it cao»,ii v uru'cM*. , n Ai wsm is i-"- Ut* sf-tt* *:..., C OtW 1 fit/ JS. jAUtdrt (Ac .ScxualO** ’. t-o** Jjtyiwy, hmnc*jl() ! iciuna and restated? m m e pleasant without I ■ii. mtrenry orbifiaa. i nvf rescued from the ill' tin* lost Stages of , • •'n. ipv to >f human diseases C&q. ryt-icm, drawing .ita v.- vesrs of (UflhHag tr'jb the Nervous in it h 'of life, caoaee mia development of ths tv,' business aadwui •■TrT wriickrd In n :tniVn train ofevda Will. Uie fullest cya inii of that • iT'ctcil, anil aitb-iEa' valent* con be reftonw ■ho nto of Patent 3(fd> •«U8 »narca In thacol ■J rob Uni unwary tof :u Uons ruined by the ’l:r t-iiually polaonoo*-' O' I have carefully :.t Modlcines and Cud ■ V" Sublimate, which :::crcunr and a dvo£> ' SSHwe dUablM the :• nctw In um are put ■ai', who do not nn .rnu inrdica, and ale . i tin: human eyytfcm, , -i’. to make money re f ;iale« and' fiitnalea . jventy yeaiW of nab* 'hr muHt remarkable ■ ii nt to any part ot i • ntt commuhlcaUac j c-(A!LdenceatrtetJy II ItTILLIt. M. D /. ioS i lltlcv TvnffOL 'July VS, ■' iT-ly. i lON, PHIL- facial i-ndownatt . ixjTtrAtd FSr- hi.viisee,!nrh«taMP* 1 ■■■ Cf-Hi jTtljxo, weft, I O' :-f. dV„ Jk. •’> : (.) fal dmtructlOh •• -. and tb*' doccptiatu I r. of atii dlsemiesjiy t t-.n»ujtlpg surgeon, io". to-yj'en a Dtabaft. I : iu all thetp • I r -o% all who apply j ■. r.»i;ti‘ju,<>jp>, pCCB* I ••••' of poverty a *■ < • '*■/ cherfeT’JX & 1 . pi..;; i* T!ir Mgh«t I ii-Vj t .i-T. fi*l Msnred that I'-.t; njl'it. oi- ! |y to t li? junns, ii-Mr-*. with r*nVft«l •!■■■)(,coup. * lii-porroii • ->f Onaulwa, At«a of tho Seittd h::n will to 4tttl by yf. ta tho receipt of > ;:;oiiOEß.cXlr a datioii, So. it: i li r ..r t!u> Director, Ai.T'.VELIi. I’idZ . ;i>c.z-ijr. UiCKSAtf^S 11 1 j: DITTOS. Cp Speltt A scfeatUlcr. • ro of. -V irvqu Jpift Emtaior.*, lifipo - Acquat-ddai-iqstbS :.* of England. (ISSTi) J ;:•) year* KcaMeav -'Memoir* ofSlnjla written .tor • mi, point* pul the .oft* b,!.'-- ret at ting froftr i f its kind written la. tinti. It shcmldbetn d healtii o -seljpt of whkii U' . ‘;y Dr. OIL IOLVS; r.k. MER 3 m i-i theoklymedlCtßft «i>onb, Spavin-Mfii Iment, as it S§, ft* i -it it -will cure VtLf ;r t», but only ,to ln.-w-rdlng to iWSt* •Inv.-aref of precisely') £ no width will bene* i hi* Ointment pefift- 1 r. rts the callous Into, : discharged to tS w-iUioutreacaitjai - lions. It ■rd.tliat ItwiUettta i s ever, that It win - - horse, wherewr v -k. acoordlng ao ’S efficacy, miuft r 1 the money. ‘Pnoa [Jan. __ uti_La.ii •lITIES m I mpoteocy, tSkl I AyEYiX.V. * ' i u in this now i- isVnabJ^^^m/i f;>•: In ftse*Jal«.(; >fvl)r DZVASm, AZETtiS mi CrimtcaU ij’iß nUUod ihrooshoot »’ Trial a, Criminal. eomivtogtthtr Wilt to Imj found in any. for Six month*, M I write their noma*' h' T reside plainly) FKJXiCO., ' I'ilije Gazette, . u iff I York Cay. JEST PRQ- Ai IAISST TIIOSK on and other fiirap exposed state oftb# tjunl ' 0 AV. KKSSXJSB.A X FOR RX uir.s, ASl&j#*' Ur ant drctuacUOv .'■'3 js-at> ~ KEBEUER. t:u- MoCRUM & ALLISON, VOL. S. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. V McCKX7M A AItUSON,. Publfchera uul Proprietor*. Per ammtß, (payable invariably in advance,) $1,50 AU papers diacontinoed at the expiration of tbe time paid for. naiu or advwwzjwo. l iosertioD 2 do. Z do. Boor linafcor taw, SS6 | 8J& $5O Ugeuuiini) ( li ttaHf) 60 76 1,00 Two “ (16 “ ) 100 160 200 Three « (24 “ ) V5O 200 250 Oter three weak* and lew than throe month*, 25 cents per tor each Insertion. , S month*. 0 months. 1 year. StarUflMortoH, 11 60 $ 3 00 $ 6 00 Ono square, 2 50 4 00 7 00 oys have had a horn Or tvo th pj tan- 1 comfort themselves prop erly'?’ ; The great height fropa the ground : Frightening Children. OSF ‘I lave to look upon ft youpg jnam ?^ewm^ahidfen his breast wguoh charmsand painsipe/ , ThedaughterofaclergjTnanhapponing to find the dboTe Scpten to at the df Look out Tor the Bridge!