The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 01, 1858, Image 3

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r-f tiiis Ig* Of
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ASkttt* w Hdmah Shape.—Some four months
»go a «"•« nUMtI Charles W.Crnne, with tt wife
and one child came to this place. BorngluTery
[destitute circumstances, with a wife and child to
[*apport, (the fomcr of whom was encimte and
[within a few weeks of being delivered,)—he dil
igently sought employment in onr -town, lie
bad taken-boarding with a'family in town, but
at the end of a vtoek, bating failed to obtain
work and being unable to pay up was tamed
with bis family out of doota. In this sad plight
be enlisttfl in his behalf the sympathies of one
of our citizen* Mr.W. A. B. Laub.whd kindly
tarnished Crane and family withsheiler and sup*
I port in his own house,, and by personal solicita
tions secured for him a berth as fireman on the
road. Nor did bis generosity stop here, offer
lie hsd procured Crane sfeady work and good
wages, he vacated one of the rooms in bis house,
which bo.fumished at bis own cost, and stocked
the larder with a sufficiency of the necessaries
of life, to last the family Until bis first month's
wages became due. '
To nn honorable man such kind treatment on
the part of a stranger wouldhave proved ft strong
incentive,!*) labor late and early to repay such
generosity, and toplace himself and fatuity above
the reach.of want. .But it js clearly evident by
the conduct of Crane, thathe is not-entittod to
l to that appellation. Although he has worked
[•diligently and steadily even since earning most
|of the timo as high us, §1,50 a day, yet with the
lexceptions of a few paltry dollars, not the one
■fifth part of the sum expanded in his behalf, he
Irtill owes hia benefactor for the outlay in bis
Dot that is not the exfent of his depravity.—
Llthough free from habits of dissipation he was,
, perfect tyrant in the treatment of his wife; fre
{Uently beating her in the most shameful man
icr, without any cause; Although some six weeks
go she was Wonght to child-bed, and delivered
nf a fine healthy.looking child, yet, this brute
[refused to wait on her, or get any one else to do
■SO, compelling her to get up, and attend to all
her duties, even when in her weakest state.
Had it not been for the kind assistance of Mrs.
Laub, who rendered her-wlmtiittle attention
[could spare from her own family, the poor wo
i map might have perished
Thus thiugs continued until Sunday | last,
when Crone without any provocation set upon
his wife and after knocking her down, beat her
in a most shameful manner. Mr. Luub hearing
ithe noise went in and asked what wan wrong.—
[Crane replied that his wife ami he were merely
[cutting up. The poor woman denied his state
ment and said he had beat AicF. Mr- Laub re-
with the unnatural husband on his
brutality, and told him if be attempted any more
violence towards hia wife, he (Laub) wouldgivc
bind a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget. Crane
siujl he would not touch her any more, but as
lumo si MtvJAub }cft he recommenced
hisj brutality'; and lest the poor woman should
give any alarm be menaced her with a razor,
threatening to cut her throat if she screamed.
He then beat her again in & most shocking man
ner, which the poor victim was compelled, under
dread of death, to endure without a murmur.
On Monday last tins inhuman monster collec
ting all the money due him by the company, and
what he had on ham's, told his wife he was go
ing to fire an engine to Couemaugh. Mr. Laub,
on inquiry, found that ho had “ drawn LI j time”
from Mr. Vauclalu, and had doubtless run off.
He telegraphed to Conemnugh describing him,
and requesting his detention. Buttheheartless
j brute deceived,the there yrho had stop
ped. him, by cooly telegraphing back here to
this wife* that he was merely going to Johnstown,
land would remain there a week with her father,
life then started for Johnstown, but at that sta
llion got on one of the trains and wont on to Pitts-
Iburgh. Since then nothing has been heard of
His poor wife, left without a cent to buy even
illk.for her Infant, and with two small children, is in a truly pitiable condition, pn
’uesday she was perfectly crazy, running around
ttown until prevented by some kind-hearted per
toons, who took her in charge. She deserves and
[•ought to receive relief at the hands of the. Re
lief Association, and of our citizens generally.—
Except foV the mere matter of support she is
Infinitely better without than with her brutal
Crane is a man about 5 feet 10 inches high*
will weigh about 140 pounds; lightcpmplected;
sandy haired; hooked nosed, and when rapidly
speaking slightly stutters. He is a shoe-maker
by trajle, and has passed amonghis acquaintan
ces here by the name of ■“ Baltimore Charley.”
He boasts of being a great lady’s man. The
puWic wiU .do wellto/fce pn their guard against
ibis scoundrel as apart froin his brutality he is
not to-be trusted. 1.
Burr’s Miboantu-k Couege, Pittsbci*ou.—
This institution commends itself ;te the patron
age ofthe public, not only bn account of the
jßuperiorityofitatrainmgftr buslneßvbut hajv-
ng for its principal a m|ui of acknowledged
as a teacher, as an autlior,
md as a businesß man; for attaining applen-\
iid rapid business "hand - writing.' 3ir.;J. S.
