- - bo:drown. by-8. Bwan-i -/-aß*«tow of the cporth Academy lottery, in each of their; NttOber Litterlae for AprU, 1958, at AUGUSTA, :'Msn(iOt.fP whlch.city they have removed their principal ■■■' ’• ■-:■■■.*" ' ' • CLASS 9, ■ ' \ "9k)h**OWß. to the city o£ Augusta, Georgia. In public, ya , t Saturday, April 3, 1858. ; ,*K. _•£ • CLASH 10, ■' In the City of Augusta, Georgia, in public, on '■■ ■' Saturday, April 10, 1858. ~ - ;: 5 ' , • ■ Class 11, .- t > . lha City of Augusta, Georgia, in ipupUc, on 1’ ■ ■■ ’ tSP-' Saturday, April 17, 1858. : " CLASS-12, f : • Sb be drawn in tho City of Augusta, Georgia, In public, on . • Saturday,. April 21, 1868. V.. .ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. ..’fPS;s w ®2« I, . Fooa hvxdbed axd ttoaxv-m* nuzzai * r 1 -. . Heariymie Prue to entry Kine TiekeUl MAGNIFICENT SCUEMEI v p’if- MM Bnxyix each satuehay w apbxL. T Five Of $70,0 JO ] 4 Prize of SOO - 80,000 4 ■ “ “ . 300' ' ‘‘KV f° “ 10,000 4 « « 700 ■5 4 « “ S,O>M 4 “!«•■.. .fico 1-, :S “ . . 4,000 60 Prizes:.of .600 •1. “ “ . SjoOoJ 60 “ “ 300 1 “ 1,600) 100 « « ,125 -. . 4 >_ , -Ijooojaao « « . 100 ; , Approximation : prizes, ~4JW»e«pfs4oo Approx! ting. tofJttfiOOVtixn are $1,300 /.<• ■“ f BOO’ « ■’** 30,000 «:« Ti,2QD i ■ I f « aoO « « 10,000 « « \ 800 • 4- . " (“126 “ “ 6/W0- •* “ 60a . -jfc « “«MOO “ « 4j»o “ “ 400 ‘4 ' “ 76 .“ • •« BjOqO «-“ 800 ,4 “ “ SO “ « iSOO “ “ 200 ,6,000 « « Sore 100,006 ■■ I 1 !'* 1 1 -' v ' ■ . j ; ■ ■ -■■ -■ ■■ . to , ; ■ $331006 .Whole Tickets $10; II«lTOS $6; Qaartors $2,60. , ~ , - • (PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. •.Tlio numbers frurn lto .50,(w0, corresponding with those &tho Tickcts printed on separate sups of paper, in small tin tubes out! placed InJHia-.Wbeei. >7 Prizes, similarly printed and ouclitled, aro >tlier wheel. i are thou revolved, ■and a number is drawn Ml of Numbers, and at the: same tine a Prise IsArswnfWnn the other wheel. The number and prixe' ( dniW|ljoat aro opened and; exhibitedtojthe audience, and’ WffcWfod the Commissioners; tho prize being placed against tho number drawn. This operation is repeated nu till all the,Prizes ur>‘dnuvu out. . 1 AlxnuUiWljoif Paaca.—The two proceeding and the two > ipaxMidine numbers to thoea drawing the Orst 7 Prizes will InjenGtlealo the 28 Approxiunition Prizes. For example; If .Ticket No. 1V,20*) draws tho gTOjJOO Prize, those tickets numbered 11^U5..11,243,11J51.11252, wilt each be entitled rte SWh- U Ticket No. 550 draws the Prize, those . ’’Wctot* numbered 548.540,351, 532, will leach bo entitled to “. fSWs ami so on according to the above scheme, \ ■ The 6,000 Prizes uf s2u wIU be detenniued by thelkst fl; ytra of Gic nuuiber that draws tlio $70,000 Prize. For ex • *mpU;Jf the. number druwing'lhe $70,000 Prize ends with all the tickets, where the} number ends in 1, Will ba eutitldl to s2<'. If the number ends wltli No. 2, thtSu ail the tickets where tho number cnds'in 2 will be en tiUed tp $2O, and so on to 0. i Certificates of Packages will bo sold at the following rates .which | i Certificate of,package of 10 Whole Tickets, lOUalf “V “ “ .lOQuorter “ ' " “ - 10,Eight “ IN TICKETS,OR CERTIFICATES i- 11 .the mousy to *)(ir adJru*s for the tickets ordertd, orrecdpfof which'they'will be forwarded by first mall.— con hare tickets priding in any number they swr designate, jffee list of Drawn Numbers find Prizes will be sent to - JrireijaiofAUnpjddiately after the drawing. jyrite their signatures plain, and gIW thalrPart and State. jk drawn and payable |in full ' AU;|PtllHl §1,009 and under,.paid -immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the uanal timaof ltd days. All communications strictly confidential. ' .Address orders for tickets or certificates to . 8. SWAN 4 CO, Augusta , Ga. . Persona residing; near-Montgomery, Ala, or Atalnuta,Gu. , can bare their, enters tilted, and save time, by addressing 8. Swan 4 Co, at cither of those cities. - A list of the ntunbers thgt are drawn Dora the wheel, ■with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every- drawing, intbc following pa pen:—MtpOrieantDella,Mobileitegtiter, Charleston Stan lord, AashHOe Gazette, Atlanta JnUlHgenCer, Acte York Wiekly Day Book, Savannah Morning Newt, Richmond DU patch, Xtw York Dispatch, and Paidding (Mist.) Clarion Augusta {Ota.) CbnsßhdionaUst. [jan.7-ly. rpHE CRISIS HAS ARRIVED, AND ~ everywhere Banks, 'Brokers ami Business men arc suspending dr brooking up, under the 'overwhelming pfewunt Credit is ami Enterprise is paraly sed. But amid alt the hubbub and confusion inci dent uponsacU a state of affairs, we beg leave to inform nor,friends mid the public generally, that wb hare just re turned,from Philadelphia with oue of the largest best se loctod and cheapest stock of -iPALL & WINTER GOODS , Ever brought to town'. Our stock. consists, in part, oi INDIES MUiSS GOODS. AJpafa«,Ca»!imert», Bib- Cnthe, Casahneres, Vesting!, Shirtings, Cottdnadca, Silk KliStttliU Undershirts, Cravats. HandkArekleS!.■£«. . l!: ; ‘ DOMESTIC GOODS, " Mt#ch#dj«d Unblcaehed Muslins and-Shoutings, Ladies Owtem-BUppors and §hges, Gents Gaiters, Boots and Shoes, IMluag GJassoa, Umbrellas, Tickings, and every variety of Dry Goods In common use. Wo respectfully invite the public to call and examine cur (took before; purchasing elsewhere. We have bought our assortment at such prices that we cannot ho undersold by any ostablishiheat In the county. ' ' .Oct.lMf] J. B. in LEMAN. CAVING FUND, FIVE per cent kJ/ XiftKBE&E, NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO', IRrf nui strati, S. W. ‘Corner of .Third, Fhiladelphia. Inccrpo r*t*l by the State of Pennsylvania. Money. }s received in any earn, largo or small, anil intcr eapahlfrom the day of deposit to the day ot withdrawal. >fue office is open ovary day Horn 9 o’clock in the morn ing till S O’clock In the aftcruofcn, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till S o’cloojc. