The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 08, 1858, Image 3

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    <3- mw.*~
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• 'ry.i-r this »ge of,
.^rit hair" Ui tU
r,ilh A mu*t Ituuw
V itching, cure
such «a weld
icrTcuu cr period!?-
unci prusertu the •
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.ul mviiibvr vl Ut*v ■
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supply Tun wot
mciiy exhtoj-
Vuu d"*ert# and
i. 7 <u mj thanks
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I anoni»hliii
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fri-a. » iireig-
. .V*W York.—
■ t, J-;tt»bmg,
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- M
VWX ill Ull'tL i lng” S&ssembles dAiW ftt CI o’clock, in the differ- |
r AltaboA, in riie f,U
that borough.; the other day, on the buck of which- JhehP 3Kune»)nsly attended, and fall of. interest.;
was wrltteuijta ; H.pJa«» cico hwd, the following;? ?£«'£ there in'room for many more. Cannot
** This wtho last of a-tery large fortune left to * o me Mor e fiad « me . and not the do
me by myTWorthy and respected undo, who • . ;W, .“ ® * noiiuoue
fortonatelj-. broke hia neck, by a full fnnn .a: B,r * to *& ni * on « hour daily in tha worship of
soalfold, erected bytheifaariffof.BlaiVeohnty. Gie God in whomthoydiye? -In these meetings;
' , -A.-:'.. - ; G* A. K. no respect .is paid, to the Pew-system. The
We dbh’t know wUo lhehopefttl nephew or the churches are thrown open and all alike invited
“ worthy and respectable uncle,’.’ of the above and urged to«come.i - - ;
- notice oan bc,;but-jddgs«g from thelfehinr of By order of the Com. of Aarrangements.
the iasoription on..the uote, wo think that if } A. B. CLARK.
> thS'pepheir kecpa;eix,h»:hjB ( p»e»nt courts. :he
bids fair; sljfc n -
ner, and iflie* settles in -this region, perhaps
. in the sama-couaty, as t hjB res
pected ancle.
sinr Sakctds.—Here wearemourncw Sane ?
lum old one) as proud as though
we jiad inherited The fact' ia, that
we are now comfortably fixed up, feel 'comfor
table, and ire ready and willing to render our
patrons who visit us, comfortable also, if we do
hato to j&frf them a little. ilutvrhile we shall
always try to rendgfc our Aonesf patrons comfor-
Üblo, we are fully bent on rendering those who
are . duhqnut uncomfortable. Those who know
themselves included in the latter class . will do
Well to make a note of this,' as we mean just
what.we say. ' ;T iv';.
Rriciised.—We were' .highly pleased the
otberday, at receiving * call frqm oar old.friend
J. A.McMillan.Esq., who-left tbisphice about
& year ago in Company with A. McKinney, Esq.,
for Nebraska. - He left Omaha City iirDocem.
berlast.and plnco then baa been sojourning
in North Carolrav ; He ’ represents Nebraska in
glowing terms, and says “ Alack ” is getting
l&iong woll. Sicsnese in liia family compelled
[him t» |jo South. llopß he will stay in town
iongenongh to Join witii'Us in a fishing bent af
ter“ speckled beauties.” 1 1
A PtBASAKT CbTii.-~-One of the most remar
kable medicines, and Very pleasant to the’ pal
ate, N is the pectoral Syrup, prepared by Dr. Qeo.
H. Keyscrj Wholesale Druggist, of Pittsburgh,
Pa Dr. K. was formerly a practising physician
,ia Bedford County, whore he used the Pectoral
for four a practice of considerable ex
tent,. and with success. The Pittsburgh
of him and bis medicine in high
terms. | if you hare a Cough onCohL cr aCou
aamptiyo bnbit, go to fl. W. Kessler, Altoona,
and buy a battle. v
Manic;.:. Koiicn.—-Xha undersigned hating
•tMociatcd-themselves together in the Prictice
of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully o.Rci| their
professional «ej;Tic«a to the citueiia of a!)
end vicinity. By this arrangement our pa
can have the Advantage of two experienced
sicisma , without.opy .Edditionar charge,
the same as bereioforc occupied by Dr.
jgj^Conatty -Practice wlli be promptly
.regularly attended to.
Nett f^fAßtjsii«EST.—Bv 5
euce to our adm-tisfyg columns, it will be
.that Mr. John O'Donnell, of 4loilidnjaburg
opened a Merchant Tailoring establish m<
few doors below the Red Lion Hotel, who
U now receiving his stock of spring and
mcr-goode, which be offers to dispose of on
suitable terms and make to order on shot
tioe. Ills reputation for giving his custe
“ fits ” is good, and we expect to see him j
a liberal,patronage.
Among the numerous changes that
| been made in ihis place lately, we must n
that of a change of proprietors of ike .Mi
House oa the comer of Virginia and Annie
Our young friends, Messrs. Armstrong &
lies, have purchased the interest of .Mr. -
Alliaon thereiu, and arc, now engaged in serj
the patrons of that house with an excellent (|
Kty.of meat. We wish them success in jj
Business and better paying customers than ll
iy fims. " n ;|j
Oixsii Wobks.—We cxdl the attcnVioa.d
readers tothe’eard of Messrs Cunninghpß
(Jo., of Pittsburgh,, in to-dpy’s paper. -I
is of a t||
qnnlity and njuoh cheaper than that mania
tnred in the^wt.AjS a proof of the truj
ourwprds jrp .may jiirt say t|iat they jardl
supplying heivvy ordcra from Patefit, Medjl
, r 4«?“ «o ' XHose in need o|
their Unto trill :find it ( to their
acoll. ; , ■■ a/;j
<pß*» lio*Ho;ret.-~Tbis popular Hemjj
long kept,by Mr. Jas. Kearney,' has been t|
•by Are hal
it-refitted in good style. Both gentlemen!