—A The* atfieal Incident. Some years ago, the manager of a ‘ well regulated theatre’ somewhere along the line of the Erie Canal, engaged a good looking and brisk young lady -as supernu merary. It happened that the young la dy in question had formerly officiated in some capacity as a ‘ hand ’ on.hoard a ca nal boat, a fact which ,she was extremely anxious to conceal. She evinced much anxiety to master the details of her newly chosen profession, and soon exhibited a more than ordinary degree of comic tal ent, She was duly promoted,' and in a short time became a general favorite with both manager and public. One night she was antfounced to appear in a favorite part, and a couple of boat men found their way into the pit, near the footlights, particularly anxious to see the new comedienne. The house .was crowd ed, and after the subsidence pf the gener al applause which greeted her appearance, one of the boatmen slapped his companion on the shoulder, and with an eujphatic ex pletive, exclaimed loud enough to bo heard over the house: ‘ Bill, I know that gal!’ ‘ Pshaw !’ saidßill, ‘ dry up. 1 ‘ But I’m d d if I dolu’t now, Bill. It’s Sal Fluking, as sure as you’re born. She’s old Flukins’ daughter; that used to run the ‘lnjured Polly/ and she used to sail with him.’ 1 ■ - 1 Tom/said Bill, ‘you’re a fool, and if you don’t stop your infernal clack, you’ll get put out. Sal Flukins! You know u sight if you'think that’s her ?’ Torn was silenced but not convinced. — He watched the actress in all her motions with intense interest, and ere long broke out again. ‘ I tell ye, Bill, that’s her-n-I know ’tis You can’t fool me —I know too well!’ Bill, who was a good deal interested in the play, was out of all patierioe at this Eersistent interruption on thepatt of Tom. lc gave him a tremendous nudge in the ribs with his elbow, as an emphatic hint' to keep quiet. i Tom, without minding the admonition, said, ‘ you just wait, I’ll fix her—keep your eye ou her.' j Sure enough he did fix her. Watching his opportunity when the actress was deep ly absorbed in her part he sung out in a voice which rung through the-galleries: ‘ Low Bridge!’ From force of habit the actress instant ly and involuntarily ducked her head to avoid the anticipated collision. Down came the house-with a perfect thunder of applause at this palpable ‘hit/ high above which Tom’s voice could be, heard as he returned Bill’s punch in the jibs with in terest : ‘ Didn't I tell ye, old bby. I know' 'twas her. You can’t fool nie.’ How to Settle an Accocnt--—To settle coffee with an egg is an easy matter; but it is not exactly .so easy to settle an old account, as a racy writer En Otsego coh'nty, New York, shows in this letter : ‘ Seldom have I been more amused than when, some two years ago, Upon the North Fork of the Salmon river, in California, I overheard honest miner, named Riley, and one Mike Don nelly, a trader whom it seethed Riley was indebted some $5O to for provisions. Said Donnelly to Riley— “ You ought to pay this little bill, for you know I trusted you when |no other trader on the river would. . ‘Cpme, now I’ll throw of half, if you’ll pay ■ the rest. ‘ Well, Mike,’ said Riley, * I’ll be hang ed if I’ll allow you to be more liberal than I am. If you throw off one half I’ll throw off the other! ‘■But that don’t settle my account.’ ‘ Then break an egg into it !’• said Ri ley, and eooly walked off. ■ ■ The Marshall (Textd))Rcpttbli€an tells of an qld negro, ‘ Hard;’yyho supplies that town with fuel: ‘ Hard ’ is really a good looking custo mer and understands the science of load ing a wagon to the best advantage. Re cently, we were struck with admiration at one of his conical piles, through the in terstices of which a . large, fat than might have crawled with case and safety. ‘Hard/ said we, fyoh certainly possess the talent for loading a wagon/ ■' ' / Old Hard’s eyes twinkled with delight at the compliment,, and surveying -with pleasure his loaded i Tyagpfy >he : - tgrpedto us, exposing his iyorios, ahdr^lmd. ‘ Oh, yes; massdj jhtit da's no habin a takm -less it pays well. -5 : / * •, A; Prayer for ran save mp frojn the sh#hi^! my o^p heart.' t -• ; t me froth false doctrines, feb® ah-‘ thorities and bigd|nes* : ’m and life. ' : the iniquity foaWpwh?? ,f / Have me the over thmgbef»usoit Is stop^ri* v-’k ■ ■ ' '■• Afefve me from au