Duncan, th* principal teifoher in ihe writing de-'
bartenent and author of Gems'of business and
inwmental Penmanship,” stands! at the head of
pis profession. His ‘*Geois ” are designed to
feonduct the learner from the first rode efforts
pf the pen, ios r bigb degree of | proficiency in
the art, indispensable to the book-keeper and
man of business. 'The specimens of obirogra
phy in this work are ndt ; intended to 1 be mere
curiosities of a splendid, skill; they are design
ed to subserve a practical purpose, and by their
aid the pupil who has, under the instruction o£
a practical teacher, attainedtheTirst rudimentd
of -writing can, with ordinary perseverance and
determination, readily perfect himself in the
art, without any further instruction than this
book supplies. . A copy of this splendid work is
presented,to every stytantgradnatW in
eoamQne&so £6th of April.—
The followins are the jurors drawn for the
•Afe Daniel Wi, carpenter,. Altoona. .
•Brumbaugh John Jr., farmer, Huston.
fDnrket Ephram, farmer, Tyrone! !
Hell Franklin M , merchant, Snyder. {
' ’ BruaJohn, farmer, Frankstown,
Borket Isaac, farmer. North Woodberry; ,
Clapper John H., former, Huston.
Billing John 11. farmer, Huston.
. Davison John A., Justice, Snyder.
- Qorsdch Stephen, carpenter, Logan. -
Gwin James IL. Esq., surveyor, Logon. * .
Glasgow James, carpbhtcr, Gaysport.
MUlor Richard 8., olerk. Gaysport.
Mpses Adam Esq., fanner, Juniata. s 1
McElbaney John, laborer, Holliddysburg.
McDowell Isaac, farmer, Logan.
. McCabe. John, clerk, Allegheny.
McDowell William, merchant, Altoona.
\ Sickles Theodore, butcher, Gaysport,
I Spang Rudolph, farmer, Greenfield.
Stoner ClmstiaA (of A) farmer, North Wood
Wurfel Altoona. t
Walker .John, fanner, Alleghany,
Yinglond Isaac Esq., Justice, Woodberry.
Bowen George 8., pattern-maker, Hollidays
Buck Jacob, farmer, Logan.
Bowers Adoin, farmer, Woodbertyv
Brook John, Tanner, Blur
Crawford Joseph, former, Tyrone.
Cryder Hcnrjv-fannerlSnydpr.
Collier John, fanner Logan.
Chmbaugh Michael, laborer, Altoona.
Conrqd Dav jd £., 'merchant, Hollidaysburg.
Diehl Jontts, merchant, Juniata.
El way Thomas, tailor, Altoona.
Fnrber Benjamin, laborer, Juniata.
Glasgow Taylor W., farmer. Antis.
Gibboney B.j F-. tailor, N. Woodberry. '
Good Peter, farmer, Logan.,
Burnish William, farmer, Frankstown.
Hicks William, forge man, Allegheny.
Haro William, farmer, Catharine.
Hylc Jacob, farmer. Catharine.
Hagerty Oliver, farmer, Logan.
Koon Christian, farmer. Frankstown.
Kaufman Curtis, spayer, Fraukstowu.
Lingeufieiter Martiu, (of Jacob) former, Green
Moore Johnston, fanner, Woodberry.
, Meu Peter, plasterer, Woodberry.
Martin Christian, farmer, Taylor.' '
Myers Samuel, wagon-maker, Blair.
McFurlanc Thos., machinist, Hollidaysburg.
McPherson Allen, fanner, Logan.
Nofsker Samuel, farmer, Juniata.
Newton J C-, farmer, Frankstown.
Plummer Wm. B. luigeman, Snyder.
Rhodes Isaac, farmer, N. Woodberry.
Roberts Jolin 11. shoemaker, Altoona.
Snyder Simon, farmer, N. Woodberry.
Templeton, I), farmer, Logan. 1
Waguor Jacob, carpenter, Altoona.
White D. M., teacher, Woodberry.
Ayres M 8., shoemaker, Allegheny.
Bradenbaugh Benjamin, farmer, Tyrone.
Buchanan Thomas, farmer, Blair.
Buyer George, farmer, Snyder.
BoUinger Jacob, chair maker, Hollidaysburg.
Craiue Wilson E., founder, Antis.
Clabaugh Samuel, farmer, Woodberry.
Eakley William, forgematl, Snyder.
Earliubaugb John, farmer, Taylor. v
Emigh Petei’, gentleman, Blair.
Hagerty Samuel, former, Logan.
Higgins Jacob, clerk, Allegheny.
Hileman Joseph 8., merchant, Altoona-
Hammond Stephen, farmer, Catharine.
Uiokey John, carpenter, Altoona;
Hoover John 8., farmer, Huston.
x Hutchison' Robert H,', manager, Logan.
Igou Joshua, farmer," Antis.
Isett Edward 8., iron-master, Snyder,
luncs John C., clerk Hollidaysburg.
Jones Benjamin, carpenter, Snyder.
Jacobs William, moulder, Gaysport.
Koon David, farmer, Allegheny.
Kc phart John, potter, Blair. '
Liugenfelter David, (collier) laborer, Juniata.
Lingeufeiter Michael, farmer, Greenfield.
Marks John, gentleman, Snyder.
Maxwell Archibald, brass founder. Altoona.
May John L., carpenter, North Woodberry.
Miller John, coal-merchant, Hollidaysburg.
Osterloh John C., clerk, Uollidaysburg. '
Rough Benjamin, forgeman, Juniata.