ctpinenMyrqnaUfiod jfor the husincss r in ti
jtimft&g^) and we Mzhrd notbinl jn
jp*%p^^t^ey-Awill keep pine
BnosPppptdsr.lldtels in our town. Georgeliw
|»k is a: “ prick” and .has a host of jfnehdiy. in
■own, whpKfpatiy rejoice that he has agpii| he
lp®* one of wtT fitlcceas to them h«tit. : ■ »
I°™P io^ATE,^Me9?ra.'James and George
roey. lopg the popular boats of the £*l I,ion
el, purpose leaving town in a few weoks,for
and, on a visit to their relatives. Thoyare
oet-ppright men and exemplary citizens, and
noh jrp \ike to lose evdh
rt time. However. p s wiU goi we wl&
n a pleasant and successfal passage Across'
‘‘ herring pond/’ a happy tiino in' > old
md’’ and a N speedy fret urn. ■
Fcksibiiisg Noble, Esq.,
>f Pittsburgh, calls the attention of the public
o his large and well-stocked Furnishing Waro
o°m, by a card in another column. Mr. N»-
le has beP -n long engaged in the business and
ill give perfect satisfaction to all who may . ; ...
or him wuh their patronage. will supply Thora'isElwarhas removed
my article m his line and [his
D. R. GOOD, M.
At the request .of friends .of both par
ties; n scnte to ourib ulci's as
vwell us a desire to prcserVc the rcpntktions of
our contributors,. -‘Mac ” and ••Alpha;” we
>tiave decided to publishnb more communications
.from eith«r, in which jporsonalities are used.—
Wc have now on hand Mac's ” reply to “ Al
pha's’’Usmt, but wc will hot publish it for the
reason: that it .would do him no good, and with-
do .him no harm. Hereafter, if
our contribute wc hope they
will giye us.something interesting to our rcad
cis. "i '
E.ntkrWise .tfouts.—Alcsara Down & Tut-
Icj, 136 Wood ,street. Pittsburgh, whoso card
will be fouudin another column, manufacture
and keep always otv; hand » large am| select as
sortment of rifles, guns, pistols, cutierj. spot
ting materials, iind all sorts of hardware which
they arc prepared to sell at prices which will
defy competition by Eastern merchants. The
public will consult their own interests by ma
king a note of this, .hnd giving them a call.
Tan African House.— This large and com
modious Hotel has been leased by Air. AVm B irr,
of Gaysport, whd has already *• set thugs to
rights,” and opehed'out in good style. Although
ourselves unacquainted with Mr. 8., yet, judg
ing from the praises; bestowed on him by those
who do, we are free to asy'that ho will keep as
good a house as is in town. Although he has
but lately “ opened out,” we learn that he has
secured a large and respectable patronage.
Liquors. —Those iu v» it of first-class liquors
will do .well to patronise .Messrs Bryar A'Co ,
oftPlttsburgli, They keep a large stock of the
best quality of on Land, and a!ivays give
perfect satjsfactiouAo tlieir patrons. If we must
have liquor retailed, ietiilca should ret A! none
bit the best, and that they can always obtain
from Messrs Bryar i Co, They don’t sell
•• strychnine.” but the pure juice of the rye.
See card in advertising columns.
DrscßAUKrui. E.xhi.bitio.v —On Tuesday even
ing last a.Welsh wonjaa “with a heavy h,ad on,”
cur up some antics on the street iu front of our
office, to the amusement of quite a crowd. She
danced find hallooed around, until she got a
young fellow as heavy loaded as herself to ac
company her up street. The, last we saw of
them they were going into a barber shop to
gether. “Oh, blush where was thy shame ■ or
rather,where was the constable.
; P h y-
Cbaxqe or Ttjib—.By reference to the Time
Table of Srpittp to another Cliluinn, it will be
s e i that Bertra! • changes, jti v the .arrival am! Je |
parture of tile trains at this station have been j
made. Travellers or those who d sire to travel j
will do well to malce a note of this. The old nd- |
ago ‘- tide wait .Cur no has been j
changed inti) “ Time, Tide and Trains wait for j
wait for no man.’-’ The change is correct too. !
, has
nt a
BAnßrnp.—6am P.easuntshss removed his
Berber Shop, not to Barbary, but to the room
formerly occupied by Austin Magraw, as a gro
cery, and next dour to the Butcher shop of Col
lins & Armstrong, where ho is now prepared to
greet his ..numerous Customers in a pleasant;
nptjner with a pleasant qmiiq. give theqi
a pleasant shave, and pleasantly pocket the
change. -y_ •
\Newry BRAJtcn.—We understnnd .that our
young friend J. J; Moore, Esq., the Company’s
Civil Engineer. ;was engaged last-week in, Bar
reling a branch ro'jte. from Quncansv ille to
Xewry. Whether the Company propose extend
ipg the HoUidayaburg Branch to that place ori :
know. but if they do, our word for
the .locate it.
Resawed.—Major : Nightwiney the popular
proprietor of the j ‘ Altoona House,V wo arc glad
to say, has renewed his lease of tfaat#tand, and
is now busily engaged in 1 refitting it for byisi-.,
ness. The ‘.‘.Major"’ is n generous, whole-souled ’
fellow, and pith: V jindßob’.’ Jto nssift
cannot fail,to, render complete satisfaction to
all who favor him patronage.