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pru't. ■: .•■■■ „ ; KOBERI’NeLFRIBGE, Ties-Pres t. XT*. J. Bud, Secretary. • „ DIRECTORS. Hon. Henry L. Benner, ,uF. Carrol Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert Sclfridge, Ifrancis Lee, Sami K. Ashton, Joseph Ycrkee, C. LandrcUi Manns, Henry Dieffendctfer. ' Money is iSeceived and payments made daily without no tice. j The investments aro made in REAL ESTATE MORT / GAGES, GROUND .RENTS, and such first doss securities . as the Charter requires • ’ [MaCMm. TITILLINEKY AND MANTUAMA- ItJL kino ESTABLISHMENT.—Misses M, A E. K.vcmuß would tcspectfullv inform the Ivlles of Altoona and vicinity, that tney tlnuo the abovebusiness at their old stand •Re Sellers’ Drug Store, and have just received their simply Of SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS, which they will sell as lewda.any other establishment in the place Dreseeaaad all articUe* of ladiis wear made t*. order on short notice and rcasoualdg,terms. [April 23, ’57-ly. Eaisins:— 1,000 boxes bunch and Layer Raisins in store and for sale by ' \ WM. N. SniJGARD, March 25, ’MJy] -Ml North 3d street, Philadelphia. |T?IGS, PRUNES, CITRONS JU.and Currantsinetoreandforsaloby ' TO. N. 6UUGARD, Mafch29,’M ly] 191 NortK3detrcct,Phfladelphia. AND Rne manufactured ind iar sale by ' . i YFM. N. SUUGARD,. March 2S, *5B-ly] 191 Norfh3d street, Philadelphia. TOINE AND hASD OILS, CAM JT- phene, Banting Fluid, Carfton Oil, Ac, at • ; KESSLER’S. AIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM .odes, Sharing Cream, Toilet Sdapa, Ac. tor saio by a'-.. ■ G.F. KESSLER. aBNRY LEHR'S STORE IS IN John lehr 5 * old stand, pearly opposite McCor- store,inM6rth ' [Jane 18, '67-1 y. BUT THE BEST CONFEC ■xI- tionarieg. Knt» and Pinits.keirt at : JJujo IS, ’fiT-ly] HENRY LEHR’S. T67SDUCAN ALWAYS OBTAIN ALL ir aiMlfwJby callingat“ n£KBY LEITE'S. IS INVITED TO JE li ca)l And test the merits of tho articles .kept by *UWlBi's7-ly] HENRY LEHR. T -PTS FOR SALE.—I 2 BUILDING JLi Lots, situate In different localities. In this Borough for , ale on reasonable terms, by [27-tl] J. SHOEMAKER. SPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER- ■ fl-tt} RESBIJER’g, TOERE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC fl - Paint, also Chrome. Green, Yellow, Paris Green, dry or KTOUPd In oil at [l-ttJ KESSLER’S. TTAEpWAKE OF ALfc DESCBIP- Iiat m3 for enlobv /UHILEiUJJ. ■ v :.-v-W <• M .-i'f .■v tj ij-.-'U _ w- A* 'M TIUFF’S MERCANTILE COLLEGE jL/"PtriSßtJttUH, pa; ESTABLISHED IN 1840, (incorporated by tho Legislatoo qf Pennsylvania. ' BOARD OF TRUSTEES: • ■ Bis-excellency the Hox.Jauxs Bcchaitah, President of: .the United States, Uon.JuixiK Wilkins, Dost. Charms Matioe, H(Wi JUDOK HAMPTON', Char. J. K.Mooehkad, \* , Uox. JUDOS LOWBIS. P. DUPE, (author of Duffs Book-keeping President, with a superintendent and five assistant teachers of Book-keep ing, and seven other teachers apd lecturers, 3.8. DUNCAN, one of the best penmen in tins country, (author of the gems of business and ornamental penman ship,) Professor of Penmanship. Duff’s system of Book-keeping is sanctioned by the American institute and Chamber of Commerce; of ■ New York, apd many of the leading husinessmeuofthedSastand West, os, tho most comprehensive and . practical system of : accounts now in iise, and after from ten to fifteen years practical application of its principles to over;four ; hundred students have attesteditssuperiority,(circular!!).) All) the arrangements for teaching being perfectedhynear twenty years’ experience of the principal, students gradu ate in about hall the time required inother colleges, saving $l5. or $3O in board. “• Upwards of 4000 Students have entered the institution since founded. To obtain ftaliparticalanaf the collegiate training for business and the character ofJthe institution, send fotj its pamphlet circular of 50 pages; with samples of Mr. Duncan's writing which ore moiled flfee, Durr’s Boorzxaptitn, Harper's new enlarged edition, $l,- 60, post*ge 20c. Durr’s gisiunoAT *l,oo, PC, DUSOAS’S BUSISKSS Aitl) ORMAUEJ(TAP PpaMAs smp, crown qnarto, 15,00, mailed postpaid.' This splendid work anil Duff's Book-keeping, have recentlv boen awarded FIKTBRNHBST PREMIUM SILVER MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS, attesting, the fact of .their being (he best treaties upon these subjects now in use. > Inelegantly bound copy of Duncan's 'Penmanship is pre soahsttOßVcrystudent whohereafter graduates in the in- DdncAsHs Copt Books, complete in six numbers, 24quarto pages eaich, onlnno Demy paper, with the oathurs’a direo tlons.for u order, also Tin Spout ing put up to order, rt ghorteet.notice, aphly to , '1 ’ ’ ’ f J. SHOEMAKER, Agmtfor Jan. 3,1856-tf. .< • McLmxium. Watson A Co. T7LOUR.—THR BEST QUALITY OP 1? FAMILY FLOUR tor sale, andKetoUe- Apply to . ' J. SHOEMAKER,‘ Dec, 11, 1856-fcf. . .! Masonic Temple. ■pE'A NUTS.-*-5,Q00 BUSHELS WIL -1 mington Pea Ruta Iti store and fe'reale.hy WH.\N. SHIfOARD, Map* 2ft, ’6B-ly] 191 Kortii Sdstnet,PhOMelphia. A lmonds, walruts, cream i\ Nut* and Filbert* In store and for sale by WM. N. SIIUGARD, March 25, ’59-1 y] 191 North 8d street, Philadelphia. - ROCERIBS. —A LARGE AND \T complete aoaortment of Groceries hate Jmt boon re ceived at tire store of ~ J. B- ICMMIS. . Rich tobacco and highly flavored Clgaraeln abundance, can be had at June 18, '67-ly] ) HENRY LEHR’S. T OVKUING AND .MEW ORLEANS HJssfttr-* •* ixse'e ‘a K» TO* ’MOTtB. EL DORADO «HOC ASSK 43ATO1R fiff «ioi*to of Sewing Silk. Each purchajcrof one duHar’sL worth ofiSewingSiuc wiHreceive a numbered chock, which'wift 'ehtitteUrt hol d« toaae«harennda.Tolco in thfl dbtribntion of "the £s - Hot of Valuable Property, to ho distributed byaCom mittoa,cboaenby tittyshareholders) in-sucha manner a* they may dew advisable and agree upon among themselves. ‘ LIST OF PROPERTY. 