Stewart Mathew, farmer, Tyrone
Shock Daniel, Esq., blacksmith, Greenfield.
Stoner Daniel, farmer, Allegheny.
Tinklcpaugh R., fanner, Blair.
Weaver Qeo., (of Jacob) laborer, Blair.
Zink Jacob, blacksmith, Altoona.
Compuucktart. —At' a late meeting of the
Hoard of School Directors, of the Borough held
in the office of Thos. Durchinell, Esq , the fol
lowing resolution was offered and unanimously
Resolved. That the thanks of the members
of this Board he tendered t i our retiring Pres
ident, Thos. Burchinell Esq., for the acts of
kindness shown ns, in voluntarily tendering us
\tlic uso of his offico for holding our meetings,
and also that the thanks of the citizens of this
place are due him for his untiring energies in
the cause of education and for bis valuable ser
vices rendered during his term of office.
Mr. Burjjhinell replicd to the resolution in a
few very feeling and appropriate rcmmrks.
On motion, the secretory was instructed to
have ,the above resolution published.
Ikon City Commercial College, Pittsburg,
Pa. —But few are aware of the extensive ar
rangements required by this Institution, to ac
commodate the large number of young men who
attend here to gain a business, education us ud
yertised in circular. It is a model Couuling
iit.uKo of /our largo- Units, 2|Tfeofby 40 feet—
-38 h 70—22 h 80—43'h ; 80. These rooms are
wqjl furnished and'occupied by about 300 stu
dents, taught by a- large' Faculty of fourteen ex
perienced teachers and practical business men..
Specimens 'of Writing and Circulars sent free of
charge. ' ' ■
Address P.,W, Jenkins, Pittsburgh, Pa.
.first page trill bo found on article 'in which the
views .of several eminent hortiouliuralists, in
regard to the superiority oil this berry over nil
others of tbe kind, «nd the soil and training
most conducive to its speedy growth ond bear
ing, are* given. In our advertising columns will
be found the card of James Wardrop, oT Pitts
burg, wbi) will furnish the plants at the prices
stated in ,the cafd. Those of our citizens who
desire to cultivate a useful article should not
foil V> purchasea number oflßeee plants. .7
JSS“ Attention is requested to tha advertise
ment of the “New York Weekly,” in another
column. This paper is making a bold push to
supplant the “New York Ledger,” and suc
ceeds admirably. The story just commenced
promises to be interesting to those who are fond
of light reading. From the reputation of the
writer, llr. Smith, we believe it trill be all that
Is claimed for it. t The “ Weekly ” can be hod
' : v ' •.>■■■
in the Practice !door, the perpetrator or perpetrators Were on
of Medioim'«id‘Stoy^ t able to aftet an entrance, ’Tla * pity that all
professional services jb> the. oitisens of Altoona the doors and windows and every other means
and vicinity. By this arrangement bur patrons through which burglars effect their foul and
can have the advantage of two experienced phy- tricked deeds, did'hot' oppose them and render
tioans without arty charge. Office their efforts futile. • | ■ _• -
theaame as heretofore oecopied tiy.Br. Hirst . The Penn’s R. R. Company, ate engaged
' ConntiyPraeitlce trill be and in the erection of a large and commodious
regularly attended toLj; warehouse, alongside of the old packet slip,
| I C. J. HIRST, M. D. near the basin This will be quite an improve
; ; ][■ PR- GOOD, M.D. ment ahd of great advantage to the Company,
_. ... i ' jirr". x • .. . . Inasmuch as it will supply a defect that has
Dr. Hirst begsleaveto return his grateful ao- ■ re J
knowledgementiito teß friends for the liberal 6X,8 . t ‘ . ' ~. t ... ,
a— ■ . : Jt . ... ... There !« some talk of the establishment of a
High School io this place. UpMrMM
and respectfully aolnrit a continuance of the same “ v t \ 6
Ibr himself andyiiirtlr. % ' and would be a benefit to the, town. Thepro-
He deems it Dr. G. has -P®“* “ d - “ d 1 «“ « lad *° lcara thBtef
h«dhneoppor&iti|ltoa».e.woU acquaia- forts are being made to put it through
ted with the nature mid proper management of . co “ m *' noe ° n . on
, . .. ' , the 26th of April. Those who have business at
the variousdiseases incident to - our country — .. . . .
~ i ,3:‘ ~ ' . . , that term ought to keep the time in distinct re
andbos beenactiyely pngagedm the study and f ~ .
„ •• . membranes, in order to attend to all prelumna
practice of bis profession for eight years—is a • ■
graduate of the Jpfforson Medical College, and
also oftheGbstetticaiinstitute of Philadelphia; Tbe fmr > b ‘* hia °"
and was formerly an Sissistant physician in the to ™* It seems to be the principal topic of
Lying-In Hospital oflbht city. ' conversation among a certain class, but most of
Altoona, April ;lstpBsB. v them windup with*some proviso, and are genf
'J-r erally troubled and perplexed with that little
Luso Diseases We invite the careful atten- * ord «jf-> w jjich is so hard to get over. Bnt
tion of all persons afflicted with coughs or colds one or two persons have bad sufficient determi
to the following cbrtiiScate by Mr. John 0. Little* nation and tfce opportunity to start,
of Peebles Tp., in this county. Mr. L. is one VERITAS,
of our most respectable citizens, and voluntari
ly called on Dr. Keyser, and offered his certifi
cate to the facts stated below ;—PUttburgh Pott.