soteialf; Slut corinntiooa aad> v - &V •,t. T r'-'-’-i.' EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. ‘Got Him Foul.' — Aunt Jenny. was. a very exemplary colored woman, and al ways felt and allowed much, concern .'for the future welmre of her numerous chit dren. But little 'Nicholas had po much / of the ‘OldNick' in him, that, with all i her persuasions andthreats, she oodld not j bring him good-way of saying hisj prayers. One afternoon. Aunt Jenny was ■> startled by hearing loud cries froaa the barn yard—‘O Dord l* and, hasteningout, ’ she saw young Nick pinned, to theibnoe with the homs -of acow, one on each side of him, and now and then she vronhllejt. him out, but to ‘bunt’ Idmbadk again. Nick kept up his cries-*-* Qtoru 1* and all the louder when he saw his {both er coming. But she didn’t interfere;-*— She stopped, took a good look, sot her , arms a kimbo, and sang out, ‘Oh yea ? you’s mighty billin’ to call, on do Lord’s got into trubul nut you couldn’t pray wid your mader like a ’speotablochile I’ And turning to the kitchen she left Nick to the tender mercies of the cow, being quite sure, however, that no serious ham would come to. him. Profits of; Tobacco. —There are.fif> ty-six manufacturers of the staple iu Bioh* mond, whose United capital amounts to four or fire millions of dollars. More to bacco is raisedj in andropcaojl, inspected and sold in haps in any one place in the United Stytcs. It is here that'the choicest specunani of the weed assumes the shape which com* - mends it to the regard of devoted ohetresa everywhere. Tobacco is put up in as many different ways almost as. there are chcwers. There is as much difference be* tween the ideas of the Yankee and'Souths erner on this question of taste, as there hi on any other matter. The former Kkc» the 4 pig-tail ’ plentifully sweetened and. liquoriced to a degree; the latter, sweetning you put in, the bettec theto* bacco. Buyers’congregate here, who pur* chase for all parts of the globe, fofelea governments are supplied hy agentswho reside hero for that purpose.: citizens the road to wealth had Been via tobacco. —Richmond South. ■ •&> At a late ball in Baltimore a g**. tleman (probably one of the codfish arS*% tpcracy,) having danced with dy whose attractions, both personal ' and conversational,, seemed, to have made an impression on his sensibilities, asked to have the pleasure of sccii& hear ttefol* lowing evening. ; "S v' * Why, no sir/ i ‘I shall be co gaged on tOrmorrow even ing; but I’ll tell you when you can see jao£ ? ‘ I shall be most happy/ stricken swain. ' * ; ‘ Well, on Saturday/resumedlhe tody, ‘you can see me at the foot of market, selling cabbage.’ . . tfaß* Two darkies, one a BapUst, tbe. other a Universalist got into a sy about the origin of man.. The &ip* tist said God made Adam put of clay, squeezed it into the right shape, set it tip agin de fence to dry, and aftorwac&bfcV' ed breff into the body. ‘StopT said the Universalist. ‘Yon say dat de fust man eber made?’ ' ‘ Sartin i’ said the Baptist darkey. / Well den, jest tell a feller whardat arc fence come from V - r ‘ Hnsh!’ said the other darkey ‘ rc*- turned, he remarked to a friend that, the Southern people were*very extravagant:! Upon being asked why so, he itimiroelr that where he staid, they had « stick worth eleven hunC t . ’ • • -F.r-r- ■ ■ . - • : %BLK BO - man for not tmnkipg as you thihk., J>V every one enjoy the full and ftee Kbertj of thinking for himself, lief ibrcry matt nso his own judgment i ’since dvery man * mpst giro ap account of. himself to Ood. Abhor gra, to the spmt of perseoution. If you cannot reason'or perspado a man info the trtfth,heyS*-attemptHb force him into : If loVe Willnbfc compel him, leave hiih to (rod the Judge of all.s Ifap* Toast at a surprise party, February 2,1858: io the man who swgaxs, steals and lies—swears off from drinking^ ' steals away from had company, and Uesra au honest bedi* ■; strongest kind of a hint-st ypo»g lady asking a gentleman to see if on« v of .her rings will go on his UtfJefinget, An old Whelorisdefiniriohpfhw%s dy|ng f and a great dealof ' . 'S 1 ■* ♦ NO. 11.