7 corner Lots oif Washington street Altoona, 50 ' by 120 foot, valued ut $lB4 each, $1,288 17-lote on' Washington st, 50x120 ft., sls6e«di, 2,652- 8 cor. lots on Mulberry tit., “ “ 150. “ 1,248 19 lots on Mulberry st., " “ 182 « 8,508 .2 lots on High street, u “ 81 “ . ' 126 ' 1 cur. lot on Geniaui street, 50x175 ft., rained at 63 3 lots onGermanstrect, u - 9 $42 each 126 Hot on Howard street; 50x128 valued at . .132 1 cor. lot On Lexington st, “ *i «• « '- iso 21otoon ChcstUutstrtct, “ “glSleadi, : 2C2 T Gold Lever'W‘»«h, valued at 100 1 Horse, : -S:i « « 187 . 1 Two-Horsc Wa#m, “ “ 42 • 1 Silver Lepine Watch “ u 16 12. Coat l&tterns Add Trimmings, $lO each, 120 60 Paata ahd Vcjsi patterns, at $4,40 each, 220 ■ 75 Articles or Parcels of Merchandise, s3,ooeacb, - 225- ioa “ •* 2,00 « 2uo iw “ « i « 1,00 “ 100 800 “ ■ ; “ ■75 “ . . 878 2,000 “ “ “ 60 “ 1,000 8.000 ■“ - * ' 1 « 30 “ 900 4.000 u :K; “ 25 “ 1,000 8,885 “ «:; “ 20 “ 777 18,787 Gifts, valued ait-' - $13,787 1 The Beal Estuto.ln tjiis Enterprise is handsomely situated inthe flourishing tovrß of Altiiona, (Head-quarters of the Pa, Central R. R.OQ-jwiiichln a few years has grown as if by tnggfab itspresoutjj(onula,tion being over 3,000. The above property jrnl be delivered to the persons enti tled to recewe ft, imjutdistdy after tbo distribution. An iudisputablo tttld toiall the lots in tbeabove bill will begivenby R. H. McOORMICK. The articles oi- parcels jay bill, will consist of- cloths, caS simores, de laines, ’ My,object is to diaposu of the sfllcTi&the shortest possible time, and I desire everybody to fmrchg.se soon and become membeni of tliis MafftUficent AurKiatioh:' Tile silk will !be sent to any part’ of the UnUed Stato, with Certificate of 'Hhthbership, (for each dollar's worth pur chased,) on receipt Of (he cash.. •Agents or dribs remitting $lO at one time, will receive in return $ll worth of silk and 11 certificates'. All orders must be addressed to . JOSEPH MOIST, June 10,1856-tC]:,; j y Allqma, Biatrial, fit. All orders by nuutfVjritb postage stamp enclosed, prompt ly attended to. y f A,TONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARN j. * I ED, tuuj in thtoe ** luird time*,” it is desirable to know where to goiiuurder to save money iu inu'cLaoinir DKY GOOjDg, OROCEHIES OK PROVISIONS. By of iiifurnmttcu, LOW THE H & MuJDOWELL, [ f I A OF THE Q'3Dacs>aaQp Li^ s would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona, that , they have- just received their FALL AlVOf WISTBB GOOD^, which they will sell litprices to suit customers in this Fi nancial Panic and that defy competition. Our stock cousistsJlh pitrf. of Silks, French and Printed Merinos, Plain ami Printed Cashmeres, Ombre Striped Eu genics, Detains, Ducats, Coburgs, Gala and Woolen Pluids, Steltaaud Broyha SHaatls, CheuileShawls and Scarfs, Ctoaksi Mantillas, Yelvuls, Velvet Riblieas, Ac. Zephyr Goods, consisting of Mantillas and Hoods for la dles, misses atul children, Victorines. Ac. Our .stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. such as Linens. filieetiWs, Pillow Linens, Table Linens, Napkins, Drilling Cuodies. Tickings Flannels of all colors. Carpets, Matting, Stiiti Cloth, Oil Cloths. Ac., 1 is unusually large. Our stock of ? BOOTS. SIIOEFC GAITERS. SLIPPERS, AC. far Men, Weuteu, Iloy.-i, Misses und Children, is not surpus eed iu variety or cheapness in th- town. Our STOCK OF GROCERIES are the best tliat couhliho proaued in the Eastern market. M e luivc.also Flour, .Potatoes, Meat and many otlter ar ticles not herein enumerated. Bo sure and drop in juid examine our stock, and we will make it on. object to pjirchasc, [Oct. kO tf. MAEYLAjfi) STA'TE LOTTERIES. R. Fnxi'ct. A Co., Managers, \ ■„ CAUTION NOTK/K) Persona living at iviilistauco should <>f whom they order Lottery Ticketsor CertificatSofPack- N‘S<* of Tickets. T}ie country is flooded with bogus und swindling Lotteries, i Every inducement is lield out to get portions to invest money in tbem. Capital Prizes of from $•.’0,000 to' $R),000 head their schemes—witli tickets at One Dollah, sloO,Ooo.Cupi£al Prizes are offered, tickets $6. All such, imevery insbtnc4 are frauds; and if mo my is sent to them for In-kcte, it ittsj) much tlirown away, witiioul the shadow of Xchance djf getting a prize. Biwile of all Lot terija where the Capjlijl Prize is unusually large in com parison to the Vito pf tickets. In every ’instance where large prizes are Merdd; lor n .small cost of tickets, put it down as u certain Tra^id. The Kentucky StStoiLottery for the benefit of the Shel by College, under ymrsniauagenient. is the only Lottery iu the United States wliiclUs legally decided by the Maryland Drawings; all other which purport tube decided by the Maryland Dra;whige\ai bauds. TUKM.VUYLANDVr.niS LOTTERIES. Purchase in'the -Mary land Svate Lotteries, then vou are sure of being i;ight. -ASni in ordering iu the Maryland Lot you hiv* Siux* of |Uh* and drawings. One thing look to, hud that is, lAyou order from any li censed v.-Yiderin Ealtlihore.ylo u-.l ?te-.