h ot-
> so
Papek i in ftontof this use
ful and highly tiraameiitai ; coaunoclity will coh
sn! t their in
Marshall &Co£ «f pttoburgh. .They imyen
jpbr jllttl*! or, nothing. If you don?t-be
.r ; At Tyttf FSn*J-' : s V * ■ - -*•■*»**■ "
lie to the advcrVisemeht' in ; anbihor cqlump of
the London ;
znfe.. Thby trpo hit standard pabjica
diigW .to bednjtho ; ha|ds of ninn who ujh:
piyoihtcs sotopd '•
Arousd arc gli4; to notice that
ourold (tf r end, js again “ bo£
sn’ yet far fipm recovered
from the be net with some time ago
We hope. however, that he will soon be Treil
enough io engage in his business. ■
nounccthrough our columns, 10-dey,' that ,thej
are prepared to do all kinds pf house, rigo. *ik
rmraental and callage painting, glazing; &c.—
We are pleased with their appearance ."and bo
jlieTe they-underatand their bas&esh'
& or V* |; i*!f, I hardly know how to commence a commu
To llie fa‘feam the late numbers of the' Tri
; wter no. i:~ r " : o^s° n^* r *‘‘ Al
’<vj*v "• *. V '- ■ , 3Mat*?-ehil' w I4HC. wave thteli|B
: siJsraoDCCTOBT. tentional rules, and in my opinion eveulbo
\My ‘‘ Wonderful,” yon are ralm of’common decency, and instead, of tert
-tWjady to way peraonifi enough [ tewriteanything ittlertstlng
r^tecracd;a^^4i^' to address us through the i w for your readers, hate engaged
uprose. ; we wereaehmby'ourselvcs *4a a controversy of so little importance, that I
i&tliis ; plahe<;of, whom the rest thought bat lit- Wtetbmr of your reakieis consid
•tle and cared &», .iand who have but little in- or their epistle* worth per Using. The point in
itcrcst in 'comnion yrith the reat of the commu- controvert seems to be one, which (if their
of;your-mistake. There arc those Who feel for i or child would dispute, viz;—,that “ Alpha ” is
%nd syntpathize with you. * The subscriber to a “ villain,” a “sheep-thief V and a “convict,”
this £nd the letters to follow, i» one of you in while “ Mac ”is h “coward,”, an “ignoramus”
feeling apd in sympathy. Though a few years and an “ana-’ - All fbatahjr nun .cun expect to
Hearer the meridian of life thou most of those gain by such controversies is a somewhat dis
be addresses, he has a vivid impression of for- reputable popularity ns a newspaper scribbler,
mer days upon bia heart. lie knows your joys Our farmers are busy preparing the ground
and pleasures for hie has experienced them—he for the reception of the spring crops. The
kupwsyour temptations for he has felt them— 1 young folks in our vicinity think it is not good
he kuows your trials for he has felt them—he jto he alone, consequently we h»vo|bad four or
knows what it is lo 'bc a stmnger in the midst ! five weddings daring the past few wejeks. Some
ol strangers, os is the case with many of you, j of the newly married ones have apenjt the honey
dor tins wa& his lot The only differ- j moon iu journeying to their western homes.
;Once then between yon and him is, thuthe brings j while others, satisfied with the remove from
to bear, in his counsels, tfuruiugs and cncour- j single blessedness into matrimony, have settled
agements to you, the experience of a few addi- j down among former friends and Connections,
’tipnal years.A'ndjthis ia. his excuse for inti u- ; preferring tlie advantages derived from good so
ding these letters i upon you. It is hoped that ‘ cicty tv the superior facility for procuring wealth
they will be received ns they are intended—kind- j in the far west. LEHOV
iy. not the intention at present that you
shall know who your friend is, though he min
gles with you daily; is known to you all, and is
on terms of intimacy with some of you, and
would like to be teith all. At present he will
address you over J the final letters of his true
name. And of this be assured, that in ali he
shall say, he will be actuated by the best mo
tives and have ,iu 4; .view your highest good.—
And in order to’ this he will endeavor to interest
and instruct you. In ail his letters he will en
deavor to “speak forth the words of truth and
soberness.” All he asks of yon is a careful pe
rusal and candid consideration of what he shall
present. And if lie shall be to any extent the
humble instrument of instructing or interesting
you, he will coumder himself abundantly re
warded for his labor
\ou need sc.nrct'ly be told, young gentlemen,
that your present position, habits and character,
bear a very important relation to your future
standing and influence in society. It is a trite
but no less true saying, that "the child is fath
er to the man.” Thb proverb is but intensified
when youth, warm hearted, gushing, plastic
youth is compart'd to manhood. The man is
the youth developed- Vc u then, young friends.
arc in this forming "state. : Present habits and
impressions are likely to cling to you through
life. Your destiny, is just shaping. How
important then to you, and how desirable to the
wur.d, that it be properly directed. Hearken
then to a few words of counsel, warning an J en
couragement from ,pue of yourselves, who sub-
scribes-himself i
Your warm And sympathising friend,
T. K.
[From Qur Own Correspondents.]
Martinsburg, jn preference to this place, has
be*, n decided upon by the 'Jaunty Superintendent
as the location of the Normal School. The first
itrm will begin on the lioth of May. The ser
vices of ’N. ; A.; Calkins, have been secured
The tSttpennteudunt' will.also take part in the
institution. . Teachers hero have an opportuni
ty to ;jqualify wKch all and every
«.ne should embi^ce^: Suggestions and instac
t ion will he '.giyeb, ftbich wil 1 greatly ad van t age
them,/and add to their ability as instructors of
i lie rising generation.: *Chjj accommodations are
excellent and the bearding cheap, being only
$l2 .per month.
Oar town-folks don’t seem to he very partial
to movinjg, judging from tlic’amall nuniber of
persons wlib changed their residences an the
first day of April. ,1 do not remember to have
seen in our place so little ,changing The jokes
perpetrated on that I day were rather dry and
stale, though, doubtless many I enjoyed them,
especially the younger portion of the .Column
riity. / 'U' j, ■
Last-Saturday the Penciblea made their ap
pcarnisce, and attracted much attention/ The
cb&||£py makes up ju skill, discipline aud;equip-
it lacks in numbers. I think much
Improvement is manifest. There ,U a more mar
tial air about tlicra,i and their evolutions are
/more easy and natural, than at first. /
Some tlirce or four droves of mules passed
through our town outheir way to Utah last week.
