.ninc man prmtifcvtl : j pay u-but didn't.
Ife has lat ly been married in Rending. Poor !low i his
punishment soon overtook him..
A. S. MoCu.vrocn. raiters,.n. Fa. $3 00.
This is another of onv /ii-oof patrons. Such & email,
fconlod wretch is not wortii a longer notice.
I’. Fi.\Nir..t\. Pittsburgh. Pa., |3 00.
This representative of the great “ Flanigan familv" walk
ed into our affections -a loot." *• Fire away Flanigan,"
but please don't •• hit’’ us iu future.
Moses Dotty, Esqcmr, |o ;c.
Cheating us out of the i bov- snug sum, affords a fail'spe
cimen of the manner in which M"-"s dispensed justice, and
haw well qnaUjinl he was to discharge the duties of his of
fice. After impairing tie eye-fight of'{iiite a number of our
citizens, he -slrp.-d" forßaltimn.e, leaving a host of friends
to mourn their lost. We commend him to the Ping L'g
lies,” “ Rip Raps,’’ ic., os a St recruil for their rauksT
E. A. C. Dourv. ob.
This lazy puppy ■» a ‘chip of the old ! dock," who exem
plifies tile truth of the old adages “ like daddy like child,"
and "what is hr.-d in tio* bone won't come out of the flesh.”
He also has - sloped'' to the more congenial atmosphere of
Baltimore. '-Orsid i idduuce to bad rubbish."
Dr. W. E. Uovt. Syracuse, N. Y., 57 50.
This impudent qiitick bled us to tha' above tune for adver
tising. He is an arrant knave, who. making his living by
means of the Press, is mean enough to cheat printers. We
hope, when sick, he may be quacked to death by some bro
ther quack.
Hev. W. 8. n. Kns, Tyrone. Pa., 52 00.
This political parson who spurts the “cambric” exten
sively, owes us the above sum for printing Notices to K. N.
bis terms for lecturing before them.’ Wo
should Dunk that his “ Intense Americanism" should lead
him to pay hjs honest debts. We hand him over to the ten
der mercy of his conscience—if he has any—lf not, to that
of his friend and pretutypo-- .
L. P.U.MER i Co., Travelling Opticians, $1 00.
The above firm was composed of a couple of precious ras
cals, a* “dutch as sonr crout,” who passed themselves off as
opticians. Whether they were or not wo don’t know, but
wo do know, that instead of improving the sight of our
“peepers,” they effectually “closed them up.”
CcMMisas A Co., gravelling Ambrotypists, J 1 25.
This isalnolher pair of contemptible knaves. Their skill
was strikingly exemplified in onrsad experience, they hav
ing left an Indelible impression on onr memory, that wc
were the victims of misplaced confidence.
Richard White, 00.
/ This (afsely mimed gtnl has left town without settling up
with ns, thus leaving a black record against him on our
books, and getting liis name on our black list. It is not the
only black act be las been guilty of.
A. Clarke, , $1 80.
We suppose this gent had not time to settle this small
bill before leaving, as he loft town about ahnndred yards
ahead of the constable, making 2,40 time. : .
G. W. Tnvoy, {2 60.
This gent tried ut on to the above tone, and then put ns
off by absquatulating without paying.
/Taos. Lee, Jr, left town owing ns $2 80.
Laxo A Waoxeß do. 4 25;
Dasiells W. Gardner, do. 2 50.
Xi. Karo, ; do, 8 00.'
A. J. Ardemox, do. 100.;
«9-*ba above Is only the first chapter of our u Ufij Plc~
taros.” We hiave ample miitcrtolfor adozen more, which'
will appear in due time. '■ -„r
; stated Xk)uocilfl 'o£
the “Wirmbaoo Tribe,” Ho. 36, I. 0. R. M* ere held rp.
W the T, O. Q, IfHalh
sonic Fir* kindled atith nm»tahr«*h -
f Jnae4b3MyJ / A. EBEBUS* C 0/ Ip
Greenwood Furnace, April 12, 1653,
•I'f.Ai; <jf y > we riNi) :h: m
ierate habits named
I Ladijh i— We! wouhtfall
: your attention to tbe advertisement of n&*o.