-ive any bin Mana gers’ Tickets und Managers’ Printed COrCi.Tuibs of Packa ges. The Managers’ Cortifleates’liav- theommbers printed, and have the lithographed signature of Rd-Fnmce A Co. No one has a righUtt scudhis imijviduaj Xrtiikates,and if he does it, be sure there Is a fraud at the bijttom of it. It. KItANOE ft CO., Feb. 18-3m,] Managers of Maryland State Lotteries. I GIFTS!! GIFTS!I—A pGze V_B to every purchaser. \ SOO IK»LXAUS WORTH OF GIFTS!! \ : Consisting of GOLD AND SI LVEB: TFATCII Ed, , f FINE GOLD JEWELRY, 40., Witt BE DjSIRIJUfTED WITH EVEHV 1000 BOOKS. The attention of the public is respectfully solicited to the extensive assortment of valuable .Standard and Miscellane ous Books, which are offered for sale nt the lowest Detail Brices. A GIFT WORtll FROM 2T. CENTS TO *lOO, will he given witii every Ih>ok. A complete 'Catalogue, giving fuU information, with allot of Brizes, will be forwarded oh application. AGENTS W ANTED. Liberal IxDCCXJtKyrffOffered.—lV rpons wishing? or* dor at once, can order any Book published in Philadelphia, New lork or Boston, Bud it Will bo furnished at tic- pub lishers price, with Gift Any jierson ordering 10 Books will receive for extra Book with Gift. For Postage send Mamps, IS cents, ,for $l.OO Boofc»> Address :DUANE lIULISON. Publisher, No 83 South 3d stm t, Philadelphia. A MBIIOT YFES.—THE PLACE TO I. JL got Ambrotypes for yourself, your friends or rela tions. is in tlie fourtliptory of Patton’s Building, where all persons can be accommodated on the shortest notice, with true and life-like likenesses. Ambrotypes taken on single and double glass. Mehdnutypes taken on Russian Melain otype plates. Also, I*ictnres taken in the new style trans ■ fer—Photographing—oil Pdteut Leather, which are Imper ishable, aatgjro toteufed principally for insertion in arti “acs ef jewelry, anil transmitting by mall, as they do not require to be pot in a ewe. Pictures copied on reasonable terms. Pictures arc ail warranted to please before taken away. Pictures taken as low as fifty cents. , Tim subscriber retipecdfally solicits a liberal patronage ' from the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he intends to make this his permanent sfntlon. Come one, come alt, and “Secure the shadow eruftho substance ihdea” Don’t fop get the room is in Patton’s Buildimr, fourth story. The first story is occupied by Mr. Mann’s store. Feb. 18-31] i' ;; J. W. CLABAUOII/ . T OGAN HOTEL.—-THE TJNDEII SIGNED respectfully informs the citizens of Blair, county and others, i that % has opened jUp the LOGAN M&SsmCT . S HOL'Sfe, formerly kept by Sheriff Rees. JB at tlie -west end of Ilulildaysbiirg. for reception of strangers and trareliors.— 1,1 * Everything connected with the house has been refitted in the hew with the choicest furniture, 4c., &c. The house is largo andi* commodious, and wellealcalated for conveuleuce and cohifort. ■ Ills TABLE will he furiiished with the very Ixstt the mar ket can afford, and nobdias or trouble will be spared to reader those who may! choose to favor him with their pa- comfertahle dmppy during their stay, with him. Hfs STABLrNu is afliblrt, and an obliging and caroftil hostler will Always belli attendance* - Dec. 17,1857,—tf.] 1: ? JOHN KBLFFER. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! In conocquence pfjthe hard times, 1 hare concluded Input down the price of jny OYSTERS to the lowest possi blestandard.; They; will hereafter: t*u served tip on the Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell and servednp with all other accompaniments, TWENTY FIVB CKNTS-. They yrßl also bo furnished, .In every oth er way, at price* to with the time*. ; I ‘ JOHN KBIFPBR, Dec. 17, tf.] :• Lognp House, HollWayebnrg. OYES! 0 .YtES!—GENTLEMEN draw nigh and lW\r. JOSKPH'’P. TROUT uinouii ces to the public, that he to ready to discharge hia duly as an Auctioneer wheney dr called upon. [Jan. 2, ’66. Hams, sidei shoulder, dried Beef, always on hand at • June JB, •JT'-ly] "V. • HENRY LEHR’S. ’ J?GGS, RUTTER AND ALL KINDS J of country product, can be had at June 18,’57-ly | | ' HENRY LEHJVB. —= ——— ■• T. i—i. _ ■ ■■ .< ■■■ T-; "Of AIR, HAT,; TOOTH, SHAVING, 1 i Faint, gash andVamish Brushes at . IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL LEGE. i PITTSBL'itOII; PEN'S A. Chariend IMS Board of Id Trustees.—Faculty of 14 Teachers. EMPHATICALLY THE BUSINESS MAN'S COLLEGE Largest tiud most complete Commercial Colli g - in the United States’. In daily attendance upwards of 200 Students, F. W. JENKINS, Pcincuml. J. C. SMITH, A. M.. Professor of Accounts A Book keeping. . I. I. HITCHCOCK, Prbfessor of Arithmetic anil Com mercial Calculations. ' JOHN FLEMING, Author of the u National System of Book-keeping,” Lecturcron Business, its Customs ami l .-ag-s J. W. BEXTEINUEU, Professor i f Aiithun-tic. Book keeping and Phonography. A. COWLEY and A. T. DOUTHETT, Professors of Pla lujd Urwuueutal Pt-miianshiji. D. BACON, la-cturer on Political Economy. JAMES 11. HOPKINS, Ksij., of the Pittsburgh Ear, Lce turer on Commercial Law. JAMIES W. KENNEDY, of *• Kennedy's Iviuk Not;-lie view,’ Lectiirtr on Counterfoil. Alt-. T-. il ami Spin iuiis Bank Notes. DESIGN OF THE INSTITUTION To furnish the best means for Hoiuiring a Til )llu! : iiII BUSINESS EDUCATION, iu the .-bon-st time and a; Co host expense, comprising instruct inn iu DOL'D Ll' ENTRY’ BOOK-KEEPING, as applied to Merchandising. Iktuking. STEAMBOAT BOOK K KEPI MI, With all the recent improvements, taught wdiwut extra charge. PENMANSHIP. P.apid Writing, with every variety and sii !e of Business and Ornamental Penmanship, ARITHMETIC. And a thorough Course of Counting House Calculations. COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERED NOTES. Full instructions given in this important hraueli of busi nc*i education. LECTURES DAILY', ON BOOK-KEEPING. I'-e.g law s ami Customs of Commerce. Finance ami Bank ing, Political Economy. Counterfeit Notes, and other sub jects having practical relation to active business. TERMS. Ac. Ib-ok-keeping, Full Commercial Course, J-kS.iyi Stationary, about ' -i; board per week, can tie obtained for 2.