January 2, 1859.
Great iCdrr by Dr'; Keyskr’s Pectoral Syr
up—l live in Peebles tp.. Allegheny County.—
I had a coughing and spitting, which commen
ced about the 4th of Fcbruary last, and contin
ued fur eight moutlts. 1 employed the best
physicians in the County, and my cough contin
ued unabated; until early in October. At that
time I was advised to try your Pectoral Cough
Syrup, which I did ; and after I had taken one
bottle I was entirely free from coughing and
spitting I had despaired #f ever getting well,
and I think it should: be known that this valua
ble remedy will do for others what it has done
in my case.
JOHN O. LITTLE, Peebles Tp.
Witness: B.*M KERR.
Pittsburgh; Deceuiber 81. 1852.
Sold by 6. W Kessler, Altoona.
Pauses’ Medicine. —Probably one of the
greatost discoveries in medicine is the Pile Lo
tion of Dr. Barnes’ manufacture. The Piles
have baffled the skill of the ablest Physicians,
and a permanent elite was, by them, consider
ed out of the question. Persons who have used
this celebrated Lotion have been permanently
cured. The severest case cured by it was that
of James Worrell, Esq., Secretary of the Cam
den k Amboy R. Ri! He had been afflicted for
over thirty years, and for the past eleven years,
has not had a recurrence of the disease. Those
who suffer with this dreadful disease need no
longer despair of being cured.
Removed. —Lowtlier & McDowell have re
moved their.stork to, the room formerly occupied
by Fcrree & Morrow. Cull and see them.
[From Our Own Correspondents.]
HotuibCrsßcna, Match 30, 1858
Ou the 15th mst., a meeting of oar citizens
was held in'the Coqri House in this place, for
the purpose of adopting measures for the relief
of the poor. The meeting, I believe, was well
attended. Committees were appointed ; resolu
tions drawn up and submitted and a plan devi
sed, to assist the necessitous these trying times.
It is as follows: The appointment of a com
mittee of ten (five iladies and five gentleman)
who are to collect | inonoy and provisions and
.‘find out who are the needy and relieve them ;
also, a Treasurer, jwho is to receive all the
money collected; and the selection of another
committee to inquire who are in need of em
ployment and do a’d in their power to obtain it
for them. Uy this! means their, condition will
be greatly ameliorated.
- The “Gutta-percha”[pen man escaped the
irons and protection of our sheriff 1 , but not of
the officer of Clinton county. I bad been in
formed that our county had the preference, but
it seems Clinton enjoys the extreme honor. Hope
however that justice will be there, as it doubt
less vfould have been here.
A bold and successful burglary was commit
ted last week in this place. Dr. Johnson was the
sufferer by it. His .residence as Is supposed; was
entered by the thief, or thieves, through aback
window; some very valuable clothing'und such
articles of provisions as could be easily secured,
were carried off, I heard this morning that
Some trace of the i missing articles had been
discovered. It would be equally agreeable to
ascertain who appropriated them.
It is disagreeable to chronicle a rowdy spirit
which seems to characterize the young men of
our town. For or three weeks past, par
ties of from twenty to forty persons have par
aded our streets in the evening, under the in
fluence of .liquor,) singing obscene songs and
passing ungentleutanly jests. In one or two
iinstances they have almost made “night hi
deous” with their/ yells and noise. On hist
evening the performance was really disgrace
ful. It happened, that several persons had
been joined in the connubial knot,'and these
gallant and jovial |prigs thought that a sere
nade after their own glorious (?) fashion would
he acceptable. : Ahd cap-a-pie with tin pans, a
board and box pretty well rosined and other
mimical implements vocal and instrumental,
they ,to| the residences, of the sever
al hajipy couples hud gave them the beneflt.of
1 .their wonderfully and entertaining per
formance, although they were not the exclu
sively entertftiphdii qs the strains and oyerpow
etiug Of' the music reached the
neighbors and nol'doubt disturbed their aluin
bers. «> V •
• This may be sport inthe estimation of some,
bat a little incident in the performance above
mentioned will doubtless meet the disapproba
tion of all. At oihe of the places serenaded,
some daring spirit attempted, and I think suc
ceeded in raising done of the windows and us
ing disreputable and offensive language to the
indwellers and to; the bride particularly. The
proper officer should see that these proceedings
are stopped.
Last* Friday week an effort was made to break
iijle ri it jttns*. jef pf-" afiUet, lit the Diaffibhd
Springfield Furnace, March 27, 1868.
Since I last wrote you, I hftve been looking
over the “ Cove” to see what I might find of
general interest, but 1 have failed in finding
material enough to.get up a sublime letter aud
will therefore content myself with a regular off
hand affair. However I would not omit to men
tion that 1 have visited two more Schools of
which I must say a little.
The first is the School of Martinsburg under
the care and instruction of Mr. Ilerbst. About
thirty-five pupils were present, and a fimr look
ing body of Scholars is hard to find. Several
classes were called to the floor during my stay,
and I felt myself well entertained by giving my
attention to their performances. I was very
much pleased to notice the taste of the teacher
in his manner of instructing, and would certain
ly say that the people of Martinsburg would do
well to continue their present teacher as long
as they can keep him.