The Utah fever last ill on the increase,
or five young men started this morning en route
for that laiidwhich they think promises so
much. .|Tlu'y iiur best wishes for .their
success, continu ed health, imd safe return when*
ever the inclination find opportunity offers.
': The water waS lei into the canal yesterday,
which .shows thqjt: navigation is about to open.
| I thajt boats will be loaded
: will their start on: their first trip
•• i }/ 5 "i'i"’-- '-vi
this season. The business formerly done on
thisuJute; if revived) wili pay theowners i
: • ' „
A Udton Prayer iMeetirg Meeting is to be
.this | week, Ali tha Evangdicid do
noinipatiop3 ? }t will be 1
principles, X wndereUmdaß"
'• Prayers hot: oyer'
five iopd the whole eiemaes (o
iastain|iovir. >on which it wUI bein-
bas net yet been iiied,
.• > ! £hje : High School mentioned in a former com-,
-mnnkation is, it neeres, a fixed fact. ’
cr has,. I believe, been secured, and efforts
being made to obtain the Academy building for
|tiie school room. ; Application, has fieen wade,
'to the ftoard of [Xrnstces of the Presbyterian.
it is) with every
•y.V. .-.'--I - * V’ ;
: :V
; . - AprUj/ifiisi 'i
?• spdlof Iwa t^cdaße,
is *O.
y% turn'll
msakea," oraw’f J*o fejC
~ ■■■’'!; * < ‘ ■
HoLrfuAYsucßO, April, 6 ISOB
Published for the protection of our brethren of the Press and
t/ic I'ulUc generally.
swayed ry mu, favok. Ndn AFTscrtos. vi shall
The ftillowinpr naai“d individuals have '• v|-tiinized” m
to ill,.- tuneol’rhe amounts sot, opjaisit*-to tty.-lr names.—
Our brethren of 11.-. t l'i .-r. : am! the PuMlc g‘‘M'rally will d.»
well to lio oil their guard while dealing wiljli them. I]**
w ho would cheat the piitAp.-r ivuijUi sentpleali nothing.
■ T. i t. Laubeet A Cn„ Philadelphia, ! $2 60.
These contemptible scoundrels. as Advertfsim; Agents
. f,.r a OW« Press, pat>ami.« t! us to the above dune. 1f we
I ever come across tin in we’ll press their miser«W le carcasses
into thnlr original nothingness.
. Davit! Axe, I-.' 50,
j Mr. Ax- is another of cur honest pair ins. lie victimized
I'us out of the above sum. and sloped Without <fre-iug us lor
a settlement. That Axe was rather sharp for us.
This gent graduated in rascality-at our expense.
J. J Burorr. $2 50.
This jtent shopld not be callrd “Bought-"IT 1 but “Slojie
olf." If he Is not good on a bug he is mi a sell. We have
one consolation, however, aud that is that he wont be able
to cheat the Devil,
M. BDirorr, Belleinitf, Pa. 1.3 00.
•Wo Juu’l know whether thh. chiip Is related ti' the other
C'-t1 ulft.r not. 11 he ain’t ho ought'tu he, ami if ho is he's a
aydU to the family.
J. A, BRMU.F.V, Creeeous, Pc.. t-1 go.
Tins‘sneak’ sneaking!} - sneaked oIT, leaving ns to console
ourselves as we heat could. lie is such a veritable ‘ - sin-..k'’
Hint lie would sell his soul o> very small one;' for a ‘-rip’’
(a big |u j ( -j and after pocketing the money sneak out of
the bargain.
Tnos. U 'V. f i f,o.
This promising young mm promised to pay ushut didn't.
He has lately he -n married in XtcaJlilg. Poor teller.'! Ida
punishment soon overtook him.
A, S. McCunuxk. Pat’erson. P.i. $3 00.
Tliis Is another of onr .vcof patrons. Such a amall
soulcd wretell i;. not worth a longer notice.
P., Pitt«l,.urgh, Pa., ' , $.l 00.
This representative of tile great Flanigan family’’ walk
ed into our alTecllons "a feet.” “Fire ayTny Flanigan.”
hut please don’t “ hit” us in future.
kMosns I lorry, Esquire, '' $G 75.
| Cheati tig us out of the alaivo snug sum. affords u ihirupv
I idm-u of tic manner in which Moses iii“rv_-mj. - .l justice, and
j ho« w.-li iii"t!ijUd he was to Ui-c’u.rpo the duties of his of
■ floe. After I’l/i/vit’.-i/.o hie e./f iiiy.’.f, uf ,juite a uuuiher ol our
; citizens, he "sloped” for Bnltimo.a, Iraviiigahostoftrleiids
| t" mourn thfdr/.c«s. We commend him to the ■“Ping Vg
j lies.” Flip," 4c., as a lit recruit for their ranks.
I E. A. C. Decry, $4 00.
j This lazy puppy ; s a “chip of the old block. ’’ who exem
j plilks the truth of the hid adages like daddy like child.’’
1 and “ whut is bred in tb» liont* Won't come out of the (lush.”
j lie also has “shi’gai" fo the more congenial atmosphere of
! Baltimore. "Good Ihldance to had rubbish.”
D’ W E. Ilovr. Syracuse, Sjf.-Y., *7 50.
This impudent yiu-.c. hi .] tie 7 > tliit al. ~ve tune f**r adt er
ti-iug. lie is an arretit kiiavcx who, making his living by
means of the Press, is mean enough to cheat printers. We
hoje - , when dick, he may ho quacked to death hy some line
ther quack.
Her. W. S.JI. Kets, Tyrone. Pa., $2 00.
This political parson who ejiorts the “ cumhric” exten
sively, ’owei ps theabove sum riir.psjntitig Notices to K. \.