£io . Stud cuts are not charged extra for Steamboat Book keeping, Arithmetic or Diploma. STUDENTS Can enter at any time—|no vacation) revh w at plea-tun— time unlimited—usual length of course from eight to twelve weeks. REFKIIF.NCE. Four !: nndred and eighty-seven students entering from (h City alou-i within one year besides the many fr.'in the c -nr try DittECITONS. Specimens of Writing and Cireuiais, containing full in for mation, neat by mail tree of charge. Address •a-PREMIUM PENMANSHIP—No less limn EIGHT .FIKST PRKMIT'MS were awarded thi- *’rsf nnn a distance promptly attended to. a call, as he feels confident he can suit the most fastidious, physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. in quality ami price. 1 He has now ~n hand a beautiful stock of LADIES PUR CAPES, CUFFS, Ac., to which, ho invites th- attention of the ladies, and also gentlemen who wish to make their wives a handsome and useful present. He is always ready and willing ;o exhibit his stock free of cborgr, so that none need fear to cull and examitio before purchasing elsew here. Remember that.his store is on Virginia street, directly opposite the Lutheran Church. [Oct. 15-tf. The great question which now agitates the mind of every ' is, where yean 1 pet the best article for money? In regard to other matters, the scriher would not attempt tQ direct, hut if you {R want anything in the line of . \ BSkc . BOOTS OR SIIQES he incites an examination of Ids stock and war}:. -- tie keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which he offers at fair prices. Ho will give special attention, to custom work, all of. which will he warranted to give satufectlon. None but the best workmen are employed Ilemembcr my shop is on Slain street, next door to fk Kerr’s old stand, now W.O’XctTs. September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS: BOOTS AND SHOES.—THE UN^ dersigned has now oh hand and will . sell cheap at his" store iu the Masonic Tern- IIH pie. n largo and complete assortment ofBOOTS AND SHOES, ready nuulo, or made to order, H OTershoes,|Ladles’ Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork Soles, and everything in his line of business, of tho host quality and on the most reasonable terms. AU custom work warranted.' - | - ■ Jan. 2, ’SC-tf.l . J. SHOEMAKER. i pQNYEYANCING.-r-ALL KINDS ‘V3 Of writing dona at tho shortest notice.—Deeds, Mort gages, Ac., executed in the neatest manner by ■ . „ ■, ■' JOHN SHOEMKBB, Jan. 3, J.Boi-tt] , , _ , Masonic Temple, Altoona. aUEENSWARB, JUST RECEIVED. A largo and hushionable' assortment at the store of " J. BHILBMAN. eio CpFREB, SUPAR, TEA AND i«ll klnddfOmccricaforsaleby JMS IMT-ly] '.; j:; : • ffiENBY LEHR. iWiSSSf rACCLIT. Railroading, Ac F. W. JENKINS. Iron City Polk-g-, I'itt-’-uiyE. Pa X oomsdmption . -.,- and all . '■;.'■ . . ~. DISEASES ftp W LDEGS 1 a3to; THKOAT ARE POSITIVELY : ■ lnhalation, r which ronveyßltertnwite* to the c*»itW througli the alrpawogee, And coming to contact with tiie“dfteaw, n«ntr(iltee3 the tubercular .patter, allays the cougfe, cnnec» r » freo and easy expectorations' heals the , lungs, purtfio the bloodyimparts wnowedjWtaßtjuto the nervous system, giving that tone and energy *o todispqnsa hie fortbe restoration 6T health. ;To he able to state con , fldently that' O.naumptton is cnrablo- by tohahtnoo, is to me n ofunalloyed.pleasure. It lr M much under the control! of mod lent treatment as any otter formula bio disease; ninety out of cVeiy hundred cases ten bo cured in the first stages* and fifty percent, in the Wccrfid; lint 3a the third stnge[it : ia.imppsBiblo to safe more thkfi five nor] cent, for the Lafigsare so cut np by the disease aa (oh«l defiance to modlcaT'jJtolU"' Ptcb, however,' In-the la«i stages, Inha lation affords ractraoriUnary relief to.) the; tefftringkttcri difig this fimrfal scourge, which annually; destroys ninety five thousand persons lu the United State »lobc-,(U)da.cor reef calculationshows .that of too prostetpopitoitfon of tho earth, eighty millions are destined to fill tte Consumptive's grave. • . •i; :>/!'? ’’ n *i ; UMt - '—T* Truly tho quiver of death has noarroweoftlal as Ccn sumption. In all agM it! has hc*u dtlife,. for it spam' neither Wge no* wat* tet ‘swcete off alOti; the brave. the beautiful, the graceful and; tha gifted.: By the help of that Supremo Hetog from whom eammi every gootl and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer |o tgoAdlictrt a per manent and speedy cor* in Consimfptfon.'! -The flfstcause of tubercles U froiii impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their deposition in thelufcgs its to prevent the free admission of air into tho air cells,) yjbich causes a weakened vitality through the entftesystem,; Then surely it is more rational to expect greater gopdiftiom medicines catering tho cavities of tho lungs thanifruto those adminis tered througli tho stomach; tho patient! wlftal ways find the lungs free and tho breathing easy, after. Injallng remedies. Tlius, Inhalation Is a local remedy, nerertitfcliwa it acts con stitutionally, nud with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach.! TO provc tho pow erful and direct influence of tills' mode of)glminiiitratiou. chloroform inhaled will entirely to a taw minutes, paralyzing tho entire nervons wstcro, so that a limb may bo amputated without the aUghtest paju; in hcling the ordinary burning gnsa wlil ilcstroy life to a few hours, Tlio inhalation Of ammonia will rouselhfi tyateni when fainting, or apparently dead. The odor pi) many of the iin-dicinea is perceptible in the skin a fow miputes after be ing inhaled, and may lie immediately detected in tho blood. A convincing proof of thu constitutional effects ofiuhnla tion, Is. the effect that sick ness is always produced by breathing foul air—is not this poaitivc cvidencc tliKt prop or remedies, carefully prepared mid judiciously administer | cd through the lungs should produce the happiest results? During eighteen years’ practice, many ;thpt«pndB suffering from diseases of the lungs and threat, have been under my care, and f have effected many ri'tup-rkahhs' Icnros, even.