EN A jg iASE?, :m a. /inns Vh'lAe ‘ seises af Ote arui fvn fit -S?. .. \ - ; Jisca.v* art- ' -■■ - ' f the Sexual Or> : i-:?% ... J.osr- <*f i/cmcrgi ' /•*«.' Ccu uf ttW 'ttif ■/(.'.V. itwt* * . . ’,:- -U- J ■ »- iwm norn SKXfi •U* *li^?aJW j orlgli, l us a ; >• «ho cascy ncottrv V, ; > niiancrff cure eg! i( v : !i . “ft'T the dues*, >'“! ■■■'>“' »«d rga»t«J eh i'- nvc {'leaiuiut wlthuot i : m iv-rumy Or balsam. ‘ i- thn 1.1 tba lArti^atejce-of !. ISJ> to dlc-bv !H (promising. to ton «vior my care, aptt ires are ftp sreatoyt * of CbttSUttip. - ami. be 4 . .a iii- m cure [a acarce -I - tilling into the a", only fail to carp fte nl ii;: i11..' syrtem whh ,J -I* ll- auCirqJato - Jit V* • N. u-,o if CBtelloa ■••'■ •" cwiMitiUot*, .vvi hhich 'tietrsja ,l: :. i.l ~ulfii,r V- 'J.railing up. .'■a I?; ■!i=i:r. to health, for huijiaii itisuaf-w cu> -v-l< !)i. drain;,; Its i. vi-uj-, of -Idle ring - i.'i- J au-ui ejj. •■j ..f lis. cans** men i i . io, u,tat of the . ... Mi.-mi-a, and »U ■ - - '■ i .-ok'il in body in.in of(.-vIU Kith u,<- fullftatf• part of niiuunhatfaj; • v l' wlu«.-eElHctly uvij.i.t:, m. d. ■ / i.'cie Tuvins, '.'■■■'y SX '57-ly. ■ ... IHILt onfoMrntMt. fj . with Ifr- | '•' "R-'S. A;.has Spier f» ■■ ■ i 'iiij, Oicet, ■f. tf'. d' u.Udiulrtictlcn - >i.J «).»■• (Inception* ; -i;' !i dUcawrsby n : i.,i,ngSnrg/>on, • i :i r l>fro<>n ■ nil ihyir. ail.'who apply occu. ■ -xtreoH- powrty |J -■ •/ .V.Lll'fT. It U 0- 'un.-oios thu 1 . -1. lju« null upprOT* •V- I Xr. ur-d that I : ■ li.xti. beta/ . t- : h.- jctmjv | : with rrMi-qwt I. f ui*. ’' 7 i;. , itjLri 3p. j ' —V. k:ksands Hisipjc. OiiSper- A. scientific .Wmm Do- S'r.l Usidns, Jmpt>l ° :;i.T.?d Jurlcgtha ;r-i;;anJ,r.62:A v - .rs- li-shlcnt •' i! V.i- to llralth.** 'Uii.ulr.iuf Single v.'ittcn Jiy a ! Aaap. t - r ut the cn - from ■i Kind written In It should he in c dth and happi- of which it. li. OH. KLINE, 1 •i KKS AND - i I'-u/iij medicino Sp’ivin and "i*. "R.lt Is for ■. '..ih cur* all ■••'ily tovnr* • ■■•T.'is to direc -' • |.n-f Iscly : V wlUl^iua. ' Jjcne ' - into I'i m tfco rt-movinic ■ r it hrj breii -• tint it H illi uru • '•■>•■ r, ti iat it will wherever . Recording, to ■-.-ary, return, '•• ruon-ry. Price Van. 14-tf, !:HES OF iiiid .Wrvons i !i;;Kjti’iicy, ud 'KY. M. D. '■“Z ■ •JUiplalnU, • “T ymuli, rosy ■ ■■ iri Uii.f »mut fully «• ■ ri.HM.-d toemw "-if, thereby day. ■■ 'n -h “. Hied en- Jt.DK LANET, 1 i|Uy. ZKTTE;- ( Tiiiiioall 9 ,te ; >'.V t iviaU, Criminal • T l logetbtrV«ld' t foutid in any f .-;m months, .to ■rite.Jthelr names • i4st■ snJ other' atesi, trSed xtatnoftko- ■ - for i ■HIX, A$TB, wad '• i\ ranyctiiwyillea'g ■: v. ■ , ■ t t • „. . S'-n "TST*'^ -A&USON, n l -, •• ' rot. 3. TUE ALTOONA JRIBDNE. Mrfftjm A rad toopcfeton. f*r (taiMVi, (p«f»btaiimd»Ur Inadtruco,) AUptpm difoontinnad «t the axpintloo of tluo tim» 'Mid. Ar»‘' \y\- : nftstff of ADTifttnuro. V insertion 2 do. : 3 do. tle«f Usee or leet, < » $ \ $ w Oat eqnero, ( 8 Usee,} *9 76 .1 oo Two “ he “ ) I'OO 160 200 throe “ (24 “ ) 160 200 260 Over threeweehiend lew thea three month*, 25'cenU per •Qiatoftr eoch lutwtioa. • moatba. 6 montha. i X year. 01 60 $0 00 !|6 00 9 60 4 00 TOO 4 00 0 00 10 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 0 00 10 00 14 00 Half * MIOM, 010 00 14 00 20 00 ‘Ons-odoinn, ' 'l4 00 86 00 40 00 Ain|ißi«trator«.and Bxecntom Notleea, 1 76 Ibrehahts adrertiaing by the year, three aqaarea, with liberty to change, 10 00 ’ Profoaalonal or Bqiineu Carda, not exceeding 8 Unea, with paper, par year. Communications of a political character or indlridual in- Jeraft will bo charged according to the above rataa. Adaertlaemcnls not marked with the number pfinaertioni 'daafmil, will be oontlnuad UU: forbid and charged .according to the abore term*. Ux line* or Um, Onaaqoaie, Tiro « Thr»» “ Foot “ Boslneu sotica* Are cont* per line for «tmj Insertion. Obltuxrj aoticee exceeding ton lines, flit? cents a square. PROSPECTUS ALTOONA TRIBUNE. THE CASH BYBTEIL ADOPTED I Tin Cheapest Paper Ip the County! .With the present number,, the Tribune has en tered upon its third .volume. Commenced at a San .when the confidence of tlie citizens