J. Wood’s Hair SeatonttiTe, which appeals ia
j the columns of ourpiese&t number! i K'
; From our long acquaintance with the propri
, etor, and with ntmerons individuals who bars
| used his preparation perfbot isocoen for
the last two years, we feel no hesitation in reo
ommending the article as superior to any of the
j preparations now in use for the same purpose,
j viz : for restoring gray hair, torts originabcolor,
I a sure and perfect cure for baldness, and a nev
crfailing preventative for the failing of the hair.
It is decidedly the beat and most popular in
use for beautifying, preserving, restoring and
strengthening the hair, relieving diseases of -the
skin, and removing scurff, dandruff, and all
eruptions and feverish heat from the scalp.
We speak in relation to the above from what
we know, having been personally aeguainted
| with numerous persons who have used the res
torative for the above purposes with the' most
gratifying results.
It is not often we notice a patent medicine.
Indeed, we think We have never puffed oio be
fore ; but Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative is some
thing so superior to most of the preparations of
the day, that we cannot forbear asking the at
tention of our readers to it.—(CatAohc Fimftca
The Fa. vic—More Failures. —The panic In
New York seems to be on the increase. In this
city everything goes on smoothly, and the only
failures we have heard of were the failutea to
furnish good fits'made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There is no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockfailland Wil
son, Nos. 603 and 605 Cbesnut street, above
sixth. Gentleman and youths never fail to pro
cure capital' fits at this popular establishment.
The Best Couuh Medicine.— One of the very
best Cough Medicines to be found anywhere, is
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, sold by G. W. Kess
ler, at 60 cents per bottle.
Time of the Closing and
Arrival of Moils at Altoona Post Office.
Eastern Way at
Western "
Eastern Through Mail
Eastern Through Mail,
Western Way and Hollidaysburg,
Eastern “• “
Hollidaysburg mails close at 1.00 P. M. and 6,t0 P. M.,
and arrive al 1,15 P. M. and 7.30 P. M.
June 4, ’57-tfJ
Time of Arrival and De
parture of trains running on the Penn’a. Railroad, et Al
toona station.
Express Train East arrives 2,18 A. M., leaves 2,55 A. M.
“ “ Weat u S.o.'i “ “ 8,56 “
Fast “ East “ I.Ba P. M. “ I.SO P, U.
“ “ West “ 9,50 “ “ 10,00 “
ALTOONA WAY TRAIN leaves Altoona for Philadel
phia at (i. 15 A. M., and returning arrives at AUdona at
7,00 P. M.
The HOLLIDAYS lima BRANCH connects with Express
train West. Altoona Way Train East and West and with
Fast Mull Ti am Eos
The BLAIRSVILLE BRANCH connects with Johnstown
Way Train East and West, Express Train West and Fast
Mail Train Fa t
Dec. 21, '56-tf 1
A Card—To thelLadies.
—Re. Di P'i.vco'B Golden French Pills are infallible in rt
moiiry stopages and irregularities of the mensus. Thesn
Pills are nothing new hut have been used by the doctors for
many years, bath in France and America, with unparalleled
success in every case: end he is urged by many thousand la
dies who have used them, to make the Fills public.for the
alle\ iati' >n of those -nlll-ring from any irregularities of what
ever nature, as well as to prevent pregnancy to to those la
dies whose health will not permit an increase of family.—
Pi ■gqiant letr.ales. or those supposing themselves so, Ere cau
tioned against using these Pills while pregnant as the Pro
prietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition
altho' their mildness would prevent any mischief to health;
otherwise tilts- Pills are recommended. Full tptd Explicit
directions accompany each box. Price fl per box. Sold
wholesale and retail by 0. W. KESSLEP.-tieneral Agent for
Altoona and vicinity. He will supply deulersal proprietor's
prices, and send the Pills to ladies {eonfldenlUitly} by.return
mail on receipt of $1 through the Altoona Post Office.
Each box has my signature, J. DUPOXCO, New York.