|Uf t-T the sufferers had been pronounced ill the last stages, which fully satisfits me that consumption., jii no longer a i fatal hseuse. My treatment of connitnptiiiil is original, an t founded on long experience'«u-l a thoflrtigli lovcstiga tii.ii. My perfect acquaintance with tlic iiAturo of tnher cU-s, Ac., enables me to distinguish, readily*: ■ the various forms of disease that simulate conimiuptloii, nod apply the proper remedies) rarely being mistaken dveri, in a single case. T)iis lamiliarity, in connection withp.lrtain put hi . logical and microscopic discoveries, enables cm to relic re the from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge iitlic chest, purify tlie U.-od, impart to it typewed vitality, gi -fug energy nnd tone to the entire jiystemsU : ' Medicines with full directions sent to gn}' part of the United States and 'Canadas by patients communicating their -ympioius by letter. Dm the cure would be inore certain I if the piiiii-nt rhmililpay me a, visit, which would giro me , an opportunity t't examine the lungs and enable me to pro | scribe with .much greater certainty, and Vibcn the cure ! could'be i.ilii. t'd without my Seeing Ihe iiatlcnt again. «. W. (IiiAUAM, M. D„ i Offie-. 1131 Filbert Street, (pm Xo. lUVifls-lov.- Twelfth, i Pliiladflphin. JJijlj23, T-T-ly. | NTENSE EXCITEMENT iL-A NEW JL FIRM BROKE OUT IN A NEW PEACE. M’IiATN &-LEHII le g h ave m itifoi-m tlo ir fi lends and the citisina of.Altoo na and vicinitv, tlmt tii v have opened ii GROCERY & "PROVISION STORE, in tin- mom formerly occupied by John: Lehr, ou Virginia str'-. t, next door to Pattern's Hall, where tlfey will be Imp •py to sen,- all who may favor them with a call. Their stock is a large’uud select one, consisting of ? ' Flour, FeeJ, Hncon, Fork, Sugar, Cqffec, To:i, Molasses, Fist, • Halt. Potatoes, Fi|h Oil, Fluid, Cam phene, Alcohol, Cigars and Tobacco.:' , As they purchase all their goods for the READY CASH, a id sell f>r the name, persons desiring of Jiurchosing any thing In tle.irliue, will do well-to give them; 4 Call, as they will sell nt but a trifling advance on Unst coitl We ask no man to pay f-.r anything hut what ho buys.: 1 Give us a tri al and see if we won’t make our words goosl. [jan’7-.tf OT0VK8! STOVES! STOICS.—The k_7 undersigned has just received from Fhlla- am d. ipl. in. North, Chase A North's celebrated.tliAle. -Saga “ b " 1 THE ROYAL COO? = • Saßt fl,r Wo,id or Coal. Tills beautiful Cooking 3lovn Fffiipllaß challenges all competition for the exquisite Stjlu of ornament and perfect of-eratiou in all Tcsptcts. XEa oven ext- n-h under the fire-ls.»x n!" 1 the flues arc soerranr e-1 tlmt the whole oven surface will hake perfectly and uni family. The slightest examination of this: Stove' must sat isfy every one that it will become a universal favorite. ’ THE SEA SHELL, for wood or'coal. The fire-b[*x la of good; Capacity—the e. 1h dcvji—tho oven is capacious and is a thorough baiter. This stove is one that may readily 1)0 recommended for family Use. in every particular. • All kinds of and parlor stoves ; -cpnstoiit!v on hand. .JOSKI’II 11, EC.‘ill’. April 18, ’57-tf] Opposite the Ayiiriwn Bouse, Altoona. ( K)MPETITION IS TH£ IsIPE OF V / TiiADE.—Fully convinced of the truth of this say ing, the subscriber would respectfully! ahabunce tu the c,!ize;is of Altoona and vicinity, that he ihas entered the fi Id. bv c. n-uiiii a : MKHCIIAVf TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, in the room heretofore occupied by Mi.-lmeliOaliaghpr, In*, m.diutoly (ippos.tn tiu, Superintendent's OfUco. whefo fcc will carry on the busin' ss as usual, lid jilst received an excellent Wsortmert of 1 ■' CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES & VESTINGS, suitable for working and dress suits, which be.will ihnketc order, on short notice and at prices wliich ;c(m net fell tc satbfy. ■ Ho has also received the LATEST STYLES of FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. and feels confident that ho can satisfy the most fastidious in this particular, and his clothing will be tniids as well as clothing cun be made. In fine, ho is determined that noth ing shall bo wanting on his part to renderinatbiftetioa tc those who may fever him with their patronage. 1 Altoona, Xov.s-t£l JOHN; TALBOT. r rx* and sheet Ironware 1 il.—Thii hand a. largp assortment of ■ ij * 1 TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE ' \ which lie will sell cheap h- WHOLESALE OH RETAIL.! i Spouting pqt up at short notice m town or country, and painted, at cents per foot.. The best quality of Cooking Stoves, of va rious patterns, con*tnnttr on bolul. ? : All kinds of Job Worirdobe with neatnesaphd dispatch. Cull and s-e. \_ r 'JOS. ILI BUShT Juno 10, ’O7-tf] Opposite American Bui i(j£ Altoona. Bell; Johnsoii,Jack& Co., OFFICES A?. , ®, nolllilaysburg and Altoona. T\RAFTS ON THE PIUNCIpAf,; CITIES, JL/ and Silver and Gold for sale. ColJcrtiins made Moneys- received on deposit, payable on demand,Without In tercat, or upon time, with interest, at Cur rutesj \ [l-tC J. 13. LEET, i \ A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Hoelidays- JKL. hcbo, hlair copstt, pa.,; v; ; \ *\ til practise in the several Court* of Blair, Huntingdon tnd Cambria counties, and attend promptly fo alb codec- Jon entrusted to him. : Office (for.tho present) Eat his resi dence, corner Allegheny and Pena streets, > Holirdavsburg. ** , [imp 6 ’ WM. S. BITTNEIR, surgeon dentist, Office via Dr. Hirst, on Annie Street. one door Vest of tho Masonic Temple. {i)ct. 15-tt J. c*. A33LTJM; S2Toßsiaaa?ssf ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, ® THIS SUBSCRIBER IS JS ffinm * t ,r ticlQ of QD*flS NOT;. WHEN, A,C?Bp M £3 GUARANTEED IX AJi CA3E3 op rtat Mtundtim, 'SnnjbUC Brin* iHthe Series and. Andes, ISstast* of the Lang?, Throat, Xote and ■■■“:: . £yes,t leers upon '.