' The second whs the Boy’s High School of
Williamsburg, taught by. the' venerable Prof.
John Miller. Mr. M—' — has been engaged in
the above named place during the past eleven
years, which certainly speaks loudly in his fa
vor. And to visit his school is a pleasure of no
ordinary nature. Several classes of readers
and spellers were listened to with pleasure, but
the class in “ Mental Arithmetic, 1 ” took the
“ palm.” It was the best class that I have ever
had tHc pleasure of listening to, and it certainly
speaks volumes of praise for the Prof. May he
be spared to usefulness far long years to come,
and may the honor due an old and experienced
teacher be accorded to him.
The Rail-Road of which 1 spoke sometime ago,
is now under contract and in process ofcomple-
Our merchants and mechanics are beginning
tb complain of the “ bard times,” and some of
the former class are making wry-faces. I am
informed that my friend Dr. D. R. Good is about
to locate in y our town, in partnership with Dr.
Hirst. I have always heard that Dr. Hirst was
looked upon us an excellent Physician and a
gentleman, and I can assure him that his pvos
pecis will not be blighted by his new associa
tion. I can say from experimental knowledge
that Dr. Good possesses a thorough acquaintance
with the “healing art,” and from association I
have every reason to believe that he is a gentle
man of the “first water.” If you have any
doubts just get sick, or your arm broke and then
try him, or both of -them. “Long may they
wave.” ALPHA.
Ancu SraiMJ, March 29, 1858.
The day upon which many change their pla
ces of residence is almost here, and already
they are making preparations for their removal.
Some only remove to a neighboring dwelling,
others to a distant town, county or State. Al
though this is a pleasant portion of the year,
yet it-is a sad one to many.
At this rime more than at any other, many are
called to part with those they love and leave
the scenes made almost sacred by the transac
tions of their youthful days. : la this place there
are only two families that will not “ pull up
stakes”—the others leave for different parts.—
Perhaps this will not seem strange when I tell
you that there are only five dwelling-houses
here, and one of these is vacant; so that after
all only two families are going to leave us, in
whose stead others are coming.
1 am sorry that a bitter controversy has been
waging for several weeks pnstbetweeu “Alpha ”
and “ Mac Surely, such language os that
contained in several of their communications
can do no good, but tend only to fan the flame
of discord and contention and cause a still great
er estrangement. “ A word to the wise is suf
Perhaps this is the lost scrawl 1 shall be able
to send you from this place. Ere ten days shall
have passed I will bo preparing to take my de
parture for another scene of action. Since 1
have bpen among this people I have found many
friends and no open enemies. I believe twe or
three have attempted to injure me under-the
veil of sttcrecy from sinister motives; but such
covert aots of. cowardice have been passed by
unnoticed, esteeming their reproaches of as
much value as their praises.
“They may scorn me, if they choose—l care
But little for their scuffing*. 1 may sink
For moments; but I rise again, nor shrink
From, what the tUithful heart inspires.
1 will not flatter* fawn, nor crouch, nor wink
At what high-mounted wealth or power desires:
1 have a loftier atm, to which my soul aspires.”
I leave this place with regret, partly from
the fact of its'beautiful scenery, aha partly be
cause I; shall leave behind many warm friends.
“We must part awhile:
———but jot
We most endure It,”
Long will their kindness and hospitality be
remembered. Their pleasant smiles, their kind
ly spoken words and their, manly actions will
ever be appreciated; and>, Ithe mouths spent in
their midst will .be considered ' one of thp
plcHßahtspotsiu Wyciistencc—att carisffimy
\:v STaSb*. *
JOUMtotf 0>of|MC O.
. WoocN Hair Restorative, which appears in
the eolooins of bnr preseht number.
' Fromour long acquaintance with the propri
etor, andwlth numerous individuals who hare
used bis preparation witli perfect success for
the last two years, we feel ho hesitation in rec
ommending the article as superior to any: of the
preparation* now in use for the same purpose,
via; for restoring gray hair to its original color,
a sure and perfect cure for baldness, and a nev
erfailing preventative for the foiling of the hair.
It is decidedly the beat and most popular in
use for beautifying, preserving* reatorhig and
strengthening the hair, relieving diseases of the
skin, and removing sonrff, dandruff, and all
eruptions and feverish heat from the setup.
We speak in relation to the abov<Tfrom what
we know, having been personalty acquainted
with numerous who have used .the res
torative for the above purposed with the moat
gratifying results. .
It is not often we notice a patent medicine.
Indeed, we think we have never puffed; one be
fore ; but Prof. Wood’s llair'Restorative is some
thing so superior to most of the preparations .of
the day, that we cannot forbear asking the at
tention of ouf-readers to it.— (Catholic Vindica
tor. ;
Woodland Cream,"— A Pomade far beautify
ing the Hair— highly perfumed, superibr .to any
French article imported, and for half the price.
For dressing Ladies Hair it has no equal, giving
it a bright glossy appearance. It cause#Gentle
men’s Hair to curl in the most natural manner.