Councils, stating Itis terms for lecturing before tlicm- We
should think.that his “ Intense Americanism” should lead
him to 1 ely his honest debts. We hand him over to the ten
dor mercy of liis conscience—if ho has any—if not, to that
of his trieutl and prototype -a. -
L. X’almer 4 Co., Travelling Opticians, $1 50.
The alwvo Arm was composed of n couple of precious ras
cals-. ns “dutch os sour croot,” who passed ti;em-civcs off u
opticians. Whether.they- were or not w« don’t know, hut
wd do know, that instead of improving the sight of our
‘•peepers,” they oflcctmUly 15 closed them up.”
Clmmixos X Cn., Travelling Ambrotyp&ts, $1 25.
This is another pair of contemptible knave*. Their skill
was strikingly e v-iiiplitird jn yursad experience, they hav
ing left mi indelible ijm/irrsioiii on our memory, that we
were the victims of mispliwed confidence.
iticiLvr.u White, ... $4 00
This falsely named gent liasjeft town without settling up
with us, thus leaving a black- record ngnhist him ou imr
book.s aii.l getting his mime tiii oiir hhek list. It is not the
only blade, net he has bccu gullty of ■ "
A- Clacks, ' s!■ 50.
\ Wo suptioge this gent had not time to settle this stiiail
bill heforo leaving, as lie left town about a hundred yards
nlicad of the constable, piakicg 2,40 time. ■ ;
G. W. TRTqrt, , - ‘ $2 80“
This gent fried tis on to -tlie above tuncy and .then put iis
off by absquatulating withnut paying.
Tho3;'l,Eß.“Jiy, Uift’town owing uu $2 50.
Laso 4 Waoseb do. ” 4 v 5.
DANtELLS W: O.UOI.XER, do. - ; >2' 50.
L.Karo, do. 3 00.
A. J. Amusbsos, do. * ’ i 00. ‘
. taithe above is only the first chapter of onr “Life Pic
tures,” Wo have ample material for a dozim-mofc, which
wUI in doe thne. , : r ' , ‘ ’
Time pf Pe
parluro of trains ruuniag on ihc Ptaiu’a.' RailrpaiL at Al'
tOoim-athtipiL ’
JEaat arrive?* 2,13 A-M-. . leaves AM A.M.
“ *' We*t « > 854- « ’•*'■■ 8,5 S
Fuat ." East « ~:■■* 150P.M.
' “ West . 9,50 *• -10,00 •*
■ AIiTOOSA WAY THAIS . leaves Altoona' for Fhiiadel
f plilaat 045 A-: 41, ant} returning arrives atAltoona at
■ 7,00 p.Mi
N Tho IlC>XijUll> AYSWUKOJIK ASCII connects-with Express
train W<&AAltuona WayTruinJinjtt anil West and .with
FMt ani^Kltoiart.--.-' 4 -,-.!' r ■ ■■■ • : ’'r'
; TI I^OEjUKS.V IiiJLE HHA?<CU ponnecta with Joliapfnwo
'.Wny Tmfa'&O't and' West, .Express Train West awl Fast
* Blail Tmio Kiutv : '~ r --
■ TOoak^-#e^MP?-4^'
Time of the Closing and
; ''■' ■' 5 <
MAIM CIOSB, . . * /- .-,
'EMtemyftf 'at ' ! ' ■■■■.■ I OO P.'JJI-
■:-■ , 8 08 A.X.
tgdaterotDiroagb JlaU . / -. V. • •:' 8;0p 5'\ w
I- - '■ suits istßXTft. ■ f..“.-v-■ ■
B«Urn *>u<wgji " : :
SPs*t«fti3lto%n<l Slolßldajsburg, ‘ 1 40 P.M.
■-ii'i-tV't . i-,.r >* v'-
arrtW>rlJSßlt.andTJ» f.~M. •,< ..-,• , -* *
3vm 4, JdHSriflHHßtidmi, * H.
LaDI|C3 AHD Okstlcksk *-We would o*ll
JfHtt att^tiroofProf. O.
. Wood’s Hair- which; appeal's itt
the columns of oat, present numbcr v ■
s Froin oar long acquaintance with, the propri
etor, and with numerous individuals who bare
usqdhis preparationj witb perfect success for
thelasttwo ;3reata,jwe feeji no hesitation in rec
ommending the'article as superior td any of the
preparations now in use fbr the same purpose,
viz : for restoring gray hair ti its original color,
a sure and perfect core for jam! a nev
erfailing preventative for the failing of the hair.
It is decidedly, the best jand most popular in'
o*e for beautifying, preserving, festering and
strengthening the hair, relieving diseases of the
skin, and removing scufff, dandruff, and &U
eruptions ancFfeverish heat from thg Scalp.
We speak in relation to I the above from what
wc know, having been personally Acquainted
with numerous persons who have used the res
torative for the above purposes with the most
gratifying results. ; , ;
It is not often wo noticej a patent; ’medicine.
Indetd, we think we have never puffed one be
fore: but Prof. Wood's Haijr Bcstorative is some
thing so superior to moat <>f the preparations of
the day, that we cannot foirbear asking the at
tention of our readers to it.—(Catholk Vindica
tor. ' '
Woodward Cream,” —A Pomade for beautify
ing 'the Hair —highly perfumed, superior to any
French article imported, and for hfclf.'tbe price.
For dressing Ladies Hair ik has no giving
it a bright glossy appearance, Itokuses-Geutle
men’s Hair to curl in the most natural manner,
it removes Hie dandruff, always giving the Hair
the appearance of being fresh shampooed. Price
ouiy fifty cents. None genuine units# signed
FETKIDGE & CO- Proprietors of the
“fi’ilm nf a Thousand-Floutri”.