of Al toona in nawspapers and newspaper publishers Was considerably shaken, if not totally annihila- t#ing the next year lie shall redouble our efforts to make the Tribune a perfect compendinm of •'Rpui New*— -a reliable, urbt-clasb Local pi»«». gecood tonone io the country, and as moh a welcome weekly visitor to our patrons, whether at hoihe or abroad. while the Local Department shall ho par ■pedal care, we ahaU also demote a jeonaidera- We space to Litbbart Matteu, Fds asd Hn «<>*, and the chronieling of events of general Interest to our 'readers. We purpose also pub lishing from time to time “ Original Sketches of lien and Things” which will be furnished by our contributors. -We,have made arrangements alip ; to bare a weekly' letter from Philadelphia, and judging from thV reputation otur-correapon dent sustains as a popular writer, these letters Or|U jM>rich treat to onr readers. : w« arp decidedly journalists «ff the pro-, passive school, we hays concluded to adopt the system in our business. The! neglect of •differ it. at tjte following idfcOtates forthe comikgyear: , ,’{ t v - • r ■■■■■"jaw 1 ■ t^,u> the \ By'too abOve it yd!!' : -W^!W''t^Ci||m[|>apar, ; Isrete^m^c^y’the Agio ito ments we leave in to the public to de- friendathraugb'! ■ county to .“ pive as a yp no each of them can in tbw neighborhood. ;/■ .flnergptk.hu- itb ihe' cbnhtji' or us r ' Jldttt Pliscellang." DITINCT WS' } A BEEF CASK ; ’ j': : :■ p»,’ / SALT-RETER vs. SALT-WATER. i Kind reader, lam a boy. Not “ one of the b’hoys/’ bat a hard-working, much abused, and generally despised sailor boy. On,e whb serves aboard a vessel in the double capacity of -drudge and go-between. It there isj any complaint that the crew wish to make to the captain, the boy must be the messenger, and get well thrashed for hispaius—and vice versa. But I am getting off my course, and that stern old captain, the public, will be im patient, ahd knock uiy head and a hand spike together, if I do not mind my helm better; so here goes. The autumn of 1856 and an empty shot locker forced me to atyip as boy, on board the Ansa,“ bound fot Havana and a mar ket/’ (by the way, I never saw the mar ket.) She was commanded by a Capt. Jo siah Crabbi. Crabb was he by name, and crabbed by nature —a regular down east specimen of nautical handicraft—but his crablike propensities to pinch and claw did not.phow themselves until we were at sea some two flays/" The mate vfa a a Virginian—in tact a member ofnue of ‘ the first families’ from that muchj lauded Statej at any rate he was the first southerner I ever sailed under. — He was a free, open-hearted fellow, like all his countrymen, and possessed a fiery spi rit, that could brook no language of the captain’s that was hot perfectly gentleman ly. ■ 600 The was composed of one Dutch man, two Frenchmen, one Portuguese, two Spaniards, an African cook , and your hum ble-servant. We shipped a second mate, but he quarreled with the captain before we got to Sindy Hook, and was sent a shore with the pilot. So much for the Brig Ansa and her paotley crew, and now for my yarn, i • Some three days out, after we had got safely across the Half Stream, and were moving albng with, all sail set before afine north-west breeze, the captain took it into his head that the men were too well fed, and that it would make them lazy and un fit for duty. ? ' lb spite; of the mate’s remonstrances and the grumbling of the men, the order was passed to the ‘Doctor’ (i, e., the cook,) to give the men duff but once a week, and then minuspluins. We had been in the habit of hahingiphun duff twice a week, and plum dufi or dopgh .pudding on Sun day. The men submitted, after some grum bling, to this deprivation, but the next day the.order came; that there should be no watch and watch in the daytime. All hands should jemain on deck and assist in fixing the running and standing gear of the yessel, antU in scraping decks, paint ing wood-work, &c. Now this was the last straw the camel’s hack Of patience among the ejew, so they set their wits to de vise some plan of getting to windward of the old mad, in some shape or other, and of course they pitched upon me as 'being the proper person to carry out thgir good intentions. The first move was to demand from the captain a restitution of their food and pri vileges, an|d if that failed, they were to re sort to stratagem to obtain their rights.