It removes the dandruff, always giving the Hjdr
the appearance of being fresh shamptmed, Price
only fifty cents. None genuine unless;signed ■■■"
FETUIDGE & CO. Proprietorsjjif the •
“Balm of a Thoutand Ftfiwott."
For sale by alf Druggists,
The Panic—More Failures.— Thepnnic in
New York seems to be on the increase. In this
city everything goes on smoothly, andidio only
failures we have beard of were the failures to
furnish good fits made by some inforiot clothing
establishments. There is no Such difficulty to
be encountered by those who patronize the
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhilland Wil
son, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above
sixth. Gentleman and youths never fail to pro
cure capital fits at this popular establishment.
The Best Cough Medicine. —One of the very
best Cough Medicines to be found anywhere, is
Dr. Keyset-'s Pectoral Syrup, sold by G. W. Kess
ler, at 50 cents per bottle.
9®- The stated Councils of
tb« “WntsiaiAOO Trice,” No. 35, I. Oi. It. M-, are held ev
ery Tuo-iday evening hi the I. O. 0. F. Halt, in.the Ma
sonic Temple. Council Fire kindled at 7th run3othbreath
Juno 25, ’57-ly] A. EEKIILEjC. of R.
s®»Time of the Closing and
Arrival of Mails at Altoona Post Office.
Eastern Way at ; 00 P.M*
Western ,l ” AOO A. M.
Eastern Through Mail JB DO , “
Eastern Through Mail, : -8 35 A. M.
Western Way and- llolliduyshurg, _ .1 40 V. M.
Eastern tl ** .T-T5 ■ **
llollidaysburg maiis close at 1,00 p. M. ahd 0,15 P. JI,
and arrive at 1,15 P. M. and 7,30 P. M.
June 4, '67-tfJ JOHN SHOESIAEEB, P. M.
Time of Arrival aad De
parture of trains running on tho Peun’a. Railroad, at Al
toona station.
Express Train East arrives 2,48 A. M., loaves, 2,55 A. M.
West “ B,as “ “ • '8,55 «
Past “ East “ 1,80 P. 1L “ P. M.
“ •< West “ 9,&0 “ “ jB,OO “
ALTOONA WAY TRAIN leaves Altoona ftt Philadel
phia at 6,15 A. 51., on! returning arrives at Altoona at
7,00 P. M. ■ j
The HOLLIDA YSBC P.G BRANCH connects with Express
train West, Altoona Way Train East; <md and with
Fast Mail TiainKas It
The BLAIRS VILLE- BRANCH connects with Johnstown
Way Train East and West, Express Train West and Fast
Mail Train E» J t . _ j i
Dec. 21, ’56-tfl THOS. A. BCOTX, Sup'l.
A Card—To the Ladies.
—Bb. Dcrosco’s Goloes Fbbsch Fu|s are ip/dHiUe in rt
moving stopages and in tgvUiritiet of Ihe mtnSui. These
Pills are nothing new hut have been nned by the doctors for
many years, both In France and America, withunpurolleled
sneof-4 in every cw. and he is urged bv_ many thousand la
dies who Jiave used them, to make the Fills public, for the
allot iution of those suffering from anyirrcguladtics of what
ever nature, as well as to prevent pregnancy those .2*
dies whose health will not permit an increase of family.—
Pregnant femnlekjur those supposing themselves so, are cau
tioned against using these Pills while pregnant, os the Pro
prietur assumes ku aftvrtbfabQteiwiiuoiiltioii
altho’ their mUdne*s would prevent apy mischief to health;
otherwise these Pills are recommended* Full ftnd explicit
directions accompAqy each box. Price $1 per. box. Sold
wholesale and retail by U. IV. KESSLER, Oewftl Agent for
Altoona and vicinity. lie will supply dealers at proprietor’*
prices, and send the Pills to Pad! by retain
mail ou receipt of $1 through tho Altoona Post-Office.
Kach box lias my signature, J. PUPONCO, New York.
Samuel Bresliu, general agent for TJyrone City, [ly-27
Flour —Superfine, bhl. (6,26
" Extra, “ . (6,60
Corn Meal, owt. 2,00
Buckwheat “ 2,40
Potatoes, p. bush. 76
Apples, V* “ 87
Butler, MS ‘ 22
Lnrd, . $ “ 14
Pork, ’fi “ 06
Side, 1* “ . o' 05
Eggs, ' Q doz. I !« 18
M'Lain & Lohr soil their Flour at the following rates
White Wheat Flour, Extra Family. : hbl.K; $6,26
“ “ '■ “ Superfine, “ 5.00
“ Superfine, - | “ v Wfi
U O'
Fxtra Family Floor,
Superfine Extra, beat quality,
“ “ Brush Creek, “ V
Superfine, ' 1 **
(J V ** J received and tbf sole by
DEN SEEDS for sole by pjtfj Ji.T^JCK.Ea.
Dl BSOLU TlON.—Notice is hereby giv
en that.the partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned has beau dissolved by mntnalconWnt. ;
Antes tp, April 1,1855-3t»] ApOOSTUK; |KBMKSf.
CAUTION.— Whereas W wife EEIZ
ABETU has left my bod and b<»rd, withoot any Just
cause or provocation, tills is to caution all persons from
harboring or trusting her on my acccnnt. afcl will no
debts of her contracting.' OLIVER! TAYLOR.