} . the ISody _ ' i " or Limbs Gmetrs ■ ’ A:- Dropsy, fapffevtie £its, Si. _ ' VSa’i Donee, and all diseases arv ;,- dnif/rotu aderange m e*t ijf tkt Sexual ok gems, such as Ntrcevs Trembling, Lais, of Memory, Less of fancier. General Weukrst, Diem tit of Vision ufa h peculiar spot* appearing before the ~£yes,Lott trcn«uoht,even after the ‘ diMu« hM haiflled the shill of euiinentphysicians and,, resisted a n : their rbmnicf cure. The mcrticlncsat-o'plsdsanl without odor,causing no sickness and free fropi meromy orbolsai*. During 1 twenty yes ra ofpracttce, Ihsrvcrrscued from lh« Jam. of Death many thousand!*. ■oho in the last qtegesoi the above mentioned discuses, find Von (riven tip to die bt their physicians, which warranti m« in promising to th* i afflicted, who may placothomselvcs under mycare. an tt . feet and most spwtdy cure. Secret diseases tune (he sreaust enemies to health, as. they arc lh» first cwias.of Cbasbaip. tlon. Scrofula and m«my other diseases, and ehoigj x terror to the human family. As a pennsncntcare Uscarce. ly ever effected, a majority of the. yaeea IhlUng, Into the hands eif incompetent persons, who not only 'lUhto cure th« disease, bu)t ruin, tUßCuuUiluUon, filling tha- cygtetu with merennr; whSAj-wUh the disease, hastens the sufferer law a rapia Coitjtnmption.- ■ . • 1 lint shcnldthe disease and the treatmentJjcd t«-asc dt»iii speedily, and the victim marries, ,thf dtsraro ISentaltsj upon the clilldreu. who are burn with feeble cotuflitathiu, and the cnrreht of lift corrnp&a hy'a tfrjsa'wfctA Uetr:.j, itself in Shjroifula, Tatter.'DlccrsJstiJEtimmi-wad i other if. J fcctions of the skin. Eyes, Throat,' aha Lungs, entailing up on them a brief existence of wiflOtina snadfCTHlgttlagthem I to an. early grave. ' ~ i j ; SELF-ABUSE i* atKj(ber v r(>rml(bblfr«bMny fo hdalth, fcr nothing else in the dreiul catalogue.of hmnan.iihsasaq M> ses so destructive it drain upon system, drawing lit thousands of victims, through a fpw yeant>n#ndfifeiiß)> down to an untimely grave, ft destroys >}<■ tern, rapidly wastes away the energies of U&t cnosm mei). tal dcnmgvmtut, Uu> proper of lh« system, dlsqualififi (or tnarrutee, society, business, and «!! earthly Uupplnces, and leaves the snflbrer wrecked In body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train, of evils more to bo dreaded than death itself. ‘ With the futlast c.nP fldence 1 assure tl.o unfortunate victims o< tlist a permanent and speedy curo cau b-o effected, ana with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patiaotsefcaborostursd to robust, vigorous health, . The afflicted are cautioned against the.twc of Patent Med icines, for there me so many ingenious snares In tho cui uiuu* of the.public print? to-catchand rob tho unwary aaf f.-rers that mill lons-have their snhied by the vile compounds of qnatk dcc'tbw, or' tho equahypolsoaou'i aortniius vended' os “ Patent il odlclueH.”- , I bovo carefully nuulysed many eft 1 > so culled Patent Medicines and End that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, width U otw of tho strongest preparations of men;ary and a duud ly poison, which instead of curing .ths diseaja disables ths system for life.. 4 .. Tl’.reo-fijuvtlis of the patent noet%ns now In use arc ptt up by unprincipled and ignorant Mrson*, who do not u»- even the olpliabct of the *n itcrvx mftiica, and me equally as deetUpth of any knowledge'hr tliohmuan sjs tv m,' i® haying one object only In view, and hhat tO make tuent j re- if garilltjss ofconscqa'.hceH. '■ S IrrOcuhuities and all diseanca of rtaft# and treatet! on principles established "by twenjy-years of prac tice, and sanctioned by thousands of (he'most remarkable cures, licdkim-s with full uAretioiu sent.(o any port ol the f'uited States or Canadcs, by patients communicating their symptoms h; letter. Business correapcudclice strictly cuuSdcntiai. Address 3. SUMMERVILLE, M. D., OMet Xo. 11SI FOlert Si- (Old Xe. m) Crime T«tlfa, Philadelphia. , ' j/ttfy 3,’6t-ly. Howard association, piiil- ADKU'IUA. .1 Benevolent Initiation, estabVtTied by tpeeial endowment for. Vic rcJmf of Vic tick and dittratid, ajpeclttlttiih Hr utent anti Epidemic itietaMJ. " —To All personsafflicted with Sexual Disease*. «uc Has ftxr. niui-jrrl.au, &rnal ttcnlinns, in-putenct, Gononhatl, (/Utt, typhilie, Vie rice tf Onatiiim or Self Abuse, Au, in. Tlw lloWAiin.Assoc i.uto>, iu view of the awful of human lift,'canaed by ScraalDUrtiKes,aDdth'eda(;j;i ;r Sllf Ab",’“, and other discasca.of tho Sexual Organs, by tho Consulting Surgeon, wlnclTivlir be 'sent' Vy mail (in a seated envelope),/rex rtceipt of a’<> postage stamps f»' pesfc ge. , ' A, Addles*, for Itcpor t or Treatment, Dr.OKflWfiS R&At> UOUN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2S. Ninth street, Pitlbde'.phia, Pa . . liy outer of the Directors. EZRA D. nEAiavnstteJWt. [Doc. Sdy. GEO. FAIRCHILD, &c’y. 7PHE SHOALS AND QUICKSANDS I OP YOUTH. - Ji:er Ppausn'n. itm thud Eintox. On Sper im.torihea or Seminal X aclOntlflc Treatise ou tin- treatment and perfect curoof NftTOut Do cility, SeiiiDisl Weakness, Invduutory'Kmlasloa?, Impo tence, Ac., respiting firm victims habit# acquired dating tha critical i«si,-,js;e frr.ra Yonth to ’ . i ' - nvi>R.t t’XViiii\mx, , | Member of the Hoyul College ofSurgeonsnfKagtand. (1627.)