— Atgxirdingly, one morning I marched to the quarter-deek, and, bowing to the captain commenced my harangue: % P Please, sir, the men want mb to say that unless you gi\ ; e them their Tull allow ance of grub, and let them keep .watch apd watch as usual, that they will knock off ; work/ and jyou and your brig: may go to t didnot get tune to finish the sentence, ford suddenly fpund myself sprawling in the lee scuppers.; and my allowance of grog in the shnper of. chtrefc, was anything hut; short, I did not 1 have long to ponder over the matter^'before the captain’s .voice was ringing in ,my ears, ordering me forward —to which place I shrupk hke a curwitlf his taiUßetweenhis legs. When I reached the forecimtle, ! .was pgstiu .met with abu se fbr not' shbwing more ‘spunk and back t« tlib V ’ Seeing Ant ;thsif first plan had entirely fuiled,jthe mrew concocted the fallowing scheme, but I; must first .explain the stow age df theveiesol, or the reader willhotuh* what fe to follow- : ; wefe stowed in a sotri of under the brig’s cabin. 1 Jt,hadl>b«n ’ built for a {powder magosin e, but the tain,helnga£raid that hungry sailors take mi>vMcam if in their verlCu tbe magazine into a bread and meat loekCT, so that thcse two ihdispehMhh ar-J 6cle» would always be imdim his dn*tiV ; eye and custody. -.V- ■ •• i locker was separated {Vom the hold y bulkheads The^iore^Sr ho, crew the hohl by a similar one, and of coufsd |m MoM&m Sm ' » AIitOONA, PA., THURSDAY, % APRIL 8, 1858. - - '\y'‘ < t \ Now thenien’s plan was to cut through the bulkhek#, open a cash of bread and beef, and secrete their contents in the fore castle. Tfef jjlan was carried out silently and slowlyi: for it took nearly three days to cut the Way through the bulkheads, and then there was only room enough for a small boy .like myself to pass through. I succeeded in crawling over the cargo into the storeroom difficulty, but in opening ihe head of a bread barrel I made a Slight noise, and I heard the cap tain say to the mate — ‘ Those internal rats will eat me out of the brig, Mr.- Harkner. We must smoke her before we stow any more cargo.” I heard what the captain said, distinctly, for he was hut a few inches above me. I got the head off the bread and the beef cask, and succeeded in getting all the bread and two-thirds of the beef into the fore castle, before any accident occurred. It was a job, for I could carry but small loads ,over the badly stowed cargo. My watch below had almost expired, and seven bells were just striking as I started on ,my last trip to the beef cask* I got ■safely back to the storeroom and vras stoop ing oyer to ireach a piece of beef, when I heard the captain say again, ‘ Mr. Harkner, you had better get up another barrel of beef at eight bells. The' footer says. the last barrel is out.’ Here was a .fix. I knew if they caught me there, it Would be the last of Dicky the sailor boy. f At the sound of the old man’s voice, I got into a regular flurry, and the brig giving a heavy lurch no windward, away I tumbled into tho cask, head first.) ■ln vain did 'I; kick and twist to get out' — ■ my arms were pinioned to my sides, and the cask would not upset, for it was well braced and secured. Here I was in a pretty pickle, (no pun intended.) ; The.brine got into my eyes and ears, add the momentJL-attomrrtcd^td shout my throat was filled with a delight ful mixture of saltpeter and water. I gave up at last, and found myself going-—I thought of iny mother and sisters—of all the bad deeds I had done, (it is astonish ing what a good memoiy a fellowhas when he is dying,;) but the worst of all was. the idea of bcing drowncd in a beef cask. Now, beifag lost over board is a heroic and noble way of giving up the ghost, but being drowned in a beef cask, and dying with one’s heels in the air! Ugh ! I shud der now at the thought. Well, I went in to a dreamy sleep, the sound of most beau- Aful music, then all was blank, until I found myself in the cabin, with the cap tain and mate standing by. ‘Steal my beef, would you ? you infernal young whelp I’ cried the captain, as soon as I came to ‘ Here drink this grog, and get ready to take a thrashing.’ I drank off the liquor, and felt consider ably better, when the captain, as good as his word, to(ok mo on deck, and adminis tering a round dozen with a stout rope's end, seat me up to the main top gal lant cross trees, to look out for bquid—and kept me there a whole watch. We arrived at Havana a few days after wards, andlescapcd ashore, where, after skulking about the streets for a week, I managed to getiqboard a homeward bound vessel. I never saw anything more of the Brig Ansa or her command, but the recollection of my dive into that beef cask, and my narrow escape, makes me shiidder, even to this day. • Kind reader, if you aro amused, I am Satisfied and perhaps you/may again hear from ' : Dick, the Sailor Boy. 1 New York, -March, 1858. DEATH OF A BEHAB&AOLE Among the dives lost by the Sinking of the Central America, was that of Rufus A. Lockwood.; The great intellect of this mab —his lipperious, impatient bearing— his eccentric,- defiant gpirit—his indomita ble and almost savage energy—his pecu liar bizarre end masculine appearance— singular adyefitures .and contrasting epi sodes id* his life—-the bold, ragged, abrupt outlines pf hisentire character, render him an -object of rdmantic interest, as well as affectionate 1 !adtniration to all' who knew bun. ,4 - A winter ini the .Chicago Ftilmne gives the fol|pFing>: sketch' of the life of this ? ■ ; j : '■; ; In 188fi, Ijtockwood settled in Lafhy married man, and a school teachen-rrwijhput monev,firiends influence or poaitiou-Tflncithing but his dauntless wiU : an|l monil'mentaFbrain. He was not and the pittancof he realised from ivdidinpt? tend to diminish the tained to aihah named for the inttidi|U^ ' direct aha positive os to the crime; yet [independent in everything.] MM. such was the power of the defence that Frank, was acquitted. Nine thousand cop ies of Lockwood’s remarkable speech in that case were published by request, and it was pronounced by the profession to be the most masterly analytic opposition to the entire law of homicide known to the criminal jurisprudence of this country. — Aside-from its legal lore aud impregnable logic, it was a brilliant literary production, and extracts of it may still be found in some of the elocutionary works, as-speci mens of declamation and oratorical elo quence. - The prestige of this successful debut placed Lockwood at once among the most prominent lawyers in the State. He im mediately formed a co-partnership with Albert S. White, then United States Sen ator from Indiana. This partnership con tinued with a very lucrative and exten sive practice until 1841, during which year Lockwood in one of his strange and unaccountable freaksofhumor, took it into bis head to visit Mexico, leaving bis busi ness unfinished, his property unsettled, and his family ignorant of his destination. For several years’ nothing was heard of him until his family accidentally learned that he was serving as a private in the United States army, having enlisted at New Orleans, They immediately, and without.his knowledge, took active meas ures to procure his discharge, and through the efforts and influence of the Hon. Ed ward A. Hancgan, then United States Senator, obtained it from the President. Lockwood then returned to his family at resumed the practice of law, ocquimig the increase of business, and the reputation of the foremost! lawyer in Indiana. He was retained as leading counspf in the great Sergeant cases, invol ving the title to half the real estate of La -ihyette, also in many of the most impor tant litigations pending before the federal and supreme courts of the State. But his restless and impatient spirit was still dissatisfied. In 18od, he started for Cali fornia. There, as elsewhere, his massive intellectual powers and extraordinary le gal abilities speedily raised him to the very head of the profession, even among the brilliant lawyers