Altoona, April 1,18{&3t. i | • v •*:
. received until the 15th of APRjtli, 18J8, Air tba erec
tion of a SCHOOL HOUSE and the Bor
ough of Altoona,’ said buildings to bej ereettdlo coateraity
with Plans and : be seen atofiice of John
Shoemaker in said town. Proposals forthe whole or part
of said work will be considered. id ' : ,
R. W. OLIVER, \i "
WM. F.a^MBoK,Jt^
Altoona, April 1,1858-3t.V ■■ ! -:V- m
Pittsburgh Dispatch ami HarrUburg ImgT«
lish 3 times and ieu<i uilb to thfe N '
hgw fORK w^Eßiar.
0 - KOW Kspy V ; . .
" ■ Entitled ■!-■• .■
■ ■■■■■■.■ ■■■ ;, v ‘ 08, ! ’y ' •
A Romance of Every-Day life.'; . tha greatest Story ever written by' thi* popular
TOilCKt BMOBH! BfclCKll*—
JL) ttonadertdgnod subscriber has on hand ttcrW«h*fc»
sole a ,
first rate quality of red BRICK* ...
at the well-known Brick Yardat McCahan’e “ Bluff,” wbeta A
he is prepared to furnish any quantity of BRICK on star*
notice. Orders from a distance will be attended tot and
Brick delivered lu the can. Address
DnncanavlUe, Blair county. Pa,
IONS.—JOIXN O.DONNF.LL, Merchant Tailor, tabs off
Hoilidanburg, desires to inform the citiaens of Altoona
and vicinity, that' fac has leased the building two doors
North of the Bed Uoh Hotel and ono door South of Na»
gle’s Saloon, on Mat" street, where ho is nowrecoiythgjW*
consisting in port of Cloths of all prices. Plain and TMVcX
Casalmeres, suitable fur turner wear, Silk, Satin Velvet Slit*
selllee and all kinds of light Summer Testings,' in short,
everything that mar be called for, ait of which he will
make to order, on short notice, and on tbo most reasona
ble terms.
His long experience ip the business he thinks, will Mfe
ble him to pleas, all who may favor him with their order*.
April. 1,1858-ly.
W. Cixnswu*. D. CussurcHAM, R. Ctitanpwaß.
D. laxnff,. , .
Betweeen Wood And Smithfield,
PltUburgta City Window Glaus,
For Parlor Windows, Churches and Public Balldlnga. :
■ Altoona,'Aprill, IMS-ly.] . . , V;
JL ROOM to the corner of 3MITIUTEU) and THIRD
Street* opposite young’s furniture Wareroom.
Pittsburgh, April!. 185»ain. ffM, SO6LR.
the tale of EVERY ARTICLE Wanted in FURNISH
ING A DWELLING HOUSE, Mattresses. Beds, Bolster* s»4 . '
Pillow*; Comfort*, Spreads, and Quilts of every style ana
price. Satin, Do Laino and Lace Curtain*; Damask land .
Moreens, Brocatels and Plushes; Mnslin Curtains, Figured
Muslin and with Lace Edge; Tassels and Cords of every'
description. Gilt Cornices of every variety and style, and ■
some splendid patterns for Windows; Gimp diid Bran Bands;
Blinds of all kinds; Window Shade* ofevelj price otd
style. Also, Tenotlan Blinds. Friends and strangnrt’aro
invited to call and see us in the new store. ' , ■ .' : 1
Pittsburgh, April 1.13i8-3ml ; W.M. NOBLB. -
-1 BURGH, PA. i '' V
Manufacturers of Rifles, Guns, |3urgto*(
and Dental Instruments, ! &o.'
Wa would call attention to onr stockln the above.
knowing that we cannot be brat either te the onsUty-v.
price. Beinclai-grly engagcdln this branch otboainees,
wo defy all competton. All our rifle* are warranted or no
sale. Hardware, Sporting Material*, Cutlery, Pistol»,Qnn»,
Bevolver*, I'laaka. Belts, Powder, Shot,- Sells, Caps, Pancy
Hardware ond Sporting Equipage, in alt its Tariely, whlclt
wo offer low for Cash.-
Pittsburgh, April 1,1858-ly. ;
The best assortment ever
brought to Pittsburgh. Come and feast Jtmr eye*,—.
Buy or sot, the goods will bo abowa. ' r
At 8 to 12Jdcents. ’ . i x
.4 Atl2 to 25 cents,
At 25 to 60 centa, ■>
At 50 cent* to $l,OO,
. At $l,OO to $2,00,
n At^ooto|*,oo.
■ Bottlers, Ceilings, Statues and Painting*. .
Piltsbnrg.sAptll T, 185$-gn».l S 7 Wood st Pittsburg-
JO Hlf BRYAk & CO.,
. a>t> •
155 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa., JIHB
Beg leave respectfully to inform their
old customers nnd the public generally, that they bare on
baud and arc constantly receiving direct from the Impof
ten, a large supply of the very choicest brand* ofltqttora.