For sale by all Druggists. K
Thu Panic — More panic Id
New York seems to be on the incroa4s. In this
city everything goes on smoothly,'npd the 6nly
failures we have heiird of < wore- thefailuros to
furnish good fits made by some inferior clothing
establishments. There'is no such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RooktiEll and Wil
son, Nos. (jO3 and 005 Clicsnut street, above
sixth. Gentleman and youths never ;ftiil to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
The Best Coven Mkihoine.— Ong'jpf the very
best Cougb Medicines to be found anywhere, is
Dr Ka;sir's Pectoral Syrup, sold by Qi W. Kess
ler, at 50 cents per bottle
:v i
stated Councils of
tbs “ WINNEBAh!) Tims,” No. 25, I. 0. R. Mature held ev
ery Tuos Liy ovouing in the 1.10. O. F. flail. In the Ma
sonic Temple. Council Fire kindled at 7th mil Sllth breath
June j», ’57-lyj , A. EBEItEU, a <f Ji.
A Cahd-hTo the^jAdies.
—Kb. Duponco’s Ooldkx French: Pills are infallible in re
muring ftoi)Lig;s..and irregularities if the minfus, These
Pills are nothing new but nave been used by 1 lie .lectors for
many years, both in Franco and America, with unparalleled
success in every case: mid ho is urged by many thousand la
dies wilts have used them, to iubKo the Pill* public, fur the
alleviation of th>—- smTeringftmmimy irregularities ofwhat
ever nature, as well as hi prevent preguamy to to those-la
dies whose health will nut permit Bti iucreaaeoflamily.—
Pregnant females, or those supposing themaelyijs so. are cau
tioued agidnst using these Pills while pregnant, as the Pro
prietor assumes no responsibility alter the abowjadmoulthm
nltho' their mildness would prevent any mischkf to health r
otherwisV- these Pills art) recommended. . Fulluud explicit
directions accompany each box., Price par box. Sold
wholesale and retail by G. W. KESSLER. General Agent for
Altoona and vicinity, lie will supjdy Uaalers at proprietor’s
prices, and send the pill* to ladies (amfudeutiiltlji) by return
mail on receipt of $1 through the Altoona Poer Office.
Each box has my signature. J. DUPONCO, New York.
Samuel Breslin, gcueral agent for Tyrone Wly. [ly-27
Flour—Superfine, yt bbl.
“ Extra, "*1 “
Corn Meal, y. cwt.
Buckwheat “
Potatoes, v tp bush.
Apples, “
Butter, B>
Lard, T* “
Pork, ft “
Side, “
Eggs, tfdoz.
M’l.ain A Lehr sell their'Flour atthe followjhg rates:-r-
Whife Wlieat Flour, Extra Family, - if! hbl. $5.25
“ ' “ “ “ Superfine,; «, y 5.00
“ “ “ Superfine, “ 4,75
Extra Family Flour, . ft bbl. ;; $’
Sapcrliun Extra, best quality, s 5 25
“ Brush Creek, “ 5 00
Superfine, “ 4 75
On the 21 Inst., ly M. Calvert, Esq- Mr. HEKRY PBES
COT. of this place, to Miss CATHARINE IIUdHS, of Lo
gs p township.
At Port Matilda, Centro comity. Pa., on the 25th,ult-
MARY ELLEN, James Purdue, aged 23 yean and
3 months- ’ : ' J - '
New volumes of the pour
Klinbitrij, Km th Ilritifh. IV, ttmintfer, (mil Londhn Quar
terns, and B ! a> 1-wxnTi fdi’kipry Ifayatine, (Monthly.)
Coumicfice with January, lB5St : : >
Terms of ScuS<Bl?Tjnj(.—'Any one Review of Blackwood.
$3 a year. Blackwood and one: Review—or two “Reviews.
$5. The four Rtvicwa and Blackwood, $lO. Poor copies
to one address. $»», ’ ~ ;; - ’
Postage (yr'hich should be paid quarterly in ftdvancej on
the C mi - itcyiews pud Ukickwood. to. any Pu«t flfllce lu the
Chited States, only St) cents a - year, narnttlr i lf cants a
year ou each Review, uud 2t cents a year on: Blackwood.
Address,, L, SCOTT * CO-' Publishers.
April 8. TSSB. 54 Gold Street, corner of Pulton, N. T.
House, bion. ornamental &
CARRIAGE PATXTIN’G.—Tito uii.lerelgned ls« g
leave to lnfonm the oirizeni nf Altoona'.itnd vlcfiilty that
they have coiuiobac's! thc^business of L ■-' ’' ~
■ ■ ■.' xisumcf, sc„ sc\ ' r,; ;
in all th'dr various, branches, and are prepared to do all
Work entrosted to with ntkttticss and dHlsßch.
XheJ have ou hand a large assortment; of] |qß.it:iu; .ma
terials and tVlndhw'Qlasa of a}f sizra, also Siaiilrd Gtjss.
and LoOking-Glass Platcjs, wliiqh enables tfaent to dff WqyJfe
ip an improved style and at reduced fate*. v r ,’
‘ By strict ultontfon to bnsicoes’- We hoj>4 Vdntrttt a share ;
ot public piitrotiage. ; - ’ *1 . - ' ■] li' V - - ;
(Jur room Is on - T irginla . (rtteet, itmnediabaly' npposttoi
Kcßslor’s Brag Store. , .f . KRVESFi 'AVAXJJiI,
’ AprU,B,XB5B-3m*
1 SMIIB would. respectfully inforto • jlhe citizens
of AltCKins"nhd'fut' puWio'p'npraU£ that he'has just
retunjedftom tlio Kastwlth a Ivge f uU vejierliwsortincut
of USB
■ Which he pjj£cJmscd at low prices < for cash i; BIbI
, . will -sell at i .
advance on the Original .cost. Ills stock'comprises lIAT-S
and CAI’H (rfevery size and shape. All who
arcinwant of anything in his line win do Weft to giro him
c*H,^,ho ; fcciacol\fldohlt he. can suit thcmostfislidious,
In quality nntl.ptlce. ' • ' ,‘
1 nai* alwaysready audwtlUjig ;o exhibit hts stock, free
,ojTcfcdjrj&so that nemo need feat to .call and osjmsinc-before
purchasing elsewhere.V; ! ! •
itemember that his store is on Virginia Mrcct. directly
opjiositc.thcrhMthcran Church.' , JAjtiril 8-Cm.