Samuel Uresltn, general agent for Tyrone City, [ly-27
Fl'-ur—Superfine, bbl.
“ Extra, “
Cjrn M ;al. cwt.
Bui-kwheat ■ “
I’dat-'S, bush.
Apples, “
Butter, ' V 1 2*
Lanl, “
I'ork, ■$ “
E SS s,
V “
M'Laii. A Lehr sell their Flour at the following rates:—
White Wheat Flour, Extra Family, bbl.
“ “ “ “ Superfine, “ 6.00
“ “ “ Superfine, “ 4,76
Fxtra Family Fl'Vir, bbl. $
Sup'Tl'.M ■ Extra, 1 "at quality. •• 5 26
N “ Brush Cre-k, ' “ 600
Superfine, “, 4 76
Map of blair county.—the
suhscnbe-s.propose to publish a New Map rtf Blair
County, Pennsylvania, from actual surveys, containing all
Public Roads. Rail Ronds, Canals, the actual'localities of
Villages. Post Offidoa, Houses of Worship, School (louses.
Manufactories, Tanneries. Mills. Hotels, Stores, Farm Hous
es, names of Property Owners, la.
Enlarged Plans ’ 01 the Principal Villages, a Table of
Distances, and a Business Directory, giving tljg name and
business of each subscriber, will bo engraved On the mar
gin. Tbe plotting will be ton suitable scale soos to make
a large and ornamental Map. which will be col'ted and
mounted in the best style, and delivered to subscribers at
$6 per copy. ’ 8 AMUELOEIL,
April 15; IS3«. ISAAC 0. FREED.
MR. ULLMAN announces that he is
is always on hand and will take great pleasure in
waiting upon all who may favpr hjm with a call. He feels
confident that Ir» will be able ' tA r render satisfaction both
in quality and price. {Ajmil 15-3ra
Edinburg, North British, Westminster, and London Quar
terlies, and Blackwood's Edinburg Magazine, (Ifi mihly.)
Commence with January, 1658.
Xkms of ScMOEivTOJt.—Any one Review or Black Wood,
$3 a year. Blackwood and one Review—or tyro Rbricws,
$5. The four Reviews and Blackwood, $lO. Four copies
to one address. *3O. ‘
Postage ( which should bo paid quarterly in advance) on
the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Post Office iii the
United States, only SO cents a year, namely rl4 iconts a
year on each Review, and 24 cents a rear on Blackwood
Address. L, SCOTT A CO.. Publishers,
April 8, ISSS. 64 Gold Street, comer of Fulton, Ji. Y.
QHERIFFALITY.— I offer myself as
k 3 * candidate.fof the office of SHERIFF of Blah coun
ty, at the eUsuing election in October next. If elected, !
pledge myself to discharge the duties appertaining'to sold
office to the best of my ability. ;
Fob. 4,1858-tc) JOHN B. WARFEL,
T| 00 Cords of good dryOAK WOOD for (ile by LEW
IS GW IX, 2 miles North of Altoona. , C ‘
March 18,1858-tf. : \ ,
Lumber fob sale'.— r f
60,000 Shingles. 50,000 EkthfS, M .
and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, than the
lowest, for Cash. Apply to . JOHN SUOjKHAKER. .
draw nigh and hoar. JOSEPH P. IBomf umonn
cm to tha pnbQe, that he hr mUr
asanAucttooeerwheneTercttllednpoti.:' : 'tjaa.a t , s(l> '
Jj FAMIfIfFI/JUR for eele,
1 00 P.M»
8 00 A.M.
6 35 -A. M
1 40 P. M
715 “
TIIO3. A. SCOOT, Si'p't.
v V LowiKA°i"Mdw*Eu,. ‘ I : ;
C3utia»ax]p CSa<3Dipq^a»a» 9
would nwpeet fully irtibnathe cltlxan* cf Altoona, that ' ■
they hsro Just received their •
which thoy-wiH tell at prices to rait cuitomers to thto fl»
nanctol Panic and that defy competition. •.