Among their largo assortment may he found
Wines, ' Brandies, Gin, Cordials, Janalca Spirit*,
St. Croix and New England Bum, Champagne, -
Irish, Scotch,Bourbou, Old Monongahela
and Rectified Whisky,
Peach, Wild Cherry, Blackberry, Strawberry and Raspberry x
Brandies, Ac., Ac., Ac. 'j
A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited; ad
all orders entrusted to our care will be promptly attended
to. Country Dealcrswlll find it to their advantage to'emit 1 ’
upon us, as we are determined to sell nothing bnt the very
Ptttshnrgh, April 1.1858-ly. . , ■ ■ > ,
List of lette
in the Altoona Post Ofih
Alt I, Dan’l J.
Allison, duo.
Anderfcun, Ada
Bonner, Dan’l
8011, Cnas. C.
Barnes, Mr.
Baker, Geo.
Barnes, 0. H.
Bowes, Urban
Carr, Curtis O.
Cline, J. W.
Dougherty, Mnrgt
Davis, Wm. f 1
Ktisbronner, Catharine "•
Fey, Cathkrlne
Fay k Coi, Geo.
G lies, Francis
Oriner, Peter A.
Gardner, Ucnry'
Haris,’ S.
Hawk, Wm.
Uarner, Thomas
llrgh-dno. M.
Johnaon,Poter 8.
King, H. X
Knrtsel, Chaa.
Uoopo, E. B. '
Msrtlntie, Ur.
JflUer, Geo.
’ Persons railing for letters o
say'they are advertised. J 1
' ■ :l
V bbU ! ,
« ; 8 25
6 00
< 75
J. i. KjKfiS.. .
u»TinK made atratigeinent* with' Rev. J-Kuaxibr a
ply of Plafata of thia wUnsble Btacttborry,2oA)Qßatroa£
thrifty plant* areofferedabthe following prices:
IiOO plants ; - $135,00 25 pl&dU tifik
500 * 66,00 12 “ T£o»-
280 * 36,00 0 “ ISSf
100 “ 19,00 3 “ - S!**
50 “ . B.oo| 1 “
The “Springfield Republican,” of Massachusetts, wjt:
“It is the Querm of all berries, of most ■magnificent pWpar-;;
tious, exquisite flavor and delicate testnro.” ■■'
Kxtract from the proceedings of the American PomologH,
col fiociet}, held in Boston:
■Mr. Cabot, of Moss. “I w fell to inquire about the Sew
Rochelle Blackberry.” , ' -.■■■«•
Rev.WK.Cunt,of Stoningtnn; states: “The Ne# Bor 1
cbelle Blackberry har frUited’with me for the firstftilße
this season: it fulfills all its proutitt*, tiWdi itatt Aafnttdt
be said t>f it. Coming Just after Raspberries, It-UxUlougS'i
the season of small fruits a month or more, and It frugrsaf
acquisition. It deserves a place in every gardsU. 1 '
. Mr. Pus, of New York.' “ It is the most remarkable ac
quisition ; very sweet and delicious indeed andthe hard!-
est plant possible,” ■.
ifr. MACMCS, of New York. “It is very Itogo, tender „
and delicious. I think it is the' greatest acquisition wk
hare had.” _ ' V
. Mr. CIAEX, of Conn'. “ 1 never raw anything more |>ro»
Unctive.” ■ ,
Mr. Sam, of New York, “I cab torrobOratewhat other*'
have raid.” ■ .
: Mr. yuxcc, of New York. “It Is a moat remarkable a(H
qnlsltion of the blackberry kind—very sweet anddcUcloiia .
indeed; a greet bearer, and the bard fait plant poralble.” ■ :
Oso. Oabboo, Esq., of Stonington, Conn. “ It haeftnlfa--
ed with me for the fitrt time this season. It fulfills all fts ■
promises, and deserves a place in every garden ”
Sir Knox Who has five acres inculttvation .exhibited lw<
season some of the fruit before tho Pittsburgh HfartJtbttu
rol Society, the Pittsburgh Chronicle says; “ Mkn+ of pnr
cit'zens visited tho rooms cf the Society with a view of ex
amining Mr. Knox's collection, and those who Were fortn
nate enough to see it expressed their adfniratkm In no nea>
sored tornrt." The Society awarded the exhibition a dtr
Orders addressed to Kev. J. KNOX, or the snheortber,
and' accompanied with tho csalfc or a suitable reftseeee -
where the parlies are not knowfi, will bo filled in the qrapV
IhYhich Iheyaro received, :* -Kc*
nWtitMiiaepricMi JAMBS WAAgWJV *
ice, April Ist, 18$&.
Moore, D. W. . *
Mahoney, Unde
Mier, WUbebn
Malone, Ja*. ; ..
Maloney, A.
McConkejvß. D.
McAlennan, M.
Ottenon, Jas.
o’llare, Jno.
Okeaon. Dan'l
Steward, Sarah Jam - ..
Smith, Andrew
Sboeman, M.. ;
Snigber, Henry
Stelntord, E, C.
Tietler * Uolacker,- 1 ,
Taylor, A. B. '
Tandye, A. 0.
Worrell,*. *
Washington, Scorn
Brown, Tfiomaa
Carlos, B-rtley
Ueade, Anne
hanger, Anton-.
Logan, Patrick'
Mclndl Mathias
Sinclair,; Peter'
Wadrib, Itop;
on the above list Wlfl 1 flea—