of that favored State. He brought an action of trespass against the Vigilance Committee, in the height of its reign, and extorted a judgment from one of its own packed juries. His speech in that case was also published for its learning and eloquence. Ho was at that time attorney for Palmer, Cook & Co., the great California bankers. In the noon day of his prosperity and success, with one of his erratic, meteor-like flights, Lock wood waywardly, recklessly and abruptly abandoned all, and sailed for Australia. There he hired out as a shepherd, to tend herds at j£2s per annum and his oat meal rations. He served the full term of his engagement—one year —at this primi tive and pastoral occupation. He then wont to Melbourne, Australia, and opened a law office. On the Fourth of July following, the A lQe£, icau citizens, including theU. 8. Consul, invited him to deliver an address upon that republican anniversary. Lock wood accepted the invitation, and at the banquet given on that day commenced his oration —a daring, heterodox, and brilliant Pbillipic against the government of En gland and the-royal blood of the British Mouarchs. The Englishmen present were enraged and violent, the U. States Consul, intimidated, protested, the Americans half astonished and half pleased—Lockwood alone calm, immovable and sarcastic. At length the excited mob became so turbulent that he was compelled to desist, and left the banquet. A copy of this unique ora tion was printed in the Washington Union. Lockwood himself sent a humorous account of the proceedings to President Pierce, through John Pettit, with a request that the U. S. Consul at Melbourne be removed. Shortly after this he returned to Cali fornia, and immediately resumed his proud .position as the acknowledged head of the legal profession in the State. He then commenced the herculean task of prosecu ting through all the inferior courts to an ultimate triumph in the Supreme-Court of the United States, the celebrated. Mar iposa claim of Col. Fremont. This was oue of the most intricate and important, cases ever presented to that august tribunal, iapd so spoken of by Judge Taney in his'opih ion. It was undouhtodly mas terly brief that carried the cause, formed the basis of the Supreme Courts decision, and secured to Col. Ffeinont his present princely fortune. It has all the profound comprehensive range of argument, blended with a refined, subrie analysis, so charac-' teristic of lidekwqod’f mental power. In its. gfeat. eruption .and research may be seen tH| mfionritablein dustry.andconqucr- s ipg Will df the man ; in its perfect familiari ty-ynth tH ciril Jurisprudence, Mexican language and law df W billhant results that; RepuWie., This able legal papec is. supposed to have been prepared, in a tocaa ure at leapt, While ■ a- sjjieb hejd in AmtmHar~bxo^gh^^aijtt the tadea.of those Antarqtao wopds.: There is > profiabß that % voyage during, winch: he met with his tragic and melancholy death, was partially with reference to this same litigation. Lockwood was variable in Jbis temper, eccentric in his actions, immovable in bis resolves, a warm, steadfast friend, nn austere stern aud relentless enemy—-a great and a strange man. His loss js a national calam ity. HOW TO LEWD MON Elf IF TOT x LENDATAIX. To your friends I As to a pure busi ness transaction, ybu may bo: too careful. But when a friend of" other years comes along, who has not been as) Successful as. yourself, whom disappointment or mispla ced confidence, or unavoidable calamity has pressed to the earth,.a fjpenfl who wa3 once your equal in all thinjgs,. inferior in none, except perhaps in that hardness of character, which is a general element of Success in life, don’t begin tof hem and haw, and stroke your chin; donfti talk about ‘ huts ’ and ‘ ichys,’ and thqf tighinetf oj money market / he knows that already —spare him]the intelligence that you ‘once loaned Mr. So and Sp a sum of money, which was never ■ returnedhe don’t want your biography, he wants your cash. Don’t remind him iif he were to die, you would lose it j th|at arrow may sink deeper into hisheartithjib any amount of money could ever