Onr atock consists, to part, of Silks, French and Printed •
Plain and Printed Cashmeres, Ombre Striped En*
feme*, Delates, Ducals, Coburg*, Gala and Wooten Flafato
and BrpcUaghawls, ChenUe Shawl* and Soria, Ctbakat *?
MapttttaN Velvets, Velvet Ribbon*, *c.
Zephyr Good* constating of Mantilla* and Hood* tor ha
dto*, cWWr«n, X-lctortosa, Ac. Oar Mock of
•nch as Linens, Sheeting*, Pillow Linens, table
Napkins, Drilling Clashes, Tickings FUtonete of kQ colon!
Carpets, Matting, Stair Cloth, OH Cloths, Sc., 1* unasaslir
large. Our Mock Of
for Men, Woman, Boy*, Mtaee* and Children, is not sarsa*.
sod to variety or cheapness to the town, Our
are the best that could be piocned to the Eastern, market,'
We have also Flour, Potatoes, Heat and many other at*
tides not hereto enumerated.
Be sure and drop in and examine onr stock, and wo win
make it an object to purchase. [oct.29-tf
AltooKa select school.-^.
The Second Term of this Institution will cotpmsaoe .
on the 6th of April next, under the snperintendance of J. .
B. SWING, in tho Wo*t Ward PnbUe School Houic. The
schosl will consist of pupils of both sexes. At the com
mencement of each session the icholan will he, examined '
and clamed inthat department for whichthey are heat fit
ted. The couroe of instruction wiltembrace watheaiatjc%'
ordinary and higher English branches'end Latin- fas
Session will continue Four Months.' r *
Primary Department —Alphabet, Orthography, . < i
Reading, Elements of Arithmetic and (Ho
graph;, $S H.
Junior Department —Beading, Writing, Prima-.
ry Qranunar, Geography and Arithmetic, A SO.
Senior Department —orammer. Geography, His
tory, Arithmetic. Algebra, Geometry. Natural
and Moral Philosophy, Elocution and Latin, 0 00.
Scholars In the Senior Department trill be permitted to
study any of tho branches taught in the other departments.
No deduction made except in cases of protracted sickness.'
A complete set of Mans, Charts ahd Globes, together With
a number of pieces of Philosophical Apparatus are connec
ted with the Institution, aceording every advantage te stu
dents that can be obtained at distant Academies and
narie** . v
A competent corpa of teachers will b$ employed.
It will be tbo aim of the Principal to make the Instltw
tbp worthy the confidence of the public. ,Harvh 4, tf
Another reduction in prick
at McCormick’s Store.
Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, (or at Isast credit.
will not be given to any other than those who, are uriOinf
and caii give suiisfoctory reference and ossturahta of prompt
monthly payment,) and desiring to make it tho interest of
all to patronise onr store, wo haro made a very great re
duction In the prices cf all descriptions, of goods, and Will
give our entire time and attention to k«s|ling>«p.ka iaiott
muiit to suit the wonts of out. customers, sooln#--
Gaiters, Slippers, Hats and Cops, Dried Fruit, etc., all-of
which will he sold as cheap as the cheapest.
All articles of produce taken in exchange (hr good! 41
their highest market price.
Thankful for past Hvvors, wo hope to share tho patronage
of those who are in want of goods. [March 26-tf"
T SALE. — Tho undersigned offer* sale a tract' of ,
EIGHTY ACRES of land, situate in Fnrgnson township,
Clearfield county, on the South side oLtheWest Branch or
the Susquehanna River, about fire mUos from Curwensrillw
and one' mile below Lumber City. The premises age OOfi*
Toniently situate!, and among other Inducements to pur
chasers are two extensive beds of
one of which exceeds nine feet in thicknsssand yields from
forty-five to eighty per bent. There is also an abnndaaos
of . , -
on the premises, making it a desirable sStuAttak to'petaott*.
wishing to engage in the manufacture of Inan
There is the best of water power on the premises, and -
the river is navigable with arks, boats, from thispoint.