! Licentiate oftbe Hall (ISiM,). and 80 year* Resident Pmctiti -nor In London; Author of the ■‘Guide to Health,* ,; Orreq Hoik,” “How to DC Ilupiiy,” “Memoir* OfSlngls and Mamied Life,” io. '*V• •; This smell, tnt highly valuable written by a world renowned Physician and'Surgeon, point* out the on ly sure ami permanent cure for all disease* resulting from self abuse, and is the only publication of It* kind written in a benevolent spirit and by a scientific span, Itshould be la tho bands of all who value their life ond health and bappl nesi; here ipjd hereafter. ! ■ : •-i . Price, 12 Coats, or -1 stamps, on til* receipt of which it wilt Ua sen t. post free, and well secttnjt, by-DC. Clf. KUSI, No. 420 Ist Avonuc, box 4556, Kcw York. ; 1 I NI’ORTANT TO FARMERS AND X LIVERYSIF.JL . , Br.ATrx'3 A*abux Home Oixrxpi*ds thoonly medlcia* In iw that will effectually cura'Rlngbono, Spavin and Splint. It is not claimed for this Ointment, as It' If for ncriy all other medicines of tie day, that It will cot* all diseases whlclr horse or man nro helrto,hutcmiytocur« the above named when used according Jo dlrec tions. Ringbone, Spavin and Splint are diseases ofpreciscly similar character, consequently a medicine which will bene fit or cure one & adapted to the other. This Ointment pene trates the horses skin, fsi.che* and con vert* the caHottain to matter, and the diseased lump is then discharged In tho ■.form of pnat or mattrr.throngh tho tkhi, without removing the hair, if pat on according to durations. It hiatosa said by those who have used the Ointment, that it wIQ curs the Poll Evil and Party. It is certain, however.' that It will cure or ramdve any callous lumps from a horse, wherever located. Trjtjlt, and if after using it • week, according to directions, yota are not satisfied as to its effleaer, return the box CT thO agent ahdiie will remhd the money. Price $l,OO per box.! ■ For sale by O. W. KESSLER.AItoona. [Jap.l f-tt, TpHE SECRET INFIRMITIES OP X YOCnt AWP MATURITY, iuatpnh lisbed, gratis, the 2oth thousand. JKrJfJMJSK, t , A few words on the Rational treatment, AfMpBHP without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or erf Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Ocnetal 'dmi'Neftont Debility, Premature decay of the System, ImpoUncv, and Impediments to Marriage generally, bv t ; B. Dt* LANEY, Jt®. ; The important feet that the many alannlng complainU. originating In the Imprudence and solitude of ronSTmar bo easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in thi« Uwi tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and high ly successful treatment, os adopted by the Author; frillye*. nlrfnrf, by means of which every one hrenabled toenre himself perfectly and at tho least.possible coat, tlieriby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed on- - vejope. by remitting two postage stamps to Dt. DB LAKEY. 17 Lispcnard Street, New York. [Oct, I ’sMy IVTATIONAL police gazette.— "•L\_Thw Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* I*. in Twelfth YcWj ftud In widely circulated throughout ,lt contaius all tho Great Trials; Criminal Cmps, and appropriate Editorials ou the some, together witt* Information on Criminal Matters, not to Wfonud In any other newspaper. ~ • - . pcr annum; $.l for six month*. to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their name* and the town, county and State where they reside plainly-} To O. W. MAT3ELL A OR, V , ■' Editor* A Prop’r. of Now York Police Gazette, 16-tf] . \ jViio York (Sty. Medicated fur chest pro ’ TECTOK, A -SAFE SHIELD AGAINST: THOSE disease* Bronchitis, Coughs,'Cold*, and other affeo ttohs of the Lugs, which arise from the exposed stateof tha Chest, according tn fashion and tho continual change* of our climate, for sale at the Drug Store of o.‘ TV. KRSStRIr,- T EVI’S PREPARATION JLi _BAT3« 7UICE, ROACHES, AHTB,»nd Bed-bug* trtthont dangoMn luine, : »**.- -. ;^jSp£l I % ■ n’ ; i **•»» " TOIi. S. ■ -i-v v - .■■■■ m Al . - *»<-■-AM dUconli . . fcr • to** v-.'WEsTi|ew, (s ut«», ''''''' (M “ ■ ’; Qw t&ree we*k« »i :~i«fwn fcr MCh lom. 2* a-w ts^esv&i *■" * »with paper, p CbounuulcaUons of j iKMt Will ba charged JubhrttMtnoaU not will bo confinl Vlllkt abote tertni. notice# Are the presen tipon its thii , .■eonsiderably i t»d, H hu slowly '< •4 V, v ►*-••. s - §denoe, and now n is universally •ehe.ftxed iustitutio not bseu < .fpa. and consiaert «ean> on the part P atroa eridoucc ■ la entering upoi \ , jmseesssarj to *aj i , ' i^BM»', 6e “ I*u*pe neithoi Je’tjßly necessary t as to m ~... If ttae always 1" a reliable fir . TflSn that inthr. ;/Jjagej**. ” jMHlpoodento in Us wi eetia their vicinit •* >oo - u W*» y«‘« •• to inake the Tnbi - ■ "Beits N*w»--a b fton, second to • r"y‘: - agqh.syreieoine' w Whether at hoifae < < the L |R*6i*i care, we si Litis awß, and the chx o |gfreat to our rea ‘ Habibs from time t k Things" - «nc contributors, eliift to haTe a wee |ad judging from tout sustains as a n«h tres are decit MMtve school, w ( in oi aftnher.pf ’ J '' ly;«Dd the rascal! , hl this a |WOVed „ system will itSt- From pM ; tbU offic oxpirai F° te K aconndre ■ mtUettion to J|bia»gaiang, tb H sh hraefit to both par adl ' ah to nutpbcra ■mwfc as well as 1 Wi**. ■ fbr tho c 1 I'twy. one ycai :; 20 a above U ‘»?;»! ritB w f i county to K of t! F in wei wdghborh S p&wri#e»j&.Wi M :,i^|||to4hithhted i-§g % j-rajjffl * ■? £ JZ ■f> : ■ Jusar i ■McCRUM & m: Um, *ool*M, AdaJabtntor* »o 4 * MbiriahanM ndwtteim notices esc ■• C' -i PBO •gc. ■■ •« THB CASH H*' V ■ Ctotpest fS '■