fathoib, andthen, close with a recital bf this, thkt iud the other thing, which, if really trpejpould not ma terially interfere with your furnishing him the required amount. If yoiu have ordina ry sagacity, you can make up your mind in a moment, whether to grant the accom modation or to refuse it. If you are a man and you design a refusal, tell him at once in some kindly way, that you do not feel prepared to accede to his wishes. If on the other hand, you have a heart to help him, don’t do it as if you felt it were a mountain grinding yon to powder, or as if each dollar you parted from, was inflict ing a pain equal to the drawing of a tooth; don’t torture him with cross-questioning, nor worm out of him some of the most sa cred secrets bf his life; away with your inquisitorial, brassy, impertinence; don’t lay him on the rack for an hour at a time, as if you gloated at the sacrifice of fals nymhood, as if you wished ’ to make him go down on his very .knees to win his way into your purse, away with it ail we-feay, and stand up like a man ; give him a cor dial greeting, let a holy sunshine light up your countenance, and speak out before he has done asking, tell him how much you arc gratified at having it.m your pow er to help him, and let that help go out in a full, free soul, and with: a good slap on the shoulder, bid him look, upward and ahead for there’s sunshine there for him. Why the very feeling in the man’s heart us he goes away from you, is ’ worth more to humanity, than all the'’money you let him have, ten times told. Ho goes otit of your presence with a heart as light as a feather, in love with all thp world, and full ,of admiring gratitude towards you.— He feels his manhood, he febls that confi dence is reposed in him, that he is still a man, and this conviction nerves him up to a resolution, to an ambition, to an energy which are of themselves a guarantee of af ter success. He goes to work; with a will, which hews down the obstacles am d melts away the icebergs which hedge up the ways of men, and behold in a moment, rough places are made smooth /and straight places made plain to hlmi .■ ; Reader! suppose you noypr get your money hack, and you have, a heart-so big, | that you can, notwithstanding; hie non-pay ment, give him at every meeting ac cordir al smile of friendly recognition, pan speak to him without ever reminding HiM of his it may be that yoii are his only friend, but then you arc the world to him, and however hardly that world may have dealt with him, your single except ion is placed to the credit side brhmnafiity; a thousand times its individual value; that man can never die a mmbthtppe, for he will insist upon it to his-tatest breath, ‘ there’s kindness in» the wprid after all/ What a grand thing it is id have a man close his eyes in death, and one of t&eJajjt thoughts of mortality be alpraycr for hies, singkon your head. . ; - ; V We repeat, then, ifyoti lend your money at ill, do so freely, promptly; dq it withja whole soul.-' Do it with i^jm !^ i comes a piaa, .with a wBl; dofljute es fiafleh as < your .xbkswv in twsi ing your friend from .the dcpressingjnflh cnees which sarround him.: fWe |ip’ hpU advise the loan of nioney eit caai, blit write ,ib ,ss*:. In f piat manner itghould be. done, when deoidednpon,to bring themost pleasant to yohrself hereafter; and to ckfelritfi |t the lar^adva^s^ to :] Health. Um£&i Jbad b£e»' jp ; Kfjbitof jmojpr.; WTbafc kind of torieal? tones/' ••■•■'- ■■■* ■■■ - "- ; ;- : '-4^-- : -■ -/v ■■ .-' e ;’ '•. \i ■ • r n ; IP? is. oome, Mad we present becomes- T we attempt to de£ne it/ ■■WwSjE^' Incredible ttory relating to it* Poitdn. —To give you an idea of the long time this poiaOn retains ita property, I snail to late a curious bnt well authenticated se ries of facts, which took place in a. central district of the Slate of Pennsylvania, Some twelve or fifteen years ago. , A farmer was so slightly bit through the boot by a rattlesnake, as no wswalkwgto view his ripening corn fields, thatjthe pain felt was thought by him to have been the scratch of a tnorn, not hairing seen or heard the reptile. ; Upon hisretaruhoum, he