' received until the 16th of APRIL. 1858, fur tlio crec*
tiSn of n SCHOOL BOCSEand PARSONAGE la the Itor
owdrof AltoOnni, mid building* to bo erectadlu confurmltj
wlUv Pinna and Spec ideations, to be seen at office of John
town. Proposals fbr tho whole orpaft
of said venvk will bo y i
: ; v WM. HOYDEN,
X Altoona, AptD.l, JME-2t. ! a...u *
? M||;{WADf2t ZHsvaick and HarrWw* pub-'
Udi 9 times and read bills to this effleo.
JttWfß* and# sframratoetitswtthßeirj
tfyjit ylwti, of-tiji: S^ffnSSZ
COO. •*. ;■ 13™ ;'• -rX- ,'522
«o * . -■■• i - - sc ,00 o “ . 1 -V *• tK
100 « ' IC.OO ■ 8 “ Qo
CO “ 8,00 1 “ , ~.2o
The: “Springfield Republican,” cf MsasacheaMU, win-.
“It la the Queen of all berries, of moat numMamt
tlons,exquisiteflavornnddollcatottKuw, . '. :.>v
■ Extract Horn tho preceding* of the AmerttiufPoibSßsl*
cat Society, held in Boston:
Mr. Cisot, of Mas*. *• I wish to inquire »bent- the Jfar
RocaeUeßlackberry.’’ ■ V'*
BeVjW*. Curr, of Stcmlngton, state*: “The Kew So*
chcUe mackberrv has fruited with me f* r the,fim.ttfco
this season; f| fiilfitU all it* promitts, tefeeft it tilt that ntsd
be taiaof it. Cuming just after Rftajibsrries, It prolongs
tlio wuon of until fruits & mouth or muts* ud it is % mas
acquisition. It deserves a place la every garden "
Mr. Pme, of New York. “It is the bom refeartable afo
qulaitton; very sweet and delicious Indeed, and tha hsrdt.
eat plant possible.” jg ■ 7
of New York. "INIs Tory large, tsadae
and delicious. I think It Is tho greatest acquulttotf wr
b&vo h&d.**
Mr. Clajix, of Conn. “ 1 cover saw anything mors bt>
ductive-" .■■■*. r
Mr. Saci,of New York, “lean corroborate what othsnr'
have said.* '* • v 1"- ■ ’ '
Mr. PsKtc«,of New York. “Ills Sttjost remarkable so*
quisltlnu of tho Blackberry hind—-very sweet end dalicioar
indeed; a gyet£ bearer, and the hardiqel plant uostible.**
: , Uio; Oaorixl, Esq., of Stunjpgton, Conn*“lt has fruit
ed witfTme for the fli. t time this season. It fplfllU.hll Its
promises, ah'd deserves a place in every garden,” ■
Mr Knox who Bm five acres lueulthatloa.vCzUbitediaet
season some of the fruit before the; Pittsburgh Horticultu
ral Socitly. Tho Pittsburgh Chronicle says: “ Many of our
cit’zens visited the rooms cf the Society with tt vtow of ex
amining Mr. Knox's collection, and three who were fortu
nate enough tit. see it uxpressed thdr sdmtnaloaln no mea
sured terms.” The Society awarded the exhibition a di
ploma. i •
Ordonr a&lreued to Rb*. J. KSOX, or the lUbacrlbHV
mitl Hccomnaniet) with the eeahi or aiultobla rttateoo*
where tha parties are pot known, will be tilled In the differ
in which they are recetTed.- • •
Mle at the aouie price*. #> JAMES WARMIyP*
®*it- 47 Btreet, VUUborgh, P*.
theeo*‘hardtlmoe,*' It U desirahla to
know where to go In order to eare money in pnrchaafam;
By way of information, ‘ *
or in*
C^cs>xx»QEi(»a» 9
would rcepactfully inform the citizens of Altoona, that
they hare just received their ,
faix asd winter gooim,
which they will soil at prices to suit customers In this Fi
nancial Panic and that defy competition.
Our stock consists, in part, of Silks, French and Printed
Merinos, Plain and Printed Cashmeres, Ombre Striped IV
geiiK-x, priains, Ducuts, Coburg*, Gala and Woolen Plaid*,
Stella and Brocua Shawls, Chenlle Shawls and ScarSt, Cloaks*
MautiUas, Velvets,- Velvet Ribbons, Ac.
. Zephyr Ooods. conaWing of Mantillas and Ilooda'ifcr 1m
dies, misses and children, Victorino*. Ac. Oar stock of
snob as.tlaons. Sheetings, Pillow Linens, Table
Napkins. MrllUag Ct ashes, Tickings Flannels of ail ooloS.
Carpets, Matting. Stair Cloth, Oil Cloths. Ac., is unusually
large. ■ Our stock of ‘ -
for Men, Wemon, Boys, Mlues and Children, is nut tnruic*
Bed in variety or cheapness In tho town," Out .
are the ta|t that could be proceed in the Easton tuarke',
IT» have also Flopr, Potatoes, i Moat and many other ar
ticles hC(t herein enumerated.. ,
Re sure and drop in and examine onr stock, end we will :
make it on object to pnrehase. (Oct. 29-tt /
XJI. The Second Term at this I natitntlon will conuneso*
««s2,®*®**!*°"S?l. uniter thesitoertoteadeseo.or J.