Parsons desiring any ftirther information will address ■
New Millport, Clearfield Cjb, Psi. •
March 2&-3m,]
The summer season—jesse
SMITH would respwtftilJy inform •> the cUlzsns
of Altoonu nml tbo publl? gent rally, that be has Jolt ,
returned from the East withalargu and varied assortment'
Which he purchased at low prices for cash
and will sell at -
advance on the original cost. His stock comprises HATS
and CA I’sf of every description, size' and shape. All who
are in wont of anything in his line will do wcU to give him
a vail, as he feels confident he can salt the mast fostidlons,’
in quality and price. ■
. lie is always ready and willing to exhibit his stock fn*
of charge, so tliat none need (bar to coll and exam too befors >
purchasing elsewhere.
Remember that his store is on Virginia street, dlreetlp
opposite the Lutheran Church. [April 8-om.
House, sign, ornamental &
CARRIAGE PAINTING. —The undersigned bog
leave to inform tlio citizens of Altoona and' viridity that
they have commenced the husincss ot,
NISHING, sc„ sa,
in all their various hnuiches, and are prepared to do all
work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch.
They have on hand a large assortment of painting tha
terials and Window Glass of all sizes, also Stained Glass
tml Looking-Glass Plates, which enables them to do work
in an improved style and at reduced rates. !
liy strict attention to business wc hop- to merit a shsr*
ol public patronage.
Our room is on Virginia street, tmmediatsly opposite
Kessler's Drug Store. KRYEB A WALSH.
April B,IBoS-Sm»
.I ROOM to tbs corner of SMITIUTIELD and THIRD
Streets, opposite VoungVFurnlture WareroOm.
Pittsburgh, April I,lB£S-3m. WM. NOBLE. '
I the sale of EVERY ARTICLE wanted in FURNISH
ING A DWELLING HOUSE, Mattresses, Beds, Bolsters and.
Pillows; Comforts Spreads, and Quilt? of every stylo and
pricb. Satin, 1 De Laiub and Laoc Curtains; Damask' and
Moreens, Brocatols and Plushes; Muslin Curtains, Figured
Muslin and with Lace Edge; Tassels and Cords of erqrf.
description. Oilt Cornices of every variety and style, uid
some splendid patterns Par windows; Gimp and Brass Bad)*:
Blinds of all kinds; Window Shades of every price and
stylo.• Also, Venetian Blinds. Friends and strangers ant
invited to call and aco us In the u«W store! , ' i.
Pittsburgh, April 1,1855-Sm. WM. NOBLE. ?
W. Coxmsqium. D-Cosmsouam, ' R. CcwnnuiUK.
D. Insists, . G.DtPftUi. .
■ , ' PITTSBURGH, P*-.
Belweocn Wood and Smithfield, ' • '■■■* '
Pittsburgh City Wlndovt jSIRM,
For Parlor Windows, Churches and Public Buildings. . •
Altoona, April 1,1858-ly.] 1 ~ : - -■■-t ■ e
i. 1 DUBGBF, PA. ,
Manufacturers of Bilies, GuuB,Surgioal
and Cents!' Instruments, &o> ?. C i M
‘ RIFLE GUNS. ■ v, : f ; ’
- We would call atfentlou to onr Mock in the above line,
knowingthat we -cannot be beat tttbß
price.-BeieK'. largely! engaged In this branch of Hturiwf
we defy Ml*onipeMon.\ All onr rifled unwarranted (rttd
•ale. Hardware, STOrUng platerW*jCntl«TT, Pittclt.OwMt ■
RoToWera/Flaake. Belts, Powder, Sim, Bam, Ops, -fsopT-'
lliirdwwwand Snorting Equipage, In sdUta -variety, ’
: Plttebnrgh, Apflll, 1868-ly. " •?
aington Pc4 NuU in Mart: end for sale by ’
■ ‘ .;•/ TO. S. SUUQARD, «. .
March 25,’58-ly] 181 KorthBdMteet,PW|adripMt.’ •
Knts aad nibert* la Btoro «nd fi>r mUs br f
Mtochjtt, '6B-lyl W KprtU M rtrwt, Phi
BKEW fcT«a6 bv M p
F>- ..' ■< »