felt on a sudden, violently sick at the stomach, vomited with gre%t pain, and died within.a few hours. ; - ' : - Twelve months after this, the eldest son who had taken his fathers’s boots, putthqp on and went to church at some distance. On his going to bed that night,, whilst drawing off his boots, he felt slightly scratched on the leg but merely mentioned it to his wife, and rubbed the place with his hand. In a few hours afterwards ho was awaked by violent pains; complained of general giddiness frequently and expi red before any succor could be applied with success; the cause of his illness was also quite a mystery. r " In the course of tube, : his effects, wefe sold and a second brother, through filial affection, purchased the boots, and if ! re member rightly, put them on about two years after. As he drew them on, he felt a scratch, and complained of it, when the widowed sister; being present, (collected that the same pain had keep felt by her husband on the li|ce occasion.' The youth suffered and died in the same Way that his brother died before him; These repeated and singulardeathh bo* ing rumored la tha njcdioai gentleman called:upon the. mends of the deceased to inquire into the pscrticulars, and at once pronquneed their 'deAthsto have been, occasioned byvejnom. The hoots that had been the cause of wmplaiqi ateep brought to him, when he cut 900 opep with care, an d discovered the extreme point of the fang of a rattlesnalcciasnitig through the leather,.and assured- the people that this had done the mischief. To prove this satisfactorily, he scratched with it, the nose of a dog, and the dqg died in a few‘h6urs ; from the poisoniiul Effects ’* it was still able to cojavey . In confirmation of these facts, 1 have been told bypative Americans, that arrows dipped in rattle* snake venom, would carry s&a£ea after.— Audubon’s Notes on : ppNcuue. snake. " One evening, notmany years ago, while the Supreme Court was hplding in Somerset county, down ! in t|te Stjato of Maine, some of the legal brethren were warming their legs before a blazing'fire la a .ratal tavern, and converginguponyaiv ous matters pertaining to (he profession. B. J. Bacon, whose long silence Indicated that bis mind, was in travail with some great thought, broke out by aidHngif any r of his brethren could relieve him »oinhit : trouble. w.d ■ I wist,’ said ho, fto comment tion against a boy who yaa canght foal ing apples. I find no wap of kind in any of the Reports, and 1 am at* Toes for a precedent,’ { The! landlord overheard the question, and jnformed the verdant thathe haw a. case just in point. * Ah I’ said Baeon, shall I find it?’ *y- I, I ; ‘Webster’s Retorts? speai of it, I think JTdo wring hko it there. Dojoujcap^f|}ja v^l. ‘ Yes, I do; | have a Sootiia,thd,houße' if yoii\woiild liketd a# Ws'. * - : ; - r f I be gieally oßligod to yon few it, as I hate left'mine at homo.' T|ic landlord stepped ont, andsoon ire-- Bobkiiwd tturping tothe story—An old mad ffcmd a code hoy .oa do'e of his trees stealing ap* pl#/ pMsed'tkeibboh to His legal frwnd, who tlyrpW it into $0; ffrp, in the midst of roaj? add speedily made hi* disappearance. : - : Anecdotes oe ? Aupußoy.—Thp! naturalist was on the look put for tJ$ . ; headed wood-peckers, and Was vejy arotioßkL*- to obtain a specimen. Seeing - a bole in a tree, a long wayup, bo -pslle& > off bis coat and climbed up with the energy, that never failed him. Pufilng and sRf»tr ing he reached it at last, and putting'i*. his hand to seize the bird, to • dismay a snake stuck his head out of tb* 1 hole apd hissed in his face. This wa§ unexpected and frightful that Addubou let go bls holji tumbled to the ground, , f more dead than alive.- His companion ;■. tip to him, and seeing the ppti}* , was not hurt, hut was drcad<y fngb tened, eaid to bim ; “ Ah, yob ' ai!« ; • vow mu&frigijtened, dootorl" .f Kp* «fr, replied the doctor, quite pgeodpdj “but if you want to see yon bplly rotrod tnaic/ go up dttfe ! ,J / wtrS EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE RATTLESNAKE. WEBSTER% REPORTS. ‘ln Webster’s;- said thelandlord; grave- "~s*var i ♦ ; NO; io ‘in whose Itepprt*