1). EWIhQ, in the West Ward Public School Bouse, Th*
sclioel will ccnelrt otpupils o/holh texts,' 4t the con£
moncement of each session the scholar* will W examined
and clawed in that deportment tor which they are beclftt'
ted. The ctmrse of instruction 'wilt embrace -
ordinary and higher English branches aatf tiSfc7is2 1
Session will continue Four Months. ' 'r'' T
.. : TKBMfi. . y j.«-; ;£ v
i’Hwary iJfjwrtmtnt—Alphabet, Orthography,'l
Heading, Elements oif Arithmetic and- tfion ■'l
Beading, Writb ' Prims.
ry ' '■
ry Grammar, aadArithmetic, *M.
ami Moral Wulusbphy, Elocution pod Latin, 410.
Scholars In the Scnvjr Department will be permitted to
study any ofthohranches tioght In the ctherdcporlment*.
Xu deduction made except in cuewiof protracted liekhew.
A complete eetofMarn. Chart* aUd qiobee, together wIS
a number of pieces of Philosophical Apparent aro conneo -
ted;with.the Institution, according "every advantage to atay
dents that can I>« obtained at dlathnt'Acadcmiceand SamV
A competent Corps of teachers will be employed.
It will be the aim of the Principal to mak e Xhn Inatttttr
tlan worthy the confidence of th< > public. .Hatch tf :
! $5.2s
; ' #6,50
1 ’*! ' 2,00
-. 06
s •;
/a at McConnich’gStar*. ]
Having adopted tliQ CASH SVSTEM, (qr at least credit
Kilt not be given to any' other (ban' those who ore vdfng
anil can give satisfactory reference and assurance of prompt
monthly paynient,):and desiring to tasks It ihetuterArtot ‘
all to potronlro ourstore. we itsye mada a tcrs great re
duction in the prices of alldescrlpUdnti of sod will
give oar entire time and attention to keepingiS' U IlMMfc
meat to suit the wants of our cnrtoniomrtthM ~
DRY OQODS, ; ” . -V ?
SIOXEWARE, Qtori>i( r
Golfers, Slipper*, Hats and Caps, Driedete, '
which will bo sold as cheap as the ctfapMH
All articles of produce tahnn iu' eschange for eabda et"
their hiatal .market girice. .. w " >
Thankful Ihr past; favors, wo Rope to share tb? patronage
of thaw who. arc Injwnnt of goods,' IVtorSb ss-oT
J offer* fiir aale&tractofl
EIGHTY ACRES of I(ind, .M(tuto ia Fi*ggWioswm>ii
Ciuarfleld county. 9? the SoqtU sidO'of therfpat Branch oh’
tW Snmj Indian na Iflrer, about firemlleafrom Curwensvfllo
.and brjow Xnmiier City* The jpretnbes are cuaj;
vtnK-mly aituuted. and among utliur indncctoeiito to pis''
ohaacrSart) two oxtiisivc bed* of ■ ■’ : t.
" ; T iron one. • ■ ■
•ore of wWch exceeds nine feet ththlckpeaßand jleldaftnmj
forty-five to elglity per couh Tbcre R'aiaoaa abuod^M^'
on the pmnfecs, making it a desirable nituatioir to uvMr*
wfthmg-to engngo lu themauniacture of from •
. T Sij£s tI, S beat frf water imwqr eS- the premia**; aad
tho rivprTs uavigahlo vith arka. iMatAAc., fidfeHlus point. =
Petswi* desiring any further information will address
: : -I
New Millport, Clearfield Co* Pa. %
March IMm.l
X; S£Mix-iHv; . Cl
■ Pine Grrtre JWJhCajt/re Ccunljf, !^-'',
. Principal.
The Tlurtecp thSesaion ol tUla Iniadtqtlon will conubeoce
April 3S, 1858, arid colitlnUe Uve month*.
£ ER ’ftrJh > arcHnK and tqitioli in EnglUh Unuichoa 156. i'
■ Refi-teucc— Dr. o. li.Tbomaa, Altoona; ' [Mar.
—Xojlcd l< betcby given that tlio partnership her*. -
tofore plirtiug bettrepu the uu JeiulgnetL trading under th*’
name of Eoter ItcodA ; Co., baa been thia day” Miirthao, »
SBSS, diwofrod by; mutual concent. All'perton* knowing/
UiemsolTce; Indebted ;onaid firm are mhii»ted to make! bn*
mediate payment. P ETUIS KPO>. ' ”-7*-
March sKpSt*]: JOHN’ BOXAWTTB. •
offer mvseJfV w&
O.ocnndhtato for the office of SIIKUIFF of'ufelr cod»P
ty, at the ensuing election in October next. I# etoctah f *
to «}i»eli(u«c tho dntius appertaining tosfthT
oClco to the beet of my ability'. •' i
Felvt 1868-tc] JOHN B. WARVIId
v ;?• • *-<.♦* ~'A .
T f 90 Cordsofgodd dry OAK WOOD for safe by LKfT-T
IS OWIK. U mflta North of Allow* : / VKff'
March IS. IS3£*f. . ■ -/,
Lumber fob saee.-ht • -;/*
00.009 Shin;lc* 50,000-Lathee; .
and all kinds of BUILDING MATKBIAL, lo*erthsn th«
lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN BHOBHAttBIfc: y.
draw nish and hear. JOSKPH P. TROUT *J&®Ssn*
cc« w the public, that he is ready to-
aa an Auctfeoeor whenorer called upon. ; f‘: T . [ifLq. |
J? FAMILY FLOUR for safe. Wholesale andßetoib -
Apply-to./'■, ... j. enqrMAKKft, ;
I)ec. 11,1866-tf. . . ■ ■■>. Masonic Tctopto. S
mlpgtoD'Poa Nnta and for sale by ! ,
March 25; ‘5B-ly] 101 North 3d strwhPhaadelpMa. ' f
Nhte and Filberts in store and for sale by .*• ■
/. 1? WM. N. BHUOABD, ...■.
Myh l9l North M street,
VT «(x«aiJetoU4&tamct ofOrooadea hswjMt h—B t»-
jN v
■C-vas t-H iv--